Huerfano County, Colorado
News Of The Day

Contributed by Louise Adams, Jean Griesan and Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

1930 - 1934

1930 January 24: HORSE THROWN ON TOP FARMER BY AUTOMOBILE LaVeta Man Recieves Serious Injuries in Freak Crash. La Veta, Jan. 24 - Albert Kitchens, rancher on the Cucharas, was knocked down and his horse thrown on top of him by an automobile in a freak accident one mile south of here Friday night. He was rushed to the La Veta hospital, where he received treatment for cuts about the head and shoulders and chest injuries. The automobile which struck him was driven by Gene Ellis, another Cucharas rancher. Kitchens and Pete Goemmer were driving cattle into La Veta when the accident happened. They were walking and leading their horses. Due to the extreme cold, the windshield on the Ellis car became fogged, Ellis said, and he did not see the men until he was on top of Kitchens. He was driving on the right side of the road and at a considerable rate of speed, the injured man said. In the crush, Ellis' machine ran over Kitchens' mount first and then knocked the horse on top of Ellis [Kitchens].

1930 January La Veta: A few hours of balmy weather yesterday was followed by a temperature of 19 below zero in La Veta, 27 below at the Goemmer ranch and 30 below on La Veta Pass.

1930 January La Veta: Another outbreak of rabies is feared after four cows have died from a mysterious malady near town. Last year nine head of cattle and 20 hogs died of rabies, which is carried by coyotes.

1930 January La Veta: Dr. L.W. Lee resigned as president of La Veta State Bank and was replaced by William Kincaid. Dr. Lee moved to Denver to practice medicine.

1930 January La Veta: Fred Arnold and Virginia Drury were married.

1930 January La Veta: Joe Ferrari returned from a business trip in California in just two days, leaving Los Angeles at 5 p.m. Tuesday and arriving here at 6 p.m. Thursday.

1930 January La Veta: Linn Woodruff is working down at Mutual.

1930 January La Veta: Mrs. Crusita Archuleta died and was put to rest in the Wahatoya cemetery.

1930 January La Veta: Mrs. George Young is tending to ten young wild turkeys under the sponsorship of Ranger Gilbert.

1930 January La Veta: Mrs. Phillipa Garcia died and was buried in Wahatoya Cemetery.

1930 January La Veta: Ruth Goemmer won the W.A.A. archery tournament at the Colorado Agricultural College in Fort Collins.

1930 January La Veta: The road scraper considerably improved some of our streets, which were becoming something like fields prepared for grain.

1930 January La Veta: The state has appropriated $100,000 to complete the road between La Veta Pass and Walsenburg with work to start this summer.  The new road will go across the mesa north of town and cut off La Veta entirely.

1930 January Walsenburg: Crews working on the Walsenburg-Tioga-Alamo highway have been called in until spring, while costs of the project are assessed by the county commissioners.

1930 January Walsenburg: A temperature of 22 degrees below zero at 5 a.m. this morning set a new record for frigidity in Walsenburg this winter.

1930 January Walsenburg: A total of $3,081 was spent on red rock improvements on the Alamo-Tioga-Walsenburg highway and work has been suspended with just one mile left to resurface.

1930 January Walsenburg: Arthur Treasure, 48-year-old pit boss of the Calumet Fuel Company No. 2 or Little Turner mine, was injured when he was crushed between a runaway car and a wall.

1930 January Walsenburg: Back in 1890, New Years and other celebrations were held in Charles Mazzone's old adobe saloon where Standard Motors is now.

1930 January Walsenburg: Cameron mine leads the 11 mines of CF&I in the state for safety. There were no fatal accidents in 1929 and only 15 injuries.

1930 January Walsenburg: County pioneer J. M.  Manzanares will celebrate his 100th birthday Jan. 6. He homesteaded at Cuchara Junction in 1869.

1930 January Walsenburg: Huerfano County paid its way through 1929 and faces the new year with $21,500 left over.

1930 January Walsenburg: Mrs. James E. Tressler snatched her nine month old baby son and leapt from her stalled vehicle just seconds before a freight train struck the car.

1930 January Walsenburg: The "Outlaw" team of Walsen camp and Walsenburg football players have been practicing steadily for a game on New Year's at the Walsenburg fairgrounds with an all-star picked team from La Veta.

1930 January Walsenburg: The Community Church was filled to capacity Christmas Eve for the enjoyment of a program, treats and a Christmas tree for the little ones.

1930 January Walsenburg: The Fox Valencia will show "From Soup to Nuts" at midnight New Year's Eve and has arranged many surprises for patrons.

1930 January Walsenburg: The seniors in Huerfano County High School have the highest average in English of all the classes with a 94. The juniors have a 92, sophomores, 90 and freshmen, 85.

1930 January Walsenburg: There is smallpox in eight mining camps north of Walsenburg and in Gardner and the school boards and health officials have decreed all students must be vaccinated.

1930 February 21: Deed for sale of the east 20 feet of L. 13 at Third and Albert sts. from the Walsenburg Mercantile Co., to George B. Dick and James B. Dick Jr. was filed in the county clerk's office Thursday. The price was named at $1 and other sonsiderations.

1930 February 21:Teachers: Miss Mary Frances Goodding has been ill of tonsilitis this week. Miss Mary Jeffries, who teaches at Walsen, is ill this week. Mrs. Jack Merritt is taking her place in the classroom.

1930 February La Veta: After a six-week shut-down due to cold weather, the Alamo-Badito test well rig two miles southwest of Alamo started again Tuesday at the 2,922 foot level.

1930 February La Veta: Died, Mrs. James Firm, nee Minnie Gordon, a resident of Huerfano County since the 1890's and of La Veta since 1912. She leaves a son David Firm and daughter Mrs. Katherine Summers.

1930 February La Veta: Died, Mrs. Marie Gilbert, who was born in Virginia in 1865. She is the mother of Forest Rangers Karl and Paul Gilbert.

1930 February La Veta: Fred Grouse celebrated his 20th birthday.

1930 February La Veta: H.C. and D.B. Summer have purchased the Tony Bowdino ranch on the Wahatoya for $24,000, including some good water rights, 400 acres of land and some cattle. It is one of the best hay ranches in the county.

1930 February La Veta: H.C. and D.B. Summers bought the Tony Baudino ranch three miles southwest of town for $24,000.

1930 February La Veta: Proctor Hayes and Lila Lenox were married in the Methodist Church in Walsenburg, and will make their home on the Hayes ranch south of La Veta.

1930 February La Veta: The Izaak Walton League met at the forest ranger's office and elected W.H. Harrison, president, Pete Gross, vice President and Karl Gilbert, secretary-treasurer.

1930 February La Veta: The La Veta National Farm Loan Association elected as directors J.E. Coe, Eugene Ellis, John Elley, J.M. Crouse and John Kreutzer.

1930 February La Veta: Xenephor Arthur Miller, 40, a sheepman and old homesteader at Alamo, died.

1930 February Walsenburg: City Health Officer Dr. S. Julian Lamme, requested, the vaccination of  all students against smallpox and for school officials to exclude from attendance those not vaccinated.

1930 February Walsenburg: Doors of the Sears Motor Company will swing open at noon Saturday for Walsenburg's fifth annual Automotive Show, following a parade of the city's 12 auto dealers' floats.

1930 February Walsenburg: Dr. A.M. Guerrero Jr., former Panther athlete, returned to his hometown to open a dental office.

1930 February Walsenburg: Eleanor Prudhoe of Cameron and Jean Benine of Walsenburg have declined to compete in the Elks beauty contest.

1930 February Walsenburg: Fire swept the interior of the Castle Coal Company on West Fifth. It is owned by the Huerfano Agency Co., dealers for Gordon Coal Co., whose mine was swept by fire Jan. 26 causing $40,000 damage.

1930 February Walsenburg: H.E. Stephenson and Sons of Kirwin, KS have purchased the 2,380 acre Diamond Three Ranch four miles northwest of Rattlesnake Buttes and will rehabilitate the land by seeding to dryland forage and grain crops.

1930 February Walsenburg: Helen Turner, Laura Palisano, Eleanore Amedei and Anna Tesitor are the featured players in the St. Mary High School operetta, "Ghosts of Hilo."

1930 February Walsenburg: More than 200 dairy and sheepmen from four southern Colorado counties will convene here over the weekend for the annual session of the Huerfano County Woolgrowers Association.

1930 February Walsenburg: The Black Hills Coal Company abandoned its wagon mine one and a half mile west of the Kebler mine.

1930 February Walsenburg: Under a proposal by City Council, all unpaved streets in the Walsenburg residential district will be surfaced with a red-rock macadam if property owners will finance installation of curb and gutter.

1930 March La Veta: Charley Boyd rented his blacksmith shop to Roy Williams of Canon City.

1930 March La Veta: Charley Boyd rented his blacksmith shop to Roy Williams of Canon City.

1930 March La Veta: Died, Andrew Pickens, who was born in 1877 in Nova Scotia and came to Colorado in 1880 where he has been mainly engaged in coal mining. He leaves his wife, the former Mabel Hector, and eight children.

1930 March La Veta: Dwaine Lougheed is in La Junta and Luther Bruce, with the assistance of Donald Erwin, is looking after the cheese factory in his absence.

1930 March La Veta: Eugene Fischback bought the Adamson park and is building six tourist cottages.

1930 March La Veta: Eugene Fischback, new owner of Adamson's Park and Camp Ground, will build his home on the high ground facing Oak Street.  He also will build another nearer the creek and one is already on the property.

1930 March La Veta: Left to bleed to death from a stab wound in the neck while his murderers danced less than 50 yards away, Lucretio Gomez, 21-year-old Gardner youth, was found dead near the gateway to the Gardner fairgrounds early Sunday morning.

1930 March La Veta: R.L. Hixson of Missouri has purchased what is known as the Atchison place of 640 acres from John Hamilton.

1930 March La Veta: S. Snyder has a new gas pump at the Old Curiosity Shop which supplies Independent gas.

1930 March La Veta: Stanley Snyder put in a new gasoline pump in front of his Old Curiosity Shop.

1930 March La Veta: The terms for Town Board members have  been changed to two years.

1930 March Walsenburg: "The Arrival of Kitty," a three act comedy featuring Glen Mathews, Pauline Mathews, John Pazar, Nicholas Saliba, Willis Roberts, Dorothy Jenkins, Elizabeth Dawe, Thurza Kruger and Charles Rino, will be given by the HCHS junior class March 17.

1930 March Walsenburg: A boy scout troop was organized last week at Del Carbon.

1930 March Walsenburg: A leering, naked ape man, who has been terrifying ranch women and children in the mountain districts west of Alamo during the last week, is being sought by sheriff's officers.

1930 March Walsenburg: Barbarito "Lito" Concino, 14, was killed instantly when playmates dislodged a large rock on the hill above the Walsen school which struck him on the head.

1930 March Walsenburg: Billy Dennison of Cameron School won second in spelling and Margaret Dona of Walsen third in oratory in the state championships in Denver.

1930 March Walsenburg: Ingersoll Company of Pueblo has acquired controlling interest in the Coler Ditch and Reservoir Company, owners of Martin Lake two miles west of Walsenburg.

1930 March Walsenburg: More than 600 Alianza Hispano Americana members celebrated the initiation of its biggest class - 75 - Sunday afternoon in St. Mary Auditorium.

1930 March Walsenburg: The Spanish American Political Club was organized with 340 members in Huerfano County. Fernando Atencio is president; A. Vigil, vice president; Filiberto Bustos, secretary and Tobias Vigil, treasurer.

1930 March Walsenburg: Walsenburg barbers decided to maintain prices at 50 cents and 25 cents for haircuts and shaves, but will begin closing at 6 p.m. weekdays and 9 p.m. Saturdays, one hour earlier.

1930 March Walsenburg: W-I sports writer Sam T. Taylor chose Charles Hayden, Joe Stancato, "Buddy" Kilmurray, Richard Bailey and Wylie Babbitt as the all-city loop team.

1930 March Walsenburg: Work started this week on installation of hardwood floors in the county courthouse.

Walsenburg World 4-8-1930 Girl Mistakes Medicine, Takes Dose of Poison - Fern Chavez, 16 year old Huerfano County Junior high school girl, felt sick at 11:30 Monday night. So she turned doctor and went to the family medicine chest. Selecting a bottle of pills, she swallowed one. It was poison. She aroused her mother, Mrs. R. Chavez, and sister, Miss Edna “la Rue” Curtis. They rushed across the street from the Chavez home, Tenth and Main st., to the Nigro garage and summoned a physician. Today Fern was weak but otherwise recovered.

1930 April 15 Will Sing Over Radio On Friday – Miss Mary Corey and John Sanich of Walsenburg will sing over KGHF, Pueblo, at 9:45 P.M. Friday, April 18, according to word received here today. Miss Mary Frances Goodding, high school teacher, will accompany them on the piano.

1930 April 29 J.S. Mulkey and Dale Jellison were in Denver over the weekend on business.

1930 April 29 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schafer announce the birth of a daughter Sunday evening at Corwin hospital, Pueblo.

1930 April La Veta: An "ape man" has been reported in the hills west of Alamo. 

1930 April La Veta: Ed Sheffield is operating the blacksmith shop.

1930 April La Veta: Floyd Denton will be manager of William McLain's now U-Tote-Em grocery store.

1930 April La Veta: Huerfano County stockmen will pay $800 in taxes this year for the destruction of predatory animals, according to Charles E. Haines, county treasurer.

1930 April La Veta: Leonard Clark has been transferred to the cheese factory at La Junta where he is now in charge.

1930 April La Veta: Since the construction of a reservoir on the Lawrence Kreutzer ranch southeast of town, water has been seeping   into the cemetery so Mr. Kreutzer is to build a drainage ditch to avoid this in future.

1930 April La Veta: The grocery store and post office at Oakview have been closed due to lack of residents in the camp.

1930 April La Veta: The Streets have the best stock of greeting cards in town at The Fair.

1930 April La Veta: There is some talk of a new cash and carry grocery store starting in La Veta.

1930 April Walsenburg: A. Pete Atencio, former postmaster, was elected president of the new Spanish-American Club.

1930 April Walsenburg: An Easter Monday dance will be given in the St. Mary School auditorium Monday night with music provided by Jewell Barker's Orchestra. .

1930 April Walsenburg: Catchy songs! Coed cuties! Snappy dancing! See "Sweetie" with Nancy Carroll, Helen Kane and Jack Oakie now playing at the Fox Valencia.

1930 April Walsenburg: Charles S. Buckland will retire as manager of the Colorado Supply Store at Walsen May 1 after 38 years of service.

1930 April Walsenburg: Died, Mrs. James B. Dick, wife of the clerk of the Jewell mine near Aguilar.

1930 April Walsenburg: Pete Atencio, former postmaster, was elected president of the new Spanish-American Club.

1930 April Walsenburg: Rudolph Brunelli, census taker, wandered for three days without food after his car stalled in the thinly populated district 10 miles south of the Rattlesnake Buttes.

1930 April Walsenburg: The Abeyta test well three miles east of here was abandoned because of rock.

1930 April Walsenburg: Tony Madle, lanky West Seventh Street youth, yesterday pitched his first game on the road in Topeka and hurled the Pueblo Braves to a 6-5 victory.

1930 April Walsenburg: Walsenburg's leading beer garden at 238 West Seventh Street was raided and 1,064 pints of ice cold liquor, prepared for post-lenten celebrations, was confiscated.

1930 May 20: 1930 graduates of La Veta High School are Alice Baker, Muriel Craig, Forrest D. Groves, Margaret Goss, Edith Koklas, Jessie Jacks, Norabelle Vories, Dorothy Lougheed, Stella Mestas and Lewis Richman. May 20, 1930, World-Independent

1930 May 6 Benefit Play at Hill School by 3rd and 4th grades. Cast includes: Frances Best, Charmain Chatin, Arlene Gault, Virginia Laney, Betty Lee Saunders, Evelyn Shepherd, Anna Catherine Tressler, Mary Shepic, Florine Thomas, Paul Andrews, Andrew Schafer, Andrew Dick, Floyd Murr, Charles Finlay, James Tessitore, Roy Henry Giles, Dwight Toogood, Donald Blanton, Frederick Caddell, James Cox, Junior Davido, Manuel Duran, LeRay Elliott, Roy Kendall, Karl Johnson, Henry Lo Presto, Frances Monnie, Rodney Serafin, Edward Farr, Joe Ghione, Charles Lo Presto, Ralph Levy, Eugene Nigro, Victor Nizzi, Andrew Neilson, Thomas Rick, Henry Summers, Frank Swanson, Ernest Widmar, Donald Marshall, Robert Hazelwood, Ernest Fink, Siegfried Sporleder, Opal Whetstone, Lilliam Baker, Anna Grace Blanton, Mildred Hughey, Eva Grgich, Dorothy Dick, Dorothy Whetstone, Emma Jean Barr, Alice Marie Espander, Jean Marie Caddell, Ella Jo Andrews, Flora East, Mary Finlay, Anna C. Johnson, Dixie Mason, Audrey Benson, Mary Bludworth, Anna Loi

1930 May 6 H.H. Houghton is Principal of Hill School, Miss Minnie Grace Owens is teaching grade 4, Miss Mary H. Unfug is supervisor of art and music.

1930 May 6 J. Clyde Pritchard, of the J.J. Pritchard Lumber Co., represents Walsenburg and Huerfano county on the executive committee of the newly formed Colorado University Alumni Shaw club, according to word received here today. The purpose of the club is to boost George W. Shaw in his campaign for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senator for Colorado. Membership of the club is limited to Colorado university alumni. Shaw attended the Colorado university in 1909-1913.

1930 May 6 Lem Smith and R.L. Kincaid were placed on the La Veta School Board in the annual election. There were more than 375 votes. Also running in the election were Howard K. Moore, Luther Martin, and A. Book Dickenson. Dr. I.W. Lee left the Board.

1930 May 6 Speeding Cars Crash On Main Street – Two speeding cars crashed at Main and Seventh Streets late Saturday. Bill Rice, driving one of the machines, was hurled clear of his car as it turned over at the intersection, and escaped without injuries. Rice was driving north on Main street when the other machine drove into the intersection, witnesses said. Fred Talmich of Rouse was driving the second car. Talmich paused but did not stop at the sign, and continued into the intersection. Police did not arrest either of the men.

1930 May 6 Two More Jailed In Rum Raid Here Monday Afternoon Walsenburg’s liquor violators received their second enforcement jar within a week from federal and city officers who raided two west side joints on Monday afternoon. Federal Agent D.F. Kearney of Trinidad and Chief of Police T.A. Frantz, who conducted the raid arrested two men. In court one received a 30 day jail sentence and both $100 fine. At the place of George Marck, 228 West Seventh st., officers alleged they found 873 pints of beer and two ten-gallon kegs of mash. Marck pleaded guilty to their possession this morning before Judge John W. Allen in justice court and was sentenced to 30 days in jail and assessed a fine of $166 for a fine and costs. Archie Carrari, 823 West Sixth st., pleaded guilty to possession of 29 quarts and 57 pints of intoxicating beer in police court Monday afternoon. Judge R.H. Johnson fined him $100 and costs of $5.50.

1930 May La Veta: For Sale - A four-room furnished house, partly modern reasonably priced at $1,000. Enquire at this office.

1930 May La Veta: Joe Baione of Alamo has moved his family into the house formerly owned by Mr. McCargish on Ryus Avenue.

1930 May La Veta: La Veta played two baseball games this week, tying with Gardner 13-13 here and winning a thriller in a return game with Gardner 4-2.

1930 May La Veta: Messrs. Sam George, John Tompkins and Rudolph Nava are developing the former's new coal mine at Ojo.

1930 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Coleman are staying here while he assists his uncle El in stuccoing cabins at La Veta Park Campground.

1930 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs.  Edwin L. Smith have moved back to La Veta.

1930 May La Veta: Norabell Vories is salutatorian and Margaret June Goss valedictorian this year.

1930 May La Veta: Of the 10 students graduating from high school, Norabell Vories will be salutatorian and Margaret Jane Goss valedictorian.

1930 May La Veta: Sheffield is moving the shoe shop out of his blacksmith.

1930 May La Veta: Sheffield's shoe shop is moving from the blacksmith back up the street.

1930 May La Veta: Six small cottages and two double ones with garages are now nearly complete in the La Veta Park Camp. Flowerbeds, walks, trees, a fish pond and swimming pool are part of the program.

1930 May La Veta: The class of 1930 consists of Alice Baker, Muriel Craig, Forrest D. Groves, Margaret Goss, Edith Koklas, Jessie Jacks, Norabelle Vories, Dorothy Lougheed, Stella Mestas and Lewis Richman.

1930 May La Veta: There are several vacant buildings along Main Street.

1930 May La Veta: William and Arthur Peachey and James Gregory filed for articles of incorporation for the new Peachey Coal Company operating at 0jo.

1930 May La Veta:  The remodeling of the bakery is almost done and Dale Boyd will be manager.

1930 May Walsenburg: At the Fox Valencia Fri.-Sat., "Roadhouse Nights" with Jimmy Durante, Helen Morgan and Charles Ruggles - It's a Scream! Sun.-Mon. see Ramon Navarro, the Prince of Romance, in "Devil-May-Care."

1930 May Walsenburg: Bocim Brothers Garage is opening at their new location at 614 West Seventh.

1930 May Walsenburg: Bonnie Fugitt won the annual Women's Christian Temperance Union essay contest with Vonna Lamme, second and Olga Saliba, third.

1930 May Walsenburg: City Council approved $24,500 for improvements on the Seventh Street ornamental lighting and the tennis courts at Colorado, Indiana and Moffat streets.

1930 May Walsenburg: City Council voted $24,500 for improvements on Seventh Street ornamental lighting and tennis courts at Colorado and Indiana avenues and Moffat Street.

1930 May Walsenburg: D&RG plans to connect the coal camps to the north and west of town, all the way to Alamo, with passenger service.

1930 May Walsenburg: Died, Miss Millie A. Anderson, whose little tailoring shop has been an institution in Walsenburg for 20 years.

1930 May Walsenburg: Died, Mrs. James B. Dick, wife of the clerk at the Jewell mine; Anna Herlyck, daughter of Thomas Rogers; and Juan Francisco Martinez, 83, a resident here for the past 35 years.

1930 May Walsenburg: Graveling of the five-mile strip on the north camps highway to Gordon was completed today giving a gravel and red rock surface to Alamo-Tioga and Badito from Walsenburg.

1930 May Walsenburg: Huerfano County shows a population of 17,058 in the 1930 census, an increase of 79 over 1920.

1930 May Walsenburg: John Nigro of the Nigro Brothers Garage will wed Sophia Bergamo from Dawson, NM.

1930 May Walsenburg: Mose Nelson, 35, was killed by a runaway car in the No. 1 mine at Del Carbon today.

1930 May Walsenburg: Old time dances and old time tunes will be featured the final night of the Elks Club whoopee program Saturday night, with music by O'Dell's novelty orchestra.

1930 May Walsenburg: Polish Commune No. 5 will celebrate the 139th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of Poland with a dance May 17 at the pavilion with music by Kafka's orchestra.

1930 May Walsenburg: Seventh Street has been rejected as the entrance for the new La Veta highway. A route from Walsen School and through the ball field and on to Second Street is now proposed.

1930 May Walsenburg: Steve and Henry Bocim are opening their Bocim Brothers Garage at their new location at 614 West Seventh Street.

1930 May Walsenburg: The Denver and Rio Grande railroad intends to connect all the coal camps to the north and west of town between here and Alamo with passenger service.

1930 May Walsenburg: Thirty more acres on Capitol Hill were purchased for expansion and improvement of the golf course.

1930 May Walsenburg: Thirty-one graduated from St. Mary High School with Julia Abe valedictorian and Helen Turner salutatorian.

1930 May Walsenburg: Walter Dlugopolski, 28, was killed in the Pictou mine after being run over by a trip of three cars.

1930 May Walsenburg: William and Arthur Peachey and James Gregory filed for articles of incorporation for the new Peachey Coal Company.

1930 June La Veta: A load of lumber was stolen from the baseball grounds, where it had been stacked for use on the new fence. The fence is completed on two sides and the field is in first class condition.

1930 June La Veta: Ads for the American Cafe, E.C. Streams, Streets Confectionery, The Columbine Hotel . . .

1930 June La Veta: Charles Lester and Alice Burch were married.

1930 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pickens are operating a chicken farm with 200 baby turkeys and 1,200 baby chicks.

1930 June La Veta: Mrs. Howard Moore gave a baby shower for Mary Joeanne Roush with 20 guests in attendance.

1930 June La Veta: Nearly 2,000 head of high grade Hereford cattle were shipped to Huerfano County as part of a $326,000 Oklahoma and New Mexico cattle deal, according to mortgages filed with the county clerk.

1930 June La Veta: Robert Bruce will act as chauffeur for Eugene Fischback during the latter's business trip south.

1930 June La Veta: The opening of summer Sunday found the Blue Lakes resort the mecca for a normal or better attendance of tourists and campers.

1930 June La Veta: The Security Benefit Association had its annual picnic in Cuchara Camps with various contests for the young people. Winning the three-legged race were Robert Bruce and George Kreutzer and second was the team of George Duzenack and A. Cassai.

1930 June Walsenburg: A man who lived in Walsenburg 35 years ago visited and reported that at that time there was a saloon almost every other door. He recalled young Fred Walsen had the first auto in town.

1930 June Walsenburg: A spark from an electric motor on a washer is believed to have set fire to gasoline fumes in the cleaning plant of the Superior Cleaners at 622 Main Street this afternoon.

1930 June Walsenburg: Cecil D. Henley, 20-year-old son of Thomas A. Henley, postmaster and manager of the store at Tioga, died last night at the family home in Tioga.

1930 June Walsenburg: Edward J. Krier, manager of the men's department at Kriers Store, and Magdalena Smith, Toiler school teacher, were married May 27.

1930 June Walsenburg: Fifteen girls in the National Red Cross course, "Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick," received certificates for completing the nine months course.

1930 June Walsenburg: Forty newsies of Walsenburg yesterday marked their calendars with a red border for Thursday as newsboys' day at the Alamo Exposition at Walsen.

1930 June Walsenburg: Give your husband a piece of pie before 'touching him' for a new hat. He's really quite docile when fed properly.

1930 June Walsenburg: Huerfano County, with a population of 17,058, is now ranked 16th largest county in Colorado after the April 1 census.

1930 June Walsenburg: On charges he had threatened to shoot on sight two Walsenburg men, sheriff's officers today sought Alonzo Sinclair, also known as the snake man, the aged hermit of Mexican Branch.

1930 June Walsenburg: Rains accompanied by heavy wind and hail in Gardner, Apache and Orchard Valley uprooted trees and burst irrigation ditches.

1930 June Walsenburg: The 16 census enumerators in Huerfano County will receive $2,789.25 for taking the 1930 census in the 44 districts in the county, making 41 per each schedule in Walsenburg, up to 10, in the camps and almost a $1 each for farms.

1930 June Walsenburg: The Edelweis cafe closed its door Wednesday for the summer, according to owners Mr. and Mrs. Paul Just, and will reopen in the fall.

1930 June Walsenburg: The Fidelity Company of Denver has established offices here at 108 East Sixth under the management of A. Pete Atencio.

1930 June Walsenburg: The first shipment of Huerfano County's 500 thousand pound wool crop started for eastern markets Tuesday when nearly 50 thousand pounds were loaded in the D&RG yards here.

1930 June Walsenburg: The first shipment of Huerfano County's 500,000 pound Wool crop started for eastern markets Tuesday when nearly 50,000 pounds were loaded in the Denver and Rio Grande Western yards here.

1930 June Walsenburg: The new golf course will be in use by the first of next week, according to John Kirkpatrick, secretary/treasurer of the golf club. Memberships are $10 for families or $3 for individuals.

1930 June Walsenburg: The now Walsenburg golf links, complete with a two-room clubhouse and ample hazards, will open Tuesday.

1930 June Walsenburg: The Ravenwood Blues lost their baseball game to Gardner 5-4.

1930 June Walsenburg: The recorded births in Huerfano County during May totaled 30 and the deaths, 16.

1930 July La Veta: A baby cyclone swept down Main Street Monday and incidentally, caused the wreck of a glass door at the American Cafe.

1930 July La Veta: Died, Victor G. Hills, son of M.T. Hills, pioneer of the upper Cuchara and former La Veta postmaster. He leaves a brother Hervey, who is married to the former Kitty Willis, and his cousin Mrs. J. B. Wright.

1930 July La Veta: E. Baione, Pete Gross and Clyde Johnson, who leased Sulphur Springs this summer, are repairing the roof and floor of the pavilion.

1930 July La Veta: Floyd Martin and Floyd Potter are advertising their services as decorators and painters.

1930 July La Veta: For rent: the Adamson Apartments. Inquire of Mrs. George Hamby.

1930 July La Veta: Mrs. Howard Moore gave a baby shower for Mary Joeanne Roush with 20 guests in attendance.

1930 July La Veta: Sam George is to deliver 120 tons of coal to Alamosa.

1930 July La Veta: The Fischbacks are building a fishing pond and swimming pool at their cottage camp on Oak Street.

1930 July La Veta: The Fischbacks are building a swimming pool and fishing lake at their cottage camp.

1930 July La Veta: The rodeo on Jul y 26-27 will include comedians, trick riders and ropers. Excursion trains are coming from Pueblo and Trinidad.

1930 July La Veta: The upper Cucharas was stocked with 20,000 young trout from the government hatchery at Leadville.

1930 July La Veta: The weekend rains and temperatures down to 40 made residents heap up blazes and kitchen fires. There is fresh snow on the mountains.

1930 July Walsenburg: About 1,500 members of Alianza Hispano Americana lodges of Pueblo, Walsenburg and Trinidad filled two excursion trains to La Veta Pass Sunday for a picnic, games and sports.

1930 July Walsenburg: Gardner Friday celebrated its most successful Fourth when nearly 1,000 people flocked to Pioneer Park to watch the baseball games and horse races.

1930 July Walsenburg: Huerfano County set a new high record for wool shipped this year with a total of more than one-half million pounds.

1930 July Walsenburg: Ideal Precinct No. 32, which once had over 100 voters, has been abolished and consolidated with Ravenwood.

1930 July Walsenburg: Joe Ariano, an employee of McMarr's, and Helen Turner, the daughter of Dave Turner, were married in Trinidad.

1930 July Walsenburg: Mines of Huerfano County produced 70,921 tons of coal in June and there were 1,316 miners employed. The county ranked second for production in Colorado for the month.

1930 July Walsenburg: More than 900 school children from Walsenburg, surrounding camps and rural districts attended the annual Fox Valencia Easter matinee, "King of Kings."

1930 July Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Levy are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary today. They were married July 14, 1880 at the old Sporleder hotel.

1930 July Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Levy will celebrate their 50th anniversary Monday. They were married July 14, 1880, in the old Sporleder Hotel.

1930 July Walsenburg: The Civic League received a quit claim deed for the tennis court in Block L.

1930 July Walsenburg: The miniature golf course on West Fifth at the railroad was repaired and improved for the big tournament this week.

1930 July Walsenburg: Wylie Babbitt and Toots Sears tied for low score in the miniature golf tourney and Babbitt won the playoff.

1930 Aug. 1, Alonzo Sinclair, hermit of the Mexican branch above Apache, returned yesterday to his subterranean dugout adobe after nearly two weeks in the Walsenburg jail when his sentence for stealing sheep was suspended. It was his fourth trip to Walsenburg in 19 years.  - Walsenburg World

1930 August La Veta: A mass meeting and picnic for farmers will be today in the grove on Main Street with speakers from the Farmers Union.

1930 August La Veta: An aeroplane passing over La Veta Tuesday was news, for they seem rare in this neck of the air.

1930 August La Veta: Foster Young moved his grocery store to Oakview.

1930 August La Veta: It rained for Saturday's rodeo but Sunday was clear and hundreds of cars surrounded the arena.

1930 August La Veta: L.R. Harrison has opened a real estate, abstract and insurance office.

1930 August La Veta: Levy Kincaid sold his ranch, known as the Crumbly farm, last week to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Baudino [sic] and the Kincaids have moved to one of their cement houses on Ryus Avenue.

1930 August La Veta: Lou Coleman received a spinal injury when some scaffolding collapsed in Walsenburg.

1930 August La Veta: Louise, the daughter of George Hansen, visited in town on her way from Los Angeles, Calif. to New York where she will enter the movies.

1930 August La Veta: Married, Eleanor Tracy and Frank Schuster Jr.; Lila Lougheed and Thomas Davis.

1930 August La Veta: Mr. Young at the Spanish Peaks Grocery offers one pound of Del Monte coffee for 39 cents.

1930 August La Veta: Robert Dick was killed by lightning near the same place his father was killed two years ago.

1930 August La Veta: The cabins and hotel at Sulphur Springs have been reconstructed and are now ready for occupancy under management of Messrs. Baione, Gross and Johnson.

1930 August La Veta: The high school teachers employed for this year are Mildred Mahler, R.R. Templin, Mr. LaVerne Jung, Constance Ghiardi and Mr. Lauth. 

1930 August La Veta: The ladies of the Methodist Church will serve lunch Sept. 2 to 100 geologists heading for the mineral fields in the Mt. Blanco district.

1930 August La Veta: The man who whispers down a well/About the goods he has to sell/Will never reap the shining dollars/Like he who climbs a tree and hollers.

1930 August La Veta: The rodeo, horse races, parade and ballgame last weekend were big successes.

1930 August La Veta: The Spanish Peaks Hotel has had their dining room, hall and office redecorated.

1930 August La Veta: Tony Bowdino bought the Levy Kincaid place that Crouse has been ranching.

1930 August La Veta: Twenty-two men have signed up to join the Farmers' Union at a mass meeting and they will perfect the organization next Monday.

1930 August Walsenburg: A 12-piece orchestra Tuesday and a smoker Thursday will be the outstanding events in the Eagles Days of '49.

1930 August Walsenburg: A new overhead lighting system has been installed at the Tiny Tim miniature golf course at West Sixth and Albert Streets.

1930 August Walsenburg: A well organized mob of thieves are sought for the robbery of $1,500 in tobacco and other merchandise from the Sporleder Selling Company's warehouse Sunday. One ton of goods was stolen.

1930 August Walsenburg: A  D&RG passenger train fell into a ditch at North Veta Thursday when floodwaters from the Sand Arroyo undermined the tracks.

1930 August Walsenburg: CF&I has made it compulsory for all employees of their coal mines the wearing of Hard-Toe Safety Shoes due to 784 lost days by employees with toe injuries last year.

1930 August Walsenburg: Ernestine Salazar, 14, of Walsen, won the Colorado Fuel and Iron Co. Jingle Contest last week with her slogan "Safety is to do and say the safest thing in the safest way."

1930 August Walsenburg: Mike Zalesny, assistant manager of the Fox-Valencia, has been named head manager for the Fox-Rio Theater in Las Cruces, New Mex.

1930 August Walsenburg: New and used shoes $1 and $2 at the newly opened Bargain Store at 909 South Main.

1930 August Walsenburg: Polish Lodge No. 776 Z.N.P. will hold a benefit dance at the pavilion tomorrow night with Kafka's orchestra.

1930 August Walsenburg: Rev. M.E. Burke will take the pastorate of the new Community Church.

1930 August Walsenburg: The county commissioners' main topic yesterday was the new road leading out of Walsenburg at the end of Seventh Street.

1930 August Walsenburg: The Mother Goose Revue written and set to music by local talent and enacted by 35 little boys and girls will be presented Aug. 29 at the Community House. Arlene Gault will play Mother Goose.

1930 August: The Walsenburg Variety, Store had a formal reopening last Saturday with free toys. The $10,000 remodeling project doubled the floor space.

1930 August:  The Methodist Church in Gardner had a hard times social Friday evening with games and amusements. J.A. Myers, Mrs. Emil Schmidt, Joe James and Dorothy Addington won the prizes for the tackiest costumes and W.D. James was fined for wearing clothing almost respectable.

1930 September La Veta: A slot machine was stolen from the Park Filling Station.

1930 September La Veta: C.E. Mock of Railway gas station and Miles Street, of the confectionery news stand, have opened a nine hole miniature golf course on Oak Street.

1930 September La Veta: Ed Sheffield closed up his blacksmith shop and left town.

1930 September La Veta: Florence Axton, of the Anderson family from Georgia, died and was buried in the old cemetery.

1930 September La Veta: J.W. Curtis took his daughters Jennie, Ruth and Clara to Alamosa Monday to enroll them in college and high school.

1930 September La Veta: La Veta Light, Heat and Power Co. completed its line up the Wahatoya to the joy of those using the product.

1930 September La Veta: Last year apples were trucked out of La Veta at 50 cents a bushel; this year they are being trucked in at $2 a bushel.

1930 September La Veta: Lena Baione and George Welsby were married.

1930 September La Veta: Levy Kincaid bought the west cement block house on Ryus Avenue and is modernizing it.

1930 September La Veta: Paul Ghiardi returned his brand new Ford coupe to La Veta Automotive and demanded back his good old roadster.

1930 September La Veta: The junior and senior high school students will have a carnival, show and jitney dance in Kincaid's Hall Oct. 11.

1930 September La Veta: The old cottonwood Dave Ryus planted in Ryus Park, Main and Field Streets, has been cut down.

1930 September La Veta: The seventh and eighth graders and teachers had a weiner roast on Pinion Hill Wednesday evening while the juniors and seniors went to Cuchara Camps and gave a surprise party for Pete Mayes who leaves for California next week.

1930 September La Veta: The would-be duck hunters are chasing around with shotguns, but nary a duck have we seen yet.

1930 September La Veta: Thursday morning the Spanish Peaks were covered with a mantle of snow. Have you ordered any coal?

1930 September Walsenburg: Cauliflower from the John Vigil and Hudson Ranches is being readied for shipment from Walsenburg Mercantile Company.

1930 September Walsenburg: Coach J. Russell Boner says 30 boys have signed up for football at Huerfano County High School.

1930 September Walsenburg: Dr. S. Julian Lamme explains the reason he can't give emergency treatment at his hospital is because his patients are entitled to quiet in the hospital.

1930 September Walsenburg: Gus Wiener, who has 90 cultivated acres one mile this side of Mosca Pass, is displaying some of his two and a half pound turnips in the World-Independent window.

1930 September Walsenburg: Henry Ribacchi, 512 West Second, was the winner of the $25 Majestic radio from the Walsenburg Electric Co. store.

1930 September Walsenburg: Knights of Columbus will have their annual picnic at Gardner Sunday - members are asked to bring their own basket lunches and meet at the church at 6:30 a.m.

1930 September Walsenburg: Ninety freshmen have registered at Huerfano County High School, the largest freshman class ever and 20 percent more than last year.   

1930 September Walsenburg: The annual Gardner Fair will be Sept. 27 and 28 with agricultural products, a barbeque, races and a dance.

1930 September Walsenburg: The county commissioners will extend Seventh Street through Walsen camp as a part of the Walsenburg-La Veta road.

1930 September Walsenburg: The Knights of Columbus picnic held at Redwing drew nearly 1,000 from Walsenburg, the camps and Gardner, followed by a football game in Gardner in which the St. Mary High School team defeated the alumni 13-0.

1930 September Walsenburg: The Phillips Oil Company station just south of the Mosca brothers garage on Main Street was robbed by two gunmen Monday evening who stole $60 from Robert Ritchie, the attendant. The men were later captured in Trinidad.

1930 September Walsenburg: Two cars of the D&RG Western train No. 116 northbound from Alamosa went into the North Veta arroyo Thursday morning and several people were injured.

1930 September Walsenburg: Walsenburg Creamery will dispense, up to 2,000 gallons FREE distilled water daily until the local water becomes palatable.

1930 September: Huerfano County race horses made a fine showing at the Trinidad Fair and Rodeo last week, with Taylor Thorne's speedy Joe Crippen winning two firsts and J.W. James' Brownie Red placing and showing in two starts.

1930 October La Veta: Allen J. Roush and Fred H. Baker, owners of the La Veta Automotive Company the past 11 years, bought the Sears Motor Company of Walsenburg, the local Ford dealers.

1930 October La Veta: Baker and Roush bought the Sears garage in Walsenburg and Mr. Baker is moving there to run the business.

1930 October La Veta: Born last week were girls to Julian Beamer and Thomas McPhail and a son to the Roy Sneddons.  

1930 October La Veta: Daddy Lee furnished the Spanish Peaks Hotel with a fine bear roast the first of the week.

1930 October La Veta: Fifty one workers are employed at the Oakview mine.

1930 October La Veta: Foster Young sold his stock of goods at Oakview to Lee Padilla last week. There are now but 51 men working at the mine.

1930 October La Veta: Frank Powell has bought a house at Oakview and is moving it to some lots on Field Street.

1930 October La Veta: Louise Hansen, a great-granddaughter of Hiram Vasquez and La Veta product, is making a name for herself as a dancer on the screen in New York. She was in "Broadway Melodies" and can be seen this evening at the Valencia Theater in Walsenburg in "Paramount on Parade."

1930 October La Veta: Messrs. Brown and Mock are opening a pool hall in Mrs. Harrison's building next to the printing office.

1930 October La Veta: The 63-pound squash raised by J.H. Dunbar may not be the biggest in the world but should be enough for one ordinary family.

1930 October La Veta: The Junior Play cast consists of Alberta Spain, Madelyn Nolen, Neville Garren, Uel Marsh, John Smalley, Alma Kissell, Rose Bowdino, Eloise Mathews and Bert Powell.

1930 October La Veta: The LaClede and Dalton vaudeville players are appearing this weekend at the Crystal Theatre.

1930 October La Veta: The resurfacing of the Ojo road and bridge building will be completed soon and the road will be opened within seven or eight weeks.

1930 October La Veta: Tony Penne, 33, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Penne, old time residents of La Veta, was thrown from his horse Sunday and suffered injuries from which it is doubtful he will recover.

1930 October Walsenburg: Ad - Phoenix dul Sheer Hosiery, Smartly Dull, Fit Better, Last Longer, $1.65 at Kriers, the Marshall Field Store of Walsenburg.

1930 October Walsenburg: An Apron and Overall dance was given at the Butte Valley School with all reporting a very enjoyable time.

1930 October Walsenburg: An Apron and Overall dance was given at the Butte Valley School with all reporting a very enjoyable time.

1930 October Walsenburg: Mayor Merritt says there is now $13,976 in the city hall building fund and if it is built on one of the many vacant city-owned lots, a city hall would cost only $30,000.

1930 October Walsenburg: Mike Reviglio donated the venison for the Italian ravioli supper to be given at the St. Mary Fair and Bazaar Oct. 22.

1930 October Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Lenzini have returned from Italy and Europe after a three month visit.

1930 October Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Lenzini have returned from Italy and Europe after a three month visit.

1930 October Walsenburg: Over 200 attended the Huerfano County Women's Republican Club tea Tuesday evening where they were entertained by the Filipino string orchestra of Delcarbon.

1930 October Walsenburg: Rev. Refugio Jaramillo has retired from the Spanish Presbyterian Church.

1930 October Walsenburg: The Corsentino brothers began shipping their sugar beets yesterday. They have 35 acres and are averaging 12 tons to the acre with a guarantee of $7 per ton.

1930 October Walsenburg: The new school bus purchased by the Gordon and Delcarbon school districts was used Friday night to take a load of children to the movie in Walsenburg.

1930 October Walsenburg: Tomorrow will be the gala celebration for Fifth Street when the new ornamental lights are turned on, with two dances, a band and speeches,

1930 November La Veta: E.C. Murdock of Englewood, Kansas has purchased the Will Bruce residence.

1930 November La Veta: In the recent election, A.S. Wilburn won the closest race, winning the office of surveyor by two votes.

1930 November La Veta: Jap Bruce and his son Robert are caring for the William Carver ranch this winter while the owners are away.

1930 November La Veta: Joe K. Kincaid and Son have installed a Frigidaire in their corner store.

1930 November La Veta: Paul Ghiardi has leased out the Crystal Theater to Harold Danks and Ed Crawford.

1930 November La Veta: The big storm left 43 travelers stranded at the Shearer home three miles east of town on the highway.

1930 November La Veta: The donkey kicked back with a vengeance in the election Tuesday and the elephant is still wondering where he is at.

1930 November La Veta: The street lamps were again removed from the center of Ryus Street and placed at the curbing.

1930 November La Veta: The street lamps were moved to the curb from the middle of Ryus Street.

1930 November Walsenburg: A parade and all-day celebration have been planned by ex-servicemen for Armistice Day.

1930 November Walsenburg: Adolph Unfug was elected state senator and Joseph A. Barron, both of Walsenburg, state representative from this district.

1930 November Walsenburg: August Unfug's stolen car, taken Oct. 19 in Walsenburg was recovered in Flagstaff, Ariz.

1930 November Walsenburg: Felix Cruz Jr., an 18-year-old senior at St. Mary High School, died of typhoid fever.

1930 November Walsenburg: St. Mary Crusaders defeated the Huerfano County High School Panthers 7-0 in the annual Thanksgiving Day game.

1930 November Walsenburg: The Alamo soccer team defeated Morley 2-0. The Calumet Indians of Delcarbon will meet the Sugarite soccer team Sunday.

1930 November Walsenburg: The Joe Cardinal and Company Market on West Seventh Street has been sold to Herman Ruffini, the former owner, as of Dec. 1.

1930 November Walsenburg: The St. Mary Crusaders beat the HCHS Panthers 7 to 0 in the annual Thanksgiving football game.

1930 November Walsenburg: Walsenburg has been isolated for three days from a blizzard. Schools and churches are closed, social activities postponed, no groceries are being delivered and abandoned cars line the streets.

1930 December La Veta: A daughter was born Dec. 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold.

1930 December La Veta: Cuchara Camps received four feet of snow in the big storm but the Gardner area only got four inches.

1930 December La Veta: Died, John B. Hamilton, 79. He was born in 1851 and came to La Veta 20 years ago from Council Grove, Kansas. He leaves his wife Agnes, brothers Will and Barnard, La Veta, Hayes, Oklahoma and sister, Mrs. Fannie Simpson, La Veta.

1930 December La Veta: Forty-three people were stranded at the Shearer home on the highway northeast of town during the snowstorm.

1930 December La Veta: Fred Huesties married Ruby Briggs of Kansas last week.

1930 December La Veta: In the state-wide geometry tests two La Veta sophomores, Doris Dickinson and Virginia Akers, received 96 and 94 respectively.

1930 December La Veta: Messrs. Hanby and Ghiardi are arranging an old fashioned turkey shoot on Pinon Hill next Sunday.

1930 December La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker are the parents of a daughter born Dec. 17.

1930 December La Veta: The new officers of the Rebecca Lodge are Annie Powell, N.G., Rebecca Pickens, V.G., Idalia Gilbert, secretary and Mollie Kreutzer, treasurer.

1930 December La Veta: The Old Timers showed up in force for an exclusively Old Time Dance enjoyed by a large crowd.

1930 December La Veta: The town will sell the present town hall to the Fire Protection District and buy the building on Main Street belonging to the C.F. Boyd estate.

1930 December La Veta: We suggest the name of Garland Street be changed to "Teddy Street" for there are seven houses in a row on the north side that contain young babies along with other children.

1930 December Walsenburg: "Cyclone Sally," a lively three-act comedy, will be presented by Gardner high school Friday evening with proceeds going to pay for a Victrola.

1930 December Walsenburg: A.0. Scott of Turkey Creek finally reached town for the first time since the Nov. 18 blizzard and reports two feet of snow still on the ground.

1930 December Walsenburg: Andrew Arguletta has built a new kind of grain mixer for use at his Walsenburg Milling Company plant.

1930 December Walsenburg: Colorado Supply Company distributed nearly 7,000 gifts to children in the mining camps of southern Colorado.

1930 December Walsenburg: Dr. G.M. Noonan's home won the Christmas decorating contest sponsored by Woman's Civic League.  Dr. S. Julian Lamme's home was second and Dr. A.A. Unfug and Dr. G.R. Mallett tied for third place.

1930 December Walsenburg: Joe Spector says the event of the season will be the charity ball given by the B.P.O.E. on Christmas night.

1930 December Walsenburg: Ken Wolfe's Orchestra will play for the Elks fifth annual Christmas Charity Ball in Maccabee Hall Dec. 25.

1930 December Walsenburg: One hundred and fifty couples attended the Spanish American dance Saturday night at Maccabee Hall with the prizes going to Benedict Salazar, Mary Archuleta and Dora Garcia for selling the most.

1930 December Walsenburg: The Elks fifth annual Charity Ball was held Christmas night in Maccabee Hall with Ken Wolfe's Orchestra providing music.

1930 December Walsenburg: The Elks will have their fifth annual Charity Ball Dec. 25 in Maccabee Hall, with Ken Wolfe's Orchestra providing the music.

1930 December Walsenburg: The steam heating plant at the Katz Department Store exploded but Ben Lansdown kept a crew of five working until the furnace was repaired at 6 a.m.

1931 January 31: Charles Haines Treasurer.

1931 January La Veta: A weasel and a squirrel in the drugstore window were mounted by John Elley and are good examples of his work in the taxidermy line.

1931 January La Veta: Advertisement: Blacksmith and repair work by Pete Hurtado at O.F. Boyd's Shop on East Francisco.

1931 January La Veta: Charlie Galassini is temporarily managing The Smoke House.

1931 January La Veta: Died, Albert LeRoy Heikes, who was born in Kansas in 1886 and married Cora Spicher in 1908. He leaves three daughters, Mrs. Robert Mathews, Catherine and Opal.

1931 January La Veta: E. Baione is getting some roller skates and will open a rink in the back part of his pool hall for young folks in the afternoon, adults in the evening.

1931 January La Veta: Huerfano County will receive $806.14 as its share from receipts of the national forest. 

1931 January La Veta: Huerfano County will receive $806.14 as its share of the National Forest receipts for 1930, representing 25 percent of total receipts in this portion of San Isabel.

1931 January La Veta: J. B. Petrie, a railroader and early settler of La Veta and now over 70, committed suicide in California.

1931 January La Veta: Margaret, the seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baione, died of pneumonia.

1931 January La Veta: Mrs. Carl Falk saved her child, bird and most of the furniture when fire burned her house, the old Goemmer ranch house near the butte.

1931 January La Veta: Some residents may remember John Vie, a bartender for Micheletti back in 1912, who is the famous accordion player who played for Presidents Harding, Coolidge and Hoover.

1931 January La Veta: T.B. Crumley, assisted by his relatives and friends, put up 25 tons of 10 to 12 inch thick ice from mill lake for their personal use.

1931 January La Veta: The 1930 census gives La Veta a population of 732, compared to 737 in 1920 and 691 in 1910.

1931 January La Veta: The Farmers Union of La Veta held an old time party in Kincaid hall Friday evening which was very well attended.

1931 January La Veta: The new road to Walsenburg, which connects with the old road just the other side of Solar and runs through Walsen and Red camps, is now open to travel.

1931 January La Veta: There was a time when runaways were about as common as divorces are at present. . .

1931 January La Veta:  Influenza and pneumonia have been aiding the grim reaper among the infants in the Gardner and Redwing communities.

1931 January Walsenburg: A local man was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Shorty Martinez, charged with larceny for taking $24 worth of hides from the Krille-Nichols Wool and Hide Company warehouse.

1931 January Walsenburg: After several meetings of the state's assessors it was decided to reduce the valuation on sheep and cattle.

1931 January Walsenburg: Daniel Tenaco, 28, was killed by a trip in Kebler No. 2 at Tioga.

1931 January Walsenburg: Joseph J. Yourick starts this week as the new manager of the Walsenburg Tire Shop on Main at Seventh Street.

1931 January Walsenburg: Over 200 people attended the Elks party Wednesday night in honor of those taking part in the recent minstrel show.

1931 January Walsenburg: Owing to the increased enrollment at Huerfano County High School, a new teacher, Paul W. Nesbit, has been added to the faculty to teach mathematics, science and physical education.

1931 January Walsenburg: Owing to the increased enrollment at Huerfano County High School, a new teacher, Paul W. Nesbit, has been added to the faculty to teach mathematics, science and physical education.

1931 January Walsenburg: Paving of the stretch of road between Aguilar and Walsenburg is to begin immediately. The project will cost $175,000.

1931 January Walsenburg: Producing 34,658 tons of coal in November, the Robinson No. 4 (Cameron) mine of Colorado Fuel and Iron Co. led the state for the second consecutive month.

1931 January Walsenburg: Roy V. Hill of Hill Dairy Farm east of town won honors for developing a herd of 47 dairy cows that average 305.8 pounds of butter fat per animal.

1931 January Walsenburg: The Caledonian society of Walsenburg celebrated the anniversary of Bobby Burns' birthday with a dinner and entertainment Saturday evening at the Community House. About 300 attended.

1931 January Walsenburg: The first to respond to the Red Cross fund quota of $600 from Huerfano County for drouth sufferers was three-year-old Beverly Barnes, who gave 14 cents.

1931 January Walsenburg: The Kumjineus Club of the Community Church will serve a baked potato supper at Community House Jan. 12 with Swiss steak, string beans, apple salad, jello, rolls and jelly, wafers and coffee.

1931 January Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Leonora 5¢ - $1 Store was sold and in future will be known as Warner Variety Store.

1931 January Walsenburg: Walsenburg Boy Scouts and their scoutmasters have made a short ski run in the hills just north of the golf course.

1931 February La Veta: Died, John William McMains, 74, leaving his children, Mrs. Grace O'Niell, Mrs. Verna Vasquez, Theodore and Raymond.

1931 February La Veta: Honey bees have been out this week warming their toes.

1931 February La Veta: James Teal recently returned from Kansas with the necessary financial aid to continue work on the Magnolia mine on Grayback Mountain.

1931 February La Veta: La Veta High School Cowboys played a La Veta town team a game of basketball Sunday which the former won 8-3.

1931 February La Veta: Mrs. Ghiardi is now managing the Crystal Theatre.

1931 February La Veta: Mrs. Roy Heikes was assisting at the La Veta Hospital this week and will take charge of the Mauldin apartments.

1931 February La Veta: Pete Hurtado is doing blacksmith and repair work at C.F. Boyd's shop on Francisco Street.

1931 February La Veta: Sixteen mail sacks of Monkey Ward [sic] catalogues arrived on Wednesday. No wonder the small towns have lost out as trading centers.

1931 February La Veta: The Commercial Club elected C.C. Webster, president; Carl Gilbert, vice president; Paul Lee, secretary and Dr. C.E. Willburn, treasurer.

1931 February La Veta: The juniors took in $52.35 at their class play last week.

1931 February La Veta: The sophomore class enjoyed a roller skating party Wednesday night after which they were served refreshments at the home of Doris Stream.

1931 February La Veta: The street lamp posts are being moved back from the middle of the street to the curbs.

1931 February Walsenburg: A small blaze was extinguished Sunday evening in the telegraph poles near the Walsenburg Creamery. The fire was undoubtedly started by hoboes.

1931 February Walsenburg: A three cushion billiard tourney will be held at the Recreation billiard parlor starting Monday to find the champion of Huerfano County.

1931 February Walsenburg: Another boxcar in the D&RG yards was broken into and a quantity of sugar and canned goods taken.

1931 February Walsenburg: Ever wonder why the water runs so much colder in the shower-bath than it does in the drinking water faucet?

1931 February Walsenburg: Jeff Farr's Poultry Farm has again taken first  prizes in competition with 48 other egg and poultry producers in the Southern Colorado Egg and Poultry Show in Pueblo.

1931 February Walsenburg: Lodge #1086 BPOE will have a large indoor circus from Ft. Morgan, featuring 15 acts, on Mar. 2 in St. Mary auditorium.

1931 February Walsenburg: O.L. Bradford won the contract to build a $15,000, 10-room house for J.L. Thurston at the corner of Pine Street and Walsen Avenue.

1931 February Walsenburg: O'Dells Old Time Orchestra, D.A. Nicklas, Banjo Jo and Frank Tafoya will again appear during the Walsenburg radio hour over KGIW at Trinidad Friday.

1931 February Walsenburg: People of Huerfano County may look for six more weeks of winter because Mr. Groundhog saw his shadow. This will be valuable information for the 20 Year Ago column in 1951.

1931 February Walsenburg: The Friendship club of Apache will serve a farmers' dinner at Apache school house Sunday for the benefit of drouth victims.

1931 February Walsenburg: There are 57 seniors who are receiving passing grades which will make this the largest graduating class in the history of Huerfano County High School

1931 February Walsenburg: Two coal thieves caught red-handed in the railroad yards were sentenced to 60-day terms in the county jail.

1931 February Walsenburg: Two Georges made their appearance on Washington's birthday at Lamme Hospital, born to Mr. and Mrs. William Strong of Ludlow and to Mr. and Mrs. George Richards, Walsenburg.

1931 March La Veta: A county P.T.A. program will be presented at the Methodist Church Saturday afternoon featuring Barbara and Melba Byouk, Bonnie Doles, several classes and the glee club.

1931 March La Veta: Carmine Fenicottero is managing the Crystal Theater.

1931 March La Veta: Charlie Powell plans to buy Cuchara Camps, pending the settlement of the Mayes estate.

1931 March La Veta: Kelly Baione is now managing the skating rink for his father.

1931 March La Veta: Pete Luchino and Jim Dighera divided the ranch they formerly held in partnership, known as the lower Kincaid place.

1931 March La Veta: The Major and Minor Music Club was reorganized with Dorothy Danks, president, Marion Garren, vice president, Duska Nolen, secretary and Carol Young, treasurer.

1931 March La Veta: The senior class gave a dance at Stranger's Hall on St. Patrick's Day, for the high school and some friends. About 80 were present.

1931 March La Veta: The sporting world took a fearful setback this morning, when Knute Rockne, football mentor of Notre Dame, was killed in an airplane crash near Newton, Kans.

1931 March La Veta: The temperature dropped to zero last night, which is unusual at this season of the year.

1931 March Walsenburg: A dinner will be held Mar. 26 at the Community House to sell memberships to the golf club.

1931 March Walsenburg: A special corner for the Boy Scouts has been arranged in the public library and 66 new books have been ordered for the section, financed by the Rotary and Kiwanis clubs.

1931 March Walsenburg: Margaret Saliba and Edward Race are the high school winners of the free trip to Taos, NM, for having the highest grades this six weeks term. Saliba had a 97% and Race a 96% average.

1931 March Walsenburg: Mary Duzenack of Walsen School took second place in the state oratorical contest held in Denver.

1931 March Walsenburg: The county bought a new $4,600 road making machine to replace the old 8-yard Fresco.

1931 March Walsenburg: The price of balcony seats at the Fox Theatre was reduced from 50 to 35 cents.

1931 March Walsenburg: The Vaughan Electric Shop, formerly located in Walsenburg Flower and Beauty Shop, 506 Main Street, is moving to the rear of Mr. Vaughan's residence on Russell Street.

1931 April La Veta: Burglaries were committed last night in the Baione pool hall and the Round-up pool hall and in each case cigarettes and candy were taken.

1931 April La Veta: Charles Galassini and Clyde Brooks are operating the Smoke House.

1931 April La Veta: Dr. S.J. Greear has opened an office in the Cozy Home where Dr. R.A. Mathew was located.

1931 April La Veta: Dr. S.J. Greear has opened an office in the Cozy Home where Dr. R.A. Mathew was located.

1931 April La Veta: Humans, like adobe bugs, crawl out on nice warm days.

1931 April La Veta: John Penne has leased the Albert Crump ranch.

1931 April La Veta: La Veta High School's baseball team played the county junior high here Tuesday afternoon and won 16-8. 

1931 April La Veta: March went out like a reasonable lamb, but it kept roaring like a lion until the last.

1931 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coleman are moving into the Plaza to make their home.

1931 April La Veta: Mr. Fischback is building more cabins over at his cottage camp.

1931 April La Veta: Mrs. Leonard Clark has opened a beauty shop in Bertha Boyd's apartment house.

1931 April La Veta: Mrs. Leonard Clark opened a beauty shop in the Boyd apartment house at the corner of Francisco and Main Streets.

1931 April La Veta: The Alamo oil well has hit a depth of 3,933 feet and the owners plan to go another 100 feet.

1931 April Walsenburg: "Amazon Isle," a farce starring Edward Race, Nicholas Saliba, John Pazar and Elizabeth Dawes will be presented April 20 by the Huerfano County High School senior class.

1931 April Walsenburg: About 80 people gathered at Community House Tuesday evening for a covered dish luncheon as a farewell to County Agent J.L. and Mrs. Shields who are moving to Alamosa.

1931 April Walsenburg: Charles Countrayman moved his eating place by the Chevrolet garage - future home of city hall - to just west of Stacy's smoke house.

1931 April Walsenburg: City Council approved the appointment of T.A. Frantz as police chief.

1931 April Walsenburg: Fred Sobon of Service Drug here had an exciting experience in Denver when two men held him up and took $1.26. Sobon then shot six times at one of his assailants and severely pummeled the other, recovering his $1.26.

1931 April Walsenburg: Paul Soltis won the $15 in gold and Julia Sutyak the $10 in the Lenzini Petroleum Company's oil naming contest.

1931 April Walsenburg: Sunday the new Kimball pipe organ will be formally dedicated at the First Methodist Church with a recital by the Denver city organist.

1931 April Walsenburg: The Coffee House is soon to be open on Main Street in the former City Grill.

1931 April Walsenburg: The Fox-Valencia and Walsenburg World and Independent will give an Easter egg party next Friday and Saturday, beginning with a movie "The Mysterious Island," to which admission is three colored eggs.

1931 April Walsenburg: The new Avalon Cafeteria opens Apr. 9 on Main Street.

1931 April Walsenburg: The Walsen Mine was the first opened in Huerfano County, with coal initially taken out in 1883.

1931 April Walsenburg: Twenty-nine entries in the Boy Scout bird house contest are on display today at the old Doveton stand next to Howard's Confectionery.

1931 May 15: Bear Creek School Closes The lower Bear Creek school closed on Friday, May 8. The children all enjoyed a picnicDiplomas were issued to eighth grade girls, Piedad Borrego and Rose Artega. The letter writing certificates were earned by Frank Valdez, Jennie Amelina and Virginia Borrego.

1931 May 15: China Missionary to Spend Three Months Visit In This City. Rev. A.G. Batstone is enjoying a visit at present from his brother, Rev. W.H. Batstone, wife and children, Allan and Beyrd. Rev. Batstone has been engaged in missionary work for the past seven years in China, and this is his first furlough since beginning the work. He expects to be in Colorado for the next three months, lecturing on his work in China in various Colorado towns. He will make his headquarters, however, with his brother here in Walsenburg.

1931 May La Veta: A band of gypsies passed through town this week.

1931 May La Veta: A new electric light is being installed outside town hall on Francisco Street which will automatically switch on when the doors of the hose house are opened.

1931 May La Veta: C.A. Sadlier is taking over the McLain Market.

1931 May La Veta: Carmine Fenicottero is moving his store and family living quarters into the Ghiardi building.

1931 May La Veta: J.S. Shearer and sons Jeter and Charles have moved to Colorado Springs and Mr. Wayt took possession of their ranch.

1931 May La Veta: La Veta beat Bain's Golden Eagle team of Walsenburg 10-1 in a rain and snow storm Sunday afternoon.

1931 May La Veta: La Veta's baseball team whipped Alamo 12-1.

1931 May La Veta: Mike Daniel opened a shoe repair shop in the Lester building on Main Street.

1931 May La Veta: The baseball ground is now being fenced.

1931 May La Veta: The local American Legion cleared $120 with the recent blanket sale for the benefit of the baseball team.

1931 May La Veta: The opening dance of the season at Sulphur Springs pavilion was last Sunday with the music of Yellow Jacket Orchestra.

1931 May La Veta: The roundhouse crew now numbers seven men.

1931 May La Veta: The roundhouse force has again been reduced, T.R. Rodriguez and Albert Foote being the latest sacrifices to economy. Seven are still employed.

1931 May La Veta: The Round-up pool hall and Baione's pool hall were burglarized the past weekend.

1931 May Walsenburg: A large party took place in the Walsen Y Friday evening for a farewell gathering for Superintendent and Mrs. J.L. McBrayer who left Saturday for Pueblo.

1931 May Walsenburg: A number of men from the city and county met at the courthouse Wednesday to discuss unemployment.

1931 May Walsenburg: Blue suits and other smart colorings for College Men about to Graduate, $19.75, at J.C. Penney Company.

1931 May Walsenburg: Huerfano County Junior High school was defeated on the home field Tuesday 17-2 by the high school team from La Veta.

1931 May Walsenburg: Over 700 people attended the St. Mary Senior Play, 'The Charm School,' with leading parts played by Stephen Glinsky and Victoria Atencio.

1931 May Walsenburg: The HCHS girls' glee club's musical comedy "The Magic Maker" has been postponed due to the death of 15-year-old Pauline East.

1931 May Walsenburg: 'Tis not a common event to have a three-day snow after the middle of May but those who have lived in Colorado knew what to expect when over two feet fell this week.

1931 June La Veta: An aeroplane flew over La  Veta Wednesday.

1931 June La Veta: Charles Powell now is the owner of Cuchara Camps.

1931 June La Veta: Died, Joe K. Kincaid, 78, a resident of La Veta since 1874 who was involved in business and in ranching on his homestead six or eight miles east of town.

1931 June La Veta: Glen Drury has been working at the Arnold sawmill.

1931 June La Veta: Juan Urbano Martinez, a 73-year-old sheepherder and brother of Bruno Martinez, died at his home on Bear Creek and was buried in the cemetery on the hill.

1931 June La Veta: La Veta beat Gardner in the baseball game 7 to 4.

1931 June La Veta: La Veta's baseball team continues its winning ways with a 10-1 victory over Ojo Sunday.

1931 June La Veta: Luther Bruce has been transferred from the cheese factory here to the one in Fort Collins.

1931 June La Veta: Mike Montoya is building a two story adobe house in east La Veta.

1931 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Foote are managing the Sulphur Springs this season.

1931 June La Veta: Mr. Marsh won the contract for digging a ditch and laying tile in an attempt to drain the cemetery for $560.

1931 June La Veta: O.B. Lauth, a teacher at the schoolhouse, has purchased the Columbine Hotel on Main Street.

1931 June La Veta: Ranger Karl Gilbert says the snow is so deep on the North Fork he couldn't get his horse through.

1931 June La Veta: Several apartments are available at the Plaza.

1931 June La Veta: The garage behind the main building at Cuchara Camps burned down.

1931 June La Veta: Willing workers who have the time are putting up a fence around the ball grounds, and hope to have it up by Sunday's game.

1931 June Walsenburg: G.R. McDonald and Harry Oblander have purchased the Palace Garage on Main Street.

1931 June Walsenburg: Summer school begins Monday at Walsen and Cameron.

1931 June Walsenburg: The public is cordially invited to inspect the new printing press at the Independent office.

1931 July La Veta: La Veta's baseball team is now 9 and 0.

1931 July La Veta: Mrs. Belle Lee has given up running a hotel in the plaza and returned to San Luis.

1931 July La Veta: The ball game was rained out but the spectators stayed dry with the new roof over the grandstand.

1931 July La Veta: The Boyd Bakery is now one year old.

1931 July La Veta: The Pueblo Municipal Band will play for the Fourth of July celebration here tomorrow, including Lou Bemen with his cornet to re-echo the sounds and scenes of long ago.

1931 July La Veta: Tony Madle struck out 23 heavy hitters for the La Veta Legionnaires victory over Alamo, 7-0.

1931 July Walsenburg: Herbert Westbrook was selected most nearly perfect baby from over 60 contestants.

1931 July Walsenburg: Huerfano County coal production during June totaled 67,518 tons.

1931 July Walsenburg: Marco Nigro, son of Joe Nigro, died of drowning while trying to reach a floating boat at' Martin Lake.

1931 July Walsenburg: The American Legion picnic at Cuchara Camps drew a record crowd and over 500 pounds of roast beef were served.

1931 July Walsenburg: The county road gang is grading and ditching the road to the Santa Clara out of Ideal.

1931 July Walsenburg: Tom Peffer and August Chatin led 12 members of Scout Troop No. 41 from Wahatoya past Bulls Eye mine to the top of the West Spanish Peak.

1931 July: Jesus A. Amando and Ruth Marias, both of Tioga, were married June 30.

1931 August La Veta: After 15 straight victories, La Veta's baseball team suffered its first defeat, losing to the Red Ramblers of Pueblo 4-3. La Veta beat the same team earlier in the season.

1931 August La Veta: As superintendent of the high school, Dean Darby will receive a $2,000 annual salary.

1931 August La Veta: Barbara Byouk and Harry Springer invited 13 boys and girls to help celebrate their 13th birthdays at the Springer Hotel.

1931 August La Veta: Barbara Byouk and Harry Springer invited 13 boys and girls to help celebrate their 13th birthdays Tuesday at the Springer Hotel.

1931 August La Veta: Benefiels have leased the La Veta Park Cottage Camp from the Fischbacks.

1931 August La Veta: John Hopkins and J.E. Coe recently had light plants installed at homes.

1931 August La Veta: M.R. Kneals, principal of the grade school and teacher of the seventh and eighth grades, will receive $1,350 for his services for the 1931-1932 school year.

1931 August La Veta: Mr. Klikus opened a coal mine near his ranch.

1931 August La Veta: W.B. Hall is buying an interest in the Railroad Park Filling Station.

1931 August Walsenburg: Anniversary Dance at the Scenic View Club tonight, Frank Strovas, prop. Admission $1.

1931 August Walsenburg: City Council expressed approval for a supervisor of swimming at Martin Lake.

1931 August Walsenburg: City Council will consider the city's revenue problems Tuesday night.

1931 August Walsenburg: Henry Hart, J.A. Ward, J.B. Ward and J.R. Bell qualified at the rifle shoot in Canon City and will go to Golden for the state meet.

1931 August Walsenburg: Mrs. Bonner Brice will present her pupils in a musical outdoor operetta, "The Musical Snuffbox," at her residence on Pennsylvania Avenue August 20 at 7 p.m.

1931 August Walsenburg: Only four players are left in the tennis tournament, Bernard Musso, Kid Waski, Louis Ward and Judy Judiscak.

1931 September La Veta: Businessmen of La Veta are converting the old Elkhorn building into a skating rink and gymnasium and hope to have it ready for the public in the near future.

1931 September La Veta: Died, J. Meredith Martin, 65, who came to La Veta in 1882 from North Carolina and operated several ranches.

1931 September La Veta: Died, J. Meredith Martin, who was born in North Carolina and came to La Veta in 1882, where he has several ranches.

1931 September La Veta: Henry Parker is cutting logs preparatory to building a two-room house west of his brother Sidney's.

1931 September La Veta: Mrs. Jennie Prator is now cooking  at the American Cafe.

1931 September La Veta: The First National Bank of La Veta received a check for $1,223.00 from the National Surety Company of New York to cover the amount stolen in the recent robbery.

1931 September La Veta: The First National Bank of La Veta was held up and robbed of nearly $2,000 at 12:20 yesterday. The robber's car was found abandoned north of the Huerfano River on the cutoff road from Badito to Greenhorn.

1931 September La Veta: The La Veta Legionaires defeated Monte Vista, champions of the San Luis Valley league, 10-8 on the La Veta ballgrounds.

1931 September La Veta: The new road to Blue Lake is done so tourists can drive all the way.

1931 September La Veta: The Trinidad Red Sox defeated the local team 15-7 in the final game of the season here, which was played in snow.

1931 September La Veta: Town Board held a routine meeting Tuesday evening but did not decide whether to repair the fire bell platform or purchase a siren.

1931 September Walsenburg: Louis Ward won the junior city champ tennis award.

1931 September Walsenburg: Raymond Price of Alamo is working on the Kimbrel ranch at Orchard Valley.

1931 September Walsenburg: T.Q. Montez, his daughter Mrs. Albert Vigil and her children were injured when their team ran away after being frightened by a large truck near the R.G. Inman ranch at Gardner.

1931 September Walsenburg: The MacMarr grocery store at the corner of Sixth and Main is being remodeled and will thereafter be self-service.

1931 September Walsenburg: The old pool hall at Tioga has been remodeled into the new Colorado Supply Company store.

1931 September Walsenburg: The St. Mary parish picnic will be in Cuchara Camps Sept. 13 with a ball game, horseshoe pitching, tug-o-war, races and a pie-eating contest.

1931 September: Miss Ruth Vallely, local dance instructor, is one of 12 girls in the chorus for "The Fall of Babylon" to be presented at this year's state fair.

1931 October 16: Atencio Sentenced, Court Adjourned to Monday, October 26. Judge McChesney opened district court Thursday to hear motions and for other matters before the court. Sentence was pronounced on Abel Atencio, found guilty of fraud by a jury on Saturday. Atencio was sentenced to not less than three years in the penitentiary at Canon City. The court then took a recess until October 26 at which time the jury has been called to be in attendance.

1931 October 19: State Commander Installs Officers Tonight. Huerfano Post No. 16, American Legion, will install their newly elected officers at their regular meeting to be held at headquarters this eveing. R.D. Saunders of Alamosa, region commander, will be present to act as installing officer. Those who take office tonight are Lee Saunders, commander; Charles Elliott, vice-commander; N.W. Andrews, finance officer; Joe O'Rourke, adjutant; Archie Allison, chaplain; James Phipps, sergeant-at-arms; Ray Woodruff, property custodian. The ladies of the Auxiliary have been invited for the evening. A motion picture of the Armistice Day parade of last year will be shown by Dr. S. Julian Lamme. The Legion is giving a dance at St. Mary's auditorium Saturday evening.

1931 October La Veta: Cookie Elmer Suazo, who pitched some good games for La Veta this past season, expects to sign up with the Western League at Des Moines, Iowa.

1931 October La Veta: Daddy Lee bagged two black bears recently and bear steak was on sale at the local market.

1931 October La Veta: Ewell Marsh is home around on crutches as a result of a football game.

1931 October La Veta: Fenton Harrison and Clark Falk had a collision with their cars on Ryus which, being a one-sided street, is awkward to park on.

1931 October La Veta: It has been determined that approximately $1,000 was the amount stolen from the bank about a month ago.

1931 October La Veta: La Veta won the Huerfano County League as they lost only one game all season.

1931 October La Veta: Members of the La Veta Dairymen's Assoc. met yesterday with C.B. Frink, owner of the local cheese factory, and Sen. John J. Tobin to learn about government grading of farm products.

1931 October La Veta: Sonny and Bruce Prator are back at work at Oakview where a small number of men are employed.

1931 October La Veta: The La Veta Mines Company, with W. R. Brush of Kansas president, is developing a group of claims on Greyback Mountain where it has two tunnels completed.

1931 October La Veta: The Western League professional team from Pueblo beat the local boys Sunday who made five errors which were responsible for the final score of 9-8.

1931 October La Veta: Two light freezes have not been very damaging, but just gentle reminders that winter is nigh.

1931 October Walsenburg: A Halloween masquerade ball, the first in two or three years, will be given tonight in the St. Mary School Auditorium.

1931 October Walsenburg: Drs. Chapman and Noonan moved to their newly fitted offices at 117 East Fifth Saturday, just across from their former location.

1931 October Walsenburg: Huerfano County, with a decrease of over $1,300,000 in assessed valuations, is one of many Colorado counties showing such a decrease; only three counties had increases.

1931 October Walsenburg: Jeff Hill opened his new store on Main Street next to Welch's bakery and will sell fresh poultry and dairy products.

1931 October Walsenburg: Sale: 8 loaves of bread, 25¢; 2 packages of cigarettes, 25¢; 6 pounds fresh tomatoes, 25¢ or 5 rolls Waldorf toilet paper, 25¢, at Safeway Stores.

1931 October Walsenburg: Seventeen girls have joined the new glee club at Del Carbon.

1931 October Walsenburg: The boys of the old Delcarbon camp played baseball with the boys of the new camp, defeating them 15-13.

1931 October Walsenburg: William O'Rourke won the first prize of a ton of coal at the St. Mary Fair.

1931 October Walsenburg: Womens Civic League will present a fall style show next Tuesday in the Community House.

1931 November La Veta: About 50 businessmen and citizens organized a social club Tuesday with Dr. Willburn president and C.A. Sadlier, secretary-treasurer.

1931 November La Veta: Barbara Byouk and Louis Ugolini won prizes at the roller skating rink recently.

1931 November La Veta: Kid Ellis, passenger engineer here 13 years ago, and his wife of Trinidad were visiting old friends around town Sunday.

1931 November La Veta: Roller skating is now the popular indoor sport. Let us hope it won't become an outdoor pastime.

1931 November La Veta: Several hundred students and citizens attended the fine Armistice Day program at the school.

1931 November La Veta: The editor and his wife drove to Taos by way of Antonito Sunday and recalled 36 years ago when the trip required four days in a wagon.

1931 November La Veta: The fire department replaced the old bell with a siren.

1931 November La Veta: The kids are enjoying coasting, sleighing and sledding for their Thanksgiving holiday. 

1931 November Walsenburg: Showing this week at the Valencia, "Secrets of a Secretary" with Claudette Colbert, "Palmy Days" starring Eddie Cantor and "The Two Gun Man" with Ken Maynard.

1931 November Walsenburg: The Quality Market will open tomorrow under the management of John Biava in the former Main Street building of McCoy and Johnson.

1931 November Walsenburg: We have been enjoying temperatures in the 60's and 70's the past few days.

1931 December La Veta: Fire supposedly caused by an over-heated stove destroyed the home and contents of Milo Street on South Oak Tuesday forenoon.

1931 December La Veta: Jerry, the 18-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. David Jimines, died and was buried in Wahatoya Cemetery.

1931 December La Veta: Kelly Baione is now handling the drum with the local orchestra and Allen Erwin is playing with Jack's Orchestra.

1931 December La Veta: M.T. Marsh has been rebuilding the ice house by the lake and expects to be putting up ice in a few days.

1931 December La Veta: Mrs. Allen Roush and little Joeann have been visiting Mrs. Roush's mother Mrs. Walter Smith in Pueblo.

1931 December La Veta: Sam George is working the old Occidental vein and getting out some splendid domestic coal.

1931 December La Veta: The cheese company receives from 4,000 to 8,000 pounds of milk daily and expends some $2,500-$3,000 per month for it.

1931 December La Veta: The Frink Cheese Company is cutting and storing its summer's supply of ice.

1931 December Walsenburg: A white Thanksgiving was celebrated with lots of food, dances, programs and parties, showing the depression has vanished in Walsenburg.

1931 December Walsenburg: Another $128,000 turkey crop will pass through the local processing plant this season and the payroll may pass $4,000.

1931 December Walsenburg: Boys and girls may see for free Jackie Coogan, Mitzi Green and Jackie Searle in "Tom Sawyer" at Star Theater Saturday by bringing some small article of food or clothing.

1931 December Walsenburg: Dr. G.R. Mallett was the victim of an armed hold-up man Friday about midnight as he was returning from the Elks banquet and initiation.

1931 December Walsenburg: Federal agents arrested a man from Sandy who has been operating a whiskey still. He was fined $100.

1931 December Walsenburg: Owen Boone, mechanic at Murray Garage, won the contest to guess how many miles a new Ford Sedan can go at 20 miles per hour on five gallons of Ethyl gas. He guessed 175 and the actual reading was 175.7.

1931 December Walsenburg: Patrolmen Lucas Sanchez and Enoch Brunelli discovered the theft of three slot machines from O'Rourke's Confectionery.

1931 December Walsenburg: Producing 35,461 tons of coal during October, the Robinson No. 4 (Cameron) mine of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company holds the state production record for the month.

1931 December Walsenburg: St. Mary students Joseph Matkovitch, Leona Lenzini, Arthur Reviglio, Joseph Manzanares and Mellie Medina will attend a free movie at the Fox-Valencia as the five students having the highest grades.

1931 December Walsenburg: The brick covering of the boiler at Huerfano County High School was completely demolished Christmas night by an explosion caused by coal gases.

1931 December Walsenburg: The Chevrolet 6, $475, F.H. Unfug Chevrolet Company, 117 West Sixth Street.

1931 December Walsenburg: The November production of coal was slightly better than October's, with 121,274 tons produced in November and 117,965 the previous month.

1932 January La Veta: La Veta Pass was covered with a heavy blanket of snow this week, making the trip from Alamosa take 12 hours.

1932 January La Veta: La Veta will send two students from each grade to a free performance of "Penrod and Sam," by Booth Tarkington at the Star Theatre in Walsenburg.

1932 January La Veta: More than 100 wild turkeys are being fed by Forest Ranger Karl Gilbert on Indian and Cuchara Creeks.

1932 January La Veta: Nearly 1,000 head of cattle were driven over the pass from the San Luis Valley last week by Mr. Hansen and not one animal was lost.

1932 January La Veta: Nearly 1,000 head of cattle were driven over the pass from the San Luis Valley last week by Mr. Hansen and not one animal was lost.

1932 January La Veta: On account of the drifting snow, the road to Walsenburg is impassable for autos despite the work of the road crews.

1932 January La Veta: Skating on the lakes is now a popular sport.

1932 January La Veta: Snowfall in the mountains is averaging more than usual and irrigation water for the coming season is assured.

1932 January La Veta: The Christmas tree and treat provided by the American Legion Christmas Eve was the first event of its kind in La Veta and was well-attended. A total of 150 toys were donated, 25 pairs of shoes and 115 garments.

1932 January Walsenburg: A fire destroyed a former suburban grocery store between Colorado and Kansas avenues on Harrison Street Sunday.

1932 January Walsenburg: City Council decided to make their tax levy in 1932 11 mills, a reduction which will cause many cutbacks.

1932 January Walsenburg: Conrad Frederick William Unfug died. He came to Walsenburg in 1881 from the gold mining camps and married Zerelda E. Boone, great-granddaughter of Daniel Boone, in 1889.

1932 January Walsenburg: Next Tuesday is Walsenburg Day at the Gypsy Smith revival in Pueblo. 

1932 January Walsenburg: The county commissioners reduced the 1930 appropriations for 1931 by over $10,000 by the end of the year.

1932 February La Veta: A old time quilting party took place at the home of Mrs. Ray Coleman Tuesday afternoon with 15 ladies present.

1932 February La Veta: An announcement was made of the marriage of Miss Georgia Shultz and Mr. Otto Drum Sunday, Feb. 21 at the home of the bride in Trinidad.

1932 February La Veta: County Assessor Guerrero completed the reassessments ordered by the state board of tax commissioners and figures show that Huerfano County valuation is $2,125,238 less than last year.

1932 February La Veta: E.F. Harrison shipped his lambs to Denver and received by far the best price, $6.50 for 92 pound lambs, received in this district this year and may be an indication of better days for the sheep business.

1932 February La Veta: E.F. Harrison shipped lambs this week and almost topped the Denver market for the day with $6.50 for 92 pound lambs.

1932 February La Veta: La Veta W.R.C. No. 21 met in regular session Friday afternoon in Stranger's hall when a new member, Mrs. Rado Drum, was initiated.

1932 February La Veta: Nearly two thousand head of cattle and a thousand sheep from the San Luis Valley are now being fed on this side of the range. 

1932 February La Veta: Roush and Baker have incorporated their Ford agency and garage here.

1932 February La Veta: Roush-Baker Inc. announce the new eight-cylinder car may be seen at their display room sometime this month and deliveries will be made after Mar. 1.

1932 February La Veta: Roush-Baker, Inc., announce the new eight cylinder car may be seen at their display room sometime this month and deliveries will be made after March 1.

1932 February La Veta: The new rule prohibiting children from P.T.A. meetings unless accompanied by their parents proved very successful during the last meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

1932 February La Veta: The new rule prohibiting children from PTA meetings unless accompanied by their parents proved very successful during the last meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

1932 February La Veta: The state road department will build a concrete bridge over Sand Arroyo at North Veta.

1932 February La Veta: Washington's birthday was commemorated with school programs, featuring a playlet given by Virginia Akers, Melba Craig, Robert Bruce and John Smalley.

1932 February Walsenburg: About 150 people attended the chicken and waffle dinner at the Community House with proceeds going toward the building fund.

1932 February Walsenburg: Harvey Starbuck, Damasio Vigil, Philip Mauro, Dr. G.M. Noonan, Steve Bocim and Fred Menghini were initiated into Eagles Lodge Thursday, in a ceremony attended by 50 or 60 members.

1932 February Walsenburg: Joe Spector of the Diamond Exchange has decided not to go out of business but instead merely reduce his stock of jewelry and musical instruments.

1932 February Walsenburg: John Biava is closing his Quality Market and moving to Trinidad.

1932 February Walsenburg: Lincoln's Gettysburg Address was delivered by Virgil Ladurini at the Walsen P.T.A. meeting and John Elmer Pospahala gave an informative talk on that president.

1932 February Walsenburg: One hundred and fifty guests were served at the chicken and waffle dinner at the Community House.

1932 February Walsenburg: One of the heaviest wind storms remembered Monday evening shattered many of the plate glass windows on the east side of Main Street, including Katz Department Store, the meat market, Specialty Beauty and Flower Shop and the newspaper office. Smoke stacks, chimneys, fences and billboards were felled and telephone service went out.

1932 February Walsenburg: Over 500 people, probably the largest crowd ever assembled here for a boxing card, attended the seven matches sponsored by the American Legion last night in St. Mary Auditorium.

1932 February Walsenburg: Robert Hepplewhite has assumed management of both the Walsen and Cameron stores of the Colorado Supply company.

1932 February Walsenburg: The county commissioners received pinksprints for a concrete bridge to be built across the sand arroya at North Veta slightly above the old apron, with the curve eliminated.

1932 February Walsenburg: The HCHS Panther cagers thoroughly trounced Holy Trinity Wednesday afternoon 25-8.

1932 February Walsenburg: Two of the coldest days of winter were experienced at Orchard Valley and old time residents cannot remember when the Huerfano river froze solid so quickly. The ice is seven or eight inches thick.

1932 March La Veta: A member of the American Fruit Growers association met with the Boosters Club to discuss the raising of cauliflower and lettuce here.

1932 March La Veta: Charges made by stockmen of the San Luis Valley that La Veta farmers boosted the price of hay to cover the differential when the railroad granted a decrease in the freight rate to the valley, has been disproved by an investigation of B.W. Allred, county agent.

1932 March La Veta: Charges made by stockmen of the San Luis Valley that La Veta farmers boosted the price of hay to cover the differential when the railroad granted a decrease in the freight rate to the valley, has been disproved by an investigation of B.W. Allred, county agent.

1932 March La Veta: County coal production in February was 71,075 tons, compared to 58,148 last February.

1932 March La Veta: Dr. Paul Lee gave a very good talk on the subject of "Common Colds" to the patrons attending the P.T.A. meeting.

1932 March La Veta: La Veta will have an election next month to vote on the question of municipal ownership of the La Veta Light and Power plant.

1932 March La Veta: La Veta will have an election this spring to vote on the question of municipal ownership of the light and power plant.

1932 March La Veta: Mariposa Chapter No. 63 O.E.S. gave a party Monday evening in honor of the newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Walter Firm.

1932 March La Veta: Mariposa Chapter No. 63 O.E.S. gave a party Monday evening in honor of the newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Walter Firm.

1932 March La Veta: Mr. King, the high school coach, will taken ill in the classroom Monday and went to the hospital, where he was operated on for appendicitis.

1932 March La Veta: New officers of the PTA are Mrs. Winnie B. Wilkins, Mrs. Agnes Holmes, Mrs. Leslie Harrison, E.C. Stream and Miss Constance Ghiardi.

1932 March La Veta: New officers of the PTA are Mrs. Winnie B. Wilkins, Mrs. Agnes Holmes, Mrs. Leslie Harrison, E.C. Stream and Miss Constance Ghiardi.

1932 March La Veta: The Progress Club entertained the members of the Walsenburg Kiwanis Club with a turkey supper.

1932 March La Veta: The Progress Club treated Kiwanis club members from Walsenburg to a turkey supper during their program Tuesday evening.

1932 March La Veta: The Progress Club treated Kiwanis club members from Walsenburg to a turkey supper during their program Tuesday evening.

1932 March La Veta: Two tickets have been placed in the field for the town election, and voters will have, it appears, an unusually good selection to choose from, and it is doubtful if there will be many straight ballots cast, although there can still be some changes in the lineup.

1932 March La Veta: Washington's birthday was commemorated with school programs, featuring a playlet given by Virginia Akers, Melba Craig, Robert Bruce and John Smalley.

1932 March Walsenburg: Calumet Fuel Company is improving their camp at Del Carbon by removing old buildings and doing other work.

1932 March Walsenburg: Died, Jose Florencio Santisteven, 68, former state representative and county resident since 1870.

1932 March Walsenburg: Harold Woodruff was awarded first place in the eighth grade oratorical contest at Walsen School last week and this week won the county contest and will represent Huerfano County in the state meet.

1932 March Walsenburg: Max Gabaldon of Del Carbon was knocked unconscious and suffered serious burns Saturday when his kite touched a high voltage electrical wire.

1932 March Walsenburg: Nick Kalmes will graduate from Notre Dame this spring.

1932 March Walsenburg: Preparations are going on rapidly for the opening of a new school of music and expression at the residence of Mrs. Henry Hart at 605 Pennsylvania Avenue.

1932 March Walsenburg: School District No. 12, Malachite, produced a champion in the American Legion checker contest in the person of Mike Wyatt.

1932 March Walsenburg: Taylor Thorne and Paul Soltis, champions of the Badito and Pryor districts, will meet tomorrow at Haney's Barber Shop in one of the playoffs in the checker tournament sponsored by the American Legion.

1932 March Walsenburg: The 140 students at Tioga are attending school six days a week to make up for time missed when their school burned down.

1932 March Walsenburg: The Green Dragon Cafe under the management of Louis Barrack of Trinidad will open Saturday in the building formerly occupied by the Avalon Cafeteria, next to the Rialto Theatre.

1932 March Walsenburg: The Huerfano County High School board of directors made slashes in the annual budget which will save $7,865.97 by reducing ordinary operating expenses, including a cut in salary for teachers.

1932 March Walsenburg: Twenty-four have enrolled at the Red Cross headquarters for the course in metallurgy and mining. The course costs $1.50 for six lectures.

1932 April La Veta: $2,000 will be spent to improve and gravel the road from La Veta to Cuchara Camps.

1932 April La Veta: $2,000 will be spent to improve and gravel the road from La Veta to Cuchara Camps.

1932 April La Veta: A county P.T.A. program will be presented at the Methodist Church Saturday afternoon featuring Barbara and Melba Byouk, Bonnie Doles, several classes and the glee club.

1932 April La Veta: A new tourist camp and picnic grounds are being put into shape at the site of the old one at Mule Shoe Bend.

1932 April La Veta: An all-day quilting party at the home of Mrs. McMillan Friday was enjoyed by twenty ladies of the community.

1932 April La Veta: An all-day quilting party Friday at the home of Mrs. McMillan was enjoyed by 20 ladies of the community.

1932 April La Veta: District 54 was carved out of District No. 10, which had three school houses and four teachers. The schools are North Veta, Mesa and Sand Arroyo.

1932 April La Veta: Elton Holmes of the U.S. Navy is home on furlough.

1932 April La Veta: Milton Utt, manager of the baseball team, says La Veta will join the San Luis Valley Baseball League if a league is not started in this region.

1932 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Martin announce the birth of a daughter April 18.

1932 April La Veta: The I.O.O.F. and Rebecca [sic] lodges held a joint anniversary celebration in Kincaid Hall Wednesday evening with an entertainment, dancing and cards, followed by a midnight luncheon.

1932 April La Veta: The Ladies' Aid Society of the M.E. Church gave an April first party at the home of Mrs. Haase.

1932 April La Veta: The Ladies' Aid Society of the M.E. Church gave an April first party at the home of Mrs. Haase.

1932 April La Veta: Two tickets have been placed in the field for the town election, and voters will have, it appears, an unusually good selection to choose from, and it is doubtful if there will be many straight ballots cast, although there can still be some changes in the line-up.

1932 April La Veta: W.M. Kincaid is running for mayor on the Citizens ticket, W.H. Harrison, treasurer, Walter Carver, clerk and Otto Drum, T.A. Williams, C.C. Williams, Luther Martin, O.W. Beamer and Paul Lee for trustees.

1932 April La Veta: W.M. Kincaid is running for mayor on the Citizens ticket, W.H. Harrison, treasurer, Walter Carver, clerk and Otto Drum, T.A. Williams, C.C. Williams, Luther Martin, O.W. Beamer and Paul Lee for trustees.

1932 April Walsenburg: A community garden of 15 acres has been planted on the old Sefton place east of town where the upper road crosses Bear Creek at the Catholic cemetery.

1932 April Walsenburg: The Monte Carlo games and turkey supper drew hundreds of people on the opening night of the St. Mary Spring Carnival, with the mystic tea room also popular.

1932 April Walsenburg: A vermiculite mine opened at San Isabel City west of Rye.

1932 April Walsenburg: Antonio Maria Trujillo died at Laguna. He was born in 1854 and came to Huerfano County in 1868.

1932 April Walsenburg: Baseball manager Louis Saleh will hold tryouts for the team Tuesday evening at the fairgrounds.

1932 April Walsenburg: Dr. C.M. McGuire died in Iowa. He and his wife lived here in the 1890s and early 1900s and developed the first mine in the Del Carbon district.

1932 April Walsenburg: John Shavlik, caretaker, has four men working at the municipal garden digging a well, east of the city.

1932 April Walsenburg: Paul Soltis and O.G. Cassell are tied for first place in the American Legion Checker Tournament.

1932 April Walsenburg: The former bath house at Walsen has been sold and will be moved to Red Camp to be rebuilt into a church.

1932 May La Veta: A new tourist camp and picnic ground is [sic] being put into shape at the site of the old one at Mule Shoe Bend.

1932 May La Veta: Mrs. Nellie Smith closed her term at Ritter School and eighth grade graduates are Emily Pascoe, Anna Rohr and Lola Smith.

1932 May La Veta: T.S. Howard of Alamosa had the misfortune of having his car stolen when he came to town to shop last Thursday.

1932 May La Veta: The Boyd bakery has closed and Dale Boyd and his wife went to Greeley where he has secured employment.

1932 May La Veta: The people of La Veta were awakened Thursday night by the sounds of a terrific explosion but investigation disclosed that no blasting was going on in the vicinity.

1932 May La Veta: The road supervisor has been busy for some time past surfacing the lower Cucharas road leading from town to the Harrison ranch. Rock for this work is being taken from Pinon Hill on the La Veta Highway, cutting away one of the dangerous curves on that steep part of the road.

1932 May La Veta: The Women's Relief Corps sponsored a party for Mrs. Minnie Spielmann's 83rd birthday celebration.

1932 May La Veta: Thirty-nine altar boys from St. Mary's spent Thursday at Cuchara Camps in various games and a picnic dinner.

1932 May Walsenburg: D.O. Nicklas of Walsenburg won first place and $20 in the Pueblo Pioneer Pow Wow fiddling contest.

1932 May Walsenburg: Nine Walsenburg golfers went to Dawson, NM but were fifth in the tournament - out of five teams.

1932 May Walsenburg: Seventy-four seniors were graduated last night from Huerfano County High School with David Matthews, president of the class, and Nellie Joyce Coleman, Harlan Meyer and Barbara Santi, highest scholarship students, as guest speakers.

1932 May Walsenburg: The Bluebird Cafe on West Sixth Street was raided this morning and federal officers confiscated all the furnishings.

1932 May Walsenburg: The Greenburg Amusement Company, Inc., will set up its tents next Monday at the show grounds near Walsen Camp for a week.

1932 May Walsenburg: The municipal garden on 15 acres east of town on the Sefton place is now all planted.

1932 May Walsenburg: The Rev. Hubert Newell of St. Mary Parish says his twin brother Raymond will be ordained Saturday at the Cathedral in Denver.

1932 May Walsenburg: The Walsenburg municipal garden is now all planted except a half acre which will be put into celery. The garden is on 15 acres on the Sefton place east of town and is worked by the unemployed who receive the vegetables.

1932 May Walsenburg: Twenty students were graduated from St. Mary High School last Friday with twin brothers Rev. Hubert and Rev. Raymond Newell on the platform. Nancy King delivered the salutatory address.

1932 June 24: The American Legion are going forward with their plans for a recreation park at Martin Lake and, through the courtesy of the county commissioners, a new road has been graded from the La Veta highway to the lake. The Legion plans to build a pavilion and golf course there. The Independent

1932 June La Veta: A dangerous curve at the top of Lougheed hill just west of the city limits has been made safe by cutting away the bank and grading it down to a gradual turn.

1932 June La Veta: Ellis Smith was one of the 100, out of thousands, who received prizes in the Swift Premium essay contest.

1932 June La Veta: In one of the most thrilling games of the season played at La Veta Sunday, against the Red Ramblers of Pueblo, the local Legionnaires finally nosed out a 13-12 victory in a ten inning engagement.

1932 June La Veta: John 0. Goemmer has completed a course in veterinary pathology at the Colorado Agricultural College in Fort Collins and is now at home in La Veta.

1932 June La Veta: John 0. Goemmer has completed a course in veterinary pathology at the Colorado Agricultural College in Ft. Collins and is now at home in La Veta.

1932 June La Veta: Karl Gilbert, forest ranger, found the skull of a man on East Indian Creek along side of an old rifle in the crevice of a rock.

1932 June La Veta: Lawrence Kreutzer caught a four pound, five ounce trout measuring 22 inches in an irrigation ditch Tuesday.

1932 June La Veta: The Knights of Columbus of Walsenburg are giving a picnic at Cuchara Camps June 19 with sports and entertainment.

1932 June La Veta: The Legionnaires again staved off defeat and won another extra inning contest in one of the most exciting games of the season, which finally ended in the 11th when La Veta pushed over another run against the G & K of Pueblo.

1932 June Walsenburg: A large crowd of amazed citizens gathered around the Budweiser Boat 30 when it anchored in front of Guaranty State Bank this morning.

1932 June Walsenburg: A large crowd of amazed citizens gathered around the Budweiser Boat 30 when it anchored in front of Guaranty State Bank this morning.

1932 June Walsenburg: Matteroli brothers new Valencia Service Station opens Saturday at Seventh and Main Streets.

1932 June Walsenburg: The Katz Department Store in the Chatin building was almost completely destroyed by fire Saturday night which started in the basement near the furnace.

1932 June Walsenburg: The old tennis courts at Walsen camp will be put in shape for play this summer by the CF&I Company.

1932 June Walsenburg: The placer mining school conducted by Colorado Fuel and Iron opened Wednesday of this week with a packed room.

1932 June Walsenburg: Today is the longest day of the year and winter is on its way.

1932 July La Veta: A pretty home wedding took place Sunday afternoon when Miss Elsie Pickens and Joe Ashbrook were united in marriage by Rev. Hanford Miller.

1932 July La Veta: Fred Hector and Loraine Speilmann were issued a marriage license last week by the county clerk.

1932 July La Veta: H.W. Vasquez and Homer Potts left for Wyoming where they will attend a pioneer meeting and Mr. Vasquez expects to meet the only living relative of the famous Jim Bridger, Mrs. Virginia Hahn. Hiram and Mr. Bridger were life-long friends.

1932 July La Veta: Led by the hard hitting Otto Utt, the La Veta Legionaires went on to romp to victory over Valdez at La Veta Sunday by a 10 - 5 score.

1932 July La Veta: Nearly 70 members of the Presbyterian Church and Sunday School took their annual picnic to Sulphur Springs Tuesday and everyone from tiny tots to 85 year old members enjoyed the outing.

1932 July La Veta: The forest road up to Blue Lake is now open to traffic all the way up, having finally been cleared of snow and debris which accumulated during the winter.

1932 July La Veta: The Huerfano Trading Company store at Oakview, owned by John Kirkpatrick, is being torn down and hauled away.

1932 July Walsenburg: Angelina Matkovich and Julia Shutack led the St. Mary Socialettes to a convincing 33-79 victory over the Little Giants.

1932 July Walsenburg: Special agents of the Denver and Rio Grande believe they are ending a string of burglaries in Walsenburg of cigarettes, coffee, shoes, etc., after the arrest of several Crowley County men for receiving stolen goods.

1932 July Walsenburg: The county commissioners have ordered grading a new road to Martin Lake for the proposed American Legion recreation park.

1932 July: A county-wide Civic Service Club was organized July 19 with William A. Armstrong, Alamo, president; Merle Ralph Meyers, Gardner, and Charles F. Boyd, La Veta, vice presidents and Mrs. C.A. Johnson, secretary-treasurer.

1932 August La Veta: Hiram Vasquez is on his way to Thermopolis, Wyoming where he will attend a pioneer meeting and see the daughter of his lifelong friend Jim Bridger.

1932 August La Veta: Mr. Linscott is to tear down the old flour mill and use the lumber to build a house. Jim Ellis, the property owner, plans to improve the site to make over into a summer resort.

1932 August La Veta: Pete Goemmer was surprised for his birthday by about 65 folks Thursday and the large granery being built was turned into a dance hall.

1932 August La Veta: With the hard hitting of Otto Johnny Pachak and "Weine" Ferrero, the La Veta Legionnaires made real clowns of the Gunnison Clowns by trouncing them by a 14-3 score at La Veta Sunday.

1932 August Walsenburg: James H.P. Fisk has been appointed to the District Trade Recovery Committee.

1932 August Walsenburg: Coach Harry F. McGee returned from spending the summer in California to prepare the Huerfano County High School team for the coming football season.

1932 August Walsenburg: Marcus Katz will present a style show in his new store, which is practically finished, Saturday evening.

1932 August Walsenburg: Priscilla, the two and a half year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Chavez of Sandy, was bitten by a rattlesnake and while Dr. G.M. Noonan says she is doing nicely she is not yet out of danger.

1932 August Walsenburg: The M&O pool hall and barber shop will reopen Wednesday completely repaired after the disastrous fire last month.

1932 August Walsenburg: Thirty men are again employed at the Sunnyside mine which has been idle for some months.

1932 August Walsenburg:  The Women's Civic League repaired the old tennis courts at Walsen.

1932 September La Veta: Carmine Fennecottero and family left this week for Boise, Idaho where he intends to open a filling station. He has been in business in La Veta for a number of years.

1932 September La Veta: Died, Monda Margaret Eggleston, an early resident.  She was born in North Carolina in 1861, came to La Veta at an early age and married Frank here in 1877.

1932 September La Veta: Levi Kincaid has purchased a ranch near Fort Collins and leaves Friday with his family for their new home.

1932 September La Veta: Mason Daniels, David Holmes, Ellis Smith, William Smith and Margaret Smith all won first through third place honors for their animals entered in the State Fair.

1932 September La Veta: Miss Emma Vories left last Monday to take a position as teacher in the Cameron school for the year.

1932 September La Veta: One of the new Ford buses that carry passengers over railway rights of way took an experimental trip over La Veta Pass last week.

1932 September La Veta: The La Veta tennis teams of Richman and Hayes, Webster and Darby, and W.H. Harrison and Mr. Lauth, lost their matches with the Walsenburg teams.

1932 September La Veta: The tennis players of La Veta, through W.H. Harrison, president of the First National Bank of La Veta, has issued a challenge to the Walsenburg stars of the court for next weekend.

1932 September La Veta:  Ellis Smith was given a farewell party Monday evening before departing the next day for college in Flagstaff, Arizona.

1932 September Walsenburg: Elizabeth Prator of Alamo, J.M. Abe, Walsenburg, and William Babbitt, Walsenburg, were judged the winners in the best story contest sponsored by the World-Independent and were given free tickets to the Valencia Theater.

1932 September Walsenburg: Joseph A. Barron is a candidate for state representative.

1932 September Walsenburg: Marcus Katz salvaged some merchandise from his store, which burned June 11, and turned it over to the local chapter of the American Red Cross.

1932 September Walsenburg: Miss Hannah Cameron won first place in the state fair limerick competition.

1932 September Walsenburg: The Drs. S. Julian and James M. Lamme are asking for city and county assistance to run their hospital, which they are no longer able to finance.

1932 September Walsenburg: The sharp curve at the junction of Main and Walsen has been removed and paved.

1932 September Walsenburg: W.B. Thurman won the $25 in gold at the Valencia Theater for the second time.

1932 September Walsenburg: Walsenburg is to be one of the stopping places of the Inter-Mountain Airways, Inc. between Denver and Phoenix and Salt Lake City.

1932 September Walsenburg: Walsenburg is to have $3,000 worth of new fire equipment.

1932 October La Veta: A group of La Veta dairy men met and agreed that all should vote in favor of the oleomargarine bill.

1932 October La Veta: A group of La Veta dairymen met and agreed that all should vote in favor of the oleomargarine bill.

1932 October La Veta: Benton Vories rented the old Lougheed farm and is moving his family there.

1932 October La Veta: Frank Powell bought a house at Oakview and is moving it to some lots on Field Street where it will be made into a residence.

1932 October La Veta: Friday morning brought the first snow on the Spanish Peaks and the next day on the Sangre de Cristo range.

1932 October La Veta: Goemmer Brothers, George Drury, Falk Brothers and Elbert Kitchen have bought hay and pasture on the Ute Creek Ranch in Ft. Garland and are moving their cattle there for the winter.

1932 October La Veta: Miss Ruth Goemmer of La Veta, home economics teacher in the Rocky Ford high school, was elected president of the district home economics conference.

1932 October La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Babbitt of Ojo announce the birth of a daughter Monday, Oct. 3.

1932 October La Veta: The annual agricultural exhibit in the basement of the Methodist Church is open this week under the sponsorship of Rev. Hanford Miller.

1932 October La Veta: The heavy bat of Otto Utt, hard hitting catcher for the La Veta Legionnaires, was more than enough to win an important game from Alamosa Sunday and give La Veta the laurels as champions of Southern Colorado and the San Luis Valley.

1932 October La Veta: The high school plans to build two cement tennis courts on the school grounds and has started a drive to raise funds for the work.

1932 October Walsenburg: A depot for distribution of farm products from the San Luis Valley has been set up across from the Murray garage.

1932 October Walsenburg: A large crowd packed St. Mary auditorium Sunday evening to hear Senator Alva Adams.

1932 October Walsenburg: A lone bandit forced N.W. Andrews and Steve Glinsky into the vault of Guaranty State Bank but the early return from lunch of N.P. Kastner evidently frightened him away without taking anything.

1932 October Walsenburg: A lone bandit forced N.W. Andrews and Steve Glinsky into the vault of Guaranty State Bank but the early return from lunch of N.P. Kastner evidently frightened him away without taking anything.

1932 October Walsenburg: HCHS beat Aguilar 13 to 0 with Carey and Sears carrying the touchdowns.

1932 October Walsenburg: J.C. Penney will move from Eighth and Main to Sixth and Main in November, formerly the site of Walsenburg Electric and Unfug Apparel Shop, after the partitions are removed and the building is remodeled.

1932 October Walsenburg: One of the largest political gatherings this year occurred Monday when Karl C. Schuyler, Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, spoke at a barbeque at the Sears Garage.

1932 October Walsenburg: Querno Verde Livestock association members loaded their wagons Saturday preparatory for starting their annual roundup.

1932 October Walsenburg: Ralph See and A.B. Thorne had a weiner roast Friday evening for the young people of Gardner in the Sand Arroyo beyond the Butte.

1932 October Walsenburg: The buildings at the corner of Sixth and Main, formerly occupied by Walsenburg Electric and Unfug Apparel Shop, are being remodeled and the partition removed before J.C. Penney moves there from Eighth and Main before Nov. 15.

1932 October Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Creamery is enlarging their building with a brick addition. The old portion will be used for ice storage.

1932 October Walsenburg: Vic Fini distinguished himself at Grinell College when his football team beat Penn 26-O and Cornell 21-6.

1932 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg boys and girls brought a gratifying number of good, clean used clothing to the matinee at the Valencia Theater for the Red Cross.

1932 October 24: M. Kalmes Co. Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, Ladies Ready-To-Wear and Shoes, Phone 355.

1932 November La Veta: Arthur Carhart, Colorado author, suggests the Spanish Peaks be made a national monument for their historical value.

1932 November La Veta: Coal production in October was 82,272 tons, with 1,321 men employed. Last year at the same time, 1,616 men produced 117,956 tons in the county.

1932 November La Veta: Ellis Smith has been chosen the Colorado State winner in the national 4-H Meat Animal Livestock Project contest and won a $50 gold watch.

1932 November La Veta: Fire of an unknown origin destroyed the barns and outbuildings on the Kreutzer ranch east of town Saturday night, although Earl was able to save the livestock.

1932 November La Veta: Get your magazines, tobacco, soft drinks, medicines, etc, at M&M Confectionery.

1932 November La Veta: Many a turkey will be beheaded in a few days. Even with a depression, there is still much to be thankful for, if the turkeys can see it that way.

1932 November La Veta: Miss Nina Alexander entertained the school children and patrons of the Ritter School at a Halloween party last Friday night.

1932 November La Veta: Of the 43 lakes in the San Isabel Forest, with an area of 452 acres, 267 acres have been stocked with fish,

1932 November La Veta: The warm Indian Summer days were interrupted with a day-long snowstorm Tuesday.

1932 November La Veta: W. E. Smith defeated Allen J. Roush with 2,480 votes to 1,922 in the District No. 2 County Commissioner race.

1932 November Walsenburg: About 1,000 turkeys will be the Huerfano County crop to be shipped out this year.

1932 November Walsenburg: Badito precinct is the only one in Colorado not to have turned in its election results.

1932 November Walsenburg: Elected county commissioners were J.G. Archuleta in District #1 and W.E. Smith in District #2.

1932 November Walsenburg: Former Walsenburg attorney Mark Danford was shot to death by a woman in Denver.

1932 November Walsenburg: Harry F. McGee, Huerfano County High School coach, won third prize from "Physical Culture" magazine for his article, "From Weakling to Real 'He-Man'."

1932 November Walsenburg: In observance of National Book Week, 50 new books are being placed on the shelves of Huerfano County High School library as the gift of the Classes of 1931 and 1932.

1932 November Walsenburg: Mabel Maybey was awarded damages by the court for $50,000 from the city after she fell into the irrigation ditch on Main Street and suffered broken limbs.

1932 November Walsenburg: Nestora Gomez of Sunnyside became the bride of Conrad Martinez of Malachite Monday in Sacred Heart Church in Gardner, Rev. Paul Belloni officiating.

1932 November Walsenburg: St. Mary Crusaders lost to the tough Dawson 11 by a score of 13-0 with some bad calls by three Dawson officials.

1932 November Walsenburg: The Dramatic Arts Guild will present the three-act comedy "Cyclone Sally" as the first of three plays for the St. Mary Parish Bazaar.

1932 November Walsenburg: The Junior Symphony Orchestra will have its first meeting Saturday with Director Kenneth L. Bender.

1932 November Walsenburg: The new four-county turkey pool realized $8,700 from their initial shipment of two cars of turkeys, which will be shared by the 85 growers who shipped the birds.

1932 November Walsenburg: The price of admission to the Valencia Theater has been reduced to 25 cents for St. Mary or HCHS students but they must have a student ticket signed by their school superintendent.

1932 November Walsenburg: The Seventh Street store of N. George was broken into Friday night and some shoes, a dress and scarf stolen. The boldness of this robbery is its chief feature. It was only 11:30 and people were still going up and down the street as well as the usual number of cars.

1932 November Walsenburg: The state is about ready to start a $100,000 project to build the new bridge over the Cucharas River south of town, slightly below the present one, with the road starting up the hill about the site of the old James store recently burned, keeping left of the Catholic cemetery and crossing Bear Creek about the site of the old road abandoned when the present Bear Creek bridge was built, then heading straight to Mayne station.

1932 November Walsenburg: Trinidad Trujillo of Red Wing was appointed as director of the board of Huerfano County High School to fill a vacancy left by T.A. Henley of Tioga.

1932 December La Veta: A gay crowd of young people living along the Cucharas met at the Goemmer home Tuesday evening and enjoyed an old fashioned taffy pull.

1932 December La Veta: A gay, crowd of young people living along the Cucharas met at the Goemmer home Tuesday evening and enjoyed an old-fashioned taffy pull. 

1932 December La Veta: A Methodist Young People's Club was organized with Doris Dickinson, president, George Smith, vice president and Neville Garren, secretary-treasurer.

1932 December La Veta: A movement proposed and started by the American Press Association to induce people to "Buy American" has received the signal attention in the east and is attracting attention likewise here.

1932 December La Veta: A.W. Scott, called Scotty, is out of work after 40 years with the bankruptcy of the drugstore.

1932 December La Veta: Clyde B. Johnston of La Veta married Miss Helene C. Carmean of Iowa and they will make their home in the Gross residence on Field Street.

1932 December La Veta: Felix Mestas and wife will live in Walsenburg after he assumes duties of county assessor but the rest of the family will remain on the ranch.

1932 December La Veta: Mrs. Emerson has purchased the Ritter home on Main Street.

1932 December La Veta: Mrs. Jap Bruce was called to Larkspur to be with her son Luther who underwent an appendectomy. Luther was transferred there by the Frink Cheese Factory.

1932 December La Veta: The adobe walls for a new six-room house on the hill east of town are completed and Mr. Spangler will soon have a comfortable dwelling place.

1932 December La Veta: The county commissioners are facing appropriation cuts due to the condition that seems to be prevalent in all parts of the country - decreased valuations. Our assessed valuation dropped about three and a half million dollars since 1930 due to dropping values on farms and mining properties.

1932 December La Veta: The county commissioners are facing appropriation cuts due to the condition that seems to be prevalent in all parts of the country. Due to decreased valuations, the assessments in the county have dropped about three and a half million since 1930, mostly on farms and mining properties.

1932 December La Veta: The secret marriage of Eunice Smith and John Layton July 24 in Taos has been revealed.

1932 December La Veta: William H. Woodruff, former postmaster and businessman of La Veta since 1894, died. He leaves five sons, Ray, Olin, Linn, Harold and Kenneth and a daughter Mrs. Velma Martin. 

1932 December La Veta: William McLain moved his grocery stock from the U Tote Em building to his larger building.

1932 December Walsenburg: Chondeux! "Man of Mystery." Answers Your Questions - Solves Your Problems. Marriage, Health, Happiness. See Him Now By appointment only. Phone 521-R.

1932 December Walsenburg: City council will make drastic cuts in the salaries and wages of all city officials whose renumeration is not fixed by ordinance.  It will be about a 25 percent reduction.

1932 December Walsenburg: Coach Harry F. McGee announced Huerfano County High School had dropped from the South Central League as the various trips for the team are too expensive.

1932 December Walsenburg: Eight natives of Italy, one of Poland and one of Greece appeared before Judge McChesney Tuesday for naturalization.

1932 December Walsenburg: Former city policeman Joe Trujillo, 45, was killed during gunplay and a scuffle in the pool hall of Pete Odak on South Main Monday night.

1932 December Walsenburg: The city mill levy was reduced from 11 to 10 mills.

1932 December Walsenburg: The Valencia Theater will show "Prosperity" with Marie Dressler and Polly Duran for its annual New Year's Eve party.

1933 January La Veta: H.M. Stockwell moved back to town and bought the Recreation Hall from the Egglestons.

1933 January La Veta: Joe Ferrari has kept his crew busy cutting props.

1933 January La Veta: Lucy Cruz has entered the third grade, making an enrollment of 34 for that class.

1933 January La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Manning picnicked at their ranch north of town the day after Christmas - why go to California or Florida?

1933 January La Veta: Paul and Ewell Marsh are storing nine inch thick ice from Mill Lake for use next summer.

1933 January La Veta: The Camp Fire girls prepared Christmas dinners and delivered them to some of the elderly around town.

1933 January La Veta: Two electric light poles in the east part of town were blown down Wednesday.

1933 January Walsenburg: A fire broke out in the old, unoccupied Morris House at the corner of Hendren and Sixth Streets this morning, greatly endangering the adjacent Bailey's laundry, Odd Fellows Hall and the Bauer rooming house.

1933 January Walsenburg: A former Ravenwood miner, aged 60, committed suicide in the Aguilar cemetery.

1933 January Walsenburg: A high wind storm the last two days following a springlike rain in Walsenburg Tuesday night was general this side of the mountain range.

1933 January Walsenburg: A man traveling across country with his wife and three children broke into Foley's Midget Grocery but when Foley discovered his plight of no money and a sick child, he refused to prosecute and sent the man along with groceries and gas.

1933 January Walsenburg: Dr. S.J. Lamme is now driving a new Essex Terraplane coach purchased from the Lenzini Motor Company.

1933 January Walsenburg: Excitement again reigned at the pool hall on South Main when a fight broke out and onlookers feared another killing would take place.

1933 January Walsenburg: Federal agents have discovered a still being operated near Maitland.

1933 January Walsenburg: Mary Krpan and Jack Fink were married Jan. 15 at St. Mary Church by Rev. J.B. Liciotti.

1933 January Walsenburg: Miss Lola Ladurini of Walsen visited with Miss Baldina Serafini in Farr Monday evening.

1933 January Walsenburg: The Texaco Station of R.E. Chambers was robbed for the third time within one week.

1933 January Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Chamber of Commerce is pushing the completion of the road to La Junta in order to open new business markets.

1933 January Walsenburg: Two snare drums and one bass drum have arrived for the Drum and Bugle Corps of the toy Scout troop at the Baptist Church.

1933 February La Veta: About 50 men attended the organizational meeting of the Taxpayers League last Saturday evening at Stranger Hall.

1933 February La Veta: Burglars broke into the Stream store by breaking a window on the balcony but failed to steal anything.

1933 February La Veta: Joe Ferrari now employs 15 men cutting props in Cuchara Canon.

1933 February La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Benefiel are living in the Elrod house on Francisco Street, where he also has his undertaking parlors.

1933 February La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Hamilton, early residents of Francisco's plaza, celebrated their 64th anniversary.

1933 February La Veta: The Benefiel's residence and undertaking parlor are now located in the old Elrod house.

1933 February La Veta: The ground hog saw his shadow as usual; it is a dead cinch anyway we won't have ideal weather during the next six weeks.

1933 February La Veta: Weller the mechanic has rented Snyder's shop and is open for business there.

1933 February Walsenburg: A Mayne man was arrested for having in his possession the phonograph and records stolen from the Santa Clara schoolhouse last week.

1933 February Walsenburg: Charles Wynne has taken charge of the Apache Service Station on West Seventh Street as of Monday.

1933 February Walsenburg: Eight Federal men swooped down on the city unannounced Saturday and took into custody 10 men and a woman for violation of prohibition laws.

1933 February Walsenburg: Melbourne Spector is the high student at Huerfano County High School with a 98 percent grade average, followed closely by Margaret Cameron and Martha Sandor, each with 97 percent.

1933 February Walsenburg: Norman Landis, Pryor, who received internal injuries in a football game and was not expected to live, seems to be recovering.

1933 February Walsenburg: Potatoes were doled out to 1,898 members of 392 families from the potato house on North Main Street last Saturday through the efforts of the Red Cross.

1933 February Walsenburg: The Valencia Theatre was packed for the third annual Elks Black and White Revue.

1933 February Walsenburg: Thieves entered the S. Saliba wholesale grocery establishment Saturday night and carried off $300 worth of merchandise.

1933 February Walsenburg: Trinidad Electric is voluntarily reducing its rates by about ten percent.

1933 March La Veta: Just above Windy Point on La Veta Pass 28 men are employed at 50 cents an hour for four hour days until 30 hours are completed, when the shift is completed. They are working seven day weeks.

1933 March La Veta: Uel Marsh is helping to pull down the old grain bins at the flour mill and the lumber will be used to build a house in the San Luis Valley.

1933 March La Veta: W. B. Hamilton says a newspaper was published in La Veta as early as 1876, which would have been prior to the Huerfano Herald.

1933 March La Veta: W.B. Hamilton was reminiscing and said that La Veta had the only newspaper in the county back in 1876.

1933 March Walsenburg: City Council passed an ordinance requiring parallel parking on Main and Seventh Streets and Walsen Avenue.

1933 March Walsenburg: Died, J.M. Manzanares, 103, who came to Huerfano County in 1869 and platted the townsite at Cucharas when the railroad came in 1876.

1933 March Walsenburg: Died, William H. Freeland, 83, who came to Huerfano County in 1888 and served as either deputy county treasurer or deputy county clerk for over 40 years.

1933 March Walsenburg: Died, William H. Freeland, born in 1850 in England and a resident of Walsenburg since 1888. He was deputy county treasurer and deputy county clerk from 1888 - 1930.

1933 March Walsenburg: Pete Stamus will open the Valencia Lunch Room on South Main Saturday.

1933 March Walsenburg: Walsenburg City Council passed an ordinance requiring parallel parking on Main and Seventh streets and Walsen Avenue.

1933 March Walsenburg: Walsenburg Creamery moves into its new annex next week.

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, Beauty Work MRS. AL REUSS Workman Bldg., phone 528

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, Car washing, Polishing and Vacuum Cleaning M&O GARAGE327 Main, phone 104

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, Coal Hauling WALLACE STORY 137 E. Ninth phone 473R

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, Commercial Printing LAWRENCE E. GAULT118 East Fifth phone 567

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, Contracting and Building O.L. BRADFORD 223 E. Elm, phone 413J

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, COUPLE MARRIED HERE ON SUNDAY The marriage of Miss Frances Martinez and Joseph Vigil was solemnized Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Martinez of this city and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Vigil, also of this city. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bargas.

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, DR. F.W. SCHAFER, D.C., Ph.C. Chiropractor

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, FOX VALENCIA TONIGHT "The Devil is Driving" with Edmund Lowe, Wynne Gibson, James Gleason, Lois Wilson, Dickie Moore and Alla Dinemart. EXTRA on the stage "ARIZONA JOE"

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, Furnace & Tin work H.F. UHL123 W. Sixth, phone 179

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, Get your beer and sandwiches at THE ST. CHARLES HOTEL

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, H. Lapatin, Optometrist, See him at the Hotel Klein.

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, MELS BAKERY 125 W. Seventh

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, Mr. and Mrs. Jose Martinez were dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ishmael Gonzales.

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, Mrs. Harley Bramlett underwent a major operation at the Lamme hospital Friday.

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, P.T.A. MEETING THIS AFTERNOON P.T.A. meeting will be held at the Hill school today at 3:15 p.m. Miss Janet Chatin's first grade pupils will give the program. There will also be installation of officers. The attendance prize goes to the Hill school.

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, PROF A.A. HEMELBERG of Trinidad, Colo. Spiritual, Mental and Magnetic Healer Psychic Reader, Telling past and future. Come and be convinced. Office Hours- 9:30 am to 9:30 pm, 132 East Colorado Ave. Walsenburg, Colo. For appointments, phone 293J

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, S.J. ADAMS

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, TODAY'S DOINGS Dramatic Arts Guild with William Pospahala.

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, Transfer and Storage LEVY'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE 113 West Seventh

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, Tuesday SAVAS MARTINEZ FOUND GUILTY Savas Martinez was tried before Luz Gonzales yesterday afternoon on a charge of stealing a horse from Santiago Martines, near Sandy, on March 31. He was found guilty and bound over to the district court. He is in the county jail.

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, Upholstering & Furniture Repairing AL REUSS North Main

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, VAUDEVILLE AT VALENCIA Arizona Joe, popular artist of the air, arrived in Walsenburg from Seattle yesterday and will appear in person at the Valencia theater tonight. His name isn't Joe; it is Bob Streepy and he hails originally from the Ozark country. After coming west he picked up a good many cowboy songs, including the famous "Get Along Little Doggies".

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, When in need of coal call Mrs. Morris, 521R. Price and quality right.

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News, WINNERS TO PUZZLE PICTURE Interest in the picture puzzle in Monday's News is as strong as ever. Ten boys and girls were waiting at The News office when the doors were opened, to be the first in line to hand in their answers. Winners this week are: John Rick, Dave Coots, Dan Matteo, Ralph Ely, Genette Benning.

1933 April 11: Huerfano County News,Mike Montoya was arrested in LaVeta Saturday by Shorty Martinez, charged with stealing harness from Al Atchison. He is in the county jail. The harness has been recovered.

1933 April 11: The Huerfano County News, 118 East Fifth, Walsenburg, Colorado, Earl Gault…Publisher.Published daily except Sundays.

1933 April 11: The Huerfano County News, Tuesday Morning No. 145 Mrs. Henry Hart left Friday for a visit with relatives in Oklahoma.

1933 April 7: Cass Vigil returned to Walsenburg Tuesday after a two week stay in Monte Vista.

1933 April 7: Dave Turner in Critical State, Well Known Mining Man Not Expected to Live Out Over Coming Weekend. Dave Turner, well known figure in the mining business of Huerfano County, is lying at the point of death at the Parkview hospital in Pueblo. Mr. Turner has been in the hospital for several days. His condition turned for the worse the fore part of this week, and since that time he has been lying in a state of unconsciousness. Physicians in charge of his case state that he has but a few hours to live, and were surprised that the local man had pulled throughThursday evening. Members of the family, Mrs. Turner, daughter Helen, and son, George, are at his bedside. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Veltman are also in Pueblo at his bedside.

1933 April 7: FIRE ALARM The fire whistle called the firemen to work Thursday morning at eleven o'clock to the home of Mrs. Charles Pridemore on Colorado avenue. The wire of a drop light to which had been attached a washing machine, broke into flames when an electrical short flashed through the motor of the machine. Those in the house pulled the switch, and little damage was done.

1933 April 7: LOCAL MAN ACCUSED OF STEALING HORSE Charges were filed against Sabias Martinez today by Santaigo Martinez in the court of Justice of the Peace Luz Gonzales. Santaigo charges Sabias with stealing a horse which belonged to him. J.P. Gonzales set the date of hearing for two o'clock April 10.

1933 April 7: LOCAL MAN JAILED ON FORGERY CHARGE Felipe Martinez, alias Felipe Lopez, alias Felipe Valdez, was arrested this week by the local authorities for forgery. Martinez had admitted to the officers that he forged a check on Malaquias Valdez for the amount of $6.00. The check was made out to Felipe Lopez and was presented for merchandise at the J.S. Windsor Hardware Co.

1933 April 7: MARRIED Lloyd Gayhart of this city, son of Martin Gayhart, constable, was married to Ruby Garcia of this city, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Garcia, were married last Thursday evening by Justice of the Peace Luz Gonzales.

1933 April 7: Mike Supancic and George Jerant spent Sunday with friends in Walsenburg.

1933 April 7: Mr. and Mrs. John Dempski and children of Denver were in attendance at the funeral held for Mrs. Mary Madle Monday morning.

1933 April 7: Mr. and Mrs. John Zember of La Veta visited with friends here Friday evening and also Saturday evening.

1933 April 7: Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pepper of Denver arrived in Walsenburg on Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Mary Madle held Monday morining.

1933 April 7: Mrs. Mary Patrick accompanied Mrs. Joe Krist on a motor trip to Pueblo Thursday.

1933 April 7: Window of Grocery Store Is Second Glass to be Broken Local Store Within Week. The second window within a week was broken at the Bain Golden Eagle last Wednesday evening. No goods were taken from the displays in the grocery window which was the last broken, and authorities are of the opinion that the outrages are done by persons for no other reason than they bear some malice toward owner Joe Bain, owner of the store. The first window was broken last Saturday evening at which time a few pairs of children's shoes were taken. The windows are valued at $130 each. This is the fifth window broken at the local store since the beginning of winter.

1933 April 7Local Man Accused of Stealing Horse – Charges were filed against Sabias Martinez today by Santiago Martinez in the court of Justice of the Peace Luz Gonzales. Santiago charges Sabias with stealing a horse which belonged to him. J.P. Gonzales set the date of hearing for two o’clock April 10.

1933 April La Veta: A gang of men has just completed cleaning up the unsightly trash pile on the road to the cemetery and the public is ordered not to use the place as a dumping ground.

1933 April La Veta: Robert Bruce has been assisting Leonard Clark at the cheese factory during the absence of Duane Lougheed.

1933 April La Veta: The bank is still closed although the President's moratorium is over.

1933 April La Veta: The La Veta Hotel is serving beer now, the only establishment in town with a liquor license.

1933 April La Veta: Water is still seeping into the cemetery.

1933 April Walsenburg: Eva Benson of Red Wing won the spelling contest among the schools of the upper Huerfano, which include Chama, Cardenas, Malachite, Pass Creek and Red Wing.

1933 April Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School students will publish the World next week with Albert Gibas as editor.

1933 April Walsenburg: No-Mind Hosiery, selected by the Better Fabrics Testing Bureau, is now on sale beginning at 85 cents a pair at the Katz Department Store.

1933 April Walsenburg: The Alpine Rose Cafe and the Klein Hotel have adorned the fronts of their buildings with new Neon signs from Walsenburg Electric.

1933 April Walsenburg: The Community Leisure Time Association plans to build a municipal park on Main Street between Colorado Avenue and Fourth Street after razing the old red brick Baxter house, one of the oldest in the city.

1933 April Walsenburg: The new city officials were inaugurated Apr. 19. They are Dr. G.R. Mallett, mayor; Herman Mazzone, clerk; Andrew Dick, treasurer and Grant Wallace, Frank Mauro, Louis Bellotti and Joe Yourick, aldermen.

1933 May 19: In 1933, the State of Colorado expected to receive $6,480,000 in the Federal Public Works program, which would provide employment for 6,000 men, World-Independent

1933 May La Veta: Bruce Prator and Andrew Behrman are tearing down the club house and other buildings at Oakview. Soon another ghost town will grace the landscape.

1933 May La Veta: Charles  Lester was one of five honor students in a class of 57 at the state medical school.

1933 May La Veta: Claude Capps came up last week and drove the Chastain cattle to his ranch on the Flats where they will be pastured for the summer.

1933 May La Veta: Members of the Presbyterian Ladies Aid Society had a social meeting last Thursday in honor of the club president, Mrs. Minnie Speilmann's 84th birthday May 6.

1933 May La Veta: Robert Bruce, Mr. Erwin and Neal Erwin entered the Forest Service and have gone to the camp at Hardscrabble for the summer.

1933 May La Veta: Stanley Snyder's second hand store is now located in the Lester building just south of Stream's store on Main Street.

1933 May La Veta: The Baptist people have purchased the Gallante home and the pastor, Dr. Overeem, will occupy it.

1933 May La Veta: The club house and other buildings at Oakview are being torn down.

1933 May Walsenburg: Everyday some enthusiastic race horse fan goes down to the new American Legion grounds and looks over the new half-mile course.

1933 May Walsenburg: Frank Repola, manager of the boys football team at Cameron, which may be the only organized team for boys 15 and under, is seeking competition.

1933 May Walsenburg: Ken Wolfe and his orchestra will open the season this Friday night at the pavilion.

1933 May Walsenburg: Lucile Cisneros and Jeanette Faris closed their school at Talpa last Friday with an all day picnic in Red Canon, joined by Helen Cisneros and her pupils from Upper Maes Creek school for a total of 85 students.

1933 May Walsenburg: Room and Board, $30 per month. 222 West Third Street. Phone 578-W.

1933 June La Veta: A.W. Scott, who has worked for the drugstore since he came to town around 1887, died. He was a bachelor.

1933 June La Veta: Dave Clark is building rental cabins at his campground.

1933 June La Veta: Lem Smith bought one of the old school buses and is fixing it up as a regular gypsy wagon for sleeping in, cooking and regular housekeeping.

1933 June La Veta: Louis Naranjo and Ambrosia Jones were issued a marriage license by County Clerk Damacio Vigil.

1933 June La Veta: Milton Utt, manager of the La Veta baseball team, issued a challenge to all the teams from Walsenburg and the camps.

1933 June La Veta: More rains are making the prairies and hills more beautiful than they have been in years.

1933 June La Veta: Oil drilling has been resumed at Oakview.

1933 June La Veta: The erection of the standard drilling rig on the Oakview Oil structure in Sections 19 and 29 has begun and S.W. Pressey states it will be spudded around July 1st.

1933 June La Veta: The Huerfano County officers of the UMW hold a meeting at Alamo yesterday and signed up 60 new members for the union.

1933 June Walsenburg: City Council wants to fill the 200 feet of open ditch on Hendren near the river, since at 15 feet deep it is hazardous, but at $1.75 a foot, funding is not available.

1933 June Walsenburg: Coal production in Huerfano County increased in May to 34,951 tons with 844 men employed.

1933 June Walsenburg: Friends of Anna Woodward and William Kidder were surprised to learn of their marriage last Thursday in Raton. They will make their home at Rattlesnake Buttes.

1933 June Walsenburg: Highway No. 160 Association was formed yesterday at a meeting in Durango where County Commissioner George Niebuhr was elected vice president of this district, J.H.P. Fiske director from Walsenburg and W.H. Harrison director from La Veta.

1933 June Walsenburg: John Shosky is remodeling the building last occupied by the Common Sense Grocery between J.C. Penney Company and Schafer Market for a lunch and confectionery store.

1933 June Walsenburg: Mrs. Joe Bain purchased a new sport coupe through F.H. Unfug Chevrolet Co., which she will pick up in Detroit and drive to the World's Fair.

1933 June Walsenburg: One of the Civic League tennis courts on West Second Street has been put into first class shape and the other is expected to be ready by next week.

1933 June Walsenburg: Perfect spelling certificates were issued to Lois Lee Unfug and Shirley Krier of Walsenburg school.

1933 June Walsenburg: Remodeling of the Common Sense Grocery between J.C. Penney and Schafer Market has begun to convert it for John Shosky's lunchroom and confectionery store.

1933 June Walsenburg: The Colored Voters Club of Huerfano County met May 27 for their regular meeting and enrolled 32 new members.

1933 June Walsenburg: The new bandstand in Martin's Park is about completed and plans are being made to place swings, teeter-tooters, a wading pool and other equipment there.

1933 June Walsenburg: The new playground on West Sixth Street will be officially opened Monday night by the Leisure Time Activities committee when the first softball game will be played between the Vikings and the Socialettes.

1933 June Walsenburg: William Saleh started this week in the capacity of shutoff man on the city's water system and carries orders to close every tap upon which the water levy has not been paid.

1933 July La Veta: Died, Mrs. W.B. Hamilton, nee Yeager, who came to La Veta in 1869.

1933 July La Veta: Dr. and Mrs. Paul Lee carried off the first prize of $3.00 at the dance at Sulphur Springs on the Fourth.  Jimmy Ghiardi and Helen McLaughlin were very close seconds.

1933 July La Veta: Dr. Earl Lee and his bride will run the hospital while Dr. Paul Lee is on vacation.

1933 July La Veta: More rains are making the prairies and hills more beautiful than they have been in years.

1933 July La Veta: Mr. Laughlin of Walsenburg has purchased the Hubbard filling station at the corner of Oak and Ryus and Frank Baysinger will have charge.   

1933 July La Veta: The baseball game between the Democrats and Republicans at Cuchara Camps was called off because there were not enough Republicans to make a team.

1933 July La Veta: William Carver bought the stock and fixtures of the drug store at auction.

1933 July Walsenburg: A delegation of 20 Walsenburg businessmen left for Denver to demand the La Junta cut-off be designated a state highway.

1933 July Walsenburg: A thousand people were in Legion Park to hear the president of District 15 of UMWA speak.

1933 July Walsenburg: A.J. Dissler was installed Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus with other officers installed - John Dinise, Martin Ariano, Nick Agnes, Mike Anderson and Ernest Krier.

1933 July Walsenburg: A.J. Sears and Son will have a gala opening this weekend of their new one stop service station and auto agency at Fourth and Main.

1933 July Walsenburg: About 800 people attended the accordion concert by Frank Kafka and Charles Naroski at Martin Park.

1933 July Walsenburg: Archie Levy, proprietor of the swimming pool on West Seventh, says any organization is welcome to have his pool, repair it and throw it open to the public.

1933 July Walsenburg: Coal operators and union leaders have agreed on $5 a day for underground workers and $4 for outside men.

1933 July Walsenburg: Deputy Sheriff Shorty Martinez, in cooperation with Saguache County officers, arrested a gang of seven housebreakers and thieves.

1933 July Walsenburg: Gerald Mauro beat Albert Waski on the Womens Civic League tennis courts to win the city championship.

1933 July Walsenburg: J.W.  Sears and Son will open their newly remodeled building at Main and Fourth Streets with a super service station next Saturday.

1933 July Walsenburg: John Shosky opened his new tavern between Schafers' Market and the J.C. Penny store.

1933 July Walsenburg: John Shosky will open Shosky's Beer Tavern July 4 in the building situated between J.C. Penney Co. store and Schafer's Market.

1933 July Walsenburg: Rev. J.B. Liciotti was agreeably surprised Monday evening when the ladies of St. Mary Parish gave him a linen shower and curtains made by the members of the Catholic Daughters of America.

1933 July Walsenburg: Swimming classes start tomorrow at the Pavilion Pool.

1933 July Walsenburg: The Levy swimming pool will reopen to the public tomorrow after it has been deepened two feet and lined with cement.

1933 July Walsenburg: The Levy swimming pool, now open to the public, will be deepened and ladders and a 12 foot diving tower will be added.

1933 July Walsenburg: Twenty men are working to complete the new 8,000 square foot warehouse and storage building of the Sporleder Selling Company. The materials came from the boardinghouse at Rouse, the store at Pictou and other camp buildings.

1933 July Walsenburg: Work has started on the highway bridges south of Walsenburg and owners of good teams or trucks with dump or flat bodies should apply to the contractor.

1933 July Walsenburg: Yesterday's temperature 97 degrees made the past three days over 90.

1933 Aug. 8, With the farmers of Huerfano County enjoying one of the most prosperous seasons in years, and producing what might be one of the best crops ever raised in this territory, why then is it not indeed time for the re-institution of the Huerfano County Fair? - World Independent

Pueblo Indicator 8-12-1933 Dick Tenorio, 23, of Walsenburg, a member of the citizens conservation camp at Hardscrabble creek, was taken to a hospital at Canon City recently suffering from a shattered elbow as the result of resisting arrest. The youth was shot at Westcliffe, by Sheriff Mel Manning when he fled from the officer. Tenorio was wanted on charges of forging two checks totaling $18 and impersonating an army officer.

1933 August La Veta: A dance at Cuchara Camps last Saturday was well patronized and another one will take place this Saturday evening.

1933 August La Veta: A new front has been put on M & M Drug Store with a sloping walk taking the place of steps.

1933 August La Veta: Henry Gamblin's Cottages are now known as Gamblin Mule Shoe Cottage Camp.

1933 August La Veta: Henry Parker has sold his home here and moved his family to Ohio.

1933 August La Veta: M & M has modernized the front of the building and sloped the entryway to take the place of the steps.

1933 August La Veta: Messrs. Linscott, Kirkpatrick and Prator have opened up a coal mine above Sulphur Springs.

1933 August La Veta: Mr. Laughlin has bought the filling station on the comer of Oak and Ryus streets.

1933 August La Veta: Plans are underway for the first Huerfano County Fair since 1924.

1933 August La Veta: The M & M Store is making a big improvement to its front which has been somewhat old-fashioned. The display window was lowered and the entrance sloped to take the place of steps.

1933 August Walsenburg: A Gardner team finally put a stop to the fast traveling CCC Foresters by defeating them 7-3 Sunday afternoon in Gardner.

1933 August Walsenburg: A new 20 by 30 foot wading pool will be built in the northeast corner of Martin Park.

1933 August Walsenburg: Ben Smith is the new owner of the Capitol Hill Grocery at the corner of Walsen Avenue and Second Street. He bought the store from Pat Vallely.

1933 August Walsenburg: City Council has determined to replace the canal on Hendren with a storm drain at a cost of $10,000.

1933 August Walsenburg: Eugene Vories, postmaster, says beginning Monday the stamp, general delivery and register offices will close daily at 5 to comply with the N.R.A. regulations on 40 hour weeks.

1933 August Walsenburg: One hundred and thirty-five children of Walsenburg and surrounding camps received Holy First Communion Sunday after five weeks of instruction.

1933 August Walsenburg: One of the oldest businesses in Walsenburg is the City Pharmacy operated by Glen Mathews and George Thurston. It was first established in 1904 by D.W. Mathews, father of Glen, who took over in 1908 and went into partnership with John Nicol from 1909 until 1932 when Thurston bought out Nicol's interest.

1933 August Walsenburg: Rev. R.A. Dawson of the Committee for Leisure Time Activities has just about finished his project - the children's wading pool - in the rear of Martin's Park.

1933 August Walsenburg: The business members of the NRA will join in one of the largest parades in history next Monday morning at 10 o'clock to start the ball rolling in Huerfano County on the NRA program.

1933 August Walsenburg: The Eagles lodge are [sic] planning a grand celebration for Sunday when they hold their annual picnic in Cuchara Camps, according to Sam T. Taylor who is in charge of the entertainment.

1933 August Walsenburg: The swimming carnival at the Levy pool was cancelled due to lack of interest and threatening weather.

1933 August Walsenburg:  Give the wife a night off and bring her here where she will be served a pleasant differently home cooked dinner - The New Deal Cafe, Matt Kilmurry, prop.

1933 September La Veta: A.G. Crews, who bought the Martin ranch adjoining town in 1918 in partnership with E.S. Dickinson, died at the age of 89.

1933 September La Veta: Albert Parks took another stroll up the West Spanish Peak Monday.

1933 September La Veta: County Assessor Felix B. Mestas has been appointed as the Colorado delegate to the National Tax Association convention in Phoenix, AZ in October.

1933 September La Veta: Dr. Louis Lee will see patients at the La Veta Hospital while Dr. Earl Lee attends a medical convention.

1933 September La Veta: Dr. Louis Lee will take over the hospital while Dr. Paul Lee, attends a convention.

1933 September La Veta: It is not known when, or if, the La Veta State Bank will reopen.  It was closed in March when the president issued his moratorium.

1933 September La Veta: John Bruce has moved from Baca County to his newly purchased home in La Veta, bought from Luther Martin.

1933 September La Veta: One hundred and twenty are enrolled in the grade school and 70 in the high school.

1933 September La Veta: One hundred and twenty students are enrolled in the grade school and 70 in the high school.

1933 September La Veta: School enrollment is 190 with 120 in the elementary grades and 70 in the high school.

1933 September La Veta: The light, heat and power franchise recently granted to Spanish Peaks Electric Company was repealed by Town Board. .

1933 September Walsenburg: A U.S. employment bureau was established here with Charles Tallman manager.

1933 September Walsenburg: Brunk's Road Show's comedy proved popular with Walsenburg's playgoers.

1933 September Walsenburg: Eleanor Prudhoe and John Sanich were married last evening.

1933 September Walsenburg: Every person working under the Blue Eagle must take part in the Labor Day parade.

1933 September Walsenburg: Miners at the Aztec Mine at Toltec have declared a "holiday" until their demands are met.

1933 September Walsenburg: Officials agreed finally on a coal code providing eight hour days and 40 hour weeks. No one under 16 may be employed in or around the mines.

1933 September Walsenburg: The Kumjinus style show and playlette, under the direction of Mrs. James Phipps and Lena Crump, drew a large audience of fashion followers.

1933 September Walsenburg: Tony Andreakis will open a new restaurant, Rainbow Cafe, in the former Blue Parrot Cafe.

1933 September Walsenburg: Tony Andreakis, proprietor of the White Cafe, announced he will move his establishment to the former Blue Parrot Cafe location and rename it Rainbow Cafe.

1933 September Walsenburg: With 29 of 35 precincts in, Huerfano County reporting, 1,773 people voted to repeal Amendment 18 and 339 voted against its repeal.

1933 September: A light vote was counted today in the special election to repeal Amendment 18 although the County is expected to vote wet.

1933 September: Two marriage licenses were issued today to Gardner couples, Claude Chavez and Eleanor Montez, and Eloy Cordova and Adelina Lopez.

1933 October La Veta: "Decilina" [sic] Cassai and Max Elley were married Sunday.

1933 October La Veta: According to the Treasury Department, gold is worth $32.12 per ounce and silver 39 7/8 cents an ounce.

1933 October La Veta: Eighty railroad cars of San Luis Valley potatoes and vegetables passed through here yesterday on the way to market.

1933 October La Veta: It is said 50 La Veta men will be employed to help build the new Apishapa road south of the Spanish Peaks.

1933 October La Veta: Paul Marsh discontinued his ice service last Saturday and will handle only manufactured ice in the future.

1933 October La Veta: Two shifts of men are working on the oil well at Oakview.

1933 October Walsenburg: Bean Storage, 3¢ per sack per month, E.L. Sears Truckers Exchange, 320 North Main.

1933 October Walsenburg: Ed Merritt defeated Matt Giro to become the city golf champion.

1933 October Walsenburg: Fall coats, trimmed with Persian lamb or silver fox, $16.75 to $19.75 at Kriers.

1933 October Walsenburg: Last month in Huerfano County, 1,032 men were employed in the mines and they produced 67,969 tons of coal, up from last year when 1,204 men produced 64,237 tons.

1933 October Walsenburg: Miners at Kenneth, Brodhead, Empire and Jewel are out on strike.

1933 October Walsenburg: Mrs. W.B. Thorne has moved the Green Horn Lunch Room in Gardner from the Scrimsher property to the former Hudson warehouse.

1933 October Walsenburg: Now open, Quality Second Hand Store, on West Seventh next to Levy's Transfer.

1933 October Walsenburg: St. Mary humbled Holy Trinity of Trinidad 32 to 0, led by their triple threat fullback Marcon.

1933 October Walsenburg: The Aztec mine tipple at Toltec was destroyed by a $10,000 fire Sunday morning.

1933 October Walsenburg: Thomas Conder of Pryor, 25 months, won the most Popular Baby contest followed by Donald Stimack, 16 months and Laura Louise Sudar, 13 months.

1933 October Walsenburg: Three cases of typhoid have been reported in Walsenburg.

1933 November La Veta: A Mr. Brummett has opened a "truckers exchange" in the Ghiardi building on Ryus Avenue.

1933 November La Veta: Don Lacey received a serious wound Monday from a stray bullet while working in the timber on the Upper Cucharas.

1933 November La Veta: Fifteen Camp Fire Girls and their guardian went on a steak fry Tuesday evening.

1933 November La Veta: In place of a regular meeting, the Camp Fire girls held a Mickey Mouse party in the Recreation Hall Tuesday night, attended by 35 members and guests.

1933 November La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Hottinger with three truckloads of household goods and a splendid brown Swiss milk cow arrived Monday morning on their final move to this place. Unfortunately, though, the cow died.

1933 November La Veta: Mr. Brummit has opened a "trucker's exchange" in the Ghiardi building.

1933 November La Veta: Mrs. J.M. Crouse is said to have been appointed postmaster of this place.

1933 November La Veta: Mrs. J.M. Crouse is the new postmaster.

1933 November La Veta: The main highway will be rebuilt to the north, leaving La Veta off the main road.

1933 November La Veta: The old red brick school house on the hill was built in 1887.

1933 November La Veta: Town Council is considering moving the street lamps back to the middle of the streets.

1933 November Walsenburg: A benefit show for Boy Scout Troop No. 250 will be given Tuesday and Wednesday at the Valencia Theater to raise funds to start a drum and bugle corps.

1933 November Walsenburg: Charles Tallman, manager of the Unemployment Bureau here, has registered 926 men but ran out of registration cards.

1933 November Walsenburg: George Niebuhr, chairman of the county commission, wired from Denver that three more CWA projects have been approved for Huerfano County, to employ 275 men.

1933 November Walsenburg: Margaret Carrari, Charlotte Ermey Allen, Myrtle Prudhoe and Elizabeth Burke will compete in a singing contest Tuesday at the Valencia Theater.

1933 November Walsenburg: Merchants have agreed to be open 54 hours a week, opening at 7:30 until 5 each evening except Saturday when they will remain open until 8.

1933 November Walsenburg: Miners of Colorado Fuel and Iron Company at Tioga and Cameron voted Monday and indicated their preference for the United Mine Workers over the industrial Union Plan as presented by the company.

1933 November Walsenburg: The Caliente Coal Company has increased miners' wages at Maitland and Ravenwood from $4.44 to $4.70 per day.

1933 November Walsenburg: The St. Mary Crusaders took the "air route" to win their sixth victory of the season, whitewashing the Holy Trinity Tigers of Trinidad 26-0.

1933 November Walsenburg: The unemployment office in the Workman building has been registering 60 to 100 unemployed persons per day, for a total of 765 registered.

1933 December La Veta: A little more gravel on the upper part of Pinon Hill would eliminate nearly all skidding, and the material is right handy.

1933 December La Veta: Davis Holmes and Mert Lupton have been accepted for duty in the Navy and are leaving for training in San Diego.

1933 December La Veta: Miss Jean Curtis, who is teaching school in the Sand Dunes district, spent the Thanksgiving holiday with Mrs. Pete Goemmer.

1933 December La Veta: Mr. Ghiardi says he will open a liquor store next to the hotel.

1933 December La Veta: November coal production in Huerfano County was 70,612 tons, placing it third in the state, with 1,125 men employed.

1933 December La Veta: Paul Ghiardi applied for a license and will open a liquor store in La Veta. With the high price of legal liquor, however, bootleggers will still ply their trade.

1933 December La Veta: Pete Gross and Ralph Garren are moving their pool hall from the Smoke house to Baione's building.

1933 December La Veta: Pete Gross and Ralph Garren are moving their pool hall into the Baione building on Ryus Avenue.

1933 December La Veta: Philip B. Miles, 45, of Denver, will replace B.W. Allred as county extension agent.

1933 December La Veta: The play put on by the faculty of the school Friday and Saturday nights was attended by packed houses each night and netted $60 or $70.

1933 December La Veta: Turkeys have been selling as low as 11 cents on foot and 15 cents dressed. This is good for the consumer but provides little profit for the poultry raisers.

1933 December Walsenburg: A total of 489 people received relief rations of 3,740 pounds of pork and 2,675 pounds of beans at the courthouse Saturday.

1933 December Walsenburg: Agnes Brothers are offering many specials during their dissolving business and quitting sale, such as boy's knee pants suits, $2.98; ladies shoes, $1.98 (up to $6 values) and men's Hart and Schaffner and Marx suits, $14.98.

1933 December Walsenburg: Approximately 2,000 people attended the four Christmas Day Masses at St. Mary Church, with 800 of them rising early for the five o'clock High Mass.

1933 December Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School basketball team will give a dance next Friday evening to raise money for new uniforms.

1933 December Walsenburg: Mrs. Janet Brown Johnson, welfare worker in this city, received a pin and gold card for her service to crippled children from the Al Kaly Temple, the only woman in the world so honored by the Shrine.

1933 December Walsenburg: Mrs. R.L. Snodgrass, Red Cross official, says 48 have joined from Gardner proper, 15 from the Upper Muddy and 31 from Redwing, making 94 new members in that district, which also donated 300 pounds of beans and a large number of pumpkins.

1933 December Walsenburg: Robert Peachey won the electric train and Shirley Krier the large doll in the toy contest at City Pharmacy.

1933 December Walsenburg: Robert Peachey won the electric train and Shirley Krier won a large doll in the toy contest at City Pharmacy.

1933 December Walsenburg: The 25 members of the Huerfano County High School band under the direction of Kenneth L. Bender thrilled their audience last night at a concert at the Valencia Theater.

1933 December Walsenburg: The BPO Elks will have their annual memorial service for deceased brothers Sunday, Dec. 3 at the Elks home.

1933 December Walsenburg: The CWA approved three more projects for Huerfano County - riprapping the Cuchara River, laying pipeline from Walsenburg to Toltec for drinking water, and general road and bridge repair in the Apache area - which would employ 113 more men at a payroll of $19,180.

1933 December Walsenburg: The Reemployment Bureau needs two people to gather local historical information for 75 cents for 30 hours a week for two months.

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, SHOSKY TO PROMOTE FIGHT John Shosky, local promotor, will promote another fight under the auspices of the D.A.V. here the latter part of this month. Fight fans may rest assured that with Shosky promoting the event, they will see one of the best cards that can be had. Shosky is noted for the wonderful bouts he has promoted.

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, 6 large P&G soap and one hardwater castile FREE all for .25 SCHAFER I.G.A. STORE

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, 6 Toilet Tissue 38 cents at SCHAFER I.G.A. STORE

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, A marriage license was issued by Damacio Vigil Saturday to Valentine Romero and Elena Martinez both of Rouse, Colorado.

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, DANCEGiven by the Young American Boosters, Pavilion, January 20th, Tom O'Kelly's Orchestra,Admission 75 cents Ladies Free.

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, Dr. S. Julian Lamme who has been ill for some time, returned to his office to assume his duties yesterday.

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, For expert signs and show cards, Call CHARLES E. GIUS

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, FOX VALENCIA THEATERLast Times Tonight MAE WEST in "I'm No Angel" with Cary Grant.


1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, Jose Gallegos of Boulder, Colorado and Miss Nellie Duran of Redwing, Colorado were issued a marriage license at the County Clerks office Monday, January 8th.

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, Let us fill you radiator with glycerin at $1.00 down and $1.00 per month MOTOR HUB GARAGE

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, Mr. and Mrs Charles Wilder returned to their home in Santa Fe, New Mexico yesterday, after spending several weeks with Mrs. Wilder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Metherell of Ravenwood.

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, Mr. and Mrs. Dick O'Conner, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jessie, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell motored to Florence Colorado Sunday where they spent the day visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Hunter and family.

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, Number 635 Phone 375 Published by John Kmetz, Tuesday January 9, 1934 at 107 West Seventh Street. In every home every day but Sunday and Monday 100% Circulation

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, One seven cubic foot electric refrigerator. Like new only $120.00, Former Price $320.00 One $165.00 Frigidaire only $105.00 Easy Payment WALSENBURG ELECTRIC CO. Sporting Goods Headquarters

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, Palmolive soap 5 cents per bar. SCHAFER I.G.A. STORE

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER, The greatest of all Passion Plays will be presented here next Wednesday night at the Methodist Church. There will be no admission charges but a silver offering will be taken. This is a wonderful opportunity for the people of this ommunity so plan not to miss it.

1934 January 9: THE DAILY REMINDER,We have now a complete line of all colors in the hi-grade paint at $1.80 gallon J.S. WINDSOR Hardware

1934 January La Veta: Employment on C.W.A. projects is to be divided to give more men work, 15 hours per week each, though $7.50 a week is not much of a wage.

1934 January La Veta: Fifty years ago the F.G. Kreuger and John Goemmer families moved to La Veta.

1934 January La Veta: Fifty years ago: Will Krier re-bought his La Veta Shoe Shop and settled down permanently.

1934 January La Veta: Mr. Jarnigan's new hardware store in the lumber yard building is quite attractive though small and compact.

1934 January La Veta: Mrs. Jennie Prator is assisting at the Miller restaurant on La Veta Pass.

1934 January La Veta: The Summers brothers moved off their Wahatoya ranch Saturday and Tony Bowdino has taken possession.

1934 January Walsenburg: August Musso and employees of than Alpine Rose will celebrate their seventh anniversary tomorrow.

1934 January Walsenburg: August Musso and employees of than Alpine Rose will celebrate their seventh anniversary tomorrow.

1934 January Walsenburg: August Musso was elected president of Guaranty State Bank with vice presidents Paul Krier, T. M Hudson and Norman Kastner.

1934 January Walsenburg: Charges were filed against Joe Bain, proprietor of the Golden Eagle, for selling eggs without a license.

1934 January Walsenburg: Damacio Vigil was installed president of the Alianzo Hispano Americano lodge Jan. 7 at Marck's hall.

1934 January Walsenburg: Dances will be held at St. Mary and the Elks and Maccabee Halls on the president's birthday.

1934 January Walsenburg: For the first time since the disastrous fire in October, coal is again being shipped from the Aztec Mine at Toltec. Forty men are employed.

1934 January Walsenburg: Philip Ferkovich was elected president of the Slavonian Educational Club for 1935.

1934 January Walsenburg: Showing at the Fox-Valencia, Mae West in "I'm No Angel,'' with Cary Grant.

1934 January Walsenburg: The district court room was packed today for a meeting of the unemployed to hear Civil Works Administration speakers.

1934 January Walsenburg: The Huerfano County High School Panthers were able to sneak away from Vineland last night with a 21 to 17 victory, their first of the season.

1934 January Walsenburg: There will be two presidential birthday balls in La Veta, two in Gardner, one in Cucharas, one at North Veta and four in Walsenburg.

1934 January Walsenburg: Thieves broke into the Colorado Supply Company filling station at the end of Seventh Street this morning and stole about $300 worth of merchandise.

1934 January Walsenburg: Thieves entered the Wallace Filling Station at the corner of Colorado and Main Streets and carried away about $30 worth of cigarettes, tobaccos, cigars and candy.

1934 January Walsenburg: Vivian Brunelli, St. Mary fourth grader, won second place in a state essay contest sponsored by the NRA.

1934 January Walsenburg: Vivian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Brunelli and a fourth grade student at St. Mary School, was second in the state in the essay contest of the N.R.A.

1934 January Walsenburg: Winners of the free tickets to see "The Bureau of Missing Persons" were Tony Marcon, Billy Repola, Mrs. Sam Johnston, Andrew Blasi and Albert Misykell [sic].

1934 February La Veta: Dance at the Rec Hall Feb. 14th. Good music, good time. Admission 35 cents, ladies free. 

1934 February La Veta: Ettore Baione is having a new floor laid in the drug store.

1934 February La Veta: Hall and Vasquez, owners of the Railroad Park Filling Station, bought the station at the corner of Oak and Ryus Streets.

1934 February La Veta: Huerfano County's quota of CWA jobs is 567.

1934 February La Veta: John Elley has sold his ranch south of La Veta to Amadio Cassai.

1934 February La Veta: Mrs. Jennie Prator gave her 14-year-old son Billy a birthday party Sunday for 14 boys and girls.

1934 February La Veta: Mrs. Letty Fimple, whose husband died here about four years ago, is doing well in the oil business in Oklahoma City, Okla.

1934 February La Veta: The La Veta Follies presented by Mr. King's tumbling class grossed $57.50 for the school.

1934 February La Veta: The marvelous weather continues and we vote for re-election of the weather man; some contrast to last year when the wind and sand blew for eight months.

1934 February Walsenburg: Coca Cola officials gave Kirkpatrick's Coca Cola Bottling works here a perfect record for the 12th continuous year.

1934 February Walsenburg: Enoch Brunelli, night policeman, is home today recovering from a wound received when a gun went off when dropped on the floor at the police office in the courthouse.

1934 February Walsenburg: Frank Repola, Mario Marcon and Louie Marcon were winners in the boxing tournament last night, all with kayos.

1934 February Walsenburg: Hippo Cocietti of Kriers defeated jumbo Amelio of the Recreation team by a technical kayo in the final bout of last night's city boxing tournament.

1934 February Walsenburg: Melville Province sold his Mel's Bakery to G.C. Beaman.

1934 February Walsenburg: Ninety-four more men will be dropped from the C.W.A. payroll next Friday, leaving 473 still working.

1934 February Walsenburg: Over 150 Huerfano County teachers saw "Little Women" starring Katharine Hepburn as guests of the World-Independent.

1934 February Walsenburg: Rev. Paul Balloni returned to his parish in Gardner last week after spending several months in California for his health.

1934 February Walsenburg: Sears and Sears now sell Diamond T trucks.

1934 February Walsenburg: Temperatures in Huerfano County resembled the stock market of 1929 in a sweeping downward trend Monday and Tuesday until the new low for the winter, 21 degrees below zero, was registered.

1934 February Walsenburg: The highway department notified George Carnes to move his Continental Filling Station at the head of Main farther from the street.

1934 February Walsenburg: The schoolhouses at Rocky Mountain and Morning Glory were broken into and robbed of pencils and curtains - no books.

1934 February Walsenburg: Thieves entered the Wallace Service Station at Colorado and Main for the second time in two weeks and took off with about $30 worth of cigarettes, cigars and tobaccos.

1934 February Walsenburg: Two small boys slipped into Harry Klein's Lobby Smoke House on East Sixth Street and stole an automatic match vending machine.

1934 Mar. 17: Included on the All-City Basketball Team are Theodore Salazar, Albert Durnell, Martin Ariano and Frank Repola, forwards; Neal Bailey and Wesley Merritt, centers and Evan Jenkins, Mario Marcon, Gerald Mauro and Pete Lopez, guards. World-Independent

1934 March La Veta: C. F.  Boyd opened a blacksmith and general repair shop in his old stand on Francisco Street.

1934 March La Veta: Charles Stewart has purchased the Eggleston house on Francisco street and will make his home there.

1934 March La Veta: Dr. Paul Lee moved away but Dr. Earl Lee has taken charge of the hospital.

1934 March La Veta: Eighty-seven more men were added to the Civil Works program making a total of 473 workers in the county.

1934 March La Veta: Evan Marker is building a reservoir on the home place near the butte.

1934 March La Veta: Honoring Mrs. J.P. Stranger and Mrs. Orace Beamer on their birthdays, Mrs. Karl Gilbert entertained the members of the Presbyterian Aid Society last Thursday with a delicious lunch served.

1934 March La Veta: La Veta artist Allen William Hale, 36, finally succumbed after years of poor health caused by gassing during the war.

1934 March La Veta: Misses Ramona Montoya and Ida Pino have organized the Alta Vista sewing club with 20 members.

1934 March La Veta: The D&RG proposes abandoning La Veta as a terminal point for train service between Alamosa and Walsenburg.

1934 March La Veta: The D&RG proposes abandoning La Veta as a terminal point for train service between Alamosa and Walsenburg.

1934 March La Veta: The fifth and sixth grade play has been postponed as the king and queen have the measles.

1934 March La Veta: There was a bridal shower for Evalyn Capps who will marry William Lee Walker at the end of the school year.

1934 March La Veta: Tony DeAngelo bought the grocery stock of Mr. McLain and will remodel the building for a chain store of the Independent Grocery Association.

1934 March La Veta: Yesterday was the last day for Civil Works Project employment, which has kept from 350 to 750 men working since December.

1934 March Walsenburg: A marriage license has been issued to Joseph Glenn Mathews and Alta Mae Muir, a popular young couple of town.

1934 March Walsenburg: About 400 attended the HCHS senior class melodrama, The Black Flamingo.

1934 March Walsenburg: About 75 school board members representing Huerfano County districts attended the school board association meeting today at Huerfano County High School.

1934 March Walsenburg: An emergency crop loan office will be opened Monday in the county agent's headquarters in the courthouse.

1934 March Walsenburg: Harry Oblander and Harry Myers of the M & O Garage have completed negotiations to sell Oldsmobile cars.

1934 March Walsenburg: Henry Rein, welterweight champion of Colorado, successfully defended his title here last night when he won over Walsenburg's Bob White with a technical knock-out in the fifth round.

1934 March Walsenburg: John Bellotti, well known barber in this city, will open a new stand on West Seventh where the Miner's Lunch Room was.

1934 March Walsenburg: Joseph Hernandez of Cameron won the Huerfano County spelling contest after breaking a four way tie with Cassie Valdez of North Veta, Lorraine Benassi, Walsen and Esperanza Gallegos of Sunnyside school.

1934 March Walsenburg: Lee Saunders, executive secretary for Civil Works in this county, says the payroll for last week amounted to $4,550.

1934 March Walsenburg: Margaret Carriri, Birdie Larson, Olga Saliba, Martha Sandor and Leapha Wright received special mention at HCHS for earning straight A's.

1934 March Walsenburg: Mayor G.R. Mallett was elected president of Rotary Club.

1934 March Walsenburg: Postmaster Eugene Vories learned from the Public Works Administration that the new post office, to be built at the northeast corner of Russell and East Sixth Street, will cost $9,500.

1934 March Walsenburg: That was not a flag pole sitter at the county courthouse today but a man painting the pole.

1934 March Walsenburg: That was not a flag pole sitter at the court house yesterday 

1934 March Walsenburg: The dissolution of a partnership, which has existed for approximately 14 years, was announced after A. Sandy Lenzini took over his brother J. Albert Lenzini Jr's. interest in the Lenzini Garage and Petroleum Company.

1934 March Walsenburg: The large Buick sedan of Dan Unfug ran loose today and ran into the Sears Apartments, caving in the wall of Apt. No. 1.

1934 March Walsenburg: The state relief director announced the allocation of $20,250 in Huerfano County.

1934 April La Veta: C.E. Mock closed his pool hall on account of the lack of business.

1934 April La Veta: Fifty years ago: E.G. Berry and Jasper Bruce are making a lake a mile south of town for fishing.

1934 April La Veta: Malvin Firm says that for a week there was not enough wind to run his windmill, something that has only happened once before. Old timers who have lived here will probably think that's a "wind-story."

1934 April La Veta: Mrs. Pete Gross has sold eighty acres on upper Middle Creek to Jack Baker who will start a summer camp.

1934 April La Veta: The senior class took their sneak Wednesday up Chaparell Creek and had a lot of fun.

1934 April La Veta: There were 52,033 tons of coal produced in the county during March, compared to 24,810 last year.

1934 April Walsenburg: Dues were one of the pieces of business at the meeting of the Walsenburg Golf Club yesterday and the slogan of the club will be "No Pay, No Play."

1934 April Walsenburg: Former St. Mary football star William Bressan, who graduated in '27, married Esther Bassetti April 12 in St. Mary Church.

1934 April Walsenburg: Game Warden H.G. Bayne is soliciting donations to screen 37 irrigation ditches of the Huerfano River to keep out trout which are dying by the hundreds.

1934 April Walsenburg: George Niebuhr, new Walsenburg postmaster, resigned as Huerfano County relief administrator and W.W. Light of Turkey Ridge was appointed.

1934 April Walsenburg: George S. Neibuhr resigned as relief administrator since he has been named eligible for the postmaster's job.

1934 April Walsenburg: Huerfano County youth will gather Monday night at the court house to organize a chapter of the Young Democratic League.

1934 April Walsenburg: Luz Gonzales will celebrate his 70th birthday tomorrow. He came to Huerfano County in 1866 with his father Evaristo Gonzales, a grandson of Juan B. Chalifu.

1934 April Walsenburg: Miss Jeannette Faris, postmaster at Farisita the past three years, has resigned and Harold V. Marmaduke was appointed as her successor.

1934 April Walsenburg: NRS Director Fred Sobon said the registration of the unemployed will begin Monday morning for those whose last names begin in A through L.

1934 April Walsenburg: The annual city auto show will be this weekend at Graves- Klein Motor Company.

1934 April Walsenburg: The county relief office moved from the court house to the 200 block of West Seventh Street, next door to Sam De Bruno's barbershop.

1934 April Walsenburg: Thieves stole $29 from the till of the Wayt Lumber Company on West Fourth Street when the business closed for Good Friday.

1934 April Walsenburg: Thieves stole $29 from the till of Wayt Lumber Company on West Fourth Street when the business was closed for Good Friday.

1934 April Walsenburg: Today is the last day for the Civil Works project employment, which has kept from 350 to 750 men working since last December.

1934 April Walsenburg: Walter Bailey and Tony Colnar's stolen autos were found striped in gulches above Cameron near the Bear Creek highway.

1934 May La Veta: A slight frost did little damage but maybe we will get by now without another visit from ''Jack."

1934 May La Veta: Adolph Goemmer is having his future home given the once over, and from all indications wedding bells will soon be ringing.

1934 May La Veta: Albert Parks discovered a meteorite on La Veta Pass weighing 10 and 3/4 pounds which is oblong and pitted. We'd hate to get hit by such a thing when it fell, but probably wouldn't know anything about it.                   

1934 May La Veta: Charles and Jim Powell are now laying the floor in the new dance pavilion at Cuchara Camps. The building is 44 by 80 feet in size and will probably be opened the end of next month.

1934 May La Veta: Charlie Powell is laying the floor in the new 44 by 80 foot dance pavilion in Cuchara Camps.

1934 May La Veta: Coleman Brothers have installed some good looking booths in the drugstore where parties can enjoy their ice cream and soft drinks with a degree of privacy.

1934 May La Veta: Eighty degrees in the shade on Wednesday was fairly warm for the month of May in La Veta.

1934 May La Veta: Forty-three students and teachers attended the Junior-Senior banquet and dance Friday night at the Springer Hotel.

1934 May La Veta: Graduating from high school May 13 are Lawrence Bowdino, Bena Dighera, Eleanor Fischbach, Neva Lee Kirkpatrick, Iris M. Lennox, J. Paul Lennox, Mary C. Masinton, Mary Edythe Mock, Paul F. Marsh, Mary Lucille Padilla, Lois L. Prator, Agnes Ross and Dart H. Spielmann.

1934 May La Veta: The La Veta Commercial Club reorganized Tuesday with C.C. Webster, president, Karl Gilbert, vice president, Dr. Willburn, treasurer and L.W. Coleman, secretary.

1934 May La Veta: The White Cap Club now has six full-fledged members, Raymond Kirkpatrick, John Kincaid, Billy Kincaid, Joe Carsa, Doyle Stansbury and Homer Bell.

1934 May La Veta: Thirty or 40 boys and girls from Dalhart, Tex., spent last week and this in the Cuchara Camps Hotel.

1934 May La Veta: Town board met Tuesday evening to discuss the local financial situation, which seems to be very critical.

1934 May Walsenburg: "Ted" Allen, world's champion horseshoe pitcher, will give a demonstration tomorrow morning at Martin's Park.

1934 May Walsenburg: Clyde M. Johnson was named county commissioner to replace George Niebuhr, who has assumed the position of postmaster.

1934 May Walsenburg: Continental Oil Company has asked $2,000 for the right of way requested by the city through the filling station at the head of Main Street.

1934 May Walsenburg: George Swift's former garage building in the first block of Seventh Street is being converted to a beer place for Andy Spendow.

1934 May Walsenburg: Huerfano County coal mines showed increased production during the past four months for the first time in three years. A total of 807 men were employed, compared to 776 in 1933, in April to produce 32,616 tons.

1934 May Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School's golf team lost to Centennial of Pueblo 8 to 7.

1934 May Walsenburg: J. Spurgeon of Oklahoma will open a grocery in Fred Klein's building next to the Alpine Rose, formerly occupied by Wait Moore's confectionery.

1934 May Walsenburg: Lenzini Motor Company was established as a garage in 1920 and now owns five service stations, San Isabel in Gardner and Apache, Arapahoe, Colonial and Valencia stations in Walsenburg.

1934 May Walsenburg: Margaret Carrari, Martha Sandor and Ramona Merritt have been named to the HCHS Honor Society.

1934 May Walsenburg: Martin Ariano Jr. presented a graduation recital Sunday afternoon at St. Mary.

1934 May Walsenburg: Meda Mae Underhill and Margaret Cameron are the honor students among the 65 graduates at HCHS and Aloysius Sanchez heads the 35 seniors at St. Mary.

1934 May Walsenburg: Ralph Prator, athletic director at Huerfano County High School, is reported to have wed Elizabeth Cox Feb. 27 in Raton, N. Mex.

1934 May Walsenburg: Some 2,000 fans watched as the Walsenburg Merchants beat The House of David's baseball nine 7-6 in the 11th inning.

1934 May Walsenburg: The City Pharmacy is installing a new soda fountain.

1934 May Walsenburg: The Oxford Pool Room on West Sixth Street was robbed of $40 and some chewing gum.

1934 May Walsenburg: The Post office will henceforth be closed Saturday afternoons because the new law says postal employees are limited to a 44-hour work week.

1934 May Walsenburg: Tony "Holy Cow" Madle was in superb form here yesterday when the Walsenburg Merchants walloped the Santa Fe Trailers of Pueblo by a score of 21-1.

1934 May Walsenburg: Yesterday's temperature of 88 degrees broke all records for a high temperature on that date in Walsenburg.

1934 May Walsenburg:The Seniors of St. Mary High School will present their annual play; this year entitled "The Depression Blues."

1934 June La Veta: A dance pavilion may be built at Mule Shoe.

1934 June La Veta: C.F. Boyd, Ray Duling and Oscar Smith are the local committee for the distribution of grasshopper poison.

1934 June La Veta: Charles Powell is making improvements at the pavilion in Cuchara Camps, where there are now 90 cottages.

1934 June La Veta: Died, Delphina Vercellino Baione, who was born in Italy in 1875 but has been a resident of Huerfano County since 1903, leaving five sons and two daughters.

1934 June La Veta: Forest Supervisor French and Ranger Gilbert planted 16,000 trout in the lakes on the forest reserve recently.

1934 June La Veta: George Albert Martin, 83, a resident of La Veta for 50 years who married Laura Denton in 1887, died, leaving as survivors Edna Danks and Bryan Martin Denton of La Veta.

1934 June La Veta: Henry Nissen has replaced Charlie Stewart as hostler at the round house.

1934 June La Veta: M&M Confectionary bought a new ice cream machine.

1934 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. E. Hoopengarner of Kansas celebrated their 50th anniversary with friends at their cabin in Cuchara Camps.

1934 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. E. Hoopengarner of Kansas celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at their cabin in Cuchara with friends. 

1934 June La Veta: Russell Stambaugh has taken over the ice business formerly belonging to Paul Marsh.

1934 June La Veta: Some relief work is being done on the school yard and it is hoped a lawn and some creepers will be planted to cover those bare stone walls.

1934 June La Veta: Thirteen reservoirs and 12 wells have been reported dry in the county and no relief is in sight.

1934 June Walsenburg: Free tickets to "Viva Villa" at the Valencia Theatre will be given away by Max Gonzales at a dance at Maccabee Hall with music by the Galindro Brothers of Pueblo.

1934 June Walsenburg: Joe Zgut took over operation of the Valencia Service Station when the Matteroli brothers' lease expired.

1934 June Walsenburg: John Matteroli and Charles Elliott have closed their Walsenburg Garage after 13 years in business.

1934 June Walsenburg: Louis Dallafior, who formerly had a confectionery on West Seventh Street, will now open a liquor store on that street.

1934 June Walsenburg: Main Street merchants currently renovating the fronts of their buildings are, Unfug Hardware, MacMarr Stores and the Alpine Rose Cafe.

1934 June Walsenburg: Nearly two million gallons of water are consumed daily in Walsenburg.

1934 June Walsenburg: Oscar and Gaston Santi will formally open the annex of their service station tomorrow. The new addition features an electric hoist.

1934 June Walsenburg: Pete Cermusco found a metal box containing gold and silver coins dating from 1843 to 1898 while digging for the new service station at Seventh and Albert.

1934 June Walsenburg: The Lester Brothers Auto Parts and Metal Company across the river donated materials for use at Martin Park recreation area.

1934 June Walsenburg: There is supervised play now at Martin Park and a wading pool will also be built.

1934 June Walsenburg: Tom Templeton died of his injuries received in the Cameron mine May 29.

1934 June Walsenburg: Tonchy "Holy Cow" Madle led the Walsenburg Merchants to a 10 to 2 win over La Jara.

1934 June Walsenburg: Walsenburg Main Street merchants renovating the fronts of their buildings are Unfug Hardware, McMarr Stores, and Alpine Rose Cafe.

1934 July La Veta: Hughes Erwin, Robert Bruce and Woodrow Overeem were home for the weekend from the C.C.C. camp.

1934 July La Veta: Jean Curtis and George A. Goemmer have announced their marriage.

1934 July La Veta: Temperatures between 90 and 100 every day and practically no moisture like this year cannot be remembered by the proverbial old timers.

1934 July La Veta: Temperatures have been hovering between 90 and 100 degrees this week.

1934 July La Veta: The 100 cottages at Cuchara Camps are all full and more tourists are filling La Veta.

1934 July La Veta: W.C. Hottinger bought the Vories ranch above the rock wall on the Cucharas.

1934 July La Veta:  the Smoke House now occupies Ghiardi's store building and the liquor store opened in the former Smoke House location.

1934 July Walsenburg: About 40 football and basketball players of St. Mary High School were guests of Father J.B. Liciotti Wednesday evening in the school dining room.

1934 July Walsenburg: Oxford Hotel, under new management, 109 West Sixth Street, clean, quiet rooms. 35 cents, 50 cents, 75 cents.

1934 July Walsenburg: The Scotch-America Club is going to Cuchara Camps for a picnic and dance Sunday.

1934 July Walsenburg: Walsenburg is in danger of running short of water this summer.

1934 August La Veta: A total of 110 hoboes, by actual count, came in on the flat cars of a freight train Tuesday, and several women were among the number.

1934 August La Veta: All talking western comedy, Lane Chandler in "The Hurricane Horseman," a cat cartoon, "Hunting Wild Game in Africa," and actual scenes of the capture of Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, 10¢ and 25¢, Crystal Theater.

1934 August La Veta: Barley grown by Alfred Atchison on the Hugh Sager place produced 90,000 pounds which was considered very satisfactory for a drouth year.

1934 August La Veta: Charles Masinton received his Amateur Radio Operator and Station License. His call letters are W9PMS.

1934 August La Veta: David Morris and Gertrude Yacconi entertained their guests at Jack Baker's ranch Sunday with a first class rodeo, riding steers and roping, which was enjoyed by all.

1934 August La Veta: Fifty-one men are still working on the Cucharas-Apishapa road, designated by the Forest Service as the Apishapa Truck Trail, First Class.

1934 August La Veta: Henry Ellis and Jack DeVivier opened a new pool hall in the Harrison building on Main Street.

1934 August La Veta: J.B. Falls' car, parked in front of La Veta Lumber and Supply, backfired and burst into flames, but quick action by Ralph and Buddy Weir, George Pickens and Doyle Stansbury prevented any great damage.

1934 August La Veta: James Webber and Langdon Morgan have put up two cottages on the George Young ranch on the Wahatoya and expect to build three more.

1934 August La Veta: Officers of the new Spanish Peaks Sportsman Club are Rado Drum, Bryan Denton and Nelson Webster.

1934 August La Veta: Rado Drum was elected president of the new Spanish Peaks Sportsman Club, Bryan Denton, vice president and Nelson Webster, secretary-treasurer.

1934 August La Veta: Special at the Crystal Theater, actual scenes of the capture of the notorious Texas bandits Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker.

1934 August La Veta: Thirty local men have organized the Spanish Peaks Sportsman Club to provide better fishing in the Cucharas.

1934 August Walsenburg: Attending the 1924 Huerfano County High School reunion at Del Monte ranch at Redwing were Mrs. George Andrews, S.M. Andrews, C.A. Johnson, Miriam Pritchard, Emma Manka, Alton Tirey, Paul Babbitt, Gertrude Harrison, Edith Benine, Dorothy Chase, Emil Zalesny, Ed Merritt, Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and Evelyn Riley.

1934 August Walsenburg: Boys corduroy longies, $1.69, J.C. Penney, 604-5 Main.

1934 August Walsenburg: C.A. Anderson will take over as principal of Huerfano County High School since Professor Andrews assumed the duties of superintendent.

1934 August Walsenburg: City Council can't find anyone to take the treasurer's job after Andrew Dick resigned.

1934 August Walsenburg: City officials ordered all irrigation of lawns ceased at once because no water is entering the reservoir and the supply is low.

1934 August Walsenburg: Ed Merritt beat Frank Cowing and Ernest Dissler took Dr. Jim Lamme to win the Merchant's Golf Tournament.

1934 August Walsenburg: Josephine Roche, lady candidate for state government, will speak in Walsenburg Friday at the courthouse.

1934 August Walsenburg: Sam Taylor's pitching led the Moose-Recreation team to a 16 to 4 win over ZPN, giving them new hope for the city title.

1934 August Walsenburg: Walsenburg Merchants beat Moose ZNP in two games last night 12 to 5 and 15 to 7, to become city champs.

1934 August: Andrew Dick resigned his position as city treasurer last night; Victor Mazzone was asked to replace him.

1934 August: Ed Merritt beat Frank Cowing and Ernest Dissler took Dr. Jim Lamme to win the Merchants Golf Tournament.

1934 August: Huerfano County placed on drought relief yesterday, allowing benefits of the cattle purchasing program.

1934 September La Veta: Approximately 4,400 county voters cast their ballots in Tuesday's primary.

1934 September La Veta: Bryan Denton won second and Rado Drum, third, in the Denver Post fishing contest with fish weighing over five pounds, caught in the Conejos River.

1934 September La Veta: Gov. Ed Johnson will address the county commissioners of southern Colorado in Walsenburg Friday.

1934 September La Veta: Hundreds of people attended the barbeque and opening Sunday of Cordova Pass, said to be the sixth highest road in Colorado.

1934 September La Veta: Jack DeVivier bought a grocery store in Denver and sold his interest in the pool hall to his brother-in-law Henry Ellis.

1934 September La Veta: The government canning project in the basement of the Methodist Church has put up 1,200 cans of vegetables and 652 quarts of fruit in the past 21 days.

1934 September La Veta:  Died, Artelia Cox Smith, 73, leaving her husband William E. Smith and five of their twelve children.

1934 September Walsenburg: A total of 444 students registered at Huerfano County High School at 150 in St. Mary High.

1934 September Walsenburg: All of Walsenburg is invited to the housewarming dance at the CCC camp at Gardner.

1934 September Walsenburg: Bernie Jerman and his Arcadians will play for the Slovenian dance Saturday night.

1934 September Walsenburg: Eddie Merritt defeated N.W. "Buck" Andrews for the city golf championship.

1934 September Walsenburg: Martin Ariano of Walsenburg was accepted onto the football team at Grinnell College in Iowa.

1934 September Walsenburg: The city is faced with a serious water shortage due to the continued drought.

1934 September Walsenburg: Thieves stole several suits of clothing from the shop of "Joe the Tailor" at 608 Main Street.

1934 September Walsenburg: Thieves stole several suits of clothing from the shop of Joe the Tailor at 608 Main and also robbed August Marck's White Front shop on West Seventh Street.

1934 September: Bernie Jerman and His Arcadians will play for the Slovenian dance Saturday night.

1934 October La Veta: A couple with three children arrived here in a covered wagon drawn by two burros Monday night.

1934 October La Veta: A Jane Jefferson Club was organized Thursday with Mrs. Joe Brown, chairman; Mrs. Hazel Elley, president; Leta   Stone, vice president; Anna McMillan, secretary and Ada Denton, treasurer.

1934 October La Veta: An increase of railroad valuation will mean a $83,340 raise to Huerfano County valuation.

1934 October La Veta: J.P. Stranger is having plumbing and other improvements made to his house.

1934 October La Veta: Mrs. Mabel Miller and Posie have built a small building at Ojo Springs where they are running a filling station and lunch counter.

1934 October La Veta: The government is paying 75 cents a hundred-weight for apples and the local cannery is making apple butter for the needy.

1934 October La Veta: The proceeds of the Pep Dance held last week netted the high school $20.

1934 October La Veta: There will be a modem dance at the Recreation Hall Nov. 3 and an old time one Nov. 17.

1934 October Walsenburg: An increase of railroad valuation will mean a $83,340 raise to Huerfano County valuation.

1934 October Walsenburg: Connie Willburn, 11, was bitten by a rattlesnake at St. Mary School three miles north of Turner on the Huerfano River.

1934 October Walsenburg: Four hundred and fifty people were served last night at the American supper at the annual St. Mary Bazaar.

1934 October Walsenburg: Mrs. Ned Wilson of 132 Colorado Avenue was surprised while preparing the noon meal when Mabel McKinley, secretary of the county agent, aimed a garden hose at her roof and put out a fire.

1934 October Walsenburg: Mrs. Ned Wilson of 132 Colorado Avenue was surprised while preparing the noon meal when Mabel McKinley, secretary of the county agent, aimed a garden hose at her roof and put out a fire.

1934 October Walsenburg: Nancy King and Mary Marcon, both attending Adams State College on scholarships, have been honored by being elected officers of their respective classes.

1934 October Walsenburg: The 25-member HCHS Screamers, led by Rosann  Dissler, accompanied the pep squad and football team to Trinidad.

1934 October Walsenburg: The Elks will open their winter dance season Saturday night when Ken Wolfe and his orchestra will play at the hall.

1934 October Walsenburg: The Elks will open their winter dance season Saturday night when Ken Wolfe and his orchestra will play at the hall.

1934 October Walsenburg: William Zanon had the lucky ticket at the St. Mary Bazaar and won a bicycle.

1934 October Walsenburg:  Coach Gaston Santi's Huerfano County High School Panthers, led by Sears, took the measure of the Dawson Miners 12-6.

1934 November 15: City Tire Service

1934 November 15: Federal Land Bank of Wichita, Farm Credit Administration, Ninth District, Wichita, Kansas

1934 November 15: local examining attorney Romilly Foote

1934 November La Veta: Although most small mines are closing due to the lack of miners, the operation at Ojo is still ongoing.

1934 November La Veta: Mayor John Elley warns water restrictions will be enforced and orders all leaky faucets and hydrants be repaired at once because of the critical water shortage.

1934 November La Veta: The La Veta Wildcat football team defeated Aguilar 20-6 in front of the largest crowd of townspeople of the season.

1934 November La Veta: The Pep Girls are attracting a lot of attention in their new red sweaters and caps.

1934 November La Veta: The sixth annual bull show and sale will be this weekend.

1934 November Walsenburg: 43.9% of the people in Huerfano County, or 7,480, are on relief.

1934 November Walsenburg: A new Shell service station was opened at Seventh and Ysidrio Streets by Edwin E. Stanton.

1934 November Walsenburg: About 150 UMW pickets swarmed around Joe Bain's Golden Eagle in an attempt to have three union men returned to the store at union wages.

1934 November Walsenburg: An estimated 4,000 people attended the four-day St. Mary Fair and Bazaar.

1934 November Walsenburg: Approximately 75 people in Walsenburg will receive the $15,000 being made available by the national housing campaign for home improvements.

1934 November Walsenburg: Ford Frick, 38, former Huerfano County High School teacher, was elected president of the National Baseball League.

1934 November Walsenburg: Former Walsenburg High School Coach Ford Frick may be elected National Baseball League president.

1934 November Walsenburg: Forty-four local people have signed up to impersonate Hollywood movie stars in the show at the Valencia Friday night.

1934 November Walsenburg: HCHS Panthers beat St. Mary Crusaders 20 to 6 in the annual Armistice Day football game.

1934 November Walsenburg: Lewis Marcon and Josephine Repola were married Nov. 17 at St.  Mary Church.

1934 November Walsenburg: The new mattress factory will open Tuesday at Main and Kansas and will employ an average of 30 people.

1934 November Walsenburg: Twenty to 30 Walsenburg business people organized a Christmas Program Group with John B. Kirkpatrick chairman, and Mrs. Fritz Unfug, secretary-treasurer.

1934 December 1: Walsenburg Water Works,Owned and Operated by the City111 W. 9th Street.

1934 December La Veta: A gang of relief workers are [sic] busy digging snow out of county roads.

1934 December La Veta: About 100 men will be employed on the $200,000 Public Works jobs building the new post office in the county seat and improving the highway over La Veta Pass.

1934 December La Veta: Charles Hector is proud of some pansies and violets he picked in his garden last week.

1934 December La Veta: Mrs. J.M. Crouse has purchased a new Chevrolet sedan. The old Reo had run 75,000 miles.

1934 December La Veta: Mrs. Louise Miller is running the Ojo Springs filling station and lunch counter, open 24 hours a day.

1934 December Walsenburg: About $200 worth of prizes will be given away Saturday in conjunction with the opening of the Christmas shopping season in Walsenburg.

1934 December Walsenburg: Daily production of 20 mattresses for Walsenburg's relief mattress factory was predicted for next week. Fifty-five are employed.

1934 December Walsenburg: More snow fell in November, 8.9 inches, than in previous years. Only three inches fell in November, 1933 and 3.1 in 1932.

1934 December Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanich are the proud parents of a Son, Frank Jr., born Dec. 16.

1934 December Walsenburg: State Senator-Elect Sam T. Taylor and Representative-Elect A.M. Guerrero are in Denver attending warm-up sessions of the state legislature.

1934 December Walsenburg: The relief mattress factory now produces 24 mattresses a day or 120 per week. Two hundred and fifty will be shipped to the San Luis Valley tomorrow.

1934 December Walsenburg: The two local banks have reduced interest on savings accounts and added a 50 cent monthly service charge to checking accounts.

1934 December Walsenburg: Thieves got away with approximately $1,000 in cash and merchandise from the Agnes Brothers and L. Fawk's stores.

1934 December Walsenburg: Twenty-three people will take their final citizenship tests Monday in the district court.

1934 December Walsenburg: Walsenburg Civic League will give a $5.00 prize for the best decorated home for Christmas. Judges will be Mrs. G.R. Mallett, Tom Dabney and George Halliday.

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© Karen Mitchell