1915 January La Veta: A skating party of young people and chaperones had a moonlight party on Mill Lake Wednesday evening, with weiners and buns served at large bonfires on each side of the lake.
1915 January La Veta: C.H. Kinsey is running a short order in connection with the Cozy Home.
1915 January La Veta: Eight or 10 inches of snow fell here last Friday, and about 20 inches at outlying ranches. It is but the second good snow of the season.
1915 January La Veta: For rent, nicely furnished rooms on Main Street. Inquire Mrs. A.C. Mauldin.
1915 January La Veta: H.H. Randolph and John L. Berry leased the Crystal Theater from Paul Ghiardi.
1915 January La Veta: Harry Hamilton is grading Ryus Park and removing the fence on the east along Main Street so tourists may camp there.
1915 January La Veta: Joe and George Pickens have taken over proprietorship of the former Marquis and Maestas Mercantile Company in the Stranger building.
1915 January La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Bergamo, formerly of La Veta are running the hotel at Badito.
1915 January La Veta: N.R. Lively and Julia Waggoner were married.
1915 January La Veta: Of the 3,999 children in Huerfano County between the ages of six and twenty, fifth-seven [57?] and a quarter percent attend school.
1915 January La Veta: Sixteen carloads of cattle were shipped from La Veta to Denver last week where Harry Fielden sold 66 calves at an average of $38 per head.
1915 January La Veta: Some 60 to 70 young people had a jolly party at the Ritter school.
1915 January La Veta: The Eggleston brothers have purchased a new Maxwell car for use in their livery business.
1915 January La Veta: Leonard Fry is manager of the Campbell Meat Market.
1915 January Walsenburg: Huerfano County has 3,999 children between the ages of six and 20 and 2,297 of those, or 57½ percent, attend school.
1915 January Walsenburg: Otto Klein and Miss Alma Samples were married Jan. 12.
1915 January Walsenburg: The State Militia guarded the courthouse and jail last weekend after unionists made threats to blow up the buildings.
1915 January Walsenburg: The Telephone Company connected the Phillips ranch on the Huerfano River and hereafter autoists can call up and find out the condition of the crossing before leaving town.
1915 January Walsenburg: Walsenburg is now in the new Western Division of the old Southern Colorado-Northern New Mexico basketball league with Trinidad and Raton.
1915 February La Veta: E.V. Gibbons and C.E. Thomas are removing their hardware store to the Masonic building where each will occupy one half as heretofore.
1915 February La Veta: H.L. Springer and Libby Armstrong were married. She is the daughter of Mrs. G.W. Armstrong, former proprietor of the Spanish Peaks Hotel and he is the only son of Mrs. M.M. Springer.
1915 February La Veta: Joe and George Pickens bought out the interest in the Marquis, Pickens and Maestas Mercantile store in the Stranger building.
1915 February La Veta: John Goemmer has reopened his blacksmith shop on Francisco Street.
1915 February La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Martin became parents of a son Feb. 23.
1915 February La Veta: S.C. George is desirous of selling a 160-acre farm one mile from Oakview and Alliance coal mines on the north side of the creek.
1915 February La Veta: Sterge Mavrodis bought out H.W. Stewart's interest in the billiard parlor on Main Street last week.
1915 February La Veta: The Alliance coal mine has laid off a number of men for lack of orders but still some 80 or 100 are on the payroll.
1915 February La Veta: The fixtures of the Vories Brothers Meat Market were sold to A.A. Campbell and Mr. Vories plans to ranch on Raspberry.
1915 February La Veta: The government observation station at Cuchara Camps reports 15 inches of snow fell in the storm.
1915 February La Veta: The wagon roads from Stonewall and across the divide and down the Cucharas should be improved for use by automobile owners for a pleasure and scenic drive.
1915 February La Veta: Town Board Tuesday evening granted the use of railroad park to William Spain for cultivation.
1915 February La Veta: Vories Brothers closed the La Veta Meat Market and sold the equipment to Mr. Campbell. They will move to their ranches on Raspberry Mountain.
1915 February Walsenburg: A fire started in a brick chimney between Bernstein's and the Chicago Saloon, heavily damaging the former's stock of goods.
1915 February Walsenburg: August Unfug moved his store to new quarters east of the Neelley-Caldwell Hardware Store.
1915 February Walsenburg: Died, Lucy Bell Wycoff, who came to Walsenburg in 1880, two years after her sons Tom and David opened their drug store here. Daughters surviving are Mrs. Henry Hunter and Mrs. Freeman Sumner.
1915 February Walsenburg: Louis Carli closed down his meat market last week after being in business one year.
1915 February Walsenburg: Mrs. Elizabeth Busch is opening a millinery shop on Third Street just east of Dr. Lamme's office.
1915 February Walsenburg: Mssrs. Devaney and Cross have opened a meat market the second door west of the post office.
1915 February Walsenburg: Since the closing of the saloons, soft drinks are big business, with 18 stores selling these beverages on Seventh Street alone, five being pool halls.
1915 February Walsenburg: The old frame store building opposite Furphy's livery on Main Street was torn down and a modern garage will be built.
1915 March La Veta: A child of Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Martin, who live 15 miles up the Cuchara, died of measles.
1915 March La Veta: A fire in the Crystal Theater spread through the ventilators into the rafters but prompt attention saved the building with $300-400 damage to equipment, films and structure.
1915 March La Veta: Edwin L. Smith bought the dry goods stock of A..H. Sparks.
1915 March La Veta: For rent: an eight room modem house with 12 lots, 100 fruit trees, $15 per month. Enquire at this office.
1915 March La Veta: H.B. Sager came here 43 years ago $66 in debt, the cost of transportation from Kansas City, Missouri. After six years of cowpunching he was able to afford to buy a good Hereford bull in 1882.
1915 March La Veta: Married - Joseph Akers and Edith Marker, Richard Wagner and Minnie Haley.
1915 March La Veta: The telephone company will present a moving picture of the progress from the first telephone in 1876 to the up-to-date instrument of 1915.
1915 March La Veta: There was a fire at the Crystal Theater but little damage was done.
1915 March La Veta: There was no picture show Tuesday evening on account of a railroad wreck which prevented the arrival of the films.
1915 March La Veta: Will J. Quinn of Denver has opened a new undertaking parlor in the Lester building on Main Street.
1915 March Walsenburg: A $1,000 reward will be paid for the arrest and conviction of the murderer of William Dick on the La Veta road four miles west of Walsenburg Feb. 13.
1915 March Walsenburg: A number of young people met Tuesday evening in the Studio of Miss Caroline Sporleder to organize a musical club.
1915 March Walsenburg: Died, Robert Dick, 47, of pneumonia. He was the brother of William Dick who was murdered while carrying the payroll of Huerfano Trading Company. Surviving are brothers George, Andrew, James and John, and sisters Anna Elwell and Jane Strachan.
1915 March Walsenburg: John Furphy, a native of Ireland, died in Florida. He and his wife, the former Margaret Gallager, had two daughters and 11 sons, including J. W., Tom, Gabe, Vincent and Herbert Furphy of Walsenburg.
1915 March Walsenburg: Mrs. Shirley Beck is teaching at the Valdez school at Cucharas.
1915 March Walsenburg: Pimiento Cheese, 20 cents for a two pound package; Rutabagas, 25 cents for eight pounds, The C.O.D. Store, 121 West Sixth Street.
1915 March Walsenburg: The opening of the new school at Ravenwood was celebrated with a dance.
1915 April 25: Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church Rev. J.B. Liciotti, Pastor.
1915 April La Veta: A.B. Sparks is selling groceries in the front part of his building and using the back portion for storage.
1915 April La Veta: Allen Roush has recovered the bakery floor with some kind of cork linoleum which is pleasant to walk on and easy to mop up and keep clean.
1915 April La Veta: Columbine Billiard Hall is adding a bowling alley.
1915 April La Veta: Ed Martin and D.S. Stewart plan to open a soft drink and cigar stand with tables in the McDonald building on Francisco Street.
1915 April La Veta: It was a very close election, but S.J. Capps was elected mayor, defeating Mrs. R.E. Thornton.
1915 April La Veta: J.D. Galassini has been operating the Crystal Theatre after the lease of Rudolph and Berry expired.
1915 April La Veta: John S. Barnes, 65, died. He was formerly a partner with A.M. "Mack" Pryor in the cattle, business and worked for CF&I for 25 years.
1915 April La Veta: Some of the 22 members of the La Veta Rifle Club have lately received some modern rifles from the United States government. The club, which is affiliated with the National Rifle Association, has a range for target practice on the Marker and Elley ranches south of town.
1915 April La Veta: The guns collected by the federal troops during the strike last year are being returned to their owners.
1915 April Walsenburg: Abe Bedran, 18, was shot and killed during a scrap between six Syrian men on Seventh Street, causing a number of Syrians from Aguilar and Trinidad to congregate in town.
1915 April Walsenburg: About 800 votes were cast in the three Walsenburg precincts to elect Joseph O'Byrne, mayor; Charles W. Cox, treasurer and Gabriel U. Furphy, Juan Y. Martinez and John J. Pritchard, two year trustees.
1915 April Walsenburg: C.D. Unfug has gone into business with C.W. Cox at the undertaking parlors.
1915 April Walsenburg: Graves and Poole have taken over the Autrey and Fruth machine shop on Fifth Street.
1915 April Walsenburg: Mrs. Gilligan is having a nine-room boardinghouse built on Third Street just off Main.
1915 April Walsenburg: One young man was killed during a scrap among six Syrian men on Seventh Street.
1915 April Walsenburg: Sixteen Syrians from Aguilar and Trinidad came to Walsenburg and shot and killed Abe Bedran, 18, a brother-in-law of Abe Cutter.
1915 April Walsenburg: The ballground at Walsen camp is nearly done and has 1,500 feet of fencing around it.
1915 April Walsenburg: The Baptist Ladies Mission Circle will give a Home Cooking and Apron Sale at J.S. Windsor's store Saturday afternoon.
1915 April Walsenburg: The Independent just celebrated its sixth birthday and owners now are Peter Krier, E.L. Neelley, W.B. Wayt, Paul Frohlich, Damaso Vigil, A.M. Pryor, Charles H. Sanchez, M.A. Sanchez, V.C. Wolf, Agnes and Kalmes, T.M. Hudson, J.B. Johnson, Guaranty State Bank and Dr. A.S. Abdun-Nur.
1915 May 8: Walsenburg World, EXPLOSION IN MUTUAL MINE Explosion in Mutual Mine, 2 miles west of Walsenburg occurred about 1:20 Sunday afternoon, instantly killing 2 men and wounding 2 men. The dead men are Mike Sparks, a single man aged 28 years and Mike Gretch, a married man aged 38 years. Injured men are William Coleman and Stanley Smolsky, the first slightly injured and the latter more seriously. The explosion was felt at the mine office and the clerk notified the superintendent, Clyde Caballiet who was at the boarding house. Walsen and Robinson Mines were called for the rescue crew. First aid crew was on the scene in 20 minutes. A pumper, Charles Woolman was in the mine away from the explosion and started out. He assisted Coleman into the cage and brought him out. The rescue team brought out the others. Mutual Mine is owned by Mutual Coal Co. of Denver.
1915 May La Veta: A. Patras intends to build a barn by the railroad tracks.
1915 May La Veta: County Clerk William Freeland was in this section Monday paying off those men who are working on the Cuchara and Oakview roads. .
1915 May La Veta: Green Bruce will build another house this summer with the adobies he made last year.
1915 May La Veta: Jap, Green, Will, George and Rene Bruce went up on Silver Mountain Monday to work their claims but the snowstorm Tuesday drove them back home.
1915 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. A.V. Denton purchased the 320 acres east of the old Baker ranch on the Wahatoya for $2,000 from Hiram and Abner Baker.
1915 May La Veta: Steve Duzenack bought the old Baker ranch on the Wahatoya for $8,000.
1915 May La Veta: The county commissioners are contemplating using some of the money Mr. Rockefeller gave them to make a scenic route through Cuchara Camps to Trinidad.
1915 May La Veta: The La Veta ball team won 11-4 in a fast game over Oakview and the kids' team beat Alliance.
1915 May La Veta: The Maxwell, the Wonder Car, is available from A. Patras for $695.
1915 May La Veta: The Pickens brothers and George A. Edmondson formed the La Veta Tractor Plowing Association to sell tractors and plows and to do contract discing, seeding, etc.
1915 May La Veta: There is again some talk about opening a county road from here northwest to the Huerfano.
1915 May Walsenburg: H.D. Palmer has bought the Unfug and Unfug Garage at the head of Main Street.
1915 May Walsenburg: Miss Evangeline Graves entertained the Tipperary Girls last Saturday afternoon.
1915 May: Walsenburg World, Lucas Marquis, age 72, died at North Veta April 20, 1915. Funeral Wednesday April 22, 1915. Interment North Veta.
1915 May: Walsenburg World, Remains of Nick J. Pappas, who died in Walsenburg Thursday, April 15, 1915 were forwarded to Denver for interment.
1915 June La Veta: C.J. Voeztle opened a bakery in the Elrod building on Francisco.
1915 June La Veta: La Veta Tailoring moved from the Turner building to the John Kincaid building opposite the Baptist Church.
1915 June La Veta: Miss Pansy Beamer celebrated her birthday with her schoolmates.
1915 June La Veta: Mrs. Stella Craven, sister of Mrs. Edmonston, Mrs. Cutler and Mr. Sparks, will be moving here from Lawrence, Kansas.
1915 June La Veta: Patronize Mattocks Brothers for your blacksmithing and horseshoeing needs.
1915 June La Veta: Ransom, Proctor and Nellie Hayes arrived by railroad from California to be with their widowed mother.
1915 June La Veta: The barn and garage of A. Patras is going up next to the railroad tracks.
1915 June La Veta: The base ball team netted another $25 on their dance and construction will start soon on the grandstand at the ball field.
1915 June La Veta: The Cuchara Pass road is good to within two miles of the summit and it will be improved to connect with Las Animas County.
1915 June La Veta: The high school pupils have just distributed their first school annual.
1915 June Walsenburg: $4,500 will buy a highly developed farm of 138 acres. Old, long established water rights, ample buildings, etc. See Walsen and Lawson.
1915 June Walsenburg: A man may tell all he knows without giving anyone any particular information.
1915 June Walsenburg: Graduation ceremonies of HCHS were held at Empress Theater, with speeches by Isabel Young and William Trout and a duet by Louis B. Sporleder Jr. and Blanche Blickhahn.
1915 June Walsenburg: Home receipts and prescriptions carefully compounded and filled at Merritt's Drug Store, Seventh and Main Streets.
1915 June Walsenburg: One of the tent houses at the tent colony outside town caught fire Thursday but was quickly extinguished.
1915 June Walsenburg: Walsen Camp celebrated Decoration Day with two ball games in the first of which Cameron defeated the Pueblo All-Stars 7-1 and in the second Walsenburg beat Rouse 7-4.
1915 July La Veta: G.A. Mayes bought 80,000 trout, storing most in tanks but stocking his lakes with 24,000.
1915 July La Veta: G.F. Estes married Mrs. Ella Heftings.
1915 July La Veta: Mrs. F.C. Bailey, her mother Mrs. Bloomfield and their dog are occupying Kamp Komfort in Cuchara Camps and some Arizona people are in Lazy Lodge.
1915 July La Veta: Mrs. Robertson of Trinidad is building a spacious three-room cabin with large porches on the stream at Cuchara Camps and Miss Ruth Cooley, Trinidad, is having a two-room cottage built.
1915 July La Veta: The House of Mystery near Cuchara Camps is a popular objective for pedestrians in the daytime, but no one has been brave enough to visit the queer structure when the ghost walks.
1915 July La Veta: The road over the summit to Stonewall is mostly done.
1915 July La Veta: The Sporleder family of Walsenburg has been vacationing in Cuchara Camps.
1915 July La Veta: The Unfug family is vacationing in The Willows in Cuchara Camps.
1915 July Walsenburg: Kirkpatrick's soda fountain on West Seventh is now serving Hire's Root Beer.
1915 July Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blickhahn are the proud owners of a new Oldsmobile.
1915 July Walsenburg: See Joe Daher at 341 West Fourth Street for groceries, clothes, boots, shoes, hay and grain.
1915 July Walsenburg: The Altar Society of St. Peters Church will give a cake sale Saturday at Mr. Cowing's store.
1915 July Walsenburg: The Clerks' Association is to be congratulated for their three-day 4th of July celebration which was enjoyed to the utmost.
1915 July Walsenburg: The crack A.T. & S.F. Railway baseball team of Pueblo, champion semi-professionals, will appear at Walsen Baseball Park and tackle the Huerfano County champs, Walsen, next Sunday.
1915 July Walsenburg: The Montez and Voorhees store is having a sale on summer millinery.
1915 July: The merry-go-round is here and will run every night until after the 6th, located near the Denver and Rio Grande depot.
1915 August La Veta: A farris wheel and carnival are popular attractions in town this week.
1915 August La Veta: Dr. F.W. Acker is the new owner of Sulphur Springs and is selling lots there. He calls it "Radio Iron and Sulphur Springs."
1915 August La Veta: I.R. Voorhees and Will Quinn sold their undertaking businesses to George Benefiel.
1915 August La Veta: I.R. Voorhees sold his undertaking business to George Benefiel who will carry it on in connection with his furniture business.
1915 August Walsenburg: Charles M. Estes, brakeman for the C&S, was killed Tuesday by being run over by the train.
1915 August Walsenburg: Charlie Chaplin will appear in a two-part comedy entitled "Work" Thursday at the Star Theater.
1915 August Walsenburg: Miss Gertrude Mae Elliott and Mr. Charles Siegfried Sporleder were married Wednesday morning.
1915 August Walsenburg: Reopening, The Empress Theater, with a new machine. Saturday night's show will be William Fox and Theda Bara in "A Fool There Was."
1915 August Walsenburg: There will be a dinner at the court house Aug. 14 for the benefit of the A.M.E. Church.
1915 August Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Sporleder entertained Baron Alfred Von Waldberg at dinner last Thursday evening. He is from Germany and is writing a book about the United States.
1915 August: A grafter was run out of town on the advice of Mrs. Gilligan at her boardinghouse.
1915 September La Veta: Adam Flockhart is opening a soft drink counter in the east room of the Spanish Peaks hotel.
1915 September La Veta: Alvin Anson resigned his position in the Luther Haase barber shop.
1915 September La Veta: Angelo Andriola [sic], who lived near Baldy Mountain, was run over by a wagon and killed.
1915 September La Veta: Enrollment in Miss Snedden's primary department is 16; Miss Vories has 20 in the second grade; 36 are in Miss Simpson's third and fourth grade and Miss Dotson has 36 in her combined fifth and sixth grade class.
1915 September La Veta: One of the finest and most artistic monuments in this part of the state has just been erected on the P.L. Estes lot in the local cemetery.
1915 September La Veta: Paul Ghiardi will be taking over the Spanish Peaks Hotel.
1915 September La Veta: Paul, the five-year-old son of Lawrence Kreutzer, was killed in an accident on the ranch.
1915 September La Veta: The public school opened with 144 enrolled in the elementary grades and 44 in the high school.
1915 September La Veta: The restaurant at Cuchara Camps has been closed for the season.
1915 September Walsenburg: Dr. T.D. Baird finally succeeded in getting water pipes laid to the Masonic cemetery after donations of $472.50 were gathered.
1915 September Walsenburg: Harry Stamas and Mike Koukos were killed by a fall of rock in the Walsen mine Monday.
1915 September Walsenburg: Mr. Caddell has been developing a coal mine three miles west of Pictou for Eastern interests.
1915 September Walsenburg: Rocky Ford Cantaloupes 10¢ each at the C.O.D. Store.
1915 September Walsenburg: Showing this week at the Empress Theatre, "The Fox Women" and Mary Alden in "A Man's Perogative."
1915 September Walsenburg: The Dan Costello hotel in Gardner burned to the ground Thursday night.
1915 September Walsenburg: The return engagement of the greatest Charlie Chaplin comedy ever, "The Champion," will be one night only, Sept. 29, Star Theatre.
1915 September Walsenburg: Walter Edwards and William Dick have formed a plumbing firm to be located opposite the post office and next to the C.O.D. Store on West Sixth.
1915 October La Veta: A lady is here prepared to take charge of the new school near Mr. Finn's ranch when the building is completed.
1915 October La Veta: A.B. Parks threshed out 3,500 bushels of oats at his place on the Wahatoya.
1915 October La Veta: Frank Erwin has been assisting in moving buildings to Russell from Fort Garland for headquarters of the Trinchera Estate timber company.
1915 October La Veta: Several infants in the Ojo and Oakview district have died of typhoid fever.
1915 October La Veta: Waldo Emerson and Maude Baker were married.
1915 October Walsenburg: A Halloween dance with a three-piece orchestra should be well attended tonight.
1915 October Walsenburg: Huerfano County paid out $105,459.34 last year for the maintenance of its public schools, over half of which was in salaries.
1915 October Walsenburg: Members of the junior class were hosts for the first school dance Friday evening.
1915 October Walsenburg: Miss Blanche Blickhahn and Morton W. Bierbaum were married Oct. 7 in Colorado Springs.
1915 October Walsenburg: Ninety-three teachers were employed in Huerfano County during the past year, including 15 men and 78 women, who jointly earned $56,613.95.
1915 October Walsenburg: Rouse Marshal Nate Patterson arrested five Slavs for gambling in a private home.
1915 October Walsenburg: See the Victor Talking Machines, Edison Disc and Cylinder Phonographs, and Baldwin pianos at Klein's music store.
1915 October Walsenburg: The state armory, Chapman Hall, opened its upstairs as an amusement center.
1915 Nov. 18, Old Pomes Re-Writ: When the frost is on the pumpkin, And lies glittering on the lawn, It is hard to face the winter, If your over-coat is in pawn. Independent
1915 November La Veta: Buy Oakdale coal, lump $4.75 delivered, $4 at the car. Leave orders at the bakery or with Elmer Read, back of Goemmer's blacksmith shop.
1915 November La Veta: The foundation for the new school house on Charles Kitchen's place was completed this week and measures 20 by 30 feet. There are 15 scholars in the district.
1915 November La Veta: The town was turned upside down on Halloween; the streets looked as if a cyclone had struck and people spent two days searching for their property, and cleaning windows.
1915 November La Veta: There are 15 schools enrolled in the new schoolhouse on the Charles Kitchens ranch near the Cuchara road.
1915 November Walsenburg: Fruth and Autrey will build an alfalfa mill at their ranch next month.
1915 November Walsenburg: Hear our new five piece orchestra every Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday nights - the Empress Theater.
1915 November Walsenburg: Miss Edith E. Edwards is prepared to give music lessons on reasonable terms at 120 East Third Street.
1915 November Walsenburg: Miss Katherine Barnes and Mr. James B. Dick Jr. were joined in marriage Nov. 10.
1915 November Walsenburg: On account of increased cost at Chicago, I am obliged to charge $13 for those $20 suits that I have been selling for $12.50 - W. E. Doyle.
1915 November Walsenburg: Public school lands are being sold by the State of Colorado for $6 an acre.
1915 November Walsenburg: St. John's Hotel, Sixth and Main Streets, Rooms with bath, European Plan, Cafe in Connection - John R. Dick, proprietor.
1915 November Walsenburg: There is a war in Turkey but anyone attending the shoot at Ravenwood could bring home a turkey.
1915 December La Veta: About three inches of snow Wednesday was welcomed for the needed moisture and the hope it will tend to eliminate La Grippe.
1915 December La Veta: Adam Flockhart was fined $200 for selling intoxicating liquors in town.
1915 December La Veta: Adam Flockhart was fined for selling intoxicating liquor, which is illegal since La Veta went "dry."
1915 December La Veta: Agnes D. Patterson married Julius Goemmer, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goemmer.
1915 December La Veta: Died, the Lupton baby of pneumonia, and Mrs. William Ward, who was buried beside her husband in the town cemetery.
1915 December La Veta: Mrs. Jasper Smith, 61, died of pneumonia, leaving her husband, son Bert, sister Mrs. Lougheed and brothers Martin, Charles, George and James Boyd. She had lived on the farm on the Cucharas for over 30 years.
1915 December La Veta: Sterge Mavrodis was found in violation of the ban on selling liquor.
1915 December La Veta: The Hector, Stranger and Pickens families will have their annual reunion in Stranger Hall Christmas night.
1915 December La Veta: The Sparks grocery store was burglarized.
1915 December Walsenburg: Agnes D. Patterson and Julius Goemmer, both of Walsenburg, were married in Denver.
1915 December Walsenburg: Candido Smirchich, the tailor of lower Main Street, died Dec. 15.
1915 December Walsenburg: Died, Israel Frye, 81, at the home of his son-in-law George Klein. After arriving in Denver via ox team in 1859, he prospected in Old Colorado City, the San Juans, Rosita, Leadville, Poncha Springs and Gunnison before coming to Old Rouse in 1888.
1915 December Walsenburg: Died, Ying Lee, who came to Huerfano County in 1883 to work for William Krier when he was running the La Veta Hotel. He had been in Walsenburg since 1886, in the laundry business.
1915 December Walsenburg: Fairview School, Dist. No. 25, Cucharas, gave a pleasing Christmas program with music and recitations before breaking for the holidays.
1915 December Walsenburg: The early pioneers of Huerfano County are invited to a meeting to organize an association to write the history of the early days with special attention to old trails, roads, irrigation ditches and farming.
1915 December Walsenburg: The grade school basket ball team will play the Walsen mine team at Chapman Hall Wednesday evening.
1915 December Walsenburg: The large new company garage is nearly completed at Cameron.
1916 January La Veta: Dr. Jim Lamme overturned his car on the way to Ojo but he was uninjured.
1916 January La Veta: Ice hauling is in progress today.
1916 January La Veta: It rained in the night and melted all the snow.
1916 January La Veta: Marshal Arthur Bruce was shot through the jaw while fighting with Mrs. C.D. Jones over a gun.
1916 January La Veta: Mrs. Craven bought the Plaza Bakery from the Voegtles, who moved to Arizona.
1916 January La Veta: Mrs. W.H. Woodruff, nee Arnold, died and was buried in Oregon. She was the daughter of Mrs. Roberts of La Veta.
1916 January La Veta: Oakdale Coal Company will build an amusement hall as soon as work is completed on the electric building.
1916 January La Veta: One hundred and twenty five pounds of honey was extracted from the wall of Sterge's pool hall.
1916 January La Veta: The ice harvest can start now after the zero degree weather.
1916 January La Veta: Twenty-five elk are coming from Jackson Hole to the area around Rye. Why not place some here?
1916 January Walsenburg: A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Sporleder Dec. 26.
1916 January Walsenburg: Alex Friend has opened a new grocery store.
1916 January Walsenburg: Died, Fred Caddell in a mining accident; Alex Hamilton, a resident of over 30 years; Paul Grover, 25, an employee of Huerfano Trading Company the past two years.
1916 January Walsenburg: Miss Grace Biernbaum and Master Benjamin Jaramillo will present their graduation recitals Feb. 10 at the studio of Miss Sporleder.
1916 January Walsenburg: Ranch butter, 28 cents a pound; cooking butter, 25 cents; creamery butter, 38 cents a pound at the C.O.D. Store.
1916 January Walsenburg: Mr. Walter Hammond is again in charge of the Farmer's Lumber Yard on North Main Street.
1916 January Walsenburg: The J.B. Johnson store in the Fred Walsen building was sold to J.W. Smith and will be called J.W. Smith Dry Goods Company.
1916 January Walsenburg: The supreme favorite, Mary Pickford, in "Rags" Jan. 25 at the Star Theater.
1916 January Walsenburg: There will be a mass meeting at the courthouse to solicit funds for the Jewish war sufferers with Mrs. M. Bernstein directing the event.
1916 February La Veta: A big lot of coal is being shipped from both Oakdale and Ojo mines; one train of 25 cars came down from the latter place Wednesday.
1916 February La Veta: A post office is to be established at Cuchara Camps with Mrs. G.A. Mayes postmaster.
1916 February La Veta: Born, a boy Feb. 20 to Mr. and Mrs. William Lenox, and a girl, Feb. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Springer.
1916 February La Veta: E.P. Wallace bought a new five-passenger Ford to use in connection with his work for the telephone company.
1916 February La Veta: Fred Edmisten's leg was broken in two places in a railroad accident at Cuchara Junction.
1916 February La Veta: La Veta Light, Heat and Power is offering a $5 reward for information leading to the conviction of anyone breaking electric light globes.
1916 February La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Lamme are here visiting with their sons the doctors.
1916 February La Veta: The Parsons Brothers of near Stonewall have purchased $5,000 worth of cattle from the Kreutzer Brothers.
1916 February La Veta: The post office is to move to the Eggleston building on the east side of Main.
1916 February La Veta: The Town of La Veta offers a $5.00 reward for information leading to the conviction of anyone breaking electric light globes.
1916 February Walsenburg: Mrs. Bernstein is directing a mass meeting at the court house to solicit funds for the Jewish war sufferers.
1916 February Walsenburg: Mrs. S.M. Andrews is in Denver to study the millinery market in the interest of Unfug Millinery, 116 East Fifth Street.
1916 March 9: Baptist Church, Cecil T. Garnett, Pastor.
1916 March La Veta: A number of La Veta people went up to Oakview to help celebrate St. David's Day, a Welch holiday.
1916 March La Veta: A thief made off with everything in the cash register at the Columbine Billiard Hall - $1.
1916 March La Veta: A.A. Campbell is building a stone addition to the rear of Benefiel's store room.
1916 March La Veta: Alex Clobskey, the goat man, is selling apples around town from his donkey cart.
1916 March La Veta: Alvin Anson is running for mayor on the Independent ticket and Ell Smith is running for that office on the Citizens tickets.
1916 March La Veta: Boyd Danks has opened a tailor and dry cleaning shop on Main Street.
1916 March La Veta: Dr. and Mrs. S.J. Lamme and Mr. and Mrs. William Kincaid went to Trinidad to see the much-advertised "The Birth of a Nation."
1916 March La Veta: Frank Vercellano sold his interest in the mercantile business to his partners Jake Tessari and Pete Ghiardi.
1916 March La Veta: George Edmonston moved his dry goods stock into the south halt of his store with the grocery department and Benefiel moved his furniture into the north half.
1916 March La Veta: Luther Kirby has opened his Elk Auto Livery and Feed Stable.
1916 March La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith became parents of a daughter born on March 5.
1916 March La Veta: Tuesday evening some youngsters got up a Wienie Roast for Garrett Epperson who is moving to Walsenburg.
1916 March La Veta: Will McEvoy was injured in a landslide while helping to load dirt for the Presbyterian church yard at the hill on the west side of town.
1916 March La Veta: Julius C. Kreuger, brother of Mrs. Spielmann and Mrs. Strange and a pioneer of La Veta, died in California.
1916 March Walsenburg: A miner headed for Oakview was assaulted at the Solar store when he got off the train.
1916 March Walsenburg: A number of the younger set enjoyed a hay rack ride to Coler Reservoir Saturday evening.
1916 March Walsenburg: George Griffin is making improvements at his property at the corner of Fourth and Pioneer Streets, with fencing and a lawn.
1916 March Walsenburg: Governor Carlson will be in Walsenburg Thursday, March 30 to address the Womens Christian Temperance Union.
1916 March Walsenburg: John D. Rockefeller is proud of his camp at Cameron for its ideal location, well-built houses, running water, electricity and room for lawns in front of homes and kitchen gardens in the rear.
1916 March Walsenburg: Mike Galanis opened a general store at 530 West Seventh Street.
1916 March Walsenburg: Nineteen-year-old Earl Levy, youngest son of Alex Levy, was killed near Montrose when an avalanche demolished the train he was riding.
1916 March Walsenburg: Plans are being made for a high school race between Trinidad and Walsenburg where the athletes will run the 43 miles in teams of 10 or 15.
1916 March Walsenburg: See Pauline Frederick in the Dramatic Sensation of the Century, "Zaza," at the Star Theatre Mar. 28. 10 cents admission.
1916 March Walsenburg: The Talpa school was closed for the term March 1 by Prof. McBride.
1916 March Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Commercial Club had its first meeting and a county fair was discussed.
1916 March Walsenburg: Two miners were murdered, probably for breaking union rules by working on Sunday, in the Jackson mine.
1916 April La Veta: Died, Homer Barnard, who came to La Veta in 1871 after serving four years in the Civil War and surrendering at Appomatox.
1916 April La Veta: Forty-two ministers and elders of the Presbyterian Church came to La Veta for the spring meeting of the Pueblo Presbytery.
1916 April La Veta: Minnie Carver has returned after nursing in Panama for two years.
1916 April La Veta: Sunday dinners at the Springer Hotel are becoming quite popular with local people and last Sunday good music was provided during the dinner hour.
1916 April La Veta: The La Veta chapter of Womens Christian Temperance Union met at the home of Mrs. Frank Eggleston with 50 members present.
1916 April Walsenburg: If you wish beautiful, clear white clothes, use Red Cross Bag Blue. At all good grocers.
1916 April Walsenburg: John Kirkpatrick of the Taxpayers party defeated Ralph Stanley, Independent, 660-345 in the town mayoral race.
1916 April Walsenburg: The CF&I are planning the erection of about 50 modern cement houses at Walsen Camp in the near future.
1916 April Walsenburg: The Rev. George M. Darley will be installed as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Walsenburg April 27.
1916 April Walsenburg: Start a fire under your apple trees tonight. It is going to be a cold one and may be good bye to the fruit crop unless you start your smudge pot and who in Huerfano County has a smudge pot?
1916 April Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Chamber of Commerce was organized with a large number of businessmen from Trinidad present.
1916 May La Veta: A band of gypsies camped in town for a few days.
1916 May La Veta: About 120 votes were cast in the school election and J.P. Stranger was elected secretary.
1916 May La Veta: All school children in Huerfano County are invited to participate in the track meet at the amusement park in Walsenburg Saturday.
1916 May La Veta: E.L. Smith is adding groceries to his dry goods stock.
1916 May La Veta: Harry C. Clifford and Miss Margaret Colvin were married.
1916 May La Veta: Las Animas county is supposed to finish the road over Cuchara Pass.
1916 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Springer are parents of a baby girl.
1916 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Parker became parents of a boy April 23 and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Read had a son April 26.
1916 May La Veta: See the Hoity-Toity Girls at Kincaid Hall on Sunday evening in the snappiest musical comedies.
1916 May La Veta: The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith died of whooping cough.
1916 May La Veta: The editor went fishing Thursday but only caught one sucker and that was himself.
1916 May La Veta: The farmers are happy after all the recent rain and snow and all the talk is of beans, alfalfa and such.
1916 May La Veta: The fire department was reorganized with T.P. Steele, chief, C.E. Eggleston, captain and W.L. Warner, secretary and treasurer.
1916 May La Veta: The Memorial Day parade will start at 10 a.m. Tuesday, May 30 at the corner by the bank and proceed to the cemetery.
1916 May La Veta: The Spanish Peaks Hotel caught fire for the second time this week but the flames were quickly put out.
1916 May Walsenburg: A hay rack ride and camp fire at Martin Lake were enjoyed by a number of our young people.
1916 May Walsenburg: An addition is being built onto the Money Garage next to the high school.
1916 May Walsenburg: Coming to the Star Theater, the greatest of all comedies, "Tillie's Punctured Romance," with Charles Chaplin, Marie Dressler and Mabel Norman.
1916 May Walsenburg: Graduates of Huerfano County High School for 1916 are Marie Busch, Hazel Murray, Pearl Phipps, Mae Weston, Evalyn Capps, Tinny Martinez, Augusta Archuleta, Tito Jaramillo, Rick Duran, Robert Riley and Otto Unfug.
1916 May Walsenburg: Members of the Fraternidad Piadosa de Nuestro Padre Jesus offers condolences after the death of Antonio Autobee, 42.
1916 May Walsenburg: Members of the NMU and 500 Clubs had a Leap Year Ball Friday evening at Maccabee Hall.
1916 May Walsenburg: Members of the Retail Credit Association, Walsenburg Clerks Association and Walsenburg Commercial Club have decided to put on a Fourth of July celebration in Walsenburg.
1916 May Walsenburg: The Klein Hotel is being remodeled, with what were formerly the office, parlor and lobby all joined into one commodious lobby area.
1916 May Walsenburg: The school children have been organized into squads against the Demon Dirt during Clean Up Week in Walsenburg May 15 to 20.
1916 May Walsenburg: The Western Confectionery now occupies a brick building on Seventh Street between Albert and Main streets.
1916 June La Veta: A fire started on the south side of the East Spanish Peak Tuesday and at this writing is threatening the town of Aguilar.
1916 June La Veta: A grandstand is under construction at the base ball grounds.
1916 June La Veta: Advertisement: Even the Babies Smile for Me! James L. Powell, photographer.
1916 June La Veta: Born, boys to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Spielmann and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Estes and a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Craig.
1916 June La Veta: From now on, we accept cash only. J.D. Galassini, La Veta Billiard Parlor.
1916 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Bissell are to run the restaurant at Cuchara Camps this summer.
1916 June La Veta: Mrs. Massey is running the Edmisten restaurant on Ryus Avenue.
1916 June La Veta: Sons were born this week to Karl Spielmann and Clyde Estes.
1916 June La Veta: Sunday dinners will be served at Sulphur Springs beginning Sunday by reservation only.
1916 June La Veta: The base ball team went to Aguilar Sunday and won by a score of 14-6.
1916 June La Veta: The best ball game of the season was last Sunday afternoon when the Walsen team came up and was defeated 7-5.
1916 June La Veta: The dance for the benefit of the La Veta Volunteer Fire Department netted over $20.
1916 June La Veta: The La Veta fire department will give a dance tomorrow evening to raise money for helmets and coats.
1916 June Walsenburg: A fire which destroyed the motor house at Breen mine, where there is no adequate water supply, is believed to be arson.
1916 June Walsenburg: A.C. Schafer was given a "Sock Shower" in honor of his forthcoming marriage.
1916 June Walsenburg: Dr. A.R. Scott has purchased the office and equipment of the late Dr. George L. Hoel opposite the post office.
1916 June Walsenburg: More than 1,000 people in over 200 cars attended the dedication of the new bridge on the Huerfano River, formerly the worst ford on the Denver to Gulf Highway.
1916 June Walsenburg: Next Friday the Baptist Sunday school will hold a picnic over the hogback near the Pictou road.
1916 June Walsenburg: The Breen Mine was burned by an arsonist last Friday night.
1916 June Walsenburg: There will be a mass meeting at the court house at 8 P.M. Saturday evening about the war crisis with Mexico.
1916 July La Veta: Dredging continues at Russell.
1916 July La Veta: F.R. Lindin has reopened the La Veta Steam Laundry, now located in the McDonald building on Francisco Street.
1916 July La Veta: Guy R. Shull is offering the Ojo Canon coal mine for sale or lease.
1916 July La Veta: Sixty or 70 people are staying in Cuchara Camps this week.
1916 July La Veta: Sunday dinners will be served at Sulphur Springs beginning Sunday by reservation only.
1916 July La Veta: The 4th of July menu at Cuchara Camps Hotel is soup, fricasseed chicken and dumplings, roast beef, corn beef, corn, tomatoes, peas, mashed potatoes, tea, coffee, cocoa or milk. 50¢.
1916 July La Veta: The Camp Fire Girls of Walsenburg are making things lively at Kamp Komfort in Cuchara Camps.
1916 July La Veta: There was a big racial fight at Alliance over the 4th of July holiday.
1916 July Walsenburg: C.N. Bissell writes from Cuchara Camps that many tourists are gathering and evenings are spent around the camp fire roasting "weanies."
1916 July Walsenburg: Cole Brothers Big World Toured Shows and Trained Wild Animal Exhibition will be here next Wednesday.
1916 July Walsenburg: Dr. S.J. Greear of La Veta has located in Walsenburg and may be found at the Oxford rooming house until he can find an office suitable.
1916 July Walsenburg: Fancy Cream Cheese, 25 cents a pound; Women's Fine Union Suits, 65 cents; Men's Oxfords, $2.15. Huerfano Trading Company.
1916 July Walsenburg: Ford C. Frick has a position as assistant mine clerk at Farr.
1916 July Walsenburg: Heavy rains have been falling near Walsenburg and though none have really caught the town, have patience, we'll get them soon enough.
1916 July Walsenburg: John Nish, superintendent at Ravenwood mine, and Joe Watson, the camp marshal, were arrested for disturbing the peace.
1916 July Walsenburg: Miss Freda Mazzone returned home Saturday after finishing the summer term in Greeley where she took the Teacher's course.
1916 July Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graves arrived last Friday to make Walsenburg their future home.
1916 July Walsenburg: Mr. M. Bernstein is back from Denver to personally supervise his 27th Anniversary Sale.
1916 July Walsenburg: The Cameron Drum Corps are now equipped with new suits which were made by the Ladies Club.
1916 July Walsenburg: The election case by which J.B. Farr, W.H. Freeland, Joe S. Sanchez and A.D. Valdez were ousted from office by decision of the Colorado Supreme Court may yet reach the United States Supreme Court.
1916 July Walsenburg: The G.O.O.S.E. Club went to the home of Dr. and Mrs. Hally at Rouse Tuesday evening for cards and dancing, returning home early the next morning.
1916 July Walsenburg: The great and only Robinson circus and has come and went, being a great treat for all ages with its performances above average.
1916 July Walsenburg: The members of the Camp Fire Girls left on Monday for a week's outing at Cuchara Camps.
1916 July Walsenburg: The opening of the Walsen YMCA will be Aug. 15 with a vaudeville company engaged for the evening.
1916 July Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Commercial Club succeeded in getting the electrical rates reduced from 14¢ to 12 ¢ per kilowatt hour and the minimum from $1.50 to $1.
1916 July Walsenburg: Two 4th of July celebrations were held under the auspices of the Walsenburg Clerks Association.
1916 July Walsenburg: Walsenburg Auto Plumbing and Electric Company sold their garage at Fourth and Main to Sears and Sears.
1916 August La Veta: A bloody fracas at Alliance left Mr. and Mrs. Clikus [sic] and a man named Levy pretty well cut up.
1916 August La Veta: Allen J. Roush is proprietor of both La Veta Automotive Company and La Veta Bakery.
1916 August La Veta: Charles Estes, 42, was run over and killed by a railroad car, leaving a wife, two children, his father C.F. Estes and sister Mrs. Heilman.
1916 August La Veta: Harry Hector and Adam Flockhart were down from the clouds this week; they are mining within a quarter mile of the top of the West Spanish Peak.
1916 August La Veta: Quite a mine shaft has been sunk on a dike just east of town on the Kincaid ranch and some good looking ore is being secured.
1916 August La Veta: The bankruptcy sale of A. Patras is this week.
1916 August La Veta: There was a bloody fracas at Alliance when miners took after each other with knives.
1916 August La Veta: Will, Arthur and Rene Bruce are staying in the old house on the main road at Cuchara Camps. The two former are working on a new cottage and the latter cooks and provides fish and game.
1916 August Walsenburg: For sale: the Morris Hotel, hot and cold water, steam heat, bathroom.
1916 August Walsenburg: Four men have been arrested and charged with being implicated with the robbery of $5,000 from Francisco Pacheco.
1916 August Walsenburg: Francisco Pacheco, a sheep raiser who lives about three miles above the Solar mine, was robbed of $5,000 and sheriff's men are tracking the thieves with bloodhounds from Trinidad.
1916 August Walsenburg: Frank Oberding, the mining inspector, brought four charges against the Mathews and McNally mine concerning powder and carrying carbide lamps into the mine.
1916 August Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School opens Sept. 5 and offers three courses - Preparatory, Scientific and Commercial. I.E. Stutsman, principal.
1916 August Walsenburg: Lost, bay horse, branded JP on right front shoulder, weight 1094 pounds. Notify M.J. Bayak, Solar, Colo.
1916 August Walsenburg: Mr. Welborn, president of CF&I company and Mr. McKennon, general manager, attended the ball Saturday night to formally open the new Walsen YMCA.
1916 August Walsenburg: Mrs. Grace Unfug of Pueblo has accepted a position as milliner at Mr. August Unfug's store.
1916 August Walsenburg: The Baptists' building fund is up to $120.
1916 August Walsenburg: The new YMCA building at Walsen camp replaces the "poor" building used for the past five years.
1916 August Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Commercial Club resolved to oppose the Herd Law which will force livestock owners to contain their animals on their own land.
1916 August: Mrs. Grace Unfug of Pueblo has accepted a position as milliner at Mr. August Unfug's clothing store.
1916 August: Mrs. James I. McGinn, almost 18, the former Hazel Pett, died in Aguilar.
1916 September La Veta: About 2:30 a.m. last Sunday a fire broke out behind the bakery. The flames burned into the ceiling but Mrs. Wright, who was sleeping on the balcony was able to escape without injury.
1916 September La Veta: Asa Arnold won the contract to carry the mail from La Veta to Cuchara Camps.
1916 September La Veta: Daddy Lee captured two bears this week in the vicinity of Raspberry Mountain.
1916 September La Veta: Miss Evalyn Capps is attending teachers college in Greeley.
1916 September La Veta: Stella May Clark and John Ray Daniels of North Carolina were married and they will live in Monte Vista.
1916 September La Veta: The fire on Sept. 3 in Alex McDonald's building destroyed the baking room of Allen Roush and damaged the frame part of the Kincaid building next door.
1916 September LaVeta: J.M. Lininger, the dentist, will be in La Veta permanently after Oct. 1.
1916 September Walsenburg: A fire in the Empress Theater last night was caused by film exploding in the box.
1916 September Walsenburg: Butter, 34¢ a pound, fresh eggs 25¢ a dozen at the Cash Supply Store, Ralph Levy, proprietor. Phone 70.
1916 September Walsenburg: Charlie Chaplin in his latest, "The Vagabond" and Miss Sarconi will render soprano solos in the Star Theatre Sept. 18.
1916 September Walsenburg: Eleanor Cowing and Ford Frick were married Sept. 16 at the bride's parents' home.
1916 September Walsenburg: Four boys were charged with burning down a haystack of Pablo Sanchez worth $400.
1916 September Walsenburg: Sister Camille, formerly known to us as Anna Mazzone, was in Walsenburg this week visiting her family.
1916 September Walsenburg: The Ladies Maccabee Benevolent Association presented "An Old Maid's Convention" at the Empress Friday night and it proved to be a scream from curtain rise to curtain fall.
1916 September Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Clerk's Association gave a big dance Saturday evening with the Star Orchestra giving a splendid performance.
1916 October La Veta: Allen J. Roush is asking everyone to settle their debts at the bakery. He probably will not re-open after the fire destroyed his building last month.
1916 October La Veta: C.L. Martin bought the bankruptcy stock of A. Patras and opened the store to the public.
1916 October La Veta: Hoyt Crawford married Nellie Hayes and Lawrence Meade wed Irene Arnold.
1916 October La Veta: I have opened a private boarding house in the Minnie Adamson building on Francisco Street - will quote rates on good home cooking, Mrs. E.M. Snyder.
1916 October La Veta: Leonard Fry has leased the meat market from A.A. Campbell.
1916 October La Veta: Mrs. E.M. Snyder has opened a private boardinghouse in the Minnie Adamson building on Francisco Street.
1916 October La Veta: Mrs. M.M. Springer has opened a Lunch Room in the former sample room of the Springer Hotel.
1916 October La Veta: The La Veta Garage has started a menagerie. Two young coyotes are the first arrivals from the wild.
1916 October Walsenburg: For sale cheap - 100 Ramboulette lambs, two to five years old - Antonio D. Valdez. Phone 211.
1916 October Walsenburg: For sale, 600 vacant lots in Walsenburg, easy terms. C. Victor Mazzone.
1916 October Walsenburg: Horses, wagons and stoves for sale at the American Junk Yard, South Main Street.
1916 October Walsenburg: Miss Eva Florence Curry will appear in a graduation concert at Miss Caroline Sporleder's Studio.
1916 October Walsenburg: Mrs. Chauncy Summers and infant son Dan are home from Pueblo.
1916 October Walsenburg: Rev. Dr. Darley is forced by ill health to give up his ministry at the Presbyterian Church here.
1916 October Walsenburg: Seventeen couples attended the Young Married's Club dance Wednesday evening.
1916 October Walsenburg: The Better Half of the G.O.O.S.E. Club met with Mrs. W.C. Hunt Tuesday.
1916 October Walsenburg: The library is open from 3:30 to 5 on Tuesdays and Fridays. Terms are 25 cents for three months, 50 cents for six months or $1 a year.
1916 October Walsenburg: The Republican county committee established their headquarters in the old Central Hotel on East Sixth across from the Klein Hotel.
1916 Nov. 9: An all aluminum double cooker may be purchased for $1 at the following stores: M. Martinez, Lorenzo Lenzini & Bro., Huerfano Trading Company, Sporleder Selling Company, Kriers Store Company, Abe Cutter, Cash Supply Store and C.O.D. Store in Walsenburg; Huerfano Trading Company in Oakview, Pryor, Tioga, Toltec and Turner and at the Colorado Supply Company in Walsen. Walsenburg World
1916 November La Veta: Anyone indebted to me should pay the bank immediately - A.H. Sparks.
1916 November La Veta: H.B. Sager has sold his ranch to O.E. Willis.
1916 November La Veta: Levy Kincaid has purchased one half interest of the WM. Kincaid ranch and will move there after building a home.
1916 November La Veta: Mr. Voegtle is back and will reopen his bakery with his good bread and cakes.
1916 November La Veta: School was dismissed at two o'clock last Monday on account of Gov. Carlson's visit.
1916 November La Veta: The kids did less damage than usual on Hallow'een; not because they have reformed, but because people took more care in putting away their belongings.
1916 November La Veta: Tom Wheeler has leased the Brooks' ranch close to Ojo and Mr. Brooks moved to the Enos George place.
1916 November Walsenburg: A. Levy will open the new Strand Theater, formerly The Empress, Saturday night with the musical comedy "Vanity Fair."
1916 November Walsenburg: Died, A.P. McIntire, a pioneer of Sharpsdale who has resided in the county 36 years. He leaves a widow, daughters Mrs. A.S. Neely of Cameron and Mrs. W.N. Wycoff, Greeley, and two brothers, Fremont and Alvi S. of Walsenburg.
1916 November Walsenburg: Doughnuts, 15 cents a dozen at City Bakery, A.J. Dissler, proprietor.
1916 November Walsenburg: M. Bernstein and Archie Levy are managing the new Strand Theater on East Sixth Street.
1916 November Walsenburg: Maxwells, Fully Equipped, at Young and Sons, 221 North Main, Phone 338-J.
1916 November Walsenburg: Sheriff Neelley arrested 31 men at Oakview camp for gambling during a raid Saturday on the Japanese boardinghouse.
1916 November Walsenburg: Sometime Thursday night thieves cut a hole in the ceiling of the bank from a room above and entered, taking about 300 pounds of loose silver.
1916 November Walsenburg: The Maccabees will present their minstrel show - Marvelous Melage of Mirth and Melody - on Nov. 8-9 at the Owl Theater.
1916 November Walsenburg: The single young men of Walsenburg met at Edmund Orahood's home and organized the Arcadian Club with Jack Carlton, president, Eugene Brock, secretary and Herbert Furphy, treasurer.
1916 November Walsenburg: Wanted: a good stout girl for house work, $6.00 per week.
1916 December La Veta: "The Price of Her Silence," in five reels, 10 cents and 20 cents at the Crystal Theater.
1916 December La Veta: Died, Henry A. "Harry" Hector who was born in England in 1874 and came to La Veta in 1889 with his family. Unmarried, he leaves six sisters and two brothers.
1916 December La Veta: Ice harvest is now underway; it is about 12 inches thick.
1916 December La Veta: John Ritter turned his ranch over to his boys, and he and his wife moved to town. The ranch and stock are valued at $20,000.
1916 December La Veta: The Fielden ranch has been improved with the erection of a 20 by 100 foot barn.
1916 December La Veta: The Methodist ladies will have a bazaar in the Lester building tomorrow and give a supper in the evening.
1916 December La Veta: There will be a big dance Christmas night in Kincaid Hall.
1916 December Walsenburg: A daughter was born Dec. 26 to Mrs. and Mrs. F.C. Sporleder.
1916 December Walsenburg: A.P. McIntire, one of the earliest settlers at Sharpsdale, died. He is the brother of Freemont and Alvi S. McIntire of Walsenburg.
1916 December Walsenburg: For rent, 10-room hotel building, unfurnished, on East Sixth Street. Contact C. Victor Mazzone.
1916 December Walsenburg: Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne appear in "Diplomatic Service," at The Strand Theatre Dec. 12.
1916 December Walsenburg: L.B. Sporleder has issued a booklet on the Huajatolla mountains or Spanish Peaks, with legends and half-tones.
1916 December Walsenburg: Sheriff Neelley boarded northbound passenger train and arrested a Slav believed to be the murderer of a storekeeper in Aguilar.
1916 December Walsenburg: The new YMCA building at Lester was formally opened last Saturday night.
1916 December Walsenburg: Walsenburg will be the seventh city in the world to see the moving picture "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" at the Strand Dec. 25. There will be two showings.
1917 January La Veta: County Commissioner William McEvoy's wife died after just two years of marriage.
1917 January La Veta: County Commissioners Robert Smith and Alex McDonald are out and J.T. Trujillo and Walter Hamilton will be sworn in today. Robert Young is the hold-over.
1917 January La Veta: Died, Mrs. William McEvoy, whose husband is county commissioner and a rancher on the Wahatoya.
1917 January La Veta: Dr. J.W. Lininger has located his dentistry office in the Turner building.
1917 January La Veta: E.L. Smith now has William McLain driving a delivery wagon out to the coal mines.
1917 January La Veta: Edwin L. Smith has stopped delivering his goods to the coal camps west of town.
1917 January La Veta: One man is dead and another injured after a fight and shooting in Ojo.
1917 January La Veta: School classes will be held on Saturdays so the boys can be out early in the spring to assist with farm work since so many men have answered Uncle Sam's call.
1917 January La Veta: Several teams have been busy shipping ice on Saturday and Sunday but 20 years ago the streets were lined with wagons for two weeks at a time.
1917 January La Veta: The tin pan and cow bell brigade gave a few selections of popular music on Christmas Eve.
1917 January La Veta: We understand a miners union has been organized at Oakview.
1917 January Walsenburg: A 24 by 42 foot addition costing $2,000 will be built onto the Baptist Church, doubling its size.
1917 January Walsenburg: A large crowd attended the wedding Monday at St. Mary Church when Miguel A. Atencio, son of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Atencio, married Miss Elvira Valdez, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andres Valdez. The large ball was held Tuesday night at the YMCA in Walsen.
1917 January Walsenburg: About 400 dancers attended the Walsenburg Clerk's Association mask ball Saturday night. Winners of the costume contest were Mrs. George Edwards, Miss Rose Dissler, Alex Ross and Tony Riccotine.
1917 January Walsenburg: All you homesteaders get busy on that 640 acre law or someone will beat you to it.
1917 January Walsenburg: Archie Levy is having extensive improvements done on the Strand Theater.
1917 January Walsenburg: Beginning Jan. 9, the Strand Orchestra will give a dance every Wednesday evening at Maccabee Hall.
1917 January Walsenburg: Dance to the music of the Star Orchestra tomorrow night at Maccabee Temple. Admission $1.00.
1917 January Walsenburg: Dr. S.J. Greear moved his office to the Roof and Dick building where the Huerfano Trading Company was and Huerfano Trading moved to the former Walsenburg Mercantile across from the C&S depot.
1917 January Walsenburg: F.D. McCullough, outgoing county stenographer, has opened an office in the Kearns building to do public stenography and write life insurance.
1917 January Walsenburg: For Rent - a ten-room hotel, unfurnished, on East Sixth Street. Apply C.V. Mazzone.
1917 January Walsenburg: For sale - horses, mules, wagons and harness. J.W. Furphy, 208 West Seventh Street.
1917 January Walsenburg: Fred C. Sporleder designated the Guaranty State Bank as the official county repository as his first action as new county treasurer.
1917 January Walsenburg: Harvey Starbuck, former deputy district attorney, opened a law office in the Roof and Dick building in the rooms vacated by John L. East, who moved to the court house when appointed county attorney.
1917 January Walsenburg: Mr. McArthur, former violinist at the Empress Theatre, has accepted a position at the Strand.
1917 January Walsenburg: P.L. Sanchez opened a real estate and insurance office in the Roof and Dick building.
1917 January Walsenburg: Paul Krier, manager, announced that a new Star Theater will be built of red brick on Main near Seventh, south of its present location.
1917 January Walsenburg: The 25 new cement houses at Ideal are ready for occupancy and Miss Anna O'Hagan has charge of the school.
1917 January Walsenburg: The Commercial Club says the new county hospital is assured, which will be turned over to a Sisters of Charity after construction. $2,000 has already been subscribed toward the $12,000 needed.
1917 January Walsenburg: The St. John Hotel, Sixth and Main, has taken over the old Central Hotel just east, adding 10 rooms.
1917 January Walsenburg: The two express companies doing business in Walsenburg delivered 4,641 packages of intoxicating liquors here during the last six months of 1916. Total cost of these shipments was $1,265.00.
1917 January Walsenburg: The Walsenburg fire department has a brand new $2,000 Ford fire truck.
1917 January Walsenburg: Will Henry, manager of the Bernstein store, was initiated into the "misteries" of the Arcadian Club Tuesday night.
1917 February La Veta: Albert Foote and Miss Mary Tanhauser were married in the Methodist parsonage Saturday evening.
1917 February La Veta: Ben Pascoe and Mabel Pickens were married.
1917 February La Veta: Buy your fine china at Gibbons Hardware.
1917 February La Veta: Drs. S.J. and J.M. Lamme have added to their equipment the latest tests for eyes, and can fit you for glasses.
1917 February La Veta: La Veta Light, Heat and Power signed a contract with Trinidad Electric to provide 24-hour a day electrical service.
1917 February La Veta: R.A. Hayes, 72, died in California. He was born in North Carolina, served in the Confederate Army and came to La Veta in 1872. He leaves his wife, the former Miss Ownbey and a son Frank.
1917 February La Veta: The county clerk has issued so far this year 292 automobile licenses, collecting therefrom $1,200.50.
1917 February La Veta: The girls have rented Mr. Sparks' building in which to play basketball.
1917 February La Veta: W.H. Parke, 63, was found dead of alcoholism in his blacksmith shop.
1917 February Walsenburg: Alva Benson of Red Wing and Mary Schmidt of Gardner were married Feb. 4.
1917 February Walsenburg: Archie Levy is having extensive improvements done on the Strand Theater.
1917 February Walsenburg: City Council ordered that all houses must be numbered and all property owners must build sidewalks.
1917 February Walsenburg: Colorado goes "dry" effective June 1.
1917 February Walsenburg: Died, John Breen, 75, an early coal mine developer of Huerfano County. He was superintendent for the Walsen and Rouse mines, and half owner of the Breen.
1917 February Walsenburg: During the past year, the 29 producing coal mines of Huerfano County had 22 accidents, 10 of them fatal, with 2,767 men employed.
1917 February Walsenburg: Joe Bergamo installed an Empire milking machine - the first in the county - at his big dairy ranch at Malachite.
1917 February Walsenburg: Mary R. Trujillo is now managing the El Bello Hogar Hotel (formerly The Southern) on Main Street near Eighth.
1917 February Walsenburg: Mike James has three tables for pool and one for billiards at his Friendly Pool Hall on Main Street near Seventh.
1917 February Walsenburg: Mike Joseph moved his shoe shop from opposite the post office on West Sixth to the other side of the street, formerly Joe Santi's.
1917 February Walsenburg: Mines producing within the past year were Robinson, Rouse, Ideal, Lester, Cameron, Ravenwood, Oakdale, Pryor, Big Four, Tioga, Reliance, Caddell, Vesta, Rugby, Toltec, Black Canon, Sunnyside, Breen, Larimore, Loma, Turner, Solar, Gordon, Mutual, Pinon, Ojo, Pictou and Walsen.
1917 February Walsenburg: Ten new houses are ready for occupancy at Cameron and another 50 will be built immediately.
1917 February Walsenburg: The Commercial Club says the county hospital is assured, with $2,000 of the $12,000 needed already subscribed. It will be turned over to a Sisters of Charity organization after construction.
1917 February Walsenburg: The county commissioners have purchased an automobile for use in county business.
1917 February Walsenburg: The Independent is moving its office to 119 West Seventh Street near Main, in the Cash Supply Store room formerly the Workman building.
1917 March La Veta: Died, Martha Jane Prator, who came to La Veta with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Bruce in 1870 and married Augustus Prator in 1880. Five of her six sons survive and both of her daughters.
1917 March La Veta: Homer Potts was found not guilty of murdering Undersheriff John Wright.
1917 March La Veta: J.W. Lininger and Minnie Carver were married.
1917 March La Veta: Mrs. Mary Patton is selling her four room house with water and electricity preparatory to moving to a lower climate for her health.
1917 March La Veta: State highway officials propose to build the new highway across the mesa to La Veta Pass and completely bypass the town of La Veta.
1917 March La Veta: The school board traded off the old school building on Field Street.
1917 March La Veta: William White has leased the Parks blacksmith shop.
1917 March Walsenburg: A 24-piece Italian band and a new Italian war picture will be the features at the Walsen Y.M.C.A. Tuesday.
1917 March Walsenburg: A club house, hotel and bath house will be built at Cameron and Mr. Rockefeller's bandstand is under construction.
1917 March Walsenburg: A flood-light is now focused on the large flag on top of the Krier store at Sixth and Main Streets.
1917 March Walsenburg: A sneak-thief broke a rear window of the Victor Mazzone building on Main Street and entered the side of Louis Gilaudo's jewelry store and stole numerous watches.
1917 March Walsenburg: About 3,500 Colorado coal miners formed a union, the Coal Miners Protective Union, and seceded from the UMWA. Local committee members are Mike Valdez, Rich Hendren and Adam Flockhart.
1917 March Walsenburg: Professor J.A. White of Denver, psychological healer and seer, predicts we will have no war with Germany.
1917 March Walsenburg: Ten new houses are ready for occupancy at Cameron and another 50 will be built immediately along with Mr. Rockefeller's bandstand.
1917 March Walsenburg: The Commercial Club voted $150 towards the building of a hospital in Walsenburg.
1917 March Walsenburg: Two couples were married this week, Giovenni Santi, Toltec and Rose Digiocomo, Walsenburg and Albert Lazarini, Ideal and Lena Lenzini, Toltec.
1917 March Walsenburg: Winners of the letter writing contest were Jenny Fartarell, Washington School; Elberta Vogel, Hill School; Andrew Conder, Maitland; Carol Isaacson, Mustang; Kathryn Firm, La Veta and Fern Meyer, Gardner.
1917 April La Veta: A box social held at the schoolhouse on the Cucharas last Saturday netted $26 for the farmers' club.
1917 April La Veta: Gravel is being taken off the hill north of town and being dumped on the road where it is wet and swampy near the bridge.
1917 April La Veta: Henry Roberts, who a short time ago bought an interest in the Vasquez blacksmith shop, has rented the Turner cottage at the corner of Oak and Field.
1917 April La Veta: J.E. Stewart is taking over management of Ghiardi's Crystal Theatre.
1917 April La Veta: Marie Arnold, 13 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arnold, died of pneumonia. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Roberts.
1917 April La Veta: Mrs. Ghiardi and Mrs. Gross are now operating the Spanish Peaks Hotel.
1917 April La Veta: Mrs. William Kishman has given up the management of the Spanish Peaks Hotel and Mrs. Paul Ghiardi and her brother Mr. Gross and wife will now be the proprietors.
1917 April La Veta: Neal Baysinger has purchased a Ford roadster and will be strictly with it with those Texas young ladies this summer.
1917 April La Veta: Ruth Donegan received first prize for "The Harm of Tobacco" in the Womens Christian Temperance Union's essay contest.
1917 April La Veta: Sterge Mavrodis, president of the local union at Ojo, was elected check weighman for the mine.
1917 April La Veta: The Spanish Peaks Hotel is the worst firetrap in town.
1917 April Walsenburg: A special train will take miners to Ludlow for the commemorative program and union speeches on the anniversary of the Ludlow massacre three years ago.
1917 April Walsenburg: Agapito Atencio, assistant postmaster, married Ida Estella Abeyta of Turner.
1917 April Walsenburg: Appointed by town board were Fred Unfug, clerk; Silverio Martinez, marshal; George Blickhahn, attorney and H.H. Dally, health officer.
1917 April Walsenburg: Archie Allison, salesman at J.W. Smith's Dry Goods, went to Denver and enlisted in the Colorado Cavalry.
1917 April Walsenburg: Every body around here seems ready to fight the Kaiser.
1917 April Walsenburg: James B. Dick Jr., son of William, married Isabelle McGowan, the daughter of James McGowan, superintendent of Hezron mine.
1917 April Walsenburg: Married, Joe Ladurine and Noemi Santi, both of Toltec.
1917 April Walsenburg: Over 300 jammed into the Rouse school house for a patriotic meeting.
1917 April Walsenburg: Ralph Levy and Walter Edwards have organized a cavalry troop with 35 members to help whip the Germans.
1917 April Walsenburg: W.R. Shade was awarded the electrical work contract for the new Star Theatre.
1917 May La Veta: Six students will graduate from La Veta Union High School this month. They are Bruce Prator, valedictorian, Laura Kincaid, salutatorian, Rene Bruce, Dewey Marker, Claudia Groves and Albert Turner.
1917 May La Veta: The blizzard left three feet of snow in Cuchara Camps, bringing the total snowfall this winter to 211 inches.
1917 May La Veta: The President has named June 5th as registration day for all men between the ages of 21 and 30.
1917 May Walsenburg: About 3,000 United Mine Workers and sympathizers attended the memorial services at Ludlow last Sunday.
1917 May Walsenburg: Edward Slates sells all types of typewriter ribbons. Call on him at the county clerk's office in the courthouse.
1917 May Walsenburg: For sale - horses, mules, wagons and harness. J.W. Furphy, 208 South Seventh Street.
1917 May Walsenburg: For sale: a 1916 five-passenger Case automobile, cost $1,400 new, now a bargain.
1917 May Walsenburg: Headline: 120 Men Die in Hastings Mine Catastrophe: 62 Widows and 141 Orphans Survive Them.
1917 May Walsenburg: Jack Carlton, Fred Unfug Jr. and Irvin Orahood left today to enlist.
1917 May Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Sears have returned to their homestead at Mountainview after spending the winter in Walsenburg.
1917 May Walsenburg: Nine seniors will graduate from the county high school next Thursday evening.
1917 May Walsenburg: Phoebe Roberts, Cameron School fifth grader, won the county spelling bee and Ruth Black, a fifth grader from Walsen School, placed second.
1917 May Walsenburg: The Walsenburg troop of cavalry, troop F, was mustered into service Wednesday night with 62 men. Ralph Levy was elected captain.
1917 May Walsenburg: William McDermott, President of the Walsenburg Clerk's Association, has succeeded Archie Allison as salesman at J.W. Smith Dry Goods.
1917 May Walsenburg: Winning the county spelling bee for the 6th, 7th and 8th grades were Richard Caddell, Walsenburg, first, and Beatrice Toogood; Pictou, second., both eighth graders.
1917 June La Veta: A.C. Schafer and Lillian Erwin were married.
1917 June La Veta: Although town board does not recognize a franchise, La Veta Light Company goes serenely on supplying the town and people with lights.
1917 June La Veta: F.N. Raeder brought in a sample of oil yesterday from his claim near Ojo.
1917 June La Veta: Frank Arnold has rented what is known as the Hills place on the upper Cucharas from Sumpter Martin.
1917 June La Veta: S.L. Roberts opened a garage in the Boyd blacksmith building.
1917 June La Veta: The barbers, Alvin Anson and T.F. Haase, have raised their prices to 50 cents for a haircut and 25 cents for a shave.
1917 June La Veta: The birth of a girl to Mr. and Mrs. M.G. Young of Raton gave Mrs. Mary Arnold Roberts a fourth great- granddaughter and one great-grandson.
1917 June La Veta: The Commercial Club rented Adamson Park for public camping.
1917 June La Veta: The frost last week was a surprise.
1917 June Walsenburg: $15,000 was collected at Walsen camp for Liberty bonds.
1917 June Walsenburg: A bazaar at Gardner will benefit the building fund of the Catholic Church for a parochial school.
1917 June Walsenburg: A.J. Dissler, proprietor of the City Bakery, married Virginia Agnes at St. Mary Church Tuesday morning. 1920: Owen Hornburg is the new secretary of the Commercial Club after the resignation of A.P. Atencio who is too busy at Guaranty State Bank.
1917 June Walsenburg: Alexander Firm of La Veta and Judge Aaron O. Willburn of Clover were elected members of the Huerfano County High School board of control. Other members are Juan G. Bustos, Cucharas, and Crescentio Trujillo, North Veta and Martha Thorne, secretary.
1917 June Walsenburg: Frederick John Walsen was born June 9 to Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Walsen of Denver. Mrs. Walsen is the daughter of John B. Johnson, formerly a prosperous merchant here.
1917 June Walsenburg: George Dick Jr. is the new salesman at the Huerfano Trading Company at Sixth and Main Streets.
1917 June Walsenburg: Jack Carleton, F.H. Unfug and E.M. Orahood joined the army and were assigned as clerks in the engineer "corpse."
1917 June Walsenburg: Lillian McNally succeeded Alpha Buckle as mine clerk at Maitland.
1917 June Walsenburg: More than 100 Walsenburg residents took the D&RG wildflower excursion to the top of La Veta Pass.
1917 June Walsenburg: Professor H.B. Caughran was selected as the new Huerfano County High School principal, succeeding Prof. I.B. Stutsman, who resigned.
1917 June Walsenburg: Sampson Sweet, for many years a prominent citizen of Walsenburg, dropped dead on Main Street at Seventh of apoplexy.
1917 June Walsenburg: The local carpenters union entertained about 100 friends at Maccabee Temple Monday.
1917 June Walsenburg: The new Star Theater will reopen July 1 after a $20,000 remodeling by owner Paul Krier. It will seat 750 people.
1917 June Walsenburg: Those graduated from Huerfano County High School last night were Myrtle Andrews, Meryle Miller, Effie Lee McKee, Lillian Davis, Fred Unfug, Mike Rozlosink, Lewis Brown and Robert Anderson.
1917 June Walsenburg: Walsen camp gave $15,000 and Cameron $6,000 as part of the $30,000 collected from CF&I miners for Liberty bonds.
1917 June Walsenburg: Walsenburg headquarters of the Red Cross opened in the Mazzone building, Main and Sixth, and about $7,000 has already been pledged.
1917 July La Veta: A company is drilling for oil on the McClure ranch east of La Veta.
1917 July La Veta: Cuchara Camps Restaurant and Commissary are now open to serve visitors with meals at reasonable prices.
1917 July La Veta: Dances are being held every Saturday night at the pavilion in Cuchara Camps.
1917 July La Veta: Eula Martin and Frank Moran were married.
1917 July La Veta: Last Saturday night a beefsteak fry and Indian war dance were part of the dance program at Cuchara Camps, followed by a midnight drive in the mountains.
1917 July La Veta: The Price ranch resort up Indian Creek has been busy with campers and lodgers recently.
1917 July Walsenburg: John P. White, president of the United Mine Workers of America, will speak July 7 in Miners' Day ceremonies in Walsen.
1917 July: Colorado has passed a new liquor law requiring each person to buy monthly permits for one quart of whiskey for medical, sacramental, or scientific purposes.
1917 August La Veta: According to the state counters, between 175 and 200 automobile have passed the intersection at Ryus Avenue and Main Street since the first of the month.
1917 August La Veta: C.C. Webster has moved his family to West Ryus Avenue where headquarters for La Veta Light, Heat and Power Company will also be located.
1917 August La Veta: Classes will resume soon at Echo Canon school house.
1917 August La Veta: For rent, one and two room cabins. Inquire at Price Ranch on Indian Creek.
1917 August La Veta: Married: Frank Arnold and Mary Hayden; Bay Woodruff and Hazel Birch; Fred Dryden and Vera Crawford.
1917 August La Veta: Mrs. Eva Lenox is now musician at the Crystal Theater and Miss Pansy Beamer has charge of the box office.
1917 August La Veta: Mrs. Pearl Steele is offering her fall millinery fashions in the house across the street from the Lamme hospital.
1917 August La Veta: Some members of the town board went up to the newly-acquired town park at the head of the Cucharas and the county surveyor will locate a road from the sawmill to the lakes.
1917 August La Veta: Some people are already harvesting their beans.
1917 August La Veta: The Town Board has taken a spasm and is enforcing the ordinance regarding stock running at large.
1917 August: The Jeff Farr Jr., Roy Hill, John Eastland, and J.F. Coss families all spent Sunday in Cuchara Camp.
1917 September La Veta: C.E. Thomas married Mrs. L. Gray who lives two miles north of town.
1917 September La Veta: E.V. Gibbons has put a gasoline station in front of his store on Main Street.
1917 September La Veta: John Mazmkle of Ojo was fined $10 and costs by Justice C.V. Mazzone for bootlegging.
1917 September La Veta: The city police at Gardner, namely E.B. Mockmore, must have had a scrap with his wife for he has quit wearing his star.
1917 September La Veta: The dynamo at the light plant went out and left town in the dark.
1917 September La Veta: The fallacy that potatoes cannot be raised in and around La Veta was certainly exploded this season.
1917 September La Veta: The Galassini pool hall was burglarized.
1917 September La Veta: The new CF&I hay barn is almost completed.
1917 September La Veta: Threshing is in full swing and Levi Kincaid must have beat the record on oats at 71 bushels to the acre.
1917 September Walsenburg: Charles Costa, a Portuguese Negro convicted of bootlegging, escaped from the county jail but was captured in Raton.
1917 September Walsenburg: Dr. N.T. Abdou is the latest addition to Walsenburg's medical fraternity.
1917 September Walsenburg: Five special trains passed through Walsenburg carrying 20,000 Colorado soldiers to Ft. Riley, Kansas.
1917 September Walsenburg: Miss Emma Douglass of Fort Collins will be the first home demonstration agent in Huerfano County.
1917 September Walsenburg: Miss Idel McKee of Oakview School and Miss Effie Lee McKee of Pryor School spent the weekend in town visiting with their mother.
1917 September Walsenburg: The $15,000 remodeling and reconstruction job at Hill school is finally completed and classes will commence Monday at 9 a.m.
1917 September Walsenburg: The North Butte farm club decided to have a community exhibit in the Huerfano County Harvest Festival in Walsenburg next month.
1917 September Walsenburg: The Young Married People's Club was entertained Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Welling Sumner. The high scores were won by Mrs. M.E. Cowing and S.M. Andrews.
1917 September Walsenburg: Two thousand booklets have been issued for the Huerfano County Harvest Fair Oct. 10-11 in Walsenburg ballpark, sponsored by the commercial club and Huerfano County farmers and ranchers.
1917 September Walsenburg: Walter Edwards of Edwards and Dick Plumbing and Heating has been called to the colors and left to "do his bit."
1917 September: A transient peddlar was arrested near La Veta with no less than 15 quart bottles of whiskey in his spring wagon.
1917 October La Veta: A fire in the Advertiser building when only part of the issue was out, has demoralized us considerably but we shall soon be in a normal condition once more.
1917 October La Veta: A fire in the Turner building next to Masonic Hall also damaged the Haase barbershop and the stationery store next door.
1917 October La Veta: Dr. Lininger has arranged a very modern office in the Turner building.
1917 October La Veta: During the patriotic program and dance at Kincaid Hall, S.J. Capps collected $25.20 for the boys leaving for the service - Mike Dusnak, John Bione, Hoyt Crawford, Orlando McRae, William Price and William Snedden.
1917 October La Veta: Evalyn Capps and Nona Reynolds have enrolled in the State Teachers College in Greeley, where the 600 registration is the largest in history in spite of the war troubles.
1917 October La Veta: Karl Spielmann gathered 10 bushels of pears from one tree, a rather remarkable crop for this section.
1917 October La Veta: The new war tax will increase postage to three cents and two cents for post cards.
1917 October La Veta: Work is progressing on the Veta Pass highway; grading is finished above the mule shoe and cement bridges are being put in at the creek crossings.
1917 October La Veta: Young Bob McGraw, formerly of La Veta, is playing in the big leagues and almost pitched a shutout over Detroit, but Ty Cobb parried successfully and hit in a run.
1917 October Walsenburg: About 1,000 people gathered last night to bid farewell to the 44 Huerfano County soldiers who left today for Fort Funston, Kans.
1917 October Walsenburg: An athletes association was formed at Huerfano County High School with Charles Brunelli, president; Bruce Buckland, vice president and Albert Stanley secretary-treasurer.
1917 October Walsenburg: Eighteen aliens from ten countries were naturalized as citizens Monday by Judge McHendrie.
1917 October Walsenburg: Five special trains passed through Walsenburg carrying 20,000 Colorado soldiers to Fort Riley, Kansas.
1917 October Walsenburg: Four hundred hospital garments were sent to Denver yesterday by the Walsenburg Red Cross Chapter, assisted by auxiliaries in La Veta and the camps.
1917 October Walsenburg: J.B. Farr is the Huerfano County Food Commissioner in charge of the conservation of food supplies.
1917 October Walsenburg: M. Kalmes clothing store is moving to the Solomon John building, Eighth and Main, as soon as the remodeling is completed.
1917 October Walsenburg: Recognition of the union will probably be granted soon to the United Mine Workers of America by the CF&I Company.
1917 October Walsenburg: Sheriff Neelley and Undersheriff Coggins raided a pool hall on West Seventh Street and got five Greek gamblers right under the nose of the city police force.
1917 October Walsenburg: The 1917 class in gardening of the Huerfano County High School planted and cultivated the garden which yielded the Hubbard squash which won the Huerfano County Harvest Fair last week.
1917 October Walsenburg: The district judge ruled that E.L. Neelley and J.G. Archuleta are entitled to the salaries of sheriff and county clerk for the more than one year since they were elected and that they were deprived of their offices by J.B. Farr and W.H. Freeland.
1917 October Walsenburg: The kindergarten, first, second and third grade classes have another week's reprieve because the ground floor of Hill School is not complete.
1917 October Walsenburg: The ladies of the Methodist Church will serve dinner and supper Oct. 10 and 11 in the Mazzone building at Sixth and Main Streets during the Harvest Festival days.
1917 October Walsenburg: The new 40-room boardinghouse at Turner is almost completed.
1917 November La Veta: A fire at Oakview burned down what used to be the saloon building.
1917 November La Veta: An effort is being made to establish an automobile stage line between here and Oakview and Ojo.
1917 November La Veta: Construction on the depot is almost completed.
1917 November La Veta: Kincaid's Hall will be the scene of a popular dance Wednesday night, Thanksgiving Eve.
1917 November La Veta: Leonard Fry leased the Galassini pool hall on Ryus Avenue.
1917 November La Veta: Malachite, Redwing and Sharpsdale organized a Red Cross branch Sunday with 14 members.
1917 November La Veta: Porter Land and Investment Co. of Denver bought about $3,000 worth of hogs in this vicinity at an average price of 15 cents.
1917 November La Veta: Real plays at The Crystal Theater attracted crowds this week. Some were good actors.
1917 November La Veta: The present hose cart is a man-killer and the town should buy something better for use by the fire department.
1917 November La Veta: The Royal Hawaiians will appear at Kincaid's Hall next Monday night.
1917 November La Veta: We understand the Baptist people gave up their Thanksgiving food sale on account of the possibility of being out of harmony with the government conservation program.
1917 November Walsenburg: A well equipped gambling room at the International, Seventh and Albert Streets, was raided by the sheriff and deputies and five men were arrested.
1917 November Walsenburg: Agnes and Dissler are opening a new furniture store in the old Coors building on Main Street near Sixth and will also have management of the M. Kalmes Furniture Store on West Sixth opposite the post office.
1917 November Walsenburg: Call at C.M. Buckles' confectionery for homemade bread, pies and cookies, tobacco, cigars and candy.
1917 November Walsenburg: CF & I has started to rebuild the mule barn at Rouse which burned down about two weeks ago.
1917 November Walsenburg: CF&I are still building new houses at Ideal, Lester and Rouse mines.
1917 November Walsenburg: Eighteen-year-old Raymond Howard Jones was killed in an accident in the Walsen mine.
1917 November Walsenburg: Hart-Schaffner and Marx wool suits and overcoats, $17-$35 at Agnes Brothers, 620 Main Street.
1917 November Walsenburg: Huerfano County has started a fund drive for the army Y.M.C.A. war camps.
1917 November Walsenburg: John Brillis, a Greek, got 30 days in the county jail for carrying concealed weapons.
1917 November Walsenburg: Raymond Howard Jones, 18, was killed in an accident in the Walsen mine.
1917 November Walsenburg: The old Huerfano County High School was gutted by fire Monday night. Dr. C. D. Lesher, owner of the building, says it was covered by several thousand dollars worth of insurance.
1917 November Walsenburg: The Rouse/Lester Concert Band gave a performance at the Rouse Y.M.C.A. Tuesday.
1917 November Walsenburg: Two thousand Huerfano County families have enlisted in the "conserve food - waste nothing" campaign.
1917 December La Veta: A Turkey Shoot provided amusement Thanksgiving afternoon though too late for the big feed.
1917 December La Veta: After the wooden "traffic cops" at the intersection of Main and Ryus were broken down the first night, the town decided to put up cement center posts to keep people in the right lane and slow them down.
1917 December La Veta: Allen Roush of La Veta Automotive is expecting to receive eight new Ford cars, which are practically all placed.
1917 December La Veta: As the government is urging the storage of more natural ice to save coal in the manufacture of the artificial kind, there is a good prospect for the renewal of the ice business here.
1917 December La Veta: Died, Don Leo Chalifu, who was born about 1846 in New Mexico and came to this area to settle around 1858.
1917 December La Veta: Died, Leo Chalifu [sic], 81, a French-Canadian who has lived in La Veta since about 1873.
1917 December La Veta: Miss Broxie Anson is the new musician at the Crystal Theater.
1917 December La Veta: Mrs. Minnie Beamer and Henry R. Carson were married.
1917 December La Veta: Pioneer Don Leo Chalifu died. He came to Huerfano County in the 1850's with his parents, Juan B. Chalifu and Maria Anita Lucero, who broke the first ground near the Walsen mines. He moved to La Veta in 1887.
1917 December La Veta: Roy Owen's stage leaves La Veta daily at 6 a.m. and 3 p.m. and departs the coal camps at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The round trip is 75¢.
1917 December La Veta: The 37 members of the Echo Canon Farm Club have subscribed $58.50 to the International Red Cross.
1917 December La Veta: The alley behind the Bruce settlement on Grand Street is to be opened up for regular traffic.
1917 December La Veta: The Christmas membership drive for the Red Cross netted $247 in this vicinity.
1917 December La Veta: The enlarged depot is now all completed and ship-shape.
1917 December La Veta: The town is offering a $23 reward for conviction of the party who broke down the newly erected "traffic cop' at the intersection of Main and Ryus Dec. 5.
1917 December Walsenburg: Barron's barber shop will be open until 11 p.m. on Christmas Eve and until 11:30 a.m. on Christmas Day. Four union barbers and a first class shoe shiner are at your service.
1917 December Walsenburg: Beginning Jan. 9, the Strand orchestra will give a dance every Wednesday evening at Maccabee Hall.
1917 December Walsenburg: Buy your Liberty Bonds at Guaranty State Bank.
1917 December Walsenburg: Died, Jesse Calvert Roche, an old pioneer of this vicinity. He was born in 1854.
1917 December Walsenburg: Hart-Schaffner and Marx wool suits and overcoats, $17 to $35, at the Agnes Brothers, 520 Main Street.
1917 December Walsenburg: John Wilson and Agnes Courtney, both of Turner, were married in town Saturday.
1917 December Walsenburg: Professor Charles A. Johnson is the new Huerfano County High School principal following Professor Caughran's departure to the Army.
1917 December Walsenburg: The brick work on the Klein Hotel addition is complete and it will soon be ready for occupancy.
1917 December Walsenburg: The Lascar post office in the northern part of this county was robbed of $20 in cash and $40 in stamps and the postmaster, Tom McMahon, had two watches stolen.
1917 December Walsenburg: The Red Cross now has branches in Pictou, Toltec, Walsen, Cameron, Ideal, Lester, Rouse, La Veta and Walsenburg.
1918 January La Veta: Buy your millinery of Mrs. Pearl Steele, on Main Street opposite Dr. Lamme's residence.
1918 January La Veta: Married: Phil Atchison and Leila Shaw; Walter A. Campbell and Daisy Hamilton; and Kimery Ritter and Emma R. Capps.
1918 January La Veta: The Ghiardi and Company delivery wagon has been making just two trips a week to Ojo due to the bad snow drifts.
1918 January La Veta: The ice is not ready to harvest yet because of the continued warm weather.
1918 January La Veta: There is to be a box supper Wednesday evening in the Echo Canon schoolhouse.
1918 January La Veta: Walter A. Campbell and Daisy Hamilton and Phil Atchison and Leila Shaw were married.
1918 January Walsenburg: Frank Amadei was appointed a member of the Walsenburg police force. He is exempt from army service because he is an alien, not a citizen.
1918 January Walsenburg: Probably the largest recent real estate deal in the county was made Monday when the John Meyer ranch near Gardner was sold for $75,000 to the Cross U Cattle Company of Westcliffe.
1918 January Walsenburg: Sears and Sears bought the Workman garage at Fourth and Main streets for $15,000.
1918 February La Veta February La Veta: Due to the government's war restrictions on food, grocery clerks Dick Roop and Grady Crawford are out of work.
1918 February La Veta: Dr. Lininger got an electric drill for his dentist office.
1918 February La Veta: Grandma Bruce is suffering from a dislocated shoulder caused by a fall off the porch at her home.
1918 February La Veta: Mr. Mayes added eight bedrooms and a dining room onto his own home in Cuchara Camps for a hotel.
1918 February La Veta: Paul Erwin and Marian Mildred Coe were married.
1918 February La Veta: Remember that Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are meatless days, Monday and Wednesday are wheatless days and Saturdays are porkless.
1918 February Walsenburg: Huerfano County Court with Joseph H. Patterson as judge collected $6,663.16 during the past year, of which $4,083.50 were fines collected.
1918 February Walsenburg: In Colorado hotels, breakfasts must be meatless and the evening meals wheatless. Meatless now means no beef, veal, pork, lamb or mutton shall be served in any form.
1918 February Walsenburg: The local freight train to the west was stalled for several hours just below La Veta by driving snow.
1918 March La Veta: A railroad car derailed just above Codo, killing several horses and mules and scattering household furnishings down the mountain.
1918 March La Veta: C.F. Boyd has rented his ranch on the upper Cucharas to Frank Arnold and will reside in town.
1918 March La Veta: Cornelia Simpson is now postmaster after the resignation of Fanny Simpson.
1918 March La Veta: D.A. Webb has purchased the home at the corner of Ryus Avenue and Locust Street, lately owned by C.H. Dorian.
1918 March La Veta: G.A. Mayes bought 100,000 trout for his fishing lakes.
1918 March La Veta: H.G. Hamilton has leased the town lake property for a yearly rental of $217.
1918 March La Veta: Joseph Vicenti was killed in the Oakview mine.
1918 March La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton are fixing up the south side of the plaza for their home.
1918 March La Veta: New officers of the Commercial Club are J. M. Lamme, president; Alex McDonald and A.J. Roush, vice presidents; W.L. Warner, treasurer and George A. Edmonston, secretary.
1918 March La Veta: Town Hall is open as a public reading room from 8-10 a.m. Sundays.
1918 March Walsenburg: About 30 couples attended the Hard-Times Ball at Turner.
1918 March Walsenburg: Fred G. Walsen sold his La Plata and De Las Gallinas ranches of 400 acres to T.J. Quillian.
1918 March Walsenburg: J.W. Thomas, editor of the Walsenburg Independent the past two years, has been replaced by T.J. Quillian.
1918 March Walsenburg: Peter Krier received a letter from his son Eddie saying he arrived safely somewhere in France.
1918 March Walsenburg: The $12,000 YMCA building, built by CF & I was formally opened Saturday night at Cameron camp with about 400 in attendance.
1918 March Walsenburg: Fred G. Walsen sold his La Plata and De Las Gallinas ranches, of 400 acres to T.J. Quillian.
1918 April 6: John L. East, attorney
1918 April La Veta: A Red Cross sewing room has been set up in the Lester building on Main Street.
1918 April La Veta: Allen Roush is moving his auto company into the La Veta Garage next to the railroad tracks.
1918 April La Veta: Died, James G. Hamilton, who came to La Veta in 1869, arriving just in time to share Christmas dinner with R.B. Willis at The Plaza.
1918 April La Veta: Died, Miss Lucy Ettie Lester, 58, of pneumonia. Miss Lester had been a schoolteacher in Huerfano County for 23 years.
1918 April La Veta: On account of the epidemic of measles the fifth and sixth grades under Miss Ritter have been discontinued for about two weeks.
1918 April La Veta: Paul Ghiardi has taken over management of the Spanish Peaks Hotel.
1918 April La Veta: The Crystal Theater is temporarily closed for business.
1918 April La Veta: Today is Liberty Day by proclamation of the President. The parade will start on Oak Street, circle the business part of town and stop at the bank where a speaker from Denver will give an address.
1918 April La Veta: Women were registered to vote yesterday, April 19.
1918 April Walsenburg: Charles Irvin is the new manager of the Huerfano Trading Company.
1918 April Walsenburg: Died, Antonio Jose Martinez, 75, who was born in Taos, N. Mex. and was an early pioneer of Huerfano County. He leaves his wife Manuelita and daughters Paulita and Mrs. Eugene Arknison.
1918 April Walsenburg: Emmett King says they have a new baby at their home and it is a boy.
1918 April Walsenburg: Paul Frohlich has married Mrs. Josie V. Harris in California.
1918 April Walsenburg: The new Town Board has appointed C.V. Mazzone police magistrate and H.H. Dally health officer.
1918 May La Veta: A committee has been formed to prepare a reception for our boys who have been called to the colors.
1918 May La Veta: Carl Elley is stationed at the Army balloon camp in Virginia.
1918 May La Veta: Daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin May 25 and to Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Byouk May 26.
1918 May La Veta: Echo Canon Farm Club gave a social Wednesday evening in honor of Neal Baysinger and Dominick Galassini who leave for the army Sunday.
1918 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. George Bruce are now at home in the stone house on the corner of Oak and Francisco streets.
1918 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Mayes expect to take quite a lengthy trip in their Ford as soon as school lets out to advertise Cuchara Camps through Texas and Kansas.
1918 May La Veta: Seventeen votes were cast in the school board election, with W.H. Hamilton receiving 16 and J.K. Kincaid, one.
1918 May La Veta: The farewell party at Kincaid Hall given for 14 boys off to the service was well attended and the crowd raised $130 for pocket money for them.
1918 May La Veta: The government has set aside nearly $3,000,000 for the Denver and Rio Grande to improve its equipment. It surely needs it.
1918 May La Veta: There was a tremendous response to the Liberty Day parade and the procession encircled three large town blocks. A total of $371.60 was collected for the Red Cross.
1918 May La Veta: This year's Chautauqua will be June 14-18.
1918 May Walsenburg: A license is required to buy more than 10¢ worth of fireworks.
1918 May Walsenburg: Agnes and Dissler are moving from the front of their building on Main Street to the rear room facing Seventh Street.
1918 May Walsenburg: Deputy Sheriff Joe Crump was shot in the leg when he dropped his gun.
1918 May Walsenburg: Graduates of Huerfano County High School this year are Bessie Bodycomb, Irma Frazy, Esther Toogood, Bruce Buckland and Albert Stanley.
1918 May Walsenburg: Lillian McNally is valedictorian at St. Mary High School. Other graduates are Hugo Lenzini, George Yourick, Elizabeth Templeman, Ruth Baer, Margaret Phillips, Mary Blockter and Bessie Ryan.
1918 May Walsenburg: School enrollment in Huerfano County this year was 5,495 or about 400 over that of 1917.
1918 May Walsenburg: The Huerfano County Soldiers and Sailors Mothers Army thanks all those who helped the boys on their departure for the service.
1918 May Walsenburg: The town board appointed C.V. Mazzone, police magistrate and H.H. Dally, health officer.
1918 May Walsenburg: The working clock in front of Louis Gilaudo's jewelry store has been repainted and the hands phosphorized.
1918 May Walsenburg: The residents around Mountainview in the Rattlesnake Buttes district gave a surprise taffy pull for Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Glover.
1918 June La Veta: Allen Roush has sold the La Veta Garage to Sears and Sears of Walsenburg.
1918 June La Veta: C.E. Thomas is offering a lot of bargains in his going-out-of-business sale at the hardware store.
1918 June La Veta: C.S. McCulloch and family of Vernon, Texas are in charge of the commissary at Cuchara Camps.
1918 June La Veta: County school enrollment at the end of the term was 5,495, about 400 more pupils than last year.
1918 June La Veta: J.W. Tinsley is now proprietor of the La Veta Meat Market.
1918 June La Veta: Luther Lee and Flora Elley were married.
1918 June La Veta: Roller skates have been banned from the sidewalks by the Board of Trustees.
1918 June La Veta: Some of the young people enjoyed a cookout at Daigre Lake last Saturday evening.
1918 June La Veta: The Nels Benston and E.H. Hollum families of Trinidad are spending some time at Cuchara Camps.
1918 June Walsenburg: The Radcliff Chautauqua Company opens Wednesday.
1918 July La Veta: A number of families are located on La Veta Pass so a dance was held Wednesday night in the schoolhouse.
1918 July La Veta: La Veta is not hosting any Fourth of July celebrations this year and most of the activities will be held in Cuchara Camps and other mountain canons.
1918 July La Veta: Lem Smith is richer by $350, having been paid back wages by the D&RC; accumulated since the first of the year.
1918 July La Veta: Mr. Lee has purchased the blacksmith shop of Mr. Roberts.
1918 July La Veta: The Commercial Club says La Veta has about 750 residents, four churches, a bank, school, two weekly newspapers, seven general stores, four blacksmith shops and an up-to-date garage.
1918 July Walsenburg: $1,042.23 was raised on the Fourth of July for the Red Cross.
1918 July Walsenburg: Baby girls were born this week to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Dissler and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Furlong.
1918 July Walsenburg: G. Palisano is having a Quitting Business sale.
1918 July Walsenburg: The law firm of Blickhahn and Blickhahn has been dissolved and George has resigned as deputy prosecuting attorney and moved from the court house to the Roof and Dick building, Fifth and Main. Henry, senior member of the firm, will retain the office and assume duties of the district attorney.
1918 July Walsenburg: The Sigma Girls enjoyed a picnic at the creek last Wednesday and afterward attended the dance at the pavilion.
1918 August La Veta: Died, Dr. J.M. Linegar, 33. He leaves his wife, the former Minnie Carver, whom he married last year.
1918 August La Veta: For sale, 320 acres, 100 acres under ditch; cut 240 ton hay last year; big good barn, bearing orchard, good house, outbuildings. Price $17,000 with crop; $15,000 without. J. E. Marker.
1918 August La Veta: Harris Martis, 33, a Greek, was killed by a fall of rock in the Oakdale mine and was buried in the local cemetery.
1918 August La Veta: Joe Brown's adobe house on the ranch he leases from the Hayes' estate south of town burned down Sunday afternoon.
1918 August La Veta: Miss Edna Dotson has obtained a position in government service in Washington, D.C. and will be accompanied there by her sister Miss Ruth and mother Mrs. H.T. Dotson.
1918 August La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Springer are parents of a baby boy born July 28.
1918 August La Veta: Mrs. R.E. Roberts received a letter from her nephew Claire Danks who is training to be an officer at Camp Taylor. His brother Dewey is in Texas and Boyd is serving in France.
1918 August La Veta: Pansy, Birdie and Orace Beamer were in Walsenburg Tuesday to see off Orace who has gone to Lincoln to join the colors.
1918 August La Veta: The four cottages at the Price ranch on Indian Creek are all rented out to tourists this month.
1918 August La Veta: The second annual farmers' picnic will be in La Veta on Labor Day. The program starts at 10 with a band concert, then races, dinner, another concert, speeches, horse races, races, a baseball game and finally, a dance in Kincaid Hall that evening.
1918 August Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klein have moved into the Levy residence on East Seventh Street.
1918 August Walsenburg: An Austrian by the name of Mike Musik was killed by a fall of rock in the Sunnyside mine Tuesday.
1918 August Walsenburg: An ordinance was passed requiring all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 55 to engage in some useful occupation during the war crisis.
1918 August Walsenburg: Baby Cab Tires put on at Setter's Fixit Shop, 520 Russell. Put on to stay.
1918 August Walsenburg: Dr. Gaines reports a brand new baby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duran at Ravenwood.
1918 August Walsenburg: George Klein has reopened the Klein hotel dining room.
1918 August Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sporleder are the proud parents of a girl born July 28.
1918 August Walsenburg: P.D. Hull got several broken ribs when he was struck by a train near Munson.
1918 August Walsenburg: Schwab and Schafer Packing Company is a strictly Huerfano County packing house. Keep your money at home.
1918 August Walsenburg: The Campfire Girls of Cameron had a Penny Social and donated the proceeds of about $15 to the Junior Fund of Red Cross.
1918 August Walsenburg: The Huerfano County Republicans motto is "Well directed fearlessness is a virtue not a crime."
1918 August Walsenburg: The Jeff Farr Jr., Roy Hill, John East and J.F. Coss families spent Sunday in Cuchara Camps.
1918 August Walsenburg: The Rattlesnake Buttes Farm Club met Aug. 14 at the home of J.E. Youman with 50 people present.
1918 August Walsenburg: There was a circus in town but the attendance was small. It is too soon after the Democratic convention for the people to indulge in frivolity again.
1918 August Walsenburg: Three prisoners in Sheriff Neelley's bastille escaped, taking with them $150 from the jail safe. One was recaptured.
1918 August Walsenburg: When the stock of linoleum at A.S. McIntire's Main Street store is gone, no more will be available until after the war, according the manufacturer.
1918 September La Veta: Alfred Atchison's house on the mesa north of town, occupied by the hired men, burned down early yesterday morning.
1918 September La Veta: At the present time 72 pupils are enrolled in the grades and 42 in the high school.
1918 September La Veta: For sale at a bargain: One of the best cottages in Cuchara Camps. Completely furnished. Cost $400. $350 takes it. C.S. McColloch, Cuchara Camps.
1918 September La Veta: H.S. Anderson the tailor can also do your upholstery work for you.
1918 September La Veta: Howard Moore and Pearl Smith were married.
1918 September La Veta: Messrs. Spain and Marsh took 150 pounds of honey from between the walls of the post office building.
1918 September La Veta: The warehouse of the La Veta Hardware Company was broken into Tuesday morning and about 200 pounds of binding twine taken.
1918 September Walsenburg: A.J. Dissler has purchased the interest of Charles Agnes in the furniture and household furnishings business of Agnes and Dissler and hereafter will conduct business as A.J. Dissler's.
1918 September Walsenburg: Artist W.J.D. Sobieski of the Fine Arts Studio won special mention for his cartoons in the county fair.
1918 September Walsenburg: Sears and Sears got their first Fordson tractor this week and will get a full shipment next week.
1918 September Walsenburg: Word has been received that Moses Benavidez, 18, met death on the battlefield for the freedom of the world.
1918 September Walsenburg: Word was received from Andrew "Scotty" Campbell that he arrived safely overseas with the 43rd Balloon Company.
1918 October 7: Guarantee State Bank, Walsenburg
1918 October La Veta: Dr. Henry J. French arrived the first of the week and reopened the late Dr. Lininger's dental office.
1918 October La Veta: Forty cases of influenza have been reported in the county, resulting in two deaths.
1918 October La Veta: Harry Springer died of Spanish Influenza in New Mexico, leaving a wife and two small children.
1918 October La Veta: Most hunters have tramped the hills until they were footsore and weary without seeing a sign of game in this vicinity.
1918 October La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. J.W. McRae received word their son Orlo had been killed in the war Aug. 29. He was 24.
1918 October La Veta: Next Sunday is the day for turning your clock back one hour or setting it ahead 11 hours.
1918 October La Veta: People are advised to remain at home if they have colds, acute catarrhal infections, or symptoms of such infections to avoid getting the Spanish influenza.
1918 October La Veta: Schools and all meeting places have been closed since Monday as a precaution against the Spanish Influenza.
1918 October La Veta: Take your clothes to the La Veta Bakery for steam cleaning.
1918 October Walsenburg: Artist W.J.D. Sobieski of the Fine Arts Studio won special mention for his cartoons at the county fair.
1918 October Walsenburg: Herbert Harmes is home on furlough after being wounded in France.
1918 October Walsenburg: Herbert Harmes was wounded in France and has returned home on furlough.
1918 October Walsenburg: Hilda Letitia Allison will be presented in a graduation concert by Miss Caroline Sporleder.
1918 October Walsenburg: The first death in Walsenburg from the so-called Spanish influenza is that of Miss Ruth Baer, bookkeeper for Sears and Sears Garage.
1918 November 8: Jake Schneider, Sam Riggs, and Albert Welsby, all whom have been residents of Walsenburg for several years, left Monday for Pittsburg, Pa. where they will obtain employment in the steel works there.
1918 November 8: Mrs. Arthur Wooten has gone to Aguilar to visit some friends.
1918 November La Veta: A.B. Parks shipped 77 hogs last week so is $3,000 richer.
1918 November La Veta: Born, daughters to Mr. and Mrs. Akers on Oct. 18 and to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Prator Oct. 20.
1918 November La Veta: D.A. Webb has moved into the Lester building and Phil Atchison is occupying the John Kincaid building opposite the Baptist Church.
1918 November La Veta: Died, Mike Pene, Jane Roberts Wilkinson, Anna Lane and Andrew Dusnak.
1918 November La Veta: Died, Robert Denton, Julia J. Stone, Joseph H. Hunter and Mrs. J.M. Garren.
1918 November La Veta: La Veta Pass is blocked with snow so no trains have been through. Only eight inches fell in town.
1918 November La Veta: Owing to the Spanish Influenza epidemic, we were spared the usual political platform speeches preceeding an election.
1918 November La Veta: The Spanish Influenza epidemic seems to be getting better in La Veta but there have been several deaths this week at Oakview.
1918 November La Veta: William Bruce was appointed acting town marshal.
1918 November Walsenburg: Fifteen influenza cases have been reported in the city and 40 more around the county, but only two deaths have occurred from the disease.
1918 November Walsenburg: Henry Tsuji must sell his Palace Cafe because he is returning to Japan.
1918 November Walsenburg: Miss Ella Shaft, 24, has died of the Spanish Influenza.
1918 November Walsenburg: The "flu'' ban is lifted today all over the county except at La Veta, Oakview and Ojo. The shows and other places will open after nearly a month's idleness.
1918 November Walsenburg: The extra half cent per mile war tax charged on sleeper car tickets will be discontinued on Dec. 1.
1918 November Walsenburg: William Jardine learned his only son, Harold, died of pneumonia in France.
1918 November Walsenburg: Word was flashed over the wires at 2:40 a.m. Tuesday that German envoys had signed the Allies armistice terms.
1918 December La Veta: A Wienie Roast was enjoyed by some of the young people at the lake Friday evening.
1918 December La Veta: Although all the other schools in the county are reopening Jan. 6, La Veta's will remain closed until the flu epidemic subsides.
1918 December La Veta: D.A. Webb has moved his shoe shop to Cobblers' Row south of the E.L. Smith store.
1918 December La Veta: During the past week there have been many more cases of flu than at any time previously, but so far the death rate is small.
1918 December La Veta: Hubert Atchison and Ben Owens are about the first of our soldier boys to return home.
1918 December La Veta: Robert Flockhart has opened a furniture store in the Lester building on Main Street.
1918 December La Veta: There have been three or four deaths from the Spanish influenza in the county.
1918 December La Veta: We have been asked to solicit help from residents for caring for the numerous sick families in town.
1918 December Walsenburg: All county schools will open Jan. 6 except La Veta and Clover where the flu is still raging.
1918 December Walsenburg: Burglars got off with $355 from the boardinghouse at Turner and also robbed the Beneni pool hall on South Main Street.
1918 December Walsenburg: Ella Shaft, 24, of this city, died of Spanish influenza.
1918 December Walsenburg: Mr. Krier has sold his shoe stop to J.O. Doughty.
1918 December Walsenburg: Mrs. Daniel Williams died at Big Four of the Spanish Influenza, leaving a husband and eight children, five of whom are down with the "flu."
1918 December Walsenburg: Plumber Henry Setter will occupy the room opposite the post office vacated by Edwards and Dick, who moved next door on the north of Bernstein's.
1918 December Walsenburg: Ronaldo Trujillo and two small sons have died of the "flu" at Clover.
1918 December Walsenburg: Superintendent Kaiser of the Cameron mine says the "flu" cases there are improving.
1919 January La Veta: Albert Parks has received his big Winton 6, a $4,000 car and the swellest machine, by far, in this section.
1919 January La Veta: Fifty-seven calves from this place were shipped to Denver as a contribution to the Red Cross.
1919 January La Veta: For Sale: 44 four-month old pigs and two fine brood sows, Poland China and Duroc Jersey. Cheap if taken at once. Inquire C.E. Thomas.
1919 January La Veta: Henry Heikes has closed his cobbler's shop and is visiting his brother on the ranch before returning to his old home in Kansas.
1919 January La Veta: Lewis Nilson the tailor is now located in the Turner building next door to the meat market.
1919 January La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Erwin became parents of a boy born Jan. 9.
1919 January La Veta: School will reopen in the Sager district next week and all students must be inoculated against the influenza.
1919 January La Veta: The local ice house has been filled and 50 tons were shipped to Pueblo.
1919 January La Veta: Ice cutting has commenced.
1919 January Walsenburg: Although no new cases of scarlet fever have been reported, it was deemed advisable to postpone the opening of school until Jan. 5.
1919 January Walsenburg: The Shaddy brothers of Aguilar are opening a new dry goods store on Main Street.
1919 January Walsenburg: Walsenburg is to have a creamery. Frank Mauro of the State Brokerage and Manufacturing Company says a $5,000 plant will be installed.
1919 January Walsenburg: Word was received of the death of Cpl. Charles S. Elmire in France last November on his 24th birthday.
1919 February 21: Huerfano County Casualties of Recent Date – In the casualty list of the past week are the names of three Huerfano County boys, Walter, E. Baker of Oakview, Edward M. Killen of Malachite and Manual Duran of Walsenburg. Baker and Killen were slightly wounded and were reported some weeks ago in the Independent. Walter Duran, son of Mrs. Ignacita Duran was also slightly wounded.
1919 February 21: We noticed the smiling countenance of P.T. Kimbrel at the county house yesterday.
1919 February 7: A 10 and ½ pound baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Furphy Friday. Mother and daughter are doing nicely.
1919 February 7: Better get some of those fancy Colorado potatoes at the C.O.D. Store now selling at $1.98 per 100 lbs.
1919 February 7: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allison, a baby girl, Sunday.
1919 February 7: Ed McCorkish, Walter Montgomery, Burl Goss and P.G. Cameron were in Denver last week.
1919 February 7: Mickey Slavage was in camp last week from Walsenburg.
1919 February 7: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Alguin are the proud parents of a baby boy born the later part of January.
1919 February 7: Mrs. F.A. Lockhart, who has been seriously ill for the past week, is still under the physician’s care.
1919 February 7: Mrs. Pedro Gonzales, wife of the county jailer, is recovering from a two-weeks illness.
1919 February 7: Mrs. Wm. Underhill and baby, Meda Mae, spent several days with Mrs. P.D. Hull last week.
1919 February 7: T.M. Hudson was down from Gardner on business Saturday.
1919 February La Veta: A new stone residence is being built on what is known as the old Hayes ranch to replace the home which burned down last summer.
1919 February La Veta: As of Feb. 1 the U.S. Food Administration ceased to exist and government control over food supplies and consumption ended.
1919 February La Veta: Bud Tessari, George Pickens and George Andrews have returned home after serving Uncle Sam.
1919 February La Veta: Carl Hector, Bid Baker, Paul Erwin and Frank DeVietti arrived home safe and sound from across the seas Tuesday.
1919 February La Veta: Falk Brothers bought the old Jasper Bruce ranch six miles south of town on the Cucharas.
1919 February La Veta: La Veta Hardware is moving into the former Cisney and Sparks store building.
1919 February La Veta: Mrs. Eva Lenox is the new manager of the telephone exchange and she and her husband will live in the telephone office.
1919 February La Veta: The La Veta Light, Heat and Power Company changed its rates to 12 ½ cents meter rate and a $1 minimum per month per Kw, with a 10 percent discount for prompt payment.
1919 February La Veta: The Misses Cepha and May Arnold have returned from Texas and are again keeping house for their father Asa on the ranch up the Cucharas.
1919 February La Veta: The second crop of ice is being hauled and 12 to 14 carloads have been shipped.
1919 February La Veta: Three quarts of milk for 25¢ at La Veta Meat and Produce.
1919 February Walsenburg: Beginning Feb. 1, the U.S. Food Administration ceased to exist and government control over food supplies and consumption ended.
1919 February Walsenburg: Died, D.A. Sexton, the postmaster at Gardner.
1919 February Walsenburg: Dr. Lesher sold his dental practice to Dr. H.D. Mustain.
1919 February Walsenburg: Frank LoPresto was acquitted of the charge of murdering Joe Bruno.
1919 February Walsenburg: Mortiz Bernstein, deceased, left his branch store at Raton to his sister.
1919 February Walsenburg: Moses Daher is home on furlough.
1919 February Walsenburg: The roads to Pueblo and La. Veta are impassable due to wind and blowing snow.
1919 February Walsenburg: Watch repairs, M. Sojak, Seventh and Rosedale Streets.
1919 March La Veta: La Veta Hardware has moved into the building next door to Cisney and Sparks on Main Street.
1919 March La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Wheeler are parents of a baby girl and the E.C. Norrises have a new little boy at their house.
1919 March La Veta: Some wagons came in from the San Luis Valley and said the trip took them seven days, mostly shoveling snow.
1919 March La Veta: The Achievement Day program by the Pioneer Boys and Girls' Club at Sager schoolhouse was enjoyed by all.
1919 March La Veta: The La Veta Hardware Store is moving next door to the former Cisney and Sparks building on the west side of Main Street.
1919 March La Veta: William Boyd bought the Egglestons' Star Livery garage and delivery business.
1919 March Walsenburg: Edward Slates has been appointed the new postmaster for Walsenburg and will begin his duties in mid-April.
1919 March Walsenburg: John Kirkpatrick of the Huerfano Trading Company says his company will build a branch store at Alamosa.
1919 March Walsenburg: Order a case of Blatz.
1919 March Walsenburg: Plans are being made for a new school house in the McKinley district west of the Rattlesnake Buttes.
1919 March Walsenburg: Sheriff J.B. Farr and County Clerk Freeland were ordered by the Supreme Court to vacate their offices, ruling their election one and a half years ago was unlawful.
1919 March Walsenburg: The Red Cross leased a room at the Elks Hall for a club for soldiers and sailors.
1919 March Walsenburg: The Supreme Court has ruled that Walsenburg is a city of the second class because the census of 1910 showed a population of over 2,300, which meant the town should have reorganized at that time.
1919 April La Veta: A dance and supper is to be given tonight in honor of the returned soldiers.
1919 April La Veta: Commercial Club elected W.L. Warner, president; S.L. Smith and C.C. Webster, vice presidents; H.M. Stockwell, treasurer and George A. Edmonston, secretary.
1919 April La Veta: Dr. S.J. Lamme announced that he is moving his practice to Walsenburg.
1919 April La Veta: G.A. Boyd is the new mayor after a coin was tossed to determine whether he or S.J. Capps would hold the position. Both received 110 votes in the recent election.
1919 April La Veta: Sumpter Martin has purchased the Lester sawmill at the head of the Cucharas and will move it to his upper ranch.
1919 April La Veta: The town has secured half of Block 82 for taxes against the Willis Estate, and will trade Robert Flockhart for a right-of-way out of town on the West.
1919 April La Veta: Two hundred and twenty seven people cast ballots in the town election, of 390 registered.
1919 April La Veta: William Culler opened a cigar store and soft drink emporium in the Mauldin building.
1919 April Walsenburg: Common Sense Grocery will open Saturday at 606 Main Street.
1919 April Walsenburg: Edward Slates is the new postmaster for Walsenburg.
1919 April Walsenburg: Harold Nicholds, former mine clerk at Gordon, is going into business with his brother George in the Western Confectionery Co.
1919 April Walsenburg: Sporleder Selling Company is having a 30 by 70 foot addition built onto the east side of their building.
1919 April Walsenburg: I. Nijak is the manager of the Shaddy Brothers' new Liberty Store.
1919 April Walsenburg: Irvin Radcliff sold his blacksmith shop on West Seventh Street to Alfredo Cocetti, formerly of Mutual.
1919 April Walsenburg: J.M. Manzanares, 89, died. He is survived by his son, County Clerk A.T. Manzanares and his 109-year-old mother. He and hius Mother hasve lived here since 1870.
1919 April Walsenburg: John Kirkpatrick of Huerfano Trading says his company will build a branch store at Alamosa.
1919 April Walsenburg: Solomon John leased the old Clem Brown store at Red Wing from Hector Brown.
1919 April Walsenburg: Sporleder Selling Company is having a 30 by 70 foot addition built onto the east side of their building.
1919 April Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Furniture Store, managed by Joe Bain and Alex Bulavsky, will open soon in the Mazzone building at Main and Sixth Streets.
1919 April Walsenburg: Walsenburg had its first election since becoming a city. Elected were C.V. Mazzone, mayor, G.R. Caldwell, clerk and recorder and R.A. Stephens, treasurer.
1919 May La Veta: Dr. Chisolm from Trinidad is taking over the hospital with the departure of the Lammes to Walsenburg.
1919 May La Veta: Edwin L. Smith is planning something to celebrate his 19th anniversary in business here.
1919 May La Veta: Eight hundred sacks of potatoes were dumped in Middle Creek canon by a freight wreck, much to the benefit of those able to reach the scene of the "Murphy mess."
1919 May La Veta: Gene Vories is the new ranger for San Isabel National Forest.
1919 May La Veta: The Coleman brothers are building a stone residence for John Smalley in North La Veta.
1919 May La Veta: The Lamme brothers sold their hospital to a Dr. Chisolm.
1919 May La Veta: The Red Cross chapter of Huerfano county will give a smoker for all returned soldiers, sailors and marines at the Elks Hall in Walsenburg.
1919 May La Veta: The seniors sold $124 worth of tickets for their class play but many of the ticket holders couldn't even get a look into the hall it was so crowded.
1919 May La Veta: The Sherman family of Trinidad has arrived to spend the summer in their cottage at Cuchara Camps.
1919 May La Veta: W.J. Pierce and family of Colorado Springs have taken charge of the Sulphur Springs for Dr. Acker and the buildings are being repaired.
1919 May La Veta: With both the doctors Lamme leaving, Dr. Mathews will be the only physician in town.
1919 May Walsenburg: C.N. Bissell has gone into the real estate business and has his office with Contractor H.E. Hobart just east of Neelley-Caldwell Hardware.
1919 May Walsenburg: Dr. A.S. Abdun-Nur sold the Star Drug to the Drs. Lamme of La Veta.
1919 May Walsenburg: Edward Slates began his duties as postmaster today.
1919 May Walsenburg: Knights of Columbus presented a Hard Times Dance in their hall Saturday night with prizes going to Mary Bruce, Albert Lenzini and Albert Lowrey.
1919 May Walsenburg: Mike Joseph moved his shoe repair shop to the first room north of Guaranty State Bank.
1919 May Walsenburg: Nifty wire fly swatters, 10 cents at A.J. Dissler's.
1919 May Walsenburg: Pictured is a snapshot of Echo Falls on the north slope of the West Spanish Peak.
1919 May Walsenburg: Polish Lodge Branch #776 Z.P.N. will hold a celebration at their hall May 18 in honor of the national Polish holiday.
1919 May Walsenburg: The bunkhouse at Gordon was blown down in the windstorm this week.
1919 May Walsenburg: The Graves Electric Company on Main Street will be turned over to Trinidad parties shortly.
1919 May Walsenburg: The Strand Theater is moving to the former Baxter Trading Company harness shop on Main Street.
1919 May Walsenburg: This year's graduates from St. Mary High School are Charlotte Murray and Anna Simons.
1919 May Walsenburg: Young Brothers are tearing down their brick garage building to construct a new 60 by 110 foot building.
1919 June La Veta: Christian Science services are being held in Stranger Hall.
1919 June La Veta: Gene Vories is the new ranger for the San Isabel National Forest.
1919 June La Veta: George Lee and Imo Elley were married.
1919 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Brazil have taken over management of the Springer Hotel.
1919 June La Veta: Mr. Mayes has built a new store at Cuchara Camps, is enlarging the pavilion and adding six bedrooms to the hotel.
1919 June La Veta: Mrs. Dennis Driscol is here visiting from Saguache. She is the daughter of Julia Brown, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, were murdered here in 1876 Miss Brown later married a Sutton who once lived where the Crumleys are now.
1919 June La Veta: Mrs. Thomas F. Brazil is running the hotel and rates are $3.25 a day.
1919 June La Veta: Pansy Beamer is now clerking at the store of Edwin L. Smith.
1919 June La Veta: Paul Erwin came across the Cucharas divide and reports the road is just passable for automobiles, but nothing to brag about.
1919 June La Veta: The Joy Night Man, Clarence L. Burgderfer, and His Company of Mirth Provokers will be here next week during the Chatauqua.
1919 June La Veta: The Junior Chautauqua will include a Boys Field Meet with races, jumps and chinning.
1919 June La Veta: The Merry-Go-Round has gone and so have a good many nickels.
1919 June La Veta: The town has invested about $500 in some new fire hose and now has about 1,000 feet of it.
1919 June Walsenburg: Dr. A.S. Abdun-Nur left this morning for a new home in Nevada. A going-away party was held at Princess Hall in Aguilar with 100 present.
1919 June Walsenburg: Drs. Lamme will add five rooms to the rear of Star Drug, extending the building to the alley, for their offices.
1919 June Walsenburg: Members of the Mosca Pass Boosters of Huerfano County and the San Luis Valley are initiating a movement to have the Pass reopened for travel.
1919 June Walsenburg: Only $1,685 for a new Nash at Hill and Wayt's on North Main.
1919 June Walsenburg: Rev. G.S. Darley will be the new minister at the Presbyterian Church.
1919 July La Veta: E.T. Crawley, an employee of the railroad, married May Alexander, who works at the post office.
1919 July La Veta: For rent: apartments in the Minnie Adamson Property on Francisco. Enquire of Pansy Beamer.
1919 July La Veta: Miss Evalyn Capps has been hired to teach the primary department in our public school.
1919 July La Veta: Mrs. J.M. Lininger is now the nurse for Dr. Chisolm. The hospital has been moved to the second floor.
1919 July La Veta: Mrs. T.P. Steele moved her millinery back to her own building on South Main.
1919 July La Veta: Richard Eden, 70, was killed by lightning, leaving a wife and small child.
1919 July La Veta: The local Boy Scouts camped at Sulphur Springs Tuesday evening with their leader William Holmgren.
1919 July Walsenburg: Catherine Kerr, who taught in our public school two years, was married to Herbert J. Furphy of the First National Bank July 3 in St. Mary Church by Fr. J.B. Liciotti.
1919 July Walsenburg: Do you remember the good old days when the Grocery Bill was $25 to $50 LESS per month than it is now? Save 25¢ on the dollar at Common Sense Grocery.
1919 July Walsenburg: Dr. P.C. Mathews says he drove 161 miles in the mud to get home from his fishing trip in Creede.
1919 July Walsenburg: Dr. W.S. Chapman bought the very old adobe residence of John Brown on East Fifth Street between his residence and his office.
1919 July Walsenburg: I will sell you standard make Non-Skid Automobile Tires for $13.45 for size 30x3. Inner tubes from $3.25 up. S.B. Jellison.
1919 July Walsenburg: In the special election last Monday, a $90,000 bond was approved to build a new high school.
1919 July Walsenburg: Mike Reviglio sold his interest in the Central Garage to Ben Vaughn and the firm will now be known as Cornwall and Vaughn.
1919 July Walsenburg: Miss Katheryn Kmetz, who works in the grocery department of Krier's store, is vacationing in the mountains.
1919 July Walsenburg: Postage has dropped back to pre-war rates. Letters are 2¢ and postcards are 1¢.
1919 July Walsenburg: Private John Furphy, 18, has been reported dead of pneumonia in Coblenz, Germany.
1919 July Walsenburg: The Doctors Lamme bought the Bertolero residence and lots at Seventh and Albert Streets and plan to build a hospital.
1919 July Walsenburg: The girls from Cameron are now attending the CF&I's Camp of the Whispering Pines at Stonewall.
1919 July Walsenburg: The Radcliffe Chautauqua July 10-12 will feature veterans of the world war, concerts, Sam Belino the Accordion King, reading, impersonations and lectures.
1919 July Walsenburg: The tourist - Here is a field that needs only seeding and cultivating to make it of great material advantage to Walsenburg. Something should be done to induce the tourist to stay awhile in Walsenburg.
1919 July Walsenburg: Victor and Edison machines and records in stock; July issue just received. Allison Brothers.
1919 August La Veta: Eighteen men died in the gas explosion in the Oakview mine Monday, August 18. One hundred and fifty men were at work at the time.
1919 August La Veta: La Veta Lumber and supply will roof over its yard and put in cement walls about a foot high on which to stack the lumber, and add offices and store rooms.
1919 August La Veta: Levine Haase is now running his father's barbershop.
1919 August La Veta: Miss Evalyn Capps has declined the position as primary teacher.
1919 August La Veta: Mrs. Brazil is renting rooms at the Springer Hotel for $1 a day and up.
1919 August La Veta: P.L. Estes sold the drug store to his son, Clyde.
1919 August La Veta: The Atchison grain crop on the mesa north of town which we understand covers 400 acres, is a beautiful sight at the present time.
1919 August La Veta: The basement is in and the walls under construction for the new John Hamilton home adjoining Francisco Plaza.
1919 August Walsenburg: Baxter Hardware and Trading handles the Studebaker, International Harvester and John Deere Plow Co. lines of wagons and implements.
1919 August Walsenburg: Juan A. Trujillo and Solomon Pino lost about 500 acres of crops below Cucharas in the hailstorm Friday.
1919 August Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hill are moving into the property they recently purchased from M.Y. Farr on Third Street.
1919 August Walsenburg: Recent marriages include those of Ruth Gilmore to Andrew C. Schafer and Pearl Phipps to George B. Dick.
1919 August Walsenburg: The Dick-Gardner service station on South Main Street is now open for business.
1919 August Walsenburg: The south bound passenger train was badly wrecked and the engineer killed Tuesday on the grade just at the foot of Main Street.
1919 August: Ground was broken last week for a parish home for the Catholic Church on the vacant lots just east of the church on Seventh Street. Contractor Camille will build the $12,000 edifice.
1919 August: St. Mary's Ussel Memorial School will open Sept. 2 for its seventh term.
1919 September La Veta: Bill Culler's shop offers cigars, beer, pop and ice cream.
1919 September La Veta: CF&I is having its big hay warehouse near the tracks painted.
1919 September La Veta: Dr. Humphreys is assisting Dr. Chisolm at the hospital and Miss Blackmer is the nurse.
1919 September La Veta: Eleven loaves of bread $1 at the La Veta Bakery.
1919 September La Veta: Fred Vasquez is reopening his smithy.
1919 September La Veta: Green, Will and George Bruce returned from Las Animas County where they have been building a forest service trail near the Murray ranch.
1919 September La Veta: H.S. Anderson is prepared to do tailoring and upholstering.
1919 September La Veta: Jake Tessari bought the burned out Luther Kerby residence and will repair it.
1919 September La Veta: John W. Vernon is selling his ranches and cattle on the Cucharas to James J. Shippy and associates from New Mexico and Oklahoma for $55,000. This includes 2,000 acres on top of the divide and 400 or 500 acres in the valley on the old Mack place.
1919 September La Veta: La Veta Meat and Produce is now situated in the La Veta Bakery on Main Street.
1919 September La Veta: That rentals are in short supply is proven by the fact a family is living in the McDonald store building on Francisco Street.
1919 September La Veta: The Masonic Lodge will be remodeled in order to enlarge the hall.
1919 September La Veta: The new La Veta Milling and Produce company, a farmers' cooperative, bought the flour mill, house and block around them.
1919 September La Veta: Forty-one students are enrolled in the high school and 190 in the lower grades, for a total of 231.
1919 September Walsenburg: A 74-year-old man was killed when his auto left the hogback crossing and fell 20 feet into the town drainage ditch.
1919 September Walsenburg: Paul Schooler is teaching at Mesa School this term.
1919 September Walsenburg: See the new Chevrolet Model 490, $865 at Hill and Wayt, North Main.
1919 September Walsenburg: The county commissioners offered to share expenses with the city to straighten the curve at the south end of Main Street and replace the old bridge.
1919 September Walsenburg: The front of the Star Grocery has been removed and new windows put in.
1919 September Walsenburg: The Tire Shop will be closed Sept. 25 and 26 for Jewish New Year.
1919 September Walsenburg: Try our Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tires, perfect for rough roads. The Tire Shop.
1919 September: The new building next to Lobby's Cigar Store will be occupied by Mr. Countrayman's confectionery and news stand and Mike Joseph's shoe shop.
1919 October La Veta: A school for the faithful opened in the Adventist Church.
1919 October La Veta: As 52 children are enrolled in the primary department, it is necessary to divide the day so one half can attend from nine to twelve and the other half from one to four.
1919 October La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Smith have moved into their new home behind their store at Francisco and Main, Streets after selling their stone house at Main and Virginia.
1919 October La Veta: The estimated cost of making a good automobile road from town to the top of the divide on the upper Cucharas is $14,000.
1919 October La Veta: The warehouse extension on Paul Ghiardi's store building is done.
1919 October Walsenburg: About 100 people filled the Klein Hotel dining room for the Commercial Club banquet last Saturday night.
1919 October Walsenburg: Announcing the organization of the Huerfano Oil and Gas Company, offering the public 15,000 shares to drill for oil in Huerfano County. The office is in Walsenburg Electric, 508 Main Street.
1919 October Walsenburg: At the Strand Theatre, Nazimova in ''The Brat,'' where devotion in rags shames jealousy in silks.
1919 October Walsenburg: County Commissioner Charles E. Furphy married Miss Gladys Gardner and is off on his honeymoon.
1919 October Walsenburg: One of our oldest citizens, A.J. Sanchez, passed away Sunday at the age of 69 years, leaving 10 children.
1919 October Walsenburg: Paul Rogers, 11 years old, was killed when his horse fell on him after school on the Santa Clara.
1919 October Walsenburg: The car confiscated a few weeks ago by Sheriff Neelley for carrying liquor was sold for $325 which goes into the school fund.
1919 October Walsenburg: The citizens and employees at Ideal have formed a Protective Association to prohibit inflammatory speeches or abuse the American way.
1919 October Walsenburg: The contract to build a new high school has been let to Emilio Ghione for $66,000, not including plumbing, heating or wiring.
1919 October Walsenburg: The Huerfano Oil and Gas Company was organized and is offering the public 15,000 shares. The company, which will drill in this county, is located in Walsenburg Electric office at 508 Main.
1919 October Walsenburg: Victor-American union miners have been exempted by the United Mine Workers of America in the called general strike beginning tomorrow.
1919 November La Veta: Born, a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Denton on Nov. 13.
1919 November La Veta: Clark Falk is back home after serving in Siberia.
1919 November La Veta: G.A. Mayes is engaged in building more cottages at Cuchara Camps.
1919 November La Veta: J. Osborne Jones, master mechanic at Oakview, died in an accident at the mine. He was born in South Wales in 1888 and moved to Oakview in 1912.
1919 November La Veta: Lewis Nilson bought H.S. Anderson's tailoring shop and will occupy two rooms in the Turner building on Main Street.
1919 November La Veta: Miss Ida Klutz from Indiana is the new instructor for the fifth and sixth grades.
1919 November La Veta: The high school students drove out to Three Bridges and took their supper last evening with their teachers. 1923: The high school Halloween party, given by the sophomores for 91 students and faculty, was a decided success with only three or four students missing.
1919 November La Veta: Twenty years ago John Stranger moved his old restaurant building back to the alley and it's there yet.
1919 November La Veta: W.L. Warner was called suddenly to Pueblo Wednesday by the death of his mother.
1919 November Walsenburg: A large golden eagle measuring seven feet, caught accidentally in a trap near the Rattlesnake Buttes, is on display in a cage at the Neelley real estate office.
1919 November Walsenburg: A nine pound boy was born to Dr. and Mrs. J.M. Lamme Nov. 26. The young gentleman's name we understand is James M. Jr.
1919 November Walsenburg: A union express office is going in to the building vacated by August Unfug on East Fifth.
1919 November Walsenburg: Miss Arna Josephine Hendren, 10, will be presented in a graduation concert by Miss Sporleder's Studio next Sunday evening.
1919 November Walsenburg: The coal chutes along the railroad in town are almost completed.
1919 November Walsenburg: Trinidad Gas and Electric Supply Company bought Walsenburg Electric from O.F. Mathes and A. R. Lowery.
1919 December La Veta: Jasper Smith, father of Bert, died. Married to Louisa Boyd in 1877,they moved to La Veta in 1879, bought their ranch the following year and lived there until Mrs. Smith's death in 1915.
1919 December La Veta: Jap Bruce is taking a lay-off for a month; it has been a long time since he spent a day loafing.
1919 December La Veta: Mike Andrich is running the La Veta Cafe.
1919 December La Veta: Mr. Harrison, who once hauled coal from Indian Creek with a yoke of oxen to supply the town, was here from the western slope to visit his son Emmett.
1919 December La Veta: Mrs. M.M. Springer is taking back the management of her hotel.
1919 December La Veta: Some buffalo meat from the Trinchera Estate was on sale at the meat market Wednesday and was quickly disposed of.
1919 December La Veta: Town authorities have ordered that no public gatherings may be enjoyed until the scarlet fever scare is over.
1919 December Walsenburg: Adolph Arthur Unfug, second son of Adolph Unfug, and Chara Kincaid, daughter of Joe K. Kincaid of La Veta, announced their secret marriage about six weeks ago.
1919 December Walsenburg: Denver and Rio Grande Railroad will build a freight depot on the site of its old passenger depot which burned down in September.
1919 December Walsenburg: Mike Joseph has moved his shoe shop into the new Countrayman building on East Sixth Street.
1919 December Walsenburg: Parson S. Brown has purchased the Sessum barbershop on East Sixth Street.
1919 December Walsenburg: Quong Sing, owner of the Silver Club Cafe, was found murdered Wednesday evening, evidently for the bag of gold coins he was known to have.
1919 December Walsenburg: Tuesday morning the temperature dropped to 26 degrees below zero.