Huerfano County, Colorado
News Of The Day

Contributed by Louise Adams, Jean Griesan and Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

1900 - 1909

1900 January La Veta: A large plant is to be built at Ojo to treat the fine cooper now being mined.

1900 January La Veta: A number of ladies and gentlemen met last night at the residence of J.M. Elrod to organize a literary club for reading and discussion.

1900 January La Veta: For sale, a four room house on three lots, $100 down and $100 in one or two years. Enquire at this office.

1900 January La Veta: Jenny Laura Kreuger and John James Hamilton were married.

1900 January La Veta: O.D. Staplin finally got to town from the Wahatoya by walking and expects to get to town in his buggy on the 4th of July.

1900 January La Veta: The home of Felix Estes a short distance south of town was destroyed by fire but some of the furniture was saved. He had $800 insurance on the dwelling,

1900 January La Veta: The railroad unloaded a carload of lumber yesterday to be used in the erection of a new depot.

1900 January La Veta: Three coal experts are in town this week examining the large coal deposits lying west of North Veta.

1900 January Walsenburg: A two century ball, beginning in the 19th century and ending in the 20th, will be held the night of Dec. 31 in Mazzone Hall.

1900 January Walsenburg: Faulkner's Dry Goods and Grocery emporiums are now properly labeled in monster letters that he who runs may read.

1900 January Walsenburg: I am offering Rich's "Julia Marlowe" Latest Pattern Shoes, fit high and low instep, at $4. A better quality for $4.50. I am the only dealer in the county that handles this line of shoes. Charles Agnes.

1900 January Walsenburg: The pretty weather again permits the work on the Dick Brothers building to be pushed along.

1900 January Walsenburg: The total enrollment in town is 404, compared to 300 in 1898-99, with 35 in the high school.

1900 January Walsenburg: Tony Bertolero bought the fixtures and leased the building now occupied by the Dick brothers and will remove there when the Dicks move to their new building.

1900 January Walsenburg: Are we in this century or are we in the next? This seems to be a grave question among the learned (?).

1900 January Walsenburg: Tony Bertolero is moving into the Dick brothers building when they move into their new one.

1900 February La Veta: Fred Bombard has purchased the Clipper Saloon he has been managing for D.E. Farr of Walsenburg.

1900 February La Veta: Fred Dryden tried out his new skates on Willis Lake east of town and went through the ice. He was saved by the quick thinking of his buddy Asa Underwood.

1900 February La Veta: John Stranger opened his grocery and feed store on Ryus Avenue this week.

1900 February La Veta: Miss Phenie Erwin celebrated with a party the near approach of the time when her first vote can be cast.

1900 February La Veta: Mr. Reed sold the Denver Saloon to Ramirez and left town.

1900 February La Veta: Old maids and bachelors will discuss why they avoided matrimony Wednesday at Ryus Hall. Ten cents admission.

1900 February La Veta: The copper miners at Ojo are planning to build a stamp mill and smelter as soon as the weather clears.

1900 February La Veta: There was no ice cutting this week on account of the heavy winds.

1900 February La Veta: William Krier is staging a huge shoe sale prior to moving his family and business to Walsenburg.

1900 February La Veta: William Woodruff bought the Ryus-Hamilton residence on the west side of the creek and will move it to his property at the east end of town.

1900 February La Veta: Woodmen of the World will give a masquerade dance on Washington's Birthday, Feb. 22, in Ryus' Hall.

1900 February Walsenburg: A new $2,400 iron bridge, 64 feet in length, is being constructed over the Cucharas south of town to replace the old wooden one destroyed by flood last summer.

1900 February Walsenburg: Elma Chilson is teaching in the new District No. 36, Lower North Veta, which is using a house until a building can be provided.

1900 February Walsenburg: George Phipps of Walsen, former electrician there, will replace George Peart as superintendent of Pictou. Peart is moving to New Mexico.

1900 February Walsenburg: H.M. Setter has purchased a stock of new and used furniture and will open a store soon in the room formerly occupied by the World, next door to Unfug and Taylor.

1900 February Walsenburg: Marie Anderson and Fritz Sporleder will debate the affirmative and Andrew Dick and Clara Cowing the negative on "Resolved: that the Savages have more Happiness than the Civilized Nations."

1900 February Walsenburg: Mrs. Laura Bishard, whose husband John was killed in the Pryor mine Nov. 9 by a runaway trip, is suing Union Coal and Coke Co. for $5,000 damages, $95 burial expenses and cost of the suit.

1900 February Walsenburg: Painters are at work in the new Dick building and it will be ready for occupancy next week.

1900 February Walsenburg: Several of our younger set danced to the music of a mouth organ and set of bones in the old, K.P. Hall last Friday night.      

1900 February Walsenburg: Thomas Sproul has returned to Badito with 20 fine thoroughbred heifers and four fine Jacks, the latter of which he is offering for sale.

1900 March La Veta: Andrew Young opened a barbershop next door to the Denver Saloon.

1900 March La Veta: F.M. Owenby sold his new homestead to the Weld Coal Company, including the old Herbin mine.

1900 March La Veta: F.M. Owenby sold his new homestead to the Weld Coal Company, including the old Herbin mine.

1900 March La Veta: Fire destroyed the building east of town used as the smallpox hospital last spring, evidently to cover signs of a theft.

1900 March La Veta: Fred Bombard and J.O. Francisco are fixing up the cottages and bath house at Sulphur Springs.

1900 March La Veta: J.C. Fugate of Walsenburg has been engaged as teacher of the Sager district school and Miss Moss will take the Wahatoya school.

1900 March La Veta: O.D. Staplin received a shock in the thunderstorm near Walsenburg that knocked him clear out of his buggy.

1900 March La Veta: School closed for the term last Thursday and Professor W.B. Mooney left for Greeley Friday.

1900 March La Veta: The Weld Coal Company already has a 25 foot tunnel in at their mine west of La Veta, and expect coal at 35 feet.

1900 March La Veta: We are pleased to state that all the scarlet fever patients are progressing favorably and no new cases have been reported.

1900 March La Veta: William H. Woodruff is still in the process of moving his house and it's close to the bridge. The wind may carry it the rest of the way.

1900 March La Veta: William H. Woodruff is still in the process of moving his house and it's close to the bridge. The wind may carry it the rest of the way.

1900 March Walsenburg: Baxter and Kearns Hardware Company was incorporated with $35,000 in stock by Edwin W. Baxter, George T. Kearns, John J. Pritchard, Edwin A. Lewis and James R. Killian.

1900 March Walsenburg: Bertolero and Latuada will occupy the former Dick Brothers store building.

1900 March Walsenburg: Cape Nome fever has attacked Editor G.B. Wick and he plans to leave for Alaska May 1.

1900 March Walsenburg: Emmet Wells has finished remodeling the house he moved from Rouse and now has one of the finest residences in Walsenburg.

1900 March Walsenburg: Ernest Krier had his hand badly burned and Prof. Hamer received several balls of fire in his clothing in an explosion in the high school chemistry department.

1900 March Walsenburg: J.B.N. Valdez of Malachite finished a successful term in District No. 5 and is teaching the term at Turkey Creek which began Feb. 19.

1900 March Walsenburg: Mayor T.D. Baird had I.M. Daily lay a board sidewalk across Russell Street from the schoolhouse to Dr. Grantham's residence.

1900 March Walsenburg: Miss Mina Cowen closed the school at Beeville after a seven month term and will go on to Sharpsdale to teach the summer term.

1900 March Walsenburg: Owing to the rush of business J.B. Johnson has secured the services of a first class watchmaker at his jewelry store.

1900 March Walsenburg: Poles are being set out on West Seventh Street for the extension of electric light service.

1900 March Walsenburg: Sheriff Farr has purchased a new buckboard to be used as a hurry-up and carry-all wagon.

1900 March Walsenburg: The town ditch should be boxed or tiled as it is unsightly and unhealthy, plus it also washes away, especially along the road to Cucharas near the C&S depot.

1900 Apr. 12: The grocery business of Unfug and Taylor has been dissolved with the retirement of Charles V. Taylor. Maggie Unfug bought out his interest and will operate the business at the present location as Unfug Mercantile Company. Fred Unfug, assisted by his brother August, will manage the business. - Walsenburg World

1900 Apr. 26: The county commissioners granted grocery bonds to the following; Wolf and Gray Pryor; Malk Valko, Pryor; Pellegrino Gallasino, Pictou; E.G. Miller, Gardner and W.V. Stephens, Cucharas. - Walsenburg World

1900 April La Veta g: Dr. R.A. Mathew moved to the front portion of the Daigre building on Main Street from his location in Krier's building.

1900 April La Veta: Fred Pitman is opening a saloon at Placer where quite a boom is expected this coming season.

1900 April La Veta: O.D. Staplin was knocked out of his buggy during the electrical storm Wednesday and the team ran away.

1900 April La Veta: On Friday night of last week a jolly crowd of bachelors well supplied with oysters, invaded the batching apartments of John and Will Kincaid on the Kincaid ranch.

1900 April La Veta: The officials of the Denver and Rio Grande have decided to reopen the Veta Pass narrow gauge system because of the copper mines at Ojo and the gold boom at Grayback.

1900 April La Veta: The Old Folks concert will be given in Masonic Hall Tuesday evening.

1900 April La Veta: The town authorities have been putting down cinder crossings since the streets are so slushy and muddy.

1900 April Walsenburg: Mazzone Hall was filled to capacity for the Arbor Day exercises.

1900 April Walsenburg: Mrs. Charles Agnes and Mrs. Peter Krier left today for a lengthy stay in France where they will visit their old home.

1900 April Walsenburg: Fred G. Walsen bears the distinction of being the youngest member ever elected as trustee in the town of Walsenburg and received the highest vote cast for that office.

1900 April Walsenburg: The boys of New Rouse will give a ball at Osgood Hall in Old Rouse April 14 for the benefit of the baseball association.

1900 April Walsenburg: The carpenters have finished Dr. T.M. Ahlquist's house at Pryor and it is ready for him and his bride when he gets one.

1900 April Walsenburg: The curfew fiend has relented a little and has given the "kids" until nine o'clock at night before he shrieks "to bed!"

1900 April Walsenburg: The old Methodist Church of Rouse is in the process of being moved to Pryor for use as a school house.

1900 April Walsenburg: The prisoners are cleaning up the courthouse and jail yards.

1900 April Walsenburg: There were 461 votes cast in the town election to elect George Dick mayor, E.A. Lidle, clerk, H. Blickhan, treasurer and Thomas Mooney, David H. Muir and Fred G. Walsen, trustees.

1900 April Walsenburg: Unfug Mercantile Company was incorporated with capital stock of $10,000.

1900 April Walsenburg: With the retirement of Charles V. Taylor, Fred Unfug will take over the Unfug and Taylor grocery business, assisted by his brother August.

1900 May 17: Census enumerators get 2 1/2 cents apiece for each living inhabitant tested and that is about all some of them are worth. Those who don't pay their newspaper subscription ain't worth more than half a cent. - Walsenburg World

1900 May 24, THE tennis court now resounds with the dull thud of the ball and raquet and the merry voices of the boys as they call, "Love one, love all." - Walsenburg World

1900 May La Veta: A carload of groceries arrived yesterday for E.L. Smith and he opens his new dry goods store on Main Street today.

1900 May La Veta: A monument will be unveiled for the late William McWhirter, who died last year in the smallpox epidemic, during Memorial services Monday by the Woodmen of the World.

1900 May La Veta: Ben Berry bought the blacksmith on Oak Street for a livery stable.

1900 May La Veta: Bombard and Francisco, proprietors of the Sulphur Springs, roofed over the spring, put in comfortable seats, built an artificial lake and cleaned the picnic grounds.

1900 May La Veta: E.W. Redding is opening some coal property just this side of Ojo, northeast of the Baker mine.

1900 May La Veta: Fred George, an old-time Denver and Rio Grande engineer, has moved his family to La Veta.

1900 May La Veta: I.R. Voorhees rented a portion of the Krier building and will put in a stock of furniture along with his undertaking business.

1900 May La Veta: J.R. Standlin purchased 80 acres at the mouth of Willow Gulch near Placer which will be surveyed for a townsite.

1900 May La Veta: J.W. Culler has opened a barber shop and rooming house at Russell, which will boom this year. There already are two saloons, a general merchandise store, a hotel and a restaurant.

1900 May La Veta: Last spring the Denver and Rio Grande had two lines, the standard gauge over Middle Creek and the narrow gauge over Veta Creek passes, but in November they abandoned 15 miles of the narrow gauge.

1900 May La Veta: Some citizens straightened the creek near Francisco Street bridge because high water was cutting across the Drum property. They also cut out a lot of trees along the creek.

1900 May La Veta: The mill wagon with a load of flour became mired down on Francisco Street Thursday morning.

1900 May La Veta: Tuesday evening some boys amused themselves by unscrewing the nut off one of the wheels on Will Kincaid's buggy.

1900 May La Veta:  Occidental Development Company of Boston secured land north of the Baker coal mine and is sinking two shafts.

1900 May Walsenburg: A team of horses belonging to Oliver Langley and hitched to a load of hay grew skittish Saturday and unloaded the hay at various places along the railroad track.

1900 May Walsenburg: Agust Hutter opened a new meat market on East Sixth Street.

1900 May Walsenburg: Census enumerators get two and a half cents apiece for each living inhabitant listed and that is about all some of them are worth.

1900 May Walsenburg: Charles Partridge Adams of Denver has been in town for two weeks painting the Spanish Peaks at sunrise.

1900 June La Veta: A gang of men are busy laying rock on the river embankment south of the railroad bridge.

1900 June La Veta: Buy La Veta flour, $1.50 per 100 pounds.

1900 June La Veta: Cherry Phosphate, a delicious summer drink, on tap at the Old Reliable.

1900 June La Veta: Edwin L. Smith is erecting living rooms on the back of his store.

1900 June La Veta: Eugene Lougheed has a fine new residence in course of construction at his ranch just outside of town.

1900 June La Veta: Mr. Lawton is building a two story house next to the flour mill.

1900 June La Veta: Single baths 50¢, camping and bath 25¢, at the Sulphur Springs.

1900 June La Veta: Tom Sharp of the upper Huerfano was in town Wednesday. He is stabling one of his fine Cleveland Bays at Jasper Kerby's livery barn.

1900 June La Veta: W.H. Adamson constructed a road machine for scraping and leveling streets, built from an ancient hay baler.

1900 June Walsenburg: Antonio Bertolero has assumed sole ownership of the saloon with the retirement of Frank Latuada.

1900 June Walsenburg: Died, Juan B. Bustos, a resident of Huerfano County for 30 years, of dropsy. He leaves a wife and two children, two brothers and two sisters. He was buried at Cucharas.

1900 June Walsenburg: George Andrews went to Rye Monday to bring in a milk cow and found the lower crossing of the Huerfano gone and the stream even more difficult to cross at St. Mary's.

1900 June Walsenburg: J.W. Clifford, the well-known and blind merchant of Gardner, was in town on Tuesday.

1900 June Walsenburg: Last week Contractor Thomas Mooney tore down the old paling fence from around the courthouse and began hauling stone for the new one.

1900 June Walsenburg: The families of John Allison of Pictou and Will Caddell of Walsen will travel to Scotland to see their native land.

1900 June Walsenburg: Under Sheriff Griffin has a fine patch of turnips growing in the court house yard.

1900 July La Veta: A few houses for summer tenants would pay an investor big returns - the demand is growing larger each year.

1900 July La Veta: A little rain would help out considerably. The first crop of hay is about gathered and moisture for the small grain would come in handy.

1900 July La Veta: Complaints are being made concerning the fast riding and driving, whooping and yelling which is continually practiced right in the center of town.

1900 July La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Slone moved to their summer quarters at Grayback where he is having some ore treated by the mill that was lately erected.

1900 July La Veta: The Denver and Rio Grande has raised wages for section hands from $1.40 to $1.75 per day.

1900 July La Veta: The residence of Mrs. Mary Cozad is nearly finished and when completed will be an addition to the town.

1900 July Walsenburg: A company of men from Pueblo began this week fixing up and finishing the Catholic Church here. It will soon be ready for dedication and is an ornament to the town.

1900 July Walsenburg: The worst sidewalk in town is on the east side of Main at the comer of Third, which has never been repaired since last summer's high water. It is a menace to life and limb.

1900 July: Edgar Myers, who came here with $23, two years ago, left for Victor to continue his harness business with $1,000 in hand.

1900 August La Veta: A number of Walsenburg dancers attended the hop and the party amused themselves until the school house clock heralded the hour of awakening day.

1900 August La Veta: Colonel John M. Francisco spent several days at the Sulphur Springs, the first time he had been away from home overnight for a great many years.

1900 August La Veta: Complaints are being made concerning the fast riding and driving, whooping and yelling which is continually practiced right in the center of town, which to strangers implies a poorly conducted town government.

1900 August La Veta: Gregorian Vasquez was acquitted of the murder of A.Y. Gribble but the man named Campbell will go to trial.

1900 August La Veta: Homer Potts of Lexington, MO is here visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. M.E. Carver.

1900 August La Veta: J.B. Andrews of Kansas, who lived near La Veta Pass 30 years ago, was here trying to rediscover minerals he found long ago but found the country so changed that he failed to find any trace of them.

1900 August La Veta: J.P. Stranger has just received a sample of the new oil lamp which is easier and cleaner to handle than the old-fashioned kind and gives three times the light.

1900 August La Veta: Leave your orders for Middle Creek coal with C.L. Martin at the meat market. 

1900 August La Veta: M.S. Denton has rented the bath house at Sulphur Springs and will supply the wants of bathers the rest of this season.

1900 August La Veta: Manuel Lujan, who lives in the Kerby residence near the school house, was seriously injured when he was thrown from a wagon during a runaway.

1900 August La Veta: Quite a number of Walsenburg residents drove up to the Sulphur Springs in buggies Sunday and passed the day under the shade of the pine trees.

1900 August La Veta: The bridge over the arroya about one mile east of Albert Campbell's ranch ought to be fixed before someone is killed. A team, wagon, occupants and load fell off a short time ago.

1900 August La Veta: The D&RG is running excursion trains to La Veta Pass every Sunday for 75¢ for the round trip.

1900 August La Veta: The thermometer registered 90 degrees several times this week in La Veta and the hottest weather during the summer has been experienced.

1900 August La Veta: The young people of the Baptist Church furnished it with an organ while the older set bought a carpet.

1900 August La Veta: Until further notice the post office will be open on Sunday afternoons between the hours of 4:30 and 6.

1900 August Walsenburg: The season for dove shooting is now on. Get your hand loaded shells, which are loaded with Dupont smokeless powder, at Baxter and Reams Hardware and Trading Company.

1900 August Walsenburg: A jolly party of railroad bloods and their ladies took a palace car ride a la hand car to Cucharas Tuesday night.

1900 August Walsenburg: Frank Marquis, a saloon man on West Seventh, fell down some steps in the dark caused by no water to run the electric plant. The water was shut off from the lakes because of a bad break in the main.

1900 August Walsenburg: The Colorado Humane Society are [sic] unhappy over the men of Huerfano County who have been indulging in "chicken racing."

1900 August Walsenburg: The colored people of Santa Clara and Pryor will give an old fashioned barbeque Aug. 4 with speakers from Pueblo and a cake walk in the evening.

1900 August Walsenburg: The Walsenburg base ball team goes to Pueblo to play the McCord Bragdon team Sept. 9. A special D&RG train has been secured for this occasion. $1.50 for the round trip.

1900 August Walsenburg: W.C. Strohm and Co., in company with J.P. Kearns, have surveyed 800 acres of coal land on Bear Creek about three miles south of town and are making active preparations to open a mine.

1900 August Walsenburg: William Caddell is back in town after checking on his extensive interests in the Sierra Blanca mines.

1900 August: Marcial Martinez, who was supposedly dying after a chunk of coal fell from a train and crushed his skull, is on our streets again and almost cured.

1900 September La Veta: From all reports, it would appear Mrs. James Carver has lost her mother and two sisters in the Galveston flood.

1900 September La Veta: J.M. Elrod obtained the contract to build a four-room house for William Luster at the extreme east end of town.

1900 September La Veta: Jasper Bruce is once more handing lemonade over the bar at the Denver Saloon.

1900 September La Veta: Purvis and Jenkins, shoemakers, have opened for business in the Boyd building opposite the Kerby livery stable on Francisco Street.

1900 September La Veta: Rains along the foothills have helped out the past week.

1900 September La Veta: Robert Purvis and G.B. Jenkins have rented the Boyd building opposite Kerby's livery on Francisco and opened a shoe and harness repair shop.

1900 September Walsenburg: A runaway with a buggy was stopped by the screen door at the bank.

1900 September Walsenburg: Antonio D. Valdez of Cucharas was called to New Mexico the latter part of last week by the death of his mother.

1900 September Walsenburg: Henry Klein will reopen his newly refurnished hotel on Sixth Street on September 12.

1900 September Walsenburg: Miners at the Pictou and Sunshine mines are now working so closely they can hear each other's picks.

1900 September Walsenburg: Miners at the Pictou and Sunshine mines are now working so closely they can hear the others' picks through the walls.

1900 September Walsenburg: Mr. Klein opened his new hotel Tuesday and by night every room was full with drummers from the evening trains.

1900 September Walsenburg: The brick masons are busy on George Klein's new residence on East Third Street.

1900 September Walsenburg: The drum corps received their instruments this week and now the dum-ut-te-dum is a constant reminder of the musical spirit in the breasts of the members.

1900 September: Fully 2,000 attended the Benediction and Confirmation ceremonies Sunday at St. Mary Church where 300 were confirmed.

1900 September La Veta: Charles Tracy killed the bear that chased Dave Foushee up the tree above the Sulphur Springs last week while Dave was hunting with Fred Bombard, Carr Tracy and William Whalen.

1900 September La Veta: Dave Ryus sold the old Reliable to William Kincaid and W.H. Woodruff.

1900 October La Veta: A goodly number gathered in Hotel Hall Wednesday evening to organize a Bryan and Stevenson club to support the Democratic candidates.

1900 October La Veta: A.A. Foote is surveying and putting in boundary and railroad grade stakes on the coal lands of Occidental   Development Company west of town.

1900 October La Veta: Dave Ryus is building an addition to his hall by putting in a stage with all the necessary attachments for a dance hall.

1900 October La Veta: Garren and Strange are laying a new sidewalk in front of their store building but people can still break their necks on the town sidewalks in one place or another.

1900 October La Veta: Members of the Adventist Church have the stone for the foundation for the new church to be built just west of Ryus grove on Field Street.

1900 October La Veta: Messrs. Purvis and Jenkins have obtained two lots south of the Baptist Church and will have a shop built before the snow flies.

1900 October La Veta: Mrs. C.B. Bowman replaced Mrs. Daigre at Russell school so Mrs. Daigre can nurse her husband, who is very ill.

1900 October La Veta: No need to inconvenience yourself by getting goods away from home, just glance over our paper and help the town along by patronizing our own merchants.

1900 October La Veta: Professor Henri Deschamps lectured Wednesday evening on Physiognomy at Hotel Hall.

1900 October La Veta: Property owners are requested to prepare or replace or lay new sidewalks in front of their lots within ten days. 1903: The Presbyterian Ladies Aid Society "took to the woods" Thursday when Mrs. Dotson invited them to gather plumbs by the river.

1900 October La Veta: The bunk house of the railroad company west of the depot burned Tuesday morning but prompt action saved the boardinghouse.

1900 October La Veta: The Methodist Social at Mrs. Roy Springer's earned over $16 and the members were much pleased.

1900 October Walsenburg: For rent, office rooms on Main Street, between Fifth and Sixth streets, one door north of Miss Pearce's millinery emporium. Inquire of Mrs. S.J. Clarke.

1900 October Walsenburg: Four tunnels in the Sunshine mine had to be stopped before the men dug into the Pictou workings.

1900 October Walsenburg: J.C. Roentgen just finished a nice job of painting for the Dick Brothers at their beer vaults.

1900 October Walsenburg: Mike O'Shea traded his monkey for an alligator from Louisiana.

1900 October Walsenburg: Mrs. Elizabeth Pearson will operate a boardinghouse in the old Klein Hotel.

1900 November La Veta: A well is being driven at the Denver and Rio Grande pump house to end the shortage of water they have been experiencing.

1900 November La Veta: It is reported that a "Peeping Tom" is around town scaring women and children by looking in at windows after dark.  A dose of lead will stop such proceedings.

1900 November La Veta: Quite an excitement was created Wednesday afternoon by prospectors bringing in specimens of gold discovered south of Indian Creek.

1900 November La Veta: The boys were out Wednesday night celebrating Halloween judging by the appearance of the streets the next morning.

1900 November La Veta: The Presbyterian social netted $28, $24 of which went into the fund to purchase a new bell.

1900 November La Veta: The Presbyterians raised $24 toward the purchase of a first class bell on their entertainment last week, which was very worthwhile.

1900 November La Veta: W.J. Hill has decided to move his sawmill into town and will set it on railroad property east of the big warehouse.

1900 November Walsenburg: Contractors Rice and Roche are finishing the Rouse school house this week.

1900 November Walsenburg: Ella Ayers began teaching a term Monday at Sand Arroya school house just above the Solar mines.

1900 November Walsenburg: Jack Foley opened a saloon at the junction of the Badito and St. Mary's roads northwest of town.

1900 November Walsenburg: Joseph Bruder has a bakery and lunch counter on Main Street.

1900 November Walsenburg: Miss Lucy E. Lester entertained the lady teachers with a ghostly hen party Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Quillian on North Main Street. 

1900 November Walsenburg: Mrs. Elizabeth Pearson will reopen the old Klein Hotel as a boardinghouse.

1900 November Walsenburg: The Robinson produced 15 carloads of coal Sunday.

1900 November Walsenburg: Town Council appointed John S. Barnes as Town Marshal to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John Caviness.

1900 November Walsenburg: Walsen and Robinson camps are getting a water system.

1900 December La Veta: A little snow skiff came along Tuesday and white capped the surrounding hills and dales.

1900 December La Veta: An entertainment at the Ritter school house was reported to be well worth the 15 cents admission.

1900 December La Veta: Evans Jones brought in a number of miners for the Pikes Peak Coal Company up Middle Creek Thursday.

1900 December La Veta: J.M. Elrod intends to build another store building on the corner lots at Main and Francisco which he leased from D.D. Ryus.

1900 December La Veta: Occidental Development Company coal is now on the market at Kerby's livery stable or the newspaper office.

1900 December La Veta: Our Ladies $1.85 Dress Shoes fit like a glove and are in every respect up to date. The Old Reliable.

1900 December La Veta: The happiest boy in town is Albert Foote, who is sick but Santa Claus found him and left  new train of cars with moveable brakemen and cattle.

1900 December La Veta: The Woodmen of the World and their families will gather Tuesday evening Dec. 25 in Ryus Hall for dinner and a visit from Santa Claus who will have treats for the children.

1900 December La Veta: The Woodmen of the World cancelled their Christmas supper and entertainment because of the whooping cough epidemic.

1900 December La Veta: Twenty pupils are enrolled at Sager School with teacher Walter P. Powell.

1900 December La Veta: W.J. Hill is setting up his saw mill alongside the D&RC tracks just east of Joe Kincaid's house.

1900 December Walsenburg: Burglars entered Charles Agnes' shop Saturday night and abstracted several pairs of shoes, pants, overcoats, hats, neckties and a valise.

1900 December Walsenburg: For sale, Charter woodstove No. 8, $3.50. Apply at the World office.

1900 December Walsenburg: For sale: Charter Oak Woodstove No. 8, $3.50. Apply at the World office.

1900 December Walsenburg: George Crosling purchased the old Rouse Presbyterian Church and will move it to Walsenburg for use as a machine shop.

1900 December Walsenburg: James Brown has opened a new restaurant on Main Street

1900 December Walsenburg: Juan D. D. Vigil and Miss Margarita Sanchez will be married tonight. He is the son of sheep man M. A. Vigil.

1900 December Walsenburg: Juan D.D. Vigil and Miss Margarita Sanchez will be married this evening. He is the son of sheepman M.A. Vigil.

1900 December Walsenburg: The last Christmas of the present century was warm and pleasant with Christmas Trees at the churches and several dances enjoyed Christmas Eve.

1900 December Walsenburg: There was a serious accident Monday afternoon when a D&RG train struck one of a team and the buggy of Cossum and Norman, liverymen at Aguilar, at the blind spot between the livery barn and Walsenburg Hotel on Main Street.

1900: The average life expectancy in the United States was forty-seven. Only 14 percent of the homes in the United States had a bathtub. Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone. A three minute call from Denver to New York City cost eleven dollars. There were only 8,000 cars in the US and only 144 miles of paved roads. The maximum speed limit in most cities was ten mph. Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa, and Tennessee were each more heavily populated than California. With a mere 1.4 million residents, California was only the twenty-first most populous state in the Union. The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower. The average wage in the U.S. was twenty-two cents an hour. The average U.S. worker made between $200 and $400 per year. A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year, a dentist $2500 per year, a veterinarian between $1500 and $4000 per year, and a mechanical engineer about $5000 per year. More than 95 percent of all births in the United States took place at home. Ninety percent

1900: The first meal of the new century will be served by Mrs. Pearson for the guests of the Rebekah's New Year's ball at 12:01 a.m. January 1, 1901. Be there. 

1901 Jan. 3: About 2,000 people are currently employed in agriculture in Huerfano County. During the past season, corn yield was an average of 40 bushels an acre and at least 1,000 carloads of hay were shipped out on the railroad. There are 28,700 cattle, 84,216 horses, 2,312 goats and 6,142 horses and mules in the county. The 1900 wool crop totaled 268,000 pounds, worth $35,600. Walsenburg World

1901 Jan. 3: During 1900, there were 898,108 tons of coal produced in Huerfano County, with Rouse alone producing 234,854. New mines opening in 1900 were Santa Clara, of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, Champion of the Union Coal and Coke Company and Occidental, Occidental Development Company. Primrose Mine was reopened to make 19 mines currently in operation. The payroll totals $121,250 per month and the railroad hauls some 400 tons daily. Walsenburg World

1901 January La Veta: All groceries are up-to-date Twentieth Century goods, no stale 1900 stock at John Stranger's.

1901 January La Veta: Cash on Delivery - I will buy props for 1½ cents per foot, ties for 6 cents each - W.J. Hill.

1901 January La Veta: D&RG engineers are surveying for more sidetracks in the yards to accommodate the increased business at this point.

1901 January La Veta: Ice hauling has commenced at 20 cents a ton. Twelve hundred tons went to Dick Brothers of Walsenburg, 200 tons are going to Cucharas, more to the Walsen mines, Aguilar and Pueblo.

1901 January La Veta: It is rumored that one of the town officials paid tribute to Bacchus on Christmas Eve.

1901 January La Veta: Jim Hamilton Sr. is rebuilding the old R.B. Willis ranch residence which burned down some years ago, using the original adobe Walls.

1901 January La Veta: Joe Kincaid now owns the old Reliable, having bought out the interest of W.H. Woodruff.

1901 January La Veta: Pike's Peak Consolidated Coal Company is [sic] now employing 13 men at the mines. We would advise Evans Jones to either chop one off or add another. We are not superstitious but 13 - ugh, it makes us shiver.

1901 January La Veta: Rev. Wood surprised his family with a new piano. The piano has three stops, and these for meals only.

1901 January La Veta: The D&RG water tank nearly burned down when the greased rags used to prevent the water pipes from freezing caught on fire.

1901 January La Veta: Will the party who turned out or took a burro out of the little corral north of the Plaza kindly return the same to that place.

1901 January Walsenburg: A handsome iron fence is being placed on the stone foundation recently built about the Catholic Church.

1901 January Walsenburg: A joint committee appointed by the legislature to investigate conditions in the various coal camps arrived and began investigating Wednesday.

1901 January Walsenburg: After Fred Roof resigned from Walsen's Banking Company this week it was immediately reorganized as Fred Walsen and Son, Bankers, with Fred Jr. being cashier.

1901 January Walsenburg: Filomeno Cardenas of Malachite was in town on Monday and retired from his official position as county commissioner. The Hon. H.D. Montez of Malachite was sworn in.

1901 January Walsenburg: George Caldwell and son have sold their sawmill at Gardner to Uncle Jimmy Cathcart, Thomas Quillian and others for a planing and shingle mill.

1901 January Walsenburg: George Patterson and Marcia Rice were married at Christmas time. He is employed by the Dick Brothers and she is the daughter of the county coroner, A.M. Rice.

1901 January Walsenburg: Harry Clifford closed the Walsenburg Hotel, located between the depots and near the courthouse on Main Street.

1901 January Walsenburg: James Read of Pryor married Hannah Browning of Starkville, Las Animas county.

1901 January Walsenburg: John Campbell will build a 26 by 40 foot saloon on West Seventh Street.

1901 January Walsenburg: John Campbell, we are told, has let a contract for a 26 by 40 foot, one story building on West Seventh to be used as a saloon.

1901 January Walsenburg: Officials of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company spent several days in this district examining the mines, traveling on their three special Pullman cars.

1901 January Walsenburg: Pictou and Maitland miners are securing independence by buying lots of John Foley on a piece of land he surveyed between the two camps. Selling price is $30 per lot.

1901 January Walsenburg: Rev. E.W. Williams, a colored preacher of local renown, dropped dead from heart failure while at work in the Pryor mine.

1901 January Walsenburg: The linemen were busy last week changing the central station of the telephone company from the Walsenburg Hotel to the Pearson house, and soon we will be calling up a new "hello" girl.

1901 January Walsenburg: There is hardly a family in town but has experienced sickness of some sort within the past few weeks.

1901 January Walsenburg: Walt Houser has purchased the Walsenburg Livery Barn from E.R. Wells.

1901 February La Veta: D.D. Ryus is installing "Solar Heaters" in his new home in California.

1901 February La Veta: Land within Huerfano and Las Animas counties is in the proposed Las Animas Forest Preserve, including Stamford, Hicks and Powell. The preserve runs from south of La Veta, bounded by the Sangre de Cristo Land Grant on the west and the Maxwell Grant on the south.

1901 February La Veta: Stone is being hauled to the Clipper Saloon to fill up the basement and put the building on a solid foundation.

1901 February La Veta: The amount of sickness has been exceptional of late and now several cases of mumps have been reported.

1901 February La Veta: The family of Robert McGraw is convalescing from a severe tussle with scarlet fever.

1901 February La Veta: The ice harvesters are cutting the old 12 inch thick ice at the upper end of mill lake.

1901 February La Veta: The proposed Las Animas forest preserve will end the wholesale slaughter of timber in the Indian Creek and Cuchara canons.

1901 February La Veta: The young men of the Woodmen of the World presented a hilarious minstrel entertainment Thursday and the ladies provided an elegant supper after the show, followed by dancing.

1901 February La Veta: W.J. Hill will pay $7.00 for 1,000 feet of pine logs delivered to his sawmill in La Veta.

1901 February La Veta: What is needed in La Veta an information bureau to tell the newcomer about our industries, ranches for sale, mineral locations, etc.

1901 February La Veta: William Fey is grading and leveling the front of his residence and will have a nice looking yard next summer.

1901 February Walsenburg: A large number of the Red Men last Thursday evening held a pow wow smoker and chicken feast.

1901 February Walsenburg: As there is but one pupil in that department, the School Board has decided to close the year with no graduation exercises.

1901 February Walsenburg: Bernstein's contractors have started on his mammoth new department store and it should be furnished and ready for occupancy by around the first of April.

1901 February Walsenburg: George Caldwell and son have sold their sawmill at Gardner to Uncle Jimmy Cathcart, Thomas Quillian and others for a planing and shingle mill.

1901 February Walsenburg: George Crosland opened a steam laundry in the old Walsenburg Hotel and employs six people.

1901 February Walsenburg: J.B.N. Valdes closed a very successful term of school in the Crestone district and began a five-month term at Turkey Creek Monday.

1901 February Walsenburg: Max Bird is opening a tailoring shop in the old Caviness saloon building.

1901 February Walsenburg: Miss Louvia Halbert teaches the primary department now fitted up in the lower story of Pythian Hall on Main Street.

1901 February Walsenburg: Miss Louvia Halbert, daughter of the editor, teaches in the schoolroom in the Pythian Temple, fitted up for the primary department.

1901 February Walsenburg: Twenty-two boys formed an association and will start a gymnasium and reading room in the Jellison building opposite Pythian Hall.

1901 February Walsenburg: W.H. Gould bought the Pictou, Maitland and Walsenburg Hack Line from Max Lucero.

1901 March La Veta: A small railroad bridge just west of the depot caught fire from ashes off the night passenger train and will be rebuilt.

1901 March La Veta: A.H. Edminston had some ore assayed at 53 percent copper, mined at a depth of 60 feet from the vicinity of Ojo.

1901 March La Veta: Edwin L. Smith is moving his goods into the Bissell building.

1901 March La Veta: Roy Springer has been busy hauling logs from Silver Mountain to the sawmill in La Veta and will commence erection of a new restaurant soon.

1901 March La Veta: Some people on the other side of the Spanish Peaks have started a petition in opposition to the proposed forest preserve south of La Veta.

1901 March La Veta: The wind blew Thursday and shipped considerable sand to Walsens.

1901 March La Veta: William H. Woodruff has built a picket fence around his home and is planting a large orchard.

1901 March Walsenburg: A town crew is cleaning the ditch that crosses Main Street at Third.

1901 March Walsenburg: August Hutter, formerly of Berwind, bought Oliver Langley's residence on East Sixth Street and will convert the same into a bakery.

1901 March Walsenburg: Contractor J.B. Gittings had his men installing the glass   front on Bernstein's new department store Monday and Tuesday.

1901 March Walsenburg: County Commissioner W.N. Houser in company with an official from the State Board of Health checked on the smallpox cases on Pass Creek and found all well so lifted the quarantine.

1901 March Walsenburg: Residents of School District No. 20 voted to consolidate with Vegozo, or Muddy Creek, which means a longer term and better salary. Malachite district now pays $60 per month.

1901 March Walsenburg: Thomas E. Edwards is remodeling the Walsen warehouse near the Colorado and Southern depot.

1901 March Walsenburg: We are informed the Huerfano Printing Company has hired a young man from Denver to breathe life into the ailing Yucca.

1901 April La Veta: A wreck near Francisco switch a few miles west of town derailed and smashed up several railroad cars.

1901 April La Veta: At E.L. Smith's store you can get any of the following for 15 cents: six quart pails, two quart milk pails, three quart stew pans, curry combs, 10 by 15 inch bread pans or full sized hammers.

1901 April La Veta: Fifteen cents will buy any of the following: six quart pail; two quart milk pail; three quart stew pan; curry comb; 10 by 15 inch bread pans, or full-sized hammer, at Edwin L. Smith's.

1901 April La Veta: Gene Gibbons has replaced George Hansen on E.L. Smith's delivery wagon.

1901 April La Veta: J.M. Elrod has made a progressive step by putting a street lamp in front of his store.

1901 April La Veta: Miss Anna Willis will open a kindergarten May 6 in the new building across from the Presbyterian Church.

190l April Walsenburg: The carpenters have been busy the past 10 days putting in new shelving at Unfug's Mercantile Company store to accommodate their immense stock of goods.

1901 April La Veta: Mrs. Charles Hector, 23, died of appendicitis. A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Ellsworth, she had been married just three months.

1901 April La Veta: Mrs. E.L. Hill and Mrs. Fanny M. Simpson are running for town trustee on the People's ticket.

1901 April La Veta: Mrs. E.L. Hill and Mrs. Fanny M. Simpson are running for town trustee on the People's ticket.

1901 April La Veta: R. Purvis sold his shoe shop to Tom Erwin and is selling his house and six lots on Main Street.

1901 April La Veta: Shooting within town limits should be strictly prohibited.

1901 April La Veta: W.R. Willis is building a house on his lots west of Charles Boyd on West Francisco Street and his daughter Miss Anna Willis will conduct a kindergarten there this summer.

1901 April La Veta: William Kimsey will farm the Edmisten ranch just south of town limits this summer.

1901 April Walsenburg: A well sunk at Huerfano Station struck a strong flow of natural gas.

1901 April Walsenburg: Charles W. Cox from Delta bought an interest in A.R. Campbell's undertaking establishment.

1901 April Walsenburg: Geneva Sanchez and Jesus Vigil were united in marriage by Rev. E.E. Hench in his study on Fourth Street.

1901 April Walsenburg: If re-elected, Mayor T.D. Baird would like to move the city jail farther downtown, probably to the lots owned by the school district on Sixth Street.

1901 April Walsenburg: The Colorado Fuel and Iron Company are [sic] planning to begin prospecting on the hillside just south of where the first camp of Rouse was located and Union Coal and Coke Company already has a tunnel in some 300 feet on the next ridge.

1901 April Walsenburg: W.V. Stephens lets duck hunters on his lake at Cucharas for 50 cents.

1901 May La Veta: A destruction crew made the old narrow gauge line over La Veta Pass a matter of history.

1901 May La Veta: A prospect is being worked right on the Hayes Creek road leading up to the Spanish Peaks.

1901 May La Veta: C.T. Ritchey is installing a windmill on his town property for watering his garden.

1901 May La Veta: George Mathews just returned from Kansas with two thoroughbred shorthorn heifers and one bull.

1901 May La Veta: J.V. Elliott of Florence will be principal at La Veta schools next fall.

1901 May La Veta: J.W. Powell bought the old school house and remodeled it into a home.

1901 May La Veta: R.A. Mathew and E.R. and E.E. Coleman are working on their Sucker copper claim near Krueger Mountain. 1905: C.M. Green purchased the old McCaskill building on West Francisco Street and is reshingling and remodeling it before opening a grocery and dry goods store.

1901 May La Veta: The old narrow gauge railroad over Veta Pass with its famous "Mule Shoe" is being removed.

1901 May Walsenburg: A movement is on foot for the town to buy the "Bourcia" (Bourcey) estate extending from Eighth Street two blocks towards the river for a park.

1901 May Walsenburg: And it came to pass that after he had advertised his goods there came unto him a great multitude from all the regions about him and did buy of him.

1901 May Walsenburg: Died at Walsen Mines, Bastino Lenzini, 55, the father of the Lenzini brothers who have the Walsen Mines store.

1901 May Walsenburg: Fred Walsen presented the Masons with a 60 foot lot opposite the court house on Main Street, worth $6,000.

1901 May Walsenburg: Hitching posts have been placed at the Methodist Church to accommodate out of town attendants.

1901 May Walsenburg: I.H. Hopkins, grain dealer, bought Fred Roof's warehouse near the C & S depot for $2,000.

1901 May Walsenburg: John Thill removed the chimney from the center of his ice cream parlors and will soon install a soda fountain.

1901 May Walsenburg: Our present insignificant building known as the court house will be completely thrown into the shade with the completion of the imposing Masonic Temple across the street.

1901 May Walsenburg: Thanks to Mayor Baird for having hand rails placed on the two ditch crossings at the head of Main Street.

1901 May Walsenburg: The artist painter gave the front of Dr. Grantham's drug store a vivid red color.

1901 May Walsenburg: The heavy winds on Friday blew the porch away from the store front of Solomon John's building.

1901 May Walsenburg: Thomas Griffith was appointed assistant marshal with the understanding his principal duty is to apprehend those with concealed weapons.

1901 May Walsenburg: Thomas Quillian left Walsenburg to return to his sawmill business in Poison Canon near the Devil's Hole Tuesday.

1901 May Walsenburg: Undersheriff Tom Griffin is overseeing work to remodel the corrals in the rear of the jail so wagons can get in more easily.

1901 May Walsenburg: Walsenburg was in darkness Saturday and Sunday after an electrical pole fell on Main Street.

1901 May Walsenburg: With next weeks issue of the Walsenburg World E.F. Halbert will end his association with the paper. He is moving to Garden City, Kansas.

1901 June La Veta: B.O. Griffin has resumed his duties as agent at the depot.

1901 June La Veta: C.M. Mack is erecting a residence on his seven lots at the corner of Garland and Oak Streets.

1901 June La Veta: Charles Mitchel quit his job at Edminsten's livery to work at Hayes and Company's tie and prop camp.

1901 June La Veta: In future this newspaper will make a charge of three cents per line for Public Resolutions of Condolence, Cards of Thanks and other matter of this description.

1901 June La Veta: Marshal Carver was compelled to lodge a decidedly happy individual in the town jail Thursday night.

1901 June La Veta: Now that the old railroad has been removed from La Veta Pass, would it not be a good idea for the county commissioners to make a wagon road over the old grade?

1901 June La Veta: Scarlet fever has broken out in the family of W.S. Kimsey - we trust care will be taken not to spread the disease.

1901 June La Veta: Scarlet fever has broken out in the family of W.S. Kimsey - we trust care will be taken not to spread the disease.

1901 June La Veta: Several coal cars at Francisco switch ran away and derailed, delaying the later passenger train by several hours.

1901 June La Veta: The Chicago Camping Club or C.C.C. was organized in La Veta last Sunday for the purpose of socialibility and outdoor recreation.

1901 June La Veta: The north fence on Ryus Avenue has been moved back forty feet to open the street to its full width.

1901 June La Veta: Veta Pass and return 75 cents Sunday. Take your best girl and enjoy yourself.

1901 June La Veta: Wanted - By next Wednesday, two hay pitchers and one stacker.  Apply W. R. Owens.

1901 June Walsenburg : About 150,000 pounds of wool has been brought in so far, most of it bought by A. Levy. It is expected that 450,000-500,000 pounds will be brought in this season.

1901 June Walsenburg: At least one thousand people attended the Corpus Christi day ceremonies at the Catholic Church.

1901 June Walsenburg: Colorado Fuel and Iron has contracted with the Maxwell Tie and Timber Company to open up timber lands on the Maxwell-Land Grant on the south fork of the Purgatory, which will be reached by an extension of the Colorado and Wyoming railroad.

1901 June Walsenburg: Fernando Baron, Clayton, N.M., rented the Caviness building on Main Street and opened a grocery and fruit store. He plans to have a barbershop in the rear room.

1901 June Walsenburg: Four brightly lighted balloons will raise above Walsenburg Saturday night bearing prizes.

1901 June Walsenburg: Oliver Langley is selling off the buggies, wagons, harness and 12 horses from his Walsenburg City Livery Barn.

1901 June Walsenburg: Robert Moore had his confectionary store repapered and fixed up and is prepared for a rushing summer trade.

1901 June Walsenburg: The heavy rains Friday washed out the road to the Walsen mines.

1901 June Walsenburg: Thomas Taylor, a 48-year-old miner at Pictou, was killed by a fall of rock. He leaves a wife and eight children.

1901 June Walsenburg: Walsen Mines Camp is getting a water system.

1901 July La Veta: A performing bear was one of the attractions of the Fourth of July celebration in Ryus Park.

1901 July La Veta: A sprinkler of some kind would now be a godsend. The dust is six inches deep and when the wind blows the air is rather brown.

1901 July La Veta: About $75 worth of new instruments arrived Wednesday for the La Veta Cornet Band. The 18 members practice three nights a week.

1901 July La Veta: Died, Mrs. William Kimsey, who was born in Georgia and came to La Veta in 1872. She leaves six daughters and four sons as well as her husband.

1901 July La Veta: F.M. Eggleston will build a brick kiln on two acres east of the Fain ranch.

1901 July La Veta: Miss Addie Kincaid received on Friday a fine new $500 piano direct from the factory in Chicago.

1901 July La Veta: The Chicago Camping Club or C.C.C. was organized in La Veta last Sunday for the purpose of socialibility and outdoor recreation.

1901 July La Veta: The tax on checks is now abolished. No more stamps need be attached to these little pieces of paper, which will save a great deal of trouble and some time.

1901 July La Veta: The tax on checks is now abolished. No more stamps need to be attached to these little pieces of paper, which will save a great deal of trouble and some time.

1901 July La Veta: The Worth Chastain ranch home was hit by lightning, which came down the stove pipe and plowed a furrow across the dirt floor. Not one of the 21 people in the house at the time was permanently injured.

1901 July La Veta: W.T. Holmes is preparing to build a home at the corner of Field and Main Streets.

1901 July Walsenburg: George Tombling and family of Pictou have packed up their sleeping and negligee regalia and hied themselves to the mountains for a month's outing.

1901 July Walsenburg: Harry Setter closed his second-hand store on Main Street for the season while he prospects around the McMillan mines up the Huerfano.

1901 July Walsenburg: Louis Sporleder's commission house is now open and he is already enjoying a nice little trade.

1901 July Walsenburg: T.S. Noble resigned his position as harness repairer at Baxter and Kearns hardware store and now drives Faulkner's delivery wagon.

1901 July Walsenburg: The Andrews-Pickens reservoir east of Walsenburg is almost full and will irrigate 2,000 acres.

1901 July Walsenburg: The man who has a small mind seldom has occasion to change it.

1901 July Walsenburg: The Misses Griffith, Farr and Company have launched a new enterprise and offer unexcelled lemonade from their booth on the court house lawn.

1901 July Walsenburg: The race horses of Dr. T.D. Baird and F.S. Hanna have made a remarkable record this season in Colorado Springs, Denver, St. Joseph and St. Louis, Missouri.

1901 July Walsenburg: The tennis association court has been cleared of weeds and is now in fine condition for the game.

1901 July Walsenburg: Thomas Taylor, 48, miner at Pictou, was killed by a fall of rock. He leaves a wife and eight children.

1901 July Walsenburg: Walsenburg Livery has stables on Main Street and also a barn for ranchmen located on Fifth Street.

1901 July Walsenburg: We are glad our suggestion was taken and the weeds at the court house got a taste of the scythe.

1901 August La Veta: A narrow gauge boxcar has been placed here as a bunk house for the section men.

1901 August La Veta: About 50 tickets were sold here on the $1.50 rate given to the Woodmen of the World to attend the Log Rolling Contest at the Mineral Palace in Pueblo.

1901 August La Veta: Every person, during the month of August, regardless of sex, color or nationality, may enjoy a warm bath at the Sulphur Springs for 25 cents.

1901 August La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. James Martin rented the building formerly used as a kindergarten school. Mrs. Martin is a sister of the Coleman brothers.

1901 August La Veta: Mr. Lester, at 74, may be the oldest person to have signed the register at the summit of the West Spanish Peak.

1901 August La Veta: Pike's Peak Coal Company has contracted for all the coal put on the cars from George Baker's mine on Middle Creek.

1901 August La Veta: The cattle and horses will soon outnumber the inhabitants of La Veta and are destroying every young tree, garden and fence in town.

1901 August La Veta: The Krier property, but lately owned by Mrs. Rosa Roush, has been purchased by C. W. Ware for a mercantile, hardware and grocery store.

1901 August La Veta: Work on the new brick residence of Charles Mack is progressing remarkably fast.

1901 August Walsenburg: A foot of water came down Main Street and ran through the Earl Hotel, ending up in John Artis' confectionery shop on Seventh Street.

1901 August Walsenburg: Go to John Thill's for fresh fruits, candies, nuts, Adam's Pepsin chewing gum and for confections from the soda fountain.

1901 August Walsenburg: Good rains on Friday and Saturday left our usual Main Street flood on Monday.

1901 August Walsenburg: Henry Snedden sold his ranch about two miles west of town near Solar to J.P. LaBelle, who will immediately begin mining the coal.

1901 August Walsenburg: Klein's Elite is adding a bakery to the confectionery in the Walsen block on the west side of Main Street.

1901 August Walsenburg: Merchants along Main Street built dams to protect their stores from the flood down the street but a foot of water ran through the Earl Hotel and two feet ended up in John Artis' confectionery on Seventh Street.

1901 August Walsenburg: Miss Agnes Marshall and Mr. Joseph Ross were wed Aug. 1 at the bride's home at Walsen Mines.

1901 August Walsenburg: Miss Agnes Marshall and Mr. Joseph Ross were wed yesterday at the bride's home at Walsen mines.

1901 August Walsenburg: Mrs. T.J. Johnson and family will open a boardinghouse in the old Murphy house on East Fifth Street opposite the schoolhouse.

1901 August Walsenburg: P.W. Sweeney is having new side walks laid in front of his three brick houses on Fifth Street.

1901 August Walsenburg: The Capps post office has been discontinued.

1901 August Walsenburg: There is talk of the town buying a certain property on South Main and converting the same into a city park. Let us push the matter along.

1901 August Walsenburg: Victor Mazzone is off to the mining camps to introduce his line of watches and jewelry.

1901 August Walsenburg: William Klein bought the general merchandise of W.A. Clifford at Gardner and will also run a saloon there.

1901 September La Veta: A day of mourning was observed Thursday for the funeral of President McKinley, with a parade to the schoolhouse and back to the Opera House for services.

1901 September La Veta: Bird Parks was obliged to have a foot amputated after a train ran over it.

1901 September La Veta: Charles Boyd built a barn on his property as he does not believe in paying rent to house his horse and buggy.

1901 September La Veta: D&RG may fix up some land near the depot for a public park for La Veta.

1901 September La Veta: Died, Lillie Danks, 40, leaving four of her 12 children to survive, including her baby, Ruth.

1901 September La Veta: Died, Lillie Danks, 40. She was born in Kansas in 1861, married in 1881 and had 12 children, four of whom survive.

1901 September La Veta: E.L. Hazard bought the Smith store south of Elrod's corner store and is moving his harness business there. 1904: Alamosa beat Walsenburg 34-5 in the Labor Day baseball game here.

1901 September La Veta: E.L. Hazard moved his harness shop to his new building and his family is occupying, the rooms at the rear of the shop.

1901 September La Veta: G.W. Ware has erected a catchy looking sign in front of his new store and will soon add a row of good hitching posts.

1901 September La Veta: G.W. Ware has opened his store with groceries, shoes and gents' furnishings in the former Krier building on Main Street.

1901 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Kincaid became parents of a baby girl born on Aug. 22.

1901 September La Veta: Ross Deeds the old prospector located some claims near the Sangre de Cristo water tank.

1901 September La Veta: The La Veta School needs another teacher as three are not enough for the 125 pupils enrolled.

1901 September La Veta: The school enrollment this week reached 125 with more expected later in the season.

1901 September La Veta: We understand the new Springer restaurant will be a larger building than first intended, with two stories, so will be used more for a hotel than eating house.

1901 September La Veta: William Luster is building a residence next to the Egglestons' on the south side of East Francisco.

1901 September Walsenburg: A.O. Edie estimated he lost $2,000 worth of alfalfa in the disastrous flood of Williams Creek last week.

1901 September Walsenburg: County Assessor Sanchez reports the number of sheep evaluated this year is 45,750, up from 41,372 last year, and cattle increased to 12,400 from 11,305 last year.

1901 September Walsenburg: Enrollment is 298 compared with 265 last year, though more students are expected in October.

1901 September Walsenburg: Klein's Elite confectionery, bakery, ice cream, sodas. On the west side of Main Street in the Walsen block.

1901 September Walsenburg: Merchants in town are thinking of closing their stores on Sundays.

1901 September Walsenburg: Miss Era Edna (Dollie) Sweeney was unanimously elected Maid of Honor and will represent Walsenburg at the Mountain and Plain Festival in Denver.

1901 September Walsenburg: Over 100 are enrolled in the Walsen mines school. At Rouse, 85 students are registered and 35 more are in the kindergarten.

1901 September Walsenburg: The George Kearns house on East Fifth Street was sold to Frank Anderson. This house has one of nicest cisterns in the town. 

1901 September Walsenburg: The new autumn hats can now be seen at Mrs. M.B. Pearce's millinery.

1901 September Walsenburg: The Unfug Mercantile gave us a tour of their new gallery annex.

1901 September Walsenburg: The Unfug Mercantile gave us a tour of their new gallery annex.

1901 September Walsenburg: The World has increased the size of its paper this week and will hereafter give its readers eight pages instead of four.

1901 September: The popular song writer and comedian Joe Newman and company will appear in Mazzone Opera House Monday, Sept. 30.

1901 October La Veta: A good body of ore was struck in the Duplex Company's property on the West Spanish Peak last week.

1901 October La Veta: A party of Denver and Rio Grande surveyors are running lines for a side track to the Occidental mine.

1901 October La Veta: E.L. Hazard is remodeling the building he recently purchased from E.L. Smith on Main Street. The front is his harness shop and the family lives in the rear.

1901 October La Veta: F.L. Martin got a new suit of clothes and a silk hat. If he goes to Pueblo next week his wife should go along. 1907: Workers at the roundhouse quit after the company cut their pay by 20¢.

1901 October La Veta: Jake Marker has purchased the William Francisco ranch formerly owned by John Francisco on Indian Creek, one of the best farms in the vicinity. .

1901 October La Veta: The Powell brother repaired the bridge at the old Kerby ranch on the Cucharas.

1901 October La Veta: The Presbyterian Church will have a musical and literary program Friday the 25th. Admission is 20 cents but includes free refreshments.

1901 October La Veta: Will Mathews received a bran [sic] new $63 cornet.

1901 October La Veta: With the school enrollment up to 140, La Veta needs more than three teachers.

1901 October Walsenburg: A cave-in at the Robinson mine let the water pipes down and currently there is no water service in town.

1901 October Walsenburg: A total of 362 students are now enrolled in Walsenburg schools.

1901 October Walsenburg: A.R. Campbell is building a new stable on his lots back of the undertaking rooms.

1901 October Walsenburg: CF&I at Pictou imported a car load of Negro laborers who arrived Sunday to work in the mines.

1901 October Walsenburg: Charles Mazzone is having a silver front put on his building on Main Street.

1901 October Walsenburg: Colorado Fuel and Iron Company has sent in a coach load of Japanese miners for the Walsen mine.

1901 October Walsenburg: Forty children are enrolled at Maitland School under Mrs. C. Gossin.

1901 October Walsenburg: J. B. Gittings has taken over the Mooney brick kiln and will soon have 150,000 fine new bricks for sale.

1901 October Walsenburg: Miss Flebbe has accepted a position as teacher of Beeville School and Miss Grande has taken her place at Unfug Mercantile.

1901 October Walsenburg: Morris Anderson killed a 261 pound bear Friday near the foot of the Spanish Peaks. Call at Lidle's meat market to investigate the merits of bear meat.

1901 October Walsenburg: Mr. Eiser, who has been connected with Parson Brown in the barber business for some years, has started a business for himself at Pictou.

1901 October Walsenburg: Mrs. Joseph Workman was thrown from her buggy and badly bruised when it overturned in an arroyo near Maitland on her way home from Badito.

1901 October Walsenburg: The C&S passenger train from the south Wednesday brought in a coachload of Japanese laborers which the CF&I Company imported from the Pacific coast to work in the Walsen mines.

1901 October Walsenburg: The Klein bakery now have a talented candy maker and are prepared to furnish all the best lines of candy fresh from the stove.

1901 October Walsenburg: The street commissioner is washing and packing the sand on Main Street left by the summer floods.

1901 October Walsenburg: The Yucca gave forth a malodorous and poisonous exudation when it spoke of the Republican nominees.

1901 October Walsenburg: William Mitchell was injured when the coal car he was constructing in the Pictou blacksmith shop fell on his foot.

1901 November La Veta: Bring your babies and grandmas to the Davis Photo Tent and get Holiday photos of all kinds to send back home.

1901 November La Veta: Found after Halloween - A lantern in my back yard. Owner can get same by taking my delivery wagon off Mr. Davis' lumber wagon and paying for this notice. G.W. Ware.

1901 November La Veta: Harry Lawton is buying up wheat in the San Luis Valley and running the mill here day and night when sufficient water can be obtained.

1901 November La Veta: Have you seen the gas generator for coal oil, the X-RAY wick attachment? For sale by Joe Kincaid.

1901 November La Veta: Miss Rowell has been suffering from la grippe so the scholars of the intermediate department have been enjoying a holiday.

1901 November La Veta: The new flannel waists have flat buttons and long-waisted pouch fronts.

1901 November La Veta: The railroad company is surveying around Potato Gulch south of Occidental.

1901 November La Veta: The Sager district school closed this week and Miss Margaret Lindsey will return to her home for the winter - she has been re-engaged for next summer's term.

1901 November La Veta: Thomas Crumley will move his house either to the roadside or to the south side of Middle Creek because of the railroad.

1901 November La Veta: Town Board decided to build a new bridge over the Cucharas on Ryus and repair the street crossing on Francisco.

1901 November La Veta: Two pound can Eastern cherries, 10¢; children's union suits, 25¢ and ladies hats, 60¢ and up at E.L. Smith's.

1901 November Walsenburg: Cut flowers for Thanksgiving, roses per dozen, $1.50; carnations per dozen, 75 cents; chrysanthemums per dozen, $2.00. George A. Paget.

1901 November Walsenburg: Enrollment in Walsenburg schools is 425 and average daily attendance 386.

1901 November Walsenburg: Gus Pierson has sold his pretty stone cottage on Seventh Street near the Walsen mines to Thomas Sproull. The residence has its own water works for irrigation.

1901 November Walsenburg: M.A. Sanchez has added a meat department at his store, with Gus Thompson employed as meat cutter.

1901 November Walsenburg: Professor Neely has started a night school at Pictou and has about 30 children attending three nights a week.

1901 November Walsenburg: The Broadhead brothers of Aguilar are sinking a shaft for coal above the old Solar mine.

1901 November Walsenburg: The local firemen have decided to give a masquerade ball at Mazzone Hall on New Year's Eve.

1901 November Walsenburg: The Richards and Pringles minstrel will present a mammoth bill of merry minstrelsy at Mazzone's Hall.

1901 November Walsenburg: The stone masons have quarried enough stone for the foundations for the new miners' homes at the Robinson mine.

1901 December La Veta: Christmas Dainties - Pig's Feet, Buckwheat, Mackerel, White Fish, Cod Fish, Mexican Chili - at J.P. Stranger's.

1901 December La Veta: Dec. 7 and only one-inch of snow this winter, yet we prophecy a nice white Christmas.

1901 December La Veta: Ed Collier opened a coal mine just back of the house where he lives - the old Frankenberry place on Indian Creek.

1901 December La Veta: F.L. Martin is tearing down the old creamery and intends to use the materials to build rental dwellings

1901 December La Veta: J.M. Elrod is building an addition onto the Martin brothers' meat market at the corner of Main and Francisco Streets, just north of his own store.

1901 December La Veta: Robert Jewell will shortly build a residence on some lots he bought from F.L. Martin in the north part of town.

1901 December La Veta: Ruth, the infant daughter of William Danks, died in Colorado Springs where she was under the care of her aunt. She was laid beside her mother in La Veta Cemetery.

1901 December La Veta: Santa Claus will be at J.M. Elrod's store today and will make a speech to the GOOD boys and girls of La Veta.

1901 December La Veta: Some La Veta residents are under a six week quarantine for the presence of scarlet fever in their homes.

1901 December La Veta: The dwelling houses of the Pikes Peak Coal mine, which are currently situated on Albert Campbell's land, will be moved about a quarter of a mile to the company's property.

1901 December La Veta: Walter Powell left his job at the hotel to go to business college in Denver.

1901 December La Veta: William Kimsey is deepening the Cucharas and grading the approaches for the new Ryus Street bridge.

1901 December La Veta:  F.M. Eggleston came down from Placer for Christmas and says about 20 miners are working in the Greyback district.

1901 December Walsenburg: A.J. Sanchez has opened The New Meat Market on South Main Street.

1901 December Walsenburg: J.B. Grandy's neat little 22 by 26 foot cottage on Capitol Hill is almost completed.

1901 December Walsenburg: Marriage licenses were issued this week to Jose Ignacio Maes and Natividad Trujillo and to Henry Topping and Helen Drysdale.

1901 December Walsenburg: The shooting match conducted by Dick Miller at Gardner on Christmas Day was a success, the shooters from the Muddy carrying off most of the turkeys.

1901 December Walsenburg: There will be a shooting match for turkeys at McNally's saloon near Walsen mines next Sunday and another Christmas Day. Rifles and six-shooters are to be used.

1901 December Walsenburg: Victor Mazzone is building a new jewelry store on Main Street just below the Cheap Cash Store.

1902 January La Veta: F.G. Bombard has again repapered and renovated the interior of his saloon. Fred believes in keeping things in good shape and it pays in the long run.

1902 January La Veta: H. Williams married Mary L. Cozad, widow of J.G. Cozad, former partner of D.D. Ryus.

1902 January La Veta: J.M. Elrod is building a cook room or small kitchen onto his residence.

1902 January La Veta: Jake Marker is figuring on rebuilding his house at the site where the old one burned down.

1902 January La Veta: Lucy Lester, the teacher, bought six lots east of C.B. Bowman's house on West Garland and will build a home.

1902 January La Veta: New homes are being built for Robert Jewell and F.L. Martin.

1902January La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erwin are moving to Canon City where Charley has a position as guard at the penitentiary.

1902 January La Veta: Orders for ice cannot be filled due to the pleasant weather. The ice is only nine inches thick.

1902 January La Veta: The Baptist Church had an entertainment Christmas Eve in place of the usual Christmas Tree. 

1902 January La Veta: The members of the La Veta Band have commenced building a commodious 40 by 100 foot building to be used as a concert hall on Field Street, at a cost of $3,000.

1902 January Walsenburg: A group of men from Tyrol, Austria, arrived Sunday and are on their way to the mines.

1902 January Walsenburg: About 60 members of the Knights of Pythias and their ladies enjoyed the dinner and program Monday evening at Pythian Castle.

1902 January Walsenburg: An explosion in the Pictou mine killed, Frank Marquis, J.H. Brewer and Pete Johnson.

1902 January Walsenburg: Brothers Dominic and Pete Barma were killed instantly in the Robinson mine when the roof caved in.

1902 January Walsenburg: Diphtheria has claimed several lives in Santa Clara and Pryor.

1902 January Walsenburg: From Blanco [sic] word comes that the Sierra Blanca Mining and Reduction Company have a tunnel in 1,409 feet and will have a six-horse team hauling ore to the railroad in Walsenburg,

1902 January Walsenburg: J. Miller, contractor, has the foundation laid for the new church in Gardner.

1902 January Walsenburg: The Dick Brothers are building another ice house on Russell Street.

1902 January Walsenburg: The event of the season in' the terpsichorean line without doubt was the fireman's ball given New Year's Eve.

1902 January Walsenburg: The event of the season in' the terpsichorean line without doubt was the fireman's ball given New Year's Eve.

1902 January Walsenburg: The new home of Jesse Roche on Capital Hill is a commodious 36 feet square, with a central hall running the length.

1902 January Walsenburg: Vincino Chippinio became the second fatality in the new Hezron mine when he was killed in a fall of rock.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, (too late for last week) A. Levy was in town last Tuesday on business.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, (too late for last week) Bob Watkins has gone to Pueblo to consult physicians in regard to his health.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, (too late for last week) Mr. & Mrs. G. R. Benson are entertaining Miss "Baby" Benson who arrived the 30th of Jan. for an indefinite stay.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, (too late for last week) Mrs. Herrard will entertain the ladies of the "Aid" at 3 o'clock tea next Friday afternoon.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, (too late for last week) Mrs. Ingraham, the mother of Geo. Ingraham, is very low with pneumonia.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, (too late for last week) W. R. Butts is visiting his mother for a few days.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, H. J. Wilson, Ass't Sup't. . . . . . Department of the G.F.& I. Co. gives a lecture here Saturday night entitled. . . . .

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, Mr. Wm. Dick was here this week unloading three cars of ice.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, Mrs. Marguerite Johnson is visiting with Mrs. Ahlquist.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, We have just learned of the demise of Mr. Baxter the long time postmaster at Badito, and father of Edwin Baxter of Colorado Springs. Mr. Baxter was a highly respected citizen and the neighborhood and county mourns the loss of an honest upright man. Services will be held at the residence of Mr. Baxter, the Rev. Chenoworth of Gardner officiating.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, (too late for last week) G. L. Smith of Chicago, is in Gardner and vicinity soliciting subscriptions for the Interstate School of Correspondence of Chicago.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, (too late for last week) Madam Rumor says that W. J. Millsap is seeking a location in this vicinity, and is negotiating for D. B. Castello's ranch at Malachite.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, (too late for last week) Putting up ice is the order of the day and people are improving this cold snap.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, (too late for last week) The funeral of Arthur Marks, who was injured by falling off of a hay stack onto a hay rack, took place in the Gardner cemetery last Monday afternoon. Mr. Marks leaves a wife and two small children and his mother to mourn his death. [ for further info on Arthur Marks, e-mail: ]

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, L. A. Hough, the genial operator, is able to be around after a severe ten days fever.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, L. M. Huggins met with a serious accident in being thrown into a ditch, which sprained his ankle and permanently disabled his horse which he was driving from Aguilar.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, Rev. C. K. Powell of Colorado Springs delivered an interesting lecture at the school house Tuesday night on "The Life of Christ" illustrated by several sterescopic views of the Holy Land; after which a Sunday school was organized with the following officers: Miss Adelle Porter, Sup't; Miss Julia Meryweather, Ass't Sup't; Mr. John Kirkpatrick, Sec'y; and Miss Bessie Baldwin, Treas.

1902 Feb 13: Walsenburg World, W. C. Hunt, Editor and Publisher, Chas. R. Rosenberger, Ass't Editor

1902 February La Veta: A.A. Foote built an ice house and filled it with ice - you want to keep cool if you are in the coal business.

1902 February La Veta: A.A. Foote is having a house built and other improvements completed on his ranch near the foot of the Spanish Peaks.

1902 February La Veta: E.L. Hazard bought the property known as Bruce Lake ranch and will move his family there, recognizing the advantages the place offers for a boating and pleasure resort.

1902 February La Veta: F.G. Bombard and wife moved into Francisco Plaza this week, where they will keep house.

1902 February La Veta: Jake Marker's new blacksmith progressing and soon the ring of the anvil will be heard.

1902 February La Veta: Lawrence Kreutzer has rented the Alex McDonald ranch up the Wahatoya.

1902 February La Veta: Mr. Hammond has been assisting Alex Young in the barber shop and thinks of opening his own in Frank Anderson's hotel building.

1902 February La Veta: The coal vein in the Occidental mine has been widened to nine feet.

1902 February La Veta: The ice contracts of 2,000 tons have been filled and now the company is filling its large ice house and local storehouses.

1902 February La Veta: The La Veta Bank opened for business this week with E.L. Smith cashier.

1902 February La Veta: Town Board allowed $259 in bills, mostly for the new bridges and creek grading.

1902 February La Veta: William Woodruff is making some substantial improvements around his home on Main Street in the shape of a new bakery, enlarging the living rooms, building porches and the like.

1902 February Walsenburg: A Denver newspaper feels Japanese should not work in the coal mines and advises us to "Leave them alone/And they will go home/Taking their pigtails with them."

1902 February Walsenburg: Charles 0. Unfug announces the organization and incorporation of the Copper Bull Mining Company at St. Louis, Missouri which will mine the old Copper Bull on Pass Creek which was worked 1882-1883 at a cost of $30,000.

1902 February Walsenburg: Charles 0. Unfug was hired as general manager of the Copper Bull Mining Company of St. Louis, Missouri's mine on Pass Creek.

1902 February Walsenburg: Died at Badito, S.D.P. Baxter, 92, who has been postmaster at that place since the early days.

1902 February Walsenburg: Died at Santa Clara, Mrs. Susie Hudran, 15.

1902 February Walsenburg: Mayor Dick and a trio of town dads met to discuss the utility and futility of establishing a public library.

1902 February Walsenburg: Positions of marshal, assistant marshal, commissioner, clerk, attorney, police magistrate and health officer will now be appointed by town council.

1902 February Walsenburg: The Denver papers are much exercised about the fact that the Japanese who were driven from Florence were brought to work in the mines at Maitland. The company also brought a number to Walsen, although only two or three are left.

1902 February Walsenburg: The Huerfano Coal Company (La Belle) are busily at work sinking their shaft and they are down to 200 feet and pumping water.

1902 February Walsenburg: The Huerfano Coal Company has a 200 foot shaft in their new LaBelle mine.

1902 February Walsenburg: The ladies of the town have undertaken the task of inaugurating a public town library.

1902 February Walsenburg: The old mine across the hogback, between here and the Toltec, known as the Johnny Jones, is being reworked by Oscar Joiner and Dr. Hanna.

1902 February Walsenburg: W.H. Gould built a blacksmith shop near his livery stable at Pictou.

1902 February Walsenburg: W.H. Gould won the contract to carry the mail from Walsenburg to Pictou and Maitland twice a day for $500 per year.

1902 March La Veta: About 25 Woodmen of the World visited Walsenburg Tuesday to help initiate a dozen or so candidates into that camp.

1902 March La Veta: Allie E. Sager has disposed of his property in Colorado Springs, and will return to La Veta to farm his father's ranch.

1902 March La Veta: Bell and Anderson will reopen the old Springer coal mine on the Cucharas.

1902 March La Veta: Bell and Anderson will reopen the old Springer coal mine on the Cucharas.

1902 March La Veta: Born boys, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. William Luster and to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll.

1902 March La Veta: Charles Hector is the butcher at J. M. Elrod's City Meat Market.

1902 March La Veta: Died, Jake Montoya, 18, of diphtheria. His parents have lost three of their children within a short period.

1902 March La Veta: F.C. Bombard will repair and strengthen the porch and entrance to his Clipper Saloon.

1902 March La Veta: Huerfano County has 33 school houses with 39 teachers. There are 3,242 school age children.

1902 March La Veta: John Hudson just completed a small house for Charles Arnold and a barn for C.E. Turner.

1902 March La Veta: Mrs. John Ketner of Pueblo has been in La Veta looking after her newly acquired property, the drugstore.

1902 March La Veta: R.E. Roberts is contemplating changing from mining to ranching and will likely move his family to the upper Cucharas.

1902 March La Veta: The band boys gave a well-patronized dance for St. Patrick's Day.

1902 March La Veta: The Coleman brothers are working over at the new camp of Hezron as well as building a new home for Peter Verliff.

1902 March La Veta: The Denver saloon of Bruce and Pitman has new wallpapering and a small room for a barber shop or meeting place by the front door.

1902 March La Veta: William Woodruff just completed a bakery building completely removed from his house.

1902 March La Veta: William Woodruff just completed a bakery building completely removed from his house.

1902 March Walsenburg: Adolph, the infant son of Casimiro and Mary K. Cruz, died of whooping cough at Bear Creek, where Casimiro has been teaching.

1902 March Walsenburg: An average of 200 cars of coal are shipped from Walsenburg daily. A carload averages 50,000 pounds or 25 tons.

1902 March Walsenburg: An average of 200 cars of coal are shipped from Walsenburg daily. A carload averages 50,000 pounds or 25 tons.

1902 March Walsenburg: Broadhead brothers are drilling for coal on top of the Hog Back west of town.

1902 March Walsenburg: Contractor J.B. Gittings finished the Colorado Supply Company store at Hezron and it is already open for business.

1902 March Walsenburg: Died, aged 29 years, Blitz, old horse for the Unfug Mercantile Company, of excess of joy due to an overfeed of oats.

1902 March Walsenburg: Irrigated alfalfa land in Huerfano County will bring $15 to $75 per acre.

1902 March Walsenburg: St. Commissioner Anderson is opening Russell Street from Eighth to Tenth streets on the bank of the creek.

1902 March Walsenburg: Ten or 12 men are at work at the stone quarry near here, which is said to have the best stone in southern Colorado.

1902 March Walsenburg: The old porches were removed from the Levy property, John Thill's confectionery, Lukowski's bakery and Dr. T.D. Baird's office on the east side of Main Street.

1902 March Walsenburg: Thomas Mooney has the contract to build a $4,000 school house at Pictou.

1902 March Walsenburg: Two miners were killed in the Pictou boardinghouse when a shot was fired.

1902 March Walsenburg: Would it not be a good idea to open a few of the streets west of Main and south of Seventh?

1902 April La Veta: A large crowd of merry makers gave Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Hazard a housewarming party at their new ranch at Bruce Lake.

1902 April La Veta: A.H. Edmisten and his son Walter were fined $20 each for carrying concealed weapons after an incident with Prof. J.V. Elliott on Ryus Avenue.

1902 April La Veta: An impromptu farewell gathering met Saturday at Masonic Hall in honor of Dr. A.L. Hazard and B.O. Griffin with a picnic and entertainment.

1902 April La Veta: Fred Bombard is making substantial repairs on that part of the plaza formerly occupied by Colonel Francisco until his death several months ago.

1902 April La Veta: G.W. Ware recently finished building an addition to the residence of J.G. Krueger on Echo Creek.

1902 April La Veta: J.B. Slone is receiving a visit from his sister-in-law Mrs. Susan Slone and her friend Miss Mary Rock, who intend to make La Veta their home.

1902 April La Veta: Jasper Smith concludes it is too lonely on the ranch during the winter and will build a house in town this summer so that his children can continue attending our public school.

1902 April La Veta: Occidental Mining and Development Company bought the machinery of the Troy Mill at Granite and is moving it to the big mill under construction at La Veta.

1902 April La Veta: The public school ended its term last Friday.

1902 April La Veta: Work was started this week on Mrs. Springer's new restaurant building.

1902 April La Veta: Work was started this week on Mrs. Springer's new restaurant building.

1902 April Walsenburg: Between 600 and 700 students are currently enrolled in District 4, Walsenburg.

1902 April Walsenburg: Charles Mazzone is putting up a brick house on Main Street between the Earl Hotel and Faulkner's store.

1902 April Walsenburg: Fr. Ussel says Walsenburg was known as Plaza de los Leones or Plaza del Fred when he first came here. The first church was built of upright posts at the site of Baxter and Kearns hardware and was partly in Seventh Street.

1902 April Walsenburg: J.B. Thorne and Son have purchased the Thomas Sproull ranch at Badito.

1902 April Walsenburg: Jack Boyd is building a livery stable at Hezron and giving up coal mining as an occupation.

1902 April Walsenburg: Jack Foley filed a plat for Foley's Addition to the town of Pictou.

1902 April Walsenburg: Pat Dellahanty and R.H. Weir were killed in the Pictou mine by a premature shot.

1902 April Walsenburg: The 42 business houses of Walsenburg employ 100 clerks, whose average salary is $600 annually.

1902 April Walsenburg: The estimated population of Walsenburg is 1,500.

1902 April Walsenburg: The first county assessment of 1867 was for $27,000. John Iliff had a large cattle ranch on the Santa Clara and owed $23,000, but he left without paying and the county was left with a $4,000 assessment.

1902 April Walsenburg: The old Walsenburg Hotel, for several years known as the Earl, is to be torn down and Charles Mazzone will build a brick structure there.

1902 April Walsenburg: Wilson, the Pueblo tailor, has opened a branch shop on Main Street between the Cowing and Sanchez stores.

1902 May La Veta: A caravan of gypsies camped on the borders of town last Wednesday and spent the day telling fortunes and selling lace.

1902 May La Veta: County Surveyor A.A. Foote and his crew spent eight days searching for the government survey lines located about 32 years ago on the East Spanish Peak, to no avail.

1902 May La Veta: Dr. and Mrs. J.B. Wright are living in the Boyd house on the corner of Main and Francisco Streets.

1902 May La Veta: For sale: My home property and lots on Main Street. This will make a fine business location as well as being suitable for dwelling purposes. Inquire of Mrs. Henry Daigre.

1902 May La Veta: Four cans Fancy June Peas, 25 cents; five pounds Banner Oats with elegant decorated china with every package, 25 cents; Hammocks, $1.25 to $2.00, at Kincaid Mercantile.

1902 May La Veta: Frank Elliott bought the Hazard harness shop and will open next week in the same stand on Main Street.

1902 May La Veta: Lawrence Kreutzer and Miss Mamie Hamilton were married by Rev. E.E. Hench and they will make their home on the McDonald ranch south of town.

1902 May La Veta: P.L. Estes bought the old Albert Philips ranch just south of town for $3,300.

1902 May La Veta: Sam Gribble's fine team of greys was run over on the railroad tracks.

1902 May La Veta: The county commissioners came up to view the old La Veta Pass wagon road on Thursday, on account of a petition requesting it be made a county highway. However, it came to light suddenly this is a state road.

1902 May La Veta: The new residence of Mr. Lester is rising fast, and will make another nice addition to Garland Street when completed.

1902 May La Veta: Word was received Thursday that Samuel Patterson, who left here three weeks ago to check his mining interests in Ouray with his partner Benton Canon, suffered a stroke of paralysis.

1902 May Walsenburg: A number of young men have been playing baseball at the corner of Sixth and Main streets. This is good exercise but passersby may be hit by a falling ball and horses are apt to be frightened.

1902 May Walsenburg: After having no rain since last October, the two-day storm collapsed adobe buildings and railroad tracks.

1902 May Walsenburg: C.W. Cox of Walsenburg has been appointed county coroner to replace Dr. T.M. Ahlquist who resigned to take a position in Las Animas County.

1902 May Walsenburg: J.E. Bamber, A. Unfug and Dick Rogers have built new houses on their homesteads in the Capps community.

1902 May Walsenburg: Jake Miller is highly elated over the diamond field he has discovered near Reed's saw mill near Gardner.

1902 May Walsenburg: Mr. Mazzone has indicated that he will build four more now store buildings between his new one just going up and the Merritt and Muir saloon, which necessitates the removal of the Earl Hotel.

1902 May Walsenburg: Mr. Newlove is putting an iron roof on Mazzone's watchmaking and jewelry store on Main Street.

1902 May Walsenburg: The ball game between the Juniors and the Tigers last Sunday resulted in a score of 23-14 for the Juniors.

1902 May Walsenburg: The Colorado Supply Company bought the lots on the southeast corner of Sixth and Main Streets and hope to put up a four-story brick building.

1902 May Walsenburg: The Colorado Supply Company have [sic] purchased the lots on the southeast corner of Sixth and Main streets and will put up a four-story building.

1902 May Walsenburg: The county commissioners appointed C.W. Cox county coroner after Dr. T.M. Ahlquist resigned to become company physician at Hezron.

1902 May Walsenburg: W.S. Chapman bought the old John Brown 640 acre ranch in Mauricio Canon for $25,000.

1902 June La Veta: A fire at the James Hamilton ranch destroyed the barn, hay, wagon, harness, buggy, new phaeton and six Hereford calves.

1902 June La Veta: Adam Young, who has a ranch on the Wahatoya, swore out a warrant for the arrest of Mrs. Staplin charging her with assault and abusive language. Judge Kimsey imposed a fine of $40 and costs.

1902 June La Veta: C.L. Martin has commenced the erection of a good sized barn near the slaughter house.

1902 June La Veta: Ed Goodrich has taken the lease on the Sulphur Springs resort for the season.

1902 June La Veta: J.M. Elrod has been trying to put a new coat of paint on the front of his store ready for the 4th, but the wind has somewhat interfered with the job.

1902 June La Veta: J.M. Elrod is putting up a new patent wire fence in front of his residence - it looks first class.

1902 June La Veta: Mr. Pelton has taken charge of Alex Young's barber chair while the latter serves as deputy water commissioner.

1902 June La Veta: Oak, Garland and Field streets have been opened up for traffic.

1902 June La Veta: The La Veta Lodge of I.O.O.F., with about 40 more members from Walsenburg, celebrated the first anniversary of the club last night which continued into the wee sma' hours.

1902 June La Veta: There will be a wildflower excursion on the D&RG tomorrow to La Veta Pass, only 75 cents for the round trip.

1902 June Walsenburg: Alphonse Chatin is painting the entire Walsen block.

1902 June Walsenburg: Mr. McInally of Rosedale has closed a deal with a company to develop 60 acres of coal land he has on this side of the hog back above town.

1902 June Walsenburg: One hundred couples attended the dance marking the opening of the Colorado Supply Company store at Hezron.

1902 June Walsenburg: Santa Clara's baseball team beat Walsen Mines 23 to 13.

1902 June Walsenburg: The board sidewalk in front of the court house needs repair - it is an eyesore and also dangerous.

1902 June Walsenburg: The Drs. McGuires' residence will soon be replaced by a business house.

1902 June Walsenburg: There are a lot of fakirs - young street outlaws - who congregate nightly on South Main Street in front of Harrison's and Atencio Hall and make the evening and night hideous until midnight.

1902 June Walsenburg: Vic Mazzone's new building is nearly completed.

1902 July La Veta: "For quick results use your local paper." The pocketbook advertised in last week's issue was found even before the publication of the paper.

1902 July La Veta: Haying has commenced and in many cases was completed in a few hours there being only a few loads to stack after the prolonged dry spell.

1902 July La Veta: J.R. Kimsey and Miss Flossie Bowman were married.

1902 July La Veta: Mrs. Roy Springer has her new Springer House Open for business on Ryus Avenue.

1902 July La Veta: R. Purvis is adding two more rooms to his store south of the Baptist Church for his second hand goods.

1902 July La Veta: William McLain has leased the corner of Main and Francisco Streets from J.M. Elrod and plans to build a grocery store.

1902 July Walsenburg: County Assessor Sanchez will build a new brick eight-room residence on Fifth Street east of the school.

1902 July Walsenburg: Fred Young formerly of the Pictou Colorado Supply Company Store has been transferred to the store at Walsen.

1902 July Walsenburg: J.E. Hurley is now manager of Dick's Bottling Works.

1902 July Walsenburg: No one knows how many families live in the roofed stockade of railroad ties about 300 feet this side of the river.

1902 July Walsenburg: P. Leo Sanchez and son Julian say recent rains at their ranches near South Canon have filled the water holes and started the grass anew.

1902 July Walsenburg: Real estate agent George Dick sold the Unfug property on Sixth street east of the Hayden home to Antonio Ariano.

1902 July Walsenburg: The Doctors McGuire are preparing to move into their new house at Fifth and Russell where they will build an addition of four rooms.

1902 July Walsenburg: The New Earl Hotel has opened in the old Twin Lakes House on Main Street between the railroad tracks.

1902 July Walsenburg: The new two-story schoolhouse at Pictou is nearly completed.

1902 July Walsenburg: The Walsen mines are shipping water to Trinidad.

1902 July Walsenburg: Thomas Sumski was killed in the Robinson mine by a rock fall and Frank Ludwig was killed at Midway.

1902 July Walsenburg: W.H. Gould, the mail carrier between Walsenburg and Maitland, is sporting a new hack he had made to order in Pueblo.

1902 July Walsenburg: William Caddell is now clerk at the Champion mine, also known as the Monkey, near Pictou and Tom Caddell is superintendent.

1902 August La Veta: George F. Weidmayer has recommenced work on his mining claims near the Goemmer Butte and we trust he will strike it rich.

1902 August La Veta: Gus Prator has commenced work on the toll road up Wahatoya Canon.

1902 August La Veta: J.C. Fugate will be the new school principal as Miss Jester is going to the Philippines. He rented the stone house just completed by Peter Verliff.

1902 August La Veta: John Hudson now has the contract to build Benton Vories' new home.

1902 August La Veta: Mary E. Rock bought the Middleton house at Oak and Field Streets for $300.

1902 August La Veta: Miss Lydia Hibben married Henry Martin.

1902 August La Veta: The lightning storm killed six animals in this vicinity.

1902 August La Veta: The Social given by the Ladies Circle Tuesday for the benefit of Miss Florence Comstock was a financial success. Over $27 were taken in, with an expense of only a little over one dollar, and more could have been made if the ice cream had held out.

1902 August La Veta: Ye editor has returned from a visit to the much talked about Caster City in Custer County and found it to be a cluster of one dozen sectional houses and stores.

1902 August Walsenburg: A jolly crowd of young people climbed to the summit of Capitol Hill Tuesday evening, built a bon fire and enjoyed playing numerous games until midnight.

1902 August Walsenburg: It is rumored that a large adobe building will be built on the west side of Main Street opposite Thomas Shaw's house for a dance hall and hotel.

1902 August Walsenburg: Juan Lorenzo Martinez will build a boardinghouse and restaurant on the second lot from the corner of Eighth and Main on the west side of Main Street. He is currently digging a well.

1902 August Walsenburg: M.A. Sanchez, merchant south of the post office, has leased the Chatin store to expand his business.

1902 August Walsenburg: The tennis court has been neatly cleared of all weeds and we believe a tournament would be of great interest both to the players and to the public.

1902 August: A.R. Campbell leaves Monday to attend the Bee Keepers Association meeting in Denver.

1902 August: Get out your shot guns and put bells on the chicken house doors, as the chicken thief is around and has abstracted a few of Sheriff Farr's frying stock. 

1902 September La Veta: About 600 head of cattle were shipped from here to Kansas City Sunday.

1902 September La Veta: Complaints have been again made about the carelessness of parties shooting about town.

1902 September La Veta: Forty-five students are enrolled in the elementary school.

1902 September La Veta: Four teachers are not considered adequate for our 150 pupils.

1902 September La Veta: I.R. Voorhees is building a store in front of his home on Francisco Street.

1902 September La Veta: Jake Marker bought the old John Francisco ranch. He already owns three of William Francisco's places.

1902 September La Veta: The family of A.A. Foote will spend the winter in Boulder where Miss Jessie is attending college.

1902 September La Veta: The first frost of the season did not damage garden truck Thursday morning but the following morning all that remained were blackened leaves.

1902 September Walsenburg: A miner at Pictou fired two shots into the schoolhouse while a dance was in progress and is now enjoying his fame in the county jail.

1902 September Walsenburg: About 200,000 brick are being kilned for J.J. Pritchard at the old yards above the D&RG depot.

1902 September Walsenburg: About 200,000 bricks are being kilned at the old yards above the Denver and Rio Grande depot for J.J. Pritchard's new building.

1902 September Walsenburg: Alex Campbell expects to harvest 1,200 pounds of honey from his hives.

1902 September Walsenburg: Born to Mr. and Mrs. James B. Dick, a girl. Between this event and the Senatorial nomination, Jim can put down the 22nd as a Red Letter day.

1902 September Walsenburg: Captain Charles Deus of Malachite sold all his household goods, farming implements, stock, etc., leased his ranch to John Shaft of the Sierra Blanca for five years and will go to live with his niece.

1902 September Walsenburg: David Campbell of Pictou married Miss Tracie Marquis.

1902 September Walsenburg: J.B. Johnson is moving his stock to the new store building erected by Fred Walsen.

1902 September Walsenburg: John Artis is building a brick oven behind his confectionery shop on Seventh Street.

1902 September Walsenburg: Tom Cray and Max Marquez bought the Mandolini saloon at Pictou.

1902 September: George McInally has struck an excellent vein in his new coal mine on the Hog Back 3/8 of a mile west of the Pictou road on the south summit, near the old "Aberdere" or Johnny Jones mine.

1902 October La Veta: A "Phone" was placed in position in the post office Wednesday. Billy [Postmaster William H. Woodruff] will now have no idle moments.

1902 October La Veta: F.T. Redding came in from Denver to see what progress is being made on the Bald Mountain Railway.

1902 October La Veta: O.T. Davis will have his photo tent in place about Nov. 1 and will be prepared to take those Christmas photos.

1902 October La Veta: Professor Tipton, formerly principal here and now a resident of Trinidad, stopped over between trains Tuesday and shook hands with some of his old pupils.

1902 October La Veta: The branch railroad to Occidental coal mine should be completed by Nov. 1.

1902 October La Veta: The chicken-pie supper to have been given by the old ladies last evening was indefinitely postponed on account of the sudden death of one of their number.

1902 October La Veta: The new telephone will be located in the post office.

1902 October La Veta: W.J. Hill leased some land from the railroad and is fencing it to start building a lumber shed and office.

1902 October Walsenburg: County Commissioners Houser and McDonald were in Capps this week to lay out a county road across the Hamilton ranch.

1902 October Walsenburg: E.A. Lidle is building a hay barn 24 by 28 feet in size and a 12 by 20 foot stable, all covered with corrugated iron, behind his home.

1902 October Walsenburg: E.A. Lidle is building a hay barn 24 by 28 feet in size and a 12 by 20 foot stable, all covered with corrugated iron, behind his home.

1902 October Walsenburg: Henry Klein now has a new 18 foot deep well, nine feet in diameter, at the Klein Hotel.

1902 October Walsenburg: Henry Klein now has a new 18 foot deep well, nine feet in diameter, at the Klein Hotel.

1902 October Walsenburg: Make your preparations now for THE event of the season, the Red Men's Masquerade Ball at Mazzone's Hall Nov. 26.

1902 October Walsenburg: Victor Mazzone and Miss Mae Johnson were married Sunday at the Methodist parsonage.

1902 November La Veta: A.H. Edminsten took back the La Veta Livery from A.E. Halloway, who had rented it for the past nine months.

1902 November La Veta: A.H. Edmisten took back his livery stable from A.E. Halloway who has rented it the past nine months.

1902 November La Veta: Anderson and McDougal are operating the Springer coal mine.

1902 November La Veta: Frank Elliott replaced Walter Powell as clerk at the La Veta Hotel.

1902 November La Veta: Last Sunday several of the old grandmothers were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Holmes for the 77th birthday of Mrs. Holmes' mother Mrs. Hunt.

1902 November La Veta: Mr. Lawton installed a new gasoline lamp in his store that is 1,200 candle-power.

1902 November La Veta: The entertainment at Ryus Hall Saturday evening by the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor was a social and financial success, assuring them of a new carpet for the Presbyterian Church.

1902 November La Veta: The registration books were closed last Tuesday with 530 names.

1902 November Walsenburg: A girl was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Topping.

1902 November Walsenburg: About a dozen men are now employed at the new McNally mine about a mile west of town.

1902 November Walsenburg: John Artis has gone into a new business and is operating the Home Bakery on Seventh Street.

1902 November Walsenburg: John Artis has gone into the bakery business and brought us one of his loaves, weighing 19 ounces and costing five cents.

1902 November Walsenburg: Miss Bessie McLaughlin of Scotland is the new clerk at Mike O'Shea's jewelry store.

1902 November Walsenburg: Panteleon Jr., the five-month-old son of County Assessor P. Leon Sanchez, died Nov. 23.

1902 November Walsenburg: Precinct No. 6 in Walsenburg has 470 registered voters and No. 16 has 221. Pictou has over 800 voters now.

1902 November Walsenburg: The new McNally mine west of town is in full operation and is shipping coal.

1902 November Walsenburg: The Santa Clara post office has been established at Mike O'Shea's.

1902 November Walsenburg: The town ditch has been cleaned as far as Sand Arroyo but the crew has not yet reached the La Veta road. The ditch has not been cleaned for six or seven years and when kept in running order it will supply an abundance of water.

1902 November Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Tailoring Company has closed its establishment in the Walsen block.

1902 November Walsenburg: W.R. Faulkner has moved his dry goods store into the Snedden building vacated by the Wycoffs and they have moved to Johnson's old building.

1902 November Walsenburg: W.R. Faulkner moved his dry goods store into the Snedden building vacated by Wycoffs' drug store when they moved to J.B. Johnson's old building.

1902 December La Veta: $42 was raised toward the new carpet for the Presbyterian Church.

1902 December La Veta: Jack Arrington has a pig which accompanies him like a dog, following him the six miles from his ranch to town.

1902 December La Veta: John Goemmer, with his daughters Minna and Louisa, has rented a room in the Plaza for the winter months.

1902 December La Veta: Messrs. Bruce and Pitman have sold the Denver Saloon to Abner Woods of Placer and will turn their attention to the cattle business.

1902 December La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Middletons' portraits by O.T. Davis were placed on the charter as he is one of the oldest Oddfellows in Colorado.

1902 December La Veta: On Christmas Eve a Grand Masquerade Ball and elegant supper have been arranged to take place in the Ryus Opera House with the Bemen orchestra providing the music.

1902 December La Veta: Sleigh riding was indulged in by several parties on Tuesday evening and many complained of sore throats the following morning.

1902 December La Veta: The La Veta Roller Mill advertises a carload of corn and chop for sale. Now is the time to buy.

1902 December La Veta: The Methodist and Presbyterian churches have decided to hold a common Christmas tree for their children Wednesday evening.

1902 December La Veta: There will be a masquerade ball at Ryus Opera House on Christmas Eve when the Bemen orchestra will play.

1902 December La Veta: Turkey seems to be a luxury this season and not enough were secured for a shooting match.

1902 December Walsenburg: Anastacio Lopez of Bear Creek and Eva Valdes of Cucharas were married Nov. 28.

1902 December Walsenburg: Charles Hayden will wed Freda Flebbe New Year's Day at the home of her parents in Denver. He is a Walsenburg attorney and she was a saleslady for Unfug Mercantile Company and teacher at Beeville.

1902 December Walsenburg: Ernest Lidle bought a $175 delivery wagon for his meat market business.

1902 December Walsenburg: J.B. Martinez is now in charge of Mazzone's saloon and restaurant.

1902 December Walsenburg: Jake Mandolini is contemplating opening a saloon on Sixth Street, west of Charles Agnes' house.

1902 December Walsenburg: John Breen has been appointed superintendent of the Hezron mines.

1902 December Walsenburg: Judge Valdes moved his office into the Kearns block.

1902 December Walsenburg: M. Aitake was killed by a fall of rock in the Walsen Mines. He was the first Japanese to be buried in Huerfano County.

1902 December Walsenburg: Manuel and Luciano Atencio moved their saloon from the old Bertolero place to the corner of Fifth and Main streets.

1902 December Walsenburg: Solomon John's store just south of the post office caught fire but it was extinguished with water from Pritchard Lumber Company's cistern.

1902 December Walsenburg: The $50,000 bonds to buy the present Walsenburg water system was defeated 101-52 in the election.

1902 December Walsenburg: The Klein Hotel is to be extended on the east side to Dr. Mathews' property.

1902 December Walsenburg: The store at Champion was held up and $300 was stolen.

1903 January La Veta: A conspicuous sign adorns the summit of the Springer Hotel which can be seen from the railroad.

1903 January La Veta: Charles Tracy received a chipped skull when Charles Kitchens hit him with ice tongs while arguing over a chunk of ice.

1903 January La Veta: Henry Martin and his wife left Wednesday for Oceanside, California where he will go into the butcher business with his brother Frank.

1903 January La Veta: Married this week were Frank Powell and Nellie Hector, Horace Meloy and Anna Adamson.

1903 January La Veta: Miss Emma Mauldin entertained about 40 young people at her home Monday evening with Charles Hector rendering some beautiful selections on his graphophone.

1903 January La Veta: O.D. Ryus sold the La Veta Hotel opera house and old Ryus Hall to Charles McCue.

1903 January La Veta: Our new police magistrate, W.J. Hill, fined Walter Edmisten $50 and cost, for carrying concealed weapons.

1903 January La Veta: Thomas Erwin closed the shoe shop he rented from R. Purvis because of lack of work.

1903 January La Veta: Today La Veta has four general mercantiles, two hotels, two livery stables and one each grocery store, dry goods, bank, furniture and undertaking establishment, hardware and furniture, and drug store.

1903 January La Veta: V.N. Lester bought the building south of Elrod's store at Francisco and Main Streets from E.L. Hazard.

1903 January La Veta:  The young men held their annual oyster supper at the residence of Will Kincaid Friday but the custom won't last much longer if the fellows continue to join the list of benedicts.

1903 January Walsenburg: Are you a renter of a safety-deposit box at the Walsen Bank? A box costs but one cent per day.

1903 January Walsenburg: Last week the bunkhouse at the Denver and Rio Grande depot at Cucharas burned to the ground, nearly trapping Juan Isidro Armijo.

1903 January Walsenburg: Maitland school closed due to the prevalence of scarlet fever.

1903 January Walsenburg: The juvenile Minstrels and Comedy Company will present an entertainment for the benefit of the school library.

1903 January Walsenburg: The Ladies Social Club at Primrose will give a dance and lunch Saturday evening.

1903 January Walsenburg: Miss Lindsay resigned her position as teacher at Gardner and there will be no more school this year.

1903 January Walsenburg: W.N. Houser has located 50 oil claims in Huerfano County for himself and others in the Gardner area.

1903 February 12 Lost in Mazzone’s Opera House on Sixth and Main Street, a Fur Boa. Liberal reward if returned to Berostein’s store.

1903 February 12 Married February 5, 1903 at Mesa, Colo., Miss Callie Kerlee, formerly of Walsenburg, now of Mesa, to Mr. Andy F. Hooper. Miss Kerlee has a host of friends at this her old home who wish her all joy and happiness.

1903 February 12 Miss A.A. Weir will do all collecting and receive all moneys due the Huerfano Water company. P.W. Sweeney

1903 February 12 The list of regular jurors for this session consists of: Salvador Atencio, G.F. Estes, Frank Hamilton, Juan Ruybal, J.P. Kine, Aniseto Martinez, Julian Valdez, Jose Eliseo Martinez, Juan Cisneros, Placido Quintana, J.F. Hayes, J.W. Carver, Ed Maes, Teofilo Bustos, Silverio Martinez, Robert Gillespie, Jesus Romero, Thos. Martin, E.H., McKinley, D.B. Castillo, Jose E. Archuleta, Francisco Joseph.

1903 February La Veta: "The Devil's Delight" is a new newspaper covering juvenile doings. Edward Kerby is the editor of the paper, which is printed in the Advertiser office.

1903 February La Veta: A.N. Erwin is moving his shop from the rooms in the McCaskill building and John Bruce is moving in.

1903 February La Veta: Charles McCue, the new proprietor of the La Veta Hotel, obtained a license from the town to use the Opera House for travelling troupes of entertainers.

1903 February La Veta: Messrs. Bruce and Pitman have purchased the Clipper saloon on Ryus Avenue from Fred Bombard.

1903 February La Veta: Two colored musicians supplied some stirring music for a dance on Monday night until the departure of the midnight train.

1903 February La Veta: W.I. Hill lost a fine Sunday-go-to-meeting hat during the wind storm. Anyone finding same, if within the limits of the state, will confer a favor by putting it to his own use.

1903 February Walsenburg: A ball was held at Nick Suba's saloon in Walsen for the benefit of the St. Joseph Society.

1903 February Walsenburg: Died, Mary (O'Brien) Dick, wife of William Dick. Born in England in 1865, she came to Walsenburg 18 years ago with her parents. 

1903 February Walsenburg: Jan Barcicky opened a shoe repair shop in the Frolich hardware annex on lower Main Street.

1903 February Walsenburg: M.A. Sanchez is offering all his winter goods at one half price at The Peoples Store.

1903 February Walsenburg: Paul Frohlich's horse ran away as he was driving to Pictou and kept on running until he met with a fence in camp.

1903 February Walsenburg: The Walsenburg World will sponsor a Baby Show with subscribers bringing us photos of their babies. The best, prettiest, handsomest, most winsome baby wins $25.

1903 February Walsenburg: Twenty-eight students are enrolled in the high school and 407 in the elementary grades.

1903 March La Veta: County Commissioner Thomas Edwards came up to see what sort of town La Veta was on Monday.

1903 March La Veta: For rent - Good stone barn, 28 by 58 feet, stabling for over a dozen horses, situated in block 6 Town of La Veta on 100 by 150 foot lots. Enquire at this office.

1903 March La Veta: Fred Edmisten married Miss Pierce the milliner.

1903 March La Veta: Fred Edmisten married Miss Pierce the milliner.

1903 March La Veta: G.A. Hanson of Walsenburg has rented a room in the Ware building and is prepared to do first class tailoring, repairing and cleaning of ladies apparel.

1903 March La Veta: G.A. Hanson opened a tailoring and cleaning shop in the Ware building on Main Street.

1903 March La Veta: In commemoration of Aunt Baint Martin's birthday, the Old Ladies Society was invited to dinner at her home Friday.

1903 March La Veta: Kincaid's new store building on the corner will be a two story brick, 26 by 80 feet, with a hall upstairs.

1903 March La Veta: L.A. Drum shipped a carload of hay on Thursday which netted him $160.

1903 March La Veta: Next week is St. Patrick's Day and the Band Boys are going to give a ball at the Opera House in honor of the occasion.

1903 March La Veta: Rural phones are to be installed.   Monthly rates will be $2.50 for business lines and $1.50 for private.

1903 March La Veta: The Ladies Circle and Ladies Aid groups have been doing a lot of sewing for W.A. Danks and his motherless children.

1903 March La Veta: Twelve young men, members of the Baptist Church, were entertained by Rev. and Mrs. Milne with Miss Josie Harris playing selections on the phonograph.

1903 March Walsenburg: Contractor J.B. Gittings has nearly completed Frank Marquis' new building on Seventh Street.

1903 March Walsenburg: Dillard Sefton and family returned from living at Huerfano Station and are located in the Fred Unfug house just north of the C&S tracks on Main.

1903 March Walsenburg: Everyone in Maitland is rejoicing the end of the mud as the walks in our city are not of the best.

1903 March Walsenburg: Frank Furphy was stabbed by a Slav in the Maitland saloon - an uncalled for act.

1903 March Walsenburg: Kate Blickhahn, 20, and a resident of Walsenburg the past 15 years, died of diphtheria.

1903 March Walsenburg: The reservoir situated on the hillside just west of Pictou camp and which supplies the camp with water, is to be cleaned out this week.

1903 March Walsenburg: The sidewalk in front of the Martin house at Third and Main Streets was elevated one foot.

1903 March Walsenburg: The walls of the addition on the Klein Hotel are up, with a frontage of 72 feet and an addition 30 by 30 feet.

1903 March Walsenburg: Tony Bertolero sold his old saloon on Seventh Street and it was moved to the Mines.

1903 March Walsenburg: W.W. Hammond is building a new $1,000 dwelling house on Third Street, just west of J.P. Moncrieff's.

1903 April La Veta: If you plant a tree, this year, it may grow - now that Town Board has decided to enforce the herd law.

1903 April La Veta: J.K. Kincaid is ready to start tearing down the Old Reliable and his goods can be seen in the Opera House.

1903 April La Veta: J.K. Kincaid is ready to start tearing down the Old Reliable and his goods can be seen in the Opera House.

1903 April La Veta: Messrs. Bruce and Pitman are figuring to remodel their saloon and purchase a new billiard table.

1903 April La Veta: Miss Margaret Lindsay, having finished the term of school in La Veta, left Tuesday but will return in May to teach in the Mack district.

1903 April La Veta: The old folks at home are never without Peruna in the house for catarrhal diseases.

1903 April La Veta: The school election falls on May 4 and it is to be hoped that more interest than is usually the case will be taken in this matter. 

1903 April La Veta: William Fey will commence work on the new Kincaid corner brick store building the first of next month and the contract calls for it to be completed by the first of August.

1903 April Walsenburg: Born April 7, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Milson Phipps.

1903 April Walsenburg: David E. Farr is the new water commissioner for Water District No. 16.

1903 April Walsenburg: Fred Klein has just received a new $800 Century soda fountain.

1903 April Walsenburg: Residents are asked not to dump the manure from their stables into the alleys.

1903 April Walsenburg: Saul Harris returned from New Mexico and made final arrangements with L.B. Sporleder for the purchase of his business on Seventh Street.

1903 April Walsenburg: Street Commissioner Matt Wellsby was instructed by Town Board to build a bridge over the ditch that crosses Fifth Street below the school house.

1903 April Walsenburg: The Colorado Fuel and Iron Company sent a traveling library to Pictou and A.S. Neely has charge of it at the school house.

1903 April Walsenburg: Professor Curtis has been named assistant postmaster at Gardner.

1903 April Walsenburg: The Dick brothers will tear down their old saloon at Pryor and replace it with a modern one.

1903 May La Veta: Another wreck occurred on Wednesday at almost the same place as the one a few days ago near Francisco switch when several freight cars were ditched.

1903 May La Veta: If you want to see La Veta grow, and have some gardens and green trees, turn out on Monday and vote for the water works.

1903 May La Veta: Mr. Allan, son of D.J. Allan, was over from the Parlan mine, better known as the Lost Mine, on Rough Mountain and says a force of men is working on the property.

1903 May La Veta: News seems to be a scarce article at present.

1903 May La Veta: The election to vote for bonds to build the water works will be Monday in the office of I.R. Voorhees on Francisco Street.

1903 May La Veta: The Old Reliable is now all pulled down and Dave Ryus at his home on the Pacific coast will shed a briny tear when he thinks how many shekels he has coined under its protective wing.

1903 May La Veta: The street commissioner has been patching up the sidewalks and charging the property owners. Some other material than wood would be preferable.

1903 May La Veta: The town is buying some land from E.L. Hazard for $5,000 to build a water system.

1903 May La Veta: The young folks spent a pleasant time at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Gossett last evening. Oysters were the principal refreshments.

1903 May La Veta: W.J. Hill's sawmill was closed Tuesday due to the wind.

1903 May La Veta: William Green married Mattie Walker and Edward Martin married Georgia Ware the past week.

1903 May Walsenburg: Colorado Fuel and Iron Company is building a fence to cut off the hauling of coal from McNally mine across their land to the railroad.

1903 May Walsenburg: Grant Wallace has accepted the position of head clerk at the Colorado Supply Company store at Walsen.

1903 May Walsenburg: Mrs. Eva McGuire received a compound fracture of the right leg in a runaway east of town.

1903 May Walsenburg: Saul Harris, who recently purchased Mr. L.B. Sporleder's business, has moved into the Sporleder house next to the store.

1903 May Walsenburg: Surveyor W.E.A. Innes was busy Monday establishing a grade down Seventh Street for the building of sidewalks.

1903 June La Veta: Born, a boy to Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Coleman and a girl to Mr. and Mrs. C.Z. Anderson.

1903 June La Veta: Dr. and Mrs. L.B. Roberts bought Sulphur Springs and will build a new stone boardinghouse and bathhouse.

1903 June La Veta: Dr. E.L. Mumma has established his office in J.M. Elrod's store.

1903 June La Veta: Employees of the Colorado Telephone Company have been busy fixing up poles for the system, which is to be completed around July 1st.

1903 June La Veta: News is very scarce this week owing to the weather conditions which almost suspended business and made a load of coal the most acceptable personal property.

1903 June La Veta: Teachers engaged for the next term of school are the Misses Armstrong, Campbell and Lindsay.

1903 June La Veta: The brick yard is running full blast and 100,000 will be burnt before quitting work this spring. Besides those required for the Kincaid store building, Garren and Strange have placed an order to build a store in the fall.

1903 June La Veta: The drought which has to all intents and purposes lasted in this section for over a year has been broken with 10 days of rain.

1903 June La Veta: The rain all night Sunday and the snowfall Monday was considered a blessing but warm weather would be welcome.

1903 June Walsenburg: A fund of $112.35 was raised for George Andriko and his seven children after his wife was killed by lightning.

1903 June Walsenburg: A marriage license was issued this week to Martin Matkovich and Maria Mavatic.

1903 June Walsenburg: George Dick bought all the land in town belonging to the First National Bank of Pueblo, about 60 lots.

1903 June Walsenburg: Leon Kora, the Arabian peddler, is building a 26 by 36 foot residence at Eighth Street two blocks west of Main.

1903 June Walsenburg: Luigi Gilande, watchmaker at J.B. Johnson's store, married Miss Annie Baudino who lives 18 miles west of Aguilar toward the Spanish Peaks.

1903 June Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. William Caddell of Pictou are the proud parents of a son born last Sunday.

1903 June Walsenburg: The recent snow reminded some old-timers of the storm June 8, 1877 which left a foot of snow and killed a great many sheep and lambs.

1903 June Walsenburg: There will be four matched games of quoits at the old fire house on Sixth Street Sunday.

1903 June Walsenburg: Town Board is considering a proposal to buy Willis Lakes near La Veta for a water reservoir for the Town of Walsenburg.

1903 June Walsenburg: Town Board passed an ordinance for a $60,000 bond with which to erect a water works system.

1903 July La Veta: A new county road is to be built from Walsenburg to La Veta on the south side of the Cucharas to connect with the old Santa Clara highway.

1903 July La Veta: A party of young folks drove up to the Sulphur Springs Wednesday evening, built a large bonfire and had a regular jollification, arriving home again in the small hours.

1903 July La Veta: Again yesterday morning a very heavy rain visited this section and for about two hours appeared to be in need of boats for the purpose of transportation.

1903 July La Veta: The Springer Hotel has been greatly improved by the addition of a veranda the full length of its front with an ornamental on top so that the upper story can be made use of from the bedrooms.

1903 July Walsenburg: Dr. D.W. Mathews and Dillard Sefton took a fishing trip Thursday. The doctor caught 16 and Dillard one. Dillard left Saturday for California to learn how to fish.

1903 July Walsenburg: John H. Brown the old time resident and well-known merchant of Main Street is lying very sick at his home on Fifth Street and his son Jim from Denver is with him.

1903 July Walsenburg: William N. Wycoff purchased William Krier's home on Fifth Street for $1,600.

1903 August 11 Elopement at El Moro – El Moro, the first station this side of Trinidad on the D&RG now has an elopement for the gossips of the little town to talk about. Mr. and Mrs. Holland were employed on the ranch of a man named Merritt which lies in the neighborhood of El Moro. Holland was called away on business last Wednesday, leaving his wife and little boy, six years of age, at the ranch. On returning he found the house locked up and sat down to wait till some one came. When it grew dark he crawled in at a window and found the little boy in the cellar. The little fellow said that his mother had locked him up in the cellar and that she had gone away with Merritt. Holland believes however that they will return.

1903 August La Veta: A baby girl was born at the home of Zeb Moore.

1903 August La Veta: All the residents of the Wahatoya valley were in Walsenburg Wednesday to hear the county commissioners' opinions on the proposed toll road to the West Peak. They took no action.

1903 August La Veta: Bear in mind that the morning train leaving here at 7:45 now connects at Cucharas with the southbound passenger to Trinidad. You can go either north or south on this train.

1903 August La Veta: D. T. Whitlock has been hired by the school board as principal for the coming term.

1903 August La Veta: Elbert Edwards, 18, died of tuberculosis at the Staplin ranch up the Wahatoya where he came from the east to be cured of the disease.

1903 August La Veta: Johnny: "Say, pa, what is classical music?" His father: "Classical music, my son, is music you can't whistle, and wouldn't if you could."

1903 August La Veta: Many Walsenburg people are vacationing here to escape the heat.

1903 August La Veta: Miss Edna Pushee of La Junta is here visiting her sister Mrs. Quincy Zimmerman. 

1903 August La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. O.D. Staplin sold 640 acres of their ranch on the Wahatoya but retained the old Stranger place to live on.

1903 August La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. O.D. Staplin sold four of their ranches, 640 acres at the foot of the Spanish Peaks, to D.R. Hindman of Rouse for $10,000 for a summer resort. They have retained what is known as the Stranger ranch and will build a residence there.

1903 August La Veta: The new county road to Walsenburg along the south side of the Cucharas will connect with the Santa Clara road.

1903 August La Veta: The new owners of the Sulphur Springs have renamed it '"Rosedale'' and are building a hotel.

1903 August La Veta: Work has commenced on the new hotel at Rosedale (Sulphur Springs).

1903 August La Veta: Work on the roof of the new Kincaid building is almost complete.

1903 August Walsenburg: A.R. Campbell yesterday sold the undertaking business of Campbell and Cox to John Furphy for $1,500. Mr. Campbell retains ownership of the building.

1903 August Walsenburg: Deputy Sheriff Frank McPherson shot and killed a fine specimen of an American eagle with a .45 calibre revolver.

1903 August Walsenburg: J.P. Halvorsen, Merchant Tailor, opened a shop in the upstairs of the Chatin building on Main Street.

1903 August Walsenburg: John Furphy bought the Presbyterian Church building which the members desired to sell to build a new structure.

1903 August Walsenburg: Rugby beat the Walsen-Robinson team 13 to 12 in the tenth inning - everybody got their money's worth.

1903 August Walsenburg: The Colorado and Southern Railroad has put a sidewalk across their tracks on Seventh Street and are building nine coal chutes there.

1903 August Walsenburg: The Presbyterian church will be built on the lots north of Moncrieff's and east of Sumner's house on Capitol Hill, at the corner of Walsenburg and Capitol Hill townsites.

1903 August Walsenburg: William Krier is at present the assistant Uncle Sam at the post office.

1903 August: That it does get warm in this section was proved Wednesday when at 2:30 p.m it was 105 in the shade.

1903 August:  William Krier returned from California where he was home seeking, but was not much pleased with the location and may yet decide to stay in Colorado.

1903 Sept. 11, A fire at Sixth and Main Streets burned the Yucca office, Lidle's meat market, Newlove's tin shop, Chatin's paint shop, Martin's barber shop and a dwelling, though the Klein Hotel just east was saved. Approximately $5,000-6,000 worth of damage resulted.  - Walsenburg World

1903 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spielmann will go to Chicago next month to see friends not visited since they moved here over 25 years ago.

1903 September La Veta: Mrs. Cepha Carroll, nee Arnold, reports she met Mrs. James Boone and Mrs. Charles Clements, both former residents, in Kansas City.

1903 September La Veta: The attention of the railroad has been called to the fact the crossing at Main Street is often blocked for long durations.

1903 September La Veta: The Bald Mountain narrow gauge railway is complete and operating.

1903 September La Veta: The Coleman brothers are doing some stone work on the Staplin ranch.

1903 September La Veta: The dance which was given by J.K. Kincaid last Friday night in his new hall above his store was a great success with music by Mrs. E.L. Hazard and Louis Bemen.                                                                    

1903 September La Veta: The old wooden sidewalks in front of the Denver Saloon and Springer Hotel were replaced with new cement walks.

1903 September Walsenburg: C. Baldonado is offering all his stock of groceries and clothing at cost during his going out of business sale.

1903 September Walsenburg: Paul Frohlich bought the corner lot on Main and Fifth opposite the bank and will erect a brick building 60 by 110 feet to be used as a hardware store.

1903 September Walsenburg: Rev. M.B. Milne, with the Baptist congregation in La Veta the past two years, has moved to Walsenburg where a $3,000 chapel is being erected on West Sixth Street. CF&I donated the lot for the church, which will accommodate 100 people.

1903 September Walsenburg: The Baptist Church will erect a $3,000 chapel on the lots donated by the CF&I on West Sixth Street.

1903 September Walsenburg: The Independent Brass Band of Pictou will give a ball at Kebler Hall Sept. 26.

1903 September: Too much liquid enthusiasm resulted in a shooting that will probably prove fatal at Maitland Wednesday afternoon when Mary Johnson was shot by Robert Jackson, also known as Rice Farmer.

1903 October La Veta: A foot of snow fell in just two hours earlier this week.

1903 October La Veta: Construction of the new water works system has been started on the land bought from Mrs. Mary F. Hazard for $490.

1903 October La Veta: I.R. Voorhees is building a residence for Mr. Woodring on the latter's ranch.

1903 October La Veta: I.R. Voorhees is building a residence on Mr. Woodring's ranch east of town.

1903 October La Veta: Luther Martin and Jennie Crumley were married.

1903 October La Veta: Miss Susan Nolan has resigned her position at the central office of the Colorado Telephone Company and the place is now filled by Miss Lenox.

1903 October La Veta: Mrs. F.M. Eggleston plans to leave soon to spend the winter in North Carolina and F.M. will most probably accompany her. Their sons Ernest and Wallace are staying at Placer this winter.

1903 October La Veta: Peter Verliff possessed quite a curiosity this week in the shape of an apple tree blooming in his yard.

1903 October La Veta: The brick house of Billy Adamson on Francisco Street is almost complete.

1903 October La Veta: The little engine for the Bald Mountain Railway was shipped up to the switch this week and E.L. Redding says they will be shipping coal before winter sets in.

1903 October La Veta: Thomas Denton and Ada Chastain were married.

1903 October La Veta: William Fey is making good progress on the new Nuttall residence on Ryus at Birch, which will grace that part of town.

1903 October La Veta: Winter is coming. See Garren and Strange about overshoes for the whole family.

1903 October Walsenburg: A new tipple is being erected at the old Sam Sweet mine just south of old Rouse for renewed operations.

1903 October Walsenburg: Dr. Lesher has had a phone installed in his house and you can now get your teeth pulled by telephone.

1903 October Walsenburg: Miss Mary E. McCune married Albert Espe Wednesday at Walsen Camp.

1903 October Walsenburg: Paul Frohlich will build a two story building at the corner of Sixth and Main Streets.

1903 October Walsenburg: The 250 members of the Italian societies of Walsenburg, Rouse and Pictou celebrated with a parade, banquet and ball the landing of Columbus on American shores.

1903 October Walsenburg: The annual Masquerade Ball held on Thanksgiving Eve by the Red Men will this year be given by the Knights of Pythias.

1903 October Walsenburg: The annual Masquerade Ball held on Thanksgiving Eve by the Red Men will this year be given by the Knights of Pythias.

1903 October Walsenburg: The colored people of Pictou had a barbecue and dance in the old schoolhouse Saturday night and plan another one for this week.

1903 October Walsenburg: The Pictou Band boys' dance and basket supper Saturday night was a grand success, netting about $30 for music and instruments.

1903 October Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Military Band treated citizens to a free concert Friday night at the comer of Fifth and Main streets.

1903 October Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Military Band treated citizens to a free concert Friday night at the comer of Fifth and Main streets.

1903 November La Veta: Dan Underwood has put up a tent house on his lots on Field Street near the river until he gets a residence completed.

1903 November La Veta: J.E. Marker bought back the old Will Francisco ranch from R.E. Roberts.

1903 November La Veta: James Zumalt went up the Wahatoya to blast a vault out of the solid rock on a hill just opposite the Staplin's new ranch house for the old couple's final resting place.

1903 November La Veta: Regular old fashioned wind storms have been visiting this section since last Sunday and few hay stacks have retained their headpieces.

1903 November La Veta: The Staplin burial vault, just across the road from their Wahatoya ranch, has been blasted out of solid rock.

1903 November La Veta: Wanted:  - A load of kindling wood. Don't all speak at once, but delinquent subscribers need not be bashful. Inquire at the Advertiser office.

1903 November La Veta: Wicks and Bartlett are employing 40 men in the installation of the new water works system.

1903 November Walsenburg: A Pueblo party has secured the contract to build the new Presbyterian Church.

1903 November Walsenburg: Cashier Fred 0. Roof is now president of the First National Bank after reorganization.

1903 November Walsenburg: Charles Mazzone is building an eight foot wide sidewalk on the east and north of his building at Main and Sixth streets.

1903 November Walsenburg: First National Bank of Walsenburg opened for business Nov. 4 with Ernst Ruth cashier and G.D. Dawson as teller.

1903 November Walsenburg: Hezron mine is closed due to the strike but a few miners are still at work in other mines.

1903 November Walsenburg: John Kirkpatrick of Rouse has accepted a position as manager of the Dick Brothers store at Primrose.

1903 November Walsenburg: Masquerade suits for the Thanksgiving party can be obtained at J.P. Halvorsen's tailor shop.

1903 November Walsenburg: Mother Jones addressed a crowded house at Mazzone's Hall, asking miners to support the strike called for Nov. 9.

1903 November Walsenburg: Question: What is a baby? Answer: The prince of wails.

1903 November Walsenburg: R.G. Burnett of Pueblo secured the contract to build the Presbyterian Church at a cost of $3819 and Thomas Mooney has the contract for the stone work.

1903 November Walsenburg: Rev. Bulram has commenced teaching school in the Willburn district and on Sundays holds services in Gardner and Malachite.

1903 November Walsenburg: The Colorado Supply Company has had electric lights installed in the store at Walsen.

1903 November Walsenburg: W.H. Woodruff bought the empty lot next to Masonic Hall from D.D. Ryus for $500.

1903 Dec. 26: Rouse's Osgood School has two stories with four rooms on each floor. The building was erected in 1900 and removed in sections to new Rouse and re-erected. Professor R.S. Howlett is principal with Miss Anna Murphy and Miss Lula McClellam assistants. There are 113 students enrolled in first through eighth grades and 30 in the kindergarten.

1903 Dec. 26: The Kebler School at Pictou was built in 1902 at a cost of $2,981.68. It has two stories, with the kindergarten and stage upstairs and three classrooms downstairs. The enrollment is 140 in the first through ninth grades, with Professor A.S. Neely principal, Miss Anna Clark and Miss M.G. Pearson assistants. Miss Mary Mason is in charge of the kindergarten, which has 35 enrolled.

1903 December La Veta: A telephone line is being extended up the Cucharas and several more parties are putting in a "hello" on the present circuit.

1903 December La Veta: Garren and Strange have been hauling in rock for their new store building on Main Street, which will be built next year.

1903 December La Veta: I.R. Voorhees has installed gas lights in the Kincaid Opera House, La Veta Hotel and the Smith and Lawson stores.

1903 December La Veta: J.J. Bruce and L.B. Pitman dissolved their partnership and Bruce takes over the entire management of the Clipper Saloon.

1903 December La Veta: J.J. Bruce and L.B. Pitman have dissolved their partnership with Mr. Bruce keeping management of the Clipper Saloon. Pitman intends to build a meat market on the lots south of the drug store.

1903 December La Veta: Oliver Bemen was re-elected secretary of the Masonic Lodge, a post he has held for 17 consecutive years.

1903 December La Veta: R.A. Hayes has had the carpenters and painters busy on his dwelling the past three weeks and will soon have the prettiest place on the River.

1903 December La Veta: R.A. Hayes has just purchased what is known as the Petri desert claim adjoining his home ranch.

1903 December La Veta: The candy factory started by Mrs. C.S. Lawton a few months ago is in full swing.

1903 December La Veta: W.J. Hill bought the old Purvis property next to the Baptist Church on Main Street for back taxes.

1903 December La Veta: William Fey just built a "cute little kitchen" on the south side of the Presbyterian Church.

1903 December Walsenburg: About 150 striking miners formed at Pas Atencio Hall and then marched behind Mother Jones to Pictou.

1903 December Walsenburg: About 150 striking miners formed at the Pas Atencio Hall and then marched behind Mother Jones to Pictou.

1903 December Walsenburg: Ed Caddell and other parties have leased some coal lands of Dr. C.M. McGuire and will immediately begin opening up some new coal mines beyond Maitland.

1903 December Walsenburg: J.B. Gittings won the contract to build a new telephone office, 33 by 20 feet and 20 feet high. It will be ready by Jan. 15.

1903 December Walsenburg: J.B. Gittings won the contract to build the new telephone office. It will be 33 by 20 feet and 20 feet high and should be completed by Jan. 15.

1903 December Walsenburg: Northern Coal Company's Toltec mine resumed work after the company agreed to the new union scale of wages. 

1903 December Walsenburg: Sunday about 150 miners marched with Mother Jones from the Pas Atencio Hall to Pictou where speeches were heard.

1903 December Walsenburg: The comedy "Two Married Women" will be presented by Handler's Comedians Wednesday, Dec. 23, in the Opera House.

1903 December Walsenburg: The First National Bank received its first consignment of bank notes from the Government printery and Pres. F.O. Roof and Cashier Ernst Ruth have been busy putting their signatures on the same to make them legal tender.

1903 December Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Masons Saturday purchased a 30 foot frontage on Main Street north of Paul Frohlich's new hardware store of A. Levy for $700 for a Masonic hall.

1903 December Walsenburg: Walsenburg Masons paid $700 for Levy's lot north of Frohlich's new hardware store and will build a Masonic Hall.

1904 January La Veta: A. N. Woods is building a 14 by 20 foot ice house behind his Denver Saloon.

1904 January La Veta: About 1,800 tons of ice have thus far been contracted for but hauling was suspended yesterday due to cold wind.

1904 January La Veta: C.M. Green and son Judd have purchased the real estate, buildings and stock of G.W. Ware for $2,300 and will operate the store on Main Street.

1904 January La Veta: I.R. Voorhees bought the lot between the Presbyterian Church and the Advertiser office from Mrs. P.Q. McComb.

1904 January La Veta: Mr. Kincaid has offered to pay to have the water dogs removed from the town reservoir.

1904 January La Veta: School enrollment is 167, with 65 in the primary, 52 in intermediate and 50 in the advanced department.

1904 January La Veta: The midnight service at the Methodist Church for New Year's was cut short when Rev. C.M. Green received a telegram saying his son Judd had been injured in the Rugby mine.

1904 January La Veta: The Occidental mine is now working about 15 men inside and shipping one to four cars of coal per day.

1904 January La Veta: W.R. Gould is ready to move up to his new ranch on the upper Cucharas that he bought from Charlie Mack and plans to improve the place.

1904 January La Veta: Walter Powell has been engaged to teach the Baker district school and will take charge after completing his term in the Sager district.

1904 January Walsenburg: Alfonso de J. Valdez and Placida "Flossie" Mondragon were married by Fr. Ussel. About 100 guests attended the wedding dance at Mazzone Hall following the ceremony.

1904 January Walsenburg: F. Barron has sold his interest in the barber shop to Charles Martin of Rouse and Mr. Barron will open another shop in the Miners Exchange Saloon.

1904 January Walsenburg: Former Sen. J.D. Montez of Malachite and Antonio D. Valdez of east of Walsenburg formed a business to raise sheep and will also buy and sell cattle and horses with their office situated in the Montez home on Russell Street.

1904 January Walsenburg: Frank Thill rented a room in the new Mazzone block for a candy and cigar store.

1904 January Walsenburg: George Caldwell of Gardner has purchased the Will Gould livery stable at Pictou and will move his family there.

1904 January Walsenburg: Harvey M. Stamp and Bertha Klein were married Jan. 6 at the Klein Hotel.

1904 January Walsenburg: Henry Blickhahn married Minnie E. Sinsebaugh.

1904 January Walsenburg: Louis B. Sporleder bought George C. Quillian's flour and feed business.

1904 January Walsenburg: Some of the striking miners are returning to work.

1904 January Walsenburg: The Aguilar News has again suspended publication.

1904 January Walsenburg: The City Pharmacy in the Mazzone Block is now open for business. 

1904 January Walsenburg: William Krier is moving his shoe shop to the former Wolverton Photograph Gallery.

1904 February La Veta: A.A. Campbell moved two of the old Pike's Peak Coal Company's dwellings to his ranch.

1904 February La Veta: Al Coleman bought a 50-foot strip behind Dr. Roberts office from I.R. Voorhees.

1904 February La Veta: Coffee, 25¢ at Garren and Strange's.

1904 February La Veta: E.V. Gibbons has been receiving his goods and next week will open his Store to customers.

1904 February La Veta: E.V. Gibbons has opened a hardware store.

1904 February La Veta: E.V. Gibbons is opening a hardware and plumbing business in the Lester building.

1904 February La Veta: Edward Holmes has secured the contract for supplying the Springer coal mine with slabs for coal chutes and other purposes.

1904 February La Veta: I.R. Voorhees is building an addition onto the old mine office at Occidental for a residence.

1904 February La Veta: The Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church, including the new band, will give a Patriotic Musical Feb. 12 in Kincaid's Hall. Admission 25 cents.

1904 February La Veta: The Reese Brothers and Billy Young of the Congo Medicine Company gave clean juggling, acrobatic and medicine shows for three nights this week in the Opera House.

1904 February La Veta: Town Board is giving each of the saloons a list of boys' names not yet 21 years old.

1904 February La Veta: W.H. Gould has purchased a $480 coach to haul tourists around to various points of interest during the summer months.

1904 February Walsenburg: A 32 foot Oregon pine pole was installed at the school house for the flag.

1904 February Walsenburg: Bids will be opened next week for the construction of the new county courthouse.

1904 February Walsenburg: Fred Owens was killed in the Maitland boardinghouse when a box of 100 giant caps in his pocket exploded.

1904 February Walsenburg: J.D. Moncrieff won the contract to build an addition and repair the old Farr livery stable on east Fifth Street for Mr. Houser, the new owner.

1904 February Walsenburg: Mr. Caddell is building a tipple on the hill near Mr. Foley's cold storage plant at Pictou and soon will be shipping coal.

1904 February Walsenburg: Mr. Harvey Stamp and Mrs. Henry Blickhahn, both newlyweds, were honored by the Spanish Peaks Rebekkah Lodge No. 14 at Odd Fellows Hall.

1904 February Walsenburg: Principal R.S. Howlett will teach night classes to the Japanese miners at Rouse.

1904 February Walsenburg: Production has reached over 600 tons per day at Rouse, which was about the normal output before the strike.

1904 February Walsenburg: The contract for the new county courthouse was let Wednesday to Friedhoff and Hoeffel of Pueblo for $45,000.

1904 February Walsenburg: The new First Baptist Church was dedicated on Sunday, Feb. 21.

1904 February Walsenburg: The ninth grade pupils at Rouse school are making good progress in algebra, German and physical geography.

1904 February Walsenburg: W.H. Gould sold his livery business in Pictou to G.R. Caldwell.

1904 March La Veta: John Stranger is experimenting with a new system of gasolene [sic] lamps which if successful will be placed in Masonic Hall.

1904 March La Veta: Mrs. Alex Mauldin has opened a lunch counter in the Daigre block.

1904 March La Veta: Peter Goemmer rented the old Fey place at the junction of Echo Creek and the Cucharas.

1904 March La Veta: Peter Goemmer rented the old Fey place at the junction of Echo Creek and the Cucharas.

1904 March La Veta: The new bar and mirror arrived for Pittman's new saloon in Ryus Hall next to the La Veta Hotel.

1904 March La Veta: The town election will be held in Kincaid Hall as I.R. Voorhees' office was found to be too small.

1904 March La Veta: The worst windstorm remembered by old residents occurred Wednesday, causing the dismissal of school.

1904 March Walsenburg: County Surveyor A.A. Foote has moved his office from the Farr building to the Chatin building, Rooms 1 and 2.

1904 March Walsenburg: Effie Kaster and Frank Mead won awards for the best costumes at the Hard Times party given at Pictou.

1904 March Walsenburg: Fred Stack of Seguro bought Medill's blacksmith shop at Malachite and will move it to Gardner.

1904 March Walsenburg: Items from the woodcarving project at Pictou will be sent by the CF & I Sociological Department to the World's Fair in St. Louis.

1904 March Walsenburg: J.P. Furman and E.J. Devaney bought Lidle's meat market and Mr. Lidle will handle only wholesale business from his slaughter house south of town.

1904 March Walsenburg: Rocky Mountain Coal and Iron Company is putting a water system in at Rouse camp.

1904 March Walsenburg: T. Ede, a Japanese miner, was injured by a premature explosion of a charge of powder in the Rouse mine.

1904 March Walsenburg: The new suits have arrived for the Walsenburg military band and they are beauties. A concert next Sunday afternoon is probable.

1904 March Walsenburg: The wind storm destroyed D.R. Hindman and Company's mercantile store at Pryor.

1904 March Walsenburg: Town Board prepared an ordinance calling for another election for $32,000 to purchase the Huerfano Water Company's holdings and another $48,000 to improve the same.

1904 April La Veta: A second story is being added to the new addition of the Springer Hotel.

1904 April La Veta: Alex Mauldin said his lunch counter is now open 24 hours.

1904 April La Veta: An Eastern Star lodge was organized Monday entitled Mariposa Chapter, with Mrs. L.M. Fey, W.M. and Alex McDonald, W.P.

1904 April La Veta: C.F. Riding, the father-in-law of E.E. Austin the blacksmith, bot the Springer coal mine.

1904 April La Veta: C.F. Riding, the father-in-law of E.E. Austin the blacksmith, bot the Springer coal mine.

1904 April La Veta: Clarence Estes invested $300 in a team, wagon and harness and will farm the old Phillips place this summer.

1904 April La Veta: Garren and Strange have the foundation in for their new store.

1904 April La Veta: Ice cream will be served at the Mauldin Lunch Counter every Sunday.

1904 April La Veta: J.E. Marker has concluded a deal in which he will sell his blacksmith business to E.E. Austin of Walsenburg.

1904 April La Veta: Our school teacher Miss Armstrong will work at E.L. Smith's store this summer while Mrs. Smith and her sister Mrs. McLain go to the World's Fair.

1904 April La Veta: Tap fees for the new water system are $9. A house with a 50 foot frontage must pay $12 per year for service, payable quarterly.

1904 April La Veta: The framework for the now Garren and Strange store on Main Street is complete.

1904 April La Veta: The Russell post office was moved to the sawmill near Placer.

1904 April La Veta: Town Board decided to charge $12 per year for one half inch water taps to residences, and also rated hotels, liveries, business houses and other establishments.

1904 April Walsenburg: A Japanese miner named Vasabura Hegushi, 32, was killed by a fall of rock in the Walsen mine.

1904 April Walsenburg: D.B. Costello is getting a fine stock of goods and will soon have a store for Gardner to be proud of.

1904 April Walsenburg: For Sale: New refrigerator - Ice chamber holds 30 pounds. Oak and bronze. Price $5.00 delivered. Call at this office.

1904 April Walsenburg: Last Sunday Ed and Ab. Butts got too much liquid refreshment aboard and began making things lively in the neighborhood of Seventh Street.

1904 April Walsenburg: Marshal O. Pharis bought August Chatin's blacksmith on West Sixth Street for a consideration of $500.

1904 April Walsenburg: Seventy-eight votes were cast in the town election to elect James B. Dick, mayor and F.E. Cowing, Dr. T.D. Baird, Charles Hayden and W.H. Clement, trustees.

1904 April Walsenburg: The election to vote money for the purchase of the present water system ended with a 28-61 defeat.

1904 April Walsenburg: The ladies of the Presbyterian church will clear about $40 on their entertainment held last night, which was well attended despite the inclement weather.

1904 April Walsenburg: The Richards and Pringle Famous Georgia Minstrels, to appear in Mazzone Hall April 18, is the most expensive colored show ever organized.

1904 April Walsenburg: The town board closed a deal to buy a foot and a half of the Walsen water right priority No. 4 in Ditch #3 for $6,000 so that now the town can go forward and erect a water system.

1904 May La Veta: Benton Vories left for Rouse last Saturday where he has obtained a position in a meat market.

1904 May La Veta: Contractor Fey has almost completed the new sample room and additional bedrooms above at the Springer Hotel and will turn his attention to completing the Woodruff building next door to the Masonic Hall.

1904 May La Veta: F.M. Eggleston won the contract for laying the new town water pipes with his bid of seven cents a foot.

1904 May La Veta: If you see a new buggy with red wheels, just bear in mind it's simply an old rattle-trap which has undergone J.B. Mashburn's paint-renovating process.

1904 May La Veta: Inquiries are being made about the feasibility of obtaining a franchise to put in an electric light system in La Veta.

1904 May La Veta: Johnny Garren injured his arm last week when he fell off his burro.

1904 May La Veta: Memorial ceremonies will be as usual on the Woodmen of the World's Decoration Day June 5.

1904 May La Veta: Messrs. Miller and Dickson serenaded some of the residents in town about 2 o'clock last Sunday morning.

1904 May La Veta: Mrs. Ann Francisco plans to build a new home on Field Street.

1904 May La Veta: Mrs. J.M. Cofer was delivered of a baby boy, her fourth child. Her husband died two months ago of pneumonia.

1904 May La Veta: Oliver Bemen is having a new floor put down in the Star Livery.  I.R. Voorhees is doing the work.

1904 May La Veta: P.L. Estes was re-elected treasurer of the school board with 49 votes of the 54 cast.

1904 May La Veta: Some thieves broke into Alex Young's barber shop on Sunday night and took a razor and some few other articles.

1904 May La Veta: Somebody broke up the scaffolding supports belonging to Mr. Fey outside the new Woodruff building on Main Street Thursday night.

1904 May Walsenburg: A house belonging to the Victor Fuel Company at Maitland, occupied by the William Rogers family, colored, was destroyed by fire.

1904 May Walsenburg: Baxter and Kearns have a new tinner and plumber at their store.

1904 May Walsenburg: Captain B. Muramoto left Walsen to assist in the Russo-Japanese War. - The Japanese miners, about 100 strong, turned up to see him off.

1904 May Walsenburg: Decoration Day included a Parade from Pythian Hall to the Masonic cemetery, then to the Catholic cemetery, which was made up of 200 marchers.

1904 May Walsenburg: Eleven loaded coal cars burned Friday at Barnes siding a few miles south of Cucharas. The $6,000 fire may have been started by tramps who often stay there.

1904 May Walsenburg: George Klein's new brick residence at the corner of Sixth and Russell Streets is nearly completed.

1904 May Walsenburg: High school enrollment is 24 and 498 students are in the elementary school, making a total of 522 in the public schools. Average daily attendance of the schools is 234.

1904 May Walsenburg: Judge Henry Blickhahn defeated Peter Krier, 210 to 67, in the school board election.

1904 May Walsenburg: Last Friday, Walsenburg was visited by a heavy hail, rain and snow storm all day, followed by more rain Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

1904 May Walsenburg: On account of there being no water in the town, the shooting of fireworks is prohibited in town limits. James B. Dick, mayor.

1904 May Walsenburg: R.S. Howlett, principal of Rouse school, is now principal of Pictou school.

1904 May Walsenburg: The first [railroad] excursion of the season to La Veta Pass will be next Sunday, when the round trip is but $1.00

1904 May Walsenburg: The first game of the baseball season was won by Walsenburg over Aguilar, 15-4.

1904 May Walsenburg: The new Mexican Presbyterian Church is nearing completion.

1904 May Walsenburg: The reported coal strike of Dr. C.M. McGuire two and a half miles north of Maitland proved untrue, but a second try found an extra good vein so the railroad will build a spur to the site.

1904 May Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Military Band visited Walsen camp and raised the neat sum of $62 in the upper camp alone.

1904 May Walsenburg: Thirteen of Sheriff Farr's deputies presented him with a fine pearl-handled revolver as a token of their appreciation.

1904 May Walsenburg: Walsenburg Hide and Wool Company is building an office on the vacant ground just, south of Workman's store.

1904 May Walsenburg: Walsenburg's base ball team defeated Aguilar 15-4 on the Walsenburg grounds.

1904 June La Veta: A good deal of shooting occurred within town limits Saturday night and, if the authorities could have discovered the offenders, punishment would have been meted out.

1904 June La Veta: A large stock of plain and fancy screen doors from $1 up at the lumber yard.

1904 June La Veta: All the miners at Occidental mine quit work last week on account of some disagreement with the contractor.

1904 June La Veta: Charles Tracy planted a nice patch of potatoes on V.F. Salley's mountain ranch.

1904 June La Veta: Charley Pooler was brought before Justice Hill last week charged with fast driving.

1904 June La Veta: Children's Day will be observed tomorrow at the Presbyterian and Methodist churches, and at the Baptist the following Sunday.

1904 June La Veta: Ed Collier believes he has discovered the old Lost Mexican mine.

1904 June La Veta: G.W. Ware has been removing a house for Dotson and Beamer.

1904 June La Veta: Garren and Strange have transferred their stock of goods into their new store.

1904 June La Veta: O.T. Davis, who has been gone from here for 11 years, is back taking photographs in La Veta and Walsenburg.

1904 June La Veta: The minstrel show last night raised $45 for the Fourth of July celebration.

1904 June La Veta: Thomas Anson and his brother bought one block adjoining the flour mill and have begun building a residence in a pretty spot under the trees.

1904 June La Veta: W.H. Gould's team ran away near the railroad tracks and could not be stopped until Martin Hill was reached. He said it was not unlike chuting the chute.

1904 June La Veta: W.H. Woodruff is now agent for Aetna Insurance.

1904 June Walsenburg: Baxter and Kearns Hardware Co. is building a two story addition on the north side of their present building on Main Street.

1904 June Walsenburg: Contractor Wayt will build a $1,500 addition on the Workman building and will add a second story.

1904 June Walsenburg: Fifty-four votes were cast in the water system election, 50 for and four against.

1904 June Walsenburg: For chili con carne, good steak, all kinds of chops and excellent coffee, go to the short order house of M. Lopez, Main Street below Seventh.

1904 June Walsenburg: H. Ridgway succeeds J.T. Salisbury at the Capitol Hill Dairy and will continue with city delivery every morning and evening.

1904 June Walsenburg: Last Sunday, June 19, the new Gothic style, brick Episcopalian Church was dedicated with Rev. G.A. Symington, pastor.

1904 June Walsenburg: On account of their being no water in town, Mayor James B. Dick has prohibited the shooting of fireworks within town limits.

1904 June Walsenburg: Peter Krier reopened the old Bernstein store.

1904 June Walsenburg: Postmaster Trounstine's home was hit by lightning.

1904 June Walsenburg: Rev. R. Jaramillo's new $1,700 Presbyterian Church will be dedicated July 16. It was built on lots donated by the CF&I.

1904 July La Veta: For sale - the Zimmerman ranch one-half mile above Sulphur Springs includes 160 acres and a three-room house.

1904 July La Veta: J.G. Hector gave the new hose cart three coats of paint, free gratis, as a favor to Mayor O. Bemen.

1904 July La Veta: Messrs. Pitman and Bombard Thursday afternoon drew a crowd on Main Street to see their piscatorial discovery, appearing to be a cross between  a banded Holstein and a black bass on account of the black stripes encircling its body, which they caught in Town Lake.

1904 July La Veta: Middle Greek School now has a bell and belfry.

1904 July La Veta: Mr. Eggleston and his two sons have the contract to build a 200 foot tunnel in the Occidental mine.

1904 July La Veta: Someone blew up the jail on the Fourth and flying gravel slightly damaged the Stranger home across the street.

1904 July La Veta: T.J. Arrington, on the road to Badito north of town, allows strawberry picking at his ranch Monday through Wednesday and Fridays at five cents per quart.

1904 July La Veta: The Coleman brothers have purchased a derrick for lifting stone and will use it on the Stranger building.

1904 July La Veta: The Lawton grocery store has a new awning over the sidewalk.

1904 July La Veta: The minstrel show last night raised $45 for the Fourth of July celebration.

1904 July La Veta: The pillars are up for the new Stranger building.

1904 July La Veta: W.H. Clifford went up the West Peak and reported the roof of the cabin at the Bulls Eye mine had been blown off, probably by "a twister."

1904 July Walsenburg: About 15 young people picnicked on the hill south of town Wednesday night.

1904 July Walsenburg: Charles Mazzone is building four more store buildings on the east side of Main Street.

1904 July Walsenburg: Denver contractors arrived today to begin the new 50 by 150 foot brick Walsen block.

1904 July Walsenburg: Died, Joseph Workman, 62, who came to Walsenburg in 1888 from Canada for a cure for his asthma. He has operated a furniture business since 1894.

1904 July Walsenburg: George Halczasy was killed in the Robinson mine and Ivan Hubali and George Tamies at Rouse.

1904 July Walsenburg: J.B. Farr and E.A. Lidle bought Grantham's drug store building and sold the stock to Wycoffs.

1904 July Walsenburg: The horse and pony races in Gardner on the Fourth were quite an interesting feature, with entries from that area, Badito, Pictou and Malachite.

1904 July Walsenburg: Walking skirts are moving upward ... and the intelligent observer can now see for himself that women have two feet.

1904 July: Robert Brown's modem new pressed brick home on East Sixth Street is rapidly being completed.

8-26-1904 Alamosa Journal Rev. Leland of Victor, who claimed about a week ago that he had been ordered to leave the district by unknown men, has presented a petition to the mine owners association asking that all the mines of the district be closed on Sunday. The petition is signed by practically every member of the minister's association of the district. The petition has not been acted upon, but it is doubtful whether the request will be acceded to.

1904 August La Veta: E.R. Coleman is now cutting a single stone one-story high for one of the front uprights for the new Stranger building on Ryus Avenue.

1904 August : Jasper Bruce has finished putting up his hay and reports an excellent crop.

1904 August La Veta: John Stranger's store has Boulder Sanitarium Health Foods, Granose, Caramel Cereal, Granola and Toasted Wheat Flakes.

1904 August La Veta: Luther Kerby and Nellie Vasquez were married.

1904 August La Veta: The Burton Bell Ringers presented good, clean entertainment for three nights this week at Kincaid Hall.

1904 August La Veta: The city is building a house back of the Masonic hall for the hose cart and fire apparatus.

1904 August La Veta: The Lawton Grocery sports a bran [sic] new awning over the sidewalk, informing strangers what business is conducted there and the name of its proprietor.

1904 August La Veta: There will be a basket social and fish pond at the Ritter Schoolhouse for the benefit of the library fund Monday evening.

1904 August Walsenburg: A horse and buggy with two men in it was caught in the Cowcatcher of a train crossing at Main Street.

1904 August Walsenburg: A train left the tracks at the sand arroyo just above the mines, killing the fireman instantly.

1904 August Walsenburg: A two hour rain last night filled the streets with flood water.

1904 August Walsenburg: C. Victor Mazzone has returned to Walsenburg after nine months in Rouse acting as deputy sheriff and guard at the mines.

1904 August Walsenburg: Charles Demolli plans to start an Italian newspaper in Walsenburg.

1904 August Walsenburg: Colorado and Southern railroad installed a new telephone system connecting Trinidad and Walsenburg and all the camps between them.

1904 August Walsenburg: Don't forget the New Photography Gallery just across the street from the new court house. Satisfaction guaranteed. 

1904 August Walsenburg: Huerfano County has four new precincts, #20 - Seguro; #21 - Pryor; #22 - New Rouse and #23 - Maitland.

1904 August Walsenburg: Mr. Sanchez gave a dance in his new store for his "American" friends Thursday evening and for his Spanish-American friends Friday evening. He will soon be doing business.

1904 August Walsenburg: The Misses Jessie Lynn and Roberta Cravens have opened a new dressmaking parlor in the Hayden House on West Sixth Street.

1904 August Walsenburg: William, Charles and Kate Unfug have incorporated the Juanita Copper Mining Company to explore for that mineral in the upper Huerfano Valley.

1904 August Walsenburg: With the installation of a telephone system alone the Colorado and Southern Railroad's right-of-way any station or train can now be connected with any other.

1904 September La Veta: Bear hunting season is about here and a good target is a big one seen in the wagon road from Springer Coal Mine to Raspberry Mountain.

1904 September La Veta: F.L. Hudson, son of the former owner of the Bulls Eye mining property on West Spanish Peak made a trip up the mountain and found some of the tunnels badly caved in.

1904 September La Veta: Garren and Strange have their wagon scales on Francisco Street opposite their warehouse.

1904 September La Veta: J.J. Bruce Jr. renamed his saloon The Columbine for the state flower when he moved it to new quarters.

1904 September La Veta: Judd Green won a $3,500 settlement from the Rugby Coal Company but it seems poor recompense for a life long injury.

1904 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spielmann invited all to a "Chicago Picnic" for former residents of that city, at Sulphur Springs last Monday and 25 or 30 attended, singing, dancing and fishing.

1904 September La Veta: The La Veta Comedy Company earned $36 for their efforts earlier this month and are planning another production.

1904 September La Veta: Thirty-nine students are enrolled in the intermediate department, 43 in the primary and 44 in advanced, for a total of 141 in the La Veta schools.

1904 September La Veta: Two of "those puffing devils" [automobiles] passed through town.

1904 September Walsenburg: Adv. Repair Shop and Practical Blacksmith, M. Trinaistich, Sixth Street.

1904 September Walsenburg: Bernstein's new store in the Chatin building opens Monday.

1904 September Walsenburg: Bicycles for rent. Practical Blacksmith - M. Trinaistich, Sixth Street.

1904 September Walsenburg: Charles Agnes will open a new store for his shoe and clothing business and use his old one for furniture.

1904 September Walsenburg: Miss Eva Evans will teach the Edwards School southeast of town for the coming term.

1904 September Walsenburg: Professor Ludders, organizer and conductor of the Walsenburg Military Band, must leave us after two years because of the altitude.

1904 September Walsenburg: Professor Ludders, who organized the Walsenburg Military Band, must leave us after two years because of the altitude.

1904 September: Walter Morris, son of Joshua Morris of Spring Valley, was riding home Saturday when he was struck by lightning, killing the horse instantly and rendering him unconscious for several hours. He is still in critical condition.

1904 October La Veta: Jesse Garren says he will notify his patrons as soon as he knows the exact date when the wagon scales will again break down.

1904 October La Veta: On account of the rush of business in Walsenburg, O.T. Davis finds it impossible to move his photo gallery to La Veta at present.

1904 October La Veta: The new stone store and lodge room being erected by J.P. Stranger is now up to the second story and bids fair to be a particularly handsome building.

1904 October Walsenburg: A number of new houses have been erected within the last few days at Maitland.

1904 October Walsenburg: After three days of fierce wind, a long and severe rain commenced but it was welcomed as it brought relief from the dust.

1904 October Walsenburg: Coridini and Andrino who recently opened a retail liquor business in the Chatin building with a restaurant and short order house in the basement and rooming house above are doing a good business in all three departments.

1904 October Walsenburg: Don't forget the new photography gallery located just across the street from the new courthouse.

1904 October Walsenburg: Four cars and the engine were derailed on the heavy grade coming around the hill from the cemetery on its way in from Pictou on the Loma Branch.

1904 October Walsenburg: Jose Aurelio Martinez and Miss Benigna Maes were married today in the Catholic Church.

1904 October Walsenburg: Mail and train service from the south has been pretty well demoralized because of the heavy rains lately.

1904 October Walsenburg: Major Coan has on display at E.A. Lidle's butcher shop a sack of 86 potatoes weighing 125 pounds that he grew on his ranch at Seguro at the head of the Huerfano River.

1904 October Walsenburg: Married Oct. 20 were Rufino Medina and Porfiria Montoya at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jose Montoya. The wedding was followed by a grand ball at Mazzone Hall that evening.

1904 October Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Smith have opened a short order restaurant on Main Street in one of the new Mazzone buildings.

1904 October Walsenburg: On the upper Bear Creek on the old road from Capps to La Veta are some good crops of corn, grown at 8,000 feet altitude.

1904 October Walsenburg: Owing to snow and mud, it took James Baker a full day to haul a load of flour and a tank of oil from Walsenburg to Rouse.

1904 October Walsenburg: Rufino Medina and Pofiria Montoya were married Oct. 20 at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jose Montoya. A grand ball followed at Mazzone Hall that evening.

1904 October Walsenburg: The contractors for the new water works system expect to begin laying pipes today.

1904 October Walsenburg: The monthly lunch and tea of the Methodist ladies will be Oct. 13 at the home of Mrs. Eugenia Jones. A full house is expected.  

1904 October Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Yucca was sold by Victor Jackson, who owned it for over two years, to W. C. Hunt and consolidated into the World.

1904 October Walsenburg: V. Milinklivia is in the toils of the law for running a boardinghouse at Walsen mines without a license.

1904 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg was covered with four inches of snow this morning and it has been falling all day. This is the first snow on the foothills though the mountains have been covered for some time.

1904 November La Veta: A number of members from Naomi Chapter No. 14 of Walsenburg came up to present Mariposa Chapter No. 63, OES with their charter and to install officers.

1904 November La Veta: A post office has been again established at Russell with Mr. Cage as postmaster.

1904 November La Veta: Died, Mrs. Mary E. Jewell, 66, widow of Henry and sister of John B. Slone, leaving a son John E. Jewell of La Veta.

1904 November La Veta: J.J. Bruce and L.B. Pitman have given notice of the dissolution of their partnership in the cattle and stock raising business.

1904 November La Veta: J.O. Francisco bought the Enterprise from J.M. Elrod and is operating the paper in the Ware building on Main Street.

1904 November La Veta: John Kincaid's new residence is almost ready for occupancy.  Mr. Fey built the three-room house in such a way more rooms can be added when needed.

1904 November La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Denton are happy over the arrival of a ten-pound boy at their residence.

1904 November La Veta: Some more lost mine stories are floating around. One is supposed to be located up Echo canon and another one near Chapperel Falls.

1904 November La Veta: The "Hayseeds" suffered defeat at the hands of the town base ball team by a score of 36 to 12.

1904 November La Veta: The town baseball team played a pickup team last Sunday and won the game by a score of 37 to 32.

1904 November Walsenburg: Almost 4,000 votes were cast in Huerfano County.

1904 November Walsenburg: Editor W.C. Hunt went to Denver last night to purchase a new engine for this office. It takes considerable power to move the World.

1904 November Walsenburg: H.G. Lamme had a telephone installed in the company store at Hezron.

1904 November Walsenburg: Henry Gordon Junior bought the Walsen home on East Fifth Street.

1904 November Walsenburg: Martin Peyton, 59, was killed in the old Sweet mine south of town.

1904 November Walsenburg: Mr. Lamme had a telephone installed in the company store at Hezron.

1904 November Walsenburg: W.C. Hunt went to Denver last night to purchase a new engine for the newspaper office. It takes considerable power to move the World.

1904 December La Veta: A.H. Edmisten received word that his son Kelly had been injured and his leg amputated at Fort Collins.

1904 December La Veta: Butter and eggs are extremely scarce. The store-keepers are being compelled to ship in creamery butter.

1904 December La Veta: Cards are out announcing the marriage of John Kincaid and Edna Martin on Thursday, Dec. 22.

1904 December La Veta: Charles Tracy has been working at his "Lonesome" copper mine.

1904 December La Veta: Died, the baby of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lucero, the 12-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Martinez of typhoid and the baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Bruce of pneumonia.

1904 December La Veta: I.R. Voorhees now is cooking for the boys at Occidental switch. I.R. is a fine cook when it comes to sow belly, beans and molasses.

1904 December La Veta: J.O. Francisco has purchased a new collar and tie and says he is going to get married.

1904 December La Veta: Mrs. Samuel Gribble, 32, died suddenly at the boardinghouse in Occidental.

1904 December La Veta: The Baptist people held a Christmas social in the Kincaid opera house on Christmas Eve.

1904 December La Veta: The roof is being placed on John Strange's building and when covered, the second story will be ready for use before the ground floor is finished.

1904 December La Veta: Wanted-a young lady to assist in "sticking type" at this office. Apply at once. Knowledge of trade not necessary if willing to learn and stay with it.

1904 December Walsenburg: Chris Karst, a native of Switzerland and pioneer of the Apache district, died Sunday.

1904 December Walsenburg: F.E. Cowing was elected mayor pro-tem while Mayor Dick is attending the state legislature.

1904 December Walsenburg: Peter Furphy, 24, was run over and killed by a Colorado and Southern freight locomotive.

1904 December Walsenburg: Ralph Lamar Snodgrass and Lois Thompson were married Dec. 22 and Fred Coots and Bessie Caldwell wed on Christmas Day.

1904 December Walsenburg: The Eno Club will give a masquerade ball Christmas Eve at the Walsenburg Band's hall.

1904 December Walsenburg: The Sporleder Feed and Commission Company will move to the big warehouse opposite the Colorado and Southern railroad depot.

1904 December Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Military Band will give a New Year's Eve ball at the opera house.

1904 December Walsenburg: The, Methodist ladies will give an oyster supper at the home of Mrs. E.N. Sinsebaugh at Walsen Camp.

1905 January La Veta: A petition was submitted seeking a post office at Occidental camp.

1905 January La Veta: Dr. L.B. Roberts purchased the lots just west of Garren and Strange's warehouse on Francisco Street from John Stranger.

1905 January La Veta: F.M. Eggleston and two sons completed their contract at the Occidental mine by driving a 370 foot tunnel.

1905 January La Veta: For Sale: Pure Missouri Sorghum, 85 cents a gallon or in five gallon lots, 75 cents. See F.M. Kerr.

1905 January La Veta: Meredith Martin now has charge of the Gribble boardinghouse at Occidental mine with about 15 boarders.

1905 January La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Meredith and have moved into the Lester Martin building, next to J.M. Elrod's store, where they will Open a meat market.

1905 January La Veta: R.E. Roberts has purchased Alex McDonald's ranch four miles south of town with its good ditch and water rights, and Alex now owns Roberts' house in La Veta.

1905 January La Veta: The interior of the Advertiser office has just been papered. Come in and see how nice we look.

1905 January La Veta: The leap-year dance last Friday lasted until three o'clock in the morning.

1905 January La Veta: The Methodist ladies social and entertainment at the Opera House Wednesday netted them $19.

1905 January La Veta: The school children in the Sager district presented their teacher Miss Leslie with a six dollar fountain pen as a Christmas gift.

1905 January La Veta: The three-month-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Bruce died of pneumonia.

1905 January Walsenburg: About 150 people attended George Klein's birthday party.

1905 January Walsenburg: Arthur Brown and Charles Countrayman bought C.E. Smith's cafe on South Main Street and Smith bought Workman's furniture store.

1905 January Walsenburg: F.E. Cowing was elected mayor-pro-tem while Mayor Dick is attending the legislature.

1905 January Walsenburg: Jessie Caddell of Walsen Mines and Dale Jellison of Walsenburg were married Christmas Day.

1905 January Walsenburg: John Hoss sold the Eidlewild Restaurant to Ed Countrayman, who ran the Twin Lakes Hotel up until Christmas night when it was destroyed by fire.

1905 January Walsenburg: M.V. Cuccia opened a shoe repair shop next door to A. Bertolero on Main Street.

1905 January Walsenburg: N.C. Williams and Ella B. Farr were married yesterday by Rev. Wood.

1905 January Walsenburg: Pedro A. Garcia of Malachite and Maria de Jesus Vallejos, Walsenburg, were married the morning of Jan. 26.

1905 January Walsenburg: Professor George Bittrich organized some local Germans into the Walsenburg Liederkranz to learn and play songs of the Fatherland.

1905 January Walsenburg: The furniture for the new county courthouse is expected to be in place by the end of next week.

1905 January Walsenburg: The town should build a park at the site of the Twin Lakes Hotel, which burned down Christmas night, between the railroads on Main Street.

1905 January Walsenburg: The Women of Woodcraft will give their annual ball and oyster supper Feb. 3 in Mazzone's Hall, all for $1.50.

1905 January Walsenburg: Thursday was pay day at the Rouse mine and Friday and Saturday there was no work so the hunters invaded the hills for game.

1905 January Walsenburg: W.B. Wayt has purchased the old Yucca building and will remodel it into a store with rooms above.

1905 February La Veta: Dr. S.J. Lamme is now located in the Green building opposite the drug store on Main Street.

1905 February La Veta: E.V. Gibbons will move his stock of hardware into the Emerson building on the east side of main Street Monday. 

1905 February La Veta: For sale: Loose alfalfa, $7 per ton delivered. J.P. Erwin.

1905 February La Veta: Frank Smith, brother of Conductor Ellis Smith and S.L. Smith, is moving here from North Carolina.

1905 February La Veta: J.J. Bruce has installed a new system of lights in his saloon.

1905 February La Veta: Joe Kincaid is putting gas lighting in his store, the same type as in Stranger's store and Jap Bruce's saloon.

1905 February La Veta: Messrs. Baxter and Flockhart bought Mrs. Vories' forty acres on Middle Creek for $525.

1905 February La Veta: Ora S. Ash of Kansas has purchased the Silver Club Saloon in the La Veta Hotel from Sullivan and Pierce.

1905 February La Veta: Over 3,000 tons of ice have been shipped out and another 100 tons are stored in town.

1905 February La Veta: Peter Goemmer is removing his ranch house from its present location east of the butte to the north side near his father's home.

1905 February La Veta: The westbound passenger train got stuck in a snowdrift a half mile below town and another engine was dispatched to help.

1905 February La Veta: W.G. Gould traded his town property in the McComb Addition to W.J. Hill and in return Hill will build a 32 by 32 foot house on the Gould ranch on the upper Cucharas, with porches and other additions.

1905 February La Veta: Zeb Moore is removing his household property to his recently purchased property, formerly known as the Ritchey ranch.

1905 February Walsenburg: About 300 attended the Washington Birthday open house and exercises at the Methodist Church.

1905 February Walsenburg: F.I. Barron's barber shop now has two chairs and pool tables in the rear and bath tubs will be installed when water is available.

1905 February Walsenburg: Fred Klein is enlarging his bakery to include the candy his factory makes and will also add an ice cream department.

1905 February Walsenburg: H.D. Harrison has purchased the 60 by 110 foot lot with a foundation north of Harry Gordon on South Main and will build a six-room brick house there this summer.

1905 February Walsenburg: Manuel Mestas, an employee of the company store at Santa Clara, married Patracenia Garcia, daughter of J.R. Garcia, the weigh boss.

1905 February Walsenburg: The dance in the new courthouse last night was a great success with County Assessor P.L. Sanchez doing the honors for the other officials, who were not present.

1905 February Walsenburg: The Methodist Church will be open all day for George Washington's birthday and will have a special patriotic program in the evening.

1905 February Walsenburg: There are 538 enrolled in the public schools, which includes 30 in the high school.

1905 February Walsenburg: There are 538 enrolled in Walsenburg schools, of whom 30 are in the high school.    

1905 February Walsenburg: W.S. Wilson purchased the Wilford Rahn ranch. Another cage ready for a bird.

1905 February Walsenburg: Walsenburg had a touch of back-east weather last weekend when the thermometer reached 18 below zero.

1905 March La Veta: An automobile caused some sensation in this neck of the woods last Monday.

1905 March La Veta: An automobile caused some sensation in this neck of the woods last Monday.

1905 March La Veta: C.W. Wiedeman bought Lawton's grocery store on the corner of Francisco and Main and there is some talk he will be opening a bank.

1905 March La Veta: C.W. Wiedeman bought the Lawton grocery store building for $650 and Edwin L. Smith bought the stock.

1905 March La Veta: Dr. S.J. Lamme was called to the Occidental mine to treat Emory Brown who broke three ribs in a 30-foot fall down a man-hole.

1905 March La Veta: Dr. S.J. Lamme was called to the Occidental mine to treat Emory Brown who broke three ribs in a 30-foot fall down a man-hole.

1905 March La Veta: Ernest Eggleston was injured in an accident on the Bald Mountain Railway.

1905 March La Veta: Frank Hayes' new creamery is producing about 45 pounds of butter weekly.

1905 March La Veta: J.P. Stranger has moved into his new store building and has the hall upstairs open too.

1905 March La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Smith of Alamosa bought the L.A. Drum ranch.

1905 March La Veta: Mr. Elley bought the Will Bruce ranch and is now building a good house on it.

1905 March La Veta: Ora L. Ash is proprietor of the Silver Club Saloon next door to the La Veta Hotel.

1905 March La Veta: The local fire department have [sic] purchased an extension ladder and two axes. This is a good beginning for complete fire equipment.

1905 March La Veta: The new "gasolene" lights have been installed in the drugstore this week and were already placed in the Columbine Saloon, La Veta Hotel and Kincaid's and Stranger's stores.

1905 March La Veta: There are 267 people registered to vote in the town election.

1905 March Walsenburg: A new crosswalk has been laid from Gordon and Firm's saloon to the post office.

1905 March Walsenburg: A new crosswalk has been laid from the post office to Gordon and Firm's saloon but this doesn't mean that the postmaster will ask you to "have something" every time you go for the mail.

1905 March Walsenburg: Editor and Mrs. W.C. Hunt returned home Sunday from their wedding trip west.

1905 March Walsenburg: H.D. Harrison will build a brick house on his lots north of the Harry Gordon place on South Main.

1905 March Walsenburg: Maria Eulalia Pino, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Juan N. Pino, married Moises E. Martinez son of Mr. and Mrs. Jose C. Martinez.

1905 March Walsenburg: Messrs. East and Richardi have started the King Buck Cigar Factory.

1905 March Walsenburg: The colored Baptist people have organized a Sunday school for Walsenburg and the camps.

1905 March Walsenburg: The new floor at the Sharpsdale schoolhouse will be tested this week with a dance and oyster supper.

1905 March Walsenburg: Town Council passed an ordinance vacating Albert Street between Fourth and Fifth Streets.

1905 April La Veta: Alex Mauldin purchased the old Krier property on Main Street from C.M. Green and will move his lunch counter there.

1905 April La Veta: D.T. Whitlock resigned his position as principal two weeks before the end of the school term.

1905 April La Veta: Died, Harrison Clifford, 16 and Henry Larson, 20, both of pneumonia.

1905 April La Veta: Felix Estes bought the Will Smith house opposite the school house and will move it to another lot, build an addition and rent it out.

1905 April La Veta: J.M. Elrod moved The Enterprise back to its old home.

1905 April La Veta: The Enterprise again disappeared from the field of action last week and so did its new proprietor. J.M. Elrod moved the press and outfit back to its old home.

1905 April La Veta: The Enterprise again disappeared from the field of action last week and so did its new proprietor. J.M. Elrod moved the press and outfit back to its old home.

1905 April La Veta: The Occidental mine closed for two weeks while they were installing new screens and track scales.

1905 April La Veta: The public school will close the current term in about two weeks.

1905 April Walsenburg: A lot consisting of 150 late style walking skirts in mohair, panamas and fancy mixtures worth $6.50 to $8, on sale at Bernstein's for $4.85.

1905 April Walsenburg: A Walsenburg ball team composed of carpenters, bricklayers and hodcarriers will meet the Maitland mine team Sunday at the baseball grounds near the D&RG depot.

1905 April Walsenburg: Four prisoners in the county jail dug their way through the stone wall to liberty with their only tool being a common stove poker.

1905 April Walsenburg: French Plat Vallencines laces, 10-25¢, at S. Harris' store.

1905 April Walsenburg: Joshua Morris bought Dr. Chapman's 1,400 acre place, better known as the old John Brown ranch, in Mauverita Canon for $5,700.

1905 April Walsenburg: President Roosevelt's special train will pass through Walsenburg today at 3:25 and will stop at the C&S depot for three minutes.

1905 April Walsenburg: There was a mass meeting at the court house to discuss the laying of a sewer system with rates to be $1 a month for houses of six rooms or less and 10¢ a month for each additional room. Taps will cost $10.

1905 May La Veta: Dr. Roberts sold his home on Main Street to P.L. Estes so A. Lindsay can live there and be close to the drugstore.

1905 May La Veta: Governor McDonald approved House Bill No. 152 regulating the use of explosives on the Fourth of July - the Lord be praised that some restriction is at last to be placed on the idiotic use of these dangerous toys.

1905 May La Veta: Mrs. O.D. Staplin bought Mrs. Daigre's lots opposite the Methodist Church on Francisco Street and will build a new residence immediately.

1905 May La Veta: Somebody has certainly made a mistake somewhere - the middle of May does not jibe with bare trees, snowstorms, winds and ice.

1905 May La Veta: The new fire bell was installed on the tower in the rear of Masonic Hall.

1905 May La Veta: The school board engaged A.R. Kent, principal, Ada Armstrong, upper room, Gertrude Campbell, intermediate and Miss Gibson, primary, for the next term.

1905 May La Veta: W.S. Kimsey moved into the Francisco adobe house on the corner of Birch and Francisco streets.

1905 May Walsenburg: E.A. Lidle and Son had one of the latest things in awnings erected in front of their place of business.

1905 May Walsenburg: Late springs are the usual thing here but the present season beats the record; farmers have hardly started planting and gardening is almost out of the question.

1905 May Walsenburg: The curfew bell will be rung on Monday, May 15, at 9 p.m. and each night thereafter until further notice - V.C. Wolf, town marshal.

1905 May Walsenburg: The lack of water will be considered before any Fourth of July celebration can be planned.

1905 May Walsenburg: The Pictou mine has been closed while efforts are made to flood the fire in the sixth south entry.

1905 May Walsenburg: The Pinion Supply Company has been incorporated with directors James B. Dick and William Dick of Dick Brothers Mercantile and John Kirkpatrick of Primrose.

1905 May Walsenburg: The public school children celebrated Arbor Day by planting nine trees at the school yards.

1905 May Walsenburg: The sixth south entry at Pictou mine was flooded in an attempt to stop the fire raging within.

1905 May Walsenburg: The work of tapping the water mains was begun yesterday and soon that glorious aquatic liquid will be at our beck and call.

1905 June La Veta: Alex Mauldin pulled down the porch in front of his store building [on the east side of Main Street], trimmed the trees and generally repaired the structure.

1905 June La Veta: Andrew Denton killed a splendid cinnamon bear near his ranch on Echo Creek and sold the meat around town. Dr. S.J. Lamme bought the hide for $15.

1905 June La Veta: J.G. Hamilton and S.J. Capps have been in Rocky Ford trying to obtain some fish with which to stock their lakes.

1905 June La Veta: James Kimsey came over from Silverton this week bringing a pretty sorrel race horse for his brother-in-law J.J. Bruce.

1905 June La Veta: Jessie Alberta Foote and Fred R. Donegan were married.

1905 June La Veta: Over sixty people attended the Presbyterian Sunday School picnic at Sulphur Springs Thursday.

1905 June La Veta: There are now over 50 taps to the town water mains with G.F. Estes' new property and the old Ryus house the latest to be connected.

1905 June La Veta: W.H. Gould has built a new home on his ranch on the upper Cucharas.

1905 June La Veta: Walter Powell and Josephine Harris were married.

1905 June La Veta: William Fey has the contract to build a stone residence for J.J. Bruce on his lots he purchased from Mrs. Daigre at the corner of Oak and Francisco.

1905 June Walsenburg: Advertisement - Alp. Chatin, Walsenburg Paint Shop, East Sixth Street.

1905 June Walsenburg: Bob Moore is proprietor of the store occupying the John Brown building.

1905 June Walsenburg: Died at Dawson, NM, Frank Furphy, 25, the son of John Furphy.

1905 June Walsenburg: East and Ricardi are proprietors of the King Buck Cigar Factory.

1905 June Walsenburg: Married: William Tressell and Clara Mary Mazzone; Alva Neely and Clara McIntire; Thomas Caddell and Margaret McCune.

1905 July La Veta: A corps of engineers from Pueblo are surveying for a wye on the west side of the section house.

1905 July La Veta: Another children's fair will be held July 29, this one on C.L. Martin's lawn and children are to display flowers, curios, heirlooms, etc.

1905 July La Veta: Dr. S.J. Lamme announced he will build an office and residence at the corner of Field and Main.

1905 July La Veta: Dr. S.J. Lamme got an X-ray machine for his office.

1905 July La Veta: The children's fair at Dr. Emerson's was an interesting event and the 60 participants enjoyed a fine sunny day.

1905 July La Veta: We are informed that the names of those parties who hauled off an engine from the Bull's Eye mine on West Peak, are known, and there will be a job for the sheriff before long.

1905 July La Veta: William Kimsey has been filling in the position of marshal for a few days this week.

1905 July Walsenburg: A break in the town ditch flooded the D&RG yards and West Fifth Street.

1905 July Walsenburg: A break in the town ditch flooded the Denver and Rio Grande railroad yards as well as West Fifth Street.

1905 July Walsenburg: Baxter and Kearns Hardware won the prize for having the best Fourth of July window decorations.

1905 July Walsenburg: If you want to enjoy yourself get up at five a.m. and join Rev. Gaston, Ernst, Ruth and R.L. Snodgrass in a game of tennis on the schoolhouse grounds.

1905 July Walsenburg: It is time La Veta and Walsenburg got together for the good of the county. Let us stop knocking each other and be more neighborly.

1905 July Walsenburg: John Kirkpatrick is the manager of the Pinon Supply Company of Rocky Mountain Fuel Company at Consolidated and Rocky Mountain camps.

1905 July Walsenburg: Some parties lacking in public spirited pride have been driving across the new side walk in front of the school house and breaking it up.

1905 July Walsenburg: William Whiles, father of Superintendent Ernest H. Whiles, was killed in the Rocky Mountain mine.

1905 August La Veta: E.P. Henderson has leased the Mauldin restaurant.

1905 August La Veta: F. M. Beckwith is going into business in the Foote building on Ryus Avenue.

1905 August La Veta: For the next two weeks, W.P. Powell will be in charge of the newspaper office while the editor takes a well earned vacation.

1905 August La Veta: Kelly Edmisten underwent another operation on his leg and while he is doing as well as could be expected, his artificial limb gives him some trouble.

1905 August La Veta: M.M. Mulvihill was struck by lightning Monday while working at Francisco switch but prompt medical attention saved him.

1905 August La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Strange gave a reception at their home on Virginia Street with about 100 guests attending to bid Mr. and Mrs. Julius Krueger God's speed before they move to Boulder.

1905 August La Veta: Mrs. L.B. Pitman is superintending a boarding house for the Mountain View Mining Company on Grayback Mountain where her husband holds a position with the company.

1905 August Walsenburg: Dick Tierney was struck and killed by the C&S northbound passenger Saturday at Winchell siding south of town.

1905 August Walsenburg: Four prisoners dug their way through the wall and escaped from the county jail.

1905 August Walsenburg: Frank Nizzi bought the Campbell building at the corner of Sixth Street, formerly Alex Campbell's undertaking parlor, from George Dick for $800 and will open a steam laundry.

1905 August Walsenburg: The John F. Stowe mammoth waterproof tents will be here for one show of Uncle Tom's Cabin Aug. 21 with the famous military band.

1905 August Walsenburg: The ladies of the Methodist Guild will have a fried chicken supper, with biscuits, gravy, etc., Aug. 24 in the Workman building.

1905 August Walsenburg: Two men were shot in the Pryor saloon by a man who was arguing over a roulette game.

1905 August Walsenburg: Victor Mazzone will give away free one year of instruction in a music correspondence school with any purchase of a $1.50 musical instrument.

1905 August Walsenburg: Zuelia Concert Company will be at the opera house Aug. 20-26. Admission 10¢ and 20¢.

1905 September La Veta: A Mr. Andrus opened the Sample Shoe Store in the Mauldin block.

1905 September La Veta: Benton Vories is working for C.L. Martin at the meat market.

1905 September La Veta: Elmer Craig, 19, died of typhoid fever.

1905 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Stranger entertained about 40 guests in their new hall Monday, having invited nearly all the card players in town.

1905 September La Veta: The new stone building on the corner of Oak and Francisco Streets is being built for Jasper Bruce Sr.

1905 September La Veta: The new stone house which is being built by Jasper Bruce Sr. at the corner of Oak and Francisco will soon be completed.

1905 September La Veta: The new wye in the railroad yards was completed early this week.

1905 September La Veta: The school board has ordered no children under age six may attend public school as it is contrary to state law and the school is already overcrowded.

1905 September La Veta: The wye in the railroad yards was completed yesterday and, we understand, it will carry any size of engine.

1905 September La Veta: William Danks' team became frightened by the Lawton's automobile near the flour mill and took a spin to the eastern part of town.

1905 September La Veta: William Fey is building a stone house for Tony Ariano at Three Bridges.

1905 September Walsenburg: A heavy frost Sept. 18 ended good old summer.

1905 September Walsenburg: All barbershops will be closed on Sundays after Sept. 24. On Friday we will close at 9 p.m. and on Saturday 12 midnight. Signed, P.S. Brown, Charles Martin, F.I. Barron.

1905 September Walsenburg: For sale - Columbia cylinder graphophone with handsome case and over 100 records - $20.

1905 September Walsenburg: Henry Gordon is now the sole owner of the Clipper Saloon after buying out his partner James Firm's interest.

1905 September Walsenburg: Married last Saturday at St. Mary Catholic Church were Jose Ambricio Martinez and Miss Magdalena Valdes.

1905 September Walsenburg: Street Commissioner V.C. Wolf is using a mixture of adobe and cinders to fill the low places in the streets.

1905 September Walsenburg: Street Commissioner V.C. Wolfe is packing the streets with a mixture of adobe and cinders.

1905 September Walsenburg: The C&S has tapped into the town water works, which will cost them $150 a month and assures the success of the system financially.

1905 September Walsenburg: The Presbyterian Sunday school will have a picnic in the grove just west of town.

1905 September Walsenburg: The Presbyterian Sunday school will have a picnic in the grove just West of town.

1905 September Walsenburg: The Walsenburg young ladies have started a secret society called the O.O.F. Society.

1905 September Walsenburg: Uniform text books received for use by Superintendent Frank Mead are for sale at the Post Office Book Store.

1905 September: The Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church will have a home cooking sale Sept. 30 in the Workman building.

1905 October La Veta: A wedding is reported to have occurred in this vicinity but has not been corroborated. Another one is also said to be coming off in the near future, but Dame Rumor cannot be relied on around La Veta.

1905 October La Veta: A wedding is reported to have occurred last week but as it has not so far been corroborated, we keep mum. Another is said to be coming off in the near future, but Dame Rumor cannot be relied upon round La Veta.

1905 October La Veta: Albert Mayes of Texas bought some land up around the lakes at the source of the Cucharas. He will stock fish, have a fish hatchery and build a good road and hotel.

1905 October La Veta: Dr. Wilkinson has returned and reopened his dentistry office.

1905 October La Veta: Mrs. W.T. Holmes entertained a few ladies with razzle-dazzle or the "go way back and sit down" game last Saturday afternoon.

1905 October La Veta: Some good sized pears in the post office window raised by Loren Dye prove even this fruit may be raised profitably at this altitude.

1905 October La Veta: That 18 trains were handled at this point within 24 hours shows the immense business being done on the Denver and Rio Grande of late. 

1905 October La Veta: The regular meeting of the town trustees was held at the residence of Mayor Bemen Tuesday night, when a tax of 10 mills was levied for the ensuing year.

1905 October La Veta:  Joe Kincaid is running a bran [sic] new yellow wheeled delivery wagon and also purchased a new show case.

1905 October La Veta:  Mrs. W.T. Holmes entertained a few ladies with razzle-dazzle or the "go 'way back and sit down" game last Saturday afternoon.

1905 October Walsenburg: Ed Carver sold his dairy to M.H. Rahn.

1905 October Walsenburg: J.B. Farr is having his Main Street stone store building repainted.

1905 October Walsenburg: The Vigil Mercantile Company is chartered to do business at North Veta. M.A. Vigil is president; F.M. Vigil, vice president and J.D.D. Vigil, secretary and manager.

1905 Nov. 14: Consolidated post office, established some time ago at Rocky Mountain and Consolidated mines, will now be changed to McGuire post office. This is the second post office to be established this year between Maitland and St. Mary, the first being Strong. Walsenburg World

1905 November La Veta: Born, sons to Alex Kirby Nov. 14 and to R.A. Payne Nov. 15.

1905 November La Veta: Conditions have changed in every way since the days when children were told they "should be seen and not heard," say, 30 years ago.

1905 November La Veta: Dr. Wilkinson is extending his building on Francisco Street towards the south and making other improvements.

1905 November La Veta: Moving pictures in color will be shown at the Opera House Sunday.

1905 November La Veta: Oliver Bemen and his son Louis entertained about eight other bachelors with an oyster dinner Sunday evening.

1905 November La Veta: Shipments of sheep through this point have been averaging 15 cars daily and coyotes enter town nightly for any dead ones thrown out.

1905 November La Veta: The old ice house at Main and Ryus was torn down because it was an eyesore across from Kincaid's substantial new brick building.

1905 November La Veta: The Presbyterians bought a gasolene [sic] lamp with part of the proceeds from their supper last week.

1905 November La Veta: The town treasurer reports $169.89 on hand in the town treasury after paying $85.24 of the bills presented.

1905 November Walsenburg: $10,000 is to be expended to build a new school house since the school board has been renting the lower floor of Pythian Hall for three years due to overcrowding.

1905 November Walsenburg: A fire destroyed the barn at the old Alex Campbell farm and would have consumed the schoolhouse if not for immediate help.

1905 November Walsenburg: Charles Scott just finished a unique and commodious six-room dwelling on Capitol Hill, valued at $1,500.

1905 November Walsenburg: Dave Ferguson was killed by a fall of rock Tuesday in the Rugby mine and was buried with his brother and child in the Walsenburg Masonic Cemetery.

1905 November Walsenburg: Dave Ferguson was killed by a fall of rock Tuesday in the Rugby mine and was buried with his brother and child in Walsenburg Masonic Cemetery.

1905 November Walsenburg: Give the new Eidlewild restaurant a trial. Everything first class. Located in the Workman building.

1905 November Walsenburg: Several hundred dollars worth of property was destroyed on Halloween with signs maliciously torn down and outhouses overturned and demolished.

1905 November Walsenburg: The businessmen of town formed a chamber of commerce with Paul Frolich president and Fred Unfug secretary.

1905 November Walsenburg: The camp at Strong now has about 50 children enrolled in the Maitland school and needs a district of its own.

1905 November Walsenburg: The Eidelwild Restaurant is now open and ready for business in the Workman building.  

1905 November Walsenburg: The enrollment of our schools has reached 554, 208 of whom are in the Knights of Pythias Hall with just two teachers.

1905 November Walsenburg: The Rock Island railroad has the right of way across Mosca Pass and would develop it if there is indeed copper ore to ship from the Gardner area.

1905 November Walsenburg: W.A. Rannells of the Copper Bull Mining and Smelting Company showed us some ore assaying 40 percent copper and 30 percent lime, the latter worth $6 a ton for fluxing.

1905 November Walsenburg: We noticed a wagon load of beer kegs at the residence of Rev. Wood the other morning. We would not have mentioned this if it were not that we feel slighted that we were not invited.

1905 December La Veta: E.E. Austin bought the blacksmith shop that stood west of John Stranger's and moved it to Main Street across from the Baptist Church.

1905 December La Veta: F.M. Beckwith has closed up his bakery and lunch room and will take a position with the Mountain View Mining Company at Placer for the winter.

1905 December La Veta: F.M. Beckwith is closing his bakery and lunch counter in the Foote building and leaving town.

1905 December La Veta: F.W. Jaques has sold what is termed "the lost mine" to S.H. Springer and Captain Barker.

1905 December La Veta: J.E. Marker is renting Charles Boyd's blacksmith on Francisco.

1905 December La Veta: J.P. Stranger bought Lot 1, Block 2, so now owns all the property between his store and the corner of Oak Street.

1905 December La Veta: Judging from the number of loads of furniture which have passed up the street from the depot, the new Elkhorn Furniture Store will be well stocked.

1905 December La Veta: Proceedings are being instituted against the party who left a team hitched in town from noon Tuesday until nine o'clock the following morning.

1905 December La Veta: Thanksgiving Day was cold and windy, the stores closed in the afternoon and most people enjoyed a good dinner.

1905 December La Veta: Turkeys are selling for twenty cents a pound. There's money in them at that price.

1905 December La Veta: We are glad to notice Miss Alice Fielden is able to be around after an eight-week siege of typhoid fever.

1905 December La Veta: William H. Woodruff is going back into the bakery business.

1905 December La Veta: Woodmen of the World will have a Christmas Tree at 2 p.m. Christmas Day in Kincaid Hall, for children only.

1905 December Walsenburg: J.P. Kearns' corner building at Main and Fifth was sold to George Dick and the Pinon Supply Company will occupy it with the Walsenburg Investment Company.

1905 December Walsenburg: More than twice the number of signatures needed were obtained to ask District No. 4 school board to set a special election for bonding for the new school house.

1905 December Walsenburg: Sheriff Farr arrested 15 of the KKK members who whipped and hung John W. Leonard at Mrs. Baker's boardinghouse at the Occidental mine last week.

1905 December Walsenburg: The Twin Lakes Hotel was completely destroyed by fire about midnight Christmas night  though some of the furniture on the lower floor was saved.

1905 December Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Foundry and Machine Shop was incorporated by Fred Roof, J.B. Farr, George Fruth, J.J. Pritchard, James Autrey, Adolph Unfug and Ernst Ruth and they will build a shop on West Fifth near the light plant.

1905 December Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Foundry and Machine Shops was incorporated by F.O. Roof, J.B. Farr, George Fruth, J.J. Pritchard, James Autrey, Adolph Unfug and Ernest Roof.

1905 December Walsenburg: Undersheriff MacQuarrie made a record breaking trip to Malachite, leaving at 9 a.m. and was back unhitching his horse at 6:30 p.m.

1905 December Walsenburg: William Springer Jr. was incarcerated after shooting up the camp at Milo Strong's coal mine.

1906 January La Veta: A brilliant affair was held by La Veta Lodge No. 59 AF & AM in honor of the payment of the last note on their hall.

1906 January La Veta: Green Bruce and Al Coleman are taking copper out of their Lonesome Mine.

1906 January La Veta: Luther Kerby has sold his residence on the west side of Francisco, near the creek, to George Bruce.

1906 January La Veta: Mrs. Ellis Smith and son Oscar came over from Alamosa and bought out the unexpired lease on their ranch from L.A. Drum, who will move his family into their residence in town.

1906 January La Veta: Mrs. Louise Champlin has opened a 24-hour cafe in the Foote building on West Ryus.

1906 January La Veta: Springer and Barker bought what is known as the old Spanish Mine near Rough Mountain and are developing it.

1906 January La Veta:  Ice cutting will start Tuesday.  It is now about 12 inches thick.

1906 January Walsenburg: Charles Countrayman married Lena Louise Evans on New Year's Day.

1906 January Walsenburg: Citizens in School District #4, Walsenburg, met and voted to bond the district for $12,000 for a new school house.

1906 January Walsenburg: Grading has started on the court house lawn and park to beautify it come spring.

1906 January Walsenburg: The Allen Webb Amusement Company with up-to-date Moving Picture and Illustrated Songs will be at the Opera House Jan. 11.

1906 January Walsenburg: Surveyor Walter Houser staked out the corners of a 10,600 acre oil claim near Gardner between Williams Creek and the Muddy for a company of New York and Boston bankers.

1906 January Walsenburg: The Allen Webb Amusement Company with up-to-date Moving Picture and Illustrated Songs will be at the Opera House Jan. 11.

1906 January Walsenburg: The heavy winds Friday blew the roof off the new dwelling house belonging to Harry Scott.

1906 January Walsenburg: The Santa Clara country received just 10 inches of snow last month, compared to 23½ inches in December 1904.

1906 January Walsenburg: The voters in School District #4 approved a bond of $12,000 to build a new school house in Walsenburg.

1906 January Walsenburg: Town Board ordered the opening of the alleys running parallel to Main Street from First to the river, on both sides of Main.

1906 February La Veta: A carload of young Hereford steers raised by the Goemmer Brothers was awarded first prize at the stock show in Denver.

1906 February La Veta: About 35 students attended the high school card party, recitation and games at the Hill residence Friday sponsored evening by the sophomore class.

1906 February La Veta: Jasper Kerby leased the railroad land east of the lumber yard to build a livery stable.

1906 February La Veta: John Kincaid bought a business in Oceanside, CA and does not intend to return here.

1906 February La Veta: The Union High School is now provided with a forty dollar microscope. The pupils will therefore soon be full of bug lore.

1906 February La Veta: We understand Messrs. Mack and Powell are getting a carload of lumber out of their sawmill for Contractor Wayt of Walsenburg.

1906 February Walsenburg: A disaster in the old Sunshine mine claimed the lives of William Moran, Archie Miller, Natale Nizzi, Natale Ore, James Teeters, Pete Divisio, S. Lobana and Dominic Lezeni.

1906 February Walsenburg: A new tower window is being put in at the Methodist Church to replace the one broken in last week's windstorm.

1906 February Walsenburg: Alfonso Valdez, for the past two and a half years driver for the Colorado Supply Company Store at Walsen camp, has been promoted to grocery clerk at the same place.

1906 February Walsenburg: Died, at Denver, Thursday, Feb. 15, Fred Walsen, founder of this city.

1906 February Walsenburg: Meteorologist David Morris says our precipitation in the past year was 32.44 inches in Walsenburg.

1906 February Walsenburg: The mild weather of the past two weeks has melted nearly all the ice out of the creeks and lakes, something quite unusual at this time of year.

1906 February Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Foundry and Manufacturing Company opened last Thursday.

1906 February Walsenburg: There are 603 enrolled in Walsenburg public schools compared to 574 at the end of last year.

1906 February Walsenburg: There were 28 cases of tardiness last month of the 603 enrolled in Walsenburg schools.

1906 March La Veta: A new public library has been opened in the  home of W.J. Hill.

1906 March La Veta: An ordinance restricting the erection of combustible buildings in certain parts of town has been passed and in future we may hope to see an improvement in the business section of town.

1906 March La Veta: Blanco Rebecca Lodge No. 112 was organized Thursday evening with 19 new members and three who will transfer from Walsenburg.

1906 March La Veta: Farm hands seem to be getting scarcer year by year.

1906 March La Veta: It was discovered that William Wise, the La Veta Bar thief, was also guilty of dynamiting Mrs. Baker's boardinghouse at Occidental some time ago.

1906 March La Veta: J.P. Erwin and family left Wednesday for the Greeley district to make their home.

1906 March La Veta: James Nuttall is putting a nice iron fence around his property on Ryus Avenue. The fence cost him over $100 but should last 100 years.

1906 March La Veta: James Nuttall is putting a nice iron fence around his property on Ryus Avenue. The fence cost him over $100 but should last 100 years.

1906 March La Veta: Lawrence Kreutzer has purchased the south half of J.C. Hamilton's ranch, that part lying opposite the Petrie place.

1906 March La Veta: Miss Florence Gibson will teach the Wahatoya district this summer and Prof. Kent the Ritter school.

1906 March La Veta: The board of registration reports 224 names down as legal voters for the spring election.

1906 March La Veta: The election Tuesday waged one of the hardest contested in many years, with I.R. Voorhees defeating E.L. Smith 104-87 for the mayoral chair.

1906 March La Veta: There are 224 voters registered for the town election.

1906 March La Veta: William Ware, the man who dynamited Mrs. Baker's boardinghouse at the Occidental mine, was apprehended in Kansas.

1906 March Walsenburg: Dr. Lester is building a six room brick residence across Fifth Street from the World office.

1906 March Walsenburg: In the matched race Sunday the Zorgdrager horse won and Jasper Bruce was out just $100 and the expense of his trip.

1906 March Walsenburg: Jesse Roche Jr. was blown off the frame of a new house he is building on Colorado Avenue yesterday when a regular Kansas blizzard visited Walsenburg.

1906 March Walsenburg: Joe Monnie added a second team and wagon to his express business.

1906 March Walsenburg: Married Feb. 27, Guerino Sisti of Pictou and Mary Feiranti of Walsen mines.

1906 March Walsenburg: Mr. Abercrombie was fined $10 for leaving his horses hitched to a post during a blizzard.

1906 March Walsenburg: Omar E. Garwood is the new attorney to replace Hon. Henry Hunter when the latter takes the bench.

1906 March Walsenburg: The Gardner public school closed March 21 for the summer.

1906 March Walsenburg: The street commissioner is deepening the town ditch to avoid the floods down Main Street.

1906 March Walsenburg: Thirty more rooms will be added to the Klein Hotel and steam heat installed. George Klein is taking over management with the retirement of Henry Klein and his wife.

1906 March Walsenburg: Town Board has an ordinance to prohibit more saloons and to restrict all saloons to the blocks where they are now located.

1906 Apr. 6: The Great Western Land and Investment Company was incorporated to buy and sell real estate in Walsenburg. Incorporators were J.B. Farr, Adolph Unfug, and T.D. Baird. Other directors are Charles Hayden, E.L. Trounstine, R.L. Snodgrass and W.C. Hunt. The company has purchased the majority of the lots in Tourist City Townsite and Tourist City Addition. Walsenburg World

1906 April Walsenburg: Town Board discussed extending the water mains on Fifth Street and constructing pilings at the Cucharas Bridge to protect it from flooding.

1906 April La Veta: A gang is constructing a ditch from the North Fork to what is known as North Lake, where a large reservoir is to be located for the city of Trinidad.

1906 April La Veta: A subscription is being raised in town to send relief to the starving Japanese.

1906 April La Veta: B.L. Smith struck a four foot vein of coal on the Charles Palmer land north of the Middle Creek school house.

1906 April La Veta: B.L. Smith struck a four foot vein of coal on the Charles Palmer land north of the Middle Creek school house.

1906 April La Veta: Ellis Smith will remove his house on his ranch to a more desirable location nearer the creek.

1906 April La Veta: Harriet Staplin died and was buried with her husband O.D. in the vault on their old ranch on the Wahatoya. They came to La Veta in 1879.

1906 April La Veta: Jasper Kerby's new livery stable is beginning to take shape.

1906 April La Veta: Kid Welch discovered a lead of high grade copper ore in the copper belt west of town in the foothills.

1906 April La Veta: Kid Welch discovered a lead of high grade copper ore in the copper belt west of town in the foothills.

1906 April La Veta: The monster Engine No. 925 got off the track here Tuesday and was not righted until noon the next day.

1906 April La Veta: W.T. Holmes had the misfortune to crush two fingers quite badly while unloading a vinegar barrel.

1906 April Walsenburg: Died, August Chatin, 58, a native of France who has operated a blacksmithing business here for 15 years. He leaves a wife four children and two brothers.

1906 April Walsenburg: Garden hoses repaired at R.E. Peerce's Bicycle Shop.

1906 April Walsenburg: Great Western Land and Investment Company was incorporated by J.B. Farr, Adolph Unfug and T.D. Baird, to buy and sell real estate.

1906 April Walsenburg: Henry Gordon has taken over the saloon business he formerly operated with J.P. Firm.

1906 April Walsenburg: One in every three coffee users has some form of incipient or chronic disease - drink Postum.

1906 April Walsenburg: Property owners in the Tourist City addition are petitioning for annexation.

1906 April Walsenburg: The Fuel Company is putting in a new tipple at the Robinson mine which will increase output.

1906 April Walsenburg: The new Town Board appointed C. V. Mazzone, clerk; Silvario Martinez, sheriff; V.C. Wolf, street commissioner; and Dr. P.P. Lester, health officer.

1906 April Walsenburg: The old depot at Walsenburg Junction was destroyed by fire.

1906 April Walsenburg: Wanted: Plain or fancy sewing; call on Mrs. Barr at the half rock house, northwest of the Denver and Rio Grande depot.

1906 May La Veta: B.L. Smith struck an eight foot vein of coal east of Occidental in McCormick Canon.

1906 May La Veta: Charles Ross was in town visiting. Charlie used to have a store in the building now occupied by Edwin L. Smith.

1906 May La Veta: For sale: a very desirable five room brick residence, in a good location on a 125 by 150 foot lot. Enquire at this office.

1906 May La Veta: J.M. Elrod tore down the small store on Main Street next to his present store so he can erect a large brick building on the corner.

1906 May La Veta: Miss Mabel Luther has commenced teaching in the Middle Creek district and R. Fuzzell will open another school higher up in the district in about two weeks.

1906 May La Veta: Mrs. J.M. Boyd, D.D.S., has opened a dentistry office in the Mauldin block.

1906 May La Veta: Parties are requested not to drive through my ranch on the Wahatoya and use it as a public highway. /s/J.E. Marker.

1906 May La Veta: Robert Flockhart bought the Baxter/Flockhart ranch on Middle Creek.

1906 May La Veta: Town Board ordered that the old well at the corner of Ryus and Main be filled up,

1906 May Walsenburg: Charley Allen's colt was arrested Wednesday morning for loitering on Main Street.

1906 May Walsenburg: Ed Trounstine was toastmaster at the Business Mans' Association smoker.

1906 May Walsenburg: J.P. Kine will open a blacksmith shop in the old Chatin building on West Sixth Street next week.

1906 May Walsenburg: Joe Rik won the contract to build a foundation under the Spring Canon school house and build a coal house. 1909: The Huerfano County High School Athletic Association closed this year's business with $7 in the treasury.

1906 May Walsenburg: Mr. W.T. Sharp of Malachite purchased the registered Hereford bull "Topgallant," No. 225295, from Mr. Capps.

1906 May Walsenburg: The Great Western Land and Investment Company gave six lots at the southwest corner of Indiana and Tyler for the new school under construction on Indiana.

1906 May Walsenburg: The school board at Pictou have re-employed the whole corpse [sic] of teachers for another ear.

1906 May Walsenburg: The school children of Spring Valley will decorate the grave of Comrade Sours at the Thomas Rogers Cemetery on May 30, and other graves there.

1906 May Walsenburg: Those desiring Sunday dinners at the Klein Hotel are respectfully asked to notify the management in advance.

1906 June La Veta: A tent show was enjoyed in town last week.

1906 June La Veta: C.L. Martin's team ran off with a load of hay and scattered bales every where. The horses were last seen heading for the open country down Ryus Avenue.

1906 June La Veta: Fly Time is beginning and there are all kinds of Screen Doors on hand at the Lumber Yard.

1906 June La Veta: H.M. Stockwell, new owner of the La Veta Bank, arrived from Nebraska last week with his wife and two daughters.

1906 June La Veta: John Gribble, 30, was killed in a hunting accident.

1906 June La Veta: Oliver Bemen married Alice Daigre and L.H. Bemen married Cora M. Vandevanter.

1906 June La Veta: P.L. Estes bought the west end of Lots 25 and 26 next to the drug store.

1906 June La Veta: Plans for the July 4 celebration include bike races; log sawing; greased pig; sack, egg, girls and three legged races; and a hose cart competition.

1906 June La Veta: R.E. Roberts is finishing the contract on the county road over old La Veta Pass, which follows the old narrow gauge railroad grade.

1906 June Walsenburg: A slight breeze on Tuesday night caved in one of the windows at the Clipper Saloon.

1906 June Walsenburg: At present the County High School will occupy two rooms of the new school being erected on Capitol Hill.

1906 June Walsenburg: No, Willie! A lad who has a stepfather is not a stepladder.

1906 June Walsenburg: The fact that Walsenburg is having no celebration this year has led the boys to believe every day is the Fourth of July and firecrackers are popping merrily every day and night.

1906 June Walsenburg: The library secured through the efforts of the ladies of the Saturday club will be open in the town hall on Saturday, June 16 from 10 to 12 o'clock.

1906 June Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Camp of Modern Woodmen was organized June 7.

1906 June Walsenburg: The Walsenburg camp of the Modern Woodmen of America was organized June 7.

1906 June Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Foundry has added a new 28 by 16 lathe that can cut and thread pipe of almost any size, although they mostly make mine cars and switches, plain and roller bearing wheels and castings of all kinds.

1906 June Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Foundry, producing mostly mine cars and wheels, has been so successful as to have to add new machinery.

1906 June Walsenburg: Twenty children are enrolled in the summer session in District No. 28, which received its school library of 64 volumes.

1906 July La Veta: Fruth and Autrey bought Smith's coal property.

1906 July La Veta: J.M. Elrod has purchased a new gasoline engine to run his electric light plant.

1906 July La Veta: Mat Watkins' horse won two races and Jap Bruce's one at the 4th of July celebration. Over 350 came in on the train and were lead to the picnic grounds by the band.

1906 July La Veta: We hear that scarlet fever has broken out in the Baysinger family on the Powell ranch.

1906 July Walsenburg: A walking tour took the editor past the new brick Zorgdragers blacksmith, the new brick Alphonse Chatin building and Dick's bottling plant.

1906 July Walsenburg: Clifford Devaney suffered several broken ribs in that runaway down Main Street.

1906 July Walsenburg: Graves Benson's colt won the sweepstake race at the local track.

1906 July Walsenburg: John Furphy is having an eight-room, two-story, house built on his lots at the head of Main Street.

1906 July Walsenburg: The Great Western Land Company sold parcels in blocks 24 and 67, Farr Addition, to Ed Countryman and J.B. Mitchell.

1906 July Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Elks won a special prize for their Burro-Elk entry in the Denver parade.

1906 July Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Elks won a special prize of $250 for their burro brigade in the July 19 parade in Denver.

1906 July Walsenburg: Thomas Wilkes was shot and killed by John Shanks near the Foley saloon at Pictou.

1906 August La Veta: A lot of campers have passed through town heading for the upper Cucharas and Wahatoya creeks and Mrs. Price's ranch on Indian Creek.

1906 August La Veta: Alex Mauldin closed his lunch counter and remodeled the building for roomers.

1906 August La Veta: Charles Spielmann suffered three broken ribs by being dragged and run over by a wagon.

1906 August La Veta: Dr. Mayes is here to help his brother make improvements on his property up the Cucharas.

1906 August La Veta: E.L. Smith is having an adobe addition built onto the back of his store.

1906 August La Veta: Ernest Eggleston and Harry Hector are digging a 25 foot shaft at Peter Verliff's mine on the Wahatoya.

1906 August La Veta: J.K. Kincaid has sold his lower ranch, currently leased to Fred Kreutzer to Ira Braden for $8,000.

1906 August La Veta: J.M. Elrod is having a "Tearing Down Sale" before he demolishes his old store. The 50 by 100 foot foundation is in for his new building.

1906 August La Veta: John Kincaid is having a sign painted on the north side of his store building that can be seen from the summit of Greenhorn mountain on a moonlit night.

1906 August La Veta: Messrs. Fruth and Autrey have installed a steam hoisting plant at their coal mine near Occidental.

1906 August La Veta: Mrs. L. A. Drum bought the Beckwith bakery outfit.

1906 August La Veta: The Union High School will open Sept. 3 with a 2½ mill levy for students of Districts 7, 9, 15 and 21 or other students at a tuition of $12.50 per term.

1906 August Walsenburg: Drs. Baird and Lester have moved into new quarters on East Fifth Street.

1906 August Walsenburg: Builders are progressing rapidly on the new Klein Hotel addition, which extends the west wing of the building back to the alley.

1906 August Walsenburg: Miss Pearce is selling out her summer stock of millinery at bargain prices. 

1906 August Walsenburg: The Methodist Church will sell 100 chairs at 75¢ each when the new pews arrive.

1906 August Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Artificial Ice Plant started work Saturday and will begin home deliveries tomorrow.

1906 August Walsenburg: Walsenburg Artificial Ice Plant started manufacturing yesterday and expect to deliver tomorrow.

1906 August: J.S. Windsor of Trinidad will occupy a building across from the Klein Hotel and put in $1,200 worth of machinery for making and repairing harness.

1906 August: There will be a picnic social dance at the Walsen grove Sunday for the benefit of Henry Hughes, the injured miner, who wants to be sent home to Scotland.

1906 September La Veta: A lodge of Royal Neighbors, the auxiliary of Modern Woodmen, was organized here Thursday with over 20 members.

1906 September La Veta: Alfred Erwin sold his ranch on Middle Creek to Jacob Schinnerl for $600.

1906 September La Veta: E.V. Gibbons bought the corner lot south of Powell Studio on Main Street.

1906 September La Veta: F.C. Sager's new home will be the most modern ranch house in the county when completed.

1906 September La Veta: For rent: three unfurnished rooms. Water in house. Inquire of Mrs. A.C. Mauldin.

1906 September La Veta: Mrs. Reuben Trujillo's team slipped on mill hill and this caused them to run away until they were captured near the depot.  She and her brother were able to jump free.

1906 September La Veta: Since last summer, 18 new houses have been built in town, there is a new park in front of the depot and we have cement sidewalks.

1906 September La Veta: The upstairs of the school building has been rearranged into two rooms, one for the use of the high school.

1906 September La Veta: The winter curfew hour of 8 p.m. will start Oct. 1.

1906 September La Veta: William Fey will build a stone building for the bank, with the present frame building to be moved back on the lot. The new bank will be 25 by 40 feet with a 10 by 12 foot brick vault.

1906 September Walsenburg: A three-and-a-half foot long rattlesnake was killed in Dr. P.P. Lester's backyard.

1906 September Walsenburg: Enrollment in the Walsenburg High School now stands at 42.

1906 September Walsenburg: Friday morning Low Lester killed a rattlesnake measuring five and a half feet long in the backyard of Dr. P.P. Lester's home.

1906 September Walsenburg: The Great Western Land Company sold 10 lots this week, mostly in the Tourist City addition.

1906 September Walsenburg: The steam heating plant for the Klein hotel arrived and will be in operation in a few weeks.

1906 September: Mrs. Omar E. Garwood will give lessons on the piano, as well as in the French language.

1906 October La Veta: About 130 students are now enrolled in the grade school and 19 in the high school.

1906 October La Veta: C.J. Rilling expects to sell his coal mine south of town in the near future.

1906 October La Veta: Fruth and Autrey may employ up to 500 men at their new mine once the railroad switch is laid.

1906 October La Veta: How about that sidewalk to the school?

1906 October La Veta: I.R. Voorhees is fixing up the east room of his building for a store and will complete the front too.

1906 October La Veta: John Kincaid and Henry Martin formed a partnership and bought one of the best grocery stores in Oceanside, California and will consolidate it with John's dry goods store.

1906 October La Veta: Marshal Steele earned his supper by the sweat of his brow Tuesday, laying tiling across Ryus Avenue in place of the old wooden box which was always giving trouble.

1906 October La Veta: Mrs. John Harris will shortly move her restaurant into the Mauldin block on Main Street.

1906 October La Veta: Our local sidewalk sitters have been interested in watching the Ryus house being moved to next door to the post office.

1906 October La Veta: R. Elden bought the Krier property on the hill adjoining town on the west for $700.

1906 October La Veta: Town Board fixed the marshal's salary at $45 per month.

1906 October La Veta: Two black horses of Mrs. McClure's were run over by a train near the Crumley ranch Thursday.

1906 October Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School Notes: A fight near our front door Wednesday was a draw - each little combatant drawing out as much as she could of the other's hair.

1906 October Walsenburg: Postmaster Trounstine just received 40,000 postal card views of Walsenburg at the post office book store.

1906 October Walsenburg: Professor Miller has agreed to train six young men for a Walsenburg Band.

1906 October Walsenburg: Professor Miller has agreed to train six young men for a Walsenburg Band.

1906 October Walsenburg: Professor Miller, graduate of the Conservatory of Music, Leipzig, Germany, has settled in town and gives music lessons for 75¢.

1906 October Walsenburg: The Great Western Land and Investment Company bought Lot 3 in Block 33 for $4,000, where William Krier currently has his shoe stand on Main Street.

1906 October Walsenburg: The high school now has a baseball field just west of the home of Virginia Agnes.

1906 October Walsenburg: The highest grade, on the ninth grade Latin test was received by Caroline Sporleder, and Dora Jellison had the highest on the tenth grade Botany test.

1906 October Walsenburg: The new store building of Charles Agnes on Main Street was completed last week.

1906 October Walsenburg: The season of the year approaches when it becomes necessary to purchase $50 worth of coal to protect 50 cents worth of house plants.

1906 October Walsenburg: The very large pumpkin on display in the post office window was raised on the Autry place just across the hogback.

1906 October Walsenburg: The Wood Mercantile Company will give a free dance Saturday evening in their newly completed store building at Midway.

1906 October Walsenburg: The Wood Mercantile Company will give a free dance Saturday evening in their newly completed store building at Midway.

1906 November La Veta: Benton Vories has rented the Frank Hayes ranch. His position at the meat market will be filled by F.L. Dryden.

1906 November La Veta: Dr. S.J. Lamme will build two four-room houses at Main and Field, one for his residence and one for rent.

1906 November La Veta: Frank Powell has purchased two more lots on the north side of his house and moved his home so as to have plenty of room on all sides.

1906 November La Veta: George Hansen plans to open a candy store in the former bank building.

1906 November La Veta: It is reported P. Galassini and Tony Ariano have bought the Foote building on Ryus Avenue and will open a saloon.

1906 November La Veta: Jesus Esquibel, section foreman at Codo, was shot and killed by Frank Paiz, a track walker.

1906 November La Veta: Messrs. Fruth and Autrey are daily expecting the Denver and Rio Grande surveyors to complete laying the switch to their new coal mine.

1906 November La Veta: On account of the congested condition of the primary room, Miss Emma Vories has been hired to teach 25 of Miss Gibson's primary students in the Adventist Church.

1906 November La Veta: P. Galassini bought the Foote building on Ryus and will open a saloon.

1906 November La Veta: T.P. Steele resigned as night marshal.

1906 November Walsenburg: A merry-go-round on McDonald and Dick's corner is busily reaping a harvest of nickels these days.

1906 November Walsenburg: A son was born Nov. 12 to Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Neelley who are visiting here from their home in Old Mexico. 

1906 November Walsenburg: Charles Hendershot resigned as US land inspector and will set up a law practice in Walsenburg.

1906 November Walsenburg: George Edminston of the Colorado Supply Store at Walsen Mines married Myrtle Sparks, a sister of Mrs. J. H. Cisney of Walsenburg.

1906 November Walsenburg: Henry Snedden built a barn on lots west of August Unfug on Capitol Hill and will soon build a residence there.

1906 November Walsenburg: Joe Morris harvested about 50,000 potatoes at his farm near Capps.

1906 November Walsenburg: Joe Morris harvested out about 50,000 potatoes down on his ranch at Capps.

1906 November Walsenburg: Of the 3,150 votes cast here, about 2,600 were Republican.

1906 November Walsenburg: W. B. Wayt's new house on Second street is nearly done and Bob Caddell is building on Colorado Avenue.

1906 November Walsenburg: W.B. Wayt's new house on Second Street is nearly done and Bob Caddell is building on Colorado Avenue.

1906 November Walsenburg: Will and George Brown sold their ranch near Capps to an Italian living at Rouse for $2,200. They had the ranch since 1887.

1906 December La Veta: Both the Methodist and Baptist churches will have Christmas tree celebrations on Christmas Eve, followed by a dance in Kincaid Hall.

1906 December La Veta: Charles Prator married Della Duncan and W.C.H. Capps married Eula Emma Stanifer.

1906 December La Veta: Frank Hayes bought the residence of Mrs. H.B. Sager on Field Street and moved his family in Tuesday.

1906 December La Veta: Harry Capps is feeding over 100 head of cattle on the Hayes ranch to supply his beef contracts at the mining camps.

1906 December La Veta: S.J. Capps and Son have become the owners of Frank Staplin's house on Francisco Street for $1,250.

1906 December La Veta: School enrollment is now 153 including 21 registered in the high school.

1906 December La Veta: Stranger Hall was the scene of merriment for the annual Christmas party for the Hector, Fey, Stranger, Pickens, Powell, Langford and Ellsworth families.

1906 December La Veta: The Masons will soon replace the old wooden stairway leading to their lodge room with an iron structure.

1906 December La Veta: Think of eggs at 50¢ a dozen, in a farming community at that.

1906 December Walsenburg: A big dance in the Capps School Christmas Day was attended by a large party, including some from Rouse, Walsenburg and the Apishapa.

1906 December Walsenburg: Andrew Pallock was shot and killed in an affray in John Olafsky's saloon at Pictou.

1906 December Walsenburg: Andrew Pollock was shot and killed at John Olafsky's saloon at Pictou. 1909 December Walsenburg: A large group of high school students enjoyed a skating party Monday afternoon.

1906 December Walsenburg: Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George Klein, twin boys weighing eight and seven pounds respectively.

1906 December Walsenburg: Born, twin boys to Mr. and Mrs. George Klein.

1906 December Walsenburg: Married at Capps, George F. Read and Catherine Rogers.

1906 December Walsenburg: Married Dec. 17, W.C.H. Capps, son of S.J. Capps, of Capps, and Eula Emma Stanifer of Rouse.

1906 December Walsenburg: Sam Ryder was run over by an empty trip of cars in the Walsen mines last Wednesday and instantly killed.

1906 December Walsenburg: The 50th Anniversary of Father Ussell's priesthood was celebrated and lots efforts remembered of building the Catholic church in 1877 after the old church 150 feet east of the present one was destroyed by flood.

1906 December Walsenburg: The Arcade Cafe opens Sunday under the management of Mrs. Dickerson and Mrs. Davidson.

1907 January La Veta: Alex Levy of Walsenburg secured the contract for grading the railroad spur up Middle Creek to the Fruth and Autrey coal mine.

1907 January La Veta: F.M. Eggleston has decided to use his new building for a roller skating rink. Years ago La Veta supported a skating rink.

1907 January La Veta: F.M. Eggleston has decided to use his new Main Street building as a roller skating rink.

1907 January La Veta: For sale at a bargain, two room house on city water, on Main Street. Inquire of W.H. Woodruff.

1907 January La Veta: For Sale: A three room house in Martin Addition on a 50 by 150 foot lot, $450.

1907 January La Veta: J.P. Stranger reports the Ojo Canon tipple is completed and everything is ready for the shipment of coal.

1907 January La Veta: J.P. Stranger reports the tipple is completed and everything is ready for the shipment of coal from the Ojo Canon mine.

1907 January La Veta: Lawrence Kreutzer and Frank Hamilton bought the registered bull "Sir Edwin" from S.J. Capps and Sons.

1907 January La Veta: The Eggleston Skating Rink is the great attraction for our citizens every evening.

1907 January La Veta: The La Veta Mountain Coal Company claims to be opening up a good vein of coal near Ojo.

1907 January La Veta: The new Post office and store building just built and occupied by W.H. Woodruff is one of the substantial improvements lately completed in La Veta.

1907 January La Veta: The new post office and store just built is occupied by Postmaster William H. Woodruff.

1907 January La Veta: The wagon tipple at the Occidental mine burned down last week and coal could not be secured for the local market.

1907 January Walsenburg: A new two-story 90 by 33 foot building will be erected between Smith's furniture store and Gordon's saloon on Main Street, which will probably be occupied by the Elks upstairs.

1907 January Walsenburg: Arthur Brown, son of pioneer merchant John Brown, married Eugenia Irene Lewis Jan. 14.

1907 January Walsenburg: John Foley erected a nine foot headstone at the cemetery where six of his children are buried.

1907 January Walsenburg: Nearly 3,550 students are enrolled in the 37 school districts in the county with the most, 794, in Dist. 4, Walsenburg. The second largest district is Pictou, No. 30, with 265, followed by Rouse No. 27 with 246.

1907 January Walsenburg: Paul Frohlich's new building on Sixth Street will contain his store downstairs and W.H. Wolverton's photography studio upstairs.

1907 January Walsenburg: Scarlet fever has claimed the lives of several children in this area the past week.

1907 January Walsenburg: The first rural telephone line is going in between here and Cucharas Junction.

1907 January Walsenburg: The new foundry already needs an 80 foot addition and $5,000 more machinery to meet the demands for mine cars.

1907 January Walsenburg: There will be no church services or Sunday school at the Methodist, Presbyterian or Baptist churches until the scarlet fever epidemic subsides.

1907 January Walsenburg: Victor Fuel Company has given the men a raise of from 1½ to 3 cents more per hour, and 5 cents more on the ton.

1907 January Walsenburg: Walsenburg is fast approaching the proportions of a city yet has a complete lack of street signs and house numbers.

1907 February La Veta: Dave Ryus fenced his empty lots at the corner of Francisco and Main Streets where he owns two corners.

1907 February La Veta: For sale: 320 acre ranch with a new five room house, two cellars, stable, outbuildings. Reservoir, good water right on the creek. $2,500.

1907 February La Veta: George Kitchens is supplying the logs for a new bridge over the North Veta on the road to Walsenburg.

1907 February La Veta: S.J. and Frank Davis have just completed an Excelsior factory and are ready to start operation. They bale the product like hay.

1907 February La Veta: S.J. and Frank Davis have started an excelsior factory where the excelsior is baled just like hay,

1907 February La Veta: S.J. and Frank Davis just completed an excelsior mill and steam laundry.

1907 February La Veta: Stone is being hauled for the enlargement of the printing and telephone offices; William Fey has the contract.

1907 February La Veta: The La Veta Bank moved into its new quarters Thursday and their furniture and fixtures are on a par with its outside appearance.

1907 February La Veta: The two cottages being built by Dr. Lamme are after the bungalow style of architecture and are something new in La Veta.

1907 February La Veta: The two cottages being built in the bungalow style by Dr. S.J. Lamme are all new to La Veta.

1907 February La Veta: What is known as the Old Hall behind the hotel, owned by Mrs. Charles McCue, is being torn down and only one story of one side will be left of it.

1907 February Walsenburg: An old well was found next to the Workman building while excavating for the new Great Western Land and Investment Company building.

1907 February Walsenburg: Charles Owens was murdered during a quarrel at the mule barn at Pictou.

1907 February Walsenburg: E.C. Countrayman leased the building next to Drs. Baird and Lester's office to use in connection with his restaurant for rooms for transients.

1907 February Walsenburg: E.C. Countrayman leased the building next to the Drs. Baird and Lester's office for a rooming house.

1907 February Walsenburg: Fred G. Walsen bought the 20 foot lot and one story building occupied by Hall and Son, formerly Lidle's meat market, for $10,000. This gives Mr. Walsen the entire block from Fifth to Sixth street.

1907 February Walsenburg: Great Western Land and Investment Company bought Lot 15 in Block 19 for $3,000, and will build an imposing office building. This is the lot where J.B. Gitting's carpenter and blacksmith shop are located.

1907 February Walsenburg: Great Western Land and Investment Company bought the lot where J.B. Gittings has his carpenter shop. Gittings will build a new place just south of Pythian Hall.

1907 February Walsenburg: H.R. Webster opened a furniture repair and upholstery shop opposite Furphy's livery stable.

1907 February Walsenburg: The Pictou mine was flooded yesterday in an attempt to extinguish the fire that started Monday.

1907 February Walsenburg: The World is a little late coming out today as the force has all been engaged in putting up a Mergenthaler Linotype machine.

1907 February Walsenburg: Town Council proposed an ordinance calling for a bond election to construct a sewer system.

1907 February Walsenburg: We understand east Fifth Street will be closed for the benefit of W.N. Houser's livery stable and the blacksmith shop across the street.

1907 March La Veta: C.L. Martin shipped in three carloads of ice from South Fork. This is the first time that La Veta has not been able to produce her own ice crop.

1907 March La Veta: Contractor William Fey is having  stone  hauled in  for enlargement of the telephone and printing office.

1907 March La Veta: The first La Veta High School commencement will be Wednesday and Thursday, April 17 and 18.

1907 March La Veta: The first La Veta High School commencement will be Wednesday and Thursday, April 17 and 18.

1907 March La Veta: The high school will have its first commencement Wednesday and Thursday, April 17 and 18.

1907 March La Veta: The Merry Dozen Club was organized by some of the ladies to meet Thursdays for cards and social enjoyment.

1907 March La Veta: The two cottages being built for Dr. S.J. Lamme on Field Street will soon be ready for occupancy.

1907 March Walsenburg: Miss Pearce is having the grand opening of her spring millinery collection today.

1907 March Walsenburg: Mrs. M.E. Haydon sold her hotel business at Sixth and Albert streets to W.J. Freeman of Maitland.

1907 March Walsenburg: Paul Frohlich is partitioning his store building so he can rent the corner half and occupy the other himself.

1907 March Walsenburg: Peter Krier bought Joe Steven's - place next to Steele's livery on West Seventh and will build a commodious warehouse.

1907 March Walsenburg: Peter Krier bought the old Alex Campbell property on East Sixth next to the steam laundry to build a new house.

1907 March Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Electric Light Company is building an addition to their ice plant and will install a new boiler in the light plant.

1907 April La Veta: Allen Roush received a sharp piece of steel in his eye while visiting his father Mr. J.E. Roush of Pitcher's Corner, near Toledo, Ohio.

1907 April La Veta: Dr. L.B. Roberts has lumber on the ground for erecting a house and office on his lots by the alley on Francisco Street.

1907 April La Veta: Dr. S.J. Lamme has moved into his new home and office on Field Street and the Daigre house he just vacated will become a boardinghouse.

1907 April La Veta: F.M. Kerr has purchased five lots in the extreme south end of town from S.J. Capps.

1907 April La Veta: H.R. and F.O. Carson this week became owners of the Bramlett and Allie Sager ranches on Indian Creek for which they paid $10,000 to include cattle, household furniture, machinery, etc.

1907 April La Veta: H.R. Carson sold his ranch adjoining town Saturday to O.D. Howlett for $5,000.

1907 April La Veta: H.R. Carson sold his ranch adjoining town Saturday to O.D. Howlett for $5,000.

1907 April La Veta: Look out for your dog if you value him. The marshal says he is going after unlicensed canines in a very few days.

1907 April La Veta: Luther Kerby has built a large new house on Field Street.

1907 April La Veta: The new boardinghouse of 14 rooms upstairs is almost completed at the Fruth and Autrey mine, as is the superintendent's house. Work on the tipple is progressing.

1907 April La Veta: The trees are breaking into leaf about one month earlier than usual.

1907 April La Veta: Walter Hamilton sold his ranch this week to John Pene of the Santa Clara for $10,000.

1907 April La Veta: Will Vandevander has made use of the mechanism in his Regina music box to turn a fly-rest which hangs from the ceiling in hit billiard parlor.

1907 April Walsenburg: A large number of people attended the opening of the roller rink Saturday night.

1907 April Walsenburg: A snowstorm of 48 hours gives no hope for a fruit crop this year.

1907 April Walsenburg: Another big snowstorm hit this week.

1907 April Walsenburg: Antonio Martinez, 65, died. He had been undersheriff for Dolores Esquibel and George Dick, was town marshal two terms and served one term on town board. The present marshal, Silvario Martinez, is his son.

1907 April Walsenburg: Every room in the Klein Hotel is being connected with the office and then to the central telephone exchange. 1911: The Huerfano County Medical Society met and president Dr. T.D. Baird gave an interesting case report on dry gangrene.

1907 April Walsenburg: George Klein has fitted up an elegant bar room at the Klein hotel for the traveling public, with billiard and card room accessories.

1907 April Walsenburg: Kansas Avenue is being graded as an approach to the new town park.

1907 April Walsenburg: Town Board is considering putting in cement crossings at the intersections on Main Street.

Basalt Journal 5-11-1907 On charges of assault with intent to kill, Eugene Alarid was brought in from Riley canon and is in jail at Trinidad to wait the result of the injuries of Jose Munez, whom Alarid is alleged to have assaulted. The two men became involved in a quarrel and Munez received several stabs and cuts about the body. His condition is said to be critical. Both are miners.

Basalt Journal 5-25-1907 John Vermillion, a Colorado & Southern brakeman, fell from the top of a car as the train was pulling into Trinidad, recently, and was badly injured internally. He was taken to his home and is in a serious condition.

1907 May La Veta: $400 is the price paid for three lots in the residence portion of town. La Veta real estate is worth getting these days.

1907 May La Veta: A bathroom and a washroom are among the improvements at the La Veta Hotel and double windows have been ordered for the front.

1907 May La Veta: Benton Vories has purchased what is known as the Frank Hayes ranch situated along Indian Creek road.

1907 May La Veta: G.F. Carroll is figuring on presenting moving picture entertainments at his skating rink in the near future.

1907 May La Veta: Gus Goemmer was badly scalded when the boiler blew up while he was heating water for the dipping plant.

1907 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Fulton are thoroly renovating the La Veta Hotel and the hostelry will present a different appearance when ready to receive guests.

1907 May La Veta: Mr. Falk and seven children of Blaine, Colo., were snowbound here and are now renting the Mauldin house. Mrs. Falk is an aunt of Mrs. F.C. Arnold.

1907 May La Veta: Mr. Fulton, the new manager of the La Veta Hotel, will have the water main tapped and provide a bathroom and washroom with hot and cold water for his customers.

1907 May La Veta: Only 15 votes were cast in the school election and S.J. Capps was elected treasurer.

1907 May La Veta: Our baseball team, composed of Erwin, Moore, Craig, Owenby, Nuttall, Harris, Wagner, Roush and Garren, lost to the LOKO team from Walsenburg, 8-7.

1907 May La Veta: Owing to the advance of price in nearly all lines of goods, we are compelled to increase the subscription of The Advertiser to $1.50 per year.

1907 May La Veta: The Carsons bought the Bramlett and Sager ranches on Indian Creek.

1907 May La Veta: The graders will have 40 teams working to put in the railroad grade to the new Oakdale coal mine.

1907 May La Veta: There is a proposition to use the power at the roller mill and use the water power connected with it to install an electric light plant.

1907 May Walsenburg: Charles Countrayman has leased the Palace skating rink and William Mitchell will be the instructor.

1907 May Walsenburg: Over at Larimer on the Denver and Rio Grande 40 Swedish families have built 40 new homes and 3,000 acres of land is being broken.

1907 May Walsenburg: The old Quillian property on Main Street between the railroad tracks, as well as the old Twin Lakes Hotel site across Main, have been purchased by the town and are being torn down to make way for a public park.

1907 June La Veta: A new sidewalk will be laid on Oak Street from Francisco to Grand to replace the old wooden one.

1907 June La Veta: Born, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seaman June 9 and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Bemen June 10.

Basalt Journal 6-29-1907 Police Judge D.D. Finch, one of the most prominent and influential Republican politicians in Trinidad, was seriously, if not fatally injured in a run away accident. Judge Finch had one leg broken below the knee, the bone protruding through the flesh. He also had several ribs broken and it is feared he is injured internally. His horse collided with a telephone pole demolishing the buggy. Judge Finch was thrown violently against the stone curbing. Judge Finch was at one time sheriff.

1907 June La Veta: Buy your groceries, shoes or clothes at John C. Stranger's store.

1907 June La Veta: Celesto and Joe Bergamo bought J.J. Bruce's Columbine Saloon on Ryus Avenue.

1907 June La Veta: G.F. Carroll will commence a series of moving picture entertainments at the skating rink on the 15th.

1907 June La Veta: J.C. Hamilton has let the contract to E. Coleman for the erection of a one and a half story stone house on his ranch.

1907 June La Veta: J.M. Elrod has received his machine for making concrete blocks and can now start work on his new building.

1907 June La Veta: Pete Hansen has bought the upper Edmisten ranch for $4,500.

1907 June La Veta: The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pickens had a narrow escape from drowning after she fell from the foot bridge on First Street.

1907 June Walsenburg: Considerable complaint is arising from the fact that the town herders do not watch their cows closely and the animals wander around doing damage to trees and lawns.

1907 June Walsenburg: Dr. C.O. Mitchell will move Monday into the Presbyterian house on East Fifth Street just vacated by Rev. Streator who goes to Denver.

1907 June Walsenburg: Frank Mauro shot a Jap miner in self-defense at his saloon at Sunnyside.

1907 June Walsenburg: Harry Capps married Kathryn Parrett of Denver.

1907 June Walsenburg: Maude Wycoff and Freeman Sumner were married.

1907 June Walsenburg: S. Harris is having a huge overstocked sale at the Bon Marche store on Main Street.

1907 June Walsenburg: The Slavish societies of the county will hold a parade Sunday starting at Palace Hall.

1907 July La Veta: A ten and a half pound rainbow trout was caught in the town lake by Charles Boyd and shipped to the Denver Post for exhibition.

1907 July La Veta: Dr. Mayes and wife arrived from Texas and joined George A. Mayes at his mountain resort on the upper Cucharas.

1907 July La Veta: Edwin L. Smith bought three lots north of Powell's Photo Gallery on Main Street and plans to build a $3,000 store building.

1907 July La Veta: H.A. Allen has purchased three lots on Ryus avenue west of O.T. Davis' house and will build a house as well as an office and lumber yard.

1907 July La Veta: J.C. Chapin of Rouse bought the two-story house and 10 lots at the corner of Francisco and Poplar streets for $500.

1907 July La Veta: J.G. Hamilton has the foundation completed for his new home at the corner of Main and Virginia Streets. It will be a two story frame house and will cost $2,000.

1907 July La Veta: The railroad grade to the new Fruth and Autrey coal mine up Middle Creek has been completed.

1907 July La Veta: There will be a Fourth of July celebration at Russell with a parade, fishing, a shooting match, races, speeches and dancing in the evening.

1907 July La Veta: Times must be looking up. Three saloons are now seeking the patronage of the thirsty ones.

1907 July La Veta: William Kincaid bought three lots adjoining his property on Ryus Avenue from F.M. Eggleston for $147.

1907 July Walsenburg: Be sure and attend the Baby Contest on the Fourth.

1907 July Walsenburg: Charles Sanchez was first and Juan Bustos second in the fat man's race, for men 200 pounds and over, on the 4th.

1907 July Walsenburg: Dr. P.P. Lester's fine gray driving mare died Tuesday night.

1907 July Walsenburg: Frank Woodward's new porch extends the entire length of two sides of his house - easily the most pretentious structure of its kind in Walsenburg.

1907 July Walsenburg: John Lenzini sold his saloon business to John Ariano.

1907 July Walsenburg: Lincoln and M. Morris are now ready for business at the Morris Rooming House at the corner of Sixth and Albert Streets.

1907 July Walsenburg: Milson Phipps is building a large bowling alley on Main Street to run in connection with his saloon.

1907 July Walsenburg: Mr. J.T. Hartman of Pueblo is well underway on Peter Krier's new home on East Sixth Street between Russell and Rito Streets.

1907 July Walsenburg: Mr. Mario Montrezza, consul delegate of His Majesty the King of Italy, arrived here to look after the interests of Italian subjects in this section.

1907 July Walsenburg: Peter Krier's new brick home on East Sixth between Russell and Rito streets is well underway.

1907 July Walsenburg: W.B. Wayt has just about finished a six room house on Indiana Avenue for Mrs. Karst and will soon build her another.

1907 July Walsenburg: Wolverton's Studio will close July 9 until July 25 - we are all going fishing.

1907 July: Walsen's ball team will play Maitland for a prize of $75 on the Fourth of July.

1907 August La Veta: A porch gasoline lamp outside the Columbine Saloon on Ryus Avenue helps greatly toward illuminating the street in that vicinity.

1907 August La Veta: Allie Sager bought C.L. Martin's meat market, building and lot for $3, 000.

1907 August La Veta: Charles Boyd laid the foundation for his new home on Grand Street this week.

1907 August La Veta: Dr. Lamme is building a house at Sulphur Springs this year. The only other building there is the bath house plus there are tents for campers.

1907 August La Veta: Dr. Mayes and family are occupying a house, on the Gould ranch while visiting with his brother George and wife. The latter are greatly pleased with this country and are thinking of making it their permanent home.

1907 August La Veta: Dr. Mayes has obtained a lease on the Mack sulphur springs about eight miles up the Cucharas for a health and summer resort.

1907 August La Veta: Eva Brennan has just completed a successful term teaching the Mack district school and will immediately take charge of the Maitland School.

1907 August La Veta: George Hansen will build a candy factory on West Field Street just west of the Dryden's home.

1907 August La Veta: Ghiardi, Varcellano and Raposa have opened the Club Saloon next door to the Spanish Peaks Hotel. 

1907 August La Veta: Hailstones the size of hen's eggs destroyed all the tender crops on the Smith, Ritter, Braden Carver and Noverto Garcia ranches.

1907 August La Veta: J.P. Denton is opening a placer mine on the old Spanish Bar at Russell and reports excellent prospects.

1907 August La Veta: Lee Camp on the Wahatoya has been visited by many campers.

1907 August La Veta: Plans for the new Hamilton home at Virginia and Main were taken from the Ladies Home Journal.

1907 August La Veta: The band celebrated Colorado Day by giving an open air concert in the evening and letting off some Roman candles.

1907 August Walsenburg: Dr. P.P. Lester is building a six-room rental house of cement blocks on Pennsylvania Avenue.

1907 August Walsenburg: Fully 800 people attended Sunday's base ball game here to see the home team beat Aguilar 6-1.

1907 August Walsenburg: It seems the ice plant has plenty of ice for saloons and ice cream parlors but is shipping out that which could be used by private customers.

1907 August Walsenburg: The editor of the World had a ride in Dr. Lesher's new automobile Wednesday but the speed being so much faster than he is used to, he did not enjoy the trip as much as he should have.

1907 August Walsenburg: The joyous editor man does like to hear a news item when he drops into your place of business...

1907 August Walsenburg: Tom Sproul is having a steel livery stable built on West Sixth Street which will be 24 by 100 feet in size.

1907 August Walsenburg: Tom Sprould is having a 24 by 100 foot steel and brick livery stable erected on West Sixth Street.

1907 August Walsenburg: Town Board is putting in a new sidewalk in front of the Main Street park, formerly the Quillian property.

1907 August Walsenburg: Town Board will enforce Section 10 of the ordinance calling for a $25 fine for riding horses on any sidewalk.

1907 August: "The Coors" has been put in mosaic pavement in front of Gordon and Klein's new saloon opposite the post office.

1907 August: Walsenburg is undergoing the affliction of another tent show. Raise the license fee.

1907 Sept. 26: G.A. Mayes, who purchased the Gould home on the Cucharas, informs us he will improve the present building and build 20 or 30 rooms on for the accommodation of visitors. He will call the resort "Cuchara Camps." La Veta Advertiser

1907 September La Veta: C.F. Boyd is building a nice residence on Grand Street.

1907 September La Veta: Dr. Mayes completed a bathhouse at his new springs where eight or ten cabins will be built.

1907 September La Veta: Dr. Mayes has already completed a bathhouse at his Sulphur Springs on the Cucharas and plans eight or ten cottages for camping purposes.

1907 September La Veta: G.A. Mayes, who purchased the Gould home on the Cucharas, informs us he will improve the present building and build 20 or 30 rooms on for the accommodation of visitors. He will call the resort "Cuchara Camps."

1907 September La Veta: J.M. Elrod has commenced making cement blocks for his building at Francisco and Main Streets.

1907 September La Veta: Messrs. Capps, Owens and Moore will build a reservoir on South Abeyta Creek north of the Campbell ranch.

1907 September La Veta: Miss Agnes Pickens leaves next week to take charge of the Badito school on the Huerfano.

1907 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. W. Vandevander have moved into the Bruce house on Oak Street.

1907 September La Veta: Mr. Kirkpatrick has been hired to operate the new Pinon Supply Company store at Oakview.

1907 September La Veta: One Goucher, a professional hypnotist and mind reader, inflicted himself upon the town this week.

1907 September La Veta: Sulphur Springs has closed for the season and D.M. DeCamp removed his family from the resort.

1907 September La Veta: W.C. Anderson has bought the Alex Mauldin property on Grand Street for which he paid $1,100.

1907 September La Veta: William Woodruff disposed of his phonograph to E.L. Smith and with the removal of the restaurant phonograph the surrounding businessmen have breathed a sigh of relief at the silence.

1907 September Walsenburg: A horse and buggy from the Palace Livery ran away along Main Street Monday and finally collided with Drs. Baird and Lester's auto. Damage to auto and buggy was around $20.

1907 September Walsenburg: CF&I will build 15 more four-room houses and 10 three-room houses at the Cameron mine.

1907 September Walsenburg: Charles Agnes has moved his goods into the old Paul Frohlich building on lower Main.

1907 September Walsenburg: Complaints are heard of stray horses and cows, entering lawns at night and destroying flowers, trees, etc.

1907 September Walsenburg: F.E. Cowing had a large door cut into his grain warehouse on East Fifth on the alley side so wagons can be loaded without blocking traffic.

1907 September Walsenburg: Klein and Gordon have made their saloon window very attractive by placing an elk and black bear there.

1907 September Walsenburg: The contract for the sewer system was let by town board last night to Wes McIntire of Pueblo, who bid $12,260.

1907 September Walsenburg: The county high school, located in the two west rooms in the east half of the basement in the new building, has an enrollment of 40.

1907 September Walsenburg: The walls of the new Charles Agnes store are up.

1907 September Walsenburg: We change this week from Tuesday and Friday editions to each Thursday.

1907 September: Wess McIntire of Pueblo won the contract to build the Walsenburg sewer system with a bid of $12,260 and will begin work at once.

1907 October La Veta: Andrew Denton bought the house and three lots at the corner of Grand and Oak Streets from Green Bruce for $450.

1907 October La Veta: E.L. Smith has purchased a new cash register; all mistakes will be rectified by it.

1907 October La Veta: Katherine Denton, 45, a widow with six children, died.

1907 October La Veta: Mrs. E.C. Meyer sold her ranch on the South Abeyta Creek Saturday to F.C. Sager for $6,000.

1907 October La Veta: Robert Fuzzell, the teacher at the school house above Bemen's sawmill, died of tuberculosis at the Springer Hotel.

1907 October La Veta: The arrival of the first trainload of broad gauge cars at the Oakdale mine Saturday marked the opening of that new property.

1907 October La Veta: The Coleman brothers are building a rock wall at the entrance of the three Rocky Flat ditches to keep them from washing out.

1907 October La Veta: The helpers at the round house quit work Tuesday on account of a cut of 20 cents in their wages.

1907 October La Veta: The high school boys are trying to organize a foot ball team and are taking subscriptions to purchase uniforms and other paraphernalia.

1907 October Walsenburg: A ten pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Dick.

1907 October Walsenburg: A ten pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Dick.

1907 October Walsenburg: Articles of incorporation were filed for the new Walsenburg Savings Bank by Fred Roof, F.E. Cowing, Antonio Bertolero, W.N. Wycoff, William Krier and Charles Brunelli.

1907 October Walsenburg: Charles Agnes has moved into his new store building on Main Street.

1907 October Walsenburg: Charles Sanchez on Russell Street has the distinction of being the first connected to the new sewer line.

1907 October Walsenburg: Edward Slates, principal, reports 424 students enrolled in the schools during September.

1907 October Walsenburg: Fred Klein moved the building on his new Main Street location to the back of the lot and has begun excavation for a new confectionery shop.

1907 October Walsenburg: Marriage licenses were obtained by William A. Sharp and Tina Millsap, and by Joshua B. Hudson and Theodosia Evelyn Thorne.

1907 October Walsenburg: The Charles Agnes new store building on Main was all finished last week except for the glass in front.

1907 October Walsenburg: The fire department was unable to save the Denver and Rio Grande ice house but kept the fire from spreading west to the Continental Oil Company's storage tanks and east to the Baxter Hardware warehouse.

1907 October Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Lodge No. 1086, B.P.O.E., will be installed in Walsenburg Friday, Oct. 25.

1907 October Walsenburg:  The Coors new brick storage building and stabs on Fifth Street are almost complete.

1907 October Walsenburg:  The Coors new brick storage building and stabs on Fifth Street are almost complete.

1907 November La Veta: Don't forget to vote on the bond issue to build a high school building.

1907 November La Veta: J.J. Bruce bought the Star Livery from L.H. Bemen.

1907 November La Veta: J.M. Elrod's concrete block building on Francisco Street is slowly rising and Dr. Roberts has decided to build one too.

1907 November La Veta: Judge William S. Kimsey returned to La Veta Tuesday after an absence of nearly two years in the South.

1907 November La Veta: Leo Charlifue is putting up a new adobe in the east part of town.

1907 November La Veta: Mr. Bergamo has commenced the construction of a stone residence on east Field Street.

1907 November La Veta: P.L. Estes has just received an attractive novelty at the drug store - a Ferris Wheel for the display of souvenir postal cards.

1907 November La Veta: The railroad company conceded to the demands of the roundhouse workers here and the men are now getting $1.80 per day.

1907 November La Veta: W.B. Black and wife moved from Iowa and have filed on a piece of land about three miles east of town.

1907 November La Veta: Yesterday dawned with the usual amount of confusion on the streets after Halloween. The amount of wagons, bull rakes, scrapers and various other articles piled along Main Street demonstrated the ability of boys to work for their own amusement. 

1907 November Walsenburg: Another saloon is to be built between Tioga and Big Four.

1907 November Walsenburg: Mrs. Tombling will have a hop Saturday night to open her new hotel at Strong.

Basalt Journal 11-16-1907 The skeleton of the mammoth recently discovered near La Veta has been secured for the museum of the State University at Boulder.

1907 November Walsenburg: Some mischief maker let the town horses out of their stalls at the fire house Monday.

1907 November Walsenburg: The Capps school closed last Friday with Miss Ritter teaching.

1907 November Walsenburg: The first snow of the season fell this week.

1907 November Walsenburg: The Huerfano Theater was opened in lower Mazzone Hall Saturday by Dennis J. McCormick.

1907 November Walsenburg: The post office at Gardner has been moved into new quarters.

1907 November Walsenburg: The roof of the ice plant caught fire Sunday morning but no serious damage was done.

1907 November Walsenburg: There will be quoiting contest at Merritt brothers saloon near Walsen camp Thanksgiving afternoon.

1907 December La Veta: A new post office has opened to serve the camp at the Oakdale mine.

1907 December La Veta: A. West has opened a sample shop  and furnishings store in the Mauldin block.

1907 December La Veta: Charles Boyd has moved into his new residence on Grand Street.

1907 December La Veta: Dr. L.B. Roberts commenced laying cement blocks for his residence on Francisco Street.

1907 December La Veta: Flockhart and Sons will deliver coal from the Adamson mine on Indian Creek for $4 a ton.

1907 December La Veta: Forty relatives attended the Hector-Stranger-Fey Christmas Tree and reunion Wednesday.

1907 December La Veta: J.J. Bruce has purchased the Star Livery from L.H. Bemen.

1907 December La Veta: La Veta defeated Walsenburg at football Friday afternoon, by a score of 12-5.

1907 December La Veta: O.D. Howlett moved over from Weston this week to take over the ranch he recently bought from H.R. Carson.

1907 December La Veta: S.H. Springer, who has been interested in some mining propositions in this area, has purchased the Sulphur Springs on Indian Creek.

1907 December La Veta: The Oakdale coal mine now ships between 150-200 tons daily and the company will build more homes since it will employ more men.

1907 December La Veta: The Pocahontas Lodge initiated 14 members Wednesday evening and enjoyed refreshments and a dance afterward.

1907 December La Veta: The skating rink was again opened Tuesday evening, with Ernest Eggleston the popular manager.

1907 December Walsenburg: Classes were called off in the new school Monday due to the poor heating plans in the building.

1907 December Walsenburg: Frank Mauro has added a barbershop to his saloon in Strong.

1907 December Walsenburg: Interstate Development and Construction Company has been incorporated to purchase and construct water reservoirs, ditches and water rights.

1907 December Walsenburg: The firm of Furman and Devaney dissolved and Furman will keep the City Meat Market.

1907 December Walsenburg: The First Presbyterian Church was formally dedicated last Sunday.

1907 December Walsenburg: The guilds of St. Peter's Church will hold a fancy work sale at the old school house on East Fifth Street Saturday.

1907 December Walsenburg: The guilds of St. Peter's Church will hold a fancy work sale at the old school house on East Fifth Street.

1907 December Walsenburg: The second story is going up on Fred Klein's new skyscraper.

1907 December Walsenburg: The second story is going up on Fred Klein's new sky-scraper.

1907 December Walsenburg: The Walsenburg high school boys again went down to defeat before the La Veta eleven Friday afternoon by a score of 12 to 6.

1907 December Walsenburg: The Walsenburg high school boys beat the La Veta team 12-5 in the annual Thanksgiving Day football game.

1907 December Walsenburg: There were no classes in the new school building Monday due to the poor heating plans for the building.

1908 January La Veta: A total of 2,560 acres of deeded land near La Veta are advertised for sale by the railroad at $14 an acre.

1908 January La Veta: Charles Tracy is hauling logs to the mill for lumber to build a home on his Oak Creek ranch.

1908 January La Veta: Dr. Lamme has been in Pueblo this week and will return overland a la automobile. His will probably be the first "resident machine" in the city and it will serve the purpose of an education to horses and mules.

1908 January La Veta: H.R. Carson bought his brother's interest in the ranches on Indian Creek and the latter moved to Denver with his family.

1908 January La Veta: Ice cutting commenced last Sunday and about 20 teams have been busy each day hauling to the [railroad] cars. A total of 1,800 tons have been contracted for.

1908 January La Veta: J.C. Hamilton bought the Underwood ranch on Echo Creek from Charles Caroll.

1908 January La Veta: The Columbine Dancing Club will give another masquerade ball on New Year's Eve.

1908 January La Veta: The La Veta Coal Company was formed with J.B. Petrie, president, S.J. Capps, secretary and E. L. Smith, treasurer.

1908 January La Veta: The new post office at the coal mine will go by the name of Oakview and Mr. Hartsuck will be Postmaster.

1908 January La Veta: The Output lately from the Oakdale mine has been between 400 and 700 tons a day.

1908 January La Veta: There will be elections in the Sager, Wahatoya and town school districts to consolidate these districts with La Veta to build a high school.

1908 January Walsenburg: Chattiebelle Baird, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. T.D. Baird, married George C. Nicholds Jan. 25.

1908 January Walsenburg: Colorado Fuel and Iron has closed its mine and camp at Tercio in Las Animas County.

1908 January Walsenburg: Mining accidents caused the deaths of George Gumzovic in the Midway and John Conder, who leaves a wife and three children, in the Maitland.

1908 January Walsenburg: Miss Lucy Bigler, teacher from the Wolf district, Miss Bickett from Turkey Creek and Miss Wolf from the Williams district took the stage from Gardner to their respective homes to spend the holidays.

1908 January Walsenburg: New buildings out at Strong include Frank Mauro's saloon.

1908 January Walsenburg: The building for Fred Klein's new confectionery and bake shop on Main Street is nearing completion.

1908 January Walsenburg: The Public Opinion Company was organized in Walsenburg this week and purchased the La Opinion Publica newspaper.

1908 January Walsenburg: The three-year-old son of Robert Marshall of Toltec died of diphtheria.

1908 January Walsenburg: Walter L. Edwards, son of the late Thomas Edwards of Walsenburg, married Jean Dick, daughter of Andrew Dick of Walsen.

1908 January Walsenburg: With the death of their brother Dennis from tuberculosis, Emma and Nora McCormick will run the Huerfano Theatre recently opened on South Main Street.

Jan. 30, 1908 Walsenburg World The Public Opinion Company incorporated and bought the La Opinion Publica with the intention of publishing a Spanish newspaper. The company directors are J.D. Montez, P.L. Sanchez, A.T. Bustos, Juan A. Medina, T.D. Baird, A.D. Valdez, J.B. Farr, J.B. Dick and Adolph Unfug.

1908 February La Veta: A perfect rainbow early Tuesday morning was a rare and beautiful sight.

1908 February La Veta: A second crop of ice was harvested this week and three cars were shipped to Maitland.

1908 February La Veta: Albert Parks has bought six lots in the extreme south end of town from R. Eden and F.M. Kerr.

1908 February La Veta: Harry Capps has returned from shipping some cows to Denver. They were especially good and sold for four cents.

1908 February La Veta: Mayor Capps passed a petition to submit to railroad officials to replace the passenger train service between here and Cucharas.

1908 February La Veta: Mrs. Francisco and Dr. Wilkinson are preparing to level and plant grass on some vacant lots they own on Francisco Street.

1908 February La Veta: Mrs. Francisco is leveling and otherwise improving her vacant lots next to Dr. Wilkinson's on Francisco Street.

1908 February La Veta: P.L. Estes and his son Clyde were thrown from their buggy during a runaway up Oak Street.

1908 February La Veta: S.H. Springer has purchased the Sulphur Springs resort and is trying to get electricity installed.

1908 February La Veta: Sidney Wilburn opened a civil engineering office in the front of the Daigre building.

1908 February La Veta: Thomas Edison says concrete houses can be built for $1,000 and will last forever. 

1908 February La Veta: W.O. Van Etten has purchased the lumber yard and sawmill.

1908 February La Veta: William Vandevanter has transformed the billiard parlor into a first class restaurant and employed a chef from Pueblo.

1908 February Walsenburg: A marriage license was issued to Thomas Alford Workman and Grace Viola Mockmore.

1908 February Walsenburg: Exercises in honor of Washington and Lincoln were held in the schools and the Fifth Street Schoolhouse was formally given the name of Washington School by vote of the pupils, endorsed by the school board.

1908 February Walsenburg: F.E. Klein's handsome new bakery and confectionery store will be formally opened Mar. 7.

1908 February Walsenburg: Fred Vest won the contract to build the large power house at Rouse.

1908 February Walsenburg: Home-made mince meat - Unfug Pickle Company, near the corner of Sixth Street.

1908 February Walsenburg: Maurice Foley and Annie Muir were married Feb. 19.

1908 February Walsenburg: Professor Miller's orchestra will play for the dance Saturday night at Osgood School in Rouse.

1908 February Walsenburg: The Public Opinion Company was incorporated and bought La Opinion Publica with the intention of publishing a Spanish newspaper.

1908 March La Veta: Edwin L. Smith moved the newest part of his store building onto his lots farther up Main Street.

1908 March La Veta: J.M. Elrod's new cement block store building on Francisco Street has been completed.

1908 March La Veta: J.O. Francisco and Fred Bombard have been digging a ditch for a water pipe line which is to be placed on Mrs. Francisco's lots north of the plaza where she intends to start a lawn and plant trees.

1908 March La Veta: Judge Tiffany of Colorado Springs met with town board and may be granted the franchise for an electric power plant at this place.

1908 March La Veta: Judge Tiffany of Colorado Springs met with town board and may be granted the franchise for an electric power plant at this place.

1908 March La Veta: McLain and Carson have installed the wire system of gasoline lighting in their store.

1908 March La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexander lost one of their children to diphtheria, the third of their eighth children to die.

1908 March La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Capps are renting the Bruce house at the corner of Oak and Francisco Streets while William Fey is building them a four-room brick home on Oak.

1908 March La Veta: The chicken business is not given any particular attention around La Veta yet one ranchman informed us he sold 945 dozen eggs last year at 25 cents per dozen.

1908 March La Veta: The chicken business is not given any particular attention around La Veta yet one ranchman informed us he sold 945 dozen eggs last year at 25¢ per dozen.

1908 March La Veta: The Robinson brothers, W. P. and Ed, have started a cement and concrete manufactory in the Goemmer barn and are making blocks for J.M. Elrod and Dr. Roberts' buildings.

1908 March La Veta: The town board accepted Judge Tiffany's proposal for an electric light plant subject to the vote of the people.

1908 March La Veta: The town board accepted Judge Tiffany's proposal for an electric light plant subject to the vote of the people.

1908 March La Veta: Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexander, their three-year-old and infant, died of diphtheria at their place three miles west of town.

1908 March Walsenburg: Dr. Lester calls his automobile "autogo," perhaps because it ought to go through fences and up trees, but doesn't.

1908 March Walsenburg: Fire destroyed the two buildings at the corner of Sixth and Main Streets occupied by the saloon of Milson Phipps and James Firm's Turf Saloon.

1908 March Walsenburg: For sale - Duck eggs for setting. Inquire in the office of the Saloon Barber Shop on Main Street.

1908 March Walsenburg: For sale: Duck eggs for setting. Would also like to buy a setting hen. Apply at Office Saloon Barber Shop, Main Street. 

1908 March Walsenburg: Fred Klein, who started eight years ago with a small fruit and candy stand, opened his handsome new bakery and confectionery store in his new two-story building on Main Street.

1908 March Walsenburg: J.S. Windsor issued an eight page catalog for his harness house.

1908 March Walsenburg: Mr. A. Farris and Miss Luisa John were married March 7.

1908 March Walsenburg: Professor J.W. Curtis and R.L. Smith are acquiring title to a 600 acre ranch at Malachite.

1908 March Walsenburg: The peach trees are in bloom and the apple blossoms are coming out - look out for frost.

1908 March Walsenburg: Walsenburg Light, Power and Ice Company has resumed the manufacture of ice and can produce six tons daily.

1908 March Walsenburg: Walsenburg Light, Power and Ice Company resumed making ice Monday. They can produce 12 tons daily.

1908 March Walsenburg: Walsenburg Lodge No. 1086, B.P.O. Elks, had a high time last Saturday night, if their wives can judge by the wee small hours at which they returned home Sunday morning.

1908 April La Veta: D. Galassini's case was dismissed by a justice of the peace at North Veta for killing a cow of J.C. Hamilton.

1908 April La Veta: Judge Tiffany and C.S. Emmert were in town Wednesday looking over the ground previous to the installation of the electric light plant.

1908 April La Veta: Klein's Bakery and Confectionery will open tomorrow in the Mauldin building.

1908 April La Veta: Meredith Martin has leased the old George Baker ranch on Middle Creek and has contracted to build a ditch to Oakview.

1908 April La Veta: Our school teacher Miss Ada Armstrong will teach the Prator district school during its summer term.

1908 April La Veta: Robinson brothers are making several hundred feet of eight inch cement tile for Walter Hamilton.

1908 April La Veta: S.H. Springer arrived from Colorado Springs with a carload of furniture, cows, chickens, etc., to take up to Sulphur Springs in advance of his family.

1908 April La Veta: The new soda fountain arrived for William Klein's bakery in the Mauldin block.

1908 April La Veta: The new Town Board appointed A.A. Foote police magistrate, T.P. Steele marshal and E.V. Gibbons town plumber.

1908 April Walsenburg: Allen Stephens today opens a grocery store in the former Saul Harris store building.

1908 April Walsenburg: Allen Stephens will open a staple and fancy grocery store in the building formerly occupied by Saul Harris' shoe store.

1908 April Walsenburg: Charles Harriman bought the Harris transfer and coal business after Harris went bankrupt.

1908 April Walsenburg: M.R. Jones is now sole owner of Walsenburg Livery and Transfer Company, formerly Houser's Livery Stable.

1908 April Walsenburg: Peach trees in bloom, apple blossoms coming out - look out for frost.

1908 April Walsenburg: Professor Curtis closed his school at Malachite last Tuesday and may turn his hand to ranching.

1908 April Walsenburg: The new trustees sworn into office on the town board are Dr. T.D. Baird, Charles Hayden and Adolph Unfug.

1908 April Walsenburg: The school children of Sunnyside enjoyed a picnic on the banks of the Huerfano.

1908 April Walsenburg: Total enrollment in the grade schools is 604, with an average daily attendance of 345.

1908 April Walsenburg: Walsenburg defeated the Maitland nine last Sunday afternoon by a score of 17-9.

1908 May 14 Board wanted for a three year old child. Address Ollie Miller, box 210, Walsenburg, Colo.

1908 May 14 Graves Benson was in town from Gardner yesterday.

1908 May 14 H. M. Stockwell was down from La Veta Saturday.

1908 May 14 John Palmer was in from Huerfano last Thursday.

1908 May 14 Lost Tunnel Gold Mining Company Commences Operation under the superintendent of J. W. Phillips and Mr. E.D. Ford.

1908 May 14 M.W. Strong came down from Denver Thursday for a visit at the mine.

1908 May 14 Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Walsen spent a couple of days in Denver last week.

1908 May 14: Graves Benson was in town from Gardner yesterday.

1908 May 14: H. M. Stockwell was down from La Veta Saturday.

1908 May 14: John Palmer was in from Huerfano last Thursday.

1908 May 14: M.W. Strong came down from Denver Thursday for a visit at the mine.

1908 May 14: Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Walsen spent a couple days in Denver last week.

1908 May 14: Mrs. C.E. Grief and her son of Kilburn, Iowa are expected here this week for a visit with her sister, Miss Anna M. Hill of our public schools. Mrs. Grief expects to remain several weeks and take in the scenes of this part of Colorado.

1908 May La Veta: A La Veta Union High School Alumni Association was formed with Eugene S. Vories, president, Leta McFarland, secretary and Eve Daigre, treasurer.

1908 May La Veta: Francis Vories moved his tonsorial parlor to the Daigre building on Main Street.

1908 May La Veta: La Vetans taking the Forest Service exams were A.R. Kent, Eugene Vories, Mr. Carson, George and Arthur Bruce, Will Boyd and James Herbin.

1908 May La Veta: Lawrence Kreutzer is moving into his new residence on the ranch, one of the nicest homes in this part of the country.

1908 May La Veta: The La Veta Lumber Yard is continually loading cars of mine props. A ready sale is thus afforded anyone able to secure timbers of this kind.

1908 May La Veta: The taxpayers very decidedly expressed their opinion on the lighting question Wednesday by casting 63 votes in favor of the electric company franchise and not one against it.

1908 May La Veta: Twelve votes were cast in the school board election and J.M. Garren received all that number to become president.

1908 May La Veta: Twelve votes were cast in the school board election Monday with J.M. Garren receiving the full number.

1908 May Walsenburg: A total of 427 votes were cast in the school board election with Dr. C.D. Usher defeating Fred G. Walsen for director.

1908 May Walsenburg: About 18 inches of snow fell Monday.

1908 May Walsenburg: Chew Tuck and J.H. Toy will open their new Silver Club restaurant Saturday in their new building on Seventh just east of Main Street.

1908 May Walsenburg: Firm's saloon was torn down on the Coors Brewing lot and the Dick Brothers are building a store on the north half of the property.

1908 May Walsenburg: G.R. Moore and Co. bought the grocery business of John Brown and will move their fruit and confectionery business to Brown's location.

1908 May Walsenburg: J.S. Windsor moved his harness shop into the Frolich building on West Sixth Street, one block west of his old location.

1908 May Walsenburg: Oliver Espe is having cement blocks manufactured for a house he plans to build on Capitol Hill just north of Judge Blickhahn's.

1908 May Walsenburg: Over $1,000 worth of prizes will be distributed during the Elks Carnival, July 2-4.

1908 May Walsenburg: Right after ye editor left, The World office was reported to be on fire, but it was really a fire in Tourist City.

1908 May Walsenburg: The commencement exercises for the first class to graduate from Huerfano county High School were held in Mazzone's Opera House last Friday evening. Virginia Agnes was valedictorian and Anna Wilson, salutatorian.

1908 May Walsenburg: The pistol team of Walsenburg Platoon Battery A won fourth in the state Guard contest.

1908 May Walsenburg: The Silver Club Restaurant will open for business Saturday in their new building on Seventh Street just east of Main by Chew Tuck and J.H. Toy.

1908 May Walsenburg: Thomas Grey of Grey and Miskel, retail liquor dealers on West Seventh below the C&S tracks, committed suicide in the rear of the saloon.

1908 May Walsenburg: total enrollment in the public schools is 691, with average daily attendance being 295.

1908 May Walsenburg: Two children, a son of J.B.N. Valdez and a daughter of George Phipps, died this week of, pneumonia.

1908 May Walsenburg: Virginia Agnes is valedictorian and Anna Wilson, salutatorian, of the first graduating class of Huerfano County High School.

1908 May Walsenburg: Walsenburg Light, Power and Ice Company will install a day current for people in town.

1908 June La Veta: A few underfed and unwashed remnants of Huerfano County democracy left this week for Glenwood Springs to take a bath and attend the democratic convention.

1908 June La Veta: A special crew now handles the coal mine business on the railroad. Five hundred tons are coming from Oakview daily as well as several carloads from Occidental.

1908 June La Veta: Central now charges five cents for conversing over the local telephone lines from the public booth.

1908 June La Veta: Charley A. Whitney  will take D.E. Fitton's place as supervisor of the Las Animas forest reserve in La Veta.

1908 June La Veta: F.B. Tiffany has turned his electric light franchise over to the La Veta Light, Heat and Power Co.

1908 June La Veta: Get your rubber carriage tires fixed at Chase's.

1908 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ghiardi have purchased Meredith Martin's property in the McComb Addition for $1,400.

1908 June La Veta: Oakdale mine has orders to keep the mine open during June and the output is expected to be about 400 tons daily.

1908 June La Veta: The Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, which connects Denver and Pueblo with Grand Junction, is consolidating with the Rio Grande Western to extend its run into Salt Lake City, Utah.

1908 June La Veta: The forest fire still raging has consumed the ranch home of W.P. Robinson on Middle Creek.

1908 June La Veta: The forest fire up Middle Creek which consumed the ranch home of W.P. Robinson two weeks ago is still raging.

1908 June La Veta: The new store of Edwin L. Smith has millinery and notions in the front, dry goods and shoes in the center and the clothing and carpets in the rear.

1908 June Walsenburg: Fifty-two teachers are attending the district Normal Institute here.

1908 June Walsenburg: Get your lawn mowers repaired at Walsenburg Novelty Store on East Fifth Street.

1908 June Walsenburg: Gordon and Klein bought the 30-year-old business of Charlie Mazzone at Main and Sixth Streets and leased the building for 10 years.

1908 June Walsenburg: Marriage licenses have been issued to Julian Gallegos and Amelia Quintana and to Archie G. Price and Mary L. Powell.

1908 June Walsenburg: Members of the Walsenburg base ball team have received their new uniforms and present a decidedly natty appearance on the field.

1908 June Walsenburg: Pablo Suazo, 60, was killed by a train at the Russell Street crossing while driving sheep.

1908 June Walsenburg: The baseball game ended with the score of 22 to 19, Walsenburg defeating Aguilar.

1908 June Walsenburg: The Elks Carnival July 2, 3 and 4 will include a minstrel show, vaudeville, German garden, dancing, circus, menagerie, concerts, moving pictures and prizes.

1908 June Walsenburg: The Elks carnival prizes include two lots in Tourist City Addition worth $150, carloads of coal, boxes of El Veguero Havana cigars, worth $35 and on down to a pair of shoes, $5.

1908 June Walsenburg: The Pansies lost to Oakview 14-9 in a game on the Walsen field.

1908 June Walsenburg: Two hundred people attended the baseball game in which Walsenburg defeated Aguilar 16 to 5. Walsenburg was represented by Vigil, A. Levy, Nealey, J. Smith, Allison, R. Levy, T. Smith, Patterson and Cowing.

1908 June Walsenburg: Undersheriff John MacQuarrie rode all night to Florence chasing horse thieves and captured them at Williamsburg.

1908 July 16: Last week old Mt. Blanca let off some sulphur and brimstone from a mile long crevice, just north of the Twin Peaks. Molten rock and lava ran for several yards but was cool when discovered. La Veta Advertiser

1908 July La Veta: A special crew now handles the coal mine business on the railroad.  Five hundred tons are coming from Oakview daily as well as several carloads from Occidental.

1908 July La Veta: Mountain View Mining Company reported a rich strike at their mine at Russell.

1908 July La Veta: The electric company has been connecting lines to some homes and businesses.

1908 July La Veta: The new county road up Oak Creek is completed and ready for traffic as far as the Charles Tracy ranch.

1908 July La Veta: Twenty years ago an old prospector was in La Veta with a deerskin map in Spanish. About two years ago an old man died near La Veta and this map was found in his belongings, evidently showing the route to the Old Lost Mexican Mine.

1908 July La Veta: We are informed that the income from water rentals is now in the neighborhood of $1,300 per annum.

1908 July Walsenburg: C.E. Smith sold the Walsenburg Furniture company to G.R. Caldwell.

1908 July Walsenburg: Fifty-two teachers attended the district Normal Institute in Walsenburg.

1908 July Walsenburg: Honor students at the high school are Gladys Brand, Mary Autrey and Esta Fiegal.

1908 July Walsenburg: John Wondergern, 16, was killed by a flash flood at the Maitland Arroyo north of town.

1908 July Walsenburg: The Goodnight Mercantile is opening soon in Rouse.

1908 July Walsenburg: The Goodnight Mercantile will soon be opening in Rouse. 1912 July Walsenburg. Elmer Towner sold his interest in the livery stable business at Pictou to Mr. Joseph Monnie.

1908 July Walsenburg: The storm which flooded Main Street also left about four feet of water in the light plant, leaving the town in the dark all night.

1908 July Walsenburg: Underwear one half off at J.B. Johnson's.

1908 July Walsenburg: Walsenburg beat Rouse 7-6 and Hastings 16-2 in the two-day Elks baseball tournament.

1908 July: Died, Dr. David W. Mathews, 47, of typhoid. A native of Scotland, he came to Walsenburg in 1889. He leaves his wife Laura and sons Paul, Glen and Thomas.

1908 August La Veta: A.G. Tiffany has arrived to take over as superintendent of the electric light plant.

1908 August La Veta: Cal Edmisten was seriously injured when a team he was unhitching got excited and trampled him.

1908 August La Veta: Eugene Lougheed is now master mechanic at the round house. Dave Clark has the position of night hostler and has moved his family in from Alamo.

1908 August La Veta: J.W. Phillips of the Lost Tunnel Mining Company reports the discovery of a two-foot vein which runs $100 to the ton.

1908 August La Veta: John Pruter is opening a shoe and harness shop in the old post office building on Main Street.

1908 August La Veta: The Honorable James A. Garfield, Secretary of the Interior, passed through town on a special train Tuesday.

1908 August La Veta: The odor arising from the hitching places on the street after wet weather is something fierce and detrimental to the public health.

1908 August Walsenburg: Adolph Unfug has been appointed vice president of the Colorado State Fair association for this county. The fair will be Sept. 14-19.

1908 August Walsenburg: Adolph Unfug was appointed vice president of the Colorado State Fair Association.

1908 August Walsenburg: Bargain Saturday at A.S. McIntire's Furniture Store, All $18 Kitchen Safes, $14; All $5 Kitchen Safes, $4.

1908 August Walsenburg: C.B. Allen has contracted W.B. Wayt to build a large frame house on the west side of Walsen Avenue in the Capitol Hill district. 

1908 August Walsenburg: Cement sidewalks are going in at the new schoolhouse on the hill.

1908 August Walsenburg: I am cleaning out my line of art dishes. They'll go at cost. This is an opportunity to get something fine at a small cost. F.E. Klein.

1908 August Walsenburg: James A. Garfield, Secretary of the Interior, passed through Walsenburg Tuesday on his way to the San Luis Valley to straighten out the water tangles.

1908 August Walsenburg: Lena S. McLin is teaching Piano and Harmony at the Central Hotel.

1908 August Walsenburg: Mr. Nesbitt let the contract for a new fan house and 30 dwellings at the Big Four mine to Fred Vest.

1908 August Walsenburg: The Good Roads Association elected Alex McDonald president, Fred G. Walsen secretary/treasurer and J.B. Farr, James B. Dick and Adolph Unfug to the legislative committee.

1908 August Walsenburg: The Misses Smith, Haynes, Murphy, and Nicholas will be the teachers at Hill School and Miss Wilson will have the Beeville school.

1908 August Walsenburg: The old town hall fitted up as a gymnasium was the target of young hoodlums who broke out all the windows.

1908 August Walsenburg: The rain Sunday afternoon washed out three-quarters of a mile of Rio Grande track west of town and tore out a number of water mains.

1908 August Walsenburg: W.B. Wayt won the contract to build C.R. Allen's commodious frame dwelling on the west side of Walsen Avenue in the Capitol Hill district.

1908 September 3: Chas. F. Rahn of Malachite was a Walsenburg visitor last week.

1908 September 3: E.A. Wilburn and wife of Gardner were Walsenburg visitors Saturday.

1908 September 3: Geo. H. Zimmerman of Maitland was a Walsenburg visitor Tuesday.

1908 September 3: H.B. and A.C. Sager of La Veta were visiting in Walsenburg on Tuesday.

1908 September 3: Homer O. Potts of La Veta was a Walsenburg visitor Monday.

1908 September 3: J.G. and W.H. Hamilton of La Veta had business at the county seat Tuesday.

1908 September 3: J.W. Curtis of Malachite was transacting business in town Tuesday.

1908 September 3: James L. Martin and sister, Clara Martin, came down from the ranch near Gardner Tuesday.

1908 September 3: Miss Haynes of Denver arrived in town Saturday afternoon for the purpose of taking up her work as a teacher in the public schools.

1908 September 3: Miss Teresa Nishols of Denver, is one of last year’s teachers who is once again in harness in the local schools.

1908 September 3: Mr. Robert Williamson and Mr. Herb Mellifont of Montezuma, Ia., were in Walsenburg Friday on their way to Oakview where they will work with Contractor Vest.

1908 September 3: Perry Kimbrel was in the city Saturday dishing out smiles for all his friends.

1908 September 3: Tim Hudson of Gardner passed through town last week on his way to Denver.

1908 September 3: W.C. Klein of La Veta was here Tuesday.

1908 September 3: W.N. Wycoff, wife and children leaves today for an extended visit at Seattle and other Oregon points.

1908 September 3:George J. Ingraham of the Hudson Ingraham Mercantile Co. was in town Monday of this week.

1908 September 3:Miss Anna Wilson who is teaching the east Walsenburg school, is making her home for the term with Mrs. Thomas Edwards.

1908 September 3:Miss Cowing and Master Frederick Cowing are visiting in Colorado Springs.

1908 September 3:Mr. Wm. Krier and daughter, Miss Agnes Krier, left this week for an extended visit in Burlington, Ia., and St. Louis, Mo.

1908 September 3:Mrs. Alice Severy, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Lester, at his place, returned Wednesday to her home at Baldwin, Kans.

1908 September 3:Mrs. Bryant of New York City, is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. R.L. Snodgrass.

1908 September 3:Presbyterian church, Rev. M.F. Newport, Pastor, residence E. Fifth street.

1908 September La Veta: A mystery is the reason for the hole in the rock on Echo Creek with the remains of a windlass above it. Unfortunately no one can reach it to explore.

1908 September La Veta: If whiskey interferes with your business, give up your business. No use trying to do two things at once.

1908 September La Veta: Miss Mary Roush has opened the term in the Oakview school district.

1908 September La Veta: Mrs. Springer has decided to build an addition onto her hotel to make it a 100 foot frontage.

1908 September La Veta: R.E. Roberts just completed a commodious barn on his property on Ryus Avenue.

1908 September La Veta: The Lees, who have been tenting for years in Wahatoya Canon, say this is their last year.

1908 September La Veta: The livery stable of Kelly Edmisten was discovered to be on fire at 1:30 a.m. Thursday and was completely destroyed within 30 minutes.

1908 September La Veta: The new schoolhouse is ready for the primary pupils. It is a good airy room, well lighted, plastered and painted.

1908 September La Veta: William H. Woodruff is receiving bids for the erection of a new stone building next to the Post office.

1908 September Walsenburg: A jolly bunch of young people with well-filled baskets enjoyed eating their lunch on Capitol Hill Wednesday evening.

1908 September Walsenburg: Battery A, Field Artillery, under the command of Capt. Exline, left Walsenburg Wednesday morning for a practice march and week's encampment on Ute Creek.

1908 September Walsenburg: Blacksmith L.J. Allen is building a fine residence on Walsen Avenue.

1908 September Walsenburg: Frank Stabovich bought a horse and buggy but after imbibing too freely, broke up the buggy and tore the harness. The proceedings cost the man $44.15.

1908 September Walsenburg: Klein's Bakery and Confectionery, established in 1901, has the most handsome soda fountain in town. They have homemade candies, tobaccos, hand-painted china, novelties and curios, plus do catering.

1908 September Walsenburg: The local Pansies team defeated Oakview on the La Veta diamond last Sunday, 25-11.

1908 September Walsenburg: The Mazzone Theater seats 250 people and features theatrical companies, while the Huerfano Theater, which seats 210, has motion pictures shown by an Edison machine.

1908 September Walsenburg: The Norris and Rowe circus last Wednesday was a first class show.

1908 September Walsenburg: The Norris and Rowe circus last Wednesday was a first class show.

1908 September Walsenburg: The Pansies defeated Oakview on the La Veta diamond last Sunday, 25-11.

1908 September Walsenburg: The population of Walsenburg is almost 4,000 now.

1908 September Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Pansies defeated Oakview on the La Veta diamond last Sunday by a score of 25 to 11.

1908 September Walsenburg: Two Slavs from Walsen Camp were fined $15 each for breaking the peace with a fist fight Sunday.

1908 September Walsenburg: Walsenburg Light, Power and Ice Company, S.B. Richey, manager, has a capacity to make 12 tons of ice daily and has 24-hour service.

1908 September: After being thoroughly remodeled and rewired, the Mazzone theater is ready for a high class of plays with seating for 250 and a stage 16 by 32 feet.

1908 October 15: Capps Caperings – Ben Craft and Oliver Clark visited friends on the Jerosa Tuesday.

1908 October 15: Capps Caperings – James Smith and John Broughton were hunting mountain lion last Monday.

1908 October 15: Capps Caperings – Jesse Rik returned to the ranch after a few days stay in Walsenburg.

1908 October 15: Capps Caperings – Mr. Read and sons and Bid Tartar killed a bear on Bear creek last week.

1908 October 15: Capps Caperings – Mrs. Dodds and daughter Miss Rose were shopping in Rouse Thursday.

1908 October 15: Gardner Items – Bruce Tirey and wife of Malachite drove to Walsenburg the last of the week. R.L. Smith and wife accompanied them home.

1908 October 15: Gardner Items – Frank Sanders returned to school at Boulder after a few days visit with his parents.

1908 October 15: Gardner Items – Fred Stack was on the jury the first of the week.

1908 October 15: Gardner Items – J.A. Myer and wife drove to Walsenburg Saturday and returned on Sunday.

1908 October 15: Gardner Items – Miss Estella Bickett of Trinidad began school on Turkey Creek this week.

1908 October 15: Gardner Items – Miss Lucy Bigler came up Friday from Walsenburg and went to Bradford where she teaches this winter.

1908 October 15: Gardner Items – Mrs. Dr. Clay returned Tuesday from Walsenburg after a few days visit with her sister.

1908 October 15: Gardner Items – The dance here on Friday night was well attended.

1908 October 15: Gardner Items –R.L. Smith and wife and Alvi McIntyre from Malachite passed thru town Monday on their way to Walsenburg.

1908 October 15: La Veta - Frank Davis is visiting his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Davis. He has been sick but is now recovering.

1908 October 15: La Veta – J.B. Patterson took :”Chester B” to Durango last Saturday to enter the races, and Roy Tewksberry took “Rose”. Both horses were in good shape and are certainly handsome animals.

1908 October 15: La Veta - Miss Addie Pickens is again at home after concluding a successful term of school in the northern part of the county.

1908 October 15: La Veta – Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith came in from Florence on Sunday. The former returned to his home at that place the same evening but Mrs. Smith prefers La Veta.

1908 October 15: La Veta - Mrs. John Harris and her daughter, Mrs. George Hanson left for Trinidad on Thursday where Mrs. Harris is to receive treatment for her asthma.

1908 October 15: Mrs. James McCune and son of Lafayette is visiting relatives in our locality this week.

1908 October La Veta: F.M. Ownbey is trying to get eastern capital interested in the old placer diggings at Russell.

1908 October La Veta: George A. Edmondston of Walsenburg has purchased J.P. Stranger's stock of goods and is leasing his store building, hall and residence.

1908 October La Veta: George A. Edmunston, Walsenburg, has leased the Stranger building, hall and dwelling.

1908 October La Veta: George Hansen and Carrie Champlin were married.

1908 October La Veta: J.P. Stranger has leased his store building, hall and dwelling to George A. Edmunston who is relocating here from Walsenburg.

1908 October La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Eggleston leased their hotel at Russell for the winter and returned to La Veta.

1908 October La Veta: Mr. Edmisten got a new false limb to replace the one he lost in the fire.

1908 October La Veta: S.J. Capps is leasing the meat market to Campbell & Dotson, with Gene and Benton Vories doing the butchering.

1908 October La Veta: The Edmistens are planning to build a two story, 35 by 60 foot boarding house on the lot beside their livery on Ryus Avenue.

1908 October La Veta: The La Veta Sulphurized Soap factory, using some material found by S.H. Springer at the Sulphur Springs, is a prospective industry.

1908 October Walsenburg: Colorado and Southern Engineer Eugene Bennet was killed Friday in a bad wreck a mile west of Cucharas when the engine derailed.

1908 October Walsenburg: Gordon and Klein have installed a moving picture machine at the Mazzone opera house.

1908 October Walsenburg: The Huerfano County High School basketball team defeated Battery "A" second team in the Walsenburg Armory Friday night 10-8.

1908 October Walsenburg: The reconstructed Mazzone opera house was formally opened with the moving picture "The Millionaire and the Tramp."

1908 October Walsenburg: There will be a meeting at the Colored People's Odd Fellows Hall Saturday to organize a Republican Club.

1908 October Walsenburg: There will be a meeting at the Colored People's Odd Fellows Hall Saturday to organize a Republican Club.

1908 October Walsenburg: Will Atencio, with an average of .560, is the best batter for the junior baseball club, the L.O.K., the champions   of the Southern Colorado League.

1908 November La Veta: Edward C. Berry, who died on Oct. 8, came to this state with W.B. Hamilton and built the first residence in the Great West. The old landmark still stands and is a part of the old adobie building belonging to Mrs. A.L. Francisco.

1908 November La Veta: George A. Edmundston of Walsenburg bought out J.P. Stranger's stock of goods and took a lease on his store building, hall and residence. Mr. Stranger will concentrate on his mine and Mrs. Stranger will take the children to Pueblo.

1908 November La Veta: Mike Blozosky died after being run over by mine cars which jumped the tracks at Oakview.

1908 November La Veta: The Denver and Rio Grande plans to construct a pipe line from the Edmisten ranch on the Cuchara River down Oak Street to their tank by the tracks.

1908 November La Veta: The Masquerade dance Thanksgiving night was exceptionally well attended and many imaginative costumes were worn.

1908 November La Veta: The Methodist ladies cleared $30 to $40 on their election day dinner.

1908 November La Veta: W.O. Van Etten is moving his sawmill to Occidental switch.

1908 November Walsenburg: J.C. Cowan's Feed and Sale Stable on West Sixth has horses, mules and milk cows for sale.

1908 November Walsenburg: J.C. Cowan's Feed and Sale Stable, West Sixth Street, horses, mules and milk cows for sale.

1908 November Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. George Edmonston moved to La Veta where he purchased the Stranger grocery store.

1908 November Walsenburg: The 5¢ and 10¢ Store of Louis Winter has moved from the Solomon John block to Mazzone's lower hall.

1908 November Walsenburg: The state engineer's office is taking bids for a 2,400 foot drainage ditch to divert flood waters from downtown Walsenburg.

1908 November Walsenburg: The talking moving-picture show at the Mazzone Opera House is drawing good crowds.

1908 November Walsenburg: Thieves broke into Furman and Devaney's meat market and Spanish Peaks Mercantile and ended up in the county "bastile" [sic].

1908 Dec. 17: A bad wreck occurred about a mile west of La Veta last Saturday. An eastbound freight was coming down the grade at a fair rate of speed when a wheel broke and ditched three cars which were loaded with ore and household goods. A temporary track was built around the wreckage which enabled traffic to continue, but several days were required to get the wrecked cars back on the line. One man was slightly injured." - Walsenburg World

1908 Dec. 24: "Boarding a runaway caboose as it passed the Walsenburg depot, going at the rate of something less than a 1,000 miles a minute and gaining momentum at every jump, Conductor McCoy of the Denver and Rio Grande became the blood curdling hero of a wild and thrilling ride and saved a passenger train full of innocent souls from disaster and death, is the melodramatic way some of Denver papers tell of an event which transpired last Monday night." (The engineer of the passenger train, heading from Cucharas to Walsenburg, saw the lantern being swung by McCoy and was able to switch the engine into reverse and get back to Cucharas. The runaway heading for him was switched onto an unused track and was finally stopped on the Luna grade). - Walsenburg World

1908 December La Veta: A big dance will be given in the new Pinon Supply Company store building in Oakview to celebrate its completion. It is a spacious stone building and represents the stability of the camp.

1908 December La Veta: J.J. Bruce bought the L.H. Bemen house next to the Rilling property.

1908 December La Veta: K.H. and Frank Edmisten were fined $20 and costs for disturbing the peace.

1908 December La Veta: O.B. Beamer has sold his mountain ranch to O.D. Howlett.

1908 December La Veta: P. Gallisino [sic] let the contract to William Fey for a two-story stone building on the site where his old one burned down, next to the Springer Hotel on Ryus Avenue.

1908 December La Veta: Sleighing parties have been quite fashionable during the late snow.

1908 December La Veta: The Elk Livery displays a very attractive electric sign every evening - the first of its kind in town.

1908 December La Veta: W.S. Kimsey has been appointed police magistrate in place of A.A. Foote, resigned.

1908 December La Veta: William Klein opened his new bakery and confectionery in the new Woodruff building on Main Street.

1908 December Walsenburg: A genuine "Santa Claus" store is the Klein Confectionery which is full of toys, dolls and other gifts.

1908 December Walsenburg: Editor W.C. Hunt bought 160 acres north of town for $1,500.

1908 December Walsenburg: I.H. Howe's saloon between Maitland and Pictou burned down Monday.

1908 December Walsenburg: It is better to marry a woman with false hair than one with a false heart.

1908 December Walsenburg: Publisher W.C. Hunt purchased 160 acres north of town for $1,500.

1908 December Walsenburg: The Levy orchestra played for the delightful masquerade dance at the Palace Hall given by the Pansy Club. 1913: This is the third day of the blizzard and about two feet snow covers the ground.

1908 December Walsenburg: The Levy orchestra played for the delightful masquerade dance given by the Pansy Club at Palace Hall.

1909 January La Veta: Cattie M. McCue, 44, a resident of the La Veta area for 12 or 14 years, died suddenly after a stroke of paralysis. She and her husband had the lease on the Spanish Peaks Hotel until recently when they moved to Oakview.

1909 January La Veta: Dr. S.J. Lamme and family have moved into their new stone residence on Main Street.

1909 January La Veta: During the month of December, the Oakview mine produced 12,000 tons of coal, an average of 600 tons for each working day.

1909 January La Veta: Eugene Lougheed will begin construction of a reservoir on the hill northwest of the Crumley place. The dam will be some 200 feet long and eight feet high, on the Abeyta.  Albert Parks has the contract to build the reservoir.

1909 January La Veta: For Sale:  Some good lots in South La Veta at $30 with Warranty deeds - Harry Capps.

1909 January La Veta: George Hansen and Company sold their grocery stock to the La Veta Mercantile Company composed of William McLain, J.F. Hayes and Floyd Moore and they will occupy the same building on Main Street.

1909 January La Veta: Max Bird of Walsenburg has leased the Occidental mine and already has several men working on cleaning up. He announces to farmers he will exchange coal for farm products.

1909 January La Veta: Miss Ada Armstrong has purchased the Ora L. Ash residence on east Field Street, one of the nicest homes in town and strictly modern.

1909 January La Veta:  Judge F. B. Tiffany has been down from Colorado Springs for a few days attending to matters connected with the new Electric Light Company.

1909 January Walsenburg: Colorado and Southern won its suit against the Denver & Rio Grande for a crossing at McNally switch and will build across the latter's tracks.

1909 January Walsenburg: J.S. Gardner is contracting for an eight-room modern residence on his lots in Tourist City Addition.

1909 January Walsenburg: Kriers Korner Store incorporated and will hereafter be known as Kriers Stores Company.

1909 January Walsenburg: Sanchez Brothers are selling their meat market on West Seventh Street.

1909 January Walsenburg: E. A. Langdorf's confectionery and bakery caught fire and damaged the Dick Brothers barn and the Hurley soda pop factory.

1909 January Walsenburg: The fire box in the hot water furnace at the Hunter Saloon exploded Sunday at noon, shattering all the first floor windows and moving the heavy billiard tables about a foot.

1909 January Walsenburg: The McCormick sisters are operating the Huerfano Theatre.

1909 January Walsenburg: The McCormick sisters are running the Huerfano Theater after the death of their brother.

1909 January Walsenburg: Two missionaries traveling for an association charity came from Trinidad Friday and held services in the county jail. They were both fine speakers and the prisoners enjoyed them very much.

1909 February La Veta: An exciting runaway occurred last Tuesday in which the La Veta Mercantile Company's horse broke loose from the hitching post where he was tied.

1909 February La Veta: La Veta Dancing Club was organized with Luther Kerby and Charley Vasquez managers, to sponsor dances every Saturday night at Kincaid's hall.

1909 February La Veta: Local harvesters expect to start on the ice crop next Monday.

1909 February La Veta: Postmaster Woodruff installed a new distributing table at the post office which will facilitate handling the increasing amount of mail at this place.

1909 February La Veta: The Coleman brothers are constructing the new stone Galassini building on Ryus Avenue.

1909 February La Veta: The frame building behind the bank is being remodeled for judge Kimsey's office.

1909 February La Veta: The ice harvest was abandoned due to the warm weather which melted the six-inch thick ice.

1909 February La Veta: The Robinson brothers bought the old Chase place at the corner of Oak and Francisco Streets and plan to build there.

1909 February Walsenburg: An insane man from Rouse hung himself in the basement of the courthouse where he was interred.

1909 February Walsenburg: Born, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Workman of Gardner.

1909 February Walsenburg: Joe Hill was appointed town marshal after Silverio Martinez resigned.

1909 February Walsenburg: Mamie Karst married Frank Mead, the principal of the Rouse school.

1909 February Walsenburg: The colored population has purchased lots in Block 34 on Capitol Hill for the erection of a church convenient to town and Walsen camp.

1909 February Walsenburg: The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give a pie and doughnut sale Saturday at Cowing's store beginning at 10 a.m.

1909 February Walsenburg: There will be two basketball games at the Armory hall Feb. 19 between the boys and girls teams of Alamosa and Walsenburg.

1909 February Walsenburg: William Oliver Markham, 15, died of appendicitis.

1909 Mar. 18: The citizens will vote on whether or not La Veta is to be a dry town after the spring election. Not only last Sunday but every Sunday during the past year, with but one exception, the doors of at least one saloon have been wide open for drinking and gambling, and the recent order of the sheriff to stop gambling by the proprietors of this one saloon was treated with derision. Walsenburg World

1909 March La Veta: Charles Spielmann sold his 455 acre ranch adjoining town on the west to his son Carl.

1909 March La Veta: F.E. Robinson has his son Luther, 14, visiting with him from Trinidad in hopes it will help cure his tuberculosis.

1909 March La Veta: Jap Bruce assisted a Mr. Bailey, who lives on Trinchera Creek, over La Veta Pass with an automobile. This is the first machine that has been successful in making the trip this spring.

1909 March La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. John Kreutzer arrived yesterday from Kansas and are moving to the J.B. Petrie ranch which they have purchased.

1909 March La Veta: Mr. and  Mrs. John Kreutzer of Kansas bought the Petrie ranch and have moved in.

1909 March La Veta: N.A. Raposa has sold his interest in the Palace Saloon to his partners Ghiardi and Vercellano.

1909 March La Veta: Raposa sold his share of the saloon to Ghiardi and Vercellano.

1909 March La Veta: The new bath house at Sulphur Springs is now ready for use.

1909 March La Veta: The repairs for the water wheel at the mill, which broke last week, were completed and the electric light plant is again running on water power.

1909 March La Veta: Three hundred and thirty-six people are registered to vote.

1909 March Walsenburg: A horse was stolen from Monnie and Towner's livery barn.

1909 March Walsenburg: A horse was stolen from the Monnie and Towner livery barn.

1909 March Walsenburg: A new bridge was built on the Pictou road across the new town flood water ditch.

1909 March Walsenburg: For Sale: Galloway residence, corner of Kansas and Harrison avenues. Four lots, residence and stable, $2,100.

1909 March Walsenburg: George Bowen is building a 20 by 48 foot store at the Simpson mine.

1909 March Walsenburg: Hunters saloon is located north of Sixth on Main Street.

1909 March Walsenburg: It's been slim pickings for the preachers - not a single marriage license was issued in March.

1909 March Walsenburg: Mrs. Isabelle Arnold Hamilton, born in Walsenburg in 1875, died. She was the daughter of Mrs. M. R. Arnold and was said to be the first American child born here. Her sisters Emma 0. Dartey and Mrs. Adolph Unfug and brother Walter of Rouse survive.

1909 March Walsenburg: Pete Atencio was selected captain of the Landork O.K. Ball Club, for boys under 17 years of age.

1909 March Walsenburg: The Neeley-Caldwell Hardware Store was robbed of a dozen pistols and a Meerschaum pipe but the heavy snow oblitered any footprints.

1909 March Walsenburg: The Neelley-Caldwell Hardware Store was robbed of a dozen pistols and a meerschaum pipe but heavy snow obliterated any footprints.

Apr. 1, 1909 Walsenburg World The old solar mine west of the Walsen and Robinson mines is to be reopened and worked from a shaft instead of a slope. The new shaft will be just east of the old one. The top vein was tapped at a depth of 45 feet but the owners intend to go on to the second layer, the Robinson vein.

1909 April La Veta: Elizabeth de Barry Gill, harpist, reader and contralto soloist, now appearing at Kincaid Hall.

1909 April La Veta: Emmett Harrison sold his ranch to Fred Kreutzer.

1909 April La Veta: Emmett Harrison sold his ranch to Fred Kreutzer.

1909 April La Veta: Jap Bruce assisted a man with an automobile over La Veta Pass. This is the first machine that has been successful in making the trip this spring.

1909 April La Veta: Joe Taylor has located his sawmill at the head of the Wahatoya.

1909 April La Veta: Mrs. Peter Smith will build a 75 foot brick terrace on Main Street just north of Mr. Powell's photo gallery.

1909 April La Veta: Two feet of snow is on the ground.

1909 April La Veta: Two feet of snow is on the ground.

1909 April La Veta: Walter Hamilton bought 1,000 feet of pipe for irrigation purposes on his ranch east of town.

1909 April La Veta: When certain women of La Veta arranged to order some Walsenburg politicians out of town they certainly went beyond the bounds of common sense.

1909 April La Veta:  Miss Marion Roush will open a private kindergarten on the 17th of May with tuition of $2 per month.

1909 April Walsenburg: A new cement bridge was put in across the ditch at Main and Third Streets.

1909 April Walsenburg: Dave Farr was appointed undersheriff.

1909 April Walsenburg: Gordon and Klein gave a free entertainment at their picture show to the children of Pictou school Friday.

1909 April Walsenburg: Dr. T. D. Baird bought the Galloway residence at the corner of Harrison and Kansas Avenues.

1909 April Walsenburg: J.H. Fay and Yee Sans bought the Ron Ton Restaurant from Yon Chear and Ying Lee.

1909 April Walsenburg: Not a single marriage license was issued in Huerfano County during the month of March.

1909 April Walsenburg: Parson Brown has been appointed Water Commissioner for this district.

1909 April Walsenburg: The Levy Grocery Company, consisting of Archie and Ralph Levy, will open their new store with a complete line of staple and fancy groceries April 15.

1909 April Walsenburg: The mine at Strong will be closed one month for repairs on the machinery.

1909 April Walsenburg: The town is leveling the area between the railroad tracks on each side of Main, laying water pipes and planting grass and low shrubbery.

1909 April Walsenburg: Wanted - At Klein Hotel, a good yard man. Must be able to milk.

1909 May La Veta: A foot of snow remains on La Veta Pass.

1909 May La Veta: A.J. Tiffany bought all of J.M. Elrod's furniture stock.

1909 May La Veta: Alex Clobskey, the recluse of Silver Mountain, is working for Joe Kincaid.

1909 May La Veta: Art Bruce left for Placer Thursday where he will be employed by the Leva Mining Company.

1909 May La Veta: Fred Vasquez has opened a blacksmith shop in Charley Boyd's old place on Francisco.

1909 May La Veta: La Veta Light, Heat and Power moved from the old post office into Elrod's old store building.

1909 May La Veta: Luther Kerby is the proud father of a nine pound boy and steps around like a blind horse in a clover field.

1909 May La Veta: Miss Mary E. Beatty of Otero County has been engaged to teach in the Mack district school this summer,

1909 May La Veta: Mrs. Daigre has moved back from El Moro and is occupying her house on Main Street.

1909 May La Veta: The entire eighth grade of the La Veta school passed into the high school and were presented with their diplomas by County Superintendent Mead.

1909 May La Veta: The Robinson brothers, owners of the cement block factory, have been contracted to build the new school in Ft. Garland.

1909 May Walsenburg: Died, Clarence, the son of John Story, who was thrown from his horse on his way home from school.

1909 May Walsenburg: Four hundred and seven students are currently enrolled in Walsenburg schools.

1909 May Walsenburg: HCHS graduates are Bertha M. Riley, Leila C. Chatin, Mathilda T. Krier, Mary H. Unfug and Jessie Marie Patchen.

1909 May Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School Athletic Association closed this year's business with $7 in the treasury.

1909 May Walsenburg: Surveyors for the Colorado and Southern Railroad packed up their tents and bedding last Saturday and moved their camp to Huerfano Station.

1909 May Walsenburg: The Brunelli brothers' new brick and concrete store building on West Seventh makes a big showing now that the walls are up.

1909 May Walsenburg: The Brunelli Brothers' new brick and concrete store building on West Seventh makes a big showing now that the walls are up.

1909 May Walsenburg: The county commissioners plan to buy the John Brown property west of the county jail where some old sheds are located.

1909 May Walsenburg: The ladies of Walsenburg are requested to come to the court house Friday evening to make wreaths for decorating graves.

1909 May Walsenburg: The ladies of Walsenburg are requested to come to the court house Friday evening to make wreaths for decorating graves.

1909 May Walsenburg: The law firm of Danford and Sanderson of Trinidad has opened an office in Walsenburg in the stone building next to Elks Hall.

1909 May Walsenburg:  S.B. Jellison and B.D. Taylor were injured when they were thrown from their wagon on the hogback between Maitland, and Pictou.

1909 June La Veta: Advertisement: Cuchara Camps Mineral Waters for All Campers.

1909 June La Veta: Another carload of beer was received at Oakview last week. It looks as though the water did not agree with the majority.

1909 June La Veta: C. M. Mack came in Tuesday with 150 head of cattle from Arizona to fatten on the products of this vicinity.

1909 June La Veta: F.M. Fain, a veteran of the Mexican and Civil Wars, attended the Decoration Day services in Walsenburg.

1909 June La Veta: Married this week were George Howlett and May Groomer; Mabel Howlett and Carl Speilman and Fred Massey and Allie Nolan.

1909 June La Veta: New homes are under construction for the Van Etten, Campbell, Will and John Bruce, Verliff, Pickens, Wood and Anson families.

1909 June La Veta: O.J. Barker is running the Galassini saloon on Ryus Avenue.

1909 June La Veta: The cost of a three minute telephone call to Walsenburg has been reduced from 25 to 15 cents.

1909 June La Veta: The new Springer Hotel opened June 13.

1909 June La Veta: Town Board has ordered cement crossings be laid from the bank across Francisco and Main Streets and across Virginia Street on Main.

1909 June La Veta: Town Board ordered cement walks laid on the east side of main Street l00 feet from Francisco Street and on the south side of Ryus Avenue from Main Street to Edmonston's store. 

1909 June Walsenburg: The coroner's jury for Giacomo Bonomo, who was killed in a fall of rock in the Pryor mine, developed the usual story of neglect on the part of the miner to properly prop up the roof.

1909 June Walsenburg: Ying Lee has taken over the Bon Ton Restaurant.

1909 July La Veta: A steam calliope was in town with the tent show and traveled up and down the streets.

1909 July La Veta: A.B. Parks hauled down an exceptional load of poles from the mountains for the electric light company and some were 44 feet long.

1909 July La Veta: An excursion train will come to La Veta Aug. 15 from the San Luis Valley, when Blanca will cross bats with the La Veta nine. The train will stop for several hours on the pass for excursionists to enjoy the scenery and wildflowers.

1909 July La Veta: E.R. Coleman will build a new 12-room stone house for Mrs. Peter Smith on Main Street near the plaza.

1909 July La Veta: Extra meals and ice cream served at Sulphur Springs on Sundays. Sulphur water delivered, two gallons for 25 cents.

1909 July La Veta: Miss Lela McFarland has been engaged to teach at the Rouse school for the next six months.

1909 July La Veta: With the next issue, the Advertiser will begin coming out on Fridays.

1909 July Walsenburg: "Through Death's Valley" was the free show put on by 20 Mule Team Borax as advertising at the Opera House.

1909 July Walsenburg: "Through Death's Valley" was the free show put on by Twenty Mule Team Borax as an advertisement at the Opera House.

1909 July Walsenburg: The Jellison Furniture Store moved from the Wayt building at the head of Main to the Workman building vacated by Eidlewild Restaurant.

1909 July Walsenburg: The waiting room at the Denver and Rio Grande depot has been repainted and freshened up.

1909 July Walsenburg: Twenty years ago, Major C.B. Bowman, editor of the Walsenburg Cactus, married a school teacher, Miss R.E. Kenwell. 

1909 July Walsenburg: Twenty years ago, on July 8, 1889, the Twin Lakes Hotel opened for business.

1909 August La Veta: An entrance and stairs to the hall over Gallasini's building on Ryus were constructed.

1909 August La Veta: Arthur C. Foote married Marian Roush, the daughter of Mrs. J.B. Wright.

1909 August La Veta: C. L. Martin bought the Bemen ranches in Middle Creek canyon.

1909 August La Veta: Edwin L. Smith left Tuesday for St. Louis to buy his fall stock of goods for his store.

1909 August La Veta: Hiram Vasquez bought the blacksmith business belonging to G.A. Chase.

1909 August La Veta: J.C. Hamilton sold his ranch on the Wahatoya to Lawrence Kreutzer.

1909 August La Veta: Jake Ritter of Pennsylvania is visiting his brother John whom he had not seen for 44 years.

1909 August La Veta: L.H. Bemen bought lots at Birch and Field Streets for $50 each.

1909 August La Veta: Material for the new side track the railroad is building west of the depot has arrived and a switch will soon be completed ready for the enormous fall business expected to pass through here.

1909 August La Veta: The D&RG will build a new cement reservoir to replace the old one.

1909 August Walsenburg: Charles Hannis, 35, a German, was killed in the Tioga mine Monday by a fall of rock.

1909 August Walsenburg: One of the worst floods ever hit Walsenburg Tuesday, completely filling the basement of the new Brunelli building. Boys enjoyed the water and had boats out on the streets.

1909 August Walsenburg: The Capitol Hill tennis club met at 6 Tuesday morning for breakfast with Mrs. James Hurley after an hour of play.

1909 August Walsenburg: The store of L. Cory on Seventh Street near the railroad was burglarized and a revolver stolen.

1909 September La Veta: Born, boys to Mr. and Mrs. Hy Lupton on Sept. 9 and to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Zimmerman on Sept. 12.

1909 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Eeaham started a moving picture and vaudeville show at the New Electric Theater.

1909 September La Veta: Snow fell on the mountains Monday afternoon for the first time this season.

1909 September La Veta: T.P. Steele leased Kincaid Hall for one year and will be providing 10 cent entertainment, including moving pictures, three times a week.

1909 September La Veta: The small reservoir on Mr. Shearer's place broke in last Thursday's rain and helped swell the flood that washed out the railroad tracks.

1909 September La Veta: The walls for Mrs. Smith's new residence on Main Street are almost up.

1909 September La Veta: Two good alfalfa crops have been harvested in Railroad Park since the town leased it two years ago.

1909 September La Veta: Two years ago the town obtained the lease on Railroad Park near the depot to make it "a thing of beauty," but beyond harvesting two crops of alfalfa, nothing has as yet been done.

1909 September Walsenburg: A jolly bunch of young people with well-filled baskets enjoyed eating their lunch on Capitol Hill Wednesday evening.

1909 September Walsenburg: A number of citizens have organized a series of entertaining lectures and amusement courses to be presented in the armory for the coming season. Season tickets, $2.

1909 September Walsenburg: An entertaining lecture and amusement course will be given at the armory. Season tickets are $2.00.

1909 September Walsenburg: An entertaining lecture and amusement course will be held this season at the armory. Season tickets $2.

1909 September Walsenburg: Died, Mrs. Mary Ann Randall Boone, 86, the mother of Mrs. Conrad Unfug. She came to Colorado in 1860 with her husband, Van Daniel Boone, the grandson of Daniel Boone.

1909 September Walsenburg: George Jr. and James Phipps bought the blacksmith business of L.J. Allen on East Fifth Street.

1909 September Walsenburg: President Taft will attend the State Fair next week in Pueblo.

1909 September: The water was turned into the old town lake this week. The Coler Ditch and Reservoir Company spent $30,000 in ditching, concrete work and piping to receive the water.

1909 October La Veta: D.D. Ryus, who left La Veta in 1900, visited and was astonished to find Oakview such a well-equipped and productive property where he remembers but a barren canyon.

1909 October La Veta: J. G. Hector is painting the tipple at Oakview with a spraying machine.

1909 October La Veta: O.J. Barker closed his saloon and went into business with Mr. Bergamo.

1909 October La Veta: The D&RG is building a new cement reservoir.

1909 October La Veta: The Robinson brothers bought two lots at the corner of Oak and Ryus for an automobile garage and repair shop.

1909 October La Veta: Tonight is Halloween; if you value your life or anything else, don't leave it out to the mercy of the kids this evening.

1909 October La Veta: Total enrollment in grades one through eight is 156 and the average daily attendance is 140.

1909 October La Veta: Two freight cars got loose and were derailed in the new yards Wednesday, causing trouble for a few hours.

1909 October La Veta: William Kimsey went over to Rouse on Tuesday to visit his son Joe who is down with typhoid fever.

1909 October Walsenburg: Don't forget to attend the Majestic Range demonstration at our store next week. The Neeley Caldwell Hardware Store.

1909 October Walsenburg: Fr. Gabriel Ussel died Oct. 17. After arriving in Walsenburg Oct. 10, 1867, he rebuilt the first church which was flooded out, then built the current brick structure beginning in 1893.

1909 October Walsenburg: George Jr. and James Phipps bought the blacksmith business of L.J. Allen on East Fifth Street.

1909 October Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School will join the Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico league of eight schools for declamation, oratory and athletics.

1909 October Walsenburg: M.A. Sanchez says the People's Store will begin its annual sale of seasonal goods Oct. 14.

1909 October Walsenburg: Paul Frolich is the treasurer of the newly incorporated Slavonic Educational Club.

1909 October Walsenburg: Troop A.N.G.C. took a mounted drill practice of about 15 minutes Sunday.

1909 October Walsenburg: Y. Ito, a Japanese, was killed by a fall of rock Friday in the Primrose mine.

1909 November 11 Grandpa Fain of La Veta is the guest of Mr. & Mrs. James Hill.

1909 November La Veta: Another forge was added at the Vasquez blacksmith shop to keep up with the large amount of work.

1909 November La Veta: Born, a boy, to Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Martin on Oct. 26.

1909 November La Veta: Died, George William Carver, 81. He lived in La Veta for 16 years, most recently with his son Jim.

1909 November La Veta: George Hansen is preparing to manufacture some of his famous candies for the Christmas trade.

1909 November La Veta: Miss Lela McFarland will have charge of the new branch school up the river.

1909 November La Veta: The old Boyd House at Main and Francisco Streets, now belonging to F.M. Martin, is being covered with sheet iron.

1909 November La Veta: The roundhouse is undergoing renovations to improve it.

1909 November Walsenburg: A number of pistols costing $135 were stolen from the Baxter Hardware and Trading Company.

1909 November Walsenburg: A total of 466 pupils are enrolled in Walsenburg's schools.

1909 November Walsenburg: Aaron Anderson, formerly of the Colorado Supply Company, bought Furman and Devaney's meat market.

1909 November Walsenburg: Aaron Anderson, formerly of the Colorado Supply Company, has purchased Furman and Devaney's meat market.

1909 November Walsenburg: Enrollment in Walsenburg schools is now 466.

1909 November Walsenburg: Fred Walsen is replacing the old stone sidewalk in front of his buildings on Main Street with fine new red sandstone.

1909 November Walsenburg: Mr. Will Dick has a fine new auto. How many new friends he will have.

1909 November Walsenburg: Professor Charles F. Miller, pianist, has returned to Walsenburg.

1909 November Walsenburg: School District #4, Walsenburg, passed a resolution for a bond issue of $7,000 to build a schoolhouse on Seventh Street near the Walsen Mines, 53-0.

1909 November Walsenburg: The Cucharas Construction Company was organized to build ditches and reservoirs with J.B. Farr president.

1909 November Walsenburg: The Cucharas Construction Company, J.B. Farr, president, was organized to build ditches and reservoirs.

1909 November Walsenburg: The Masons will build a new lodge on Main Street opposite the court house, 33' by 111', with a first floor for mercantile purposes and the second floor for the lodge. The cost will be about $16,000.

1909 November Walsenburg: The Streeter Bryan Musical Company will present "Old King Kole" at Mazzone Opera House Nov. 1-3.

1909 November Walsenburg: The winter is coming on, you will have to have a talking machine to pass away your evenings, at Fred E. Klein's.

1909 November Walsenburg: The winter is coming on, you will have to have a talking machine to pass away your evenings. See them at Fred E. Klein's.

1909 November Walsenburg: William Madison and Annie Williams and Samuel E. Wilson and Delia Levy were married in a double ceremony on Nov. 22.

1909 December La Veta: After the moving picture show go to Stranger's Hall and have a piece of pie and cup of coffee for 10 cents.

1909 December La Veta: Alex Firm got lost in the fog Monday evening between La Veta and the North Abeyta and might still be wandering around if it were not for the train whistles.

1909 December La Veta: C.B. Campbell bought Will Woodruff's stationery and novelty stock.

1909 December La Veta: David Stewart bought the Mack place on the Cucharas.

1909 December La Veta: Garren and Strange sold their building to George Edmonston, who will demolish it and build one with a 50 foot frontage.

1909 December La Veta: J.E. Marker purchased the Vasquez ranch on the Cucharas for $39.50 plus the trade of 29 lots in town.

1909 December La Veta: Ritchey and Gibbons, Klein's Bakery and the Columbine Saloon were all entered by burglars but the men are already under arrest.

1909 December La Veta: The D&RG has finished the work on the roundhouse, which makes room for two more engines.

1909 December La Veta: The Oakview mine was closed Sunday and Monday owing to the derailment of an engine, tender and flanger in the yards.

1909 December La Veta: There will be a Masquerade Ball in Kincaid Hall on Christmas Eve.

1909 December Walsenburg: A young woman's athletic association was formed with officers being Carolyn Farr, Marie Patchen, Mary Hill and Vernie Unfug.    

1909 December Walsenburg: Andres Martinez serves Chile Mexican Style and short orders at all hours at his confectionery on Seventh Street, one block from Main.

1909 December Walsenburg: Bob Graham is the new superintendent of the Tioga mine.

1909 December Walsenburg: Children's Fur Coats, with cap to match, $2 to $12 at the Krier Stores Co.

1909 December Walsenburg: Children's Fur Coats, with Cap to Match, $2 to $12 at The Krier Stores Company.

1909 December Walsenburg: John Strauss offers for sale the Toltec boardinghouse.

1909 December Walsenburg: Louis B. Sporleder's new elevator is complete and he is ready to sell wheat flour, bran, bulk corn, oats, wheat, etc.

1909 December Walsenburg: Married this week, Fred Fuhrman, Walsenburg and Lorainne Gibson, Cameron; John Chin, Forbes and Annie Piano, Aguilar; Clara Bell Benjamin and Richard Reed.

1909 December Walsenburg: Several cases of typhoid have been reported at the Capps community south of here.

1909 December Walsenburg: Some cases of typhoid have been reported in the Capps community.

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