Custer County, Colorado

NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder. Contributed by Karen Mitchell.

Alexander, Mr.
Sierra Journal 10-25-1883 – Alexander, the man who was sent from here to the penitentiary at the last term of court for horse stealing, died at Canon on Tuesday of last week of small pox.

Alfredo, Mr.
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 6-15-1882 Pueblo, June 12 – A fatal accident occurred this evening during the progress of the performance in John Robinson's circus. The Alfredo family, three in number, were doing their bicycle–trapeze act, when the wire upon which the bicycle is propelled gave away. The elder Alfredo was on the lower bar, and reached the ground first, striking on his head. When picked up it was found that he was suffering of concussion of the spine, resulting in paralysis of the arms and legs. There is no hope for his recovery. His wife and younger brother, who were in the act, escaped unharmed.

Alvared, Juan
Sierra Journal 8-24-1882 A Mexican named Juan Alvared was lynched at Socorro, New Mexico, on the 15th, for raping a little American girl, named Edna Welldren.

Amard, Mr.
Wet Mountain Tribune 3-18-1899 Mr. Amard, a former resident of this place, died Friday morning at Querida after an illness of several weeks. A wife and six children mourn his demise. Wet Mountain Tribune 3-25-1899 The funeral of Mr. Amard, of Querida, took place from the Catholic Church in this place last Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock.

Ames, John
Silver Creek Weekly Herald – 3-22-1882 - Probably Fatal Accident – Pueblo, March 18 – A man named John Ames was seriously injured this morning about 10 o'clock. A number of workmen were engaged at labor on one of the piers of the Santa Fe avenue bridge, and while in the act of raising a heavy foundation stone, one of the cables attached to the large derrick used to handle the immense stone broke, and the whole structure fell with a crash, carrying everything with it. A heavy beam in falling, struck Ames a powerful blow and the poor man was thrown headlong to the ground, his nose split open, his head mashed and his back badly injured. Medical aid was given him as soon as possible, but is doubtful if he recovers.

Autobees, Charles
Silver Creek Weekly Herald – 6-22-1882 – Pueblo, June 20 – News reached here yesterday of the death of Charles Autobees, one of the oldest and best known frontiersmen in Colorado, who died at his home on the Huerfano, near Fort Reynolds, twenty miles east of Pueblo, on Saturday last, at the advanced age of 80 years. Autobees is a man with a remarkable history: He was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, which at that time, however, was a small village or trading post. He was of French extraction and was a man of commanding presence and fine physique. He came to Colorado in 1842 with a company of trappers under the command of Kit Carson, since which time this State has been his home. He stood over six feet high in his stocking feet, and for years, he was associated with Kit Carson, William Bent, Jim Baker and other noted frontiersmen in Colorado's early history. He took an active part in all Indian wars after his arrival in the new west, and his strong arms and undaunted bravery helped to put down many an outbreak of hostile outrages, and all learned to fear his prowess. He took an active part in the Taos rebellion in 1845, and it was owing in a great measure to his skill and bravery that the insurrection was put down. He was for many years in the service of the government as Chief of Scouts during the Indian troubles on the plains, and was at one time quite well off. When the Indian outbreak occurred in 1868, he raised a company of one hundred volunteers, marched to headquarters and offered the services of himself and company, which were eagerly accepted, and he was placed in command, and his son, Mariano, was installed as first lieutenant. He performed noble and dangerous work on that campaign and was many times wounded. He was intimately acquainted with Colonel William Bent, and assisted in building Bent's old fort near where Fort Lyon now stands. His life's history would form an interesting chapter in Colorado recollections, and it is to be regretted they have not been preserved.

Baker, child
Sierra Journal 8-24-1882 A little child of George Baker's of Wet Mountain valley died Monday night.

Bancroft, W.H.
Sierra Journal 1-19-1882 – W.H. Bancroft, known as "Reddy", formerly an expressman of this place died recently at Tomichi, of pistol wounds received last summer.

Beauchamp, W.
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 2-23-1882 – Pueblo News – Pueblo February 16 – W. Beauchamp, of the wholesale produce house of Meeker & Beauchamp, died suddenly today of congestion of the brain.

Bennett, Maggie
Sierra Journal 4-24-1884 – Mrs. Maggie Bennett, the wife of Thomas Bennett, of Coal Creek, a bride of seven weeks, drank water mixed with rat poison by mistake one day last week and died that night.

Betts, Minnie
Sierra Journal 8-6-1885 – Minnie Betts, a ten year old child of Canon City, attempted to light a fire with kerosene oil the other day. The can exploded and the child received injuries from which she soon died.

Bradbury, Edward
Sierra Journal 4-17-1884 – W.W. Bradbury, of Denver, an old Californian, and a brother of Edward Bradbury, who died here last year, is spending a few days in Rosita.

Bloomer, child
Sierra Journal 8-30-1883 – A child of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Bloomer died of cholera infantum Tuesday.

Bradford, Mrs.
Sierra Journal 1-19-1882 – Mrs. Bradford, wife of Judge M.J. Bradford, died at Pueblo on the 14th.

Branagh, Will
Wet Mountain Tribune 12-30-1899 Will Branagh, of Trinidad, was killed by a fall from a step ladder while engaged in removing a Christmas tree at the Catholic church last Thursday.

Braun, Theodore F.
Sierra Journal 5-22-1884 Died at his home in Pueblo on Thursday the 15th inst., at 2 o'clock P.M.., Theo F. Braun. The above will be read with deep feelings of sorrow by Professor Braun's many friends in Custer county. He was a resident of Rosita for a number of years and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He left a wife and three small children who have the heart felt sympathies of all our citizens, in their great affliction. The Pueblo Chieftain of the 16th contains the following: "Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock Theadore Braun breathed his last at his home in East Pueblo. The deceased had been sick for the past three or four months with dropsy, and from the first, the doctors stated that he could not live. Shortly after being taken sick he was removed to the Sisters' hospital on the mesa, where he remained for a number of weeks. Under the best of medical advice and the kind and watchful care of the Sisters, he steadily improved, and about a week ago concluded that he was well enough to return to his home and he did so. After returning home he suffered a relapse, and the attending physician at once concluded that he could not live longer than a few days, and his death has been hourly expected until he died yesterday afternoon. The deceased is well and favorably known in Southern Colorado, and especially in Pueblo, he having settled in this city about twelve years ago, where he resided for a number of years, serving the people two terms in the capacity of county surveyor. He afterward removed to Rosita, in Custer county, where he established an assay office and built up a reputation as one of the most reliable and trustworthy assayers, and one of the most expert mineralogists in Colorado. About six or eight months ago he returned to Pueblo and formed a partnership with Joseph Luce in the assaying business. Shortly after the formation of the firm, Mr. Braun was taken seriously sick, with no prospect of an early recovery, and the firm dissolved. Deceased was a German by birth and was a finely educated man. During his residence in Pueblo he gathered around himself a large circle of friends. He was of a genial disposition, well informed and a man whom to know was to like because of his honest, upright conduct and out spoken views. He was married several years ago, and leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss, to whom the sympathy of the entire community will be extended them in their hour of great affliction.

Bradbury, Edward R.
Rosita Sierra Journal 1-25-1883 - Obituary – Died at this home in Rosita, Colorado, on Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1883, of paralysis, E.R. Bradbury, aged 27 years. Ed, as he was familiarly called was well known to all citizens of Rosita, having been a resident of this place almost since the first settlement of the town. His courteous manners, his integrity, and his never failing good temper made him a favorite with all classes, who join with his estimable wife in mourning his sudden call to the mysteries of the future. Ed was up to the day before his death a perfect picture of health, tall, straight, and robust, and the fact that he delighted in all manly games that require strength and suppleness warranted all his friends in the belief that he was an embodiment of health, destined to enjoy a long and useful life; but on Tuesday night at about 11 o'clock he was taken suddenly ill, and yesterday morning at 10:40 o'clock his soul took leave of earth and left he body to be mourned by his host of friends. He leaves a wife who is almost prostrated by the suddenness of this deep affliction, although sympathetic friends are doing all in their power to lighten her load of grief. Poor Ed has solved the problem; he has gone and explored the mysteries that wait for us beyond the grave. What to us, who live, is all mystery and doubt; is by him, this morning, fully comprehended and understood. Living man would give world to know, what may be learned without price, when the soul is ready to give back to the earth, the body, which is earth. After all, what is death but separation. And even at the longest how short a time it is that earth can keep us away from those who have gone ahead. Still we mourn the departure of our friends until other friends shall mourn for us, for none of us like even a short separation from those who are dear to us and to whom we are dear. But death is the price of life and none can refuse to pay. The funeral will take place at their residence, at 2 p.m. today, to which all friends are invited.

Bradbury, Mrs.
Sierra Journal 10-19-1882 – Mrs. Samuel Bradbury, who was well known in Rosita died last week and was buried at Canon City.

Bridges, Isaac
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 11-2-1882 Died, Mr. Isaac Bridges at the Western hotel last night. He had been sick for the past few days with an attack of Pneumonia, which proved fatal. Bridge was unmarried, but was a member in good standing in the A.O.U.W. He was a hard working miner and was respected by those who knew him. His funeral will take place tomorrow at 2 p.m. from the M.E. church. Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 11-2-1882 – The funeral of Isaac Bridges who died at the Western hotel took place this afternoon. The services were conducted by the Ancient Order of United Workmen of which the deceased was a member.

Brincker, Zach
Sierra Journal 5-17-1883 – Mr. Zach Bricker, at the Combination mine, is ill and expected to recover. Dr. Shoemaker has been summoned to attend him but hopes for his recovery are far from bright. (Later) – Mr. Brincker died Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock, and his remains will be sent to Laotta, Indiana where he was born and where his parents reside, for interment, being accompanied by his brother, David Bricker. The deceased was twenty-two years of age and had lived in Colorado about three years, most of which were spent in Custer county. He was well liked by all with whom he came in contact, and many friends here extend a sincere sympathy to his family in this hour of bereavement.

Brown, Elmer
Sierra Journal 5-17-1883 Elmer Brown died at Silver Cliff Monday the 14th at 5:30 p.m. of pneumonia, of pneumonia, aged 21 years.

Brownlee, Gavin
The Silver Cliff Rustler 7-2-1891 Mr. Gavin Brownlee was instantly killed in the Globe shaft, on the Humboldt lead, at Rosita on last Thursday afternoon at about two o'clock. He and several others were running a drift from the shaft and Mr. Brownlee had just a fine showing of mineral and called to his fellow workers to come and see it, when some huge rocks gave way and fell, completely burying him. Help was called from an adjoining shaft, and everything possible done to extricate the unfortunate man, but when taken out his skull was found to be crushed, showing that death must have been instantaneous. The funeral services were conducted at the Presbyterian church, this city, at 2:30 on Friday, by Rev. I. W. Smith of Rosita and were largely attended by members of A. O. U. W. and I. O. O. F. and many other citizens. Deceased was a man of estimable character and had many friends. He was 47 years of age and leaves two daughters. – Mrs. E. P. Casebeer and Mrs. John Mattes both residents of this place. Our sincere sympathies are extended to the bereaved relatives. Burke, Mrs.
Wet Mountain Tribune 4-1-1899 Mrs. Mary Rechenbach, her brothers, John and Jim Burke, received last week the sad news of the death of their aged mother, which took place at Canterbury Station, Nova Scotia, on the 10th of the present month, Deceased was 91 years of age.

Calvert, Willie
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 4-20-1882 Horrible Accident – Pueblo, April 13 – A horrible accident occurred at Bessemer yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Willie, a son of G.W. Calvert, an engineer at the bloom mill, was run over by the Denver & Rio Grande switch engine, which is used about the mills in transferring cars form one portion of the works to another. The little fellow was playing in the track unnoticed when the engine struck him, completely severing the right arm and leg from the body. Medical assistance was at once summoned, but it is not thought the child can live. He is 8 years old.

Camper, Louise
Wet Mountain Tribune 8-5-1899 Mrs. Louise Camper, wife of Andrew Camper of Wet Mountain Valley, died after a prolonged illness, at 4 a.m. Friday, aged 72. Funeral 2 p.m. today. Interment Ula Cemetery.

Caswell, Nancy
Rosita Index 3-18-1886 - Obituary – Died near Rosita at the residence of her son, Henry Caswell, March 13, 1886, Mrs. Nancy Caswell, aged 75 years and 1 month. "After life's fitful fever she sleeps peacefully and well." (Lafayette, Ind. Papers please copy) Twenty nine years ago, in Kansas, in our boyhood, we first knew Mrs. Caswell as a faithful wife, loving mother and a good neighbor. It was her hand that smoothed the dying pillow of our mother. Two years later her husband died and she returned to her former home in Lafayette, Ind., where she lived until about five years ago, when she came to Colorado to end her days in the home of her son. Her death was hastened by the fall and broken bones of which we spoke two weeks ago. Her circle of acquaintance was small, but we all loved her. Rest.

Cessna, Mrs. N.E.
Rosita Index 9-23-1886 As we go to press we learn that Mrs. N.E. Cessna, wife of John Cessna, died this morning from blood poisoning, the effect of a fall, some six or seven weeks ago. Mr. Cessna will have the sympathy of the community as he is left with several small children. Funeral today at 4 p.m.

Clark, A.B.
Rosita Index 7-1-1886 A.B. Clark died June 25th, at the residence of W.H. Wright.

Cochran, J.H.
Wet Mountain Tribune 2-18-1899 Mr. J.H. Cochran, an old timer in this county, and a pioneer of the state, died suddenly in Silver Cliff on Sunday last, in the 73rd year of his age. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon from the Presbyterian church. Deceased leaves a wife and three sons, only one of whom resides in the state.

Cohn, Reuben
Rosita Sierra Journal 2-5-1885 Reuben Cohn, an old man, and a Leadville pioneer, was found in his cabin on Brooklyn heights, a few days ago, hopelessly insane.

Coleman, Mr.
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 5-4-1882 Sudden Deaths – Pueblo, May 1 – A man named Coleman while perambulating Sixth street in South Pueblo about 5 o'clock this afternoon, dropped dead upon the sidewalk. Several persons standing near saw the man fall, rushed to him and carried him into a lodging house nearby. He was placed on a cot and given every assistance, but all efforts to resuscitate him were without avail and within three minutes he expired. The Coroner was summoned and the remains were taken to the undertaking rooms, where they now lie. The victim was addicted to liquor and his death may be laid to this cause, aided by an attack of diphtheria. He appeared to have no friends in the city. A young colored man, responding to the name of Ned Myer, while standing near a restaurant in South Pueblo known as the Ironclad, about seven o'clock this evening, dropped suddenly upon the sidewalk. A large crowd soon collected and stimulants were hastily administered, but all efforts to save him proved fruitless. He vomited freely, but soon stiffened out and died. The Coroner was summoned and the body conveyed to his undertaking rooms. An inquest will ne held in the morning. His sudden death is attributed to an epileptic fit. He came to this place from Gunnison City some four days ago, since which time he has been engaged in a saloon. He has no friends, being an utter stranger.

Couch, George K.
Rosita Index 3-4-1886 – Obituary – Died in Rosita, February 27, 1886, George K. Couch, aged 33 years and 11 months. Mr. Couch leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss. He came to Colorado an invalid and located on a ranch near Rosita last summer. His health was so poor when he came here that he was away form home but little, consequently made but few acquaintances, but all those were friends. About two weeks since, as his health was failing rapidly, he removed to town, where he was cared for by brothers of the Masonic fraternity until the end. Mr. Couch was a Sir Knight, member of Keystone Lodge No. 102, Coffeyville, Kansas, Keystone Chapter No. 22 and St. Bernard Commandery No. 10, Knights Templar, of Independence, Kansas. His remains were shipped to Independence, Kansas, on Monday, and escorted to train at Westcliffe by members of the lodge of Masons at this place.

Covert, Mary Elinda
Sierra Journal 6-16-1881 Died near Querida, Custer county, Colorado, of scarlet fever, after an illness of thirty-six hours, Mary Elinda, daughter of A.C. and H.E. Covert. Born Nov. 21st 1866, died June 9th, 1881. Loving and beloved by all who knew her. (verse)

Cox, Mrs.
Sierra Journal 10-19-1882 - Sudden Death – Canon City, Oct 10 – Mrs. Cox, wife of Hon J.T. Cox, candidate for district judge, while sitting at the breakfast table yesterday, surrounded by her children, was seized with a violent hemorrhage of the lungs, and died within a few minutes, she has been in bad health for many years. Her husband was absent at the time of her death.

Creek, Charles
Wet Mountain Tribune 3-4-1899 Last Saturday, Athur Creek, the seventeen year old son of Chas. Creek, proprietor of the stage line between this place and Canon City, during an altercation between his father and himself, at the home place in Oak Creek canon, seized a 45 calibre revolver and fired a bullet into his parent's anatomy, inflicting a dangerous if not mortal wound. After the shooting, the young man proceeded to Canon City and there gave himself over to the sheriff. The father is now hovering between the terrestrial and the celestial while the son enjoys the menu of the county bastile. (Separate article) Wet Mountain Tribune 3-11-1899 Charley Creek, who was mortally wounded by his son, Arthur, last Saturday a week, died last Sunday, and on Tuesday his remains were interred at Canon City. (Separate article) Wet Mountain Tribune 4-1-1899 Sometime during Saturday night last, Arthur Creek, the young man who recently killed his father at the home on Oak Creek, with a number of other prisoners confined in the Fremont county jail, with the aid of files supplied by a friend, managed to escape. Young Creek immediately started for home, at which place he rested Sunday morning then taking arms and the best horse on the place, started for Old Mexico. He made good time, but failed to elude the officers in pursuit. He was over hauled in vicinity of Mosca pass about 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening. He is now securely jailed. Nothing has been heard, up to the present, of the other fugitives. (Separate article) Wet Mountain Tribune 12-9-1899 Arthur Creek, the young man who shot and killed his father on the 25th of February last, underwent final trial in the District Court this week, and on the 5th was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and sentenced to eight years in the penitentiary.

Deterding, George B.
Wet Mountain Tribune 4-22-1899 Last Saturday, Geo. B. Deterding of Pueblo, for many years a resident of this county, and at one time a business man of Westcliffe, died in Pueblo of quick consumption. Deceased was an honest generous hearted man and a true friend. He had many friends here who will regret to learn of his death.

Detwiler, Samuel
Sierra Journal 3-29-1883 – An old man by the name of Samuel Detwiler terminated a protracted spree and his life by a pistol ball through his brains today. For weeks he has been drinking heavily. This morning be entered the law office of M.J. Walsh, on Camp street, and asked permission to go into a side room and lie down. The priviledge was accorded him and nothing more was thought of it until at 2 p.m. when the report of a pistol again drew attention. On entering the room the old man was found with his brains spattered all over the room. The pistol used was a Colt's 45 calibre. He had apparently placed the muzzle near his right ear. The body was removed to the morgue where an inquest will be held tomorrow. He was by birth a Pennslyvanian and is said to been well connected – a member of the Crawford family. He is believed to be about sixty years of age. Arizona Citizen. – The above will be read with interest as well as with sincere regret by many old time citizens of Rosita as Col. Samuel Detwiler was once a resident of this town, a contemporary of Tower Thomasson and E.W. Smith, a genial whole-souled honest gentleman whose friends were many and deserved. When Tower Thomasson went to Arizona in 1878, Col. Detwiler bore him company, and has since that time remained a citizen of that country.

Dietz, Fred Mrs.
Wet Mountain Tribune 5-13-1899 Mrs. Fred Dietz, of Wet Mountain Valley, a most worthy lady, who has been under treatment in Canon City for heart ailment for some time, died in that city at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday. (Separate article) Wet Mountain Tribune 5-13-1899 Jake Beck started for Canon City Wednesday afternoon with the members of the Deitz family, summoned to Canon by the death of their mother. (Separate article) Wet Mountain Tribune 5-13-1899 Mr. Anton Reister, who has been visiting in Oklahoma some months is in Canon City, having been called there suddenly by the death of his daughter, Mrs. Fred. Deitz, who was buried at Canon on Friday last.

Dickson, William
Sierra Journal 8-6-1885 – The body of William Dickson was found hanging from a rafter in the kitchen of his own house at Coal Creek last Friday morning. The Coroner's jury that was summoned to investigate the case came to the conclusion that he was dead before he was hung up, and that it was a case of murder and not suicide.

Donaldson, W.A.
Rosita Index 5-27-1886 Prof. W.A. Donaldson, at one time principal of the Rosita schools and more recently of the Silver Cliff Schools, died at Silver Cliff on Monday, after an illness of about two weeks, His funeral on Tuesday was largely attended, the services being conducted by the Masonic Fraternity of which order he was a member.

Duke, E.G.
Sierra Journal 13-13-1883 The remains of E.G. Duke, whose death at Wichita, Kansas on last Thursday morning was chronicled in the Journal of last week, arrived at Silver Cliff for interment, Monday evening and the funeral services were observed at the Methodist church in Silver Cliff Tuesday, at 2 o'clock, and the remains laid away in the cemetery at that place, and were attended to their final resting place by a large concourse of the leading citizens of Custer County. The immediate cause of death of the deceased was typhoid pneumonia. The sympathy of very many friends are extended his sorrowing relatives.

Dunbaugh, C.P.
Sierra Journal 12-14-1882 – Capt. C.P. Dunbaugh, one of the most prominent Odd Fellows in the west, lately died at an advanced age, at his home, at Graneros, in Pueblo county.

Ellis, Nettie
Sierra Journal 12-13-1883 – Miss Nettie Ellis, a sister of Mrs. E.A. Hilburn of Pueblo, formerly of Rosita, died on the 7th inst. at Jacksonville, Illinois. Miss Ellis was well known in Rosita, as she resided here sometime, and was held in high esteem by a large circle of devoted friends. Her remains will be interred at Pueblo.

Flateray, Deborah
Wet Mountain Tribune 1-28-1899 Death's Harvest – This has been a week of unusual fatality for Westcliffe. The grim reaper had passed over our city and gathered four sheaves for the future kingdom; old age and youth alike fell before his keen sickle and three homes are left is desolation and sorrow grieving for the loved one snatched so ruthlessly from their love and care. It is with a deep sense of sorrow and heartfelt sympathy for the bereaved families that the Tribune Chronicles the sad events. - Mrs. Deborah Flateray, the mother of Mrs. W.E. Barrett, died at 7 o'clock Wednesday morning. Mrs. Flateray was 76 years old at the time of her death, which was caused by an attack of the grippe. Funeral services were held Friday morning at 11 at the Catholic church and the remains interred in the Catholic cemetery.

Fletcher, Alexemia
Wet Mountain Tribune 3-25-1899 Mrs. Alexemia Fletcher, of Butte, Montana, daughter of Mrs. Amard, was unable to be present at the funeral of her father last Monday, having recently lost her eyesight.

Fondey, William W.
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 11-2-1882 Died October 29th, at his residence, Ingleside, Buffalo Creek, Colorado, Wm. W. Fondey, in the 27th year of his age. Mr. Fondey was one of Silver Cliff's early citizens, being employed in the lumber yard of W.S. Smith & Co.

Fox, Leonard
Rosita Index 9-23-1886 Died near Greenwood, Sept. 15, 1886, Leonard Fox, who was just reaching the age of maturity. Cause not fully known. The parents, brothers and sisters, have the sympathy of the entire community.

Franklin, William
Rosita Index 1-28-1886 William Franklin, an old timer, who used to reside at Central City and Georgetown, died of pneumonia last Friday, at his ranch on Brush Creek, and was buried in the Ula cemetery last Sunday.

Freeman, John D.
Rosita Index 1-21-1886 Gen. John D. Freeman, formerly Attorney General of Mississippi and at one time U.S. Senator from that State, died at Canon City Monday. General Freeman was universally liked, and was an intimate personal friend of the late Vice President Hendricks, of Attorney General Garland, and other noted leaders of the Democratic party. He was mentioned prominently for the office of U.S. Marshal for Colorado. He would undoubtedly have received the appointment had he lived.

Fulk, Harry
Wet Mountain Tribune 12-16-1899 A telegram was received at Silver Cliff this Saturday morning, announcing the death of Harry Fulk who was teaming at Cripple Creek, and was killed in a runaway Friday. Wet Mountain Tribune 12-25-1899 Harry Fulk, killed at Cripple Creek last week, was buried Monday last in the Silver Cliff cemetery.

Funderberg, Mrs.
Wet Mountain Tribune 4-8-1899 The remains of Mrs. Funderberg, an old time resident of this town, were followed by a large number of friends to the cemetery last Monday at 2 o'clock, there consigned to the grave. The funeral service were conducted by Rev. L.W. Smith at the cemetery. The sympathies of our community are with the survivors.

Gallimore, John
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 5-4-1882 Loosed from Law – Pueblo, May 1 – The man Keel, who so brutally murdered John Gallimore, on the greenhorn range a few days since, has affected his escape for the authorities. He is 22 years of age with light complexion, smooth faced and is five feet six and a half inches in height. Officers are in pursuit.

Gay, Rosa
Wet Mountain Tribune 4-15-1899 Querida Briefs 4-12-1899 – Miss Rosa Gay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gay, of this place, after a brief illness, died between four and five o'clock this afternoon. (Separate article) Wet Mountain Tribune 4-15-1899 Rosie Gay, eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gay, of Querida, died after an illness of a few days with congestion of the brain on the afternoon of the 12th inst. and was buried on Friday. The sympathy of the Tribune editor is extended the bereaved family. Separate column – Miss Rosa Gay, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gay, of Querida, died yesterday, after a very brief illness. The interment will take place in Rosita cemetery, today (Friday) at 2 p.m. Our community, with your correspondent, sympathizes with those who are thus so sadly and suddenly bereaved.

Gerber, Fred
Wet Mountain Tribune 11-11-1899 The body of Fred. Gerber who was lost in the blizzard a week ago last Tuesday, in the vicinity of Querida, was found last Monday afternoon about 4 o'clock lying on top of the snow, about half a mile from where the unfortunate man started. The coroner took charge of the body the following day.

Goldrick, O.J.
Sierra Journal 11-30-1882 – Prof. O.J. Goldrick, Colorado's first school teacher, and a veteran newspaper man, favorably known all over the state, died in Denver, last Sunday night.

Gonzales, Salvator
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 11-2-1882 The way it is Done – Pueblo, October 25 – This morning, about 1 o'clock, a row occurred in a Mexican saloon and dance hall east of the city limits near the Pueblo smelter, in a locality known as "Mexico". The victim was Salvator Gonzales, and his assailant Laseldes Trinidad – both Mexicans. The cause of the shooting was bad whiskey and a pretty woman, of whom both the swarthy Montezumens were enamored. A fandango was in progress at the place named, which is owned and run by one Julian Valencia. The would be murderer and his victim were in attendance. Trinidad had been dancing with the woman in question. Gonzales proposed to speak to her. Trinidad objected to such a proceeding, and Gonzales insisted. Trinidad stood near the door pulled a large forty-four caliber colts revolver, told Gonzales if he dared to enter the dance hall he would kill him. Gonzales told him all right to "bang away", and started towards the door. Trinidad fired, and the ball entered the victim's right breast, passed through the right lung and entirely through the body of the wounded man, lodging in the adobe wall. Gonzales fell to the floor with a shriek. Trinidad then cocked his pistol and took deliberate aim at his victim, intending to fire again, but Matilda Garcia, a bystander, wrenched the weapon from him before another shot could be fired. Gonzales still lives, but the physicians say he cannot survive. The would be murderer escaped and is still at large, although officers are in close pursuit. The crime was cold-blooded and unprovoked, although Trinidad's friends say that Gonzales was advancing upon him with a dirk knife when he shot. No knife was found, however.

Gordon, George E.
Sierra Journal 8-20-1885 – Twelve men went to the Grand Canon Tuesday from the Pueblo to hunt for Engineer Gordon's body, which is supposed to be buried under the coal and ore dumped there by the overturning of cars loaded with the same last Friday. Sierra Journal 8-20-1885 George E. Gordon, the engineer who was lost in the wreck of Friday in the Grand Canon, was a member of South Pueblo Lodge A.F. & A.M., No. 31; also Ark Lodge No. 28, I.O.O.F; Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, No. 39; Iron City Lodge No. 4; A.O.U.W., and of Rocky Mountain Legion No. 6, Select Knights. His life was insured in the following orders for the amount given: A.O.U.W. $2,000; I.O.O.F. $2,000; B. of L.E. $3,000; K. of L. $1,000; Hartford Insurance Company $3,000. Total, $11,000. None of the above can be paid Mr. Gordon's widow until the body is found and identified.

Goshen, Mrs.
Rosita Index 6-10-1886 – Ula Items – Mrs. Goshen, an old settler of the valley, died, last Friday, with dropsy.

Hansen, Carl
Wet Mountain Tribune 1-28-1899 Death's Harvest – This has been a week of unusual fatality for Westcliffe. The grim reaper had passed over our city and gathered four sheaves for the future kingdom; old age and youth alike fell before his keen sickle and three homes are left is desolation and sorrow grieving for the loved one snatched so ruthlessly from their love and care. It is with a deep sense of sorrow and heartfelt sympathy for the bereaved families that the Tribune chronicles the sad events. Henry Hansen, who lives by the court house, was double bereaved the first of the week by the loss of both of his children from membranous croup. The two boys were ten and six years old, and when taken with the disease, rapidly succumbed. Herman, the elder, dying Sunday, and Carl on Monday. They were both buried Wednesday in one grave in the Silver Cliff cemetery.

Hansen, Herman
Wet Mountain Tribune 1-28-1899 Death's Harvest – This has been a week of unusual fatality for Westcliffe. The grim reaper had passed over our city and gathered four sheaves for the future kingdom; old age and youth alike fell before his keen sickle and three homes are left is desolation and sorrow grieving for the loved one snatched so ruthlessly from their love and care. It is with a deep sense of sorrow and heartfelt sympathy for the bereaved families that the Tribune chronicles the sad events. Henry Hansen, who lives by the court house, was double bereaved the first of the week by the loss of both of his children from membranous croup. The two boys were ten and six years old, and when taken with the disease, rapidly succumbed. Herman, the elder, dying Sunday, and Carl on Monday. They were both buried Wednesday in one grave in the Silver Cliff cemetery.

Hanssen, Karl
Wet Mountain Tribune 5-6-1899 Karl, the six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hanssen, of Wet Mountain Valley, died Monday evening and was buried from the Lutheran church Thursday.

Hanssen, Mary
Wet Mountain Tribune 5-6-1899 Mrs. Mary Hanssen, wife of Herman Hanssen of Silver, after an illness of four months, died at the residence of Mrs. Harry Glime in Canon City, last Sunday afternoon, aged 31 years. The funeral took place from the Methodist church Wednesday morning, Deceased was a most estimable lady. To the bereaved husband, the sorrowing children and mother, father and brother of deceased, the sympathy of the Tribune is extended.

Hartwell, Frank
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 11-24-1882 Death of a Prominent Democrat – Canon City, November 16 – Mr. Frank Hartwell, an early and prominent resident of this place, died last night of congestion of the bowels, after a few days' illness, resulting from a severe cold contracted last Saturday night at the Democratic celebration.

Heine, Peter
Wet Mountain Tribune 5-6-1899 Peter Heine, the old and well known prospector, died at Querida last Wednesday, Particulars are not known. Wet Mountain Tribune 5-8-1899 Peter Heine died on Sunday last at his cabin near Rosita.

Hendricks, Hazel
Wet Mountain Tribune 1-28-1899 Death's Harvest – This has been a week of unusual fatality for Westcliffe. The grim reaper had passed over our city and gathered four sheaves for the future kingdom; old age and youth alike fell before his keen sickle and three homes are left is desolation and sorrow grieving for the loved one snatched so ruthlessly from their love and care. It is with a deep sense of sorrow and heartfelt sympathy for the bereaved families that the Tribune Chronicles the sad events. - As the clock struck 12 Thursday noon the spirit of little Hazel, the five months old daughter of Warren Hendricks and wife, winged its way across the dark river and returned to the God who gave it. The little one had been suffering from membranous croup for some days and after rallying several times, the disease took an acute turn which medical power could not stay. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the residence, conducted by Rev. Snook, of Silver Cliff. Interment was in the Silver Cliff cemetery.

Hendrickson, John
Rosita Index 1-28-1886 Snow and Snow Slides – All over the state in the mountain camps we hear reports of snow slides, resulting in the deaths of many miners. In Ouray county nine men were killed last week, by snow slides, and among the number we notice the name of one of our subscribers and an old resident of the county, John Hendrickson, better known as "Laplander John," who was caught in a slide near Red Mountain. John Hendrickson was an honest hard working man. He left his family in destitute circumstances. The miners of Ouray and Red Mountain raised $500 for the relief of the family and interment of the body. Is there another class of men on earth so prompt to respond to the call of distress – so ready to divide their last dollar or crust, if need be, with anyone more needy than themselves.

Hernage, Mrs.
Sierra Journal 8-6-1885 – Mrs. Harry Hernage was drowned in the Eagle river, about forty miles below Red Cliff, a few days ago. While crossing a bridge the second span gave way, hurling the lady and the mule she was riding into the stream. Her body was recovered about a mile further down the stream.

Heywood, Julius
Sierra Journal 9-27-1883 – The case of Heywood vs. the Bassick Mining company was called in the district court Monday morning, and was decided last evening about nine o'clock by the jury giving a verdict for the defendant, after deliberating over the evidence from 2:15 p.m. The verdict was quite a surprise to disinterested parties who had listened to the testimony in the case. The suit was brought for the sum of $5,000 damages, by the wife of Julius Heywood, deceased. Heywood died from injuries sustained by falling down an old shaft that was being filled up with waste rock, about a year ago, and it has generally been supposed that the widow would be accorded damages from the company. The case was ably argued on both sides; Hon. A.J. Rising of Silver Cliff on the defensive and Judge J.W. Arner and F.P. Warner for the prosecution. The plaintiff have made a motion for a new trial.

Ivens, Frank
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 4-20-1882 Died of his Injuries – Trinidad, April 17 – Frank Ivens, the fireman injured in the collision at Delhi station, died Saturday afternoon. The Coroner held an inquest this morning, and the verdict lays the death to the criminal carelessness of the engineer, Barker, who was asleep when the collision occurred.

Jeske, Rudolph
Sierra Journal 3-12-1885 – Rudolph Jeske, a prominent and respected citizen of Canon City took his own life on the 8th.

Jewell, son
Sierra Journal 10-8-1885 – One of Richard Jewell's little boys died last Friday and was buried Saturday afternoon.

Johnson, Mr.
Sierra Journal 3-12-1885 – A man named Johnson was accidentally shot about fourteen miles from Pueblo last Saturday, and before he could reach town and get medical assistance he lost so much blood that he soon afterward died.

Johnson, Sarah B.
Rosita Sierra Journal 9-17-1885 – Obituary – Miss Sarah B. Johnson died at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Julia A. Johnson, at one o'clock Monday afternoon of congestion of the brain and spine. Birdie, as she is called by her folks, has been an invalid all her life, being afflicted with paralysis of the limbs and speech. She seemed well however, until Saturday morning, when she complained of feeling ill, and about one o'clock she fell in to a deep slumber from which she never awakened, and Monday afternoon, 48 hours after falling asleep, the angel of Death claimed her spirit for his own. Her brothers, Charles A. and Sam N. Johnson, were telegraphed at Alamosa, and arrived about an hour before her death. The funeral services were held at the house Tuesday afternoon by Father Byrne. A large number of sympathetic friends were present and followed the remains to the grave. The deceased leaves a mother, and five brothers who are all well known here, and two married sisters, respectively, Mrs. E.R. Troudner, living at Carbondale, Kansas, and Mrs. N.A. Clark, living near Riverside, Arizona.

Kartz, Orrin
Rosita Index 6-17-1886 – It is said that Wm. Tripp, who had some notoriety in this section about the time that Orrin Kartz was killed and his murderer lynched, shot his wife in Texas and then killed himself.

Kennicott, Eugenia
Wet Mountain Tribune 9-30-1899 The remains of Mrs. Eugenia Kennicott, the aged mother of Mr. F.R. Kennicott, who died at her home in Delta, on the 28th, will arrive here tomorrow morning, and at 2 p.m. will be interred in the Ula cemetery, at which place the friends of the deceased and family are invited to attend. Deceased was 81 years of age. She had raised a family of twelve, all of whom are living, the oldest being 61 and the youngest 34. This is the second death in the family, her husband's, which occurred in 1881, being the first. Mrs. Kennicott was known to many of the early day residents of our county, quite a number of whom are still living here, and by all of them was regarded with high esteem.

King, George Simpson
Wet Mountain Tribune 10-21-1899 Geo. Simpson King, known to many of our people, died at Colorado Springs on Tuesday last. He leaves a widow, the daughter of Mrs. Pennycuick of Wet Mountain Valley.

Korsch, Mrs.
Rosita Index 3-4-1886 Sudden Death – On Saturday last Mrs. Korsch, a widow lady with only one child, a boy about 12 years of age, died very suddenly at her home on Antelope Creek. Saturday Mrs. Korsch sent her son to Rosita to attend to some business for her, and on his return he found his mother dead in her bed. The neighbors were called in, who examined the body for marks of violence, and none were found. After consulting with Dr. Camp, who was her physician, it was decided that an inquest was not necessary as she had been troubled with affection of the heart for some time. Mrs. Korsch was buried Monday.

Kutzleb, child
Rosita Index 8-2-1886 A disease is prevailing in Ilse, at the present time, and in many cases the symptoms are very violent, taking the form of dysentery, from the effects of which Mr. L.S. Kutzleb lost his youngest child.

Kutzleb, daughter
Rosita Index 2-1-1886 - Isle Jottings – The little daughter of Mrs. L. Kutzleb died Saturday night. The cause was lung fever. She was buried Sunday in Galena. They have our sympathy.

Kutzleb, Louis
Sierra Journal 8-24-1882 – Sheriff Schoolfield and Jas. Kohn took Hug, the would be murderer of Louis and Lowry Kutzleb to Pueblo, Monday, for safe keeping.

Kutzleb, Lowery
Sierra Journal 8-24-1882 – Sheriff Schoolfield and Jas. Kohn took Hug, the would be murderer of Louis and Lowry Kutzleb to Pueblo, Monday, for safe keeping.

Kutzleb, son
Rosita Index 8-2-1886 – Isle Rappings - The youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kutzleb, died Wednesday morning 28th and was buried Thursday at Galena. They have our sympathy.

Landreth, Georgie J.
Sierra Journal 6-23-1881 – Died on the 22nd inst. little Georgie J., daughter of G.W. and Mary Landreth, aged three years, of measles.

Largent, William
Sierra Journal 6-16-1881 – Died Tuesday at 4 p.m., in Rosita, Mr. William Largent, of typhoid pneumonia, aged twenty-seven years. The deceased was born in the state of Georgia, but from childhood grew to manhood in Tennessee. He came to Rosita from that state three years ago in this month. He was respected by all who knew him, possessed of an amiable and generous nature which won for him friends wherever he went. He leaves here in Rosita a brother and two sisters, and a wife and two children and his parents at Ducktown, Tennessee, who will sadly mourn his loss. Our sincere and heartfelt sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones in their sorrow. We had known him as a neighbor and a friend for some time and knew and appreciated his many excellent qualities. His illness lasted just five days. The funeral obsequies took place yesterday afternoon at 3 p.m.

Leighton, Mr.
Rosita Index 1-23-1886 Wetmore Inklings – This vicinity is undergoing quite a shock today caused by the unexpected announcement of the death of Mr. Leighton, which occurred last night at one o'clock, with heart disease. He leaves a large family to mourn his loss, and they have the sympathy of the entire community. The funeral will take place tomorrow at the Park cemetery.

Leighton, Samuel
Sierra Journal 7-3-1884 – A telegram from Salida, on the 17th says: "Samuel Leighton, formerly of Denver, died at 3:15 today, after a short illness. Mr. Leighton came but recently from Denver, with his family, to engage in the furniture business." The above will be read with sincere feelings of sorrow by his many friends in Custer County. He was a resident and prominent real estate dealer in Silver Cliff for several years and was admired and respected by all who knew him. His family have the heartfelt sympathies of all their old acquaintances in this vicinity, in their great affliction.

Lewis, Mrs.
Wet Mountain Tribune 6-17-1899 A man named Roberts, of Canon City, piqued at his wife and his wife's mother, a Mrs. Lewis, and possibly full of bad whiskey, last Saturday, shot and killed both of them and then killed himself. He had not been living with his wife for some time.

Lloyd, Charley
Wet Mountain Tribune 12-9-1899 Last Wednesday Charley Lloyd, a young man well known here, the parents of whom reside in Wet Mountain Valley, was killed by falling a distance of one hundred and sixty feet at the commodore mine at Creede where he was working. The body was brought home for burial, which took place Saturday forenoon. The parents and friends have the sympathy of all in this their unexpected and tragic bereavement. (Separate article)Wet Mountain Tribune 12-16-1899 Charley Lloyd, killed by accident at the Commodore mine at Creede, last week, was buried on Sunday in the Ula cemetery.

Lockridge, Winnie Bell
Winnie Bell Lockridge – Age 8 years, 6 months and 6 days; was born at Querida, Colorado, October 5th 189-. She has lived with her parents in Colorado in Custer and Huerfano Counties. She was a most obedient and dutiful child, both at home and abroad, especially at school where she was a faithful and earnest worker. During her two years time in school she had attained the fourth grade and was intellectually well developed for her age. April 21, 1899 after a short illness, she was called to rest, and funeral services were held in the Querida school house April 23 at 2 p.m. Rev. S.C. Elwell spoke words of comfort from II Samuel 12 23 to the sorrowing ones and a well filled house of sympathizing friends. He was aided by a choir from Silver Cliff consisting of Misses Alice Devol, Maud and Mary Williams, Mrs. S.C. Elwell and Mr. Alex. Walker. Their selections were "Thy Will Be Done", a duet by Misses Maud and May Williams, "The Shadowing Rock", "Sleep in Jesus" and "Scatter Seeds of Kindness". These were indeed appropriate selections and were admirably rendered. She will be greatly missed from the school where she was first in her class and a leader in their pastime amusements and above all, from the home circle where she leaves, father, mother, brother and sister to mourn her loss. She was indeed a kind and lovable little girl, and one of those "flowers" the Father above caused to bloom on the earth. From the growth of its beautiful character we are to learn many a lesson of simple love and trusting faith. Her school mate friends took pleasure in showing their last regards to their much esteemed little companion, her seat, she so long occupied in school, being draped in black and white, upon which were these appropriate words; "Winnie, her seat is vacant. We miss one so kind and lovable." Miss Jessie and Myrtle Tacket and Miss Lucy and Gertie Reed, dressed in white, acted as pall bearers. After services the remains were interred in the Rosita cemetery.

Loving, Frank
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 4-20-1882 Desperate Duel – Trinidad, April 17 – A lively duel took place in a saloon on Main street last night, between Frank Loving and Frank Allen, two well known gamblers in this region. Loving opened fire on Allen, who replied, and six shots apiece were fired, the spectators, about fifty in number, hugging the floor tight. Allen retreated into Hammond's hardware store by a back way, and Loving went out at the front to cut him off. While Loving was refilling his chambers Allen under cover of a row of stoves, shot him through the body, the ball passing through and breaking the right arm. Allen is in jail, and Loving will probably die before morning.

Mack, Henry
Sierra Journal 4-13-1882 – Henry Mack died at his family residence in Canon City, April 4th, at 1 o'clock a.m. He was known as an honorable business man and a good citizen and had many friends who mourn his death. Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 4-20-1882 The citizens of Canon City called a public meeting and adopted resolutions of more than mere formality on the death of Henry Mack, on of her solid and respected business men.

Manten, Mrs.
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 6-15-1882 Died in Silver Cliff, on Sunday, 11th instant, of typhoid pneumonia, Mrs. George W. Manten, aged forty-two years. Mrs. Manten was taken ill one week, ago with the above disease and gradually grew worse, slowly to be sure, until Saturday, when she was taken with a sinking spell and never recovered, and died yesterday afternoon surrounded by her sister, husband, sons, and many other friends and neighbors. Up to within a few hours of her death, her near friends could not believe her to be so near death. Mr. and Mrs. Hall, sister and brother-in-law of the deceased had only arrived in this place a few days to be present at the forty-second birthday of Mrs. Manten, and expected to have a pleasant time but fate had ordered it otherwise. Mrs. Manten has been in low health mostly all the winter, and stopped here against the wishes of her eastern friends. This morning her remains were taken to the train to be carried to Buffalo, N.Y., followed by her husband, two sons, sister and brother-in-law. As we visited the house this morning we found it filled with sympathizing friends sorrowing over the loss of a dear friend, a loving mother, a cherished wife, and a kind neighbor. Mr. Manten only will return to the Cliff after an absence of about three weeks.

Martin, Mrs.
Rosita Index 3-2-1886 – Ula Items – The wife of James Martin died this morning at 7 o'clock. He has the sympathy of the entire community. Mrs. Martin was an estimable woman, respected and loved by all who knew her.

Martinez, N.
Wet Mountain Tribune 3-4-1899 N. Martinez, an aged Mexican, was found dead in his house, Monday evening, and was hurriedly buried Tuesday. Deceased has a married son living here. (Separate article) Last Monday morning an old Mexican named Martinez, was found dead in his cabin at Rosita. Deceased was for a long time mail carrier between this place and Rosita. The old man had just returned from a visit to Huerfano county, and the exposure to which he was subjected on the trip, caused the ailment from which he died. The Coroner was notified and visited the scene of death. An inquest was deemed unnecessary, and the dead man was buried by the county.

McCoy, Mrs.
Silver Creek Weekly Herald – 12-9-1882 – Obituary – It is with deepest regret that we are called upon to chronicle the sad but long expected death of Mrs. W.H. McCoy, the wife of the captain of the McAuley Hose. Mrs. McCoy died on Tuesday, December 5th, was buried on Wednesday, December 6th, at Pueblo, Colorado, where she expired after nine days of the most intense suffering and after a long and lingering wrestle with that terrible scourge consumption. Capt. McCoy and family were among our earliest settlers here and residents of our city for nearly three years, when they removed to Pueblo for the benefit of Mrs. McCoy's health. The deceased leaves four beautiful little girls, aged from 1 to 12 years, to mourn her loss – a loss which many friends of the family at this point deeply regret and towards whom they extend their fullest sympathy.

McDonald, Alex A.
Wet Mountain Tribune 4-8-1899 Alex A. McDonald, a whilom resident of this county and who in late years became conspicuous in mining circles by reason of his connection of the Belden mine in Eagle county, died the first of this week at Rico. He handled vast sums of money, but died comparatively poor.

McGrew, J.
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 5-4-1882 A Fathers Mission – Pueblo, May 1 – H.T. McGrew, of Larned, Kansas, father of the late J. McGrew, arrived in the city yesterday. In conversation with a reporter the old gentleman, who is eighty-two years of age, stated that he wanted the murderers of his son hunted down, and brought to justice; after this craving was satisfied he could die in peace. Mrs. Phebus, of Denver, is expected to meet him at this place.

Montgomery, Mrs.
Sierra Journal 3-16-1882 – Died – We are pained to announce the death of Mrs. Montgomery, the wife of Col. B.F. Montgomery, who died in New York on the 14th inst. Mrs. Montgomery was well known in Silver Cliff, where she resided for two years and where a large circle of friends will mourn her death.

Moore, William
Sierra Journal 5-3-1883 – Hon. William Moore, one of the most prominent citizens of Pueblo, died last week.

Mowell, Ella
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 6-1-1882 Died this morning at 11 o'clock, Mrs. Ella, the wife of A.R. Mowell, died at their residence, 424 Ohio street. Mr. Mowell came to Silver Cliff over two years ago, but did not bring his family west until last March. Mrs. Mowell had been unwell for some time which with a tendency to consumption, resulted in her death. She leaves a small girl, to young to know the loss of a mother. Mr. Morrow leaves tomorrow for Mercer county Pennsylvania, where he will leave her with his friends. The funeral will take place tomorrow at the family residence at 10 o'clock, Reverends McClain and Merritt officiating.

Murray, Thomas
Wet Mountain Tribune 6-17-1899 The remains of Thomas Murray, who was killed near Lake City the first of the week arrived at the Westcliffe Hotel Wednesday and on Thursday, attended by the widow, mother and friends, were taken to Gardner for interment. Deceased was raised in Huerfano county where his people now reside. His widow is a daughter of Mr. Washburn of this county. The slayer of young Murray, a man named Halpin, is one of those courageous brutes belonging to that class of the genus homo, known as wife beaters, hence eminently fitted by instinct for the work of assassination. He had been indulging in the innocent amusement of chastising his wife. The bruised and terrified woman appealed to Murray for protection. Humanity impelled him to heed the appeal, and as a result, trouble between the men ensued which resulted in the brute of a husband being worsted. Later on, in the silent hour of night, Halpin visited Murray's home and loitered in the vicinity waiting for an opportunity to accomplish his murderous purpose. It came. The fatal shot was fired through a window at which his victim stood and he staggered and fell lifeless into the arms of his young wife who was near him. Halpin has been arrested. – Murray has been buried. A wife's heart has been broken. A loving mother mourns a son. Community has been shocked, and all by a worthless, murderous brute. Hanging is not permitted by law in Colorado. The law protects the lives of such refined scoundrels as these. Oh, what a parody on Justice. And there are those who condemn lynching.

Newport, Jessie
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 4-6-1882 Suicide – Pueblo, April 3 – An inmate of a sink hole of iniquity near the corner of Third and High streets, named Jessie Newport, committed suicide last night, the poor unfortunate wending her way to join the great majority, over the morphine route. From such facts as it was possible to glean it is understood that she has been despondent for several weeks, and for three or four days prior to the fatal step has drank considerable liquor. She was buried at four o'clock this afternoon.

O'Donnel, Mrs.
Sierra Journal 10-2-1184 – Mrs. O'Donnel died on Sunday last and was buried Monday. We did not learn the particulars.

Oelrich, Ferdinand
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 4-6-1882 A Ghastly Find – Pueblo, April 3 – On Sunday last two sons of Mr. John Baker, living on the south side of the Arkansas river, four miles east of Pueblo, while bathing in the river, found on the opposite side of the river the body of a man, which had been dead and become partly imbedded in the sandbar. The horrible discovery nearly frightened the wits out of the lads but just then John Stolle came along and investigated the affair, finding that it was the body of a man who had evidently been drowned and had lain in the water for weeks. Mr. Baker was notified, and he dispatched an employee to the city to notify authorities. Fearing that the body would float away, Mr. Stole tied a rope around the tail of the coat worn by the dead man and fastened it to a tree on the bank. Dr. J.T. Craven, County coroner, being notified of the facts in the case, Sunday evening, summoned a jury early this morning and went down the river to investigate the matter, readers of the Republican will remember that in a previous dispatch, on February 11 or 12, mention was made of the fact that Ferdinand Oelrich had disappeared from this city under very mysterious circumstances about the 11th of February. Every endeavor was made by his friends and his partner in business, Joseph Hocker, to discover what had become of him, but without avail, and the surprise of Hocker, one of the Coroners jurors, can be better imagined than described when it was stated that he at once recognized in the dead man his late partner Oelrich. No signs of violence were found on the dead man's body, the Coroner making a thorough examination in search of any evidence that would go to prove that he had been foully dealt with. In the dead man's body was found a note drawn in his favor calling for $1,900, given by him which he had paid, and $43 in gold and silver coin and $1 in currency. After a thorough examination into the case the Coroner's jury returned a verdict of death by accident, it being believed that he fell from Santa Fe avenue bridge across the Arkansas, while intoxicated, and was drowned. The remains were tonight sent to Pueblo, and the funeral will occur today at 4 o'clock. This is one of the most mysterious disappearances ever known of in this city cleared up.

Oelrich, Herman
died 9/29/1940 M; white; single; b 3/22/1875 Custer Co, CO; 65 yrs, 6 mo, 7 days; laborer; Father: Paul C. Oelrich b Germany; Mother: Augusta Theel b Germany; Informant Mrs. Carl Kindt, Gardner; acute heart failure; buried in Alamosa Cemetery.

O'Grasky, Mr.
Sierra Journal 1-29-1885 – Mr. O'Grasky returned to his home in the valley, from Pueblo, week before last, and died Monday week.

Oliver, Mrs.
Sierra Journal 3-20-1884 – Mrs. Oliver, wife of Col. J.R. Oliver of the Montazuma Millrun, died last week. The Journal assures Col. Oliver of sympathy in his affliction.

Ormsby, Mary Adeline
Mary A. Ormsby - Wet Mountain Tribune - June 18, 1903 - Died June 8, 1903, at her home on the Muddy, Mary A., wife of McKean Ormsby, age 58 years, 2 months, and 17 days. The interment took place at the Ula Cemetery June 9, 1903. Mary A. Kellar was born in Elk County Pennsylvania, March 22, 1845, was married to McKean Ormsby April 12, 1861, from which union were born eleven children, two dying in infancy and are buried in Arapahoe County, four dying in childhood and are buried in the Ula Cemetery. Mrs. John Stipe, of Rosita, Mrs. A. J. Hanna of Westcliffe, Mrs. V. J. Smith, of Colorado Springs, Mr. R. M. Ormsby, of Parkham, Oklahoma, and Mr. W. L. Ormsby at the home place, with her aged husband are left to mourn the loss of a loving mother and affectionate wife. Mr. and Mrs. Ormsby came to Colorado in 1865, locating in Arapahoe Co., removing to Custer Co. in April 1872, where they have since resided. Card of Thanks - To the kind friends who assisted us so nobly in our late affliction in the sickness and death of our dear wife and mother, we wish to offer our heartfelt thankfulness. McKean Ormsby and Children. Local News: V. J. Smith and wife of Colorado Springs arrived here Monday to attend the obsequies of Mrs. Ormsby, the mother of Mrs. Smith, who died Sunday morning, and was buried Tuesday. Local News: The case of The State vs. McKean Ormsby was continued until next term, death and illness in the family of defendant making it impossible for him to appear. Contributor's Note: Mary Adeline Kellar (or Keller) Ormsby, father: Robert Kellar or Keller; married to Robert McKean (McKeen) Ormsby on April 12, 1861 in Pennsylvania; mother of Osta Margaret Ormsby Stipe. Cause of death: blood poisoning from an injury to the hand. Died in Huerfano County, just south of Custer County. She was listed as visiting there. Buried in Ula Cemetery, just west of Westcliffe off County Road 170. On October 7, 2002, Sandy Kline, great-granddaughter of Mary Ormsby, searched through the Ula Cemetery, but could not find a marker. Old graves were in bad shape and it appeared that large numbers of grave markers were missing. It was the information on the death certificate that verified the burial in the Ula Cemetery. Contributor's Note: For your information, her husband was not buried at Ula Cemetery. He moved to California to live with one of his daughters in his older years, died there in 1917, and buried there (Sacramento). Never remarried. Additional information supplied by Sandy Kline, great-granddaughter and researcher.

Page, son
Sierra Journal 3-20-1884 – Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Page, were bereaved of a son, last Friday, who died of croup. He was aged about five years. The sympathy of the community is extended the parents in their affliction.

Pickett, Nellie
Sierra Journal 8-24-1882 Nellie Pickett, who was one of the prominent characters of Billy the Kid's gang in New Mexico, and at the time of his death was his mistress, died at Fort Sumner, New Mexico, one day last week.

Pinkney, son
Sierra Journal 3-29-1883 – A son of H.K. Pinkney was run over by a street car, in Pueblo last week and so severely damaged that he died.

Plunket, Charles P.
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 4-27-1882 Charles P. Plunket, well known in Silver Cliff as manager of Plunket's theater, died at Detroit, Michigan, aged fifty-nine years.

Powers, Jesse
Rosita Sierra Journal 9-24-1885 In Memorium – Died on Friday evening, Miss Jesse Powers, in her 20th year, daughter of Mrs. R.N. Daniels, at the residence of her parents in Rosita. The funeral was held at the M.E. church Sunday afternoon. She died among strangers, but not alone or unloved. The sweetness of her disposition manifest even in the weary hours she passed upon the bed of sickness, has endeared her to all, and the tears of many new friends mingled with those of the bereaved parents. We join the entire community in extending sympathy, hoping the many bright memories she has left will tend to lighten the gloom in the home and hearts of her parents.

Prentiss, John W.
Sierra Journal 8-20-1885 – It now turns out that John W. Prentiss, who was murdered a short time ago in the Paradox Valley, and N.V. Rollins, his murderer, were brothers. Their real name was Wilson. The murdered man was a deserter from the army and had changed his name in order to avoid arrest.

Prince, George
Rosita Index 11-18-1886 – It was rumored last week that George Prince, a former resident of Silver Cliff, and well known in Rosita, was killed while attempting to board a moving train at La Junta. We can obtain no confirmation of the rumor however.

Rains, Letha Jane
Wet Mountain Tribune 7-15-1899 In the full blush of her childish loveliness, a toddling, lisping little beauty, the dearly, devotedly loved one of the family, was little Lethe Jane, youngest daughter of W.H. and Cynthia J. Rains of Westcliffe. Last Tuesday, as bright as the sun at morning, she played and prattled about the happy home. Here pattering feet, softly on the carpet sounding, her childish, happy voice in laughter, were music chords sweeter far than the sweetest notes that ere from harp Aeolan sprang. There was brightest sunshine then. With the night came gloom, and when the morning broke, when yet the echoings of her prattle had scarce died away, this little blossom of beauty, just blushed to dawn, had passed away, nor mother's tears nor mothers prayers could save it. Wednesday morning, the little one was in the church yard laid to rest. – A little mound marks the place of mortality. A glorious crown to the immortal has been given. "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of Heaven". Thus hath the Father spoken. His will be done. The sympathy of the entire community is with the bereaved ones.

Raper, Jonathan
Rosita Index 10-14-1886 – Accidently Killed – Mr. Jonathan Raper, who lived at Rosita for several years, left here a few months ago with his family and located at Palmer, in Fremont county, a small station on the D.& R.G. Railroad between Cotopaxi and Salida, where he has been engaged in hauling wood for the coal ovens or kilns. Friday afternoon the 8th he stopped his team on the brow of a steep hill to fix his drag brake, while so engaged the horses started and he jumped to catch the lines, catching his foot, as he jumped, on some brush that was alongside the road at that place and falling directly in front of the hind wheels of the heavily loaded wagon which passed over his body, breaking his spine and killing him almost instantly. Another teamster that was with him at this time, just behind, with another loaded wagon, heard him cry as he fell and rushed up immediately, in time to pick up the mangled remains and see and hear him gasp twice, as the spirit left his body. Mr. Raper's brother, J.A. Raper who resides here with his family, and several friends of the deceased went to Palmer as soon as the news was received here and attended the funeral there on Sunday afternoon. Jonathan Raper was an honest, hard working man and was universally respected here. His family have the sympathy of the entire community.

Richardson, Matt
Wet Mountain Tribune 5-20-1899 This week, Will Ricardson received through a letter from Andy Mattison, the announcement of the death of his brother Matt, who a year ago left for Arizona, in company with Mattison on a prospecting tour. Deceased was afflicted with bronchial trouble and a very bad cough. On the 9th inst. at San Carlos, Arizona, he was attacked with hemorahage and died within a minutes time. Matt. Richardson was a whole souled boy, true to his friends and possessed of many good traits.

Robbins, E.P.
Sierra Journal 9-13-1883 – The following will be read with feelings of sorrow by many in Rosita: "St. Helen Mine, Los Delecias, Sonora, Mexico, Sept. 1st, 1883 – N. Thompson, Esq.: Dear Sir – E.P. Robbins died here on the 27th of August, 1883, and was buried at Los Delecias. He had all the honors that could be shown a man in a country like this. It might be well for you to have a card put in your papers. Yours, P.H. Scott, Supt. St. Helen Mine." Mr. Robbins was the master of construction on the Game Ridge mill, and had many warm friends here. He was a native of Maine, where his family resides.

Roberts, Mrs.
Wet Mountain Tribune 6-17-1899 A man named Roberts, of Canon City, piqued at his wife and his wife's mother, a Mrs. Lewis, and possibly full of bad whiskey, last Saturday, shot and killed both of them and then killed himself. He had not been living with his wife for some time.

Roberts, Robert
Rosita Index 4-29-1886 Robert Roberts, the mail carrier and stage driver between Silverton and Red Mountain was killed by a snow slide Tuesday of last week. Snow has taken away the cabins at the Oriental and Magnet mines and two unoccupied houses at Howardsville this week.

Roff, Frank
Wet Mountain Tribune 9-9-1899 Frank Roff, Silver Cliff's first Mayor died at Oklahoma City on the 8th of August last.

Rosenstrauch, George
Wet Mountain Tribune 3-25-1899 Rosenstrauch – At six o'clock Friday morning, the angel of death invaded the home of Fred. Rosenstrauch of this place and stilled the heart throbs of his twelve year old son, little George, an exceptionally bright and good lad. – The little fellow suffered untold agony for more than a week without murmur. He knew the end of life was at hand, nor seemed he to regret. Bidding his loved ones a last farewell, he smilingly fell asleep to awake in the clasp of a sainted mother on that other shore who was awaiting his coming. (Separate article) The remains of George Rosenstrauch will be buried in the Catholic cemetery. Funeral services at Catholic church at 10:30 a.m. on Monday. Fr. Serant officiating.

Russell, Charlie
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 3-23-1882 Died, March 20, 1882, at the residence of his parents, 527 Ohio street, Charlie, infant son of Dr. and Mrs. George H. Russell, aged nine months and two days. The funeral services will take place tomorrow at 2 o'clock, to which the friends of the family are invited to attend. In the loss of little Charlie a household idol has been taken and in this, their sad bereavement the friends of Dr. and Mrs. Russell extend their sympathy and condolence.

Russell, George
Sierra Journal 6-7-1883 – Dr. George Russell, Silver Cliff's most prominent physician, died Sunday morning at one o'clock, of pneumonia, after a short illness. He was buried Tuesday by the E.V. Sumner post, G.A.R. of Silver Cliff, of which he was an honored member. The Joe Hooker post, of Rosita, was present and assisted in the ceremonies. The funeral was attended by people from all parts of the county and had the largest procession ever gathered together for any similar purpose in this section.

Ryus, David
Sierra Journal 6-28-1883 – David Ryus, a prominent merchant of La Veta, died last week.

Sandoval, Jacobo
Sierra Journal 7-17-1885 – Jacobo, a seventeen year old son of Juan Senoa Sandoval, of West Las Animas, accidently shot himself last week and died instantly.

Shepherd, Ham
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 11-30-1882 Pueblo Points – Pueblo, November 26 – Ham Shepherd, of Manchester, Virginia, committed suicide a few miles this side of Canon City on the train which arrives from Leadville at 1:30 o'clock. Deceased was in good circumstances – a well dressed and fine looking man – and leaves a family at Natural Bridge, Virginia. He came out alone a few weeks ago to visit friends in Leadville named Campbells, of whom one is the superintendent of the Chrysolite mine. When he arrived at Pueblo he was sick with brain fever, and under treatment here. Some days ago the fever left him partly deranged, and when he reached Leadville he was half crazy, being under the hallucination that imaginary enemies were seeking his life. He had to be confined in a jail there for safe keeping, and this morning M.D. Campbell started home with him. At one place on the way down, Shepherd wanted to jump off the train, but was prevented. Near Florence station he went and got a drink and then stepped into the water closet. A report was heard, and Shepherd was found dead, crouched down in the corner of the closet, holding a revolver lightly in one hand and with a great hole in his right temple. Blood and brain were spattered over everything, blood trickled down through the floor upon the track and the wheels. The car was vacated and locked up till it arrived here, when an inquest was held. The remains will probably be forwarded to Virginia. It is said he had been division superintendent of a railroad there with a salary of one hundred fifty dollars per month. He had on his person thirteen hundred dollars in checks and cash. His friend, Campbell, was not aware during the trip that he had a revolver with him.

Silvernail, Mr.
Wet Mountain Tribune 9-2-1899 Last Tuesday Mr. Silvernail, one of the oldest men in the Texas Creek section passed away. The funeral took place on Thursday last.

Simpson, George S.
Sierra Journal 9-17-1885 – Mr. George S. Simpson, says the Trinidad Advertiser, who has been a resident of Southern Colorado for more than thirty years and who has been seriously ill for several weeks past, died at his home up the river, on the 5th.

Smith, L.A.
Sierra Journal 2-22-1883 – Huerfano Herald – L.A. Smith, a former resident of Clark Co., Mo., died in his cabin, far up on the south side of Spanish Peaks last week.

Spain, son
Sierra Journal 6-28-1883 – A six year old son of Mrs. M.R. Spain, of Pueblo, fell into the Arkansas river, at that place last week, and was drowned.

Sperry, Hazel
Wet Mountain Tribune 3-25-1899 Sperry – Thursday evening last, Hazel, 12 years old, daughter and only child of Dr. O.E. and Hattie Sperry of Querida, fell asleep in death. Deceased was visiting with friends in Westcliffe last Monday, rosy cheeked, the picture of health, joyous, happy and full of glee. – On the afternoon of that day, with her father she returned to her home. That evening she was attacked with la grippe, but was not thought to be seriously ill. Thursday evening although feeling badly, she was sitting up and with the assistance of her mother was able to go to her room. Twenty minutes after retiring, she had quietly and peacefully entered the unknown. A change from woe to joy – from earth to heaven." (Separate article) The remains of Hazel Sperry will be buried in Rosita cemetery. Funeral services by Rev. Newton at Rosita school house at 10 a.m. Monday.

Sprouse, Robert
Rosita Index 8-5-1886 – Robert Sprouse, alias "Tex", was shot and killed at Red Cliff on the 27th by Charles Bush. Attention by the deceased to Mrs. Bush the reported cause.

Steinberger, A.
Rosita Index 7-29-1886- Dr. A. Steinberger, one of the old timers of Pueblo died at his home in that place on Wednesday the 21st, in the 87th year of his age. Dr. Steinberger is entitled to the honor of having established American trade with the Samoan islands in the southern Pacific.

Stephens, Mrs.
Sierra Journal 6-7-1883 – Mrs. D.O. Kurtz left here last Sunday to attend at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Stephens, at Ness City, Kansas, who was sick unto death. A letter was received by her husband this morning, containing the sad announcement that her mother died on the 1st inst. and was buried on Sunday, the day Mrs. K. left here. Mrs. Kurtz has many friends in Rosita who will extend a generous mead of comfort in these days of great sorrow.

Stoffel, Nelson B.
Sierra Journal 6-23-1881 – Querida Items – Died on the 17th inst. at the residence of his grandparents, Nelson B. Stoffel, aged nine years.

Stone, H.
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 4-6-1882 Mysterious Death – Pueblo,. April 3 – A young man by the name of H. Stone died in this city under very mysterious circumstances, and his friends demand an inquiry as to the cause of his death, claiming he came to his end by unfair means. It seems that Stone has a difficulty with his former employer on last Saturday evening, and in a fight which followed he was choked senseless, and it is said, never revived. Stone was a young man of about 19 or 20. The Coroner will hold an inquest today.

Stow, W.M.
Silver Creek Weekly Herald – 9-28-1882 Died at Dora, on the 27th instant, of typhoid fever, W.M. Stow, aged 20 years. He was a miner, and up to the time he was taken sick, had been working at the Nonpareil mine. His brother Wesley was with him when he died. His father and mother live at Howard, Kansas, from which place he lately came. His sickness only lasted four weeks. His remains will be taken from the residence of Mr. Steinmeyer on Broadway this afternoon to the city cemetery.

Thatcher, Henry C.
Sierra Journal 3-27-1884 Ex-Chief Justice Henry C. Thatcher, of Pueblo, died in San Francisco Thursday of last week of Brights disease.

Thompson, Lee R.
Sierra Journal 11-12-1885 A letter from Wm. Rumpf, from Kingman, Arizona, to W.P.M. Gilliard, of this place, received this week, states that Lee R. Thompson, formerly in the drug business here, was shot recently by a man called "Reddy" Hickok, who was his partner, at a place thirty miles from Hackbury, Arizona. They had some difficulty over a mining claim and hot words ensued. Thompson fired both barrels of a shot gun at "Reddy", and missed him, when Reddy shot him eight times with a Winchester rifle, inflicting fatal wounds, and killing another man who was close by. Thompson was still alive when Mr. Rumpf heard from him, but would not recover. He was known here as a peaceable citizen, and had many friends here who will be pained to learn of the sad affair.

Thoney, Frank
Rosita Index 6-10-1886 – Frank Thoney, one of the pioneers of Custer County died at Silver Cliff Monday morning. He was buried yesterday, the Odd Fellows of Silver Cliff conducting the services and the 78ers, of which Mr. Thoney was a member, joining in the procession. He was universally liked and respected.

Tobin, Tom
Wet Mountain Tribune 7-1-1899 Nichols, a condemned murderer, escaped from the penitentiary a few days ago. He was captured Thursday. The efforts to capture him has cost Tom Tobin, a faithful employee of the penitentiary, his life, he having been shot Wednesday night while guarding a bridge in Canon City, by a searching party from Florence.

Tripp, William
Rosita Index 6-17-1886 – It is said that Wm. Tripp, who had some notoriety in this section about the time that Orrin Kartz was killed and his murderer lynched, shot his wife in Texas and then killed himself.

Truax, John C.
Silver Creek Weekly Herald – 6-1-1882 An Over dose of Morphine Causes the Death of John C. Truax – This morning it was rumored that one of our citizens by the name of John C. Truax had died form an overdose of morphine, and a Herald reporter at once visited the home of the above named man, on first street below Hudson and found the awful reality. There he lay on a bed in the back part of the house stiff and cold in death. On making inquiry of some of the neighbors that lived in that vicinity, we found that Mr. Truax has been in poor health and had taken this morphine to soothe his pain which had caused his end about nine o'clock this morning. The deceased had been in the habit of taking chloroform for some time past, and the evidence was to the effect that he had taken it last fall and occasionally since. G.A. Truax stated that at that time he took a part of a bottle from him while he was under its influence, and also that he did the same thing several times since. Mrs. Ada Truax, wife of deceased, stated that at times while in pain, as he suffered from rheumatism, he would saturate his pocket handkerchief with chloroform and lay down and go to sleep. He worked hard and was out late at nights and thought he used it to produce sleep. Had noticed how it worked on him and began to be alarmed, and had forbidden the druggists to sell it to him, but by some means or other he had it and she believes got it from other parties whom he would furnish money to bring it to him. Mrs. Truax said he had taken as high as six grains of morphine before. As to the cause of his immediate death and the manner, we only know that Tuesday night he went to the city drug store with a prescription for his wife, given by Dr. Shoemaker, and while there asked for some chloroform, and received it on the strength of his wife's sickness and on his stating it was for her. He kept this quiet at home and on the sly – as he knew she would object – took part and slept some. When he awoke yesterday, he asked his wife and another lady to go to the store for morphine, but both positively refused. When in this semi-crazy state he would get angry, so much so that Mrs. Truax, being ill herself went to another house for a time, and afterwards sent a note by a boy for 2 grains powder of morphine. Mrs. Truax said she made a mistake and should have asked for half grain powders. A note was returned with the drug cautioning her on the size. Mr. Truax last night, took half a powder and went to bed. Mrs. Truax also taking about one half the balance of the same powder and also went to bed sleeping at the front side so as to be sure to watch him. However in the night she awoke and saw him up at the stand by the bedside and spoke to him, asking him what he was doing. He got into bed again and about five o'clock this morning she woke up and he was there the second time taking something. She (Mrs. T.) said "John, what are you taking? Be careful and not take to much." Deceased laughed and replied that if he took too much she had money enough o bury him, and went back to bed. Mrs. Truax was awakened shortly after by hearing his heart beating loudly, and the dreadful thought then broke upon her. She immediately got up and gave him some liquor and aroused the neighbors, and Dr. Shoemaker was sent for, but at his arriving there at about 6:30, there was no hope. He was in too weak a state to take an emetic, and consequently breathed his last a few moments before nine this morning. The coroner empanneled a jury of six men and an inquest was held at 11:30 today. Several witnesses were examined and from the evidence that was there brought out, the only verdict that could be given was that death was caused by his own hands and mistaken judgement. The deceased has been a citizen of Silver Cliff for some time, and at one time was in business as a blacksmith on Main Street near Dirigo stables, but of late has been working his trade for Mr., Stewart. He leaves a wife and one little child to mourn his loss.

True, Warren
Sierra Journal 2-5-1885 – One by one our old timers are crossing the range, and gathered to the land of their Father. On last Friday afternoon Smiley Carter and his brother Nelson, who reside at Silver Park, were out gunning when they discovered the body of Warren True. Smiley at once sent Nelson for help, while he remained trying to resuscitate the dying man. Help quickly arrived and Mr. True was carried to his cabin where he died in about a half or three quarters of an hour. Smiley immediately came to Rosita and telegraphed Mr. True's sons, in Joplin, Mo. Mr. Warren True arrived Tuesday evening, and will remain to attend his father's business. He will take the remains to Joplin for interment.

Trujillo, Rafael
Sierra Journal 3-19-1885 – A fight among the cowboys took place on the ranch of Senator Barela, near Trinidad, on the 18th, and Rafael Trujillo killed.

Tucker, Mr.
Sierra Journal 5-28-1885 – Judge Tucker, of Saguache, died suddenly on the 22nd.

Ulsh, Ernst
Wet Mountain Tribune 3-11-1899 The funeral of Ernst Ulsh took place from the father's residence in Silver Cliff, last Wednesday morning. (Separate article) Sad Accident – Last Sunday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, Percy Ulsh, a lad of 12 summers, while handling a revolver belonging to his father, accidently shot and killed, almost instantly, his younger brother, Ernst, at their home in Silver Cliff. The children, at the time of the shooting, were alone – the mother being in Beloit, Kansas, and the father, Frank, out in town. Just how the shooting occurred is not known; the lad in whose hands the deadly weapon was at the time of the tragedy, being so badly scared as to remember but little of what transpired a short time before, and at the moment of the fatal explosion. The mother arrived Tuesday evening, and the funeral of the unfortunate little victim took place Wednesday, from the Presbyterian church. In common with the community generally, do we sympathize with those, upon whom this event has brought great sorrow. (Separate article) Mrs. Ulsh, who some time ago was separated from her husband, arrived Tuesday night to attend the funeral of her son, Ernst, who was shot and killed by his elder brother, Percy, last Sunday afternoon.

Unknown, male
Sierra Journal 8-27-1885 The body of an unknown man was found in the river near Red Cliff a few days ago.

Unknown, male
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 4-27-1882 Crushed to Death – Pueblo, 4-24-1882 A man, whose name it was impossible to learn, was run over and instantly killed a short distance south of the Rio Grande round house about 10:30 o'clock Sunday night. The fact was communicated to Marshal Jamison a short time afterward by a party of workmen, who happened to be passing the fatal spot and witnessed this ghastly spectacle. This officer immediately notified Coroner Cowles, who at once took steps to have the body removed to his undertaking establishment. The Victim's left leg and arm had been crushed to a jelly, while his head was mashed in a manner to make identification impossible, Blood was spattered along the rails for a hundred feet, and small pieces of flesh were picked up at various points along the track. The remains were viewed by a large number of people this morning, but to no avail so far as recognition was concerned. The Steel works were telephoned, it being thought by the Coroner that the unfortunate might possibly have been an employe of this institution. Word was sent back, however, that no one was missing from the force. The victim was dressed in brown overalls and wore a blue jacket of the same material. His hands showed him to be accustomed to hard work. He was aged about thirty-five, weight, 140; height, five feet eight inches, dark hair, light mustache and well trimmed beard. The inquest was held at two o'clock this afternoon, and resulted in accordance with the facts above stated.

Unknown, male
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 4-20-1882 Sunday morning on the Santa Fe road on the trestle works at the Fountain, a Mexican was run down and killed by an engine. He succeeded in dropping his wife and daughter safely to the ground but could not save himself.

Vahldick, Emil Mrs.
Wet Mountain Tribune 5-13-1899 Fatal Accident – One Killed and Another Fatally Injured – Last Wednesday morning Mrs. Emil Vahldick and child accompanied by her mother-in-law, Mrs. Fred. Vahldick of Wet Mountain Valley, started for Coal Creek to visit Mrs. Copperthwaite, mother of Mr. Emil Vahldick, in a buggy drawn by an old reliable, but tender mouthed horse. At noon they reached a narrow strip of road east of the Creek ranch, cut through the mountain side, overlooking and about 30 feet above the bed of the creek which winds along at its base. At this point, the horse, it seems stopped, possibly frightened at something unseen by the occupants of the buggy, and backed over the embankment, being killed in the fall. Mrs. Emil Vahldick who was holding her child in her arms was fatally injured, her back being broken, and died within two hours after being taken from the wreck. The eldest Mrs. Vahldick sustained injuries which, should they not prove fatal, will make her a helpless cripple for life. The child was uninjured, and when picked up was so very near the creek, which rushed wildly along at that point, that its tiny feet were laved by the seething waters. The injured people were taken to the Creek residence, and medical aid summoned with all possible haste. Doctors coming from Canon City, Querida and Ilse. At last accounts the eldest Mrs. Vahldick was alive and hopes were entertained for her recovery. The unfortunate lady whose life was lost, was taken to Rockvale. The news of the sad affair has cast a gloom over our town, as both the ladies were well known here, and have a wide circle of friends. Sympathy most sincere is expressed for Mr. Vahldick, the young husband who has so suddenly been bereft of his loved one.

Vorreiter, Emma
Rosita Index 7-8-1886 Died at Rosita, Thursday July 1st, 1886, Emma, wife of William Vorreiter, aged 26 years and six months. Mrs. Vorreiter had been in poor health for some time and her death was caused by a complication of diseases, general debility and an affection of the heart may be assigned as the cause of her death. Emma Goerke was born at Marienburg, West Prussia, Jan. 1, 1860. She came to America six years ago coming directly from her home in Prussia to her brother's home in Rosita and has been a resident of Custer County since that time. Sept. 2, 1883, she was married to Wm. C. Vorreiter at Silver Cliff. She was a member of the Lutheran church and a Christian in fact as well as name. At her death she left a baby boy seventeen days old who will never know a mother's love, though he will never want for care and affection from loving hands and hearts. The husband and family have the sincere sympathy of the entire community.

Wakely, Ellsworth
Trinidad Enterprise 2-11-1880 Silvercliff February 7 – Hon. Ellsworth Wakely, an old and eminent member of the Colorado bar, and an ex-judge if Michigan, died here this morning of erysipelas.

Wallace, child
Sierra Journal 6-9-1881 A Sad Affair – On our road to dinner today our attention was attracted by the cries if a woman, in a cabin, just below the brewery, on going over to it we learned that a child had just died in convulsions. It seems that it had taken sick, yesterday afternoon, but, was not regarded as being seriously ill. About noon today it suddenly grew worse, and Dr. Parker was sent for, but it died a few minutes after he arrived. The name of the family is Wallace. They formerly resided here, but spent the winter in Kansas from which place they had just returned.

Walters, Dr.
Wet Mountain Tribune 12-9-1899 Dr. Walters, a pioneer of the county, died at his home in Wetmore on Friday evening. Deceased was nearly, if not quite, eighty years of age.

Ward, Frank
Sierra Journal 12-14-1882 – A man named Frank Ward suicided in Pueblo on the 12th inst. Strong drink.

Weber, W.F. Mrs. Rosita Index 6-17-1886 We learn with regret that Mrs. W.F. Weber who until recently was a resident of this place died at Cresco, Iowa, on the third inst.

Whitmore, B.M.
Rosita Sierra Journal 12-20-1883 – Obituary – Capt. B.M. Whitmore died suddenly at Silver Cliff of an aneurism. His death renews to us that still live, a mantle of sorrow and gloom. There be none here to sit as a near mourner by his pall, and yet the universal brotherhood of man provides mourners innumerable, who sorrow for the kind and generous heart, whose life's light went out so suddenly, surrounded only by strangers, friends to be sure, but still strangers, who understand not the hopes and sorrows of this life. At noon he walked his usual paths in comparative health. At three his heart beat regularly and the blood coursed evenly through his veins. At four o'clock, one hour intervened between Captain Whitmore and the uncomprehended, incomprehensible Beyond, and still he walked in visible health and yet his feet touched upon the Mystery. His last hour had begun. Minutes alone remained to his portions of time and quickly sped. At five o'clock lifeless clay alone remained. "This the universal lot, To live, to die, and be forgot." It is proper that words of tribute be spoken of the dead. He never sinned against his fellow man. His sins were alone against himself, and his death brings their pardon with men. To say that Captain Whitmore was possessed of a noble and generous nature, is to say the truth. There was a warm kindliness in him, that give out sunshine and not clouds and this made him friends where ever its beams fell. He was of an odd turn, but the recollections of that oddity brings only pleasant thoughts to us. Under an outward garb of every day life that gleamed the refinement of a sensitive nature. There was hidden the memory of hopes, sorrows, and troubles, that were sacred to himself. His death will bring to many a heart in Colorado sincere regret and will agonize fond hearts away down by the roll of the Atlantic. We cannot undertake to fathom the mystery of Eternity – perhaps our dear friend has commenced it's investigation or maybe as, some tell us, he has only become "a brother to the insensible clod" but we all know we must follow whither he has gone. To his memory we bring heartfelt feelings of sorrow, over his sad end of life, and if earthly hopes could reach the unfathomable beyond, then we would extend every wish that all is pleasant, may greet him, in the Unknown Land.

Wilson, John W.
Sierra Journal 8-20-1885 – It now turns out that John W. Prentiss, who was murdered a short time ago in the Paradox Valley, and N.V. Rollins, his murderer, were brothers. Their real name was Wilson. The murdered man was a deserter from the army and had changed his name in order to avoid arrest.

Wulsten, Herman
Silver Cliff Weekly Herald 6-1-1882 – Funeral Services of Herman Wulsten – This morning a reporter of the Herald went to Rosita to attend the services to all that remained of Herman Wulsten. Particulars of this sad death will be found in another column. On arriving at the home which had so suddenly been robbed of a cherished and eldest son we found it full of sympathizing friends. On entering we saw the bereaved family surrounding the coffin. Mr. Wulsten stood to the left of the unfortunate son with his right hand tenderly supporting his grief stricken wife's head while at the head of the corpse stood the two sisters and brothers. Pen cannot portray the deep grief that was there welling upon the hearts of those who were so closely connected. Carriage after carriage brought up to the gate loaded with sympathizing friends and neighbors until the hour for the commencement of services had arrived. The choir commenced by singing a little stanza, and the reading of the 39th and 90th Psalms by Rev. Mr. Byrn, the Episcopalian minister at that place, after which Rev. C.L. Libby engaged in prayer. Father Byrne made a short address over the remains, setting forth the necessity of a preparation for the world to which we are all approaching. He made a similar illustration to this of Jonathan and David, of Bible fame, either of which would have given their life for the other and represented them as these two, the one of which is here dead. Mr. Libby made a few remarks trying to console the bereaved ones, when another piece was sung by the choir, and the remains were removed to the cemetery followed by a very large number of carriages, horsemen and citizens on foot. Herman Wulsten seemed to have died with a smile on his countenance, and it was remarked that he had grown considerably during his absence at college. He was just six feet high at the time of his death. The coffin was neatly arranged, a large wreath of choice cut flowers were laid on his bosom underneath the glass and on the outside was another larger one enclosing the head and breast with a neat representations of a lyre made from geranium leaves and white cut flowers, and a bouquet at the foot. Mr. Wulsten and family have our sympathies, and those of a large number of friends and acquaintances, but nothing can fill the place of their dear son, who has been so suddenly taken from them. He was buried at 12 o'clock today in the cemetery grounds just outside of Rosita, beneath the pine trees. As his remains were lowered tot heir last resting place, the choir sang "One of our classmates crossing the river."

Please e-mail comments and suggestions to Karen Mitchell

© Karen Mitchell