Huerfano County, Colorado
Area Photos

NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
Archuletaville circa 1970's - Contributed by Ken Jessen
Archuletaville circa 1970's - Contributed by Ken Jessen

BUILDING TIPPLES-The crew shown here at the Gordon Mine in the early 1900s built most of the tipples for most of the mines in the county. Although not everyone is identified, those who are, top left to right, include, Mike Sudar, Tony Vercelli, unkown, Frank Slevic, sitting, Ferdinand Menghini, Sudar and Sudar. The two men standing at the bottom, left and right, are: Gonzales and Montanyo Ghione. The others are unknown.
Alamo Mine 1923 Contributed by Jack Kendall.

Rock from Alamo Mine Contributed by Jack Kendall.

Blue Lake, Huerfano County. Contributed by Betty Anderson.

Cuchara Camp. Contributed by Betty Anderson.

Huerfano County Courthouse. Contributed by Betty Anderson.

La Veta, Colorado looking south. Contributed by Betty Anderson.

I believe this is Cameron Mine. Contributed by Betty Anderson.

Superintendents house at Walsen Mine. Contributed by Betty Anderson.

La Veta Pass. Contributed by Betty Anderson.

Walsenburg 1910, looking southwest. I believe the large building in the foreground is Hill School. Contributed by Betty Anderson.

Davis family home - 1885. Photo says "Our Pass Creek Home. Log cabin home of O.T. Davis family. Location on Pass Creek. Sangre de Cristos. Persons not identified, Photographer O.T. Davis # none". Contributed by Debra Trautmann.
Debra later identified the people as, left to right, in chairs: Sue Davis, Ruth Brown Davis; on the ground: Abbie Davis, Mattie Kimsey Davis next to husband Frank Corin Davis holding their son Floyd Davis. Men standing: unknown, unknown, Merrick Davis.

Davis family home. Photo says " Old Home on Pass Creek Huerfano Co. Colo. - 1885 Contributed by Debra Trautmann.

Davis family home. Possible ruins of the Davis homestead. Contributed by Debra Trautmann.

Turkey Creek Falls Contributed by Charles J. Knolls

Turkey Creek Falls Contributed by Charles J. Knolls

Turkey Creek Falls Contributed by Charles J. Knolls

Turkey Creek Falls Contributed by Charles J. Knolls

Home of Onesimo Romero

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© Karen Mitchell