Huerfano County,
Death Certificates

Page contributed by Karen Mitchell.
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Patterson, Martha
Contributed by unknown
Martha Patterson
Registrar's No. 5228
Place of death: Los Angeles, Ca., Los Angeles County, General Hospital, 1200 N. State Street
Date of death: March 18, 1944, 5:15 pm
In hospital one month and 16 days
In U.S.: 60 years
Residence: 3501 Torrance Blvd, Torrancce, Ca.
Husband (deceased) Archie Hamilton Patterson
Birth of deceased: December 27, 1860
Age at death: 83y 2m 21d
Birthplace: England, unknown city
Name of Father: Henry Topping, born England, unknown city
Name of Mother: Mary Simpson, born Scotland, unknown city
Informant: John T. Patterson
Body moved to Walsenburg, Colorado, Masonic cemetery March 24, 1944
Funeral Director: Inglevod Beaver Mortuary
Immediate cause of death: Arterio Sclerotica, heart disease with auricular fibrilation and acute cardiac insufficiency.
Other conditions: Right femoral embolism
No autopsy

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