Huerfano County, Colorado
News Of The Day

Contributed by Louise Adams, Jean Griesan and Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

1950 - 1954

1950 January La Veta: A windstorm Tuesday knocked out the electricity and telephone service and wires are down everywhere.

1950 January La Veta: Gusts with near-hurricane strength this morning leveled the $5,000 barn of the Huerfano County Hereford Breeders Association near town and destroyed several other barns and sheds in the community.

1950 January La Veta: High winds have been causing much damage locally.

1950 January La Veta: More snow fell over the weekend.

1950 January La Veta: Supt. O.J. Norton had the program "Flying Saucers Are Real" last Tuesday for Rotary Club.

1950 January La Veta: The high school girl's basketball team beat the junior high team 54-0.

1950 January La Veta: The La Veta Redskins defeated Rye High School 39-36 with Earl Carver scoring 25 points.

1950 January La Veta: The windstorm Tuesday completely flattened the $5,000 4-H building just completed last year. 

1950 January La Veta: William L. Warner, formerly a La Veta Bank employee, was elected mayor of Pueblo.

1950 January Walsenburg: A miscellaneous shower honored Ruth Ann Todd who will become the bride of Robert M. Frasher next Sunday.

1950 January Walsenburg: Approximately 900 new motor vehicle licenses were sold last week with a total of $12,636.20 in fees collected.

1950 January Walsenburg: Gardner Forest Ranger Clifford Van Doren reports the mountains have less snow now than they did in early summer.

1950 January Walsenburg: Ivy and Charles 0. Unfug have formed a partnership to operate Unfug's Apparel Shop.

1950 January Walsenburg: Jan. 5 Walsenburg's population was increased by 100 following the final passage of an ordinance annexing Lorna Park townsite.

1950 January Walsenburg: Jan. 5 Walsenburg's population was increased by 100 following the final passage of an ordinance annexing Lorna Park townsite.

1950 January Walsenburg: Maurice E. Cowing, a resident of Walsenburg since 1890 and longtime businessman, died, leaving his wife, sons Maurice and Frank and daughters Clara Thorton, Eleanor Frick and Ruth Sumner.

1950 January Walsenburg: Miss Laura Sudar was selected 1950 Basketball Queen at Huerfano County High School.

1950 February La Veta: A road improvement project is recommended to reach 18 farm families up the Cucharas and five farm families up Indian Creek, a total of 98 persons.

1950 February La Veta: Although the interior of the Catholic Church is not completed, Rev. Howard L. Delaney began conducting mass there two years ago.

1950 February La Veta: Born, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Arnold.

1950 February La Veta: Dora McCargish, the daughter of Mrs. Charles Galassini, married Walter M. Boehm.

1950 February La Veta: Dorothy Kopine attended the International Ski Meet in Aspen, the first in the United States, where she saw skiers from 14 countries and Gary Cooper.

1950 February La Veta: Frances Willburn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Willburn of Gardner, married Louis Magnino, a 1940 graduate of LVHS.

1950 February La Veta: Mrs. George A. Goemmer entertained last week in honor of her son Curtis' eighth birthday.

1950 February La Veta: The Cuchara Camps summer population is estimated at 700 and some 10,000 use the San Isabel Forest facilities each summer.

1950 February La Veta: The P.T.A. held a pie social and benefit bingo game in the high school auditorium with musical entertainment by school students.

1950 February La Veta: The Santi Oil Company of Walsenburg is building a new bulk gasoline and oil distribute station just behind Kopine's Railroad Park Service Station on Main Street.

1950 February La Veta: The Wahatoya road should be improved as it serves 90 ranch people and 200 summer residents.

1950 February La Veta: There will be no town election this year because the two parties agreed on a slate of candidates.

1950 February La Veta: Walt Padilla remodeled his barber shop so a beauty shop can be installed. 

1950 February Walsenburg: Jack Spink has bought the Crescent Motor Court from Fred Taylor. It was built by James H.P. Fisk some years ago.

1950 March La Veta: Extensive remodeling is underway at Coleman Drug where shelving is being installed all along the south wall and the booths were moved to the middle.

1950 March La Veta: Howard McKinney is operating the La Veta Beauty Shop in conjunction with Walt's Barber Shop.

1950 March La Veta: It was discovered that a cabin in Wahatoya Canon had been moved from its foundation by high winds.

1950 March La Veta: Johnny Rose and The Plainsmen will open the spring dance season April 1 at Muleshoe Lodge.

1950 March La Veta: La Veta Locker Plant is putting in a stock of groceries.

1950 March La Veta: La Veta Locker Plant is putting in a stock of groceries.

1950 March La Veta: The snow measured on La Veta Pass totaled 18.5 inches, compared to 32.4 last year and the five year average of 30.6 inches.

1950 March La Veta: The snow pack is considerably below average this year.

1950 March La Veta: Tommy E. Foster sold three Hereford cows at $250 a head.

1950 March Walsenburg: Carl Price is opening his Radiator and Wrecker Service in his new location at 110 East Fifth Street.

1950 March Walsenburg: For a delicious steak or short order, come to Buddy's Drive-in, Buddy and Alice Olwer, proprietors, 822 South Main.

1950 March Walsenburg: Huerfano County's 600 or more coal miners are expected to return to work soon with the end of the two month strike.

1950 March Walsenburg: It was really "Windy Walsenburg" over the weekend with gusts of up to 60 miles per hour, though the temperature was in the upper 60's.

1950 March Walsenburg: Mina Yourick was appointed Clerk of the District Court after the resignation of Charles Haines.

1950 March Walsenburg: The Misses Phyllis Krier and Lucille Savio entertained the Walsenburg Lions with a musical program last night.

1950 March Walsenburg: The pupils of the Seventh Street School will present the operetta "The Magic Basket" March 16 under the direction of Mrs. Josephine Aragon and Miss Filda Manzanares.

1950 March Walsenburg: Work has resumed on the new building which is to house the heating plant for the county courthouse.

1950 March Walsenburg: Zellar brothers, who have operated their service station at Eighth and Main for 10 years, have built their business by guaranteeing all work.

1950 April La Veta: A very welcome snowfall came last night to alleviate the recent dry conditions.

1950 April La Veta: Dr. R.E. Windham reported vandalism at his buildings up at Sulphur Springs.

1950 April La Veta: Harold Bankson was appointed town marshal after the resignation of Milt Welsby.

1950 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Taft and sons have moved into the Murrell rental house on Oak Street.

1950 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Taft and sons have moved into the Murrell rental on Oak Street.

1950 April La Veta: Some badly needed rain and snow fell this week.

1950 April La Veta: The Chamber of Commerce donated $50 to the L Club Mothers for seeding the American Legion field which is being used by the school as an athletic field.

1950 April La Veta: The dry weather continuing and farmers are becoming discouraged about their prospects for this year.

1950 April La Veta: The Easter morning sunrise service of the Baptist Church will be held near the ranch of Bertha Boyd about 5:30, followed by breakfast at the church.

1950 April Walsenburg: By April 11, census enumerators counted 7,833 people in 2,611 dwelling units in Huerfano County.

1950 April Walsenburg: Carol Supancic will star in the title role of "Sunbonnet Sue" and Don Stimack has the male lead in the operetta to be presented at St. Mary High School.

1950 April Walsenburg: Ford Frick, president of the National Baseball League, is in Walsenburg for the 92nd birthday of his mother-in-law, Mrs. F.E. Cowing.

1950 April Walsenburg: Joe Benedetti was unanimously re-elected governor of the Walsenburg Moose Lodge 1089.

1950 April Walsenburg: Preceeding the annual school bazaar tomorrow, Gary Mauro and Mary Ann Matteo will be crowned St. Mary Carnival king and queen.

1950 April Walsenburg: Residents of Walsenburg will be treated to a local talent show of eight acts Thursday night to raise money for the cancer drive.

1950 April Walsenburg: Ted's Grocery at 111 Jackson is now under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Read.

1950 April Walsenburg: The County is installing a 100-foot steel bridge which used to be on Highway 69 near Big Four, over the Muddy near the road to Redwing.

1950 April Walsenburg: Thieves broke into the Miners Inn Tavern and removed liquor and money.

1950 April Walsenburg: With production slowing in Huerfano County coal mines, the employment picture looks dim until the seasonal work with agriculture starts.

1950 May La Veta: D&RG is proposing a $90,000 school bond.

1950 May La Veta: Harold Mills now presides at the beauty shop in Walt's Barber Shop.

1950 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Webster, residents of La Veta since the summer of 1910, celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary.

1950 May La Veta: Nineteen seniors will graduate this month, according to Superintendent Orlan J. Norton.

1950 May La Veta: Receiving awards for completing seven years of 4-H work were Richard Kreutzer, Billy Riggins, Dorothy Riggins and Sonny Smith.

1950 May La Veta: The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad is proposing the bond for the new elementary school be set at $90,000.

1950 May Walsenburg: 1950 weddings licenses are down to only eight so far this year after 62 were sold in 1949 and 61 in 1948, an average of five per month.

1950 May Walsenburg: A dedication ceremony will take place Sunday at the Huerfano Butte where members of the Colorado Mountain Club have taken stones from the Butte to build a replica, and a descriptive plaque has been set in it by the Colorado Historical Society.

1950 May Walsenburg: Governor Walter W. Johnson was here for the Jefferson-Jackson dinner followed by a Spanish dance program by El Fandango.

1950 May Walsenburg: Huerfano County champs Lawrence Noga and Ernest Peralta will compete in the state marble tourney Sunday in Pueblo.

1950 May Walsenburg: Ralph Levy Jr., a native of Walsenburg and graduate of local schools, will return to his home town next fall as music director, for Walsenburg city schools and H.C.H.S.

1950 May Walsenburg: Special for 30 Days Only: Your Furnace Cleaned for only $10. Sam Little Furnace Co., 113 W. Seventh St.

1950 May Walsenburg: The Chamber of Commerce announced its support of rain making projects to ease the water shortage.

1950 May Walsenburg: The new Conoco Super Station in the 200 block of Main Street will open May 27.

1950 May Walsenburg: The Very Rev. Howard L. Delaney will be honored Thursday on his 10th anniversary as a priest.  He has served St. Mary Parish since his ordination.

1950 May Walsenburg: Yesterday was the grand opening of the new Conoco Super Service Station and Castle Coal Company office on Main Street, next to Mondo's Poor Boy Drive-Inn.

1950 June La Veta: A log cabin effect was achieved last week when Walt Padilla gave the Snack Shack a new layer of siding.

1950 June La Veta: A recent visitor to town was Dana Q. McComb who was born here to C.E. McComb, station agent for the Denver and Rio Grande and the first mayor of La Veta.

1950 June La Veta: Died, Dr. S. Julian Lamme, who began his medical practice in La Veta, after graduation from college in 1904, later opened the hospital and moved to Walsenburg in 1919.

1950 June La Veta: Died, Helen McDonald, sister of Mrs. Pete Gross, Mary Tessari of California and John and Thomas Kmetz.

1950 June La Veta: Died, LeRoy Springer, 81, a resident of La Veta since 1910, leaving his wife, three daughters and a son.

1950 June La Veta: Former resident Dana Q. McComb, son of Cyrus E. McComb, the first mayor of La Veta, says his father came here as station agent for D&RG in 1880.

1950 June La Veta: George Davis was elected commander of McRae-Duzenack Post No. 57 of the American Legion.

1950 June La Veta: La Veta's school population this year was 408, down from 421 last year.

1950 June La Veta: Ranaldo Shaw, 56, who lived about two miles north of town, was found dead of a heart attack in his car in Wahatoya canon.

1950 June La Veta: The bond election for the new school passed 114-58.

1950 June La Veta: The contract to build the new Hereford sales and show barn was let to James Kenner of Walsenburg for $35,000.

1950 June La Veta: The Reverend C.H. Hatfield has returned to the Methodist Church.

1950 June La Veta: The school student population in La Veta is 408 this year, compared to 421 last year.

1950 June La Veta: The second season of the Cuchara School of Art formally opens today with a community pot luck dinner at the Barn Studio.

1950 June La Veta: Tom Moore is the new school superintendent.

1950 June La Veta: Tom Moore is the new superintendent of La Veta's schools.

1950 June La Veta: Word was received of the death of Frank G. Voris, 68, in California. He was the brother of Myrtle Kitchen and Pearl Bruce.

1950 June Walsenburg: At the Fox Theater, Wait Disney's "Cinderella," plus a musical short, "Mardi Gras," and the latest world news.

1950 June Walsenburg: Extensive remodeling of the Fox Theater will include tinting the exterior pink and installing automatic curtain openers.

1950 June Walsenburg: Forty-one members of the HCHS Spanish Club left today for Juarez, Mexico with sponsors Martha King and Dorothy Manzanares.

1950 June Walsenburg: Frank V. Repola was chosen Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus.

1950 June Walsenburg: Joe Habib and Ernest U. Sandoval have both announced their candidacy for state representative.

1950 June Walsenburg: Mike Morelli, Tioga, a coal miner for the past 36 years, has announced his candidacy for Democratic State Representative subject to the approval of the county assembly. 

1950 June Walsenburg: One inch of rain fell over the county this weekend, bringing the total moisture to 5.19 inches for the year, below the average for June.

1950 June Walsenburg: Sixty-four seniors graduate from HCHS tomorrow night. Valedictorians are Lorraine Nigro and Bonnie Chase and Eugene Figal is salutatorian.

1950 June Walsenburg: The preliminary census shows Huerfano County has 10,520 residents, with 5,579 in Walsenburg and 696 in La Veta.

1950 June Walsenburg: Tioga miner Mike Morelli has announced his candidacy for Democratic State Representative.

1950 June Walsenburg: Walsenburg is competing with Colorado Springs to be the site of the 1951 Colorado Cattleman's Convention.

1950 July La Veta: A move is on to consolidate the rural schools into larger districts.

1950 July La Veta: After the county began seeking funds to pay for a rain-making project, two inches of rain and hail fell on La Veta,

1950 July La Veta: Died, Mrs. Edna R. Danks, widow of Arthur and mother of Harold Danks and Mrs. Ralph Garren.

1950 July Walsenburg: Bud Benson of Gardner won $10 for catching the longest fish - 21 and 3/4 inches - in the Santi Motor Company fishing contest.

1950 July Walsenburg: In a beautiful ceremony July 10 in St. Mary Church, Esther Ghella became the bride of Tom Hobeika. Fr. Howard Delaney officiated.

1950 July Walsenburg: John G. Dinise will replace Christy H. Morgan as advertising director for the World-Independent and George Zanon will move up to head of the production department, according to Harold Call, publisher.

1950 July Walsenburg: Mrs. Charles Agnes will celebrate her 100th birthday July 8. She has been in Huerfano County for 62 years.

1950 July Walsenburg: President Truman authorized the state draft directors to start adding to the draft board members "in anticipation of any calls."

1950 July Walsenburg: The annual Democratic Party picnic on La Veta Pass Aug. 20 is expected to draw 1,500 people for the entertainment, bingo, contests, softball and various races.

1950 July Walsenburg: The Huerfano County School Reorganization Committee last night drew up rough maps for three districts, Walsenburg, La Veta, and Gardner, to replace the current 54 districts.

1950 July Walsenburg: William M. Thach, 40-year-old stockman and realtor, will be the Republican candidate for state senator, opposing Sam T. Taylor.

1950 July: Walsenburg's Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 1089 has been absorbed into Pueblo's lodge.

1950 Aug. 9: Mayor Joe Mosco Jr., again reminds the citizens of Walsenburg that the water situation is very critical and getting worse all the time. Only 140 million gallons of water are in the reservoirs and use is averaging 2 1/2 million gallons daily. Aug. 9, 1950 - World Independent

1950 August La Veta: About 50 ranchers of Huerfano and Las Animas counties attended the meeting in La Veta Monday night to learn what is being done about the rustling problem.

1950 August La Veta: Absolutely no lawn watering will be permitted because of the extended drouth.

1950 August La Veta: Because of the very dry conditions prevailing, lawn and garden watering is strictly prohibited until further notice.

1950 August La Veta: Bryan Palmer bought the Snack Shack from Mrs. Al Foote and Shirley David.

1950 August La Veta: Bryan Palmer has purchased the Snack Shack from Mrs. Mary Foote and Shirley David.

1950 August La Veta: Cloud seeding from the generator on Cordova Pass has proved to be a success.

1950 August La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Magnino became parents of a baby girl.

1950 August La Veta: Mrs. Lois Weed, daughter of Mrs. Elmer Shoemaker, married Norman Boyd, son of Mrs. Bertha Boyd.                                                      

1950 August La Veta: The flow in the Cucharas is the lowest ever.

1950 August La Veta: The river is as low as anyone can remember.

1950 August Walsenburg: Behind the effective pitching of Danny Martinez, the U.B.-Santi softball team are [sic] district junior champions, having defeated Lamar, Trinidad and Las Animas.

1950 August Walsenburg: Dona Mae Zgut was named reserve champion in clothing at the Colorado State Fair.

1950 August Walsenburg: Eloy Bustos, 15, won two buckles and a pair of cowboy boots as winner of calf roping and calf riding at the Kids' Rodeo in La junta.

1950 August Walsenburg: Merle V. Chase, superintendent of Huerfano County High School, said that the quarter system has been changed to the semester system.

1950 August Walsenburg: There will be no more irrigation and water from the city system. Water may be used for domestic purposes only. Enforcement will be rigorous.

1950 August Walsenburg: To celebrate its first business anniversary Irwin's Texaco Super Service at Fourth and Main Streets will have a big open house Sept. 1 and 2 with refreshments and 20 free prizes.

1950 August: Traffic on Main Street was tied up for two hours this morning after a Denver and Rio Grande freight was derailed.    

1950 September La Veta: Charles Masinton bought the Cuchara Camps store.

1950 September La Veta: Norman Boyd and Gordon Sommers have opened a coal mine La Veta six miles west on the Klikus ranch, where some good quality coal has been found.

1950 September La Veta: Woodrow Crumbo, famed Indian artist and former student of  Clayton Staples, has been visiting in Cuchara Camps.

1950 September Walsenburg: A new practice of saluting the flag has been instituted at St. Mary School by Sr. Suitbertha, the new principal.    

1950 September Walsenburg: Despite little success this summer with rainfall, the Water Resources Development Company, rain increasers, will make an attempt at increasing the snowfall.

1950 September Walsenburg: Harry E. Wright, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, says there is a possibility of getting a Hydrogen bomb plant for this part of the state.

1950 September Walsenburg: Leo Cruz was killed in action Sept. 11 in Korea and Louis C. Cortez of Gardner has been reported injured.

1950 September Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hammond celebrated their 50th anniversary Sunday. They have lived in Walsenburg for 49 of those years.

1950 September Walsenburg: The Bert Herron ranch on Oak Creek, estimated at 6,000 acres, has been sold to Charles E. Disert and Vernon Mills. The spread was also known as the Charles Harmes place in the past.

1950 September: Cheerleaders elected at St. Mary High School are Barbara Cordova, captain, June Gonacha, Lorraine Bonicelli and Carol Supancic.   

1950 September: Early registration at St. Mary elementary school is 300 and 130 have registered in the high school.

1950 October La Veta: A.B. Cloud, Jr., a veteran, is opening the hobby shop in the Park Lane Hotel.

1950 October La Veta: George Drury, here for over 70 years, told Rotary about the growth and development of timber in the local mountains during his lifetime.

1950 October La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goss are parents of a new baby boy.

1950 October La Veta: The 1950 census shows there were 10,520 people living in the county as of April 1. Of these, 6,836 are registered to vote.

1950 October La Veta: The dog poisoner is at work again and anyone having information should contact the marshal.

1950 October La Veta: William Jarrott of New Mexico has purchased the R.L. Kincaid and Son ranches around this vicinity.

1950 October La Veta: William Jarrott of New Mexico purchased Kincaid's 203 registered Herefords and has an option to buy R.L. Kincaid and Son's farms.

1950 October Walsenburg: County Superintendent of Schools Frances Nelson will be a delegate to the Child Welfare Conference at the White House in December.

1950 October Walsenburg: June Gonacha will be St. Mary High School homecoming queen and Shirley Micek and Mary Mae Britt her attendants.

1950 October Walsenburg: Kansas Avenue has been declared a one way street from Walsen to Russell.

1950 October Walsenburg: Kansas Avenue has been declared a one-way street from Walsen Avenue to Russell.

1950 October Walsenburg: The Pictou mine currently employes 62 men and produces an average of 275 tons of coal daily.

1950 October Walsenburg: There are 6,836 voters registered in Huerfano County, compared to 7,500 in 1948.

1950 October Walsenburg: Twenty-five former G.I.s are enrolled in the special class at Huerfano County High School.

1950 October Walsenburg: Twenty-five former G.I.s are enrolled in the special class at Huerfano County High School.

1950 October Walsenburg: Walter Bonsell, Licensed Plumber, 430 West Ninth Street. 

1950 November La Veta: A four-inch snowfall was recorded.

1950 November La Veta: J.M. McMath of La Veta is the new state representative from Huerfano County.

1950 November La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Amadio Cassai celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Amadio came to America in 1899 and his wife, the former Anna Vignocchi, in 1900.

1950 November La Veta: Over 5,000 of Huerfano County's 6,836 registered voters turned out Tuesday.

1950 November La Veta: The bid for the new school was finally accepted.

1950 November La Veta: The heaviest snow in over a year blanketed the area and ended the long drought.

1950 November La Veta: The La Veta High School Redskins won their first football championship ever. 

1950 November La Veta: When the oil boiler was removed from the school last week, it was found it was made in 1904 and installed in 1911.

1950 November Walsenburg: City Council discussed using water from the Niggerhead mine for irrigation purposes.

1950 November Walsenburg: Died, Frederick E. Cowing, 94, a resident of Walsenburg since 1879 when he opened a mercantile business where Star Grocery is now.

1950 November Walsenburg: Emmett C. King Jr. reported for duty at the Naval Air Station in San Diego.

1950 November Walsenburg: La Veta meets Center this week in its first ever state playoffs.

1950 November Walsenburg: The Burress Memorial Chapel will have a grand opening, Sunday after extensive remodeling.

1950 November Walsenburg: The Lions Club Dixieland Minstrels put on an excellent show last night.

1950 November Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Public Library Society has received a gift of land from the Pritchard family just north of the Furphy Mortuary for a library building.

1950 December La Veta: Howard's Lumber Company was broken into and about $400 worth of loot carried away, including appliances, knives, watches, etc.

1950 December La Veta: Illegal slot machines are in operation in 17 Colorado counties, including Huerfano.

1950 December La Veta: Kendall John Haase, 39, died of a heart attack in Las Vegas.

1950 December La Veta: Quite a few La Veta residents went to Walsenburg last night for the Grand Opening of the new Safeway store.

1950 December La Veta: Sales of $35,595, or an average of $659.24 per head, were recorded last weekend at the annual Hereford Breeders sale Dec. 1 in the new sale barn.

1950 December Walsenburg: Christmas trees are for sale at 50 cents and up at the Moonglow Service Station on North Walsen.

1950 December Walsenburg: Members of the Sportsman's Club should meet at Pete O'Rourke's at 6:30 tonight for their drive to La Veta for the banquet at the Park Lane Hotel.

1950 December Walsenburg: Oress DeHerrera, Panther halfback, was selected for the second all-star team by the United Press for the Southern Colorado Conference.

1950 December Walsenburg: Sam Taylor today told the Colorado Public Utilities Commission that increasing use of natural gas is killing the state's coal mining industry.

1950 December Walsenburg: The HCHS Board has decided to sever athletic relations with the Trinidad High School for the next four years after an incident at a basketball game with Trinidad here earlier this week.

1950 December Walsenburg: The Huerfano County courthouse has been decorated for Christmas for the first time in history.

1950 December Walsenburg: The Opening of the new Safeway Store scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed because some equipment was not received.

1951 January La Veta: A minor snowfall arrived last weekend following another small one on the previous weekend.

1951 January La Veta: A special election will be Jan. 23 to sell the old town hall, currently used for storage, to the La Veta Fire Protection District.

1951 January La Veta: Citizens will vote Jan. 23 on whether to sell the old town hall to the Fire Protection District for $2,500 and buy the old bakery building for $1,050 and remodel it.

1951 January La Veta: Over 100 people attended the La Veta Dairy Breeders Association meeting in La Veta.

1951 January La Veta: The Huerfano County School Reorganization Committee reports that La Veta voted for consolidation of schools 108 to 11.

1951 January La Veta: The Redskins ventured to Avondale Saturday night and came home with their sixth victory of the season, winning 28-24 with Earl Carver scoring 22 points.

1951 January La Veta: The town hall is currently in the bank building and the old hall is being used for storage.

1951 January La Veta: Town Hall is currently housed in the bank building and the old hall is being used for storage.

1951 January Walsenburg: A total of 429 Walsenburg school children were immunized against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus yesterday.

1951 January Walsenburg: City Council addressed a petition from city employees asking for a 20 percent wage increase to keep up with the high cost of living.

1951 January Walsenburg: Corp. Richard E. Laner has been awarded the Navy letter of commendation and Commendation Ribbon for excellent service while with a Marine infantry company in Korea.

1951 January Walsenburg: New staff of the St. Mary High School paper, the Paladin, includes Barbara Cordova, editor, Marilyn Krier, sports editor and Edna May Ballotti, feature editor.

1951 January Walsenburg: Private First Class Guadalupe F. Miranda, serving in Korea, has been promoted to corporal.

1951 January Walsenburg: R.R. Gowdy was elected president of the First State Bank, replacing Maurice Cowing who died Dec. 23.

1951 January Walsenburg: The HCHS basketball squad voted Kenneth Butler their king and Frances Church was selected queen.

1951 January Walsenburg: The Huerfano County High School senior class will present a variety show Feb. 28 under the direction of Joan Lovdjieff.

1951 January Walsenburg: Walsenburg's HCHS Panthers won the first game of the season Friday night by defeating the Florence Huskies 42-39, led by Jimmy Sterk and Pete Marck.

1951 February La Veta: A special election will be held March 26 to elect a Board of Education for the newly reorganized school district.

1951 February La Veta: A total of 23 inches of snow was measured on the La Veta Pass snow course, compared to 46.6 inches last year and 26.3 inches for the 10-year average.

1951 February La Veta: After more than 50 years, the D&RG will cease running night trains over La Veta Pass and will begin tomorrow with passenger service over the scenic route during daylight hours.

1951 February La Veta: Children are natural mimics. They act like their parents in spite of every effort to teach them good manners.

1951 February La Veta: Fifty-seven votes were cast in the special election approving the sale of the old town hall, remodeled about a year ago to house the fire truck and maintainer, and purchasing the Boyd Estate building for a new hall.

1951 February La Veta: Pupils of the fifth and sixth grades will present an operetta, "Tom Sawyer," Tuesday evening in the high school auditorium.

1951 February La Veta: The home of Mrs. Emmett Brown was the setting for a baby shower honoring Mrs. Freeman Bailey.

1951 February La Veta: The P.T.A. Minstrel Show will be next Thursday evening. Costumes are by Lola Masinton and make-up by Connie Ghiardi. Thora Brown is the dance teacher.

1951 February La Veta: Town residents voted 57 for, 0 against, a new town hall. The office has been in the bank for the past year.

1951 February Walsenburg: Ellen Weston, southern Colorado's oldest active cowgirl, was born west of the Spanish Peaks in 1900 where her father settled in 1875.  She has two sons from a former marriage, Mark and Clifford Wells, and now lives on a ranch at Turkey Ridge.

1951 February Walsenburg: HCHS seniors selected for class play star players Oress DeHerrera, Willeen Oldham and George Aibner.

1951 February Walsenburg: James H.P. Fisk has been named Civil Defense Director for Huerfano County.

1951 February Walsenburg: Mary Casias has opened Mi Casita Cafe at 109 West Seventh.

1951 February Walsenburg: Vardie Novelties, manufacturers of ceramic figurines, will open for business tomorrow at 113 West Seventh by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vardeman.

1951 March La Veta: Albert Robino surprised his parents by showing up unexpectedly during his leave from the US Navy.

1951 March La Veta: Albert Robino surprised his parents by showing up unexpectedly during his leave from the US Navy.

1951 March La Veta: High winds have been the order of the day.

1951 March La Veta: If the consolidation of county schools comes about as planned, La Veta will be District No. 3.

1951 March La Veta: John Geiser bought the 80 acre Book Dickenson ranch north of town.

1951 March La Veta: Mrs. Joyce Howard was killed in a car accident. She is survived by her husband Jimmie and a 15-month old son.

1951 March La Veta: The new chlorinator at the water plant is almost completed.

1951 March La Veta: The new chlorinator at the water plant is almost completed.

1951 March La Veta: Very dry conditions exist due to the high winds and lack of snow.

1951 March Walsenburg: A fire which began in the Huerfano County News building threatened the entire first block of West Seventh

1951 March Walsenburg: Bradley Huff of Walsenburg and Ruth Waggoner of Gardner obtained a marriage license Monday.

1951 March Walsenburg: Chief of Police Tony Velarde began his duties this morning and was initiated by having to investigate three break-ins which occurred last night.

1951 March Walsenburg: City Council accepted Ralph Levy's resignation as police chief after 11 years and appointed Tony Velarde to the position.

1951 March Walsenburg: Gerald Repola, St. Mary eighth grader, won $25 for his safety poster from Rocky Mountain Motorists.

1951 March Walsenburg: Highway 232 from Aguilar over Cordova Pass may be extended about six miles.

1951 March Walsenburg: Huerfano County received $83,349.23 in state funds for distribution among the 24 school districts.

1951 March Walsenburg: Louis Davison, 21-year-old owner of a ranch five miles east of Walsenburg, was named Youth of the Week by the Colorado Cattleman's Association.

1951 March Walsenburg: Mayor Joe Mosco Jr. reminds residents that water restrictions placed last Aug. 22 are still in effect.

1951 March Walsenburg: PTA is sponsoring a movie tonight at Fox Theater - "The Next Voice You Hear," starring James Whitmore and Nancy Davis.

1951 March Walsenburg: This weekend at the Fox Theatre, Dennis Morgan and Patricia Neal in "Raton Pass," Roy Rogers in "Trail of Robin Hood" and all the latest news from Korea.

1951 March Walsenburg: Two Kansas men are in the Huerfano County jail today after attempting to rob Jack Thorne's Gardner Garage.

1951 March Walsenburg: Used cars: 1947 Frazier 6, $795; 1948 Buick Road Master Sedan, $1,495; 1941 March Walsenburg: GMC two speed 1/2 ton truck, $495 - Lenzini Motor Company.

1951 April La Veta: Miss Ghiardi: "Phyllis, make a sentence using notwithstanding." Phillis: "I wore out the seat of my levis but notwithstanding."

1951 April La Veta: P.W. Richert is the new music director for La Veta schools.

1951 April La Veta: The La Veta Redskins started baseball practice last week by clearing the field of rocks.

1951 April Walsenburg: Mary Mae Britt will be valedictorian and Shirley Micek salutatorian at St. Mary High School this year.

1951 April Walsenburg: Mary Mae Britt will be valedictorian and Shirley Micek, salutatorian at St. Mary High School this year.

1951 April Walsenburg: Sunday-Monday at the Fox, Gary Cooper and Ruth Roman in "Dallas," plus "Kefauver Investigation News" with actual court room scenes!

1951 April Walsenburg: Lloyd Barnett of Gardner School won the county spelling contest and Marilyn Marcon of St. Mary School won the city contest.

1951 April Walsenburg: The Home Demonstration Club will have an Antiques and Hobby Show at the Elks Ballroom on May 1-3.

1951 May La Veta: Cliff Dodge sold his 1,400 acre ranch southeast of La Veta to Garret S. Lashley and Sons of Texas.

1951 May La Veta: Gene Milberger will be valedictorian and Ernest Bergamo, salutatorian, of the eighth grade graduating class.  

1951 May La Veta: Mary Jane Speed is valedictorian and Mabel Duzenack the salutatorian. There are 18 graduates.

1951 May La Veta: R.B. Linscott is rapidly transforming the old bakery building into the new Town Hall. The front will be glass brick and plate glass.

1951 May La Veta: The Domenic Leone Construction Company of Trinidad won the bid to rebuild and oil 4.4 miles of Highway 111 between La Veta and Highway 160.

1951 May La Veta: The La Veta Advertiser has now passed its 55th birthday.

1951 May La Veta: The La Veta Advertiser was 55 years old, last week.

1951 May La Veta: The theme for the National Home Demonstration Week being celebrated in Huerfano County this week is "Today's Home Builds Tomorrow's World."

1951 May La Veta: This year's graduating class is made up of Marjorie Bailey, Earl Carver, James Christie, Pat Davis, Dan Dodge, Mabel Duzenack, Robert Erwin, Fred Falk, Phyllis Ferkovich, Mary Goss, Paul Hayes, Melvin Hurley, Thomas Linscott, Karlyn Mills, C. Ben Nason, Mary Jane Speed, Joe Viola and Hugh Young.

1951 May Walsenburg: A total of 63 seniors will graduate June 1 from Huerfano County High School. Margery Hazzard and Ann McFie tied for valedictorian and Caroline Urban was chosen salutatorian.

1951 May Walsenburg: As of Jan. 1, there were bank deposits of $4,464,658 in Huerfano County.

1951 May Walsenburg: Huerfano County's Selective Service Board has moved its office from the courthouse basement to 107 West Seventh Street.

1951 May Walsenburg: Pupils of Sister Tharsilla's music class will give a recital tonight at 7 o'clock in KC Hall at St. Mary Church.

1951 May Walsenburg: Santi Motor and Oil Company will hold its Grand Opening this Saturday and Sunday.

1951 May Walsenburg: Some 4,300 Rainbow and Loch-Leven trout have been planted in Martin Lake which opens for the season May 25.

1951 May Walsenburg: The descriptive monument at El Huerfano, the Huerfano Butte, will be set and dedicated this Sunday afternoon.

1951 May Walsenburg: The local Republican Women's Club received a gavel at the state convention for having the highest percentage of increase in membership in the state.

1951 June La Veta: A number of La Veta Rotarians went to Walsenburg June 6 to help that chapter celebrate its Silver Anniversary.

1951 June La Veta: After two weeks of rain, water restrictions have been lifted in town.

1951 June La Veta: Fred Falk and Billy Riggins are attending the state conclave of DeMolay in Boulder.

1951 June La Veta: John Ellis is moving the La Veta Liquor Store into the former La Veta Advertiser office location on Main Street.

1951 June La Veta: Seventeen eighth graders graduated Thursday evening with Ernest Bergamo delivering the salutatorian's address and Gene Milberger the valedictorian's.

1951 June La Veta: The La Veta Advertiser has moved to a garage at the Fischback residence across the Cucharas.

1951 June La Veta: The roadway on Highway 11 to the junction with Highway 160 is being replaced.

1951 June La Veta: Unseasonable snow and frost were experienced the past week.

1951 June La Veta: Unseasonable snow and frost were received this week.

1951 June La Veta: Waldo Linscott opened a jewelry repair shop in the former library room.

1951 June Walsenburg: "Bob" Meyer and "Jeff" Rogers now have charge of Farm and Ranch Sales and Livestock Brokerage at Caywood's Real Estate and Insurance.

1951 June Walsenburg: A Flag Day service sponsored by B.P.O. Elks will be held at 8 p.m. tonight on the Huerfano County High School athletic field.

1951 June Walsenburg: Brothers George and Louis Dussart have purchased the Sharp Texaco Service Station at the corner of Fourth and Main Streets, formerly Neeman's.

1951 June Walsenburg: Dr. and Mrs. F.W. Schafer's two-year-old filly won pinks ribbons and trophies in the annual Texas All-Palomino Show in Mineral Wells.

1951 June Walsenburg: Mode O'Day will remain open while the outside of the store is being redecorated, Jacky Saliba has announced.

1951 June Walsenburg: More than 200 ladies attended the Colorado Cowbelles luncheon cooked and served by the women of St. Mary Church.

1951 July La Veta: Construction is almost complete on the new Amiday hotel on Ryus, which will have two stores downstairs and apartments upstairs.

1951 July La Veta: Don and Patty Wagner became parents of a baby girl.

1951 July La Veta: Joe Robino is building a two-car garage of cinder blocks behind his store.

1951 July La Veta: John Ellis is moving the La Veta Liquor Store into the former La Veta Advertiser office location on Main Street. .

1951 July La Veta: Snowy Range 4-H Club will have its tour and picnic this Sunday. Bring your own sack lunches and meet at the home of Phil Miles at 8 a.m.

1951 July La Veta: Students under age 21 in Huerfano County totalled 3,280 the past school year, compared to 3,716 in 1949-50.

1951 July Walsenburg: City Council laid plans for metering, without notice, persons who waste water.  The lower lake is dropping half an inch a day.

1951 July Walsenburg: Health officials have declared Martin Lake unsafe for swimming because of the presence of coli bacteria.

1951 July Walsenburg: Mrs. Mary Mosco has assumed management of the Starlite Inn, 716 Main, specializing in sandwiches and short orders, or spaghetti and meatballs and fried chicken on Sundays.

1951 August La Veta: Bear Lake was drained because of too many non-game fish and is now refilling.

1951 August La Veta: John Albright bought the Ada Vernon ranch about nine miles above La Veta.

1951 August La Veta: John Albright bought the Ada Vernon ranch nine miles above La Veta.

1951 August La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willis have purchased the R.L. Kincaid ranch.

1951 August La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willis have purchased the R.L. Kincaid ranch.

1951 August La Veta: Mrs. Ada Vernon sold her ranch nine miles above La Veta to John Albright who recently bought and built a home on the Charles Boyd ranch.

1951 August La Veta: Mrs. Charles Krier and children left with her father A.B. Dickinson to make their home in Denver.

1951 August La Veta: Mrs. Elisa Valdez Atencio, widow of Antonio, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Epifanio Lucero. She had been a resident of the area since 1877.

1951 August La Veta: Ralph Leap sold the Penne ranch, which he owned for two years, to J.R. and Billy Pendleton of Texas for $82,000. The ranch is 2,300 acres with 140 acres irrigated and includes 1,640 acres on Silver mountain.

1951 August La Veta: The Town has moved into its new two-room hall. A jail will be added later.

1951 August Walsenburg: A 30,000 pound cleanup carload of wool was shipped to Boston. Producers received 80 cents a pound.

1951 August Walsenburg: All slot machines must be removed by September 1 according to a new state law.

1951 August Walsenburg: Archie Levy Jr. has been hired as music supervisor for Huerfano County Schools. He has played with such big bands as Herb Miller and Gene Krupa.

1951 August Walsenburg: City Council wants to number houses for easier mail delivery.

1951 August Walsenburg: Juan N. Pineda, who died last week, is said to have been born in La Veta in 1854 and he played with the Navajos as a child.

1951 August Walsenburg: Loma Park residents have petitioned the city for annexation.

1951 August Walsenburg: The county valuation has been set at $10,015,125.

1951 August Walsenburg: The State Fish and Came Department will begin cleaning Martin and Horseshoe Lakes immediately and stock them if Walsenburg will administer them as a recreation area.

1951 August Walsenburg: With the birth of three baby girls yesterday at Lamme hospital, Huerfano County will soon worry about overpopulation if the trend continues.

1951 September La Veta: Lightning struck a stack of baled hay belonging to James Falk and the Goemmer Brothers on the old Estes place, an estimated loss of $1,500.

1951 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dean of Monte Vista announce the birth of a baby girl Sept. 1 named Rebecca after her grandma Pickens.

1951 September La Veta: The new elementary school is almost completed and may be dedicated before the first of the year.

1951 September La Veta: The new town hall building was painted white with sky pinks trim.

1951 September La Veta: We experienced our first frost of the season, which killed all the tender plants.

1951 September Walsenburg: A flashing stop-light was placed above Cedar and Walsen Avenue to protect children on their way to Hill School and the high school.

1951 September Walsenburg: All residents of the newly annexed Loma Park and Spargo-Winter Addition may vote in the coming election if they register immediately.

1951 September Walsenburg: City council voted to accept the Josephine Tesitor Memorial Park from Sen. Sam T. Taylor if the electors approve it.

1951 September Walsenburg: People's Party has nominated George Turner for mayor, Maurice Cowing for treasurer and Tom Wilson for clerk.

1951 September Walsenburg: Residents in the two recently annexed sections of the city may vote in the coming city election pending their registration.

1951 September Walsenburg: Rural schools opened today with 33 teachers in 23 school buildings.

1951 September Walsenburg: Several inches of snow fell Sept. 21.

1951 September Walsenburg: Some 1,450 youngsters entered city schoolhouses this week equipped with sharp pencils and new clothes.

1951 September Walsenburg: Thousands of carp, catfish, bass, perch and trout were seined from Martin Lake today to be transported to other lakes.

1951 September: Incumbents Mayor Joe Mosco and Treasurer Art Benine received the nod for re-election by the Citizen's Party and Manuel St. Vrain was nominated for the city clerk's position.

1951 October La Veta: The Advertiser has been sold to Consolidated Publishing Company, publisher of the World-Independent, Huerfano County News and El Clarin.  E.E. Engberg will continue as editor.

1951 October Walsenburg: A religious survey found that 71 percent of Walsenburg residents are Catholic.

1951 October Walsenburg: Four hundred and eighty-five coal miners are currently employed in Huerfano County.

1951 October Walsenburg: Four hundred and eighty-five coal miners are currently employed in Huerfano County.

1951 October Walsenburg: Pryor School District No. 33 is now part of Rouse District #27. The school house was originally the Presbyterian Church moved from old Rouse.

1951 October Walsenburg: Temperatures ranged from 41 to 69 degrees during the first two weeks of October.

1951 October Walsenburg: The estimated county budget for 1952 is up 23 percent from last year, to $838,585.39, with a levy of 30.0042 mills.

1951 October Walsenburg: The Sportmen's Club called Martin Lake "an alkaline mud hole" and want to have it drained for cleaning.

1951 October Walsenburg: There are 2,732 people in Walsenburg registered to vote in the coming election.

1951 Nov. 30: The Snowy Range 4-H Club of La Veta is the oldest club in the county, having been in continuous operation since 1934. During most of the time since organized, it has also had the largest membership of any club in the county, usually with 30 to 40 members carrying agricultural projects. Charles Ottinger was the first leader of the group, and acted in that capacity from its organization thru 1952, with Ellis Smith helping out as assistant leader part of that period. The club always elects its leaders. Jim Falk served in 1943 and 1944, with Lyle Smith as assistant. Ellis Smith took over in 1945 and served thru 1947, with Lyle as assistant the first year and Jim Falk the last two. In 1948 Earl Kreutzer was picked for the job, acting thru 1950: W.L. Joy was assistant the first year and Malcolm Kreutzer the second and third years. Robert Andreoli was leader for 1951, and is carrying on thru 1952. The club was instrumental in starting the County 4-H Fair, the first fair being held in 1937, with Charles

1951 November La Veta: Beginning Saturday, the 9 p.m. curfew will be strictly enforced.

1951 November La Veta: Building, equipment and the tipple at the Linscott mine, two miles above Sulphur-springs, were destroyed by fire, though the cabin remains.

1951 November La Veta: Charles Masinton and Joe Pisarczyk of Walsenburg, bought Cuchara Camps from John Albright.  They already own the store building there.

1951 November La Veta: Died, Homer Oscar Potts, who lived here most of his life.  He was born in Missouri in 1881. He is survived by his daughter Mrs. Rollie Lehman.

1951 November La Veta: The Falk brothers, James W. and Clark E., have been ranching on Echo Creek since 1917.

1951 November La Veta: The Falk brothers, James W. and Clark E., have been ranching since 1917 on Echo Creek.

1951 November La Veta: The fill on Abeyta Creek six miles northeast of La Veta collapsed after the storm and several cars went into the arroyo.

1951 November La Veta: The new school was dedicated Nov. 4. The total cost was $90,000.

1951 November La Veta: The storm left four inches of snow on the ground.

1951 November La Veta: The storm this week left four inches of snow on the ground.

1951 November Walsenburg: A total of 3,053 people are registered to vote in the coming city election.

1951 November Walsenburg: City Council raised the mill levy for next year to 20.

1951 November Walsenburg: Died, Susan Evans Cowing, 93, a resident of Walsenburg since 1883, whose husband died one year ago and son Maurice died last December.

1951 November Walsenburg: Forty-two miners from the recently closed Calumet #2 applied for unemployment as well as 44 men from other mines.

1951 November Walsenburg: Nearly seven inches of snow fell on the county, hopefully ending the two year drought.

1951 November Walsenburg: Only 64 percent of Walsenburg voters turned out at the polls Tuesday.

1951 November Walsenburg: Only 64 percent of Walsenburg voters turned out at the polls.

1951 November Walsenburg: St. Mary High School students inducted into the National Honor Society were Barbara Cordova, Mary Helen O'Rourke, Mary Ann Kakuk and Joan Fedeli.

1951 November Walsenburg: St. Mary High School students inducted into the National Honor Society were Barbara Cordova, Mary Helen O'Rourke, Mary Ann Kakuk and Joan Tedeli.

1951 November Walsenburg: The 10th Street Bridge, also known as the Ysidro bridge, over the Cucharas is open today after the collapse during the flood last August.

1951 November Walsenburg: The City Park bond was voted down and the land will be returned to Sen. Sam Taylor, who donated it.

1951 November Walsenburg: The county will begin graveling city streets on Dec. 15. This is a county project since the city is in the county.

1951 November Walsenburg: Three thousand and fifty three are registered to vote in the coming city election.

1951 December La Veta: A musical Christmas program was presented by the La Veta grade and high school students Wednesday evening with solos by Myrna Bowdino and Christine Cruz and special selections by the Glee Club.

1951 December La Veta: C.J. Walls, 71, retired as engineer from the D&RG.

1951 December La Veta: Died, Mrs. Rosa Wright, 86, in California, the mother of Allen J. Roush and the widow of Dr. J.B. Wright who died in 1923.

1951 December La Veta: Dorothy Lee Riggins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Smith, was married to William Clover.

1951 December La Veta: Eight-five new books costing $100 have been added to the grade and high school library.

1951 December La Veta: Engineer C.J. Wall, 71, retired from the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad.

1951 December La Veta: Mary L. Manning, who was born in La Veta in 1871 to Dr. and Mrs. Erwin, died and was buried in the old cemetery with her husband, John Thomas Manning who died in 1943.

1951 December La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Heikes of Colorado Springs are the proud parents of a son Maurice Eugene born on his mother's birthday Dec. 7.

1951 December La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Kim Ritter announce the engagement of their daughter Evalyn Gail to Paul Sumner Frick.

1951 December La Veta: Only one accident occurred in Huerfano County during the present storm despite icy highways and snow.

1951 December La Veta: Rose M. Ritter, sister of Kim Ritter and former resident of La Veta, died.

1951 December La Veta: Sixty top quality Hereford bulls and five choice females will be sold next week in the third annual show and sale of the Huerfano County Hereford Breeders Association.

1951 December La Veta: Ten inches of snow fell, just in time for a white Christmas.

1951 December La Veta: The La Veta school band will welcome Santa Claus on Christmas Eve day when he visits the kiddies in the Chief Theater.

1951 December La Veta: The three children of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sager, Sharon, Carol and Leo, are confined at home with chicken pox.

1951 December Walsenburg: Charles Romero, Joe Corsentino and Ray Romero, St. Mary Crusader gridsters, were selected for the All Star Conference football team selected by the Southern Colorado Parochial League.

1951 December Walsenburg: Fire caused about $200 in damage at the fashionable home of Insurance man Paul Krier.

1951 December Walsenburg: Heavy winds Sunday and Monday blew out four window panes at the Castle Coal and Supply Station.

1951 December Walsenburg: High winds destroyed fences, roofs, chimneys and paint jobs around the city yesterday.

1952 January La Veta: A University of Colorado survey shows a 22,000,000,000 ton reserve of high-grade coal and coking coal in the La Veta area.

1952 January La Veta: Better than $2,000,000 passed through the county treasurer's office this year, representing 96.12 percent of the amount to be collected.

1952 January La Veta: George Welsby, local manager of the Colorado Cheese Company, says the La Veta factory will reopen soon after being closed several months.

1952 January La Veta: Rotary Club resumes meetings this week after a three week holiday.

1952 January La Veta: The snow course on La Veta Pass was measured at 40.3 inches compared to 41.4 inches last April.

1952 January La Veta: W.H. Harrison Jr. is learning to use artificial limbs now after losing his legs in an airplane crash several years ago.

1952 January La Veta: We were startled by a rainfall Sunday afternoon, Jan. 13.

1952 January La Veta:  Died, Margaret E. Young, 58, mother of James, Jack and Hugh Young, Emma Williams and Carol Naglich.  She and her husband Charles A. came to Huerfano County in 1921.

1952 January Walsenburg: "Purple white, fight fight" is the Pep Club's new motto this week as they don their new uniforms.

1952 January Walsenburg: A total of $6,763.17 was paid out for the month of November by Walsenburg City Council.

1952 January Walsenburg: For the first time in many years, this area will be represented at the western livestock show in Denver by junior 4-H members when Jocelyn McAlpine of Redwing and Pamela Campbell of La Veta take their calves.

1952 January Walsenburg: Malcolm MacDonald, director of the Dixieland Minstrels, said today he expected a full house to view the home talent blackface show for both performances at the Fox Theater Jan. 24

1952 January Walsenburg: Happy New Year from The Wardrobe and Minnie O'Neal, 717 Main Street. Custom Garments for all the Family.

1952 January Walsenburg: Highway patrolmen today stopped traffic north of the city on Highway 85-87 when 100 mile an hour winds caused visibility to drop to an estimated 10 feet.

1952 January Walsenburg: Joe O'Byrne has written a history of his furniture and hardware store beginning with its inception 65 years ago by A.F. Standley who sold to Baxter and Kearns in 1889.

1952 January Walsenburg: Over 30 local people will show their talents in the Dixieland Minstrel Show presented by the Lions Club.

1952 January Walsenburg: Richard Galassini will reign as 1952 basketball king, with Lucille Sandoval his queen, it was announced after an election last night at Huerfano County High School.

1952 January Walsenburg: The South Western Auto Supply will open their new headquarters in Walsenburg in the Joseph building, formerly Safeway store, 600 West Seventh. The store opened in Walsenburg in 1934 but moved to Denver in 1946.

1952 January Walsenburg: Tickets are now on sale for the second annual Lions Club minstrel show, scheduled for Jan. 24 in the Fox theatre.

1952 January Walsenburg: Two CF&I workers recently received their 25-year service pins. They were Joe C. Martise from Kebler and Norman Pfaffenhauser from the Pictou mine.

1952 January Walsenburg: Vandals broke into the Walsenburg Oil and Cinder products company last night but no apparent loss was found, according to Louis Marcon, owner.

1952 January Walsenburg: With an eye on the possible development of industry in Huerfano county, Walsenburg city council is negotiating the purchase of 160 acres of land next to Martin Lake.  The land is at present owned by Abelino and Ben Valdez.

1952 February La Veta: District fur Inspector Bryan Denton and State Trapper Albert Jordan took three bobcats alive in the past month and gave them to a zoo in Nebraska.

1952 February La Veta: Mr. Kelloff is managing the Chief Theatre.

1952 February La Veta: Mr. Kelloff is managing the Chief Theatre.

1952 February La Veta: Service has been restored on the three-span D&RG bridge at the west end of the yards that burned yesterday.

1952 February La Veta: The March of Dimes drive took in $1,100 which included proceeds from a benefit basketball game, cash donations and an auction.

1952 February La Veta: There is some agitation in town to start a golf course and recreational area in the vicinity of the town reservoir.

1952 February Walsenburg: Additional safety precautions are proposed for the Gordon mine which employs 31 and produced 140 tons of coal daily when it was inspected earlier this month.

1952 February Walsenburg: Duz washing powder, 29 cents; candy bars, 3 for 10 cents head lettuce, 10 cents a pound, Safeway.

1952 February Walsenburg: Final returns of the Huerfano County High School district $30,000 bond election show it passed overwhelmingly, 137 to 24.

1952 February Walsenburg: Goodyear Tires $12.95 plus tax and your old tire, Habib Brothers, Third and Main and Fourth and Hendren.

1952 February Walsenburg: It was laugh time at the St. Mary Auditorium last night as the fabulous Harlem Globetrotters exploited their razzle-dazzle before an estimated 900 people to trim the Santi Oilers 80 to 35.

1952 February Walsenburg: Joe Corsentino was chosen "Youth of the Week" by the Colorado Cattleman's Association, receiving a wall plaque and complimentary membership.

1952 February Walsenburg: Lucille Sandoval and her royal court were crowned HCHS basketball queen by King Richard Galassini Friday night. Attendants were Ruth Rogers, Alfreda Stephens, Angelina Cisneros and Sylvia Herrera.

1952 February Walsenburg: More than 100 members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and their auxiliary attended the district conference held at Cucharas Post headquarters yesterday afternoon.

1952 February Walsenburg: Mrs. Sarah Davison and son Louis have made final arrangements to sell their 1,000 acre ranch, the Wagon Wheel, six miles east of Walsenburg to George and Tom Rogers.

1952 February Walsenburg: Organization of the Huerfano County Public Library Association is now underway with plans to construct a building in Walsenburg on lots donated by Mrs. John Pritchard several years ago.

1952 February Walsenburg: Pfc. Anselmo Atencio and Cpt. Arthur Mongia, high school buddies, renewed their friendship on the front lines in Korea. Neither knew the other was there.

1952 February Walsenburg: Receiving straight As at HCHS for the last six weeks were Don Lucero, senior, Gail Marriott, junior and Carol Sanich and Eddie Vallejo, freshmen.

1952 February Walsenburg: Records show the county clerk's office did $5,308 more business in 1951 than in the previous year. Clerk Damaso Vigil Jr. said the total amount made in 1951 was $67,022.

1952 February Walsenburg: Smokey was chosen as the "My Favorite Book" winner at Huerfano County High School.

1952 February Walsenburg: Solitaire High Altitude Cookbooks, $1 at Shafers Grocery and Market, 609 Main Street.

1952 February Walsenburg: St. Mary School, both grade and high, expects to keep operating, the Very Rev. Howard L. Delaney said today to decry current rumors that the school will be closing.

1952 February Walsenburg: The fabulous Harlem Globe Trotters will appear at St. Mary gym next Thursday night against the Santi Oilers.

1952 Mar. 31: Huerfano County ranked fifth in the state in coal production during February with 27,383 tons from 11 mines, employing 338 men. The larger mines are Kebler #2 with 151 men, Pictou with 62 and Gordon with 31 employed. World Independent

1952 March La Veta: According to George Welsby, manager, opening of the cheese factory depends on obtaining copper for the milk vats.

1952 March La Veta: More snow has been failing and 48 inches were measured on the La Veta Pass course.

1952 March La Veta: Portraying end men in the La Veta Harlem Town Minstrels Show March 13-14 will be Neva Engberg, Mildred Geiser, Phil Cooper, Emmet Thornton, Charles Masinton, Bob Gregory, Charles Ottinger and Frank Strovas.

1952 March La Veta: Presentation of the Purina Trophy was made to Miss Henrietta Duzenack for her champion steer showing at the Huerfano County Fair in 1951.  She won the animal in the Catch-And-Keep-It contest.

1952 March La Veta: Robert Weir bought the 310 acre ranch of Warren Farrar, including the dairy, on the southwest side of La Veta.

1952 March La Veta: The La Veta Harlem Town Minstrels Show will be March 13-14 featuring  John Goemmer as interlocutor.

1952 March La Veta: The thermometer dropped to 15 below zero following a six inch snowfall.

1952 March La Veta: Waldo Linscott has closed his jewelry repair shop.

1952 March Walsenburg: City Council authorized the purchase of two trucks for $2,300 to gravel and oil the streets.

1952 March Walsenburg: March 22 was the grand opening of the Farmers Locker, Grocery and Market at 327 Main Street, former site of the M&N Bottling Works.

1952 March Walsenburg: Paul Riccottone and Fernando Serafini were elected officers of Rotary Club.

1952 March Walsenburg: School Districts No. 43, Delcarbon, No. 1, St. Marys and No. 2, Badito, will vote this week on whether to dissolve.

1952 March Walsenburg: The eight Sudar brothers will reopen Calumet mine, closed since December, after purchasing it from Kaiser Steel Corp.

1952 March Walsenburg: The Raney mine at Ludlow is closing, leaving 90 unemployed. It is the property of the Huerfano Coal Company and opened in 1904.

1952 March Walsenburg: The Record Shop at 719 Main Street is open for business, according to Proprietor Louis Bellotti.

1952 March Walsenburg: The Walsenburg city budget has been set at $246,650 for the 1952-53 fiscal year.

1952 April La Veta: $272.02 was netted on the PTA minstrel show.

1952 April La Veta: Cpl. Mike Ulibarri left Korea to return to the United States.  He has been serving with the 25th Infantry near the 38th Parallel.

1952 April La Veta: Elected trustees were Clark Falk, Proctor Hayes, Louis Kopine, William Morgan, Julian Tracy and Robert Weir.

1952 April La Veta: Elected trustees were Clark Falk, Proctor Hayes, Louis Kopine, William Morgan, Julian Tracy and Robert Weir.

1952 April La Veta: Farmer, rancher and merchant, W.M. "Bill" Kincaid, 71, died, leaving his wife Belle and son William Murphy Kincaid Jr., sisters Addie Lamme, Clara Unfug and Laura Mackert and brother, Robert L. Kincaid.

1952 April La Veta: Farmer, rancher and merchant, W.M. "Bill" Kincaid, 71, died, leaving his wife Belle and son William Murphy Kincaid Jr., sisters Addie Lamme, Clara Unfug and Laura Mackert and brother, Robert L. Kincaid.

1952 April La Veta: Improvement of Highway 111 south of town was delayed but should start this week.

1952 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kreutzer celebrated their 50th Anniversary.  Their children are Sadie Marker, Earl Kreutzer, Mrs. Lee Crump, Malcolm Kreutzer and Mrs. Earl Thornton.

1952 April La Veta: Of the 82 members of the Chamber of Commerce, 51 live out-of-state.

1952 April La Veta: Paul Gilbert beat George Holmes to become mayor; Karl Gilbert was elected Town Clerk and Cornelia Coleman Treasurer.

1952 April La Veta: Paul Gilbert defeated George Holmes for mayor, Karl Gilbert was elected town clerk and Cornela Coleman, treasurer.

1952 April La Veta: The Cuchara Camps store opens May 1 under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Skarmas.

1952 April La Veta: The Cuchara Camps store will open May 1 under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Skarmas.

1952 April La Veta: The Cuchara Camps store will open May 1 under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Skarmas.

1952 April La Veta: There are currently 82 members of the La Veta Chamber of Commerce, 51 of whom live out of state.

1952 April Walsenburg: Delcarbon and Santa Clara school districts are dissolving and being annexed into other districts.

1952 April Walsenburg: Evelyn Nogare was selected queen of the state beauty queens and wins a week's trip to Mexico City.

1952 April Walsenburg: Louis Nardine was recently promoted to sergeant while serving in Korea.

1952 April Walsenburg: Louis Nardini was recently promoted to sergeant while serving in Korea.

1952 April Walsenburg: Malcolm MacDonald will replace John Sudar as assistant manager of Pritchard Lumber when Sudar joins his brothers in operating the Calumet coal mine.

1952 April Walsenburg: Mary Helen O'Rourke will be valedictorian and Ernest Kosarek salutatorian at St. Mary High School this year.

1952 April Walsenburg: Plans are being made for the first auto show in the city since the war to take place May 17-18 at Santi Motor garage.

1952 April Walsenburg: The old 12,000 acre J.D. Montez ranch 36 miles northwest of Walsenburg has been sold to J. Ford Schlock of Texas. The place was settled in 1860 by the Montez family.

1952 May La Veta: After two years of effort a memorial to Pfc. Felix B. Mestas will be placed and dedicated by the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

1952 May La Veta: Earl Baker and Eldon Falk are the proprietors of the B&F Garage.

1952 May La Veta: The graduating class this year is made up of Christina Cruz, Constance Cummings, Betty Duzenack, Angela Ferrari, Maryalmeda Moore, Helen Nason, Billy Riggins, Ernest Vialpando and Louis Zember.

1952 May Walsenburg: Gerald Ariano was nominated as the Democratic candidate for representative.

1952 May Walsenburg: Good fishing is expected in Martin Lake when the season opens this Sunday after the dumping of 7,500 catchable trout into that body of water.

1952 May Walsenburg: Mary Helen O'Rourke, valedictorian, and Ernest Kosarek, salutatorian, lead the 27-member graduating class of St. Mary High School.

1952 May Walsenburg: Mrs. Jim Willburn and her pupils of the Birmingham school closed the term Friday with a picnic at the school building.

1952 May Walsenburg: Paul Krier resigned as head of the Democratic Central Committee and Joe Mosco was elected to fill the position.

1952 May Walsenburg: Phone rates were raised to $3.80 a month for a single party line.

1952 May Walsenburg: Plans for a permanent museum in Walsenburg got underway and it was suggested the location be in the Mazzone building at Sixth and Main Streets temporarily.

1952 May Walsenburg: President Harry Truman approved the appointment of James J. Tesitor, who will graduate from Pomona College in California in June with his AB degree, as postmaster of Walsenburg.

1952 May Walsenburg: The Auto Show will start with a huge parade at 10 a.m. Saturday and "Miss Walsenburg of 1952" will lead it.

1952 May Walsenburg: The first rodeo of the season will take place Saturday afternoon in Fiesta Park under the auspices of the Spanish Peaks Roping Club.

1952 May Walsenburg: The north bank of the Cucharas River is to be reinforced between the Ysidro Street bridge and the athletic field.

1952 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strovas are operating the Scenic View club northwest of La Veta with a bar, lunchroom, dining room and dance hall.

1952 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strovas own and operate Scenic View club northwest of La Veta with a bar, lunchroom, dining room and dance hall.

1952 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Coe are celebrating their 60th anniversary. Their children are Bertha Wilson, Nora Parsons, Mildred Erwin, Alice Weaver, Bessie Atchison, Eleanor Howlett and Clifford.

1952 June La Veta: Sfc. Edward E. Engberg of La Veta recently graduated from the armed services medical equipment maintenance school.

1952 June La Veta: The formal dedication of Mount Mestas will be June 12.

1952 June La Veta: While the county is covered with grasshoppers, an army worm infestation is prevalent on the upper Cucharas.

1952 July La Veta: At the Spur Theater, "Red Skies of Montana" starring Richard Widmark, plus "Young Man With Ideas" with Glenn Ford.

1952 July La Veta: Lt. Roland A. Brooks, who is departing for Clark Field in the Philippines, was honored with a picnic at Spring Creek Sunday.

1952 July La Veta: Over 400 attended the annual Knights of Columbus picnic at the Baker ranch above Cuchara Camps.

1952 July La Veta: The Lewis Drilling Company of Wichita, Kansas has moved equipment into the Ojo district and will begin drilling soon for oil.

1952 July La Veta: The upper Cuchara Valley is having a heavy infestation of grasshoppers and army worms.

1952 July Walsenburg: A Cinderella contest will be held at the Pavilion for the first time since 1938 with contestants Clara Cruz, Barbara Cordova, Nancy Medina, Rose Vigil and Georgina Velasquez.

1952 July Walsenburg: A Cinderella contest will be held at the Pavilion for the first time since 1938.

1952 July Walsenburg: Four Explorer Boy Scouts, John Sudar, LeRoy DeVan, Charles DeVan and Gordon Kelley, are taking survival outings this month.

1952 July Walsenburg: James Tesitor officially took over duties as Walsenburg postmaster yesterday.

1952 July Walsenburg: James Tesitor took over duties as the new postmaster July 1.

1952 July Walsenburg: John Amidei was reunited with his sister Mrs. Camilla Nizzi of Italy whom he had not seen since coming to the United States in 1900.

1952 July Walsenburg: Michael Stimack, former resident and HCHS athlete, was named football coach at Adams State College.

1952 July Walsenburg: Michael Stimack, former Walsenburg resident and athlete of HCHS, was named football coach at Adams State College.

1952 July Walsenburg: Over $11,000 damage was done by fire to Joe's Farm Supply warehouse of Joe Corsentino Jr.

1952 July Walsenburg: Over 1,000,000,000 gallons of water are in storage for Walsenburg, the most ever.

1952 July Walsenburg: Spanish Peaks Fiesta Queen Evelyn Nogare and attendants Josephine Mondragon and Teresa Fernandez will be part of the Huerfano County Night in Pueblo tonight to boost the Fiesta.

1952 July Walsenburg: The first copies of the Aguilar News, an eight page tabloid sized newspaper, published by John Dinise and George Zanon, Consolidated Publishing, were off the press yesterday.

1952 July Walsenburg: The oldest Huerfano County resident, Mrs. Marie Agnes, is celebrating her 102 birthday today.

1952 July Walsenburg: The Republican convention selected Conrad Martinez, Gardner, Charles Keeling, La Veta and Andrew Schafer, Walsenburg as candidates for county commissioners.

1952 July: A completely automatic X7 ray machine weighing 2,800 pounds was installed in the Lamme Hospital.

1952 August La Veta: As long as the chlorinator at the water plant is broken, residents should remember to boil all their water.

1952 August La Veta: Huerfano County has been designated a drought area for the second year in a row.

1952 August La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Seaman, who were married Aug. 16, 1902 in La Veta, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

1952 August La Veta: Named best 4-H boy and girl were Billy Riggins and Pamela Campbell, both of whom have completed 11 projects during the last six or seven years.

1952 August La Veta: The 4-H Rodeo and Fair last weekend drew the largest crowds ever, an estimated 1,200 people. There were nine floats in the parade.

1952 August La Veta: The Cuchara Camps Association was formed Monday night with Frank Strange president.

1952 August La Veta: Winners of last year's Catch It and Keep It contest won this year's steer judging. Jerry Geiser was first, Gladys Duzenack second and Larry Drury third.

1952 August Walsenburg: Air Force intelligence believes all the sightings of flying saucers may be just optical illusions caused by the heat.

1952 August Walsenburg: Dr. C.E. Westerberg of Denver will start his dental practice Aug. 25 in the office of Dr. A.A. Unfug.

1952 August Walsenburg: E.W. Krier cleaned out an old trunk in his basement and found an 1852 half dime, the forerunner of the nickel. He will display it in the window of his jewelry store on Main Street.

1952 August Walsenburg: John S. Mall of Weldona has been selected as the new elementary school principal, replacing Henry Pepin.

1952 August Walsenburg: Kindergarten classes will be resumed this year after many years without.

1952 August Walsenburg: Marvin Shilling, national champion square dance caller, will call the Fiesta dance Saturday night in Safeway parking lot after the rodeo.

1952 August Walsenburg: The Farmers Locker at the corner of Main and Fourth Streets has Schilling Coffee at 80¢ a pound; 10 pounds of potatoes for 70¢ and a carton of soda for 29¢, plus bottle deposit.

1952 September La Veta: An inch of rain fell and was most welcome.

1952 September La Veta: At the Spur Theatre Sunday and Monday, "The African Queen" starring Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn.

1952 September La Veta: Helen Nason and Warren Johnson were married last Saturday. 

1952 September La Veta: Huerfano County's 20 school districts will receive $52,114 based on last year's attendance.

1952 September La Veta: Maryalmeda Moore pledged Delta Delta Delta sorority at the University of Colorado.

1952 September La Veta: Miss Betty Williams and Verner Lee Story of Los Angeles, Calif., were married yesterday in the First Methodist Church in Walsenburg.

1952 September La Veta: One inch of welcome rain was received last week.

1952 September La Veta: School opened Tuesday and the enrollment is down 20 students from last year, or just 195.

1952 September La Veta: School opened Tuesday with 12 seniors, 14 juniors, 15 sophomores, 13 freshmen, 21 eighth and 17 seventh graders.

1952 September La Veta: Sunday and Monday at the Spur Theater, Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn in "Pat and Mike."      

1952 September La Veta: The best boy and girl of the annual 4-H County Fair were Billy Riggins and Pamela Campbell who have both completed 11 projects during the past six or seven years.

1952 September La Veta: The new math and science teacher at the high school is Lester Leroy Larson of Madison, Wisconsin.

1952 September La Veta: The PTA benefit, "Flying High," stars John Goemmer, Mary Sue Powell, Wanda Jameson, Emmett Thornton, Rose Goemmer, John Givaras, Mark Anderson, Eddie Ferraro, Mrs. John Bailey and Charles Ottinger.

1952 September La Veta: There are 6,346 voters registered in Huerfano County so far for the national election this fall.

1952 September Walsenburg: Flying saucers were seen yesterday north of Walsenburg.

1952 September Walsenburg: Gov. Dan Thornton will speak at a luncheon here next month.

1952 September Walsenburg: Huerfano County is only $4,280 in the red for the past fiscal year, compared to the $19,676 deficit last year.

1952 September Walsenburg: Jocelyn McAlpine won top honors in the junior calf roping at the state fair.

1952 September Walsenburg: Joe Mosco Jr. was reelected chairman of the Democratic Central Committee.

1952 September Walsenburg: Mayor-Elect Donald Haney is pushing an idea of opening a recreation center for teenagers in Eagles Hall above the city hall

1952 September Walsenburg: The Huerfano County Public Library is now open though official dedication is still several weeks away, according to Cora Mockmore, librarian. 

1952 September Walsenburg: Top ratings at the state fair in foods, clothing and home furnishing were taken by Rose Marie Nigro, Jo Elen Zgut, Elaine Adams and Betty Williams.

1952 September: The net proceeds of the Dave Rubinoff concert here will benefit the Huerfano County Public Library.

1952 October La Veta: Careless hunters shot a prize bull of the Falk Brothers on the ranch of James Falk. Shot in the shoulder, the animal should recover.

1952 October La Veta: Dedication of the Christ the King Church has been set for Oct. 26.

1952 October La Veta: Huerfano County Hereford Breeders Association's first annual carlot feeder sale and show will be Tuesday, Oct. 28 in the Association's pavilion in La Veta.

1952 October La Veta: La Veta beat Aguilar 25 to 0 during the homecoming game and must now face Primero for the league championship.

1952 October La Veta: La Veta won its homecoming game against Aguilar, 25-0.

1952 October La Veta: Little Gerald Arnold suffered a fall from a jeep Monday and required seven stitches.

1952 October La Veta: Marie Kreutzer was crowned homecoming queen and her attendants were Joyce Matteo, senior, Sharron Jones, junior, Henrietta Duzenack, sophomore and Margaret Downs, freshman.

1952 October La Veta: Seven men over 80 gave the program for Rotary Club, John Elley, 84; W.H. Harrison, 86; Homer Beck, 80; Emmett Harrison, 81; J.E. Coe, 80; C.H. Hatfield, 80 and C.C. Webster, 81.

1952 October La Veta: The county mill levy has been reduced to 26.99.

1952 October La Veta: The Rotary program was presented by seven men over 80, John Elley, W.H. Harrison, Homer Beck, Emmett Harrison, J.E. Coe, C.H. Hatfield and C.C. Webster.

1952 October La Veta: The water remains somewhat poor since the chlorinator is still broken.

1952 October La Veta: There are now 6,669 people registered to vote in Huerfano County, compared to 6,100-6,200 in 1950.

1952 October La Veta: Voter registration in Huerfano County now stands at 6,669, compared to about 6,100 in 1950.

1952 October La Veta: Wanted: a good used metronome. Will buy or rent. Notify Mrs. Walter Hamilton.

1952 October La Veta: Wanted: A good used metronome.  Will buy or rent.  Notify Mrs. Walter Hamilton.

1952 October Walsenburg: A last minute registration stampede is keeping the county clerks office at the court house busy and it will remain open till 7 tonight for last minute registrations.

1952 October Walsenburg: County Sanitarian Edward O. Cruz yesterday commended directors of Badito district for moving the school into better quarters which meet sanitation standards of light, air, floor space, ventilation, etc.

1952 October Walsenburg: HCHS homecoming queen is Alfreda Stephens and her attendants are Ida Sandoval, Betty Jean Hindes, Carol Jean Sanich and Frances Romero.

1952 October Walsenburg: New county maps are being prepared to show the boundary changes from the Spanish Peaks to the eastern corner.

1952 October Walsenburg: Rev. David Cisneros is the new minister of the Spanish Presbyterian Church.

1952 October Walsenburg: Schools in Huerfano County with receive $10,357.22 from the county's one mill levy, Frances Nelson, county school superintendent, announced today.

1952 October Walsenburg: Schools in Huerfano County with receive $10,357.22 from the county's one mill levy, Frances Nelson, county school superintendent, announced today.,

1952 October Walsenburg: Some 40,200 trout were dumped into Horseshoe Lake to restock it after the seining project.

1952 October Walsenburg: St. Mary Crusaders got their third season win by defeating La Veta Redskins 26-14 at St. Mary Stadium.

1952 October Walsenburg: The county mill levy has been reduced to 26.99.

1952 October Walsenburg: The Mask and Gavel Club entertained 50 Rotary members and Rotary Anns with a special Halloween party last night at Hotel Kirkpatrick.

1952 October Walsenburg: The Tykes for Ike will have a Tamale Party for Republican candidates and their wives tomorrow night at Republican headquarters.

1952 October Walsenburg: There will be a free dance Thursday after the Democratic rally at St. Mary Auditorium with music by Charles Naroski and his orchestra.

1952 October Walsenburg: Twins Joanne and Janis Williams entertained high school students with their musical program "Western Serenade."

1952 November La Veta: Dedication ceremonies for Christ the King Catholic Church were Sunday with The Most Rev. Joseph C. Willging, D.D., bishop of the Pueblo diocese, presiding.

1952 November La Veta: Fred Crouse has purchased the pool hall of Jim Melonas. Crouse formerly owned the Silver Dollar and Muleshoe Lodge.

1952 November La Veta: Huerfano County went for Stevenson over Eisenhower.

1952 November La Veta: Jim Melonas sold his pool hall to Fred Crouse.

1952 November La Veta: La Veta Redskins lost to Manitou Springs 34-20 in the district playoff.

1952 November La Veta: La Veta won the Las Animas County League football title but lost to Manitou Springs 34 to 20.

1952 November Walsenburg: A total of 16,885 turkeys were sent out during the first run of the turkey plant according to Bill Crump, plant manager, of which 13,000 were Charles Corsentino's crop of White Beltsvilles.

1952 November Walsenburg: A two-day snow and sleet storm have left highways very bad and the patrolmen say do not drive unless necessary and if then, do not drive over 15 miles per hour.

1952 November Walsenburg: La Veta honored their championship football team at a rally in the Spur Theater. This is the third straight year the Redskins won the conference title.

1952 November Walsenburg: Los Huerfanos Club will present "Tu Solo Tu", a Spanish home talent show, Thursday at the Fox Theater.

1952 November Walsenburg: The city mill levy has been reduced by 41/4 Mills from last year to a total of 15.75 for the coming year.

1952 November Walsenburg: The second snowfall of the month brought a rash of accidents on icy streets and highways.

1952 November Walsenburg: The second snowfall of the month brought a rash of accidents on icy streets and highways.

1952 November Walsenburg: The snow Saturday was Walsenburg's first this season and the first moisture in two months.

1952 November Walsenburg: The temperature dropped to 10 degrees below zero on Thanksgiving morning.

1952 November Walsenburg: Turkey, games and dancing will spark the program tomorrow night when St. Mary holds its Fall Festival.

1952 December La Veta: Joe Carsella of Alamosa has leased the B & F Garage.

1952 December La Veta: The thermometer has hovered between 12 and 14 below zero and the snow continues to fall.

1952 December La Veta: The town Christmas decorations have been put and lighted.

1952 December La Veta: Underage boys driving recklessly through town are causing many problems.

1952 December Walsenburg: Emergency appropriations of $32,000 have been made by the county to take care of spiraling costs.

1952 December Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Matteo have closed Mi Casita Cafe at 109 West seventh Street for remodeling.

1952 December Walsenburg: Once again the World-Independent has been informed it will be the official mail receiving station for Mr. S. Claus of the North Pole, for Huerfano County.

1952 December Walsenburg: Santa Claus was here Saturday and will return at 10 a.m. Monday in the Fox Theater when a free movie will be presented to kids along with candy.

1952 December Walsenburg: The fourth and final turkey run will begin tomorrow and according to Bill Crump, secretary of the turkey growers association, about 3,000 birds will be processed.

1952 December Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Public Library will have its official opening with a tea Sunday, Dec. 14 in the new Main Street building.

1952 December Walsenburg: There will be a grand opening of the Valencia Cafe, 109 W. 7th (formerly Mi Casita) Dec. 31 by new owners Mr. and Mrs. Bert Matteo.

1952 December Walsenburg: Twenty needy families in Walsenburg will receive special Christmas boxes from Catholic Daughters of America with food, household items, clothes and toys.

1952 December Walsenburg: Walsenburg will finally get the Christmas spirit Saturday when the tree in the triangle and the courthouse are decorated for the holiday.

1953 January La Veta: Died, Mrs. Margaret Ellen Young, a resident of Huerfano County since 1921. She leaves her husband Charles A., sons James, Jack, and Hugh, all of La Veta, and daughters Emma Williams and Carol Naglich.

1953 January La Veta: Only 19.4 inches of snow covers La Veta Pass, compared to 40.3 last year at this time.

1953 January La Veta: The measurement of snow on La Veta Pass Jan. 1 amounted to 19.4 inches.  Last year at the same time it was 40.3 inches.

1953 January La Veta: Total welfare payments in the county amounted to $104,037.12 to about 1,300 recipients last year.

1953 January Walsenburg: An after-Christmas Dress Sale is underway at the Maryellen Dress Shop next to the Fox Theater.

1953 January Walsenburg: Beginning Monday, Huerfano County High School will open at 8:55 a.m. instead of 8:35 and classes will end at 3:35 a.m. instead of 3:55.  The shorter hours will be possible by cutting down the time between classes.

1953 January Walsenburg: Conrad Pyle of Denver has been selected the new minister for the Community Church.

1953 January Walsenburg: Ernest U. Sandoval was appointed police magistrate by the city county Tuesday night.

1953 January Walsenburg: Gross sales in Huerfano County last September were almost $100,000 more than a normal month. Income was reported at $865,749, with other tourist months only slightly lower.

1953 January Walsenburg: Gross sales in Huerfano County last September were almost $100,000 more than a normal month. Income was reported at $865,749, with other tourist months only slightly lower.

1953 January Walsenburg: The first marriage license of the year went to Lloyd Gladson and Angie Tessitore who were married Jan. 17.

1953 February La Veta: Died Antonio "Tony" Bowdino, who came to La Veta in 1904 and ranched on School Creek for 16 years before moving to his Wahatoya ranch.

1953 February La Veta: La Veta Pass has 23 inches of snow cover compared to 46.6 inches in February 1952. The 10-year average is 26.3.

1953 February La Veta: Mrs. Haxton gave an interesting talk on chinchilla raising to Rotary Club.

1953 February La Veta: The 27 school districts of Huerfano County may be dissolved in a move to consolidate the rural districts.

1953 February La Veta: The snow course on La Veta Pass was measured by Ranger Lewis A. Cummings at 23 inches, containing six inches of water content, about half of what it was this time last year.

1953 February Walsenburg: Fishermen got good news today. The Sportsmen Club put 2,110 rainbow trout into Martin Lake.

1953 February Walsenburg: Seven members of the Huerfano County Realtors Association met this morning for a breakfast meeting.

1953 February Walsenburg: Weatherman George Thurston says this January was warmer than last with an average high of 54 against 31 as the average low.

1953 March La Veta: Cigarets are to go up one cent a pack. Most brands are 19 cents a pack or $1.87 a carton.

1953 March La Veta: Cigarets are to go up one cent a pack. Most brands are 19 cents a pack or $1.87 a carton.

1953 March La Veta: Colorado Excelsior and Mill Company started up this week after being idle for several months. The workers have been cutting logs in the meantime, and have a large supply now on hand.

1953 March La Veta: Friday and Saturday at the Spur Theater, "Because of You" with Loretta Young and Jeff Chandler, plus "Pony Soldier" starring Tyrone Power.

1953 March La Veta: La Veta Pass snow course measured 32.2 inches, compared to 48 inches this time last year, the ten year average is 29.3 inches

1953 March La Veta: Mayor Paul Gilbert is  trying to persuade D&RG not to discontinue passenger service between Pueblo and Alamosa.

1953 March La Veta: Showing at the Spur Theater this Friday and Saturday, ''Because of You" with Loretta Young and Jeff Chandler and "Pony Soldier" starring Tyrone Power, also the Fox news.

1953 March La Veta: Showing at the Spur tonight and tomorrow, "On Moonlight Bay" starring Doris Day and Gordon McRae, plus "The Prisoner of Zenda" with Stewart Granger and Deborah Kerr.

1953 March La Veta: The Colorado Excelsior and Mill Company has a large stock of logs ready for the sawmill, which will be reopening soon and will employ 18.

1953 March Walsenburg: Clara Mall won first place in the county Medical Society's essay contest.

1953 March Walsenburg: Clara Mall won first place in the Huerfano County Medical Society's essay contest.

1953 March Walsenburg: Fireplaces will be added to the Martin Lake picnic grounds at Martin Lake by the Sportsmen's Club which will also plant trees.

1953 March Walsenburg: Harry Biggi was elected exalted ruler of the Elks, replacing Carl Price.

1953 March Walsenburg: Huerfano County still ranks fifth in the state in coal production although the tonnage is less.  In January 22,510 tons were produced by 360 miners.

1953 March Walsenburg: Huerfano County still ranks fifth in the state in coal production, with 22,510 tons produced in January and 360 miners employed.

1953 March Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shecter recently sold their ranch on the Muddy, formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schmidt, to Mr. And Mrs. Joe Rounsaville of Texas.

1953 March Walsenburg: The average monthly rent in Walsenburg is $20.57, with utilities included, it's $39.25.

1953 March Walsenburg: The Spudnut Cafe is offering a $10 prize to the person who suggests the best new name for the business.

1953 March Walsenburg: Total employment in Huerfano County stands at 3,140 persons.

1953 March Walsenburg: Walsenburg's 10 motor court operators will have a meeting to plan for the tourist season.

1953 April La Veta: Died, James Benjamin "Benny" Underwood in Oregon. He leaves his wife, the former Ruth Weir, and children Rosalie, 4, and Wayne 11 months.

1953 April La Veta: Get your supplies at John Geiser's feed store in the Baione building on Ryus.

1953 April La Veta: John Geiser is operating a feed store in the Baione building on Ryus Avenue.

1953 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Moon are the new managers of the "Chuck Wagon' at Cuchara camps.

1953 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Moon are the new managers of the Chuck Wagon in Cuchara Camps.

1953 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Powell will celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary next week.  She was formerly Annie Tufford and they were married in La Veta May 3, 1903.

1953 April Walsenburg: Alberta Micek, 12, of Dand School, won the state spelling contest and will represent Colorado in the nationals.

1953 April Walsenburg: An Indian Ceremonial Dance will be held as a benefit for the new municipal tennis courts.

1953 April Walsenburg: An Indian ceremonial dance will be held as a benefit for the new municipal tennis courts.

1953 April Walsenburg: Employment in Huerfano County is 3,130, a decrease from last month caused by mine closings.

1953 April Walsenburg: Members of the R. Piazza family were reunited after 45 years when their son Tom and his family came from Belgium. The family lost 11 of 14 children during World War II.

1953 May La Veta: A television set has been set up in the Coleman Drug Store.

1953 May La Veta: D&RG will discontinue passenger service on June 3. They stopped carrying the mail last year.

1953 May La Veta: Died, Elmer Henry of Dodge City, Kans. and Cuchara Camps. He helped organize the La Veta Rotary Club 15 years ago.

1953 May La Veta: Harry Willis won the position on school board, beating Hazel Haxson 254 to 26.

1953 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Julian Tracy bought the property at Francisco and Oak, razed the old buildings, cleared the brush and are improving some of the old cabins.

1953 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Julian Tracy, who bought the property at Francisco and Oak, razed the old buildings and are improving some of the cabins and clearing brush.

1953 May La Veta: The Cuchara Camps Chuckwagon will open May 30 with new managers Mr. and Mrs. I.A. Moon of Albuquerque. They will offer breakfasts and smorgasbords for the first time.

1953 May La Veta: The town is improving the park with a new set of swings.

1953 May Walsenburg: An estimated 5,000 people attended the annual Auto Show and Theresa Sportsman won the $100 door prize.

1953 May Walsenburg: Doran Randall opened Randall's Bakery in the former Benmar Jewelry building on Main Street.

1953 May Walsenburg: Lawmen Jack Evans and Joe Edward Faris captured a gunman this morning at Safeway.

1953 May Walsenburg: Randall's Bakery opened in the former Benmar Jewelry store on Main Street, under the management of Doran Randall.

1953 May Walsenburg:   Alberta Micek, state spelling champion, left Walsenburg today with her mother to compete in the national championship in Washington, D.C.

1953 June La Veta: A move is on to establish a chapter of the Rainbow Girls in La Veta.

1953 June La Veta: In the first wedding performed in the beautiful rustic chapel in Cuchara Camps, Miss Louise Lauretta Sporleder was united in marriage with Joseph M. Pisarczyk on June 9.

1953 June La Veta: Kincaids sold their hardware stock to Howard Lumber.

1953 June La Veta: Patricia Gilbert and Donald Freeman were married.

1953 June La Veta: The 560 acre ranch on the Wahatoya belonging to Myron Beck the past 13 years was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Bray of Kansas City, MO.

1953 June Walsenburg: Bobby Vigil of Walsenburg, Colorado State marble champion is on his way to Portland, Oregon to compete in the national finals.

1953 June Walsenburg: Delicious spaghetti and meat balls served every Saturday at the Palace Beer Tavern, 210 West Seventh Street.    

1953 June Walsenburg: Dr. James M. Lamme Jr. was unanimously elected to the HCHS board. Also on the board are Fred Paddock, Frances Nelson, Harry Capps and George Pepper Jr.

1953 June Walsenburg: During the high school graduation, scholarships were awarded to Evelyn Novak, Alfreda Stephens and Don Gregory.

1953 June Walsenburg: El Fandango, under the direction of Miss Martha King, will play an important part in this year's Spanish Peaks Fiesta Aug. 6-8.

1953 June Walsenburg: Floyd Murr was installed last night as the new president of the Walsenburg Lions Club, succeeding Vic Fini. Gerald Ariano is vice president, Mike Lenzini, second vice president, Bob Meyer, secretary and Anthony Tesitor, treasurer

1953 June Walsenburg: Martha King, Huerfano County High School Spanish teacher and El Fandango sponsor, received a fan letter for the dancers after the writer saw the article in the Denver Post's Empire magazine.

1953 June Walsenburg: Students in Gardner recently finished an intensive course in Spanish through the Trinidad Junior College extension plan.

1953 June Walsenburg: The Hospitality Girls, a group organized by the Chamber of Commerce, will welcome the 300 people expected this weekend at the convention of the Young Democrats Club.

1953 June Walsenburg: The nine new citizens naturalized during the past year will be honored on Flag Day, June 14, in the Huerfano County High School stadium.

1953 June Walsenburg: The ninth annual Achievement Day for the Home Demonstration Clubs of Huerfano County will be June 12, featuring dance numbers, musical solos, exhibits and speeches.

1953 June Walsenburg: The possibility of bringing mine pit cars into town as tourist attractions was one of the main points discussed at last night's meeting of the chamber of commerce.

1953 June Walsenburg: Walsenburg's Bobby Vigil, representing Colorado, won the national marble championship as the only undefeated competitor.

1953 July La Veta: Although nothing can be done about the drougth, the county- wide grasshopper plague may be conquered with spraying from planes. Cost to the farmer is five cents per acre.

1953 July La Veta: Huerfano County was doubly declared a disaster area in the light of drought conditions and the grasshopper plague by Gov. Dan Thornton.

1953 July La Veta: Miss Avis Mercer and Jack Young will be married July 18.

1953 July Walsenburg: County Fire Warden Tony Velarde asked those driving or picnicking this weekend to exercise extreme caution with combustible materials due to the excessive dryness.

1953 July: Despite Huerfano County's status as a drouth disaster area, Walsenburg is not seriously feeling the effects of a lack of water.

1953 Aug. 10: There were 350 people from 10 states in attendance at the La Veta barbecue which opened the annual state Hereford tour being held here for the second time. - World Independent

1953 August La Veta: A new green and red sidewalk was laid in front of the Amiday building, which is still under construction on Ryus Avenue.

1953 August La Veta: Grasshopper spraying from a plane costs the farmer five cents an acre.

1953 August La Veta: Nancy Jo was born to Freeman and Josephine Bailey, their second child.

1953 August La Veta: The very old box elder tree at the corner of Francisco and Main, by the old bank, was cut down and removed.

1953 August Walsenburg: Huerfano County's oldest resident, Marcelina Vigil Marquez, died yesterday at the age of 104. She came here with her aunt, the wife of Charles Deus of Malachite.

1953 August Walsenburg: A total of 1,364 youngsters used the city wading pool during July, with the daily maximum, 177.

1953 August Walsenburg: Bob Meyer and Lloyd Sehnert won the gallo race at the 7th annual Spanish Peaks Fiesta.

1953 August Walsenburg: Diane Vanotti won the fat beef championship at the annual 4-H Fair and Louise Vanotti was reserve champion.

1953 August Walsenburg: Flash floods blocked Highway 85-87 just north of Walsenburg yesterday and hail was found four inches deep along the Huerfano River.

1953 August Walsenburg: Huerfano County schools will open Aug. 31, including the 19 rural schools.

1953 August Walsenburg: In 1881 the Arkansas State Legislature decreed the name was to be pronounced "Arkansaw."

1953 August Walsenburg: Jose Escabedo won the Old Fiddler's Contest at the seventh annual Spanish Peaks Fiesta, which was announced a complete success.

1953 August Walsenburg: Two hundred Redmen and their auxiliary opened their three-day convention here Aug. 13.

1953 August Walsenburg: Winners of the Catch-It calf contest were Shirleen Pfaffenhauser, Valerie Sinkovich, Johnnie Joe Corsentino, Donald Hinton and Tim Pene.

1953 August: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lucero are the parents of a daughter born Aug. 16 in Lamme Hospital.

1953 September La Veta: Dick Hengl, teaspoon percussionist and impersonator of Al Jolson, will be featured at Muleshoe Lodge by the new owners, Wes and Retha Connors.

1953 September La Veta: Mary Estes Heilman died at age 76. She was born in La Veta in 1877.

1953 September La Veta: Scientists have uncovered a number of fossils near Farisita as well as a 50-foot sea monster on the Capps ranch.

1953 September Walsenburg: A television program was shown on paleontology included the prehistoric animals found in the Farisita area.

1953 September Walsenburg: Captain James L. Stewart was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for personal bravery and leadership in aerial combat over Korea.

1953 September Walsenburg: George Turner will seek reelection as mayor.

1953 September Walsenburg: Mayor George Turner has imposed restrictions on watering.

1953 September Walsenburg: Mrs. Charlotte Benedetti has assumed duties as president and general manager of the Twin Peaks Lumber Company, successor to L.D. Messer Lumber and Builders Supply, Fourth and Hendren.

1953 September Walsenburg: Rudy Valdez of HCHS will be acting mayor during Youth Day.

1953 September Walsenburg: Senior class officers at St. Mary High School are Donald Noga, president, Shirley Gregory, vice president, Joan Fedeli, secretary and Elador Sandoval, treasurer.

1953 September Walsenburg: The Chamber of Commerce sets the tourist traffic through Walsenburg this summer at 10,000.

1953 September Walsenburg: Youngsters under 16 lose their summer reprieve tonight when the curfew will be set back to 8 p.m. from the summer hour of 9 p.m.

1953 October La Veta: Bob Hollister of Leadville is moving here and will reopen the La Veta Garage.

1953 October La Veta: Dick Hengi is now manager of Rock Rest, the service station, cafe and lodge about five miles northwest of town.

1953 October La Veta: Dick Hengi is now manager of the service station, lodge and cafe at Rock Rest, about five miles northwest of La Veta. 

1953 October La Veta: Died, James K. Herbin, 73, a resident of the area since 1885. He leaves a sister, Sarah.

1953 October La Veta: Died, Mary Estes Heilman, 76, who was born in La Veta in 1877.

1953 October La Veta: In anticipation of the 1,000 head entered in the second annual Breeders Association Sale next week, the size of the stockyards at the barn is being doubled. 

1953 October La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. A.N. Erwin are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary, plus six.

1953 October La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Denton celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. He was born in La Veta and has been here all his life.

1953 October La Veta: Old Baldy in the Sierra Blanca has been officially named Mt. Lindsay for a Denver attorney and mountaineer.

1953 October La Veta: Old Baldy Peak on the Sierra Blanca., 14,125 feet, was officially renamed Mt. Lindsay for a Denver attorney and mountaineer.

1953 October La Veta:  Francisco Plaza was featured in "Colorado Wonderland" magazine.

1953 October Walsenburg: Betty Jean Hindes will be HCHS homecoming queen with Angelina Cisneros, Carol Jean Sanich, Evelyn Lara and Patty Martinez attendants.

1953 October Walsenburg: Huerfano County's rural school population has undergone an unexplained decrease with a total enrollment of 231 pupils compared to over 300 last year.

1953 October Walsenburg: Miss Ida Marie Major hosted a wedding shower in honor of Miss Ruth Rogers.

1953 October Walsenburg: Miss Ida Marie Major hosted a wedding shower in honor of Miss Ruth Rogers.

1953 October Walsenburg: Quality Shoe Shop, Fred Martinez, proprietor, is moving to 125 West Seventh, across from its former location.

1953 October Walsenburg: Seven girls, Wanda Rice, Helen Pineda, Sylvia Herrera, Eva Martinez, Evelyn Lara, Lorraine Sandoval and Dolores Romero, are competing for the Miss Cinderella 1953 title.

1953 October Walsenburg: Star Caywood was reelected Spanish Peaks Fiesta manager.

1953 October Walsenburg: Starters for tonight's St. Mary Crusaders will be Jerry Repola, Paul Benedetti, John Amedei, Bob Furphy, Fred Meneghini, Gerald Laner, Tom Michelli, Pete Martinez, August Olivas, Jim Medina and Dale Zanolini.

1953 October Walsenburg: Starters for tonight's St. Mary Crusaders will be Jerry Repola, Paul Benedetti, John Amedei, Bob Furphy, Fred Meneghini, Gerald Laner, Tom Michelli, Pete Martinez, August Olivas, Jim Medina and Dale Zanolini.

1953 October Walsenburg: The 15-mile watershed of North Veta Creek was toured by ranchers and Soil Conservation Service personnel.

1953 October Walsenburg: Tioga School District No. 40 was annexed in Walsenburg District No. 4 after only 14 students enrolled.

1953 October Walsenburg: Tioga School District No. 40, with 14 students under Mrs. Nell Lloyd and Catherine Gregory, was voted dissolved.

1953 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg sales taxes for the fiscal year ending June 30 show an increase from $83,935 in June 1952 to $85,700, this year, with the largest increase in the food sales.

1953 November La Veta: A total of $63,477.87 was realized by local breeders in the second feeder sale which offered 906 head of stock.

1953 November La Veta: Fifty-eight bulls are consigned so far for the fifth annual bull sale at the sales barn on Dec. 3.

1953 November La Veta: The fifth annual Huerfano County Hereford Breeders Association sale has been scheduled for Dec. 3.

1953 November La Veta: The fifth annual Huerfano County Hereford Breeders Association sale has been set for Dec. 3.

1953 November La Veta: The storm left about two feet of snow in town.

1953 November Walsenburg: A total of 3,779 vehicle licenses have been issued this year according to County Clerk Damaso vigil.

1953 November Walsenburg: Four businesses opened this month in Walsenburg, Roblek branch grocery and appliance, Andy Spendow's novelty shop, James Glorioso's lunch counter and the former Tioga store which moved into the Saleh building at West Seventh and Hendren.

1953 November Walsenburg: George Turner won a second term as mayor and both City Clerk Tom Wilson and Treasurer A.R. Benine were also reelected.

1953 November Walsenburg: Gerald Repola, Maxine Vigil and Robert Tangney were installed into the National Honor Society at St. Mary High School.

1953 November Walsenburg: The county mill levy has been set at 24.24, for a total of 62.45 mills for those living in Walsenburg.

1953 November Walsenburg: The county mill levy has been set at 24.24, for a total of 62.45 mills for those living in Walsenburg.

1953 November Walsenburg: The Huerfano County polo team will meet Colorado A & M College Nov. 13 and 14.

1953 December La Veta: In the annual bull sale, 52 bulls were sold for $14,715, an average of $283 per animal, compared to last year's average of $485.

1953 December La Veta: Santa Claus will appear in La Veta tomorrow at the Spur Theater where children will be treated to a free Technicolor movie and treats.

1953 December Walsenburg: Alfred Mondragon, 11, won $2 for his first place entry in Washington school's tuberculosis seal poster contest.

1953 December Walsenburg: All barbershops will be open Monday, Dec. 21 - be well groomed for the holidays!

1953 December Walsenburg: Christmas trees, four to ten feet tall, take your choice, 50 cents, Tony's Standard Service.

1953 December Walsenburg: Henry C. Summers was appointed to District 4 School Board to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Joseph Karst.

1953 December Walsenburg: Horace Garbizo, former Walsenburg resident, told the Lions Club of the intrigue and personality of Casablanca, where he is in the export-import business.

1953 December Walsenburg: Rudy Valdez was chosen outstanding senior on the Huerfano County High School football team.

1953 December Walsenburg: The Knotty Pine Inn at 119 West Seventh Street, will reopen New Year's Day.

1953 December Walsenburg: There will be a New Year's Eve Square Dance in the Community House with Marvin Shilling of Lightning S Ranch in La Veta, caller.

1954 January La Veta: At the Spur Theater tonight and tomorrow, "From Here to Eternity" starring Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift, Deborah Kerr, Frank Sinatra and Donna Reed.

1954 January La Veta: Charles George Grover of Alamosa, a brakeman for the Denver and Rio Grande, fell under a train and was instantly killed about one mile west of La Veta.

1954 January La Veta: Marvin Schilling of Trinidad plans to open a guest ranch at the old Sulphur Springs resort called Lightning  S, for a square dancing school.

1954 January La Veta: New officers installed for the Spanish Peaks Grange were Joe Moore, president; Ben Nason, vice president; Dorothy Arnold, secretary and Vada Farrar, treasurer.

1954 January La Veta: Sunday School children of the Methodist Church presented a Christmas program Sunday morning and Christmas treats were given out.

1954 January La Veta: Tabulations show the flow of the Cucharas River is 76 percent of normal with snow in the mountains showing 60 to 80 percent of the 10 year average.

1954 January La Veta: The county unemployment office processed 4,351 claims last year, in addition to 457 "Korean claims." Over 400 persons were placed in jobs.

1954 January La Veta: The Rye Thunderbolts defeated the Redskins 42-37 in overtime.

1954 January Walsenburg: A total of 262 Walsenburg school children will get a half day off school next Wednesday, Feb. 3, for a reward for perfect attendance the past six weeks.

1954 January Walsenburg: City Council decided to bring the city water and street departments under one supervisor and selected Steve Phillips for the position.

1954 January Walsenburg: Georgina Grgich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Grgich, is being installed Worthy Advisor of the Order of Rainbow for Girls today.

1954 January Walsenburg: The PMA office here is processing an average of $1,000 a day sale on corn feed due to the drought.

1954 January Walsenburg: Thirty-eight young people home from college or the armed services were guests of the Walsenburg Rotary Club at their luncheon meeting yesterday.

1954 January Walsenburg: Walsenburg Fire Department answered 27 calls last year with the biggest fire at the Walsenburg Sales Barn, which burned to the ground, a loss of $15,000.

1954 February La Veta: A total of 2,866 vehicle license plates were issued by the county clerk's office by Feb.13, 33 less than last year. 

1954 February La Veta: Although the Redskins failed to win the District 11, Class C basketball championship, they did come home with the trophy for sportsmanship.

1954 February La Veta: Friday and Saturday at the Spur Theater, "Tumbleweed" starring Audie Murphy, plus "Mogambo" with Clark Gable and Ava Gardner.

1954 February La Veta: George Snedden with 20 points and Bud Kreutzer with 16 failed to rally the Redskins and they lost a thriller to Primero, 62-60.

1954 February La Veta: Huerfano County is among the 16 designated drought disaster counties of southeast Colorado.

1954 February La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. John Baily announce their daughter Marjorie will marry Charles Keeling Jr. Feb. 7 in the Baptist Church.

1954 February La Veta: Ranger Lewis A. Cummings reported that on Feb. 1 the La Veta Pass snow course contained 20.3 inches of snow with a water content of six inches, compared to 23 inches with 6.9 inches last year.  The 10-year average is 26.4 inches of snow with 6.3 inches of water.

1954 February Walsenburg: Mothers March on Polio produced $500 in Walsenburg last night.

1954 February Walsenburg: Notice has been received of the discontinuance of operations at the Tioga post office as of March 15, according to Walsenburg Postmaster James J. Tesitor.

1954 February Walsenburg: Washington School gradesters will present the beautiful and popular cantata "Hiawatha" at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. March 6.

1954 March La Veta: Forest Ranger Lewis A. Cummings reported 19.1 inches of snow on La Veta Pass March 1, compared to 32.2 inches last year at the same time.

1954 March La Veta: Mary Jane Speed was one of 32 students on the honor roll at Adams State College.

1954 March Walsenburg: Bobby Vigil, Walsenburg marble champion, will be a part of the Parade of Champions in Denver Monday.

1954 March Walsenburg: Dance every Sunday from six until midnight to Drifting Johnny and the Tennesee Ramblers at Rock Rest Cafe and Bar.

1954 March Walsenburg: Domenic Nardini was elected commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post.

1954 March Walsenburg: Dust storms have reduced highway visibility to zero.

1954 March Walsenburg: John Dinise, co-publisher of the World-Independent, was elected a director of the Colorado Press Association.

1954 March Walsenburg: John Dinise, co-publisher of the World-Independent, was elected a director of the Colorado Press Association.

1954 March Walsenburg: Johnny Amidei and Robert Furphy have the leading roles in the St. Mary senior class play, "Rest Assured. ''

1954 March Walsenburg: O'Rourke's announce the opening of their new store at 605 Main, next door to their old one.

1954 March Walsenburg: Rep. J. Edgar Chenowith has asked the labor department to declare Huerfano and Las Animas counties labor surplus areas due to the high rate of unemployment.

1954 March Walsenburg: Several cans of coffee were stolen from Norman George's Liberty Store on West Seventh, probably due to the high price - $1.27 per pound.

1954 March Walsenburg: Several pounds of coffee were stolen from Norman George's Liberty Store on West Seventh due to the high price of $1.27 a pound.

1954 March Walsenburg: Shoppers were waiting on the sidewalks this morning for stores to open for the first day of Walsenburg Value Days.

1954 March Walsenburg: The Schafer Packing Company has purchased Grille Nichols Hide and Wool from A.H. Withers.

1954 April La Veta: Ben Nason is the new town trustee after the withdrawal of Thomas Kmetz.

1954 April La Veta: Ranger Lewis A. Cummings and Eldon Falk measured 25.7 inches of snow with 6.6 inches water at Blue Lake, compared to 25.7 inches with five inches of moisture content last year.

1954 April La Veta: The high school seniors will sponsor the movie "'The Diamond Queen," with Fernando Lamas, Arlene Dahl and Gilbert Roland, tomorrow evening as a benefit to help finance their trip around Colorado.

1954 April Walsenburg: Georgina Grgich, Rainbow Worthy Advisor, was chosen to receive the Grand Cross of Color Degree for outstanding service.

1954 April Walsenburg: High winds and dust caused poor visibility on the highway to Pueblo earlier this week.

1954 April Walsenburg: Jerry Repola was chosen editor of St. Mary High School's Paladin for next term and Rosemarie Nigro will be assistant editor.

1954 Apri Walsenburg: George Turner, Nick Balich and Sam Galassini have formed a partnership to operate the recently abandoned Morning Glory mine which left 26 men unemployed.

1954 April Walsenburg: Jerry Repola was chosen editor of the St. Mary "Paladin" for next term and Rosemarie Nigro will be assistant editor.

1954 April Walsenburg: Miners at Big Four and Pictou mines are to be transferred by CF&I to the Allen mine in Las Animas County

1954 April Walsenburg: O'Rourke's has moved to its new location at 605 Main, next door to the former site.

1954 April Walsenburg: Richard Micek of Dand School is the county spelling champion and Bill Pazar, St. Mary School, is the city champ.

1954 April Walsenburg: Richard Micek of Dand School won the county spelling contest and the city champ is Bill Pazar of St. Mary School.

1954 April Walsenburg: Robert Furphy and Johnny Amadei [sic] have the leading roles in the St. Mary High School senior class play "Rest Assured."

1954 April Walsenburg: Star Caywood was elected president of the Spanish Peaks Fiesta Association.

1954 April Walsenburg: The city of Walsenburg will get new parking meters it was decided Tuesday night at the city council meeting. The new meters will be installed within the next 30 days with Main Street getting them first, then the side streets.

1954 April Walsenburg: Walsenburg has 90 days to change the improper city sewage disposal into the Cucharas River.

1954 April Walsenburg: Walsenburg has 90 days to change the improper city sewage disposal into the Cucharas River.

1954 May La Veta: Fr. Peter Davitt, C.S.P., has begun a mission at Christ the King Church.

1954 May La Veta: La Veta won its third baseball game, beating the Primero Bulldogs Tuesday, and will play the final game Friday against the Hoehne Farmers.

1954 May La Veta: Mrs. Jessie Todd of La Veta was elected district president of the Auxiliary of the American Legion at the sixth annual convention of District #8 in Walsenburg.

1954 May La Veta: Showing tonight at the Spur, "Prisoner of War" with Ronald Reagan plus "Decameron Nights" starring Joan Fontaine.

1954 May La Veta: Tonight and tomorrow at the Spur Theater, Phil Silvers in "Top Banana" and Roy Rogers in "Trigger."

1954 May Walsenburg: A C.D.A. Drill Team Club has been organized with Helen Ugolini, president; Ann Phillips, vice president; Mary Elizabeth Styduhar, secretary and Angela Maes, treasurer.

1954 May Walsenburg: As part of an economy move Walsenburg City Council has terminated the services of Police Magistrate E. U. Sandoval.

1954 May Walsenburg: Miners at Big Four and Pictou mines are to be transferred by Colorado Fuel and Iron Co. to the Allen mine in Las Animas County.

1954 May Walsenburg: The 46 members of the Huerfano County High School Class of 1954 will be graduated tonight. Clara Elizabeth Mall is valedictorian and Jane Burton Tucker is the salutatorian.

1954 May Walsenburg: The eighth grade of the Walsenburg public schools will graduate a class of 70 tonight at Washington School, when Floyd K. Murr will be guest speaker.

1954 May Walsenburg: The Methodist Church is celebrating its 70th anniversary here and the 25th anniversary of the building.

1954 May Walsenburg: The VFW will hold the second annual memorial service at Mt. Mestas.

1954 June La Veta: Beginning tomorrow night at the Spur Theater, Jane Russell in "The French Line."

1954 June La Veta: David Repola won a $25 savings bond as the best Huck Finn at the annual V.F.W. contest in Walsenburg.

1954 June La Veta: The Huerfano County 4-H Fair has been set for Aug. 20, 21 and 22, according to Ellis Smith, fair manager.

1954 June Walsenburg: A Walsenburg Chamber of Commerce project has become a reality - Colorado Springs has been selected as the site for an Air Academy.

1954 June Walsenburg: Children over 12 were banned from the Civic League's playground after much vandalism was experienced.

1954 June Walsenburg: The first aerial battle against a Huerfano County forest fire prevented serious damage to the national forest area on Greenhorn Mountain yesterday.

1954 June Walsenburg: The first police car in Walsenburg history to have a two-way radio is in operation today. It is a new 1954 Studebaker Commander sedan.

1954 June Walsenburg: The First State Bank was sold to investors from Denver.

1954 June Walsenburg: The punishing sun continued to beat down on the blistering streets and sweltering citizens of Walsenburg yesterday in what was probably the second hottest day in two years at 96 degrees.

1954 June Walsenburg: The swimming pool at the pavilion and the wading pool in the park will open tomorrow, July 1.

1954 June Walsenburg: The tourist hut will be opened next week by the Chamber of Commerce in front of the office and will again be manned by Theresa Mall.

1954 June Walsenburg: Three converted B-18s took off from Weston strip northwest of Walsenburg to begin spraying grasshoppers.

1954 June Walsenburg: Through the cooperation of the Colorado Came and Fish Department, some 100 hungry trout will be planted in the city wading pool on West First Street for the big Huckleberry Finn Day next Sunday.

1954 July La Veta: At the Spur Theater Sunday and Monday, Alan Ladd in "Paratrooper" plus Wait Disney's "Pecos Bill."

1954 July La Veta: The American Legion will again have a big fireworks display on the Fourth of July on the empty lots just north of the railroad tracks in La Veta, beginning just after dark.

1954 July Walsenburg: Mrs. C.M. Fernandez, 924 Colorado, was the winner of the electric refrigerator contest and Mrs. Pete Grgich was second.

1954 July Walsenburg: The Chamber of Commerce is exploring the possibility of getting an auxiliary state penitentiary here to aid the economy of Walsenburg.

1954 July Walsenburg: The Spanish Peaks Fiesta will open tomorrow night with the Coronation Ball at Walsenburg Pavilion.

1954 July Walsenburg: The Walsenburg summer band will present its fifth concert of the season tonight, an all-march review of 16 selections.

1954 August La Veta: About 50 friends and relatives charivaried Mr. and Mrs. John Zember at their home on La Veta Pass.

1954 August La Veta: Army Sgt. Clyde S. Taft, 22, is serving in Korea with the 3rd Infantry Division's 15th Regiment, the "Rock of the Marine" which celebrated its 156th anniversary on July 16.

1954 August La Veta: It is estimated more than 500 people live in the winter or summer in Cuchara Camps, in about 150 homes.

1954 August La Veta: Mitch Kelloff, manager of the Spur Theater, says he recently had a cinemascope screen installed.

1954 August La Veta: Mrs. Laura Moore, her children and grandchildren had a large family reunion and steak fry at Spring Creek.

1954 August La Veta: Peggy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Arnold, celebrated her first birthday with La Veta and Gardner friends and relatives.

1954 August Walsenburg: Walsenburg spent $12,144.50 last month, with $4,788.20 of that spent for the water department.

1954 August Walsenburg: Although plans had been approved for a driver training course at the high school this year, the course has been cancelled because no car is available.

1954 August Walsenburg: Donald J. Stimack, new St. Mary High School coach, and Frank "Pomo" Repola, former Crusader coach, will be honored by the Quarterback Club tomorrow.

1954 August Walsenburg: Governor Ed C. Johnson arrived today for the Spanish Peaks Fiesta.

1954 August Walsenburg: The Larkin Auto Supply store will formally open today at 116 East Fourth, formerly the site of Giordano Motor Company.

1954 August Walsenburg: The sixth annual Summer Band Concert tonight will feature circus music and requests for local favorites.

1954 August Walsenburg: The wearing of pinks jeans has been banned at St. Mary High School.

1954 August Walsenburg: Winners of the Spanish Peaks Fiesta children's parade were David Ladurini, Paulette Laster, Mary Ann Ladurini, the three Mall children, Carla Grgich and Toni Sudar.

1954 August Walsenburg: With the reopening of school, the curfew returns to the winter schedule and the warning whistle will sound at 8 o'clock.

1954 August: The influx of tourists helped the June gain over unemployment as 41 people were placed by the employment office.

1954 September La Veta: Mrs. Dan Nason and baby returned home from Lamme hospital last Friday.

1954 September La Veta: Mrs. Ted Naney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Hasenack, was honored at a bridal shower in Fellowship Hall Saturday evening.

1954 September La Veta: The Redskins went to Walsenburg to play the first game of the season and lost 6-0 to Huerfano County High School.

1954 September La Veta: The Tri-Al-Veta Club met at the home of Norma Drury with Trinidad with 13 members present from Trinidad, Alamosa and La Veta.

1954 September Walsenburg: An estimated 125 to 150 interested people attended the Chamber of Commerce reception to meet the public school teachers last night.

1954 September Walsenburg: Cheerleaders at HCHS are Carol Sanich, Evelyn Lara, Fern Valdez, Janet Patterson and Loretta Bocim.

1954 September Walsenburg: Donald Romero, St. Mary junior, will be acting mayor on Youth Day.

1954 September Walsenburg: Edward Tomsic was elected vice president of the National Slavish Benefit Society.

1954 September Walsenburg: HCHS opened their football season by defeating La Veta Redskins 6-0.

1954 September Walsenburg: Larkin's Complete Garage Service, 116 East Fourth, is now taking orders for overnight car storage.

1954 September Walsenburg: One hundred and seventy-four boys participated in the city-sponsored recreation program this summer, on 12 separate teams.

1954 September Walsenburg: Primary election winners were Conrad Cordova for county clerk, Charles Duran for assessor and J.J. Stimack for commissioner.

1954 September Walsenburg: There were 5,789 voters registered for the primary election.

1954 September: Nearly 70 Lions and guests and Ed Cruz' dog went to Spring Creek above Cuchara Camps for an uneventful hayride and stag party.

1954 September: This year's cheerleaders at H.C.H.S. are Carol Sanich, Evelyn Lara, Fern Valdez, Janet Peterson and Loretta Bocim.

1954 October La Veta: Huerfano County's polo team whipped the Colorado A & M team 15-1 and 14-1 in games played on the Redwing polo field.

1954 October La Veta: Joyce Matteo and Richard Leap were married in a candlelight service in the Baptist Church Oct. 17, attended by Frances Matteo and Don Wagner.

1954 October La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bailey and Amy Sue of Walsenburg enjoyed a birthday dinner for Mrs. Bailey with Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Beamer and John Sunday.

1954 October La Veta: President Eisenhower will celebrate his 64th birthday tomorrow in Denver, with lunch at the Cherry Creek Country Club and dinner at the Brown Palace.

1954 October La Veta: Touchdowns by Don Drury and Edward Sanchez provided the La Veta Redskins with the necessary points in scoring a 13-0 victory over the Aguilar Wildcats in a Homecoming Day game in La Veta last Friday afternoon.

1954 October Walsenburg: A total of 6,269 are registered to vote in Huerfano County with 3,787 in Walsenburg proper, and additions of Walsen, Loma Park and Chico increase this to 4,530.

1954 October Walsenburg: As in years past, the nation will honor its veterans Nov. 11, but this time, we will honor those of all America's wars for "Veterans Day," instead of "Armistice Day: for World War I vets.

1954 October Walsenburg: As of today, 52 couples have applied for marriage licenses this year, compared to 36 this time last year.

1954 October Walsenburg: Fifteen hundred children filled the Fox Theater this afternoon for the Halloween treat free show given by the Chamber of Commerce, Fox and the Walsenburg-Independent.

1954 October Walsenburg: Fifteen hundred children filled the Fox Theater this afternoon for the Halloween treat free show given by the Chamber of Commerce, Fox and the Walsenburg-Independent.

1954 October Walsenburg: Friday evening HCHS Homecoming Queen Patty Corsentino will be crowned by King Paul Sedillo.  The queen's attendants will be Phyllis Corsentino, Lorraine Sandoval, Patty Biggi and Leona Corsentino.

1954 October Walsenburg: Geraldine Zgut will reign as homecoming queen at St. Mary High School and will be crowned by Kenneth Krier. Attendants will be Sylvia J. Herrera and Patty Bellotti.

1954 October Walsenburg: There are 6,269 registered voters in Huerfano County with 3,787 in Walsenburg proper, and the additions of Walsen, Loma Park and Chico increase this to 4,530.

1954 November La Veta: A baby shower honoring Mitzi Jean, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Masinton, was held November 1 in Fellowship Hall.

1954 November La Veta: On Halloween night the town was plunged into darkness when some prankster pulled the main electrical switch at the substation.

1954 November La Veta: On Halloween pranksters littered the streets with oil cans, wrecked automobile bodies, tree limbs and sidewalk benches.

1954 November La Veta: Thirty consignors from Huerfano, Custer and Costilla counties sold animals in this month's feeder cattle sale.

1954 November Walsenburg: City Council is proposing a 15.75 mill levy again this year.

1954 November Walsenburg: Dan Bonacci rolled a sizzling 711 series at Paradise Bowling Lanes.

1954 November Walsenburg: Friday and Saturday, see William Holden and Jennifer Jones in "Love is a Many Splendored Thing" at the Fox Theatre.  The second feature is "Desert Sands."

1954 November Walsenburg: Girls' Dresses, $1.11 and $2.22 at J.C. Penney.

1954 November Walsenburg: Gust "Shorty the Greek" Mondacis was attacked and beaten by would-be thieves as he closed his restaurant, The Swan, in the 900 block of South Main over the weekend.

1954 November Walsenburg: Huerfano County polo players will play Colorado A&M College polo team in a return match Nov. 13 and 14 in Fort Collins.

1954 November Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Joel Chambers announced the engagement of their daughter Betty Jane Jellison to Mr. Maurice Brau of Nebraska.

1954 November Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. John Dernovshek were honored by the Keota Club with a surprise party for their Silver Anniversary.

1954 November Walsenburg: Pupils of the first through fourth grades in St. Mary School will present a three-act operetta entitled "Who Killed Cock Robin."

1954 November Walsenburg: Sixty-one Walsenburg businesses will cooperate in the Christmas treasure hunt.

1954 December La Veta: A son was born Dec. 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ryan.

1954 December La Veta: About 80 people attended the Spanish Peaks Grange Christmas party and covered dish supper and musical program.

1954 December La Veta: La Veta High School band and girls glee club, under the direction of Lawrence Moreau, entertained Walsenburg students at Washington School.

1954 December La Veta: Pete Gross, born in 1889 and a La Veta resident for 40 years, died while working on the new home of his brother-in-law John Kmetz.

1954 December La Veta: The La Veta Baptist Church presented their Christmas Cantata on Christmas Eve in the Walsenburg Baptist Church.

1954 December La Veta: The Methodist and Baptist churches will have their Christmas programs and treats for the kids Sunday morning.

1954 December La Veta: We got a belated White Christmas Dec. 27 with a six inch snowfall in La Veta and 18 inches in Cuchara Camps.

1954 December Walsenburg: By the end of 1957, all STOP signs on Colorado highways will have been changed from yellow to red.

1954 December Walsenburg: D&K Trading Post, 337 West Seventh, is having a going-out-of-business sale.

1954 December Walsenburg: Ends tonight at the Foy, Theater, James Stewart in Alfred Hitchcock's "Rear Window."

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