1940 January La Veta: About six inches of snow fell on the dry soil Wednesday.
1940 January La Veta: According to the latest report, mountain lion, coyote and bobcats are increasing in numbers in the San Isabel National Forest while elk and black bears are decreasing.
1940 January La Veta: Charles Alexander won the $5 prize, O.W. Beamer, $2 and F.T. Crawley and L.P. Springer $1 each in the Jaycees-sponsored "Trade at Horne" campaign.
1940 January La Veta: Earl Beamer reported for duty with the Navy and is the sixth La Veta boy to have enlisted with them in the past few months.
1940 January La Veta: Eastern Star installed Gladys Stansbury, W.M., Arthur Peachey, W.P., Mary Ellis, treasurer and Constance Ghiardi, secretary.
1940 January La Veta: Gladys Stansbury was installed Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star.
1940 January La Veta: Huerfano County's coal mines produced 82,000 tons this November and with 911 employed ranked fourth in the state.
1940 January La Veta: La Veta American Legion will sponsor an old time dance at Kincaid Hall New Year's Eve with music by Clarence Garmes' orchestra.
1940 January La Veta: Mr. McClure, supervisor of the construction of the new forest ranger residence, conducted Rotary members and their wives through the building Tuesday following the regular dinner and meeting at the La Veta Hotel.
1940 January La Veta: Mrs. Pete Brown was honored with a miscellaneous shower at Mrs. C.N. Brown's home.
1940 January La Veta: Senior Class News - There are too many boys in our class.
1940 January La Veta: The best snowfall of the season left eight or ten inches in this vicinity.
1940 January La Veta: The biggest snowfall of the season fell Friday and Saturday, leaving some eight to 10 inches and a temperature of six below.
1940 January La Veta: The Redskins traveled to Hoehne last Friday and lost a heart breaker by a score of 36-32.
1940 January Walsenburg: A check for $4,037.50 will be mailed by City Treasurer Malcolm MacDonald for payment in full of the city's 85 percent of liquor license collections for the year, which goes into the state's old age pension fund.
1940 January Walsenburg: Andreatta Grocery and Market, 234 West Seventh Street, is the only store in Walsenburg to have its own ranch to supply livestock products.
1940 January Walsenburg: Following two months of construction, Walsenburg's most picturesque cafe and bar, the Knotty Pine at 119 West Seventh, had its formal opening yesterday.
1940 January Walsenburg: Riprap work on the city reservoir, necessitated by the base crumbling last summer when the reservoir went dry, has been suspended.
1940 January Walsenburg: Starting Thursday the Gem Theater will present a special ladies matinee at which will be given free hosiery through the courtesy of Unfug Apparel Shop.
1940 January Walsenburg: The Bain Department Store at Seventh and Main will begin its closing-out sale Wednesday and the store will move to its remodeled Seventh Street warehouse.
1940 January Walsenburg: The Catholic Daughters will sponsor the annual Pre-Lenten Ball Feb. 3 in the St. Mary Auditorium with Charlie Quaranta and his orchestra of Pueblo furnishing the music.
1940 February La Veta: About 15 boys are stationed at the CCC side camp here.
World Independent 2-6-1940 Micor – Giro Nuptials Solemnized – A wedding of interest to many was solemnized Sunday morning at the home of Justice of the Peace Fred Barron, when Miss Mary Micor became the bride of George Giro. The bride was attractive in an ice pinks satin gown. She carried a bouquet of gardenias and white sweetheart roses. Mrs. Steve Pierotti, sister of the bride, was her only attendant. She wore a turquoise dress with nay accessories. Her bouquet was of pink roses. Attendant to the groom was John Giro. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Micor. She graduated from Huerfano county high school and has been employed at Krier's Federated store. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Giro. He is employed by the Lenzini Petroleum Co. Following the ceremony, a reception was given by the bride's parents. The couple are at home on East Sixth street.
World Independent 2-6-1940 Quirico – Berno Nuptials Announced – One of the seasons loveliest weddings was solemnized Saturday at the Sacred Heart church in Alamosa when Lucille Quirico became the bride of Peter Berno of this city. The Rev. Fatrher McCarthy, officiated. The bride, who was given in marriage by her Father, chose a lovely white satin gown. Her long tulle veil fell from a coronet on her head. She carried a bridal bouquet of pink roses. Little Lorna Kay McCloud, acted as train bearer. She wore an ivory satin dress, adorned with pink and pinks ribbons. Her tiny veil was of white tulle. The ring was carried ona white satin heart-shaped pillow, by Junior Nigro. Miss Katherine Dighera of Trinidad, was maid of honor. She was smartly attired in a fuschia taffeta gown. In place of a hat, she wore a halo of wine taffeta, with streamers falling to the hem of her gown. She carried a bouquet of red roses. Alex Nigro acted as best man. Following the ceremony, a wedding reception was held at he home of the bride's parents. The couple are at home at 1021 W. Seventh.
1940 February La Veta: County Agent Phil Miles will take applications from farmers and ranchers south and west of La Veta for the purpose of forming a rural electrification district.
1940 February La Veta: Died, Jose Eligio "Lee" Montoya, a resident here since 1871. He leaves two daughters, Mrs. Joe Herrera and Mrs. Don Castro, both of La Veta.
1940 February La Veta: Died, Mrs. Annie Miller, 101, a resident of Malachite and Gardner since 1875. She leaves sons Ed and Robert, Redwing, daughters Mrs. A.A. Campbell and Mrs. Bruce Tirey.
1940 February La Veta: Dr. R.M. Ryan-of Antonito has opened his medical office in the Park Lane Hotel in the east room on the first floor.
1940 February La Veta: Emmett Smith and Ernest Atchison are home on furlough from the U.S. Navy.
1940 February La Veta: One dozen grapefruit, 99˘; four pounds Solitaire Coffee, 99˘; Ladies Shantung Pajamas, $1.19, at E.C. Streams.
1940 February La Veta: The B-Loyals Club will give a Leap Year Chili Supper Thursday, Feb. 29. Price 25 cents.
1940 February La Veta: The Boyd bakery and grocery store will open on Mar. 1.
1940 February La Veta: The junior class earned $60 for the junior-senior prom from their play, "Aunt Tillie Goes to Town.''
1940 February La Veta: The new $50,000 water system, built by WPA labor, is nearly complete and the two storage lakes will be opened within 60 or 90 days.
1940 February La Veta: The new forest ranger residence is almost complete and is a showplace for the community.
1940 February La Veta: The W.P.A.'s $50,000 water project to provide La Veta with two storage lakes will be completed this week and water may be turned into the basin at once.
1940 February Walsenburg: A true test of Huerfano County's oil possibilities is now in progress at Calvin W. White's Well No. 1, 12 miles northwest of Walsenburg.
1940 February Walsenburg: At least $10,500 in new construction is going on in Walsenburg in four locations.
1940 February Walsenburg: At the Fox Valencia - Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and Joan Bennett in "Green Hill" plus 3 Mesquiteers give help to a bandit in "Wyoming Outlaw." Free photos of Joan Bennett to the first 200 patrons.
1940 February Walsenburg: Community cooperation between Walsenburg and La Veta will be expressed Sunday, when a joint concert of school bands is presented in Washington School Auditorium.
1940 February Walsenburg: George D. Andrews has been the "hot tamale king" of Walsenburg for 35 years. The business has supported 10 kids and his wife.
1940 February Walsenburg: Huerfano County will receive a total of $40,947.29 for welfare work during February; of this amount $33,307.60 will be used for old age pensions and $4,650 for direct relief.
1940 February Walsenburg: Lamb feeders of Huerfano County stand to collect more than $32,000 on the stock now being fattened, according to Earl Rogers of Rogers and Wayt, the second largest lamb feeders in the county.
1940 February Walsenburg: Nearly 600 children will be given body-building hot lunches every day under a WPA program soon to start at St. Mary School.
1940 February Walsenburg: Otto Klein, manager of Klein Motor Company at 116 East Sixth, announced the firm will sell their Ford agency and handle used cars only.
1940 February Walsenburg: Robbers entered Grant Wallace's service station at Main and Colorado and stole candy, cigars and the jackpot of a slot machine.
1940 February Walsenburg: Sumner Jellison, chairman of the beard contest, says no one may start growing whiskers for the Black Diamond jubilee until March 15.
1940 February Walsenburg: The Shamrock and Strawberry mines in Huerfano County were honored for having no accidents for two years.
1940 February Walsenburg: Wind whipped the snow into drifts of three to five feet, shutting Walsenburg off from the rest of the world Tuesday and Wednesday.
1940 February Walsenburg: Work on the Cuchara River riprap project and construction of a golf course south of Walsenburg is being rushed to supply jobs for 600 certified WPA clients.
World Independent 3-28-1940 Aguilar News - St. Vrain – Gillen Nuptials Performed Sunday – At a lovely home wedding, performed at 2 o;clock Sunday afternoon at he Gillen home, before a small group of close friends and relatives, Miss Thelma St. Vrain and Harry Gillen were untied in marriage. The couple were attended by Pearl Gillen, sister of the groom, and Paul St. Vrain, brother of the bride. The bride was attired in a street frock of teal pinks. She carried a bouquest of lillies-of-the-valley. Her attendant wore a street dress of light pinks, and carried a bouquest of talisman roses. Following the wedding, a small reception was held at the Gillen home. The bride is the daughter og Mr. and Mrs. Charles St. Vrain of this city. She graduated from Trinidad high school in 1936. Mr. Gillen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gillen Sr., of Trinidad. The couple will make their home in Trinidad.
1940 Mar. 29: "Complete list of all census enumerators together with the districts they will cover was released today by I.F. Beauchamp, district supervisor of the U.S. census bureau at Trinidad. "In Walsenburg the enumerators include the following: Hazel Elizabeth Blockter, Nelson Warren Andrews, Teddy Garduno, Miss Mili M. Tomsic, Lucy A. Fernandez and Ballard Ellis Ward. "The rural areas of Huerfano county will be enumerated by the following: Leonard L. Hunsinger, Gardner; Captain Francis Ralls, Gardner CCC; Joe Edward Faris, Badito; Malcolm 0. Harriman, St. Mary's; George E. Davis, La Veta; Walter Hudson, Santa Clara; Elva Zee Shepherd, Cucharas; Donald B. Roesner, North Veta; John O'Hagan Crestones; Leonard F. Scholes, Birmingham; Walter J. Chapman, Niggerhead; Harry Charles Haines, Pictou; Harold E. Albright, Oakview, Dan Guerrero, Rouse; David T. Valdez, Laguna and Cameron; Earl Brewer, Alamo; Alfred Cruz, outside La Veta; Ethel L. Stacey, outside Walsenburg. "All of the above listed persons will receive their kits of census equipment this weekend and the enumeration of population, housing, farms and irrigation will begin in Huerfano county Tuesday."
1940 March La Veta: A son was born to Glen and Lorraine Powell.
1940 March La Veta: At the Rialto Theater Saturday and Sunday, Charles Starrett in "The Stranger from Texas," a color cartoon and Chapter 7 of "Where Horror Waits."
1940 March La Veta: B-Loyal Circle had their Leap Year chili dinner last night, selling it for 25˘ per bowl.
1940 March La Veta: Died, Jose Silvario Herrera, 54, Neva Lee Garmes, six weeks and Martha M. Vasquez, 80.
1940 March La Veta: James Ghiardi is the new director of the local welfare office after the resignation of Mrs. Ellen Kastner.
1940 March La Veta: March roared in like a lion and brought 12 inches of snow.
1940 March La Veta: Nora Belo, 16 and a high school junior, died. A native of La Veta, she leaves her mother Lucy, brothers Joseph and Floyd and sister Helen.
1940 March La Veta: R.L. Kincaid sold the rest of his sheep, 1,783 head averaging 75.5 pounds apiece, to a commission company.
1940 March La Veta: The Baptist church was rededicated after repairs and redecorating following the disastrous fire a few months ago. About 140 attended the services and enjoyed a covered dish luncheon.
1940 March Walsenburg: $100 worth of tools and equipment were stolen from Lansdown Machine Shop on West Fifth Street.
1940 March Walsenburg: A 20-year campaign to construct a municipal water filtration plant climaxed last night when city council voted to buy the necessary land from Milton and James Utt for $300.
1940 March Walsenburg: C&S moved the railroad signals from the center of the street to the side at its Main Street crossing.
1940 March Walsenburg: E.W. Krier has a valuable collection of 2,000 Indian articles on display at his jewelry store.
1940 March Walsenburg: Eighteen county coal mines were producing this month.
1940 March Walsenburg: F.B. Umphress, manager of the local J.C. Penney, says the store will reopen Saturday after remodeling the Roof and Dick building to provide an additional 1,200 square feet.
1940 March Walsenburg: Ford Frick, president of the National Baseball League, was visiting friends and relatives in Walsenburg today, en route to New York from the West Coast.
1940 March Walsenburg: Named to the city all star basketball team were Ernie Nelson, Joe Ratkovich, Bob Levy, Pino Wilkins and Gaston Santi.
1940 March Walsenburg: Paul Nesbit has resigned as superintendent of Huerfano County High School.
1940 March Walsenburg: Santi Oil Company will build a huge new station at Main and Colorado on lots purchased from the old Martin estate.
1940 March Walsenburg: State highway engineers are planning to construct a new scenic road from Cuchara Camps over Cuchara Pass.
1940 March Walsenburg: The annual Southern Colorado A.A.U. basketball tournament starts tonight in St. Mary Auditorium with nine teams participating.
1940 March Walsenburg: W.R. Gore has been hired as superintendent of Huerfano County High School after the resignation of Paul W. Nesbit.
1940 March Walsenburg: With the closure of the Mustang post office in the northern part of the county, Clarence Eklund, 76, is forced to retire after 32 years as postmaster.
1940 April 30 Claude Cordova of Woodland Park spent the weekend with his parents.
1940 April 8: World Independent Duke's Cafe, West 6th Street, Entirely new - Try us for the best in Mixed Drinks - Beer - Wine, and Short Orders.
1940 April 8: World Independent San Isabel Liquor Store, 526 Main Street, Beer, $1.59 per case, 3 bottles for 25 cents.
1940 April La Veta: A fire started from a gasoline engine backfire destroyed the Ojo Springs store, filling station, cafe and residence of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Garlick, an estimated $3,000 loss.
1940 April La Veta: Dr. and Mrs. R.M. Ryan moved into the newly redecorated Lauth apartments on Main Street. The office is on the north side.
1940 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Marker will celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary April 26. They were married in La Veta.
1940 April La Veta: Mrs. Laura Moore was honored with a surprise party on her 77th birthday.
1940 April La Veta: The community band concert earned $46.61 for the school band.
1940 April La Veta: The Womens Relief Corps will take over caretaking of the cemetery and is also raising funds to pay a person for the job.
1940 April La Veta: Workmen are remodeling the Lauth Apartments across from the drugstore for Dr. R.M. Ryan and his wife.
1940 April La Veta: Mrs. Laura Moore was pleasantly surprised by 12 ladies who gathered at her home to celebrate her 77th birthday.
1940 April Walsenburg: A new neon sign was installed on the Gem Theater on Main Street.
1940 April Walsenburg: Chic Loughmiller and Stephen Lamme are opening the L & L Studio at 511 Main Street.
1940 April Walsenburg: Eight students will make up the first high school graduating class at Gardner.
1940 April Walsenburg: Government checks totalling over $12,203 have been distributed to nearly 200 farmers of Huerfano County for the 1939 A.A.A. program compliance.
1940 April Walsenburg: Josephine Dalpiaz and Marvin Elliott will star in the musical play "Martha" to be presented at Huerfano County High School.
1940 April Walsenburg: One of the three men who escaped from the Huerfano County jail in February 1939 was recaptured in San Pablo.
1940 April Walsenburg: The Huerfano County Chamber of Commerce is considering establishing a small city park on the old Pritchard properties on North Main Street.
1940 April Walsenburg: The storm left 10 inches of heavy snow in town, which broke down the huge awning at O'Brien Hardware.
1940 April Walsenburg: Three feet of snow cancelled the musical play at HCHS.
1940 May 1: To Vivien Leigh falls the most coveted role in Hollywood history, that of Scarlett O'Hara in the filmization of Margaret Mitchell's famous story Gone with the Wind, opening Saturday at the Valencia. World-Independent
1940 May La Veta: A Junior Chamber of Commerce was organized Friday night with Officers William Feldman, Walter Padilla, S.W. Pressey, Don Roesner and Joe Kincaid.
1940 May La Veta: About 400 people took the "Hereford Tour,'' visiting the ranches of the Firms, Campbells and Goemmer Brothers.
1940 May La Veta: At the Rialto Theater Saturday and Sunday, Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell in: "His Girl Friday" plus Chapter 14 of "The Sealed Room."
1940 May La Veta: Died, Benesaldo Trujillo, one of the county's oldest residents who settled on the Cucharas when there were still Indian tepees there.
1940 May La Veta: Forest Ranger R.C. Bryant reports the snowpack at Blue Lakes measures 25 inches.
1940 May La Veta: La Veta's population is now 891, compared to 782 ten years ago.
1940 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Jake Marker celebrated their 50th anniversary. They were married April 26,1890 in La Veta and have lived in this vicinity ever since.
1940 May La Veta: Saturday night at the Rialto Theater will be "Five Little Peppers at Home" with Emith Fellows, plus the last chapter of "The Shadow" and a community sing of old time songs.
1940 May La Veta: The Jaycees propose to replace the clay between Main Street and the sidewalk with red rock from Ojo.
1940 May La Veta: The junior class will have a party Saturday at the Sulphur Springs and then return for a dance in the schoolhouse in the evening.
1940 May La Veta: The track team won three first places at the meet in Alamosa with the winners being Rufe Martinez, George Zember and the mile relay team of Zember, Lee Powell, Glenn Smith and Homer Bell.
1940 May La Veta: Twenty-four members of the junior class and the 14 seniors attended the annual banquet and dance Friday evening. Gilbert Arnold was toastmaster for the evening.
1940 May Walsenburg: According to census figures, Walsenburg gained in population with 5,715 in 1940 compared to 5,503 in 1930.
1940 May Walsenburg: All men are requested to wear overalls and miner's hats during the Black Diamond Jubilee and women cotton dresses or western wear.
1940 May Walsenburg: Contestants for Miss Black Diamond jubilee are Ella Jo Andrews, Rosann Dissler, Frances Glinsky, Millie Chacon, Eloira Lenzini, Martha Wheelock, Anna Mae Vickers and Barbara Bellotti.
1940 May Walsenburg: Eight students will graduate from the Gardner branch of HCHS today.
1940 May Walsenburg: Errol Flynn and Miriam Hopkins in "Virginia City," with Randolph Scott and Humphrey Bogart, starting Sunday at the Valencia.
1940 May Walsenburg: Leonard Stroud, champion trick rider, will be directing the Black Diamond jubilee and performing some of his daring and unique tricks.
1940 May Walsenburg: Miss Pauline Packard and her wonder horse Tiger will appear all three days of the Black Diamond jubilee rodeo.
1940 May Walsenburg: Ninety-four seniors will graduate from Huerfano County High School on May 29 and 42 from St. Mary May 28.
1940 May Walsenburg: Rosann Dissler won over seven other candidates to become Queen of the Black Diamond Jubilee.
1940 May Walsenburg: The famous Koshare Indian dancers of La Junta will be performing during the Black Diamond Jubilee.
1940 May Walsenburg: The Junior Chamber of Commerce's popular log cabin tourist booth opens today at the O'Byrne Hardware store corner at Seventh and Main streets.
1940 May Walsenburg: The Rev. Maurus Zabolitsky has been transferred to Canon City after three years with St. Mary Parish.
1940 May Walsenburg: The Vogue, Oscar Santi's new $15,000 super service station at Third and Main Streets, will open Saturday, June 2.
1940 June La Veta: A cabin two miles south of Cuchara Camps was burned down by careless campers.
1940 June La Veta: Bill Kincaid painted the front of his store green and cardinal, and we mean cardinal.
1940 June La Veta: Drilling at the Hamilton-Miller oil well six miles east of town is down to 1400 feet.
1940 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. George Drury have completed a new home about one mile south of La Veta.
1940 June La Veta: Mrs. George Drury had a party in her new home one mile south of La Veta.
1940 June La Veta: Robbers broke into E.C. Stream's store early Wednesday morning and stole about $400 in cash from the two cash registers in the grocery and dry goods departments, as well as the safe.
1940 June La Veta: The CCC side camp which has been here one year was dismantled and the boys moved back to Gardner.
1940 June La Veta: The census places the population of Huerfano County at 15,901, compared to 17,062 in 1930.
1940 June La Veta: The Nature Study Camp in Cuchara Camps opens Sunday with a campfire program and the rest of the week will be taken up with hiking and recreational activities.
1940 June La Veta: The opening party for Sulphur Springs will be an old-time dance next Saturday night.
1940 June La Veta: Tuesday Night Study Club members had their annual progressive dinner June 25.
1940 June La Veta: Two street dances - a modern one and an old-time one -will be held at each end of Main Street on July 4 from 7-9, followed by dances in Kincaid Hall, Art's Place on Ryus Avenue and in Cuchara Camps and Sulphur Springs.
1940 June La Veta: William Feldman resumed work at the E.C. Stream store after his appendectomy two weeks ago.
1940 June La Veta: William Shrout, operator of a saw mill on La Veta Pass, was injured this week when a tree fell on him.
1940 June Walsenburg: Announcement was made today of the marriage of Miss Rosine Amidei to Gerald Ariano June 15.
1940 June Walsenburg: Authoritative sources declare Cuchara Camps annually brings in an income of $10,000 in Huerfano County through its vacation facilities.
1940 June Walsenburg: Miss Betty Cox, instructor at Washington School, was elected to be in charge of the Jaycee tourist information booth this season.
1940 June Walsenburg: Miss Geraldine Sporleder received her Interior Decoration diploma from Edgewood Park school in New York June 3.
1940 June Walsenburg: Tennis players wanting to use the Civic League courts will have to help maintain them because of the drastic cuts in the WPA rolls.
1940 June Walsenburg: The Hotel Kirkpatrick Coffee Shop is now prepared to serve meals although the grand opening is some weeks off.
1940 July La Veta: Ad - Life Begins with a New Permanent - try the Ines Marie Beauty Shop.
1940 July La Veta: La Veta's new $50,000 reservoir and pipeline were completed after a year's work by nearly 100 men.
1940 July La Veta: Members of Snowy Range 4-H Club made a tour of their projects July 10, visiting the Morgan, Nauerth, Ottinger, Heikes Brothers, Dickinson, Stone, Holmes, Sager and Vernon places and enjoying a picnic at Mrs. Vernon's new picnic grounds.
1940 July La Veta: The 4-H Fair Aug. 23-24 will for the first time have a small admission fee, ten cents for adults.
1940 July La Veta: The forest service placed picnic tables in Railroad Park for the Fourth of July.
1940 July La Veta: The Jaycees are selling red and pinks auto tags reading "Huajatolla, Breasts of the World," for 50˘.
1940 July La Veta: Tuesday Night Study Club members had their annual progressive dinner June 25.
1940 July Walsenburg: A man in crumpled seersucker trousers sat before a bank of radio microphones this morning and opened a new chapter in American history. He was President Roosevelt, who for nearly eight years has held the world's toughest job and agreed to seek a third term.
1940 July Walsenburg: A plan for military training for boys 15 to 21-years-of-age will be initiated with a meeting Monday morning at the Jubilee grounds.
1940 July Walsenburg: Charles Atencio of the W.P.A. Recreation Project will give swimming instruction, at Martin's Lake weekdays from 1-4 in the afternoon, for all ages.
1940 July Walsenburg: More than 40 "young guardsmen," boys aged 15 to 21, had a drill session today with Major Ralph Levy, assisted by Frank Tafoya.
1940 July Walsenburg: The annual St. Mary parish picnic, sponsored by Knights of Columbus and Catholic Daughters of America, will be July 28 at the Capps ranch near Rouse.
1940 July Walsenburg: The Goodwill Club, a national organization to help destitute children, has organized a branch in Walsenburg with Joe Benedetti, president; Alex Shosky, vice, president, Tom Solomon, secretary and Nick Magnone, treasurer.
1940 July Walsenburg: The Jaycees will have a dance Saturday night at Cuchara Camps with Tom Socha and his orchestra.
1940 July Walsenburg: Volunteers are working on improvements of the swimming facilities at Martin Lake.
1940 July: See the truth about drug addicts in "Marijuana," for 25 cents Friday through Sunday at the Gem Theater. Not recommended for children.
1940 August La Veta: Deputy District Attorney Sam T. Taylor will have a branch office at Town Hall, where he will be every Tuesday afternoon.
1940 August La Veta: George Pickens of the Howard Lumber and Supply was appointed to fill the vacancy on town board caused by the death of James Ghiardi.
1940 August La Veta: Joe Kincaid will open a new hardware store in the old R.L. Kincaid building on Main Street following repairs.
1940 August La Veta: John P. Stranizer celebrated his 91st birthday August 15.
1940 August La Veta: John Smalley opened a new coal mine in the Middle Creek district.
1940 August La Veta: Judge - Have you ever earned a dollar in your life? Vagrant - Yes, Your Honor, I got a dollar for voting for you in the last election.
1940 August La Veta: Plans are being made to widen the Apishapa Arch.
1940 August La Veta: The boxing and wrestling matches sponsored by the Jaycees was well attended and proceeds go towards 4-H prizes.
1940 August La Veta: The forest service will soon begin widening the Apishapa arch near Cordova Pass, which is only wide enough for one vehicle.
1940 August La Veta: The Jaycees intend to install metal street signs and posts along Main Street.
1940 August La Veta: William McCracken, coach at LVHS the past two years, will not be returning this fall.
1940 August La Veta: Workmen have been preparing the R.L. Kincaid building on Main Street for a hardware business to be operated by Joe Kincaid formerly of the W.H. Kincaid store.
1940 August Walsenburg: Andy C. Schafer Jr., mayor of Walsenburg, was elected president of the Colorado Elks Association Saturday afternoon during their convention here.
1940 August Walsenburg: Greyhound racing will be held for the Elks convention tonight in the HCHS Stadium.
1940 August Walsenburg: Huerfano County's assessment for 1940 raised $441,005, an increase over 1939 according to County Treasurer J. Frank Cordova.
1940 August Walsenburg: Nazis began "total war'' tactics in monster air raids over England.
1940 August Walsenburg: The Elks convention next Saturday will open with a parade along a three-mile route and nearly 100 stores and businesses will have special decorations.
1940 August: Drive up and let us serve you from our tempting menu. Little Pig Inn, North Walsen Avenue.
1940 September La Veta: Enrollment is 61 in the high school and 166 in the grades, making a total of 227.
1940 September La Veta: Albert Jameson shot a young bear he found raiding his chicken house in Cuchara Camps.
1940 September La Veta: Dr. R.M. Ryan moved his residence and office from the Lauth Apartments on Main to the Ray Coleman residence on Oak Street.
1940 September La Veta: Enrollees of the Templeton Gap CCC camp near Colorado Springs will be moved to Gardner for soil conservation work.
1940 September La Veta: Frances Holmes won five firsts and two seconds for Hampshire sheep in the state fair.
1940 September La Veta: Hap Judiscak of Walsenburg has moved his family to La Veta.
1940 September La Veta: Joseph L. Blumberg will no longer be school principal here as he was named head of the Huerfano County Welfare Department.
1940 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Stranger invite friends to an open house for their 50th Wedding Anniversary Oct. 4.
1940 September La Veta: Mr. Roush has added more equipment at La Veta Automotive Company garage to offer better service.
1940 September La Veta: No. 1 Can of Pink Salmon, 18 cents; No. 2 ˝ Can Bartlett Pears 23 cents at E.C. Stream's Store.
1940 September La Veta: Tuesday Night Study Club had its annual picnic in Farrar's picnic grounds with a sumptuous feast to mark the club's seventh year of existence
1940 September La Veta: Walter Kuhn of Hugoton, Kansas has begun construction of a home in the Kansas settlement in Huajatolla canon.
1940 September La Veta: We note the aspen are beginning to turn.
1940 September Walsenburg: Five-piece solid oak breakfast set, $29.95 at O'Byrne's, Main at Seventh.
1940 September Walsenburg: Mary Jo Sammons is editor-in-chief of the Panthers Tale, the Huerfano County High School newspaper, Doris Whetstone, news editor, Elizabeth Hepplewhite, sports and Roberta Hart, features.
1940 September Walsenburg: Rain which fell sporadically all day Tuesday has been blamed for the extremely light turnout for the primary election.
1940 September Walsenburg: The WPA completed the new $15,073 dark native stone warehouse at the fairgrounds.
1940 September Walsenburg: William M. Ward of Denver has acquired an interest in First National Bank.
1940 September: Boys who placed large rocks on the D&RG and C&S rails near the western city limits of Walsenburg caused the derailment of a small C&S motor car.
1940 October La Veta: A WPA project has been approved for flood protection for the town along the riverbanks.
1940 October La Veta: Ben Pascoe was elected county commissioner for District #2.
1940 October La Veta: G.N. Bragelli from Rome will be manager of the cheese factory when it reopens Nov. 1. They will be making romano cheese from goat and sheep milk.
1940 October La Veta: La Veta's new water system has been completed at a cost of $50,000 and now has the capacity to store 80,000,000 gallons of water.
1940 October La Veta: Miss Georgia Spangler has been employed as bookkeeper and secretary at Howard Lumber and Supply, taking the place of Virginia Akers who resigned.
1940 October La Veta: Miss Georgia Spangler has taken over duties as bookkeeper at Howard's Lumber after Virginia Akers quit.
1940 October La Veta: Sadie Virginia Akers, the daughter of J.E. Marker, married John Calvin Vories, the only son of Benton.
1940 October La Veta: Saturday and Sunday at the Rialto, "The Durango Kid" starting Charles Starrett and the Sons of the Pioneers, plus, a colored cartoon and Chapter 6 of "Deadwood Dick."
1940 October La Veta: Seniors on the school honor roll are Violet Zember, Edna Jean Vories, Eloise Utt and Hannah Goss.
1940 October La Veta: The new $50,000 La Veta domestic water system constructed under the auspices of the WPA was completed with the addition of a new reservoir which allows an extra 20-million gallons storage.
1940 October La Veta: The REA project to Cuchara Camps has been joined with San Isabel Electric Association.
1940 October La Veta: While remodeling his house, J.P. Stranger found a postcard dated Jan. 12, 1887.
1940 October Walsenburg: A final uncorrected total of 9,198 registered voters was announced today by County Clerk Damacio Vigil.
1940 October Walsenburg: More than 40 Walsenburg residents went to Montana to work in the sugar beet harvest.
1940 October Walsenburg: Nancy King and Michael Giordano, operator of the Ravenwood mine, were married Saturday in Monte Vista but will make their home here.
1940 October Walsenburg: Ninety-six Huerfano County High School students have applied for N.Y.A. jobs paying from $3 to $6 per month.
1940 October Walsenburg: Starts Friday at the Valencia Theater, Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy, Claudette Colbert and Hedy Lamarr in "Boom Town."
1940 October Walsenburg: The Croatian Fraternal union Lodge No. 1292 will give a pre-election dance at the pavilion Nov. 2.
1940 October Walsenburg: The Cuchara dam west of Walsenburg, designed to divert flood waters from the city and for irrigation east of the city, is nearly one-half completed by the F.S.A.
1940 October Walsenburg: The first snow of the season fell on the Sangre de Cristo range and the Spanish Peaks yesterday, leaving what appears to be a heavy fall on the highest peaks.
1940 October Walsenburg: The five Dussart boys, Louis, 29, Fred, 25, John, 23, Phil, 22 and George, 21, were registered yesterday with the U.S. Army.
1940 November La Veta: After a losing football season, La Veta athletes are looking forward to basketball which starts Dec. 10 against Holy Trinity of Trinidad.
1940 November La Veta: Election returns show Ben Pascoe received just 63 more votes than Harry Capps for county commissioner and the 223 mail-in votes will have to be counted before the result is known.
1940 November La Veta: George "Spud" Kreutzer has been promoted to private first class in the U.S. Army Air Corps at Lowry Field in Denver.
1940 November La Veta: Gilbert Arnold won second place in the essay contest, "Why Eligible Voters Should Vote," of 300 entries. The contest was sponsored by the Walsenburg Jaycees.
1940 November La Veta: Milt Welsby, Lem Boyd, Ben Underwood and Glen Brown left Sunday for California in search of employment.
1940 November La Veta: Olena Goss, daughter of Burl, married Virgil Ottinger Oct. 22 in Raton.
1940 November La Veta: Rev. J.H. Gerault, pastor of the Baptist Church, is in Lamme hospital in Walsenburg suffering with severe burns he received Sunday when he attempted to fight blazes which gutted the interior of his church.
1940 November La Veta: The county's complete and final official election results announced last Friday show Ben Pascoe defeated Harry Capps for county commissioner by 30 votes.
1940 November La Veta: The La Veta R.E.A. project has been linked with the San Isabel Electric Association which operates in the Beulah-Rye area.
1940 November La Veta: The season's first storm last weekend left several inches of snow on the streets.
1940 November La Veta: The unusually mild autumn ended with a reading of ten below zero on Tuesday.
1940 November Walsenburg: A total of 6,840 votes were cast Nov. 5 in Huerfano County.
1940 November Walsenburg: County Physician Dr. A.F. Stanley will begin immunization shots against diphtheria after several cases were discovered in this area.
1940 November Walsenburg: Live hens, 16˘ a pound; Italian sausage, two pounds 45˘; walnuts, 19˘ a pound. Andreatta's Market.
1940 November Walsenburg: Lockets, $1.19; diamond wedding ring set, $22.50; Men's Milo Watch, $6.95. Benmar Jewelry.
1940 November Walsenburg: Remodeling of the Klein Motor Company building on East Sixth Street provides ground floor office space for rent on the west side.
1940 November Walsenburg: Remodeling operations on the recently purchased city hall building at 120-122 East Sixth were begun today to convert the old garage into offices.
1940 November Walsenburg: Several inches of ice and snow remained on the streets this morning after the weekend brought the season's first snowstorm.
1940 November Walsenburg: The City of Walsenburg has set a 14 mill levy for 1940-1941, the same as has been in effect this year.
1940 November Walsenburg: The Wonder Bar, our most exclusive cafe and bar, has been completely remodeled by owner Louis Zanon.
1940 November Walsenburg: Thirteen to 14 inches of snow blanketed Walsenburg and 18 inches in the area last weekend in the heaviest storm since Feb. 12.
1940 December La Veta: "L" Club this year will be giving sweaters to seniors Joe Linscott, Charles Bowdino and LeRoy Kitchen.
1940 December La Veta: Another two feet of snow fell in town the past week.
1940 December La Veta: Approval of a $34,525 W.P.A. project for construction of six miles of the Cordova pass road will employ 60 men for six months widening and graveling the road.
1940 December La Veta: Assessments of Huerfano County property total $5,970,245, a $441,000 increase over last year.
1940 December La Veta: B-Loyal Circle will have a Bazaar Saturday in Mrs. Dryden's house on Main Street, with chile, pie and coffee only two bits.
1940 December La Veta: Frank N. "Bill" Raedner, about 80, died while developing some coal property at Ojo. He mined and prospected in this area for 40 years.
1940 December La Veta: Harold Clair accepted a position as butcher for E.C. Stream and moved his family up from Walsenburg.
1940 December La Veta: La Veta Light, Heat and Power has on sale appliances suitable for Christmas gifts, such as the Manning-Bowman Toaster, Chrome Plated, Mica Element, just $2.75.
1940 December La Veta: La Veta received about two feet of snow but farther out of town ranchers are reporting up to three feet.
1940 December La Veta: New IOOF officers just elected were Elton Holmes, Ernest Lindley, Fred Arnold, Fred Kreutzer and R.M. Garren.
1940 December La Veta: The Christmas trees are up at Francisco and Main and Ryus and Main and the merchants are busy decorating their windows.
1940 December La Veta: The La Veta Junior Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring Trade at Home Days for all local merchants in December with coupons and a cash giveaway.
1940 December La Veta: The worse storm in 22 years left six feet of snow in Cuchara Camps.
1940 December La Veta: Two feet of snow fell, guaranteeing a white Christmas.
1940 December La Veta: La Veta Lodge No. 59 AF&AM elected Edward W. Falk, George A. Goemmer, George F. Holmes, E.C. Stream and W.H. Harrison.
1940 December Walsenburg: A $14,000 WPA project will turn Valdez reservoir, also known as Saliba lake, into a fish retaining pond.
1940 December Walsenburg: About 2,500 people attended the Christmas season opening Dec. 1 in Walsenburg.
1940 December Walsenburg: Children of 200 Walsenburg families were treated to Christmas toys distributed by the Walsenburg Lions Club.
1940 December Walsenburg: Katz Department Store, 25th Anniversary Sale - Overcoats, $8.85 to $14.88; Suede Leather Jackets, $4.87 to $9.95; Ladies Bags, 77˘ to $1.98; Dolls, 43˘ to $1.87.
1940 December Walsenburg: Sixteen 1941 cars have been sold by Walsenburg dealers so far this month.
1940 December Walsenburg: Star Grocery has been remodeled for the accommodation of a produce department.
1941 January La Veta: A house-warming party was held for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willis who moved to the Ghiardi ranch east of La Veta.
1941 January La Veta: Died, Laura M. Coleman, 70, leaving her brothers James, Charles and Frank Powell of La Veta and Walter of Lamar.
1941 January La Veta: John Goemmer has been named to the board of directors of the Colorado Hereford Association, which has chosen Southern Colorado as the site for this year's tour.
1941 January La Veta: John Smalley received a broken leg when he was caught by a failing rock in his coal mine on Middle Creek.
1941 January La Veta: John Smalley received severe injuries in his mine up Middle Creek while working alone. He was found by his son Pete and Junior Carroll, who went to the Yacconi ranch for help.
1941 January La Veta: Louis Magnino, grocery clerk at Kincaid's, was rushed to the Pueblo hospital with appendicitis.
1941 January La Veta: Margaret Coe was installed Worthy Matron of Eastern Star and William Kincaid Worthy Patron.
1941 January La Veta: Showing at the Rialto Saturday and Sunday, James Cagney, Ann Sheridan and Pat 0'Brien in, "Torrid, Zone," plus a musical.
1941 January La Veta: The junior class play, "Everybody's Crazy Now," will be given in the high school auditorium Thursday and Friday, Feb. 6 and 7, Admission 25 cents.
1941 January Walsenburg: A driving snowstorm and a low of minus five degrees marked Christmas Day in Walsenburg.
1941 January Walsenburg: A full complement of 165 boys and 15 supervisors have arrived at the Gardner CCC camp to begin erosion control work.
1941 January Walsenburg: A total of $405 was turned into the Red Cross war relief drive by 82 residents of Del Carbon.
1941 January Walsenburg: An explosion and fire completely destroyed the Wonder Bar Cafe; damage is estimated at $8,000.
1941 January Walsenburg: Angelo F. Mosco announced a new coal development would begin within 30 days, upon completion of a huge new tipple at the Sampson mine three miles northwest of Walsenburg.
1941 January Walsenburg: Huerfano County's first baby for the year arrived at the home of Albert Guerrero, 227 Sproull, on Jan. 2.
1941 January Walsenburg: A total of 110 automobile licenses were sold Saturday, the largest license day of the year according to County Clerk Damacio Vigil.
1941 January Walsenburg: J.H. Higgins of Pueblo plans to open a Western Auto Store in Walsenburg soon.
1941 January Walsenburg: Nila Vigil, daughter of Ed Vigil of Butte Valley, was seriously injured yesterday when she fell from her horse on the way to school.
1941 January Walsenburg: The Soil Conservation's CCC camp was moved from Templeton Gap, near Colorado Springs, to Gardner.
1941 January Walsenburg: Work on the final dismantling of Alamo No. 1 mine and camp started this week. The camp, containing about 150 buildings, has been vacant the past seven or eight years.
1941 February La Veta: A son was born Feb. 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Morgan, who live on the Hamilton ranch east of La Veta.
1941 February La Veta: Dr. Ryan moved to Walsenburg, leaving La Veta without a physician.
1941 February La Veta: Elsie Falk has been installed president of the Junior Club.
1941 February La Veta: Glenn Drury bought the Carver estate farm just south and west of La Veta and M.F. Beck bought the old Carver homestead on the Wahatoya.
1941 February La Veta: Hannah Goss, Jean Vories and Violet Zember made up the honor roll for the senior class.
1941 February La Veta: Kim Ritter bought the Lamme ranch.
1941 February La Veta: L Club elected Rufus Martinez, president, Doyle Eckman vice president, Byron Denton, secretary and George Field, treasurer.
1941 February La Veta: One hundred and thirty attended the Rotary Club's Father - Son Banquet.
1941 February La Veta: R.L. Kincaid recently bought the ranch of Fred Kreutzer and the McEvoy place from John Penne, both just east of La Veta.
1941 February La Veta: Ruth Brooks, Mary Brown, Ruthena Beamer, Lola Boyd and Georgia Drum were initiated into Study Club as new members.
1941 February La Veta: Sixteen members of the Epworth League enjoyed a skiing and tobogganing party on La Veta Pass.
1941 February La Veta: Sixteen members of the Epworth League enjoyed a toboggan and skiing party to the top of La Veta Pass Sunday, returning in the evening for a chili supper in the basement of the church.
1941 February La Veta: The Jaycees would like to start a craft shop where adults and children can work and meet.
1941 February La Veta: The volunteer fire department was organized with Chief Harold Clair and Assistant Chief Pete Baione.
1941 February La Veta: Weir and Copple have purchased the Roesner truck line and will continue hauling hay, grain and cattle as well as operating a general trucking business.
1941 February La Veta: William Ward volunteered for the Army and left for training.
1941 February Walsenburg: A county sponsored WPA project will develop Saliba Lake into a recreation center and fish propagation area.
1941 February Walsenburg: A total of 15 liquor licenses and five beer licenses have been sold in the county since Jan. 1, bringing in $5,100, of which 85 percent goes into the old age fund.
1941 February Walsenburg: Coach Gaston Santi awarded basketball and football sweaters to HCHS seniors Eugene Mintz, Mike Stimack, Jack Johnson, Albert Miskiel, Joe Hauser, James Stewart, Alistair MacDonald and Ben Naranjo.
1941 February Walsenburg: Fernando Serafini, former Standard Oil agent for this region, will open the Unique Shop Saturday at 712 Main with a full line of jewelry, auto accessories and sporting goods.
1941 February Walsenburg: Hitting the nets for 22 points in the first period, St. Mary Crusaders last Saturday night scored a convincing 41 to 28 victory over the Monte Vista Pirates.
1941 February Walsenburg: Materials for the construction of a technical office and a number of garages for the Gardner C.C.C. camp have been shipped and construction is expected to begin Saturday.
1941 February Walsenburg: The Board of County Commissioners paid a total of $17,442 in bills last month.
1941 February Walsenburg: The Catholic Daughters of America will sponsor the fifth pre-Lenten Ball Saturday, Feb. 22 with Kenny Woodruff and His Men of Music in St. Mary Auditorium.
1941 February Walsenburg: Thieves entered the Walsenburg Mercantile Company Sunday morning and netted $13 in cash.
1941 February Walsenburg: Walsenburg Elks plan an entertainment for Valentines Day with a bingo party with "surprise prizes" the selection of a Valentine Queen and dance with music by Bill Heller's orchestra of Del Norte, followed by refreshments at a late hour.
1941 March La Veta: A two-foot snowfall closed the schools Tuesday and Wednesday.
1941 March La Veta: A two-foot snowfall closed the schools Tuesday and Wednesday.
1941 March La Veta: Bruce Prator's party will be at the sand rocks about 5:30 this evening. Music will be supplied by the Denton one-piece orchestra.
1941 March La Veta: County commissioner Ben Pascoe urges the use of vacant lots as garden plots to grow produce this summer for the WPA hot lunch program.
1941 March La Veta: Eighteen more men have been called from Huerfano County for induction into the US Army on March 18.
1941 March La Veta: Expenditures of the Huerfano County Commissioners in February was $7,022, bringing the 1941 total paid out to $14,960.88. County Clerk Damacio Vigil predicts the county will be heavily in debt by year's end if the commissioners continue spending so much.
1941 March La Veta: Expenditures of the Huerfano County Commissioners in February was $7,022, bringing the 1941 total paid out to $14,960.88. County Clerk Damacio Vigil predicts the county will be heavily in debt by year's end if the commissioners continue spending so much.
1941 March La Veta: Friday and Saturday are Dollar Days in La Veta; buy four pounds of Solitaire Coffee for $1 at Streams or four quarts of motor oil for $1 at Young Brothers Service Station.
1941 March La Veta: Howard Lumber and supply has issued a 32 page Rotagravure Spring and Summer catalog.
1941 March La Veta: It has been snowing every day and about 12 inches are on the ground right now.
1941 March La Veta: Nineteen members of the Spanish Peaks Grange attended the meeting of Mt. Blanca Grange at Redwing and also enjoyed the dance afterward.
1941 March La Veta: Russia is the only country truly neutral. She honestly hopes all the others will lose.
1941 March La Veta: Senior class members on the honor roll are Gilbert Arnold, Maurice Bailey, Hannah Goss, Ellen Gregory, Edna Jean Vories and Violet Zember.
1941 March La Veta: Sophomores on the honor roll are Olive Jo Baysinger, Dorothy Bruce, Art Dickinson, Lena McCargish, Helen Zember and Donald Ward.
1941 March La Veta: The La Veta junior Chamber of Commerce joined the national and state Jaycees.
1941 March La Veta: The La Veta junior Chamber of Commerce joined the national and state Jaycees.
1941 March La Veta: The snow measurement on La Veta Pass March 1 totaled 33 inches.
1941 March La Veta: Thirty-three inches of snow fell on La Veta Pass March 1.
1941 March La Veta: Thirty-three inches of snow fell on La Veta Pass March 1.
1941 March Walsenburg: After four long years of City League basketball, the Santi Oilers finally became champs by defeating Coors, 35-31.
1941 March Walsenburg: Charles Jansa was named new manager at the Safeway Store here, replacing Carl Tesitor who goes to Craig as market manager.
1941 March Walsenburg: Charles Quaranta and his orchestra will provide their toe-tickling music for the annual St. Patrick's dance sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.
1941 March Walsenburg: Eugene T. Childers, Frank Mauro Jr., Leon Poli and Myron D. Williams were elected top officers of the Walsenburg Elks Lodge.
1941 March Walsenburg: Joe Malesovich was selected for the title role in the Washington School play, "Huckleberry Finn," and Donald Santi will be Tom Sawyer.
1941 March Walsenburg: Maurice and Frank Cowing, Alfred Lenzotti and Chubby Durnell returned Saturday from the Mardi Gras in New Orleans. All reported a fine time.
1941 March Walsenburg: Miss Jewel Krier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krier, will be one of the 36 singers of the University of Colorado choir appearing here April 1.
1941 March Walsenburg: S.W. Jellison, manager of Fawks Drug, was named Most Valuable Member by the Walsenburg Lions Club.
1941 March Walsenburg: Senator Sam T. Taylor, as present President Pro Tem of the Colorado senate, is serving this week as Lt. Governor.
1941 March Walsenburg: The new 1941 Phico Super-Quality Refrigerator only $152.95 at Wayt Lumber Company, 508 Main.
1941 March Walsenburg: There are numerous reports of flowers blooming around the city - a little early.
1941 March Walsenburg: Two new teachers, Bernard Friel and Wayne Davis, have been added to the staff at Washington School.
1941 April 29: The following schools have closed for the summer following eighth grade graduation ceremonies: Sunnyside, Lower Badito, St. Mary, Butte Valley, Lower Maes Creek, Vigil, Farisita, Fairview, Upper Maes Creek and Cucharas. - World Independent
1941 April La Veta: Advertisement - Loveliness or Loneliness? Ines Marie Beauty Shop.
1941 April La Veta: Dr. W. E. Burkholder, chiropractor of Rocky Ford, will be in La Veta beginning Apr. 20 in the Lougheed house on Main Street.
1941 April La Veta: La Veta Pass has 41.40 inches of snow cover and Blue Lakes has 40.75 inches. It took five hours to get to the Lakes from Cuchara Camps.
1941 April La Veta: San Isabel forest supervisor Poch says the name "Apishapa Pass" has been officially approved.
1941 April La Veta: San Isabel forest supervisor Poch says the name "Apishapa Pass" has been officially approved.
1941 April La Veta: Schools were dismissed Tuesday and Wednesday on account of the two-foot snowfall.
1941 April La Veta: Sleepy Hollow is the name of the new recreation room, at the Park Lane Hotel, which has a juke box for dancing.
1941 April La Veta: The local Jaycees will receive their charter in a ceremony Monday, April 14 at 8 p.m.
1941 April La Veta: The new board of directors of the Rotary Club are L.W. Coleman, Ralph Bryant, H.A. Howard, John Goemmer, Albert Jameson, C.C. Webster and James Falk.
1941 April La Veta: Twenty-six 10-foot tall trees were planted along the road in the La Veta Cemetery for $70 in labor.
1941 April Walsenburg: Between 1936 and 1941, the Robinson No. 4 mine at Farr produced 763,974 tons and the average employment was 175 men.
1941 April Walsenburg: CF&I mines receiving safety certificates were Kebler, which had no deaths from 1932 to 1941 and the Robinson No. 4 at Farr, 1936 to 1941.
1941 April Walsenburg: Fernando Serafini says he will open branch stores of his Unique Shop in Raton and Trinidad.
1941 April Walsenburg: More than 450 Catholic men attended the annual Men's Corporate Communion sponsored by Knights of Columbus at St. Mary Church Sunday.
1941 April Walsenburg: Nearly 100 men have signed up for the annual beard contest for the Black Diamond Jubilee.
1941 April Walsenburg: Nine mines in Huerfano County are again operating after reaching agreements with UMWA officials.
1941 April Walsenburg: Nine mines in Huerfano County are again operating after reaching agreements with UNMA officials.
1941 April Walsenburg: The Hill School Natural History Museum will be formally opened tonight under direction of Misses Ruby Bell and Janet Chatin.
1941 April Walsenburg: The Pythian Castle on North Main will undergo extensive remodeling in preparation of the state convention there in August.
1941 April Walsenburg: Voting in the city election next Tuesday is expected to be especially heavy with the registration of over 1,500 new voters since 1939.
1941 May La Veta: Cupid has disrupted the tenor of things at La Veta High School as one male and three female teachers have opted for matrimony rather than the faculty.
1941 May La Veta: Friday-Saturday specials, 3 pounds pancake flour, 15˘, 1 pound black pepper, 25˘, 8 pounds spuds, 25˘, at E.C. Streams.
1941 May La Veta: Indian and Middle Creeks are in flood and washing out bridges after all the rain.
1941 May La Veta: Irving Simms is now in Sitka, Alaska at the U.S. Naval aviation station.
1941 May La Veta: Most of the 18 inches of snow which fell last weekend was washed away by the rainstorm Tuesday.
1941 May La Veta: Mrs. Dora Bruce and son have moved from Pueblo to make La Veta their home again.
1941 May La Veta: New officers of Rotary Club are C.C. Webster, president; Albert Jameson, vice-president; H.A. Howard, treasurer and E.A. Stansbury, secretary.
1941 May La Veta: Our old time friend D.D. Ryus was among the 65 former residents of La Veta attending the annual picnic in Los Angeles California.
1941 May La Veta: The 17 members of the senior class will have a picnic at Martin Lake Friday for their sneak day.
1941 May La Veta: The local excelsior mill shipped 40,000 pounds of excelsior to Fort Warren, WY for defense needs.
1941 May La Veta: The new baptistry in the Baptist Church will be dedicated May 18.
1941 May La Veta: The trees along Main Street are being whitewashed.
1941 May La Veta: Tuesday Night Study Club enjoyed a progressive dinner at the homes of four members despite the rain and snow showers.
1941 May La Veta: Walter Padilla and Harold Clair opened the Mountain View Sandwich Shop next door to Walt's Barber Shop.
1941 May La Veta: Walter Padilla and Harold Craig are opening a new eating establishment or lunch counter in the building next door to the barber shop.
1941 May Walsenburg: A new system for complete auditing of the city's books on a monthly basis was approved by the Walsenburg city council at the last meeting.
1941 May Walsenburg: Imogene Sample of Turkey Ridge school and Mamie Odak of St. Mary are in Denver to compete in the state spelling contest.
1941 May Walsenburg: John Corsentino, president of the Walsenburg Ditch company, pointed out the advantages gained by the association of 14 farmers with the completion of the Walsenburg-Holita dam and irrigation ditch.
1941 May Walsenburg: Miss Irene Bunk and Virgil Ladurini will be married in St. Mary Church by Rev. F.J. Bottler Thursday, May 8.
1941 May Walsenburg: N.Y.A. workers at H.C.H.S. began today to remodel the journalism room as part of the extensive improvement program at the building.
1941 May Walsenburg: Ninety WPA workers will begin June 3 on the project to lay 15,000 square yards of cement on the Main-Walsen intersection.
1941 May Walsenburg: The Black Diamond Jubilee caravan will leave tomorrow evening for the trip to Trinidad.
1941 May Walsenburg: The Doyle-Addington Funeral Home formally opens May 30-31 at 128 East Seventh Street.
1941 May Walsenburg: The Vogue Phillips. "66" service station is celebrating its first birthday today, according to Leslie Mathes, manager.
1941 May Walsenburg: Thirty-eight new citizens, whose citizenship petitions have been approved the past year, plus 29 applicants, are to be among those honored June 4 at the "I Am an American Day" celebration.
1941 May Walsenburg: Two new GMC pickup trucks at a total cost of $1,548 and including extra equipment were purchased yesterday by the Huerfano county commissioners, despite the county's $300,000 debt.
1941 May Walsenburg: Walsenburg and Huerfano County did itself proud this weekend as the HCHS band thrilled thousands of spectators at the Canon City Blossom Festival.
1941 June La Veta: Cordova Pass is now officially Apishapa Pass by edict of the United States Board of Geographic Names. It is pronounced A-pish-a-pa, with the accent on the second syllable.
1941 June La Veta: Fourth of July activities will include a kiddies parade, drawings for $150 in prizes, a baseball game and two big dances.
1941 June La Veta: On the Fourth of July, an old-time dance will be held at Kincaid Hall and a modem one at Muleshoe Lodge.
1941 June La Veta: Sat.-Sun. at the Rialto - "Penny Serenade" with Irene Dunne and Cary Grant, plus a cartoon and the Pathe news.
1941 June La Veta: Some 200 people joined the Hereford Tour to visit the ranches of Lewis Edmundson, the Firm Brothers, Walter Campbell and the Goemmers, followed by a picnic on Apishapa Pass.
1941 June La Veta: The Jaycees announced that a Kiddies Parade will start off the Fourth of July festivities, followed by street sports, baseball, two dances in the evening and other activities.
1941 June La Veta: The senior class from Hugoton, Kansas spent the weekend in Wahatoya canon.
1941 June La Veta: The young people had a dancing party at Rock Rest to bid farewell to Ellen Gregory and Yvette Williams.
1941 June La Veta: We received three inches of rain over the weekend.
1941 June Walsenburg: A. baby incubator has been added to the Lamme Hospital.
1941 June Walsenburg: Continuing high expenditures in Huerfano County were proved when it was learned that $13,298 had been spent by the commissioners during May.
1941 June Walsenburg: Flags are available for a small charge to display June 3 in connection with the huge USO drive. Call 100 by telephone.
1941 June Walsenburg: Fourteen first aid teams plan to compete during the Black Diamond Jubilee.
1941 June Walsenburg: Marcus Katz' department store is going out of business after over 20 years in Walsenburg.
1941 June Walsenburg: Miss Clarabelle Haines was crowned queen of the Black Diamond Jubilee at the Coronation Ball last night at the Pavilion.
1941 June Walsenburg: Moisture for the year amounts to 11.28 inches, which is above average.
1941 June Walsenburg: Saturday will be the wedding of Olga Eugenie Saliba and Franklin Azar of Trinidad at St. Mary Church.
1941 June Walsenburg: Saturday will be the wedding of Olga Eugenie Saliba and Franklin Azar of Trinidad in St. Mary Church.
1941 June Walsenburg: Swimming in Schafer Lake near Pictou is all well and good but bare swimming is something else again.
1941 June Walsenburg: Swimming in Schafer Lake near Pictou is well and good but bare swimming is something else again.
1941 June Walsenburg: The Black Diamond Jubilee caravan will leave tomorrow evening for the trip to Trinidad.
1941 June Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Merchants beat the Colorado Springs Aircraft team 12-9 yesterday in La Veta.
1941 June Walsenburg: Work to remodel the front and interior of the Knights of Pythias castle on North Main began today.
1941 July La Veta: American Legion Auxiliary No. 57 met at the home of Cornelia Coleman at Sulphur Springs.
1941 July La Veta: Arrivals in Cuchara Camps include Mr. and Mrs. Bret Waller, Mrs. Nora Taylor, Aubie and Mozelle House and Mrs. Ward Vickery.
1941 July La Veta: The young people of Cuchara Camps enjoyed an evening at the movie in La Veta and will have a treasure hunt on Friday night.
1941 July La Veta: This issue contains the letter, "Why I Spend My Vacations at La Veta" from B.M. Stigall, principal of Paseo High School in Kansas City, MO.
1941 July La Veta: Town Board reminds residents that the shooting of firearms within town limits is prohibited after someone shot through the back door of the drug store Saturday.
1941 July La Veta: Winners of the Kiddies Parade were Barbara Boyd, Joyce Matteo and Estalene Shaw, under six years, and Doris Downs, Myrna Brooks and Frances Matteo, six-to-eight-year-olds.
1941 July Walsenburg: A devastating hail and rain storm hit Apache, Turkey Ridge and Rattlesnake Buttes last night, destroying crops, livestock and property. Two inches of rain and hail were received within 30 minutes.
1941 July Walsenburg: A heel print on a piece of carbon paper and two burnt matches resulted in the arrest of a transient today for his part in ransacking the Continental Oil and Sinclair bulk plant offices at the D&RG freight yard.
1941 July Walsenburg: Another two weeks work is yet to be done before the Walsenburg filtration plant will be ready for operation.
1941 July Walsenburg: At the St. Mary Parish picnic at Sulphur Springs, Mrs. Elivia Repola won the women's baseball throwing contest and Gerald Ariano the men's division.
1941 July Walsenburg: Billy Williams, Donald Baer and Tommy Zellar received warm thanks from the police when they found and returned the purse a Gardner lady which contained $6.53.
1941 July Walsenburg: For bargain nights Wednesday and Thursday at the Rialto Theater, see Ann Sheridan and John Garfield in "Castle on the Hudson."
1941 July Walsenburg: Gallo Day will be observed with a celebration at Gardner and dances at Walsenburg, La Veta and Muleshoe.
1941 July Walsenburg: Installation, of structural steel on the exterior of the new Fox Theater progressed today and will be in place shortly.
1941 July Walsenburg: Mike Vincent has joined John Matteroli in Walsenburg Motors, 121 West Seventh.
1941 July Walsenburg: More than 90,000 pounds of Huerfano County wool is now in storage at the warehouse of Walsenburg Mercantile.
1941 July Walsenburg: Offices of the United States Soil Conservation service were moved from the Roof and Dick building to Hotel Kirkpatrick on West Sixth Street today.
1941 July Walsenburg: Operating funds of the county are nearly expended, in spite of the fact the year is only half gone.
1941 July Walsenburg: Perry Kimbrel, employed on the Sporleder ranch on the Huerfano, is recovering today from a rattlesnake bite he received while irrigating.
1941 July Walsenburg: The annual St. Mary Parish picnic, with games and contests, will be Sunday, July 20 at the Sulphur Springs west of La Veta.
1941 July Walsenburg: The old Morris hotel at Sixth and Albert, a frame structure some 30-40 years old, is being razed.
1941 August La Veta: A mattress making factory of the AAA program opened in La Veta Tuesday.
1941 August La Veta: All property owners are required to clear weeds before the county 4-H fair.
1941 August La Veta: Cuchara Valley Stock Growers Association will have their third annual old time Cowboy Ball at Cuchara Camps Aug. 16.
1941 August La Veta: Goemmer Brothers won the prize for the best float in the 4-H County Fair parade, the Women's Relief Corps, was second and the Snowy Range 4-H Club, third.
1941 August La Veta: La Veta water for once is absolutely safe. The new water system is filling the bill.
1941 August La Veta: Milt Welsby reopened the blacksmith shop on Francisco Street.
1941 August La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Devon Voiles and daughters Rebecca and Rae of Hooker, OK are back in the Camps after a trip to Colorado Springs.
1941 August La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clair have bought out the interest of Walter Padilla in the Mountain View Sandwich Shop.
1941 August La Veta: Mrs. John Elley celebrated her 75th birthday as well as the 40th anniversary of her family's crossing Stonewall Pass in a wagon Aug. 22, 1901.
1941 August La Veta: Nineteen Huerfano County 4-H members attended the 4-H camp in Stonewall Wednesday through Saturday.
1941 August La Veta: Phil Atchison is on his way to Jamaica where he will be assistant superintendent of construction on a new U.S. naval base to be built there.
1941 August Walsenburg: Thirteen Huerfano County men will be called for induction into the army Sept. 22, according to Allen Roush of the selective service.
1941 August Walsenburg: A capacity crowd of 2,000 people attended the grand opening of the new Fox Theater.
1941 August Walsenburg: A fire destroyed the revival tent set up on West Sixth Street near the coal chutes.
1941 August Walsenburg: Archie Levy offered to turn over his pool on West Eighth Street to any organization which would sponsor swimming activities.
1941 August Walsenburg: Fernando Serafini of the Unique Shop offers two 21-jewel Waltham wristwatches to the best players of the St. Mary High School football squad.
1941 August Walsenburg: For rent: four-room house, partly furnished, $18. Inquire at 130 East Fourth Street.
1941 August Walsenburg: Private Alfonzo Lopez of Walsenburg and the Essex Scottish Infantry, is the first Colorado man signed into the service of Great Britain.
1941 August Walsenburg: Sun.-Tues. at the Rialto, ''Moon Over Miami" starring Don Ameche and Betty Grable. Fri.-Sat., "Footsteps in the Dark" with Errol Flynn.
1941 August Walsenburg: Usherettes at tomorrow night's grand opening of the Star Theater will be Elvira Lenzini, Helen Tesitor, Mildred Furphy, Marie Ozegovich, Thelma Perse and Geraldine Amidei.
1941 August Walsenburg: Walsenburg women are buying up the stocks of silk hosiery in local stores before all silk supplies are diverted to defense uses.
1941 August: The Very Rev. John B. Liciotti, pastor of St. Mary Parish the past 28 years, has returned from a two-year sick leave.
1941 September La Veta: Miss Margaret Vories will teach the Pleasant View school this term, which has first through sixth grades.
1941 September La Veta: Mountain View Sandwich Shop was broken into and three slot machines stolen. The music box was broken into but the thieves could not reach the money.
1941 September La Veta: Mountain View Sandwich Shop was robbed and three slot machines were taken.
1941 September La Veta: The 30-year-old Frank Eggleston building on Main Street, next to the Boyd Service Station, is being demolished for a sports field by the Junior Chamber of Commerce.
1941 September La Veta: The slot machines stolen from the Mountain View Sandwich Shop were found on the Dickinson ranch north of La Veta on Pinon Hill completely smashed and empty of money.
1941 September La Veta: The Women's Relief Corps will give a Cooked Food Sale Saturday Sept. 27 at Joe Kincaid's hardware store.
1941 September Walsenburg: All county WPA projects are closed temporarily, leaving 147 unemployed.
1941 September Walsenburg: Betty French, Virginia Kreutzer, Mina Ghiardi and Mary Jo Sammons have been added to the staff at the Huerfano County department of public welfare.
1941 September Walsenburg: City Council approved a WPA project to cement the tennis courts at First and Pinon Streets and put in a wading pool there after the removal of the bandstand.
1941 September Walsenburg: Five hundred and forty students have thus far enrolled in Huerfano County High School for the semester.
1941 September Walsenburg: Freezing temperatures Monday night cost local farmers at least $25,000 in crop damage.
1941 September Walsenburg: Teachers have been found for all but six of Huerfano County's rural schools, Barbour; Rutledge; Upper and Lower Pass Creek; Oakview; Cuchara Camps: Upper and Lower Maes Creek.
1941 September Walsenburg: The 30th annual St. Mary Fair is planned for October.
1941 September Walsenburg: The Perry Stacy filling station in Gardner was broken into and about $60 in merchandise taken.
1941 September Walsenburg: There are fewer grade school children enrolled this year than last.
1941 September Walsenburg: Walsenburg and Huerfano County residents were treated to a rare display of the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights last night.
1941 September Walsenburg: Walsenburg will get new tennis courts, a new wading pool and a beautiful triangle park at Main and Walsen, according to Mayor G.R. Mallett.
1941 September: Pritchard Lumber Company is open with its new building, exactly 60 days after the old structure burned down.
1941 October La Veta: Ben Veltri of Trinidad wants to open a cheese factory in the old Frink building on Francisco.
1941 October La Veta: Died, James Warren "Jimmy" Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ellis of Walsenburg, who was born in South Dakota in 1924. He leaves a sister, Betty Jean, and his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ellis of La Veta.
1941 October La Veta: For the first time, in football history, Primero did not beat La Veta. The final score was 0-0.
1941 October La Veta: The Colorado Cheese Company is remodeling the old Frink cheese factory and will produce Romano cheese from cow, sheep and goat milk.
1941 October La Veta: The high school boys defeated the Pueblo Centennial Freshmen 19-0 last week for their first win of the season.
1941 October La Veta: The Odd Fellows will have their annual Buck Barbeque in late October for the public.
1941 October Walsenburg: A $6,024 WPA project to improve the Civic League's park at First and Pinion streets was approved.
1941 October Walsenburg: A $6,024 WPA project to improve the Civic League's park at First and Pinon Streets was approved.
1941 October Walsenburg: A total of 1.38 inches of welcome rain fell on Walsenburg this week.
1941 October Walsenburg: A total of 140 men from Huerfano County have been called for induction into the army.
1941 October Walsenburg: Bedspreads 98˘; pure silk hose 49˘; ladies coats $5.95, at Joltons (formerly Katz Department Store).
1941 November La Veta: At the Rialto Theater, "The Texas Rangers Ride Again" with John Howard and Ellen Drew, plus Chapter 8 of "The White Eagle."
1941 November La Veta: Ben Veltri of the Colorado Cheese Company gave the program at the regular meeting of Rotary Club Tuesday evening and explained the factory's need for more milk to continue production.
1941 November La Veta: Died, Mrs. O.D. Howlett, nee Emma Jean Whitmayer, a La Veta resident since 1907, leaving three children, George B., Norman and Mabel Spielmann.
1941 November La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Levy Kincaid are having a new home built on their ranch east of town.
1941 November La Veta: President Roosevelt proclaimed Thursday, Nov. 20 to be Thanksgiving throughout the nation.
1941 November La Veta: Robert Bruce arrived on a 15-day leave from Fort Barkley, Tex., for a visit with his mother Mrs. Dora Bruce.
1941 November La Veta: The County Commissioners plan to adopt a 25.633 mill levy to raise $226,468.73, based on a valuation of $8,836,080.
1941 November La Veta: The Mountain View Sandwich Shop was robbed again, with the thieves making off with a slot machine.
1941 November La Veta: The Pied Pipers will play for a dance Nov. 22 in Kincaid Hall. Admission 60 cents plus tax.
1941 November Walsenburg: Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, a newly organized group of Walsenburg young women, will assist the local Lions Club in the toy repair program for needy families.
1941 November Walsenburg: Dorothy Lamour and, Jon Hall in "Aloma of the South Seas" Sunday, at the-Fox Theater, plus "Two in a Taxi" starring Anita Louise and Russell, Hayden.
1941 November Walsenburg: Extensive remodeling on Shosky's Cafe has begun and plans call for a glass brick and vitrolite glass front in the colors of wine and cream.
1941 November Walsenburg: Miss Janet Chatin, instructor at Hill School, will be in Denver Thursday to give a report on archaeology in the Cucharas district.
1941 November Walsenburg: More than 5,000 people worked the Armistice Day visit of the Colorado defense corps air maneuvers over Walsenburg.
1941 November Walsenburg: Pueblo has been designated as the see of a newly-created Roman Catholic diocese to be composed of 30 counties, including Huerfano.
1941 November Walsenburg: St. Mary Crusaders beat the Cathedral Bluejays of Denver 13-0 in their homecoming game yesterday with touchdowns by Anthony Kaparos and Bob Stimack.
1941 November Walsenburg: The annual Huerfano County High School carnival will open tonight at six o'clock with a chili supper, games, concessions, amusements and dancing.
1941 November Walsenburg: The Kings Men orchestra will play for the St. Mary Homecoming dance tomorrow. Admission is 36˘ plus 4˘ tax, extra ladies 9˘ plus 1˘ tax.
1941 November Walsenburg: Theater Manager Bob Pennock of the local Fox Theater leaves Friday for La Junta and Jack Bruno of Las Vegas will replace him.
1941 November Walsenburg: Thelma Perse was named St. Mary High School homecoming queen, escorted by George Cornali.
1941 November Walsenburg: Triple threat at the Fox! "Trail of the Lonesome Pine,'' Fred McMurray and Henry Fonda, ''Her First Beau,'' Jane Withers and Jackie Cooper, and "The Road to Zanzibar," Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour.
1941 November Walsenburg: Work begins this week on the new bridge over the Cucharas at Ysidrio Street.
1941 December La Veta: A good crowd was present at the Rialto Theater Friday evening to discuss plans for future activities of the Huerfano County Association for National Defense.
1941 December La Veta: A local Civilian Defense organization was formed with Mayor W.B. Hall heading it, assisted by Lou Coleman, C.C. Webster, A.E. Jameson, E.C. Stream, H.A. Howard and J.S. Holmes.
1941 December La Veta: As the students and teachers of La Veta High School listened to the President of the United States Monday their faces were grim.
1941 December La Veta: Sub zero temperatures were recorded this week, with plenty of wind.
1941 December La Veta: Ten Huerfano county residents received their citizenship papers yesterday in district court.
1941 December La Veta: The building next door to the Boyd's adobe one was purchased by Charles Krier.
1941 December La Veta: The cheese factory is in need of more suppliers of milk in this district.
1941 December La Veta: The entire high school has really been in an uproar this week since America is in the war.
1941 December Walsenburg: A dance will be given tomorrow night in the Walsenburg Pavilion for the benefit of the Huerfano County Red Cross fund.
1941 December Walsenburg: A total of $35,000 in building permits were issued this year, with the highest expenditures made on the Fox Theatre remodeling, the new Pritchard Lumber Company, and new city buildings on East Sixth Street.
1941 December Walsenburg: A total of 48 parcels of real property were sold for $4,781.84 in the annual county treasurer's delinquent tax sale.
1941 December Walsenburg: John Paul Tice of Butte Valley has been promoted to the rank of sergeant in the Army.
1941 December Walsenburg: Showing Sunday through Tuesday at the Fox Theatre, "Bambi" and "The Spoilers" starring John Wayne and Marlene Dietrich, a color cartoon and the latest news.
1941 December Walsenburg: The Knute Rockne trophy, won by the St. Mary High School football team for the state parochial championship, is on display at Star Drug.
1941 December Walsenburg: The lives of Huerfano County men stationed at Pearl Harbor are feared for. They are Arthur Morandi, Navy; John Lynch, Navy; William Watts, Coast Artillery; Frank Warrick, Navy; William Stoker, Navy; Gilbert Romero, Bobian Gonzales and Edward Farr, all with the Navy and stationed at Pearl Harbor.
1941 December Walsenburg: The St. Mary Recreation Room will be open to all men and boys this winter with assistance from the W.P.A.
1941 December Walsenburg: The WPA project to build a filtration plant west of the city begins Dec. 8.
1942 January La Veta: Arthur Foote, Sam Masinton and George Kreutzer have been made staff sergeants in the air corps at Lowry Field near Denver.
1942 January La Veta: Robert Nason, 21, son of Clarence Nason, and Bruce Prator, 17, son of Mrs. Lillian Harrison, were accepted for Navy duty at the Pueblo recruiting office last week.
1942 January La Veta: Stella Quillian Alexander, 78, of Gardner, was killed in a car accident. Her sisters Mrs. Hopkins and Mrs. Alexander live in La Veta.
1942 January La Veta: The local chapter of the Eastern Star will open a Red Cross sewing room in Masonic Hall Thursday, Jan. 29.
1942 January La Veta: The local post of the American Legion will sponsor a box supper Saturday, Feb. 14 in Kincaid Hall to raise funds for fire fighting services. Cards and music will be the entertainment.
1942 January La Veta: The upcoming marriage of Ruth Curtis to Karl T. Gilbert of Isle Royale National Park, Mich., has been announced. They will be wed at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. George A. Goemmer.
1942 January Walsenburg: About 75 men attended the Junior Chamber of Commerce Bosses Night banquet last night in the Rainbow Room at the Hotel Kirkpatrick.
1942 January Walsenburg: Albert Cesario, proprietor of the Jolly Boy Bakery, received a letter from his brother Sam of the U.S. Navy in Pearl Harbor saying his family has been evacuated back to California.
1942 January Walsenburg: Children's School Shoes, 67 cents at Jolton's Quitting Business Sale ending Jan. 31.
1942 January Walsenburg: Fire completely destroyed the Central Beer Tavern at 524 Main Street while temperatures of minus 10 and 12 hampered fire fighting efforts.
1942 January Walsenburg: Hide sales in Huerfano County totaled about 2,500 during 1941, a slight decrease from 1940.
1942 January Walsenburg: The open installation of the Order of Rainbow for Girls featured a piano duet by Betty Dick and Elaine Levy.
1942 January Walsenburg: Walsenburg Elks sent Christmas packages of cigarettes, cookies, candies and other items to 42 of Huerfano County's members of the armed forces.
1942 February La Veta: All men of La Veta between the ages of 20 and 45 who are not already registered must register for the Selective Service Monday, Feb. 16, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Town Hall.
1942 February La Veta: Arthur and Ernest Prator have enlisted in the Army and their brother Bill enlisted in the Navy.
1942 February La Veta: The Advisory Board for Selective Service in La Veta is C.C. Webster, Mary Stranger, Julia M. Lively and E.C. Stream.
1942 February Walsenburg: An estimated 730-800 men were registered in Huerfano County yesterday and today in the third selective service call for single men 20-45.
1942 February Walsenburg: City school children have purchased more than $1,140 in defense bonds and stamps.
1942 February Walsenburg: Employees of the seven leading coal producing mines in Huerfano County have pledged $32,700.50 for defense bonds.
1942 February Walsenburg: Mrs. Kathleen Grover was hired English teacher at Washington Junior High School to replace B.J. Friel, who left last week for service in the US Navy.
1942 February Walsenburg: The Denver and Rio Grande Western displayed their seven-car "Food for Freedom" train here throughout today.
1942 February Walsenburg: The Ysidero street bridge across the Cucharas has been completed.
1942 February Walsenburg: Walsenburg and its six annexed additions occupy 1,040 acres, compared to 320 in the original town site.
1942 February Walsenburg: Walsenburg is prepared to move its clocks forward one hour in line with the presidential order to save daylight hours for work.
1942 March La Veta: After announcement was made of the closure of the Gardner CCC camp, the county agricultural planning committee asked federal officials to leave all or part of those activities for the benefit of the entire county.
1942 March La Veta: Art Brubaker closed his pool hall and sold the fixtures to Fred Kreutzer.
1942 March La Veta: Charles Green, a freshman, was the only student of La Veta High School to receive all A's.
1942 March La Veta: Colorado Cheese Company has made arrangements to bring 200 milking goats to this area which will range in the foothills.
1942 March La Veta: Colorado Cheese Company is bringing in 200 goats to spread around in place of dairy cows.
1942 March La Veta: H. Earl French replaced F.J. Poch as supervisor of the San Isabel National Forest.
1942 March La Veta: La Veta Hardware is forced to go out of business.
1942 March La Veta: La Veta residents bought or pledged to buy about $15,000 in Government Defense Bonds and Stamps in the one-day drive last Friday.
1942 March La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Elley will celebrate their 50th Anniversary on March 20.
1942 March Walsenburg: Approximately 2,500 acres of crop land in Huerfano County will have a more dependable water supply under the Soil Conservation Service.
1942 March Walsenburg: D.J. Passero's Central Cafe will reopen Saturday after remodeling following the fire in January.
1942 March Walsenburg: Dario Felice, son of Frank Felice of West Seventh Street, was raised to the rank of corporal at Camp Roberts, California.
1942 March Walsenburg: Del Carbon school boys and girls have turned in 800 pounds of scrap iron in the recent drive.
1942 March Walsenburg: Friday and Saturday at tire Fox Theater, Walt Disney's "Dumbo" plus Tim Holt in "Six Gun Gold" and the last chapter of "The Iron Claw."
1942 March Walsenburg: Initiation ceremonies for the largest class since 1927 will be Thursday when the local Elks lodge inducts 29 new members.
1942 March Walsenburg: Margie Thornberry, HCHS senior, will represent Colorado in the National Elks Scholarship Contest.
1942 March Walsenburg: Members of the Victory Book Campaign in Walsenburg sent another 543 volumes for use by the armed services. They have sent over 2,000 books so far.
1942 April La Veta: Chester Springer, Floyd Garritson, Harold Danks, Joseph Klikus and Norman Boyd left last week for military duty.
1942 April La Veta: E.E. Ault arrived last week with a herd of about 175 purebred goats and will operate a goat dairy on the Tom Wheeler place in the second block of East Ryus.
1942 April La Veta: John and Laura Elley celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married March 20, 1892 in Nebraska.
1942 April La Veta: Only 359 people voted of the 575 registered.
1942 April La Veta: Only 359 people voted of the 575 registered.
1942 April La Veta: The all day rain on Monday turned to snow and left about 14 inches on Tuesday.
1942 April La Veta: The Chamber of Commerce is preparing new advertising folders for circulation - the first time in years we have had such advertisements.
1942 April La Veta: The IOOF moved into its newly remodeled building on Ryus Avenue.
1942 April La Veta: The rains and 40 inch snowfall on La Veta Pass caused a rockslide which delayed the trains over the weekend.
1942 April La Veta: The rains and 40 inch snowfall on La Veta Pass caused a rockslide which delayed the trains over the weekend.
1942 April Walsenburg: As a part of the nationwide observance of Army week Huerfano County will hold a huge mass meeting of all citizens at Huerfano County High School auditorium April 8th.
1942 April Walsenburg: A Denver man pled guilty to selling 800 cockerel chicks in Huerfano County as pullets.
1942 April Walsenburg: By Government Order, the distribution and sale of metal Venetian blinds must be discontinued by May 1. Order now at O'Byrne Furniture and Hardware.
1942 April Walsenburg: Huerfano County sheepraisers fear a 50 percent loss to the lamb crop due to the heavy snow.
1942 April Walsenburg: Recent heavy rain and snow has added materially to the snow stocks in the mountains and water storage in the county is the best in nearly a decade.
1942 April Walsenburg: The annual cleanup of the campus and church grounds is being completed today by students of St. Mary School.
1942 April Walsenburg: Walsenburg residents were thrilled Saturday and Sunday by the splendid showing made by 44 basic training planes which passed over the city bound for Pueblo.
1942 May La Veta: About 20 teachers and other volunteers have been busy the past four days registering local residents for sugar rationing. Since the registration is taking place in the high school, school has been dismissed each afternoon.
1942 May La Veta: Retail price controls on many groceries and clothing, dry goods, cigarets [sic], drugs, toiletries, furniture, appliances, hardware and miscellaneous agricultural supplies begin May 18.
1942 May La Veta: Warren Farrar and Rufe Martinez, senior classmen who are apprentice seamen in the Naval reserves, are waiting for the call to duty shortly after school is out.
1942 May Walsenburg: All W.P.A. projects in Walsenburg, including a park program at the West Fifth Street grounds and construction of a caretaker's house at the city filtration plant will be shut off Monday.
1942 May Walsenburg: Because Huerfano County reached and exceeded its USO quota in a single hour on the opening day of the drive for funds, the entire state of Colorado received national recognition.
1942 May Walsenburg: Beginning May 18, the World-Independent rates will increase to eight cents per week by carrier in the city, by mail in Huerfano County to $3 a year and by mail elsewhere to $4. It will still cost three cents an issue.
1942 May Walsenburg: Eugene T. Childers, editor of the World-Independent, received the Arthur A. Parkhurst trophy for community service to readers.
1942 May Walsenburg: Lee Sylvia Ruffini has been named Huerfano County winner of Omar Flour "V-girl" contest and will compete in the state contest.
1942 May Walsenburg: Senator Edwin C. Johnson will speak June 3 at St. Mary Auditorium as a kick off of the gigantic Three Star fund drive.
1942 May Walsenburg: The city and county will combine their efforts to establish a playground and recreation area at Martin Lake.
1942 May Walsenburg: The senior class of St. Mary High School will present a three-act comedy, "The Mad March Heirs," featuring George Mauro, Teresa Marvelli, Eleanor Furphy, Louise Covi, John A. O'Rourke and Sylvia Comminotti.
1942 May Walsenburg: The St. Mary nursery school cosponsored by the school and W.P.A. will hold an open house tomorrow morning from nine to noon.
1942 June La Veta: A new bridge over Middle Creek to replace the one washed out last month was opened last week.
1942 June La Veta: La Veta extends a first welcome to a war hero, Joe Linscott, who served on the aircraft carrier Lexington during the Battle of the Coral Sea.
1942 June La Veta: La Veta will celebrate the 4th of July with its usual rousing big program of races, sports, baseball, fireworks, dance, etc., under the sponsorship of the American Legion.
1942 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold have purchased the Jack Stone residence.
1942 June La Veta: The Boy Scouts will whitewash the trees on the main streets and donations are requested to buy materials.
1942 June La Veta: The La Veta Chamber of Commerce is distributing 5,000 copies of an advertising folder called "Land of the Huajatollas."
1942 June Walsenburg: A hardball league is being organized by Bill Pospahala, Tony Madle, George Giro, Frank Repola, Bob and Frank Stimack, Paul Shaw, George Dasko and Rico Guigli.
1942 June Walsenburg: A weed fire caused the complete destruction of the two-story CF&I warehouse just west of city limits in Walsen June 24.
1942 June Walsenburg: Four Huerfano County boys recently arrived in Hawaii for military duty - Maurice Cowing, Milo Rogers, Ellis Lee and William O'Rourke.
1942 June Walsenburg: Lloyd Ingles, superintendent of the Kebler mine at Tioga, has been elected president of the newly organized Huerfano County mine officials association.
1942 June Walsenburg: Nearly 100 boys ages 9-13 have formed six softball teams under the direction of playground director Frank Repola.
1942 June Walsenburg: Oscar Santi has been named county administrator of the scrap rubber drive.
1942 June Walsenburg: The John Lessar family of Butte Valley have set a record for furnishing sons to the war effort with five of their boys in the service - Frank, Martin, Fred, Louis and Harry.
1942 June Walsenburg: The mattress making project sponsored by the surplus commodities division of AAA will start in Del Carbon next week.
1942 June Walsenburg: Work began today on the Martin Lake recreational area through the cooperation of the county commissioners and the City of Walsenburg.
1942 July La Veta: La Veta and Walsenburg Rotarians and their wives enjoyed a picnic Wednesday evening at Cuchara Camps.
1942 July La Veta: La Veta majors of the Huerfano County Association for National Defense are Wilma Boyd, Charles Masinton, E.C. Stream, C.C. Webster, H.A. Howard, Rev. L.V. Snodgrass, Mary Zember and Bertha Richman.
1942 July La Veta: Local breeders of purebred Hereford cattle sent 116 bulls to a Mr. Bain of Great Falls, Idaho.
1942 July La Veta: Miss Helen McLaughlin resigned her position at the post office to take a job in Denver and is being replaced by Mrs. Cornelia Coleman.
1942 July La Veta: The county commissioners pledged $50 toward the 4-H and County Fair in La Veta, which will be three days in the week of August 17th.
1942 July Walsenburg: A splendid record of rubber collection in the county was announced by Oscar Santi, campaign chairman, with nearly 71 tons collected since June 15.
1942 July Walsenburg: City police officers reported they had confiscated an air rifle from a youngster on Eighth Street after he had shot out several street lights.
1942 July Walsenburg: Civic minded citizens are asked to help clean up Huajatolla Park before its dedication July 17.
1942 July Walsenburg: Early harvest yields are 25-30 bushels of wheat per acre, with 3,000 acres planted to that crop.
1942 July Walsenburg: In an effort to get every last pound of rubber in Huerfano County, defense officials have located three rubber bins on Main Street for odds and ends of rubber.
1942 July Walsenburg: Mary Lou Levy and Brunete Galassini of Walsenburg are among the enrollees at the aircraft mechanic learner course in Pueblo.
1942 July: Little Donald Edward Cordova, three-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cordova, contributed a tiny tire for the rubber collection. The tire bore the legend "Made in Japan."
1942 August La Veta: 4-H Club members winning free trips to the state fair were Marjorie England, Harriet Smith, Jack Coe and Mildred Jean Goss.
1942 August La Veta: Died, Mary Stevenson Young, mother of George and John Young of La Veta. She was born in Scotland in 1867 and married Adam Young in Walsenburg in 1884.
1942 August La Veta: E.A. Stansbury has commenced his duties as postmaster.
1942 August La Veta: The 4-H and County Fair opens Monday with a parade and baseball game. Tuesday evening will be a boxing program at the high school gymnasium, followed by a modern dance at Kincaid Hall.
1942 August La Veta: The order prohibiting riding bicycles and roller skates on sidewalks in the business district will be strictly enforced by the order of Town Board.
1942 August Walsenburg: Recent rains have delayed the wheat harvest.
1942 August Walsenburg: A new technical course in radio repair and maintenance will open tonight at the shops of Huerfano County High School.
1942 August Walsenburg: A total of $30 in war savings stamps were sold last night in the first of a series of Victory dances being sponsored by HCHS.
1942 August Walsenburg: A victory dance will be held Wednesday evening at Huerfano County High School.
1942 August Walsenburg: Ann Glinsky has been appointed as selective service clerk.
1942 August Walsenburg: Bob Stimack, 1942 St. Mary quarterback, will play in the state All-Star football game.
1942 August Walsenburg: Joe Mosco Jr., city Democratic chairman for the past several years, was given a farewell party before his departure for induction into the U.S. Army.
1942 August Walsenburg: Modern wig-wag signals are replacing the old blinker signals in the center of Seventh Street at the railroad crossing.
1942 August Walsenburg: The Knights of Columbus last night defeated the First National team in the city Duffers League, 8-5, thus advancing to the semi-finals.
1942 August Walsenburg: The old road to Cameron will be closed this week with the completion of the new county road to the left.
1942 August Walsenburg: The scrap metal dump will be set up on the empty lots just north of the Huerfano County courthouse.
1942 August Walsenburg: The wading pool being constructed in city park on West First Street is nearly half completed and W.P.A. workers should finish it by Aug. 15.
1942 August: Ann Glinsky, formerly employed by the Huerfano County Department of Public Welfare, has been appointed clerk to the Selective Service board.
1942 August: The liquor license of Vic's Bar on West Seventh Street was revoked for 15 days when three minors were discovered drinking in last night's raid.
1942 September La Veta: Albert Jameson is closing the La Veta Automotive garage - the last public repair garage in town.
1942 September La Veta: Drivers are urgently appealed to cease all pleasure driving at once.
1942 September La Veta: E.A. Stansbury was installed La Veta postmaster Tuesday and Cornelia Coleman is his assistant.
1942 September La Veta: Sterge Mavrodis claimed that the Junior Chamber of Commerce damaged his frame store building when they tore down the old adobe adjoining it.
1942 September La Veta: The 10 members of the "L" Club elected Harold Vernon, president; Clarence Heikes, vice president; L.V. Booth secretary and Donald Ward, treasurer.
1942 September Walsenburg: A two story building will be constructed at Huajatolla Park just north of Martin Lake.
1942 September Walsenburg: Gas rationing will begin Nov. 22.
1942 September Walsenburg: Martin Lake in Huajatolla Park is now closed to swimming for the season.
1942 September Walsenburg: Miss Ida Cruz of Walsenburg won the honor of naming the new women's organization, the WIRES.
1942 September Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Sporleder will celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary Sunday, Sept. 27.
1942 September Walsenburg: Nine rural schools are still without teachers.
1942 September Walsenburg: Schools at Birmingham, La Veta Pass and Laguna have been staffed with teachers qualifying for emergency war certificates.
1942 September Walsenburg: Smokers are reminded not to light up outside the house during tonight's practice blackout for every one west of Main Street.
1942 September Walsenburg: The first city practice blackout will be next week.
1942 September Walsenburg: The lunch room at Huerfano County High School maintained by students in homemaking classes is now in full operation, serving an average of 200 meals per day.
1942 September Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School girls were dismissed early this afternoon to begin a door-to-door campaign to collect scrap metal.
1942 September: Xavier Atencio, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Atencio of Walsenburg, was one of the production staff on the new Walt Disney film "Fantasia."
1942 October La Veta: All trucks to be used by farmers or ranchers in Huerfano County must be registered in the new program of the war transportation board.
1942 October La Veta: Died, Mary Matilda Springer, who came to La Veta in 1886 and operated the Springer Hotel for 33 years.
1942 October La Veta: Elsie Hern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Hern, married Carl Cannon of Walsenburg.
1942 October La Veta: Fire of undetermined origin destroyed barns, sheds, baled hay and farm implements and equipment at the R.L. Kincaid ranch just east of La Veta Saturday. The loss is estimated to be $6,000, with practically no insurance.
1942 October La Veta: Gilbert Arnold, who is taking a preparatory course in radio work at Colorado State Teachers College in Greeley, spent the weekend visiting his parents in La Veta.
1942 October La Veta: Huerfano County schools have been apportioned $27,929 in state funds raised by the Colorado income tax.
1942 October La Veta: President Roosevelt says it will be necessary to reduce the draft age to 18.
1942 October La Veta: Successful bear hunters so far this season are Joe Robino, Alfred Murray, Charles Galassini and Clayton Hern.
1942 October La Veta: The Camp Fire Girls will have a Spook Night with refreshments of chili and donuts.
1942 October La Veta: With the shortage of meat, Secretary of Agriculture Wickard has called on the poultry industry to produce 200 million extra birds during the coming fall and winter.
1942 October Walsenburg: $13,200 in war bonds were sold last night for the premiere of "Priorities on Parade" at the Fox Theater.
1942 October Walsenburg: Approximately 700 were inoculated yesterday for smallpox and diphtheria at Washington School.
1942 October Walsenburg: Censorship regulations begin tomorrow, Oct. 12.
1942 October Walsenburg: Complete remodeling of the railroad crossing on Main Street will be done by Colorado and Southern and D&RG railroads and the road will be closed for two to three days.
1942 October Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School students built a 50 ton scrap pile in the current drive.
1942 October Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sarti of Pryor announce the marriage of their daughter Ida Mae to J.K. Osbourne of Clayton, N.M., Oct. 17.
1942 October Walsenburg: Red Cross classes in home nursing and care of the sick will open tomorrow night in the home economics room in Huerfano County High School.
1942 October Walsenburg: Residents are asked to turn in discarded toothpaste and shaving cream tubes for the government's collection of tin.
1942 October Walsenburg: Thirty-three bed lamps were collected by the Huerfano County chapter of the American Legion Auxiliary for use in government hospitals in Colorado.
1942 October Walsenburg: Thirty-three bed lamps were collected by the Huerfano County chapter of the American Legion Auxiliary for use in government hospitals in Colorado.
1942 October Walsenburg: Three sons of Mr. and Mrs. Zinanti of Tioga - Stephen, Angelo and Joe - are now serving in the Army.
1942 October Walsenburg: Violators of the 35 miles per hour speed limit will face denial of gas rationing books.
1942 October Walsenburg: Workers at the Kebler mine at Tioga gained the distinction of being the first mine in Colorado to earn the coveted Army-Navy "E" flag for excellence.
1942 October Walsenburg: Jack, Chase, classy Walsenburg fighter, defeated Sebastian Gonzales of Mexico City in San Diego, Calif., with a k.o.
1942 October Walsenburg: Jack, Chase, classy Walsenburg fighter, defeated Sebastian Gonzales of Mexico City in San Diego, Calif., with a k.o.
1942 November La Veta: The UMWA approved a plan for a seven day work week in the mines, based on a time-and-a-half pay rate.
1942 November La Veta: There's usually one big thing most people remember about the good old horse and buggy days, and that is that they didn't own a horse.
1942 November La Veta: William Robert was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Firm in Lamme Hospital in Walsenburg.
1942 November Walsenburg: A mass meeting to discuss the "share the meat" program, which opens Monday, will be tonight at 8 o'clock in the Washington School Auditorium.
1942 November Walsenburg: Bishop Willging of Pueblo confirmed 121 children yesterday at St. Mary.
1942 November Walsenburg: Broadway Grocery and Market - Pinions [sic], new crop, 23 cents a pound; Sugar 7˝ cents a pound (Stamp No. 9 Now Good).
1942 November Walsenburg: Coffee rationing will begin Nov. 28 with each person to receive one pound every five weeks.
1942 November Walsenburg: In spite of increased expenses due to local war work, Walsenburg City Council kept last year's 14 mill levy in place.
1942 November Walsenburg: Secondhand toys will be collected again this year by the Lions Club for distribution among needy families.
1942 November Walsenburg: Sen. Sam T. Taylor was acting governor of Colorado for two hours last night when both Gov. Carr and Lt. Gov. Vivian were out of state.
1942 November Walsenburg: The City of Walsenburg has cancelled this year's plans for outdoor Christmas lighting.
1942 November Walsenburg: While searching around his home for scrap iron for the war effort, Nick Agnes found a Colorado auto license for 1920, which is an outsized plate of heavy gauge metal with numerals welded on.
1942 November Walsenburg: Honey Dews, 4 for 25 cents; milk, any brand, three cans 25 cents; fancy lamb chops, 32 cents a pound, Broadway Grocery and Market.
1942 December La Veta: A total of 3,207 gasoline rationing books have been issued in Huerfano County.
1942 December La Veta: Collection of current taxes in Huerfano County during 1942 reached a total of $237,752.51, or 90.1 percent of the total levy.
1942 December La Veta: La Veta sounds like a factory town again since the Excelsior mill installed another whistle.
1942 December La Veta: The 1943 Colorado auto license plates will be black with yellow numbers.
1942 December La Veta: The Felix Mestas ranch five miles east of La Veta was burned down with little saved except the piano.
1942 December La Veta: The large ranch house of Felix B. Mestas five miles east of La Veta burned to the ground Friday afternoon. It was built in the early 1880s.
1942 December La Veta: The new Victory tax will take five percent of all wages beginning Jan. 1.
1942 December La Veta: Tom Wheeler rented the Mavrodis store for his carpenter and fix-it shop.
1942 December La Veta: Tom's Carpenter and Fix-It Shop is opening in the Mavrodis building.
1942 December La Veta: Two hundred and 12 car owners in La Veta registered for gasoline rationing cards.
1942 December Walsenburg: A total of some 700 tires were turned in from Huerfano County during the current government purchase plan, which were sent out in 400 shipments by Railway Express.
1942 December Walsenburg: Ann Brownlee, librarian at Huerfano County High School, has announced her engagement to Lt. Robert E. Hepplewhite.
1942 December Walsenburg: Approximately 25 Huerfano County men aged 18 and 19 were registered under the Selective Service during the past week.
1942 December Walsenburg: Plans for Walsenburg's ice skating rink on West First Street received a severe setback yesterday when a number of children threw rocks into the pond and smashed all the ice.
1942 December Walsenburg: The 30-year-old Wayt Lumber Company on Fifth Street was purchased by the Pritchards.
1942 December Walsenburg: The Alpine Rose Cafe today began a system of "meatless days" to be continued every Friday until the end of the war.
1942 December Walsenburg: The City of Walsenburg plans to flood the Wading pool on West First Street to provide an ice skating rink.
1942 December Walsenburg: The Rex Hotel, condemned a week ago, has been permanently closed and all furnishings removed from the building.
1942 December Walsenburg: The Wayt Lumber Company, a firm of some 30 years' standing in Walsenburg, was purchased by the Pritchard Lumber Company effective Jan. 1.
1942 December Walsenburg: Virtually every one of the 16,000 residents of Huerfano County participated in last night's practice blackout.
1942 December Walsenburg: With the advent of gasoline rationing, the parking problem downtown Walsenburg has ended.
1943 January La Veta: A son was born Dec. 27, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Drum.
1943 January La Veta: Amanda Clark, Mary Judiscak and Stella Harrison joined the American Legion Auxiliary during the Christmas dinner at Odd Fellows Hall.
1943 January La Veta: Died, Louis Bemen, 70, whose father Oliver operated a sawmill on the Walls ranch in 1887 and later one at the head of Middle Creek for many years.
1943 January La Veta: Emmett Thornton, son of Mrs. Melcena Welsby, and Donald Ward, the son of D. Ward Sr., have joined the army.
1943 January La Veta: Ensign William M. Kincaid, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Kincaid Sr., and Rosann Dissler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Dissler, announced their engagement.
1943 January La Veta: Gilbert Arnold, who has been taking instruction in radio work, is home for a visit before reporting for induction in the Signal Corps.
1943 January La Veta: Huerfano County Chapter of the Red Cross has issued a call for more knitters to assist in work on garments for the armed forces
1943 January La Veta: La Veta sounds like a factory town again since the Excelsior mill installed another whistle.
1943 January La Veta: M.F. Alexander bought the old Vasquez blacksmith shop on East Francisco and moved it to his property west of town for a goat barn.
1943 January La Veta: M.F. Alexander took the old Vasquez blacksmith shop on East Francisco Street and moved it to his goat ranch east of town.
1943 January La Veta: Mike Judiscak has recovered from malaria and is back or duty with the Marines in the Solomon Islands.
1943 January La Veta: Mrs. Joe Kincaid badly mangled her fingers in a power meat grinder at the R.L. Kincaid ranch east of La Veta.
1943 January La Veta: Mrs. Mable L. Spielmann married W.C. Hottinger.
1943 January La Veta: Wanted - lounging furniture for use in the recreation room of the Methodist Church.
1943 January Walsenburg: A Victory Concert of popular music will be presented by the high school band and Victory chorus in support of the war effort.
1943 January Walsenburg: District Judge John L. East sentenced Louis Vasek, east Huerfano County rancher, to a three-seven year sentence for voluntary manslaughter for killing George Saliba, prominent county rancher and businessman.
1943 January Walsenburg: Floodlights will be set up at the city skating rink and skating will be allowed until 9 p.m. on weekdays and later on weekends.
1943 January Walsenburg: Froggy's Poor Boy Inn is closed for two weeks for a complete remodeling.
1943 January Walsenburg: Ice skating in Walsenburg was given another setback last night, when for the third time youngsters broke out all the accumulated ice in the West First Street wading pool.
1943 January Walsenburg: Ice skating in Walsenburg was given another setback last night, when for the third time youngsters broke out all the accumulated ice in the West First Street wading pool.
1943 January Walsenburg: Leading contender in the World-Independent First Baby of the Year contest appears to be little Stephen Belloni, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Belloni of Gardner, who was born on Jan. 2 at 5:12 a.m.
1943 January Walsenburg: Let's dance to the music of the Dipsy Doodlers Orchestra at Max Hall in Rouse Jan. 23. 55˘ a couple, 10˘ for extra ladies.
1943 January Walsenburg: Members of the local American Legion post and students of H.C.H.S. are asking citizens to turn in any knives they have to be used by the American armed forces.
1943 January Walsenburg: Ninety-five of the 152 teachers in Huerfano County received a salary of less than $1,000 in 1940-41 and 62 got less than $800 during the year according to a study made by the State Department of Education.
1943 January Walsenburg: Some 2,000 pair of silk and nylon stockings have been collected for the war effort and are on display in one of Krier's Sixth Street windows before being made into powder bags and other essential war materials.
1943 January Walsenburg: Students of the Walsenburg public schools, assisted by their teachers, will purchase a jeep for use by the US Army by purchasing between $750 and $1,000 in war bonds and stamps.
1943 January Walsenburg: The final shipment of dressed turkeys from Huerfano County will leave Walsenburg Jan. 19, bringing the season's total to near 5,000 birds.
1943 January Walsenburg: The office of price administration advises that home-canned food will not be included when rationing of processed foods starts next month.
1943 January Walsenburg: The Rev. Francis Bottler, assistant pastor of St. Mary Parish, has been released by His Excellency Joseph C. Willging in order to submit his application as chaplain in the Army.
1943 January Walsenburg: The Rev. Francis Bottler, assistant pastor of St. Mary parish, will leave Walsenburg next month to become an Army chaplain.
1943 January Walsenburg: Walsenburg's ice pond was opened for skating for the first time last night and a large crowd turned out for the fun. Recent cold weather has placed the surface in grand shape.
1943 February La Veta: Betty Ann Hector and Maurice Sager were married Friday, Jan. 29 and he left Saturday for airplane mechanics school in Utah.
1943 February La Veta: Doris Nauerth leased the Mountain View Sandwich Shop from Mrs. Mary Clair.
1943 February La Veta: Effective tomorrow, prices at Walter's Barber Shop are raised to 65 cents for haircuts and 35 cents for shaves.
1943 February La Veta: F.R. Fouch's mattress factory moved to the Mavrodis building behind Tom's Fix-it Shop. He also does upholstery and rug cleaning.
1943 February La Veta: Fireman Third Class Louie Magnino arrived home from San Diego last week for a short leave from the Navy.
1943 February La Veta: In several communities in this area, merchants have reported an increase in thefts of rationed food items the past several weeks.
1943 February La Veta: It may cost three and a half cents to mail a letter after June 30.
1943 February La Veta: John Elley, local taxidermist, has a nice collection of mounted animal heads on display at the Village Blacksmith and Machine Shop.
1943 February La Veta: There are over 50 La Veta High School graduates in the different branches of the armed services.
1943 February La Veta: Walter's Barber Shop is raising its prices effective tomorrow, to 64 cents for haircuts and 35 cents for shaves.
1943 February Walsenburg: Although operatives of the W-I were stationed in strategic stations to see if the groundhog would see his shadow today, the results cannot be printed because of the war department's request that no weather information be published.
1943 February Walsenburg: American Legion Commander Frank LoPresto collected another 42 knives from local residents for the use of the US armed forces in the conduct of war.
1943 February Walsenburg: City Council endorsed by resolution the nation Victory Garden campaign and pledge the best efforts to assist in any way.
1943 February Walsenburg: Ed Tomsic, 40, employee of the Robinson mine at Cameron, was injured yesterday when he was caught in a fall of rock.
1943 February Walsenburg: Initial plans are being made to establish a USO Center in Walsenburg.
1943 February Walsenburg: Miss Dorothy Gilbert of Walsenburg, associated with the Lamme Hospital for the past year and a half, has been accepted for nursing service in the U.S. army air corps.
1943 February Walsenburg: Miss Florence Schonauer, for the past 14 years instructor of English at H.C.H.S., has been accepted for the Womens Army, Auxiliary Corps.
1943 February Walsenburg: Motorists with B or C mileage ration books are reminded that today is the deadline for tire inspection.
1943 February Walsenburg: Mrs. M.E. Cowing has been named temporary chairman of a woman's' committee representing the city organizations to serve in the formation and operation of a city USO center.
1943 February Walsenburg: Mrs. S. Julian Lamme was a $5 winner in the Colonel Stoopnagle Fictionary feature in the current issue of Liberty magazine for her definition of "ductor - one of many quacks."
1943 February Walsenburg: Nearly 2,250 Walsenburg residents will have registered under the new point-rationing system at the close of business today, said S.M. Andrews.
1943 February Walsenburg: Students and teachers in the city's public schools, in one week, realized nearly half the funds necessary to buy an Army jeep after raising $429.10.
1943 February Walsenburg: The sales of all canned meats and canned fish and shellfish have been suspended until the start of meat rationing within the next 60 days.
1943 February Walsenburg: Walsenburg citizens will begin registering for Ration Book No. 2 next week.
1943 February Walsenburg: With the announcement Tuesday night that War Ration Book No. 2 will be on sale March 1 for canned fruits and vegetables, the office of price administration ordered the sale of these goods will stop Feb. 20 and reopen March 1.
1943 February Walsenburg: Word from Mrs. Vernie Unfug Hutchcraft is that her son Lt. Conrad Jefferson Farr has received the Purple Heart posthumously for bravery in action in Europe.
1943 March La Veta: Cpl. Darrell G. Arnold writes from California that he was able to visit his sister Mrs. Russell Stambaugh.
1943 March La Veta: Edward E. Engberg, editor of the Advertiser, was appointed justice of the peace for La Veta precincts No. 5 and No. 35.
1943 March La Veta: Edward E. Engberg, editor of the Advertiser, was appointed justice of the peace for precincts 5 and 35.
1943 March La Veta: F.R. Fouch is moving the mattress factory from Walsenburg to the back room of Tom's Fix-It Shop in the Stergh Mavrodis building on Main Street.
1943 March La Veta: Mrs. Lively's music class composed of Pamela Campbell, Estalien Tracy and Betty Harrison presented a recital Sunday afternoon in the Presbyterian Church.
1943 March La Veta: Mrs. W.C. Hottinger left for Denver to assist her sister Mrs. Fred Hector with her new baby.
1943 March La Veta: Mrs. W.C. Hottinger left for Denver to assist her sister Mrs. Fred Hector with her new baby.
1943 March La Veta: The La Veta Advertiser is moving to the La Veta Light, Heat and Power Company building, just across the street from its old location.
1943 March La Veta: The snow pack on La Veta Pass is 26.7 inches deep, compared to the five year average of 31.8 inches.
1943 March La Veta: The snow pack on La Veta Pass is 26.7 inches deep, compared to the five year average of 31.8 inches.
1943 March Walsenburg: A man broke into the Knotty Pine Inn late last night and took some $23 in change from the cash register.
1943 March Walsenburg: Bishop Joseph Willging of the Pueblo diocese announced Lenten laws of fast will be relaxed this year because of war restrictions on some foods.
1943 March Walsenburg: Died, L.B. Sporleder, who came to Plaza de los Leones in 1873 and married Louisa Unfug when she was here visiting from Germany. Louisa survives, as do children Carl, Louis B. Jr., Caroline S. Young and Louise Sporleder.
1943 March Walsenburg: Earl W. Funderburk of Alamosa has been named Farm Security Administrator for Huerfano County, succeeding John Nucci who was inducted into the army.
1943 March Walsenburg: Fred Sweet has taken over the operation of the Caddell mine.
1943 March Walsenburg: George Thurston, R.R. Gowdy, H.T. Dabney, James Tessler and Andrew Dick were elected officers of the Huerfano County Chamber of Commerce.
1943 March Walsenburg: Gordon, Butte Valley and Calumet mines have signed contracts with UMWA to adjust pay rates.
1943 March Walsenburg: Rev. Francis J. Papesh arrived to take over duties on the staff of St. Mary Parish.
1943 March Walsenburg: The O.P.A. has frozen the retail sales of butter, lard, margarine, shortening, cooking and salad oils for one week.
1943 March Walsenburg: The Walsenburg public school "Jeep Fund" now stands at $1,712.10, sufficient to purchase two such vehicles for the Army.
1943 March Walsenburg: Wayne Van Schoyck and John Kelt bought the Western Auto Store. 1946 March Walsenburg: The Colorado Supply Store will open Monday in the former Bain store at Seventh and Main Streets.
1943 April La Veta: Aspen Excelsior plant was sold to La Luna Excelsior Company of Phoenix, Ariz. and will soon begin operation of a sawmill. Ed Simon, who remains as manager, says they will employ 25.
1943 April La Veta: Born, April 14 in Pueblo, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John Vories, named Virginia Benton.
1943 April La Veta: Dr. John Goemmer was elected president of Rotary Club, H.A. Howard, vice president, E.A. Stansbury, secretary and C.C. Webster, treasurer.
1943 April La Veta: Frank Fernandez, owner of the La Luna Excelsior Company says he will employ more than 25 tree cutters in the mountains.
1943 April La Veta: Next week's Advertiser will be the 50th Anniversary Edition. The first issue was a two page, six column sheet produced by Heber and C.E. Turner and A.A. Foote.
1943 April La Veta: Sheriff Claud Swift ordered all slot machines removed in accordance with the ban on gambling.
1943 April La Veta: Showing at the Chief Theatre Saturday and Sunday, "Desperate Journey" starring Errol Flynn, Ronald Reagan and Nancy Coleman, also a cartoon.
1943 April La Veta: Some 1,000 people attended the stock show for the benefit of the Red Cross, which brought in $2,731.50 for 27 cattle, four horses, 19 sheep, 21 hogs, three goats, a Brahma calf and farm products.
1943 April La Veta: The Goemmer Brothers moved their house from Oak Street to their ranch on the Cucharas where it will be rebuilt for tenants.
1943 April La Veta: The Goemmer Brothers moved their house from Oak Street to their ranch on the Cucharas where it will be rebuilt for tenants.
1943 April La Veta: The senior class play, "Coveralls," will be presented April 15 and 16 beginning at 8 p.m. Admission is 30 cents.
1943 April La Veta: Upholstery and furniture repair by Fouch and Wheeler at Tom's Fix-It Shop.
1943 April Walsenburg: Dr. G.R. Mallett was sworn in as mayor of Walsenburg, Steve J. Glinsky as treasurer and T.M. Wilson, clerk.
1943 April Walsenburg: Elected aldermen were C.A. Brunelli and Oscar Santi, Ward I; Paul P. Martinez and Herman Mazzone, Ward II; Louis Cordova and Valentine T. Supancic, Ward III and Fred Martinez and Conrad Cordova, Ward IV.
1943 April Walsenburg: Mayor G.R. Mallett ordered a halt to all gambling in Walsenburg, including slot machines and card and dice games. About 160 slot machines were removed.
1943 April Walsenburg: Mayor Mallett ordered strict enforcement of the curfew in an effort to curb the growing juvenile delinquency problem.
1943 April Walsenburg: Plans are being made for between 10,000 and 12,000 turkeys in Huerfano County this season, nearly three times the number grown here last year.
1943 April Walsenburg: Richard George, a member of the woodworking class at Washington School, turned out a 12-foot boat skiff, which proved entirely seaworthy when tried out on Martin Lake.
1943 April Walsenburg: Some 65 servicemen from the Pueblo air base were given a royal welcome last night when they came for the bond rally and they had plenty of dance partners later provided by the local USO.
1943 April Walsenburg: The tavern license of John Lepich on West Seventh Street was suspended for 15 days for staying open after midnight last night.
1943 April Walsenburg: Xavier Atencio was recently commissioned second lieutenant in the air corps and his brother A.P. Atencio Jr. went from second to first lieutenant.
1943 May La Veta: A new Colorado law says old age pensioners may own up to $750, raised from $500, worth of real estate, personal property or cash surrender of life insurance policies.
1943 May La Veta: A specific price of $31 a ton for sales of prairie bones loaded on cars or trucks was set by the Office of Price Administration.
1943 May La Veta: Davis Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Holmes, is stationed on the aircraft carrier Ranger in the North Atlantic.
1943 May La Veta: Elected to the school board were L.W. Coleman, president, Walter Carver, secretary and Ralph Garren, treasurer.
1943 May La Veta: Huerfano County Sheriff Claud Swift was in La Veta last week removing all the slot machines.
1943 May La Veta: La Veta was credited with $40,806.25 in War Bond sales during April.
1943 May La Veta: Light frost damaged some Victory gardens but rain and snow this week was beneficial.
1943 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Karst have moved back from Pueblo and he is employed at the box factory.
1943 May La Veta: Mrs. Dora Bruce received word from her son Robert which stated he was well and doing fine with the Army in New Guinea.
1943 May La Veta: Some much needed moisture fell Sunday but the frost got the fruit.
1943 May La Veta: The Chamber of Commerce has pledged to sell 2,000 postcards showing the big "V" for victory in the snow on the West Peak.
1943 May La Veta: The Chamber of Commerce pledged to sell 2,000 postcards showing the big 'V' for Victory in the snow on the West Spanish Peak.
1943 May La Veta: The debts of the Baptist Church have been paid off.
1943 May La Veta: The rain and inch of snow that fell over the weekend were much needed but the frost got the fruit crop.
1943 May Walsenburg: Gilbert Maestas is valedictorian at St. Mary High School and Elizabeth Cominotti is salutatorian.
1943 May Walsenburg: Gilbert Maestas is valedictorian of St. Mary High School and Elizabeth Cominotti salutatorian.
1943 May Walsenburg: James C. Phipps and William Saleh were elected to the board of school district #4.
1943 May Walsenburg: John Olsafsky, Harry Knoll, Eli Relish Jr., John Surisky and Mike Egan were installed officers of Cucharas Post No. 2642 of the VFW.
1943 May Walsenburg: Mayor Mallett recently learned that the water flow in the Cucharas is the lowest in 17 years.
1943 May Walsenburg: Ninety-eight seniors will graduate from Huerfano County High School May 26 and 28 from St. Mary High May 28.
1943 May Walsenburg: Richard Abe was hired as city patrolman to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of John Benedetti.
1943 May Walsenburg: Shirley Krier is the valedictorian at Huerfano County High School and Ann Kountz is salutatorian.
1943 May Walsenburg: Shirley Krier is valedictorian at Huerfano County High School and Ann Kountz is salutatorian.
1943 May Walsenburg: Showing at the Fox Theatre are Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire in "Holiday Inn" and Dorothy Lamour and Richard Denning in "Beyond the Blue Horizon."
1943 May Walsenburg: Something more than two inches of moisture came to Huerfano County during the rain and snow storms.
1943 May Walsenburg: The Chamber of Commerce will sponsor Clean Up - Paint Up Week beginning May 17.
1943 May Walsenburg: The city street crew is cleaning the lawn at the union depot in preparation for the coming tourist season.
1943 June La Veta: About 50 local farmers attended the Farmers Night sponsored by La Veta Rotary Club with a dinner and program at Masonic Hall.
1943 June La Veta: Doris Stream and Dave Hansen were married by Rev. J.H. Gerault at the home of the bride's parents.
1943 June La Veta: Eddie Engberg writes he has received the rating of Pharmacist Mate Third Class. He is on duty with the Atlantic fleet.
1943 June La Veta: George Smalley, Maurice Bailey and William R. Wolgram left to report for the service at Fort Logan.
1943 June La Veta: H.L. Hubbard was named manager for the sixth annul 4-H Club and County Fair in August and Edward E. Engberg, treasurer and secretary.
1943 June La Veta: Miss Gloria Wilson has been employed by the Advertiser as reporter and will accept your news items at Coleman Drug where she is employed.
1943 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. McKenna are operating the Ines Marie Beauty Shop until Miss Spangler returns from her vacation trip.
1943 June La Veta: Pfc. Hubert Logan of Camp Carson is here spending his eight day furlough with his wife.
1943 June La Veta: Several doctors from the state agricultural college examined some of the 60 cattle that died in the La Veta and Bear Creek areas and pronounced oak poisoning the cause of death.
1943 June La Veta: The first carload of visitors arrived last week - the E.C. Riggs family of Plains, KS, en route to their cabin in Wahatoya.
1943 June La Veta: The La Veta Rotary Club is offering a $7.50 first prize in their Victory garden contest.
1943 June La Veta: The Rev. O.F. Sensabaugh, Methodist pastor here many years ago, will return to fill the pulpit this summer.
1943 June La Veta: The sixth annual 4-H Fair will start with a street parade on Aug. 13, followed by judging, then end with the Stockmen's Ball Aug. 14 at Cuchara Camps.
1943 June La Veta: Word has reached us that Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Drury of Richmond, Calif., became parents May 26 to a daughter, Rae Ann.
1943 June Walsenburg: Carl Tesitor has replaced Sen. Sam T. Taylor as general manager of the Taylor Coal Company, which operates a mine at Rouse and the Cook mine in Las Animas County.
1943 June Walsenburg: Owing to recent improvements in moisture conditions in Walsenburg, Mayor G.R. Mallett today announced the city wading pool in West First Street playground will open tomorrow.
1943 June Walsenburg: Sam Tesitor Taylor, state senator for this district, was notified yesterday by the war department of his appointment as captain in the US Army.
1943 June Walsenburg: Six huge elephants of the Dailey Brothers Circus will perform in Walsenburg in the community effort to sell war bonds.
1943 June Walsenburg: Walsenburg Coal Company has discontinued work in the Jewell coal mine and will blast shut the entry.
1943 July La Veta: A limit of 10 fish has been set at Blue Lake and other lakes in the vicinity. Sports dealers, in town will award $15 for the largest fish caught.
1943 July La Veta: Al Weir and Toby Wilson are proprietors of Al's Garage and Used Cars located in the Stranger building on Ryus Avenue.
1943 July La Veta: Colorado Cheese Company has closed temporarily because war regulations prohibit getting new equipment.
1943 July La Veta: Ed Simon recently purchased the residence and property on east Ryus Avenue from Mrs. Galassini and moved in.
1943 July La Veta: Fire destroyed the house, garage and ice house on the Goemmer ranch just across the river from the Devil's Stairsteps.
1943 July La Veta: George Pickens has purchased the residence and property of Max Elley in North La Veta and is moving his family in this week.
1943 July La Veta: Joe Gallagos was seriously injured by a falling log at the box factory.
1943 July La Veta: Miss Lena McCargish left last week to enter nurses' training at the University of Indiana.
1943 July La Veta: Mrs. Ivydell Rowe entertained nine members of the Stitch and Chatter Club at her home Thursday.
1943 July Walsenburg: Capt. William K. Dennison of Farr has received the Order of the Purple Heart for meritorious action in Tunisia.
1943 July Walsenburg: Commencement for the 22 members of the HCHS summer session graduating class will be Aug. 4.
1943 July Walsenburg: Edward Kakalecik was killed in an unavoidable accident Saturday in the Kebler mine at Tioga.
1943 July Walsenburg: For sale - 15 room apartment house on West Eighth Street, $1,000.
1943 July Walsenburg: Local rationing boards will be empowered to deal with speed limit violators by denying gasoline permits or tire-purchasing orders to violators.
1943 July Walsenburg: The Very Rev. Raymond L. Newell announced that the St. Mary parish fund drive brought in about $8,000.
1943 July Walsenburg: Two "boccio," or outdoor bowling courts have been set up at the Jubilee grounds.
1943 Aug. 6: Businesses sponsoring the sixth annual 4-H Fair are Quality Shoe Shop, Coleman Drug, Howard's Lumber and Supply, Railroad Park Service Station, Colorado Cheese Company, Park Lane Hotel, Ines Marie Beauty Shop, Chief Theater, La Veta Hotel, Al's Garage, W.H. Harrison Real Estate and Insurance, La Veta Advertiser, Tom's Fix-It, Young Brothers' Service Station, La Veta Light, Heat and Power. The Advertiser
1943 August La Veta: Christmas packages destined for servicemen overseas must be mailed by Oct. 15.
1943 August La Veta: Colorado Cheese Company will reopen about Sept. 1 after remodeling their building and repairing the equipment.
1943 August La Veta: Ed Simon recently purchased the residence on East Ryus Avenue from Mrs. Galassini and has moved in.
1943 August La Veta: Fred Falk celebrated his 85th birthday with about 40 friends and relatives.
1943 August La Veta: Gold wings and a commission as ensign in the Navy Air Corps were awarded last week to Robert F. Dickinson.
1943 August La Veta: Lt. Margaret H. Coe assumed duties as mess and supply officer at the Pueblo army air base.
1943 August La Veta: Minnie Baldwin married Daniel Matteo in Raton Aug. 5.
1943 August La Veta: Miss Clodean Drum is now employed at the Coleman Drug Store.
1943 August La Veta: Mrs. Lorraine Brewer has accepted the position of assistant in the La Veta post office, taking the place of Mrs. Ray Coleman who resigned.
1943 August La Veta: Nearly two inches of rain fell to finally break the dry spell.
1943 August La Veta: The 6th annual 4-H Fair Aug. 13-14 will offer $100 in prizes, free movies, a softball game and a dance Saturday night at Cuchara Camps.
1943 August La Veta: The sixth annual Fair set attendance records with 263 paid admissions. Little four-year-old Elizabeth Willis led the parade on a Shetland pony.
1943 August La Veta: The W.L. Duckworth family is occupying the Ray Coleman property on Oak Street while Mr. Duckworth is in Alaska on a nine month contract with the Alcan Highway.
1943 August La Veta: There were 20 entries in the Rotary Club Victory garden contest, with the winners being Steve Duzenack, first, Jack Coleman, second and Mrs. R.W. Atchison, third.
1943 August Walsenburg 1: Twenty-three men will be employed for a full year on the WPA erosion control project near Apache.
1943 August Walsenburg: Capt. John B. White, 28, husband of Lucille Saliba, was reported missing in action since August 1 in Rumania.
1943 August Walsenburg: Double parkers on Main Street will now be subject to fine.
1943 August Walsenburg: Nearly 200 children in Huerfano County will be denied public education this fall unless 15 teachers are found for the rural schools.
1943 August Walsenburg: The Huerfano County Red Cross chapter has moved into its new quarters on Main Street.
1943 September La Veta: Ada Utt will teach the Mesa school this term and Ivydell Rowe the Pacheco school.
1943 September La Veta: Dickey Jameson enjoyed his seventh birthday Sept. 15 with a party of young friends at his home in Cuchara Camps.
1943 September La Veta: Dickey Jameson enjoyed his seventh birthday Sept. 15 with a party of young friends at his home in Cuchara Camps.
1943 September La Veta: Ethyl is here! Try it in your car for more mileage and better performance. Young Brothers Service Station.
1943 September La Veta: Joe Malones [sic] redecorated the Harrison building on the west side of Main Street for a restaurant and lunch room.
1943 September La Veta: Junior class officers elected were Doris Utt, president; Wanda Mahan, vice; Mildred Jean Goss, secretary; Alta Vesta Booth, treasurer and Lois Dick, historian.
1943 September La Veta: La Veta Booth was elected president of the senior class, Shirley Jameson, vice president, Bertha Doles, secretary and Frank Utt, treasurer. La Veta has been president of her class the past three and a half years.
1943 September La Veta: Lois Hern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Hern, married James Broud Dick Jr. of Walsenburg in Denver Aug. 30.
1943 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold received word that their son Gilbert had arrived safely in Iceland with the army.
1943 September La Veta: Mrs. L.P. Springer won an award at the state fair for her oil painting and Mrs. L.A. Cummings one for her watercolor.
1943 September La Veta: Next Saturday and Sunday at the Chief theater, "Gentleman Jim" with Errol Flynn and Allexis Smith [sic].
1943 September La Veta: School opened last week with 63 in the high school and 151 in the elementary school, the same as last year.
1943 September La Veta: Sgt. Kenneth H. Seaman of the U.S. Army Infantry received a Silver Star for his service near Guadacanal last January.
1943 September La Veta: The beautiful cabin in Cuchara Camps of Mrs. J.M.Maricle of Elkhart, TX was destroyed by fire last week.
1943 September La Veta: The cheese factory is to reopen after remodeling and rearranging is completed.
1943 September La Veta: The La Luna Excelsior mill burned down, resulting in $15,000 in damages.
1943 September La Veta: Twenty-six members of the Webster and Speilmann families attended a picnic at Sulphur Springs to honor Earl Beamer who is home on leave from the Navy.
1943 September La Veta: While Eddie Engberg was on leave from the Navy, about 40 friends gathered at his parents' home for a lawn party.
1943 September Walsenburg: Approval of a Rural Electrification Project for the Huerfano River Valley was announced in Gardner yesterday.
1943 September Walsenburg: Ivydelle Rowe, recently office clerk and field assistant to County Agent Phil Miles, has accepted a position teaching at Pacheco school.
1943 September Walsenburg: James Phipps and Tony Andreatta were appointed to vacancies on the city council.
1943 September Walsenburg: Miss Rosemary Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Agnes of Gardner, has been accepted for service in the WAVES, the U.S. Navy auxiliary.
1943 September Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ozegovich announce the marriage, of their daughter Marie Geraldine to Cpl. Michael Lenzini, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Lenzini, on Aug. 30.
1943 September Walsenburg: No cases of infantile paralysis have been reported recently.
1943 September Walsenburg: Wednesday only at the Fox Theater, "King Kong" with Fay Wray and Robert Armstrong, and "Gunga Din" starring Cary Grant, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and Victor McLaglen.
1943 September: The 121 miners working at Dick family properties have subscribed a total of over $17,000 in war bonds since Jan. 1.
1943 October La Veta: A dangerous double S curve near the Bruce and Vernon ranches on the Cucharas road was removed according to County Commissioner Ben Pascoe.
1943 October La Veta: All persons interested in erecting a Catholic Church in La Veta are urged to attend a meeting in Town Hall next Wednesday evening.
1943 October La Veta: Dickey Masinton celebrated his second birthday yesterday.
1943 October La Veta: E.E. Ault moved his goat dairy from La Veta to Trinidad.
1943 October La Veta: Joe Robino has rented the ranch of Paul Ghiardi south of town and rented his home in town to the C.C. Morgan family.
1943 October La Veta: La Luna Excelsior Company has its sawmill operating and is rebuilding the box factory.
1943 October La Veta: La Veta High School is giving a carnival at the school building Nov. 5. At last some excitement!
1943 October La Veta: Mrs. Robert Weir returned home from Pueblo the first of the week with her baby daughter born Sept. 30.
1943 October La Veta: Sam Gribble claims recognition as a Victory gardener with a 14 inch, four pound cucumber.
1943 October La Veta: The Advertiser is moving two doors north to the former Mountain View Sandwich Shop.
1943 October La Veta: The cheese factory will reopen Saturday after the two-month project to replace machinery and rearrange equipment.
1943 October La Veta: The L Club elected as officers Frank Booth, vice president and Albert Zember, secretary-treasurer.
1943 October La Veta: The office of the war price and rationing board here has been closed and the records moved to Walsenburg.
1943 October Walsenburg: A gain of $376,250 in total assessed valuation for Huerfano County for 1943 October Walsenburg brings the total to $9,315,740 according to Assessor J. Frank Cordova.
1943 October Walsenburg: Alex "Babe" Shosky, James B. Dick Jr., M.E. Cowing and F.H. Unfug leave this week for St. Louis to attend the World Series.
1943 October Walsenburg: Dr. Gavin R. Mallett is resigning as mayor of Walsenburg to move to Denver to make his home.
1943 October Walsenburg: For sale, three room house, sun parlor, basement, close-in location, $1,000.
1943 October Walsenburg: George B. Dick of the Butte Valley Coal Company says he has no idea why miners failed to show up for work today.
1943 October Walsenburg: John Kirkpatrick, owner of Walsenburg Mercantile company, has taken over Weicker Transfer and Storage company from Mrs. Homer Mulkey.
1943 October Walsenburg: John Kirkpatrick, owner of Walsenburg Mercantile, has taken Over Weicker Transfer and Storage Company, which will move from 111 West Tenth to the mercantile Building at 408 Russell.
1943 October Walsenburg: Owing to the critical shortage of water in the Walsenburg system, all outside irrigating has been banned immediately by Mayor G. R. Mallett.
1943 October Walsenburg: The British Consul from Denver will address Rotary Club Wednesday.
1943 October Walsenburg: The Huerfano County High School lunch room opened Monday under the 1943 government lunch program with Mrs. Ignatz Waski cooking.
1943 October Walsenburg: The National U.S.O. organization authorized a $216 grant for the Walsenburg program.
1943 October Walsenburg: John Kirkpatrick, owner of Walsenburg Mercantile, has taken over Weicker Transfer and Storage Company which will move from 111 West Tenth to the Mercantile building at 408 Russell.
1943 October Walsenburg: John Kirkpatrick, owner of Walsenburg Mercantile, has taken over Weicker Transfer and Storage Company which will move from 111 West Tenth to the Mercantile building at 408 Russell.
1943 November La Veta: Al's Garage has left the Stranger building on Ryus, and moved into the garage building at Boyd's Service Station on Main Street.
1943 November La Veta: Fire at the John R. Penne ranch last Thursday destroyed 20 tons of baled alfalfa hay and a considerable quantity of farm implements.
1943 November La Veta: Four inches of snow Friday night threatened to ruin the school carnival.
1943 November La Veta: Frank Arnold recently purchased the residence of Mrs. G. Blakesley in the west part of town.
1943 November La Veta: Frank Olguin, whose father Joe works at Railroad Park Service Station and who is recovering from wounds he received in Italy, has been awarded the Purple Heart.
1943 November La Veta: La Luna Excelsior Company's new 150 by 30 foot building on the west side of the Cucharas River is almost completed.
1943 November La Veta: La Luna Excelsior has moved their offices into the stone building on Francisco Street.
1943 November La Veta: La Luna Excelsior moved its offices to the stone building on Francisco Street.
1943 November La Veta: Mr. Harrington is renting Walter Padilla's barbershop.
1943 November La Veta: Mr. Harrington moved his family from Rye into the top floor of Mrs. H.E. Magee's house at Field and Main Streets and is operating Walter's Barber Shop.
1943 November La Veta: Saturday and Sunday at the Chief Theater, "The Desperadoes" with Randolph Scott and Glenn Ford, plus a Three Stooges cartoon.
1943 November La Veta: Sophomore News: Geometry is coming along fine. And Leodore Cruz found his book.
1943 November La Veta: The Advertiser office is moving to the former Mountain View Sandwich Shop, two doors north of the present location.
1943 November La Veta: The all-school carnival is tonight, with a minstrel show, fortune telling, games, hot dogs, pop, music and dancing. Bring your nickels!
1943 November La Veta: The new quarters of the Colorado Cheese Company are neat and clean, with a laboratory in front to test the milk and establish butterfat content.
1943 November La Veta: There will be a kids' matinee on Thanksgiving Day, "Bambi," Disney's feature cartoon. Saturday and Sunday see "The Desperadoes" with Randolph Scott and Glenn Ford, also a Three Stooges comedy.
1943 November La Veta: Tony Ward is home on his 30-day furlough after seeing action in Africa and Sicily.
1943 November La Veta: Walter Campbell, one of four local ranchers taking stock to a Hereford auction in Trinidad, says his bulls averaged $200 a head in the sale.
1943 November La Veta: Walter Campbell, one of four local ranchers who took stock to a Hereford auction in Trinidad, says his bulls averaged $200 a head in the sale.
1943 November Walsenburg: 8,000 turkeys will be shipped from Huerfano County this year.
1943 November Walsenburg: A nine-hour work day in the mines was approved by the UMWA officials, including a 15 minute lunch break which is not paid for.
1943 November Walsenburg: All public offices, including city and county, both banks and the Walsenburg post office will be closed all day Nov. 11 for Armistice Day.
1943 November Walsenburg: Harry J. Capps was elected chairman of the A.A.A. community committee for District I in Walsenburg and John H. Kreutzer for District 5, La Veta.
1943 November Walsenburg: Mildred Garbiso was sworn in as the area's first air WAC.
1943 November Walsenburg: Packers are needed at the turkey dressing plant in Walsenburg Dec. 10-15 to process approximately 10,000 birds.
1943 November Walsenburg: Six bear and 182 deer were bagged during hunting season in Huerfano County according to H.G. Bayne, game warden.
1943 November Walsenburg: Volunteer workers will start early Friday morning to collect bundles of waste paper from the doorsteps of Walsenburg residents.
1943 December La Veta: About 15 inches of snow fell today before noon.
1943 December La Veta: Autoists forced to use the highway to Walsenburg appreciate the snow fence built by the county at the "bad" place at the junction of the roads just north of Pinon Hill.
1943 December La Veta: Ellis Smith and Lilly Riggins were married by Rev. J.H. Gerault Dec. 3 at the home of the groom's sister Mrs. Robert Weir.
1943 December La Veta: Ellis Smith and Lilly Riggins were married.
1943 December La Veta: La Veta has re-entered the Las Animas Basketball League of eight teams.
1943 December La Veta: Lena McCargish, a nursing student at Indiana University, was accepted for the new US Cadet Nurse Corps.
1943 December La Veta: Leroy Kitchen arrived home Wednesday on a 15-day furlough from serving with the parachute troops in Ft. Benning, GA.
1943 December La Veta: LeRoy Kitchen arrived home Wednesday on a 15-day furlough from the parachute troops at Fort Benning, Georgia.
1943 December La Veta: Lou W. Coleman, La Veta druggist, was named to the local Selective Service Board No. 30, joining Tom S. Young and Wilber Taylor.
1943 December La Veta: Mike Judiscak was recently wounded in the South Pacific, during the landing on Gilbert Island.
1943 December La Veta: Nearly 140,000 pounds of turkeys have been shipped from this area during the season.
1943 December La Veta: The Advertiser recently completed printing a 20 page book of poems written by Frank Arnold, composed over a period of years.
1943 December La Veta: The Advertiser recently completed the printing of a 20-page book of poems written by Frank Arnold, composed over a period of years.
1943 December La Veta: The La Veta basketball team defeated Gardner 83-12, but the second team fell 16 to 19.
1943 December La Veta: Topping the seventh grade honor roll are Billy Max Frost, Mildred Howlett, Dorothy Kopine and Donna Hayes.
1943 December Walsenburg: Mrs. John B. White Jr. of Walsenburg was given a Distinguished Flying Cross with one Oak Leaf Cluster for her husband who is missing in action in Europe.
1943 December Walsenburg: Recent snowfalls are finally refilling the city's reservoirs, which have been low for several years.
1943 December Walsenburg: S-Sgt. Thomas G. Duzenack received a Purple Heart for a wound received while a tail-gunner in Italy.
1943 December Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Panthers opened their basketball season by trouncing Castle Rock 32-18 and Manzanola 39-23 over the weekend.
1943 December Walsenburg: Tom Conder bought the Huerfano Trading Company store at Pryor, of which he has been manager for many years.
1943 December Walsenburg: Tom Conder has purchased the Huerfano Trading Company store at Pryor.
1944 January La Veta: County Commissioner Ben Pascoe says roads in the La Veta area are open and passable despite the heavy snows that are believed to be the deepest in 10 years.
1944 January La Veta: Died, Carl Bryant Richman, 71 leaving his wife, sons Carlos, John, Chester and John and daughter Dorothy Brewer.
1944 January La Veta: Forty years ago this week A.N. Woods was building a 14 by 20 foot ice house in back of his saloon.
1944 January La Veta: Maurice Sager came home from Camp Adair, Oregon for a visit with his wife, baby and parents.
1944 January La Veta: Old Timer - anyone who can remember when a person could leave a package of cigarettes posed on a desk with impunity.
1944 January La Veta: The La Veta plant of La Luna Excelsior Company shipped the first of an order for 30 [railroad] carloads of shook to Cuba Tuesday. Shook is box material and will be used in Cuba for pineapple crates.
1944 January La Veta: Young Brothers Service Station will give a free Army five-gallon "jerrycan" with a purchase of five gallons of Autolene, an $8.45 value, for only $5.25.
1944 January La Veta: Died, Martin Cubich, 44-year-old Yugoslavia native who had been in La Veta ten years and was owner of the Silver Dollar.
1944 January Walsenburg: Aurelio Baca of Walsenburg holds the honor of being the first Huerfano County resident to pay his 1944 real estate taxes.
1944 January Walsenburg: Former mayor Dr. G.R. Mallett, 47, died in Denver.
1944 January Walsenburg: Fox Theater will have as its Gala New Year's Eve show, "The Princess and the Pirate" starring Bob Hope and Virginia Mayo, Plus confetti and serpentine at midnight.
1944 January Walsenburg: Huerfano County citizens bought $25,657.50 worth of bonds on the opening day of the Fourth War Loan campaign.
1944 January Walsenburg: The Army Air force will present a special "Bombardier" stage show in Huerfano County High School Auditorium Jan. 30 in conjunction with the Fourth War Loan campaign.
1944 February La Veta: A total of 10,520 pounds of waste paper was collected by the high school students last week.
1944 February La Veta: Car license tabs are being sold this year instead of plates because of the steel shortage.
1944 February La Veta: Huerfano County's bond quota was exceeded during a drive when $353,606.75 was raised in the Fourth War Loan campaign.
1944 February La Veta: Joseph G. Tompkins, former owner of the Ojo Springs resort, died.
1944 February La Veta: The Independent Party has nominated Agnes Holmes for mayor, Bonnie Hern clerk, Lulu Kincaid, treasurer and Belle Hector, Mary Judiscak, Steve Shoemaker, Julia Lively, Sylvia Dillon and Pearl Dissler for trustees.
1944 February La Veta: The school children were tested for tuberculosis at a clinic this week.
1944 February La Veta: The town library in the Dryden building just south of Stream's store is open from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturdays only.
1944 February La Veta: Town Board passed an ordinance making it illegal to keep dairy goats within corporate limits.
1944 February Walsenburg: F.J. Serafini opened a pawn shop at the former Fashionette Beauty Shop at 515 Main.
1944 February Walsenburg: Jack Plantz died of a heart attack at his barber shop at 105 West Sixth Street.
1944 February Walsenburg: Mary Gregory Atencio and Paul Dissler were named the outstanding students at St. Mary.
1944 February Walsenburg: Pvt. Albert Maldonado has arrived at a West Coast port after serving 22 months in the South Pacific.
1944 February Walsenburg: The five sons of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cornick of Delcarbon, Frank, John, Ernest, Jack and Tony, are now on active duty in various branches of the service.
1944 February Walsenburg: Tony Benassi of Toltec had his song "All Out For Victory" published.
1944 March La Veta: Charles Pickens, a native of Nova Scotia, died at the age of 63. He came to La Veta with his parents at the age of eight months and married Rebecca Gribble in 1920.
1944 March La Veta: Died, Andrew Virgil Denton, Adelaide Sardello and Peter B. Hart.
1944 March La Veta: Mrs. Lorraine Brewer resigned as post office assistance and Mrs. Stansbury is working in her place.
1944 March La Veta: The fourth grade, with $148.05, won the grade school contest for buying the most in the Fourth Annual War Loan Drive.
1944 March La Veta: Mrs. Lorraine Brewer resigned as post office assistant and Mrs. E.A. Stansbury will replace her.
1944 March Walsenburg: Albert Lenzini Sr. has announced his retirement from the Southwestern Auto Supply store at 809 Main.
1944 March Walsenburg: Albert Lenzini Sr., sole owner of Southwestern Auto Supply, 809 South Main, announced he is retiring from business.
1944 March Walsenburg: Many motorists are stranded here today with the closure of Highway 85 north because of the snow.
1944 March Walsenburg: Pfc. Eloy H. Cordova has been reported wounded in action of the Italian front. He was one of the first seven volunteers to leave Huerfano County.
1944 March Walsenburg: Recruitment of men and women for building heavy bombers will be held at the U.S. Employment Service office, 112 East Sixth Street, Saturday and Monday.
1944 March Walsenburg: Shosky Cafe beat the Trinidad POW War Camp officers 48 to 46 to become Southern Colorado AAU basketball champions.
1944 March Walsenburg: Staff Sgt. Andrew Dick Jr. was reported missing in action over Germany in a raid Feb. 24.
1944 March Walsenburg: The court house roof is getting a new coat of paint.
1944 March Walsenburg: The Very Reverend Raymond L. Newell, pastor of St. Mary Church, died Mar. 5 at Lamme Hospital of injuries incurred in an auto accident.
1944 March Walsenburg: Workmen started today the painting of the roof of the courthouse.
1944 April La Veta: From May 1 through May 20 children's low priced shoes (not to exceed $1.60) will be ration free.
1944 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Springer celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.
1944 April La Veta: Over two inches of moisture was measured in Monday's snowfall.
1944 April Walsenburg: A total of 2.16 inches of moisture was measured in Monday's two foot snowfall.
1944 April Walsenburg: Albert Lenzini is offering for sale his Southwestern Auto Supply Company, 809 South Main Street, which supplies 18 counties in southern Colorado.
1944 April Walsenburg: Part of Highway 160 is endangered by a cave-in in the abandoned Walsen Mine. The crack is 25 by 15 feet and widening.
1944 April Walsenburg: Part of Highway 160 is endangered by a cave-in in the abandoned Walsen mine. The hole is 15 by 25 feet and widening.
1944 April Walsenburg: Police Chief A.A. Wheelock announced the Walsenburg police department rounded up 13 horses and a colt from the Masonic cemetery and in yards around Capitol Hill.
1944 April Walsenburg: R.R. Gowdy of First State Bank says the new hours on Saturday are proving quite a convenience to the bank's patrons.
1944 April Walsenburg: Sheep losses in Huerfano County after the recent heavy snows may exceed 15,000 head. A.J. Merritt says 85 inches of snow has fallen at his ranch since Mar. 1.
1944 April Walsenburg: Shirley and Patricia Just, Beverly Kincaid, Rachel Gaytan, Donna Kovach, Louise Pavloski, LaVerne Panicco and Justi Hegler, all aged 7-9 and from Delcarbon, paraded through Walsenburg to earn money for the Red Cross and raised $75.81.
1944 April Walsenburg: Showing at the Fox Theater Sunday and Monday, ''Cover Girl" with Rita Hayworth and Gene Kelly plus one hour of selected shorts.
1944 April Walsenburg: The Pryor Coal Company, under receiver John Kirkpatrick, is suing the CF&I for $83,000 not paid for Pryor coal.
1944 April Walsenburg: Walsenburg is digging out of the 24 inch snow which fell yesterday, which closed schools, stalled traffic and brought down telephone and electric lines.
1944 April Walsenburg: William Saleh was appointed city treasurer to replace Steve J. Glinsky who joined the army.
1944 May La Veta: Died, Luther F. Martin, 67. He was born in Georgia in 1876 and came to La Veta in 1882. His wife, Jennie Crumley, whom he married in 1903, died in 1942. He is survived by his sons Floyd and Henry.
1944 May La Veta: Ed Ferrero of La Veta was so severely attacked by a bull he had to get medical attention in Walsenburg.
1944 May La Veta: Harrington the barber has located in the building just north of Masonic Hall.
1944 May La Veta: Jack Baker sold his ranch on Middle Creek, which he had for 15 years, to Arthur Rohr.
1944 May La Veta: The La Veta Hotel, formerly the Spanish Peaks Hotel, burned down - a $15,000 loss. The hotel was built in 1876.
1944 May La Veta: The old La Veta Hotel, La Veta Liquor Store and the old theater building were destroyed by fire but the Fred Kreutzer pool hall across the alley was saved.
1944 May La Veta: The recent heavy snows have killed many of the sheep in the vicinity.
1944 May La Veta: The water content in snows on La Veta Pass was exactly 11.3 inches greater on May 1 of this year than on the same date on last year, when there was absolutely no snow cover.
1944 May La Veta: Winning football letters were Carl Brown, Howard Drury, Eugene Heikes and Harry Lee Moore.
1944 May Walsenburg: A fifth shipment of 400 pounds, bringing the total to 1,900 pounds, of broken and discarded phonograph records were shipped by the local American Legion Post 16 to Radio Corporation of America.
1944 May Walsenburg: Armand's "Stocking Stick," a revolutionary new leg makeup, sells for 40˘ at Fawk's Drugs.
1944 May Walsenburg: Fifty-four eighth grade students graduate tomorrow evening after a banquet in the Rainbow Room of Hotel Kirkpatrick provided by the Lions, Rotary and Huerfano County Chamber of Commerce.
1944 May Walsenburg: Graduates of the Gardner branch of H.C.H.S. are Jack Knoll, Lola Johnson, Consuelo Espinosa and Stephanie Bravo.
1944 May Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School seniors are observing their "Sneak Day" holiday. Owing to transportation problems there is no class picnic as in previous years.
1944 May Walsenburg: Huerfano County ranchers, farmers and Victory gardeners today hailed an extended rainstorm which is breaking a drouth of several weeks. One and a half inches have fallen in the three-day storm.
1944 May Walsenburg: Mayor Herman F. Mazzone said today that plans to open the city wading pool on West First Street will be deferred for a few days to escape any damage of a late cool snap.
1944 May Walsenburg: Members of the St. Joseph lodge will celebrate their third anniversary here with an entertainment Sunday afternoon in Marck's hall. Vincent Repola, president, will officiate.
1944 May Walsenburg: Nineteen seniors will be graduated from St. Mary High School today, with Gladys Styduhar delivering the valedictory address and Anne Fink the salutatory.
1944 May Walsenburg: Plans to open the city wading pool on West First Street have been deferred according to Mayor Herman Mazzone.
1944 May Walsenburg: Rev. Howard Delaney is completing a history of the St. Mary Parish, the third oldest in the state, having been established in 1869.
1944 May Walsenburg: Students of St. Mary school removed more than a truck load of old and obsolete documents from the courthouse, by permission of the board of commissioners as part of clean-up day.
1944 May Walsenburg: The Huerfano County chapter of the American Red Cross reports it acted upon 931 cases during the past year, including 629 Army cases, 124 Navy requests, 123 ex-servicemen requests and 55 civilian cases.
1944 June La Veta: Concerning the old La Veta Hotel which burned down a few weeks ago, O.D. Ryus writes the hotel was begun in October, 1876, by Brink and Fandy and that he bought it in 1878 from A.C. Hunt, former Colorado governor and member of the La Veta Town Company.
1944 June La Veta: Enrollment in 4-H Clubs in the county has increased with 161 boys and girls.
1944 June La Veta: Glen George, who recently served in Sicily and Italy, spent some of his leave with his father, Sam, at his home at Ojo.
1944 June La Veta: Men are needed for essential war work in timbering and lumbering operations around La Veta.
1944 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gross bought the Park Lane Hotel from Joe Ferrari.
1944 June La Veta: Rev. C.H. Hatfield is taking over the pulpit of the Methodist Church.
1944 June La Veta: Robert C. Goss was promoted to captain in the Eighth A.A.F. Flying Fortress station in England.
1944 June La Veta: With the destruction of the La Veta Hotel by fire last week, Rotary Club will in future have their dinner meetings at the Park Land Hotel.
1944 June Walsenburg: Beginning June 6, a Levy Transfer truck will canvass the city for paper collections.
1944 June Walsenburg: Cpl. Andrew Spock, en route home to Walsenburg on a short leave, was aboard the train which wrecked near Fowler and assisted in removing the injured.
1944 June Walsenburg: Headline: ALLIES IN FRANCE: Greatest Armada in History Participates.
1944 June Walsenburg: Homeowners are advised to fill their coal bins this summer as a shortage of trucks and drivers is expected next fall.
1944 June Walsenburg: Lt. Velma Peet, of the Army Nurse Corps, was believed to have been one of the first nurses to land on the Normandy beachhead.
1944 June Walsenburg: Miss Lee Ruffini, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ruffini, and Sgt. Louis Pierotti were married Monday at Lowry Field in Denver.
1944 June Walsenburg: Motor Machinist's Mate Mack Pierotti is home on leave from the Navy.
1944 June Walsenburg: Technical Sgt. William G. Atencio has been awarded the Oak Leaf Cluster for service as a left waist gunner-radio operator in Italy.
1944 June Walsenburg: The search continues for five-year-old Kenneth Poletti of Tioga, now feared to have drowned in the Huerfano River.
1944 June Walsenburg: The War Manpower Commission, 112 East Sixth, is seeking men for the lumbering industry.
1944 July La Veta: "I'm glad I am an American; I'm glad that I am free; I wish I were a little pup; And Hitler were a tree!"
1944 July La Veta: A liquor store has opened in the former La Veta Smokehouse next to the hotel on Ryus Avenue.
1944 July La Veta: La Veta Liquor Store has opened in the La Veta Smokehouse.
1944 July La Veta: Mrs. Francis Denton says she has received four letters from her husband since he was reported missing in action June 6 and he still is "somewhere in France" with the 90th Division Infantry.
1944 July La Veta: Mrs. Shirley David and baby son were here visiting with her mother.
1944 July La Veta: Robert C. Goss was promoted to captain in the Eighth A.A.F. Flying Fortress station in England.
1944 July La Veta: Robert Weir bought the Boyd Service Station from Bertha Boyd and will move the trucking business office there.
1944 July Walsenburg: A loaded pit car abandoned in the fartherest [sic] extension of the old Walsen mine 55 years ago was brought to the surface by Cameron mine workers when they broke into the old Walsen mine workings.
1944 July Walsenburg: A total of 100 summonses were issued Monday by the Internal Revenue to motorists who failed to purchase their $5 use tax stamp for their automobiles.
1944 July Walsenburg: Cpl. James Melonas and Cpl. Eddie Joseph, lifelong friends in Walsenburg, met up in France and also visited with Lt. Tony Morelli.
1944 July Walsenburg: Dr. and Mrs. S.J. Lamme recently donated their outstanding and valuable collection of Osage Indian artifacts and beadwork, collected by John B. Hamilton when he was an Indian trader in 1881 to the State Historical Society.
1944 July Walsenburg: Kids who cringe from castor oil will be glad to hear it is now being used by the Army as brake fluid in their new 2˝ ton motor vehicles.
1944 July Walsenburg: Sheriff Claud Swift and several others saw a ball of greenish-pinks fire in the eastern sky traveling at a great speed from north to south.
1944 July Walsenburg: The 274 delegates of Huerfano County will have the Republican convention July 15 in the Washington School auditorium.
1944 July Walsenburg: The banter and chatter of Sgt. Lou G. Pierotti while playing softball is a source of amazement to Denver fans. He is stationed at Lowry Field and plays as a third baseman.
1944 July Walsenburg: The Rev. Francis Faistl has been appointed assistant pastor of St. Mary Church.
1944 July Walsenburg: The Taylor Coal Mining company has purchased the Guaranty State Bank building and fixtures, according to Sen. Sam Taylor, general manager of the company.
1944 July: There will be a big free show for youngsters: who bring in 10 pounds of waste newspaper or Magazines Aug. 1 at the Fox Theater.
1944 Aug. 24, Of the 3,304 children of school age in this county, only about 2,000 are in actual attendance. - World-Independent
1944 Aug. 31, The Goemmer Brothers ranch in La Veta, breeders of registered Hereford cattle, took an impressive 16 awards in exhibits at the Colorado State Fair, including Reserve Champion Bull, won by G.B. Royal. - World-Independent
1944 August La Veta: A hail storm east of La Veta Wednesday badly damaged crops of Ben Pascoe, Carl Elley and Hugh Sager.
1944 August La Veta: Anna Smith of Michigan was married to John Willis, the son of Fred Willis.
1944 August La Veta: Millie Vories and William H. Schmidt were married.
1944 August La Veta: Mrs. Mae Macy now has the former Ines Marie Beauty Shop one door north of Masonic Hall.
1944 August La Veta: Several hundred legal-sized trout have been placed in the Cucharas River.
1944 August La Veta: Sgt. Francis P. Denton was killed in France, leaving a widow, the former Charlotte Karst.
1944 August La Veta: The hail storm damaged quite a few of the crops in this vicinity.
1944 August La Veta: Word was received of the death of Sgt. Francis B. Denton in France, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Denton and husband of the former Charlotte A. Karst.
1944 August Walsenburg: A low of 40 degrees was recorded Tuesday, Aug. 29.
1944 August Walsenburg: Genevieve Willburn, Frances Killian, Elsie Gonzales, Estella Williams and Dorothy Waggoner will show their 4-H- projects at the state fair in Pueblo.
1944 August Walsenburg: The county assessment dropped from $9,315,740 last year to $9,202,235 this year.
1944 August Walsenburg: The Klein Motor Company will close for the duration of the war.
1944 August: Mike Novak was seriously injured, yesterday.
1944 Aug. 4, The Klein Motor Company has been temporarily closed "for the duration" according to Otto G. Klein Sr. after 25 years in business here. - World-Independent
1944 September La Veta: A total of 227 children are enrolled in the schools, with 61 in the high school and 166 in the elementary grades.
1944 September La Veta: All four of the boys who graduated from high school here last May are serving in the armed forces.
1944 September La Veta: The ban on the sale of ammunition to hunters was lifted and the nimrods will have their first hunting season since the war began.
1944 September La Veta: The first frost of the season was luckily a light one.
1944 September La Veta: The weather has been very cold and the first frost seems imminent.
1944 September Walsenburg: A new list of hostesses for the local USO has been released.
1944 September Walsenburg: A new list of hostesses for the U.S.O. in Walsenburg has been released.
1944 September Walsenburg: A train wreck in the local yards held up auto traffic for hours.
1944 September Walsenburg: The St. Mary 75th Jubilee Committee will hold a huge drive to liquidate the final $50,000 debt.
1944 September Walsenburg: The St. Mary Jubilee Committee will hold a huge drive to liquidate the final $50,000 debt.
1944 September: Walsenburg merchants are arguing over closing on V-Day, whenever it will be.
1944 October La Veta: At the Chief Theater, "Crime School" starring Humphrey Bogart and The Dead End Kids, plus Johnny Mack Brown in "Range Law."
1944 October La Veta: La Luna Excelsior Company is having the foundation poured for their new building.
1944 October La Veta: O.D. Howlett celebrated his 80th birthday with his daughter, Mabel Hottinger.
1944 October La Veta: Pvt. Felix B. Mestas Jr. was cited by the 88th Infantry Division and awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge for combat in Italy.
1944 October La Veta: Pvt. Ralph Weir, 29, was killed in Holland. He is the son of Mrs. Helen Weir of La Veta and also leaves two brothers and a sister.
1944 October La Veta: Simile: It is the kind of town where there is nothing doing every minute
1944 October La Veta: The entertainment staged by the B-Loyal circle of the Baptist Church Friday evening netted $60 for the Blood Plasma Fund.
1944 October La Veta: W.H. Hamilton married Carrie Craig from Kansas.
1944 October Walsenburg: A Silver Star decoration for valor was presented to Estanislado Cortez of Gardner honoring his son Cpl. Monico J. Cortez who was killed in action April 25 on the Anzio beachhead.
1944 October Walsenburg: Castle Coal and Supply Company was burglarized last night according to James Phipps, office manager.
1944 October Walsenburg: During 1943-44, 4-H Club members, 28 boys and 56 girls, completed one or more projects and six of the 13 clubs had every member finishing his or her project.
1944 October Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Agnes are celebrating their 60th anniversary. They were married in Belgium in 1884, came to the United States in 1888 and moved to La Veta where Mrs. Agnes' brother, William Krier, was a shoemaker. Mr. Agnes was also a shoemaker and later had a general mercantile.
1944 October Walsenburg: Rev. Howard L. Delaney has been named pastor of St. Mary parish after holding the office of administrator since the death of the Very Rev. Raymond L. Newell.
1944 October Walsenburg: The engagement of Miss Betty Dick to First Lieutenant Richard Ridge was announced Saturday.
1944 October Walsenburg: The engagement of Miss Betty Dick to First Lieutenant Richard Ridge was announced Saturday.
1944 October Walsenburg: The final bonds outstanding on Huerfano County High School issued in 1919, will be retired this month.
1944 October Walsenburg: The Most Reverend Joseph C. Willging, Bishop of Pueblo, will perform special mass for the observance of St. Mary parish's 75th anniversary.
1944 November La Veta: At the Chief Theater Saturday and Sunday, "The White Cliffs of Dover" starring Irene Dunne and Roddy McDowell.
1944 November La Veta: L.B. Sporleder's book, Romance of the Spanish Peaks, has been released.
1944 November La Veta: Two people were killed in an airplane crash six miles northwest of Muleshoe Lodge on La Veta Pass.
1944 November La Veta: At the La Veta High School mock election, Dewey received 35 votes and Roosevelt, 20.
1944 November Walsenburg: "Curing Pork Country Style" is the subject of a new illustrated folder available from the office of County Agent Philip B. Miles in the county courthouse.
1944 November Walsenburg: All outside lighting for the holidays has been banned by a recent order of the war production board.
1944 November Walsenburg: Cpl. Anthony Melonas met his brother, Pvt. Johnny Melonas, somewhere in the Pacific theater according to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Melonas.
1944 November Walsenburg: Herds of horses are roaming the streets nightly and doing untold damage to lawns and gardens.
1944 November Walsenburg: No changes were made in the election results after the 283 soldier's ballots were counted.
1944 November Walsenburg: Rev. Howard L. Delaney has been named pastor of the parish after holding the office of administrator since the death of the Very Rev. Raymond L. Newell.
1944 November Walsenburg: The 18 degree temperature registered the night of Nov. 16 is the coldest this season in Walsenburg.
1944 November Walsenburg: The Thanksgiving program at the Fox Theater will be "Tall in the Saddle," with John Wayne, Ella Raines and Gabby Hayes, and ''Secret Service," starring Charlie Chan. Adults 55˘, children 16˘, including tax.
1944 November Walsenburg: The weekend brought a low of eight degrees and a high of 42.
1944 November Walsenburg: Thirteen horses were rounded up last night by, city employees but about 10 are still running loose on lawns and gardens.
1944 November Walsenburg: Travel the Happy Highway with Automobile Insurance - Paul Krier, 108 West Sixth.
1944 November Walsenburg: Two Walsenburg men, Pfc. Daniel Chavez and Pvt. Juan A Vigil, have been wounded in action on the European front, and Pvt. Paul Ketchum of Redwing was reported injured in action in Italy.
1944 December La Veta La Veta: The Spanish Peaks Grange elected Walter Campbell, president, August Peterson, secretary and Clifford Coe, treasurer.
1944 December La Veta: A vapor trail left by a high flying airplane caused considerable excitement among county residents Friday.
1944 December La Veta: All who wish to donate cookies or other Christmas treats to the sick and wounded in the army hospital are requested to deliver them to Mrs. Macy by Friday to be delivered Saturday morning to Camp Carson.
1944 December La Veta: Capt. Chester A. Richman has flown his 50th mission in the USAAF and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.
1944 December La Veta: Captain Chester A. Richman of La Veta received the Distinguished Service Cross for flying 50 missions for the United States Army Air Force.
1944 December La Veta: Theodosia Dryden, La Veta's oldest citizen, died at the age of 94. She was a resident here 52 years and leaves her son Fred, La Veta.
1944 December Walsenburg: About a foot of snow has fallen in the past 24 hours, making the ranchers happy.
1944 December Walsenburg: Although the Walsenburg area was left out of a general snowstorm over the holidays, frost on trees and bushes made for a white Christmas.
1944 December Walsenburg: Checks in payment owed to miners in the bankrupt Pryor Coal Mining Company are now ready for distribution.
1944 December Walsenburg: County Treasurer Edward Slates announces Miss Emma Bellotti has taken over duties as cashier and Miss Eleanor Yourick and Alfred Cruz are new clerks in his office.
1944 December Walsenburg: Cpl. Arthur Nizzi is here visiting his parents while on a 30-day leave after serving 30 months on active duty in the Far Eastern Theater.
1944 December Walsenburg: Effective Dec. 5, all Grade III tires and used industrial tires may now be transferred, mounted and used without restriction.
1944 December Walsenburg: Felo Martinez, local manager of the U.S. Employment Service War Manpower Commission, needs turkey pickers for the plant at the old Loma Park dairy beginning Dec. 27.
1944 December Walsenburg: Members of the Colorado State Fish and Game commission sent a quantity of elk meat to St. Mary Parish for the Benedictine Sisters' home and the school hot lunch program.
1944 December Walsenburg: Members of the Rainbow and DeMolay will present a Christmas program tomorrow night in Masonic Hall when Elaine Levy will give a reading and carols will be sung.
1944 December Walsenburg: Pfc. George Cornali, 20, has been appointed to the 1945 spring term at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point by Rep. J. Edgar Chenowith.
1944 December Walsenburg: Records of operations in the old Minnequa Fuel Company mine in 1910 and 1911 were found last week by Amando Gomez, employee of CF&I in the abandoned workings of Big Four mine, as well as black powder cans, fuse and fuel for the old-style lamps.
1944 December Walsenburg: The first major storm of the season left 10.5 inches of snow in Walsenburg, totaling .75 inches of moisture.
1944 December Walsenburg: The local office of the Agricultural Adjustment Agency will move next week from 504 Main to 621 Main because Montgomery Ward & Co. has obtained a lease on the present building for a catalog store.