Pueblo County, Colorado

If anyone has listings or photos for the following cemeteries please contribute them to this page. Send them to Karen Mitchell
Page contributed by Karen Mitchell. Listing compiled by George Williams, and added to as more information has been attained. Names in GREEN are abandoned and evidence no longer visible.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
Coroner News
1908 Pueblo Mortuaries
Miscellaneous Markers These markers are not in any given cemetery, most are roadside markers indicating where an accident occurred.
Baca Cemetery 20500 St. Charles Rd. South ¾ miles on the bluff over looking the Baca Ranch.
Beacon Hill - October 22, 1988 a father and son were chasing rabbits near Beacon Hill and came across human skeletal remains on the side of the hill. The Coroner and Sheriff's office were notified and responded to the scene. The apparent burial site that was exposed contained a cranial cap, mandible, teeth, humerus, ribs and carpal bones. Other items located included artifacts of a notched arrow point, shells and a stone bed necklace.
The remains were examined by a forensic anthropologist who identified the remains as pre historic Native American, 45-55 year old male, approximately 5 ft 7 inches. Evaluation of the remains and artifacts were consistent with Woodland Plains Indians. Involvement with the state archaeologist included site inspection and dated this burial site to the 1200's.
Bender, William - Marks location where he was killed in an auto wreck circa 1920 - North side of Highway 78 West approximately 1 1/2 miles East of the CF&I Ditch.
Beulah Cemetery - (established 1869) - Still in use. Records maintained by the Beulah Cemetery Association -South of Pine Drive at Cemetery Road in Beulah.
Bisbee Ranch Cemetery - Private. May be burials on both sides of the road. - 2 miles north of Burnt Mill on Burnt Mill Rd.
B'Nai Jacob Jewish Cemetery - (also known as Jewish Cemetery)- Still in use. Northwest section of the Pioneer Cemetery. Established by the Hebrew Benevolent Society in 1881. Expanded north to 23rd Street in the 1960s.
Records maintained at 107 South Union Avenue by Forrest Vean. South of 23rd Street and Montezuma.
Bragdon Cemetery - The abandoned town of Bragdon and railroad station were on the west side of the Fountain River north of the I-25 Eden Underpass. A cemetery at this site has not been confirmed by research. There is a late prehistoric burial site called the Beacon Hill Site nearby that was excavated in 1988 by CAS.
Brookside Cemetery - Rye, aka Riverside Cemetery found in some records. Hwy 165 at Rye.
Bucciarellais Cemetery - (also known as Mexican Cemetery) - This group of 30 graves were moved to Roselawn. – South Road at Cortner Road. 2 miles west of 36th Lane.
B-X Ranch North Cemetery - (also known as Fort Rice Cemetery)- Two unidentified graves in an enclosure - South of the Huerfano River and north of the old stage station.
Undercliffe (E of)
BX Ranch South Cemetery - (see Hooker Hills Cemetery) - Contains 30 graves of Patterson, Overturf and other 1860's settlers - On a bluff south of the Welton Ditch and BX Ranch barns.
Catholic Cemetery - (established 1873) - A section of the original Pueblo #3 and #4 Northside Cemeteries, which is now the Pioneer Cemetery.
Cedarview Cemetery - (also known as Peck Cemetery) - Small grouping of three graves - West of Doyle Arroyo and south of the old Cox Ranch, now Harry Vold house.
Cesar Ranch Site - A single grave thought to be Native American - on the edge of a field east of the St. Charles River.
Chico Cemetery - (established 1860s) - Still in use. Cawlfield family keeps the records. - 1/2 mile north of Highway 96 East and the Nyberg Railroad crossing, east of Pueblo Airport 11 miles east of Pueblo.
Christenson Cemetery - Abandoned. Contains six graves of the Ekuland & Ringstrom families. - A.E. Christenson Ranch near San Isabel North side of St. Charles Creek.
Church of the Ascension - Still in use. Church columbariam. - 420 West 18th Street. Pueblo.
City Cemetery - (also known as Pueblo #3 and #4)- Owners may use. Contains the soldiers and sailors section. - Part of the Northside (Pioneer) Cemetery. Entrance at 21st and Coronado.
Cliff Swallow Burial - Prehistoric burial site surveyed by Pueblo Archaelogical Society - On Rush Creek.
Colorado City Cemetery - (new) - A new cemetery operated by the Colorado City Cemetery District. - Northeast of Colorado City.
Colorado City Cemetery - (Old) - Single grave (ca) 1970 burial -1/2 mile north of Colorado City on Muddy Creek Rd.
Colorado State Hospital Cemetery #1 - All (155) remains in this State Hospital Cemetery were removed in 1992-1993 to build a women's prison on the site. - Near the power house at upper end of the gardens.
Colorado State Hospital Cemetery #2 - All (130?) remains in this State Hospital Cemetery were removed in 1992-1993 to build a women's prison on the site. - North of building #15 under the service road.
County Cemetery - Abandoned. Contains over 200 graves. Unlawfully deeded to the adjoining property owners. –The unfenced portion of the Pioneer Cemetery north of the IOOF Cemetery, 700 block, West 22nd Street.
County Poor Farm Cemetery - Abandoned and all evidence lost. - West of Overton Road, across the road from old oil refinery and blasting powder plant.
County Pest House & Hospital Cemetery - Abandoned. Burials regularly found by construction activities. - From the bluffs to the railroad tracks on both sides of N I-25, near 4700 block.
County Pest House Cemetery - Abandoned and housing built on the site. - Northwest of 29th and Cheyenne.
Cox Ranch Cemetery - (also known as Cox-Steele Cemetery) - Six graves of Fin Cox, Sherman Cox and their families - On Hankla ranch southwest of the Burnt Mill community on Burnt Mill Road.
Crawford Ranch Cemetery - (also known as Verde Cemetery)- Maintained. 15 graves. Reno family may have information -1/2 mile east of Verde School on Verde Road.
Death Lake Site - Bodies of 1921 Flood victims that were never recovered. Filled over. - East of Santa Fe Avenue to Kelly Street.
Dogtown Cemetery - Undercliffe (Mayer Ranch)
Doyle Cemetery - (also known as White House Cemetery - established 1859)- James B. Doyle and others buried here. Spanish inscriptions. - On a bluff west of Doyle Road near the historic marker.
Elks Cemetery - Large bronze Elk sculpture - BPOE #90 section in Roselawn Cemetery.
Evergreen Cemetery - Mustang Ranch
Fariss Hotel Site - Alleged to be 5 burials related to the Fort Pueblo Massacre. - South of 300 N. Union Avenue.
Finley Family Cemetery - Abandoned. Two graves. Finley's or Lemon's in Rye have records. - 1 1/2 miles east of Cederwood exit of I-25. One mile past Scoggs Cemetery.
Finn Cemetery - (also known as Red Top Ranch Cemetery)- Still used occasionally. Near the old Finn Settlement. - ¼ mile east of the Red Top Ranch Road and 4 - 5 miles south of Huerfano River.
Fisher Family Cemetery - (1895 - 1907) - Cemetery and town site now under I-25 near St. Charles River. - On site of old Town of Fisher, 12 miles southwest of Pueblo, vicinity of Lime.
Fort Rice Cemetery - see BX Ranch North Cemetery.
Fossecco Cemetery - Researchers could not confirm this with the Fossecco family - At Shady Greenhorn south of
Pueblo near Rye.
Fountain Ranch Site - A pre-historic 350 AD burial site surveyed by the PAHS - Near Huerfano Road and Grape Road.
G.A.R. Cemetery - A designated section for Union Soldiers with a flag pole. - Near the south end of the original
Mountain View Cemetery.
George W. Pigg Family Cemetery
Graham Memorial Park - This was never a cemetery. Dedicated as a Masonic Park - On Colorado 165, Northwest of Rye.
Greenwood Cemetery Canon City
Hardin Cemetery - Abandoned. 19 burials. - On Hardin Homestead now the A.E. Christensen Ranch.
Hatchet Ranch - See Rural Cemetery #2 - South of Pueblo on I-25.
Hicklin Cemetery - Zan Hicklin's, and several others, remains were moved to Colorado City - Near Greenhorn beyond
Hicklin Road. Now under the highway 5 - 6 graves.
Highland Cemetery - Can be used. 30+ graves. Highland Hills Church - 16 miles north of Boone on Boone Road and 2 miles east on Highland Hills Road.
Hooker Hills Cemetery aka BX South Cemetery Abandoned but fenced; Contains 30 graves of Patterson, Overturf and other 1860's settlers - On a bluff south of the Welton Ditch and BX Ranch barns.
Huerfano Cemetery - Still in use. Sometimes called Penitente Cemetery, or San Jose Church Cemetery - Between 27th and 40th Lanes on Huerfano Road (sometimes called Huckleberry Road) of the Huerfano River.
Hunter Family Cemetery - Still in use. Five burials. - BonDurant and Greenhorn roads near Rye.
Imperial Memorial Gardens Cemetery - (established 1938)- For Profit. First known as Valhalla Memorial Park. - 5450 Highway 78 West.
I.O.O.F. (Odd Fellows) Lodge Cemetery - Owners may use. Entrance on 21st Street. - Southeast part of the Northside (Pioneers) Cemetery. Fenced and south of County Cemetery.
King, Dan - One circa 1985 burial - Said to be west of Broadacre Road.
King of Kings Lutheran Church Columbarium
Knights of Pythias - A designated section in the Northside City Cemetery.
Livesay Family Cemetery - Covered by Pueblo Reservoir - Old Livesey Ranch on Highway 96 W.
Longmore Ranch Cemetery - Abandoned. Floyd (Sunny Jim) Orr may have information. - Four miles east of Boone and 1 1/2 miles north of Highway 96 E.
Lower Beaver Creek - Very close to the Fremont County line - See Swallows, Turkey Creek Cemeteries.
Masonic Cemetery - Some graves/markers remain. Others relocated by the Lodge. - SW section of the Northside
(Pioneer) fenced. Established in 1870.
Masonic Cemetery - A section in Roselawn for those moved from the Northside Masonic and others.
Matthew Steele Cemetery - See Overton Road Cemetery.
McCook Ranch Cemetery - Listed in the WPA 1930s Survey but nothing more known.
McDaniel Ranch Cemetery - Still in use? First known burial 1879. Near Nepesta Crossing - North of Highway 96 at Nepesta, west of the Road and across from the only house (stone).
Meade - Lefebre Cemetery - (also known as Table Mountain Cemetery) - Abandoned.
Mexican Burial Site - See Cedarview Cemetery, Bucciarellis Ranch, St. Charles, and on Rock Creek.
Mexican Cemetery - See Bucciarellis Ranch.
Mexican Cemetery on Rock Creek Drainage - Group of abandoned graves on WPA survey - 1-2 miles south of
Highway 78 West and east of Waterbarrel Road.
Mormon Cemetery - Alleged to have been established in the 1840s on the north side of the Arkansas River near the present Runyon Field Baseball Complex. Floods have eliminated any trace of this burial site.
Mount Olivet Cemetery - Still in use. Church Cemetery. - Adjacent to St. Aloysius Church in Rye.
Mountain View Cemetery - For profit. Started by South Pueblo in 1880. Expanded by WPA in 1930s. - 1300 Beulah Avenue. Original Cemetery St Joseph's, Annex #1 and Annex #2.
Muldoon Hill Site - Preshistoric burial surveyed by PAHS - south of Highway 78 West.
Mustang Cemetery - (also known as Swedish Cemetery)- 50 - 100 burials from Cedarwood, Lascar, and Graneros. – east of the old town of Mustang, west of the railroad tracks.
Nepesta Cemetery - Still in use. Records with the Scherrer family or Griffy Mortuary in Fowler. - South of Highway 50 East at Nepesta Road.
Nolan Cemetery - On Verde Road east of I-25.
Northside Cemetery - (established 1870s)- See Pueblo #3 and #4, County, City, Jewish, IOOF, B'Nai Jacob, Soldiers -Sailors, Masonic and Pioneer. - Between 21st and 23rd Streets, from the alley west of West Street to Montezuma Street.
Overton Cemetery - Not confrrmed by research. May be County Poor Farm. - Near site of old town of Overton east of Fountain River, north of College Road.
Overton Road Cemetery - (also known as Steele Family Cemetery)- Hannibal Steele 1862, Nathan Steele and others. East of Fountain River and Overton Road near 3700 block and Cosyleon Ranch.
Overton Road, Pinon Bridge burial site - Alleged to be 18 - 24 Native American burial sites northeast of this location.
Pagnotta Family Cemetery One mile southeast of Rye, south of Graneros Creek.
Peck Cemetery - Fenced. May be same as Cedarview Cemetery. - South of Doyle Cemetery, East of Vertrees Reservoir.
Penitente Cemetery - See Huerfano Cemetery and San Jose Church Cemetery.
Pike Site - Alleged to be a member of the Zebulon Pike Party. - North of Stone City on Robinson Ranch.
Pinon Burial Site - (also known as Blue Lake) - Concentration of Native American burials. - 4 miles west of Pinon and I-25 near the Stonich Ranch.
Pinon Site - Single unknown burial site. - On bluff west of the old Pinon School.
Pioneer Cemetery, Pueblo - Name given to the former Northside Cemeteries. Contains I.O.O.F., Pueblo County, Pueblo City #3 & #4, Soldiers & Sailors, Jewish, Masonic. All fenced except Pueblo County.
Plaza Cemetery - Abandoned. Approximately 50 burials. No evidence remains. - On Mayer ranch northeast of the Huerfano river, east of the Doyle Cemetery. (Note:1/2 mile north of the Cemetery are other burials. This is
Terecita's Cemetery also known as Plaza Cemetery. It contains the graves of Maria Teresa (Terecita)
Sandoval-Suazo, the most influential female in the earliest history of Southern Colorado/Northern New Mexico,
and several others. Abandoned. No evidence remains.
Pueblo City Northside - Now known as Pioneer Cemetery. - See Pueblo #3, #4, Soldiers & Sailors.
Pueblo County Cemetery - See Northside County (Pioneer), Poor Farm, Hospital, Pest House, & 29th and Cheyenne.
Pueblo Memorial Gardens - See Imperial Memorial Gardens and Valhalla Memorial Park.
Pueblo Ordnance Depot - (also known as Pueblo Army Depot Cemetery)- Burials confirmed but locations not listed. - East of Pueblo on Highway 96 at Chico Creek.
Red Creek Estates - July 18, 1994 a rancher checking livestock on horseback found skeletal remains and reported the discovery to the Sheriff's Office. The Pueblo County Coroner was also contacted. All agencies responded to the location at Hwy 96 E, 10 miles east of Pueblo and 4 miles south of the highway. The remains were located in a rain gully approximately 4-5 feet deep, the site was eroded by rain and this had resulted in the exposure of the skeletal remains. Located were multiple long bones and an intact skull. The remains were identified as a Native American that was 25-35 years of age at the time of death. Burial was estimated to have occurred in the 1700's. Involvement of the State Archaeologist was required because of the historic age and also the Colorado Commission on Indian Affairs because the individual was identified as being Native American
Riverside Cemetery - (established 1865) - Another name for the Rye Cemetery. Still in use. - East edge of town of Rye.
Riverview Cemetery - See Roselawn Cemetery
Robinson Cemetery - 3 graves. Robinson family in Rye? - 1 1/4 mile southeast of Greenhorn Road on east side. Southeast of Rye. Only one grave was located in 2003.
Roselawn Cemetery - Non-profit. Pueblo's largest. First named Riverview Cemetery. - 1706 Roselawn Road.
Ross Ranch Cemetery - Ross and Wiggins Family. Some relocated to Roselawn. - On old John Ross ranch 2 miles east of Boone, 1/2 mile south of Highway 96 East.
Rumaldo's Hill Site - Historic site. Graves of Rumaldo Cordova, Dolores Wootton. 1700s French? - 1 mile east of Fort Reynolds Marker, north of Highway 50 East.
Rural Cemetery #1 - Recorded as Ed Carlson. Quarry? - North of Cedarwood near the Carlson Ranch.
Rural Cemetery #2 - Three known burials. -..East of Hatchet Ranch on I-25 South.
Rural Cemetery #3 - Not confirmed by research. - Andersonville Station, Broadacre Road and the St. Charles River. Near 27th Lane.
Rural Cemetery #4 - Native American burials. - 35 miles southeast of Pueblo, approximately 7 miles south of White Rock, by Rock Crossing on the Apishapa.
Rye Cemetery - See Brookside, Riverside and Mt. Olivet.
Rye's Lone Burial - May be Gladys McDaniel Utt who died in 1921 Flu Epidemic. - 1 mile east of Greenhorn Creek South of Meredith Ranch.
Sacred Heart Orphanage Cemetery - Relocated to Roselawn. - East side of Sacred Heart Orphanage. Adjacent to the original Mountain View Cemetery.
San Isabel Cemetery - See Christensen, Table Mountain.
San Isabel Cemetery - Unknown number of burials. - East and north of San Isabel Lake.
San Jose Church Cemetery - See Huerfano and Penitente.
Scoggs Arroyo (Family) Cemetery - Abandoned. - 1 1/2 miles east of Cederwood Exit of I-25, 1 mile past the Finley Cemetery.
Soldiers and Sailors - Section in Pueblo Northside, Pioneer Cemetery.
Saint Charles Cemetery #1 - Graves spared when the area was excavated for gravel. - On a knob north of Highway 50 East, 1 mile east of the St. Charles River bridge, Vineland.
St. Charles/Wiggins Cemetery #2 - Could be used. 90+ graves. - Part of Cesar farms at 23000 St. Charles Rd. In center of cattle pens and feed storage.
St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery - Block One, Annex One of Mountain View Cemetery.
Saint Vrain Cemetery - (also known as Autobee's Cemetery) - Still in use. Historic site in use since the 1850s. - North bank of the Huerfano River, 1 1/4 miles south of Highway 50 East. 3 miles east of Avondale.
Steele Cemetery - see Overton Road Cemetery.
Stonich Ranch Cemetery - Graves of Stonich's family. - South of Pinon.
Swallows Cemetery Still used. Burials from the Turkey Creek and Lower Beaver Creek cemeteries were moved here when the reservoir was built and the town of Swallows and railroad station had to be abandoned.
Table Mountain Cemetery - See Meade-Lefebre Cemetery.
Tacony Cemetery - No evidence found. - In a plowed field 1 mile east of Highland Church at site of old Town of
Tacony, 16 miles north of Boone and 3 miles east on Highland Church Road.
Terecita's Cemetery - See Dog Town Cemetery, Plaza Cemetery.
Thomas Ranch Cemetery - See Cox-Steel Cemetery.
Three R Ranch Cemetery - 7100 South 3R Road.
Turkey Creek Cemetery - See Swallows Cemetery.
Unidentified Burial #1 - East of I-25 in a field between the two Verde Exits and north of Higgins Ranch.
Unidentified Burial #2 - May be the same as Colorado City #1 Cemetery. - On bank of Muddy Creek, 2 1/2 miles north of Beckwith Reservoir.
Valhalla Memorial Park - See Pueblo and Imperial Memorial Gardens.
Verde Cemetery - 15 burials. May be part of the Crawford Cemetery? Reno family burials? - East of I-25, 1/2 mile east of Verde School and Verde Road. 3 miles east of Nolan Cemetery?
Wal-Mart Pioneer Burial Site - March 10, 1998 during the construction of the North Side Wal-Mart fill dirt was required. Construction crews were obtaining the fill dirt adjacent to the construction area and three graves were discovered. Three caskets with human skeletal remains were discovered. The wooden caskets were deteriorating but were easily identified and were unique in construction. A forensic archaeologist came to Pueblo from the Denver Museum and concluded that the grave sites and remains were greater than 100 years of age. The 100 year threshold required involvement of the state archaeologist because of the potential for historic significance to the State of Colorado. It was determined that the graves represented the death and burial of Colorado pioneers.
Walter's Brewery Site - Graves of Juan Chiquito, Elana Autobees Baca, a Sioux Indian Chief and his horses, Isabella Blackwell (1914) and others. - Reported to be southeast of Sugarloaf Hill, east of Joplin Avenue on the north end of the old Walter's Brewery Park.
White House Cemetery - See Doyle Cemetery. (James Doyle's home was the Casa Blanca)
Wiggins Cemetery - See St. Charles/Wiggins Cemetery.
Williams Cemetery - East of I-25 at Exit 83.
Wolther Family Cemetery - Two burials. - Private family cemetery in Beulah.
Zercher Ranch Cemetery Beulah

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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