Huerfano County, Colorado
News Of The Day

Contributed by Louise Adams, Jean Griesan and Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

1890 - 1899

1890 January La Veta: Joe Kincaid of the windless Cuchara returned home from a month's visit with family in North Carolina. He reports having had a way up time.

1890 January Walsenburg: A pistol dropped out of the pocket of Ed Farr at the Twin Lakes Hotel last night, which discharged and wounded him in the knee.

1890 January Walsenburg: John Brown is operating the Stock Exchange Saloon.

1890 January Walsenburg: Judge Valdez is now a Notary Public and is opening an office on South Main Street.

1890 January Walsenburg: Levy and Moore's road crews are doing a fine job grading Seventh Street.

1890 January Walsenburg: Levy and Moore's road crews are doing a fine job grading Seventh Street.

1890 January Walsenburg: Postmaster David E. Muir says the Walsenburg post office has been moved from a fourth class to a third class post office.

1890 January Walsenburg: T. F. Martin bought $25,000 worth of Huerfano County funding bonds for his Huerfano County Bank.

1890 January Walsenburg: Ten or 12 carpenters came in the fore part of the week to work on the 25 new houses at Walsen mines.

1890 January Walsenburg: The doctors and druggists are having a harvest, a La Grippe. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good, except that west wind yesterday.

1890 January Walsenburg: The masquerade ball at Mazzone's opera house on New Years eve, given by the Social Ten, was a grand success.

1890 January Walsenburg: The Metropolitan meat market next door to the post office is the daisy place to get something to eat. Just take a squint.

1890 January Walsenburg: The new houses at the mines are being pushed right along and when finished will be a small town themselves.

1890 January Walsenburg: The new jewelry firm of Johnson and Hansen has a $500 chromometer that keeps the exact time to the second.

1890 January Walsenburg: The Stock Exchange saloon now has a private room in the back for keyholders only.

1890 January Walsenburg: The Twin Lakes Hotel served an elegant New Year's dinner and enjoyed a large custom.

1890 January Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Sandstone Company is opening quarries west of town along the railroad with ledges of six colors of stone.

1890 January Walsenburg: The women are finding out every time they fall that the bustle is not such a bad thing to fall back on.

1890 January Walsenburg: Tommie King, 50, last night while intoxicated fell into the well behind the Stock Exchange saloon of John Brown and was discovered dead this morning.

1890 January Walsenburg: What is the matter with our country correspondents? Have they gone into winter quarters? If still alive please kick.

1890 February La Veta: G.S. Thompson was selected "delagate'' and J.G. Cozad "altarnit'' to go to Denver to advertise the town.

1890 February La Veta: La Veta druggist W.T. Lake has been staying in Walsenburg "attending a lawsuit.''

1890 February Walsenburg: A number of citizens met to begin fundraising for advertising the town of Walsenburg.

1890 February Walsenburg: Ben Elzenhoeffer bought out W.J. Standley's tinning department and opened a tin shop on West Sixth Street.

1890 February Walsenburg: Denver and Rio Grande Railroad paid out $5,280 for cattle injured in the wreck near Walsenburg recently.

1890 February Walsenburg: During January, 1,212 carloads of coal were shipped from Rouse.

1890 February Walsenburg: G.K. Vaughn has procured a new Remington typewriter and has opened an office in the court house.

1890 February Walsenburg: H. Blickhahn moved his harness shop to the building formerly occupied by Le Clerf's jewelry store, two doors south of the world office.

1890 February Walsenburg: J.J. Mathews and Agnes B. Muir were married by Rev. R.O. Charles of the Methodist Church.

1890 February Walsenburg: Mayor Martin, Clerk Roof, and Trustees Lowenbruck, Farr and Dick met with Attorney R.R. Ross to discuss fundraising to pay for advertising for the town.

1890 February Walsenburg: P. W. Sweeney and C. Caldwell the sawmill man contemplate building a good livery barn and stable in early spring.

1890 February Walsenburg: The ladies of the Presbyterian Church gave a Valentine's Day entertainment and supper at the court house. Admission was 10¢ and the supper 25¢.

1890 February Walsenburg: The rising walls of the Pythian Temple make a handsome improvement for north Main Street.

1890 February Walsenburg: The Sulphur Springs railroad office was discontinued and merged into the Walsenburg office.

1890 April La Veta: The town paid out $1.20 to Solomon Boyd for furnishing prisoners' meals.

Rocky Mountain News 4-4-1890 - The Election at Walsenburg - Walsenburg, Colo., April 3 - The town election passed off quietly here, there being two tickets in the field, and a great deal of earnest work was done. One ticket was headed by T. L. Creesy for mayor, F. O. Roof, J. R. Canon and J. B. Dick for trustee, and Barry (Harry?) Gordon for treasurer. This whole ticket was elected. The opposition ticket was headed by C. O. Unfug for mayor, Charles Mazzone, W. J. Standley and J. B. Dick for trustees, and John H. Brown for treasurer. The vote was light, there being only 178 votes cast in all. The officers selected are good, enterprising men, and will push Walsenburg ahead.

1890 May La Veta: A.A. Foote was appointed town engineer.

Rocky Mountain News 9-28-1890 - Walsenburg Democrats - Walsenburg, Colo., Sept. 27 - The Democrats of this precinct, No. 6, had their primary this afternoon to elect nineteen delegates to the county convention which meets in this city next Saturday. C. O. Anfudge presided and D. I. Wycoff acted as secretary. The following were chosen: Max Klein, C. O. Anfudge, R. A. Quillian, R. I. Lawther, George I. Kearns, T. D. Baird, D. I. Wycoff, Simpson Cox, G. B. Wick, Ed Fair, J. M. Steigher, Tom Dick, J. B. Provane, Antonio Martinez, Nicanar Archuletta, A. J. Martinez, Juan L. Vigil, Aley Andro Valdez, Vicente Martinez. The delegation elected to the county convention were authorized to nominate two candidates for justice of the peace, one candidate for constable and one candidate for road overseer at some future time.

Rocky Mountain News 10-12-1890 - A Bar Room Fight - Walsenburg, Colo., Oct. 11 - In a bar room fight to-day at Rouse George's, a stranger was shot in the shoulder by James Waldrop. The wound is not dangerous.

1890 November La Veta: Mrs. J.A. Erwin was paid $21 by the town for boarding the pauper Charles Boehme for two weeks while he was ill.

1891 March La Veta: Emma Parks and Worth Baker were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parks on the Wahatoya.

1891 March La Veta: Emma Parks and Worth Baker were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parks on the Wahatoya.

1891 April La Veta: Sam Todd was appointed police magistrate.

1891 April La Veta: The Presbyterian Church was organized last Sunday with charter members Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Combes, C.B. McLaughlin, Mrs. J.H. Francisco, Mrs. James Hamilton, Mrs. J.B. King and Miss Sallie Quick.

1891 May La Veta: Town Board will notify the La Veta Town and Improvement Company to remove the old house, known as the Lewis property, standing in Ryus Avenue and all other property they may have standing in the streets.

1891 June La Veta: A.A. Conine resigned as street commissioner and Taylor Markley was appointed to replace him.

1891 June La Veta: The State Teachers Institute will have its convention in La Veta and Town Board will clean Francisco Park and erect stands for their use.

1892: County Directory: Commissioners - J.G. Hamilton, S.J. Capps, J.D. Montes. County court clerk - O.T. Kearns and county court judge - Henry Daigre. County clerk - Fred A. Roof; treasurer - A. Levy; assessor - Luz Gonzalez; surveyor - L.W. Burtch; coroner - Dr. O.W. Mathews; sheriff - Walter O'Malley. 

1892 January La Veta: It was estimated 350 people attended the Christmas trees at the churches in town. There was one at the Sager School the same evening.

1892 January La Veta: It was estimated that 350 attended the Christmas trees at the churches. There was one at Sager School the same evening.

1892 March La Veta: $18.17 was realized from the sale of the lumber used last summer for the convention in Francisco Park, sold at a price of 10¢ per 1000 foot.

1892 March La Veta: A tax of 10 mills has been set for the town.

1892 May La Veta: G.S. Emerson presented a petition to town council "praying that the stock be allowed to Run at Large.'' The petition was tabled.

1892 June La Veta: A Sabbath school has been started at Ritter School engineered by Mr. Jenni and Prof. Bradshaw.

1892 June La Veta: A.L. Francisco has his shop next door to the old post office on Francisco Street.

1892 June La Veta: Because of the severe storm Thursday, La Vetans decorated the graveyard and had their Memorial services on the Sabbath.

1892 June La Veta: Eighty people dined Sunday at the La Veta Hotel and many others picnicked in the grove.

1892 June La Veta: Everyone is glad to see the trains come over the hill every day. It looks like old times.

1892 June La Veta: John Dick and Mrs. Anna Prater were married at the home of George Dick on Bear Creek by Rev. C.H. Bissell.

1892 June La Veta: Juan Madrill was paid $1.90 by the town for working 11 days on the streets and Alex Mauldin $4.50 for working three days with his own team.

1892 June La Veta: Miss Laura Spielmann graduated from Tillotson Academy in Trinidad and will enter Colorado College this fall to pursue a full classical course.

1892 June La Veta: The old adobe Sager school house will soon be replaced with another building.

1892 June La Veta: The Sabbath schools in town accepted an invitation from the Wahatoya school to attend a picnic above Mr. Carver's in a small canon.

1892 June La Veta: Under the magic of the late rains, La Veta is beauteous in her robe of green.

1892 June Walsenburg: A new wagon road is planned, from the Catholic cemetery to the Rouse road near Standley Hill, which would save distance and crossing the railroad twice.

1892 June Walsenburg: David Farr moved his saloon into John Caviness's new building on Main Street.

1892 June Walsenburg: Hip! Hip! Rah for the band strawberry festival June 26.

1892 June Walsenburg: J.P. Kearns is having the front of the office painted. The trimmings are bimetallic, gold and silver.

1892 June Walsenburg: J.P. Kearns traded some old coal land near Pictou for the old Tourist City townsite the past week.

1892 June Walsenburg: Judge Hayden, who first noticed an odd geological formation 17 years ago near his home near Badito, started a company last summer to mine tin on Greenhorn mountain.

1892 June Walsenburg: Sunday's rainstorm did quite considerable damage along the Huerfano, causing bad washouts.

1892 June Walsenburg: The Drs. McGuire have purchased a fine electric battery of 40 cells with which to shock their patients.

1892 June Walsenburg: Word from Primrose is that crops are burning up and the grasshoppers are annoying.

1892 August La Veta: The CC&I has closed its iron mine at Placer because all of the ore is "used up."

1892 September Walsenburg: Yesterday was a disagreeable day through wind and sand.

1892 October La Veta: A large crowd was in from the country for the Republican convention but no one enjoyed himself like Uncle Tommy Middleton.

1892 October La Veta: Columbus Day was grandly celebrated with special school programs under the direction of Miss McGinnis and Mrs. Daigre.

1892 October La Veta: In the absence of Rev. C.F. McGee, former minister Rev. J.H. Vories held the pulpit in the Baptist Church.

1892 October La Veta: Joe Maupin, the Democratic candidate for governor, was here greeting old friends who remembered when he hung his first shingle in La Veta.

1892 October La Veta: Rev. G.F. McGee is now pastor at the Baptist Church, having replaced Rev. J.H. Vories.

1892 October La Veta:  A child of Jake Marker died in Rouse last Sunday and was buried here Monday.

1892 October Walsenburg: Harry Leon is hauling lumber for the new school house to be built at the Walsen mines.

1892 October Walsenburg: John Mullitz was killed Monday by a fall of rock in the Rouse mine. He is the fourth of six brothers to be killed in the mines.

1892 October Walsenburg: Married Oct. 27 at Cucharas, Juan Ruival and Leonada Valdes.

1892 October Walsenburg: Seventy-two students are enrolled at Walsen school and the teacher sorely needs an assistant.

1892 October Walsenburg: The cold weather is chasing the prospectors down out of the mountains and into Walsenburg.

1892 November La Veta: Charles Clements is now fireman at frequent intervals and J.M. Elrod night man at the round house.

1892 November La Veta: Charles Clements is now the fireman at frequent intervals and J.M. Elrod the night man at the round house.

1892 November La Veta: Ed Slawson and Jim Elrod of La Veta have about completed painting the inside of the new Walsen mine school.

1892 November La Veta: Ed Slawson and Jim Elrod of La Veta have about completed the painting of the inside of the new school at the Walsen mines.

1892 November La Veta: J.B. Petrie of the Wahatoya is shipping hay to Victor.

1892 November La Veta: Miss Emma Gillette will close her school in the Ritter district in two weeks.

1892 November La Veta: Mrs. P.Q. McComb sold the property next to her home in the north part of town to Charles Martin, who will live there this winter and build a new home in the spring.

1892 November La Veta: The Misses Rubie and Anna Willis left for Pueblo where they will live with their brother while they attend school.

1892 November La Veta: The Taylor brothers recently bought Star Livery at the corner of Main and Francisco Streets.

1892 November La Veta: Willet R. Willis barely defeated Joseph K. Kincaid for county commissioner from this district.

1892 November La Veta: William Smith is building a house between F.E. Baldwin's and William Danks'.

1892 November Walsenburg: School at the Walsen Mines closed Wednesday due to the illness of Mr. Mathews.

1892 November Walsenburg: The ME Church will give an oyster supper at the court house Christmas evening.

1892 November Walsenburg: The sad deaths of David Muir and William Holt a few weeks ago in the Walsen mine brought forth a great deal of commiseration for their families.

1892 November Walsenburg: The west gable of the new Catholic Church was blown down by Thursday's wind.

1892 November Walsenburg: Thomas Good, proprietor of the Commercial Hotel in Rouse, is happy for his better half is the mother of a darling girl baby.

1892 December La Veta: Both the Baptist and Methodist churches will have concert exercises and Christmas trees.

1892 December La Veta: Charles Mack bought the old Kerby ranch and is putting up a new stone barn.

1892 December La Veta: Charlie Mack has his stone barn up one story. The snow has caused the building to cease to grow.

1892 December La Veta: Dick brothers of Walsenburg have made arrangements with J.B. Petrie for 400 tons of La Veta ice. He intends to begin cutting next week on R.B. Willis' lake. 

1892 December La Veta: Dr. J.H. Morton is recovering from a 10-day bout of cold and fever.

1892 December La Veta: The band boys are off on a toot most of the time lately getting ready for the ball.

1892 December La Veta: The creamery has closed for the winter due to a shortage of milk.

1892 December La Veta: The going price for potatoes in La Veta is one and a half cents.

1892 December Walsenburg: Alva Ireland, who with his brother own the Coyote mine on Silver Mountain, was married to Grace Freeman by Rev. A.H. Quillian of Birmingham.

1892 December Walsenburg: Among the colony of colored miners imported to Rouse from Tennessee were five ordained Baptist preachers who have organized a Sabbath school.

1892 December Walsenburg: C.S. Brown, a Gardner businessman, has purchased the stock of J.D. Montes at Crestones.

1892 December Walsenburg: Died, Captain Monroe Coots, 50, of cancer of the lip. He had been a resident here for 22 years.

1892 December Walsenburg: F.M. Ownbey proposes bringing pure water to town from his place on Middle Creek, an improvement over that hydrant water from Twin Lakes.

1892 December Walsenburg: If you are going to the masquerade at Rouse remember that West and Forbes' livery supply you horses and rigs.

1892 December Walsenburg: Miss Dana Hayden is to become a school marm Monday in the Badito district.

1892 December Walsenburg: Miss Ella Stoakes took charge of the school in the Houser district. She is a sister of Mrs. H.

1892 December Walsenburg: The 30 by 80 foot foundation for the livery stable of Messrs. Newman and Roby is laid opposite the Hayden Hotel. Meanwhile, they have rented an old stable on Seventh Street just south of their location.

1892 December Walsenburg: The people of Rouse camp are quite pleased to have a paper of their own and hope the Rouse Enterprise has come to stay.

1892 December Walsenburg: The skaters who went to Twin Lakes Monday evening got a little mixed up in the roads above the mines with some wagon repairs thrown in.

1892 December Walsenburg: There was a knock-down at one of the saloons early this week.

1892 December Walsenburg: We drove to Apishapa, or Aguilar as it is now called, and noticed great growth since our visit last summer, with a new company store, good school, church and another store to be added soon.

1893 January La Veta: Asa Arnold married Lou Fain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fountain M. Fain.

1893 January La Veta: Capt. Coleman, who discovered the Copper King mine at Ojo last year, has found a new lead.

1893 January La Veta: D.D. Ryus and others are putting up a summer supply of ice. The ice is only six to eight ices thick but is as clear as crystal.

1893 January La Veta: Dave Ryus improved his corner store and the old buildings across the street were torn down.

1893 January La Veta: Henry Woodring and Lula Alexander were married at the bride's mother's house by Rev. A.H. Quillian.

1893 January La Veta: Improvements during the past year were the building of the Presbyterian Church, the creamery, homes of Mrs. A.L. Prator, William Smith and Mrs. Baker, along with the improvements made by Mr. Ryus on his store and hotel.

1893 January La Veta: Jasper Kerby is working his coal mine.

1893 January La Veta: Mrs. R.B. Willis, nee Mary Murray Francisco, a resident here, since 1864, died of pneumonia.

1893 January La Veta: The home of R.B. Willis two miles east of town burned down.

1893 January La Veta: The Presbyterian Church has been completed by W.H. Adamson at a cost of $1,200.

1893 January La Veta: William Culler's barbershop is now one door west of the meat market on Ryus.

1893 January Walsenburg: Art Arnold came down from their ranch on the Santa Clara on his bicycle, making the 20 mile trip in two hours and 10 minutes. Pretty good considering the roads.

1893 January Walsenburg: J.W. Browder the barber, who is also a licensed Baptist minister, preached in the Rouse Presbyterian Church last Sabbath.

1893 January Walsenburg: Narcisso Vigil, brother of former Sheriff Miguel Vigil, married Miss Albert  daughter of John Albert, oldest inhabitant of this section who has lived here 60 years.

1893 January Walsenburg: R.M. Waldron is very sick with brain fever at the Home Restaurant. It is doubtful if he can recover.

1893 January Walsenburg: Rev. Darley gave Presbyterian services in Spanish to a large crowd in the Gonzales building.

1893 January Walsenburg: Stewart Forbes took over West's livery stable.

1893 January Walsenburg: The Catholic church, costing $18,000, is nearing completion.

1893 January Walsenburg: The new two-room, 33 by 50 foot Walsen School with vestibule and bell tower is nearing completion. Contractors Creesy and Pritchard are doing the work, which is costing the district $2,000.

1893 January Walsenburg: There has been a shortage in the supply of water in the hydrants.  The pump is out of order and the pail brigade is kept busy.

1893 January Walsenburg: There was a tangle foot prize fight at the Pictou Saloon Christmas night - one was carried off for repairs.

1893 January Walsenburg: J.D. Montes was elected chairman of the board of county commissioners.

1893 January Walsenburg: With this issue, the Walsenburg World has changed publication from Friday to Thursday.

1893 February La Veta: A train loaded with props came in Saturday night from the Ireland brothers camp on the Abeyta Pass.

1893 February La Veta: Alexander Clobskey, "the good man", has some choice ore on his five claims on Silver Mountain, where excavations exceed 400 feet.  

1893 February La Veta: Alexander Cobsky, "the good man," has some choice ore in his five claims on Silver Mountain and his excavations exceed 400 feet.

1893 February La Veta: Charles S. Pielmann's delivery horse ran away, a broken wagon and scattered milk was the result.

1893 February La Veta: Charles Spielmann's delivery horse ran away; a broken wagon and scattered milk was the result.

1893 February La Veta: E.A. Pushee and son and W.S. Bellard were hired to work for the ditch company.

1893 February La Veta: Mr. Eggleston has a ranch near the head of the canon above Ojo he is anxious to sell.

1893 February La Veta: Our public school closed last Friday after a four month term. Lack of funds is the sole cause for the brevity.

1893 February La Veta: Petitions have been circulated for the state to purchase and improve the toll roads over Abeyta [La Veta] and Middle Creek Passes. Another petition will go to the state to open Indian Creek Pass.

1893 February La Veta: R.T. Moore and J.F. Baldwin are opening a mine on Indian Creek.

1893 February La Veta: The ice crop this season is enormous. It is clear and thick.

1893 February La Veta: The La Veta Town and Improvement Company has gone into receivership and the receiver has been authorized by the court to borrow funds to discharge his liabilities of the corporation aggregating $1,500.

1893 February La Veta: The Middle Creek and La Veta sections of the La Veta Canal and Reservoir Company let the canal building contracts to G.W. Harriman of Littleton.

1893 February La Veta: The Select School of Mrs. J.H. Vories has opened in the Ownbey district.

1893 February La Veta: The term of school has just been completed. Mrs. Alice Daigre, advanced department, had over 50 students and Miss Maggie McInnis had 70 scholars in the primary room.

1893 February Walsenburg: Casimiro Cruz, who closed his school at Turkey Creek last week, said the wind storm last Friday was visible from there as a cloud of dust rising higher from North Veta towards Walsenburg.

1893 February Walsenburg: Chicken pox has made its appearance at Rouse and it is feared an epidemic will follow.

1893 February Walsenburg: E.T. Murphy is the possessor of Bob Ford's famous six- shooter that killed Jesse James and says he will take it to the World's Fair.

1893 February Walsenburg: George Mason took charge of the Walsenburg post office on Sabbath the 28th.

1893 February Walsenburg: John Caviness is building a barber shop next to Wycoff Brothers' drug store.

1893 February Walsenburg: Last Friday the citizenry of Gardner and neighboring precinct turned out in full force for a program of music and elocution, followed by a spelling bee at the school house.

1893 February Walsenburg: Mesdames Halferty and Scarborough have opened a fancy work shop above the Silver State Market.

1893 February Walsenburg: S.J. Davis of Pass Creek has been getting out some dimension timbers to build four mammoth barns for W.T. Sharp, the horse king of the upper Huerfano.

1893 February Walsenburg: Stewart Forbes purchased a pair of horses, said to be the best in the city, from Charles Herman for his livery stable.

1893 February Walsenburg: Such a sandstorm as that of Sunday has seldom been experienced. Drifts were piled two and a half feet deep in fence corners.

1893 February Walsenburg: Tarabino has a meat market in connection with his store at Walsen camp and all he needs for a complete outfit is a saloon, which would make him O.K. in the eyes of many.

1893 February Walsenburg: The Grand Ball at Mazzone's Hall last night was well attended.

1893 February Walsenburg: The women have had a hard time sweeping and sweeping and never the house is clean. Some of the more sympathetic men are bringing home their coal shovels to assist in the cleaning.

1893 February Walsenburg: The World office is sandwiched in between Standley's hardware and Ben's (Elzenhoefer) little tin shop.

1893 February Walsenburg: Trinidad, San Luis Valley and Pacific Railroad Company was organized Feb. 13 to run from Trinidad over San Francisco Pass on to Durango, with branches in Taos, Gunnison, Ouray, Creede and Lake City.

1893 February Walsenburg: We move the World office into the Standley house and will be at home to everybody next door the hardware store.

Mar. 16, 1893 Walsenburg World New coal companies are opening west of Walsen mines. One is on Mr. Sharp's recent purchase and the other belongs to United Coal Company. Now James Martin has bought 160 acres just west of this for $31 per acre from Manuela Duran, Cornelio Duran, Jose de la Reyes Gallegos and Jose and Juan B. Pacheco and Judge P.W. Sweeney secured an option for 1500 acres along the Cuchars at $25 an acre.

1893 March La Veta: Asa Arnold didn't sell his ranch after all and it seems he will spend the summer here.

1893 March La Veta: At present everybody seems to be very busy coughing and sneezing and blowing their nose.

1893 March La Veta: At present everybody seems to be very busy coughing and sneezing and blowing their nose.

1893 March La Veta: Augustus Prator proved up another 40 acres, giving him 160 acres of fine ranch land in the Wahatoya valley.

1893 March La Veta: Eighty-eight residents voted out of the 102 registered.

1893 March La Veta: J.F. McGee is the new minister at the Baptist Church.

1893 March La Veta: Mayor John R. Otsen and the town engineer are to draw up specifications for a bridge across the Cuchara Creek at First Street.

1893 March La Veta: Miss Laura Speilmann returned from Tillotson Academy and will teach the Mack school this summer.

1893 March La Veta: Mr. Turner of Birmingham, England is here spending a few days with his brother Heber.

1893 March La Veta: N.M. Jones has about 55 students in his singing class at the Baptist Church.

1893 March La Veta: Rev. Bissell of the Presbyterian Church is retiring.

1893 March La Veta: Running for election on the Peoples Ticket are A. Lindsay for mayor, William Krier, treasurer and 0. Bemen, Solomon Boyd, Henry Daigre and Jesse Garren, trustees.

1893 March La Veta: Running for Town Board on the Citizens ticket are John Otsen, mayor; Julius Jones, clerk; Samuel Todd, treasurer and Calvin Ritchey, George Booth, Solomon Boyd and Charles Martin, trustees.

1893 March La Veta: Running for Town Board on the Citizens ticket are John Otsen, mayor; Julius Jones, clerk; Samuel Todd, treasurer and Calvin Ritchey, George Booth, Solomon Boyd and Charles Martin, trustees.

1893 March La Veta: Taylor Markley is running the Springer blacksmith for a while.

1893 March La Veta: The Rocky Mountain Pastime Club will have a debate Monday on "Intemperance has done more harm than war."

1893 March La Veta: The select school of Mrs. J.H. Vories opened with 32 pupils in the Owenby district.

1893 March La Veta: Why do Alex Lindsay and R.W. Scott get up so early? Ducks!

1893 March Walsenburg: An enraged man wanting to cross the tottering bridge some two miles from Rouse was wanting to know who our county commissioners are.

1893 March Walsenburg: August Unfug and Henry Blickhahn will move their quarters to the former Lowenbruck butcher shop.

1893 March Walsenburg: Farr brothers have leased John F. Reed's ranch whose 200 acres yields a thousand tons of the finest alfalfa every year.

1893 March Walsenburg: Henry Hunter opened a law office in the room above Lowenbruck and Lidle's butcher shop.

1893 March Walsenburg: M. Bernstein lost control of his new bicycle Sunday and collided with a group of young ladies.

1893 March Walsenburg: Mr. Pope just completed a 21 mile irrigation ditch for his 3,000 acre ranch near Apache.

1893 March Walsenburg: S.D. Curtis sold his cattle for three and a half cents, realizing about $40 a head.

1893 March Walsenburg: The county commissioners are in session this week casting the light of their wisdom upon the finances of the county.

1893 March Walsenburg: The marshal made a mistake and put a man somewhat under the influence through the window of Wycoff Brother's drug store instead of in the cooler.

1893 March Walsenburg: The new fireproof building about to be put up by H.A. Cole and J.P. Kearns will, they claim, be the largest in town and will have a 7 by 11 foot vault.

1893 March Walsenburg: United Coal Company has purchased 160 acres of coal land two miles above Walsen Mines and is sinking a shaft.

1893 March Walsenburg: We have had wind and sand storms but the one on Sunday beat the record. Drifts of two to four feet high were left in the fence corners.

1893 March Walsenburg: We hear at least 12,000 head of sheep are feeding below Cucharas junction where the grass is three inches tall.

1893 April La Veta: A.H. Edmisten has hired a crew of men to start work on his new 60 by 86 foot livery stable next to the printing office on Ryus Avenue.

1893 April La Veta: A.H. Edmisten has hired a crew of men to start work on his new 60 by 86 foot livery stable next to the printing office on Ryus Avenue.

1893 April La Veta: Dr. A.W. Morton will move to Durango as soon as his friend, another physician, arrives to take his place.

1893 April La Veta: E.E. Shafer sold his lumber and coal business on Francisco Street to William Graham.

1893 April La Veta: John Goemmer purchased a lot of farm machinery which he will sell to the public.

1893 April La Veta: Mr. Ritchey's new barn two miles northwest of town was destroyed in Thursday's wind storm.

1893 April La Veta: Mrs. Blakely is rooming with the A.L. Prator family while she teaches this term in the Prator district.

1893 April La Veta: Mrs. Blakely is rooming with the A.L. Prator family while she teaches this term in the Prator district.

1893 April La Veta: Oregan Pharis rented the Cotterell place one mile west of town, which has the finest garden plots in the county.

1893 April La Veta: School in the Mack district will begin one week later owing to the blowing down of the chimney.

1893 April La Veta: The drugstore, built by Mr. Dotson for $3,000, was foreclosed on A.Lindsay and bought by the Masons for $1,275.

1893 April La Veta: The Silver Courier is now just The Courier with C.E. Clements sole owner after the departure of E. M. Slawson.

1893 April La Veta: William Culler has decided to move to his ranch and is desirous of selling his barber's outfit.

1893 April Walsenburg: A railroad switch was put in for the Solar Coal Company Tuesday.

1893 April Walsenburg: A. Levy and W.J. Standley have closed out their stock in harness and saddles to Henry Blickhahn, giving him full control of that trade in this city.

1893 April Walsenburg: Four children searching for wildflowers strayed from home in Rouse but finally were located near Spring Creek on the La Veta road.

1893 April Walsenburg: George Kearns is building a 37 by 50 foot one-story dwelling next to John Brown's on Third Street, with bay windows at each front corner.

1893 April Walsenburg: It was a complete victory of the entire city ticket by a majority of 12 votes. Sixteen ballots were cast of which four were defective.

1893 April Walsenburg: J.H. Roybal stopped in this office to visit. He used to work for the Cactus when Grant Depew run [sic] it.

1893 April Walsenburg: Sam Chung, former partner of Tom Lewis in the laundry, hasn't cooperated too well and may get a free trip back to China.

1893 April Walsenburg: That advertising pays is shown by the number of applicants for farm work not to mention the other ads in our want column.

1893 April Walsenburg: The Honorable R.R. Ross rented the front rooms over the bank for his legal and insurance businesses.

1893 April Walsenburg: W.A. Kearns has been waiting for chains to move Tourist City into Walsenburg.

1893 May 4: Hamilton Pope was elected president for three years on the Ute school board. At the conclusion of his term he will have served 22 consecutive years on Butte Valley and Apache and Ute school boards. Walsenburg World

1893 May La Veta: Cal Edmisten is looking after his father's new livery stable on Ryus Avenue.

1893 May La Veta: Elected to the school board in District #21, Upper Cucharas, were Jasper Smith, president, Charles Mack, secretary and Joseph Smith, treasurer.

1893 May La Veta: Heber Turner sold one-eighth interest in the Copper King mine on Indian Creek to Henry W. Jones of Pueblo for $60.60.

1893 May La Veta: Mrs. S.J. Johnson and Mrs. W.S. Bellard opened a cosy room on Francisco for dressmaking and will also have homemade ice cream.

1893 May La Veta: The Alamo has a good barber now in the person of J.C. Cooper, a colored tonsorial artist.

1893 May La Veta: The Grand Army post memorial services will begin on Ryus Avenue, then march up Main Street to the cemetery with the cornet band.

1893 May La Veta: The La Veta Flouring Mill is building an addition in Aguilar.

1893 May La Veta: Twenty men are employed at Bemen's sawmill on Middle Creek.

1893 May Walsenburg: A filter was put into the reservoir where the supply of town water comes from.

1893 May Walsenburg: All four of Joseph Sears' children aged two through eight, died of diphtheria within a week at Talpa.

1893 May Walsenburg: Fred O. Roof is boarding at Klein's Restaurant while his wife is visiting in Kansas.

1893 May Walsenburg: House brooms, sewed in three places, 20¢ at the Cheap Cash Store.

1893 May Walsenburg: J.K. Klein is now running a meat wagon daily to the upper coal mine where quite a camp is being established.

1893 May Walsenburg: Luz Gonzales was reminiscing about the June 8 blizzard of several years ago which struck during shearing and killed several thousand sheep.

1893 May Walsenburg: Manuel Valdez of North Veta and Erinca Lucero of Walsen Mines were married by Fr. Ussel.

1893 May Walsenburg: Open today at Faulkner's opposite A. Levy's, an assortment of trimmed hats fresh from New York.

1893 May Walsenburg: P.W. Sweeney let an option on his 1285 acres along the Cucharas, one mile this side of North Veta, to the Bedford Coal Company.

1893 May Walsenburg: W.H. McPherson bought out his partner in The Gardner Store and offers general merchandise at low prices on a strictly cash only basis.

1893 May Walsenburg: William F. McPherson, a partner of Mr. Hudson in the Gardner Store, and Georgia Addington were married by Rev. A. H. Quillian.

1893 June 8: The general store of Walsen & Levy was opened in 1870 and has proven a reliable and prosperous business from the first. In 1882 the entire charge passed into the hands of Mr. Levy where it remains. Their stock includes nearly every necessary commodity for the farm, shop or home; dry goods, clothing, carpets, boots and shoes, groceries, crockery, hardware, stoves, queensware, flour, feed, grain and hay and other articles too numerous to mention. The average of stock ranges about $40,000. The clerical force of the store are Max Klein, who is the virtual manager, Alfred Hulterner, Dona Siano Martinez, Harry Gordon and W.J. Smiley. Mr. Levy is absent much of the time, being interested in railroad contracts at present on the D. & R. G. near Crested Butte. He is an energetic business man, public spirited and generous hearted. But it matters little to the customer whether the proprietor is present or not so long as he is assured that he can find the goods he wants and at prices that are agreeable. Walse

1893 June La Veta: Dr. J.B. Wright came to La Veta Monday from Tennessee to try his luck here.

1893 June La Veta: Dr. Nichols returned to his home in Tennessee, having found it "too distressingly healthy" here.

1893 June La Veta: Gene Lougheed married Ida Boyd on Sunday.

1893 June La Veta: Masonic Hall was dedicated with Grand Marshal Samuel Todd officiating.

1893 June La Veta: Somerset Mining and milling Company has completed its road and trail to its mine on West Peak.

1893 June La Veta: The Children's Day exercises at the Presbyterian church have been postponed because of the presence of scarlet fever.

1893 June La Veta: The light of the camp fire on Silver Mountain is visible o' nights.

1893 June La Veta: Town Board voted to let the marshal keep all the fines he collects in lieu of a salary.

1893 June Walsenburg: A colored base ball nine has been organized at Rouse and will face the other team of the camp Sunday.

1893 June Walsenburg: A couple of loads of wool in town this week remind us that shearing is in progress.

1893 June Walsenburg: Bulis and Hausler had a runaway behind the pop factory - the horses jumped the fence, but the buggy couldn't.

1893 June Walsenburg: Following the musical program by the Presbyterian church women at the court house Thursday, strawberries and ice cream were served to revive the audience.

1893 June Walsenburg: Henry Snedden's blacksmith shop on Seventh Street is for rent.

1893 June Walsenburg: Payday at Rouse was Saturday and the event was celebrated in a saloon Sunday. Williard White won the trophy with a terrible razor cut across his arm.

1893 June Walsenburg: Peter Krier will build a new brick business block, 20 by 50 feet, with windows measuring nearly six feet square.

1893 June Walsenburg: Teachers for the next term will be H.H. Brodie, principal; Katherine C. Barker, grammar department; Flora Briggs, intermediate; and Nellie F. Allen, primary.

1893 June Walsenburg: That nice asparagus for sale at the Cheap Cash Store is from the garden of W.R. Willis of La Veta.

1893 June Walsenburg: The county commissioners must do something about fixing the exact boundary on the southwest county line because the homesteaders are having trouble filing their claims and their children can't attend school.

1893 June Walsenburg: The Knights Of Pythias moved into Atencio Hall and the Sons of Herman will occupy their former quarters.

1893 June Walsenburg: The planting of shade trees along our streets is a commendable labor.

1893 June Walsenburg: W.J. Standley has now been sole owner of the hardware business for six years, having bought out his partner of four years, F.J. Spencer, in 1887.

1893 June Walsenburg: Walsen mines are now producing 30 carloads of coal daily.

1893 July La Veta: 0. Bemen has 200,000 feet of lumber cut at his sawmill on Middle Creek and will begin shipping soon.

1893 July La Veta: Croquet seems to be all the go in town.

1893 July La Veta: Jim Elrod erected a merry-go-round for the amusement of the children on the Fourth.

1893 July La Veta: John Herbin, Jeweler and watchmaker, a native of France and former resident of Canada, died of spinal paralysis.

1893 July La Veta: Postmaster Hills with his son is on the upper Cucharas fishing. The fish will suffer.

1893 July La Veta: The alfalfa crop is about all cut and will average about three-fourths of the usual yield due to the dry weather.

1893 July La Veta:  J.H. Ross' store has dry goods, confectionery, notions, cigars, etc.

1893 July Walsenburg: A blessed rain fell Friday night.

1893 July Walsenburg: A Swede has opened a shoe shop in the south room of the Woodside building in Rouse.

1893 July Walsenburg: A total of 35 people applied for the four teaching positions in Walsenburg.

1893 July Walsenburg: Frank Day has moved his fountain, newsstand, and stationery stock in J. B. Johnson's jewelry store.

1893 July Walsenburg: J.B. Johnson the jeweler will soon occupy rooms with Frank Day in the new Cole block.

1893 July Walsenburg: James L. and Clara C. Martin sold 320 acres of coal land on the Cucharas to Henry C. Broadhead of Pennsylvania for $17,330.

1893 July Walsenburg: John Barnes bought out S.J. Capps' interest in the livery stable at Rouse and is now sole owner.

1893 July Walsenburg: Several cases of cholera have been reported at Rouse.

1893 July Walsenburg: The 4th of July pony race in Rouse was won by Jimmie Farr, Dave Mazzone and Arba Johnson. The three barbequed beeves were donated by Farr Brothers and Johnson.

1893 July Walsenburg: The commissioners have kindly extended the time for the payment of taxes two months in view of the hard times.

1893 July Walsenburg: There will be no pay day at the Rouse mine this month because of the [financial] crash.

1893 July: J.W. Clifford of Gardner is arranging a grand fandango today and tomorrow with day and night dancing and rooster games.

1893 August La Veta: Postmaster Hills is on the upper Cucharas this week fishing and prospecting.

1893 August La Veta: Quite a company are camping at Hervey Hills on the upper Cucharas and they propose having religious services on the Sabbath up there.

1893 August La Veta: The school board has engaged Mrs. Daigre and Mrs. Ireland as teachers for another year.

1893 August La Veta: The Somerset mine has only four men working now.

1893 August La Veta: There is to be a dance with ice cream Wednesday night in the old hall. We think the times are too hard to dance.

1893 August Walsenburg: A well is being dug at the Walsen school house.

1893 August Walsenburg: Hot sulphur baths, W.V. Stephens, Cucharas Hotel.

1893 August Walsenburg: Ice cream by the pint or gallon at Meyer and Company's new parlor.

1893 August Walsenburg: James Henderson's race horse don't like to work in harness. He jumped straddle the tongue one day this week and made fast time. No one was hurt.

1893 August Walsenburg: Peter Krier, who moved here five years ago, opened his first shoe shop about the time the Robinson mine was beginning to get coal.

1893 August Walsenburg: Silver worth 150 cents on the dollar at the New York Fair store, M. Bernstein, prop.

1893 August Walsenburg: We hear nearly $20,000 was paid out on the last payday at Rouse.

1893 August Walsenburg:  Albert Hausler took over the pop factory since Frank Balis disappeared.

1893 September La Veta: Misses Belle and Anna Willis are moving to Santa Clara where Belle will have the school and Anna will keep house and both will run the post office.

1893 September La Veta: The big hunt brought in two deer and a lot of rabbits, grouse, wild pigeons, prairie dogs, hawks, squirrels and seven rattlesnakes.

1893 September La Veta: The Potato crop about here is excellent and large in amount. The selling price here is one cent per hundred.

1893 September Walsenburg: A preaching will be held at the Ute school house next Sabbath afternoon at one. The choice of this unusual hour is to enable the preacher to catch the three o'clock train home.

1893 September Walsenburg: Dolls that cry and dolls that don't, five cents and up at the Cheap Cash Store.

1893 September Walsenburg: J.P. Aragon, deputy road overseer of the St. Mary precinct, was held up near Apache Creek and robbed of $1. 1896: The steel for the jail cells arrived by D&RG and will be put into place soon.

1893 September Walsenburg: John Caviness is tearing down the old barn behind the Clipper saloon and will build a 30 foot addition onto the saloon.

1893 September Walsenburg: Marriage certificates were issued to Julian Atencio and Maria Ygnacio Mondragon and to Antonio D. Valdez and Hilaria de Herrera.

1893 September Walsenburg: Miss Virginia Hendren will teach in the new district school at Cucharas.

1893 September Walsenburg: The burned district north of Rouse camp has assumed a business appearance with the double brick of Dick Brothers and Brunelli and Mike Cervenyk, and Arba Johnson is putting up an adobe.

1893 September Walsenburg: The Solar mine has ordered that two cars a day be furnished them immediately for the shipment of coal.

1893 September Walsenburg: Two men from Creede stocked up at Cowing's store en route to the Cherokee Strip in prairie schooners.

1893 September: J.P. Aragon, deputy road overseer of the St. Mary's precinct, was held up near Apache Creek and robbed of a dollar.

1893 October La Veta: Enrollment in the La Veta school is 134; in the Ritter district school, 34; Alexander, 33; Wahatoya, 21 and Upper Cucharas, 12.

1893 October La Veta: Five hundred narrow gauge carloads of sheep came across the pass during the month of October.

1893 October La Veta: La Veta is a prohibition town. $250 is a bigger fee than the saloon trade will warrant in this quiet burg. The billiard table will be kept and cigars with temperance drinks dispensed.

1893 October La Veta: School opened Monday with Mrs. Daigre and Mrs. Ireland teachers.

1893 October La Veta: The railroad boys are strengthening the bridge by the water tank; it looks as if they were expecting heavier traffic.

1893 October Walsenburg: A runaway occurred Monday when a team started down Main Street and ran to the second mining camp before it was stopped.

1893 October Walsenburg: Albert Hausler, our wholesale pop manufacturer, has accepted the agency of the Milwaukee Brewery in addition to the pop business.

1893 October Walsenburg: Benton Canon opened the new Canon and Company Meat Market.

1893 October Walsenburg: Jake Mandolini shut down his Rosedale saloon between Walsenburg and the mines and is opening a new saloon at Solar.

1893 October Walsenburg: Notes from St. Mary community: News is scarce. A little snow. Plenty of wind. Wherever you go.

1893 October Walsenburg: The People's Party will have a convention Oct. 21 to nominated candidates for the county election.

1893 October Walsenburg: The present owner of the Butler Grant bears the euphonious name of Dr. Chilley, who paid $3,000 in back taxes to gain the property.

1893 November La Veta: E. Frankenberry and Manuel Guyon were badly burned in an explosion in Will Adamson's coal mine.

1893 November La Veta: Enos Frankenberry and Manual Guillien met with an accident in Will Adamson's coal mine when an explosion burned them badly.

1893 November La Veta: M.F. Denton has leased the La Veta Creamery.

1893 November La Veta: The Taylor brothers are operating the Herbin coal mines up Middle Creek.

1893 November La Veta: The Taylor brothers are working the Herbin coal mines up Middle Creek.

1893 November La Veta: Walter, the youngest son of A.H. Edmisten, is recovering from a serious bout with pneumonia.

1893 November Walsenburg: A.D. Norrick is opening a night school in the front room over Lidle and Duncan's meat market and butcher shop.

1893 November Walsenburg: Born, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Asa Arnold on November 11.

1893 November Walsenburg: Dave Elwell shot out a chunk of coal that filled seven cars at the Solar Mine.

1893 November Walsenburg: David Elwell shot out a chunk of coal Thursday that filled seven cars.

1893 November Walsenburg: Editor Wick of the Cactus deserves the very best wife he can get for his hearty advocacy of equal suffrage.

1893 November Walsenburg: Fred 0. Roof was elected county clerk, Walter O'Malley sheriff, William Francisco treasurer and Juan C. Vallejos assessor.

1893 November Walsenburg: Fred McHarg has learned the baggage smashing business at the Cucharas railway station pretty well the past month.

1893 November Walsenburg: Fred Walsen sold lots three and four in block five on Capitol Hill to Mrs. Sophia Haldy of Trinidad.

1893 November Walsenburg: Hopkins Furniture Company started business again on Sixth Street.

1893 November Walsenburg: Miss Lottie M. Creesy is teaching the Sharpsdale school which opened this week and is boarding with the family of A.P. McIntyre.               

1893 November Walsenburg: One of the Halloween pranks came near having a sad sequel, the party being mistaken for chicken thieves.

1893 November Walsenburg: The Walsen mine reopened but only 10 men are working.

1893 November Walsenburg: Tillie Morris, daughter of David Morris of Santa Clara, will marry Dick Rogers on Nov. 8.

1893 December La Veta: A case of scarlet fever has been reported.

1893 December La Veta: Denton and Young are doing well with their creamery and intend to manufacture Limberger cheese soon.

1893 December La Veta: J.B. Petrie is building a dam on the Cucharas just south of the railroad bridge so he can cut ice there this winter.

1893 December La Veta: J.P. Denton has established a prop camp at the Mule Shoe.

1893 December La Veta: J.P. Erwin shipped a carload of hay Monday at $8 a ton.

1893 December La Veta: Miss Belle Willis returned home after closing the term of school at Santa Clara.

1893 December La Veta: Mr. Bently is the new Superintendent of the Somerset mine on the West Spanish Peak, which is again in operation

1893 December La Veta: Mr. Caps Andrews returned to England after a month's visit with his uncle Mr. Sam Capps and his family.

1893 December La Veta: There was a shooting match in town yesterday but the firing was wild.

1893 December Walsenburg: A new mine is to be opened just west of the Johnnie Jones shaft at Sulphur Springs by Orman and Crook of Pueblo. Evans Jones, who opened the Solar shaft, is on the ground ready for work.

1893 December Walsenburg: About one half of the residents of Gardner have had or still have La Grippe and the Mite Society party had to be postponed.

1893 December Walsenburg: Colorado zephyrs have full sway these mild sunny days and real estate is moving.

1893 December Walsenburg: Forty Hollanders and their families from the Alamosa colony passed through Wednesday on their way back to Iowa.

1893 December Walsenburg: Frank Day has a complete stock of Xmas [sic] tree decorations. Fit up a small tree and please the little ones.

1893 December Walsenburg: J.E. Trujillo, who has run a meat wagon for the past three years in Rouse, obtained a wagonload of lumber in Walsenburg and headed to Aguilar to build a butcher shop.

1893 December Walsenburg: M. Handler of Trinidad opened a store in the former Klein's Palace Restaurant, offering clothing, shoes and dry goods.

1893 December Walsenburg: The Walsen mine resumed work Friday with 10 men but more will be added as work picks up.

Jan. 4, 1894 Walsenburg World - During 1893, developments in Rouse included opening a new mine shaft south of the others; two major fires, the first taking six buildings and the second, two saloons and a store; and a new superintendent by the name of N.C. Wheeler, who replaced Thomas Lawther.

1894 January La Veta: Bruce Lake is the rendezvous of the boys now-a-days. They go early and stay late and enjoy the fine ice to their fill.

1894 January La Veta: Bruce Lake is the rendezvous of the boys now-a-days. They go early and stay late and enjoy the fine ice to their fill.

1894 January La Veta: Ceschlik the baker moved here from Walsenburg.

1894 January La Veta: Mrs. H.D. Gillespie of North Veta, a resident of this area for over 20 years, died leaving two sons and three daughters. She was buried in La Veta.

1894 January La Veta: Representative R.R. Ross of Walsenburg has asked the state to build a wagon road over La Veta Pass.

1894 January La Veta: Sixteen couples attended the Ladies Cinch club dance Monday night at the school house.

1894 January La Veta: The boys of La Veta had a dance of their own Monday night with their lassies which lasted from 8 p.m. until 3 a.m.

1894 January La Veta: The milling company are filling a 1,700 ton ice contract with the D&RG railroad company.

1894 January La Veta: W.R. Owen improved the propelling power of the wind to aid him in drawing a load of alfalfa to Walsenburg Tuesday.

1894 January La Veta: Will Boyd was down from Grayback and said five men are up there prospecting.

1894 January La Veta:  The past few days of snow failed to produce sleigh rides as the fall was too light.

1894 January Walsenburg: A visitor from Coal Creek filled up with bug juice and was privileged with a night's lodging in the lock-up.

1894 January Walsenburg: A wagon load of Gardner people heading for the dance on the Muddy got lost in the dark and went over a bank. Luckily most suffered just bruises.

1894 January Walsenburg: During the past year, one store and five dwellings were moved into town from Tourist City and two new homes and two stores were built in Walsenburg.

1894 January Walsenburg: Eighty-seven scholars are enrolled in Pictou School - the teacher, Miss Alice W. Meyers, can scarcely wish for so many.

1894 January Walsenburg: George H. Phelps was appointed clerk and bookkeeper at the Solar mine.

1894 January Walsenburg: In referring to the bill of Representative R.R. Ross concerning the wagon road from Huerfano to Costilla county, the Pueblo journal calls Abeyta Pass "Ohayga Pass."

1894 January Walsenburg: Old King Winter sent a host of fairy snow flakes Friday night to cover the dying year with a shroud of spotless white.

1894 January Walsenburg: Old King Winter sent a host of fairy snow flakes Friday night to cover the dying year with a shroud of spotless white.

1894 January Walsenburg: Residents are still cleaning up after the sandstorm.

1894 January Walsenburg: The Ladies Aid Society is giving a Poverty Ball Jan. 26 at the court house.

1894 January Walsenburg: The new year started with the shipment of 41 carloads of coal from Walsenburg station the first day of January.

1894 February La Veta: Antoine La Brie moved from the Daigre ranch at La Veta to his house northwest of the section house.

1894 February La Veta: Five miners working under Will Boyd have a tunnel in 330 feet in their mine at Greyback.

1894 February La Veta: Margaret, the youngest daughter of J.H. Francisco, is recovering from scarlet fever.

1894 February La Veta: Over 60 from La Veta attended the entertainment at Mazzone Opera House in Walsenburg, taking advantage of the special train.

1894 February La Veta: Petrie and Herbin have let a contract to Rouse parties to extend the tunnel in their coal mine on Middle Creek another 60 feet. .

1894 February La Veta: The two-year-old daughter of the J. P. Strangers of the Wahatoya died.

1894 February Walsenburg: Jose M. Vigil is the teacher at the Crestones school now, where he has 102 pupils.

1894 February Walsenburg: Mrs. Redfield of Denver is opening a millinery and dressmaking shop in Albert Becker's next door west to the school house.

1894 February Walsenburg: Ninety-two students are enrolled in the Pictou school.

1894 February Walsenburg: The 135th anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns was celebrated in grand style with a banquet and literary and musical program.

1894 February Walsenburg: The Mitchell brothers, Charles, James and Robert, are moving from Rouse to work in the new mine at the Sulphur Springs [Pictou].

1894 February Walsenburg: The three men accused of stealing two pairs of trousers from the Unfug Brothers store dug their way out of the jail and escaped.

1894 February Walsenburg: They have a little Rose at George Klein's. Her advent was on the 10th inst.

1894 March La Veta: A Pueblo man leased the land adjacent to the Sulphur Springs and will build a boardinghouse.

1894 March La Veta: Casimiro Cruz is teaching the spring term at North Veta after completing the term at Badito. 

1894 March La Veta: Casimiro Cruz is teaching the spring term at North Veta after completing the term at Badito. 

1894 March La Veta: Charles L. Martin and Anna McFarland were married by Rev. McGee at the home of John Ritter.

1894 March La Veta: F.L. Martin may go into the creamery business with Gilbert Young after he dissolves his partnership with M.F. Denton.

1894 March La Veta: J.M. Jones, station agent here since 1887, is moving to El Moro and will be replaced by C.W. Richards. 

1894 March La Veta: The Boyd hotel is open again and receiving its share of patronage.

1894 March Walsenburg: A full 12 inches of welcome snow fell Tuesday, a relief after a very dry winter.

1894 March Walsenburg: J.J. Mathews and Miss May Young will close the term of school at Walsen mines Monday.

1894 March Walsenburg: Jacob Yeizer and John Hall rented the Home restaurant building directly opposite the World office, offering board and lodging by the week and short order meals.

1894 March Walsenburg: Joe Philips of Rouse visited the burg and was so heavily loaded up he fell through the window of Dick Brothers saloon.

1894 March Walsenburg: There will  be a dance Saturday night at the Pictou School house in honor of  St. Patrick's day.                                                            

1894 March Walsenburg: W.J. Standley sold his hardware store at Seventh and Main Streets to E.W. Baxter and George Kearnes for $7,100.

1894 April La Veta: Belle Willis will teach in the Mack district school which will open Monday.

1894 April La Veta: C.E. Clements, editor of the Silver Courier, is the father of a 10-pound son.

1894 April La Veta: C.E. Clements, editor of the Silver Courier, is the father of a 10-pound son.

1894 April La Veta: Captain Hills has retired from his position at the post office and is now rusticating at his ranch on the upper Cucharas.

1894 April La Veta: Garren and Strange have opened a branch store in Placer.

1894 April La Veta: In Tuesday's election, R.B. Willis was elected mayor, J.H. Ross, treasurer and Miss Sallie W. Strange clerk and recorder. 

1894 April La Veta: Mrs. P.Q. McComb will open a select school April 17 in the schoolhouse.

1894 April La Veta: The post office is now the second door from the corner in the Ryus building.

1894 April La Veta: There was quite a gold excitement last week. Parties who were sinking a well at the corner of the park came upon some loose rock that showed the mineral and there was even talk of staking claims on Main Street.

1894 April Walsenburg: A deaf and dumb peripatetic printer did the town last week.

1894 April Walsenburg: Big Jim Waldrop, who runs a dive one mile southeast of rouse, was fined $55 for selling liquor to a minor.

1894 April Walsenburg: Fresh fish available at U.S. Tin Shop any day of the week - The fish wagon runs on Tuesdays and Fridays.

1894 April Walsenburg: Saturday night's entertainment at the school house received $34.90, quite a gratifying result.

1894 April Walsenburg: The commissioners considerately awarded the county printing to the World for the remainder of the year. Thanks.

1894 April Walsenburg: Twenty horses are registered for the races here April 5, 6 and 7.

1894 April Walsenburg: W.O. Stevens has reopened the mineral bath house at Cucharas and will give hot sulphur baths on Wednesdays and Sundays.

1894 May La Veta: A Mexican tight rope walker was an attraction in town Monday.

1894 May La Veta: Captain Hills went to his ranch on the upper Cucharas to get his potato crop in.

1894 May La Veta: Miss Lottie Cressy of Walsenburg will teach at the Alexander school in the Sager district and will board with Mr. Spielmann.

1894 May La Veta: O.T. Davis moved to town yesterday with his photographic equipment.

1894 May La Veta: The Methodist social at Ryus hall Tuesday night was a success, netting $15.

1894 May La Veta: The post office is now located two doors from the corner in Ryus's building.

1894 May La Veta: Town Board ordered the street and alley committee to find out why Mr. Ritter has his fence in the street.

1894 May Walsenburg: A fire hydrant will be placed on the hill near the McLaren residence for protection in that section of the city.

1894 May Walsenburg: A letter to the editor signed by 110 Walsen miners expressed discontent with wages and weighing practices.

1894 May Walsenburg: All saloons are closed by the order of the mayor while the strikers from Fremont and Las Animas counties, believed to number about 400, are in town.

1894 May Walsenburg: At least 250 miners are working in the Rouse mine despite the strike.

1894 May Walsenburg: Baxter and Kearns have purchased the remaining stock of the W.A. Kearns Company and moved it into their store.

1894 May Walsenburg: Fred Ramsey's furniture store is moving to the Cole building, formerly Frank Day's.

1894 May Walsenburg: Justin Anglade has purchased the outfit of Judge Steele and will run a confectionery shop and ice cream stand.

1894 May Walsenburg: The Brodhead brothers, Robert S., Henry C. and Albert G., recently bought the coal lands lying west of Solar.

1894 May Walsenburg: The G.A.R. will meet Saturday at the court house to finish plans for a proper observance on May 30.

1894 May Walsenburg: There will be a pay day this week at the mines. This is the one due Feb. 20. 

1894 May Walsenburg: Walsen miners did not show up for work today because most had gone to Rouse in anticipation of a rally with Aguilar and Coal Creek miners.

1894 May Walsenburg:  A fire hydrant will be placed on the hill near the McLaren residence for protection in that section of the city.

1894 August La Veta: Claude Fain returned after five years in Utah and Idaho and is busy renewing old acquaintances.

1894 August La Veta: Dr. J.B. Wright's mother, Mrs. H.K. Wright, has been seriously ill with typhoid fever.

1894 August La Veta: Miss M.A. Lawrence has been employed to teach the upper room of our public school and Miss Brubaker of Denver has the primary department. .

1894 August La Veta: The La Veta Milling Company is having some improvements done.

1894 August La Veta: Victor Primrose's oats in the upper Cucharas Valley average five feet high.

1894 August La Veta: Virgil Barnard harvested over 100 tons of alfalfa and says its the best crop he's ever had.

1894 August La Veta: Virgil Barnard harvested over 100 tons of alfalfa and says it's the best crop he's ever had.

1894 August Walsenburg: A hay rack party left town Saturday evening and spent a merry time at Louis Sporleder's until a late hour.                          

1894 August Walsenburg: An eight and a half pound boy who looks just like his pa was born at the home of Dick Rogers in Spring Canon last week. His wife is the former Nellie Morris.

1894 August Walsenburg: Dr. Wilkinson of La Veta is doing dental work at the Twin Lakes Hotel the second week of every month.

1894 August Walsenburg: H.E. Wheeler is retiring from the Walsen and Wheeler Bank and Gen. Walsen will continue the business.

1894 August Walsenburg: James Yeiser closed the Home Restaurant and moved to Aguilar to be a coal miner.

1894 August Walsenburg: Mr. Wheeler is retiring from the Walsen and Wheeler Bank.

1894 August Walsenburg: Rev. Alex Darley's La Hermandad now has a circulation of 1,750.

1894 August: Wallace C. Hunt is the new manager and editor of the Walsenburg World.

1894 September La Veta: A.A. Foote withdrew his name as Populist candidate for county surveyor.

1894 September La Veta: Captain Hills is losing his choice lot of apples in his garden to thievish little brats.

1894 September La Veta: Died, Mattie the wife of A.H. Edminsten and mother of nine. She was the daughter of Lewis J. and Caroline Estes and came to La Veta in 1879.

1894 September La Veta: Lizzie Parks, the daughter of J.E. of the Wahatoya, married William Hector, the painter from Walsenburg.

1894 September La Veta: Meredith Martin has built a log house at Mule Shoe.

1894 September La Veta: Misses Laura Speilmann, Belle and Anna Willis, Gussie and Jennie Krueger all plan to attend Tillotson Academy in Trinidad this season. .

1894 September La Veta: The log house near judge Daigre's home burned down last week.

1894 September La Veta: The potato crop is much smaller this year compared to previous seasons.

1894 September La Veta: W.A. Duffee, editor of the La Veta Herald, will wed Miss Etta Carter of Lawrence, Kansas.  She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Prator.

1894 September La Veta: W.S. Bellard and wife gave up on the Sulphur Springs because this summer is too wet for anyone to want baths. He now plans to make wine from Oregon grapes.

1894 September Walsenburg: Miss Clara A. Witte will teach at Spring Canon after she closes the school at Wahatoya.

1894 September Walsenburg: N. Parker, new owner of the Hudson ranch on the Huerfano, harvested 1,800 pounds of honey from his hives.

1894 September Walsenburg: Robert Bellah is building a barn for D.B. Costello which will be the largest in the area when done.

1894 September Walsenburg: The Apache community is seeking a post office and wants B.N. Whitman to be postmaster.

1894 September Walsenburg: The new school at Spring Canon is about complete and the term will commence about the first of October.

1894 September Walsenburg: Thirty-five students are enrolled in Walsen Mines school.

1894 Oct. 4: Victor Hills and Stanley Willis were hired to survey the Bulls Eye Mine property on West Spanish Peak by the owner, Mr. Hudson of Wisconsin. Senator Harlan years ago had a mine nearby and got out by forming a stock company and selling shares to recover the $42,000 he buried there. Walsenburg World

1894 October La Veta: Alfalfa is now $9 a ton delivered on board the railroad cars.

1894 October La Veta: Jesse Garren closed the store at Placer for the winter and is back at home in La Veta.

1894 October La Veta: The pupils in Miss Brubaker's primary room gave an entertainment last Friday.

1894 October La Veta: Two and a half tons of potatoes were harvested from a half-acre on the O.D. Staplin place on the Wahatoya.

1894 October La Veta: When Fred Cheschlik's bakery on East Francisco burned down, it took Judge Daigre's house on the west and J. M. Elrod's new house on the east with it.

1894 October Walsenburg: California, Colorado and Iowa grapes, black, red and white at the Cheap Cash Store.

1894 October Walsenburg: E.A. Lidle and Christ Lutz will open the People's Meat Market in the old Keer house in Rouse Oct. 6. Their specialty is sausage.

1894 October Walsenburg: E.A. Lidle and Christ Lutz will open the People's Meat Market in the old Keer house in Rouse Oct. 6. Their specialty is sausage.

1894 October Walsenburg: The Robinson mine at Walsen is being cleared out ready for opening up.  Five men are already at work and Martin Brennan was appointed pit boss.

1894 November Walsenburg: Casimiro Cruz has 65 pupils in the North Veta school for the four month term.

1894 November Walsenburg: Don't fail to see those $1.50 children's jackets at the New York Fair store.

1894 November Walsenburg: New scales were installed at Walsen mines and now coal is weighed on both the tipple and the track scales.

1894 November Walsenburg: Some boys playing started a fire which destroyed a cheap dwelling on Capitol Hill owned by Creesy and Pritchard.

1894 November Walsenburg: The butcher E.A. Lidle has a branch meat market in Rouse in partnership with Mr. Lentz.

1894 November Walsenburg: The telephone linemen are putting in the line to Pueblo, and when they are done, calls will cost one cent per mile, or 50 cents for a call to Pueblo.

1894 August: Wallace C. Hunt is the new manager and editor of the Walsenburg World.

1894 December La Veta: Alex McDonald was elected Worthy Master of La Veta Lodge No 59, AF&AM.

1894 December La Veta: J.B. Petrie is building a dam on the Cucharas just south of the railroad bridge so he can cut ice there this winter.

1894 December La Veta: Judge Daigre leaves next week for Mexico to decide whether he wants to relocate there.

1894 December La Veta: Ray Thomas of Alamosa, employed by the D&RG, married Edna Bellard yesterday at noon at the bride's home two miles west of La Veta.

1894 December Walsenburg: The Turks at their plaza near Cucharas sold one of their bears to E.L. Duncan's market last week for holiday meat.

1895 January La Veta: J.K. Kincaid bought the west end of the Daigre ranch located on the east boundary of town.

1895 January La Veta: J.K. Kincaid bought the west end of the old Daigre ranch.

1895 January La Veta: Skating parties are the popular amusement here these days.

1895 January La Veta: The Boyd Hotel is open again and guests will find a ready welcome and good home fare.

1895 January Walsenburg: Felix Cruz of North Veta was presented on Christmas with a new baby daughter.

1895 January Walsenburg: Francisco Gonzales bought out the dry goods section of the Walsenburg Commission House and moved it to his store next door.

1895 January Walsenburg: H. Blickhahn bought the milk business of C.T. Henderson.

1895 January Walsenburg: Leisenburg the tailor moved to the building formerly occupied by Justice of the Peace Steele, diagonally across Main Street from the bank.

1895 February La Veta: Mrs. V.E. Slone's chair on Town Board was declared vacant and J.W. Boyd was appointed to fill out her term.

1895 February La Veta: The five men involved in the La Veta Flour Mill robbery received their sentences.

1895 February La Veta: The public school will close next week. The board wanted to extend the term but could not secure the funds.

1895 February Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Bertolero lost an infant, the fourth little one they have been called to part with.

1895 February Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Bunker, the photographers from Rouse, have pitched their tent next to the Home Restaurant.

1895 February Walsenburg: No, no, we made no references to anarchist or populist utterances in our La Veta article last week.

1895 February Walsenburg: Walsenburg has at last come to the front and can no longer be classed as second rate. Bloomers have graced our town and even the most conservative are pleased with the result.

March 15, 1895 The Arizona Republican, Phoenix Arizona NOT A HEAVENLY TOWN Something About Walsenburg, Colo. All Mouths Are Sealed on the Subject of the Late Wholesale Murder of Italians. Pueblo, Colo., March 14.-The bodies of the two Italians killed by a mob at Walsenburg on Tuesday night have not yet been found. There is no doubt that a considerable number of people know thoroughly well who did the killing but it is believed no one dares say so or acknowledge any wrongdoings of the participants for fear of being himself used as a target. The notorious Bob Ford, the slayer of Jesse James, ran a dance hall in the town of Walsenburg for several years and several of his pals are in the penitentiary but others are still on hand. Walsenburg is a hamlet of a thousand people with coal mines and miners on every side, and a turbulent element is therefore at large.

1895 March La Veta: Elmer Bellard is tending to the billiard parlors at present. 

1895 March La Veta: Mrs. Alice Daigre resigned her position of trustee on Town Board.

1895 March La Veta: There is a possibility the Spanish Peaks mines may be worked in the coming season.

1895 March Walsenburg: An Italian named Joseph Santi, 40, was killed in the Rouse mine by a fall of rock. Although his family lives in Italy, he was buried in Walsenburg.

1895 March Walsenburg: Dr. C.M. McGuire and Judge Sweeney have taken homesteads on the road to St. Mary's and built a double cottage on the dividing line between their properties.

1895 March Walsenburg: From now until April 1, Mrs. Becker will give away a free lining for every dress bought at her establishment.

1895 March Walsenburg: March is an aristocratic month - it puts on more airs than any other.

1895 March Walsenburg: Myers Moved his harness shop to the former US Tin Shop of Ben Elzenhoefer.

1895 Apr. 24, The new Union Pacific Denver and Rio Grande railroad grade will run east of Capitol Hill, entering town on Fourth Street and running parallel with the D&RG. Following Fourth, it will cross the D&RG tracks near the power house, circle over to run southeast of the Cucharas alongside the hill near Judge Valdes' house, then southwest of the cemetery towards the Rouse road above Bear Creek bridge, turns east beyond the slaughter house, crosses the creek and heads for Rouse. The depot will be a block east of Main Street and the railroad yards will be to its east.  - Walsenburg World

1895 April La Veta: A ditch will be cut at the south end of Cherry Street to catch the underflow of the Cucharas to bring more water into town.

1895 April La Veta: A.L. Francisco is moving the frame portion of the old schoolhouse to lots just south of the drug store for a post office with roomier quarters.

1895 April La Veta: C.L. Martin sold his grocery store to a Mr. Nulton and bought his brother Frank's meat market.

1895 April La Veta: D.D. Ryus fixed up the billiard room behind his store and allows no intoxicating drinks.

1895 April La Veta: Heber Turner has moved his assay and real estate office into A.A. Foote's building. He will also publish a small real estate paper.

1895 April La Veta: Marshal Kerby chanced upon a gambling outfit in the rear of the McCaskill building and turned over the goods to Justice Francisco.

1895 April La Veta: The roof of the railroad's water tank caught fire from sparks from the engine but was extinguished before too long.

1895 April La Veta: Will Boyd is manager of D. D. Ryus's hotel and his wife is the cook.

1895 April Walsenburg: Francisco Gonzales sold his stock to J.D. Montez, who will move it to his store at Crestones.

1895 April Walsenburg: Fred Klein was thrown from his wheel [bicycle] after hitting a drift of sand and was severely bruised around his face.

1895 April Walsenburg: Miss Witte closed the Spring Valley School after the winter term was completed

1895 May La Veta: Alec Lindsay and wife returned Sunday and Mrs. Lindsay is arranging her new - millinery goods in part of the drug store.

1895 May La Veta: Enos Frankenberry brought us a specimen of coal from his mine west of town on the railroad and it is one of the finest samples ever shown in Huerfano County.

1895 May La Veta: Extra fine cabbage and tomato plants can be bought at Mrs. John Goemmer's. Cabbage, 50¢ per hundred; tomatoes, $1 per hundred.

1895 May La Veta: Taylor brothers sold their Indian Creek ranch to S. Fielding of Chicago, who will move his family here.

1895 May La Veta: The heavy rains washed out the Middle Creek toll road near the McCormack place but it is being repaired as quickly as possible.

1895 May La Veta: The post office met with a loss Monday when a dog jumped through a window.

1895 May La Veta: Town Board passed a motion to repeal the stock ordinance.

1895 May La Veta: Will Bellard was in the county seat trying to prove up on his homestead but found it would be republished due to an error in printing his name as William S. instead of Williamson S.

1895 May Walsenburg: Mrs. William Clark has rented the Garcia building and is moving her millinery stock there.

1895 May Walsenburg: See the new style of sailor hats at Mrs. Becker's millinery.

1895 May Walsenburg: Several men were injured by gunshots during a brawl at Mike Cervanyk's saloon in Rouse.

1895 June La Veta: About 200 Woodmen of the World from Trinidad and 100 from Walsenburg, including both bands, came up Thursday morning for a picnic at La Veta picnic grounds. A total of 231 of them took the excursion to the top of La Veta Pass.

1895 June La Veta: D.C. Underwood, who lately bought the Dickerman ranch, was thrown by the wind from the roof of his house and broke his collar bone.

1895 June La Veta: Deputy Road Commissioner Erwin has done an excellent job on the hill north of town, widening the path so two teams can pass at most any point.

1895 June La Veta: Four hundred broad gauge cars of agricultural produce were shipped from La Veta during 1894.

1895 June La Veta: Jake Marker is selling out his property at Rouse and will move to La Veta where he intends to form a partnership with Charlie Boyd in the blacksmithing business.

1895 June La Veta: John Goemmer bought six lots south of L.A. Drum's town residence to build a large barn for hay storage.

1895 June La Veta: Lumber cut to order at O. Bemen's saw mill, 10 miles west of La Veta on Middle Creek.

1895 June La Veta: Major C.B. Bowman and W.H. Clifford have resumed work on their tunnel on the west side of Silver Mountain.

1895 June La Veta: Mr. Nulton has contracted for all the creamery butter they have to sell in the La Veta market and is now selling it at 20 cents per pound.

1895 June La Veta: On Tuesday, June 11 there will be a social for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church.

1895 June La Veta: The directors of the La Veta School District have engaged Prof. Hughes of Pueblo for the next term. School will open the first Monday in September for a seven month term.

1895 June La Veta: The school house in the Sager district will be enlarged instead of having a new one built.

1895 June Walsenburg: General Walsen has the McDonald grading crew fixing up the base ball and race grounds near the depot for the Fourth of July.

1895 June Walsenburg: Six young men have signed up for the Fourth of July bicycle race which will go up Main Street, thence one mile east on the Cucharas road and return, about two and a half miles.

1895 July La Veta: A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Stranger, assisted by Mother Prator who has a diploma.

1895 July La Veta: John Goemmer bought six lots from L.A. Drum south of his town residence and he will build a large barn for storing hay.

1895 July La Veta: The ladies Columbine band are now exercising their wits over some plan of raising money for the purchase of horns.

1895 July La Veta: The railroad bridge over the North Abeyta was damaged in Tuesday's rain and hail storm.

1895 July La Veta: The Street Commissioner is putting in a culvert just west of the school house to carry the Kincaid ditch water under the roadway.

1895 July La Veta:  J.M. Jones is experimenting with electricity as applied to the growth of plants.

1895 July Walsenburg: Main Street was flooded when the ditches broke after the heavy rain.

1895 July Walsenburg: Mat Welsby discovered some men punching a hole through the adobe wall of the jail with an eight foot bar trying to free someone.  There was a fusillade of shots but no one escaped from inside.

1895 July Walsenburg: Plans are being made for a celebration Aug. 6 on the completion of the Union Pacific into Walsenburg.               

1895 July Walsenburg: The Brodhead brothers found a good vein of coal about a mile above the Aguilar mine and have begun developing it.

1895 July Walsenburg: The Fourth of July parade featured eight floats and the La Veta Band. Fireworks and a dance were enjoyed in the evening.

1895 July Walsenburg: The Gulf railway is building a large water tank where their road crosses the Cucharas.

1895 July Walsenburg: Thomas Rogers of Spring Canon has deeded an acre for the cemetery where there are 16 graves. Local people are to meet July 20 to build a fence.

1895 July: General Walsen had the McDonald grading crew fix up the base ball and race grounds near the depot for the Fourth of July.

1895 August La Veta: E.J. Coleman has started building a large stone barn  for the Goemmers.

1895 August La Veta: Farmers are asked to show their produce at the exposition Aug. 6 in Walsenburg celebrating the completion of the Union Pacific.

1895 August La Veta: J.B. Petrie of Wahatoya has just returned from northern Texas where he went to buy a bunch of cattle.     

1895 August La Veta: Miss Freeman, a sister of Mrs. Ireland, will teach the primary room in the coming term.

1895 August La Veta: The Ladies Cornet Band played for a dance Friday evening which was well attended and enjoyed.

1895 August La Veta: We occasionally have the visit of a meadow lark in front of our office. We are charmed by the music, and like the new woman, this bird wears rather tight bloomers and a No. 11 shoe.

1895 August Walsenburg: Albino Sanches added a billiard table to his barber shop next door to the S. Valdez store.

1895 August Walsenburg: Coal mines operating around Walsenburg are Pictou, also called Sulphur Springs, Solar, Robinson, Toltec, Cameron, formerly John Jones, Rouse and Walsen.

1895 August Walsenburg: Henry Klein has for rent the bottom floor of the building used as Odd Fellows Hall.

1895 August Walsenburg: John B. Moore and Alex Levy have dissolved their partnership with Mr. Levy retaining the business by mutual consent.

1895 August Walsenburg: John Jones' Cameron mine is in operation.

1895 August Walsenburg: Santiago Quintana, an old resident of North Veta, gave a dance at the school house which was well attended by all ages.

1895 August: A dance at the Mandolini saloon at Solar lasted 48 hours.

1895 August: A new coal mine has been opened near Winchell station south of town.

1895 August: The county needs a new jail because the present one is totally unsafe and is easy to escape from.

1895 September La Veta: A special train will leave the La Veta depot Sept. 25 at 6:15 a.m. for Canon City to carry passengers to the fruit day exercises. Cost is $2.75 for the round trip.

1895 September La Veta: E.T. Coleman has moved his family to town. His work is progressing well on the new $1,200 stone barn he is building for John Goemmer.

1895 September La Veta: George Kitchens the other day killed a rattlesnake that was four feet and four inches long.

1895 September La Veta: John Goemmer's stable is being built of stone. It will be a substantial building and costly as well.

1895 September La Veta: Married September 22 by Rev. J.B. Ball at the home of the bride's parents on the Wahatoya, Jesse Sowers and Maggie McConnell.

1895 September La Veta: Mrs. H. Daigre and daughter Eva left to make their home in Florida.

1895 September La Veta: Prator School will in future be known as Wahatoya School.

1895 September La Veta: Some person with more force than reason removed the section corner stone from its location in the roadway southwest of the school house. It is one of three accepted by the surveyors as standing in its original location.

1895 September La Veta: Some person with more force than reason removed the section cornerstone from its location in the roadway southwest of the school house. This was one of only three accepted by surveyors as standing in its original location.

1895 September La Veta: T.S. Denton has reopened his tin shop next door to the meat market on Ryus and is ready for all kinds of repair work.

1895 September La Veta: The Columbine cornet band has been disbanded.

1895 September La Veta: The ladies of the Baptist Church gave a social last Friday evening with refreshments and music.

1895 September La Veta: Two ranchers on Bear Creek proved it pays to raise early potatoes for they earned three cents a pound for them in July.

1895 September La Veta:  The Woodmen of the World had an excellent entertainment and dance Saturday night and raised $37.50.

1895 September Walsenburg: A rumor is that the Denver and Rio Grande will re-lay the third track between here and La Veta.

1895 September Walsenburg: An Italian family is repairing the old boardinghouse at Walsen mines and will soon reopen it.

1895 September Walsenburg: C. Lilly of Pueblo let a contract for work on his Lake View mine on Sierra Blanca.

1895 September Walsenburg: Dr. G.F. Hanna, the dentist who moved here from Missouri, has rented rooms from Dr. Baird in the Kearns building. Mrs. Hanna is the sister of Mrs. C.B. Sharp.

1895 September Walsenburg: J.P. McDonald, superintendent at the Cameron mine, says the last payday caught the men up to Aug. 20.

1895 September Walsenburg: Mooney and Ramsey have kilned 50,000 bricks with 20,000 more underway. They will prepare 200,000 for sale at their kiln northwest of the old D&RG depot.

1895 September Walsenburg: T.M. Hudson finally finished his new store building at Gardner and the ball given by him Friday was most enjoyable.

1895 September Walsenburg: The telegraph office and agent's dwelling at Walsenburg junction have been completed.

1895 September Walsenburg: Walsenburg junction, the station at the east end of the Gulf yards and one mile from the D&RG depot, was a booming place last week when several buildings were shipped in.

1895 September Walsenburg: Walter Arnold is the new postmaster at Capps and Sam Capps carries the mail.

1895 October La Veta: Briggs Whitman of the Apache has proven the success of fruit Orchards at that place.

1895 October La Veta: Charles Mack has rented the Daigre residence in town for the winter so his children can go to school.

1895 October La Veta: Frank Ownby reports he will start his water distillery at Ojo since the water in La Veta is not fit to drink.

1895 October La Veta: George Mathews has purchased the "government" building on Main Street from A.L. Francisco and will move it to his ranch.

1895 October La Veta: James Hamilton drove in about 200 head of cattle to which he intends to feed his large crop of hay.

1895 October La Veta: John Pruitt, who rented the Foote building on Ryus Avenue, bought a billiard table and is ready to open his new saloon.

1895 October La Veta: The Goemmer stone building is now ready for a roof. The stone work is a credit to the builder.

1895 October La Veta: The La Veta Livery Stable has been busy hauling around candidates for the coming election.

1895 October La Veta: The owners of the coal mines above La Veta are getting some large orders for coal for shipment to Alamosa and Pueblo.

1895 October La Veta: The registration book will be found in the old post office. Go see whether your name is written down. Next regular registration day is Tuesday the 29th inst.

1895 October Walsenburg: J.F. McDonald is mine superintendent at Cameron.

1895 October Walsenburg: T.L. Creesy is back from the San Luis Valley where he purchased 2,000 sheep.

1895 October Walsenburg: The electric plant should be back in operation by Oct. 15 with new dynamos and repaired boilers.

1895 October Walsenburg: The foundation for Baxter and Kearns' new store is in.

1895 October Walsenburg: The new Gulf depot is almost complete.

1895 October Walsenburg: Work on repairing the electric light plant has progressed rapidly and the lights will be turned back on today.

Denver Evening Post 11-11-1895 - State Happenings - La Veta - Mrs. Ida Gants of Rockford, Ill., who married James G. Hamilton of this place, suddenly deserted her husband three days after the wedding.  Her whereabouts are unknown.

1895 November La Veta: Dr. J.B. Wright is now established in his new office on Ryus Avenue and he has got nice and comfortable quarters.

1895 November La Veta: On Thanksgiving night the Woodmen of the World will once again see how rapidly the feet can keep time with the music of the violin when they have their masquerade and lunch in Ryus Hall.

1895 November La Veta: The dance on Thanksgiving Eve was a thorough success, both financially and socially. Dancing was kept up until three or four o'clock in the morning.

1895 November La Veta: The new woman is a mock man. The true woman is one that stands by the side of man.

1895 November La Veta: There is a movement on to build a general warehouse near the railroad tracks to store hay, grain and potatoes. The plan is for a stone building, 120 by 80 feet, with a basement.

1895 November La Veta: We understand the La Veta Herald will be published in the future in Walsenburg under another name. We are sorry to lose Editor McDuffee.

1895 November La Veta: William Danks has bought the Baldwin interest in the Frankenbury property and will work the mine for all it's worth.

1895 November Walsenburg: Jay Coots and Archie Jolley are suffering from mountain fever and Miss Minnie Wycoff is now recovering.

1895 December La Veta: At the shooting match Wednesday the visitors from Walsenburg carried off the laurels, or more to the point, most of the turkeys. George Kearns won five birds and Gus Prator was second with three.

1895 December La Veta: H.B. Sager plans to ship a carload of fat beeves for the Christmas market in Denver.

1895 December La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Dotson gave a farewell party for Jim Kimsey who is going to Chama, NM, to work for the Denver and Rio Grande.

1895 December La Veta: Robert Cowles was appointed town attorney - we may look for anti-liquor and anti-gambling ordinances now.

1895 December La Veta: The Advertiser office is now located on Francisco Street in the old Herald office.

1895 December La Veta: The Baker coal mine shipped five cars this week to Alamosa and Monte Vista. It is about time the railroad should give our La Veta mines more facilities for shipping.

1895 December La Veta: The dance Wednesday night was a thorough success, both financially and socially. Dancing was kept up until three or four in the morning.

1895 December La Veta: The Young Peoples societies of the Methodist and Baptist churches had a social last night at Ryus Hall. 

1895 December La Veta: William T. Holmes, a Chicago lawyer, is now a resident of town and will teach short-hand to a limited number of pupils.

1895 December Walsenburg: Barnardino Bustos and Maria Delfina Olguin were married.

1895 December Walsenburg: Buy your Christmas chicken at S. Valdez and Company.

1895 December Walsenburg: George Moyer procured and sold a large number of Christmas trees to people in town this season.

1895 December Walsenburg: The dance at Mazzone Hall Thursday evening was a brilliant success with 30 couples attending. They will have hops monthly.

1895 December Walsenburg: Thirty-one are enrolled in Rev. Refugio Jaramillo's Spanish school, including both adults and children.

1895 December Walsenburg: Two drunks tried to do imitations of an Apache war dance Sunday and were promptly jailed by Marshal Smith and fined $11 each on Monday.

1895 December Walsenburg: Walsenburg carried off the laurels, or more to the point, most of the turkeys, at the shooting match at La Veta Wednesday.

1896 January La Veta: A large number of La Veta people bid farewell to the old year and celebrated the birth of the new one with a grand ball at Ryus Hall.

1896 January La Veta: Antonio Ward and Josefa Martinez were married New Year's Day by Justice of the Peace S.L. Strange.

1896 January La Veta: Ed Collier and E.E. Shafer are operating the Middle Creek Coal Mine.

1896 January La Veta: It is a standing disgrace to the intelligence of the community compelling the children to wade through snow and slush to reach the school house without a sidewalk.

1896 January La Veta: It would be a good idea if the school board would provide a locker for the children's lunch buckets as much is being purloined.

1896 January La Veta: J.B. Petrie leased the Bruce Lake ranch and will put in the largest amount of grain ever planted there.

1896 January La Veta: John Owens and Hattie Williams were married by Rev. C.M. Green.

1896 January La Veta: Over 100 people, including about 20 from Walsenburg, enjoyed the dance and supper of the Woodmen of the World Christmas Eve.

1896 January La Veta: R.B. Willis sold his herd of sheep to Mr. Aiken of Walsenburg. Messrs. Petrie and Hamilton contemplate raising sheep instead of cattle.

1896 January La Veta: Wash day has always been the hardest day of the week for the women folks but now M.S. Denton has reduced the dread to a minimum with his now "Cyclone Washer."

1896 January La Veta: William Springer brought in 11 wagons of coal from his mine.

1896 January La Veta: William Springer loaded 11 wagons of coal from his mine on Middle Creek Saturday and can now run out 10 tons daily for which he finds ready sale.

1896 January Walsenburg: A leap year ball is to be the attraction at Rouse Friday - it is a good thing to attend since you won't have another chance for eight years.

1896 January Walsenburg: Alex Young moved his barbershop to the Caviness building at Sixth and Main Streets.

1896 January Walsenburg: August Unfug left yesterday for Canon City where he accepted a position as head clerk for a large clothing and dry goods establishment.

1896 January Walsenburg: Coroner Dr. J.B. Wright received a call that a man had been killed by failing off the Union Pacific Denver and Gulf at Santa Clara.

1896 January Walsenburg: H. G. Lamme is manager of the Colorado Supply Company story at Pictou and D. J. Jones is now in charge of the store at Rouse.

1896 January Walsenburg: J.A.J. Valdez is moving his law office to the Kearns-Cole building this week in rooms formerly occupied by Dr. F.S. Hanna, who moved to West Fifth Street where S.A. Bowman was.

1896 January Walsenburg: L.B. Sporleder's is selling his home ranch three quarters of a mile from town, including the cows, horses, wagon, harness, agricultural implements and other lands.

1896 January Walsenburg: Mrs. Fremont McIntire moved in with her mother, Mrs. C.B. Sharp, after losing her three children to diphtheria.

1896 January Walsenburg: The first of the semimonthly dances of the Walsenburg Dancing Club was given at Mazzone Hall last Thursday and was well attended.

1896 January Walsenburg: Real estate is on the move - with the assistance of the wind.

1896 January Walsenburg: The hose company is in need of a place to meet as their old hall on West Sixth has fallen down.

1896 January Walsenburg: The sheriff's office has been moved upstairs in the stone building owned by the Farr Brothers.

1896 January Walsenburg: The Young Ladies Reading Club gave a progressive anagram party at the home of Clara Espe at Walsen mines.

1896 January Walsenburg: W.N. Houser plans to lay out a horseracing track near Walsenburg.

1896 February La Veta: An accident in the railroad yards Sunday left an engine disabled and one car needing repair.

1896 February La Veta: Charlie Mack has ordered a power feed mill to grind grain for his cattle.

1896 February La Veta: Fred Edmisten had his leg broken in two places in a railroad accident at Cucharas Junction.

1896 February La Veta: O.D. Staplin sold a ton of rye flour in Rouse and says next year he'll plant double this year's rye crop.

1896 February La Veta: Quite a nice dance was given at the Band Room Tuesday night that was largely attended.

1896 February La Veta: Ryus' Hall has been packed floor to ceiling this week for Professor Massie's lectures on Phrenology and Hypnotism.

1896 February La Veta: The Denver and Rio Grande plans to lay 65 pound rails between Walsenburg and La Veta soon.

1896 February La Veta: The King's Daughters gave an old people's banquet at the commodious residence of James Hamilton Saturday for 18 ladies and gentlemen.

1896 February La Veta: The owners of the Whale mine have concluded assessment work on their property and are now making arrangements for development on a large scale.

1896 February La Veta: William Smith of La Veta just finished threshing 12,000 bushels of grain for Leonides Valdez of Cucharas.

1896 February Walsenburg: A Valentine Guess Who party was held in Rouse at House No. 42, that of Mrs. Alice Learned.

1896 February Walsenburg: A. Levy now owns the three buildings opposite the Walsen block on Main Street.

1896 February Walsenburg: An ordinance is needed to impose fines on those boys who loiter around the railroad station and jump on moving trains, before someone is seriously injured.

1896 February Walsenburg: Crokinole parties are becoming quite the rage among our society people, two of them were held this week.

1896 February Walsenburg: Former Cactus editor, Jimmy O'Neil, is suing that paper for libelous statements.

1896 February Walsenburg: Four drunks were consigned to the city bull pen Saturday but when Marshall Harriman went to get them for court Monday found a hole big enough to throw a calf through in the jail wall.

1896 February Walsenburg: J.N. Cooper bought of J.P. Kearns Lot 11 in Block 4 on Colorado Avenue for $200 cash.

1896 February Walsenburg: Mrs. Ella McDaniels was in the city Saturday. She teaches at Jacques Plaza.

1896 February Walsenburg: Reporters entered the Walsen mine but were turned back in the east entry by the smoke from constant firing. In the west side, they had to wade.

1896 February Walsenburg: The city paid $10 for having the hole in the jail repaired. This is about the ninth or tenth time prisoners have escaped through this same place.

1896 February Walsenburg: The high school boys have organized a base ball nine with Rueben Archuleta captain.

1896 February Walsenburg: Walsen miners are now earning from three to five dollars a day.

1896 February Walsenburg: Walsenburg Hose Team No. 1 elected Charles Harriman foreman, W.P. Brewer, Sam Brown and George Prewitt, assistants, A.W. Wright, secretary and M.O. Danford, treasurer.

1896 March La Veta: A change is needed in the school law. All the holidays this year came on Saturday and the poor school marms get no rest.

1896 March La Veta: B.H. Whitman, he of round proportions caused by drinking Apache water and eating Apache cheese, was in town Tuesday morning.

1896 March La Veta: Dave Ryus this week was computing the weight of his assets and by the smile on his face, we presume he is satisfied with the layout.

1896 March La Veta: Dave Ryus this week was computing the weight of his assets and by the smile on his face, we presume he is satisfied with the layout.

1896 March La Veta: F.M. Eggleston is busy getting out ties for the D&RG. He has quite a camp already established.

1896 March La Veta: F.M. Eggleston is busy getting out ties for the D&RG. He has quite a camp already established.

1896 March La Veta: Fifteen thousand rails have been ordered laid between Walsenburg and La Veta.

1896 March La Veta: The most reckless wind storm we have had for 10 years struck us last Thursday evening. Tree tops were strewn over the mesas from unknown stumps, and a yellow dog is said to have been blown here from the San Luis Valley.

1896 March La Veta: The old depot hotel is about all removed. It is an old time landmark but it has disappeared.

1896 March La Veta: The wind bloweth where it pleaseth yet we prefer this climate to the burning sands, bugs, lice, greenflies and ticks of Texas.

1896 March La Veta: The wind bloweth where it pleaseth yet we prefer this climate to the burning sands, bugs, lice, greenflies and ticks of Texas.

1896 March Walsenburg: All persons on the road between the Robinson mine and the Higgins ranch in La Veta are asked to give the road over to the race horses April 1.

1896 March Walsenburg: Antonio A. Lafore sold H.T. Gallegos 40 acres on Turkey Creek for $100.

1896 March Walsenburg: Bill Smith is training his hounds to follow escaped prisoners.

1896 March Walsenburg: Christ Karst, B.N. Whitman and Mr. Russel are the proprietors of the cheese factory operating at Apache.

1896 March Walsenburg: Dick brothers' soda factory is now in running order.

1896 March Walsenburg: If Leadville can have an ice palace, what's the matter with Walsenburg having a sand palace?

1896 March Walsenburg: Sig Neumann bought Z.T. Biggerstaffs 480 acre ranch in the Missouri Valley about four miles north of town for $700.

1896 March Walsenburg: The roads are impassable and scarcely jackassable.

1896 March Walsenburg: Walsen's Banking Company, the new firm, took charge of the bank last Monday. It is now a state bank with capital stock of $50,000.

1896 Apr. 29: Of course $1 a day is a lot to pay to keep lunatics locked in the state asylum but would you let them run at large in the country? Walsenburg World

1896 April La Veta: A.A. Foote was on the upper Huerfano surveying a county road from Sharpsdale and Seguro to the mining district at the foot of the mountains.

1896 April La Veta: A.A. Foote was on the upper Huerfano surveying a county road from Sharpsdale and Seguro to the mining district at the foot of the mountains.

1896 April La Veta: A.A. Foote was robbed of his overcoat at the depot in Walsenburg. It was worth about 50 cents but contained books and papers valuing about $100 because of the hard work he put into them.

1896 April La Veta: It is a pity that some people cannot learn to attend to their own business. Recently, while we were trying to raise a flirtation with a good looking unmarried school marm, a crusty old bachelor wished to know how our wife and children were. It was indeed embarrassing.

1896 April La Veta: On Wednesday Felix Estes had the novel job of digging one of his cows out of an 18 foot deep well but his trouble was awarded by getting it out safe and sound.

1896 April La Veta: One hundred and fifty-five voted in Tuesday's election.

1896 April La Veta: The People's Ticket won two to one over the Citizen's, the prohibition party.

1896 April La Veta: The People's Ticket won two to one over the Citizen's, the prohibition party.

1896 April Walsenburg: D.E. Farr's Clipper Saloon is moving to opposite the Walsen block. 

1896 April Walsenburg: Dr. Baird and Frank Day returned Friday from a five-day prospecting trip around the Rattlesnake Buttes country.

1896 April Walsenburg: Dr. McGuire indiscreetly tied his team to a box car at Cucharas and when the car moved out, so did the team. He consequently now sports a brand new buggy.

1896 April Walsenburg: Ed Farr married Miss Nellie Hern in Kansas City.

1896 April Walsenburg: Heap blizzard yesterday.

1896 April Walsenburg: Is there a spot on earth so kindly favored by the sportive wind as Walsenburg.

1896 April Walsenburg: Last Friday the Ladies of the Presbyterian Church gave a literary program and supper at the court house.

1896 April Walsenburg: S. Valdez moved his commission company across the street to the former millinery of Mrs. Clark.

1896 April Walsenburg: Stewart Forbes sold his livery stable to J.N. Cooper and bought the Turf Exchange Saloon from George Klein.

1896 April Walsenburg: The party out rounding up horses got caught under a foot and a half of snow Sunday near Cuchara canon and concluded to wait for spring before going out again.

1896 April Walsenburg: The Spanish Peaks Daughters of Rebecca Lodge No. 4 was organized last Wednesday with 30 members.

1896 April Walsenburg: The three foot snowfall on Friday caused the roof of G.R. Moore's store to fall in.

1896 May La Veta: A Denver and Rio Grande engineer is surveying for a side track to La Veta Roller Mill.

1896 May La Veta: Charles Mack bought himself a complete blacksmith's outfit, as well as a thresher and grist mill.

1896 May La Veta: Dave Ryus leased out his billiard hall and now has some quiet time.

1896 May La Veta: Ira Williams, formerly deputy county surveyor here, lost his office building in the fire at Cripple Creek, as did Victor G. Hills who suffered a $3,000 loss.

1896 May La Veta: It don't pay to borrow an ice cream freezer when you can buy them so cheap of D.D. Ryus.

1896 May La Veta: Since the tie Choppers are burning everything they cannot take away and the land is stripped, soon Huerfano County will not have enough snow stored to irrigate a 160 acre goose ranch.

1896 May La Veta: The cold spell of weather we experienced this week reminds us that the climate in high altitude is mighty changeable.

1896 May La Veta: The Ryus billiard hall will be reopened in a few days, which will afford some recreation to the visitors at the hotel.

1896 May La Veta:  It don't [sic] pay to borrow an ice cream freezer when you can buy them so cheap of D.D. Ryus.

1896 May Walsenburg: A fine new awning has been added to the front of Mrs. Gordon's restaurant.

1896 May Walsenburg: E.F. Halbert, the attorney, has moved his office into the Farr building

1896 May Walsenburg: Fred Klein and Pete Schafer bicycled up the Huerfano, pausing at the Herald Hotel in Gardner before proceeding on up the canon.

1896 May Walsenburg: Henry Klein once again gathered up his prospecting tools and two cans of giant powder and headed off to Silver Mountain.

1896 May Walsenburg: I was nervous, tired, irritable and cross. Karl's Clover Root Tea has made me well and happy. For sale at Wycoff brothers.

1896 May Walsenburg: Last year's many marriages are turning up many new additions in the community this year.

1896 May Walsenburg: Spring Valley School near Rouse is seeking a teacher.  The pay is $40 per month.

1896 May Walsenburg: The Town should take more interest in improving the cemetery, which is just yellow mounds devoid of grass and trees.

1896 May Walsenburg: Town Board fixed the salary of the marshal at $75 a month, the street commissioner at $65 and the town attorney at $200 per year.

1896 June La Veta: A small cyclone struck some telegraph poles near the old Wahatoya switch at North Veta and snapped them off like breaking matches.

1896 June La Veta: Bell Hibben has opened the La Veta Billiard Hall and will now run the same as a place where you can pass a quiet hour in a game of Pool or Billiards. He will keep a first class line of cigars and tobaccos and a supply of soft drinks.

1896 June La Veta: Cal Ritchie is back to work with the railroad after having his foot amputated.

1896 June La Veta: Jack Frost visited Wednesday and nipped beans, cucumbers and melon vines to the extent they will be useless.

1896 June La Veta: Jasper Kerby is starting up a saw mill and will haul his logs into town and cut them right on the spot.

1896 June La Veta: Mrs. G.D. Baker is teaching in the neat frame schoolhouse in the Owenby district on Middle Creek.

1896 June La Veta: Our merchants report quite a trade in outfitting prospectors for the miners camps around La Veta. Trade in this line is better than for five years past.

1896 June La Veta: Take a walk by Col. Francisco's Park tomorrow, where you will find a tent filled with good things, Ice Cream     Lemonade, Strawberry Short Cake, etc. Pause and refresh yourself.

1896 June La Veta: The Griffin boys have been working in the Big 4 mines on the Peaks since February.

1896 June La Veta: The Kitchens' team arrived home on Thursday safely, but the wagon was sadly demoralized.

1896 June Walsenburg: A marriage license was issued to Juan N. Valdez and Maria P. Salazar.

1896 June Walsenburg: A petition is being circulated requesting that social clubs be licensed to dispense liquor.

1896 June Walsenburg: Adv. - Baths, 25¢, at the Sulphur Springs, Jay Coots, manager.

1896 June Walsenburg: J.B. Johnson sold his interest in the Workman Furniture Co. to Mr. Workman and will move his jewelry stock into the store with Peter Krier while Workman remains in the same location.

1896 June Walsenburg: J.J. Perdomo, newly appointed Presbyterian missionary, preached in the North Veta schoolhouse Sunday and wants to start a Sabbath School there.

1896 June Walsenburg: L.B. Sporleder opened a furniture and novelty store on Main Street two doors north of the Cactus office and is offering many unusual articles he brought back from Mexico.

1896 June Walsenburg: Leave your orders for first class Rouse coal at the sheriff's office or the Clipper Saloon. Ibar Johnson is the agent.

1896 June Walsenburg: Sporleder's new seven-piece orchestra will give a concert at the court house Friday evening.

1896 June Walsenburg: Tennis fiends are becoming more numerous and there is talk of having a tournament.

1896 June Walsenburg: The jail contractor says he'll need 10-12 local men to work at different times.

1896 June Walsenburg: The quarrying of rock for the new jail began Monday.

1896 June Walsenburg: The school bond election approved by a vote of 47 to four a $4,000 bond to build a two-room addition and repair the rest of the building.

1896 June Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Orchestra has been organized with L.B. Sporleder, L.C. Schaefer, W.B. Wayt, W.B. Danford, Mrs. L.B. Sporleder, A.W. Wright, Mark Danford and C. R. Elder.

1896 June Walsenburg: There were 2,726 school children enrolled this past year, an increase of 121 over the previous year.

1896 June Walsenburg: Town Council ordered two social clubs in town to take out liquor licenses.

1896 June Walsenburg: Walsenburg is to have a new school house.

1896 June Walsenburg: Walsenburg will not have a Fourth of July celebration as both La Veta and Gardner are.

1896 June Walsenburg: Work on the streets is progressing finely and we are getting cinder crossings.

1896 June Walsenburg: Y.M. and Henry Farr have leased the McHarg ranch and will go into the hog business.

1896 July La Veta: A large party from Texas are camped at the Sulphur Springs on Indian Creek and taking the waters.

1896 July La Veta: Dr. J.W. Collins shot Captain Coleman through the forehead but was acquitted of murder on a plea of self-defense.

1896 July La Veta: Fire on the Steele ranch near the West Spanish Peak destroyed a considerable amount of fence but the buildings were saved.

1896 July La Veta: Have you tried those B.B.B.'s in small cans at Ryus' store?

1896 July La Veta: La Veta's team beat the Tie Choppers 11 to 9 in the game Sunday.

1896 July La Veta: Since the second herd of cattle went over Veta Pass on the way to the San Luis Valley, the county road is in terrible shape for buggies and teams.

1896 July La Veta: The Fugate family drove up to the Sulphur Springs above La Veta and found five tents pitched and a family from Texas enjoying the mountain breezes.

1896 July La Veta: The state hatchery brought in 6,000 California Rainbow trout and put them in the Cucharas near Charles Mack's residence at The Cap.

1896 July La Veta: To split wood, use an ax, in difficult cases, use your neighbor's wood.

1896 July Walsenburg: A man and a boy were discovered robbing Unfug's, store to which they gained entry through a hole in the plate glass window.

1896 July Walsenburg: A stranger asked Attorney Killian if a certain building was the water works plant and he was forced to admit it was the county court house.

1896 July Walsenburg: Charles Martin, the handsome young barber, sports a new overland bicycle.

1896 July Walsenburg: E. G.  Gilder is now superintendent of the tin mines on the Upper Huerfano.

1896 July Walsenburg: Editor A.W. Wright left Sunday to visit with relatives in Ohio and the devil is getting the paper out.

1896 July Walsenburg: Excursion trains will be coming from Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Trinidad for the Grand Fete Day, Aug. 6, when the Union Pacific, Denver and Gulf railroad will be officially opened in Walsenburg. 

1896 July Walsenburg: Louis B. Sporleder received last week the finest line of basket work ever seen in this town, done by the St. Regis Indians.

1896 July Walsenburg: M. Mooney started to burn brick in his yard Friday.

1896 July Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mazzone became parents of a son July 3.

1896 July Walsenburg: Sporleder's Orchestra will play at Mazzone Hall Friday night.

1896 July Walsenburg: Street Commissioner Gordon is removing the hard packed sand from Fifth and Main and leveling the street.

1896 July Walsenburg: The Gulf track has been boarded up from Main Street to the depot and cinders placed on either side so that wagons can now cross at any point between.

1896 July Walsenburg: The new jail is going up rapidly under the direction of Contractor George Keyes.  An arch over the door will say "Huerfano County Jail 1896."

1896 July Walsenburg: Tremendous crowds have been attending the horse races this week east of town.

1896 July Walsenburg: Work commenced on the county jail Monday and will be rushed to completion by October 15.

1896 July Walsenburg: Work commenced on the jail Monday and will be rushed to completion by Oct. 15.

1896 July: Another quack in town claims to be a pathologist, psychometrist, and phrenologist.

1896 August La Veta: Elder Anglebarger has converted quite a number of the people to the Adventist faith and now they want either to rent a building or to build a church to hold their meetings in.

1896 August La Veta: J.A. Fain and family have been camped at Sulphur Springs all summer.

1896 August La Veta: Joseph Workman of Walsenburg trundled his wheel [bicycle] to La Veta Sunday and ate dinner at the hotel.

1896 August La Veta: Mrs. Charles Sharp and her sister Nillah Edmisten have been here visiting relatives.

1896 August La Veta: Put a few nails in the loose sidewalks please. A law suit will cost more than the nails.

1896 August La Veta: Superintendent Dickerman brought in a crew of men to work his Big 4 mine on the West Peak.

1896 August La Veta: The bid for the construction of a wagon road over Indian Creek Pass exceeded by $400 the appropriation allowed by the state. The Huerfano County commissioners agreed to pay half the overage if Costilla County will do the same.

1896 August La Veta: The families of W.H. Woodruff and James Hill, with Mrs.  Sol Boyd and Mrs. Marcus made the trip to the head of the Cucharas this week and are having a pleasant time hunting and fishing.

1896 August La Veta: The side walks are getting absolutely dangerous, with loose nails and broken boards. Somebody will break his or her neck before long.

1896 August La Veta: The State hatchery sent in 6,000 California Rainbow trout for release in the Cucharas near Charles Mack's ranch at the gap.

1896 August La Veta: With the resignation of Professor Hughes, Prof. C.J. Taylor has been hired principal and teacher of the higher grades.

1896 August Walsenburg: All Denver and Rio Grande trains now stop at the Main Street crossing and "flag over."

1896 August Walsenburg: Four prairie schooners passed through town Saturday on their way from some vanished El Dorado to board with their wife's folks.        

1896 August Walsenburg: The county commissioners formed Precinct 20 on the upper Huerfano around Seguro.

1896 August Walsenburg: The masquerade ball given at Clem Behymer's new hall at Malachite the 14th was a decided success with the guests dancing until dawn.

1896 August Walsenburg: The school board announced school will begin Sept. 7 instead of Aug. 31 because the slate for the blackboards did not arrive yet.

1896 August Walsenburg: There has been great mortality lately among the children in the vicinity of North Veta.

1896 Sept. 30: Captain J.S. McHarg is the contractor who built the new Cucharas school, which is of white limestone, 33 by 21 feet with eight windows with solid stone sills. It stands atop a knoll facing the Cuchara River. A square cupola with a bell, 12 foot ceilings and slate blackboards on the rear and side walls added to the cost, which was $800. Over the door is carved "Fairview District No. 25." The district was formed in 1892 and the board is currently Leonides Valdez, president, Jonathan Abercrombie, secretary, and J.B. Martinez, treasurer. - Walsenburg World 

1896 September La Veta: George Loy was kind of looking around a flat car loaded with steel rails Monday, when by some means three or four rails rolled over and caught his right foot, so that now he goes around with a cane.

1896 September La Veta: Last week about 12 wagons passed through town loaded with new wagons and buggies for the San Luis Valley. They claim the freight rates are too high to haul by railroad and this week quite a number of teams are engaged in hauling more supplies, including wind mills.

1896 September La Veta: Oliver Bemen is running his sawmill up Middle creek regularly in order to supply the demand during the building boom.

1896 September La Veta: Robert Bear of Pueblo came up last Saturday and in company with Alex Lindsay, succeeded in driving all the large game over the range.

1896 September La Veta: The early frost has touched the mountain quaken [sic] aspen. It is a sure indication that a winter overcoat will soon be needed. When will we get one?

1896 September Walsenburg: All of the mines have been working steadily and about 50 cars per day are being shipped.

1896 September Walsenburg: Average assessed valuation for agricultural land is $2.63 an acre, for grazing $1.25 an acre and for coal land $15 an acre.

1896 September Walsenburg: J.S. Neumann opened the People's Meat Market at the corner of Sixth and Main Monday.

1896 September Walsenburg: John Caviness and Albert Hausler opened their saloon Monday in the Caviness Main Street building.

1896 September Walsenburg: John S. Spencer is building a 25 by 60 foot machine shop behind A. Levy's residence.

1896 September Walsenburg: Pete Lipson, returning to Rouse with a load of vegetables and fruit, had his team run away and spilled things all around the section house at Lynn and while Pete went to Aguilar for another rig, the cattle eat [sic] up all the profits of the trip.

1896 September Walsenburg: The Lakeside Gun Club has exclusive hunting rights at Twin Lakes on the Martin and McCrimmon properties.

1896 September Walsenburg: The monotonous jingle of the scissors grinder's bell furnished a supply of comments this week.

1896 September Walsenburg: The stone work on the new county jail will be done Saturday night.

1896 September Walsenburg: Three of our coming youths climbed on a freight train Friday and ended up walking home from Cucharas.

1896: Never before has such a display of Havilland china been seen in the county. It costs you nothing to see the latest designs at Baxter and Kearns Hardware.

1896 October La Veta: An extra train of 18 double deck cars loaded with sheep came in from the west on Thursday and were transferred to the standard gauge cars and sent east the same day.

1896 October La Veta: D.D. Ryus is now the owner of a fine span of fast trotters.

1896 October La Veta: J.B. Hawes of Chicago, who is interested in the copper mines in the vicinity of Ojo, is in town.

1896 October La Veta: Mrs. J.M. Jones has recovered from her sickness and is once more able to ride her new wheel.

1896 October La Veta: The Board of Registration will meet at the Advertiser office on the 27th instant, when you can register to vote without a witness to vote in the next election.

1896 October La Veta: The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give a lunch on election day in the Band Hall on Francisco Street.

1896 October La Veta: The new elevator at the flour mill will be able to store 25,000 bushels of wheat.

1896 October Walsenburg: Charlie Harriman leased the Ibar Johnson mine at Rouse.

1896 October Walsenburg: Miss Lucy Lester, teacher, has 95 students enrolled at the Pictou School.

1896 October Walsenburg: Rouse mine No. 3 and the old slope are being worked full time.

1896 October Walsenburg: The enrollment in the Santa Clara Dist. No. 33 school is small this year. Miss Nellie Patty is teacher.

1896 November La Veta: At the close of registration on Tuesday evening the list of registered voters in the La Veta precinct numbered 525.

1896 November La Veta: For rent - A good mountain ranch near the foothills, suitable for potatoes and small grain. Enquire of A.A. Foote.

1896 November La Veta: Sheep and cattle have been on the move the past week, necessitating several extra trains to do the hauling.

1896 November La Veta: The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give a lunch on election day in the Band Hall on Francisco Street.

1896 November La Veta: The Photo Tent of O.T. Davis now fronts the P.O. block. Callers always welcome.

1896 November La Veta: The proprietors of the milling company propose to put a gangway from the top of their new grain elevator to the top of the hill as a convenience for the traveling public and tourists.

1896 November La Veta: The snowstorm on Tuesday was a disagreeable surprise to most people.

1896 November La Veta: Twenty-seven double deck broad gauge cars of sheep were shipped from La Veta Tuesday and 52 carloads were transferred from the narrow gauge.

1896 December La Veta: F.L. Martin and D.D. Ryus are now partners in the old La Veta Creamery.

1896 December La Veta: Frank Hardy was injured in the Frankenberry coal mine when he was hit by chunks of coal while dynamiting.

1896 December La Veta: Frank Hardy was knocked insensible in a blast in the Frankenberry coal mine but is getting along nicely now.

1896 December La Veta: It now takes but three days, five hours and 30 minutes for a letter to reach La Veta from Washington, D.C. Pretty quick work.

1896 December La Veta: Mrs. J.B. Petrie has gone to Denver to visit until their ranch home, which was destroyed by fire last Friday, is rebuilt.

1896 December La Veta: Over 100 people, including 20 from Walsenburg, enjoyed the dance and supper of the Woodmen of the World Christmas Eve.

1896 December La Veta: Postmaster Francisco is considering closing the post office on Sundays because of the loungers making it their headquarters and leaving tobacco expectoration to a depth you could swim in it.

1896 December La Veta: Professor Brice will farm on the McDonald ranch on the Wahatoya this season.

1896 December La Veta: The boys of town gathered Tuesday evening to charivari Jap Bruce but after indulging in the most infernal racket, discovered Jap is still a single man.

1896 December La Veta: The ice on the mill lake is now ten inches thick and the company are [sic] securing ice orders.

1897 January La Veta: A young man started after his best girl Saturday evening to take her sleigh riding, just before he got there his horses ran away leaving him to walk home all alone in the snow.

1897 January La Veta: Andrew Pickens and Mabel Hector were married New Years Day by Rev. C.M. Green.

1897 January La Veta: Quite a delegation visit the lake daily to see when the putting up of ice will commence.  If a contract is secured from the railroads there will be plenty of work for all, but if only local contracts are secured, then the show for work will be slim.

1897 January La Veta: The mill company is building a loading platform by the lake and will begin shipping ice as soon as it is 11 inches thick.

1897 January La Veta: We are glad to note Charlie Mack is rapidly recovering from his spell of sickness. Charlie may suffer from a swelled neck but he never had a swelled head.

1897 January La Veta:  Some boys broke into the Presbyterian Church and stole the candy and gifts left at the Christmas party for those unable to attend.

1897 January Walsenburg: A mandolin club has been formed by the young people.

1897 January Walsenburg: A number of sleighs have been out since the town received an abundance of snow.

1897 January Walsenburg: Dr. Mathew bought Adolph Unfug's house and lots on Sixth Street, which originally cost $46,000, by trading his own home and paying $5,000.

1897 January Walsenburg: Ore from the Apache Canon mines assays at from $25 to $30.

1897 January Walsenburg: Ore from the Apache Canon mines is assaying at $25 to $30.

1897 January Walsenburg: The abundance of snow has brought the sleighs out.

1897 January Walsenburg: The county commissioners have recommended J.B. Aragon for sheep inspector.

1897 January Walsenburg: The people living at St. Mary's can hear the drills working at the Hayden tin mine on Greenhorn mountain.

1897 February La Veta: Joe K. Kincaid and son left with three carloads of fat steers for the Denver market Monday. Joe says he lost $50 per carload because the weather was so cold the animals would not drink water.

1897 February La Veta: John Goemmer had a shaking up on Monday when a lamp he was carrying exploded and came near to setting his house on fire. 

1897 February La Veta: John H. Francisco is moving back to his old home in Virginia.

1897 February La Veta: Last week the birthday of George Washington was not generally observed.

1897 February La Veta: R.B. Willis packed his trunk preparing to start for Durango, but hearing that the railroad over La Veta Pass has been abandoned until the snow melts, changed his mind.

1897 February La Veta: T.W. Thomas has been unwell since the long wedding trip he took last week. The worst of it was that it was another fellow's wedding.

1897 February La Veta: The Adventists are holding a series of revival meetings in Ryus' hall.

1897 February La Veta: The new La Veta Creamery was opened.

1897 February La Veta: The public school has been closed the past week owing to the deep snow and sickness of two of our teachers.

1897 February La Veta: The train crew are [sic] having a hard time with the snow for several days now not getting home until 10 or 11 at night.

1897 February La Veta: We have heard a variety of bells this week - school, church, sleigh and wedding.

1897 February Walsenburg: A son was born Feb. 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Levy.

1897 February Walsenburg: Alex Henderson, a miner from Pictou, was killed in a railroad accident at Mayne.

1897 February Walsenburg: Born Feb. 8, a 16 pound boy to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bunker of the Santa Clara.

1897 February Walsenburg: Born Jan. 29, a 17-pound girl to Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Woodward.

1897 February Walsenburg: Born, a 17 pound daughter to Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Woodward.

1897 February Walsenburg: Street Commissioner Gordon plans to put a cobble stone crossing from the Kearns-Cole building.

1897 February Walsenburg: The cold weather snapped the main water line at Sixth and Main Streets.

1897 February Walsenburg: Town Council is discussing taking potable water from the Cameron mines instead of the city lakes as at present. The water is even better than that taken from the Sulphur Springs.

1897 February Walsenburg: Walsenburg has a Young Ladies' Reading Circle, the Saturday Literary Club, Cadmus Literary Circle plus a lecture series by Cadmus and the Methodist Church.

1897 Mar. 13: We want it distinctly understood that it was not one of our readers who enquired "whether it was not cold work harvesting winter wheat in this altitude." That party who made the above enquiry was half brother to the girl who wanted to see a tobacco field "plugging out." La Veta Advertiser

1897 March La Veta: A four-legged critter disputed the right of way with the 574 flyer on Wednesday on the Walsen ranch and got the worst of the deal. 

1897 March La Veta: A party of about 20 ladies met at the residence of the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Turner Thursday to congratulate them and spent a pleasant evening with music and singing.

1897 March La Veta: Frank Berry of Placer reports seven and half feet of snow on La Veta Pass.

1897 March La Veta: Frank Berry of Placer reports seven and half feet of snow on La Veta Pass.

1897 March La Veta: If economy is what we are after, why not disorganize the town? The peace and quietness of the town would then be attended to by the precinct constables and deputy sheriffs.

1897 March La Veta: Jasper Kerby established a new sawmill in town.

1897 March La Veta: On Saturday next, March 27 at 1 p.m., J.W. Culler agrees to eat five dozen eggs in 30 minutes, at Ryus Hall. A small admission will be charged to buy new suspenders.

1897 March La Veta: Sam Todd is still in Denver taking in the wickedness of that city of patriots, known as the 11th general assembly.

1897 March La Veta: The Advertiser will be moved next week to the old Times building on Ryus Avenue where in future the latch string will hang out.

1897 March La Veta: The Citizens Party has called a meeting Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock in Ryus Hall to select candidates for the town election.

1897 March Walsenburg: Alex Henderson, a miner at Pictou, was killed in a railroad accident at Mayne.

1897 March Walsenburg: Annie Miller has closed the term at Walsen school.

1897 March Walsenburg: Max Klein is running for mayor of the town against Thomas Grantham, Antonio Bertolero and G.R. Moore are vying for treasurer and Henry Blickhahn and Mark 0. Danford for clerk.

1897 March Walsenburg: Miss Henderson has charge of the Cucharas School with 40 pupils.

1897 March Walsenburg: Miss Mae McIntire closed the District 24 school, Sharpsdale, last Friday after a four month term.

1897 March Walsenburg: Running for the three two-year trustee terms are Charles Agnes, Paul Frohlich, Walter N. Houser, Peter Krier, John Neilson and Henry Snedden.

1897 March Walsenburg: Sadie Warner completed a four month term in the District No. 28 school, Santa Clara, and will teach summer school in the same district.

1897 March Walsenburg: Street Commissioner Gordon will put in a cobble stone crossing across Main Street from the Kearns-Cole building.

1897 March Walsenburg: The Gardner school was closed last Friday after completing a seven month term.

1897 March Walsenburg: The Masons added about two acres onto their cemetery.

1897 April 21, Presentacion Martinez shot a mountain lion on Pass Creek which measured eleven feet, eight inches long. - Walsenburg World

Denver Evening Post 4-23-1897 - Swing Around the Circle - George Klein, of Walsenburg, lost his residence by fire yesterday.  Loss $600, covered by insurance.

1897 April La Veta: Enos Frankenberry and family have moved out to their ranch on Indian Creek and Rev. Tomson and wife returned and will occupy the house vacated by the Frankenberrys.

1897 April La Veta: Notice - Ex-Union soldiers will please meet in Ryus Hall at 1 p.m. Tuesday, May 4 for the purpose of reorganizing the post.

1897 April La Veta: Only about 35 people voted in the town election to elect Sol Boyd, mayor; A.A. Foote, clerk; William Krier, treasurer and E.A. Strange, 0. Bemen and W.R. Willis, trustees.

1897 April La Veta: The farmers living in the foothills are discouraged since last year at this time they had their crops in and this year there's still two feet of snow on the ground.

1897 April La Veta: The Methodist social at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton last Tuesday was a success and netted several dollars to the pastor's salary.

1897 April Walsenburg: Street Commissioner Gordon put in a stone drain for the watering trough of Main Street.

1897 April Walsenburg: The old jail was purchased by County Commissioner Lewis who is having it torn down and removed to his property for a barn. It was built many years ago by B.A. Arnold, later it burned and was rebuilt by A.R. Campbell.

1897 April Walsenburg: There is now only one thing lacking to make Walsenburg a splendid and famous summer resort and that is good water.

1897 April Walsenburg: There will be three young people in the first graduating class of Walsenburg high school.

1897 May 15: Appointed as deputy water commissioners were R.A. Hayes for the Upper Cucharas; Ed Murphy, Lower Cucharas; Z.T. Watkins, Upper Huerfano; Leonard Lewis, Lower Huerfano; William Fowler, Middle Hill; William McKissick, Santa Clara district. La Veta Advertiser

1897 May La Veta: $400 is the price paid for three lots in the residence portion of the town. La Veta real estate is worth getting these days.

1897 May La Veta: Benny Hegwer who has been for the past year high muck-a-muck devil of the Advertiser office, has resigned to go prospecting with his father on Grayback.

1897 May La Veta: Miss Randall is teaching a select school of 20 pupils in the town school house.

1897 May La Veta: Sam Capps and son brought back the horse R. Bear advertised as lost. Advertise your needs.

1897 May La Veta: Sol Boyd, or rather, "His Honor, the Mayor," had business at his ranch this week so the town fathers did not hold a meeting.

1897 May La Veta: Street Commissioner D.D. Ryus is creating considerable excitement around town by the reckless manner in which he is grading the streets and repairing the crossings.

1897 May La Veta: The fruit, so far, appears to be all right. Mr. Frost may yet get in his work, but his chances are daily growing slimmer.

1897 May La Veta: The Presbyterian Sunday School picnic, scheduled for Thursday but called off because of heavy rain, was held yesterday at Mr. Hamilton's upper ranch.

1897 May La Veta: You can now take the train to Pueblo and have five hours and 10 minutes in the city and return the same day.

1897 May Walsenburg: A bicycle race may occur during the May horse racing season at the town track.

1897 May Walsenburg: A wagon load of brooms from Vasquez were peddled around town last week.

1897 May Walsenburg: All persons desiring their horses brought in during the annual round-up should apply with $2 to W.C. Johnson.

1897 May Walsenburg: Born, a son to Joseph Sears of Badito.

1897 May Walsenburg: J.N. Cooper purchased the U.S. Livery from the Farr Brothers.

1897 May Walsenburg: John Foley sold 120 acres near Pictou for $3,000 to the Victor Coal and Coke Company.

1897 May Walsenburg: Mrs. Becker has some nice quality Leghorn hats for 25 cents each at her millinery shop.

1897 May Walsenburg: Presentacion Martinez shot a mountain lion on Pass Creek which measured 11 feet, 8 inches long.

1897 May Walsenburg: The Bon Ton Ice Cream Parlor is the very place to take your lady for a dish of cream.

1897 May Walsenburg: The tennis court is once more in shape for play.

1897 June La Veta: A severe frost last week did considerable damage to the truck gardens.

1897 June La Veta: Garren and Strange expect to open a branch store in Placer in a few days.

1897 June La Veta: Miss Lucy Lester, formerly of Pictou, will teach in La Veta next term.

1897 June La Veta: Mrs. William Woodruff, great sufferer from rheumatism, will spend a few weeks at the Sulphur Springs seeking relief.

1897 June La Veta: Owing to the willful carelessness in those using water for irrigation through the town ditch, the water commissioner has ordered the head gate be closed for eight days.

1897 June La Veta: The county school census increased by six over last year, from 2,726 to 2,732, with 1,447 males and 1,285 females.

1897 June La Veta: The farmers should pay A.A. Foote as a modern rain maker; as surely as he goes into the mountains, so surely it rains.

1897 June La Veta: The frost last Wednesday destroyed the fruit crop.

1897 June La Veta: The W.S. Bellard ranch about three miles southwest of town on the Cucharas is for sale, including a three-room, house, stables, machinery, good water rights and wire fencing.

1897 June La Veta: Woodmen of the World and their friends will indulge in an ice cream and strawberry social on Thursday evening, June 24, with music and singing on the program.

1897 June Walsenburg: Furphy and Crowel, Peter Harring, Lewis Hill and Joseph Russell are all operating mines in the Apache district on the Greenhorn.

1897 June Walsenburg: Jack Foley leased some land between town and Pictou to open a coal mine.

1897 June Walsenburg: Mrs. Hannah Groom died. The mother of Mrs. J.S. McHarg, she was born in England in 1811.

1897 June Walsenburg: Rod T. Lawther has opened a new coal mine near Santa Clara, to be operated by the union Coal and Coke Company.

1897 June Walsenburg: The school enrollment in Huerfano County totals 2,732, including 1,447 males and 1,285 females.

1897 July La Veta: Jim Elrod is in the process of building or remodeling three houses in town.

1897 July La Veta: Notice - I have a good bicycle and a warranted gold watch I will trade for horses. Call on me or address me at La Veta. William Butler.

1897 July La Veta: Notice: Parties wishing Currants or Gooseberries can pick them on my ranch Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for five cents a quart. Jack Arrington.

1897 July La Veta: Owing to the willful carelessness in those using water for irrigation through the town ditch, the water commissioner has ordered the head gate be closed for eight days.

1897 July La Veta: Picnic parties are now in order to the Sulphur Springs and other points of interest in our vicinity.

1897 July La Veta: We had a frost last Monday night that nipped the beans in town and made the potato crop of this portion of Huerfano County, for this year, a failure.

1897 July Walsenburg: Sofia Maldonado, only daughter of Canute Maldonado who lives at Seventh and Main Streets, and Pantaleon Sanchez, son of businessman Antonio Sanchez were married Wednesday by Father Uzzell. A grand ball was held in the evening at Mazzone Hall.

1897 July Walsenburg: The stage to the new mining camps of La Belle, Elizabethtown, Hematite and Red River City in New Mexico run from Trinidad via Vasquez.

1897 August La Veta: A correspondent of The Individual wrote "The declining sun of last Tuesday dusted La Veta peak with gold and brought the titantic carvings of Wajatoya (Kiowa for Saddle Mountain) into wondrous relief."

1897 August La Veta: A county road from H.B. Sager's to the summit of Middle Creek where it crosses the Sangre de Cristo range has this week been surveyed and established.

1897 August La Veta: A very pleasant dance and social was held, at Ryus' Hall last Thursday evening and a way-up time was reported.

1897 August La Veta: Dr. Mathew rented the McCaskill building on Francisco Street for an office, next to the Presbyterian Church.

1897 August La Veta: Dr. Mathews rented the McCaskill building on the south side of Francisco Street for his office.

1897 August La Veta: Drs. D.W. and R.A. Mathews were here visiting; they are cousins of County Clerk J.J. Mathews. R.A. would like to locate here.

1897 August La Veta: Louis Bemen is repairing the county road to the West Spanish Peak so the company ran haul in heavy machinery to the Bulls Eye mine.

1897 August La Veta: Perhaps some day La Veta will become what it should have been for years, a summer resort.

1897 August La Veta: W.H. Brice reports his students at Wahatoya School have made excellent progress this past term.

1897 August La Veta: Work is being done on the road from Sager's ranch to the summit of Middle Creek.

1897 August Walsenburg: Matthew Elliott was killed by lightning en route to work at the new Victor mine at Maitland. 

1897 August Walsenburg: Mrs. Henry Klein has turned over management of the Twin Lakes Hotel to Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell.

1897 August Walsenburg: Teachers for the coming term will be Mrs. S.F. Hanna, Mrs. A. Myers, Mrs. Julia Cooper, Miss Lottie Creesy and Mrs. Lena Hood. Professor J.W. Hamer will have charge of the high School.

1897 September La Veta: A hard frost was reported on the summit of La Veta Pass about 10 days ago.

1897 September La Veta: A large number of our citizens are over on the Huerfano gathering plums which are said to be very plentiful this year.

1897 September La Veta: J.M. Jones resigned as agent at the depot after 10 years and B.A. Griffin replaces him.

1897 September La Veta: Savage's Colored Minstrel Company will be at Ryus' Hall tonight at 8 o'clock, admission only 25¢ and children 15¢. This is a really good show and all should attend, it is not often we have a good laugh - barring politics.

1897 September La Veta: Teachers in the rural schools near La Veta are Mary S. Randall, Mrs. Grace F. Ireland, Walter P. Powell and W.H. Brice.

1897 September La Veta: The enrollment of the school is 118, with 30 under Professor Taylor, 39 in the room of Miss McGinnis and 49 with Miss Lester.

1897 September La Veta: The orchestra intends to give dances every Saturday night to introduce some new dances. Admission 50 cents.

1897 September Walsenburg: J.C. Fugate, teacher at Walsen School, has enrolled 25 pupils.

1897 September: The county valuation includes 3,684 horses worth a total of $56,641.

1897 October La Veta: Adam Young of Bear Creek bought the J.E. Parks ranch on the Wahatoya.

1897 October La Veta: Adam Young of Bear Creek bought the J.E. Parks ranch on the Wahatoya.

1897 October La Veta: Adam Young of Bear Creek has purchased J.E. Parks' ranch on the Wahatoya.

1897 October La Veta: J.B. Slone, the millionaire of Grayback Gulch, was down to visit his family and says there's three feet of snow up there.

1897 October La Veta: Julius Krueger and family will shortly move into the Francisco house just below the mill in order to send the children to school here.

1897 October La Veta: The ladies of the Baptist church had a pleasant social at Ryus Hall last Wednesday during which someone helped themselves to all the fruit in Deacon F.L. Martin's orchard.

1897 October La Veta: The ladies of the Methodist Church will give an election dinner Tuesday, Nov. 2 in Ryus' lower hall.

1897 October Walsenburg: The 27,654 acres of agricultural land in Huerfano County has been assessed at $81,962 and the 134,628 acres of grazing land at $168,592.

1897 November La Veta: At 25¢ a meal, the Methodist ladies' election day dinner was $30 on the profit side. Everybody had plenty to eat and the ladies feel good over the result.

1897 November La Veta: Prosperity is booming here as the deep snow is broken by wagons going up to the Bulls Eye mine after the precious metal.

1897 November La Veta: The newly organized Silver Mountain Band will give a Grand Ball and Supper Thanksgiving night. The dance will be in Hotel Hall and the supper in Ryus Hall.

1897 November La Veta: The Silver Mountain Band boys cleared $40 on their Thanksgiving Night dance.

1897 November La Veta: We have Pure Maple Syrup. If you don't believe it, ask Uncle Ed Middleton. For sale at the Old Reliable.

1897 November Walsenburg: Hunt and Halbert have been editors of the World for one year.

1897 November Walsenburg: I think the teacher must have been somewhat "taken back" when she asked a little girl to name the four seasons, when she replied, "Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar."

1897 November Walsenburg: Julian Lamme was hurt when his horse stumbled as he was coming in to school from Pictou.

1897 November Walsenburg: M.T. McNarmy was killed in the Pictou mine and Tom Caddell was injured.

1897 November Walsenburg: Mrs. E.E. Higgins is taking charge of the Home Restaurant.

1897 November Walsenburg: The fourth unofficial count of the votes of the recent election has been concluded but final results are not completed.

1897 November Walsenburg: Wallace Hunt and E.F. Halbert will have been editors of the Walsenburg World one year as of Nov. 15.

1897 December La Veta: A Union Christmas Tree of all the churches was held Christmas Eve at the Presbyterian Church.

1897 December La Veta: D.D. Ryus will receive the largest and best assortment of goods suitable for Christmas Presents consisting of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Toys and Holiday Goods about two weeks before Christmas.

1897 December La Veta: Dave Ryus is having his hall enlarged to accommodate more people during the engagement of the Pringle Company Tuesday and Wednesday.

1897 December La Veta: F.J. Karlen of Russell says the snow is hindering their progress on the erection of his company's big steam shovel.

1897 December La Veta: News appears to have gone to the Klondyke or froze up at home: the editor is disheartened and begs someone to come in next week and tell us something or he will get desperate.

1897 December La Veta: William Carver built a large addition onto his ranch house on the Wahatoya, building practically a new residence.

1897 December Walsenburg: A wreck at Rouse Junction happened during the storm Thursday whereby the fireman was killed and engineer badly hurt. Eight cars of coal were piled one on top of the other.

1897 December Walsenburg: Edwin W. Baxter, 22 died of typhoid fever.

1897 December Walsenburg: Edwin W. Baxter, 22, died of typhoid fever.

1897 December Walsenburg: J.D. Montez of Malachite intends to feed 400 or 500 sheep for the home market.

1897 December Walsenburg: The South Canon Mining and Milling Company shipped some ore from their mines near the Rattlesnake Buttes.

1898 Jan. 1: The wind blows, The farmer sows, The Lord knows That I am awfully pinks. So come up walking, I'm tired of talking, For your last year's chalking Is now past due -AND MUST BE PAID. D.D. Ryus La Veta Advertiser

1898 January La Veta: At the Old Reliable, 25 yards of calico for $1.00 - all new designs.

1898 January La Veta: Jake Marker has sold the blacksmith shop back to Charles Boyd and will go to the Pryor mine to be blacksmith.

1898 January La Veta: On Saturday evening, Jan. 22, the graphophone on exhibit at the Old Reliable will be given to the party having the most coupons.

1898 January La Veta: There is no music so sweet as the ham of the hammer.

1898 January Walsenburg: A shooting fray in the Pryor Saloon left two dead and one wounded.

1898 January Walsenburg: Baxter and Kearns are building an addition behind their store for Unfug and Taylor's 20 by 26 foot grocery store, next door to the world office.

1898 January Walsenburg: Bob Mandolini and Dave Evans were shot and killed at a saloon in Pictou.

1898 January Walsenburg: Dr. McGuire's team made off with his cutter and destroyed the runners and tongue.

1898 January Walsenburg: George Moyer's horseless carriage broke down in the Cucharas River below the Walsen mines.

1898 January Walsenburg: Miss Marie Anderson won the large wax doll given in the Wycoff brothers' drug store drawing.

1898 January Walsenburg: Miss Marie Anderson won the large wax doll given in the Wycoff brothers' drug store drawing.

1898 January Walsenburg: Musical selections and recitations by the Walsenburg High School students will be heard at Mazzone Hall Friday evening this week.

1898 January Walsenburg: Note: The Walsen lump coal has been reduced to $2.25 per ton. Order at Farr Brothers.

1898 January Walsenburg: The carpenters are still building residences at Maitland coal camp to accommodate the many who desire to become resident coal miners.

1898 January Walsenburg: The Honorable Juan de Dios Montez, president, has called a meeting of the sheep growers association.

1898 January Walsenburg: The miners of Pictou quietly waited upon Charles Cappa Sunday night with a long rope with a running noose and asked him to vacate camp. He went.

1898  Feb. 17: One of the peculiarities of this term of district court was the use of three interpreters at once, getting dialectic in Italian to a partially Spanish speaking jury. Walsenburg World

1898 February La Veta: C.T. Ritchey came home for a layoff from the railroad at Creede and Jimtown, bought one of Bascom Sager's Hereford bulls and will raise fine cattle on his ranch.

1898 February La Veta: Clean up your yards and haul the old tin cans and rubbish into places designated by the proper authorities. 1901: Town Board says all lot owners in Blocks 1 and 2 must repair the sidewalks in front of their properties.

1898 February La Veta: Hayes Gulch Mining Company was organized Feb. 5 and already has built three cabins at Hayesville near Spruce Canon.

1898 February La Veta: Not only was Mayor Sol Boyd present at the last town meeting, but so were all the trustees - Ritchey, Hayes, Lindsay, Bemen, Willis and Verliff.

1898 February La Veta: Teams are daily hauling in props for the coal mines at Walsenburg and judging by the number of men and teams engaged it must be becoming quite an industry.

1898 February La Veta: The dreaded diseases, black leg and black tongue, are killing calves and cattle around the county.

1898 February Walsenburg: About 40 couples attended the third annual High School Ball, with music by Fred McHarg and Nick Sharp.                      

1898 February Walsenburg: Barney McCaully was seriously injured about the head and limbs by falling rock in the Pictou mine.

1898 February Walsenburg: Dr. Mathews is remodeling the two corner buildings on Main Street he recently purchased from John Caviness.

1898 February Walsenburg: John Thill had added a lunch counter in connection with his confectionery shop.

1898 February Walsenburg: Louis Sporleder sold his furniture stock to Joseph Workman and will go to New Mexico for his wife's health.

1898 February Walsenburg: M. Bernstein rented both of Mazzone's Halls for a free dance to celebrate the opening of his new store.

1898 February Walsenburg: Oliver Langley is opening a livery and feed store behind Bernstein's mammoth new building.

1898 February Walsenburg: Seventeen boys and 13 men moved the safe from the old Sheriff's office to the new one in the county jail.

1898 February Walsenburg: Snavely Brothers and J.N. Andrews will work the John Jones mine this side of Pictou.

1898 February Walsenburg: The Denver Coal and Coke Company bought out Rod Lawther's interest in the Santa Clara mine.

1898 February Walsenburg: The whistling recital of Letitia Guy Crowl, the Ohio mockingbird, was a brilliant success.

1898 March La Veta: Fred Kreutzer returned Sunday from a trip to the home ranch down in northeastern Kansas and says the mud back there is enough to disgust a Colorado man.

1898 March La Veta: If wind is an indication of spring, then spring, then spring is here in great and strong shape.

1898 March La Veta: J.L. Moyer's shepherd dog spent 41 days without food when stuck in a well covered by snow and Jake says he would not take $100 for him.

1898 March La Veta: We are glad to state that John Ritter's children, who have been down with scarlet fever, are getting along nicely and a speedy recovery is looked for.

1898 March Walsenburg: About 60 GUESS members and guests gathered at Mrs. Dr. McGuire's to bear the sweet strains of the Sporleder orchestra.

1898 March Walsenburg: If your paper was not up to its usual standard we apologize, but our expansion steam press fell through the floor, damaging it so is not working smoothly.

1898 March Walsenburg: J.L. Mondragon left Thursday for Clayton, New Mexico where he will be engaged as interpreter for the Union County court.

1898 March Walsenburg: M.A. Sanchez will open a grocery in one of the rooms recently vacated by M. Bernstein and is building a warehouse at the rear of the lot.

1898 March Walsenburg: Mr. Fred Walsen and Mrs. Jessie Wycoff were the winners of the cake walk Tuesday evening, which was followed by a swell supper at the Earl hotel.

1898 March Walsenburg: Oh say! Were you at the cake walk on Saturday night? Well you ought to have been there. It was the best thing of the season.

1898 March Walsenburg: The Board of Trustees fixed the salary of the Town Attorney at $150 a year, payable in monthly installments.

1898 March Walsenburg: The Gulf crew began building coal chutes on their new side track.

1898 March Walsenburg: The Maitland hack team took a lively spin and completely demolished the hack.

1898 March Walsenburg: The Town Board - of Trustees fixed the salary of the Town Attorney at $150 a year, payable in monthly installments.

1898 April La Veta: For the past five or six weeks we have had a regular weekly snow storm, generally on Sunday and Monday, and the prospects for our farmers have greatly improved.

1898 April La Veta: Mrs. Henry Daigre opened up her millinery shop last Tuesday and from the expressions we have heard it will be quite an improvement to our business street.

1898 April La Veta: R.B. Willis is now taking out fine carp weekly from his lake and supplying such of our citizens who know of the fact, with the best carp ever caught in this neighborhood.

1898 April La Veta: The Methodists held a conundrum social at the parsonage last night which was well attended and enjoyed by all.

1898 April La Veta: The Pines that grow along all our mountain streams afford a sure cure for lung troubles in the earlier stages; parties are here who can testify to these facts. Then why are they not heralded forth? Is it right to hide our advantages?

1898 April La Veta: There will be a conundrum and guessing social given by the Baptist Church at Ryus hall Friday evening.

1898 April La Veta: Tom Erwin has moved his shoe shop into M.S. Denton's tin shop on Ryus Avenue.

1898 April La Veta: William Boyd is running the hotel at Placer and his father is running the hotel here.

1898 April La Veta: William H. Woodruff was last week appointed postmaster at La Veta, A.L. Francisco removed.

1898 April La Veta: William H. Woodruff was last week appointed postmaster at La Veta, A.L. Francisco removed.

1898 April Walsenburg: It is useless for our team to expect to do any ball playing this season without they do more practising [sic]. They lost to Pictou 9-5.

1898 April Walsenburg: It will soon be Easter, and you will want a new hat. I have some of the finest. Miss M.B. Pierce, milliner.

1898 April Walsenburg: J. J. Pritchard is thinking of moving his lumber yard to his lots on Fifth Street.

1898 April Walsenburg: Our former postmaster and school principal, W.C. Marvin, now of Philadelphia, was back in town this week visiting old friends.

1898 April Walsenburg: Robert Dick married Janet Wishart from Scotland - they have been engaged for 16 years.

1898 April Walsenburg: The county commissioners decided to open a road from Walsenburg to Cucharas along the south side of the creek, to connect with the road to Rouse.

1898 April Walsenburg: The editor of the La Veta Advertiser strained his cerebellum when he made a vicious thrust upon the World last week.

1898 April Walsenburg: The furnishings of the now defunct Walsenburg Club were sold to Fred Walsen for the bank and to Albert Hausler for his saloon.

1898 April Walsenburg: The streets in the lower part of town running diagonal to main street will soon be opened for traffic and either side fenced.

1898 April Walsenburg: The streets in the lower town running diagonal to Main will soon be opened for traffic and either side fenced.

1898 April Walsenburg:John J. Pritchard is having cement sidewalks laid in front of his lots on East Fifth Street as an experiment. He is thinking seriously of moving his lumberyard to these lots.

1898 May 5: 1898 high school graduates in Walsenburg are Anna Miller, Edna Sweeney, Lizzie Snedden, Mabel Quillian, Jeanie Dick, Frank McHarg, Clifford Stubblefield, Ernest Lidle and Howard Danford. - Walsenburg World

1898 May La Veta: Don't let the flies do this - ..´,.:´.. on your walls and windows when you can get screens at Ryus.

1898 May La Veta: Monday was a stormy day so the school election was not very exciting. W.A. Danks was elected to serve as director for three years.

1898 May La Veta: Mrs. Robert Taylor drove over to Aguilar this week to see her sister Mrs. Stuart Forbes, who will leave for England in a few days. 

1898 May Walsenburg: A scenograph entertainment will be given at the courthouse May 3 as a benefit for the public schools.

1898 May Walsenburg: Baxter and Kearns have leased their Sixth Street warehouse to Moses Biernbaum who will move it to a convenient location for a hide house.

1898 May Walsenburg: Decoration Day should be made double impressive this year since thousands of men are taking the same risks for home and country as undertaken years ago.

1898 May Walsenburg: Monday night the Pictou band came over and enlivened our town with some real music, including patriotic airs.

1898 May Walsenburg: Sam Gribble brought a fine load of lumber from Hill's saw mill near Bear Creek to J.J. Pritchard's lumber yard in Walsenburg.

1898 May Walsenburg: The base ball boys sold more than 50 tickets to their dance Friday night and earned $38.50 toward the purchase of 10 uniforms.

1898 May Walsenburg: The Cactus began issuance of an evening daily last Thursday to cover war news. It twinkled out Wednesday.

1898 May Walsenburg: The vacant store room above the Sanchez grocery store, formerly occupied by M. Bernstein, is being kalsomized by Charles Elder for new tenants.

1898 May Walsenburg: Thomas Sproul sold eight corn-fed cows averaging 1,100 pounds to E.A. Lidle the butcher for 3½ cents a pound.

1898 May Walsenburg: Three races are on Saturday's program at the horse track, one trotting and two free-for-alls.

1898 June La Veta: Bears seem to be plentiful up the Cucharas, two having been killed by Ed Coleman and one by Ransom Denton.

1898 June La Veta: Ice delivered between 7 and 9 a.m. in quantities of not less than 15¢.

1898 June La Veta: J.M. Elrod is operating a furniture store and undertaking parlor in the Bissell building on Main Street.

1898 June La Veta: Lawrence Kreutzer is the owner of the bran [sic] new yellow-wheeled wagon you saw around town this week.

1898 June La Veta: M.S. Denton has made an ingenious device to chop meat with one turn and just a few seconds which would save many a woman half an hour's arm ache.

1898 June La Veta: The railroad company have [sic] been overhauling the water service at the stock yards. They expect the cattle and sheep business over La Veta Pass will exceed all  former years, so are preparing in time.

1898 June La Veta: This week D.D. Ryus went to repair the porch at the hotel, but, finding the wood too rotten to fix, pulled the whole thing down. This leaves the town minus its most pleasant place to smoke a cigar in the evening.

1898 June La Veta: To day we have Bananas, Oranges and Lemons. Something new - Prepared Icing for Cakes. Just tapped A barrel of New Orleans Molasses. The Old Reliable..

1898 June La Veta: To Day we have Bananas, Oranges and Lemons.  Something New - Prepared Icing for Cakes. Just tapped A barrel of New Orleans Molasses.  The Old Reliable.

1898 June La Veta: Will the person who borrowed the plat of the Town Cemetery return it at once to the Clerk's office.

1898 June Walsenburg: A.E. Willburn has started his return from Lincoln County, New Mexico with six or seven hundred head of cattle.

1898 June Walsenburg: Henry C. Brodhead, et al, will soon incorporate the Cuchara Land Company to develop the Solar mine.

1898 June Walsenburg: LeRoy Lewis and Miss Anna Babbitt were married Wednesday by Rev. Price of the Presbyterian Church.

1898 June Walsenburg: Rouse, 30, Pictou, 22. If Pictou should ever win a ball game every one of the players would have a conniption fit.

1898 June Walsenburg: The electrical storm and deluge extinguished the street lights and flooded the Walsen mines for more than 200 feet up the slope.

1898 July La Veta: It has rained nearly every day since the Fourth, probably caused by our lavish use of firecrackers.

1898 July La Veta: Peter and Mary Hansen got their 160 acres and title to the Spider ditch back from Samuel M. Jarvis for nonpayment of the $1,175.

1898 July La Veta: The country around La Veta looks the prettiest it has for four years - the view of the valley from the top of the hill north of town cannot be duplicated in any part of the state.

1898 July La Veta: The rains are all right, but still the range is dry.

1898 July La Veta: Tomorrow will be the last day that O.T. Davis' Photo Tent will remain open. Don't hesitate about having that baby's picture taken.

1898 July La Veta: While Photographer O.T. Davis and Professor Taylor were reminiscing the other day they discovered their mothers had been schoolmates in the old days.

1898 July La Veta: With the end of the smallpox epidemic, it is reported 45 sufferers were at the hospital east of town and there were six deaths of the disease and one of natural causes.

1898 July Walsenburg: Henry C. Broadhead will incorporate his Cuchara Land Company, a growth and development branch of the Solar mine.

1898 July Walsenburg: Joseph Russell of Apache qualified as postmaster and will soon be selling government two cent reds.

1898 July Walsenburg: Ladies, we have ordered several new fonts of type for card work and have the very latest designs in calling cards - at the World office

1898 July Walsenburg: The appearance of the Hayden House has been improved by extending a sidewalk under the spreading trees in front and adding benches.

1898 July Walsenburg: The county commissioners directed the road overseers to do no work until September and then only by those in arrears with their road taxes.

1898 July Walsenburg: The day was a regular 4th, hot, dry and dusty.

1898 July Walsenburg: The Denver and Rio Grande pay car came in Tuesday night and gladdened the hearts of the boys.

1898 July Walsenburg: When the Bloomer Girls played a Kansas town baseball team, opera glasses were prohibited and bald headed men and church deacons made to take a back seat.

1898 July Walsenburg: William A. Ellis and Jessie Farr were married in Pueblo. He is the son of Abe Ellis, the first sheriff of Pueblo County under statehood and she is the daughter of the prominent Walsenburg merchant David Farr.

1898 Aug. 11: The Mosca Herald asserts that every local newspaper has a right to assume that a citizen who does not take the local paper cannot read. Walsenburg World

1898 August La Veta: F.L. Martin and Alex McDonald threshed their winter wheat with returns of 40 bushes per acre for the former and 30 for the latter.

1898 August La Veta: I.R. Voorhees has a lot of cedar shingles for sale.

1898 August La Veta: It is feared that a smallpox epidemic will hit Huerfano County and prove equally fatal as it was in the 1870's.

1898 August La Veta: Miss Bertha Underwood boarded a western train Wednesday for a few days visit at Russell.

1898 August La Veta: School opens Sept. 5 with Professor Hughes as principal and Misses McGinnis and Moss for assistants.

1898 August La Veta: The "tough" boy Dick Manley, who was known to have killed at least five men since pardoned, was killed by officers while defying arrest, removing the threat to La Veta and Huerfano County.

1898 August La Veta: Town Board met Monday and ordered the sidewalks be repaired with new lumber.

1898 August La Veta: W.H. Brice opened the school term at the Owenby district on Middle Creek Aug. 1.

1898 August Walsenburg 5: Quite a number of horses have disappeared from hereabouts of late. Cannot the thief be caught?

1898 August Walsenburg: Died, Patrick O'Brien, 62, in the Sisters Hospital in Trinidad. He was buried in the Catholic Cemetery here. He is survived by daughters Mrs. William Dick and Mrs. Albert Hausler.

1898 August Walsenburg: Fred G. Walsen and other tennis lovers are setting up a court in the vacant lot opposite the court house.

1898 August Walsenburg: G. B. Wick sold the Cactus newspaper to W. H. Brice.

1898 August Walsenburg: Ibar Johnson traded his coal mine at Rouse to Mr. Mason of the Huerfano for some fine horses.

1898 August Walsenburg: J.P. Kearns sold the house and lots on Capitol Hill occupied by the Frank Days to Mrs. Day for $2,000.

1898 August Walsenburg: Mason and Wycoff turned over the post office to McHarg and Hunt, along with the stock of the book store.

1898 August Walsenburg: The central station for our telephone line and point for long distance telephoning has been transferred from the Walsenburg hotel to East Sixth Street.

1898 August Walsenburg: The Earl Hotel, under management of Mrs. E.C. Higgins, is undergoing improvements.

1898 August Walsenburg: The first game of tennis was played on the new court Wednesday. The benches under the trees will be quite convenient for trysting places.

1898 August Walsenburg: The pole for the flag raising in the court house yard was unloaded Tuesday. It is a mammoth affair 120 feet long with a diameter of four feet at the base and 15 inches at the top. It will be sunk 12 feet in the round and supported by three guy wires.

1898 August Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Hotel is undergoing such improvements as painting and paperhanging. The old buildings out behind were torn down.

1898 August Walsenburg: There is not a night but that from three to eighteen cows may be seen browsing upon lots not two blocks from Main Street.

1898 August Walsenburg: Walsenburg and Rouse played ball Sunday afternoon, or rather Rouse played ball and Walsenburg played horse. Their playing was absolutely rank and the score was out of sight.

1898 August Walsenburg: We take pleasure in recording the fact that the unsightly dead tree on Main Street just below the railroad crossing was cut down and removed.

1898 August: We take pleasure in recording the fact that on last Friday morning the unsightly dead tree on Main Street just below the railroad crossing was cut down and removed.

1898 Sept. 22: The man who leaves the country without paying his newspaper subscription is rarely encountered in the higher walks of life. His place is with the creeping things of the earth... Walsenburg World

1898 Sept. 3, Whistle at your work, for a whistling boy is worth double the wages of a grumbling man; both examples are contagious.  - La Veta Advertiser

1898 September La Veta: A melon peddler visited us on Thursday - the melons were grown on the Doyle ranch on the lower Huerfano.

1898 September La Veta: E.H. Timmis of Indian Creek escaped serious injury when he was thrown from his buggy under the horse's feet.

1898 September La Veta: For the seventh year, F.L. Martin has proved winter wheat to be successful in this area. 

1898 September La Veta: Lawyer Dan McCaskill is building two apartments, north and south, in his building on Francisco Street.

1898 September La Veta: Miss Beck finished her term at Mack School and left for Capps to teach this winter.

1898 September La Veta: Miss Ona Watkins of Kansas is spending the winter with the James Hamilton family to teach the Misses Hamilton in music.

1898 September La Veta: Mrs. M. Kitchen purchased O.E. Pharis' house so her children can attend school in town this winter.

1898 September La Veta: North Veta is threshing out its grain with Mr. Mack's machine; they commenced below North Veta and are going west. Yesterday they finished Quintana's and Rodriguez' and today they will finish up at the Cruz ranch, then Gillespie and those near the plaza.

1898 September La Veta: Rev. E.C. Butts now occupies the south three rooms in the McCaskill building on Francisco while Will Lougheed and his son Walter have the north end.

1898 September La Veta: The construction train came up on Thursday to fix a shoot [sic] in the railroad corrals.

1898 September La Veta: The dredger at Placer brought in $270 worth of gold in just two days.

1898 September La Veta: The whistles and buzz of the threshers can be heard daily.

1898 September La Veta: Two Italians came to town Thursday and gave a dance in the hotel hall; those who attended are still dancing, the music took a powerful hold.

1898 September La Veta: Water cars are leaving La Veta daily for the use of the switch engine at work in the Walsen yards.

1898 September La Veta: Wild and tame animals have played havoc with the graves in the town cemetery - a sexton should be hired to superintendend the grounds.

1898 September Walsenburg: Assessor Bustos and his assistant Luz Gonzales show 29,128 acres of irrigated land in Huerfano County with a valuation of $95,639.

1898 September Walsenburg: Baxter and Kearns have added to their establishment a tin shop with an experienced tinner.

1898 September Walsenburg: Baxter and Kearns have added to their hardware establishment and tin shop an experienced tinner.

1898 September Walsenburg: Honorable J.D. Montez moved his family in from Malachite last week and is at home on Capitol Hill so his children can have the advantage of our excellent schools.

1898 September Walsenburg: Huerfano County valuation increased to $1,996,897, mostly due to agriculture.

1898 September Walsenburg: It pays to paint your buggy or wagon. Try a can of Non Pariel paint at Baxter and Kearns.

1898 September Walsenburg: Jay Coots is building a new six-room adobe house on his property at Sulphur Springs near Pictou.

1898 September Walsenburg: Local corn crops were doing well until the last 10 days when dry weather and wind caused it to ripen too quickly.

1898 September Walsenburg: Monday was Labor Day, a legal holiday, but the people of town labored on just the same as if it had been any old sort of day.

1898 September Walsenburg: Say, Mr. Mayor and members of the city council, would it not be a good scheme to enforce that fire ordinance a time or two just to see how it works?

1898 September Walsenburg: The first installment of books has been received at the circulating library in the post office.

1898 September Walsenburg: There will be no weddings this winter nor no babies next spring because we can't afford them.

1898 September Walsenburg: We had the exquisite pleasure of picking cucumbers and pulling roasting ears out of the snow last Saturday.

1898 September: Jas. Newman has leased the City Meat Market of E.A. Lidle, while Mr. Lidle engages in the cattle business and furnishes the shop with meat.

1898 Oct. 15, Men are a lot like lamps in some ways - often smoke, sometimes go out at night and quite frequently get turned down - but a lamp has too much respect for itself and those around it to smoke cigarettes.  - Advertiser

1898 Oct. 20: Snow, beautiful snow...Slush, slushety, slush …Every where you want to go …The streets are soft as mush. Walsenburg World

1898 October La Veta: A rag bee was held at the home of Mrs. Little on Thursday.

1898 October La Veta: Alex McDonald was elected secretary of the Populist and Silver Republican party at their convention in La Veta Monday.

1898 October La Veta: Don't fail to register next Tuesday. The board meets at the old place on Ryus Avenue. Bring two witnesses.

1898 October La Veta: Gus Goemmer rented the Henry Goemmer ranch near Raspberry Mountain.

1898 October La Veta: People driving sheep to the railroad cars should not let them graze on other people's lawns.

1898 October La Veta: Say! but the nights are chilly.

1898 October La Veta: The barn, hay stacks, chicken house and about 2,500 feet of lumber to build a new house were burned down by a tramp at William Ward's ranch. The stock was saved.

1898 October La Veta: There should be an ordinance about people driving their sheep to the railroad and letting them stop to graze on other people's lawns.

1898 October Walsenburg: $port, pleasure and pa$time at the Social tonight all for 1/4$.

1898 October Walsenburg: Byrd Hawkins of Seguro brought a load of potatoes to town to sell and returned home with a new wagon and a smile.

1898 October Walsenburg: Christ F. Lutz, for many years employed at E.A. Lidle's meat market, is now with John Foley's new market at Pictou.

1898 October Walsenburg: Died, Walter B. Brice, 32, a school teacher who recently purchased The Cactus with his brother.

1898 October Walsenburg: Fifty brands of cigars are sold at the post office.

1898 October Walsenburg: For some unaccountable reason the arc light at the corner of Main and Fifth Streets has been a dark light for several nights.

1898 October Walsenburg: Jose Esaias Archuleta and Josepita Garcia, both of Badito, were married Saturday by Fr. Uzzell.

1898 October Walsenburg: Max Lucero bought the $200 hack of Burkhardt and Company of Trinidad and will open a regular hack service to Maitland.

1898 October Walsenburg: Max Lucero purchased a $200 hack to accommodate the traveling public between here and Maitland.

1898 October Walsenburg: Monday was the Jewish New Year and consequently the store of M. Bernstein was closed.

1898 October Walsenburg: Monday was the Jewish New Year and consequently the store of M. Bernstein was closed.

1898 October Walsenburg: One man is dead and another injured after a shooting altercation during a dance at the school house.

1898 October Walsenburg: Pryor camp has been conferred precinct rights as it now has over 200 voters.

1898 October Walsenburg: S.H. Andrews and wife lost a load of potatoes when a train struck their wagon. Although they were uninjured, the wagon was demolished and Mrs. Andrews' trunk full of her good clothes ended up on the cow catcher.

1898 October Walsenburg: Scratch tablets, one cent; letter size tablets, five cents.  Post Office Book Stand.

1898 October Walsenburg: Scratch tablets, one cent; letter size tablets, five cents.  Post Office Book Stand.

1898 October Walsenburg: The announcement of Mike O'Shea's new business appears in this issue. If you look for it you can find it.

1898 October Walsenburg: The announcement of Mike O'Shea's new business appears in this issue. If you look for it you can find it.

1898 October Walsenburg: The coal mines around Walsenburg employ some 1,000 men and the payrolls total $50,000 per month.

1898 October Walsenburg: The mines of Walsen, Robinson, Pictou, Maitland, Toltec, Sunshine, Abadoir, Pryor and the largest producer, Rouse, employ 1,000 men and have a total payroll of $50,000 per month.

1898 October Walsenburg: The Seguro forest fire destroyed a stretch four miles by a half mile of timber and pasture. The big rain Oct. 8 finally stopped it.

1898 October Walsenburg: The special mail service between Walsenburg and Maitland has been discontinued and a route established permanently with Max Lucero mail carrier.

1898 October Walsenburg: There will be no shooting or trespassing allowed on the Gun Club's property at Martin Lake.

1898 Nov. 2, Died, the so-called Democratic ticket. The ceremonies will commence next Tuesday (election day) at 7 a.m. and with every hour the corpse will be buried still deeper until 7 p.m., when the proceedings will terminate. - La Veta Advertiser

1898 November La Veta: A half dozen of our young men have organized the George Washington Club to Provide social and literary amusements with Robert McGraw president.

1898 November La Veta: A half dozen of our young men have organized the George Washington Club to provide social and literary amusements.

1898 November La Veta: I.R. Voorhees now has his shop in his Francisco Street building and has also bought the house in back of the Baptist Church which he will move to his own lots for a stable.

1898 November La Veta: La Veta voted Republican in Tuesday's election.

1898 November La Veta: Oliver Bemen, commander of the GAR Post, arranged for marble headstones for veterans Zimmerman, Richardson, Coleman and Milliney.

1898 November La Veta: Over 500 names appear on the registry of La Veta precinct.

1898 November La Veta: Robert Taylor sold the Star Livery to Charles Carroll and joined the surveying crew for D&RG's new broad gauge track.

1898 November La Veta: There is a rumor abroad that a mill may be built at the old site of Birmingham north of Gardner to treat the white sand for gold.

1898 November La Veta: There will be a masquerade Tuesday. Attend and get a prize for the best costume.

1898 November La Veta: Two railroad grading camps have been established on Middle Creek, one to work west and the other to work east.

1898 November La Veta: W.H. Adamson has built a new tipple at his coal mine on Indian Creek.

1898 November La Veta: Willie Mathews celebrated his 12th birthday with 38 of his classmates, all of whom enjoyed a magic lantern show.

1898 November Walsenburg: Henderson and Hawkins brought down some fine specimens of gold from the mines at the head of the Huerfano.

1898 November Walsenburg: John Caviness is retiring so his partnership with Dillard Sefton has been dissolved, with Sefton retaining the business at Cucharas.

1898 November Walsenburg: Just to show the progress of the town we desire to inform the public that three small houses moved from above the Denver and Rio Grande depot by Harry Gross are all now rented at $10.00 a month.

1898 November Walsenburg: Mrs. T.D. Baird and daughter Chattiebelle left Tuesday to spend the winter in Joliet, Il.

1898 November Walsenburg: Mrs. T.D. Baird and her daughter Chattiebelle left Tuesday to spend the winter in Joliet, Illinois.

1898 November Walsenburg: Nicodemus Quintana and Maria de la Luz Medina, both of Talpa, obtained a marriage license from the county clerk last week.

1898 November Walsenburg: Our two local competing sheets are running the obituary of former superintendent of schools Nelson H. Rhoads, who is not dead.

1898 November Walsenburg: Our two local competing sheets are running the obituary of former superintendent of schools Nelson H. Rhoads, who is not dead.

1898 November Walsenburg: The county commissioners should put a sign at the railroad crossing south of town directing the way to Rouse.

1898 November Walsenburg: The dinner and supper given by the G.U.E.S.S. on election day was in high favor with many who gladly patronized the tables.

1898 November Walsenburg: The Order of Select Friends, a fraternal society, was organized Friday night at Odd Fellows Hall with Samuel A. Scott past protector and Eva C. Higgins, chief.

1898 November Walsenburg: The public are informed that the post office will not be open on Sunday until the mail arrives in the morning and in the evening it will be open at 4:50 for one hour. J.S. McHarg, postmaster.

1898 November Walsenburg: The Redmen will give their third annual masquerade ball Thanksgiving Eve.

1898 November Walsenburg: The road from Cucharas east of town to the Rouse road, running along the south side of the river, was opened to travel last week.

1898 November Walsenburg: The W.W.W. Medicine company are [sic] at present entertaining our citizens each evening at Mazzone's lower hall and at the same time introducing medicine for the alleviation of their ills.

1898 November Walsenburg: We have been asked to roast the blankety blank dog poisoner.

1898 Dec. 8, August Unfug used three relays of horses carrying the mail from Walsenburg to Gardner. He changes at his ranch beyond St. Mary's, at Gardner, and back at his ranch again. He leaves Walsenburg at 7:15 a.m., arrives in Gardner at 1 p.m., leaves at 1:45 and gets back to town at 7:45 in the evening. - Walsenburg World

1898 December La Veta: About  14 inches of snow fell Wednesday and six more on Friday - we will December La Veta need the water next summer.

1898 December La Veta: J.M. Elrod is selling household furniture at the old post office building on Francisco Street.

1898 December La Veta: Mufflers, fascinators, dolls, handkerchiefs, books and toys are to be found at Garren and Strange's store.

1898 December La Veta: On Tuesday night we were greeted with a downfall of rain. This is a little curious after the cold weather we have endured lately.

1898 December La Veta: The blizzard Thursday was accompanied  by  sub-zero temperatures but Friday the sun came out and it was an ideal day.

1898 December La Veta: The La Veta Hotel, S. Boyd, proprietor.  The travelling public can always depend on the best of treatment.  First class table and comfortable beds. Rigs ordered for travelling men. D&RG R.R. dining house.

1898 December La Veta: The milling company is shipping lots of bran and flour. 

1898 December La Veta: There will be a Masquerade Ball in the Hotel Hall Dec. 23 so get your costume ready.

1898 December La Veta: Two Christmas Trees (parties) will make many hearts glad this evening.

1898 December Walsenburg: As we stept [sic] into Mike O'Shea's jewelry store Tuesday morning at ten his clocks all went on strike.

1898 December Walsenburg: August Unfug circulated a petition and got mail service to Gardner improved so residents receive mail and answer it the same day.

1898 December Walsenburg: Baxter and Kearns store will have a drawing for a brand new 1899 model bicycle.

1898 December Walsenburg: C.A. White has opened a cigar factory in the upper front rooms of the Kearns-Cole building.

1898 December Walsenburg: F.E. Cowing's grocery business is so increasing he will occupy the vacant room just below his store and cut an archway, between the rooms.

1898 December Walsenburg: It is reported the Pictou mines in sinking a third slope have cut into the water course that feeds the Sulphur Springs.

1898 December Walsenburg: Sheriff Farr alone bears the honor of a cutter and sleighbells during the recent snow storm.

1898 December Walsenburg: The ladies of the Catholic church are preparing to give a dance on the night of Dec. 16th for the purpose of raising money to advance the work on the church.

1898 December Walsenburg: The miners at Pryor say they will organize to resist the high prices of the merchants there.

1898 December Walsenburg: The third annual Masquerade Ball of the Redman Lodge was excellent with guests coming from Rouse, La Veta, Pictou, Cucharas and the surrounding country.

1898 December Walsenburg: The third annual Redmen masquerade ball and dinner at the Earl Hotel drew party makers from all over the county.

1898 December Walsenburg: There is a great need of some organized social feature in the town, such as a lyceum course of lectures, plays and concerts.

1898 December Walsenburg: Torivo Tolmiche and John Sollock were shot to death accidentally at the saloon in Pryor by N.H. Trew.

1898 December Walsenburg: Two engines collided in the blizzard Sunday near Rouse Junction.

1898 December Walsenburg: Undersheriff W.H. Farmer had his shoulder broken Saturday by his horse falling on him at the Farr corral on Capitol Hill.

1898 December Walsenburg: With this issue the Walsenburg World enters its third year under the management of Hunt and Halbert. Subscription price, $1.50 per year, in advance.

1899 January La Veta: A.A. Foote moved his notary public office into the Advertiser building.

1899 January La Veta: A.H. Edmisten fenced in the lots around his livery barn for a corral since he is stabling a number of horses for the railroad contractors.

1899 January La Veta: Although railroad workmen are arriving every day, many have left because of the severe weather in the mountains. Accommodations at the Middle Creek camp are very slim.

1899 January La Veta: F.L. Martin built a new meat house next door to the La Veta Hotel.

1899 January La Veta: J.A. Elrod's wagon received a broken tongue when the horses ran away.

1899 January La Veta: Jasper Kerby is now town marshal but only works by day - by night we are without any guardian of the peace.

1899 January La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hamilton were luckily unhurt when their sleigh turned over coming down mill hill.

1899 January La Veta: Several railroad contractors registered at the hotel this week, including Messrs. Levy, Crook, Orman, Burns and the Ireland Brothers.

1899 January La Veta: The ice wagons made the street lively Thursday and Friday.

1899 January La Veta: The new standard gauge railroad grade to Alamosa will have three tunnels and be done by Aug. 1, 1899.

1899 January La Veta: The pay car came in on Tuesday and the faces of the railroad boys now wear a contented appearance.

1899 January La Veta: Thirty-five Italians arrived on the noon train yesterday to work on the new railroad grade up Middle Creek.

1899 January La Veta: Three or four passenger cars of railroad graders have arrived.

1899 January La Veta: We are not adept at engineering a sleigh ride - we tried it and succeeded in dumping our family into a barb wire fence near the Petrie residence.

1899 January La Veta: We trust the town board will get together and appoint a good marshal, we shall need one when the town gets full of tramps and bums; apparently the usual evil of railroad building.

1899 January La Veta: With mines at Creede producing so well, from 50 to 100 cars of freight daily will cross La Veta Pass and one or two passenger cars.

1899 January La Veta: With the mines at Creede producing so well, from 50 to 100 cars of freight daily will cross La Veta Pass and one or two passenger trains.

1899 January La Veta: Your Last Chance - To purchase a desirable home of four rooms on three lots, unencumbered. $100 down and $100 in one or two years. Enquire at this office.

1899 January Walsenburg: Advertisement: Maitland and Pictou Hack Line. Makes two trips per day. Meets all Trinidad and Pueblo trains. Max Lucero, proprietor.  Starts from the post office.

1899 January Walsenburg: Baxter and Kearns will build a wholesale grocery store, with the warehouse near the D&RG tracks.

1899 January Walsenburg: Beginning tomorrow, Jan. 12, the Union Pacific Denver and Gulf, usually called the Gulf, becomes the Colorado and Southern Railway.

1899 January Walsenburg: Dick Brothers have had a large force of men at work filling their ice house. The quality of ice is superb being about 15 inches thick and clear as a crystal.

1899 January Walsenburg: Even with flood and fire, local mines have been producing an average of 104 carloads per day.

1899 January Walsenburg: Mrs. Frank Anderson was the first one to gladden the heart of the editor with a cash subscription for the year.

1899 January Walsenburg: Peter Stack of Seguro is our banner subscriber by paying up until January 1, 1902.

1899 January Walsenburg: Scherzer and Rhoades are working on some old copper leads south of Sharpsdale and expect to ship in the spring.

1899 January Walsenburg: The County Commissioners will move county surveyor Houser's office from the Kearns-Cole building to the Rock building now occupied by the Clipper Saloon.

1899 January Walsenburg: The town water supply was turned off as scheduled and now the town has gone dry. What shall we do about it?

1899 January Walsenburg: Twenty-one jurors were summoned for district court where trials include one arson, four murders, one divorce and two land suits.

1899 January Walsenburg: Walsenburg Water Company will on Jan. 20 discontinue to furnish water for the city unless the town has sufficient money to pay for the water furnished. The city hasn't paid fairly since 1892.

1899 January Walsenburg: While Editor Brice of the Cactus spends an extended vacation in the east, Reuben Archuleta will dispense the democratic water of life.

1899 February 23: During the term of court just ending an amusing little incident occurred which shows the ready wit of a well-trained lawyer. In questioning a rather dull witness, District Attorney Ross asked the young man his age. "About 21 or 22" was the somewhat vague reply. "But," persisted the district attorney, "can you not tell us your exact age?" Here the opposing attorney, McKeough, of Trinidad, interposed an objection on the grounds that the question was unnecessary. "No," said Mr. Ross, "the witness is an intelligent-looking young man and should know his exact age." Quick as flash McKeough retorted: "He is not as intelligent-looking a man as you are, and yet you cannot tell his age." The attorney's quick wit elicited many smiles.  Walsenburg World

1899 February La Veta: Because of its long use, the town calaboose should be fixed up and cleaned as no doubt the apartments will be in demand when the grading crews arrive.

1899 February La Veta: Charles Harriman was hired as Town Marshal at a salary of $60 a month with all fees going to the town.

1899 February La Veta: Dave Ryus likes the new gasolene lamps so well he says he will replace all the coal oil lamps in his store with them.

1899 February La Veta: John Goemmer has leased his stone barn to Dave Ryus for a few months because Ryus leased his big barn to the railroad grading contractors. Stable and barn room are in demand in La Veta these days.

1899 February La Veta: Messrs. Bovee and Scheefler arrived from Aguilar with their blacksmith tools and enough lumber to build a shop at the west end of Ryus. They will open for business Tuesday or Wednesday.

1899 February La Veta: Seven to eight hundred men are camped on Middle Creek while working on the new standard gauge grade.

1899 February La Veta: The Ebenezer Placer and Gold Mining Company was formed to operate lode and placer mining around the old town of Placer.

1899 February La Veta: The Francisco building on Francisco Street will soon be occupied by a laundry. Bring along your washings.

1899 February La Veta: The Rio Grande railroad wants to use Frank Owenby's reservoir for a watering place but Frank has not made a deal.

1899 February La Veta: Tom Brown, a plain drunk, was before Police Justice Elrod for $5 and trimmings.

1899 February Walsenburg: Alex Guerrero, Eulalie Bustos and Pedro Manzanares are at the head of the honor roll at Cuchara School.

1899 February Walsenburg: Charles Dean's team took off with his milk wagon Tuesday and neither have been located yet.

1899 February Walsenburg: Charles Rahn has succeeded Paul Frolich at the old blacksmith shop.

1899 February Walsenburg: Everyone is invited to the wedding dance tonight at Bradford school house for Boone Robinson and Lou Addinton.

1899 February Walsenburg: Mr. Wolf of Bradford, an old shipbuilder, is bidding for contracts to build large hay barns on several Gardner area ranches.

1899 February Walsenburg: The camp at Pryor is peaceful though the miners are out on strike for a change in physicians.

1899 February Walsenburg: The enterprising young milkman Charles Dean had an unfortunate runaway Tuesday and had not recovered either the team or wagon by Wednesday afternoon.

1899 February Walsenburg: The handsome two story brick building of CF&I at Pictou was completed this week.

1899 February Walsenburg: The watering trough on Main Street badly needs replacing.

1899 February Walsenburg: Two cases of smallpox were reported at Cucharas.

1899 February Walsenburg: Work at the Pryor mine resumed Monday morning but we understand union men will not be employed.

1899 March La Veta: A.H. Edmisten of the La Veta Livery Stable lately fitted out the place with a fine lot of new rigs of every description. Calls for teams promptly attended to.

1899 March La Veta: An addition is being built onto the rear of the Denver Saloon on Ryus Avenue.

1899 March La Veta: Bill Francisco now has some Jersey cattle on his ranch on Indian Creek.

1899 March La Veta: Bill Francisco, he of the Jersey cattle ranch on Indian Creek, is in town semi-occasionally these days.

1899 March La Veta: Bill Francisco, he of the Jersey cattle ranch on Indian Creek, is in town semi-occasionally these days.

1899 March La Veta: C.R. Carroll's Star Livery is now running a daily stage to the Middle Creek railroad graders' camps.

1899 March La Veta: J.M. Elrod has the frame of his new store in position and will soon re-open in the furniture business.

1899 March La Veta: J.M. Elrod has the frame of his new store in position and will soon re-open in the furniture business.

1899 March La Veta: Jasper Bruce received serious bruises when he fell over the square stone in front of Alex Lindsay's drug store.

1899 March La Veta: New marshal Charles Harriman incarcerated several men in the town cooler but they broke jail and escaped the same night.

1899 March La Veta: Our new marshal Charles Harriman incarcerated several men in the town cooler but they broke jail and escaped the same night.

1899 March La Veta: Potatoes will be two pounds for five cents before April 10. Thank goodness we don't have to live on potatoes while pie and cake can be had.

1899 March La Veta: The People's Party has nominated W.A. Danks and Mrs. N.A. Elrod for mayor and clerk and they will face R.A. Hayes and A.A. Foote of the Citizen's Party in next week's town election.

1899 March La Veta: The town accepted Mr. Pushee's bid of $10 to move the calaboose to just west of the town park on Oak Street.

1899 March La Veta: There are many cases of scarlet fever being reported and the school should be closed to prevent the disease's spread among the children.

1899 March La Veta: Town Board decided to let people work out their fines and already the rocks and trash on Francisco Street are disappearing.

1899 March La Veta: You will find here the finest brands of whiskies, first class lager beer and the best of cigars. The Clipper Saloon, D.E. Farr, proprietor.

1899 March Walsenburg: A.C. White has opened a cigar factory making Napoleon, Huerfano and Trix cigars. He can make 500 per day.

1899 March Walsenburg: All parties and players interested in the national game of baseball are asked to attend a meeting at the World office Saturday.

1899 March Walsenburg: Charles Ball, the electrical engineer at Walsen mines, was run over by a railroad car when he was blinded by dust. His life is still in jeopardy.

1899 March Walsenburg: Charles Wolf of Bradford married Effie Hughes of Cedar Rapids, Iowa Feb. 22 in the parlor of the Klein Hotel.

1899 March Walsenburg: Gen. Walsen had work begun on a new brick business block just north of the one which is just being completed.

1899 March Walsenburg: Kid Cunningham of fatal fistic fame opened a short order house in C.O. Unfug's building opposite Mazzone's saloon.

1899 March Walsenburg: Nick Sharp was relieved of $12 and his purse by two men, one with a pistol, near his boardinghouse at Walsen.

1899 March Walsenburg: The Primrose Coal Company filed articles of incorporation and are operating a mine beyond Pryor near the county line.

1899 March Walsenburg: We are looking for a reliable person who can testify to having seen a pinksbird or other harbinger of spring.

1899 April La Veta: A full supply of lumber always on hand at Bear Creek Saw Mill six miles southeast of La Veta. W.J. Hill, proprietor.

1899 April La Veta: At Peterson's Cripple Creek Saloon you can always enjoy a glass of beer and a good free lunch.

1899 April La Veta: It would be a good idea to stop the crossing of teams over the wooden sidewalks, except at the alleys.

1899 April La Veta: J.W. Culler has opened a barbershop east of the Stranger restaurant.

1899 April La Veta: La Veta - Clean up your garage! Frank Chown, Street Commissioner.

1899 April La Veta: La Veta now has a number one Chinese laundry and the work turned out equals the best.

1899 April La Veta: La Veta now has a number one Chinese laundry and the work turned out equals the best.

1899 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. William Butler closed their schools at Birmingham and Turkey Creek respectively, and returned to their home at the foot of the Spanish Peaks for the summer.

1899 April La Veta: The "hurry up" wagon was called to the railroad camps for a man who drank a bottle of whiskey in one swallow.

1899 April La Veta: The noon train from the east has one or two extra coaches these days to accommodate men going to the railroad construction camps.

1899 April La Veta: You can obtain the well-known Oscar Pepper and McBrayer whiskies at the Cripple Creek Saloon on Ryus.

1899 April La Veta: You can obtain the well-known Oscar Pepper and McBrayer whiskies at the Cripple Creek Saloon on Ryus.

1899 April Walsenburg: Mayor Baird wants the electric light in the center of Jackson Street moved to the sidewalk.

1899 April Walsenburg: Mrs. M.E. Hayden is having a handsome porch built in front of the parlors of the Hayden House.

1899 April Walsenburg: The engine house and boiler at the Sunshine mine burned down Sunday.

1899 April Walsenburg: The iron fixtures for the front of the new Walsen block are being put up.

1899 April Walsenburg: W.R. Faulkner is moving his store to remodeled Chatin block, where brick and iron pillars have been added to the front.

1899 April Walsenburg: Workmen are erecting a corrugated iron building for August Chatin's blacksmith on the lots just west of the Hayden House.

1899 May 13: Recipe to cure smallpox: mix one grain of sulphate of zinc, one grain of foxglove (digitalis), one-half teaspoon of sugar and a little water.  Take one spoonful every hour.  The Advertiser

1899 May La Veta: County Physician Dr. McGuire drove to the railroad camps Monday with county commissioner Oliver Bemen and despite reports to the contrary, found smallpox existing. A quarantine hospital was established near Day's camp where the disease initially broke out.

Pueblo Chieftain 5-10-1992 - Standard Gauge Finished in '99 - Narrow gauge trains rattled over La Veta Pass for 20 years at the close of the 19th century, providing service between Pueblo and Alamosa. The new La Veta Pass line was built in 1899, the last segment of standard gauge track from La Veta into the San Luis Valley. When it became necessary to provide both standard and narrow gauge track between Pueblo and Salida the previous decade, a third rail was added. Clough & Anderson, railroad builders from Colorado Springs, were the principal contractors. The Denver and Rio Grande Railroad company put in the bridges with W.A. Halcom of Pueblo, resident engineer, supervising the work. The contractors had 400 men at work when the job was started in February 1899, and needed that many more. Unable to get enough workers within the state, they hired 300 Italians from Duluth, Minn., 100 from Omaha and laborers from other large cities. Wages paid ranged from $1.75 to $2.25 a day, and the workers could board for $4.50 a week. The new line was about 27 miles in length, began at La Veta, went over Wagon Creek and reached the valley near Russell. The project included piercing three tunnels through sandstone, grading, placing 3,000 ties per mile and laying the 65-pound rail. Work was completed and trains were running over the new track by mid-November. More than 600 Puebloans went on the final La Veta Pass excursion on Aug. 27, 1899. The Chieftain reported that, after that date, anyone wishing to see the pine-clad hills and grand towering rocks would have to go on foot or horseback as the track was to be torn up immediately. But it didn't turn out quite that way. The old railroad grade became an automobile road. Four years later, U.S. 160 crossed the mountains over the old railroad grade.

1899 May La Veta: Died, the three-year-old daughter of Bovee the blacksmith of spinal meningitis and Mrs. Jasper J. Bruce, daughter of Tom Crumbley, who has been married just 11 months, of rheumatism.

1899 May La Veta: Due to the smallpox epidemic, Town Board has resolved that no man may come to La Veta with the railroad from anywhere in the state; that no contractor may allow men into town "under any pretense whatsoever;'' and that the firm building the railroad must move their quarantine tent from behind their warehouse to outside town limits within 24 hours.

1899 May La Veta: Factory made and varnished coffins from $2 up. I.R. Voorhees.

1899 May La Veta: Henry Hurst, nurse at the quarantine hospital since its inception, took down with small- pox Monday.

1899 May La Veta: Mrs. A.A. Foote took her children to their ranch in the foothills of the West Peak to avoid the smallpox epidemic.

1899 May La Veta: O.T. Davis postponed opening his photograph gallery because of the smallpox scare.

1899 May La Veta: Onions are recommended as being a great preventative for contagious diseases - Old Reliable just received a new supply of onion sets; raise your own medicine.

1899 May La Veta: The ranch house of John Goemmer burned completely down but luckily he carried $1,600 in insurance.

1899 May La Veta: The wind still continues to blow and no sign of rain as yet; crops are extremely backward and the outlook is for a shortage of water in the streams.

1899 May La Veta: To cure smallpox, mix one grain of sulphate of zinc, one grain of foxglove (digitalis), one-half teaspoon sugar, a little water and take one spoonful every hour.

1899 May La Veta: Two new cases of smallpox Sunday drifted into town. Several more were reported Friday and Saturday.

1899 May La Veta: William Springer is now engaged as blacksmith at the Hayden tin mines on Greenhorn Mountain.

1899 May La Veta: William Woodruff greatly improved the looks of Francisco Street by cleaning up and fencing the vacant lots east of his residence.

1899 May Walsenburg: A large cistern is being built back of the bank building for a water supply.

1899 May Walsenburg: About 75 of the Misses Baker's and Gildersleeve's students enjoyed a picnic in the grove Saturday afternoon.

1899 May Walsenburg: G.U.E.S.S. will have an entertainment Friday to raise funds to re-roof the Presbyterian church.

1899 May Walsenburg: Moses Birnbaum has hired J.B. Gittings to build him a large hide house below the old D&RG depot.

1899 May Walsenburg: One half interest in six mines at the head of the Huerfano on Sierra Blanca were sold this week by Henderson and Hawkins to Mr. Willett E. McMillan of New York for $5,000 cash.

1899 May Walsenburg: Rouse camp is almost completely abandoned except for the crews removing machinery to Pictou and Pryor.

1899 May Walsenburg: Tarabino and Company are advertising a sale of their goods preparatory to moving from their present location at Walsen mines.

1899 May Walsenburg: The building now occupied by Miss Pearce the milliner and owned by George T. Kearns is to be removed to make way for a new business block.

1899 May Walsenburg: The Northern Coal Company is building an electric power house at the Toltec mine similar to the one recently built at the Walsen.

1899 May Walsenburg: The tin mine on Greenhorn will resume operations next week with W.A. Springer mine blacksmith.

1899 May Walsenburg: Walsenburg High School graduates for 1899 are Katherine Ellen Blickhahn, Hattie Florece Carter, Bertha Elise Klein, Elizabeth Jane Mitchell, Archie Worth Danford, Stephen Julian Lamme and Almer Burdette Rice. 

1899 June La Veta: A number of range cattle have been dying from murrain, caused by their eating oak leaves.

1899 June La Veta: An extra from the east brought two cars of laborers for grading, detraining west of the depot and at the end of the broad gauge track.

1899 June La Veta: Due to the drougth, several ranchmen have given up the idea of planting crops this year.

1899 June La Veta: Have you noticed the new croquet ground just east of William Woodruff's house?

1899 June La Veta: O. Bemen is fixing up his lumber yard, erecting a buggy shed, putting in a watering trough and making various improvements around his house.

1899 June La Veta: On Wednesday, William Smith's oldest boy was attacked, knocked down, trampled and severely kicked by his milk cow.

1899 June La Veta: Stamie Edmisten was acquitted of carrying concealed weapons but was fined $25 and court costs for using obscene and profane language.

1899 June La Veta: The Hector Brothers will soon start repainting the Masonic building on the outside and paper the hall and drug store's interiors.

1899 June La Veta: The jail has been moved again and the town fathers are thinking of ordering a set of wheels to mount it so it can be located anywhere to suit "hoboes" fallen by the wayside.

1899 June La Veta: There have been no new cases of smallpox reported for 14 days so the quarantine is being lifted.

1899 June La Veta: Town Board has approved $1,700 in smallpox bills.

1899 June Walsenburg: Baxter and Kearns bought the Frohlich blacksmith shop on West Seventh Street and have placed competent smiths at the forges.

1899 June Walsenburg: County Surveyor Houser surveyed a road to the mines at the head of the Huerfano and a force of men are [sic] now at work in its construction.

1899 June Walsenburg: Don't miss the cake walk at Walsen mines this week.

1899 June Walsenburg: Ground was broken Wednesday for a new brick Walsen business block between Dr. Granthams drug store and Dr. McGuire's office.

1899 June Walsenburg: Houses are being moved to Santa Clara camp every day and the mines will soon be shipping coal.

1899 June Walsenburg: J.B. Gittings is the fastest workman in town. Last Monday he sent a crew to build the Biernbaum hide house and by 3 o'clock Friday the last nail was driven.

1899 June Walsenburg: Miss Maude Higgins married John J. Wright Thursday. The couple is making their home at Russell.

1899 June Walsenburg: Mrs. Eliza Garcia is having a neat adobe front built onto her residence on East Seventh near the Catholic Church.

1899 June Walsenburg: Now that the quarantine has been raised, let all of our people be as anxious to report this news as they were to report the smallpox scare.

1899 June Walsenburg: Rev. Fr. Uzzel, having purchased the corner lots opposite A. Levy's, has had the old adobe building removed and the store building painted.

1899 June Walsenburg: The smallpox patient Cy Wishert and his guard, Thos. Edwards, were brought into town from the public hospital and declared purged of symptoms and danger.

1899 June Walsenburg: Thomas Mooney's brickyard above the D&RG depot has a kiln for 15,000 bricks and a 9,000 square foot drying yard.

1899 June Walsenburg: We are sorry to hear Edward Bamfer has two very sick cows. We hope he will not lose them.

1899 July La Veta: Amos Hayes is again an honest ranchman and is resting after eight years work at the flour mill, which has been sold to some parties from the San Luis Valley.

1899 July La Veta: Dr. R.A. Mathew and family have gone camping for a week or ten days up the Cuchara near the gap.

1899 July La Veta: Miss Lawrence will teach a three-month term at the Sager district school since the school was closed due to the death of Teacher Ed Rodusky from smallpox. 

1899 July La Veta: Photographer Davis is doing a rushing business in his new location at the corner of Depot Park.

1899 July La Veta: The graders' camps along Middle Creek were flooded in the storm and articles of clothing and equipment was a little short when morning dawned.

1899 July La Veta: The Health Officer says that 45 smallpox patients are enrolled in the quarantine hospital and six deaths have been recorded.

1899 July La Veta: The old saying "it never rains but it pours" has been nicely illustrated this week.

1899 July La Veta: We hear Ellis Smith is ill with typhoid at his home in Antonito.

1899 July La Veta: We noticed the whistle of Jasper Kerby's saw mill yesterday, sounds like business once again.

1899 July La Veta: We noticed the whistle of Jasper Kerby's sawmill yesterday, sounds like business once again.

1899 July Walsenburg: A farewell dance was given at the camp of Rouse Wednesday, winding up festivities as the buildings are fast being moved away.

1899 July Walsenburg: A large number of Walsenburgians climbed Capitol Hill the night of July 3 so that they might see the grand illumination on Pike's Peak.

1899 July Walsenburg: A red flag-stone walk is being laid in front of the Chatin building this week.

1899 July Walsenburg: A small boy's idea of greatness is to play baseball in a uniform.

1899 July Walsenburg: Farr and Lidle bought A. Zadra's interest in the City Meat Market.

1899 July Walsenburg: Fred Walsen has already built two business houses this year, costing $3,000, and his new one for Dr. Clarke will cost another $1,500.

1899 July Walsenburg: From 200 to 300 people attended the dances and races at Gus Pierson's picnic in the grove west of town on the Fourth.

1899 July Walsenburg: Gus Pierson will give an open air dance Saturday evening at his pavilion on Eighth Street.

1899 July Walsenburg: Hunters of big game are advised that bears and mountain lions are prolific around the Pass Creek and Devil's Hole areas where they are killing cattle and horses.

1899 July Walsenburg: J.J. Pritchard's new building will cost an estimated $4,000.

1899 July Walsenburg: Members of the Wheel Club made the run to the Sharp ranch at Malachite Tuesday evening, which was well illuminated with torches for their convenience. The roads were very rough and few completed the trip.

1899 July Walsenburg: Sheriff Farr was called to Folsom, New Mexico, to assist officers to capture the train robbers.

1899 July Walsenburg: The curfew not only sends the youths home but also reminds the family man of the time.

1899 July Walsenburg: The new saw mill of J.W. Clifford and Joe Fians at Sierra Blanca at 12,500 feet altitude is probably the highest in the state. It was dedicated June 24 with music by the saw mill String Band.

1899 July Walsenburg: The young people enjoyed a dance Saturday evening at Knights of Pythias Hall with music by three traveling musicians.

1899 July Walsenburg: We carry Studebaker and Bain Wagons, McCormick Mowers and Crescent All-Steel Hay Rakes. Goods and Prices Guaranteed. Baxter and Kearns Hardware Co.

1899 July Walsenburg: We will give away one ticket with every purchase of $2, entitling the holder to draw on a new, All-Steel, John Deere Farm Wagon valued at $100, at the new Frohlich and Jones hardware store. 

1899 July: The Sharpsdale school closed last Friday after a three-month term. 1903 July: The ladies of the Methodist Church will serve a hot dinner at the court house on the Fourth of July, 25 cents for adults and 20 cents for children.

1899 Aug. 26: Don't kick about the want of locals in the paper. We can only publish what we see or hear about. If you shelter the president of the United States and don't give it away, how are we to know he was in town? People we pass fifty times each week never give us pointers and then kick because we don't tell about them having their hen roost robbed or their gate being off its hinges. Give us a pointer and we'll do the rest. Advertiser

1899 August 20: The "tough" boy Dick Manley, who was known to have killed at least five men since pardoned, was killed by officers while defying arrest, removing the threat to La Veta and Huerfano County. The Advertiser

1899 August La Veta: A fire in Mrs. Vories' kitchen in the north part of town was quickly extinguished.

1899 August La Veta: Al Coleman just finished a neat job of underpinning the residence of Mrs. Henry Daigre. Rain softened the adobies so dressed rock was needed.

1899 August La Veta: Mrs. McGraw fired several shots at an intruder and aroused Marshal Harriman, who rounded up 14 hobos, six of whom he placed in the calaboose.

1899 August La Veta: New officers of the Woodmen of the World are R.T. McGraw, Frank Hayes, A.N. Erwin, Gus Goemmer, Luther Martin, W.A. Danks and O.T. Davis.

1899 August La Veta: Several ladies enjoyed a picnic at the camping grounds of Mrs. Ireland near Mule Shoe Bend last Wednesday.

1899 August La Veta: The Band Boys held a dance in Elrod's Hall Friday night - a good attendance was reported.

1899 August Walsenburg: A group of nine young people of Capps climbed the East Peak Sunday.

1899 August Walsenburg: In order to get a $40 job as a country schoolma'am, a Colorado girl will be required to tell what a blood platelet is, astigmatism, proteins, carbon-hydrates and hydro-carbons.

1899 August Walsenburg: Oregon Pharis opened a new blacksmith on West Sixth Street near the Hopkins' feed store.

1899 August Walsenburg: The new school house in the Walsenburg Annex district is just about complete and Miss Minta Cowing will be teacher.

1899 August Walsenburg: The railroad crossing at the west side of Main Street at Third is an abomination.

1899 August Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Wheel Club made the Trip to Cucharas and back on Sunday.

1899 August: A flash flood Thursday washed out the bridge over the Cucharas south of town.

1899 August: The Dick brothers are contemplating building a two-story brick building on the vacant lots between Workman's furniture store and the Clipper Saloon.

1899 Sept. 9: The narrow gauge road across La Veta Pass has a maximum grade of 4.7 percent, or 248 feet to the mile. It has very sharp curves. The new standard gauge grade eight miles south is 138 feet lower, has a maximum grade of three percent going west and two and a half percent coming east and is one mile shorter between here and Alamosa The railroad's expenditure will be $275,160.28 for the new road. The Advertiser

1899 September La Veta: A red insect that swarms around maple trees and is sometimes called "adobe bug" has taken over the Advertiser office.

1899 September La Veta: Asa Beamer, one of the Colorado volunteers from the Philippines, is back home and visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spielmann.

1899 September La Veta: Bring in your eggs. You can get 20 cents CASH for them at the Old Reliable.

1899 September La Veta: J.M. Elrod is putting in a bran [sic] new store front on his building on Main Street for his store and justice office.

1899 September La Veta: Lee Ellis of Pueblo was in town interviewing those who desired new clothing.

1899 September La Veta: Thirty railroad cars, including 60 people from La Veta and over 200 from Walsenburg, made the excursion Sunday to the top of La Veta Pass.

1899 September La Veta: Town Marshal Harriman had a tough time of it on Tuesday night, though he managed to drop 16 in the cooler before morning.     

1899 September La Veta: Track laying west of La Veta has commenced and new broad gauge cars run in both directions daily.

1899 September La Veta: W.D. Brown has his crops in and can take it easy until spring except for the 16 hours daily he spends doing chores and improving his ranch.

1899 September Walsenburg: Charles Agnes will build a harness room in the alley between his store and that of John Thill.

1899 September Walsenburg: Huerfano Water Company was incorporated by P.W. Sweeney, J.C. Sweeney and Jefferson B. Far with capital stock of $40,000 to secure, convey, impound and store water for the town of Walsenburg.

1899 September Walsenburg: M.A. Sanchez offers to give $100 if 14 others will do the same to complete the St. Mary church building.

1899 September Walsenburg: M.A. Sanchez will give $100 if 14 others will do the same to complete the erection of the St. Mary church building.

1899 September Walsenburg: Mrs. Mary Firm of Pictou bought the Earl Hotel.

1899 September Walsenburg: Some merchants kick because newspaper men don't buy their wares. We kick because some merchants don't buy our wares. Patronize us and we will patronize you.

1899 September Walsenburg: The drought around Gardner continues and everyone is howling for water.

1899 September Walsenburg: The Mathews building at Main and Sixth, formerly Klein's Hotel, will be converted into a saloon with George Klein proprietor.

1899 September Walsenburg: The schools opened Tuesday with 43 pupils in the high school and 188 in the grades. The total enrollment of 231 is the largest in the history of the school.

1899 September Walsenburg: There have been several reverses in the matrimonial market. This term of district court will be called upon to dissolve the alliance of six couples.

1899 September: Messrs. Lucero and Rivera are contemplating building a livery barn on the vacant lot near the Pictou school house.

1899 October La Veta: A.A. Foote and family, returning from their ranch, had a runaway down the steep grade from the West Peak.

1899 October La Veta: A.A. Foote and family, returning from their ranch, had a runaway down the steep grade from the West Peak.

1899 October La Veta: Albeit and Ally Sager are leaving for the new portion of the state with 300 Hereford to winter there.

1899 October La Veta: Fall hats, Caps, Ribbons, etc. are now ready for inspection at the La Veta Millinery Store - Alice Daigre. 1902: Good progress is being made on the Bald Mountain Railway and Supt. Foote has taken his miners from Occidental and put them on construction.

1899 October La Veta: George Mason for some time an employee of A.H. Edmisten at the livery stable, decamped with horse, clothes, six-shooter, watch and $13.75. He was soon caught, however.

1899 October La Veta: Quite a number went to the carnival at Denver Sunday and Monday with the special rates offered by the D&RG.

1899 October La Veta: The biggest windstorm since '97 was experienced from 3 to 8 a.m. Wednesday when chimneys toppled, fences fell, shade trees were broken and the photo tent of  0.T. Davis was torn to shreds. Hay crops and barns were demolished all around this area.

1899 October La Veta: The Methodist parsonage is being carpeted and furnished as Rev. Moffat is to soon bring home a mate.

1899 October La Veta: W.H. Clifford is removing the building opposite F.M. Eggleston's up to his residence and will join it as an addition to his home.

1899 October La Veta: Wanted - a hay pitcher. $1.30 per day plus board. Apply at Goemmer Brothers.

1899 October Walsenburg: Charlie Mack promises that if he is elected sheriff, fishing on his premises on the Cucharas above La Veta will be open to the public.

1899 October Walsenburg: Charlie Mack promises that if he is elected sheriff, fishing on his premises on the Cucharas above La Veta will be open to the public.

1899 October Walsenburg: Ready made skirts, $1.25 to $7.50, at Bernsteins.

1899 October Walsenburg: The enrollment of the Walsenburg schools today reached 300 - the largest number of pupils in the history of the schools.

1899 October Walsenburg: The Mathews building at Main and Sixth, now occupied by the Klein Hotel, will soon be transformed into a saloon with George Klein as proprietor.

1899 November La Veta: About 30 students and teachers boarded Engine No. 804 at the depot for a trip up the new railroad line, but the engine broke and many walked home while others were brought by wagon after sending a telegraph describing their plight.

1899 November La Veta: Due to the bad train service, C.R. Carroll is running a daily stage to Walsenburg.

1899 November La Veta: John Stranger will move his old restaurant building to the back of the Ryan and Quinn saloon building and use it for storage.

1899 November La Veta: So far this year we have had hail in July, snow in September, rain in November and strawberries about 1901.

1899 November La Veta: The Kimsey children killed three rattlesnakes near their house but after seeing 14 more thought it advisable to vamoose.

1899 November La Veta: The railroad service is awful. The train to Walsenburg leaves after 12:30 at night and returns 27 hours later, making the Denver newspapers 28 hours old when they get here.

1899 November La Veta: The Woodmen of the World postponed their Thanksgiving supper because of the prevalence of scarlet fever.

1899 November La Veta: We enjoyed some first class doughnuts and cookies from Mrs. M.E. Carver's new bakery in the plaza the other day.

1899 November Walsenburg: A man clinging to and painting the cross on the Catholic Church steeple was an interesting sight on Monday.

1899 November Walsenburg: Crews are working on the new Dick Brothers building, Walsen's Banking Company's warehouse and the boiler at the electric light plant.

1899 November Walsenburg: Dr. Wo Chung, the Chinese specialist of Cucharas, was in town the first of the week.

1899 November Walsenburg: Dr. Wo Chung, the Chinese specialist of Cucharas, was in town the first of the week.

1899 November Walsenburg: Houses are so scarce in Walsenburg that E.B. Mockmore and family of Bradford have taken up quarters in the Farr Brothers livery barn.

1899 November Walsenburg: J.E. Martinez, well known citizen of Cucharas, was shot and killed Wednesday at noon on Fifth Street near the school house.

1899 November Walsenburg: One of the greatest sources of our prosperity may be seen by visiting any of the eight coal mines in our county.

1899 November Walsenburg: Pink Steele, son of A.J. Steele at the Walsen mines, entered the Booker Washington Institute, where he is a member of the football team.

1899 November Walsenburg: The lathers are about done in the Catholic Church and soon the plasterers will go to work.

1899 November Walsenburg: The storm snowed in two work trains on La Veta Pass for several days.

1899 November Walsenburg: Walsenburg, Pryor and Santa Clara Hack Line, Round Trip Daily, Passengers or Freight. Meliton Valdez, proprietor.

1899 November Walsenburg: Zatta Giuseppe, a coal miner at Pictou, died in a fall of rock in the mine. The coroner's inquest found it to be an unavoidable accident.

1899 December La Veta: A general merchandise store is now operating in the new mining camp of Ojo.

1899 December La Veta: George Kitchen's house caught on fire Sunday but the D&RG engine sounded the alarm and it was soon put out.

1899 December La Veta: It is keeping the railroad men busy fixing up the "soft" spots on the new line. The snow came too early for them.

1899 December La Veta: Louis Bemen has been hired by the D&RC to take care of the pumping machinery of the water tank at the Bemen sawmill switch.

1899 December La Veta: The home of George Kitchen caught on fire Sunday but the Denver and Rio Grande engine sounded the alarm and it was soon put out.

1899 December La Veta: The last snowfall brought 20 inches for a total of 10 feet already this season.

1899 December La Veta: The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton and several others have scarlet fever and since the children were not isolated the disease is spreading. It is probable the school board will close the school and public gatherings should be postponed.

1899 December La Veta: The snow is deep and packed; the ranchmen are using snowshoes and the fences have disappeared.

1899 December La Veta: The Woodmen of the World partied until 1:30 a.m. Friday morning and kept decent people awake for two blocks.

1899 December La Veta: The Woodmen of the World partied until 1:30 a.m. Friday morning and kept decent people awake for two blocks.

1899 December La Veta: Three derailments in the station yards kept the D&RC section crew busy during the snowstorm Wednesday.

1899 December La Veta: Twenty more inches of snow fell Tuesday and drifted badly. We have received over ten feet already this season.

1899 December La Veta: Work is being pushed at Ojo mining camp and when spring opens up you will find it the busiest camp in the county.

1899 December La Veta: Your Last Chance - To purchase a desirable home of four rooms on three lots, unencumbered. $100 down, $100 in one or two years. Enquire at this office.

1899 December Walsenburg: Eighteen inches of snow fell yesterday and practically shut down the town.

1899 December Walsenburg: Ella Ayer, Elma Chilson and Florence Turner passed their examinations Saturday and are authorized to teach in the public schools of this county.

1899 December Walsenburg: Gardner is on the way to a boom with its new school and rumors of a new church and telephone system.

1899 December Walsenburg: Joseph Patterson sold his Walsenburg Hotel to the partnership of Muir and Templeton.

1899 December Walsenburg: Progress in Gardner includes a new school being built as well as a new Methodist church, and the erection of a new telephone line.

1899 December Walsenburg: Robert Caddell of Pictou married Lizzie Patterson of Walsenburg Monday, Dec. 18.

1899 December Walsenburg: Street Commissioner Gordon put in a two-board crossing on the east side of Main at Third Street and also cinder crossings at other corners - it is what is needed.

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