Pueblo County
Southern Colorado Pioneer Association
Contributed by Karen Mitchell
This is a listing of the members of the Southern Colorado Pioneer Association as reported in the Pueblo Chieftain Newspaper, July 30, 1926.
Abbey, Samuel A. 1866
Accola, Lorenz1871
Accola, Lawrence E.-son 1871
Ackley, Mrs. Anna B. 1873
Adams, Alva 1871
Adams, Alva B.1875
Adams, John C. 1863
Albert, John O.1870
Albert, William T. 1871
Aldred, S.W. 1871
Allen, M.D.1863
Allen, S.D. 1873
Allen, S.F 1872
Aller, Bessie Miller 1873
Anderson, C.H. 1872
Andrews, J.D.1867
Arthur, John 1865
Asher, George 1871
Asher, William1871
Ashley, Mrs. Nancy 1874
Atchison, Humphrey D. 1865
Avery, H.A. 1872
Baker, Alfred 1876
Ballou, John M. 1876
Bates, Mrs. Maude
Thompson-dau. 1876
Barkley, Henry 1872
Barnum, Mrs. Emma H. 1860
Bartholomew, Mrs. Hattie Barber, Mrs. William-dau, 1860
Bavington, Mrs. D.L 1861
Baxter, A.H.H. 1840
Baxter, O.H.B.1858
Beard, Jacob1853
Bell, William M. 1873
Belleville, R.J.1872
Belleville, C.F. 1874
Belleville, Mrs. Sarah F. 1872
Bemis, C.L. 1872
Benesch, Henry A. 1864
Benham, Frank H. 1872
Benham, Mrs. Louisa 1872
Bennett, Marshall W. 1861
Bergerman, Ben 1872
Berry, George M.1875
Betts, Charles J.1876
Betts, Mrs. J.D.M.1885
Bilby, George F.1871
Bilby, George W. 1860
Bilby, Mrs. Ida M. 1873
Bird, Mary Miller 1871
Bixby, Charles C. 1872
Blake, Anna E. 1861
Blake, George E. 1865
Blunt, E.A 1872
Bolt, George 1871
Boone, A.G. 1860
Boone, Benj. Franklin 1863
Boone, C.R. 1860
Boone, Frank 1860
Boone, Mrs. Susie Fosdick 1861
Booth, Mrs. Laura D. 1860
Boyd, Charles McD 1870
Bradford, Mrs Emmeline 1961
Bradford, Thomas A. 1861
Bradley, Mrs. J.E.1869
Bradley, Ufford 1875
Bright, Blanch Keeling1870
Brooks, J.W. 1873
Bumgardner, Mrs. Anna 1873
Bumgardner, Shirley 1873
Brooks, James C-son 1873
Brooks, Mrs.Grace D.
dau. 1873
Burnette, Sarah M. 1861
Burns, Con 1869
Burns,David 1866
Burns, Isaac T. 1863
Burton, Robert B. 1874
Bryant, C.M. 1861
Byrne, Mrs. Edda M. 1874
Cahill, Luke 1866
Calhoun, W.E. 1874
Canon, Benton 1865
Capps, Mrs. Amelia F. 1862
Capps, S.J. 1870
Card, E.S. 1870
Carlile, Charles B. 1876
Carlile, James N. 1860
Carlile, W.K. 1866
Carlile, Ben A-son 1866
Carpenter, A.V. 1870
Carpenter, Andrew D. 1863
Cawlfield, Sterling 1863
Chamblin, Mrs. Jean 1872
Chase, A.B. 1860
Chase, Mrs. Lucy F. 1859
Cheeney, Annie H. 1871
Chilcott, M. Scott 1863
Chilcott, Mrs.Norma S.-
dau. 1871
Clark, George F. 1870
Coburn, Charles E. 1872
Coleman, Jesse W. 1860
Conwell, L.F. 1875
Cooper, Lillian Jordan 1871
Corey, R.T. 1873
Costello, M.J. 1870
Cowles, Robert 1863
Cox, Edward 1873
Cozzens, Mrs. M.E. 1860
Cramer, Mrs.Elsie
Bartels 1873
Crites, Will S. 1872
Culley, Geo. T. 1864
Culley, Mrs. Geo. T. 1864
Currie, H.S. 1875
Cuthbertson, Mrs. Ida M. 1872
Danielson, D.W. 1876
Danielson, Nelson F. 1876
Danielson, Mrs.Nelson F. 1875
Davidson, Peter T. 1870
Davis, Henry J. 1876
Dawkins, Thomas C. 1863
Day, Alex 1873
Day. Mrs. Sarah T. 1873
Delaplaine, Mrs. Jennie 1869
Dennis, T.H. 1861
Depp, J.H. 1860
Dickson, T.C. 1858
Dingman, John W. 1873
Divilbliss, J.H. 1875
Dotson, A.L 1868
Dotson, Peter T. 1861
Downen, Thomas J. 1872
Downen, Thomas J., Jr. 1872
Draper, W.W. 1871
Duke, Frank G. 1874
Duke, Thomas A. 1875
Dunbaugh, Geo. J. 1871
Easter, John 1858
Edgar, Robert G. 1873
Ehrhart, T.J. 1863
Elliott, Thomas J. 1870
Ellis, J.J. 1875
Ellis, James H. 1875
Evans, Barney 1866
Evans, Thomas J. 1874
Feist, John A. 1875
Feist, Mrs. Alice Crook- Associate 1875
Feist, Mrs. Mary Jane- Associate 1875
Fimple, B.E. 1873
Fimple, Lorin B.-son 1873
Finley, W.A. 1866
Finley, Mrs. W.A. 1866
Finley, William A. 1874
Fisher, Mrs. Cynthia 1870
Fitch, M.H. 1870
Flynn, Thomas 1873
Ford, E.F. 1860
Foreman, Elmo G. 1876
Fosdick, Frank 1864
Fosdick, H.M. 1861
Fosdick, Mary Mattise 1873
Fosdick, Sam P. 1861
Fox, Mrs. A.N. 1867
Francis, H.R. 1873
Frazier, R.T. 1876
Freund, Isaac 1863
Freund, Lew 1868
Fuller, J.S. 1875
Gains, C.C. 1867
Galligan, M.J. 1875
Gallino, B.D. 1874
Gallup, Mrs. Judith M. 1875
Gallup, Hallet C.-son 1875
Gast, Chas. E. 1873
Cast, Chase E., Jr.-son 1873
Gates, J.T. 1876
Gaun, G.L.T. 1872
Gibbons, Henry W. 1872
Gibbons, Mary Alice 1874
Gilbert, Mrs. Lizzie G. Dau.
Gilbert, George 1861
Gilbert. Mrs. Della S.- Associate 1861
Gilmore,Adrian S. 1871
Gilmore, Mrs. Flora A. 1869
Gordon, J.R. 1869
Gordon, Mrs. Sophia 1873
Goss, John W. 1870
Grant, Robert 1863
Grant, Mrs. Sarah J. 1868
Graybeal, G.L. 1873
Griffin, T.E. 1874
Grout, Ebenezer S. 1873
Grout, Mrs. Emmie 1873
Grout, Miss Stella S.-dau. 1873
Grath, Mrs. Ada L-dau. 1873
Grund, John A. 1873
Halsey, Asa 1850
Halsey, Mrs. Laura W. 1868
Hallerain, Mrs. F.D.-dau. 1868
Hamilton, W.B. 1867
Hamilton, Mrs. Lon J. 1870
Hamlin, Mrs. Cassie 1873
Hamlin, Robt. W. 1870
Hamlin, Wm. R. 1870
Harden, Wm. A. 1864
Harford, Thomas 1865
Hayden, Mrs. Mary E. 1863
Hayden, Mrs. Mary
Henderson, Cash D. 1875
Henkle, Charles 1862
Henkle, Henry C. 1875
Hepburn, Mrs. Rebecca 1861
Herd, Sam M. 1874
Hildenbrand, Charles 1876
Hildenbrand, Julius 1870
Hinsdale, Mrs.Josephine 1868
Hiveley, Michael M. 1866
Hobson, W.A. 1872
Hogan, Michael 1860
Hugh, John H. 1874
Hughes, Frank P. 1873
Hughes, Nathan 1874
Hughes, R.F. 1869
Hunnicutt, W.P. 1870
Hunt, John 1846
Hunter, Mrs. Annie 1876
Hunter, L.R. 1872
Hyde, William 1859
Ingersoll, Mrs. Wm. 1871
Ingersoll, William 1860
Jamison, Mrs. Hannah
Jane 1866
Jenkins, Mrs. S. Cloonan 1870
Jenner, John F. 1865
Johnson, Mrs. Hannah
RJ. 1866
Jones, Theodore R. 1860
Jordan, Edwin P. 1870
Kearney, Mrs. Mary 1871
Kearney, N.U.S. 1872
Kearney, William 1872
Keating, Johannah M. 1868
Keating, Mrs. Rose C. 1873
Keeling, Wledon F.-son
Keeling, Mrs. Myrtle Welch-dau.
Kephart,G.W. 1872
Kessler, Charles W. 1870
Kessler, Mrs. Martha Lee-associate
Kindle, William 1875
Kinniry, Edward 1870
Kinniry, Mrs. E.H. 1873
Klallenhoff, Marvin B. 1873
Knebel, John G. 1874
Knebel, Mrs. John G.
Knight, W.L 1874
Kramer, Mrs. Hattie D. 1863
Kramer, M.L. 1863
Krenske, Gustav E. 1869
Krenske, Mrs. Margaret-associate
Lambert, J.J. 1867
Lane, George W. 1876
Lankford, Garrett 1870
Lansing, J.J. 1869
Lasley, B.M. 1860
Lasley, Mrs. M.A. 1860
Latimer, Glen C. 1875
Latshaw, Mrs. Clara M. 1871
Latshaw, Wm. D. 1872
Leavitt, Wm. T. 1874
Lewis, Josephine 1873
Levy, A. 1870
Levy, Mrs. Lillie 1873
Livesey, James 1874
Lowe, Mrs. Elizabeth Noble 1874
Lundy, Thomas J. 1876
Lutin, Luke 1869
McAlister, Wm. W. 1859
McBride, Sam 1862
McCafferty, W.F. 1870
McCarthy, Mrs. Kate 1863
McCarthy, T.G. 1876
McCarthy, Henry M.-son
McCarthy, Raymond M.-son
McCarthy, Miss Inez-dau.
McClelland, William J. 1873
McClelland, Andrew 1872
McClelland, Mrs. Columbia J. 1872
McClure, W.H. 1864
McDaniel, John W. 1874
McDermith, Mrs. D.M.J. 1872
McFedries, Robert 1875
McGovern,Andrew 1872
McGregory,Andrew 1873
McMillan, Fields E. 1868
McNeeley, J.T. 1875
Mahoney, Patrick M. 1870
Mark, Cyrus 1874
Marshall, J.H. 1874
Martel, James P. 1870
Martel, Mrs. Mary C. 1873
Massey, James 1870
Mathews, William 1871
Meserole, George V. 1871
Miller, John D. 1858
Miller, Mrs. Lizzie 1861
Miller, Mrs. Mary 1859
Miller, Mrs. Sarah K. 1846
Mitchell, Lulu M. 1873
Mitchell, Mrs. Rose B. 1861
Monroe, J.T. 1871
Moon, Mrs. Ed 1864
Moore, J.S. 1861
Moore, Mrs. Josephine K. 1871
Moriarity, Miss Marian 1875
Morris, George 1863
Morris, Mrs. Harriet B. 1869
Morris, Henry O. 1874
Morris, Mrs. Mary 1860
Morris, Nathan 1860
Morse, E.H. 1871
Morse, Mrs. H.M. 1871
Morse, Mrs. H.M. 1872
Morse, Len G. 1871
Morton, Jesse G. 1872
Moshier, E.E. 1876
Moshier, M.J. 1876
Moshier, W.E. 1875
Murray, Frank L. 1874
Murray, James P. 1859
Myers, George 1871
Myers, Mrs. Nettie 1860
Myers, William 1871
Nathan, Ed 1861
Neeley, W.G. 1875
Neeley, Mrs. W.G. 1875
Noble, C.M. 1869
Noble, Mrs. M.J. 1869
Norris, John 1872
Nuckolls, Emmett 1860
Nuckolls, Ezra 1872
Nuckolls, G. Harvey 1868
Nusbaum, Moses 1868
Nyberg, N.H. 1872
Orman, James B. 1868
Orman, Mrs. Nellie Martin 1874
Otero, Charles 1873
Owen, E.S. 1869
Owens, James B. 1872
Owens, R.T. 1873
Palmer, Jacob 1872
Palmer, John 1873
Palmer, John C. 1860
Parker, Victor H. 1876
Parr, Fred 1876
Patrick, Mrs. Mary E. 1869
Patterson, A.C. 1874
Patterson, Fanny 1870
Patterson, J.C. 1869
Patterson, N.T. 1863
Pearson, John I. 1870
Percy, Horace 1869
Peterson, Mrs. Joseph 1874
Peterson, Wilkins O.-son
Peterson, Mary Lowery -dau.
Petterson, Joseph 1873
Phillips, Robert 1873
Pollard, Chas. H. 1873
Pollard, Hammond 1866
Porter, Ernest 1873
Porter, I.R. 1864
Potter, Frank 1875
Prather, Frank 1872
Prather, Frank H. 1872
Pringle, James 1869
Rafferty, B.F. 1861
Rantschler, Miss Luella S.-
Randolph, Mrs. Dora
Rankin, George J. 1874
Rayner, Mrs. Juan 1873
Raywalt, Mrs. M.V. 1868
Redmond, Edward 1876
Reese,Llewellyn 1876
Reese, Mrs. Mary Sullivan-
Rettberg, Otto T. 1869
Rice, R.E. 1872
Richards, A.E. 1860
Richardson, C.C. 1876
Richie, W.R. 1876
Ricker, William H. 1860
Ricker, Mrs. Martha J.
Richmond, Geo. Q. 1870
Risley, F.D. 1875
Risley, Mrs. Minnie 1863
Robb, C.E. 1867
Robb, T.W.E. 1870
Roberts, Sam D. 1862
Robertson, Mrs. Florence
Fitch 1873
Rood, Aaron 1872
Ross, John 1860
Rose, Mrs. Helen E.
Rudd, Anson S. 1861
Ruffner, Harry 1863
Rule, Samuel H. 1864
Russell, Mr. & Mrs. W.D. 1870
Salter, Sarah C. 1862
Sanborn, Tris D. 1875
Sanderson, Fred H. 1874
Sanford, O.F. 1860
Sanford, Mrs. O.F. 1860
Saunders, E.M. 1871
Savage, Z.T. 1871
Saxton, John M. 1876
Seykora, Mrs. Leah Dana
Scroggs, Miss Euphema
Saylor, John A. 1876
Schulz, Charles W. 1876
Schulz, J. Henry 1876
Schulz, John H. 1876
Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth J. 1872
Scroggs, W.C. 1870
Sears, George 1872
Sease, John J. 1863
Sirand, A. 1872
Sisk, Josiah H. 1868
Smith, A.M. 1865
Smith, Alfred H. 1870
Smith, Mrs. Annie 1860
Smith, Robert I. 1876
Smith, Steve S. 1859
Smith, William 1869
Smith, Capt. William 1858
Smith, Mrs. Helen Stenton-
Smith, Irving Stanton-
Snyder, George W. 1867
Synder, Henry B. 1860
Snyder, Simon D. 1868
Spaulding, Mrs. R.J. 1861
Stanchfield, 0.0. 1873
Stanton, I.W. 1860
Steele, Bert C. 1872
Steele, Frank 1868
Steele, H.R. 1859
Steele, T.J. 1859
Stetson, C.J. 1874
Stetson, Henry A. 1875
Stetson, R.M. 1875
Stewart, Alex T. 1876
Stewart, AlexanderTJ.-son
Stewart, Mary Elizabeth 1871
Stewart, Mrs. Mary E.-
Stone, Wilbur F. 1860
Stout, George 1872
Stover, W.R. 1872
Studzinski, M. 1868
Stumpf, George J. 1867
Sullivan, Mrs. Dixie J. 1866
Sutherland, Mrs. Amelia E. 1875
Sutherland, Morris H. 1866
Sweeney, William H. 1866
Sweeny, Mrs. J.K. 1872
Sweeny, James K.-associate 1878
Sweeney, George H.-son
Sweet, Barton 1876
Sweet, Mrs. Mary M. 1876
Swink, George W. 1871
Swurtz, John M. 1874
Taylor, Samuel C. 1860
Taylor, W.S. 1876
Thatcher, John A. 1862
Thatcher, John Henry-son 1872
Thatcher, Mrs. Ethel
Thatcher, Mrs. Luna A. 1870
Thatcher, Mahlon D. 1865
Thatcher, Mrs. Margaret A. 1862
Thomas, Mrs. Amelia D. 1870
Thomas, John J. 1858
Thomas, Samuel E. 1874
Thompson, S. Fletcher 1871
Thompson, W.M. 1870
Toof, Devella A. 1868
True, A.E. 1871
Trujillo, Bonita 1868
Unfug, C.O. 1865
Unfug, Mrs. Kate 1864
Unfug, Mrs. Luella Boone 1860
Upson, Isaiah 1876
Upson, Mrs. Julia R.-
Varley, Mrs. Anna
Barndollar 1873
Veatch, Byron E. 1876
Vertrees, C.T. 1872
Viergutz,O.H. 1873
Wall, Norval W. 1876
Wall, Mrs. Elizabeth-
Wasson, Henry H. 1875
Watson, W.A. 1859
Weiland, Frank M. 1872
Wells, E.W. 1875
Wells, Frank H. 1867
Wells, Mrs. Elizabeth G.
Wells, Mason 1869
Weston, Eugene 1860
White, C.L. 1868
White, Crum 1868
White, Jacob W. 1875
White, R.C. 1868
Wilhelmy, William 1871
Williams, Gomer 1872
Willis, Chas. B. 1871
Wilson, Chris 1872
Wilson, James 1873
Wingett, George W. 1876
Withers, Frank A. 1868
Withers, G.G. 1862
Wright, Mrs. A.C. 1860
Wood, Mrs. Lou 1861
Yackey, M.B. 1875
Yarberry, Mrs. CM. 1864
Yarberry, Mrs. Josie 1863
Yarberry, Milton 1864
Yarberry, Thomas 1875
Young, Emory L. 1860
Young, William H. 1867
Zeiger, Mrs. Belle 1863
Zeiger, Thomas R. 1873
Pueblo Chieftain 5-26-1917 – Southern Colorado Pioneers Hold Memorial Exercises – Appropriate Program Given in Honor to Memory of Departed – Pioneers, bent with the cares and vicissitudes that have come to them in the building of an empire, gathered last night at the McCarthy funeral chapel for a memorial service to those members of the Southern Colorado Pioneers association who have crossed the divide. With faltering voices some of the speakers told of incidents in the lives of their departed brothers who assisted in blazing a trail across the barren plain to found new homes in an unknown and undetermined country. Before the pioneers themselves could pay a tribute to their departed friends, W. O. Peterson, son of a pioneer, eulogized the spirit that characterized the early settlers who migrated from their homes in the east and south to found new homes on the virgin soil of the west. His speech, which was full of respect and honor for the men and women who braved the dangers of travel in the early period, was roundly applauded by those men and women who have lived to witness great growth in the state of their adoption. Following Mr. Peterson's address and musical numbers, the memory of individual pioneers was honored by speakers from the association. T. R. Jones, Gust E. Krenzke, M. J. Galligan, T. J. Downen, Mrs. Rose Mitchell, C. J. Hart, A. T. Stewart and Senator T. G. McCarthy were among the speakers who spoke of the lives and deeds of men and women who were members of the association until their death. Mrs. Sarah M. Barnett of Poncha Springs made the trip to Pueblo expressly to attend the meeting and spoke briefly of the pioneers. Wilbur F. Stone of Denver, a member of the association, was unable to be present but a brief letter explaining his absence was read by the secretary. Also, Charles Henkle who was to have spoken on J. A. and M. D. Thatcher, C. E. Gast and N. W. Duke, could not attend, but a letter with a brief tribute to each was read by the secretary. The program closed with an address by Milo L. Whittaker in which he spoke of the pioneers and what they have done in building up and establishing the city of Pueblo. McCarthy's chapel, in which the exercises were held was attractively decorated with cut flowers and plants and the indirect lighting system combined to provide a most attractive setting for the services. The following is the program: Instrumental – Miss Inez McCarthy; Invocation – Pioneer Z. T. Savage; Opening Remarks – Pres. P. T. Dotson; Song, “Jesus Savior Pilot Me” – Male Quartet; Reading Roll of Departed Pioneers – Secretary Gomer Williams; In Memoriam – Mem. So. Colo. Pioneer Assn; Song, “The Prayer Perfect” – Mrs. Raymond McCarthy; Address – Sen. W. O. Peterson; Song, solo – Harper Gardner; Address – Prof. M. A. Whittaker; Song, “America.”
The following is a list of the departed members:
O. F. Sanford,
C. O. Unfug,
C. M. Nobel,
C. E. Gast,
W. H. Sweeney,
C. J. Stetson,
H. Pollard,
J. W. Coleman,
John Norris,
W. E. Moshier,
R. E. Rice,
E. S. Owens,
Wm. Ingersoll,
O. H. P. Baxter,
Mrs. Lucy S. Chase,
J. W. Brooks,
Wm. Myers,
Geo. W. Swink,
Emmett Nuckolls,
J. D. Andrus,
M. J. Costello,
C. M. Bryant,
J. J. Thomas,
Wm. Kindle,
R. D. Gallino,
J. H. Depp,
W. W. Draper,
R. J. Bellville,
J. H. Divilbliss,
Geo. Gilbert,
J. H. Marshall,
T. E. Griffin,
T. C. Dickson,
Frank A. Withers,
Barney Evans,
W. H. McClure,
R. F. Hughes,
T. H. Dennis,
Charles Otero,
Mrs. M. J. Noble,
John H. Hugh,
N. F. Patterson,
Bonita Trujillo,
Alexander Day,
Robert M. Stetson,
Nathan Morris,
Samuel H. Rule,
Asa Halsey,
Chas. W. Kessler,
Wm. K. Carlile,
Garrett Lankford,
O. M. Viergutz,
Samuel A. Abbey,
Mrs. M. J. Moshier,
Mrs. Annie B. Baumgardner,
John M. Saxton,
Geo. W. Bilby,
Mrs. Annie Smith,
John D. Miller,
Emmaline C. Bradford,
Thos. A. Bradford,
James Wilson,
Alexander McGregor,
Bert C. Steel,
John C. Palmer,
J. J. Lambert,
William Smith,
Josephine M. Hinsdale,
J. J. Lansing,
Mrs. Elsie Bartels Cramer,
Henry Barkley,
Mahlon D. Thatcher,
J. T. Gates,
Mrs. Joseph Peterson,
Alice G. Boone,
John Easter,
Mrs. Mary Keamey,
Henry B. Snyder,
C. C. Gaines,
Michael Hogan,
N. H. Nyberg,
Julius Hildenbrand,
Mrs. M. V. Raywalt,
H. M. Morse,
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Scott,
Chas. F. Bellville.

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