1880 August La Veta: The post office at Ojo has been discontinued.
1880 November La Veta: All the boys at Ojo are in good spirits and seem to think their camp will be one of the best.
1880 November La Veta: Attorney J.H. Maupin is recovering from a bout of typhoid fever.
1880 November La Veta: Colonel Francisco found a home for the Huerfano Herald and its editor, J.B. Ying. The first issue was published Nov. 4.
1880 November La Veta: Forrest L. Proctor, who formerly did business in La Veta in the Herald building, suffered the loss of his residence at Placer by fire, a $500 loss.
1880 November La Veta: J.C. Goss just completed the neatest, coziest, most comfortable little residence at the rear of John F. Moore's store for the Moore family.
1880 November La Veta: La Veta needs a barber, dentist, milliner, jeweler, tinner, bank, woolen mill, assayer and insurance agent.
1880 November La Veta: R.B. Willis invested in a new $300 span of mules to use on hs new hay press.
1880 November La Veta: Seven families and several bachelors are living at the plaza, the oldest house in this area.
1880 November La Veta: Seven families and several bachelors are living in the Plaza, the oldest building in the Cuchara Valley.
1880 November La Veta: Some of the copper claims being worked at Ojo are the Copper King, Petrified Oak, Elk, Hunton, Poverty Lode, Goodenough, Baldy Belle and the Copper Cliff.
1880 November La Veta: The 15 members of the Methodist Church have raised $600 to build their new adobe church on their lots on the north side of Francisco Street.
1880 November La Veta: The over-shoe and gum-boot business is brisk.
1880 November La Veta: The Reverends Darley and Dodd of Trinidad are trying to organize a Presbyterian Church in La Veta.
1880 November La Veta: Every room is occupied in the Plaza, the first building constructed in the Cuchara Valley and the oldest landmark.
1880 November Walsenburg: Several cases of typhoid and scarlet fever have been reported.
1880 November: Several cases of typhoid and scarlet fever have been reported.
1880 December La Veta: A meeting is called for half past seven o'clock Monday evening at the La Veta House to take up the subject of having a Public Christmas Tree.
1880 December La Veta: A meeting will be held in the school room on west Francisco Street tomorrow, Friday, night for the purpose of organizing a debating society.
1880 December La Veta: A shocking murder was suspected when the body of one Charles Rio was found in the bend of the Cucharas on F. L. Martin's place, just 50 yards from the railroad tracks.
1880 December La Veta: D.D. Ryus reports sales at his store this year will total $60,000- $75,000.
1880 December La Veta: Engineer Jacob L. Moyer received a watch from the D&RG for stopping a runaway train last month on La Veta Pass.
1880 December La Veta: Homer Barnard, a resident of La Veta the past four years, made a strike of gold and silver in Gray Eagle on Williams Creek.
1880 December La Veta: Mrs. Ryus returned from Ojo Caliente much improved in health but she had to leave the following day to be at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Converse in Alamosa, dangerously ill with typhoid.
1880 December La Veta: Quite a number of both young and old folks gathered at the La Veta Hotel Christmas Eve, after the Christmas Tree, and enjoyed a pleasant dance until the wee hours.
1880 December La Veta: Subscribe to the Huerfano Herald, the only newspaper in the County. $2 per year, in advance.
1880 December La Veta: The Herald is in receipt of a gilt-edged, neatly printed invitation to attend a Grand Fancy Dress Ball at the Morton House in Placer tomorrow evening.
1880 December La Veta: The man who got Ramsey's Dog, a 5-shooter, will save himself trouble if he will return the same to the La Veta House at once. /s/AJ Ramsey
1880 December La Veta: The post office will be open only two hours, 10 a.m. - noon, on Christmas Day.
1880 December La Veta: The town of Russell on La Veta Pass now has a population of around 400 and the smelter of the Matching, Mining and Smelting Company is nearly complete.
1880 December Walsenburg: Denver and Rio Grande Railway Company are having a tank erected here and are contemplating putting in a side track to accommodate large coal trains. They have just completed the section house.
1880 December Walsenburg: Miss Livingstone has just received her photographic outfit and will soon be prepared to "take" the natives in a style entirely satisfactory.
Independent 12-16-1880 J.G. Hamilton, writing from Kansas City under date of 12th inst., states that the operation upon Mrs. H. for tumor, was successfully performed on Saturday last by surgeons from the city. The tumor was an unusually large one, weighing 30 pounds. The many friends of Mrs. H. in this vicinity will be pleased to learn that she stood the ordeal so bravely.
Independent 12-16-1880 Dr. C.A. Wadhington, who three or four years ago did business in La Veta, was lynched at Otero, N.M. two weeks ago today. He had cloroformed a sick girl, whom he was attending, and violated her person, which caused her death.
1881 January La Veta: A bill was introduced in the legislature requiring the records of the deeds in the counties of Las Animas, Huerfano and Conejos as are originally written in Spanish, to be transcribed into the English language.
1881 January La Veta: As we go to press [Wednesday], 15 inches of snow is laying on the ground with no prospect of an early abatement of the storm.
1881 January La Veta: Dave Ryus has had everybody about his establishment engaged for two weeks past in taking an invoice of his large stock of goods.
1881 January La Veta: Dr. Erwin hopes to put in a stock of drugs in one room of his residence where he is fitting up for a storeroom.
1881 January La Veta: Dr. Washington, who left La Veta when asked to by authorities after he was caught beating his wife, was lynched in Otero, New Mexico, near Raton, for chloroforming a young woman to death.
1881 January La Veta: Engineer Jacob L. Moyer received another draft for $1,250 from Gen. William J. Palmer, bringing his reward to $2,250 plus the $550 gold watch, for his courage during the railway runaway last fall.
1881 January La Veta: Fresh bread, cigars, sweet cider for sale, boarders wanted at M. Mills bakery and confectionery.
1881 January La Veta: John F. Moore arranged for this editor to take his first train trip to the summit of La Veta Pass with Engineer Cal Ritchie.
1881 January La Veta: Messrs. Pishel and Spielmann have expended several thousand dollars to make a model flouring mill and their water power is one of the best in the state.
1881 January La Veta: Miss Livingston of Walsenburg will teach the primary department this term in the school building opposite the Herald office on Francisco Street.
1881 January La Veta: Uncle Sam Patterson of Pueblo, who built the toll road over the mountains, was in town Monday shaking hands with the boys.
1881 January Walsenburg: A new mail route has been started between Gardner and the new town of Malachite six miles west.
1881 January Walsenburg: The county jail burned down Wednesday of last week.
1881 January Walsenburg: The county jail burned down Wednesday of last week.
1881 January: The county jail burned down Wednesday of last week.
Independent 1-14- 1881 Gardner Items – The many friends of Mrs. Decatur Patterson will be pleased to learn of that lady's improved health, she having been ill for the past month.
Independent 1-14- 1881 Miss Lizzie Potts and Mrs. John Williams, both of this place, were today happily united in the holy bonds of matrimony by the Rev. A.H. Quillian.
Independent 1-14- 1881 Malachite is a new town, six miles west of this place, on the Huerfano creek. It is largely laid out, but as yet thinly settled. It is, however, destined at no distant day to he THE PLAZA of Huerfano county.
Independet 2-17-1881 The Great West pays the following compliment to another Huerfano county man in its last issue: Peter Dice, of Gardner, Huerfano County, was born March 22, 1860 at San Luis. He is the son of Capt. Dice, one of the old pioneers of '47 who fought in the Mexican War of 1847. Mr. Dice received a common school education and of late years has been engaged in agricultural and stock raising. Last fall he stumped Huerfano county among the Mexicans in the interests of Garfield and Arthur. Through the recommendation of Senator Harney he was elected by the Senate and Legislature of Colorado as Spanish interpreter for Mr. Baca, of Conejos county. Mr. Dice has an intelligent look and remarkable ability for the disadvantages he has had to contend with in procuring an education.
Independent 2-17-1881 Joe Hendricks had quite a severe attack of sickness since our last issue, but under the careful attention of Dr. Barber he has so far recovered as to be able to be around again.
1881 February La Veta: D.D. Ryus and Jo. Hendricks opened the sawmill Monday and Dave is expecting to turn out about 8,000 feet of lumber per day.
1881 February La Veta: F.L. Martin, with his usual enterprise, has arranged to furnish his patrons of the meat market with corn-fed Kansas beef, and will receive the first installment in a few days.
1881 February La Veta: H.W. Vasquez won a contract to furnish the railroad 40,000 ties, which he will cut on the Apishapa.
1881 February La Veta: Letters to Placer must be addressed to Russell as there is no Placer post office.
1881 February La Veta: Old Baldy's eternal snow cap has lengthened out into robes that entirely cover her mountain sides.
1881 February La Veta: Owing to the delay in trains, many La Veta residents interested in attending the meeting in Ojo to form a mining district could not be present.
1881 February La Veta: Professor Morton, who formerly had the La Veta school is now running the Placer Hotel with a grocery and dry goods business in connection.
1881 February La Veta: Senator Harlan has formed a company in Iowa to run a 2,000 foot tunnel in his mine on the West Spanish Peak.
1881 February La Veta: The Baptists have ordered a new bell weighing 254 pounds which will come direct from the foundry.
1881 February La Veta: The shaft in the Copper King mine at Ojo is down 18 feet.
1881 February La Veta: The snow has disappeared... How is this for delightful Colorado weather?
1881 February La Veta: Wages in the new Ojo mining district have been set at $4 per day for surface work with pick and shovel; for hard rock such as require powder and drills, $7 per day.
1881 February La Veta: Will Hampton is closing his meat market on Francisco Street and leaving town.
1881 February La Veta: Will Sager is wild with excitement and enthusiasm after discovering another rich gold and silver mine at the very top of Old Baldy, six miles from La Veta.
1881 February La Veta: Will Sager is wild with excitement and enthusiasm over the discovery of another rich gold and silver mine, this time right at the top of Old Baldy Mountain only six miles from La Veta.
1881 February Walsenburg: McGin, the murderer of Sheriff Esquibel, eluded capture and - his whereabouts are unknown.
1881 February Walsenburg: The county commissioners are offering a $500 reward for the arrest and delivery of the body of Henry McGin, one of the men indicted for the murder of Sheriff J.D. Esquibel last month.
1881 March La Veta: A.E. Palmer, former station agent here, sold his home to C.E. McComb for $300.
1881 March La Veta: C.E. McComb has contracted Ed Berry to build two frame residences on the first street north of the depot, each one and a half story, 14 by 28 feet with an ell measuring 12 by 8.
1881 March La Veta: F.L. Martin wishes to announce the meat market will be open from 6½ a.m. to 11 a.m. only hereafter.
1881 March La Veta: J.M. Elrod of Walsenburg has a yearning for life in La Veta and accordingly accepted a position with C.E. McComb.
1881 March La Veta: J.M. Elrod of Walsenburg has a yearning for life in La Veta and accordingly accepted a position with C.E. McComb.
1881 March La Veta: Judge Hamilton of Placer rented the building east of McCombs' for a meat market for his brother J.G.
1881 March La Veta: Malachiters say that building will be commenced soon and their town will surely be a metropolis. We sincerely hope it will be something or other.
1881 March La Veta: The Huerfano Herald is now prepared to print handbills, etc.
1881 March La Veta: We learn there are two more divorce suits that will be before the next term of court.
1881 April La Veta: A.L. Francisco has turned his transfer business over to C.S. Lewis and will move to his ranch house four miles east of town.
1881 April La Veta: Louie Livingstone is operating a private school and she already has 35 students enrolled at $1.60 each per month.
1881 April La Veta: Mr. Burtch has moved his barber and carpentry shop to the north side of Francisco Street opposite the public well.
1881 April La Veta: N.F. Kearns, who recently arrived from North Carolina, will open a graded private school April 18 for a term of five months.
1881 April La Veta: Notice - a regular graded school will open in La Veta for a five month term on Apr. 18. Tuition - below third reader, $1.50 month; higher arithmetic and English, $2.50, Latin $3.50. N.F. Kearns.
1881 April La Veta: The body found in the old dugout by the roundhouse was identified as Daniel Lane, a section hand. He was buried in the east graveyard.
1881 April La Veta: The Mountain Monarch Mining Company have decided to continue work on their mine this season. About $15,900 has been expended on this mine on three tunnels, running 130, 160 and 190 feet respectively.
1881 April La Veta: The railroad company destroyed the old dug-out near the round house this week after the body of a tramp, identified as Daniel Lane, was found cold and stiff inside.
1881 April La Veta: Town election will be Tuesday, April 5 in Maupin's law office.
1881 April La Veta: Town election will be Tuesday, April 5 in Maupin's law office.
1881 April Walsenburg: Charles Unfug is expecting a visit from his two sisters and two brothers from Germany.
1881 April Walsenburg: Dr. Eddy sold his drugstore to Dr. T. F. Martin, a recent graduate of medical school in St. Louis.
1881 April Walsenburg: Our new Board of Trustees is an efficient one. They are having the channel of the Cucharas changed in the southern part of town and a new bridge built.
1881 April Walsenburg: We are informed by the Honorable Charles O. Unfug, our county clerk, that he expects two sisters and two brothers here from Germany by June 1st.
1881 May La Veta: Benton Canon was elected president pro tem at the organizational meeting of the Settlers' Union last weekend and Fred Pischel secretary.
1881 May La Veta: Dave Ryus delivered 40,000 ties to the Denver and Rio Grande within 90 days, per contract.
1881 May La Veta: Dr. Erwin has fitted up a new drug store in his residence across the creek on Francisco Street.
1881 May La Veta: Dr. J.F. Yancey, a friend of the Franciscos from Waverly, Missouri, has set up practice at the plaza.
1881 May La Veta: Five trains of US soldiers passed through on their way to the Ute reservation to remove the Indians to Utah.
1881 May La Veta: J.B. Petrie, who formerly manipulated the [telegraph] wires at the Summit, has assumed the duties of C.E. McComb in the depot here after Mr. McComb suffered four hemorrhages of the lungs this week.
1881 May La Veta: Our readers will be pained to learn of the burning by arson of the new $12,000 smelter at Placer.
1881 May La Veta: Richard May, formerly a resident here, was murdered by Indians in the La Plata country.
1881 May La Veta: The rains last week caused the streams to overflow and do considerable damage, especially in the railroad yards where there was a washout between the water tank and the depot.
1881 May La Veta: The special school election to break the tie for treasurer resulted in S.L. Stranger receiving 51 votes and C.E. McComb, 26. Seventy-seven votes were cast and the ladies turned out in number.
1881 May La Veta: The well known saloon of Henry Daigre in this place changed hands last week, the new proprietor being F.A. "Berry" Moore.
1881 May Walsenburg: Attorney Joseph Maupin has moved his business here from La Veta.
1881 June 23: A poem in the Huerfano Herald, published in La Veta. Plaza de Francisco…In the Plaza de Francisco, Is the bacheloric hall; Not of glittering show, But of strong adobe wall, Not of palacial furnishing, Is the fortress now supplied; Yet when erected was the thing, In the which, then to hide. From the Savages so thick, That provision must be made, By walls of adobe brick, As a fortress, or stockade. The Colonel made it thick, The better to withstand, Any storming, savage trick, Against his little band. And against the fire-fiend, The roof in part of dirt; While the wood beneath is screen'd, From fire's chance to hurt. The Plaza is three-sided, With an eastern open end; While within have resided Many to call him friend. Pleasant and secure, Are the old adobe rooms; And tenants are no fewer, By having to use their brooms. Within the square is water, Pure, fresh and cold, To slake the thirst of daughter Or sons and fathers bold. Within the square are children, Romping all the day; While near by are mo
1881 June La Veta: Cal Ritchey has a new engine of 36 tons, built especially for the Denver and Rio Grande for use in the mountains.
1881 June La Veta: D.N. Roberts has started a transfer business between town and the mines on the Spanish Peak, charging $1.50 per 100 pounds of goods.
1881 June La Veta: Depp's mine on the Spanish Peak, the Whale, has a seven inch vein assaying at $100 a ton. He has five tons now and will ship it by burro to Pueblo.
1881 June La Veta: J.C. Dotson, cattle king of Huerfano County, bought lots west of Oliver Bemen on east Francisco Street to build a residence.
1881 June La Veta: J.F. Moore is building a summer kitchen onto his residence.
1881 June La Veta: J.G. Hamilton sent a crew last week to work his mine, which was the first mine discovered in the Spanish Peaks.
1881 June La Veta: M. Mills is building a burro path to the Whale Mine on the West Spanish Peak of about two miles length.
1881 June La Veta: My friends will please take notice I am now located on my ranch four miles east of town and am prepared to care for stock at low rates. /s/A.L. Francisco.
1881 June La Veta: New Drug Store! On Francisco Street, west of the bridge, has on hand chemicals, tinctures, extracts, flavors, oils, pills, family preparations and patent medicines. Dr. James A. Erwin.
1881 June La Veta: The 59ers, a company of settlers of 1859, will ride burros and wear prospector's clothing in the Fourth of July parade.
1881 June La Veta: The Fourth of July Picnic will be in the grove 300 yards southwest of the plaza. The gentle knoll facing southwest will be the speakers' stand.
1881 June La Veta: The new parasols are in at Mrs. J.B. King's shop, also fans, tuck combs, mitts, veiling, lace ties, collars and bibs.
1881 June La Veta: Though the people of La Veta generally enjoy as many luxuries as those of other cities yet we are sorry to say several families in very moderate circumstances are struggling through life with only two or three dogs.
1881 June Walsenburg: The Walsen mine in May produced 6,598,000 pounds of lump coal and 609,500 pounds of nut coal. They shipped 3,603 tons. The total Production so far this year is 20,798 tons.
1881 July La Veta: Albert M. Sager had some problems with Indians while he was out collecting Sefton's cattle near Dolores.
1881 July La Veta: Del Ingles, formerly of La Veta but recently employed at Kirby's sawmill up the Cucharas, ended a long feud by shooting a man named Chapen near Stonewall.
1881 July La Veta: L. German has been promoted to conductor of the passenger train and made his first trip between Alamosa and Pueblo Sunday night.
1881 July La Veta: Mrs. King has some new zephyrs, lisle gloves and jewelry in her millinery shop next door to the Huerfano Herald office on Francisco Street.
1881 July La Veta: R.A. Hayes and J.G. Hamilton took a shift of men to extend the tunnel in the Ball lead in West Gulch on the West Peak.
1881 July La Veta: The 4th of July programme will begin promptly at 10 a.m. on the common in front of the La Veta Hotel. Following the brass band will be wagons, carriages, horses, then pedestrians to the rear.
1881 July La Veta: The new schoolhouse at Placer, built by Cotteral and Company of La Veta, is nearly complete and cost the district $1,500 including the seats and bell.
1881 July La Veta: The only son of W.A. Sloan, 15, was murdered by a drunk at Placer on the Fourth.
1881 July La Veta: The Presbyterians are planning to rent the building opposite the Huerfano Herald office on the north side of Francisco Street for a meeting room.
1881 July La Veta: There will be a special meeting of the public called by School Board District No. 9 to vote a tax to defray expenses contingent to the district.
Colorado Springs Gazette 8-11-1881 - An Old Settler - Says the Pueblo Chieftain: Col. Albert D. (G.) Boone, the oldest resident and one of the most honored of Colorado's citizens, has been assigned to duty at La Veta, by the Denver and Rio Grande railroad company for the purpose of erecting buildings and selling lands and lots at that place. Upon the ground upon which Denver now stands he dried buffalo meat in 1825, and a few years later made the mountains his home. Previous to this he trained with the Indians, and had a ranch sixteen miles above Lawrence, Kansas. He is a direct descendant of the illustrious Daniel Boone, of Kentucky, and the family can claim to have been the first white settlers of these territories. Col. Boone is now about eighty years of age, but moves around and attends to matters of business in a manner which would indicate his age to be not more than forty.
1881 August La Veta: Four ranches were squatted upon on the upper Cucharas by boys from Kirby's mill.
1881 August La Veta: George Markum of St. Mary is moving his blacksmith here and may work for D.D. Ryus.
1881 August La Veta: It has been suggested that Town Board should fill up the old well and open cellars on Francisco Street before someone's team runs into them.
1881 August La Veta: Justice of the Peace Colvin fined William Larkin, a tramp, $5 for shooting into the town calaboose.
1881 August La Veta: Our Doctors Barber, Yancey and Erwin have received their licenses to practice from the State Board of Medical Examiners.
1881 August La Veta: The Burtch boys bought the J.A. Bone building at the west end of Francisco Street and converted it to a residence.
1881 August La Veta: The La Veta Library has 20 new books, including Shakespeare in three volumes.
1881 August La Veta: The La Veta Town Company was sold to Western Land Company, although former Governor Alex Hunt, Colonel Francisco and Henry Daigre retain their interests.
1881 August Walsenburg: About $25,000 worth of new machinery and tools have been added to the coal mine here and it is expected 400-500 men will be employed during the busy season.
1881 August Walsenburg: Judge Jno. F. Read of Cucharas is the democratic candidate for county clerk and recorder.
1881 Sept. 29: The road to the summit of Cucharas Pass is ballasted with boulders as high as a bed post, broad as the national Republican platform and long as moral law. You will sooner return by a three day drive around the Spanish Peaks rather than risk your neck and wagon on the first class disgrace to Huerfano County. Huerfano Herald
1881 September La Veta: Colonel Boone donated use of the frame building just west of the new Methodist Church to the Presbyterians.
1881 September La Veta: Colonel Francisco has placed a new roof over the west side of the Plaza and otherwise improved the buildings.
1881 September La Veta: Dave Ryus has laid a new floor, put on a new roof and partitioned into bins the southeast room in the Plaza preparatory to storing all the grain he can buy in the valley.
1881 September La Veta: Dr. Barber just received a line of druggist's notions including a microscope, colored eye glasses, indelible pencils, toothbrushes, clocks, combs, etc.
1881 September La Veta: E.L. Martin moved his meat market to Prof. Morton's building one door west of Moore's store [on Ryus Avenue].
1881 September La Veta: George Dotson's horse beat Benito Maes' by 30 feet in a race near Wahatoya and considerable money and property changed hands.
1881 September La Veta: J.C. Dotson discovered silver on the south slope of Silver Mountain.
1881 September La Veta: J.D. Colvin and E.H. Belcher will be La Veta's delegates to the county Republican convention.
1881 September La Veta: La Veta gets 15 delegates for the Democratic county convention, Gardner gets 12 and Walsenburg will have eight.
1881 September La Veta: La Veta will have 15 delegates, Gardner 12 and Walsenburg eight for the Democratic County Convention. 1889: The population of La Veta is around 500 now.
1881 September La Veta: Mechanics are all busy at wages ranging about $3.50 a day.
1881 September La Veta: Pat, an Irishman incarcerated for drunkeness and disturbance, twisted the calaboose lock and escaped Sunday. He had been sent up for fines and costs to the amount of $19.
1881 September La Veta: Smith and Jones' sawmill is to be moved from Placer to about eight miles above La Veta, on the site of the old Potter sawmill.
1881 September La Veta: The 30 burros used in the pack train for the Mountain Monarch Mining Company are being shod at the La Veta Blacksmith.
1881 September La Veta: The Whale Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining Company was incorporated with Senator Harlan, president; G. W. Frederick, vice president; D.D. Ryus, secretary; and F.L. Martin, treasurer.
1881 September Walsenburg: Capt. Deus of Malachite found $3,800 in old Mexican coins under a church in Bernalillo, New Mexico. Years ago he was directed there by a dying Mexican girl who had worked for the rich Spaniard who buried it.
1881 September Walsenburg: Charley Mazzone is in receipt of the front for his new building which will be occupied by A.R. Campbell's furniture store.
1881 September Walsenburg: Pueblo should be the state capitol now that its population is up to 15,000.
1881 September Walsenburg: The Sporleder Hotel has been reopened.
1881 September Walsenburg: Walsenburg gets eight delegates to the Democratic county convention, Huerfano Canon (Gardner) 12 and La Veta 15.
1881 October La Veta: A pack train of 30 burros belonging to the Mountain Monarch Mining Company are [sic] being shod at the La Veta Blacksmith.
1881 October La Veta: Charley LaPorte begins teaching at the Bruce school house on Monday the tenth inst.
1881 October La Veta: H.E. Hills tried his new potato digger on two rows of early plantings and yielded 825 pounds in 220 paces.
1881 October La Veta: John Berry has moved down from Placer for the winter and is in the wagon making business with his brother Ed.
1881 October La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ryus are parents of a new baby girl.
1881 October La Veta: The monument on the Spanish Peaks was rebuilt. The first to sign the book was J.A. Landis on July 4, 1877.
1881 October La Veta: There is a house ready for a good bakery but the man must come well-recommended and of good habits.
1881 October La Veta: Town Council, at their meeting Tuesday night, instructed the street commissioner to repair both bridges.
1881 October Walsenburg: Joseph Grant, alias Kansas, in jail since February for the murder of Sheriff Esquibel, will be tried in District Court this week.
1881 October Walsenburg: Joseph Grant, alias Kansas, in jail since February for the murder of Sheriff J.D. Esquibel, will be tried in district court this week.
1881 November La Veta: McCombs traded buildings with J.C. Goss on Francisco Street and is refurbishing it and building a 24 foot addition to the east.
1881 November La Veta: Mr. William Clark moves his family to Walsenburg next week where he has secured a position in the coal mines.
1881 November La Veta: R.B. Willis starts a flock of 1,000 sheep to Kansas this week to winter.
1881 November La Veta: R.P. McAuliff bought the Morton building west of Moore's store on Ryus Avenue.
1881 November La Veta: Samuel Todd has raised the prices at the Depot Hotel to $6 per week for meals, $8 for meals and lodging and $2 per day for transient lodging.
1881 November La Veta: School District No. 7, in J.H. Francisco's area, needs a teacher badly. It is a six month term beginning Jan. 1.
1881 November La Veta: The La Veta vote on the location of the state capital was Denver, 6; Colorado Springs, 16 and Pueblo, 173.
1881 November La Veta: The recent spell of severe weather and the change of time on the railroad sadly demoralized our mail privileges since our last issue.
1881 November La Veta: The school board found it necessary to divide the school and hired Miss Mary Strange to teach half of the primary department in the building west of the new Methodist Church.
1881 November Walsenburg: Messrs. Walsen and Levy received last week from the bank $1,000 in one and two dollar bills for the benefit of their customers who want their change in small bills.
1881 November Walsenburg: Messrs. Walsen and Levy recently received $1,000 in one and two dollar bills for the benefit of their customers who want their change in small bills.
1881 November Walsenburg: Sam Todd raised the rates at his depot hotel to $2.00 per day for room and board.
1881 Dec. 29, La Veta has two general stores, two drug stores, two hotels, one grocery, one furniture and hardware, one meat market, one bakery, three saloons, one newspaper, four doctors, one shoe shop, one lumber yard, one blacksmith and wagon shop, three carpenters, one flouring mill, one boardinghouse, one millinery store, one barber shop, two real estate agents, one news depot, one transfer business, two churches, two schools and one railroad (including a round house). Huerfano World -
1881 December 22: New officers of the Huerfano Lodge, AF & AM, are Benton Canon, WM, C.D. Hendren, SW, J.K. Kincaid, JW, Charles O. Unfug, Secretary, Samuel Todd, Treasurer, and Isaac Dailey, Tyler. Installation will be St. John's Day, December 27. Huerfano Herald
1881 December La Veta: A young man of this vicinity was arraigned and fined $1 and costs Saturday evening for discharging firearms within city limits.
1881 December La Veta: Charley Martin moved his butcher shop from Front Street to Francisco in the building with Mills' restaurant and bakery.
1881 December La Veta: Our wood haulers, by charging $2 a load, have forced several people to put in coal stoves because coal is cheaper.
1881 December La Veta: Pedro A. Garcia, late Democratic candidate for sheriff, sold his property to Benton Canon and moved to Las Animas county in disgust.
1881 December La Veta: The ball and oyster supper the night after Christmas in the La Veta Hotel was a complete success with dinner served at 11 p.m. Dancing was kept up till 6 a.m.
1881 December La Veta: The first seven words of the sixth verse of the ninth chapter of Isaiah will explain the condition of affairs at our house since the last issue of the Herald.
1881 December La Veta: The Herald office is just ornamented with a bran [sic] new wastebasket. Now bring in your spring poetry.
1881 December La Veta: The net receipts of the Methodist Church ladies' Thanksgiving supper amounted to over $100, which shows there is nothing little about this community.
1881 December La Veta: W.F. Patterson accidentally shot off the end of a finger when a cartridge exploded as he was loading his revolver at the La Veta Hotel.
1881 December La Veta: We have learned that 300 head of cattle have starved to death so far this winter on the Santa Clara.
1881 December La Veta: We were shown the deed made to the Methodist Church by William J. Palmer, president of the Southern Land Company, which was signed in London.
1881 December Walsenburg: Dr. Martin has charge of the post office now and has moved the same into his office opposite the county clerk's office.
1882 January La Veta: C.E. McCombes built a handsome new sidewalk in front of his hardware-furniture store west of the Herald office on Francisco.
1882 January La Veta: Charley Ryus is putting up 50 tons of eight inch thick ice, clear as crystal. He has fixed up an ice house in the west building of the row on the north side of west Francisco Street.
1882 January La Veta: Ford Scott opened a new saloon in the middle building of the row recently repaired on the north side of West Francisco Street.
1882 January La Veta: Ice chunks measuring 20 by 24 inches, eight inches thick and crystal clear, are being cut and shipped from the mill lake.
1882 January La Veta: It is rumored every man now in the employ of the Denver and Rio Grande railroad company who is addicted to the use of liquor is to be discharged.
1882 January La Veta: John Berry, Van Hendricks and Will DeVore took a turn up Indian Creek for several days last week on a scout for deer but returned without obtaining any.
1882 January La Veta: Keep your teeth sound with Fragrant Tooth Powders, obtained from Dr. Erwin's New Drug Store on Francisco Street west of the bridge.
1882 January La Veta: Last week F.L. Martin put up about eighty tons of ice and Charley Ryus fifty. Charley converted the west room of the old row of buildings on the north side of Francisco Street into an ice house.
1882 January La Veta: Read and Mallet, the new blacksmiths, are building a neat shop on the south side of Francisco Street, west of McCombs' furniture store.
1882 January La Veta: Squire Francisco sold his ranch four miles east of La Veta for $1,350.
1882 January La Veta: The Holiday Season will close at this place New Year's night, Jan. lst, with a grand dance and supper at Petrie's Hotel.
1882 January La Veta: The La Veta Bakery moved to Locust (Main) Street, one door south of Moore's saloon.
1882 January La Veta: The present year will probably bring to La Veta and Huerfano County its long looked for prosperity and fully verify the predictions made in the past five years.
1882 January La Veta: Town Council will meet Monday, Feb. 13 to receive a petition to call a special election to reorganize the town under the new law.
1882 January La Veta: William Silver is asking for bids to build a 20 foot tunnel in the Grand Duke Lode on the West Spanish Peak.
1882 January Walsenburg: One hundred and seventy people attended the Grand Ball Dec. 29-39, with an orchestra from Trinidad.
1882 February La Veta: D.D. Ryus shipped 175,788 feet of lumber for the D&RG, totaling $3,000 worth, from the Hendricks' sawmill.
1882 February La Veta: Dr. C.G. Miller and family will Spend the summer at Todd's Hotel while he looks after his mining interests here.
1882 February La Veta: F.L. Martin has contracted with J.C. Goss and Mr. Cotteral for the erection of a new business house, 20 by 50 feet, on his lots west of McComb's furniture store on Francisco Street.
1882 February La Veta: J.M. Elrod has all the material on the ground for his new residence and will raise the frame this week.
1882 February La Veta: The newly organized Presbyterian Church elected E.G. Berry, J.G. Hamilton, R.B. Willis, J.H. Francisco and J.M. Francisco as the board of directors.
1882 February La Veta: The stone foundation is in for Cal Ritchey's new house.
1882 February La Veta: Town board set March 14 for the special election to reorganize the town according to the new state law. New boundaries will also be set in the election.
1882 February La Veta: Town Board will meet in the newspaper office tomorrow night to discuss reorganizing the town under the new state law.
1882 February La Veta: W. E. Smith, an old friend of F. M. Eggleston, arrived Sunday with his family from Tusquitee, N.C., and will make Huerfano County his future home.
1882 February Walsenburg: Mrs. T.F. Martin has been appointed postmistress for Walsenburg - a good appointment.
1882 March La Veta: D.D. Ryus is building a new one-story frame store on the vacant lots between his saloon and hotel. The saloon will occupy the new building and the old one will be "thrown into the store."
1882 March La Veta: F.A. "Berry" Moore has added a shooting gallery to his saloon and billiard room at the corner of Main and Ryus streets.
1882 March La Veta: F.L. Martin has started a dobe yard north of the railroad and will keep dobies on hand hereafter.
1882 March La Veta: F.L. Martin has started a dobe yard north of the railroad and will keep dobies on hand hereafter.
1882 March La Veta: General Palmer of the South Western Land Company offered to donate lots 30-33 in Block 10 to the Presbyterians if they would build a church this year.
1882 March La Veta: J.P. Barnes resigned as railroad foreman for the Ojo section and has moved to his potato ranch above town for the summer.
1882 March La Veta: Judge Hamilton of Placer rented the building east of McCombs' for a meat market for his brother J.G.
1882 March La Veta: Judge Hamilton, who formerly had a store at Placer, is opening a meat market in the building east of McCombs' store on Francisco Street.
1882 March La Veta: Mr. McComb has a few choice lots facing east on Oak Street when that street is continued through his addition east of the Cucharas.
1882 March La Veta: Settlers in Nunda Canyon up the Cucharas include the families of Hills, Kerby, Bonnett, Dodgins and Cummings.
1882 March La Veta: Southwestern Land Company is impeding the progress of La Veta by refusing to sell their 400 lots in town.
1882 March La Veta: The La Veta Cornet Band will give its First Grand Ball next Thursday, April 6, in D.D. Ryus' new building next door to the hotel.
1882 March La Veta: The population of La Veta is now almost 500.
1882 March La Veta: The proposition to reorganize the town under the general law was passed in the election by a majority of 50. 1895: The Union revival meetings brought 40 new members to the Methodist and Baptist churches.
1882 March La Veta: The town is officially reorganizing, including the territory across the railroad.
1882 March La Veta: W.E. Smith of Tusquitee, North Carolina, an old friend of F.M. Eggleston and the Pattersons, arrived to make Huerfano County his home.
1882 March La Veta: W.R. Willis has a one-and-a-half story house in McCombs' new addition and recently purchased the J.C. Harris residence nearby.
1882 April La Veta: C. Bird opened a new brickyard west of the schoolhouse with a kiln for 75,000 bricks. Nine men will be employed.
1882 April La Veta: C.E. McCombs was elected mayor with 42 votes. His opponent, Fred Pischel, got 21 of the 64 votes cast.
1882 April La Veta: J.W. Cotteral has taken the contract to do the wood work on the W.V. Stevens' 26 by 75 foot, two story adobe store building at Cucharas.
1882 April La Veta: John and M.F. Harris sold their ranches two miles west of La Veta to C.T. Ritchey and George Mathews for $1,500.
1882 April La Veta: John and M.F. Harris sold their ranches two miles west of La Veta to C.T. Ritchey and George Mathews for $1,500.
1882 April La Veta: Mr. Smith is moving his sawmill to the Dodgins place on the upper Cucharas and it will be located within 40 rods of Jasper Kerby's mill.
1882 April La Veta: Robert Bemen and John Rowley have caught the spirit of the old folks and have established a little magic lantern show of their own for the amusement of the little ones in the community. Admission ten cents.
1882 April La Veta: Senator Harlan has taken rooms for himself and his wife at the Todd Hotel while he looks after his mining interests in the vicinity.
1882 April La Veta: The new restaurant and boardinghouse opened by Mrs. Petrie in the building opposite the Herald office on the north side of Francisco is in full blast and already crowded.
1882 April La Veta: Town Board set the marshal's salary at $10 per month.
1882 April La Veta: Work is progressing on the toll road to the Mountain Monarch mine on the West Peak.
1882 April La Veta: Work is progressing on the toll road to the Mountain Monarch mine on the West Peak.
1882 April La Veta: Work on the new toll road to the Mountain Monarch mine on the West Peak is progressing in good shape.
1882 April Walsenburg: The Presbyterian Church was organized with trustees Campbell, Creesy, Quillian, Canon and Watchman. A lot for the church has been secured on Main Street north of Mr. Walsen's residence.
1882 May 11: A few hundreds of dollars judiciously expended in building a temporary clerk and treasurer office, and perhaps a place for court, might not find objection in the minds of the taxpayers, but $1,000 or $2,O00 or $3,000 expended for [renting] county offices will bring down the wrath of the people. Huerfano Herald
1882 May La Veta: A.N. Young rented the building east of McCaskill's on Francisco Street and will repair it and open a shoe shop.
1882 May La Veta: An eight inch trout was caught in the irrigation ditch in front of the La Veta Hotel on Ryus.
1882 May La Veta: At the regular meeting of the Town trustees Tuesday night a levy of six mills on real estate was made to obtain funds for improving the town and pay running expenses.
1882 May La Veta: C.E. McCombs is selling out his hardware stock and will in future handle only furniture in his store on Francisco Street.
1882 May La Veta: Colonel Francisco is turning over the large 40 by 60 foot room in the plaza, formerly used as a granary, for use as a town hall.
1882 May La Veta: Fresh from the manufacturing house, mattresses of wool on one side for winter and excelsior husk on the other for summer. At C.E. McComb's furniture store.
1882 May La Veta: J.W. Culler bought M. Mills' saloon and lunch room and will open a restaurant and confectionery with some groceries.
1882 May La Veta: J.W. Rowley of Ojo may come to La Veta to run Ryus's blacksmith shop.
1882 May La Veta: Mrs. McCaskill will open her new store Monday on Francisco Street with millinery, fancy dress goods, ladies readymade underwear, lace goods and other novelties.
1882 May La Veta: The Southwestern Land Company has released block 2 for sale; Henry Daigre already bought three lots.
1882 May La Veta: The street supervisor is notifying residents to appear for work upon the streets for their poll taxes.
1882 May Walsenburg: Charles 0. Unfug bought about 40 lots near the depot and will build residences there.
1882 May Walsenburg: Louis B. Sporleder's new house on Fifth Street will be completed soon.
1882 May Walsenburg: The county commissioners declared the road from Walsenburg to Santa Clara a public highway.
1882 June La Veta: E.G. Berry and Jasper Bruce are making a new lake, 15 to 20 feet deep in places, about one mile south of town, which they aim to stock with fish.
1882 June La Veta: George North died of the injuries he received when his wagon ran over him coming down mill hill.
1882 June La Veta: Grand Show Friday Night at Petrie's Hotel by Professor Rolls, assisted by his nine year old daughter, the celebrated Mexican acrobat or snake charmer, clog and jig dancing, sword swallowing, trapeze demonstrations, slight of hand, den of rattlesnakes, admission 50 cents, children 25 cents.
1882 June La Veta: J.W. Culler last week purchased the interest of his partner Mr. Young in the La Veta Restaurant.
1882 June La Veta: John F. Moore built a neat sidewalk from his store to the Todd hotel by the railroad tracks.
1882 June La Veta: The Town Company has never done anything, and it begins to look very much as though they don't intend to. The price of lots still remains clear out of sight.
1882 June La Veta: Thirty men are employed by the Mountain Monarch silver mine and on the toll road.
1882 June La Veta: Tourists have been complaining to the D&RG about the trains going across La Veta Pass at night when they can't see the scenery.
1882 June Walsenburg: Hamilton Pope, president, announces the annual meeting of the Huerfano County Stock Growers Association will be in Walsenburg July 17.
1882 July La Veta: Dave Ryus bought six lots in Block 10 for a residence - the first lots sold by the Southwest Land Company.
1882 July La Veta: Senator Harlan of Iowa arrived and rode a burro up to the Mountain Monarch and Whale mines on the West Spanish Peak.
1882 July La Veta: The ladies of the M.E. Church will give an out-door ice cream and Strawberry Fest in Squire Francisco's grove just across the river Thursday evening to raise funds to pay off the parsonage.
1882 July La Veta: The residents of the upper Cuchara around Nunda will have a Fourth of July basket picnic in the grove near the steam saw mill.
1882 August La Veta: $56.05 were the net receipt of the Grand Necktie Festival and Ball for the benefit of the La Veta Brass Band Tuesday evening.
1882 August La Veta: About 30 claims are being worked at Pass Creek and a big iron lead between the mines and the railroad is attracting attention with about 60 men in camp.
1882 August La Veta: Deputy Sheriff Bemen sold the Smith saw mill for $1,600 plus costs. Mortgagee H.T. Sefton said the original claim was $2,775.
1882 August La Veta: G.F. Clark, operator and station agent at La Veta Pass, says many miners bound for Pass Creek disembark at his station.
1882 August La Veta: Henry T. Sefton will sell the sawmill of James J. Jones and Joseph K. Smith after they defaulted on their mortgage for $2,469.90. It is located on the Cucharas 12 miles southwest of La Veta.
1882 August La Veta: In consequence of the illness of the Mayor, the absence of the Recorder and the forgetfulness of the members the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board was a total failure Tuesday night.
1882 August La Veta: J. D. Colvin bought two lots opposite the blacksmith shop on Locust (Main) Street from Southwest Land Company. He will build a new residence and post office.
1882 August La Veta: J. Ford Scott took a freight train cast after the Town Board declined his liquor license for another quarter.
1882 August La Veta: J.B. Slone entered partnership with H.T. Sefton and they will operate the old CC&I iron mine at Placer with 10-25 men.
1882 August La Veta: Joe Hendricks is moving his sawmill to the Wahatoya to process trees on the land of Alex McDonald and O.D. Staplin.
1882 August La Veta: R.P. McAuliffe is building another handsome room to the rear of his new building on Front Street, as well as a summer kitchen.
1882 August La Veta: The La Veta string band played in Placer at the farewell dance for the iron miners.
1882 August La Veta: The land grant, 43,000 acres, less the 1,720 acres confirmed to Colonel Francisco and Mr. Daigre is thrown open to settlers by the Department of Interior.
1882 August La Veta: The local string band played at Placer for the farewell dance for the iron miners, who are leaving due to the closure of the mine.
1882 August Walsenburg: A lively little Democrat arrived at the home of Charley Unfug on Friday.
1882 August Walsenburg: About $25,000 worth of new machinery and tools have been added to the coal mine and it is expected 400-500 men will work there this winter. They now have orders for about 200 cars per week.
1882 September La Veta: A town is being laid out at the Pass Creek mines where 30 claims are being worked and a five-stamp mill is to be constructed.
1882 September La Veta: George Mathews and Cal Ritchey are building neat houses on their ranches west of town.
1882 September La Veta: L.W. and W.P. Burtch moved their contracting headquarters into the Plaza in the former Hill lumber room.
1882 September La Veta: Mr. Tanner has added two rooms to the rear of the La Veta Hotel, put up new curtains and trimmings all over the house and purchased a $220 range for the kitchen.
1882 September La Veta: R. Thompson, an old resident of Huerfano County, opened a blacksmith shop in the building west of the meat market on Francisco Street.
1882 September La Veta: The first nails ever made in Colorado were turned out from the Bessemer Steel works in Pueblo on Monday. 1889: William Springer has the boss coal mine and is taking out a choice lot of fuel. He will put in an air shaft and also open up another mine near the present.
1882 September La Veta: The William H. Cotteral family has moved to La Veta from Boone County, Iowa and Mrs. Cotteral opened a dressmaking business in their home north of the depot.
1882 September Walsenburg: At the State Republican Convention last week in Denver, General Walsen received more votes than any other candidate for office, receiving 251 for state treasurer.
1882 September Walsenburg: The new Union Church will be built on the west side on Main Street north of the depot.
1882 October La Veta: Colonel Francisco has had County Surveyor Burtch engaged in running the lines of his 160 acre tract of land adjoining town on the south and will place a good wire fence around the same at once.
1882 October La Veta: D. D. Ryus tore down the old stables behind the La Veta Hotel and will build a frame warehouse 24 by 48 feet.
1882 October La Veta: Dan McCaskill is this week building an addition to his attorney's office on Francisco Street.
1882 October La Veta: George W. Rogers of the South Western Land Company organized the La Veta Ditch Company for an irrigation ditch above town.
1882 October La Veta: George W. Rogers of the Southwestern Land Company has organized the La Veta Ditch Company and they will start a ditch above town for irrigating.
1882 October La Veta: J.W. Culler sold his La Veta restaurant to A.N. Young.
1882 October La Veta: L.D. "Topeka" Fenn sold his ranch to William Clark and returned to Kansas.
1882 October La Veta: The J.C. Dotson family is going back to their old home in Virginia to visit relatives.
1882 October La Veta: The new post office on the east side of Main Street is nearly completed.
1882 October La Veta: W.A. White, the photographer, produced a series of stereoscopic views of the upper Cucharas.
1882 October La Veta: We would take it as an especial favor if those in arrears to the Herald would make an early settlement. We need money badly.
1882 October Walsenburg: DeCamp and Cowing sold about 1,100 head of sheep for $3,000.
1882 October Walsenburg: Harry Gordon is constructing a 24 by 60 stone building for a saloon with a meeting hall on the second floor.
1882 November La Veta: Albert Phillips is building a frame residence on his ranch three miles south of La Veta.
1882 November La Veta: D.D. Ryus is opening a public hall in the second story of the new building behind his La Veta Hotel.
1882 November La Veta: Died, J.D. Colvin, a resident of La Veta for six years and postmaster for the past three.
1882 November Walsenburg: General Walsen is preparing to remove with his family to Denver and he will take possession of the State Treasurer's office in January.
1882 November Walsenburg: The miners at the coal banks give a grand ball tomorrow night for the benefit of Mrs. William Holmes, whose husband was killed by cars at that place a few months ago. Tickets, including supper, per couple, are $1.50.
1882 December La Veta: Cotteral and Company have taken Over Berry's wagon shop on Locust (Main) Street.
1882 December La Veta: Elected as directors of the Spanish Peaks Ditch Company were Jasper Bruce, R.A. Hayes and E. Gribble.
1882 December La Veta: Fresh oysters, turkey, chicken salad, fresh fruits and other delicacies will be served at Petrie's Hotel Christmas Day.
1882 December La Veta: L.W. Burtch is surveying the boundaries of the 1,720 acres of land adjoining town, owned by H. Daigre and Benton Canon, so it can be fenced.
1882 December La Veta: Mrs. J.D. Colvin has taken over her late husband's position as postmaster.
1882 December La Veta: Now we will see if the war of jumping mining claims, on the Spanish Peaks about one o'clock in the morning on January 1st will be renewed.
1882 December La Veta: The little frame building adjoining Mrs. McCaskill's store took fire Thursday night from a defective stove pipe but prompt attention saved it.
1882 December La Veta: The railroad company has a new schedule so trains can go over La Veta Pass in the daylight, with the eating stop at Placer.
1882 December La Veta: The young Men of this place are issuing invitations for a grand ball and banquet Christmas night in Cozad's new hall.
1882 December Walsenburg: A grand ball for the benefit of the Catholic Church is announced for Dec. 25 in Mazzone Hall.
1883 January La Veta: A terrible accident was narrowly averted when a trainload of railroad officials broke in two and the rear portion sped backwards toward the regular passenger train behind.
1883 January La Veta: C.E. McCombs is very ill with tuberculosis in Canon City while his wife is here running their store.
1883 January La Veta: Colorado's mines last year produced $88 each for the 300,000 men, women and children who live in the state. 1894: Representative R.R. Ross has asked the state to build a wagon road over La Veta Pass.
1883 January La Veta: Jim Conway sold his iron mine on Williams Creek for $1,000 cash. Prospectors are sinking holes all over that section in search for more iron strikes.
1883 January La Veta: There are about 30 taxpayers who pay the county over $100 in taxes each year.
1883 Feb. 1: A mail route up the Cucharas to Stonewall, a distance of 35 miles, is needed to serve the 500 people living along the route. Two post offices have been established on the road, one at Nunda Canon 12 miles south of La Veta and the other across the pass at Adkinsville on Wild Cat Greek, about ten miles north of Stonewall. -Huerfano Herald
1883 February La Veta: Joseph Low took on too much bug juice Friday evening and remained overnight in the 'boose. His assessment was $5.
1883 February La Veta: Last Friday was the coldest day ever known in the county. At six in the morning the thermometer stood at 30 degrees below zero and at no time during the day was it above 10 below.
1883 February La Veta: R.L. Hammitt moved his family up from Santa Clara to the new house he built above the butte.
1883 February La Veta: The Huerfano Herald office has become a popular reading room for the public.
1883 February La Veta: The ladies of the M.E. Church will give a Martha Washington Tea Party in the vacant building on Locust Street formerly occupied by the La Veta Bakery to raise funds to finish paying for the bell and to start raising money for a new organ.
1883 February La Veta: The town trustees want to buy the land east of town now used as a burying ground.
Rocky Mountain News 3-18-1883 - The Social World - Pueblo - Hon. Charles Unfug, county clerk of Huerfano county, was in Pueblo last week.
1883 March La Veta: C.L. Camp has a new saddle and harness shop in the late C.E. McComb's furniture store building on Francisco Street.
1883 March La Veta: C.L. Camp has a new saddle and harness shop in the late C.E. McComb's furniture store building on Francisco Street.
1883 March La Veta: C.L. Martin has removed the La Veta Meat Market to his new building on the south side of Francisco Street. 1895: Cal Ritchey returned home with an artificial foot and will soon return to his work at the throttle.
1883 March La Veta: Clark and Company have relocated the Jackson and Merrimac lodes in the Spanish Peaks, formerly owned by Bruce and Depp.
1883 March La Veta: D.D. Ryus and Fred Pischel attended the county commissioners' meeting to secure an order to grade the bluff across the Cucharas on Locust [Main] Street, which will open a new outlet to the north and east of town.
1883 March La Veta: D.D. Ryus and John F. Moore have turned over the saddle and harness business to C.L. Camp, who now has exclusive control of that business. He will expand the size of his shop.
1883 March La Veta: Sam Todd of the Depot Hotel and H.A. Tanner of the La Veta Hotel signed contracts with the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad to feed four of their excursion parties of 150 passengers each.
1883 March La Veta: The $60 needed to purchase the land where the cemetery is located was subscribed by J.L. Patterson, A.J. Dodgions, J.C. Dotson, William Kimsey, Homer Barnard, S.L. Strange and F.L. Martin.
1883 March La Veta: The Martha Washington Tea Party netted the Methodist ladies the handsome sum of $58.55 towards the purchase of a bell for their church.
1883 March La Veta: The town election now looms up and attracts public attention. A Mayor, Recorder and four Trustees are to be elected the first Tuesday in April. Of course politics will not enter into the fight.
1883 March Walsenburg: A grand festival in Mazzone Hall will be held Easter Monday, March 26, for the benefit of the Catholic Church. Tickets $1.50.
1883 March Walsenburg: J.H. Young has rented the Charles Deus Pass Creek ranch at Malachite and will open a blacksmith shop and will also repair firearms. He has been employed at the Huerfano Mining and Milling Company and builds the Edward's Turbine Water Wheel.
1883 March Walsenburg: We are indebted to Mr. Walsen for many things, among them a $3,500 court house which only cost the county $2,000. Also thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Walsen for a very nice stone church.
1883 Apr. 5: Following the town election, a bonfire was built between the hotel and depot, the brass band played and the engines at the round house mingled their unearthly screeches with the boom of anvils, yells of citizens and the melody of the band, and altogether made the worst din since the dawn of creation. The racket was kept up until a late hour. Huerfano Herald
1883 April La Veta: F.R. Hill and L.A. Drum have dissolved their partnership in the furniture and lumber business and Mr. Drum will take it over.
1883 April La Veta: John Herbin recently sunk a ten foot hole on his manganese mine and is encouraged with the results.
1883 April La Veta: Misses Davis and Slayman are entitled to the thanks of the community for the school entertainment, which netted $11.50 for the purchase of maps and charts.
1883 April La Veta: The county commissioners have determined to grade up the bluff north of town on Locust [Main] Street for a new outlet to the north and east.
1883 April La Veta: The excursion train Thursday night was composed of six palace and two baggage cars.
1883 April La Veta: The new Methodist bell was swung into position Saturday, and is a clipper.
1883 April La Veta: The newest little colony from Georgia and North Carolina is composed of Mr. Self and family, Mr. Kerlee and family, the widow Kimsey and family and H.K. Martin and family.
1883 April Walsenburg: B.A. Arnold has opened Sporleder's hotel and reduced the prices.
1883 May La Veta: Jim Pavey and Frank Workman are elated over several leads they discovered in the mountains at the head of Indian Creek.
1883 May La Veta: Miss Davis is in receipt of a handsome globe and map for the public school purchased with the funds derived from the school entertainment.
1883 May La Veta: Our readers will be surprised to learn Mrs. Evans, a female doctor at Placer, was placed under arrest last week charged with the crime of grand larcency.
1883 May La Veta: The just now popular word "dude," meaning an empty-headed, languid mannered young swell who bangs her hair, proves to be no foreign importation but of good New England parentage.
1883 May La Veta: We understand chances are good that Nunda Canon will get a post office and a mail route connecting La Veta with Stonewall.
1883 May La Veta: Will Krier's and Charlie Mendenhall's new buildings are rapidly nearing completion and add greatly to the appearance of Locust [Main] Street.
1883 June La Veta: A few days ago bullets from the guns of thoughtless hunters at the mill lake went singing around the house of Mr. Edmisten but fortunately none of the family was hit.
1883 June La Veta: A good gold strike was made at the head of Trinchera Creek on Trinchera Peak above timber line by Messrs. G.W. Yokum, Frank Workman, J.M. Pavey and William Goodman.
1883 June La Veta: Adams and Wells Fargo lost the express business to the Denver and Rio Grande. This lets D.N. Roberts out of the express business and he will now go prospecting.
1883 June La Veta: J.M. Hendricks offers for sale his steam saw mill, with all fixtures including eight yoke of oxen, four log wagons, cross cut saws, picks, shovels, chains, axes and tools of all description. It has a capacity of 100,000 feet per week.
1883 June La Veta: Mrs. S. Boyd has opened a new restaurant on Francisco Street, one door west of Mrs. McCaskill. Meals 25 cents; fresh bread for sale.
1883 June La Veta: The Sulphur Springs has been a favorite resort lately for picnic parties - about 50 big and little folks visited Sunday.
1883 July La Veta: A group of La Vetans traveled the 20 miles to the copper mines on Pass Creek last week and found about 250 prospectors in the vicinity.
1883 July La Veta: Birmingham is the name of a new post office established in this county, and James Garrahan is the postmaster. Where located deponent knoweth not.
1883 July La Veta: Dave Ryus is building in the rear of the barber shop at the La Veta Hotel a bath room, to be fitted up with bath tubs, hot and cold water, etc. It is a luxury this town will revel in.
1883 July La Veta: M.T. Hills says the county commissioners agreed to a road to Nunda Canon [Cuchara] if the petitioners could build it at a cost of $3,000. The viewers found the best route went through James Dodgion's cellar.
1883 July La Veta: On Monday Mr. Bird opened in this place the first brick kiln ever burned in the county and they are pronounced by everyone to be of as fine quality as can be found anywhere in the Western country. The beautiful red bricks cost $8 per 1000.
1883 July La Veta: The first circus to ever visit Huerfano County set up north-west of the roundhouse, covering Locust [Main] Street and reaching near the railroad with side shows, drew about 1500 people.
1883 July Walsenburg: A Basket Picnic will be given in the grove near town July 4 by the Walsenburg Brass Band with dancing and other amusements. A Ball will be held at Mazzone's Hall that evening to benefit the band, tickets $1.
1883 July Walsenburg: A pleasant Fourth of July was enjoyed in the grove between town and the coal mines where, after music by the brass band, Hon. R.A. Quillian delivered an eloquent oration.
1883 July Walsenburg: Messrs. T.L. Creesy and Frank Chown have about completed a large feed and livery stable on West Seventh Street which accommodates 20 horses.
1883 August La Veta: F.R. Hill has opened a confectionery, fruit and cigar stand, stationery and news depot one door west of the La Veta Hotel.
1883 August La Veta: J.W. Harrison's ox train ran away last week, overturning the wagon and burying his son Emmett under a load of coal. The lad received severe injuries.
1883 August La Veta: Mr. Henry Daigre last week disposed of $5,000 worth of sheep.
1883 August La Veta: The post office department has ordered service on the new mail route to Stonewall to commence Sept. 1 and bids are in from 0. Bemen, A.L. Francisco, W.R. Willis and John S. Barnes, all of La Veta.
1883 August La Veta: The valuation of property, real and personal, within the corporate limits of the town of La Veta is $58,872.
1883 August La Veta: Try Papoose cigars, the best nickel cigar in the world, at F.R. Hill's.
1883 August Walsenburg: F.E. Cowing has returned to his old home in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is said he will not return to Walsenburg alone.
1883 September La Veta: A.F. Welch and W.A. Springer are building a neat residence 20 by 22 feet, story and a half, on the south side of Front [Ryus] Street across the Cucharas. When completed they will build a blacksmith and wood wagon shop on the same lot, with both buildings to be up within 30 days.
1883 September La Veta: Don't eat Q cumbers; they'll W up.
1883 September La Veta: Mr. Sallee sent us three beets that weigh five pounds, and three turnips weighing eight pounds, just to show us what his soil at high altitude will produce this early in the reason.
1883 September La Veta: O.D. Staplin will give exhibitions of the Monarch Lightning Potato Digger at Moore's store. It is guaranteed to dig clean as fast as 12 men can pick up the potatoes.
1883 September La Veta: Our new barber shop and bath room is this week completed and turned over to Mr. Ryus, who has leased the establishment to Mr. Ewald.
1883 September La Veta: R.P. McAuliffe has 25 men engaged in digging potatoes on his ranch this week.
1883 September La Veta: Robert Pooler of Stonewall won the contract to carry the mail from here to there for his bid of $475 for 10 months service of two trips per week.
1883 September Walsenburg: The coal mines under Superintendent Charles Lamb are progressing and a new slope is being driven which is expected to produce 100 tons daily by October.
1883 October La Veta: F.R. Hill has been appointed to sell H.T. Sefton's lumber at this point.
1883 October La Veta: Placer boomed just three years ago but now only one store and one saloon, belonging to Mr. Sefton, are left and a little restaurant near the depot has the only hotel accommodations. There are many vacant houses and only the railroad keeps the community alive.
1883 October La Veta: Rev. Freeman and his bride arrived Saturday morning and a cordial reception was held that evening at Todd's Hotel.
1883 October La Veta: Tax paying time approaches slowly but surely like grim death.
1883 October La Veta: The Board of Registry of the La Veta precinct registered 314 legal voters on Tuesday and Wednesday, nearly one-third of all voters in the county.
1883 October Walsenburg: The CC & I Company is expecting to double their coal trade this winter and are putting in two new side tracks at the depot and several long switches at the mine.
1883 November La Veta: Harrison and Hudspeth have added another ox train to haul coal from their mine.
1883 November La Veta: Mr. E.A. Johnson of Denver has purchased Mr. Spielmann's interest in the La Veta Flour Mill Company and the business will be known as Pischel and Johnson.
1883 November La Veta: The coal business is booming. Harrison and Hudspeth have found it necessary to add another ox train to supply their increasing orders.
1883 November La Veta: We would like to contract for a half dozen teams to haul the Huerfano Herald to its new home in Walsenburg. Inquire J.B. Ying.
1883 December La Veta: School District No. 21 is completing a 14 by 18 foot schoolhouse for the children of B.F. Zimmerman, J.G. Krueger, W.R. Willis, Jasper Smith and others.
Rocky Mountain News 2-25-1884 – Pueblo Paragraphs – Hon. Robert B. Willis, of Huerfano county, a Colorado pioneer and one of the Democratic war-horses that neither time or party reverses can shake, is visiting old friends at the Pueblos.
1884 April La Veta: N. Hughes was elected mayor, J.M. Hendricks clerk and recorder and J.C. Goss, C.T. Ritchey, F.M. Fain and Lawrence W. Burtch trustees.
Rocky Mountain News 3-9-1884 - Walsenburg - Miss Tillie Sauvage, an accomplished young lady of Pomeroy, Ohio, is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Huber, of this place.
Rocky Mountain News 5-18-1884 - Pueblo Paragraphs - Hon. Robert B. Willis, of Huerfano county, is in the city to meet his sister, Mrs. George W. Mackey, from northern New York, who arrived here to-day, via the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe.
Rocky Mountain News 5-18-1884 - Pueblo Paragraphs - Judge D. J. Hayden, of Huerfano county, a Colorado pioneer, is in the city.
Rocky Mountain News 12-7-1884 – The Social World – Walsenburg – Mr. Benton Canon returned home from St. Louis last Tuesday.
Rocky Mountain News 12-7-1884 – The Social World – Walsenburg – A. J. Duhme, Esq., of Scissors, will move his family to town in a few days to spend the winter.
Rocky Mountain News 12-7-1884 – The Social World – La Veta – Miss Nettie Boyd has returned to town after a short visit to Kansas City.
Rocky Mountain News 12-7-1884 – The Social World – La Veta – George Hawley has gone to New York to make a short visit.
Rocky Mountain News 12-7-1884 – The Social World – La Veta – Mrs. J. C. Dotson gave a dinner party to a few of her friends on Thursday last.
Rocky Mountain News 1-11-1885 - Walsenburg - Mr. W. A. Kearns, of La Veta, removed with his family to this place last Wednesday.
1885 January Walsenburg: Old settlers met Jan. 1 and included Judge Hayden, John H. Brown, Capt. Hendren, John Albert, C.O. Unfug, George Elmire, Henry Lewis and Benton Canon.
1885 January: Old settlers met Jan. 1 and included Judge Hayden, John H. Brown, Capt. Hendren, John Albert, C.O. Unfug, George Elmire, Henry Lewis and Benton Canon.
Rocky Mountain News 2-1-1885 - Walsenburg - Mr. Cal McKissack, one of the most enterprising and promising young stockmen, started last Friday en route to Tennessee, where he goes to visit friends and relatives.
Rocky Mountain News 2-1-1885 - Walsenburg - Mr. J. S. Stackhouse, of La Veta, spent several days in town last week. He contemplates a visit to Kansas in a short time.
1885 February Walsenburg: County Clerk Read went to Denver to enroll his little sons Henry and Antonio in school.
1885 February Walsenburg: County School Superintendent R.A. Quillian is conducting the regular quarterly teacher's examination.
1885 February Walsenburg: D.W. Child, Esq., an enterprising stockman, was but one of many Greenhorn residents to visit in town this week.
1885 February Walsenburg: Davy, the little son of Charles Mazzone, has been suffering from pneumonia.
1885 February Walsenburg: The loss of native cattle in Huerfano County this winter should not exceed three percent.
1885 March Walsenburg: Tom Hall opened a carpenter shop in the room next to John H. Brown's store, formerly' a restaurant.
1885 April La Veta: The Committee on Public Improvement was ordered by the town to buy $40 worth of trees to dispose of as the citizens see fit and will ask the Southwestern Land Company and the D&RG for aid to put trees on their lands.
1885 April La Veta: Town Board gave the tree committee another $20 to purchase more trees for distribution.
1885 April La Veta: Town Board met twice this week to revise and amend ordinances.
1885 May La Veta: The Public Improvement committee bought 261 box elder and mountain maple trees for 20¢ each, totalling 346 trees for $73.45. Most of the trees have already been planted in front of citizens' properties.
1885 May Walsenburg: Mrs. Standley has leased the Sporleder Hotel and renovated it.
1885 June La Veta: A public meeting will be held in Cozad Hall to plan the Fourth of July celebration.
1885 June La Veta: Town Board adopted an ordinance to levy three mills on all taxable property in La Veta.
1885 August Walsenburg: Harry Gordon is making improvements on his livery stable.
1885 August Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. James B. Dick are parents of a new son.
1886 April La Veta: Henry Daigre was elected mayor, F.A. Moore treasurer and J.M. Elrod clerk and recorder.
1886 April La Veta: John S. Barnes was elected marshal and street superintendent by the Town Trustees.
1886 April Walsenburg: Henry Weimer, the lazy deadbeat, was chased from the mine by strikers.
1886 May La Veta: The marshal is still letting animals run loose after he was told to enforce the ordinance.
1887 June La Veta: The school board asked the town to condemn Blocks 17-18 on Locust [Main] Street so they can erect a school.
1887 August La Veta: G.J. Cotterall's bid of $342 was accepted for the construction of a 16 foot wide, 40 foot long bridge on Francisco Street.
1887 August La Veta: Mr. Thomson was paid $9.00 for "Hearding the Town Heard."
1887 November La Veta: The new bridge over the Cucharas on Francisco Street is completed and cost the town nearly $350.
1888 January La Veta: E.E. Shafer is installing wagon scales opposite his office on Francisco Street.
1888 April La Veta: The newly elected town clerk, Oliver Bemen, noted of the regular meeting that the "hole board" was present.
Rocky Mountain News 5-14-1888 - Horse Thieves Arrested - Pueblo, Colo., May 13 - James Wise and Albert Early were arrested near Sheridan Lake, on the line of the Missouri Pacific railroad, on Saturday, charged with stealing twenty-seven head of horses from Vallejo Martez of Huerfano county. Ed Maxwell, a state cattle inspector, suspected them, came to Pueblo with the brands, found out the firm from whom the horses had been stolen, and returned to Sheridan Lake and nabbed them. They are in the county jail and will be taken to Huerfano county to-morrow.
1888 May La Veta: E.E. Shafer, who was just elected as town trustee for two years, resigned and John Otson was appointed to fill out his term.
Rocky Mountain News 10-7-1888 - La Veta - Mrs. E. Higgins went to Canon City Sunday.
Rocky Mountain News 10-7-1888 - La Veta - Mrs. Barnes and daughter have returned from Alamosa.
Rocky Mountain News 10-7-1888 - La Veta - Mrs. J. A. Erwin, who has been quite sick, is convalescent.
Rocky Mountain News 10-7-1888 - La Veta - Mrs. J. F. Moore left last week for an extended visit with relatives in Kansas.
Rocky Mountain News 10-7-1888 - La Veta - Dr. Morse will move into the house formerly occupied by Mr. Richardson.
Rocky Mountain News 10-7-1888 - La Veta - Mrs. Charles Apt left Monday night for Hunters, Oregon, to visit her parents.
Rocky Mountain News 11-4-1888 - La Veta - Dr. Moore is building a new house.
Rocky Mountain News 11-4-1888 - Walsenburg - S. C. Davis has returned to Walsenburg and will spend the winter here. He will build another house.
1889 January La Veta: C.T. Richie was appointed to Town Board after Dan Naught moved out of town.
1889 January Walsenburg: It is time to swear off.
1889 March 23: Easter services at the Presbyterian church. Sermon by the Rev. H.F. Sewell.
1889 March 23: Walsenburg World Dr. W.F. Schricher, dentist, late of Warrensburg, Missouri arrived in the city yesterday with the intention of permanently locating.
1889 March 23: Walsenburg World Ed Crowl has taken a position in the county clerk's office under Judge Valdez.
1889 March 23: Walsenburg World Farr Bros. & Harriman have dissolved by mutual consent. Farr Bros., Charles Harriman.
1889 March 23: Walsenburg World In a row at Sulphur Springs mines Wednesday, Bill Howell seriously wounded John Pryde, striking him over the head and face with a gun, for which deputy sheriff Farr went out and brought him in and lodged him in jail.
1889 March 23: Walsenburg World Mr. and Mrs. Fred Unfug returned Wednesday from Central City where they had been on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Rev. Jas. McFarland, who leaves shortly for Canada.
1889 March 23: Walsenburg World Mr. John Guy of Newark, Ohio is visiting his son-in-law Ed Crowl.
1889 March Walsenburg: Joseph Bourcey came here in '69 and bought the present town site as a ranch from Mr. Jones. He gave two blocks for the county seat when it was moved from Badito as well as lots for the school house.
1889 March Walsenburg: Pictou mine at Sulphur Springs, owned by Southern Colorado Fuel Company of Denver, is producing 15-20 tons of coal per day.
1889 March Walsenburg: The Methodist Church congregation are [sic] preparing to build a $3,000 edifice in Tourist addition right away. It will be a credit to the city and county.
1889 March Walsenburg: The Walsenburg World came out Thursday night, March 1. It is handsome, boomy and creditable to the publishers Mr. Magill. - The Cactus.
1889 March Walsenburg: Workmen are busy preparing to finish moving the Tourist City Hotel into town.
1889 April La Veta: Town Board ordered that the trees be boxed with wire for their protection.
1889 April Walsenburg: Dr. T.F. Martin sold the 60 foot corner lot on Main and Fifth, opposite the Walsen and Wheeler Bank, to a New Mexico company for $6,000.
1889 April Walsenburg: Henry Snedden is putting up a good brick business building on Main Street.
1889 April Walsenburg: Mrs. Thomas Mooney will open a first class boardinghouse in the old Standley house next door to the post office the first of next week.
1889 April Walsenburg: Peter Krier, the shoemaker, is building a new business house, 16 by 45 feet in size, on West Sixth Street.
1889 April Walsenburg: The new Colorado Coal and Iron officials visited the mines in their special train and say they will increase output.
1889 April: Walsenburg World J.P. Kearns and Miss Sadie Dillion were married Monday evening at the M.E. Parsonage by the Rev. J.E. Squires.
1889 April: Walsenburg World Mrs. Mary Rhodes died at Rouse on Sunday, April 14, and was buried at the cemetery in Walsenburg on Monday, conducted by Rev. Squires of the M.E. Church. Leaves husband and five little children.
1889 April: Walsenburg World Mrs. W.F. Cook of El Moro, has come to assist her mother Mrs. Royce in running the Home Restaurant.
1889 April: Walsenburg World Town Council met Wednesday evening and made appointments viz: Town attorney…R.R. Ross; Police Magistrate…C.D. Hendren; Marshall…William Smith; Street Commissioner…I. Dailey.
1889 May 10: Walsenburg World Arthur Stockwell and sister, Miss Linnie, arrived from Paola, Kansas and are visiting their sisters, Mrs. H.F. Sewell and Mrs. R.R. Ross.
1889 May 10: Walsenburg World Twenty-six of our citizens were called to Pueblo Wednesday to attend the trial of A. Martinez for the murder of C.H. Stevenson, which was set for the second.
1889 May 10: Walsenburg World John Guy, the merchant tailor, is getting moved into his elegant new quarters. He says he is crowded with orders.
1889 May 31: A World representative was taken on a tour of the famous Rock Island mines two miles northwest of this city Tuesday. The mine is now called Pictou and the superintendent is Thomas Lawther. The mine is producing an average of 500 tons per day or 25 carloads. There are 200 employees who receive 70 cents per ton for clean lump coal, So they can easily earn $3 a day. The mine was opened about July or August 1888. A. Levy recently opened a big store there and the community is trying to get a post office and school house. The Sulphur Springs mineral baths there are now controlled by Dr. T.F. Martin. Walsenburg World
1889 May Walsenburg: Charles O., Fred and Adolph Unfug visited the coal mines on the Apishapa where the Rock Island railroad owns 7,000 acres of land around Schultze's store.
1889 May Walsenburg: Col. Fred Walsen came down from Denver and let the contract to W.A. Kearns for a fine new brick business block of four rooms adjoining the bank on the south.
1889 May Walsenburg: Dr. Martin's new Twin Lakes Hotel is being readied for occupancy.
1889 May Walsenburg: General Fred Walsen contracted to build a store building just south of his bank.
1889 May Walsenburg: Henry Klein of the St. George Hotel has rented all 11 of the sleeping rooms in Walsen's bank building for overflow hotel rooms.
1889 May Walsenburg: How cruel winter lingers in the lap of spring is astonishing.
1889 May Walsenburg: Monday was what we would term a Kansas day. A great deal of real estate changed hands while the wind had a big frolic.
1889 May Walsenburg: Mr. Blickhahn, our new harness maker of East Sixth Street, sold his first set of harness to the Oklahoma crowd.
1889 May Walsenburg: The contract for the new electric light plant on Fourth Street near the county jail was let by C.O. Unfug to William A. Kearns. It is to be 30 by 40 feet and covered with corrugated iron.
1889 May Walsenburg: Two more railroad carloads of machinery for the new electric light plant arrived, including the dynamo.
1889 May Walsenburg: Two new businessmen arrived recently in town - M. Bernstein and H. Blickhahn.
1889 May Walsenburg: We are informed the Walsen and Robinson mines will resume work next Monday. This is good news as they have been idle for some time.
1889 June La Veta: The Trinidad excursion to Veta Pass went through Sunday carrying about 300 people.
1889 June Walsenburg: Buy a package of shooting crackers on the Fourth and help celebrate.
1889 June Walsenburg: C.O., Fred and Adolph Unfug visited the coal mines on the Apishapa where the Rock Island railroad owns 7,000 acres of land around Schultzes' store [Aguilar].
1889 June Walsenburg: Despite our Devil's running into a clothesline which blacked his eye, he will be all right in a few days and ready to take his former position as fighting editor.
1889 June Walsenburg: Everything is moving along nicely at the electric light plant and they expect to turn darkness into light by July 1st.
1889 June Walsenburg: Mr. Jellison is so pleased with the success of his grocery store here he has sent for his family and will settle permanently.
1889 June Walsenburg: The machinery for the electric light works are now all here with the exception of the light poles.
1889 June Walsenburg: We are having a building boom, a mining boom and a Fourth of July boom. Hurrah for Walsenburg.
1889 July La Veta: A stone business block being erected on Main Street by Lake and Dotson will be completed before the first of August. This will be quite an acquisition for La Veta.
1889 July La Veta: Mr. Francisco, proprietor of the Sulphur Springs in Indian Creek canon, has built a nice residence and bathrooms for those wanting to take the waters.
1889 July La Veta: The La Veta Times is improving under the management of Editor Herbin.
1889 July Walsenburg: D. Brown and several others secured a lease on the top of Capitol Hill and are busy fixing up a race track and will put up a grandstand.
1889 July Walsenburg: If our people would give it it's proper patronage, an important sanitarium could be opened at Sulphur Springs less than three miles from Walsenburg, where hot and cold baths are available.
1889 July Walsenburg: Proprietors of the Twin Lakes Hotel have arranged to put down a platform on the D&RG crossing on Main Street so passengers can disembark and see the city.
1889 July Walsenburg: The electric light company was putting up their poles and wires this week and the machinery is all in place and they expect to turn darkness into light about the Fourth.
1889 July: Look out for the grand display of fire works from the summit of one of the Spanish Peaks Thursday night the fourth.
1889 August La Veta: Conductor Bob McGraw of the Rio Grande left Wednesday for Chicago where he will take unto himself a partner for life.
1889 August Walsenburg: Tuesday was pay day at the Rouse and Sulpher [sic] Springs mines and business was good with our business folks in town.
1889 August Walsenburg: A.A. Jellison, mayor of Wilson, Kansas, is visiting his brother, the grocer W.W. Jellison.
1889 August Walsenburg: Cowing and Canon on Monday opened up their new grocery and feed store on Fifth Street.
1889 August Walsenburg: J.R. Canon and F.E. Cowing are building a feed store on Fifth Street, 25 by 60 feet, in the Captain Hendren block.
1889 August Walsenburg: Mr. Kinney, superintendent of the Rouse or Burlington mines six miles south of Walsenburg, says the first tents were pitched there in March 1888 and the company has spent $300,000 putting in "their mammoth plant."
1889 August Walsenburg: The county commissioners have decided to lay out a county road from Butte Canon, below Badito, to the Mosca Pass, through Gardner up the Huerfano to the mouth of May Creek, and three miles up May Creek to the summit on a gradual grade.
1889 August: A petition was presented to town council requiring those opening saloons to have the signatures of the majority of property owners on the same block to present with their applications.
1889 August: Most of the stores in Walsenburg are now lighted by electricity and show a decided improvement.
1889 August: Unfug Brothers have put a new roof on their store building at the Colorado Coal and Iron mine here.
Sept. 13, 1889 Walsenburg World - One of our leading society couples, while observing Venus and other blissful
heavenly bodies on Capitol Hill, had the misfortune of tumbling into one of
the water works ditches.
Sept. 27, 1889 Walsenburg World - A total of 76 delegates will attend the Republican Central Committee meeting.
Based on one delegate per every 10 votes cast in the 1888 election, Gardner
will have 3 delegates; Badito, 7; St. Mary, 2; Butte Valley, 1; La Veta, 10;
Walsenburg, 22; Santa Clara, 2; Cucharas, 5; Apache, 1; North Veta, 5; Turkey
Creek, 3; Crestones, 7; Birmingham, 2, Bradford, 1 and Rouse, 5.
1889 September La Veta: C.F. Marbut sold out his last water melons of the season and will return to the Spanish Peaks to develop his mining interests.
1889 September La Veta: Dr. Mathews, W.A. and George Kearns of Walsenburg climbed the west one of the Spanish Peaks Sunday, inscribed their names on the monument on top and visited the prosperous looking Bullseye Mine.
1889 September La Veta: Dr. Thomas Grantham visited the mines on the Spanish Peaks and reported everything flourishing at the Bulls Eye mine, which sold recently for $50,000.
1889 September La Veta: The Bulls Eye mine sold for $30,000.
1889 September Walsenburg: A large cave-in occurred near the Unfug Brothers store at the CCC&I mines when the land collapsed into the old workings.
1889 September Walsenburg: Burns Mercantile will occupy the room in the Walsen block next door to M.L. Swift's hardware and grocery store.
1889 September Walsenburg: Fatty Farr is the best looking man in the city council.
1889 September Walsenburg: Gordon and Nelson are building a new saloon building at Sulphur Springs. W.A. Kearns has the contract.
1889 September Walsenburg: Gordon and Nelson are building a saloon over by the coal mines at Sulphur Springs.
1889 September Walsenburg: Ground was broken Tuesday for the new 20 by 60 foot, two-story Jellison building on North Main, which will house the Jellison & Co. grocery downstairs and the Cactus printing office above.
1889 September Walsenburg: Huerfano County's eight operating mines have an annual output of 950,000 tons and employ 2,000 men.
1889 September Walsenburg: J.H. Meinhardt came in from Denver yesterday to supervise the opening of his elegant new exclusive dry goods store in the Walsen block.
1889 September Walsenburg: Last week the CC&I Company shipped two large lumps of coal from the Walsen and Cameron mines, weighing 300 pounds each, to the Great Chicago Exposition to advertise the Walsenburg coal fields.
1889 September Walsenburg: Rev. John T. Moore will hold Christian Church services this Sunday at the court house.
1889 September Walsenburg: Reverend Jellison will preach Sunday at the CC&I mines.
1889 September Walsenburg: S.H. Andrews is assisting County Surveyor Burtch to locate a good, road from Butte Valley to Moscow [sic] Pass, also one from near the head of Oak Creek to the summit between Badito and Walsenburg.
1889 September Walsenburg: The Bums Mercantile Company has moved their stock of goods from their old stand to the third room in the new Walsen block.
1889 September Walsenburg: The grading outfit of Levy and Moore returned from Glenwood Springs to start work on the branch road to Rouse from the D&RG junction.
1889 September Walsenburg: The valuation for Huerfano County for 1889 is $1,862,088.40. Huerfano is one of the leading counties in the state in point of wealth.
1889 September Walsenburg: The Walsenburg World, under editor and proprietor G.M. Magill, is now six-months-old. Published every Friday, the subscription costs $2 per year.
1889 September Walsenburg: W. A Kearns has the contract for building two good cottages for P. W. Sweeney and Fred Olsen in the Tourist addition.
1889 September Walsenburg: Walsen Mine Superintendent Muir is the now postmaster of Walsenburg.
1889 September Walsenburg: Walsenburg cornet band serenaded along Main Street Wednesday night.
1889 October La Veta: Henry Daigre was paid $75 for his services as county judge.
1889 October Walsenburg: A sample of coal weighing 450 pounds was sent by the Robinson mine to the State Fair for exhibition.
1889 October Walsenburg: August Sporleder, 71 and a resident here for 16 years, died. He and his wife operated the first hotel in Walsenburg.
1889 October Walsenburg: Charles Mazzone has opened a first class oyster parlor under the Opera House, side entrance. There are separate accommodations for ladies and the room is completely separate from the bar.
1889 October Walsenburg: For fire insurance and farm loans come to the World office.
1889 October Walsenburg: Ladies, call on Mrs. Shroades and Miss Suter, fashionable dress makers, next door to Huerfano County bank, before placing orders.
1889 October Walsenburg: Robert Quillian was appointed county attorney at $50 per quarter.
1889 October Walsenburg: The Cactus opened a vicious mud slinging fight on several of the World's candidates for the coming election.
1889 October Walsenburg: The city attorney was instructed to draw up an ordinance in regard to opium dens.
1889 October Walsenburg: The handsome new edifice of the ME Church South in Walsenburg will be dedicated Sunday, Oct. 27 by the Rev. Dr. Bolling of Denver.
1889 October Walsenburg: Twin Lakes Hotel installed a bath room with hot and cold water.
1889 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg Building and Loan has sold 380 of its 500 shares in its first year of operation.
1889 November La Veta: It is expected that some big camps will be built in the Spanish Peaks region since the big strikes were made.
1889 November Walsenburg: City Restaurant, Mrs. Delia Anderson. Board and lodging by the week, $5; single meals 25¢; lodging 25¢. Corner below Levy's store.
1889 November Walsenburg: Colorado Coal and Iron will build 50 new homes at its camp at Walsen Mines.
1889 November Walsenburg: H.L. Cordar's post office store is going out of business.
1889 November Walsenburg: Hon. J.D. Montes, R.R. Ross and P.W. Sweeney went to Cucharas electioneering and were greeted by about 75 in the assembly.
1889 November Walsenburg: John Matthews, about 40, was run over by a switch engine and killed near Cuchara Junction.
1889 November Walsenburg: The city council did a great deal of fine work grading lower Main Street. Now let Third Street be filled up. 1893: The Democratic candidates in the recent election have brought suit against the winners because of illegal voters in the Rouse precinct and having liquor on the voting premises.
1889 November Walsenburg: The contract to build the new two-story, brick 25 by 60 foot Pythian Temple was let to W.A. Kearns for $3,735. The building boom continues.
1889 November Walsenburg: The general snow storms and cold weather are causing the coal orders to pour into the Walsenburg coal mines.
1889 November Walsenburg: The grading of Main Street south of the bridge across the river will be paid for by the county as that is the county road.
1889 November Walsenburg: The sheriff attached the Sulphur Springs mine for the First National Bank of Denver, which wants $25,000 for it.
1889 November Walsenburg: The street lights are very attractive. Only give us more of them and hurry getting them up.
1889 November Walsenburg: There is a great demand in Walsenburg for more houses to rent. Capital should not want for a better investment.
1889 November Walsenburg: There is some question as to whether Judge Daigre is a U.S. citizen and eligible to hold county office.
1889 November Walsenburg: There will be a union Thanksgiving at the ME Church in Walsenburg next Thursday.
1889 November Walsenburg: Jellison and Company hope to get moved into their new store on North Main Street next week.
1889 December La Veta: Heber Turner, mining expert, reports the Big Four mines 500 feet below timberline on the West Peak are "poor man's mines," with silver and lead and a trace of gold.
1889 December La Veta: J.G. Cozad is now in business with his brother-in-law D.D. Ryus in a large mercantile firm.
1889 December La Veta: J.G. Cozad, the partner of D.D. Ryus in a large mercantile firm in La Veta, was registered at the hotel this week.
1889 December La Veta: The Big Four Mining and Smelting Company have some mines 500 feet below timberline on the West Spanish Peak and several lodes.
1889 December La Veta: There has been some question whether Henry Daigre is eligible to be county judge as he may not be a United States citizen.
1889 December Walsenburg: A great many mechanics are coming in to put up the company's 25 double houses at the Walsen mines.
1889 December Walsenburg: A heavy freight train of 30 cars and two engines broke apart and the freight cars ran into one engine, killing two men, but, missed the other engine.
1889 December Walsenburg: A horrible wreck occurred when a freight train broke apart, killing two men and most of the 17 cars of cattle and throwing lumber up to 300 feet away.
1889 December Walsenburg: Abstracts of title carefully prepared and money loaned long time and low interest - see Reid and Matthews.
1889 December Walsenburg: Business with the beer merchants has not been so good lately but will doubtless be better after pay day at the mines.
1889 December Walsenburg: In 10 working hours Thursday the Rouse coal mine loaded 103 broad gauge cars with 2,500 tons. They average 70 cars a day now.
1889 December Walsenburg: Last Saturday was pay day at the Sulphur Springs mine, Monday at Rouse. The boys then all had some Christmas money.
1889 December Walsenburg: Levy and Moore have been fixing up Sixth and Seventh Streets, the grading done with a view of putting Rosedale on the market.
1889 December Walsenburg: Mayor T.F. Martin instructed the marshal to notify all gamblers and toughs to leave town and also stopped all gambling and gaming.
1889 December Walsenburg: T.J. Matthews will begin running a free hack between Rouse and Walsenburg, leaving each place hourly, to bring Rouse people to Walsenburg for trading. Businesses here are subscribing to cover the costs.
1889 December Walsenburg: The D&RG company is bringing in brick to Cuchara junction for a commodious new hotel. No less than 60 trains a day pass there.
1889 December Walsenburg: The new card of John Lowenbruck pioneer live stock dealer and wholesale and retail butcher in Walsenburg appears in today's World.
1889 December Walsenburg: The operetta "Heroes of '76" will be seen before the holidays according to the director, Miss Clara C. Martin.
1889 December Walsenburg: The Walsenburg black diamond fields have never been so active and promising as now. Orders are pouring in so rapidly they cannot begin to fill them.