Page Contributed by Karen Mitchell NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
Huerfano County Book 2, page 252 Mr. Jess A. Bennett to Mrs. Olive M. Shira on 29- March 1868 by E. Arneux, J.P. Witnesses John H. Brown, D.S. Schenck and Mary Schenck.
Huerfano County Book 2 page 217 Michael Lynn to Ellen Magher by E. Arneux. J.P. Witness John H. Brown. No date is given on the entry but it is between 12-14-1867 and 12-24-1867.
Huerfano County Book 2 page 358 Peter Caplet and Merijild Ortado 3-24-1869 by Juan Jose Barela, J.P. Witnesses E. Arneux and Pablo Chaves.
Barney O'Neal, of Huerfano Co., CO and Leonor Beaubien of Mora Co., NM married 18-Feb-1866 by Vicente Romero, J.P. Married in Mora County, NM - Contributed by Janet Wasson
Found this on, records compiled by The New Mexico Genealogical Society; records of Justice of the Peace, Jose R.Vigil.
p 148 #98: William Kelley, 36 yrs of age, of the county of Huerfano in Colorado, and Grace G. Spear, 24 yrs of age, of the county of Las Animas in Colorado, married 5 Dec 1891 at Buena Vista. Wit: F. M. Bysang and Lena B. Bysong - Contributed by Janet Wasson
12 Jul 1888 William Charlie ROY and Nelly Vicenta St.VRAIN both of Mora. Wit: Paul and Maud J. St. Vrain.- Contributed by Karen Mitchell
4-21-1845 Juan Cristoval Garcia single son of Antonio Garcia and Maria Luisa Lucero residents of the plasa of San Jose de Abiquiu and natives of Abiquiu married Maria Andrea Sanches single daughter of Antonio Sanches and Juliana Trujillo resident of the plasa of Purisima Concepcion and native of Santa Cruz de la Canada.
10-23-1913, Elfido Cruz, resident of Oakview, 23 years old, son of Juan Cruz and Juanita Avila married Annie Galvan resident of Oakview, 18 years old, daughter of Jose Galvan and Fabiana Lafave (La Febre). Witnesses were Pedro Padilla and Isidorita Padilla.
1-2-1895 Juan Francisco Galvan married Fabiana Pacheco. They are both from North Veta. He is the son of Presciliano Galvan and Avelina Suaso. She is the natural daughter of Manuela Pacheco. Witnesses are Cornelio Duran and Placida Lopez.
10-23-1913, Elfido Cruz, resident of Oakview, 23 years old, son of Juan Cruz and Juanita Avila married Annie Galvan resident of Oakview, 18 years old, daughter of Jose Galvan and Fabiana Lafave (La Febre). Witnesses were Pedro Padilla and Isidorita Padilla.
10-22-1882 Luis Narcisco Harmes son of William Harmes and Camila Gonzales married Maria Piedad Trujillo daughter of Jose Ramon Trujillo and Vitalia Lopez. Sponsors Matias Trujillo and Andrea Romero.
2-19-1896 Charles August Harmes of Talpa son of W. L. Harmes and Camila Gonzales married Augustina Quintana of Talpa daughter of Jose Ignacio Quintana and Francisca Giron. Witnesses Joseph Sears and Emma Harmes.
8-19-1904 Joseph Sears of Talpa, parents not listed married Emma Harmes of Talpa daughter of Wm. L. Harmes and Camila Gonzales, Witnesses Candido Garcia and Lucinda Harmes.
9-25-1905 Adolfo Harmes of Walsenburg son of Luis N. Harmes and Piedad Trujillo married Francisca Gonzales of Walsenburg daughter of Jose Luz Gonzales and Margarita Vallejos.
8-10-1907 Jose Patrocinio Quintana of Talpa son of Jose Ignacio Quintana and Francisca Giron married Vitalia Harmes of Talpa daughter of Luis Harmes and Piedad Trujillo.
10-19-1907 Clemente Harmes of Walsenburg son of Luis Narciso Harmes and Maria Piedad Trujillo married Demetria Martinez daughter of Manuel Martinez and Eucebia Chavez.
7-3-1909 Demetrio Cordova of Walsenburg son of Teofilo Cordova and Andrea Vigil married Lucia Harmes of Walsenburg daughter of Luis Harmes and Maria Piedad Trujillo.