Huerfano County, Colorado
News Of The Day

Contributed by Louise Adams, Jean Griesan and Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

1925 - 1929

1925 January La Veta: Messrs. Fruth, Stone, Andrew Pickens and McPhail have leased the old Rugby mine and are opening up a new vein of coal.

1925 January La Veta: Officers of the newly organized La Veta Country Club are Dr. L.W. Lee, president; W.H. Harrison, vice president; Dr. G.R. Mallett, secretary and C.B. Johnson, treasurer.

1925 January La Veta: Some eight cylinder cars are run by guys with one cycle heads.

1925 January La Veta: The calf club members going to the Denver stock show are Kenneth Brown, Max Elley, John Goemmer, Claude Harrison, Gladys Campbell, Chester Springer, Georgie Kreutzer and Julian and Alice Beamer.

1925 January La Veta: The Huerfano Timber and Transportation Company is shipping a mill over from Blanca to set up in the Indian Creek district. 

1925 January La Veta: The La Veta Country Club was organized to offer golf, trap shooting, a rifle range, tennis, fishing, hunting, baseball, a club house and dance pavilion.

1925 January La Veta: The radio in the Summer's store is proving very popular.

1925 January La Veta: The school glee club entertained at the Commercial Club luncheon and meeting Tuesday in Stranger Hall.

1925 January La Veta: There are approximately 70,000 irrigated acres, scattered over an area of 1,500 square miles, in Water District 16, with about 50,000 in Huerfano County and 20,000 in Pueblo County.

1925 January Walsenburg: Gardner farmers and merchants are putting up ice and expect a good supply thanks to the prolonged cold spell.

1925 January Walsenburg: Hundreds of people celebrated the New Year at various dances held here by the Elks, Moose and Maccabees.

1925 January Walsenburg: Hundreds of people celebrated the New Year at various dances held here by the Elks, Moose and Maccabees.

1925 January Walsenburg: Luz Gonzales, new police magistrate, has declared his dislike for speeders.

1925 January Walsenburg: Miss Emma Bellotti returns this week to resume her duties as teacher of Bear Creek school.

1925 January Walsenburg: Ole Wahlberg, mail carrier on the Clanda route out of Rattlesnake Buttes, was compelled to make his trip on horseback because of the snowstorm.

1925 January Walsenburg: The young ladies of Ideal camp have started a bowling club.

1925 January Walsenburg: Those having perfect attendance at the Walsen School are Will Bodycomb, Pete Svegel, Luigi Cheisi and Mary Duzenack.

1925 February La Veta: By the order of Town Board, a $5 fine will be assessed any one found on the roof of town hall.

1925 February La Veta: Ed Sheffied is blacksmithing in Fred Vasquez' shop.

1925 February La Veta: Huerfano Timber and Trading Company is planning to set up a sawmill on Indian Creek.

1925 February La Veta: Huerfano Timber Company employs 75 people in this area for their mill on Indian Creek. 

1925 February La Veta: Huerfano Timber Company is opening a prop area on the Young ranch up the Wahatoya.

1925 February La Veta: T.F. Haase is barbering one day a week in Oakview.

1925 February La Veta: The La Veta Country Club was organized Jan. 26 to provide golf links, a rifle range and trap shooting grounds on 160 acres near town lake. Later there will be tennis, fishing, hunting and baseball facilities, a club house and pavilion.

1925 February Walsenburg: A number of farmers are deserting their properties around the Rattlesnake Buttes area.

1925 February Walsenburg: Chief of Police Ralph Levy says the curfew bell will ring tonight at 8 o'clock and every night thereafter.

1925 February Walsenburg: Died, Hector Patterson, 70, one of the consulting designers of the Huerfano County courthouse and builders of the Presbyterian Church. He was buried in Gardner.

1925 February Walsenburg: Fire destroyed the interior and roof of the Rialto Theater. It will be rebuilt in the popular new Egyptian Style.

1925 February Walsenburg: Irma Frazy bought Edward Slates' home at 508 East Colorado.

1925 February Walsenburg: Keys made, furniture repaired, knives sharpened - Outwest Repairing, 110 West Sixth, Phone 201.

1925 February Walsenburg: L.H. Kirkpatrick was elected president of the Walsenburg Chamber of Commerce, filling the vacancy caused by the resignation of Robert Young who was elected to the state legislature. 

1925 February Walsenburg: Texas parties are examining the Rattlesnake Buttes for oil prospects.

1925 February Walsenburg: The Grae Rose Hat Shop will open this week in the former Majestic Apparel location at 124 West Sixth.

1925 February Walsenburg: The I.C.M. Club was organized by the high school boys with 23 members. Christy Mosco was elected president.

1925 February Walsenburg: The Ideal mine worked five consecutive days, much better than this time last year.

1925 February Walsenburg: The main highway has been changed to go around the rear of the Walsen school instead of in front.

1925 February Walsenburg: The mysterious I.C.M. Club was organized at Huerfano County High School with 23 members. Christy Mosco is president, Henry Sears, vice president, Sam Bulavsky, secretary  and Arthur  Benine, treasurer.

1925 March La Veta: A.B. Parks has been finding Indian pottery, spearheads and even a fireplace on his ranch up in this valley.

1925 March La Veta: Albert Parks has been digging up some Indian pottery, spear heads and portions of old fireplaces on his ranch on the Wahatoya.

1925 March La Veta: An earthquake the other day was felt from Pueblo to Rosita.

1925 March La Veta: An earthquake the other day was felt from Pueblo to Rosita.

1925 March La Veta: An unusually pronounced earthquake was reported the first of the week at Pueblo and along the Greenhorn range as far west as Rosita.

1925 March La Veta: Bernard Hamilton and his daughter own two and a half blocks in east La Veta with fruit trees, evergreens, alfalfa and enchanting views.

1925 March La Veta: E.C. Stream has a radio that is proving very popular with his customers.

1925 March La Veta: George Mayes is building a ''camping car" to use to travel and advertise his resort at Cuchara Camps.

1925 March La Veta: Guy Holder bought 31 lots from John Kincaid in the east part of La Veta and will go into the chicken business.

1925 March La Veta: J.W. Powell has been taking photographs of the Oakview oil well.

1925 March La Veta: Jess Melton leased the Firm coal mine and is operating it.

1925 March La Veta: Matt Arch is moving a small house onto the lots he bought from Walter Hamilton on Grand Street.

1925 March La Veta: O.D. Howlett moved his sawmill to Indian Creek, where he runs the saw and L.S. Lester has charge of the edger.

1925 March La Veta: Ray Coleman bought the Adamson house at the corner of Oak and Virginia Streets.

1925 March La Veta: The La Veta boys beat Primero in basketball 7 to 1 but the girls lost, 18 to 31.

1925 March Walsenburg: A new front has improved the Opera House Cafe on Main Street.

1925 March Walsenburg: Addie Cropsy Hudson has been winning some literary honors for her poetry.

1925 March Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School Panthers defeated the Aguilar quintet 21-3 Wednesday evening in Aguilar.

1925 March Walsenburg: Pupils of the Dand School organized a progress club to improve and beautify the schoolhouse and grounds.   

1925 March Walsenburg: Rubye Hammond, representing Walsenburg Schools, won the annual Women's Club reading contest.

1925 March Walsenburg: Six Colorado  counties produced 88 percent of the state's coal, with Las Animas County ranking first and Huerfano second in tonnage.

1925 March Walsenburg: The junior class play, with Steve Brown and Margaret Kirkpatrick in the leading roles, was a complete success.

1925 March Walsenburg: The play "Intimate Strangers" will be presented by the junior class of Huerfano County High School at the Star Theater Monday evening.

1925 March Walsenburg: The Rialto Theatre will reopen this weekend with its new Egyptian decor.

1925 March Walsenburg: Walsenburg Auto Dealers Association was organized last night with Tom Young, president.

1925 April La Veta: A large number of town people were entertained at the high school's Arbor Day exercises.

1925 April La Veta: Asa Arnold has bought the Sumpter Martin sawmill and moved it on to Chaparral Creek where he and his son Frank lately purchased additional land from C.M. Mack.

1925 April La Veta: Asa Arnold has bought the Sumpter Martin sawmill and moved it to Chaparral Creek.

1925 April La Veta: J.E. Marker left Friday for Ozawkie, Kansas on account of the serious illness of his 87-year-old mother.

1925 April La Veta: Miss Wanda Powell closed her school at Mustang and returned home to the ranch.

1925 April La Veta: The local high school won a 15 to 19 baseball game with St. Mary on the home diamond last Saturday.

1925 April La Veta: The passengers stranded in La Veta last Friday by the freight wreck were shown the scenic highlights around the area in borrowed wagons and cars.

1925 April La Veta: The Rev. R.S. Wallace has resigned as pastor of the Baptist Church.

1925 April Walsenburg: City Council appointed T.A. Frantz chief of police and Dr. S.J. Lamme city physician.

1925 April Walsenburg: F. William Unfug has purchased the Neelley-Caldwell Hardware Company, organized in 1908, and will operate under the name of Unfug Hardware Company.

1925 April Walsenburg: Harry Welsh will open a new bakery tomorrow in the building formerly occupied by the Western Auto Supply Company at 519 Main.

1925 April Walsenburg: Huerfano county produced 457,313 tons of coal in January and February this year, with 2,824 men employed.

1925 April Walsenburg: Mike Judiscak bought out the stock of the Western Auto store and opened Mickey's Auto Supply Company at 210 North Main.

1925 April Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bauer are the proud parents of an 11 pound boy, born Apr. 5.

1925 April Walsenburg: The Caroline Sporleder Young music studio at 119 ½ West Sixth Street has been completely remodeled.

1925 April Walsenburg: The Chamber of Commerce and county agriculture agent moved out of Room 5 in the courthouse and the county commissioners moved in.

1925 April Walsenburg: The county commissioners have moved into Room 5 in the courthouse and the Chamber of Commerce relocated in the basement next to the Red Cross office.

1925 April Walsenburg: The first telephone in Walsenburg was installed at Walsen and Levy's store in 1882.

1925 April Walsenburg: The first telephone in Walsenburg was installed in the Walsen and Levy store in 1882 and the rental of the two sets was $70 per year, according to A. Levy.

1925 April Walsenburg: The new city council is composed of F.E. Cowing and H.G. Lamme, Ward I; Frank Mauro and Adolph Unfug, Ward II; J.Y. Martinez and N. Joseph, Ward III; and J.B. Aragon and P.S. Brown, Ward IV. J.J. Pritchard is mayor.

1925 April Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Lobby Club Boosters trounced the Lester-Pryor nine 10-2 in the opening game of the baseball season last Sunday afternoon.

1925 May La Veta: A new and commodious bath house is being erected at Sulphur Springs with four baths and a rest room. Three new cabins are under construction and the old ones are being repaired.

1925 May La Veta: A nine-hole golf course has been laid out in Cuchara Camps.

1925 May La Veta: Dave Clark bought the shoe repair shop from Bob Owenby.

1925 May La Veta: Dr. Blair is building a new 40 by 90 pavilion at the Sulphur Springs and installed six new bath tubs in the bath house.

1925 May La Veta: John Bowdino bought the 600 acre pasture at the head of the Cucharas from the Pene brothers.

1925 May La Veta: The local baseball team won a game on Bear Creek last Sunday by a score of 13-4.

1925 May La Veta: The senior play netted the class $100.

1925 May La Veta: Wanted: a burro gentle enough for a small child to ride. Will not pay more than $5.00. Mrs. M.M. Springer.

1925 May Walsenburg: A Petrified human was being displayed on the streets last Friday, discovered somewhere in the Mississippi Valley.

1925 May Walsenburg: John Trujillo has a new stock of shoes at the Quality Shoe Shop, 114½ West Seventh Street.

1925 May Walsenburg: Sheriff Capps, Deputy Martinez and two government men carried off a booze factory they discovered in the foothill, on the upper Cucharas last Saturday.

1925 May Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Steam Laundry has moved to new quarters at 207 West Sixth Street.

1925 June 9: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lansdown are Pueblo visitors today.

1925 June 9: Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Winterburn and Mrs. Sturm of La Junta spent the week end with Mrs. E. Evans and daughter, Eva.

1925 June 9: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barr and baby left Tuesday by auto for Kansas, where they will make their future home.

1925 June 9: Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Wayt Are Walsenburg Guests - Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wayt of Los Angeles, Calif., arrived here yesterday to spend several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wayt. They are accompanied by their granddaughter. Mr. Wayt was for many years associated with the business interests of this city. Four years ago he severed most of his business relations to move to California.

1925 June 9: Mrs. A.L. Wahlmeier, who has been suffering with a prolonged siege of flu, is slowly recovering at her home in Walsen.

1925 June 9: Mrs. G.D. Gammon and daughters, Regina and Freda, of Kansas City are visiting Mrs. E. Evans and daughter, Eva.

1925 June 9: Thos. B. Davis leaves tonight for Flagstaff, Ariz., where he has secured employment.

1925 June La Veta: About 100 acres of lettuce is being grown around La Veta on an experimental basis.

1925 June La Veta: Beans and squash were touched by a slight frost Sunday night.

1925 June La Veta: Died, Manuel Pino, a resident of this area since 1863.

1925 June La Veta: Dr. Blair is rushing completion of a 48 by 72 foot dance pavilion with a double floor of maple at Sulphur Springs.

1925 June La Veta: Dr. Blair's new 40 by 90 foot pavilion at Sulphur Springs is almost done.

1925 June La Veta: La Veta, 22, Turner, 7.

1925 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Walls are building a new house on their ranch.

1925 June La Veta: Mr. Vincent is laying out attractive grounds and adding a dining room, a billiard parlor and plenty of bedrooms at San Isabel Clifton Springs resort.

1925 June La Veta: Sunny Prator and David Firm pitched the home team to a 4-3 victory over Cameron.

1925 June La Veta: The baseball game ended with the score of 19 for La Veta and Knights of Columbus of Walsenburg, 18.

1925 June La Veta: The La Veta State Bank has been sold.

1925 June La Veta: The La Veta State Bank has been sold.

1925 June La Veta: Wanda Powell and Albert Jameson were married at the home of the bride's parents.

1925 June Walsenburg: The Cash Variety Store has moved to 512 Main Street.

World Independent 7-3-1925 Mary Fortarell Is Married To Louis Schaffer Saturday Mary Fortarell of this city was married Saturday afternoon by Justice of the Peace Allen to Louis Schaffer of Dawson, N.M. The couple will leave shortly for a honeymoon trip to the Pacific coast. The bride has been a resident of this city for many years and is well known in this locality. The groom is a resident of Dawson, where he holds an important position with one of the mining companies there.

1925 July 21: John L. East Jr. Cuts Throat On Toy Car By Accident – Slips In Wet Mud While Pushing Cousin In Machine – John L. East Jr., 8 year old son of ex-Senator John L. East, was seriously injured last evening when he slipped in some mud and cut his throat against a toy automobile. According to Mr. East, the child was pushing his cousin, Eugene East, of Trinidad, around in the little car. When he came to the wet spot he slipped and cut his throat on the tin radiator cap of the little machine. Mr. East picked up his son and rushed him to the office of Dr. Geo. Andrews, where it was found that the jugular vein was missed by a fraction of an inch. Five stitches were necessary to close up the wound. The boy is reported to be improving.

1925 July La Veta: A soda fountain has been installed at the Sulphur Springs resort.

1925 July La Veta: A.W. Scott bought Mrs. Springer's interest in the drug store and is now sole owner.

1925 July La Veta: Earl Kreutzer had the misfortune to get his leg broken at the Fourth of July Rodeo.

1925 July La Veta: Finally, after three years since the crime, the Oakview mail robbers have been caught.  

1925 July La Veta: Lawrence Summers is the manager of the store up at Ojo.

1925 July La Veta: One aeroplane passed over the range going west on Tuesday and three more the following day. Flyers are rare in this section of the firmament.

1925 July La Veta: The vacant building next door to the Fair has been prepared for weary celebrators on the 4th.

1925 July Walsenburg: A 16-foot diving platform has been constructed at the swimming pool in People's Park. The Hollywood Ramblers will play for the dance there Thursday night.  

1925 July Walsenburg: A new heating system will be installed in the county jail so box car tourists and floaters need not fear the cold winter nights.

1925 July Walsenburg: An auto used as the Trinidad-Walsenburg bus crashed into the front of the Opera House Cafe, startling two women eating lunch.

1925 July Walsenburg: C.W. Jones is now confined to the "cage" after four escapes from the county bastille.

1925 July Walsenburg: Cameron School of Swimming for Boys and Girls, Claude Chase and Julius Rossman, instructors.

1925 July Walsenburg: Daredevil Liniger was unable to do stunt flying on the 4th of July because the plane could not take off from the wet field.

1925 July Walsenburg: Dr. Charles Brunelli, a former Army dentist, married Miss Clara Kaltenbach of Denver on the 4th of July.

1925 July Walsenburg: Gallo Day will be celebrated this weekend in Gardner, Turner, Rouse and Walsenburg.

1925 July Walsenburg: Rest rooms are being installed on the balcony of Liberty Stores for the use of clubs and other organizations for meetings.

1925 July Walsenburg: School Board of District No. 4 revised the contracts of teachers and those in rural schools will receive from $90 to $120 per month.

1925 July Walsenburg: Seven by seven foot auto tents, $12 at Cardinals.

1925 July Walsenburg: The 4th of July celebration will include races, parade, Daredevil Liniger with stunt flying, sheep shearing contest, horse races, baseball, street dance, fireworks, concerts and speeches.

1925 July Walsenburg: The Izaak Walton League obtained a quarter million trout which will be kept in 16 ponds at Gardner and more on the Maes place in Cucharas until next spring. They have leased Cucharas dam and will build a club house.

1925 July Walsenburg: There will be no county fair this year because of the lack of crops due to the dry season.

1925 July: Rest rooms are being installed on the balcony of the Liberty Store so that clubs and others can meet there.

1925 August La Veta: A.W. Scott bought out Mrs. Springer's interest in the drug store to become sole owner. .

1925 August La Veta: D.W. Hurst reports his dairy business is expanding so rapidly he needs to double his herd to 40 to supply his wholesale trade.

1925 August La Veta: Dr. G.R. Mallett will be moving to Walsenburg after practicing here the past three years.

1925 August La Veta: Mrs. H.E. "Kit" McGee's home in Cuchara Camps was destroyed by fire.

1925 August La Veta: No real damage has been reported after the frost the other night.

1925 August La Veta: Prof. and Mrs. J.T. Tippitt returned from a 3,500 mile trip and had no trouble until between Trinidad and here, where they had three flat tires and muddy roads.

1925 August La Veta: Several near accidents have occurred on Lougheed hill west of town and it should be widened at the first opportunity.

1925 August La Veta: The coal mines at Oakview are beginning to work regularly again.

1925 August La Veta: The new road to Sulphur Springs has been completed, taking a route higher up from the creek.

1925 August La Veta: The ranch house on the Andy Denton place burned down.

1925 August La Veta: The town water is being piped to the Public camp ground. Holy Mackerel! What will the visitors think? It's perfectly all right to connect the grounds up, but for heavens sake, don't turn on the water there until it's deodorized.

1925 August Walsenburg: An auto used as a Trinidad-Walsenburg bus crashed into the front of the Opera House Cafe, startling two women eating lunch.

1925 August Walsenburg: Arthur Lenzini's team, The Railroaders, won the Twilight League by defeating The Bankers 9 to 3.

1925 August Walsenburg: Cheer-a-bit Bible class will hold a fresh food sale at Mathews furniture store Saturday morning.

1925 August Walsenburg: Cheer-a-Bit Bible Class will hold a fresh food sale at Mathews furniture store Saturday morning.

1925 August Walsenburg: John Karavas bought the St. John cafe from George Nicholas.

1925 August Walsenburg: The Gypsy Sweethearts, a girls' five-piece orchestra, played at the Peoples' Park Pavilion last night.

1925 August Walsenburg: The Gypsy Sweethearts, a girls' five-piece orchestra, played last night in the Peoples Park Pavilion.

1925 August Walsenburg: The Shriners will choose the winner of the $10,000 house to be given away in their drawing tonight.

1925 August Walsenburg: Tourist travel has increased 300 percent this year in Walsenburg.

1925 August Walsenburg: You can win $5 or $10 in the "Don Q Son of Zorro" limerick contest by completing the following: "There was a young lady from Zorro/Ariding along on a burro,/She met one Don Q,/Said 'How do you do,' . . .

1925 August Walsenburg: You can win $5 or $10 in the ''Don Q, Son of Zorro" limerick contest by completing the following: ''There was a young lady from Zorro/Ariding along on a burro/She met one Don Q,/Said, 'How do you do ........

1925 August: Newlyweds Fred and Margaret (Merritt) Workman were charivaried.

1925 September La Veta: Eighty-five-year-old Manuel Lujan died and was buried in Wahatoya cemetery.

1925 September La Veta: Enrollment in the grade school is 173 and in the high school, 67, for a total of 240 students.

1925 September La Veta: Joe Ward carries the mail from La Veta to Oakview.

1925 September La Veta: Some first class lettuce was shipped from here Saturday but unfortunately the prices are low.

1925 September La Veta: The Cooper Brothers, a Wild West trained animal and show, will visit La Veta Sept. 5 for two performances, featuring riders, ropers, clowns, etc.

1925 September La Veta: The fine potatoes on display at the bank were grown by John Todd at the head of Bear Creek.

1925 September La Veta: The Ku Klux Klan picnic at Sulphur Springs brought 200 cars through town.

1925 September La Veta: Town Board has hired J.J. Shippey deputy marshal.

1925 September Walsenburg: Charlie Chaplin and Strongheart the Wonder Dog star in "The Gold Rush" at the Rialto next week. The picture is the most costly ever shown in Walsenburg.

1925 September Walsenburg: Early enrollment figures at Ussell Memorial School stand at 572 students.

1925 September Walsenburg: Many from here are attending the State Fair in Pueblo and some are exhibiting cattle.

1925 September Walsenburg: Rose Zubal and John Young applied for a marriage license.

1925 September Walsenburg: The Second Presbyterian Church of Rev. R. Jaramillo will build a $10,000 church as their old building is too small for the growing congregation.

1925 September Walsenburg: The site for the new joint depot for C&S and D&RG was chosen today between Russell and Main Streets just south of the Sears Garage.

1925 September Walsenburg: The Wonders won the junior state baseball title under the leadership of pitchers Johnny O'Connor and Lee Miller.

1925 September: Walsenburg's first modem apartment building will be built at Main and West Third for $20,000. It will be two-story, 80 by 33 feet and contain six apartments.

1925 October La Veta: A.B. Parks threshed 400 bushels of grain, mostly barley which averaged about 33 bushels to the acre, not bad for dry land farming.

1925 October La Veta: Governor Morley ate at the Spanish Peaks Hotel when he came through town.

1925 October La Veta: Most pretty women are dumb, according to an expert.

1925 October La Veta: Some 30,000 sheep passed through here Saturday after being on summer pasture at the J.W. Vernon place on the divide, en route to Manzanola.

1925 October La Veta: The first killing frost was Oct. 13.

1925 October La Veta: The first snow of the season fell Oct. 14, the day after the first killing frost.

1925 October La Veta: The Lettuce Growers Association has been shipping produce despite the low price. Shippers this week were Odovich, Alkins, Brooks and Petro.

1925 October La Veta: The ninth graders of the La Veta and Oakview schools plan to cross bats Friday afternoon if the weather is propitious.

1925 October La Veta: Travellers on the passenger train last night were given a shake-up and scare when the engine collided with another on the top of the pass.

1925 October Walsenburg: F.I. Barron will install a Turkish bath in his barber shop.

1925 October Walsenburg: Robbers blew the two safes at the Colorado Supply Store at Walsen, taking $200 in cash and about $300 in jewelry.

1925 October Walsenburg: The local creamery under Frank S. Mauro, one of the best equipped plants in the state, is celebrating its tenth anniversary.

1925 October Walsenburg: The S. Schafer Packing Plant, one half mile south of Walsenburg on the Trinidad road, will have an open house Monday. The firm was founded by Andrew C. Schafer Sr., who came to town in 1912 and now runs the business u with his sons, Andrew and William.

1925 October Walsenburg: The S. Schafer Packing Plant, one-half mile south of Walsenburg on the Trinidad road, will have an open house n Monday.

1925 October Walsenburg: The S. Schafer Packing Plant, one-half mile south of Walsenburg on the Trinidad road, will have an open house on Monday.

1925 October Walsenburg: The site for the joint depot for the Colorado and Southern and Denver and Rio Grande Western railroads was chosen between Russell and Main Streets across the tracks from the Sears and Sears Garage.

1925 October Walsenburg: The site for the joint depot for the Colorado and Southern and Denver and Rio Grande Western railroads was chosen between Russell and Main Streets across the tracks from the Sears and Sears Garage.

1925 October Walsenburg: Try the Radio Cafe, formerly the St. John Cafe, with George Nicholas, chef.  Meals 60¢.

1925 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg Creamery will celebrate its 10th anniversary Oct. 29 with an open house.

1925 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg Creamery will celebrate its 10th anniversary Oct. 29 with an open house.

1925 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg has the first Lady Maccabee Lodge west of the Mississippi River, organized Friday night with 29 charter members.

1925 November La Veta: Annie Bowdino and Claude Bright were married.

1925 November La Veta: Charles Keeling has been shipping sugar beets he grew on the A.B. Parks ranch.

1925 November La Veta: George W. Kitchens died on the ranch where he had lived for 43 years.

1925 November La Veta: J.T. Manning bought the hardware store from the bank trustees.

1925 November La Veta: Mr. Snedden of Oakview married Marguerite Kitchen, eldest daughter of Charles Kitchen.

1925 November La Veta: Mr. Snedden of Oakview married Marguerite Kitchen, the eldest daughter of Charles.

1925 November La Veta: Nola Smith, William Miller, Lee Mauldin and Louis McDonald compose a new orchestra which played for the Thanksgiving dance.

1925 November La Veta: Roy Heikes has moved his family to Oakview where he has found employment.

1925 November La Veta: The Goemmer brothers are buying a 560 acre ranch on Echo Creek.

1925 November La Veta: The high school seniors gave a Halloween masquerade party Friday night at the schoolhouse. Ghosts and fortune tellers played an important part.

1925 November La Veta: Too much county money is being spent on catalog orders - Good People, spend your money with Huerfano County merchants.

1925 November Walsenburg: A speeder going at not less than 35 miles per hour struck the Paulouski sisters while crossing Main at Third and did not stop.

1925 November Walsenburg: A speeder going not less than 35 miles an hour struck the Paulouski sisters while they were crossing Main at Third Street and did not even stop.

1925 November Walsenburg: For rent, three room brick apartment with bath, Kansas Avenue, $15.

1925 November Walsenburg: For sale, four room frame house with fireplace on Capitol Hill, a corner location with three lots, $2,000. Slates Realty, 109 East Sixth Street.

1925 November Walsenburg: Superintendent and Mrs. M.M. Watson of Ideal are in Denver where Mr. Watson will be a witness in Dr. Blazer's trial.

1925 November Walsenburg: When J.W. and E.L. Sears first came here in 1915 to open a small garage on East Fifth, there were 60 cars in Huerfano County. Now there are 2,847 and they have one of the largest auto concerns in southern Colorado, employing 24.

1925 December La Veta: Big Confetti Dance December 25, at Kincaid's Hall, music by Jack's Orchestra. Prizes.

1925 December La Veta: Charles Clifford Morgan and Emma May Homsher were married by Rev. B. Hitchings of the Presbyterian Church.

1925 December La Veta: Drilling is continuing at the Oakview oil well; the depth is about 3,300 feet at the present time.

1925 December La Veta: Huerfano County produced a record 265,152 tons of coal in November with over 3,700 miners employed.

1925 December La Veta: John Kincaid and Mabel Noel were married.

1925 December La Veta: John Ritter, 88, died. He had lived on his ranch for 36 years.

1925 December La Veta: Mary Luchino of the Ritter School received a perfect spelling pin from her teacher, Mildred Smith.

1925 December La Veta: Pansy Beamer and Louis Coleman announced their marriage.

1925 December La Veta: Stella Busch is the teacher at Baker School.

1925 December La Veta: The customary Christmas tree has been placed in the courthouse yard.

1925 December La Veta:  Paul Ghiardi's Essex is getting its regular mid-winter exercise - Jimmie is home from college.

1925 December Walsenburg: C.J. Williams will open his new Motor Parts, Company Jan. 1 in the former post office building.

1925 December Walsenburg: D&RGW trains between Pueblo and Trinidad will now add parlor cars and cut 30 minutes off their traveling time.

1925 December Walsenburg: Died, Harvey Cray Wycoff, 92, a Civil War veteran and pioneer. He lived in Walsenburg for 35 years.

1925 December Walsenburg: Forest Ranger Paul Gilbert found a gold placer field near Slide Mountain on Manzanares Creek southwest of Gardner,

1925 December Walsenburg: Matt Jerman's orchestra will play for a dance at the Walsen Club for the Diavolo baseball club benefit.

1925 December Walsenburg: Ralph Levy has sold the Seventh Street lot his coal office stands upon for a modern Studebaker and Rickenbacker auto agency.

1925 December Walsenburg: The 20 employees of the telephone company will have their Christmas party tonight.

1925 December Walsenburg: The Huerfano Trading Company at Solar was broken into and robbed of money and stamps.

1925 December Walsenburg: The John Dand schoolhouse in District 27, a one room modern school, is about completed. Elizabeth Yelonek, teacher, resigned and Katherine Read was hired.

1925 December Walsenburg: The John Dand schoolhouse in District No. 27 is about completed. It is a one-room modem school under the care of Elizabeth Yelonek, teacher.

1925 December Walsenburg: This is the annual Father-Son Week.

1926 January La Veta: Albert Parks and Fred Kreutzer shipped some sugar beets they had grown on their farms.

1926 January La Veta: An eight pound baby boy was born to Hugh and Sarah Sager.

1926 January La Veta: Proctor Hayes broke his leg in three places when his horse fell on him.

1926 January La Veta: Ralph Harris and Cora Monroe of Liberal, Kans. were married.

1926 January La Veta: Sugar beets raised on the farms of Albert Parks and Fred Kreutzer were shipped out this week.

1926 January La Veta: The ice measured ten inches thick when the harvest this week started.

1926 January La Veta: The new highway will be built well north of town. Will La Veta be wiped off the map?

1926 January La Veta: The snowstorm was accompanied by a temperature of fifteen below zero.

1926 January La Veta: Will La Veta be wiped off the map by the highway being built so far north of town?

1926 January Walsenburg: An average of 3,700 men were employed daily in Huerfano County coal mines during 1925.

1926 January Walsenburg: District 19, Walsen-Farr, has over 500 students enrolled, with 275 in Walsen school alone, employing eight teachers.

1926 January Walsenburg: Huerfano County produced one-fifth of all the coal in Colorado in 1925. An average of 3,700 men were employed daily.

1926 January Walsenburg: Nearly $1 million worth of improvements were done in Walsenburg in 1925, including Norton's Cottage Camp, Union Depot the high school gym and athletic field, St. Mary auditorium and other new buildings.

1926 January Walsenburg: Rev. J.B. Liciotti will be honored for his Silver jubilee at the dedication of the new St. Mary School auditorium-gymnasium on Dec. 30.

1926 January Walsenburg: The Spriesterbach Motor Company moved to larger quarters at 333 West Seventh Street.

1926 January Walsenburg:  The Spriestersbach Motor Company moved from 207 North Main to larger quarters at 333 West Seventh Street.

1926 February 11: The Muskies and the Maccabees basketball teams

1926 February La Veta: Frank Powell bought a handsome Star touring car.

1926 February La Veta: J.M. Gilstrap has purchased the building south of E.C. Stream's store from E.L. Smith and will move his bakery to that location.

1926 February La Veta: J.M. Gilstrap is fixing up his new building and plans to have the bakery open next week.

1926 February La Veta: La Veta and Mosca Passes are clear of snow and open to traffic.

1926 February La Veta: More snow has fallen and the temperature reached fifteen degrees below zero this week.

1926 February La Veta: Quite a few local residents went to the Valentine dance of the Rouse-Lester Social Club.

1926 February La Veta: Thirty young people enjoyed the dance in the Cuchara schoolhouse Friday evening for which Jack's Orchestra provided the music.

1926 February Walsenburg: A marriage license was issued to Tom Conder, 23, of Gordon, and Rose Strukel, 19, of Maitland.

1926 February Walsenburg: About 800 people attended the wedding Sunday of Nancy Felecie and George Sudar.

1926 February Walsenburg: Eagle Shoe Shop, Mike Joseph, 703 Main Street.

1926 February Walsenburg: Marie Bauer has reopened her beauty shop at 205 West Sixth Street.

1926 February Walsenburg: Marie Bauer has reopened her beauty shop at 205 West Sixth Street.

1926 February Walsenburg: Mrs. George Halliday has taken over management of the Walsenburg Flower and Gift shop.

1926 February Walsenburg: Mrs. George Halliday has taken over the Walsenburg Flower and Gift Shop.

1926 February Walsenburg: Mrs. H.Q. Anderson has charge of the domestic science department at Ideal.

1926 February Walsenburg: The foundations and steel framework are completed for the new high school addition.

1926 February Walsenburg: The freshman class made a letter "W" followed by the figures "29" on Capitol Hill recently and hope this will become traditional in future.

1926 February Walsenburg: The Huerfano County High School board began steps to purchase Block 17, Capitol Hill Addition, for $800 to build an athletic field.

1926 February Walsenburg: The La Mosa cigar factory has moved to larger quarters at 206 West Seventh Street.

1926 February Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Diavolo baseball team was organized last night.

1926 February Walsenburg: Two hundred and ninety- two automobile licenses were sold during January.

1926 March La Veta: A new summer resort is being started on land leased from Mr. Young in Wahatoya canon. Walsenburg people will build 18 cottages and stock the creek.

1926 March La Veta: A new summer resort is being started on land leased from Mr. Young in Wahatoya canon. Walsenburg people will build 18 cottages and stock the creek.

1926 March La Veta: L.M. Kreutzer bought the old Daigre 160 acres adjoining Town limits on the east and south.

1926 March La Veta: Mr. Kato is opening a restaurant in the McDonald building on Main Street.

1926 March La Veta: Stanley Snyder bought out the interest of Mr. Kirkpatrick in the repair shop.

1926 March La Veta:  Mr. Cato is opening a restaurant in the McDonald building. 

1926 March Walsenburg: A new sanitary fountain for dispensing soft drinks and ice cream was installed at Huerfano Drug Company.

1926 March Walsenburg: Boyd Rees of Cameron School won the county oratory contest over Clementine Overand of Ideal by one point.

1926 March Walsenburg: Boyd Rees of Cameron School won the county oratory contest over Clementine Overland of Ideal by one point.

1926 March Walsenburg: Contracts were signed for a new $75,000 east wing addition to St. Mary School for an auditorium- gymnasium.

1926 March Walsenburg: Fred G. Walsen gave the lots adjoining the school for an athletic field.

1926 March Walsenburg: Fred G. Walsen gave the lots adjoining the school for use as an athletic field.

1926 March Walsenburg: Marcel and bob curl 75¢ by Edna Robart at Hull's Barbershop, next to the Star Drug Company.

1926 March Walsenburg: Marriage licenses were issued this week to Paul Carsella and Anna Bechaver, both of Toltec, and Thomas Ugolini and Minnie F. Bellotti, Walsenburg.

1926 March Walsenburg: The local Elks club, with about 400 members, will build a new $40,000 lodge building.

1926 March Walsenburg: The local Elks plan to build a $40,000 lodge. There are about 400 members presently.

1926 March Walsenburg: The Welch bakery on Main Street was enlarged by adding the store formerly the Veteran Candy Shop.

1926 March Walsenburg: Three thousand school children of the county have entered the county-wide letter writing contest.

1926 March Walsenburg: Unfug Filling Station at Sixth and Albert opened for business this week.

1926 March Walsenburg: Work will start next week on the new $75,000 gym-auditorium addition to St. Mary School.

1926 April La Veta: Died, Emma B. Foote, a La Veta resident since 1885. She leaves a daughter, Jessie Donegan and two sons, Albert and Arthur.

1926 April La Veta: Died, Emma B. Foote, a La Veta resident since 1885. She leaves a daughter, Jessie Donegan and two sons, Albert and Arthur.

1926 April La Veta: Died, Robert Smith, an old timer of the upper Huerfano and brother of W.E., S.L. and J. Ed of La Veta.

1926 April La Veta: Died, Robert Smith, an old timer of the upper Huerfano and brother of W.E., S.L. and J. Ed of La Veta.

1926 April La Veta: Dr. Mallett and Mrs. Fred Vasquez were awarded the prize at the Eastern Star dance for best old-time waltzing.

1926 April La Veta: Dr. Mallett and Mrs. Fred Vasquez were awarded the prize at the Eastern Star dance for best old-time waltzing.

1926 April La Veta: E. Baione bought the pool hall at Oakview camp.

1926 April La Veta: This season's snowfall at Cuchara Camps is a record breaker, 268 inches or 22.4 feet, the best by far for the past 18 years.

1926 April La Veta: Three hundred of the 430 registered voted, electing Harold Craig mayor, W.H. Harrison treasurer, J.P. Stranger clerk and C.F. Boyd, Dave Clark, W.B. Hall, Luther Martin, James Powell and J.E. Sharpless trustees.

1926 April Walsenburg: At the Star Theater, Tuesday and Wednesday, "Phantom of the Opera" and on Thursday and Friday, Gloria Swanson in "Untamed Lady."

1926 April Walsenburg: Kirkpatricks Circle K soda factory will treat the kiddies to a free matinee at the Rialto Saturday.

1926 April Walsenburg: La Moza Cigar factory will treat the kiddies to a free matinee at the Rialto Theater Saturday.

1926 April Walsenburg: Eugene Vories was appointed postmaster to replace A. Pete Atencio whose term expired last October.

1926 April Walsenburg: Pete Atencio's term as postmaster expired and Eugene Vories was appointed to the position.

1926 April Walsenburg: The Elks closed negotiations for the Murray property at East Sixth and Russell Streets as the site for their future lodge.

1926 April Walsenburg: The Opera House Cafe is getting all new furniture and fixtures, according to owners Tony Andreakis and Mike Kartas, who have had it for ten years.

1926 April Walsenburg: Tony Andreakis and Mike Kartas, owners of the Opera House Cafe the past 10 years, are getting all modem furniture and fixtures.

1926 May La Veta: C.A. Sadlier was elected chief of the volunteer fire department.

1926 May La Veta: C.H. Brooks has been appointed police magistrate again.

1926 May La Veta: George A. Goemmer has graduated from the University of Wyoming. 

1926 May La Veta: Harry Gamblin and Harvey Huesties have been running a grader over our streets.

1926 May La Veta: High school graduated this year are Alice Lester, Ruth Goemmer, Earl Rich, Max Elley, Carlos Richman and Lee Mauldin.

1926 May La Veta: J.W. Boyd bought the Levi Kincaid ranch on the Wahatoya.

1926 May La Veta: Sulphur Springs opened yesterday with 11 cottages for rent, the enlarged bath house and the dance pavilion.

1926 May La Veta: Sulphur Springs will open May 30 with 11 cottages to rent, the enlarged bath house and dance pavilion.

1926 May La Veta: The Indian Creek Mining and Milling Company was organized with R.B. Linscott, president; R.E. Boyd, vice president; William A. Dutton, secretary and E.A. Cross, treasurer. They are working above Sulphur Springs.

1926 May La Veta: Town Lake is to be drained to repair a broken pipe and we shall be supplied with water direct from the creek until the lake refills.

1926 May Walsenburg: A large garden has been planted at the new county poor house on the road to La Veta.

1926 May Walsenburg: Huerfano County has 5,455 students enrolled in the 49 districts, with 1,268 in Walsenburg public schools and 823 in St. Mary Schools.

1926 May Walsenburg: The St. Mary Crusaders defeated La Veta in a baseball game Wednesday in Walsenburg by a score of 9-6.

1926 May Walsenburg: Two miners were killed and another seriously injured in a rock fall at the Robinson Mine Friday morning.

1926 May Walsenburg: Two miners were killed and another seriously injured in a rock fall in the Robinson mine this morning.

1926 June La Veta: Eat at Pine Tree Inn in Cuchara Camps. Phone 97 J 5 for Sunday reservations. Picnic lunches a specialty.

1926 June La Veta: Fourteen railroad cars will bring the D&RG employees to the annual picnic in La Veta.

1926 June La Veta: Haase added a beauty shop to his barber shop and Mrs. Eva Brennan is operating it.

1926 June La Veta: Hubert Atchison married Lenore Arch, Matt Arch married Mrs. Sylvia Cisney and Marion E. Pulver married Julia Ellis.

1926 June La Veta: La Veta's third filling station will be located near the Star Garage at Francisco and Main Streets.

1926 June La Veta: Mr. Haase added a beauty parlor to his barbershop and Eva Daigre Brennan is running it.

1926 June La Veta: Owen Ward Brown and Ethel Margaret McMillan were united in marriage.

1926 June La Veta: The 85 miners employed at Oakview are working half time.

1926 June La Veta: The Indian Creek Mining and Milling Company was organized with R.B. Linscott, president; R.E. Boyd, vice-president; William A. Dutton, secretary and E.A. Cross, treasurer. They are working above Sulphur Springs.

1926 June La Veta: The La Veta team went down to Walsen Sunday afternoon and lost by a score of 8-1.

1926 June Walsenburg: Construction began last week on Norton's tourist cottage camp on North Walsen one block north of the high school.

1926 June Walsenburg: Construction of Norton's tourist cottage camp was begun on North Walsen one block north of Huerfano County High School.

1926 June Walsenburg: Kilmurray's Sandwich Shop has opened in the former Unfug Trading Company building. 

1926 June Walsenburg: Kilmurray's Sandwich Shop will open tomorrow in the former Unfug Trading Company building.

1926 June Walsenburg: Two Walsenburg boys, George A. Unfug and Angelo F. Mosco, were among the graduates of Colorado University in Boulder.

1926 June Walsenburg: Two Walsenburg boys, George A. Unfug and Angelo F. Mosco, were among the graduates of the University of Colorado at Boulder.

1926 July La Veta: A jolly truckload of young people drove down from Cuchara Camps on Tuesday evening to attend the movies.

1926 July La Veta: Six new cabins have been constructed in Cuchara Camps.

1926 July La Veta: The La Veta boys beat the railroad's team at baseball 13 to 2 during the D&RG picnic in the park.

1926 July La Veta: The La Veta team went down to Walsen Sunday afternoon and lost by a score of 8-1.

1926 July Walsenburg: The first county fair since 1923 will be Sept 16 - 18.

1926 July Walsenburg: The highway leading to the camps northwest of here will be improved and the entry into the city will be changed.

1926 July Walsenburg: The No U Turn knobs were erected on Main Street and parking time will be limited on Main, Russell, Albert, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh streets according to the new traffic ordinance.

1926 August 2: The Western Casualty Company

1926 August La Veta: Dr. C.E. Willburn leased the dental office of Dr. G.R. Mallett, who is moving to Walsenburg.

1926 August La Veta: J. W. Boyd is preparing to build a filling station on Main Street.

1926 August La Veta: Mrs. Elrod is renting out rooms in her house on Francisco Street.

1926 August La Veta: Some La Veta people climbed Trinchera recently and reported the glacier that disappeared was swept into a canon by a slide.

1926 August La Veta: The annual picnic of the Baptist Church was held at the ranch of Eugene Vories above San Isabel Clifton Streams.

1926 August La Veta: The Forest Service has lately completed a splendid wide trail round both the Spanish Peaks, and the scenic trip is available to horseback riders.

1926 August La Veta: The National Forest is constructing trails around Blue Lake under the supervision of Asa Arnold.

1926 August La Veta: The Trinidad Chamber of Commerce is inquiring about our Balanced Rock which is one of the most unique specimens of its kind in the world.

1926 August La Veta: There used to be an old Tramway up near Blue Lake Camp.

1926 August Walsenburg: Before moving to its new location at Sixth and Main, the former Huerfano Trading Company location, Walsenburg Electric Supply will sell its player pianos, slightly used, for $375, and player Piano rolls at 75 cents each.

1926 August Walsenburg: County surveyors of Huerfano and Las Animas counties will begin setting a definite common boundary next week.

1926 August Walsenburg: On Friday the 13th lightning struck the Wayt lumberyard and began a fire which caused $5,000 damage and also struck the Walsen power house causing $8,000 damage.

1926 August Walsenburg: On Friday the 13th lightning struck the Wayt lumberyard and began a fire which caused $5,000 damage, and also struck the Walsen power house for $8,000 in damages.

1926 August Walsenburg: School shoes, $1.98 to $2.49, Walsenburg Jobbing House, 725 Main, M. Katz, proprietor.

1926 August Walsenburg: The annual CF&I picnic will be held Saturday at Cameron.

1926 August Walsenburg: The Chamber of Commerce plans to establish an athletic field and playground just west of Huerfano County High School.

1926 August Walsenburg: The largest ever liquor raid in this county netted 575 gallons of moonshine from a four-room distillery west of Walsenburg. 

1926 August Walsenburg: Thomas Brown, 56, was killed by a fall of rock at Calumet No. 2, also known as Little Turner mine.

1926 August: The front of the Huerfano Drug Store will be remodeled and the building divided into two shops.

1926 September La Veta: Earl Rich has taken charge of the Ritter district school near the Pickens ranches.

1926 September La Veta: If you don't think tourism is a desirable asset, just ask the farmers between here and Cuchara Camps who had a ready market for poultry, butter, eggs and vegetables right at home.

1926 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Atchison have purchased the Fair store.

1926 September La Veta: Pioneer Hiram Vasquez celebrated his 83rd birthday.

1926 September La Veta: Rev. Turrentine has been replaced by Rev. E.J. Reeves at the Methodist Church.

1926 September La Veta: The Larrabee and Colvin families of Liberal, Kansas have bought 12 lots at Cuchara Camps and are building a cabin.

1926 September La Veta: The Star Garage is installing a gasoline station in front of its Main Street building.

1926 September La Veta: Thirty-nine residents of Liberal, Kans. enjoyed a big steak fry at Cuchara Camps before departing for home.

1926 September La Veta: William Culler has sold his stock to Stergh Mavrodis.

1926 September Walsenburg: Auto tents, 7 by 7 foot, $13.95 at Cardinal's.

1926 September Walsenburg: Barney Oldfield, the auto racer, passed through Walsenburg Monday afternoon after losing his clothing from a trunk on the running board in Trinidad.

1926 September Walsenburg: Dorothy Baker is the new Miss Walsenburg and Margaret Hunt is the new Miss Huerfano County:

1926 September Walsenburg: School shoes, $1.98 - $2.49. Walsenburg Jobbing House, 725 Main, M. Katz, proprietor.

1926 September Walsenburg: The auto racer Barney Oldfield passed through Walsenburg Monday after losing most of his clothes when his trunk fell off the running board somewhere around Trinidad.

1926 September Walsenburg: The new auditorium and gym at HCHS will be formally opened Sept. 22.

1926 September Walsenburg: The proposed union depot is to be a 32 by 119 foot red brick with a green tile roof.

1926 September Walsenburg: Walsenburg Electric Company will move to the corner section of the Roof and Dick building Oct. 1.

1926 September: The road to Big Four-Tioga is to be surfaced with red rock.

1926 October La Veta: An attempt will be made to open the road to the Blue Lakes next summer. About 40 cars made the climb this season but the strain cannot be beneficial to the innerds [sic] of the motors.

1926 October La Veta: County Commissioner Allen Roush attended a meeting with a state engineer who said the new highway will come into La Veta but will follow Front Street through the McComb Addition rather than Oak Street as previously.

1926 October La Veta: Emma May Kitchen died, a resident of La Veta since 1901, leaving her husband and two daughters, Marguerite Snedden and Viola June Kitchen.

1926 October La Veta: La Veta was crushed by St. Mary in the football game, by a score of 37 to 0.

1926 October La Veta: The first snow of the season fell early today but is rapidly melting. We have no kick against summer lasting until November.

1926 October Walsenburg: Approximately $4,500 was realized from the St. Mary Fair.

1926 October Walsenburg: August Unfug, whose apparel shop has been located at 624 Main since 1906, is moving to Sixth and Main Streets.

1926 October Walsenburg: Bishop Tihen of Denver dedicated the Little Flower Chapel at Gordon.

1926 October Walsenburg: Frankie Murphy of Denver and Jack Kane of Chicago will trade blow for blow tomorrow night at Arcade Hall.

1926 October Walsenburg: Matt Giro and Joan Meeker starred in the Dramatic Club's successful play "Ann's Little Affair'' at the Star Theater last night.

1926 October Walsenburg: Mrs. Julian Lamme received the prize offered by the Civic League for having the most beautiful garden.

1926 October Walsenburg: Seventh Street store owner Mike Paulovsky, 42, died Sunday, leaving a wife and two daughters.

1926 October Walsenburg: Seventh Street store owner Mike Paulovsky, 42, died Sunday, leaving a wife and two daughters.

1926 October Walsenburg: St. Mary senior class officers are John Kirkpatrick, president, Anna Mosco, vice-president, Charles Krier, treasurer and Herbert Lewis, reporter.

1926 October Walsenburg: The grain elevator is being rapidly dismantled to make way for the new union depot.

1926 October Walsenburg: The local Boy Scouts will present the Kitchen Cabinet Sympathy Orchestra from Pueblo at the Star Theater.

1926 October Walsenburg: The new auditorium/gymnasium at St. Mary School will be opened Oct. 19 with a chicken dinner and a dance following.

1926 October Walsenburg: The new auditorium-gymnasium at St. Mary will be opened tomorrow night with a chicken dinner and a dance following.

1926 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg Electric moves to new quarters at Sixth and Main next week after being located at 504 Main since 1919.

1926 November La Veta: Christmas Trees for Sale. Your Choice, $1.00. J.H. Kincaid.

1926 November La Veta: Clyde Brooks and Mildred Stohmeyer were married.

1926 November La Veta: Federal officers confiscated large quantities of illicit liquor in a series of raids in the county Tuesday.

1926 November La Veta: Huerfano County voted to go dry by only 236 votes.

1926 November La Veta: J.R. Shearer built a milk house at a year-round spring close to his ranch house.

1926 November La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Levy Kincaid initiated their new radio on Saturday evening by inviting 14 friends and relatives to supper and afterward tuning it in.

1926 November La Veta: The football team had a tough time at Primero, being caught in a snowstorm, could hardly see the ball and bucked snow all the way home, some not arriving until one or two in the morning.

1926 November Walsenburg: A contract was let to Archie Levy to build the new athletic field for Huerfano County High School on two blocks donated by Fred C. Walsen.

1926 November Walsenburg: A large number of criminal cases in Walsenburg are blamed on the use of "marijuana."

1926 November Walsenburg: Approximately $4,500 was realized from the three-night St. Mary Parish Fair and Bazaar.

1926 November Walsenburg: August Unfug will have a formal opening of his womens wear shop in his new location at Sixth and Main, Huerfano Trading Company.

1926 November Walsenburg: C&S are extending their tracks northeast of the present station another 4,000 feet and installing a new water tank and an automatic coal chute.

1926 November Walsenburg: City Council banned street stands in Walsenburg as unsightly and for obstructing traffic.

1926 November Walsenburg: Federal officers confiscated a large quantity of illicit liquor in a series of raids here Tuesday.

1926 November Walsenburg: Joe Espander announces the opening of Model Cleaners and Tailors at 129 West Seventh.

1926 November Walsenburg: The dark red brick of Walsenburg's new union depot began to rise Wednesday.

1926 November Walsenburg: The dedication of the new St. Mary High School building has been postponed as it is not completed.

1926 November Walsenburg: The dedication of the new St. Mary high school building has been postponed as it is not completed.

1926 November Walsenburg: The Maccabees are moving their hall to the Joseph building on lower Main Street.

1926 November Walsenburg: The snow storm "confused" the football game with Primero.

1926 November Walsenburg: This is Canned Foods"  Week at Joe's Market and Grocery, Star Grocery, Snodgrass Food Company, Fulton Market, Walsenburg Mercantile, C.O.D. Store and Economy Grocery.

1926 November Walsenburg: This is Canned Goods Week at Joe's Market and Grocery, Star Grocery, Snodgrass Food Company, Fulton Market, Walsenburg Mercantile, the C.O.D. Store and Economy Grocery.

1926 December 1: Baxter Hardware and Trading Co., Joseph O'Byrne, President and F.H. Danford, Secretary, Wholesale And Retail Hardware and Agricultural Implements

1926 December La Veta: Building of the Methodist Church is now underway in the excavation made some years ago and abandoned.

1926 December La Veta: Byrdie Beamer and Paul King were married, as were Bernice Kreutzer and Thomas O'Neil.

1926 December La Veta: Floyd Denton and Marlene Homsher were married in California.

1926 December La Veta: Jimmie Bowdino and Clarence Kreutzer gave a dance in the Wahatoya schoolhouse on Saturday which was enjoyed by many.

1926 December La Veta: Record crops of barley and oats were reported in this section, with some farmers harvesting 50 bushel wheat.

1926 December La Veta: Representatives of  the Frink Creamery were here seeking guarantees of 1,000 gallons of milk per day for the proposed cheese factory.

1926 December La Veta: Residents in the Ritter district enjoyed a holiday party, program and old fashioned games in the schoolhouse Tuesday evening.

1926 December La Veta: Superintendent Jim McCune of Ojo says the mine is shipping 200 tons of coal per day.

1926 December La Veta: The American Automobile Association has a new official route for tourism from Denver through this way to the south and west, which should bring a lot of traffic through town if the highway isn't rerouted.

1926 December La Veta: The Commercial Club has secured a lease on the south portion of the county stock barn and will turn it over to the school basket ball team for games and practice.

1926 December La Veta: The La Veta High School coach, William F. Ford, died at La Veta Hospital after suffering an appendicitis attack.

1926 December La Veta: The Methodists have started excavation for their church, which will be 50 by 70 feet in size.

1926 December La Veta: The new Methodist Church is to be 60 by 70 feet.

1926 December La Veta: The personal property of A.B. Parks which was disposed of at a sheriff's sale Wednesday afternoon was purchased by J.B. Hamilton for $2,500.

1926 December La Veta: Total payrolls for the coal mines in Huerfano County average $20,000 daily, or over $2 million yearly.

1926 December Walsenburg: A 30-foot tall balsam Christmas tree has been erected on the courthouse lawn.

1926 December Walsenburg: A thirty foot balsam Christmas tree has been erected in the court house yard.

1926 December Walsenburg: August Musso will open the new $10,000 Alpine Rose Cafe next Wednesday.

1926 December Walsenburg: Pat Vallely resigned so J. Jamieson will be the new foreman at the Cameron mine.

1926 December Walsenburg: Pioneer March Addington, 84, died. Born in Georgia in 1844, he served with the Confederate Army and came to Gardner in 1872. Of 11 children, nine survive, including Mrs. Addie Costilla, Leta Diez, Charles, William and Robert of Huerfano County.

1926 December Walsenburg: The cold weather halted work for the season on the new Union Depot with just the brick walls up.

1926 December Walsenburg: The Elks will have their big charity ball in the new Maccabee Hall in the Joseph building on lower Main Street.

1927 January Walsenburg: George Mavroganis of Tioga won $15 in the Sears and Sears Garage mileage contest, getting 35.3 miles per gallon.

1927 January La Veta: A Lewis Nilson has opened a tailoring and dry cleaning establishment here.

1927 January La Veta: A record crowd attended the Oddfellows' dance Saturday evening.

1927 January La Veta: Dr. R.A. Mathew has his office in the Masonic building.

1927 January La Veta: Earl Kreutzer won $152 as second prize in the calf club class on his yearling at the Denver stock show.

1927 January La Veta: Ellis Smith, whose calf won the state fair in Pueblo, Elton Holmes, John Goemmer and Chester Springer will take their calves to the annual stock show in Denver.

1927 January La Veta: George Drury has purchased the old Phillips ranch from P.L. Estes.

1927 January La Veta: John Hamilton is president of the First National Bank of La Veta, Levy Kincaid is vice president and W. H. Harrison, L.W. Lee and George Blickhahn are directors.

1927 January La Veta: Paul Ghiardi is planning to remodel the Spanish Peaks Hotel.

1927 January La Veta: Snyder and Gamble have a new garage and repair shop at the corner of Francisco and Oak Streets.

1927 January La Veta: The Dewey home was the scene of another old-fashioned dance and get-together of longtime friends Thursday evening.

1927 January Walsenburg: At present there are 23 dairy herds locally and movements are on foot to form a Huerfano County Dairy Association.

1927 January Walsenburg: Mose Martinez, 31, secretary of the local I.W.W., was shot and seriously injured Sunday evening at the Plaza Pool Hall on West Eighth Street.

1927 January Walsenburg: Red hot jazz and dreamy waltzes will be rendered Saturday night in St. Mary Auditorium as only Hayden Lane's five-piece orchestra of Pueblo can render them.

1927 January Walsenburg: The Denver and Rio Grande Western has asked the state utilities commission for suspension of passenger service between Alamosa and Walsenburg.

1927 February 9: Lamme Bros.

1927 February La Veta: A recent rough census of the Alamosa Barbour camps, which practically join, placed the population at about 700.

1927 February La Veta: Charles Powell is building a two-room cabin on his ranch for tourist rental.

1927 February La Veta: Dr. Lee will now be physician for the coal camps while Dr. Wilkinson takes over the hospital.

1927 February La Veta: Nina Alexander won first and $10 at the girls' declamatory contest Friday evening and Zella Rich was second.

1927 February La Veta: The adjoining camps of Alamo and Barbour now have a combined population of nearly 700.

1927 February La Veta: The foundation of the new Methodist Church is completed up to ground level and will rise four more feet to complete the basement portion.

1927 February La Veta: The Ghiardi and Company store now have a selection of hats.

1927 February La Veta: The Goemmer Brothers now have the last word in comfort and luxury - a Stutz eight-cylinder coach.

1927 February La Veta: The La Veta Automotive Company has leased land across the street in Railroad Park to expand the business.

1927 February La Veta: The survey on the Mosca Pass road is underway and though the project is budgeted, the road probably will not open this year.

1927 February La Veta: W.O. Van Etten, 77, committed suicide in Walsenburg.

1927 February Walsenburg: Contracts have been signed to improve the city water system which should improve water pressure on the hill.

1927 February Walsenburg: Flora Trujillo of Ideal and Jake Pacheco of North Veta were married last Monday.

1927 February Walsenburg: Sporleder Selling Company has opened a branch store in Alamosa.

1927 February Walsenburg: The Chamber of Commerce is planning to build itself a home of Niggerhead Coal at the north end of Main Street.

1927 February Walsenburg: Two hundred and fifty people attended the annual Chamber of Commerce meeting and banquet at St. Mary Auditorium.

1927 February Walsenburg: Violet Wheelock and Julius Rossman have the leading roles in the Huerfano County High School junior class play "A Hidden Guest."

1927 February Walsenburg: Violet Wheelock and Julius Rossman have the leading roles in the Huerfano County High School junior class play, "A Hidden Guest."

1927 February Walsenburg: Windsor Hardware and the Masonic Temple were damaged by a $10, 000 blaze.

1927 February Walsenburg:  A large crowd attended the acrobatic show given at the Rouse Y.

1927 March 30: Furphy, Undertaker

1927 March La Veta: Brick for the new Methodist Church has arrived and the structure has progressed to the point where bricklaying can be proceeded apace.

1927 March La Veta: Deep snow and drifts closed La Veta Pass at 10 a.m. yesterday.

1927 March La Veta: Deep snow and drifts closed La Veta Pass at 10 a.m. yesterday.

1927 March La Veta: Died, Robert N. "Turk" Moore, 84, the last GAR member in Huerfano County.

1927 March La Veta: La Veta Heat, Light and Power proposes to open a power plant in Cuchara Camps.

1927 March La Veta: La Veta Heat, Light and Power proposes to open a power plant in Cuchara Camps.

1927 March La Veta: La Veta Light, Heat and Power Company will build a two-roomed building in Cuchara Camps to house an electric plant and caretaker.

1927 March La Veta: Measles and chicken pox are depleting attendance at the school.

1927 March La Veta: Miss Alice Lester has taken Mrs. Fred Dryden's place as musician at the picture show.

1927 March La Veta: W.F. Ireland is taking over the La Veta Dairy Company.

1927 March Walsenburg: Four soft drink parlors have been closed for violation of their licenses. They are located at 823 Main, 816 Main, 119 West Seventh and 214 West Seventh.

1927 March Walsenburg: Over 1,000 visiting Elks attended the dedication ceremony of the new $53,000 Elks Lodge in Walsenburg.

1927 March Walsenburg: Over 5,000 people attended the annual Auto Show during which 20 new cars were sold.

1927 March Walsenburg: Over 5,000 people attended the annual Auto Show, during which 20 cars were sold.

1927 March Walsenburg: Some 1,000 visiting Elks are expected to attend the dedication of the new $35,000 Elks Lodge here.

1927 March Walsenburg: The Chamber of Commerce moved to the Levy Brothers building in the 100 block of West Seventh Street.

1927 March Walsenburg: The first train will stop Thursday at the new Union passenger depot.

1927 March Walsenburg: The new Walsenburg sign on Capitol Hill, which is 20 feet high and 100 feet long and holds 270 globes, will be lighted Thursday.

1927 March Walsenburg: Work on the new union depot and station is being pushed and it may open within the next two weeks.

1927 April La Veta: A.P. Atchison won the contract to build an intake tower at town lake and an embankment on the east end.

1927 April La Veta: About 30 people attended the surprise birthday party for Max and Vada Elley at Strangers Hall.

1927 April La Veta: For sale: 160 acres on Bear Creek, $4.50 per acre, 40 acres under fence, spring that never goes dry. Juan Ortega, Rouse, Colo.

1927 April La Veta: Joe Visich and John Giomardi of Walsenburg are assisting Fred Doyle of Denver in laying the brick at the new Methodist Church.

1927 April La Veta: John Goemmer was elected president of the La Veta Baby Beef Club Thursday evening, Kenneth Brown, vice-president and May Smith, secretary.

1927 April La Veta: La Veta Light, Heat and Power Company has secured the agency for Kelvinator Domestic and Commercial Electric Refrigerators.

1927 April La Veta: Mildred Smith married Ed Shearer and Ruth Donegan was married to Ralph Brooks.

1927 April La Veta: Mildred Smith married Ed Shearer and Ruth Donegan was married to Ralph Brooks.

1927 April La Veta: Our recent weather has been good for the soil but bad for the soul - snow, rain, wind, mist, frost and a damp, chilly atmosphere.

1927 April La Veta: Owen Williams and Clyde Brooks will build a Texaco station at a corner of Oak and Ryus Streets.

1927 April La Veta: Some Baptists are pretending it's summer, and are planning a wienie roast at the Boyd ranch.

1927 April La Veta: The cornerstone for the new Methodist Church was laid.

1927 April La Veta: The high schools of Walsenburg, St. Mary, Aguilar and La Veta will meet here April 30 for a track competition and baseball tournament.

1927 April La Veta: The store at Ojo has been abandoned with the decrease in population.

1927 April La Veta: There are 390 registered voters in La Veta.

1927 April Walsenburg: A total of 1,904 people voted of 2,303 registered to elect J.J. Pritchard, mayor, C. Victor Mazzone, clerk and William Krier, treasurer.

1927 April Walsenburg: Cy Atencio won the Recreation pool tournament from Sam Bonfiglio.

1927 April Walsenburg: The flow in the Cucharas River is said to be normal despite the driest winter in 56 years.

1927 April Walsenburg: The Huerfano Agency will make $100,000 worth of improvements on its Gordon mine, where a new vein is being tapped.

1927 April Walsenburg: The Huerfano Agency  will make $100,000 worth of improvements on its Gordon mine, where they are tapping a new vein.

1927 April Walsenburg: The last of the sewer system is under construction between Walsen and the high school.

1927 April Walsenburg: The last of the sewer system project is under construction between Walsen and the high school.

1927 May La Veta: Alamo school will add two more rooms to accommodate the children living at Barbour mine, which opened this past year.

1927 May La Veta: Alex Clopsky [sic] failed to turn up for his mail this winter.

1927 May La Veta: Andrew Gallegos and Italico Michelizza will graduate eighth grade in District 32, Oakview. Guy Macy is their teacher.

1927 May La Veta: Continental Oil Company will build a filling station in railroad park.

1927 May La Veta: Cuchara Camps now has telephone connections, a post office, store, hotel, commissary, amusement pavilion and 60 summer homes.

1927 May La Veta: District 21, Cuchara Camps, will graduate three eighth graders, Pat and Pete Mayes and John Vories.

1927 May La Veta: Drs. Lee and Wilkinson have operation of the La Veta Hospital.

1927 May La Veta: Evan Marker and Sadie Kreutzer were married and Levein Elwood Haase married Eloise Luzader.

1927 May La Veta: If it doesn't rain pretty soon, we'll be having more than a long dry spell. It's dry enough to suit the prohibitionist and then some.

1927 May La Veta: Professor LeRoy Curtis was reelected superintendent of La Veta Schools.

1927 May La Veta: Some Walsenburg people have taken charge of the Sulphur Springs and some of the cabins are occupied.

1927 May La Veta: The county is having a portion of Highway 111 to Cuchara Camps surfaced.

1927 May La Veta: The eighth grade will hold Commencement Exercises May 18 with a piano solo by Dorothy Lougheed, a reading by Maurice Ireland and salutation by Elnora Simms.

1927 May La Veta: The seniors celebrated "sneak day" on Wednesday by breakfasting at Ojo, climbing old Baldy with 11 reaching the summit, and dining on the pass.

1927 May Walsenburg: About 6,000 people are expected to attend Walsenburg's fourth annual Music Week in which 200 local musicians will participate.

1927 May Walsenburg: About 6,000 people are expected to attend Walsenburg's fourth annual Music Week in which 200 local musicians will participate.

1927 May Walsenburg: Approximately 2,000 people attended the Ludlow memorial services May 24.

1927 May Walsenburg: Captain Charles A. Lindberg, "the flying fool", made the first transatlantic flight to France Saturday.

1927 May Walsenburg: Carbon monoxide poisoning killed six men in the Del Agua No. 3 mine explosion last Friday, May 27.

1927 May Walsenburg: Died, Michael Spok, 22, Toltec miner and former Walsenburg baseball star, of spinal meningitis which he contracted after being injured in the mine in 1923.

1927 May Walsenburg: Eighth grade graduates of District No. 38, Sunnyside, under Georgia Hart, teacher, are Jasper Bruce, Tommy Kobaejshi and Pauline Brittendal.

1927 May Walsenburg: Eighth grade graduates of Grand View School are Lena and Mena Dighera, Rosie Luchino, Ida Sordella and May Smith. Miss Nellie D. Smith is their teacher.

1927 May Walsenburg: Federal officers confiscated 150 gallons of wine in a raid on the Turner boardinghouse.

1927 May Walsenburg: Gordon School closes June 3 after graduating eighth graders Helen Kador, Paul Grusonik and Clarence Clair.

1927 May Walsenburg: Hubby: I miss the old cuspidor since it's gone. Wifey: You missed it before - that was the trouble.

1927 May Walsenburg: In homage to Spring, high school students will gambol to the tunes of modern jazz as Greek gods and goddesses in a pageant, "Springtime."

1927 May Walsenburg: In homage to spring, the high school students will gambol to the tunes of modem jazz as Greek gods and goddesses in a pageant entitled "Springtime."

1927 May Walsenburg: John Kirkpatrick was valedictorian of the graduating class of St. Mary High School. There were 21 in the class.

1927 May Walsenburg: Mac McGregor's Blue Demons will play for the most unique dance of the year on May 21, for the benefit of the Independent Junior League.

1927 May Walsenburg: More than 100 kids in the CF&I mining camps in Huerfano County will go to the Camp of the Whispering Pines for 10 days for $5 each.

1927 May Walsenburg: Pioneer T.R. Jones, 81, died. He lived on the old Bourcy place, now the site of the Victoria Hotel, until he left this country in 1877.

1927 May Walsenburg: St. Mary High School had its graduation exercises May 26 when John Kirkpatrick delivered the valedictory address.

1927 May Walsenburg: The 46 students of the senior class at Huerfano County High School spent their sneak day at Blue Lakes.

1927 May Walsenburg: The Alamo School will add two rooms to accommodate the children from Barbour mine, which opened this past year.

1927 May Walsenburg: The Opera House Cafe is reopening after a $1,100 remodeling project to improve the charcoal broiler, steam tables and refrigeration case.

1927 May Walsenburg: The sand storms have been wicked.  The school children could not even go to school alone because they couldn't see a half a block.

1927 May Walsenburg: Today's Independent is the largest paper ever issued in Huerfano County, published by the Walsenburg Woman's Club.

1927 May Walsenburg: Two hundred eighth grade students will receive diplomas the next few weeks from county schools.

1927 May Walsenburg: Walsenburg was plunged into darkness Sunday night when a switch burned out at the Trinidad Electric Railway, Transmission and Gas company plant.

1927 June La Veta: A rodeo is being planned for the Fourth of July in Cuchara Camps, also dancing, games, refreshments, etc.

1927 June La Veta: A snowslide down Trinchera took out a half mile strip of trees and fifty feet of packed snow remain in a canyon near Blue Lakes.

1927 June La Veta: Chick Brooks is managing an auto repair shop in the Vasquez blacksmith.

1927 June La Veta: Grace Lougheed married Robert Young.

1927 June La Veta: More than 300 members and their families attended the annual picnic of the Loyal Order of Moose at Cuchara Camps Sunday.

1927 June La Veta: Muriel Walls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Walls, married George Davis.

1927 June La Veta: Muriel Walls, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Walls, married George Davis in Walsenburg Wednesday. He is employed by Guaranty State Bank.

1927 June La Veta: New floors have been laid in the pavilion, dining room and commissary in Cuchara Camps.

1927 June La Veta: Orvil Clark has sold the shoe shop to J.C. Griffey.

1927 June La Veta: Sheriff Capps was here yesterday to locate some more stolen articles which had been cached near the old slaughter house.

1927 June La Veta: The construction on the Methodist Church is almost complete.

1927 June La Veta: The first tourist camp house being erected by La Veta Automotive company near railroad park is about completed, and looks most attractive.

1927 June La Veta: Work has started on the new filling station at Ryus and Main, which will be brick with a red tile roof.

1927 June Walsenburg: $12,000 worth of improvements have been made on railroad crossings on Main and Seventh Streets.

1927 June Walsenburg: A ten-pound baby boy can make more noise than a 250-pound man can suppress.

1927 June Walsenburg: A third pool hall is under construction at Del Carbon.

1927 June Walsenburg: Baseball score - Pontiac Boosters 6, Pictou Bronchs 2.

1927 June Walsenburg: Bill Flynn, 14, holds the attendance record at Walsen School for 720 days, or five consecutive years.

1927 June Walsenburg: Branding the proposed gas line from Amarillo, Tex. as impractical and inefficient, S.M. Thompson of Caliente Fuel Co., predicted gas could never seriously compete with coal as fuel.

1927 June Walsenburg: Cameron Cubs, 10, Turner Cardinals, 9.

1927 June Walsenburg: Eighth grade graduates from Cameron school are Grace Cerjanec, Bonnie Claire Temple, Eleanor Prudhoe, Elvera Dona, William Coco and Edward Race. Mrs. Relich is their teacher.

1927 June Walsenburg: Eighth grade graduates of Tioga School are Franklin Platzek, Mike and George Conder, Emilio Wilkins, Joseph and Mary Giordano and Serafini Andreatta.

1927 June Walsenburg: More than 300 persons from Huerfano and Las Animas counties took the circle tour through the mountains, sponsored by the chambers of commerce in Walsenburg, La Veta, Trinidad and Aguilar.

1927 June Walsenburg: Mrs. George Halliday is the new manager of the Peoples Pavilion on West Seventh Street, which opens Saturday night with Boyle's eight piece orchestra.

1927 June Walsenburg: Prairies and farm lands are universally green after a three day drizzle ended the drouth threatening crops.

1927 June Walsenburg: Rip Wood, 29, was killed Friday while repairing Trinidad Electric Transmission, Railway and Gas Company's switches near the Pacific Coal Company's Caddell Mine.

1927 June Walsenburg: Some 362 Masons from Walsenburg and southeastern Colorado attended the annual St. John's Day picnic at Cuchara Camps.

1927 June Walsenburg: The 17 eighth grade graduates of Walsen School will give a class play June 8 during graduation, exercises.

1927 June Walsenburg: The boys from Huerfano County CF&I camps go to camp for a 10-day stay June 26 through July 7 and the girls July 7 to 17. They will learn first aid and crafts and take part in outdoor recreation.

1927 June Walsenburg: The Rialto Theater has a new $1,000 cooling system according to manager Mike Zalesny.

1927 June Walsenburg: Three days of rain and drizzle, amounting to two inches, ended the long dry spell.

1927 June Walsenburg: Unless the mountains in the western part of Huerfano County have warm weather or rains soon, farmers of the county will face a drouth this season. The continued cold weather is holding 15 to 30 inches of snow in the mountains.

1927 June Walsenburg: W.E. Cherry, D&RG brakeman, was killed by eight freight cars running over him yesterday at Walsen.

1927 June Walsenburg: While trying to hang up a speed record to Rouse, 12 miles southwest of here, John Matteroli, 35, mechanic at the Walsenburg Garage, lost control of his Nash roadster and ended up in a ditch after the car turned over twice near Mayne.

1927 June Walsenburg: William Schiemenz, 36, a former mule driver at the Cameron mine, committed suicide in Denver, the victim of a triangle love affair.

1927 June Walsenburg: Wool prices soared to 29 cents a pound today so Huerfano County sheepmen loaded two cars, representing about 60 percent of the estimated 245,000 pound crop.

1927 July La Veta: A heavy hail storm caused much damage to gardens, crops and roofs.

1927 July La Veta: Died, Thomas A. Nogle, 80, the father of Mrs. Milton Heikes.

1927 July La Veta: G.A. Mayes announced there will be a rodeo in Cuchara Camps for the 4th of July.

1927 July La Veta: Howlett and Penne's thresher is keeping busy in the ongoing harvest.

1927 July La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kimsey of Klamath Falls, Ore. visited his sister Mrs. Jap Bruce.

1927 July La Veta: Several Sunday School classes have formed an embroidery club and will sell their work to raise funds for the church.

1927 July La Veta: The Huerfano County Sunday School picnic will be July 30 in Cuchara Camps, with field races and games, golf, baseball and an old-fashioned basket dinner.

1927 July La Veta: The new filling station at Oak and Ryus is open and Mr. Snowden is for the present delivering service.

1927 July La Veta: The oil well at Oakview is down to 550 feet and they are still drilling.

1927 July La Veta: With the opening of the filling station at the corner of Oak and Ryus, La Veta has four service stations.

1927 July Walsenburg: As a result of the cloudbursts which washed out the Loma Branch tracks and a highway bridge 300 miners at Calumet No. 1 are out of work.

1927 July Walsenburg: By a score of 6-2, John Zubal hurled the Walsenburg Diavolos to a victory over-the crack Dawson, New Mexico nine here Sunday before a crowd of more than 600 fans.

1927 July Walsenburg: Cloudbursts near Turner washed out the D&RG Loma Branch tracks for 160 feet, tore out the Turner railroad bridge and left the Gordon highway bridge impassable.

1927 July Walsenburg: Dorothy Baker of Walsenburg, Miss Colorado for 1926, will represent Huerfano County in the Music Week at Denver.

1927 July Walsenburg: Dr. and Mrs. Charles Brunelli and daughter Norma motored to Westcliffe July 4 for the rodeo.

1927 July Walsenburg: Dr. G.R. Mallett's office in the Kearns building was robbed of $155 while he stepped outdoors to visit.

1927 July Walsenburg: Engineers have begun surveying for the proposed Mosca Pass highway which would shorten the distance from Walsenburg to the Sand Dunes by 55 miles.

1927 July Walsenburg: For rent: 2 room apartment on the second floor, $21.50; 2 rooms on first floor, $20 a month. 318 East Kansas, Phone 431W.

1927 July Walsenburg: Huerfano County flockmasters shipped a sixth carload of wool Wednesday, bringing the total of shipments this season to 229,650 pounds of wool through the National Wool Exchange Co-op pool.

1927 July Walsenburg: Little Anna Katherine Tessler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Tressler, is convalescing after an appendix operation.

1927 July Walsenburg: Paving work on the Seventh Street C & S railroad crossing was finished late Sunday night and the street reopened to traffic.

1927 July Walsenburg: The Boy Scouts paid $375 for two lots and the erection of a cabin for their use at Cuchara Camps.

1927 July Walsenburg: The Community Church now has 250 members.

1927 July Walsenburg: There have been 44 deaths since Jan. 11 from accidents or suicide without a doctor present, and 21 from natural causes.

1927 July Walsenburg: Work preparatory to paving the city's street railroad crossings on Main and Seventh Streets, estimated to cost $12,000, was begun last week by crews of the D&RG and C&S companies.

1927 July: The Walsenburg Independent Church has been organized with 57 members and will be called the Community Church.   Dr. J.G. McMurty, present minister of the Presbyterian Church, will fill the pulpit.

1927 Aug. 12, Reinstatement of four men said to have been discharged from Huerfano and Las Animas county mines for their part in the Sacco-Vanzetti protest is the demand of the I.W.W. here today. - The Independent

1927 Aug. 16, Miss Ellen May "Nellie" French has sold her Nellie French Chocolate Shop, 715 South Main Street, to Mr. and Mrs. George Brassfield of Clovis, NM, for $1,600. Miss French will go to San Francisco to operate a millinery shop with her sister Mrs. A.L. Hendrix. - The Independent

1927 Aug. 2: Flash floods down Green Canyon left two blocks in Aguilar under water and three mines are closed because the railroad bridges were washed out. The Temple Fuel Company just above the junction of Vogt and Broadhead canons lost its boardinghouse, two residences, the warehouse with $10,000 worth of grain stored inside and a store, as well as 15 automobiles. The Independent

1927 Aug. 26: The School Bell Rings! Buy your school supplies at Walsenburg Variety Store, Agnes Bros., Howards, J.S. Windsor, Capitol Hill Grocery, Walsenburg Jobbing House, Diamond Exchange, City Pharmacy, Service Drug Company (Let Fred Deliver It), Walsenburg Creamery, Star Drug Company and The Novelty Store. The Independent

1927 Aug. 30: Boys and girls representing clubs in Huerfano County who will compete in the state fair demonstrations and contests in Pueblo next week are Ruby Baker and Josephine Ireland, Walsenburg, Ruth McKinley, Marian Wright and Florence Gribbell, Rattlesnake Buttes, Ina Smith, Kermit Karst and Opal Wolf, Apache, and Mae Smith, John Goemmer, Elton Holmes and Ellis Smith, La Veta. - The Independent

1927 Aug. 5, Damaged water lines due to the flood in Aguilar prevented fighters from controlling a fire of unknown origin that destroyed the Apishapa Trading Company warehouse, valued at $11,000, which was filled with grain, hay, feed and flour. - The Independent

1927 August La Veta: C.H. Brooks has his justice of the peace office in the room adjoining the Spanish Peak Hotel, and also sells cigars and other tobaccos.

1927 August La Veta: Cloudbursts have cost $185,000 to mine and farm property in Huerfano County in the past four days.

1927 August La Veta: Half a dozen cottages at Cuchara Camps are now connected to the local electric light plant.

1927 August La Veta: Minnie Adamson built a cottage and garage in her park.

1927 August La Veta: Minnie Adamson has for rent a four-room modem apartment as well as a three-room apartment on Francisco Street, plus a four-room unfurnished house in the park.

1927 August La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Asa Wilcox gave a swimming party at the pool in Lester in honor of their daughter Elizabeth's 13th birthday.

1927 August La Veta: The Boy Scouts drove to Blue Lakes Camp then hiked to Crystal Lake at the foot of Trinchera, then to Wolf Lake and around Bear Lake and back to Blue Lakes.

1927 August La Veta: The Boyd filling station is nearly complete and will open soon.

1927 August La Veta: The dedication of the Methodist Church took place last week.

1927 August La Veta: The dedication services were held Sunday in the new Methodist Church with a special program, supplemented by the wedding of Fred Waggoner and Lucille Stacey of Malachite. 

1927 August La Veta: The La Veta Stampede drew about 800 automobiles, with an attendance of perhaps 3,800 people.

1927 August La Veta: The Singer Brothers Big Trained Animal and Novelty Show, with the Kelly La Tell Troupe, wire artists and Amon Simms Company, acrobats and clowns, will be here Aug. 30 at the ball park.

1927 August Walsenburg: Nellie French sold her Chocolate Shop at 715 South Main to Mr. and Mrs. George Brassfield of Clovis NM for $1,600.

1927 August Walsenburg: A cloudburst left two and a half inches of water in several downtown businesses such as the Huerfano Motor Company, 207 Main Street.

1927 August Walsenburg: Brown's Beauty Parlor, 107 East Sixth Street, will be closed this week for redecorating.

1927 August Walsenburg: Fifteen young people of Gardner will spend a week camping on the Medano, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tirey.

1927 August Walsenburg: Returning football players at St. Mary High School are Victor Fini, Frank Furphy, Jim Pacheco, Buddy Kilmurray, John Sudar, George Turner and Stancato.

1927 August Walsenburg: Seventeen young women are entered in the Miss Walsenburg of 1927 contest and the winner will be chosen at the Bathing Beauty Dance Aug. 17 at the People's Park Pavilion. Don Juan and His Traveling Arcadians will furnish the music.

1927 August Walsenburg: The union miners are threatening to go on strike in protest of the execution of Sacco and Vanzetti.

1927 August Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Tire Shop team won the Southern Colorado Amateur baseball championship and will go to Denver for the state finals.

1927 August Walsenburg: V.C. Wolfe and his wife of Seattle visited Walsenburg and he remarked he hardly recognized the city. Mr. Wolfe started the Walsenburg Independent in 1902 [sic] and remained here for two years as manager and editor.

1927 August Walsenburg: Work on the 120 by 50 foot swimming pool at Lester will be completed this week by CF&I employees.

1927 August: Miss Lena Mazzone has returned from Kansas City with her new fall millinery stock.

1927 Sept. 30: Thomas Fossceco, 23, one of the proprietors of the Greenhorn store, received severe head wounds in an encounter with a 250 pound cinnamon bear housed in their zoo. The Independent

1927 September La Veta: Arlene Tessari has been visiting her relatives here.

1927 September La Veta: Custom grinding is being done on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the La Veta Roller Mills.

1927 September La Veta: Frink Dairy will open a $10,000 cheese factory at the old Methodist Church and parsonage Oct. 1.

1927 September La Veta: Joseph Ross, the blind musician, gave an enjoyable concert.

1927 September La Veta: Kato's KK Cafe is moving to the Micheletti building.

1927 September La Veta: Mr. Kato is moving his KK Cafe to the Micheletti building on the corner.

1927 September La Veta: Plans to tour La Veta dairy farms and take part in the celebration of the opening of the C.B. Frink Dairy Co.'s cheese factory Oct. 4 were announced by the Walsenburg Chamber of Commerce.

1927 September La Veta: S.J. Gaumer leased the flour mill to grind feed.

1927 September La Veta: School opened Tuesday with an approximate enrollment of 175 in the grades and 80 in the high school.

1927 September La Veta: Tables for "friendly games'' are available at C.H. Brooks' Smoke House next door to the Spanish Peaks Hotel.

1927 September La Veta: The Denver and Rio Grande Western is establishing a bus line between Alamosa and Walsenburg, with a stop at the depot in La Veta.

1927 September La Veta: The ground floor of the Masonic building has been converted to a club room and kitchen.

1927 September La Veta: The K.K. Cafe will soon move to new quarters in the Micheletti building.

1927 September La Veta: The old Methodist Church was sold for a cheese factory.

1927 September La Veta: The season's first snow and killing frost struck Monday.

1927 September La Veta: The shoe shop has been moved next door to the bakery.

1927 September La Veta:  School enrollment is 255 with 175 in the elementary grades and 80 in the high school.

1927 September Walsenburg: $1,000 will be the prizes each day for the horse race and rodeo at the Gardner fall festival Sept. 23-24.

1927 September Walsenburg: Alex "Sandy" Lenzini, John Shosky, George McNally and Sam T. Taylor have gone to Chicago to see the Dempsey-Tunney fight.

1927 September Walsenburg: Alex Delaurante, 26, machine helper at Turner, was electrocuted in Utah Fuel Company's Calumet No. 1 coal mine.

1927 September Walsenburg: By cutting off two miles between Crow and Apache, highway officials estimate they will save $60,000 when they pave the Pueblo-Walsenburg road.

1927 September Walsenburg: Fair exhibitions for the Santa Clara community fair Oct. 1 are being prepared and the vegetable exhibits should be the best ever after all the recent rains.

1927 September Walsenburg: Five hundred and fifty students are enrolled in St. Mary School, compared to 475 last year.

1927 September Walsenburg: Floyd Driver has been given a citation for saving the life of Jesse Webb last May when the roof began to fall in the ninth north entry third cross of the Lester mine.

1927 September Walsenburg: Henry Klein and Gwendolyn Jenkins, both 1923 graduates of Huerfano County High School, were married last night at the residence of Rev. William E. Parks.

1927 September Walsenburg: Huerfano County ranked second in Colorado coal production for August with 183,412 tons and 2,252 miners employed.

1927 September Walsenburg: Oldtimers are predicting an early and severe winter after the first frost of the season Wednesday.

1927 September Walsenburg: Over 1,200 persons celebrated at Gardner for the opening day of the annual fall fair and festival.

1927 September Walsenburg: The Cuchara Junction school six miles east of here burned to the ground last Thursday. The $2,500 building was covered by insurance.

1927 September Walsenburg: The modern girl seems to be hipless, bustless and useless.

1927 September Walsenburg: Tony Madle was voted most popular player in the junior league, followed by Oscar Santi and Christie Mosco.

1927 September Walsenburg: Walsenburg Tire Shop Juniors won the state amateur baseball championship.

1927 September: Aguilar had its biggest fiesta ever, a mammoth Labor Day celebration organized by the Aguilar U.M.W. local under the direction of William Cafarelli.

1927 September: Alex "Sandy" Lenzini, John Shosky, George McNally and Sam T. Taylor are on their way to Chicago to see the Dempsey-Tunney fight.

1927 October 5: Western Casualty Company

October 18, 1927 The Chronicle Telegram, Elyria Ohio FEAR VIOLENCE IN COLORADO MINE ZONE Walsenburg, Colo., Oct. 18-A threat of violence hung over the section of Colorado today as 3,000 coal miners prepared to strike. Only about half the miners working in the area will walk out, it was indicated. The most of them are said to be members of the I.W.W. I.W.W. meetings were held in several towns last night, and it was decided to carry out the strike on schedule. The meetings were guarded by peace officers as a result of threats against the miners, made by other citizens. Several I.W.W. members were forced to leave Walsenburg Sunday. The headquarters of the organization here was raided and papers were seized and burned. It was hinted that national guardsmen would be brought in to prevent rioting if the strike occurred as scheduled.

October 28, 1927 The Chronicle Telegram, Elyria Ohio GIRL LEADER OF STRIKERS IN COLO. HURT. Walsenburg, Colo., Oct. 28-Mitka Bablich, 19 year old I.W.W. strike leader, was injured today when she was dragged half a block by a mounted mine guard after an unsuccessful attempt to close the Ideal Mine. Further violence was feared as a result of her injury. When word that she had been hurt was spread at a mass meeting in Walsenburg, one speaker was reported to have  shouted. "Bring your six shooters, men! You see what they did to Mitka. If they want revolution lets give it to them."

1927 October La Veta: A government engineer is running lines on the flat north of town and it looks as if the new highway will bypass us after all.

1927 October La Veta: About 1,100 of the 2,500 coal miners in Huerfano County failed to appear for work after the IWW called a statewide strike.

1927 October La Veta: About 300 people, including 50 from Walsenburg, attended the Cheese Fest last Friday to kick off the new cheese industry in La Veta.  They visited dairy farms, inspected the new factory and had supper of foods made from cheese.

1927 October La Veta: Construction of the new cheese factory is progressing.

1927 October La Veta: County valuations have increased to $1,332,833, including an increase of $555,379 over last year on improvements except on coal lands.

1927 October La Veta: Despite the IWW strike, 163 men are working at Alamo mine, 55 at Barbour and 104 at Oakview.

1927 October La Veta: F.N. "Bill" Raeder is moving into a house across from the Methodist Church which is in a rundown condition but he will make it compare favorably with other dwellings.

1927 October La Veta: H.C. Prop, caretaker at Blue Lakes resort, last seen Sept. 22, is charged with cashing a $600 draft forged for compensation insurance at First National Bank of La Veta.

1927 October La Veta: Mrs. James Lamme and Mrs. Adolph Unfug spent Thursday with their father Joe K. Kincaid.

1927 October La Veta: Over 2,500 persons attended the Huerfano Valley Fair and Rodeo in Gardner over the weekend despite the cold and snow Sunday.

1927 October La Veta: Representatives for the new cheese factory took a tour of the dairies of Ellis Smith, John Elley, Less Lawrence and John Vernon.

1927 October La Veta: The annual round-up at Gardner brought in over 4,000 cattle and 7,000 sheep, with some 50 men taking part in it.

1927 October La Veta: The C.B. Frink Dairy Company's new $10,000 cheese factory will open Oct. 15 in the remodeled Methodist Church and parsonage.

1927 October La Veta: The Colorado Fuel and Iron hay warehouse has been finally emptied and is now ready to receive this season's crop.

1927 October La Veta: The new Vienna Cafe, Main and Ryus, which will open next to the post office Tuesday, is real nifty and a credit to the town.

1927 October La Veta: The Vienna Cafe opened in the former KK Cafe at Ryus and Main Streets.

1927 October Walsenburg: A Pueblo man died after he was thrown into Huerfano Lake, 30 miles northeast of Walsenburg, by the recoil of his shotgun while hunting from a small boat. His body has not been recovered.

1927 October Walsenburg: Charles Hayden was elected president of the new Walsenburg Businessmen's Winter Athletic Club.

1927 October Walsenburg: Construction is now underway on a $5,000 cement and brick warehouse, 35 by 80 feet with a full basement, for the Jellison Transfer and Storage Company.

1927 October Walsenburg: Dr. H.W. Murphy, just back from practicing medicine in the Panama canal zone, has opened an office at Strong.

1927 October Walsenburg: M. Kalmes is opening a dry goods and ready to wear department at his store at Seventh and Main Streets Oct. 22.

1927 October Walsenburg: More than 1,500 boys and girls flocked to the Merchants Chrysler contest matinee at the Star Theater last Saturday.

1927 October Walsenburg: More than 1,500 boys and girls flocked to the Merchants Chrysler contest matinee at the Star Theater last Saturday.

1927 October Walsenburg: More than 4,000 cattle were collected up in the annual Querno Verde Livestock Association roundup by 50 men from four counties.

1927 October Walsenburg: The Rev. Arthur Heinlein has taken over pastoral duties at the Community Church.

1927 October Walsenburg: There will be a benefit dance at the Pictou "Y" on Saturday with music by Schafer's orchestra. Admission, including refreshments, $1.

1927 November 3: Trinidad Electric Transmission, Railway and Gas Company,phone 71, Walsenburg, Colorado.For the first 40 hours use per month of Connected Demand, 11 cents; For the second 40 hours use, 9 cents; For the third 40 hours use 7 cents; For all in excess 5 cents.

1927 November La Veta: A residence on what is known as the Atchison ranch north of town, occupied by the John Owens family, was completely destroyed by fire.

1927 November La Veta: An appropriation of approximately $40,000 could bring the highway east far enough from La Veta Pass to eliminate both of the railroad crossings between here and Ojo.

1927 November La Veta: Dr. R.A. Mathew has his office in Cozy Home, corner of Main and Francisco Streets.

1927 November La Veta: Huerfano County produced $6,405,000 worth of coal in 1926, one-fifth of all the coal produced in the State of Colorado.

1927 November La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. George Drury have a new son they have named Howard.

1927 November La Veta: Railroad business has been picking up again; three or four trains coming in from the west during the night at some times.

1927 November La Veta: Sporleder Selling Company is opening a feed store in the Campbell building on Main Street.

1927 November La Veta: The assessed valuation of La Veta, as received by the town clerk, is $383,235.

1927 November La Veta: The Ojo mine is back in operation.

1927 November La Veta: We suggest that automobile turnstiles be installed at the principal crossings in La Veta, for pedestrians can never figure on the eccentricities of a driver, who usually takes the shortest way, even if it is across lots.

1927 November Walsenburg: County valuations have increased to $1,332,833, including an increase of $555,379 over last year on improvements except on coal lands.

1927 November Walsenburg: Died, John Pillow, said to be 110 years old, near Badito. Pillow voted for Lincoln when he was 40 years old.

1927 November Walsenburg: Ideal mine was forced to close Thursday when 300 strikers held a mass meeting on the property.

1927 November Walsenburg: Over 1,500 children flocked to the Star Theatre Saturday for the free matinee sponsored by 20 local merchants.

1927 November Walsenburg: Speciality Flower and Beauty Shop moved from West Seventh Street to 618 Main Street.

1927 November Walsenburg: Strikers burned down the Starkville post office and the Colorado Supply store as well as the Y.M.C.A. building.

1927 November Walsenburg: Strikers burned down the Starkville post office, Colorado Supply Company store and the YMCA.

1927 November Walsenburg: The county commissioners will surface Seventh Street to the point where it meets the La Veta highway near Mutual.

1927 November Walsenburg: The new addition of Lenzini Motor Company will be 50 by 142 feet and will hold a display room for Hudson and Essex cars, an auto supply shop and offices.

1927 November Walsenburg: The new addition to Lenzini Motor Company will be 50 by 142 feet and will hold a display room for Hudson and Essex cars, an auto supply shop and offices.

1927 November Walsenburg: The Speciality Flower and Beauty Shop moved from West Seventh Street to 618 Main.

1927 November Walsenburg: Three-hundred and ninety-three diggers are at work in Colorado Fuel and Iron Company's Huerfano County mines despite the strike. 

1927 December La Veta: Dale Boyd is now manning the ovens at Boyd Bakery.

1927 December La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Willburn celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Saturday along with the marriage of their daughter Nancy to Wright of Gardner on Christmas Day.

1927 December La Veta: Ortis Arnold married Helen Hamilton, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Hamilton.

1927 December La Veta: The cheese factory is receiving 3,300 pounds of milk per day, and is producing 3,000 pounds of cheese each week.

1927 December La Veta: The home paper makes an acceptable all-the-year Christmas gift to out-of-town friends.

1927 December La Veta: The juniors of the high school enjoyed an evening of games and dancing at the Coe residence, with Mr. Coe providing the music.

1927 December La Veta: The word is getting around and La Veta livestock is becoming famous.

1927 December Walsenburg: Besides the many thousands of dollars expended in Walsenburg on improvements during the year, $30,000 was spent on new schools at Gardner, St. Mary's, Rattlesnake Buttes and Pictou.

1927 December Walsenburg: Colorado Fuel and Iron is raising the miners' wages to $6.52 plus 94 cents a ton.

1927 December Walsenburg: Four regulars are returning to the Huerfano County High School basketball team - J. Rossman, Wylie Babbitt, Clarence Williams and Gaston Santi.

1927 December Walsenburg: If women had any sense there would be more bachelors.

1927 December Walsenburg: Improvements in Walsenburg the past year include four new businesses, 35 residences and an apartment building, worth a total of $250,000, plus the Union depot was completed at a cost of $45,000 and the Elk's $53,000 lodge was finished.

1927 December Walsenburg: Plans for the construction of the First Methodist Church at the corner of Main and Kansas were officially approved Wednesday evening by the congregation. The building will be 104 feet long, 52 feet high and contain 12,500 square feet.

1927 December Walsenburg: So far 12 have joined the Businessmen's Athletic Club under the direction of C. Bonfadini, athletic director at St. Mary High School.

1927 December Walsenburg: The Pueblo-Walsenburg highway will be improved between Crow and Greenhorn to eliminate the steep hills and dangerous curves.

1927 December Walsenburg: The Women's Civic League has taken over the sale of Christmas seals this year in Huerfano County.  One cent each.

1927 December Walsenburg: Twenty-two people representing 10 countries, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Jugo-Slavia, Spain, Austria, France, Czecho-Slovakia and Russia, have applied for their naturalization Dec. 12.

1928 February Walsenburg: Traveling carpenters for the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company have finished building some new houses at Pictou camp.

1928 January La Veta: A. Duzenack and John Bowdino bought the Parks ranch on the Wahatoya.

1928 January La Veta: Dr. Robert A. Mathew, health officer, ordered La Veta school closure while checking into an epidemic of scarlet fever after two cases were reported.

1928 January La Veta: E.J. Bennett, proprietor is remodeling the Hotel La Veta.

1928 January La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kimsey are now living in Walsenburg and he is acting as police officer for Turner coal camp.

1928 January La Veta: Robert Penne and Nell Ferguson were married.

1928 January La Veta: Roy Heikes is laying a new floor in the Crystal Theater.

1928 January La Veta: Some good ice has been harvested and stored in the ice house for use next summer.

1928 January La Veta: The basketball game with Sopris ended with a score of 2 to 2.

1928 January La Veta: The cheese factory has already doubled its output.

1928 January La Veta: The Spanish Peaks Hotel is now the Hotel La Veta. E. J. Bennett will remodel completely, both indoors and out.

1928 January La Veta: There was no school this week on account of an outbreak of scarlet fever.

1928 January La Veta: Three cars of dairy stock have been brought in since Jan. 1 by local stockmen, numbering 50 head, and valued at $5,895, to furnish milk for the Frink cheese factory.

1928 January La Veta: Three thousand pounds of cheese are being shipped to Pueblo weekly.

1928 January La Veta: Whitem and Black are opening some coal on the Finn place for the Goemmer brothers.

1928 January La Veta:  Paul Ghiardi, deputy sheriff at La Veta, arrested Tom and George Snedden and Joe and John Proud for disturbance, assault and battery after they hit him at Kincaid hall Christmas Eve.

1928 January Walsenburg: Approximately $2,500 will be spent remodeling the court house, enlarging the Fifth Street entrance and building indoor steps over which an eight by 26 foot vault will be installed for the treasurer.

1928 January Walsenburg: Benton Canon, a pioneer of the Santa Clara of the 1870s, died in New York and was buried in Denver.

1928 January Walsenburg: Chief of Police T.A. Frantz read a resolution prohibiting public gatherings before 300 miners in the I.W.W. hall following the mass picketing.

1928 January Walsenburg: Despite the strike, 1,541 miners showed up for work this morning in Huerfano County.

1928 January Walsenburg: Died, Henry Grant Lamme 63, who has been here since 1893 and was for 28 years a manager of the Colorado Supply stores.

1928 January Walsenburg: Died, Henry Grant Lamme, 63, who has lived in Huerfano County since 1893 and worked for 28 years as manager for Colorado Supply at Hezron and Pictou.

1928 January Walsenburg: Ed Merritt, local sheep man and  wool buyer, contracted with Jeremiah Williams & Co. to sell 3,500 fleeces of Huerfano County wool at 31 cents a pound.

1928 January Walsenburg: Felix Martinez won the new Chrysler in the merchants' drawing.

1928 January Walsenburg: Fire of unknown origin caused $3,500 worth of damage to Service Drug Wednesday morning. Tom Workman, owner, says the loss is covered by insurance.

1928 January Walsenburg: For rent, a five room house with bath and furnace heat, one block from the high school, $45. Inquire of Mike Medvik, Loma Park.

1928 January Walsenburg: For rent, a five room house with bath and furnace heat, one block from the high school, $45. Inquire of Mike Medvik, Loma Park.

1928 January Walsenburg: Lenzini Motor Company will hold a formal opening of the new garage addition today and tomorrow.

1928 January Walsenburg: Mike Kaparos, 40, owner of the Independent Pool Hall, was found with three and a half gallons of whiskey and arrested.

1928 January Walsenburg: Of the $35,000 building project of the proposed Methodist Church, $20,875 is now provided for.

1928 January Walsenburg: Seven independent mines in Huerfano County, employing 940, granted a raise of 32 cents per day. Added to the 68 cents a day raise last October, this makes a raise of $1 per day in wages in the past year.

1928 January Walsenburg: Skaggs Store Company is remodeling the store adjoining Baxter Hardware and will open about Feb. 1.

1928 January Walsenburg: The new Huerfano County High School band under the direction of Theodore Lenz is progressing well for its first year.

1928 January Walsenburg: The New Place, a confectionery and lunch counter, opens Sunday at 110 West Sixth Street.

1928 January Walsenburg: The New Place, confectionery and lunch room at 110 West Sixth Street, opens Sunday by owners R.A. Mason and Joe Archuleta.

1928 January Walsenburg: The new Skaggs Safeway store, under the management of C.V. Wilson, opened for business yesterday in the building next door to Baxter Hardware.

1928 January Walsenburg: Two people, a striker and a young boy, were killed in the gun battle Jan. 12 near the IWW Hall on South Main Street.

1928 February La Veta: A marriage license was issued to Norman D. Howlett and Eleanor C. Coe, both of La Veta.

1928 February La Veta: A skeleton was discovered near the bank of Hayes Creek, which comes down from the West Peak, and those interested in archaeology are going to uncover the remains.

1928 February La Veta: Ed Shearer, 35, died of tuberculosis. He leaves his wife, the former Mildred Smith, whom he married in 1927.

1928 February La Veta: Norman O. Howlett and Eleanor Edythe Coe were married.

1928 February La Veta: The American Legion took in $115 through the sale of tickets for last Saturday night's dance.

1928 February La Veta: The Carson Estate the dairy business with 10 head of Jerseys and Holsteins purchased from Messrs. Parsons and Coe.

1928 February La Veta: The cheese factory is now receiving about 6,500 pounds of milk daily and ships an average of 75 boxes or 3,750 pounds of cheese every week.

1928 February La Veta: The ground hog has gone back into his hole and we need the snow which he expects.

1928 February La Veta: The groundhog has gone back into his hole and we need the snow which he expects.

1928 February La Veta: The groundhog has gone back into his hole and we need the snow which he expects.

1928 February La Veta: The Red Cross drive in Huerfano County brought in $1,475 in donations.

1928 February La Veta: The school at Cuchara Camps is closed due to illness - the enrollment is only three this term.

1928 February La Veta: The school board has had the schoolhouse connected with the sewer to be rid of the cesspool.

1928 February La Veta: Three thousand pounds of cheese from the local factory are being shipped to Pueblo weekly.

1928 February La Veta: William Kincaid was elected president of the Commercial Club, Owen Williams, secretary and W.H. Harrison, treasurer.

1928 February Walsenburg: A strong flow of gas was struck at the oil well being drilled at St. Marys, 17 miles north of Walsenburg, at 1,000 feet. 

1928 February Walsenburg: Bennie's Delight is the new restaurant at 128 East Sixth Street.

1928 February Walsenburg: Contractor O.L. Bradford has completed a new vault for the county treasurer, a stairway from the basement to the first floor at the Fifth Street entrance and a new sidewalk from that entrance at the courthouse.

1928 February Walsenburg: For sale: Canary singers, $6 to $7; hens $2 up; one Old Trusty incubator, $8. Box 115, Rouse.

1928 February Walsenburg: I offer a $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of anyone stealing milk from my customers. Joe Bergamo.

1928 February Walsenburg: Schools receiving awards for selling the most tuberculosis Christmas seals are Ravenwood, Tioga, Maitland, Rouse and Gardner.

1928 February Walsenburg: Schools receiving awards for selling tuberculosis Christmas seals are Ravenwood, Tioga, Maitland, Rouse and Gardner.

1928 February Walsenburg: State and city officers raided the I.W.W. headquarters here yesterday, removing records and weapons.

1928 February Walsenburg: The building of a new balcony for ready-to-wear and millinery and the removal of offices to the front of the building are the new features of the rearranged J.C. Penney store.

1928 February Walsenburg: The first Model "A" Ford delivered in Huerfano County went to A.M. Zipprodt, former secretary of the Chamber of Commerce.

1928 February Walsenburg: The first Model "A" Ford delivered in Huerfano County went to A.M. Zipprodt, former secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. 

1928 February Walsenburg: The home of Attorney Romilly Foote was destroyed by dynamite last night.

1928 February Walsenburg: The new fad of wearing a so-called "soupstrainer" which was so prominent with the bigger boys at Huerfano County High School, is somewhat losing its popularity.

1928 February Walsenburg: Three hundred pupils of St. Mary School will give a playlet, flag drill, Venetian flower dance and musical entertainment tonight.

1928 March La Veta: A "baby'' tornado took part of the west side of the cheese factory.

1928 March La Veta: Billy Adamson expects to have his new tourist cabins completed before the summer season and the Price ranch is ready for tourists.

1928 March La Veta: Dancing certainly seems a popular form of amusement with the young, and Kincaid Hall wouldn't have held many more last Saturday night when Kafka's orchestra supplied the music.

1928 March La Veta: Dave Clark is building some cabins to rent to summer visitors.

1928 March La Veta: Died, Edith Akers, who was born in 1893 in Rouse and died of scarlet fever. She leaves two daughters, Josephine and Virginia. Her husband Joseph died in 1921.

1928 March La Veta: Dr. and Mrs. Lee have moved back into the hospital with the departure of the Wilkinsons.

1928 March La Veta: Dr. Shafer moved his office and residence to the Mauldin building.

1928 March La Veta: Eight thousand pounds of milk are being received daily at the cheese factory and Mr. Frink says he will enlarge its capacity right away and add on to the building.

1928 March La Veta: Frank Hector, Ben Baker, Jeff Baker and Bryan Denton put on an impromptu vaudeville show one night with music and Negro clogging.

1928 March La Veta: Frank M. Eggleston, 77, died on the roof of his store on Main Street while feeding the birds. He has been a La Veta resident since 1875.

1928 March La Veta: Frank M. Eggleston, 77, died on the roof of his store on Main Street while feeding the birds. He has been a La Veta resident since 1875.

1928 March La Veta: Harold K. Kincaid and Wilma E. Boyd were married.

1928 March La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. John Elley are moving onto the J.W. Boyd ranch.

1928 March La Veta: Oakview seems to be working steadily. 

1928 March La Veta: Orval Clark is fencing a space 150 by 80 feet, with wire six feet high, 18 inches of which will be underground, for his muskrat farm. He has 40 pair and a suitable location with running water and also will build a fish pond.

1928 March La Veta: The Puritan Coal Company sold the Ojo mine to the Dick Coal Company.

1928 March La Veta: The recluse Alex Klobsky was down from Silver Mountain.

1928 March La Veta: The streets have been graded by the Atchison road gang, but the alleys are full of trash and tin cans thrown by those with no civic pride.

1928 March La Veta: Unfug and Peet Mortuary of Walsenburg leased part of Mrs. Elrod's house for a funeral parlor.

1928 March La Veta: W.F. Ireland is moving to Westcliffe to work for the Kettle ranch.

1928 March La Veta: West Francisco Street is being graded up the hill since the mill hill is in such poor condition.

1928 March Walsenburg: George McNally and Herman Veltman bought the Furphy Brothers garage on Main Street and it will be known as the Palace Garage in future.

1928 March Walsenburg: Most coal mines in the county are working just three days a week.

1928 March Walsenburg: Service Drug will reopen its Main Street store near Fifth this week after remodeling from the disastrous fire several weeks ago.

1928 March Walsenburg: Susie Trujillo, 11, of Malachite School, holds a state spelling record over a period of two years.

1928 March Walsenburg: The C&S will abandon the tracks to the old McNally and Breen mines, which have been closed for some time.

1928 March Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Creamery is installing a $15,000 cold storage plant on the east end of their building, where an old garage was razed.

1928 March Walsenburg: Thousands of people attended the annual Auto Show held this year in the Sears and Sears showrooms.

1928 March Walsenburg: Trinidad Electric moved from 213½ East Sixth Street to their new office at 516 Main.

1928 April 24: Reception to his Excellancy The Most Rev. Peter Fumasoni-Biondi, Apostolic Delegate.

1928 April La Veta: Ann Reed-Francisco, who was born in Westport, MO in 1849, died. She had occupied the Plaza, which she inherited from her brother-in-law, Colonel Francisco in 1902, for many years.

1928 April La Veta: Charles Boyd and Charles Powell received 30 cans of young fish for their private ponds.

1928 April La Veta: Dr. F.W. Schafer, the chiropractor, now has his office in the north side of the Mauldin building.

1928 April La Veta: Friday the 13th was truly unlucky for Mrs. Jarnigan who fell down the stairs at her home and broke her collar bone.

1928 April La Veta: Frink Creamery Company bought the Methodist parsonage next to the cheese factory for storage use.

1928 April La Veta: Frink Creamery Company bought the Methodist parsonage next to the cheese factory for storage use.

1928 April La Veta: Joe K. Kincaid and Mrs. Myra Sager were married. Both came here from Georgia in the 1870's.

1928 April La Veta: John H. Kincaid resigned as postmaster and Ray and Cornelia Coleman have assumed his duties.

1928 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. George Price and friends went up to the Price ranch on Indian Creek to get the resort ready for tourists.

1928 April La Veta: Pinon Hill is being resurfaced before the start of tourist season.

1928 April La Veta: Somebody celebrated the town election with two discharges of dynamite, but whether it was a defeated or successful candidate was not made public.

1928 April La Veta: Sylvia Arch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Mathews, died of scarlet fever, leaving her husband, a daughter and a baby son.

1928 April La Veta: The first dandelions made their appearance on lawns around town this week.  

1928 April La Veta: The junior class cleared $50 on their play despite bad weather and other adverse conditions.

1928 April La Veta: The tennis club met at the bank Tuesday night to make plans for the season and take in new members.

1928 April Walsenburg: A new marble and plate glass display case installed in City Pharmacy has increased candy sales Glen Mathews said.

1928 April Walsenburg: A new office has been created on the south side of the third floor of the county courthouse.

1928 April Walsenburg: Accepting a compromise payment after beating the Colorado and Southern railroad in the district court, the city of Walsenburg this week accepted a direct loss of $4,631.24 on the payment of paving taxes due since June 1, 1924.

1928 April Walsenburg: Along with the city cleanup program, prisoners in the county jail were put to work cleaning the grounds surrounding their temporary abode.

1928 April Walsenburg: An explosion in the Pacific mine, seven miles northwest of Walsenburg, injured one man.

1928 April Walsenburg: Cy Atencio won the Recreation pool tournament from Sam Bonfiglio.

1928 April Walsenburg: Huerfano Drug will be giving away free Eskimo pies during their formal reopening.

1928 April Walsenburg: M.J. Judiscak bought the Norton cottage camp with its 18 cottages, grocery store and filling station.

1928 April Walsenburg: Medvik Motor Company has been organized by Mike Medvik, who will employ Joe Zgut and Alex Ferkovich in handling the Willys-Knight and Whippet cars.

1928 April Walsenburg: Otto Klein and Harry Graves have redecorated and modernized their car agency.

1928 April Walsenburg: Over 1,000 citizens were on hand to greet The Most Reverend Archbishop Pietro Fumasoni-Biondi on his arrival at the parish house today.

1928 April Walsenburg: The local telephone office, employing six operators during the two day shifts and one on the night shift under Chief Operator Mrs. Harold Smallwood, has been receiving over 5,000 calls per day lately.

1928 April Walsenburg: The Puritan Coal Company sold its Ojo mine to the Dick Coal Company.

1928 April Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Pavilion will officially make its debut with a grand opening Saturday night, according to Luke Giro and Sam Bonfiglio, who are managing the dance.

1928 April Walsenburg: Thomas Mells will open a new garage on West Seventh Street in the old Abe Cutter store this week.

1928 May La Veta: A $50,000 improvement will be made on the highway west of La Veta to resurface and grade the road and change the roadbed in dangerous spots.

1928 May La Veta: A 32 by 47 foot addition is being put up on the west side of the cheese factory. Of adobe, it is for the boiler and cheese room and the old portion will be used for storage. The entrance will be on the west side.

1928 May La Veta: Alvin Anson, the delegate to the Woodmen of the World convention, left a sign on his shop, "In Canon City, but not for life."

1928 May La Veta: An adobe addition, 32 by 47 feet, is being built onto the west side of the cheese factory.

1928 May La Veta: Ed Sheffield bought the Electric Shoe Shop.

1928 May La Veta: Fishing season is in full swing, but the creeks are at present too high and muddy for any good catch

1928 May La Veta: John Kincaid rented the McDonald building next to the printing office to open a soda fountain and lunch counter.

1928 May La Veta: Kendrick ''Pat" Mayes, the 16-year-old twin son of Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Mayes of Cuchara Camps, died of scarlet fever.

1928 May La Veta: Lois Prator won the 40 yard dash in the recent school track meet held in Walsenburg.

1928 May La Veta: The new western outlet from town on Francisco Street is now being traveled and will make a more direct route for the few farmers living in that direction.

1928 May La Veta: While practicing for the track meet Loraine Spielmann had the misfortune to collide with another contestant and break her collar bone. She was considered one of the best runners of her class.

1928 May Walsenburg: A total of $26,000 has been subscribed for the new Methodist Church to replace the old building built in 1884.

1928 May Walsenburg: Born, a girl, to Mr. and Mrs. I.M. Charles. Mrs. Charles is the former Marion Lamme of Walsenburg.

1928 May Walsenburg: Ida Price will have the title role in the St. Mary High School senior class play, "Mother Mine."

1928 May Walsenburg: Mrs. Caroline Sporleder Young will retire from teaching music and Miss Eva Curry will take over the studio.

1928 May Walsenburg: Pete Dakas, proprietor of the Miami cafe, is forming a local chapter of the Order of Aneha to promote American citizens of Greek origin.

1928 June 1: Walsenburg Water Works

1928 June La Veta: About 1,000 employees of CF&I attended the company picnic last weekend at Cuchara Camps.

1928 June La Veta: D.C. Williams of Pueblo bought the Sulphur Springs but the weekly dances will continue.

1928 June La Veta: It is reported an 18 inch vein of gold has been struck in the Lost Tunnel Mine on Rough Mountain.

1928 June La Veta: Now that Monte Vista has an airport, sky traffic should increase over La Veta, which has not had much thrill in this line as yet. One plane was sighted passing over at 6 o'clock Saturday evening.

1928 June La Veta: Orval Clark, James Teal and El Coleman with Alvin Anson are operating what is known as the Ripley group of claims on Grayback Mountain and will drill in the Magnolia next week.

1928 June La Veta: Ransom Hayes is the postmaster at Oakview camp.

1928 June La Veta: Sixteen-year-old Georgia Baldwin was killed in an auto accident.

1928 June La Veta: Sulphur Springs opened for the season with a big dance Saturday night.

1928 June La Veta: The blasting heard Tuesday was for enlarging a reservoir on the Kreutzer ranch to be used primarily for the adjoining Vigil farm.

1928 June La Veta: The State Fish and Game Department were unable to stock 10,000 young trout in the lakes above Cuchara Camps because of impassable road conditions, so left them in Goemmer's retaining ponds.

1928 June La Veta: Unfug and Peet have opened a mortuary in the McDonald building opposite the post office on Main Street.

1928 June Walsenburg: Bill Flynn, 14, holds the Walsenburg public school perfect attendance record of five honor awards, representing 720 days of perfect attendance.

1928 June Walsenburg: Unfug Chevrolet leads in Walsenburg car sales with 109 sold since Jan. 1.

Pueblo Indicator 6-30-1928 Pueblo – Juan Garcia, Walsenburg baby mulitlator, was secretly returned to Walsenburg by Sheriff Harry Capps. Garcia had been held in the Pueblo county jail for two weeks. Garcia was arrested in Alamosa, but was rushed here to avoid mob demonstration in Walsenburg, where he is accused of brutally mutilating a 4 month old baby.

1928 July La Veta: A parade at 12:30 will precede the rodeo and races Saturday south of town in the natural amphitheater.

1928 July La Veta: Hereafter the Cuchara Butte will be known as the Devil's Tooth, so get into the habit; it's a suitable appellation, and that's what we need to compete with Colorado Springs.

1928 July La Veta: Hereafter, the Cuchara Butte will be known as the Devil's Tooth to compete with the fancy names around Colorado Springs.

1928 July La Veta: Julian Reamer bought out the Carson estate.

1928 July La Veta: Mrs. George Sinclair is the new manager of the Hotel La Veta.

1928 July La Veta: The railroad park is producing a nice crop of hay, but the few remaining elm trees need trimming.

1928 July La Veta: Weekly dances are being held at the Sulphur Springs, which has been purchased by D.C. Williams of Pueblo.

1928 July Walsenburg: Mosco Brothers will construct a new garage at Main and Tenth, the Motor Hub.

1928 July Walsenburg: The Mosco Brothers will construct a new garage at Tenth and Main Streets, to be called Motor Hub.

1928 July Walsenburg: Twenty-eight carloads of coal from Robinson and Pictou mines were shipped from this place Monday.

1928 August La Veta: Anna Palmer is now Mrs. J.E. Freeman, 72, who once owned the home of Fenton Martin, who is her nephew. She is also the aunt of Mrs. Nuttall and Mrs. Warner.

1928 August La Veta: C.C. Webster took the excursion train to La Veta Pass Sunday and walked to Sulphur Springs by way of the Flats and Indian Creek Pass, following the old Indian trail down Indian Creek.

1928 August La Veta: Doris Webster has taken over the beauty parlor in Haase's barbershop from Eva Brennan.

1928 August La Veta: Forest Ranger Walter F. Oakes was found near death from ptomaine poisoning by the forest grazing inspector who got him to town.

1928 August La Veta: Frank Arnold has been busy getting out logs for some new cabins at Cuchara Camps.

1928 August La Veta: George Hamby bought the La Veta Service Station.

1928 August La Veta: Hugh Dick was killed by lightning.

1928 August La Veta: Plans are underway for the Greater Huerfano County Chamber of Commerce to advertise the county.

1928 August La Veta: The American Legion Post No. 59 will throw a "big skid" at San Isabel Springs Aug. 23 with a hot band and the floor is excellent.

1928 August La Veta: The second annual rodeo ended with a dance at San Isabel Springs after two days of Wild West performances.

1928 August Walsenburg: ''Caveman" Sabon pitched the Ideal Mudhens to a 5 to 4 win over the Walsenburg Miners.

1928 August Walsenburg: Four local restaurants, Alpine Rose, Miami, Opera House and the Oxford, have renewed their contracts as union houses.

1928 August Walsenburg: Four local restaurants, Alpine Rose, Miami, Opera House and the Oxford, have renewed their contracts as union houses.

1928 August Walsenburg: Geologists have found a dinosaur tooth and other remains near the Alamo oil well.

1928 August Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School will retain its dress codes after rejecting Dr. Lamme's petition against them.

1928 August Walsenburg: Mac's Blue Demons of Raton and Ken Wolfe and His Music Masters will compete tonight in a Battle of Music at the Pavilion.

1928 August Walsenburg: The new $25,000 Standard Motors at Seventh and Main Streets will hold its formal opening on Aug. 11.

1928 August Walsenburg: The Walsen First Aid team of Captain J.B. Burns, Tom Bodycomb, Ivor Graville, Donald Haske, John Bortman and "patient" Ed Merritt, are going to Butte, Mont. for the international finals.

1928 August Walsenburg: Used two door 1923 Chandler sedan for sale, $235. Medvik Motors.

1928 August Walsenburg: Walsenburg is prepared for the deluge of several thousand delegates to the state Elks and American Legion joint convention.

1928 August: Some 3,000 people attended the state Elks-American Legion convention in Walsenburg last week;

1928 September La Veta: Foster Young has opened the U-Tote-Em grocery store in the Campbell building.

1928 September La Veta: Foster Young will open a grocery store in one of the Campbell buildings on Main Street.

1928 September La Veta: Luther Bruce and Norman Smith did not join the marines as reported, but are working in Farmington, New Mexico.

1928 September La Veta: Norman Smith and Luther Bruce left to join the Marines.

1928 September La Veta: Now is the time of year when nature clothes the mountains in gorgeous hues prior to enveloping all in a mantle of white. A view of "Surprise Valley" from the Pinon Hill in the foreground of these wonderful colors on earth and sky is some compensation for the dreary months ahead.

1928 September La Veta: Snow on the range Monday morning and a real frost Tuesday night reminds us that the coal bills will commence pretty soon.

1928 September La Veta: The Huerfano Valley Fair, with a rodeo and races, will be Saturday and Sunday at Gardner.

1928 September La Veta: The Vernon kids Rose, 13, Richard, 8, Elmore, 11, Byron, 15, and Carl, 17, were injured in an auto accident.

1928 September Walsenburg: George Brassfield sold the Chocolate Shop at 710 Main Street to R.F. Poli.

1928 September Walsenburg: Just received, the Clara Bow Hat, $2.98, at the Novelty Store, 624 Main Street.

1928 September Walsenburg: Miss Helen Turner was chosen Miss Huerfano 1928.

1928 September Walsenburg: Miss Helen Turner was chosen Miss Huerfano for 1928 and will represent the county in the state competition.

1928 September Walsenburg: The Schafer Packing Company installed an innovative new electric power driven meat saw.

1928 September Walsenburg: The Specialty Beauty and Flower Shop installed a modern weight-reducing apparatus.

Pueblo Indicator 10-6-1928 Joe and Jesus Abeyta, sons of Felix Abeyta, of Walsenburg, who were arrested last week on the charge of stealing a flock of sheep from their father's ranch in Huerfnao County, were released from the Walsenburg jail on $1,000 bail each, on Wednesday. Sheriff Capps of Huerfano county and “Shorty” Martinez, a deputy, aided by Deputy Sheriff Keenan and Undersheriff Hayden and R.G. Meyer of Avondale made the arrest of the two young Abeyta's in Pueblo. They had shipped the sheep to Denver and collected the money. The father will refuse to prosecute his sons, it is thought, and under the law he cannot be compelled to do so nor to testify against them. Sheriffs DeTienne and Capps are trying to run down clues that may lead to thefts of cattle.

1928 October 13: August Unfug Women's and Children's Wear, P.O. Box 306, Phone 67

1928 October La Veta: A cash and carry Superior Bakery has opened in the Mauldin block with John Richmond and Harold Danks in charge.

1928 October La Veta: About 30 young people surprised Harrison Crumley on the occasion of his 16th birthday Saturday.

1928 October La Veta: Dick Baker and George Coleman have the contract to build a cement house of roomy proportions on the Crouse ranch. Levy Construction Co. is moving another house on the same place to a more convenient location.

1928 October La Veta: Flowers and fruit have continued to bloom and bear up to the present time, but the struggle can't last very much longer.

1928 October La Veta: La Veta went down 19-0 in a football game Friday afternoon with Huerfano County High School.

1928 October La Veta: Mining has resumed up on Grayback.

1928 October La Veta: Roy Heikes will build a 24 by 50 foot dairy barn for Mrs. Bertha Boyd.

1928 October La Veta: The Iron City Lumber Company plans to build a planing mill either near the railroad tracks in town or in the vicinity of the timber on Indian Creek.

1928 October Walsenburg: About 3,000 people attended the four-night St. Mary Fair and dinners.

1928 October Walsenburg: About 3,000 people attended the four-night St. Mary Fair and dinners. 1931 October Walsenburg: A Halloween masquerade ball, the first in two or three years, will be given tonight in the St. Mary School Auditorium.

1928 October Walsenburg: C&S is erecting a 50,000 gallon steel water tank at the crossing on Russell Street.

1928 October Walsenburg: Frank Kafka's orchestra will furnish the music for the Polish Lodge Z.N.P. dance at Maccabee Hall.

1928 October Walsenburg: The St. Mary annual fair has been set for Oct. 24-27.

1928 October Walsenburg: The Trinidad Oil Company has nearly completed its new Shell service station at Eighth and Main Streets.

1928 October Walsenburg: The Walsen grade school baseball team beat Rouse-Lester 3-1.

1928 October Walsenburg: The Walsen grade school baseball team defeated Rouse-Lester by a score of 3-1.

1928 October Walsenburg: The Walsenburg chapter of DeMolay has organized a band.

1928 November La Veta: A Republican headquarters has been opened in the McDonald building across from the post office.

1928 November La Veta: Alice Lester and Harold Smith were married.

1928 November La Veta: Edwin L. Smith will commence giving S&H green stamps at his store on Saturday, Nov. 17th.

1928 November La Veta: Mildred Heikes and Robert Mathews were married.

1928 November La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Foster Young moved into the back of their store, the U-Tote-Em grocery.

1928 November La Veta: T.A. Williams is remodeling the house he recently bought on Field Street.

1928 November La Veta: The cheese factory reports an increase of 100 percent in the past year. An average of 700 pounds of cheese is shipped out daily.

1928 November La Veta: The Melody Makers provided the music for the Thanksgiving dance Thursday night in Kincaid's Hall.

1928 November La Veta: The Sinclairs are giving up as managers of the Spanish Peaks Hotel and Mrs. Ghiardi and Mrs. Gross will take over.

1928 November Walsenburg: Fred Diez was elected county commissioner for District No. 1 and Allen J. Roush for District No. 2.

1928 November Walsenburg: George Jr. was born Nov. 21 to Mr. and Mrs. George Yourick.

1928 November Walsenburg: Osage Battery and Electric has moved into the Levy building at 121 West Seventh and will hereafter be known as the Auto Electric Service Company.

1928 November Walsenburg: The Alamo Miners soccer team won its fourth straight game by beating Coal Greek.

1928 December La Veta: A big time was reported at the carnival Friday night and the school athletic fund was enriched by $40.

1928 December La Veta: A defective flue started a fire in the rooms occupied by Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Willburn in the Plaza Tuesday.

1928 December La Veta: Agnes Lily Owens, 72, died. She came to La Veta 40 years ago with her husband William to ranch. She leaves a daughter Mrs. Roy Evans and sons John R., William and Benjamin L.

1928 December La Veta: Josephine Ireland and James Falk were married.

1928 December La Veta: Roy Heikes has been working for the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company at Crested Butte but expects to be home for Christmas.

1928 December La Veta: Sunday and Tuesday at the Crystal Theater, Jackie Coogan in "Buttons." A sea picture with Jackie as one of the gobs. Also a good comedy.

1928 December La Veta: The red planet Mars is a brilliant sight now in the northern sky, and it is especially interesting in contemplation of the possible radio communication or trips that may be someday a reality to this other world.

1928 December La Veta: The third issue of the "Spanish Peaks Echo," the La Veta High School publication, was issued on Wednesday.

1928 December Walsenburg: A packed house watched the epic "Wings" last night at the Star Theatre.

1928 December Walsenburg: A packed house watched the epic film "Wings" last night the Star Theater.

1928 December Walsenburg: A Piggly-Wiggly store may open in the former Opera House Cafe building formerly operated by Mike Kartas and Antonio Andreskis, which closed after 14 years in business.

1928 December Walsenburg: A Piggly-Wiggly store may open in the former Opera House Cafe building.

1928 December Walsenburg: Born on Dec. 17, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schafer.

1928 December Walsenburg: Darwin Ouderkirk says he has a Holstein cow at the Loma Park Dairy which gives ten and a half gallons of milk daily.

1928 December Walsenburg: Died, Charles Goemmer, 65, an employee of Colorado Fuel and Iron for 27 years at Walsen mine.  He leaves his wife Belle and son Julius.

1928 December Walsenburg: Died, Marcellina Romero Valdez, 72, at Gordon. She came with her parents to North Veta in 1860 and were the first settlers there.

1928 December Walsenburg: Joe Bain's Golden Eagle store on West Seventh Street, at 169 by 170 feet with a 100 by 160 foot basement, is now the largest store in southern Colorado.

1928 December Walsenburg: Joe Bain's Golden Eagle, measuring 169 by 170 feet with a 100 by 160 foot bargain basement, is now the largest store in Southern Colorado.

1928 December Walsenburg: M.J. Judisack sold the Norton Cottage Camp to R.J. Bunk.

1928 December Walsenburg: The illness of three Sisters at St. Mary School has cancelled classes from Dec. 6 until Dec. 10.

1928 December Walsenburg: The illnesses of three sisters at St. Mary has closed the school until Dec. 10.

1929 January La Veta: Alice Bowdino and Andrew Duzenack were married Jan. 20 at St. Mary Church in Walsenburg.

1929 January La Veta: Died, Nellie Florence Brown, 52, nee Drum, who was born in La Veta in 1876 . She leaves her husband Emery, mother Sarah Drum, two daughters and five sons.

1929 January La Veta: Mariposa Chapter, O.E.S., elected Eva Brennan, W.M., Edythe Jacks, A.M., Mrs. F.F. Harrison, conductress, Dolly Stranger, secretary and Rita Kincaid, treasurer.

1929 January Walsenburg: A pie supper given at Turkey Ridge raised about $80 toward the purchase of a new piano for the schoolhouse.

1929 January Walsenburg: Albert Pisarczyk was elected president of the Polish Lodge, Z.N.P., replacing Andrew Socha.

1929 January Walsenburg: Died, Don Jose Ramon Aguilar, 77 year old pioneer and former county commissioner in Las Animas County who gave his name to the city of Aguilar.

1929 January Walsenburg: District #4 school board would like to build a junior high on the site of Washington School.

1929 January Walsenburg: The school board of District No. 4, Walsenburg, plans to build a junior high on the site of the Washington School on East Fifth Street.

Walsenburg World 2-21-1929 Heckman Sentenced To Prison For 18 Years – Slayer of Felix Santistevan Guilty of 2nd Degree Murder – Judge Passes Heavier Sentence to Provide Heckman With Home in Old Age. Frank Heckman, 59, who was found guilty yesterday afternoon of manslaughter in the second degree, was sentenced this morning by Judge A.F. Hollenbeck of the district court to not less than 18 years nor more than 25 years in the state penitentiary at Canon City. Heckman was found guilty of killing Felix Santistevan, 30, local miner, at the Montez dance hall on West Eighth street on October 28. Heckman and Santistevan were alleged to have quarreled over a card game and in the ensuing fracas, Heckman is alleged to have drawn a gun.The first shot he fired was wild and penetrated a partition, striking Edgar Neumann, a traveling salesman, in the leg. Heckmann is then alleged to have fired two more shots, one of them striking Santistevan in the neck and the other in the body. Santistevan died instanly. In his final plea to the court this morning before sentence was passed on Heckmann, I.E. Schachet, his attorney, asked that the court be lenient with his client due to his age and to the fact that the crime was committed under the influence of liquor. “It is difficult to know what to do with a case of this kind.” Judge Hollenbeck said to Heckmann. “You are a man nearly 60 years old. The minimum penalty for your crime is 10 years. At the end of that time you will be nearly 70 years old, without a job, and with no friends, and a prison record behind you. It will be kinder to sentence you to a longer term to insure you a home in your old age.” He then passed the sentence. Heckmann will probably be taken to Canon City later in the week.

Walsenburg World 2-25-1929 Couple's Secret Marriage Made Known Today – The secret marriage on last November 17 of Miss LaVerne Thornberry, 15 years old, of Walsenburg, and Lee Howard, 18, a contractor at Alamo, was announced here last week by the bride's parents. The ceremony took place in Alamosa. The bride is the daughter of J.E. Thornberry of Sears & Sears garage, and Mrs. Thornberry. Young Howard is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Howard of Alamo. The announcement of the marriage was a complete surprise, Mrs. Thornberry said this morning. The couple plan to make their home in Alamo where Mr. Howard will continue in business.

Walsenburg Wolrd 2-7-1929 A miniature Dodge dealer arrived in Walsenburg Tuesday in the form of a baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Young Jr. Mother and nany are reported doing nicely. Father's hat is said to be much too small now.

1929 February 27: Guaranty State Bank, Walsenburg N.F. Castner, Vice Pres. Walsenburg World 2-28-1929 Harron Improving – The condition of Tom Harron, who fractured one of the vertebra in his spine in a fall near Young & Sons' garage last Sunday evening, is said to be satisfactory, and the fracture is healing rapidly, according to attending physicians.

Walsenburg World 2-28-1929 Harron Improving – The condition of Tom Harron, who fractured one of the vertebra in his spine in a fall near Young & Sons' garage last Sunday evening, is said to be satisfactory, and the fracture is healing rapidly, according to attending physicians.

1929 February La Veta: John P. Denton, 84, died. After serving in the Confederate army, he joined the US Regulars and came west to fight Indians, settling in La Veta following his discharge.

1929 February La Veta: The two Alamo mines are working every day, including every second Sunday.

1929 February La Veta: The two mines at Alamo are working every day, including every other Sunday.

1929 February Walsenburg: Doveton's, Inc. opened their new store today in the 500 block of Main with C.K. Orahood, manager.

1929 February Walsenburg: Doveton's, Inc., is the new clothing store in the former Fulton Market on Main between First National Bank and Krier's.

1929 February Walsenburg: Eggs, two dozen 65 cents; bananas, three pounds 19 cents; toilet tissue three rolls for 25 cents, at Skaggs Safeway Stores.

1929 February Walsenburg: Jake Pacheco of North Veta and Flora Trujillo of Ideal were married.

1929 February Walsenburg: M.J. Judiscak bought Mat Kilmurray's lunch car on Seventh Street.

1929 February Walsenburg: M.J. Judiscak has purchased Mat Kilmurray's Lunch Car on Seventh Street.

1929 February Walsenburg: Nelda Johnson's 1929 Revue, composed of children of Walsenburg, last night entertained a packed house at the Star Theater.

1929 February Walsenburg: The J.F. Sherman Mercantile Company will open a branch here in the Coors building near the D&RG tracks.

1929 February Walsenburg: The Manhattan Cafe opened for business Saturday in the former Opera House cafe building.

1929 February Walsenburg: The Senorita Outdoor Club was organized by Patsy Vallejos, Rose Osckle, Dolly Romero, Nellie Martinez, Dora Garcia, Hope Tafoya, Rachel Martinez and Henrietta Romero.

1929 February Walsenburg: There will be an informal reception Thursday evening for the opening of the new Methodist Church.     

Walsenburg World 3-4-1929 Mrs. Rice Caldwell is confined to the hospital with a serious illness.

Walsenburg World 3-4-1929 Cecil Edwards Is Arrested in Canon on Friday – Canon City, Colo., March 4 - Cecil Edwards, reported to be wanted in Walsenburg for the desertion of his wife and family and other alleged offenses, was arrested in Florence on Friday by representatives of the sheriff's office here and was brought to Canon City and lodged in the county jail. He was taken into custody at the request of the Huerfano county authorities. It is expected that an officer will arrive here in the next few days to take the prisoner to Walsenburg for trial.

Walsenburg World 3-7-1929
Gardner Items:
Mr. and Mrs. John Kindt's little son is very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waggoner motored to Walsenburg Sunday.
Paul Smith was a business caller in Walsenburg on Wednesday.
J.E. Stacy spent several days in Pueblo this week on business.
William Sharp made a business trip to Walsenburg Thursday.
Mrs. Joe Waggoner has resigned as teacher at the Fizer saw mill.
Mrs. Ed Widmer went to Walsenburg Friday, returning Saturday.
Joe Waggoner went to Walsenburg Tuesday with a truck load of hogs.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson visited at the Paul Sanders home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schmidt were visitors at the Paul Sanders home Friday.
Mrs. W.J. Gerks spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schmidt.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Meyer and sons motored to Walsenburg Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wright and family motored to Walsenburg Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Clair made a business trip to Walsenburg Saturday.
Mrs. Hulda Baker returned from a two months visit in New Mexico Saturday.
Frank Brossard and son, Rutherford, was transacting business in Gardner Thursday.
C.M. Ash was down from the Divide Tuesday with a load of ties, on his way to the mines.
Mrs. Sam Lutz has accepted a position as teacher at the Turkey Creek school, near Wilburns.
Mrs. Mason and Mrs. W.F. Underhill motored to Walsenburg Thursday returning Friday.
Ray Berry and Emil Schmidt spent the afternoon Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt.
Al Cordrey and daughter Leta motored to Walsenburg Friday with a load of potatoes. He returned Saturday.
Mrs. Lula Widmer, Henry Schmidt, and Rev. and Mrs. Mason were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. N.F. Mansfield Wednesday.
Mrs. James Gilligan left Wednesday for Pueblo, where Mr. Gilligan has a position with Ridenour Baker Grocery company.
Boyd Sanders of Pass Creek is spending a few days with his family, helping to care for his little son, who has been very ill.
Steve Cokkins and two sheepmen of Alamosa were business callers in Gardner Wednesday and were dinner guests of the Gardner hotel.
The Gardner High School pupils enjoyed the inaugural address Monday morning over the radio at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Frasher.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Stephens and little daughter have moved to Gardner. They have rented their ranch on Greaser Creek to Clay Lappin for the year.
Bruce Tirey accompanied N.F. Mansfield as far as Walsenburg Thursday. Mr. Mansfield went on to Denver, where he will receive medical treatment.
Henry Schmidt and son Harry left Saturday morning for Colorado Springs for a short visit. Earl Martin is caring for things at the ranch during their absence.
Albert Baker and Miss Keister were married in Canon City February 10. They will make their home in Canon City.
Fred Schmidt and Loren Martin of Pass Creek passed through Gardner Wednesday on their way to Ute Creek where they have cattle.
Albert Baker and Fred Osborn of Canon City were transacting business in Gardner Wednesday. They stayed over night at the Gardner hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Schmidt entertained at a turkey dinner Sunday the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paul, Miss Amanda Simpson and Frank Baker.
Earl Owens motored to La Veta Friday after a load of household goods for Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Wilburn. They are moving to their home on Turkey Creek.
Rev. and Mrs. Mason and Mrs. W.F. Underhill motored to Walsenburg Sunday and attended the dedication of the new Methodist church. Others who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Fox and family, Mrs. Wilma Smith, Miss Iva Kirby, Miss Lucille Ogborn, Mr. and Mrs. William Sharp and family, Ralph See, Mary Addington, Burchard Addington, Oren Benson, and James Gilbert.

Walsenburg World 3-7-1929
Del Carbon Items:
Roy Long is recovering from pneumonia.
Mrs. R.L. Jones has been ill, but is reported improved.
Steve Julious left for the Red Cross hospital Friday for treatment.
Mrs. Phil Dalley who has been confined to her bed for some time, is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. John Zarr visited their daughter, Katherine, in Pueblo last week.

Walsenburg World 3-11-1929 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klein and little son will depart soon for California for the benefit of Mr. Klein's health. They will make their home in that state.

Walsenburg World 3-21-1929 Wife Beaters Confess To Rubber Theft – Pedro Perez and Raul Olivas Admit Theft of Suitcase From Rubber Salesman Raul Olivas, who was arrested last Monday night with Pedro Perez on charges of beating Perez' wife, confessed that the two stole the sample case of rubber goods from a salesman of the Goodrich Rubber company on January 15, last. Both men were under suspicion by local sheriff's officers, and after a preliminary hearing on the assault charges, Olivas broke down and confessed that he and Perez had taken the suitcase. They are in the county jail, having been unable to give bond. Their case will probably be bound over to the next term of the district court.

Walsenburg World 3-21-1929 Announcement was made here last week of the engagement of Thurza Kruger and Emmitt La Rue.

1929 March La Veta: Vernoye Tracy will represent La Veta School in the county spelling tournament.

1929 March Walsenburg: Christie Mosco has sold nine new De Soto cars since Jan. 1 at the Motor Hub.

1929 March Walsenburg: Mary Calza of Gordon School won the county spelling contest. 1931 March Walsenburg: Good sized crowds attended the revival meetings at the Gardner Methodist Church last week until the "big snow" came and put roads out of commission for a few days.

1929 March Walsenburg: Oscar and Gaston Santi have taken over the lease of the pavilion and swimming pool for the summer months.

1929 March Walsenburg: Oscar and Gaston Santi have taken over the lease of the pavilion and swimming pool for the summer months.

1929 March Walsenburg: Over 500 people attended the opening night of the Elk's Whoopee and more are expected tonight at the Cowboy night at the Seventh Street pavilion.

1929 March Walsenburg: Sam Hobeika is opening the Coney Island Sandwich Shop next door to the Frisco pool hall.

1929 March Walsenburg: The new bargain basement at Katz's department store is nearly completed.

1929 March Walsenburg: The new Walsenburg Methodist Church will be dedicated March 3.

1929 March Walsenburg: The newly constructed Walsenburg Methodist Church will be dedicated March 3.

1929 March Walsenburg: The Speciality Beauty and Flower Shop is proud to announce the arrival of a Naivette Croquignote Permanent wave machine.

1929 March Walsenburg: The Specialty Beauty and Flower Shop is proud to announce the arrival of a Naivette Croquignole permanent wave machine.

1929 March Walsenburg: Woman's Civic League will improve the depot grounds by planting grass and shrubs and a cement driveway will be built.

1929 March Walsenburg: Women's Civic League will improve the depot grounds by planting grass and shrubs and a cement driveway will be built.

1929 March Walsenburg: Work has started on a modern cottage camp of six rooms on South Main, owned by Fred Andritta.

Walsenburg World 4-1-1929 La Veta Coupled Married Sunday Marriage ceremonies for Kenneth Baker and Doris Webster, both of La Veta, were solemnized yesterday morning at 10:30 by the Rev. A.A. Heinlein of the Community church at the latter's home. Baker is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Baker of La Veta and Miss Webster is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Webster. Both young people are well known here. They will make their home in La Veta.

1929 April Walsenburg: A. Levy received his membership in the Southern Colorado Pioneers Association for living here since 1867.

1929 April Walsenburg: John's Market on Seventh Street just opened a meat counter with Robert Fauver of Toltec as butcher.

1929 April Walsenburg: $4.95 was stolen from the Kilmurray lunch stand at Seventh and Albert Streets.

1929 April Walsenburg: M. Katz has installed a new weighing and fortune telling machine - the first one in the city - in his Walsenburg Jobbing House.

1929 April Walsenburg: The C&S is tearing down their old chutes on Seventh Street as the new ones are ready for use. 

1929 April Walsenburg: The Idyle Club or Red Onion, owned by Bill Mathews, is an infamous eyesore.

1929 April Walsenburg: Work has started on the new Herman Mazzone residence at Seventh and Russell Streets.

1929 April Walsenburg: Work started yesterday on the new Herman Mazzone residence at the comer of Seventh Street and Russell.

1929 May La Veta: Alvin Doles and Edith Powell were married by Rev. De Vries at the Baptist parsonage.

1929 May Walsenburg: The senior class of H.C.H.S. presented their play, "Honor Bright", last Friday, with James French, Bemma Lou Dickson, Archie Allen, Reba Greer, Brynley Jones, Gilbert Sefton and Enid Foote.

1929 May Walsenburg: The Star Theater featured Lon Chaney in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" in their first "Request Week" presentation.

1929 May Walsenburg: The swimming pool opened last Wednesday.  Ken Wolfe's Orchestra will play at the pavilion this Saturday night.

1929 June Walsenburg: Crinkled bedspreads, 98 cents at J.C. Penney.

1929 June Walsenburg: Dr. Lamme reports there are several cases of smallpox in the city. 

1929 June Walsenburg: Guaranty State Bank is displaying the new currency which is, smaller than formerly.

1929 June Walsenburg: Walsenburg is to get the "talkies" next month, at the Star Theater.

1929 July Walsenburg: A.J. Dissler reports business is good at his furniture showroom in the St. Charles Hotel.

1929 July Walsenburg: Four buildings were destroyed by a fire in the south part of town across Cuchara Creek.

1929 July Walsenburg: Four buildings were destroyed by fire in the south part of town across the river.

1929 July Walsenburg: The former Star Theater will be renamed tomorrow when the new Spanish-style building is dedicated.

1929 July Walsenburg: The old Methodist Church has been leased by the school board for use as a grade school.

1929 July Walsenburg: The White Sandwich Shop will open tomorrow just south of the Western Union office, by Gus Sideris.

1929 July Walsenburg: Work progresses on the sound equipment at the Star and the first talking picture will be "Street Angel" with Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell.

1929 July: The new Community Church will hold groundbreaking ceremonies July 29 where the Presbyterian Church now stands.

1929 Aug. 20: "Grandma Cruz, 92, tells her story." She is Dona Maria del Refugio Romero de Cruz, widow of Felipe Santiago Cruz. She was born in La Nasa, New Mexico in 1837 and was married in 1858. Her husband and her father came to Huerfano County in 1867 to North Veta, where they changed the course of the river "towards the foot of the hill." She has seven daughters and two sons, Casimiro of Trinidad and Felix of Walsenburg, 54 grandchildren, 63 great-grandchildren and 12 great-great-grandchildren. Walsenburg Independent

1929 August 23: A.J. Dissler Furniture Store, The home of Majestic and Quick Meal Ranges, W. 6th Street, Phone 245;

1929 August Walsenburg: "Valencia" is the new name for the old Star theater, manager Paul Krier has announced after counting the over 800 ballots in the naming contest.

1929 August Walsenburg: "Tonchy" Madle, Walsenburg's ace pitcher, has been signed by the St. Louis Browns American League Club.

1929 August Walsenburg: Huerfano County Chamber of Commerce will revert back to Walsenburg Chamber of Commerce.

1929 August Walsenburg: Joe Nigro bought the Med-vik Garage at Tenth and Main and will be the Pontiac-Oakland dealer.

1929 August Walsenburg: Mary Williams, daughter of Joe Williams of Joe's Market, thrilled crowds at Monte Vista's Ski-Hi Stampede yesterday when she successfully rode a Brahma bull across the arena.

1929 August Walsenburg: Richard Abe was awarded a gold button by the Chevrolet company for his unusual merit in selling automobiles.

1929 August Walsenburg: Richard Abe was awarded a gold button by the Chevrolet company for his unusual merit in selling automobiles.

1929 August Walsenburg: Twenty young women are competing for the Miss Walsenburg title.

1929 August Walsenburg: Walsenburg jobbing House will in future be known as Walsenburg Department Store, according to the owner, Marcus Katz.

1929 August Walsenburg:  Fifteen-year-old Carl Tesitor beat J.G. Mathews in the first round of the local golf tournament.

1929 September 13: Walsenburg Garage Co.

1929 September Walsenburg: A West Coast firm, the Fox Coast Theater Corporation, have purchased the Valencia and Rialto Theaters.

1929 September Walsenburg: A West Coast firm, the Fox Coast Theatre Corporation, has purchased the Valencia and Rialto theatres.

1929 September Walsenburg: Capitol Hill is an ideal site for an airport.

1929 September Walsenburg: Miss Linda George won the Miss Huerfano bathing beauty contest and will represent the county in the state competition.

1929 September Walsenburg: Snodgrass Food Company has been merged with McMarr Food Corporation Limited.

1929 September Walsenburg: The McAnally and Channell Furniture store is having a going out of business sale this week.

1929 September Walsenburg: The old Methodist Church with three rooms on Pennsylvania Avenue is being used as a school due to the large attendance which overflowed the schoolhouses.

1929 September Walsenburg: The special train of John Philip Sousa and his 90-piece band derailed just south of Rouse Junction.

1929 September Walsenburg: The two local lodges of Alianza Hispano-Americano held a banquet for their visiting president from Arizona.

1929 September Walsenburg: Twin sisters Elma and Zelma Sefton are teaching the Mustang and Santa Clara schools, respectively.

1929 September: Senior class officers at Huerfano County High School are Louise Kirkpatrick, president; William Yano, vice president, and Boyd Rees, secretary-treasurer.

1929 September: The two local lodges of Alianza Hispano Americana held a banquet for their visiting national president from Arizona.

1929: A. M. Guerrero Assessor.

1929: Charles Haines County Treasurer

1929 October La Veta: Daddy Lea shot a bear.

1929 October La Veta: Some 8,000 head of cattle will be rounded up at Gardner.

1929 October La Veta: The Alamosa Journal claimed county sheriff Shorty Martinez is over seven feet tall, when of course he is only six foot four.

1929 October Walsenburg: A collection of 150 reproductions from the great masters of art will be shown at the Pennsylvania Street school.

1929 October Walsenburg: A total of 3,519 passenger car license plates have been issued thus far this year by the county clerk's office.

1929 October Walsenburg: Ben Lunis of Walsen Camp won the hunting knife awarded by Unfug Hardware for killing the largest deer, 275 pounds.

1929 October Walsenburg: Girls at the Walsenburg telephone exchange say "please" on the average of 5,500 times each day, according to H.A. Mashburn, manager.

1929 October Walsenburg: Girls at the Walsenburg telephone exchange say "please" on the average of 5,500 times each day, according to office manager H.A. Mashburn.

1929 October Walsenburg: Joe Mosco announced that his Motor Hub is now the agency for selling Fargo trucks.

1929 October Walsenburg: Joe Spector of the Diamond Exchange filmed the game between St. Mary and Huerfano County High School and will show it to the public soon.

1929 October Walsenburg: Stores will be closed in Walsenburg Friday afternoon for the big game between St. Mary and Huerfano County High Schools.

1929 October Walsenburg: The Alamosa journal claimed our Sheriff Shorty Martinez is over seven foot when of course he is a mere six foot, four inches.

1929 October Walsenburg: The Capitol Hill Grocery was purchased by John Kmetz of the Lenzini Motor Company.

1929 October Walsenburg: The court house offices will be closed Saturday for Columbus Day.

1929 October Walsenburg: The court house offices will be closed Saturday for Columbus Day.

1929 October Walsenburg: The Lenore 5¢ to $1 chain store will occupy the former McInally and Channell furniture store building.

1929 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg citizens "cleaned up" 14 cars of potatoes after a derailment at the edge of town.

1929 November La Veta: Dora Bruce is managing the Vienna Cafe and Mrs. Kissell is cooking.

1929 November La Veta: For 40 years Huerfano County people crossed Mosca Pass, a wagon road and mail route, to go duck hunting and now the sand dunes are famous though once travelers just complained about crossing 10 miles of sand.

1929 November La Veta: G.A. Mayes has moved his family down from Cuchara Camps to his mother's house in town for the winter months.

1929 November La Veta: Mrs. T.F. Haase is operating the beauty shop in the Haase barber shop.

1929 November La Veta: Phyllis Dailey ran away from her home in Turner and is spending the winter with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. James Baker.

1929 November La Veta: Snow has been failing all day and it looks to be the heaviest recorded in years.

1929 November La Veta: The third heavy snowstorm of the season hit Thursday.

1929 November Walsenburg: A Leonora Five Cents to One Dollar chain store will open in the former McNally-Channel store in the post office block.

1929 November Walsenburg: Aguilar won the Las Animas County League by defeating Huerfano County High School 6-2.

1929 November Walsenburg: Charles Bressan, handsome right tackle for St. Mary Crusaders, walked 14 miles to the football game from his snowbound home on Bear Creek.

1929 November Walsenburg: Emanuel Sergis will move his Electric Studio from 527 Main to the north half of 521 Main, formerly Harron's Grocery, with Colorado Bakery in the south half.

1929 November Walsenburg: Fay Lenora King has taken over Eva Florence Curry's music studio at 119th West Sixth, over the C.O.D. Store.

1929 November Walsenburg: Felix Abeyta leased 160 acres at Cucharas Junction to Mid-Continent Air Express for an airport.

1929 November Walsenburg: Jack Newman is manager of the new Leonora store and Arthur Klein, son of George Klein, is assisting.

1929 November Walsenburg: Joe Spector of the Diamond Exchange filmed the game between, St. Mary and Huerfano County High School and will show it soon.

1929 November Walsenburg: Over $7,000 was earned during the St. Mary bazaar.

1929 November Walsenburg: Ralph Pagnotti of Pictou won the Chevrolet coach in the grand drawing at St. Mary Bazaar.

1929 November Walsenburg: Rev. George S. Darley, organizer of the Presbyterian church in Walsenburg, was buried here Sunday.

1929 November Walsenburg: Sam Gonzalez, 27, was killed by a mule at Walsen, the first fatal accident in that mine in 16 years. He leaves a wife and two children.

1929 November Walsenburg: The Grand Cafe will in future be called the City Grill.

1929 November Walsenburg: The Leonora 5¢ - $1 Store at 512 Main will open Friday night with 12 salesgirls and two managers.

1929 November Walsenburg: The new HCHS football field will be dedicated Nov. 15, after which the Panthers will face Aguilar, a tough team averaging 160 pounds.

1929 November Walsenburg: The third heavy snowstorm in two weeks hit here Thursday.

1929 November Walsenburg: The third heavy snowstorm in two weeks hit Thursday.

1929 November Walsenburg: Walsenburg is to have an airport on 160 acres near Cucharas Junction.

1929 November Walsenburg: Walsenburg is to have its own airport, located on 160 acres at Cucharas junction.

1929 December La Veta: Dr. S.J. Greear is located in the George Mathews home on Virginia Street one block from Main.

1929 December La Veta: Dr. S.J. Greear moved his office to George Mathews' house one block off Main Street.

1929 December La Veta: Frank Powell and Anna Hector were married.

1929 December La Veta: Frank Powell married Anna Hector.

1929 December La Veta: Fred Hector, Joe Baker and Bob Bruce took it into their heads recently to look over the skyline and boarded a boxcar for California, but ended up stuck in Pueblo.

1929 December La Veta: Local bootleggers will earn $4,000 to $5,000 on their ''holiday cheer. ''

1929 December La Veta: Mrs. Edythe Nolan and C.A. Sadlier were married.

1929 December La Veta: Several feet of snow fell Tuesday and a few more inches yesterday.

1929 December La Veta: The Baptist Young People's Union substituted a taffy pull for the scheduled skating party Friday evening because the ice was imperfect.

1929 December La Veta: The Hector, Stranger and Pickens families had their usual annual Christmas Tree and family gathering in the hall.

1929 December Walsenburg: Antonio De La Riva, county judge from 1878 to 1881, froze to death while traveling from Walsenburg to Badito to hold court.

1929 December Walsenburg: Helen Cisneros, teacher at Sandy School, was awarded an Apex radio for winning the Western Army Store's popularity contest.

1929 December Walsenburg: Some 1,100 children under 12 years old were entertained with a free show and party at the Fox Valencia Theater.

1929 December Walsenburg: The first case ever filed in Huerfano County Court was the estate of Joseph Bainbridge Doyle, filed April 4, 1864 by the request of J.M. Baird who requested it become public record.

1929 December Walsenburg: The superstructure is up for the new $35,000 Community Church located at the corner of Kansas and Colorado Avenues.

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