Pueblo County, Colorado
The "Freedom" Newspaper

Contributed by Lee Zion

The "Freedom" newspaper appears to be the Spanish American War's version of World War II's "Yank" magazine. We found several issues in a great uncles collection. He served with Company B of the 1st Colorado but was hospitalized after being wounded in February 1899 and never returned to the regiment.

The great Uncle was: Corporal Orton T. Weaver, Company B, 1st Colorado Volunteer Infantry, Sp. Am War, 8/17/1878-5/11/1951.

After being discharged in 1900, Orton operated a hotel and pool hall in the town of Vernon (Yuma Co) for years. He is buried in the Glendale Cemetery, Vernon.

Freedom "The Giant of the Orient," Manila, Island of Luzon, Tuesday April 18, 1899
(Front Page)

Eighth Army Corps

The Eighth Army Corps is rapidly making history. Through all time it will be known as the army that planted the stars and stripes in the Orient; it is the pioneer that led the way for liberty and civilization in the far east, or west as it may be.

At present the organizations comprising this Corps are as follows:
Volunteers -
Second Oregon Regiment - 12 companies
First Montana (ditto)
First Tennessee (ditto)
Twentieth Kansas (ditto)
First California (ditto)
First Nebraska (ditto)
First Washington (ditto)
First Colorado (ditto)
Thirteenth Minnesota (ditto)
Fifty-First Iowa (ditto)
South Dakota (ditto)
Tenth Pennsylvania (ditto)
First Idaho (ditto)
North Dakota (ditto)
First Wyoming Regiment - 4 companies
Utah Light Artillery - 2 batteries
California Heavy Arty - 2 batteries
Wyoming Arty - 1 battery
Nebraska Cavalry Reg. - 1 troop

Regular Army -
1st, 18th and 19th Signal Companies
Hospital Corps detachment
3rd, 4th, 12th, 14th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 22nd, and 23rd Infantry Regiments
(still enroute - 6th, 9th, 13th, 16th and 21st Infantry)
3rd US Artillery - 4 batteries
6th US Artillery - 2 batteries
Separate Mountain Battery
(still enroute - 3 Light Arty batteries)
4th US Cavalry Regiment - 6 troops
Company A, US Army Engineers

Freedom, Manila, Island of Luzon, Tuesday March 28, 1899
(Front Page - 1 inch headlines)
Malabon Has Fallen
Old Glory Again Triumphant
Now on to Malolos!

(In an eight page story we find on page 5)

Colorado and Minnesota [Regiments]
At 5 o'clock Saturday morning the 1st battalion, 13th Minnesota advanced from the Mariquina road to the hills north of it. Here the insurgents were strongly entrenched along the hedges and on the hilltops. In twenty minutes, the battalion lead by Major Diggies was hotly engaged and the firing was very heavy.

After half an hour's work, Maj. Diggies found he was threatened on the right flank by some strongly entrenched companies of Filipinos who had served in the Spanish army. Word was sent to General Hall in command of the 3rd Brigade for reinforcements on that flank. Col McCoy being ordered to send two companies, A and M of the 1st Colorados. These two companies marched down the Mariquina road towards Mariquina for about 3/4 of a mile, and then took a course due north through the sugar cane fields, hedges and paddy fields. Having advanced half a mile, in Skirmish order under the command of Lt. Col. Moses, they began the action on the right with three volleys. Then for a mile across, this rough country companies A and M advanced by rushes following the volleys with rapid firing from 50 Krag Jorgeusens and 100 Springfield rifles.

The insurgents were falling back but poured in a galling fire, mostly from Mausers. But these two companies advanced with a well directed fire never stopping except to pour in a volley at every 100 yards.

The advance was now up the hill towards the heights north of Mariquina. Company and battalion commanders were leading the charge. The natives remained in the trenches holding on stubbornly to their position at the top of a hill studded with large rocks, hedges and bamboo clumps. At about 75 yards from the Filipino trenches there is a hedge parallel with them. Capt. Steward leading Co. A giving clear distinct commands broke through this hedge closely followed by the company. The fire was hottest at this point, volley following volley from the hard fighting natives. It was at this time that Capt. Steward fell, while giving a command, with a bullet in his abdomen, the men around him quickly ran to his help though the steady advance was continued, and the captain was covey to the rear behind some rocks. It was of no avail, the captain, hardy uttering a word, lost consciousness and in about 15 minutes was dead.

Before the company commander was dead the two companies had taken the trenches, driving the natives in every direction killing and wounding a great many. In the charge up the hill Charles Brill and M.H. Maccoe of M Co. and Edwin Pitts of A Co. were wounded, all quite seriously.

Col. Morris gave the command to fall back for about 200 yards after the trenches were taken and the men were given breathing space. Ammunition being brought up by the F. Co men, belts and haversacks were replenished. After a time the command was given to left face and the skirmish line moved off to the left flank to close up the gap between the Minnesota battalion, going in a north-westerly direction. This move was completed by 11 o'clock and the whole line was allowed to rest. None of the troops had eaten as yet, for the advance had been made when breakfast was being served. Towards 4 o'clock two mules carrying 24 hours rations were brought up and the first meal of the day was eaten.

At this point the natives began a desultory fire from the opposite hills. The 50 Krag Jorgensen rifles that are in the two companies were ordered to throw in a few volleys, which quickly silenced the natives, killing and wounding some.

For the night the Minnesota battalion were stationed on a plateau, abut a mile and a half north of the Mariquina road. The two Colorado companies were taken half a mile to the right to occupy a mesa, oblong is shape, abut 100 paces in width and 300 paces in length. Here, with nothing but straw for bed or blanket, the two companies went to sleep, throwing out around the hill six outposts of three men and a corporal each.

At 12 o'clock the natives, quite strong in numbers, made a determined attack, driving in the outposts and firing hourly at the summit of the hill. All was bustle in a minute but the discipline was exact. Every man took his post coolly, and a withering, rapid fire was soon poured in. After 10 minutes the order "cease firing" was given. This seemed to give the Filipinos courage, for the set up an unearthly howl. Among the Spanish and Tagalog commands for an advance could be heard distinctly, commands given in English. The Filipino officers could be heard ordering a charge but the native soldiers refused to advance. Into this babel of shouting and shooting a number of well directed and well timed volleys for 100 rifles were thrown from the hill and the courage of the enemy seemed to flag, and as a result, the whistling of bullets over the hill crest grew less.

Meanwhile the Minnesota had made a quick movement to succor the beleaguered companies and the clear distinct command given by the Minnesota commander of "Forward Guide Center" was a welcome sound to the boys laying flat on the little hill top. Soon after the coming of this help, the natives retreated and the rest of the night was quiet. Sunday morning water was secured and coffee made. Corned beef, hardtack and coffee were served and the boys were ready for another advance. Instead of an advance an order to withdraw came and forming a skirmish line, the Colorado boys reached camp to eat the first square meal in 48 hours.

The Colorado companies that charged the trench on Mariquina heights did not know of any fortifications at that point until they jumped over into the trench. It was ascertained from the Filipino prisoners that the men who held these trenches were a detachment of two companies of 80 men each. They were part of what is called the Cavite battalion which is made up of men who deserted the Spanish army with their Mauser rifles during the insurrection against the Spanish. They held out sullenly till the two companies were within 100 yards and then they ran like sheep. The death of Capt. Steward is an irreparable loss to the regiment and to the 8th Army Corps. As an officer his men had boundless confidence in his powers and would follow him anywhere. Captain John Stewart was at all times in the lead, shouting commands and encouragements to his men. No man could have died in a nobler way. At home his interests were large and his sole impulse and aim was to serve those wonderful stars and stripes, the balm for every wound and the reward for every deed, no matter how costly. Captn. John Steward was a native of Louisiana. His home for some time has been Pueblo, Colo., where he was a partner in the firm of Wales and Steward. It is a sad loss to the Colorado regiment, to his home city and to his country. 1st Lt. Obertenbach is in temporary command of A Co.

Burial of Capt John Stewart
At 10 a.m. yesterday all of Co A, 1st Colorado that could be spared off the line on the Mariquina road escorted the body of Capt John Stewart to Paco Cemetery for burial. The 1st Colorado band led the procession playing "Sweet Comforter" to dirge time. Chaplain Fleming officiated. Six brother officers of the regiment acted as pall bearers while Co A was guard. Lt. Obertemback was in command of Co A. The procession left the division hospital at 10:15 a.m. marching to the funereal music for Paco cemetery. The service was short, military, and very impressive. Three volleys were then fired by Co A. Taps was blown and the body of Capt John Stewart, Commander of Co A, Senior Captain of the 1st Colorado regiment of infantry, U.S.V. was consigned to its last resting place.

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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