Huerfano County, Colorado
News Of The Day

Contributed by Louise Adams, Jean Griesan and Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

1935 - 1939

1935 January La Veta: Andy Behrman is digging up all the old water pipe in Oakview camp and selling it in Alamosa.

1935 January La Veta: D&RG plans to abandon its line to Oakview since the mine there ceased operating two years ago.

1935 January La Veta: E.M. Mills resigned from town board and Ernest Dean was appointed to fill the vacancy.

1935 January La Veta: Mayor John Elley has asked us to again remind people that riding bicycles on the sidewalks is prohibited by town ordinance.

1935 January La Veta: Roller skating on the sidewalks is a nuisance and dangerous, too, but we suppose we are "an old crank"; nevertheless, others besides the young have some rights.

1935 January La Veta: T.C. Murdock is celebrating 40 years as a resident of La Veta. His wife was a Coffey, the, daughter of Col. Jack Coffey, the founder of Coffeyville, Kansas.

1935 January La Veta: The Blue Lakes camp permit was revoked by the forest service for unsanitary conditions.

1935 January La Veta: The Forest, Service has revoked the permit for the Spanish Peaks Playground Association's Blue Lake Camp and ordered it dismantled.

1935 January La Veta: Thirteen-year-old Frank Smith won the state championship on his Ramboulette sheep at the stock show in Denver.

1935 January La Veta:  Under no condition are men allowed to work on Civil Works Administration projects for more than 30 hours per week.

1935 January Walsenburg: St. Mary Crusaders easily defeated Holy Trinity 24-14 in their opening game last night.

1935 January Walsenburg: Huerfano County coal mines produced 81,466 tons of coal in November and employed 1,242 men.

1935 January Walsenburg: Robert, Thomas, William and David Young will operate the Young Brothers Garage on upper Main Street now occupied by Murray Motor Company, between Colorado and Kansas avenues.

1935 January Walsenburg: The Wahantah Campfire girls of Alamo, sponsored by Emma Bellotti, met at the Alamo teacherage Wednesday night.

1935 January Walsenburg: Twenty-five to 30 men are employed building the new post office on Sixth Street.

1935 February La Veta: Charles Hector made a survey of the cemetery and discovered some of the alleyways have been mistaken for lots.

1935 February La Veta: Howard Lumber is improving and modernizing their storefront.

1935 February La Veta: The Howard Lumber and Supply Company is improving the frontage of its buildings to show up impressively.

1935 February La Veta: There were 346 registered births in Huerfano County during 1933.

1935 February La Veta:  A dozen boys and girls enjoyed a wienie roast at Sulphur Springs Friday night.

1935 February Walsenburg: Died, John Nelson, 86, a native of Scotland but resident of Huerfano County since 1880. He leaves his wife Maria and adopted daughter, Frances.

1935 February Walsenburg: Eva Montez, St. Mary graduate of 1934, was named Miss Valentine at a dance given in Maccabee Hall by the Hasta la Vista club.

1935 February Walsenburg: Nine-month-old Katherine Louise Falsetta won the World-Independent baby contest.

1935 February Walsenburg: Thieves made off with flour, canned goods and butter from the ERA warehouse on West Fifth Street.

1935 March La Veta: A sandstorm caused much discomfort this week.

1935 March La Veta: Another sand storm Monday tested the good natures of the housewives who had just dug out from a previous wind. Sheds were unroofed and a portion of the ball park fence was blown over, but we got off easy in comparison to Oklahoma and Kansas.

1935 March La Veta: Another sandstorm last week unroofed sheds and blew down a portion of the ball park fence but at that we got off easy in comparison.

1935 March La Veta: Another sandstorm on Monday tested the good nature of housewives who had just finished digging out from the previous one.

1935 March La Veta: There are signs that spring is just around the corner, but the corner is an awfully long one.

1935 March Walsenburg: Benerita Deaguerro won the 1935 Ford V-8 Tudor Sedan at the St. Mary Spring Dance.

1935 March Walsenburg: Coal production in February for the county was 41,262 tons, with 1,075 men employed.

1935 March Walsenburg: Died, Juan D.D. Vigil, son of M.A. Vigil, of blood poisoning.  He leaves a wife, Marguerita, sons Max and John, a brother Cass and sister Mrs. Joe Sanchez.

1935 March Walsenburg: Farmers in southeastern Colorado have begun an exodus after the latest black blizzard.

1935 March Walsenburg: Katherine Marvelli is the sixth Cameron student in a row to win the county spelling contest.

1935 March Walsenburg: Maurice E. Cowing declined the nomination to run for mayor against incumbent Dr. G.R. Mallett.

1935 March Walsenburg: Rudolph Styduhar was elected delegate to the National Convention of Slavonian Lodges.

1935 March Walsenburg: The old frame "haunted house" at 202 Colorado Avenue burned to the ground last night.

1935 March Walsenburg: The Women's Club and Civic League are combining in a drive to build a library with PWA funds.

1935 March Walsenburg: Thieves stole the slot machine from Howard's confectionery.

1935 April 11: MAN RETURNS TO CARNIVAL STAND WITH GUN TO COLLECT HIS MONEY. Crowd Gathers as Pryor Miner Attempts to Collect Money He Lost on "Ham and Bacon" Wheel; Sheriff's Office Settles Matter. Returning with a gun to the "Ham and Bacon" stand at the Carnival last night, where he allegedly had lost $17 on the wheel, Clarence Reed, of Pryor, attempted to collect his money from the operator of the wheel, J.C. Guinn. A crowd gathered around as Reed is said to have pulled his gun an Guinn, and allegedly forced him to turn over $30. Guinn immediately jumped over the stand and grabbed Reed, holding him until deputy sheriff Jim Wommer asrrived. The sheriff's office took charge of the money and went with carnival officials to Pryor this morning to settle the argument. Wommer said this afternoon that Reed had been given back his $17 while the extra was turned over to carnical officials. No charges were filed.

1935 April La Veta: Hay at $20 a ton is good for the seller, but, like the New Deal, what about those who have nothing to buy with?

1935 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Lon Tucker have gone into partnership with Harry Gamble at Mule Shoe.

1935 April La Veta: The La Veta Pass post office will be closed at the end of this month.

1935 April La Veta: The post office on La Veta Pass will be discontinued.

1935 April La Veta: The post office on La Veta Pass will be discontinued.

1935 April La Veta: The Townsend Club plans to plant flowers and beautify railroad park.

1935 April La Veta: The usual dust blanket was settled by a rainstorm which turned to snow. A foot of it has fallen.

1935 April La Veta: William B. Hamilton was reminiscing about when he took "French leave" from the Missouri Enrolled Militia and went to New Mexico with an ox train.

1935 April La Veta: William B. Hamilton was reminiscing about when he took "French leave" from the Missouri Enrolled Militia and went to New Mexico with an ox train.

1935 April Walsenburg: A relief project was approved to build a grandstand and adobe exhibit buildings at the fairgrounds at Legion Park.

1935 April Walsenburg: D.A. Nicklas of Walsenburg won the state fiddling championship.

1935 April Walsenburg: Huerfano County farms have increased in number since 1930, with 845 now and 760 then.

1935 April Walsenburg: The Alamo and Barbour coal companies applied for bankruptcy.

1935 April Walsenburg: John Welbsy resigned as water commissioner after serving the water board for 30 years.

1935 April Walsenburg: John Welsby resigned as water commissioner after serving the water board for 30 years.

1935 April Walsenburg: Walsenburg received exactly one inch of precipitation this week, all in snow.

1935 April Walsenburg: Walter Chavka sold his interest in the M&O Pool Hall to his partner Joe Marich.

1935 April Walsenburg: Walter Wheelock was elected temporary president of the newly formed Junior Chamber of Commerce.

1935 April Walsenburg: Young businessmen here are considering starting a Junior Chamber of Commerce.

1935 May 11: A marriage lisence was issued this morning to Albert Pierotti and Dena Venserini, both of Walsenburg, at county clerk Damacio Vigil’s office.

1935 May 11: Local Ex-Service Men Send Wire to F.D.R. on Bonus – In response to a request from ex-service men leaders in the country, Homer Anderson and Sam DeBruno, two Huerfano county ex-service men today wired President Roosevelt after canvassing other ex-soldiers in the county for their opinions and collecting small donations to defray the expense of the telegram. The telegram sent by these two men to the president follows: “The ex-service men of Huerfano county, Colorado respectfully request that you affix your signature to the Patman Bill, House resolution number one, when presented to you.”

1935 May 11: Man Returns To Carnival Stand With Gun to Collect His Money – Crowd Gathers as Pryor Miner Attempts to Collect Money He Lost on “Ham and Bacon” Wheel; Sheriff’s Office Settles Matter – Returning with a gun to the “Ham and Bacon” stand at eh carnival last night, where he allegedly had lost $47 on the wheel, Clarence Reed, of Pryor, attempted to collect his money from the operator of the wheel, J.C. Guinn. A crowd gathered around as Reed, said to have pulled his gun on Guinn, and allegedly forced him to turn over $50. Quinn immediately afterwards jumped across the stand and grabbed Reed, holding him until deputy sheriff Jim Wommer arrived. The sheriff’s office took charge of the money, and went with carnival officials to Pryor this morning to settle the argument. Wommer said this afternoon that Reed had been given back his $47, while the extra $3 was turned over to the carnival officials. No charges were filed.

1935 May 11: Popular Song by Toltec Composer Now Is On Stands – Tony Benassi Published New Popular Song “Colorado Sweetheart”.

1935 May 11: St. George's school in Gardner came to it's close Sunday night with a play given by the school children and written by Cora Velarde, THE graduating pupil. Cora had written a class composition, "Mary's Dream" for which she was complimented by her teacher and class-mates. It was suggested to Cora that she ------------ it and dramatize it. The play pleased all those present. Cora, 16, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Desiderio Velarde of Gardner.

1935 May 9: MARGARET SALIBA MAKES PHI BETA. Margaret Saliba, Walsenburg student at Colorado University has been honored by being chosen to Phi Beta Kappa, honorary scholastic fraternity, according to word received here today. Miss Saliba has been an outstanding student at C.U. since she entered school four years ago. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Saliba.

1935 May 15: Among other after affects of the carnival which played here recently, we stumbled into a crap game this morning, and boy! were there some higher ups engaged in the art of twirling the bones.

World Independent 5-15-1935 L.J. Inglefield, of the F.E. Shepherd Co, accountant is auditing the county books at the court house for the county commissioners and will be through with the job in about a week.

World Independent 5-15-1935 The last roundup – now I can look forward to a half hour's entertainment from the kitchen force at the Alpine Rose. Did you ever hear them? Among the noises such as cat calls, dog and cat fights and other primitive sounds of the jungle, is a note which shows marked talent- It's Shorty beating on the dish pans. He's got a touch which many a drummer would envy – not to mention an African tom-tom beater.

1935 May La Veta: Andy Denton spied an aeroplane on Tuesday morning above the dust clouds over Bear Creek ridge.

1935 May La Veta: Andy Denton spied an aeroplane Tuesday above the dust clouds over Bear Creek Ridge.

1935 May La Veta: Bryan Denton predicted snow on May 20 and his prediction proved accurate.

1935 May La Veta: Died, Dr. R.A. Mathews, a resident for 38 years and hero of the 1899 smallpox epidemic, and Edwin L. Smith, local merchant since 1900.

1935 May La Veta: Somebody ran into an electric light post at the intersection of Ryus and Oak Monday night, breaking it off to the ground.

1935 May La Veta: The Advertiser was started 40 years ago this month, and the present editor, devil or roustabout did the same work on it then as now.

1935 May La Veta: Virginia Koklas resigns her position at the post office the end of May to prepare for her wedding in late June.

1935 May Walsenburg: Farmers say this year's prospects are brighter now than they have been since 1921 after 2.56 inches of rain has fallen on the county since May 1. The average rainfall for the past five years, which is far below normal, has been 10.6 inches.  Last year the precipitation was 8.3 inches.

1935 May Walsenburg: Local enthusiasts will meet June 4, at the court house to discuss forming a club to maintain the golf course.

1935 May Walsenburg: Married April 29, Juan B. Guerrero and Rita Medina, Rudolph Krist and Rose Marie Repola.

1935 May Walsenburg: Regular meals 30 cents at the Valencia Cafe in the Hotel St. Charles.

1935 May Walsenburg: Seventy-eight students, the largest graduating class in the history of the school, will graduate from Huerfano County High School Thursday evening.

1935 May Walsenburg: The Civic League tennis courts will be ready for play by the end of the month.

1935 May Walsenburg: The New Deal Cafe was broken into and robbed last night.

1935 May Walsenburg: Walsenburg is to have one-day air mail postal service to Denver after June 1.

1935 June La Veta: Camp tables and benches are being distributed at various points in the National Forest.

1935 June La Veta: Charles Hartley is building three or four cabins for tourists.

1935 June La Veta: Charles Hartley is getting ready to accommodate tourists by putting up three or four adobe cabins, and later will put up the same number of log ones, at his cottage camp on Oak Street.

1935 June La Veta: James H. Kimsey, 65, and an employee of the Denver and Rio Grande for 30 years, fell off a railroad car and was run over while setting the brakes near Lumberton, N. Mex. He leaves five sisters and three brothers.

1935 June La Veta: The forest ranger is now located in the Manning building on Main Street.

1935 June La Veta: The Smoke House now occupies the Ghiardi store and Ghiardi has opened a liquor store in a vacant room next to the hotel.

1935 June La Veta: The Townsend Club is fencing off 100 feet of Railroad Park in which to plant flowers.

1935 June La Veta: The Townsend Club is fencing off a 100 feet of railroad park in which to plant flowers.

1935 June Walsenburg: A large blond gunman robbed Oscar Santi's service station at 720 West Seventh Street Tuesday evening.    

1935 June Walsenburg: Local enthusiasts meet tomorrow night at the court house to discuss forming a club to maintain the golf course.

1935 June Walsenburg: Paul Wayt won the $1 prize in the World-Independent contest for catching the largest fish.

1935 June Walsenburg: The First Presbyterian Church here will reorganize with Rev. Robert Steinmeyer.

1935 July La Veta: Forest Ranger Gilbert says the forest service has changed the name of Las Animas District to Spanish Peaks District, which is more suitable.

1935 July La Veta: Paul Ghiardi has opened the La Veta Liquor Store and bar adjoining the La Veta Hotel.

1935 July La Veta: The La Veta Band Orchestra played for the dance at Sulphur Springs Sunday night.

1935 July Walsenburg: Norma Pannell, singer, won the amateur show at the Valencia Theater. Sam Bonfiglio, comedian, was second and Billy Campbell, playing the accordion, was third.

1935 July Walsenburg: The new $50,000 post office at the corner of Sixth and Russell streets is expected to be completed by Aug. 25.

1935 July Walsenburg: The new Powerine gasoline station at Hendren and West Seventh Street was opened July 3.

1935 July: The Walsenburg baseball nine will play Trinidad on the Fourth of July in La Veta.

1935 August La Veta: Clara Curtis of Gardner is visiting with her sister Mrs. Adolph Goemmer. She will teach at Redwing this year.

1935 August La Veta: Died, Sarah Lavina Erwin, who was born in North Carolina in 1847 and with her husband Dr. James A. Erwin, settled near La Veta in 1871.

1935 August La Veta: Former county school superintendent Martha Thorne was appointed director of women's projects for the WPA.

1935 August La Veta: Mrs. Bert Long and Mrs. M.H. Scandrett, hostesses at the Cuchara Camps Hotel, are doing a thriving business this season with over 300 people staying at the resort.

1935 August La Veta: News came over the radio this morning that the plane carrying Will Rogers and Wiley Post has crashed in Alaska, killing both.

1935 August Walsenburg: Raymond Waski won the city junior tennis championship.

1935 August Walsenburg: Ann Sterk and George Christiansen, popular young couple, will be married soon, possibly this month.

1935 August Walsenburg: Marriage licenses have been issued to Juan Maes and Angelita Griego and to Primo Bergamo and Rose Luchino.

1935 August Walsenburg: Mary Corene Coghlin and Joseph K. Coots were married Aug. 7.

1935 August Walsenburg: Walsenburg may get a new $60,000 schoolhouse to replace the old Washington building under Public Works Administration funds. The Pennsylvania Avenue school would probably close.

1935 August: Jim Benine and His Eight Cavaliers of Rhythm will play for a dance in the pavilion tonight, their first appearance there this summer.

1935 September 20: Ton McGeechan is hurt in rock fall at Big Four Mine.

1935 September La Veta: A petition, signed by 60 citizens, was presented to Town Board for the creation of a golf course on the town lake property.

1935 September La Veta: A W.P.A. project of $21,000, of which $4,000 must be paid by the district, will construct a school gymnasium with a stage, lavatories, dressing rooms and a basement beneath it.

1935 September La Veta: High school enrollment is 89, seven more than last year.

1935 September La Veta: Sheriff Claud Swift has confiscated $5,000 worth of marijuana, or about 200 pounds, recently.

1935 September La Veta: The Orange Brothers Circus is coming to town Wednesday with animals, clowns, aerialists, horses and band music, among other amusements.

1935 September La Veta: The Orange Brothers traveling circus will be here next week.

1935 September Walsenburg: A 75-gallon still exploded on Main Street last night.

1935 September Walsenburg: Clara Alishio of Farr and Joe Cacciatore of Aguilar were married Sunday, Sept. 1.

1935 September Walsenburg: Count di san Marzano, Italian consul of Denver, and his countess will appear Sunday at a public reception at St. Mary auditorium.

1935 September Walsenburg: Count di San Marzano, Italian consul of Denver, and his countess will appear Sunday in a public reception in St. Mary Auditorium. 

1935 September Walsenburg: Electa Lamme, auditor at the local E.R.A. office, has been transferred to Pueblo.

1935 September Walsenburg: Joe Yourick, road overseer, was laid off by the county commissioners in an attempt to alleviate the county's economic condition.

1935 September Walsenburg: Led by Matt Strukel, George Dasko and Pat O'Rourke, the Walsenburg Merchants-ZNP team beat the Trinidad Red Sox 10-6 to clinch the Southern Colorado title.

1935 September Walsenburg: Nick Agnes says that the Agnes Brothers store, one of the oldest in the city, is closing its doors.

1935 September Walsenburg: The Community Women Workers presented a style show and had 20 tables of contract bridge players for their fundraiser.

1935 September Walsenburg: The Community Women Workers presented a style show and had 20 tables of contract bridge players.

1935 September Walsenburg: The new 1936 Atwater Kent metal tube radio is on display at Wayt Lumber Company, 508 Main Street.

1935 September: Led by Matt Strukel, George Dasko and Pat O'Rourke, the Walsenburg Merchants-ZNP team beat the Trinidad Red Sox 10-6 to cinch the southern Colorado title.

1935 October La Veta: Henry Koch sold his cafe and it is now known as the Silver Dollar Cafe.

1935 October La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. James Firm took a three-week trip and saw the famous "Dizzy" pitch four games in St. Louis.

1935 October La Veta: Mrs. Polie Erwin grew some tomatoes this season which weighed a pound apiece.

1935 October La Veta: The Camp Fire Girls prepared and served a harvest supper for some of the boys.

1935 October La Veta: The old bank built in 1906 by William Fey and E.R. Coleman was designed by I.M. Snider who was a partner of H.M. Stockwell. .

1935 October La Veta: The proprietor of the Silver Dollar in Walsenburg has leased Henry Koch's cafe at the corner of Main and Ryus and it will also be called the Silver Dollar.

1935 October La Veta: With 104 persons attending, the annual father and son banquet was held at the Methodist Church Friday evening. Kenneth Bender's Huerfano County High School orchestra furnished the music for the occasion.

1935 October Walsenburg: Huerfano County miners returned to work today after settling their strike for a raise in pay.

1935 October Walsenburg: Several men were injured Saturday when an auto hit a buggy at Eighth and Main streets.

1935 October Walsenburg: The Alamo mine was rehabilitated and reopened Oct. 29 when 75 men returned to the pit.

1935 October Walsenburg: The Alamo mine was rehabilitated and reopened Oct. 29 when 75 men returned to the pit.

1935 October Walsenburg: The local wagon mine operators have formed an organization with Bob Turner, Bill Peachey and James McCune composing the board of directors.

1935 October Walsenburg: Tom Mix will appear here with his circus tomorrow despite his broken leg.

1935 October Walsenburg: Tom Mix will appear tomorrow with his circus despite his broken leg.

1935 October Walsenburg: Valentine Supancic's Broadway Grocery on West Seventh Street is undergoing remodeling to make it self service.

1935 November La Veta: At the I.G.A. store Saturday, Joe Brown won the dinner for eight, Mrs. Lively, the Blue Monday basket and Ned Sharpless the dollar's worth of meat.

1935 November La Veta: Died, Juan D. Torres, 65, a resident of Huerfano County since 1890. He was buried in Wahatoya Cemetery.

1935 November La Veta: Eugene Lougheed, 72, longtime foreman at the roundhouse, died, leaving his wife and six children.

1935 November La Veta: Ground is being prepared at the corner of Main and Field streets for the erection of a government building for a forest ranger's office to be constructed of adobies.

1935 November La Veta: La Veta has experienced two snowstorms this season.

1935 November La Veta: Martin Cubick of Walsenburg has leased the B & H Tavern and renamed it the Silver Dollar. Short orders, beer, cigarettes and candy.

1935 November La Veta: Ned Sharpless, 22, is not expected to recover from the injuries he sustained in an auto accident on La Veta Pass.

1935 November La Veta: Polie Erwin is working on the section with Frank Granieri's crew.

1935 November La Veta: Several cattle shippers have been out all night tracking their animals that someone has been letting out of the loading pens at the railroad stockyards.

1935 November La Veta: The Alamo mine reopens tomorrow when 75 men return to the pit.

1935 November La Veta: The forest service is tearing down the old adobie house by the mill lake and will use the bricks some time for building an office in town.

1935 November Walsenburg: Construction begins this week on the new $125,000 school at Fifth and Russell Streets.

1935 November Walsenburg: Died, John Story, 86, of Story Creek near the Santa Clara, who came to Walsenburg in 1864 when there were just 13 buildings in town.

1935 November Walsenburg: Forty-six Huerfano County High School students will receive 30 cents an hour working under a new NYA program.

1935 November Walsenburg: Italian and Chinese dinners are served at Battiste's Cafe, 705 Main Street, for fifty cents a plate.

1935 November Walsenburg: Italian and Chinese dinners served at Battiste's Cafe, 705 Main. 50¢ a plate.

1935 November Walsenburg: More than 400 men are now working on Public Works Administration projects in the county, leaving 700 unemployed yet to be placed.

1935 November Walsenburg: Nine hundred and eight men are working on WPA projects in the county at present.

1935 November Walsenburg: Reyes Casias, 74, of Malachite died. He first settled at the site of the Walsen mine in 1869 on land then owned by Evaristo Gonzales, father of J.P. Luz Gonzales.

1935 November Walsenburg: Taken by surprise in a dugout on a farm in Bear Creek canon yesterday was a man seized by federal officers for operating a whiskey still. Approximately 70 gallons were seized, which sell for $2 a gallon in Walsenburg.

1935 November Walsenburg: The Tioga store goods were moved to Walsenburg where the stock will be closed out in the Saleh building at West Seventh and Hendren.

1935 November Walsenburg: The WPA and NRS offices moved into the old Levy building on West Seventh Street and the FERA office is now in the Young building over Haney's barbershop.

1935 November Walsenburg: Up in arms about the destruction of Martin Park bandstand and the club house on the golf course, and rightfully so, the people of Walsenburg, with the cooperation of city council and the junior Chamber of Commerce, are out to find and prosecute those who are responsible for acts of vandalism in the city on Halloween evening.

1935 November Walsenburg: Work on Highway 10 will begin Monday and will employ 46 of the Works Progress Administration workers.

1935 December La Veta: Carl Falk, 37, was killed in an accident on the Goemmer ranch.

1935 December La Veta: Charles Galassini has taken over management of his father's pool hall and will run it throughout the winter.

1935 December La Veta: Charles Galassini has taken over management of the Baione pool hall.

1935 December La Veta: Geraldine Stansbury, senior at Union High School in La Veta, won third place in a statewide essay contest.

1935 December La Veta: Sunny Prator and Robert Bruce are hoping to find jobs at Summitville which is lively at present. 

1935 December La Veta: The first carload of turkeys - 1,245 birds - were shipped, this week in the experimental enterprise.

1935 December La Veta: The Ghiardis are planning to reopen the Crystal Theatre.

1935 December La Veta: The La Veta relief sewing project Friday sent out 265 garments including overalls, shirts, bloomers, children's dresses and nightgowns.

1935 December La Veta: The several groups of carolers and the Camp Fire Girls with their baskets of fruit gladdened the hearts of many dear old souls around town on Christmas Day.

1935 December La Veta: The WPA water system improvement project to install a filter house has received approval.

1935 December Walsenburg: Men's Clothes - dress shirts, $1.25; one piece underwear, $2.50; pigskin gloves, $1.95; braces, $1.00, at Kriers.

1935 December Walsenburg: New directors at the World-Independent are Otto Unfug, editor, C.E. Clark, Sam T. Taylor, Tim Hudson, Mrs. Norman Kastner and Paul Krier.

1935 December Walsenburg: Otto Unfug will resume his duties as editor of the World Independent with Chester Clark assistant editor.

1935 December Walsenburg: Over 500 guests inspected the new post office at Sixth and Russell Streets according to Postmaster George Niebuhr.

1935 December Walsenburg: Promise of a new farming enterprise to bring money into Huerfano County was the shipment this week of 1,245 turkeys to New York City for the Christmas market, the first such shipment in this vicinity.

1935 December Walsenburg: The first carload of turkeys, 1,245 birds, was shipped out this week in the new experimental enterprise.

1935 December Walsenburg: The new $50,000 post office at Sixth and Russell streets will open Monday, according to, postmaster George Niebuhr.

1935 December Walsenburg:  Juan D. J. Cardenas was elected head of the Penitentes in Colorado and New Mexico.

1936 January La Veta: Approximately $4,800 in old age pensions will be allotted to Huerfano County's 526 pensioners, which represents about 70 percent of the usual payment.

1936 January La Veta: Book Dickinson is going around on crutches as a result of driving an unruly team of horses.

1936 January La Veta: Former resident Patty Ann Jamison Lifford was shot and killed by her husband, who then killed himself.

1936 January La Veta: Fred Kreutzer is filling the position on Town Board caused by the resignation of J.E. Sharpless.

1936 January La Veta: Joe Robino and Charles Masinton have purchased the I.G.A. store from Tony DeAngeles and Charles Cassio will move back to Trinidad with his family.

1936 January La Veta: La Veta people can now take the bus to Walsenburg at 10 a.m., have three hours in the county seat and leave there at 1:15, at two cents a mile.

1936 January La Veta: Leslie Bruce had a narrow escape Sunday afternoon when he fell into a hole while ice skating on Daigre Lake. Fourteen-year-old Jasper Rivera pulled him out.

1936 January La Veta: Mrs. Charles Powell gave an oil painting of the Spanish Peaks to the school.

1936 January La Veta: New Commercial Club officers are H.A. Howard, president, A.J. Roush, secretary and C.F. Boyd, treasurer.

1936 January La Veta: New officers of the Masonic Lodge are Malvin Firm, Walter Campbell, Art Peachey, E.C. Stream and W.H. Harrison.

1936 January La Veta: Rotary Club will honor 11 former La Veta High School students who are now enrolled in universities or colleges.

1936 January La Veta: The Methodist Builders cleared over $26 at their Stunt Dinner to be applied to church expenses.

1936 January La Veta: The New Year came with three inches of snow and it's here to stay.

1936 January La Veta: The New Year was ushered in with a two inch blanket of snow, an auspicious sign for cattlemen and farmers.

1936 January La Veta: The outside toilets of La Veta Drug and La Veta Hotel have been condemned.

1936 January La Veta: The telephone company is reducing rates on person-to-person calls after 7 p.m. every evening and on Sundays.

1936 January La Veta: This is Leap Year but the priviledges which used to be conceded to the ladies are unneccesary these days. 

1936 January La Veta: We understand that Miss Nina Alexander has purchased Mrs. Behrmann's residence in South La Veta.

1936 January Walsenburg: About 30 to 35 relief workers are among the crew building the new $118,000 Washington School which will be 195 by 118 feet with two stories and a partial basement and have 22 rooms plus an auditorium.

1936 January Walsenburg: As of Jan. 1, 1935, 729 farms in Huerfano County had horses and mules compared to only 664 reported in 1930.

1936 January Walsenburg: During 1935, Huerfano County had 390 births and 196 deaths reported.

1936 January Walsenburg: Fire, believed caused by a short circuit in wiring, did considerable damage to the M & O garage building early this morning. Only three new autos were saved.

1936 January Walsenburg: Harry Oblander of the M&O Garage which burned down last week is back in business in the E.L. Sears Truckers Exchange building, just across Main Street from his former location.

1936 January Walsenburg: Have you had a party? Have you had out of town guests? Have you or other family members been away? If you will let us have these items, you will have a newsier and more interesting newspaper.

1936 January Walsenburg: Miners of Huerfano County will be represented at the annual UMWA meeting in Washington, D.C. by W.H. Layton, Cameron, John Condor, Big Four, Henry Rebecca, Delcarbon and Mr. Daugherty, Pryor.

1936 January Walsenburg: Some 1,200 kiddies attended the free Christmas party and movie at the Fox Valencia Theater Saturday.

1936 January Walsenburg: St. Mary High School Crusaders ended a four-game losing streak to defeat St. Mary of Colorado Springs 38-21.

1936 January Walsenburg: The American Legion Auxiliary is seeking used clothes and magazines in good condition to send to Ft. Lyon hospital.

1936 January Walsenburg: The storage capacity of the city lake four and a half miles west of Walsenburg will be increased 50 percent by the WPA project now underway, which employs 52 men.

1936 January Walsenburg: Thieves broke into the Schafer Packing Plant last night and got away with seven eight-pound cans of lard and an undetermined amount of meat.

1936 January Walsenburg: Two men have been arrested for stealing and butchering two head of cattle from the Aaron Rivera herd near Cameron.

1936 February La Veta: A two or three inch snow fell Wednesday but all that has fallen this winter wouldn't keep a cactus alive.

1936 February La Veta: Born, an eight and a quarter pound son Jan. 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Rado Drum.

1936 February La Veta: Everyone is receiving snow but this section, what of the future?

1936 February La Veta: H.M. Stockwell, 75, president of the La Veta State Bank until it closed 14 years ago, died. Most recently he has been involved with real estate and insurance.

1936 February La Veta: Huerfano County miners will begin working six-day weeks due to the national coal shortage caused by the severe cold wave.

1936 February La Veta: Jack Daniels nearly died of heart failure when his name was drawn for $3 worth of groceries at the IGA last Saturday.

1936 February La Veta: Local news is like business - there isn't any.

1936 February La Veta: Mrs. Bessie Stewart returned and is looking for a barber to hire before she reopens her beauty shop.

1936 February La Veta: Some culverts on Oak Street are being enlarged to carry the water which has heretofore run over the street.

1936 February La Veta: Steve Duzenack bought the Damacio Vigil place east of town and will move his family up from Cameron at once to begin spring work.

1936 February La Veta: Steve Duzenack has purchased the Damacio Vigil ranch east of La Veta and will move his family up from Cameron at once.

1936 February La Veta: The annual President's Ball to benefit sufferers of infantile paralysis was Jan. 30 in Kincaid's Hall.

1936 February La Veta: The La Veta Hotel is having its ice house filled with 20 tons of 18-inch ice cut on the Charles Powell reservoir.

1936 February La Veta: The usual Lincoln Day programs were listened to by radio at school on Wednesday, some flags were out but business houses remained open.

1936 February La Veta: Thirty-three attended the Women's Christian Temperance Union Silver Tea - at the home of Mrs. E.C. Stream.

1936 February La Veta: Tom Wheeler is moving the old Meredith Martin house to his lots in town.

1936 February La Veta: Tom Wheeler is moving what is known as the old Meredith Martin house on to his lots in La Veta.

1936 February La Veta: Town Board decided to put a cattle guard at the entrance to the cemetery instead of the present gate.

1936 February Walsenburg: A would-be robber at Battiste's Cafe on South Main was collared by Officer Lucas Sanchez last night.

1936 February Walsenburg: A would-be robber at Battiste's Cafe on south Main was collared by officer Lucas Sanchez last night.

1936 February Walsenburg: Jean Marie Caddell and Ann Gibas will present recitals this week at Caroline Sporleder Young's studio at 119½ West Fifth Street.

1936 February Walsenburg: Last night's temperature of 11 below zero is the coldest reading here in three years - light snow blanketed the area.

1936 February Walsenburg: Last night's temperature of 11 below zero is the coldest reading here in three years.  Light snow blanketed the area.

1936 February Walsenburg: Light heavyweight champion John Henry Lewis defeated Cyclone Lynch of Aguilar last night in front of 1,000 fans in St. Mary Auditorium.

1936 February Walsenburg: Nearly 500 students in the public schools will start receiving hot, wholesome lunches under a W.P.A. program Monday. Three dining rooms have been set up, in the Nelson home on Seventh Street, the Methodist Church and St. Mary School.

1936 February Walsenburg: Over 80,600 tons of coal were produced in January, the highest January figure since 1932.

1936 February Walsenburg: The Croatian Fraternal Union will give a dance tomorrow night at the Pavilion.

1936 February Walsenburg: The St. Mary High School newspaper, The Paladin, won the state parochial school award for the best front page.

1936 February Walsenburg: The St. Mary paper, The Paladin, won the state parochial school award for the best front page.

1936 February Walsenburg: Thieves broke into the Chocolate Shop on South Main and took considerable merchandise plus the cash from two slot machines.

1936 February Walsenburg: Thieves broke into the Schafer Packing Plant last night and got away with seven eight-pound cans of lard and an undetermined amount of meat.

1936 March La Veta: A short snow storm Tuesday morning raised hopes of some moisture, but both evaporated in short order.

1936 March La Veta: An extension club was organized at the home of Mrs. Eugene Ellis with 15 present. It will be called Stitch and Chat.

1936 March La Veta: Ben Seaman found what appears to be an animal's tooth, five inches long, while digging a well on his ranch north of town.

1936 March La Veta: Ben Seaman found what appears to be an animal's tooth, five inches long, while digging a well on his ranch north of town.

1936 March La Veta: Bob Drury and Virginia Hartley were married March 3 in Walsenburg.

1936 March La Veta: Julia Lively, Blanche Dean and Bertha Richman were appointed by Town Board as registration judges for the coming town election.

1936 March La Veta: Julia Lively, Blanche Dean and Bertha Richman were appointed by Town Board as registration judges for the coming town election.

1936 March La Veta: Mrs. Springer and her daughter Mrs. Byouk will soon move to the house on Francisco Street next to Charles Boyd's lots and will raise chickens.

1936 March La Veta: Mrs. Springer and her daughter Mrs. Byouk will soon move to the house on Francisco Street next to Charles Boyd's lots and will raise chickens.

1936 March La Veta: Of the 528 persons in Huerfano County who are on old age pension, 10 are allowed $20 per month, 502 $15 and 16 $10 a month.

1936 March La Veta: Steve Duzenack bought the Damacio Vigil place east of town and will move his family up from Cameron at once to begin spring work.

1936 March La Veta: The local American Legion celebrated the 18th anniversary of its founding with a dance Tuesday evening.

1936 March La Veta: The local Legion celebrated its 18th anniversary of its founding with a dance on Tuesday evening.

1936 March La Veta: The Stitch and Chat Extension Club met Tuesday with President Mrs. Eugene Ellis. Fifteen were present and by-laws were adopted.

1936 March La Veta: The town ballot box was stolen but the thieves abandoned the poll book.

1936 March La Veta: Town Board ordered the removal of all slot machines as of 9 a.m. on March 5.

1936 March La Veta: Work has begun on the new $16,623.21 Union High School being built by the WPA.

1936 March Walsenburg: Between 25 and 40 clerks will be employed during the big sale at the Katz department store.

1936 March Walsenburg: Chris Lovdjieff became Cameron's seventh student in a row to win the county spelling contest. Henry Vigil of Walsen was a close second.

1936 March Walsenburg: Fire destroyed the Bain junk yard on Albert Street across from the flour mill.

1936 March Walsenburg: Homer Benson and Joe Diez bought the Gardner ranch of the late William Addington for about $4,000.

1936 March Walsenburg: Mary Repola of Farr married Nick Tessitore March 9.

1936 March Walsenburg: One hundred and seventy-five marriage licenses were issued in Huerfano County during 1935.

1936 March Walsenburg: Over 900 children in seven schools are being provided with hot lunches under the WPA program.

1936 March Walsenburg: St. Mary Crusaders won the state Catholic school basketball championship.

1936 April La Veta: Hundreds of grossbeaks [sic] have invaded town to feed on box elder seed, but they should be seen and not heard to be appreciated.

1936 April La Veta: Improvements are being made to the Rialto Theatre, now open four nights a week.

1936 April La Veta: Improvements are being made to the Rialto Theatre, now open four nights a week.

1936 April La Veta: Joe Robino has purchased the Hale property in the east part of town.

1936 April La Veta: Kenneth Mills is moving his family into one of Mrs. Boyd's apartments.

1936 April La Veta: Nearly $8,000 is paid monthly to Huerfano County's 528 old age pensioners.

1936 April La Veta: O.L. Bradford of Walsenburg is superintending the work on the new addition to the schoolhouse.

1936 April La Veta: Of the 635 registered, 435 voted to elect W. B. Hall mayor, W. H. Harrison treasurer and Julia Lively clerk.

1936 April La Veta: On April 10 stockholders of the defunct First National Bank of La Veta were paid 25 percent of their invested assets, former cashier W.H. Harrison said. Depositors were paid a year ago 100 cents on the dollar.

1936 April La Veta: Tex Brown's team ran away Tuesday; that's real news in this mechanical age.

1936 April La Veta: The new ranger station is about completed and is a fine building as well as an addition to the town.

1936 April La Veta: The new ranger station is almost complete; it is fine both inside and out; it ought to be for money is no object to the government.

1936 April La Veta: The new ranger station is almost complete; it is fine both inside and out; it ought to be for money is no object to the government.

1936 April La Veta: The senior class play, "Strawberry Kate," will be presented Apr. 16 and 17. Admission is 15 and 25 cents.

1936 April La Veta: Tony Masinton bought the Haase residence on Main Street and will move there as soon as Kenneth Mills finds another place to rent.

1936 April La Veta: W.B. Mooney visited town and recalled when he was school superintendent in 1898. He said about 200 students were enrolled and three teachers employed, with one room having over 60 pupils.

1936 April La Veta: Walter Campbell is remodeling the house on the former McRae ranch and will move his family there shortly.

1936 April La Veta: William and Levy Kincaid bought out the other heirs and are now sole owners of the Kincaid ranch and livestock.

1936 April Walsenburg: A coin dated 1809 was turned up by John Younberg's plow at Mustang.

1936 April Walsenburg: County Agent Phil Miles has received a grant of $500 to help farmers fight soil erosion.

1936 April Walsenburg: Luz Gonzales celebrated his 60th year in Huerfano County, having arrived here April 15, 1866 with his and three other families.

1936 April Walsenburg: The Chamber of Commerce will submit a plan to the WPA for a scenic highway around the Spanish Peaks, using Cordova Pass and coming back around to the Wahatoya Road to La Veta.

1936 April Walsenburg: The HCHS golf team of James Lamme Jr., Neil Bailey, James Tressler, Josh Pospahala, Arthur Mallory and Ernest Dissler go to Pueblo Saturday to face Centennial High School.

1936 May La Veta. Earl Gault is the new owner of the Advertiser and James Woody, the new editor, will occupy the Adamson brick house as soon as the Overeerns move out.

1936 May La Veta: A Decoration Day dance is advertised for the Sulphur Springs pavilion.

1936 May La Veta: A total of 333 votes were cast in the school board election.

1936 May La Veta: Bill Simon and Kelly Baione will manage the Sulphur Springs pavilion this summer.

1936 May La Veta: Clean-up day was discouraging and tin cans in the alleys are very much in evidence. How about importing a few billy goats to consume the rubbish?

1936 May La Veta: Evelyn Sharpless, John Baione and Mrs. George Duzenack won the prizes at Cash and Carry Saturday.

1936 May La Veta: Mrs. Bertha Richman won $5 in the Kraft Dairy-Fresh Caramels limerick contest.

1936 May La Veta: Mrs. George Benefiel is in full possession of the Springer Hotel and is giving it a thorough overhauling with plaster and paint. The east end of the building is to be converted into apartments.

1936 May La Veta: Otto Drum has received his appointment as mail carrier on the route north of town.

1936 May La Veta: Rock is being quarried on Pinon Hill for use on the schoolhouse addition.

1936 May La Veta: Telephone and electric light poles look drunk since the big wind storm.

1936 May La Veta: The Pass Creek road project may be finished by WPA workmen.

1936 May La Veta: Three feet of snow fell in the storm last week on La Veta Pass and two feet up the Wahatoya.

1936 May Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Coal Barons were defeated on the Cameron diamond 26-20.

1936 June La Veta: Dr. Blackmer, who recently bought the Mills cabin at Cuchara Camps, is visiting with his family from Hooker, Oklahoma.

1936 June La Veta: Editorial: "Should Golf Be Played Well?"

1936 June La Veta: H.E. Wilkins' Garage on Ryus carries Chevrolet parts, Standard Red Crown Gasoline and does repairs.

1936 June La Veta: H.E. Wilkins Garage on Ryus Street is selling Red Crown gasoline.

1936 June La Veta: La Veta Light, Heat and Power sold a $1,500 power plant to Charles R. Powell with which to electrify Cuchara Camps.

1936 June La Veta: Marguerite Brown and Her Royal Ambassadors will play at Sulphur Springs Sunday night - the floor has been put in first class condition.

1936 June La Veta: Mrs. Constance Yavelli of Trinidad is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Paul Ghiardi.

1936 June La Veta: Mrs. H.W. Magruder and son Hugh are here and plan to build quite an addition to their home on the hill above Cuchara Camps.

1936 June La Veta: The Cuchara Camps road is a speedway since the road, was straightened from the lake to Three Bridges.

1936 June La Veta: The electric service failed after someone plowing at Seaman's corner one and a quarter miles north of town threw some old wire over the electric wires and shorted it out.

1936 June La Veta: The new forest ranger station, begun Nov. 14, 1935, was completed June 25.

1936 June La Veta: With the recent improvements in the La Veta-Cuchara road, a 20 mile per hour trail has been changed to a 50 mile an hour speedway.

1936 June La Veta:  George Benefiel is remodeling his funeral home.

1936 June Walsenburg: Commodities will now be delivered to relief clients instead of coming out of the commodity house in Walsenburg.

1936 June Walsenburg: Now showing at the Valencia Theater, "Petticoat fever" with Bob Montgomery and Myrna Loy, plus "Moonlight on the Prairie" starring Dick Foran.

1936 July La Veta: 4th of July dances will be held at Kincaid Hall, Recreation Hall, Cuchara Camps and Sulphur Springs.

1936 July La Veta: A brush fire on the Marker and Kreutzer ranches, caused by sparks from a passing train, consumed a great deal of oak brush but no valuable timber.

1936 July La Veta: A hail storm caused considerable damage in town this week.

1936 July La Veta: A social gathering up the Wahatoya had a roll call and 35 answered just from Hugoton, Kansas.

1936 July La Veta: Bill Simon bought the Rialto Theater.

1936 July La Veta: Frank Hector and Rado Drum went up the Cucharas and returned with 44 nice Rainbow and native trout.

1936 July La Veta: Howard Hanka purchased the Ojo Springs filling station from Mrs. Louise Miller and Kenneth Stollsteimer and his mother will operate it.

1936 July La Veta: La Veta is in full swing, no houses are available for rent, however, there are two homes reported for sale.

1936 July La Veta: Mrs. Howard Nash and little daughter Diane from Guymon, Okla. are spending the summer in Cuchara Camps.

1936 July La Veta: One hundred and sixty nine couples attended the 4th of July dance up at Sulphur Springs.

1936 July La Veta: One hundred and sixty-nine couples attended the Fourth of July dance at the pavilion at Sulphur Springs last Saturday night.

1936 July La Veta: Professor Stigall, principal of public schools in Kansas City, Kansas, is spending time in Cuchara Camps.

1936 July La Veta: The farmers are rejoicing over the bounteous rainfall Monday and Tuesday.

1936 July La Veta: The new Summertime Orchestra has been formed with four violins, two flutes, one bass, a piano and a clarinet, all played by young people under the sponsorship of E.A. Stansburgy.

1936 July La Veta: The Spanish Peaks Sportsman's Club put 15,000 rainbow trout into Long Lake retaining ponds.

1936 July Walsenburg: A volley of police bullets stopped a thief Sunday night in his second attempt to steal chickens from the St. Mary Benedictine Sisters' home.

1936 July Walsenburg: Coins of the year, historical pictures, present day newspapers and other interesting data will be sealed in a sheet copper box and concealed in the masonry of the new $125,000 Washington school for opening in 1986.

1936 July Walsenburg: Despite drouth conditions elsewhere, farmers in the Apache district are harvesting their best wheat crop in several years.

1936 July Walsenburg: Huerfano County will be included in the list of emergency drouth counties by recommendation of representatives from nine Southeastern Colorado counties.

1936 July Walsenburg: Max Gonzales announced today the Taos Indians will perform tribal dances here during the annual Gallo Day celebration July 25-26.

1936 July Walsenburg: Saturday's and Tuesday's rains left Huerfano County residents literally "singin' in the rain" and bans on fires in the national forest were lifted.

1936 July Walsenburg: Thieves smashed a rear window at Kirkpatrick's Coca Cola Bottling Works last night and evidently made a tour of inspection because as yet nothing has been found missing.

1936 July Walsenburg: Thirteen year old Alphonso Maes shot and killed a 250 pound bear with a .22 rifle while herding sheep on Turkey Creek near Gardner.

1936 July Walsenburg: Two hundred unemployed Huerfano County people will receive clothes and commodities from the Public Welfare offices in the court house Monday and Wednesday.

1936 July Walsenburg: W.A. Ream announced the Spanish Peaks Coal Mine No. 2 will open Monday for the first time since January. Twelve miles northwest of Walsenburg, the mine needs about 55 men for six months.

1936 July: Alex Cobsky, 79, colorful Huerfano County miner, was seriously injured last night when he was knocked down on the highway near Maitland by an auto. 

1936 August La Veta: Alfred Weir and George McLain bought the Wilkins garage.

1936 August La Veta: Denver and Rio Grande Western train service resumed Saturday after a four day suspension due to track washouts between here and Walsenburg.

1936 August La Veta: Died, John W. Powell, 71, leaving a widow, Olive Edna, brothers James and Frank, La Veta, Charles, Cuchara Camps, Walter, Springfield and a sister, Mrs. Laura Coleman, La Veta.

1936 August La Veta: Miss Elsie Baskette has been engaged to teach the primary grade the coming term, replacing Miss Maleta Denny.

1936 August La Veta: Miss Jo Cross entertained the Cuchara Camps young people at a party Friday evening.

1936 August La Veta: Mrs. Howard Nash and little Diane of Guymon, Okla., are in Cuchara Camp for the rest of the summer.

1936 August La Veta: Muriel Falk and Beulah Hern are now employed at the Park Lane Hotel.

1936 August La Veta: Sixty people attended the Coe family picnic at the home of Mrs. J.E. Coe's mother, Marian Russell, at Stonewall.

1936 August La Veta: The flooding of the lowlands along the Cuchara continued as heavy rains kept falling. The welfare department issued food and blankets to the flood victims.

1936 August La Veta: The proposed golf course to be built by the WPA will be one of the finest in the state, located on 160 acres near city lake with natural hazards and greens.

1936 August La Veta: The railroad service to Walsenburg resumed four days after the high water. The floods caused an estimated $25,000 to the railroad.

1936 August La Veta: The railroad was out for four days because of washouts along the line.

1936 August La Veta: The W.E. and S.L. Smith families had a reunion on La Veta Pass to honor their relatives visiting from Hayesville, NC. 

1936 August La Veta: The WPA canning project began Wednesday in the Harrison building just north of the La Veta Advertiser. Mrs. Jessie Donegan is in charge.

1936 August La Veta: The young son of George Zember had a narrow escape when he fell into a 30 foot deep well.

1936 August La Veta: WPA crews are starting work to replace side roads leading to Highway 12 near Trinidad which were destroyed by floods Wednesday night.

1936 August Walsenburg: A $36,000 emergency flood repair project has been drafted for Huerfano County by the WPA.

1936 August Walsenburg: Alfred Serafin will be the new coach at St. Mary High School.

1936 August Walsenburg: Dr. C.M. Noonan who is touring Canada reports he visited the famous Dionne quintuplets in a hospital.

1936 August Walsenburg: Huerfano County department of public welfare placed $21,267.18 into circulation, according to Director Ellen Kastner.

1936 August Walsenburg: Large shipments of vegetables from the San Luis Valley have been rolling through Walsenburg this week when service finally resumed after the Aug. 3 flood washed out the railroad bridge at Sand Arroyo.

1936 August Walsenburg: Louise Kirkpatrick, daughter of Mayor and Mrs. L.H. Kirkpatrick, will wed H.S. Kaltenbach of Denver tomorrow at the home of the bride in Walsenburg.

1936 August Walsenburg: Nick Agnes was named general chairman of the St. Mary Silver jubilee Fair set for Oct. 21-24.

1936 August Walsenburg: Painters are putting on the finishing touches at the new $125,000 Washington School and it will be ready next week.

1936 August Walsenburg: The temporary railroad bridge at Sand Arroyo will be replaced by a new steel bridge at a cost of approximately $100,000.

1936 August Walsenburg: Torrential rains which fell for two hours yesterday between Greenhorn and Apache sent water rising over roads, washed out fences and covered the main highway for a distance of six miles.

1936 August Walsenburg: Two hundred persons were forced to flee their homes last night when a ten foot wall of water roared down the Cucharas and flooded Walsenburg.

1936 September La Veta: Buddy Weir and Emmitt and George Smith bought the Columbine Cafe from Charles Pickens.

1936 September La Veta: C.J. Walls will average about 50 bushels of fine white corn to the acre at his ranch about two miles from La Veta on the Wahatoya.

1936 September La Veta: Elementary school enrollment is 225 and 112 are in the high school.

1936 September La Veta: Elsie Hern won the county foods championship at the 4-H home economics club exhibition in Walsenburg last week of 12 entries.

1936 September La Veta: Fifteen attended the BYPU weiner roast Friday on Middle Creek.

1936 September La Veta: For sale, strawberries, the finest in the land, 20¢ per quart in the field - at Devil's Staircase - Daddy Lea.

1936 September La Veta: Friday and Saturday at the Rialto Theater, Gary Cooper and Jean Arthur star in Frank Capra's "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town." 

1936 September La Veta: La Veta Light, Heat and Power is installing extensions to serve customers on East Virginia Street.

1936 September La Veta: La Veta's WPA water pipeline project has finally been approved and will include a modern filtration plant and other improvements.

1936 September La Veta: Mrs. James Murrell is the new principal of the school at Ojo.

1936 September La Veta: New sewing machines were brought in for the WPA sewing program located in the Presbyterian Church.

1936 September La Veta: Roy Spangler and Andy Behrman, sequel to the "Gold Dust Twins," put a new No. 1 red cedar shingle roof on the Ritter district school.

1936 September La Veta: Roy Springer and Andy Behrman, sequel to the "Gold Dust Twins," have finished work on the Ritter school building which includes a new No. 1 red cedar shingle roof.

1936 September La Veta: Sulphur Springs resort closed for the winter after one of its most successful seasons for many years.

1936 September La Veta: The new Highway 111 will go up Pinon Hill but the road will be straightened.

1936 September La Veta: The WPA sewing project is now located in the same building as the canning project.

1936 September La Veta: The WPA sewing project was moved from the Presbyterian Church to the Harrison building on Main Street with the canning factory.

1936 September La Veta: The WPA will furnish hot lunches to school students. Parents who can will pay 5¢.

1936 September La Veta: The WPA will serve hot lunches at the school to all students who desire them at a cost of five cents.

1936 September La Veta: Tuesday Night Study Club met at the home of Mrs. Norman Smith Friday evening to celebrate the third anniversary of the club.

1936 September Walsenburg: Alex Cobsky, 79-year-old miner and colorful character of 38 years in Huerfano County, was taken to the State Hospital in Pueblo still suffering from injuries from being knocked down by an auto July 23 near Maitland.

1936 September Walsenburg: Forty-three farmers living on the Huerfano between Gardner and Huerfano Station, owners of 5,143 acres, sustained $44,315 worth of damage this summer from flooding and are seeking flood control measures in future.

1936 September Walsenburg: Fred C. Brunk's comedians, who are showing in Walsenburg this week, are entertaining large crowds every night with feature plays and vaudeville galore. Adults, 20 cents, children, 10 cents.

1936 September Walsenburg: The road through Farisita has been widened, straightened and repaired after one year of detouring caused by the 1935 flood which washed out a bridge.

1936 September Walsenburg: The wall at the Walsenburg ball park, said to be the longest in the state until washed out in the Aug. 3 flood, will be replaced by the W.P.A.

1936 September: Huerfano County Farm and Home Council encourages farmers to raise vegetable gardens next year so their children will have proper nourishment.

1936 September: Paul Krier was appointed manager of the Fox Valencia Theater, replacing Lew Williams who has been transferred to Denver.

1936 Oct. 19: Lamb shipments are gaining momentum in Huerfano County and sheep are being loaded on trains, trucks, and being herded to Arkansas Valley feeding grounds. A survey today revealed that if the present market holds, approximately $112,500 will be collected by county sheep men. World Independent

1936 October La Veta: A baby born today has a slim, chance of living to see the national debt paid off.

1936 October La Veta: A gypsy maid stole the wallet containing $80 from a local beekeeper.

1936 October La Veta: A new 30 by 20 foot stone and spruce log shelter house at Blue Lake is now under construction and will cost about $1,500.

1936 October La Veta: Forest Ranger Karl Gilbert says over 10,000 seedling pinks spruce have been planted north of Blue Lake under the auspices of the E.P.A.

1936 October La Veta: Heavy snow closed La Veta Pass all night Wednesday.

1936 October La Veta: John Elley brought in the first deer of the season, a 5-pointer.

1936 October La Veta: Leonard Henderson was robbed by gypsies.

1936 October La Veta: More than 20 specimens of freak formations found in Huerfano County have been proved not to be meteorites as previously believed.

1936 October La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Crouse and Leora motored to Pueblo Monday to hear President Roosevelt speak to a large crowd.

1936 October La Veta: Nina Alexander and her mother, Mrs. Stella Alexander, moved into the John Bruce house in town.

1936 October La Veta: Six La Veta people are running for county office - Pearl Mills for school superintendent, W.H. Harrison, treasurer, Gus A. Goemmer, commissioner, Felix B. Mestas, clerk, George E. Coleman, sheriff and Charles F. Hector, surveyor.

1936 October La Veta: The Chevrolet garage was moved into the Stranger building just west of its former location due to the insaneness of the Galassini building.

1936 October La Veta: The WPA factory here is canning carrots and beets this week.

1936 October La Veta: The WPA hot lunch program for the school students has begun and employs Adeline Padilla, Elviria Hurtado, Betty Aragon and Mrs. Jack McMillan.

1936 October La Veta: Thirty inches of snow fell from Saturday through Monday, cutting off electricity in some places and doing considerable damage to trees.

1936 October La Veta: Two hundred bushels of apples have been received at the WPA canning factory to be made into apple butter.

1936 October Walsenburg: A dynamite bomb planted in the roof of Shosky's Tavern ripped out an eight foot chunk and left smoldering fires and broken windows in nearby offices.

1936 October Walsenburg: A dynamite bomb planted in the roof of Shosky's Tavern ripped out an eight foot chunk and left smoldering fires and broken windows in nearby offices.

1936 October Walsenburg: A survey completed today shows that approximately $30,000 is being spent on remodeling projects within the city.

1936 October Walsenburg: An average of three men per day are dropping from the WPA rolls to return to private employment, mostly in the mines.

1936 October Walsenburg: Elected presidents of their classes at Huerfano County High school were George Pritza, senior; John Rebacci, junior; William Hulsey, sophomore and Crist Lovdjieff, freshman.

1936 October Walsenburg: Elected presidents of their classes at Huerfano County High school were George Pritza, senior; John Rebacci, junior; William Hulsey, sophomore and Crist Lovdjieff, freshman.

1936 October Walsenburg: Fred Sabon, director of the N.R.S., revealed that the federal government expenditures in Huerfano County during the past year total $2,354,108.

1936 October Walsenburg: Governor Ed Johnson will be here Monday, Oct. 12 to speak with the Young Democrats at Democratic headquarters.

1936 October Walsenburg: HCHS won a South Central League football game by beating Pueblo Central 18-0.

1936 October Walsenburg: Krier's Department Store, headquarters for Walsenburg shoppers since 1884, announced plans for a $10,000 remodeling project for the interior and exterior.

1936 October Walsenburg: More than 20 specimens of freak formations found in Huerfano County have been proved NOT to be meteorites as previously believed.

1936 October Walsenburg: More than 8,000 are registered to vote in Huerfano County for next week's election.

1936 October Walsenburg: One hundred and sixty teachers are expected at the Huerfano County Teachers Association fall meeting Saturday at the new Washington School.

1936 October Walsenburg: Proof that Walsenburg citizens are living on a sea bottom was substantiated by officials who identified fossils found in city limits as 60 million year old sea creatures.

1936 October Walsenburg: Rudy Costello, six-year-old student at Silver Mountain School, was accidentally shot in the thigh in the school yard.

1936 October Walsenburg: When Thanksgiving and Christmas axes start to swing, $18,000 worth of Huerfano County turkeys will be prepared to grace festive boards throughout the nation.

1936 October Walsenburg: Workmen removing the old Cucharas bridge on Seventh Street set a dynamite charge that sent a large rock through a window of Lenzini Motor Company 200 yards away.

1936 October Walsenburg: YES! You can get a regular dinner for 30 cents at the Valencia Cafe, E.C. Huddleston, manager.

1936 November La Veta: D&RG is enlarging the stockyards on the west. There will be 15 pens and two loading chutes when completed.

1936 November La Veta: Denver and Rio Grande Western has a crew improving the stockyards with four new pens on the west side of the present yards, which will make 15 pens total when complete, with two loading chutes.

1936 November La Veta: For the past month, 25 men have been tearing out the side of Pinon hill and using the dirt to fill low part of the road below. Progress is slow.

1936 November La Veta: L.W. Coleman bought his brother Ray's interest in the drugstore and he will operate it with his wife.

1936 November La Veta: L.W. Coleman is now sole owner of the drug store, having bought out his brother Ray's interest. Ray is quitting due to ill health.

1936 November La Veta: La Veta Junior High football team won their third consecutive game Monday with a 7-0 win over St. Mary Junior High with Louis Magnino scoring the touchdown and Homer Bell carrying the ball for the extra point.

1936 November La Veta: La Veta Town Board agreed to donate some lots in the south part of town to build a ranger station.

1936 November La Veta: Mayor W.B. Hall says in future, rowdiness and foul language will not be allowed in La Veta. The marshal is too lenient on visitors.

1936 November La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drury are occupying their new three-room house on the George Drury ranch,

1936 November La Veta: Mrs. Benefiel's famous donuts are now on sale at Stream's store.

1936 November La Veta: Mrs. Muriel Falk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Kitchen, married R.L. Bradford, son of O.L. Bradford of Walsenburg.

1936 November La Veta: Thirty-one friends of Jewell Parker helped her celebrate her seventh birthday in a party with a Halloween theme.

1936 November La Veta: With the new ranger office on Main Street complete, the forest service is contemplating building a dwelling for the ranger and his family.

1936 November Walsenburg: A new dress store, the Style Shoppe, has opened at 504 Main Street by Mrs. J.E. Bowen and Mrs. Joe Zgut. The location is the former Service Drug site.

1936 November Walsenburg: A  prosperous winter is predicted in Huerfano County with the wheat crop the largest in history, the sugar beet crop double that of 1935 and the cattle herds the largest since 1932.

1936 November Walsenburg: Howard Kountz, chairman of the city finance committee, advised the council to slash the city tax levy from 11 to 8.25 mills and an ordinance was passed to that effect.

1936 November Walsenburg: More than 8,000 people are registered in Huerfano County for next week's election.

1936 November Walsenburg: The 1,100 men employed on W.P.A. payrolls will receive $62,000 this month in two equal payments.

1936 November Walsenburg: The opening of the newly remodeled Kriers Federated Stores will feature sales on Shirley Temple Hats, $1.00 while they last, satin bloomers, 25 cents, men's hole proof sock and garter, 55 cents.

1936 November: A prosperous winter is predicted with the wheat crop the largest in history, the sugar beet crop double that of 1935 and the cattle herds the largest since 1932.

1936 November: Half of Huerfano County's auto operators have no driver's licenses.

1936 November: Twenty women are employed at the La Veta canning project working on four tons of apples.

1936 November: Work begins tomorrow on the $78,000 improvement project on Highway 69 which will employ 85 men for nine months relocating, grading and surfacing the road.

1936 December La Veta: A sawmill will be placed soon on Indian Creek two miles above the Sulphur Springs.

1936 December La Veta: All Christmas programs were cancelled because of the presence of scarlet fever in town.

1936 December La Veta: Another sawmill will soon be in operation on Indian Creek above the Sulphur Springs and will employ about six men.

1936 December La Veta: It costs $66.47 for each of Huerfano County's 4,054 students to operate the schools, including teachers' salaries, books and other items.

1936 December La Veta: La Veta's Union High School District has a valuation of $1,110,205 and District No. 9 is $779,420, both of which show a decrease from last year's figures.

1936 December La Veta: Lockers were recently installed for students at the school.

1936 December La Veta: Receiving three or four A's this semester were Jeanette McCargish, Kathryn Stream, Aldon Bruce, Hazel Hickman and Wilma Lauth.

1936 December La Veta: Receiving three or four A's were Jeanette McCargish, Kathryn Stream, Aldon Bruce, Hazel Hickman and Wilma Lauth.

1936 December La Veta: School closed early for the holidays because of the prevalence of scarlet fever.

1936 December La Veta: The free matinee and cartoon scheduled for Christmas morning was cancelled with the outbreak of the scarlet fever epidemic.

1936 December La Veta: The population of the United States will reach saturation point by 1955, at 143,000,000.

1936 December La Veta: The population of the United States will reach the "saturation point" about 1955 when it will be approximately 143,000,000 and should level off about there.

1936 December La Veta: The Rialto Theater and M&M Drug Store will join forces to give the kiddies of this community a real treat on Christmas Day - a free movie and a bag of candy.

1936 December La Veta: The Rialto Theater and M&M Drug Store will sponsor a free movie for the kids, a musical comedy called "The Poor Little Rich Girl," plus a Terrytone cartoon, on Christmas morning at 10 a.m.

1936 December La Veta: The rumor of the marriage of William Hector and Miss Eleanor Fischback in Raton has been proven true.   

1936 December La Veta: The WPA will commence the work on the Union High School building that they started but stopped because of the lack of experienced stonemasons.

1936 December Walsenburg: A 1935 Hudson 81 four-door sedan, electric shift, new 6 ply tires, 113 horsepower motor, on sale for $650 at Lenzini Motor Company.

1936 December Walsenburg: Cyclone Lynch, Walsenburg's hard-hitting heavyweight, will meet Jack Howard of Denver in the main event bout at St. Mary Auditorium tonight.

1936 December Walsenburg: Huerfano County was granted $22,500 for welfare purposes in the highest relief allocation to date in the state of Colorado,

1936 December Walsenburg: Santa Claus paid an all-inclusive visit to Walsenburg stores and shops Saturday, completing a week of ever-increasing prosperity as he showered thousands of dollars worth of business on merchants throughout the city.

1936 December Walsenburg: The cost of educating your child in Huerfano County is $66.47 a year.

1936 December Walsenburg: The D&RG plans to remove the 48.55 miles of track between here and Trinidad, which went into operation in 1880.

1936 December Walsenburg: Twenty former WPA workers paraded the streets in downtown Walsenburg this morning staging a demonstration in demand of replacement on the WPA rolls.

1936 December Walsenburg: Twenty-three new members will be initiated Sunday afternoon into the local chapter of Catholic Daughters of America.

1936 December: Three generations of the Krier family incorporated to form Kriers Federated Stores.

1937 January La Veta: La Veta Light, Heat and Power has installed floodlights in the railroad yards which is to the advantage of the stockmen moving their cattle at the stockyards.

1937 January La Veta: La Veta schools were again closed all week because of the threat of a scarlet fever epidemic. It was the second week of being closed. 

1937 January La Veta: Morris Magee, Kenneth Stollsteimer and Ines Spangler narrowly averted death when the car they were riding in overturned about four miles west of Walsenburg on Highway 160.

1937 January La Veta: Ray Duling installed a wind charger to keep his radio battery going. 

1937 January La Veta: School is closed due to the scarlet fever.

1937 January La Veta: Schools, closed the past 10 days, may reopen Monday if no more cases of scarlet fever are reported.

1937 January La Veta: There will be an Old Time Masquerade Ball with music by Bill Munden New Year's Eve at Mule Shoe Lodge. Prizes will be given for the best waltz, quadrille and costume.

1937 January Walsenburg: A new 50,000 gallon water tank war put into use at the Kebler mining camp this week which doubles the reserve for domestic use and fire prevention.

1937 January Walsenburg: A sheet of fire swept through the Silver Grill Cafe at 506 Main and also damaged the Style Shoppe next door.

1937 January Walsenburg: Alamo and Barbour mines were placed into receivership today and the properties are ordered liquidated.

1937 January Walsenburg: As of Jan. 1, Baxter Hardware and Trading Company will be known as O'Byrnes Hardware and Furniture Company.

1937 January Walsenburg: Business in the county during 1936 showed a 25 percent increase over 1935.

1937 January Walsenburg: County Assessor Celedon Salazar says the state conference of assessors wants the federal government to reimburse the state, counties and school districts for revenue lost through the acquisition of private property through the resettlement administration.

1937 January Walsenburg: Eli Hobeika, proprietor, announces his new South Main Liquor Store is open at 726½ Main, the building formerly occupied by the J.C. Penney Company.

1937 January Walsenburg: Employees at the J.C. Penney store here gave a farewell party for Pierina Ruffini who is moving to Denver.

1937 January Walsenburg: New! Cake donuts 20¢ a dozen and up. See this new machine in operation in our window. Jolly Boy Bakery, 519 Main.

1937 January Walsenburg: Sub zero temperatures and destructive winds have plagued citizens the past two weeks.

1937 January Walsenburg: The continued widespread cold weather has brought increased coal production with 50 carloads shipped daily.

1937 January Walsenburg: The old Morris Hotel at Sixth and Albert Streets will be remodeled into county welfare and WPA offices.

1937 January Walsenburg: The price of smokes is going up. Factory prices will be raised above the "two packages for a quarter" current price.

1937 January Walsenburg: The state legislature proposes consolidating Colorado's 63 counties into 22 - Huerfano County would become part of Anza County.

1937 January Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Creamery, which has 25 employees earning $20,000 per month, can make 3,000 tons of butter, 500 gallons of ice cream and 20 tons of ice daily.

1937 February La Veta: La Veta schools re-opened Monday after a three-week enforced vacation due to the ban on public gatherings to prevent contagious diseases from spreading.

1937 February La Veta: Mrs. Addie Simms won the $60 given away at the Rialto Theater last Thursday.

1937 February La Veta: Norman Smith has purchased what is known as the Eden property on Garland Street from the Goemmer Brothers.

1937 February La Veta: Rain or snow in the near future is all that can avert a critical situation in Huerfano County according to County Agent Phil Miles.

1937 February La Veta: School reopened after a three week closure due to the scarlet fever scare.

1937 February La Veta: The public schools have reopened after a three-week closure due to scarlet fever.

1937 February La Veta: W.B. Hall is now the sole owner of the Railroad Park Filling Station, having bought out the interest of Fred Vasquez.

1937 February Walsenburg: A committee is considering tapping abandoned coal mines for irrigation water.

1937 February Walsenburg: Annual retail sales increased $360.16 per person in Walsenburg during 1936.

1937 February Walsenburg: John L. Lewis has called for a 30-hour work week with higher pay for all soft coal miners.

1937 February Walsenburg: Loozy Anna Follies minstrel show will take place Feb. 4-5 at the Tioga schoolhouse to benefit the PTA. Admission 25¢.       

1937 February Walsenburg: Mayor L.H. Kirkpatrick announced he will absolutely not seek reelection.

1937 February Walsenburg: Robert Meyer will play the title character in the HCHS operetta "Ichabod Crane" on Feb. 25.

1937 February Walsenburg: The county courthouse will henceforth be locked at night in an attempt to keep loafers from sleeping there.

1937 February Walsenburg: The county courthouse will henceforth be locked at night in an attempt to keep loafers from sleeping there. 

1937 February Walsenburg: The farm-to-market road south of the Cuchara River between Walsenburg and La Veta is undergoing extensive improvements with 70 men working on the WPA project.

1937 February Walsenburg: Two more years work has been promised to the, C.C.C. Camp No. F-46 at Gardner and it will reopen as soon as possible.

1937 February Walsenburg: Welcome snow that blanketed Huerfano County farm lands over the weekend was blown away, leaving little moisture.

1937 February Walsenburg: Young Joe Louis, Walsenburg's flashy negro champion, will risk his middleweight and welterweight championship when he meets jolting Joe Jaramillo in Denver tonight.

1937 March La Veta: At least 40 more men are needed for lambing season in April and May.

1937 March La Veta: Eloise Utt of La Veta school beat out 29 other scholars to become county oratory champion.

1937 March La Veta: Eloise Utt of La Veta school beat out 29 other scholars to become county oratory champion.

1937 March La Veta: Huerfano County was designated one of those included in the ''Dust Bowl."

1937 March La Veta: Miss Marjorie Byouk treated the 25 pupils in her second grade class to cookies and ice cream Wednesday.

1937 March La Veta: Mrs. Eva Brennan has returned from California where she has lived the past three or four years.

1937 March La Veta: Ralph Bryant, the new assistant forest ranger, will arrive soon to work with Ranger Karl Gilbert.

1937 March La Veta: Randolph Smith, Dorothy Magee, Edna Jean Vories and Paul Hurtado will represent La Veta school in the county spelling contest.

1937 March La Veta: Robbers entered the Ghiardi pool hall Thursday night and left with two slot machines and $5.25 in cash.

1937 March Walsenburg: A strong wind blew out the plate glass window of Schafer's grocery at 608 Main.

1937 March Walsenburg: Andreatta Brothers installed modern roll-a-way windows in their store at 234 West Seventh.

1937 March Walsenburg: City Council approved the hiring of a city manager in future, and will put the question before the Voters in the April 6 election.

1937 March Walsenburg: Oscar Santi says his firm, Santi Oil Company, will now handle Phillips "66" products at their station on West Seventh Street.

1937 March Walsenburg: Our dictionary is funny - it says the dumb can't talk.

1937 March Walsenburg: Plans are underway for the St. Mary Spring Carnival to be staged April 24.

1937 March Walsenburg: Plans for a trailer camp in Walsenburg are being studied, which would greatly enhance the tourist business.

1937 March Walsenburg: Registration for the city election has passed the 3,000 mark.

1937 March Walsenburg: Residents of Orchard Valley are wondering if the bridge over the Huerfano, which washed out last August, will ever be replaced.

1937 March Walsenburg: Sheriff Claud Swift thinks an arsonist may be responsible for the destruction of Sam Cara's huge $1,000 barn six miles southwest of Walsenburg.

1937 March Walsenburg: Spring football is starting at St. Mary but HCHS Coach Santi is considering having a track team instead.

1937 March Walsenburg: Walsenburg residents may now register to vote. Books are open at City Clerk Herman Mazzone's office at 618 Main Street.

1937 March Walsenburg: Wet snows have been failing the past week but did not hamper churchgoers on Easter.

1937 Apr. 26: If the dog license ordinance is enforced, calling for a $1 fee for all male dogs and $3 for females, Walsenburg could collect $1,000. World Independent

1937 April La Veta: A possible grasshopper plague predicted for the summer may have been averted after the young hatchlings were killed by the recent cold weather.

1937 April La Veta: About 20 Huerfano County youths leave tomorrow for the CCC camp at Burnt Mill.

1937 April La Veta: Howard Lumber Company is moving its farm machinery to the vacant lot beside the Silver Dollar tavern.

1937 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. George Zickafoose were honored at a farewell party before moving to Oregon.

1937 April La Veta: The Commercial Club is working to obtain a fish hatchery and a ski course for the La Veta area.

1937 April La Veta: The sun was dimmed by clouds of dirt from a duster Tuesday.

1937 April La Veta: This Saturday and Sunday at the Rialto Theater, Barbara Stanwick and Joel McCrea in "Banjo on My Knee."

1937 April Walsenburg: A crowd of interested spectators gathered to watch the Gypsy caravan organize for its departure from Walsenburg.

1937 April Walsenburg: A possible grasshopper plague predicted for this summer may have been averted after the young hatchlings were killed by the recent cold weather.

1937 April Walsenburg: As melting snow fills lakes and reservoirs, local farmers and ranchers expect the best water supply since 1929.

1937 April Walsenburg: Chief of Police T.A. Frantz and Night Patrolman Lucas Sanchez end their 12 years of policing Walsenburg on Apr. 22 when the newly appointed officers take over.

1937 April Walsenburg: Dr. S. Julian Lamme of the New Dealer party beat Andrew Schafer Jr. for mayor by 294 votes.

1937 April Walsenburg: Jaycee members will ask city council to mark the street names, possibly by stenciling them on the curbs.

1937 April Walsenburg: John N. Mabry was appointed district attorney to replace John L. East, who was named district judge last week.

1937 April Walsenburg: Plans are underway for the St. Mary Spring Carnival to be staged April 24.

1937 April Walsenburg: Spring floods have washed out temporary dams and ditches all over the county.

1937 April Walsenburg: The new city offices will be located at 506 Main, formerly the Silver Grill, after the building is remodeled.

1937 April Walsenburg: The Young Democratic Club will sponsor and help finance a playground with additional tennis courts, swimming pools and baseball fields in Walsenburg.

1937 April Walsenburg: Walsenburg American Legion has taken a 50-year lease on the property at Main and Second for their new building.

1937 May 25, Scores of cow skeletons, the remains of a government drought slaughter program two years ago, are being gathered and sold for $27.50 a ton. Prices of bones have advanced with the value of scrap iron as the world begins preparation for war- World Independent

1937 May La Veta: H.A. Howard has almost completed building his barn south of the schoolhouse.

1937 May La Veta: Harold Danks will operate the machines at the Rialto Theatre during Kelly Baione's absence in Kansas City.

1937 May La Veta: Highway 160 is being paved to the foot of La Veta Pass, which is already paved.

1937 May La Veta: Luther Bruce was called home from Bridger, Montana due to the serious illness of his father.

1937 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coleman have remodeled the dance hall, cabins and bathhouse at the Sulphur Springs.

1937 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coleman opened the Sulphur Springs for the season May 29 with a big dance with the McDonald Brothers Orchestra playing.

1937 May La Veta: Mrs. Ghiardi is making a number of improvements at the La Veta Hotel.

1937 May La Veta: Saturday and Sunday at the Rialto Theater, the Three Mesquiteers in "Riders of the Whistling Skull."

1937 May La Veta: Shirley Temple in "Stowaway" Saturday and Sunday at the Rialto.

1937 May La Veta: The local theater installed a new ventilating system this week and Bill says it will really do the work.

1937 May Walsenburg : Scores of cow skeletons, the remains of a government drouth slaughter program two years ago, are being gathered and sold for $27.50 a ton.

1937 May Walsenburg: A dog poisoner, that demon hated by all society, killed at least four dogs and Chief of Police Ralph Levy directed his entire force to search for the inhuman criminal.

1937 May Walsenburg: Chief of Police Ralph Levy and his force will conduct a close inspection of all vacant lots, gardens, ditch banks, etc, for marijuana plants to stem the growing use of the weed in Walsenburg.

1937 May Walsenburg: County Nurse Belle La Noue Smith reports no new cases of smallpox at Poso, just south of the city.

1937 May Walsenburg: Huerfano County High school graduated one of its largest classes, 72 students and St. Mary 25.

1937 May Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School will graduate one of its largest classes - 72 - next week and St. Mary will graduate 25.

1937 May Walsenburg: If the dog license ordinance is enforced, calling for a $1 fee for male dogs and $3 for females, Walsenburg could collect $1,000.

1937 May Walsenburg: L. Fawk's drug store will undergo a $1,000 remodeling project to add a modern front, new floors and a sidewalk.

1937 May Walsenburg: Local wool growers are anticipating their best shearing season since 1929 as prices climb to 35 cents per pound for wool.

1937 May Walsenburg: Police will patrol the golf club grounds on Capital Hill nightly to arrest those driving autos across the course.

1937 May Walsenburg: The crop of hopeful gold miners trekking into the hills is large this year after the death of Alex Cobsky last winter revealed the wealth of such mines.

1937 May Walsenburg: The crop of hopeful gold miners trekking into the hills is larger this year after the death if Alex Cobskey last winter revealed the wealth of such mines.

1937 May Walsenburg: The first shipment of wool which was shipped from Walsenburg this week weighed 30,000 pounds and was worth $9,000.

1937 May Walsenburg: The junior and senior Chambers of Commerce have asked City Council to repair the water chlorinator, which has rusted out through years of disuse.

1937 May Walsenburg: The Junior and Senior Chambers of Commerce have asked City Council to repair the water chlorinator, which has rusted through years of disuse.

1937 May Walsenburg: The old stone jail building on North Main has been leased to Ben Smith, proprietor of the Capitol Hill Grocery, and he will open another grocery store.

1937 May Walsenburg: Vandals did an estimated $1,000 worth of damage Tuesday night in the St. Mary Cemetery.

1937 May Walsenburg: Walsenburg golf club reports the largest membership ever when over 20 were sold during a recent drive.

1937 May Walsenburg: Walsenburg's fire apparatus was moved to the newly established fire station at the Studebaker Sales and Service, 710 Main Street.

1937 June La Veta: A fishing pole found floating in the Cucharas near Cuchara Camps told the tragic story of southern Colorado's first fatality of the fishing season.

1937 June La Veta: Art Foote and His Seven Air Castle Dukes will play for the dance this weekend at Sulphur Springs.

1937 June La Veta: At the present time there are 35 families spending the summer in Cuchara Camps and 100 more are expected in July.

1937 June La Veta: Died, W.B. Carver, 83, of pneumonia, from which his wife is also suffering. They have lived on their farm on the Wahatoya for 61 years.

1937 June La Veta: Eight farmers and ranchers of La Veta, Walsenburg, Turkey Ridge and Rattlesnake Buttes planted 2,300 trees this year for use as windbreaks and shelter-belts.

1937 June La Veta: Sixty-five men will be employed this summer and fall to reballast and recondition the [railroad] track and bridges over La Veta Pass.

1937 June La Veta: The Busy Girls 4-H Cooking Club was organized June 16 with Charlotte Karst, president; Frances Jo Redpath, vice president; Betty Denton, secretary-treasurer and June Flock, reporter.

1937 June La Veta: The Sulphur Springs opened for the season with a big dance on May 29. The new owners, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coleman, have remodeled the dance hall, cabins and bath house.

1937 June Walsenburg: A band of 20 nudists cavorting on West Seventh Street were captured and consisted of boys from six to 12 years old who "peeled" for a dip in the irrigation ditch near the Colorado Supply building.

1937 June Walsenburg: A.S. McIntire is reopening the Copper Bull mine on Pass Creek after the 740 foot tunnel has been cleared. The mine has not been entered for 20 years but it appears the rails are in good shape.

1937 June Walsenburg: All highways to the mountains were jammed yesterday as Walsenburg residents tried to escape the 95 degree weather.

1937 June Walsenburg: Business in the city has shown a 2.7 percent increase in the past two months and the banks report clearings are from 5-7 percent ahead of last spring

1937 June Walsenburg: Chief of Police Ralph Levy and his force have lodged 20 drunks in the newly remodeled bastille in the past three days.

1937 June Walsenburg: Chief of Police Ralph Levy discovered and destroyed a patch of marijuana in a vacant lot on the outskirts of the city worth $500.

1937 June Walsenburg: Eddie Merritt received a score of 69, M.E. Cowing 81 and Jack DeVivier 101 to become winners of a three-flight golf tournament at the Capital Hill course Sunday.

1937 June Walsenburg: George T. Carnes, filling station attendant at First and Walsen, was shot by a bandit and died of his injuries. A $500 reward has been issued.

1937 June Walsenburg: More than 11 tons of commodities were distributed to approximately 750 needy people in Huerfano County during May.

1937 June Walsenburg: Officials of Huerfano County High School revealed that last Friday's hail storm caused approximately $2,000 damage to the roof and windows of the building.

1937 June Walsenburg: Rain and mud ruined the holiday weekend locally.

1937 June Walsenburg: Recent warm weather has speeded shearing operations and the county's wool crop may exceed $100,000.

1937 June Walsenburg: Two slot machines valued at $80 each and containing about $50 in nickels and dimes were stolen from Harry Amedei's service station on Highway 85 Saturday night.

1937 June Walsenburg: Two youths were lodged in the city jail last night for violating the ordinance prohibiting the setting of fireworks before July 1.

1937 July 12 14 Cars of Cattle To Be Shipped – Fourteen cars of cattle will be shipped from Cedarwood, 10 miles north of Mustang Saturday. The cattle have been cared for by W.W. Wyatt on his ranch north of here and will be returned to pasture of their owner.

1937 July 15: Many babies in Huerfano County when grown will find they are "men without a country," because their birth was never registered. Margaret Furphy, keeper of vital statistics, upon investigation found that one-fourth of the babies born in Huerfano County in 1937 have no birth certificates. - World-Independent

1937 July 2: Approximately 200 persons attended a free picture show at Lenzini Motor Company on West Seventh Street to see demonstrations of the Hudson and Terraplane. Coca Cola was served to the invited guests. - World-Independent

1937 July 6 Eddie Merritt Wins Golf Meet – Eddie Merritt, City Golf Champion, defeated Buck Andrews in the 4th of July Golf Tournament. The game was well played and many out of town golfers were present. Merritt wins the dozen golf balls offered as 1st prize.

1937 July 6 Joe Costello Injured When Ganged By Mob – Joe Costello, 35, is suffering from lacerations about the head and left ear as the result of being attacked by a gang of Hoodlums on Tenth street Saturday night. Police have jailed two men who are said to have been implicated in the attack. Costello says that four men, unknown to him and who evidently had been drinking, confronted him, made threats and then one of them struck him in the head with a bottle. The blow knocked Costello to the ground in a semi-conscious condition.

1937 July La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carver entertained six couples at the meeting of the Young Married People's Bridge Club.

1937 July La Veta: Some 600 feet of the D&RG track between here and Walsenburg was washed out by flash floods along the Cuchara River and Sand Arroyo.

1937 July La Veta: The Busy Girls 4-H Cooking Club was organized June 16 with Charlotte Karst, president; Frances Jo Redpath, vice president; Betty Denton, secretary-treasurer and June Flock, reporter.

1937 July La Veta: The search for Amelia Earhart in the vast Pacific Ocean is on.

1937 July Walsenburg: A special train arrived this morning from New Mexico bringing C.C.C. workers who were met by 15 Army trucks for the trip to their camp in Gardner.

1937 July Walsenburg: Damacio Vigil found a skull while fishing on Sangre de Cristo Creek, believed to be from one of those soldiers from Fort Garland killed and buried at the site of the massacre.

1937 July Walsenburg: Eddie Merritt beat Buck Andrews in the annual Fourth of July golf tournament.

1937 July Walsenburg: Josephine Balich wrote and copyrighted the words for "Love, You Made a Wreck of Me."

1937 July Walsenburg: The Alamo School will be repaired and reconditioned by the WPA to open this fall. It has been closed since the mine quit operating.

1937 July Walsenburg: The Boy Scouts may take over at Martin Lake due to the lack of lifeguards and will also add rafts and diving boards.

1937 July Walsenburg: The city shut off water to 70 homes which owed back water rent.

1937 July Walsenburg: The rest of the wool crop, about 198,000 pounds, is being stored for better prices. Some 300,000 pounds have already been shipped.

1937 July Walsenburg: The Walsenburg power plant is the second largest steam plant in Colorado, using nine cars of coal a week and employing 14.

1937 August La Veta: A large crew of men is regrading, graveling and straightening Highway 111 to Cuchara Camps.

1937 August La Veta: A wildflower excursion has been scheduled for Sunday, Aug. 15 by the Denver and Rio Grande Western to the top of La Veta Pass. Six hundred went last year.

1937 August La Veta: Columbia Excelsior Company of Denver is constructing a branch mill in La Veta and will employ 11 or 12 men on three eight-hour shifts. They have obtained a large supply of aspen trees near Ojo Springs and will ship six tons of excelsior daily.

1937 August La Veta: Forty W.P.A. workers resumed work Monday on the $14,000 project to build the auditorium and recreation hall plus additional classrooms at the high school.

1937 August La Veta: Sarah Herbin won three prizes for her grasses and clover at the State Fair.

1937 August La Veta: The girl's baseball game ended with a 27-16 win for La Veta over Alamosa.

1937 August La Veta: Western Wood Excelsior will employ 11 men on three eight-hour shifts at their mills in La Veta.

1937 August Walsenburg: Hordes of grasshoppers darkened the skies over Walsenburg and have done untold damage to the area.

1937 August Walsenburg: Lightning caused a fire which totally destroyed the Oscar Santi filling station just north of city limits on Highway 85.

1937 August Walsenburg: Mrs. Stanley Costelny of Rouse, with the largest flock of turkeys in the county, 2,000, and other growers at La Veta, Gardner and Aguilar, are assured a royal price on their birds this Christmas.

1937 August Walsenburg: Ralph Snodgrass was elected president of the First National Bank after the resignation of James B. Dick Sr.

1937 August Walsenburg: Rev. Father Henry J. Ernst, here for eight years, has been transferred to Stratton and will be replaced by Rev. William Monoghan of Denver.

1937 August Walsenburg: Several hundred dollars have been spent remodeling and improving St. Mary Church and school auditorium.

1937 August Walsenburg: State highway funds of $140,000 have been set aside for improvement of Huerfano county roads this year for completion of Hwy 10 east of Walsenburg, Hwy 111 north and south of La Veta, the overpass on Hwy 160 west of Walsenburg, Hwy 69 west of Gardner and the Cucharas River bridge on Hwy 10.

1937 August Walsenburg: The famous "Old Oaken Bucket" well at Greenhorn, rendezvous for early day ranchers and known to travelers as a never failing source of water since 1874, went dry this week.

1937 August Walsenburg: Workmen began today moving Charley Countrayman's cafe from its present location to 517½ Main.

1937 August: Mrs. Ellen Kastner, director of public welfare, reports that 575 persons in Huerfano County will receive the new $45-a-month old age pension, bringing in a payroll of $25,875 into the county.

1937 August: Two hordes of grasshoppers blotted the sun over Walsenburg in mid-afternoon Saturday and the pests blanketed the ground east of Hwy. 85.

1937 September La Veta: A WPA crew of 40 men has commenced work oh La Veta's new Union high school.

1937 September La Veta: All 55 school districts in the county are now operating.

1937 September La Veta: Ten cabins are now located in Wahatoya Canon and five more will be built before next summer.

1937 September La Veta: The local high school football boys have scheduled four home games this season and are selling season tickets at a very low sum.  Games are against Aguilar, Hoehne, Huerfano County and St. Mary High Schools.

1937 September La Veta: The men's baseball team defeated Aguilar 12-11 and the girls won by forfeit over W.P.A. girls of Walsenburg.

1937 September Walsenburg: A skull believed to be a female Indian was found during  excavation for a sidewalk in Loma Park.

1937 September Walsenburg: About 3,000 people attended the Labor Day ceremonies in Walsenburg put on by the United Mine Workers of America.

1937 September Walsenburg: Fifty more men are needed at once in Huerfano County coal mines as production picks up for the winter season.

1937 September Walsenburg: Five hundred and forty county pensioners received their first $45 checks today and business downtown Walsenburg was aboom. Pensioners will no longer be eligible for free medical care however.

1937 September Walsenburg: Frank Mauro has taken over the Pepsi Cola distributorship for Walsenburg and Trinidad.

1937 September Walsenburg: Mayor Dr. S. Julian Lamme says a system of monthly water rents will be effective Dec. 1.

1937 September Walsenburg: President Roosevelt has approved a grant of $38,039 for WPA projects for the City of Walsenburg for street grading and construction of curbs, gutters and sidewalks.

1937 September Walsenburg: Sheet iron screens, affording openings sufficient only for light and air, will be placed over the bars of the windows at the city jail to prevent smuggling to prisoners.

1937 September Walsenburg: Sheriff Claud Swift's forces will cooperate with police in Las Animas county to fight the band of cattle rustlers operating in this area.

1937 September Walsenburg: The county commissioners are working with the American Legion on construction of a Legion building at Second and Main where the old county jail stood.

1937 September Walsenburg: The Rev. William Monahan and the Rev. Maurus Zabolitzky have arrived to take up duties at St. Mary.

1937 September Walsenburg: Walsen Avenue will be regraded after the top is shaved off and the bottom filled in for a more gradual incline.

1937 September: The All-Slavs baseball team finally won the city championship when they downed the All-Spanish team 8-3 at the West Sixth Street playgrounds.

1937 October La Veta: A guard rail is being installed on Pinon Hill just north of La Veta so autoists will feel more secure during wet or snowy weather.

1937 October La Veta: A large number of friends gathered at the Luchino ranch to celebrate a religious holiday Sunday with a delicious polenta and chicken dinner followed by Bocci, dancing and singing.

1937 October La Veta: Died, W.J. ''Daddy" Lea, 79, a resident of La Veta since 1908. He leaves two daughters, Jennie Erwin and Belle Holmes of La Veta and seven sons, all living away.

1937 October La Veta: The new road to Walsenburg running along the south side of the Cucharas River should be done within the next two weeks.

1937 October La Veta: The strip of new highway north of La Veta, connecting link of Hwy. 111 to No. 160, was opened for travel this week.

1937 October Walsenburg: A three-room frame house near Sunnyside school was destroyed by fire over the weekend, a $500 loss.

1937 October Walsenburg: A total of 703 students are attending Washington School, taxing the building capacity and forcing the use of tables for desks.

1937 October Walsenburg: Father Liciotti says 3,400 marriages have been performed in St. Mary Church since records began to be kept in 1870.

1937 October Walsenburg: L. Fawks Drug, 523 Main, is the oldest drug store in Walsenburg, having been established in 1875 by Dr. Martin at 116 East Sixth. To date, a total of 55,343 prescriptions have been filled with over 15,000 filled before January 1893.

1937 October Walsenburg: Seventy-five miners have been put back to work within the past 10 days.

1937 October Walsenburg: Six hundred Walsenburg youngsters have pledged to behave themselves on Halloween so they may collect free admission to the movies.

1937 November La Veta: A new cabin with a fireplace is being built at the park Lane Hotel.

1937 November La Veta: County Agent Phil Miles revealed today that a recent state survey found 800 grasshopper eggs per square foot in some areas in the county.

1937 November La Veta: Dr. Eugene Jackson now has the hospital after Dr. Earl Lee left some weeks ago. 

1937 November La Veta: E.C. Stream reopened his store after remodeling because of a fire.

1937 November La Veta: Remodeling projects are underway at Clark's Cabins and on the residence of A.N. Erwin.

1937 November La Veta: The McLain store is now soliciting orders from house to house, which is quite a convenience when the snow is two feet deep.

1937 November La Veta: The new farm-to-market road between here and Walsenburg, south of the Cucharas River, will be completed after the last two bridges are done.

1937 November La Veta: There are now 82 cabins in Cuchara Camps and five are to be built this winter. There also are a picnic ground, dance hall and supply house.

1937 November La Veta: Town Board voted to remove the street lamps from the center of the street to the curbs.

1937 November Walsenburg: A four-room house was stolen in the night from its site at Rocky Mountain Camp.

1937 November Walsenburg: A total of $20,080.50 in commodities has been distributed this year in Huerfano County.

1937 November Walsenburg: A.J. Dissler opens his new furniture store at 420 Main next week.

1937 November Walsenburg: About 3,000 turkeys will be shipped from Huerfano County this season.

1937 November Walsenburg: More than 40 aliens are prepared to take their naturalization examinations according to citizenship instructor Margaret Wells.

1937 November Walsenburg: Nearly 2,000 of the new unemployment census cards have been turned in by the jobless of Huerfano County.

1937 November Walsenburg: School enrollment, which was 708 in September, is now 1,030 in District 4, Walsenburg.

1937 November Walsenburg: The Huerfano County mill levy was increased to 22.40 for next year.

1937 November Walsenburg: The Masonic Temple is being remodeled for the A.J. Dissler Furniture Store.

1937 November Walsenburg: The mildest Autumn in years has given Southern Colorado coal miners and dealers a set back.

1937 November Walsenburg: The only mine rescue team in the county was organized at Kebler #2 with Joe Krist, Anthony Pagnotti, John Ricketts, Ed Kakalieck and Joe Felthager.

1937 November Walsenburg: There are 82 cabins now in Cuchara Camps and five more will be built this winter.

1937 November Walsenburg: Twenty-four beautiful new streamlined models will be featured in Walsenburg's first auto show in years beginning tomorrow at Lenzini's Garage.

1937 November Walsenburg: Twenty-four beautiful new streamlined models will be featured in Walsenburg's first auto show in years, beginning tomorrow at Lenzini's Garage.

1937 November Walsenburg: Walsen School District will dispose of desks, seats, clocks and one three-room frame building to other county school districts.

1937 November Walsenburg: While rain and snow have fallen heavily in other parts of the state, Huerfano County has had squalls of dust-laden wind and the worst fall drought in 30 years.

1937 December La Veta: "Wee Willie Winkie" with Shirley Temple in her greatest role and supported by a superb cast will be shown at the Rialto Dec. 24, 25 and 26.

1937 December La Veta: A masked bandit held up and robbed $7 from Stanley Snyder, aged La Veta second-hand dealer, Friday night on lower Main Street.

1937 December La Veta: A representative from Unique Photo Studio in Walsenburg is located in Cabin 4 of Clark's Cabins for holiday photos.

1937 December La Veta: About 50 ladies attended the Parents-Teachers Association Silver Tea entertainment.

1937 December La Veta: Edward Engberg was elected editor-in-chief of the high school newspaper and Aldon Bruce is his assistant.

1937 December La Veta: Ellis Smith was home for Thanksgiving from Colorado State Agricultural College in Fort Collins.

1937 December La Veta: Joe Sardello won the express wagon from the Cash and Carry for guessing the correct number of walnuts, 1,844, in the jar.

1937 December La Veta: La Veta's town basketball team lost their first game of the season 57-18 to Shosky's Tavern team of Walsenburg.

1937 December La Veta: Sixty-nine families from the southern Colorado "dust bowl" have moved to the resettlement project near Alamosa.     

1937 December La Veta: The adobe walls for a six-room house on the hill east of town are completed and Mr. Spangler will soon have a comfortable dwelling place.

1937 December La Veta: The merchants purchased Christmas lights for the town and had them put up along Main Street.

1937 December Walsenburg: A $3,295 project employing 12 men begins this week to remodel and repair the county courthouse.

1937 December Walsenburg: A 30-man delegation from Custer and Huerfano counties demanded funding for an improvement project for state highway 69.

1937 December Walsenburg: About 20 persons have been employed three days at the processing plant killing, packing and preparing 16 tons of choice Huerfano County turkeys for shipment.

1937 December Walsenburg: Bains Department Store is having a Christmas toy sale. Shirley Temple dolls are $2.49, G-man machine guns 84¢ and blackboards, 49¢.

1937 December Walsenburg: Huerfano County's coal production is 697,024 tons at the end of November, over 5,000 tons ahead of 1936, with 1,212 men employed.

1937 December Walsenburg:  Sixteen tons of holiday turkeys have been prepared for market in Huerfano County in the past three days.

1938 January La Veta: Eugene Vories of Grand Junction was visiting his mother Mrs. Lulu Vories the latter part of last week.

1938 January La Veta: Forty years ago, A.N. Erwin was running William Krier's shoe shop while Krier fulfilled his duties as county clerk in Walsenburg.

1938 January La Veta: Friday and Saturday are Dollar Days at E.C. Stream's store: 5 lbs. Peaberry Coffee, $1; 3 lbs. lean bacon, $1; lard (bring your own pail), 7 lbs, $1.

1938 January La Veta: Ines Marie Spangler bought the beauty shop from Leora Crouse. The barbershop will no longer operate.

1938 January La Veta: Ines Marie Spangler has purchased the Leora Ellen Beauty and Barber Shop and made a number of changes in the interior arrangement.

1938 January La Veta: Lowell Kreutzer is the new deliveryman for the World-Independent in La Veta.

1938 January La Veta: Sixteen ladies attended the first meeting of the new year of the Women's Christian Temperance Union Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Joe Ferrari.

1938 January La Veta: The post office was broken into about 2:30 Sunday morning and the would-be thieves, failing to open the safe, set fire to the building. Mayor William Hall extinguished the flames before the fire department responded.

1938 January La Veta: The town basketball team lost to the Gardner CCC boys by a close score.

1938 January Walsenburg: A composite family selected from the residents of 140 small towns around America has an annual income of $1,100.

1938 January Walsenburg: Andy Spendow accidentally shot himself when he was chasing a burglar and stumbled over a chair.

1938 January Walsenburg: Do not get your barbering done at Atencio's Valencia or Smiles Gonzales' shops as they do not display the union card. /s/ Barber Local Union No. 427.

1938 January Walsenburg: H.C.H.S. band will raise funds for uniforms through the roller skating rink in the building formerly occupied by Ermy Furniture Store on West Seventh. Of the 75 cent admission, 50 cents will go to the band.

1938 January Walsenburg: J. Frank Cordova, assessor-elect, announced his new deputies will be Anthony Martinez and Conrad Cordova.

1938 January Walsenburg: Josh B. Hudson was elected president of the newly organized Democratic club on the upper Huerfano, representing the Farisita, Gardner and Redwing areas.

1938 January Walsenburg: Street Commissioner Mickey Mimovich said Cedar Street from Walsen east to the top of the hill has been closed to vehicles so children will have a place to sled.

1938 January Walsenburg: Work of grading the new sled run east of Walsen Avenue on Spruce Street is nearly completed and the slide will be gravel surfaced.

1938 January Walsenburg: Work on three WPA projects, including the rip rap project on the Cucharas in city limits have been put on a double-shift basis.

1938 February La Veta: Anson's barbershop is now located in the post office building.

1938 February La Veta: Gilbert Arnold is building a house for the MacAddams in Cuchara.

1938 February La Veta: The Boyd Bakery is reopening after being closed the past three years.

1938 February La Veta: The Commercial Club is working on getting a golf course for La Veta, probably at a site near the town reservoir.

1938 February La Veta: The second year Typing Class at the high school is working on the problems of the modem business office, which includes the making of telegrams, invoices and legal and carbon forms.

1938 February La Veta: W.H. Harrison has just received his real estate broker's license and will hang out his shingle at the old bank building.

1938 February La Veta: Waldo Smith has been recommended to replace his late father, W.E. Smith, 80, who was re-elected county commissioner in 1936.

1938 February Walsenburg: Between 500 and 600 were served dinner Friday night and close to 1,000 participated in the carnival following, which earned $488 for uniforms for the Huerfano County High School band.

1938 February Walsenburg: Bids are being taken for a railroad overpass with graveled approaches on Highway 160 about a mile west of Walsenburg.

1938 February Walsenburg: Forty-five persons have joined the Huerfano River Improvement Association but the $45 raised in membership fees will not go very far toward covering expenses of the organization.

1938 February Walsenburg: Live chickens, 18 cents a pound; dressed, 20 cents a pound. Broadway Grocery and Market, 335 W. 7th Street.

1938 February Walsenburg: Mrs. J.P. Little of 501 Walsen Avenue was awarded $30 following the first drawing of Cash Day coupons in front of the Elks home Saturday night.

1938 February Walsenburg: Our 40-year-old public library now has 3,462 volumes and over 400 card holders, according to Librarian Lucille Wegher.

1938 February Walsenburg: The Croatian Fraternal Union No. 292 will sponsor a Big Hunky Dance Feb. 19 in the Walsenburg Pavilion with music by Lawrence Guilliano. Admission 75 cents.

1938 February Walsenburg: The World-Independent has now completed its 50th year. It began as the Walsenburg Yucca in 1887.

1938 February Walsenburg: WPA offices have been moved to the Roof and Dick building and also two rooms over J.C. Penney at Main and Sixth.  Otto Espander will open a dry cleaning establishment in the former offices.

1938 March La Veta: Bryan Denton has accepted a position with the government as a hunter and trapper of predatory animals.

1938 March La Veta: Died, George R. Coleman, who leaves his widow Maude and two brothers, Ray and Lou. He was born in Arkansas in 1888 and came to La Veta in 1892 with his parents, Edward R. and Bessie.

1938 March La Veta: Emily Pascoe of La Veta married Frank Verderaime of Aguilar.

1938 March La Veta: George Coleman, 50, plasterer and cement worker, died of a heart attack in his backyard, leaving his wife Maude, daughter Nellie Joyce, father, brothers and sister Estella.

1938 March La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Webster moved into their newly remodeled home on Field Street last week.

1938 March La Veta: Officers and enrollees of the CCC Camp just north of Gardner will observe the fifth anniversary of the CCC program with an open house Sunday.

1938 March La Veta: T.C. Murdock returned from Baca County and reports conditions are very discouraging in that section of the "dust bowl."

1938 March La Veta: The store building of Howard Lumber and Supply was broken into Friday night and ransacked.  Two rifles, shells and other small articles were taken, along with $3.90 in cash.

1938 March La Veta: Waldo Smith was appointed to fill the vacancy on the board of county commissioners caused by the death of his father, W.E. Smith.

1938 March Walsenburg: A fire in the Style Shop next to Dick Abstract caused $5,000 damages.

1938 March Walsenburg: Andreatta's Grocery store at 234 West Seventh Street is undergoing remodeling this week.

1938 March Walsenburg: Glen Mathews bought out his partner George Thurston to become sole owner of the City Pharmacy.

1938 March Walsenburg: Gov. Teller Ammons will be in Walsenburg Saturday to attend both the Fireman's Ball and the dinner preceding it sponsored by the wild life enthusiasts.

1938 March Walsenburg: Grand opening of the new Santi Oil Company station on North Walsen, two blocks north of Huerfano County High School, was March 26.

1938 March Walsenburg: Hamburgers, five cents; Regular Meals Including Drink, 25 cents, at Coney Island Lunch, between Walsenburg Variety Store and Jolly Boy Bakery.

1938 March Walsenburg: Orendo, the Famous Modern Wonder of the Magic World, will appear in Walsenburg Tuesday in Washington School auditorium.

1938 March Walsenburg: Santi Oil Company opened its new modern Philips station today with Alfred Erickson manager.

1938 March Walsenburg: State highway engineers are surveying Highway 69 between Gardner and the county line preparatory to rerouting the road in some places and improving it in others.

1938 March Walsenburg: The 11-year-old Community Church in Walsenburg, which now has 266 members, is especially proud of its new $4,000 building.

1938 March Walsenburg: The popular three-year-old "Lil' Abner'' cartoon strip by Al Capp is coming to the World Independent this Monday.

1938 March Walsenburg: Theresa Marvelli, Cameron school, and Catherine Lovdjieff, Washington school, both eighth graders will go to the state spelling contest representing the county and city respectively.

1938 March Walsenburg: Tony Sarg's Marionettes will appear Monday night in Washington School Auditorium.

1938 Apr. 6: The election in Aguilar returned I. E. Harnish as mayor, Marie Hughes, clerk and Mary Lloyd treasurer.  Trustees elected are Henry Collard, Casimiro Gurule, George Preskar, Louis Poma, Ralph Slane and Jose M. Tafoya. World-Independent

1938 April La Veta: A fence is being built north of the Silver Dollar to enclose the farm machinery of the Howard Lumber Company.

1938 April La Veta: Huerfano County commissioners have asked the state highway board for $10,000  for construction of Hwy 111 south from La Veta to Cuchara Camps.

1938 April La Veta: Incumbent W.R. Hall of the Citizens party will run for mayor against H.A. Howard on the Independent ticket.

1938 April La Veta: Of the 579 registered, 436 voted, re-electing W.B. Hall mayor, W.H. Harrison treasurer and Julia M. Lively clerk.

1938 April La Veta: The Smalley Brothers took charge of the Sinclair Filling Station at the corner of Ryus and Oak Streets after purchasing it from Mr. McComb who has operated it for some time.

1938 April La Veta: Tony Masinton and T.A. Williams were re-elected town trustees and new ones are R.M. Garren, Joe K. Kincaid, Ernest M. Dean and James Ghiardi.

1938 April La Veta: Tony Masinton and T.A. Williams were re-elected town trustees and new ones are R.M. Garren, Joe K. Kincaid, Ernest M. Dean and James Ghiardi.

1938 April Walsenburg: Forest Ranger Paul Gilbert said a new $18,000 ranger station at Gardner will be finished by autumn by the C.C.C. workers.

1938 April Walsenburg: Good Will Temple No. 73 of the Pythian Sisters was organized Monday with Nellie Watts leader.

1938 April Walsenburg: Huerfano Trading Company at Fourth and Russell are [sic] installing a new showroom for the display of Westinghouse products.

1938 April Walsenburg: Huerfano Trading Company at Fourth and Russell is installing a new showroom for display of Westinghouse products.

1938 April Walsenburg: John Benedetti entered the Bowling Hall of Fame when he rolled a perfect game, 12 straight strikes.

1938 April Walsenburg: Nationally known home economist Dorothy Gill will present a cooking school next week at the Valencia  Theater. Free admission.

1938 April Walsenburg: Officers and enrollees of the Gardner CCC camp will observe the fifth anniversary of the CCC program April 3 with an open house at the camp just north of Gardner.

1938 April Walsenburg: Paul Nesbit was hired to replace C. Albert Anderson as superintendent and principal of HCHS.

1938 April Walsenburg: Postmaster George Niebuhr says Walsenburg will be on an airmail route between Pueblo and Durango during Airmail Week in May.

1938 May 16: WORLD INDEPENDENT. Page 1.PERALTA BROTHERS CHARGED WITH KILLING OF SHERIFF FIDEL AGUIRRE.Trace of Blood Found on Shoes May Prove Gardner Boys' Guilt. Mob Swarms County Jail; Sheriff Swift Takes Couple to Trinidad Jail for Safety; Brother's Surrender with Hands In Air When Officers' Raid Home. Blood stains found on shoes and shirts worn by Paul and Peter Peralta of Gardner, may lead to their conviction for the fatal beating of Deputy Sheriff Fidel Aguirre. When a small army of men, bristling with high-powered rifles, surrounded the Peralta ranch home, eight miles south of Gardner, early this morning, the youths walked from the house with their hands in the air. The brothers, both in their late twenties, refused to make a statement to Sheriff Claud Swift who whisked them away to the Las Animas County Jail in Trinidad. A mob of over 100 citizens waited at the county jail here while officers traveled to Gardner to make the arrest. Rumors of possible violence to the prisoners caused officers to lodge

1938 May La Veta: Congressman John A. Martin advised Mayor W.B. Hall that the W.P.A. has approved a $41,141 project for construction of a new reservoir and improvement of the La Veta water system.

1938 May La Veta: Little John Paul Robino narrowly escaped serious injuries when he rode his bicycle into the car of C.C. Webster.

1938 May La Veta: Monday's school election brought out the largest vote cast ever when 544 votes were cast in the three hours of voting.

1938 May La Veta: Mrs. George Benefiel has opened a new hotel-restaurant and tourist camp, in Chama, N. Mex., a railroad and tourist town. Mr. Benefiel is remaining here to manage the hotel and his undertaking business.

1938 May La Veta: Mrs. Lillie Smith has an attractive new residence.

1938 May La Veta: Over 11 feet, or 137 inches of snow fell in La Veta this winter.

1938 May La Veta: Rev. Arthur Shaw is the new minister at La Veta Methodist Church.

1938 May La Veta: Sixty W.P.A. workmen will start Monday on a project to improve the La Veta Cemetery with drain tiles.        

1938 May La Veta: Sixty WPA workmen began the improvement on La Veta Cemetery to drain the grounds.

1938 May La Veta: Walter Padilla is the new barber at the Anson Barber Shop.

1938 May Walsenburg: A rock wall being constructed around city lake is expected to increase storage capacity to easily take care of Walsenburg's summer demand of a million gallons a day. 

1938 May Walsenburg: Elected officers of the Walsen P.T.A. were Mrs. Louis August, president; Miss Minnie Mathews, vice president; Mrs. Robert Patterson, treasurer and Miss Dorothy Fox, secretary.

1938 May Walsenburg: Forty-five men are at work building the new grandstand and exhibition building at the county fairgrounds in Walsenburg.

1938 May Walsenburg: H.C.H.S. students went out on strike today to protest the school board's failure to rehire C. Albert Anderson as principal and superintendent.

1938 May Walsenburg: Paul Nesbit has been hired to replace C. Albert Anderson as superintendent and principal of Huerfano County High School.

1938 May Walsenburg: Spring construction in the city includes the new Ben Franklin Store and Mike Vigil will soon start construction of a modern five-room house on East Seventh.

1938 May Walsenburg: Sunrise Valley School at the base of the East Spanish Peak has opened with 11 pupils attending and the La Veta Pass School will open soon.

1938 May Walsenburg: Supt. C. Albert Anderson tomorrow night will present diplomas and scholarships to 81 graduates of Huerfano Count High School - the largest, outgoing class in the school's history.

1938 May Walsenburg: The new stone, one-story City Hall on West Sixth Street, which would house rooms for the jail, clerk and treasurer's office, mayor's office, police squad room, engineer's office and council room, would cost an estimated $30,000 utilizing W.P.A. labor.

1938 May Walsenburg: Walsenburg is reaping revenue from 15 liquor licenses and 200 beer fees. Liquor licenses cost from $150 to $350 a year, and a 3.2 beer fee is $25.

1938 June La Veta: Farmers in the area have started their first cutting of hay and report the heaviest production in 10 years.

1938 June La Veta: J.G. Tompkins and Sons are drilling for oil at Sam George's filling station near Ojo and are down 370 feet.

1938 June La Veta: John Elley has prepared a stuffed rattlesnake that Albert Parks shot a few weeks ago.

1938 June La Veta: Mrs. William McLain, a resident of La Veta for over 20 years, died, leaving her husband and a sister, Mrs. Edwin L. Smith.

1938 June La Veta: T.P. Steele is spending the summer in his auto-trailer at Blue Lakes [sic] with a windcharger to supply power for all electrical luxuries.

1938 June La Veta: The ballroom at Sulphur Springs will be opened for the season with a dance tonight sponsored by the La Veta American Legion.

1938 June La Veta: The Commercial Club is attempting to establish a library or museum or both.

1938 June La Veta: The pupils of the La Veta grade school enjoyed a picnic in the mountains above Cuchara Camps last week.

1938 June La Veta: The R.A. Moore and Stuart White families have fixed up their wagons and started for Texas.

1938 June La Veta: The Sam George filling station is five miles west of town.

1938 June Walsenburg: $299,356 is being spent on roads near Walsenburg.

1938 June Walsenburg: A new dark horse sprouted wings in the men's softball league Friday when the Model Tailor's team surprised the Cameron-Walsen Y.M.C.A. club and upset them 11-3.

1938 June Walsenburg: A.J. Dissler has installed modem new cloth venetian blinds at his new furniture store across from the courthouse.

1938 June Walsenburg: Approval has been received for the W.P.A. to build a new $3,000 school at lower Maes Creek near Farisita to replace the one burned down three months ago.

1938 June Walsenburg: Babe and John Shosky, proprietors of Shosky's Cafe, have installed a modern washed-air cooling system, the only business in town to have one except the Valencia Theatre.

1938 June Walsenburg: Built of rough pine slabs, the Junior Chamber of Commerce tourist information booth has been erected at the intersection of Main and Seventh streets. It is open 10 hours a day, seven days a week.

1938 June Walsenburg: Construction is well underway on the new $15,000 Chama school building of two rooms and a banquet room and it will be ready by fall.

1938 June Walsenburg: Fifty thousand folders advertising Walsenburg to those suffering from the heat waves in the midwest are being mailed.

1938 June Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. William Dausel of Del Carbon announce the birth of twins, their 16th children. Mr. Dausel is standing the strain as well as could be expected.

1938 June Walsenburg: One hundred men will be employed to pave Walsen Avenue with cement.

1938 June Walsenburg: One hundred priests and prelates will attend Father Liciotti's Silver Jubilee when he celebrates his 25th year in this city.

1938 June Walsenburg: Since Jan. 1 there have been 114 births in Huerfano County and 83 deaths.

1938 June Walsenburg: The, new Highway 160 will cross the old Walsen mine workings with a bridge.

1938 June Walsenburg: With work now complete closing the old entries in the Walsen mine, arrangements are being made for a hydraulic fill to plug the  deserted shaft.

1938 June Walsenburg: Work is progressing rapidly on remodeling of the Huerfano County courthouse basement where unused space is being converted into modern offices.

1938 June Walsenburg: Xavier Atencio, 18, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Atencio, will start work Monday in Walt Disney's Hollywood studios.

1938 July La Veta: Rock slides caused by heavy rains blocked the D&RG tracks two miles east of Fir station and had to be dynamited.

1938 July La Veta: The Smalley service station was robbed of three slot machines.

1938 July La Veta: Twelve hundred nature lovers enjoyed the Denver and Rio Grande Western excursion to La Veta Pass Sunday.

1938 July Walsenburg: A total of 156 teachers have been hired for Huerfano County schools. Presently, three rural summer schools are open.

1938 July Walsenburg: Approximately 2,500 people jammed the platform at the Union Depot at 6:30 this morning to give President Roosevelt, who was sleeping in his private car, a silent tribute.

1938 July Walsenburg: Because only 15 percent of Huerfano County High School graduates enter college, County Superintendent John A. Green proposes to add classes to help graduates earn a living.

1938 July Walsenburg: Beginning Saturday, two shifts, working seven hours each, will work on the hydraulic land fill to plug the abandoned workings of the Walsen mine.

1938 July Walsenburg: Declaring an emergency exists, Walsenburg city councilmen have instructed Mayor S. Julian Lamme and the city water committee to make immediate purchase of a chlorination plant for the treatment of the city water supply.

1938 July Walsenburg: Lucille Saliba directed 130 St. Mary students in last night's play, "Swing High School," a musical comedy.

1938 July Walsenburg: Merchants and businessmen in Walsenburg's downtown district are favoring the installation of water meters for commercial purposes.

1938 July Walsenburg: Paul Krier, city councilman, says merchants and clerks who leave their autos on Main Street through out the day are robbing local stores of valuable business.

1938 July Walsenburg: Steve Tice Sr., 52, of Turner, received a shoulder injury when he lost his footing and fell while working in the Alamo mine.

1938 July Walsenburg: The Land of Huajatolla has been changed to the Land of Halitosis with the smelly, soupy city water caused by swamp growth in the city reservoir.

1938 July Walsenburg: Vacancies for teachers still exist in the rural schools. Two teachers are needed at Turkey Creek and one at Pass Creek.

1938 Aug. 1: Mazzone Hall is being remodeled. It was built in 1888 at a cost of nearly $10,000, with a saloon on the ground floor and the opera house, seating 200, on the second floor. It is being converted into a modern Safeway store. - World Independent

1938 August La Veta: A demonstration home costing less than $4,000 will be built in La Veta, of five rooms with a bath and basement as well as a 12 by 12 foot garage.

1938 August La Veta: Brink's Comedians will make their annual appearance in La Veta Tuesday with vaudeville and a comedy play.

1938 August La Veta: Elizabeth Wilcox and Harry Willis were married Aug. 23 in Raton.

1938 August La Veta: Harold Stratton  and his King Swingsters will play for the dance at Cuchara Camps Aug. 20.

1938 August La Veta: Helen Linscott of La Veta married Eugene Dabney of Walsenburg, attended by Mary Masinton and Stephen Jerkalek [sic].

1938 August La Veta: Presbyterians of La Veta, Walsenburg and Aguilar will have outdoor services and a picnic Sunday at Sulphur Springs.

1938 August Walsenburg: Caldwell Electric company moved today from 519 Main across the street to 504 Main, formerly the Temptation Sweet Shop.

1938 August Walsenburg: $29,763 has been approved for the WPA project to improve athletic facilities at the ball park.

1938 August Walsenburg: Colorado set a scale for six day, 48 hour week with a minimum wage of $13 per week for all women workers in retail establishments.

1938 August Walsenburg: Engineers are to reroute Highway 69 from Walsenburg to Gardner in order to shorten the road.

1938 August Walsenburg: Highway 10 will be open for travel by Nov. 1 according to the highway department.

1938 August Walsenburg: Ten horses, valued at $1,000 total, have died in the sleeping sickness epidemic.

1938 August Walsenburg: The 13,000 head of cattle in Huerfano County will bring $390,000 in present market prices, the best livestock crop in many years.

1938 August Walsenburg: The best crops in 16 years, comprising 836,000 acres, are valued at $400,000 in Huerfano County.

1938 August Walsenburg: The local welfare department has been allocated $500 for the purchase of shoes for the needy school children.

1938 August: Clyde M. Johnson, chairman of the Huerfano County Commission, has revealed that Huerfano County has the highest percentage of W.P.A workers of any county in the state with 9.7 percent of its population.

1938 September La Veta: A demonstration house is being built on Virginia Street near the Methodist Church under the sponsorship of Howard Lumber. It has five rooms and a bath, and will cost less than $4,500.

1938 September La Veta: Less than 50 Republican votes were cast and over 400 Democratic in La Veta's two precincts.

1938 September La Veta: The C.C.C. (Civilian Conservation Corps) is building an arch on the Cordova Pass road but will soon begin construction of a forest ranger's residence here in town.

1938 September La Veta: The cool weather has ended the sleeping sickness epidemic which claimed 40 horses in this county.

1938 September Walsenburg: After three prisoners tunneled their way through pieces of broken flooring to freedom, the old county jail, built in 1896, will be completely remodeled with new concrete flooring, plumbing and two cells.

1938 September Walsenburg: Archie Levy of Levy Construction has brought 19 houses into Walsenburg from the coal camps and will bring six more to ease the housing shortage.

1938 September Walsenburg: Frenchmore and His Foot Warmers will play for the SNPJ dance at the pavilion.

1938 September Walsenburg: J. Frank Cordova, candidate for the Office of county assessor, defeated Incumbent Celedon Salazar by a two to one majority in the primary election Tuesday.

1938 September Walsenburg: Nearly 1,500 jammed the Blue Glade Hall to hear Secretary of State George E. Sanders and Sen. Sam T. Taylor discuss campaign issues.

1938 September Walsenburg: Rustlers have been butchering herds of cattle from the huge 84,000 acre Butler ranch and throwing the hides into the Cuchara canon.

1938 September Walsenburg: Sweaters over middies will not be allowed according to the dress code at Huerfano County High School.

1938 September Walsenburg: The county commissioners decided to improve the old 1896 jail after three prisoners tunneled their way to freedom.

1938 September Walsenburg: The Huerfano River banks crumbled and the channel widened by the recent high waters.

1938 September Walsenburg: The new $90,000 road surface and bridge on Highway 160 west of town was opened to traffic yesterday.

1938 September Walsenburg: The Temptation Sweet Shop, 504 Main, is installing the latest in modern automatic ice cream machines.

1938 September Walsenburg: Walsenburg may receive a PWA loan for construction of a filtration plant.

1938 October La Veta: Dr. Earl Lee died in Denver and Worth Baker died in Cortez.

1938 October La Veta: La Veta Light, Heat and Power will air the world series over a radio installed in the street.

1938 October La Veta: Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. of Pueblo will install a dial telephone system in La Veta and no exchange operator will be needed.

1938 October La Veta: Ollie Howard and his orchestra from the Kaliko Kat Klub in Wichita, Kans. will appear Sunday at Muleshoe Lodge. Admission is 85 cents.

1938 October La Veta: The high school girls organized a Pep Club with Shirley Foote, president, Louise Simms, vice president and Lillian Duzenack, secretary-treasurer.

1938 October La Veta: The new home being erected by H.A. Howard on Virginia Street is progressing nicely and is ready for the inside work.

1938 October La Veta: The two-story house belonging to the Misses Akers and occupied by Joe Brown and his family, south of the schoolhouse, burned to the ground Saturday.

1938 October La Veta: Thermometers in La Veta reached the freezing mark Wednesday morning for the first time this season.

1938 October La Veta: W.P. "Billy" Curtis, candidate for county school superintendent, was elected president of the Huerfano County Teachers' Association.

1938 October Walsenburg: Game Warden H.G. Bayne released 25 Chinese pheasants four miles east of the city.

1938 October Walsenburg: New homes are under construction in Walsenburg by Francis O'Rourke, John Kirkpatrick Jr., Oscar Santi and Joe and Virgil Ladurini.

1938 October Walsenburg: Police Chief Ralph Levy says marijuana causes insanity and it has always been a curse to southern Colorado.

1938 October Walsenburg: Pupils enrolled in Maes Creek and Sand Arroyo schools are studying in private homes pending completion of their school buildings.

1938 October Walsenburg: Selected as the freshman class cast of "Alias Janette" were Kathleen Scott, Emogene Giro, Ruth McFee, Norman Andrews, Nick Knez and Nick Lovdjieff.

1938 October Walsenburg: St. Mary Crusaders defeated Catholic High of Pueblo 20 to 0 for their third season victory.

1938 October Walsenburg: Students of Huerfano County High School reorganized the Pep Club with Frederick Caddell, president; Kenneth Woodruff, vice president; Betty Lee Saunders, secretary and Paul Andrews, treasurer.

1938 October Walsenburg: Students of Huerfano County High School reorganized the Pep Club with Frederick Caddell, president; Kenneth Woodruff, vice president; Betty Lee Saunders, secretary and Paul Andrews, treasurer.

1938 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg truckers who hauled sawdust during the recent grasshopper eradication project received a total of $12,000. 

1938 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg's newly installed chlorination plant will be kept in continuous operation until freezing weather sets in.

1938 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg's newly installed chlorination plant will be kept in continuous operation until freezing weather sets in.

1938 Nov. 22,  An Indian "good luck" swastika, inadvertently reversed during construction in the community band concert park, two blocks off Walsen on First Street, is the center of much scorn and many threats by those opposing the Nazi forces. - World-Independent

1938 November La Veta: Botanists discovered 65 new varieties of grasses, shrubs and wild flowers in the San Isabel National Forest during a survey this summer.

1938 November La Veta: Halloween passed "quietly" in La Veta, except for an occasional blast of the fire whistle, ringing of the church bell, the rumble of swiftly propelled old wagons, machinery, old cars, etc.

1938 November La Veta: La Veta Masonic Lodge had their annual party last Friday evening with a musical program, dancing and games.

1938 November La Veta: The Commercial Club will have a variety show, visit from Santa Claus and dinner Dec. 2 at the La Veta Hotel. Tickets are 50 cents.

1938 November La Veta: The forest ranger station built last spring is to have a garage and residence added on.

1938 November La Veta: The ranger station office built last spring will be joined by a garage and residence on the same lot.

1938 November La Veta: The Smith family had its annual family dinner at the J.O. Smith residence with about 32 relatives present. 

1938 November La Veta: The W.P.A. got a $32,921 allotment for a sawmill near Gardner to provide lumber for bridge building.

1938 November Walsenburg: About 30 carloads of coal are being shipped daily from the Walsenburg Freight office, an increase over 1937.

1938 November Walsenburg: About 30 carloads of coal are being shipped daily from the Walsenburg freight office, an increase over last year.

1938 November Walsenburg: Burn Walsenburg Coal - Patronize Coal Burning Industries - A Sure Way to Return to Prosperity.

1938 November Walsenburg: Construction begins next week on the new school house in District 6, Cucharas.

1938 November Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School Superintendent Paul Nesbit announced plans to flood the high school stadium for use this winter as a skating rink, pending volunteer donations.

1938 November Walsenburg: James McCune and Angelo Boscia have leased the Sunnyside mine and will work it along the Cameron seam.

1938 November Walsenburg: The location of a sawmill near Gardner has been approved to furnish lumber for the new bridges on the Highway 69 improvement project.

1938 November Walsenburg: The new grandstand, 50 by 100 foot exposition building and a caretaker's house at the Huerfano County fairgrounds have been completed by the W.P.A.

1938 November Walsenburg: The Southern Colorado Catholic League was formed with four and possibly five parochial schools, including St. Mary High School.

1938 November Walsenburg: WPA construction projects have been suspended since last week due to the heavy snows.

1938 December La Veta: A 30 toot tall Christmas tree stands in the middle of the camp at Butte Valley and all of the homes are decorated.

1938 December La Veta: Mr. Farrar has built a fine new home at the Mill property.

1938 December La Veta: Rotary Club Tuesday evening had as guests 15 college students spending the holidays at home.

1938 December La Veta: Up until Nov. 1, there were 3,345 truck and passenger vehicle licenses sold, bringing to the county coffers $12,874.55.

1938 December La Veta: With the construction of Whisky Pass through the Culebra range, La Veta will be off the main route between Trinidad and Alamosa.

1938 December Walsenburg: $300,000 was spent at Walsenburg lumber dealers for home improvements this year, with eight completely new homes built and 25 mine camp houses moved to town and rebuilt.

1938 December Walsenburg: $9,097 has been received for the improvement of roads to Cucharas junction and Mustang.

1938 December Walsenburg: About 100 people have  applied for the job of deputy county assessor.

1938 December Walsenburg: Bronze Gas, 19 cents; Regular White, 191/2 cents. Cliff Brice, Inc., Eighth and Main. Open All Night.

1938 December Walsenburg: Dr. S. Julian Lamme reported two cases of the dread infantile paralysis in the city.

1938 December Walsenburg: Fawks Drug won first place for its Christmas window decorations and City Pharmacy was second.

1938 December Walsenburg: High winds caused damage to the Saliba Liquor Store, 619 Main, forcing repair to the upper portion of the building which was near collapse.

1938 December Walsenburg: Juvenile crime in Walsenburg dropped 25 percent during 1938.

1938 December Walsenburg: Robbers enjoyed "open houses" over the Christmas weekend by breaking into Bayuk Grocery at Eighth and Main, Landsdown Machine Shop on West Fifth, Young Motor Company, Castle Coal Company and Lenzini Motor Company.

1938 December Walsenburg: The city has received an okay from the state highway department to place a huge decorative Christmas tree in the center of Main Street at Sixth.

1938 December Walsenburg: The corner of Eighth and Main, now occupied by Bayuk's grocery store, will become a modern Sinclair service station.

1938 December Walsenburg: The dam at the skating rink at Huerfano County High School broke, releasing thousands of gallons of water and cancelling the grand opening scheduled for Thursday.

1938 December Walsenburg: The Southern Colorado Catholic League was formed with four and possibly five parochial schools.

1938 December Walsenburg: The two-story, 30-room boardinghouse at Sunnyside burned down, resulting in $1,000 in damages.

1938 December Walsenburg: WPA workmen turned the rough, crooked and ill drained Hendren Street into a full-width well graded thoroughfare.

1938 December Walsenburg:  Opening of the Spanish Peaks game preserve to deer hunters in 1939 is advocated by the local Izaak Walton League.

1939 January La Veta: A drilling rig will be erected this week on the John Penne ranch south of La Veta to test this section of the country for oil.

1939 January La Veta: Bronchial pneumonia has caused the deaths of ten babies in 10 days in Huerfano County.

1939 January La Veta: Huerfano County will receive $630.38 as its share of the income of the San Isabel National Forest for the fiscal year 1938.

1939 January La Veta: La Veta's basketball team beat Thatcher 29-25 with Magnino scoring the final basket.

1939 January La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clair became parents Saturday of a baby girl, named Patricia Ann.

1939 January La Veta: Rising temperatures and fair weather have brought about a resumption of WPA projects, including improving roads and construction on Highway 10.

1939 January La Veta: Signs at the junction of Highway 160 are confusing. The state highway sign says La Veta 5 miles, the commercial sign says 4 and another one says 3.7 miles.

1939 January La Veta: Snow which has blocked roads in the foothills caused temporary shutdown of WPA projects, throwing some 200 men off their jobs.

1939 January La Veta: The W.P.A. is to start on the Water system improvement project before, Feb. l.

1939 January La Veta:  Between 40 and 45 men will be employed during the coming week when the WPA sawmill at Gardner is again opened for operation.

1939 January Walsenburg: A skating party enjoyed the ice at Martin Lake Wednesday evening.

1939 January Walsenburg: A total of 126 of the 800 high school students tested for tuberculosis in Huerfano County reacted and must now have x-rays.

1939 January Walsenburg: A tuberculosis survey, endorsed by the Public Health association, will begin in H.C.H.S. Jan 23-29.

1939 January Walsenburg: Birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Maes, 219 West Sixth Street, at 4:18 Sunday, wins the prizes for the first baby born in 1939.

1939 January Walsenburg: C.O. Unfug, publisher of the World-Independent and the Sterling Farm Journal, was elected president of the Colorado Press Association.

1939 January Walsenburg: Crews are finishing the W.P.A. project of reconditioning and repairing the Rocky Mountain School, eight miles northwest of Walsenburg. The old frame building has been transformed into a modern structure with a new foundation, roof and outbuildings.

1939 January Walsenburg: Fiendish distribution of marijuana among children of school age is feared prevalent in the county as a result of a startling disclosure that students of the Rouse-Lester junior high had been enticed by peddlers of the drugged weed.

1939 January Walsenburg: Many people of Slavish nationality will observe Christmas this weekend with feasting, exchange of gifts and orthodox religious ceremonies.

1939 January Walsenburg: Many people of Slavish nationality will observe Christmas this weekend with feasting, exchange of gifts and orthodox religious ceremonies.

1939 January Walsenburg: Nearly 50 of the county's 75 schools are now learning Americanism under the program of the Young Citizen's league.

1939 January Walsenburg: Syrians say it the hard way - El dinya-heriyie erhaxa she hownie! - Bus humx emthalek el sjimha!, meaning, The World-Independent is the best bargain here! Only five cents a week!

1939 January Walsenburg: The new education building at the Gardner CCC camp is now ready after it was moved from Beulah and reconstructed.

1939 January Walsenburg: Thirty truckloads, or about 60 tons of ice was removed from Walsenburg streets following the heavy snow and freezing temperatures last weekend.

1939 January Walsenburg: Travelers going to the CCC camp in Gardner last weekend encountered six foot snowdrifts.

1939 January Walsenburg: Valuable new medical equipment has been installed at the Lamme Hospital in Walsenburg, which is now classed as one of the finest private hospitals in all southern Colorado.

1939 February La Veta: A group of 15 or 20 CCC enrollees have established a camp on Ryus just west of the bridge over the Cucharas while building barracks to house them during construction of the new ranger residence on Oak Street.

1939 February La Veta: A severe blizzard Tuesday marooned about a dozen cars on La Veta Pass.

1939 February La Veta: Allen Roush will completely remodel the exterior of the La Veta Automotive garage and rearrange and improve the interior.

1939 February La Veta: C.F. Hector has established a natural history museum in his house.

1939 February La Veta: County Clerk Damacio Vigil reported that approximately 1,300 motorists in Huerfano County still do not have 1939 auto licenses and will face a court summons beginning tomorrow.

1939 February La Veta: The President's birthday dance in La Veta raised $60 for the Foundation for the Prevention of Infantile Paralysis.

1939 February Walsenburg: City Clerk Harry Haines is purging about 900 names from the registration book of those who did not vote in the last election.

1939 February Walsenburg: City officials will improve and beautify Tenth Street to the entrance of the fairgrounds.

1939 February Walsenburg: Designed to solve the problem of transporting crews of workmen over snowbound roads, a project which will employ 400 men and operate at a cost of $104,000 will open on the Cuchara river in Walsenburg Saturday.

1939 February Walsenburg: Do you know Albert Johnson? He is 14 and is the W-I carrier to 150 of those living on Colorado, Kansas and Pennsylvania Avenues.

1939 February Walsenburg: Federal approval for a $58,709 project has been received by the  W.P.A. for realignment of Highway 69 between Pictou and Turner.

1939 February Walsenburg: January was a safe month for Huerfano County's operating coal mines with no fatalities reported and only seven injuries.

1939 February Walsenburg: Nearly 20 plumbers, painters and decorators are putting finishing touches on the ultra-modern hotel under construction on West Sixth in the old Oxford Hotel block now owned by L.H. Kirkpatrick.

1939 February Walsenburg: Pete Gomez says Henry Sefton, who built the toll road over the Sangre de Cristo range and formed the Sangre de Cristo Wagon Road company, hid two barrels of gold on his 1,000 acre ranch.

1939 February Walsenburg: Seventy jobless mothers without husbands and with broods of growing children are starving since, the WPA sewing room in Walsenburg closed.

1939 February Walsenburg: Since no snow has fallen, it will be hauled to the sled run on Capitol Hill.

1939 February Walsenburg: The old steel bridge over the Cucharas River east of Walsenburg was torn down now that the new one is completed. The old one will be moved into Walsenburg and set up on the Cameron road at the end of Seventh Street.

1939 February Walsenburg: Uniformed in brilliant purple and white, the newly reorganized H.C.H.S. band will parade in downtown Walsenburg Tuesday under the direction of Prof. Abe Milstein.

1939 March La Veta: The new ranger station in Gardner is to open on May 15.

1939 March La Veta: Two officials from San Isabel National Forest told members of Cuchara Valley Stockgrowers that aerial photographs would be taken to survey range problems around the Spanish Peaks.

1939 March La Veta: William Peachey is planning many improvements at Ojo mine, including a new tipple on the highway, a store and filling station.

1939 March Walsenburg: "Range racketeers" have been stealing provisions, clothing, guns and supplies from sheep camps while the herders are out tending their flocks.

1939 March Walsenburg: About 3,100 citizens are registered to vote in the city election.

1939 March Walsenburg: Dr. S. Julian Lamme, mayor, suggests the sale of city owned property to finance the building of a city hall.

1939 March Walsenburg: Headquarters for the Progressive New Dealers were established in the old U-B Grocery building in the first block off Main on West Seventh Street.

1939 March Walsenburg: The merchant who says he has no need for advertising is confessing he has no new merchandise to offer.

1939 March Walsenburg: The Talpa and Badito schools will be closed due to lack of finances in the districts, affecting about 50 students.

1939 March Walsenburg: The ultra modern Benmar Jewelers, Inc., will open their new building at 513 Main with Joe Benedetti Jr. as manager.

1939 April La Veta: A community sale was held Saturday at the home of Charles Hartley which was very successful in selling farm machinery, livestock, etc.

1939 April La Veta: Engineers in charge of the installation of La Veta's new reservoir state that its completion will double the city's water supply.

1939 April La Veta: Evalyn Gail Ritter celebrated her ninth birthday with children of the Ritter School.

1939 April La Veta: Freshmen on the honor roll for the past six weeks were Freeman Bailey and Glenn Smith.

1939 April La Veta: Lakes, reservoirs and rivers are brim full and crop prospects are the best in 10 years.

1939 April La Veta: Lakes, reservoirs and rivers are brim full and crop prospects are the best in 10 years.

1939 April La Veta: Oil tests on the Hamilton ranch east of town have reached a depth of 200 feet and oil shale has been struck.

1939 April La Veta: Old age pensioners in Huerfano County will receive about 99 cents more this month than last, with average payments about $28.03.

1939 April La Veta: The La Veta Library in the newspaper building received a large number of books from Denver so now has about 600 volumes.

1939 April La Veta: The Women's Relief Corps will sponsor a bazaar and old time dance April 22 in Kincaid Hall for the benefit  of the cemetery improvement fund.

1939 April La Veta: Two shifts of WPA workmen will begin work April 28 on Highway 111 south of La Veta to Cuchara Camps to improve it for the coming tourist and fishing seasons.

1939 April La Veta: Two shifts of WPA workmen will begin work April 28 on Highway 111 south of La Veta to Cuchara Camps to improve it for the coming tourist and fishing seasons.

1939 April La Veta: W.H. Harrison, drivers' examiner for Huerfano County, declares that one-third of the motorists in this region are operating their vehicles without proper licenses.

1939 April La Veta: Watchman Julian Tracy foiled a would-be burglar who broke into the Howard Lumber and Supply Company store.

1939 April Walsenburg: A total of 2,600 votes were cast in Tuesday's town election from a registration of 3,543.

1939 April Walsenburg: Dallafior's tavern on West Seventh is getting a completely modern front.

1939 April Walsenburg: Forty people have been arrested this year for stealing coal from railroad cars in the Walsenburg yards.

1939 April Walsenburg: Henry "King" Vigil was elected president of the student council for next year at Huerfano County High School.

1939 April Walsenburg: Work on State Highway 10 is being rushed during the present mild weather and 75 men in two shifts are being employed.

1939 April Walsenburg: In honor of Shirley Temple's birthday Sunday, the Fox-Valencia will show her latest movie, "The Little Princess."

1939 April Walsenburg: Many small coal mine operators have been thrown into financial disaster after a mutual insurance company demanded increases in compensation premiums.

1939 April Walsenburg: Proprietor Louis Zanon is modernizing his Wonder Bar Cafe at 620 Main.

1939 April Walsenburg: The new Sinclair station at Eighth and Main will open June 15.

1939 May La Veta: A total of 417 children of school age were found in District No. 9 during the school census by Mrs. Leonard Clark, compared to 385 last year.

1939 May La Veta: More crops are being planted this year than for many years and considerable amount of pasture land around town is being planted with small grain and beans.

1939 May La Veta: More than 25 enthusiastic La Vetans attended a meeting at town hall where plans were made to open all fishing grounds, establish retaining ponds and stock the lakes of the Spanish Peaks Sportsman's Club.

1939 May La Veta: Nearly 400 jobless of Huerfano County are receiving average checks of $12 per week from unemployment compensation.

1939 May La Veta: Sounding like a big airplane trying to get some place in a hurry, a meteorite landed somewhere in the Spanish Peaks area.

1939 May La Veta: The La Veta baseball team was beaten by Kirkpatrick's Coca Cola team of Walsenburg Sunday by a score of 8-3.

1939 May La Veta: Tonight is the graduation of 26 eighth graders here, including four from Ojo. Tomorrow night is the Ritter School graduation.

1939 May La Veta: W.H. Harrison is the only licensed realtor in La Veta - office in the bank building. .

1939 May Walsenburg: A.C. Schafer Jr. was re-elected president of District 4 school board and George Dick and Victoria Martinez elected treasurer and secretary.

1939 May Walsenburg: Huerfano County will be represented in the state spelling contest by county champ Alta Faye Albright and city champion Elizabeth Cominatti.

1939 May Walsenburg: Miners' Daughters Club of Walsenburg has begun making jewelry from coal.

1939 May Walsenburg: The city housing shortage may be eased this summer with the building of an apartment house on West Seventh Street by Joe Bain.

1939 May Walsenburg: The huge new grandstand and exposition building at the county fairgrounds are ready for next week's Black Diamond Jubilee and the chutes at the rodeo grounds are also finished.

1939 May Walsenburg: The huge new grandstand and exposition building at the county fairgrounds are ready for next week's Black Diamond jubilee.

1939 May Walsenburg: The newly remodeled Rialto Theater opens tomorrow with "The Pride of the Navy" starring James Dunn and Rochelle Hudson and Tex Ritter in "The Song of the Buckaroo."

1939 May Walsenburg: Winners of the Black Diamond Jubilee beard contest were Solotena Archuleta for longest and Abe Milstein for curliest.

1939 June La Veta: A fireworks ban was announced at Sulphur Springs by the proprietors, due to the extreme dryness in the area.

1939 June La Veta: Carpenters are putting in a new floor and remodeling the former Mills Cash Grocery Store and the post office will move there when the work is completed.

1939 June La Veta: Committees of the McRae-Duzenack Post No. 57, American Legion, are rapidly completing plans for a gigantic full day celebration here of the Fourth of July, including baseball between Valdez and the Alamosa Jaycees and four dances in the evening.

1939 June La Veta: Joe Riggins celebrated his ninth birthday Wednesday with young friends on a weiner roast to Echo Canon.

1939 June La Veta: John Kreutzer, one of Colorado's first breeders of polled Herefords having brought the first bull here in 1908, bought a purebred double-standard polled bull from Kansas.

1939 June La Veta: Telephone subscribers in La Veta have been getting, a new thrill out of their phone conversations since the entire telephone service of the community has been switched over to the dial system.

1939 June La Veta: The Huerfano Group of the Colorado Mountain Club will sponsor a nature "enjoyment camp" beginning today and lasting until June 24.

1939 June La Veta: The Masonic Lodge will observe St. John's Day with a picnic in Cuchara Camps.

1939 June La Veta: The official opening of the summer dancing season at Cuchara Camps will be Saturday, July 1 when Tommy Socha's 11-piece orchestra from Walsenburg will play.

1939 June La Veta: Under an approved WPA project, the work of gravel surfacing of Cordova Pass over to Aguilar will start this week and will employ about 60 men for six months.

1939 June Walsenburg: On display in San Francisco and New York fairs are the first man-made organic textile fibers made from coal, "Nylon", "Lucite" and "Neoprene."

1939 June Walsenburg: The highway department is removing the railroad crossing from the center of Main Street and will install illuminated advance warning signs on the sidewalk. 

1939 June Walsenburg: The population of the local hobo jungles has been decreasing since Police Chief Dutch Lewis promised vagrants 30 days in the rock quarry.

1939 July La Veta: A farm grange was organized with Malvin Firm as master.

1939 July La Veta: Because of the extremely dry conditions fireworks are banned at Sulphur Springs this year.

1939 July La Veta: Denton's Orchestra will play an Old Time Dance for Saturday at Sulphur Springs. Admission 50 cents.

1939 July La Veta: Jack Baker has established a fishing club at his Indian Creek ranch.

1939 July La Veta: More cabins were built this year in Huajatolla canon than ever before - and all the owners are from Kansas.

1939 July La Veta: Police have sent fingerprints found after the Union High School robbery to the FBI for possible identification.

1939 July La Veta: Rufus Linscott is building a fine new residence for Karl Gilbert in the northwest part of town.

1939 July La Veta: The existing drouth is playing havoc with fishing conditions as many of the small streams are drying up.

1939 July La Veta: Vandals entered the La Veta Union High School and broke windows, desks and doors Friday night.

1939 July La Veta: Work is progressing rapidly on reconstruction of the waterworks and the project should be completed early in October. WPA workmen are now digging a tunnel beneath the No. 1 reservoir to facilitate drainage.

1939 July Walsenburg: A total of 123 new recruits will arrive at the Gardner CCC camp next week where 87 youths are now employed.

1939 July Walsenburg: At present there are two apartment houses under, construction in Walsenburg - Albert Lenzini's four-unit one at the old Armory location across from the Union Depot and a large apartment structure being built by Joe Bain on Seventh Street.

1939 July Walsenburg: Dinners, $1.25, at Hacienda Del Monte guest ranch, just 45 miles west of Walsenburg at Red Wing.

1939 July Walsenburg: Due to drouth and grass hoppers, the wheat crop of Huerfano County is about 50 percent of normal.

1939 July Walsenburg: One marriage out of every six ends on the rocks in Colorado.

1939 July Walsenburg: Two hundred or more delegates to the third annual Moose convention are expected to arrive next week.

1939 July: The Walsenburg police force will strictly enforce the "no fireworks" ordinance July 4.

1939 August La Veta: Boyd Bakery and Manufacturing which introduced a vanilla extract several months ago is now making cocoa malt.

1939 August La Veta: Hail Monday afternoon pelted the La Veta area, doing heavy damage to the gardens and crops in the vicinity.

1939 August La Veta: More than 150 farmers and ranchers attended the meeting here concerning 1940 crop insurance after experiencing this year's drouth.

1939 August La Veta: Orval Clark won the $25 prize for catching the 27 inch trout placed in Blue Lake by the Sportsmen's Club.

1939 August La Veta: Rain which pelted the La Veta area for five hours Tuesday night brought decided relief from the prolonged drouth and will enable cattlemen to maintain their stock on the forest reserve for the rest of the season.

1939 August La Veta: The La Veta Cash and Carry delivery truck was stolen but found later in Walsenburg.

1939 August La Veta: The WPA cannery opened in the Harrison building just north of the Advertiser office on Main Street.

1939 August La Veta: Two wells will be "shot" this week - the Tompkins No. 1 and No. 2 - by a Texas man. No. 1 was last autumn's gusher.

1939 August La Veta: Walsenburg beat the La Veta baseball team 16 to 3.

1939 August La Veta: Walsenburg won the ball game played here Aug. 13 by 10 points. The final score was Walsenburg 13, La Veta 3.

1939 August La Veta: You missed a good laugh if you did not see Gilbert Arnold, Maurice Bailey, Freeman Bailey, Edward Crawley and Leslie Spielmann with their covered wagon taking off for a week's vacation.

1939 August La Veta:   What is  no doubt Colorado's largest wildcat test field is daily showing convincing signs of oil and gas in commercial quantities at the four rigs operating in the La Veta area.

1939 August Walsenburg: Daher's Grocers beat Tioga's Colorado Supply 6-2 and the Gardner CCC boys defeated Kirkpatrick's Coca Cola 12-5.

1939 August Walsenburg: At the Fox Valencia: "Daughters Courageous" with John Garfield and Priscilla, Rosemary and Lola Lane, plus "Tarzan Finds a Son" starring Johnny Weismuller and Maureen O'Sullivan.

1939 August Walsenburg: Bruce Schecter, a graduate of Adams State Teachers College in Alamosa, has been hired at Gardner where for the first time a full four-year high school course will be offered.

1939 August Walsenburg: City employees' salaries were slashed by city council, for a savings of $200 per month.

1939 August Walsenburg: City Water Commissioner Archie Levy says water in the lower reservoir is receding an inch a day and urges strict observance of restrictions.

1939 August Walsenburg: Dissler's August Furniture Sale: wooden lawn chairs, $4.35; steel lawn chairs, $2.05; padded steel kitchen chairs, $1.65. Across from the court house.

1939 August Walsenburg: Fifty Walsenburg Elks will attend the state convention in Salida, including Mayor Andy Schafer, and will invite the conclave to meet in Walsenburg in 1940.

1939 August Walsenburg: John's Market is back in its old location with Kolbasi, two pounds for 35¢, veal liver 15¢ a pound and ground beef, two pounds for 25¢.

1939 August Walsenburg: Nearly 800 fans watched the Walsenburg Jaycees and Big Four Miners play softball on donkeys last night at the county fairgrounds. Score was 1-1.

1939 August Walsenburg: Shosky's Cafe scored a 17-9 win over the C.C.C. team to win the Huerfano County softball championship.

1939 August Walsenburg: The county clerk's office reports 10 marriage licenses were sold during June.

1939 August Walsenburg: The tipple at Toltec caught fire this week but a barking dog awakened Superintendent Tony Banassi in time to save it.

1939 August Walsenburg: Welcome rains have finally reached Walsenburg and Huerfano County to alleviate the drouth conditions and more is predicted.

1939 August: Walsenburg Elks won the $100 first prize for their parade entry at the state convention in Salida.

1939 September La Veta: A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Heikes Tuesday.

1939 September La Veta: A new coal stoker has been installed in the high school.

1939 September La Veta: A new oil well was spudded in the La Veta oil field last weekend when the Lindsay rig of Pampa, Tex. began operations just south of Ojo on the Campbell lease.

1939 September La Veta: A rock quarry has been opened just south of the town reservoir for a W.P.A. rip-rapping project of the Cucharas river banks through town.

1939 September La Veta: Between 400 and 500 people are now employed on the WPA projects in Huerfano County, including the one improving town lake.

1939 September La Veta: Bids are being taken for remodeling and reroofing 32 miners' homes at the Alamo camp.

1939 September La Veta: Born, a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Heikes Tuesday.

1939 September La Veta: Dale Boyd closed the bakery Saturday and will devote his time to the manufacture of vanilla extract and cocoa.

1939 September La Veta: Firm Brothers won three prizes in the state fair for fat Hereford steers and the Goemmer Brothers also brought home several awards.

1939 September La Veta: Forty Chinese pheasants were released on the Lamme ranch east of town Sunday by the Izaak Walton League. The birds will be protected until they might provide fine hunting in the distant future.

1939 September La Veta: Frances Holmes won an award in the state fair for her yearling Hampshire ram.

1939 September La Veta: Jewell Stone, Frances Holmes, Lyle Ottinger and Clarence Heikes won free trips to the State Fair for winning in their individual 4-H clubs.

1939 September La Veta: John Ellis of La Veta has purchased the interest of Jack DeVivier in the Walsenburg Electric Company where he has been working as manager.

1939 September La Veta: The Aspen Excelsior Company is manufacturing 350 bales per day, relying on two shifts of 15 men each.

1939 September La Veta: The new $50,000 reservoir system, which will be completed within three months, will give the town one of the finest water plants - for a town of its size in the entire state.

1939 September La Veta: The old Campbell building where MTM Drug was is being remodeled.

1939 September La Veta: The railroad tracks to Ojo are being removed.

1939 September La Veta: Three hundred plus filled La Veta Union High School for the bond rally last night.

1939 September Walsenburg: A new steam heating arrangement is being installed in the courthouse.

1939 September Walsenburg: All rural schools with 10 or more pupils may apply for the WPA hot lunch program. Those with fewer than 10 may have the commodities but not the cook.

1939 September Walsenburg: Construction of the new Lenzini Garage begins today at 1018 West Seventh, to replace the one destroyed by fire June 24.

1939 September Walsenburg: The Dick building at Sixth and Main is to be remodeled and a porcelain covered steel front added.

1939 September Walsenburg: The mercantile store at Redwing was completed destroyed by fire. Owner John O'Hagan estimated the loss at approximately $3,000.

1939 September Walsenburg: Three teenagers are in jail and police believe they have found the gang that has been raiding houses, businesses, parked cars and warehouses the past several weeks.

1939 September Walsenburg: Unless heavy rains are forthcoming immediately, Walsenburg's water shortage is serious enough that city officials have banned all lawn watering.

1939 September: Caroline Matkovich, adult education teacher, announced naturalization classes will be resumed at the county courthouse Monday with about 20 enrolled.

1939 September: Edward Gonzales was elected president of the Huerfano County High School senior class, Warren Gault, vice president, Elaine Levy, secretary and Betty Dick, treasurer.

1939 October La Veta: Barbara Countryman, a graduate of Huerfano County High School's Class of 1934, has been appointed to teach English, history and music in La Veta.

1939 October La Veta: Charles Galassini and Joe Robino get the credit for bringing in the first deer of the season.

1939 October La Veta: Huerfano County farmers soon will start threshing 2,000 acres of pinto beans. An expected 300,000 pounds of beans to be harvested would bring in $12,000 to local farmers.

1939 October La Veta: John Ellis has purchased the interest of Jack DeVivier in Walsenburg Electric.

1939 October La Veta: Mike Persich will move the Quality Shoe Shop Nov. 1 to one of the Campbell buildings on Main Street, one door north of the bank building.

1939 October La Veta: More than 100 attended the Fathers and Sons banquet at the Methodist church and heard Dean George Scott of Trinidad Junior College speak.

1939 October La Veta: Most area ranchers have posted "No Trespassing" signs on their land and in the newspaper since a careless hunter shot and killed a valuable horse of R.L. Kincaid.

1939 October La Veta: Oil activity in the La Veta field is to be rushed by double shifts of workers employed at the Reynolds' wells.

1939 October La Veta: Pension payments amounting to $27,050.95 will be paid to 792 aged clients in the county Wednesday. The average payment is approximately $35 for October, with the top payment $37.

1939 October La Veta: Stray bullets showered into the ranch yard of Levi Kincaid, killing a valuable work horse and puncturing items in the area.

1939 October La Veta: Surveying is underway for the new road over Cuchara Pass.

1939 October La Veta: The new highway through La Veta to Crescent Junction, UT, will be called the Navajo Trail.

1939 October La Veta: The Reynolds oil wells in the La Veta field will get rotary rigs to enable them to reach greater depths.

1939 October Walsenburg: A new theater is under construction at the former site of City Pharmacy, 605 Main, to seat 375.

1939 October Walsenburg: Colorado's largest charity fair will open for its 28th annual performance at St. Mary. Catholic School next Wednesday and continue every night through Saturday.

1939 October Walsenburg: Engineers are preparing plans for a new tipple at the strawberry mine.

1939 October Walsenburg: Five new oil test wells will be drilled in Huerfano County in the immediate future.

1939 October Walsenburg: Hunters Sunday sent a .22 bullet through the shoulders of one of Eloy Montez' fine cows on his ranch at Sandy, five miles northeast of the city, just 500 yards from his house.

1939 October Walsenburg: John Manka has leased the Maitland Mine and will reopen it soon.

1939 October Walsenburg: More than 1,000 kiddies have signed the Knight, of Columbus pledge cards promising good behavior tonight and those keeping their promises will see Jane Withers in "Keep Smiling" at the Valencia Theater.

1939 October Walsenburg: More than 1,000 kiddies have signed the Knight, of Columbus pledge cards promising good behavior tonight and those keeping their promises will see Jane Withers in "Keep Smiling" at the Valencia Theater.

1939 October Walsenburg: Now showing at the Valencia, Edward G. Robinson in "Blackmail" and Roy Rogers in "Rough Riders Round-up."

1939 October Walsenburg: Rosendo Castello, 28 year old escaped prisoner charged with burglary and larceny, was recaptured in Olney Springs after 13 days of freedom since he escaped from the district court room in Walsenburg.

1939 October Walsenburg: Snowfall in the mountains west of Walsenburg was declared by city officials to be insufficient to aid the city's water supply. Water restrictions will remain in force until midwinter.

1939 October Walsenburg: The city's water situation remains serious and all restrictions remain in effect.

1939 October Walsenburg: The funeral of Joseph Zudar, held Saturday, was one of the largest held in the city in some time. Most of the United Mine Workers in the county were in attendance.

1939 October Walsenburg: The Huerfano County Chamber of Commerce endorses Mosca Pass as a state highway to the Sand Dunes, and San Luis Valley.

1939 October Walsenburg: The NYA will conduct projects for 80 boys and girls at the caretaker's house at the county fairgrounds.    

1939 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg is seeking a new water supply since only one and a half feet remain in the municipal reservoir.

1939 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg merchants are unsure on what day to close for Thanksgiving after President Roosevelt proclaimed it to be Nov. 23 instead of the usual Nov. 30.

1939 October Walsenburg: Workmen are constructing a special concrete wall at the north side of the court house to prevent drainage from seeping into the basement offices.

1939 November La Veta: A fire started in the new furnace of the Baptist Church, damaging the old building in the upper part and badly damaging the new addition.

1939 November La Veta: Charles Young is installing storage tanks preparatory to opening a filling station at the corner of Main and Virginia streets.

1939 November La Veta: County agent Phil Miles has begun a rural campaign to increase the number of 4-H Club members. Last year 22 boys and 26 girls signed up with 20 boys and 13 girls completing their projects.

1939 November La Veta: Every person in the United States spent an average of $55.84 during October.

1939 November La Veta: Frank Penne, the 13-year-old son of John R. Penne Jr. died of blood poisoning from a splinter in his hand.

1939 November La Veta: Huerfano County now has 795 pensioners, who received $26,352.80 this week.

1939 November La Veta: James Simms suffered burns about the face and eyes Sunday when his rifle backfired while hunting north of town.

1939 November La Veta: Surveys are being conducted around Cuchara Camps to determine the feasibility of a rural electrification project, which would benefit 20 farmers and at least 40 mountain cabins.

1939 November La Veta: Surveys are being made to determine the feasibility of a rural electrification project for Cuchara Camps.

1939 November La Veta: The W.P.A. sewing project has reopened in the J.T. Manning building on Francisco Street.

1939 November La Veta:   Frank J. Penne,  the 13-year-old son of John R. Penne Jr., died of blood poisoning from a splinter in his hand.

1939 November Walsenburg: $14,075 has been granted by the WPA to build a natural stone warehouse to store county equipment.

1939 November Walsenburg: Dr. G.R. Mallett and William Cominotti, co-operators of the Ideal mine, are considering double shifts to meet the demands on the newly reopened mine.

1939 November Walsenburg: Leon Poli will open an electric shop adjoining Hotel Kirkpatrick.

1939 November Walsenburg: Rev. Robert Clelland has been selected to take the place of Rev. Vernon W. Rice at the Community Church.

1939 November Walsenburg: Ten new garages are now under construction at the fairgrounds by the WPA.

1939 November Walsenburg: The Chamber of Commerce is progressing with its plans for a public golf course immediately south of town.

1939 November Walsenburg: The newly renovated Rialto Theater will reopen this weekend with "All Quiet on the Western Front."

1939 November Walsenburg: With only five and a half feet of water remaining in Walsenburg's municipal reservoir, and snowfall  in the watershed insufficient, a new source of water is being sought by Archie Levy, city water commissioner.

1939 Dec. 18: Dec. 17, 1936 Delcarbon, Colo. Dear Santa: I have been a good girl. Please bring me a dollbuggy. Santa Claus please come to our program. Santa Claus bring my mother too boxes of hankies. World Independent

1939 December La Veta: Despite the snowfall this week, Huerfano County's 3,900 acres of winter wheat is believed mostly lost due to the continued drought.

1939 December La Veta: Employment conditions in the county are 10 percent better than a year ago.

1939 December La Veta: F.A. Stansbury, superintendent of schools, was elected worshipful master of La Veta Lodge No. 59, AF&AM. Other officers are Edward Falk, James Ghiardi, George Holmes, Ellis Smith, Albert Jameson, W.H. Harrison and E.C. Stream.

1939 December La Veta: Four or five inches of snow, the first of the season, arrived with Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.

1939 December La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lupton recently purchased the Jennie Prator residence and moved there.

1939 December La Veta: Plastering of the new San Isabel National Forest ranger station was completed last weekend and interior work at the station will probably be finished this week. The work has been done by CCC enrollees from, Gardner who have had a  side camp near La Veta.

1939 December La Veta: The Huerfano County High School Panthers went on a regular scoring spree to hand the La Veta Redskins a 51 to 17 defeat in the HCHS auditorium.

1939 December La Veta: The school band and glee club will give a concert tonight in the gymnasium. Admission 25 cents.

1939 December La Veta: The value of the San Isabel National Forest as a tourist attraction was proved today by Eugene Lepley, assistant supervisor, who disclosed that more than 70,000 persons have visited or motored through the forest this year.

1939 December La Veta: Twenty-two of La Veta's merchants donated to buy the Christmas decorations for the town.

1939 December La Veta: Two La Veta men and one from Walsenburg were fined $25 each plus $28 court costs for killing a wild turkey.

1939 December La Veta: Workmen this week began dismantling the railroad round-house, an old landmark. The building, used for conditioning pusher engines for trips over La Veta Pass, has been a familiar sight in La Veta for 50 years.

1939 December Walsenburg: A petition signed by county officials, businessmen and religious leaders was sent to U.S. Senators Ed Johnson and Alva Adams asking for assistance for the destitute people of Huerfano County.

1939 December Walsenburg: A total of 738 forest fires were reported in the Rocky Mountain region this year because of the drouth, the largest number recorded in any year since 1909.

1939 December Walsenburg: Assurance was given recently by the highway department that surveys will start next spring on the proposed new route over Mosca Pass to the Great Sand Dunes.

1939 December Walsenburg: Dr. F.W. Schafer is remodeling his property at 226 Pennsylvania.

1939 December Walsenburg: Huerfano County's mill levy for 1940 collections will show a reduction of .08 of a mill, for a total of 26.21 mills.

1939 December Walsenburg: Hundreds of people jammed downtown Walsenburg last night to preview the merchants' gift stocks and listen to an excellent performance by the HCHS band.

1939 December Walsenburg: Many hundreds of people attended the grand opening of the new ultra-modern Lenzini Garage, last weekend.

1939 December Walsenburg: Thousands of feet of electric cable, carrying nearly 3,000 brilliantly colored lights, will come to life in downtown Walsenburg Wednesday night transforming Main Street into "Santa Claus Lane."

1939 December Walsenburg: Walsenburg police have arrested 178 men and women during the first 11 months of this year and a decrease is crime is shown. This is not counting vagrants and drunks.

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© Karen Mitchell