Huerfano County, Colorado
News Of The Day

Contributed by Louise Adams, Jean Griesan and Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

1955 - 1959

1955 January La Veta: At the Spur Sunday and Monday, "Bengal Brigade" starring Rock Hudson and Arlene Dahl plus, "This is Your Army" in Technicolor.

1955 January La Veta: It's amazing why so many men consider themselves gentlemen just because they prefer blondes.

1955 January Walsenburg: Albert Romero has been elected regional director of the Young Democrats.

1955 January Walsenburg: The local army reserve unit, company B, 345th Infantry, is now officially to meet here. Captain E.U. Sandoval says meetings will take place in the V.F.W. Hall.

1955 January Walsenburg: August Chatin will conduct an adult education class in mineral prospecting and all uranium hunters are invited to attend.

1955 January Walsenburg: Considerable loss was reported in a breakin of the Farmers Locker, 327 Main Street, Friday night. Sam Herlyck, owner and operator, has offered a $100 reward.

1955 January Walsenburg: Deluviana Archuleta, mother of County Commissioner Sabino Archuleta and widow of former County Commissioner, J.G. Archuleta, died at the ranch home at Redwing Dec. 29, within 30 yards of where she had been born and spent her entire life.

1955 January Walsenburg: Fred Scholes and Andrew Schafer Jr. will be among those attending the convention of Colorado County Commissioners in Colorado Springs.

1955 January Walsenburg: The first marriage to be recited in Huerfano County in English in St. Mary Church united Dorothy Frausto and Edward Cruz Jan. 5.

1955 January Walsenburg: Tony Perse was reelected president of the Huerfano County Sportsmen Association for his fifth year.

1955 February La Veta: A nuclear explosion planned for tomorrow at the Nevada proving grounds was postponed due to unstable weather.

1955 February La Veta: During January, 2,615 people were employed in non-agricultural work and 825 in agricultural work in Huerfano County, and 160, or 4.3 percent, were unemployed.

1955 February La Veta: Jeff Gilbert, A/2C, left for the Philippine Islands after spending his furlough with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gilbert and brother Robert.

1955 February La Veta: Pupils of the Sixth grade surprised their teacher Mrs. Florence Cummings with a gift, cake and Kool-Aid Friday in honor of her birthday.

1955 February La Veta: The Owen and Lee Drilling Company's Claudia Capps No.1 in the northwest portion of Sec. 24, T28, R65, eight miles southeast of Walsenburg, was spudded in.

1955 February La Veta: The Redskins, B-squad won its 11th straight game, an easy 69-32 victory over Sopris.

1955 February La Veta: The Snack Shack has been remodeled and reopened by new managers. Special Sunday dinners, $1.00.

1955 February Walsenburg: A reward of $100 for information leading to the conviction of the driver of the hit run accident in which Chamber Secretary Ralph Faxon was injured has been offered by the Chamber of Commerce.

1955 February Walsenburg: Cattlemen and others have been invited to attend a dinner meeting at the Hotel Kirkpatrick Saturday to organize a county stockman's organization.

1955 February Walsenburg: Donald Haney, polio fund drive chairman, said $500.52 was collected in last night's Mother's March.

1955 February Walsenburg: More than 100 are expected to attend the annual Lincoln Day dinner and program at Community House, sponsored by the Huerfano County Republican Womens' Club.

1955 February Walsenburg: New directors for the Spanish Peaks Fiesta Association are Floyd Murr, John Mall, Robert Kelley, Clyde Bowden, R.R. Gowdy, John Caine, George Rogers, Joe Kalmes, C.B. Blanton and Bill Thach.

1955 February Walsenburg: Sirloin, 69 cents a pound; longhorn cheese, 45 cents a pound, at the Farmers Locker, 327 Main Street.

1955 February Walsenburg: Table Queen Bakery, 604 West Seventh, was entered and robbed and signs were visible that thieves had attempted to enter Haney's confectionery and Randall's Pastry Shop.

1955 February Walsenburg: The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad mailed its check for $50,900.14 today to Thomas J. Solomon, county treasurer, to cover the first half payment of 1954 taxes.

1955 February Walsenburg: The Lions Club decided to go ahead with plans to hold the first annual Pancake Festival here late this spring or early summer.

1955 February Walsenburg: Walsenburg's water picture glowed brightly today after an agreement with Harry Willis to acquire four cubic second feet of water in the Francisco-Daigre Lake Ditch and approximately 850 acres of land for $199,000.

1955 March La Veta: A six-man drilling team is making test holes for uranium in the Ojo area.

1955 March La Veta: La Veta Pass is the highest point on the 1,323 mile route from Colorado Springs to Los Angeles, Calif.

1955 March La Veta: Mrs. Russell Kreutzer, a recent bride, was feted at a bridal shower at the home of Mrs. Joe Riggins.

1955 March Walsenburg: Basketball fans will roar at the antics of the Harlem Clowns when they play the Santi Oilers Wednesday night in the St. Mary gymnasium.

1955 March Walsenburg: Dona Mae Zgut was chosen queen of Canon City's 17th Annual Blossom Festival.

1955 March Walsenburg: Huerfano County mines produced 7,769 tons of coal in January and employed 84 miners.    

1955 March Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Fortunato J. Zanon celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary Mar. 5. They were married in Trinidad shortly after Mrs. Zanon, nee Eugenia Iob, arrived from Austria.

1955 March Walsenburg: The American Legion Auxiliary party given last night in celebration of the Legion's 36th birthday was attended by about 25 members and guests.

1955 April La Veta: A total of 102 Huerfano County farmers and ranchers filed applications for 1,290,500 pounds pf feed grain under the federal emergency program.

1955 April La Veta: High winds and dust reduced visibility to zero on the highway between here and Walsenburg.

1955 April La Veta: Thirteen of the 18 La Veta Chamber of Commerce members will attend the Rotary district conference in Colorado Springs for the induction of Clayton H. Staples of Cuchara Camps as district governor.

1955 April La Veta: While a black dust storm raged through most of southeastern Colorado, La Veta received a sharp thunderstorm followed by a six-inch snow.

1955 April Walsenburg: At the Fox Theater Friday and Saturday, Tyrone Power and Maureen O'Hara in "The Long Gray Line," plus "Tarzan's Hidden Jungle" with Gordon Scott and Vera Miles.

1955 April Walsenburg: Mrs. Bernice Money breakfasted with President Eisenhower and gave him an introduction to Colorado beef products.

1955 April Walsenburg: Patty Solomon, singing, and Fred Menghini on the accordion, both students of St. Mary High School, will be heard during the Slovian Hour on radio station KGHF Sunday in Pueblo.

1955 April Walsenburg: Polio immunization with the Salk vaccine will start for Huerfano County in Walsenburg, at the Washington school, definitely, Monday morning at nine.

1955 April Walsenburg: Walsenburg has maintained schools since 1873 when there was an adobe school on the northwest corner of Seventh and Main Streets, taught by Fr. Percevault.  It closed about 1875 and another one opened on West Sixth where the Allison-Thurston used car lot is now.

1955 May La Veta: At the Spur Theater Saturday, "There's No Business Like Show Business" starring Ethel Merman, Donald O'Connor, Marilyn Monroe, Dan Dailey, Johnny Ray and Mitzi Gaynor, plus John Wayne in "Allegheny Uprising."

1955 May La Veta: La Veta's rampaging Redskins trounced the Aguilar Wildcats 13-3 in a seven inning long contest played in La Veta yesterday afternoon.

1955 May La Veta: Six cabins were totally destroyed by the five-foot snowfall at Cuchara Camps and 18 were heavily damaged.

1955 May La Veta: The 4-H Council has set Aug. 12-14 for the annual fair in La Veta.

1955 May La Veta: Women wouldn't try so hard to conceal their ages if men acted theirs.

1955 May Walsenburg: A bright sun today shone on a vast region recovering from the shock of the heaviest Dust Bowl rainstorm in 30 years. Although more than 3,000 had to be evacuated from the floods in La Junta and Trinidad, in Huerfano County there was only joy in the wake of the six inch downpour.

1955 May Walsenburg: About 40 members of the senior class will leave Sunday night for a three-day tour of Carlsbad Caverns and Albuquerque.

1955 May Walsenburg: Huerfano County will receive $1 million this year for roads, over one-half of which will go to Highway 160 and most of the rest to Highway 85-87 between Walsenburg and Apache Creek.

1955 May Walsenburg: Mrs. Howard Burress and Mrs. John Mall have started Columbine Enterprises to develop the craft industry for local women.

1955 May Walsenburg: The Colorado A&M polo team will play the Spanish Peaks team June 18-19 on the new field two miles north of Walsenburg on the Dilly property.

1955 May Walsenburg: Walsenburg's new polo field will probably be two and a half miles north of town on Highway 85-87.

1955 June La Veta: A Denver firm, Armco Company, won the bid for furnishing the pipes for the new 12-inch pipeline with $33,560.

1955 June La Veta: Cotarco took a 99-year lease of 600 acres near La Veta but belonging to Walsenburg to build a fertilizer plant, an $11.5 million investment.

1955 June La Veta: School District 3-A, La Veta, will receive $1,346.16 from the state this year.

1955 June Walsenburg: About 2,500 people attended Cotarco's groundbreaking ceremonies, at which Gov. Ed C. Johnson was principle speaker.

1955 June Walsenburg: Cotarco groundbreaking ceremonies Saturday will be followed by a Celebration Dance in the Walsenburg Pavilion with music by Charles Naroski.

1955 June Walsenburg: Gov. Edwin C. Johnson will be here tomorrow for the groundbreaking ceremonies of Cotarco, Inc. which will build an $11.5 million plant on 600 acres of leased land near La Veta.

1955 July La Veta: A Denver firm, Armco Company, won the bid for furnishing the pipes for the new 12-inch pipeline with $33,560.

1955 July La Veta: Born July 11, a seven pound, 14 Ounce son to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riggins.

1955 July La Veta: Gossip is like a photograph, usually negative, and after its development it's often enlarged.

1955 July Walsenburg: At the Fox Theater, Randolph Scott in "Tall Man Riding" plus Abbott and Costello, in "The Mummy."

1955 July Walsenburg: J.J. Stimack is chairman of the Committee for Municipal Power in Walsenburg, encouraging the city to buy Frontier Power Company.

1955 July Walsenburg: Merle V. Chase resigned as superintendent of schools here after serving since 1947.

1955 July Walsenburg: San Isabel Electric Assoc. will spend $750,000 in Huerfano County for the new lines and equipment, provided Walsenburg votes to acquire a municipal power system in the August 9 election.

1955 August La Veta: Betty Willis won her second reserve championship at the State Fair, in the dress revue.

1955 August La Veta: Betty Willis, 15, won the state reserve championship in clothing with her fifth year exhibit.

1955 August La Veta: Huerfano County's 17th annual 4-H Fair ended Sunday with buyers paying $4,448.65 for 23 fat steers in the auction.

1955 August La Veta: Top price paid at the livestock auction concluding the annual 4-H Fair was $27.50 a hundredweight for Larry Drury's Fat Beef Champion of 950 pounds. 

1955 August Walsenburg: An ammunition box factory will open Sept. 5 in the fairground buildings.

1955 August Walsenburg: Eleven Walsenburg artists entered the Spanish Peaks Fiesta art show.

1955 August Walsenburg: Fifty guests yesterday attended the tea honoring twins Betty Jane and Rose Marie Jellison, who will be married Aug. 27 in a double ceremony.

1955 August Walsenburg: Over an inch of rain ruined Saturday night's Fiesta parade, El Fandango performance and the rodeo, plus Sunday's polo game and rodeo.

1955 August Walsenburg: Patricia Ann Sudar and Albert J. Tomsic were married last Saturday morning by The Very Rev. Howard L. Delaney in St. Mary Church.

1955 August Walsenburg: The annual precipitation of Walsenburg averages 14.46 inches; so far this year we have had 15.10 inches.

1955 September La Veta: Harry Willis bought the properties of the Colorado Cheese Company of La Veta at an auction for $7,000.

1955 September La Veta: San Isabel Electric purchased the La Veta Light, Heat and Power Company from C.C. Webster for approximately $66,000.

1955 September La Veta: The State Welfare Board raised the old-age pension to a maximum of $108 for the month of October.

1955 September Walsenburg: A box factory will open in the fairgrounds buildings next week.

1955 September Walsenburg: Frankie Brigar and His Polka Kings will play for the big dance Sunday in Walsenburg Pavilion beginning at 9:30 p.m.  Couples $1.25, extra ladies, 25 cents.

1955 September Walsenburg: Herbert Furphy was named county commissioner after the resignation of his son, Thomas.

1955 September Walsenburg: Joseph Habib and Robert Weston will seek reelection to the city council.

1955 September Walsenburg: L.L. Hunsinger grew a six and three-quarter pound turnip in his back yard at 303 West Eighth Street.

1955 September Walsenburg: Lloyd Sehnert was married Saturday to Joan Rankin of Denver.

1955 September Walsenburg: Mayor George M. Turner, Treasurer A.R. Benine and City Clerk Thomas Wilson must personally sign 850 $1,000 municipal power revenue bonds between Saturday afternoon and Monday morning so the city's money will be available to purchase Frontier Power.

1955 September Walsenburg: Only 11 rural schools will open this year - Farisita, Gardner, Chama, Gordon, Malachite, Maes-Birmingham, Rouse, Dand, Pass Creek, Redwing and Upper Badito.

1955 September Walsenburg: Some 350 Walsenburg students will receive their second Salk vaccine Monday.

1955 September Walsenburg: Women need as much nerve as bull fighters to wear toreador pants.

1955 September: The St. Mary High School Crusaders defeated the La Jara Wildcats 20-6 in a non-conference game, with a touchdown by Jimmy Britt and two by Dale Zanolini.

1955: Some of the best family trees suffered a crop failure now and then.

1955 October La Veta: Ground will be broken in several weeks for a $10 million chemical plant one mile east of town.

1955 October La Veta: More than 2,000 head of cattle are expected to be offered at the fifth feeder sale in the La Veta sales barn Oct. 27.  The 1954 sale, the biggest to date, brought $165,765 for 1,900 feeder cattle.

1955 October La Veta: Some people talk so fast they say things they haven't even thought of yet.

1955 October La Veta: The Redskins took over the lead in the Spanish Peaks conference Friday when they won a hard-fought 6-0 victory over the Aguilar Wildcats.  The lone touchdown was a pass from Don Drury to Jim Geiser which covered 30 yards.

1955 October La Veta: The trouble with "living it up" is that there's so much to live down afterwards.

1955 October Walsenburg: About 300 people attended the open house at the World Independent office in honor of National Newspaper Week.

1955 October Walsenburg: Bishop Willging of Pueblo confirmed 220 adults and children last evening.

1955 October Walsenburg: Don Haney will run for mayor against the current office holder, George M. Turner.

1955 October Walsenburg: Fernando Serafini has sold his Unique Shop on Main Street to John F. Pazar and Dominic J. Nardini who will operate it as Modern Jewelry and Appliance.

1955 October Walsenburg: Fernando Serafini has sold his Unique Shop on Main Street to John F. Pazar and Dominic J. Nardini who will operate it as Modern Jewelry and Appliance.

1955 October Walsenburg: George Batuello has been named chairman of the St. Mary Parish Bazaar to be given Nov. 5.

1955 October Walsenburg: Jo Elen Zgut, 16, was one of eight Colorado 4-H members named as winners in the national awards program.

1955 October Walsenburg: Sam T. Taylor has been named president of a new investment firm named First Western Corporation.

1955 October Walsenburg: School District #4 in Walsenburg will have its tax levy reduced to 11 mills and the budget has been set at $57,730.

1955 October Walsenburg: School District No. 4, Walsenburg, school levy for 1956 will be 11 mills for a budget of $57,730, the same as last year.

1955 October Walsenburg: St. Mary High School's homecoming was wrecked by the La Veta Redskins who scored three touchdowns in the final period to beat the Crusaders 28-13.

1955 October Walsenburg: The World-Independent will have an open house Wednesday so readers may inspect the office and plant.

1955 November La Veta: About 100 Huerfano County farmers met and were assured a guaranteed market for all the eggs they can produce from the General Mills program.

1955 November La Veta: Born, Nov. 13, a seven pound, eight ounce boy to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Arnold.

1955 November La Veta: Kay Piner and Betty Willis won awards in the clothing division for Huerfano County in the National 4-H Achievement contests.

1955 November La Veta: The Falk brothers won the grand championship in the seventh annual bull calf show and sale of the Huerfano County Breeders Association last weekend in La Veta.

1955 November La Veta: The V.F.W. has offered a $25 reward for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who vandalized the Mt. Mestas memorial.

1955 November Walsenburg: Approximately 700 Huerfanos had their chest X-rays for tuberculosis in the mobile unit at Huerfano County High School.

1955 November Walsenburg: Buddy Johnson and His Colorado Rangers will play for a dance Saturday in Max Hall at Rouse.

1955 November Walsenburg: Friday and Saturday at the Fox Theatre, "Seven Cities of Gold" and "Tennessee's Partner" with John Payne, Ronald Reagan and Rhonda Fleming.

1955 November Walsenburg: Jo Ellen Zgut will go to the National 4-H Fair in Chicago this week for her state award winning clothing project.

1955 November Walsenburg: Ocean Spray cranberry sauce, 21 cents; coffee, 69 cents a pound; pint of salad dressing, 25 cents at the Farmers Locker, 327 Main Street.

1955 November Walsenburg: Of the 2,745 registered voters, 2,031 voted in Tuesday's election.

1955 November Walsenburg: The big new 1956 Studebaker can be seen Nov. 22 at Barbacovi Motor Company, 201 Main Street.

1955 November Walsenburg: Today's new houses have every modern convenience except low rent.

1955 November Walsenburg: VFW Post No. 2643 has voted a $25 reward for the arrest and conviction of those persons who last week used the memorial on Mt. Mestas as a rifle target.

1955 November Walsenburg: Walsenburg voters chose 10 Democrats and one Republican for city offices.

1955 November Walsenburg: Why is it experience always teaches you the things you would rather not learn?

1955 December La Veta: A flying saucer was sighted in broad daylight last week by Sen. Sam Taylor and John Klikus.

1955 December La Veta: Charles Keeling will be in charge of building the tipple at the new Taylor No. 1 mine on the Klikus ranch six miles west of La Veta.

1955 December La Veta: Elizabeth M. Duzenack, 21, wrote her parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Duzenack that she will be unable to be home for the holidays from the Air Force.

1955 December La Veta: Elizabeth M. Duzenack, 21-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Duzenack of La Veta, will spend Christmas on duty at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Tex.

1955 December La Veta: Huerfano County  did not have a white Christmas but the weather bureau warns it might have a white New Year's.

1955 December La Veta: Maybe the reason so many people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

1955 December La Veta: Several county residents saw a flying saucer over Greenhorn Mountain last night, the third such sighting this month.

1955 December Walsenburg: A spaghetti dinner for the benefit of the Sacred Heart Church building fund will be given Saturday in the Gardner Methodist Church. All you can eat; adults, $1.25; children, 75 cents.

1955 December Walsenburg: Beginning at the 6 a.m. Mass Christmas morning, the bells of St. Mary Church, silent the past seven years, will be rung with the new electronic set.

1955 December Walsenburg: Edward and Mary Tomsic purchased the Pioneer Tavern on Main Street with two apartments upstairs from Otto Klein. 

1955 December Walsenburg: Jo Ellen Zgut raced back to Colorado from Chicago where she had been an honored delegate to the National 4-H Congress and reached Pueblo Saturday just in time to win new awards.

1955 December Walsenburg: Three bushel baskets of toys have already been donated to the V.F.W. in their drive to provide presents for needy kids.

1955 December Walsenburg: VFW delivered 126 Christmas baskets of toys, clothing and food to needy families thanks to the generosity of the community.

1956 January La Veta: Died, Louise Falk, 93, a resident of La Veta since 1907. She was born in Kansas in 1863 and married Ferdinand there.

1956 January La Veta: It is foolish for a man to contradict his wife. If he just waits a while she'll do it herself. 

1956 January La Veta: John Albright bought the Falk Brothers ranch of 1,400 acres south of La Veta. The Falks owned it about 25 years.

1956 January La Veta: The Falk Brothers sold their 1,400 acre ranch on Echo Creek to John Albright.  They owned it for 25 years.

1956 January La Veta: The Redskins will play host to the St. Mary Crusaders tomorrow evening in a benefit game for the March of Dimes.

1956 January Walsenburg: A formal order that police halt speeding and reckless driving in Walsenburg, and particularly on the "West Seventh Street speedway," was given this morning by Mayor Donald D. Haney.

1956 January Walsenburg: Donald D. Haney will tonight be sworn in as mayor of Walsenburg.

1956 January Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fink, residents of Huerfano County for over 50 years, will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary Feb. 1.

1956 January Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dolzanie announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Ann to Danny Figal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Figal Sr.

1956 January Walsenburg: Seby Martinez was named chairman of the 1956 Heart Fund Drive in Huerfano County.

1956 January Walsenburg: The Huerfano County Sportsmen's Club will petition the new city council to ban all-night fishing on local lakes.

1956 January Walsenburg: There will be a big dance tonight at Max Hall in Rouse, with Western Swing music by Buddy Johnson and His Colorado Rangers.

1956 January Walsenburg: There will be a big dance tonight at Max Hall in Rouse, with Western Swing music by Buddy Johnson and His Colorado Rangers.

1956 January Walsenburg: With only a few hours remaining in the year a total of 43 fire alarms this year were answered by Walsenburg's volunteer fire department with only one being a false alarm.

1956 February La Veta: La Veta will no longer have the "party system" and nomination to town offices will be by petition.

1956 February La Veta: Lowell Goemmer, 16, was named Youth of the Week by the Junior Colorado Cattlemen's Association.

1956 February La Veta: Saturday's storm left eight inches of snow in La Veta and 18 or 20 at Cuchara Camps, followed by wind and a temperature of 12 below zero.

1956 February La Veta: Simon Aguirre of the San Isabel Electric Association is moving his family to North La Veta.

1956 February La Veta: The Chamber of Commerce is planning to build an airfield although the location has not been decided.

1956 February Walsenburg: About 130 people attended the chili supper sponsored by the Methodist Youth Fellowship group at the church.

1956 February Walsenburg: Help Wanted at the Rainbow Cafe. No school girls or phone calls.

1956 February Walsenburg: Now showing at the Fox Theater, "The Rains of Ranchipur" starring Lana Turner and Richard Burton, and John Wayne in "The Fighting Kentuckian."

1956 February Walsenburg: Postmaster James Tesitor was named chairman of the Red Cross Drive in Walsenburg.

1956 February Walsenburg: Rose Marie Nigro, 16, was today named Colorado Homemaker of Tomorrow after winning first place in the written examination given to 2,758 seniors.  She wins an eastern trip, a $1,500 scholarship and a chance to win a $5,000 national prize.

1956 February Walsenburg: The famed University of Denver choir appeared in concert here Monday at Walsenburg High School.

1956 March La Veta: Going to the county spelling bee at Washington School to represent the eighth grade are Marian Huffman and Loren Albright.

1956 March La Veta: Jim Falk showed some 40-year-old pictures of La Veta to Rotary Club.

1956 March La Veta: Jim Falk showed some 40-year-old slides of La Veta scenes to Rotary Club.

1956 March La Veta: On La Veta Pass, the snow depth is 25.1 inches, compared to the ten year average of 28.2 inches.

1956 March La Veta: Sale of the G.S. Lashly ranch near La Veta today was disclosed as bringing nearly $750,000. The ranch contains 1,400 acres and was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Harryman of Forgan, Okla.

1956 March La Veta: The Campbell ranch of 5,100 acres, owned by Albert Campbell and his son Walter for over 50 years, may be sold.

1956 March La Veta: The snow depth on La Veta Pass is 25.1 inches, compared to 26 inches in 1955 and the ten year average of 28.2 inches.

1956 March Walsenburg: Mercury vapor lights will be installed on Sixth Street one block east and west of Main Street.

1956 March Walsenburg: Paul Dissler, Charles Magnone and Silvio Michelli will have charge of arrangements for the annual dinner of the St. Mary Quarterback Club April 7.

1956 March Walsenburg: Some 100 cases of measles and 50 to 60 cases of chicken pox have been reported in the Walsenburg area according to health authorities and physicians.

1956 March Walsenburg: St. Rep. Albert J. Tomsic last night was elected commander of the local post of Veterans of Foreign Wars to replace James Mestas.

1956 March Walsenburg: The 11th annual convention of the Huerfano County Young Citizen's League will be Saturday. There are approximately 200 members of eight leagues in rural areas of Huerfano County.

1956 April La Veta: Marjorie Hasenack and Donna Dee Jordan will represent La Veta in the VFW Auxiliary's jacks contest in Walsenburg.

1956 April La Veta: Ninety-four votes were cast in the town election.

1956 April La Veta: Only 94 votes were cast to elect Proctor Hayes mayor and return Karl Gilbert and Cornelia Colemen as clerk and treasurer.

1956 April La Veta: The first annual Square Dance Jamboree co-sponsored by the La Veta Chamber of Commerce and Lightning S. Guest Ranch will be tomorrow night in the high school auditorium.

1956 April La Veta: Walsenburg's Panthers evened the score against La Veta by defeating the Redskins 6-5 in a return game.

1956 April Walsenburg: Jeanie Maldonado, 14, won the jacks tournament sponsored by the V.F.W. Auxiliary and Eileen Pacheco, 15, was runner-up.

1956 April Walsenburg: Santi Motor Company delivered six Ford heavy trucks to Domenic Leone Construction Co., a transaction reputed to have been in excess of $50,000.

1956 April Walsenburg: The City of Walsenburg today filed suit for $10,000 against Milton G. and Frank Utt for alleged water diversions from the Coler Ditch seepage.

1956 May La Veta: Maybe you can't take it with you, but there sure aren't many places you can go without it.

1956 May La Veta: Mrs. Elizabeth Williams and Lawrence Baudino were married.

1956 May Walsenburg: Close to 500 people attended the graduation exercises of 77 kindergarten students at Washington School last night.

1956 May Walsenburg: HCHS seniors are off to Canon City, Aspen, Glenwood Springs and Denver for their annual trip.

1956 May Walsenburg: May-Time Melodies were presented at the Knights of Columbus Hall last night by music Pupils of grades one through four of St. Mary School.

1956 May Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bard bought the historic Klein Hotel and in a separate transaction, Mr. and Mrs. Duke Farrin bought the E&S Motel on West Tenth Street.

1956 May Walsenburg: Mrs. Henry ("Jo") Summers on Sunday was elected president of the district VFW Auxiliary at a meeting in Canon City.

1956 May Walsenburg: Residents of Walsenburg were advised today to boil all their drinking water.

1956 May Walsenburg: The Sportsmen's Club will sponsor a trout derby in conjunction with the Spanish Peaks Fiesta.

1956 May Walsenburg: Woman's Civic League will a rummage sale tomorrow in the old Dissler Furniture building on West Sixth Street, and a used furniture auction the following day.

1956 June La Veta: Died, Eleanor Agusta Coe, wife of John Edwin.  She was born in 1872 in Stonewall, married in 1892 and moved to La Veta in 1913 where she has lived since.

1956 June La Veta: Divorce proves that united we stand, but divided some can stand it better.

1956 June La Veta: Don L. Bone resigned as school superintendent and coach.

1956 June La Veta: Sanitarian Ed Cruz warns the water from Ojo Spring is unsafe, having been tainted by cattle in the area.

1956 June La Veta: The Placer post office on the other side of La Veta Pass is open with Mrs. Margaret Sutton, postmaster.

1956 June La Veta:  Marilyn Lammers and Walter ''Sonny'' Smith were married.

1956 June Walsenburg: Duncan K. Majors and Edith Williams of Quemado, New Mexico will be married June 16.

1956 June Walsenburg: It used to take the wool from 10 sheep to clothe a soldier, now it takes the hides of a dozen taxpayers.

1956 June Walsenburg: More than 500 registrations have been received for the Lions state convention which opens here next week. 

1956 June Walsenburg: The new federal soil bank program is officially open in Huerfano County it was announced today by Homer McKinley.

1956 July La Veta: Edwin P. Hildebrand has been engaged as the new school superintendent.

1956 July La Veta: New vapor lights were installed along La Veta's streets.

1956 July La Veta: Rev. J.H. Gerault and Jimmy Filer are fixing up the greens on the golf course. They plan to finish three holes this year, three next year and three in 1958.

1956 July La Veta: The construction of a landing strip on Pinon Hill is now positive and the road from town to the Geisers will be closed permanently.

1956 July Walsenburg: Ann Novak, 19, was chosen from seven contestants as Spanish Peaks Fiesta Queen.

1956 July Walsenburg: Roberta Jean was honored yesterday at a surprise party marking her ninth birthday by her mother Mrs. Ray Bustos Jr. and her grandmother Mrs. Sam Vigil.

1956 July: Ernest Bergamo has been named to the title role in the melodrama "Curse You, Jack Dalton."

1956 July: The Orphan Players will present a melodrama, "Curse You, Jack Dalton," and olio during the Spanish Peaks Fiesta.

1956 August La Veta: Died, Silas Lemuel Smith, 77, who was born in 1879 in North Carolina.

1956 August La Veta: The Kincaid store, owned and run since 1900 by the Kincaid family, was sold to Charlie Masinton by William M. Kincaid Jr., who has had it since 1952.

1956 August La Veta: The old Kincaid store was sold to Charles Masinton after continuous operation by three generations of Kincaids since 1899.

1956 August La Veta: The Russell post office was closed July 31.

1956 August Walsenburg: A linguist can master almost any language but his wife's.

1956 August Walsenburg: About 400 kids in costumes marched in the Children's Parade and the judges found it too difficult to choose a winner.

1956 August Walsenburg: An 18 inch trout weighing two and a quarter pounds was caught by Carlo Bak to win the Fiesta Trout Derby at Martin Lake.

1956 August Walsenburg: An outdoor Junior Variety Show will be held on West Fifth Street preceding the Spanish Peaks Fiesta Parade August 18.

1956 August Walsenburg: It's dollar days at Black and White Grocery. Your dollar will buy 13 packages of jello; five cans of tuna; five cans of cherries; or eight cans of Van Camps beans.

1956 August Walsenburg: New teachers for the Walsenburg Public schools will be Mary Frances Kravik, Janet Jensen, Julia Abila, Lucy Willburn and Winfred Martinez.

1956 August Walsenburg: Queen Ann Novak, 19-year-old sophomore at Colorado A&M, will reign over the Spanish Peaks Fiesta which starts today.

1956 August Walsenburg: The new Highway 85-87 will bypass Walsenburg by a mile and a half.

1956 August Walsenburg: Walsenburg Chamber of Commerce will definitely launch a Huerfano County Development association.

1956 September La Veta: At last! The movie you have been waiting for starts Sunday at the Spur Theater, "Guys and Dolls," starring Marion Brando, Jean Simmons, Frank Sinatra and Vivian Blaine.

1956 September La Veta: Died, Minnie S. Baldwin, 90, the home of her daughter Hazel Flock. She was born in Virginia in 1866 and married Jacob F. Baldwin in 1885 before coming to La Veta in 1890.

1956 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Kitchen celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

1956 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Elmo White purchased La Chacra Lodge in Cuchara Camps from Mr. and Mrs. Dean Vickery.

1956 September La Veta: The Huerfano County tax levy for 1957 will remain at 28.7 mills.

1956 September Walsenburg: Horseshoe Lake is being considered for a state trout farm.

1956 September Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Trujillo, who were married at St. Mary by Father Ussell in 1906, celebrated their 50th anniversary Sept. 21.

1956 September Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Hendricks observed their golden wedding anniversary Sunday with four of their children and their families.

1956 September Walsenburg: Rural school enrollment dropped to 150; students at Dand School will now attend Rouse and those of Rattlesnake Buttes will go over in Las Animas County.

1956 September Walsenburg: Wayward Bowling Lanes opens today under the management of Mike Dasko.

1956 September: Elected presidents of their respective classes at St. Mary High School were Carol Knoll, senior, John Soloman, junior and Eddie Ibanez, sophomore.

1956 October La Veta: A total of 5,759 persons are registered to vote in Huerfano County, down from 1954 when 6,249 were registered.

1956 October La Veta: Died, Earl Flock, the brother of Mrs. Charles Ottinger and Mrs. Elva Sharpless.  He was buried in Oklahoma.

1956 October La Veta: Ralph Miles Garren, 65, collapsed on Main Street and died of a heart attack. He leaves his wife Margaret May, son Ralph N. and daughter Marian M. Ross.

1956 October Walsenburg: City Council voted to retain last year's mill levy of 15.75 for this year.

1956 October Walsenburg: City Council voted to retain last year's mill levy of 15.75 for this year.

1956 October Walsenburg: Died, Fred G. Walsen in Denver. He was born in Walsenburg in 1878 and married Bertha Johnson here in 1899.

1956 October Walsenburg: Floyd Jeter has a tentative agreement to start a radio station at the defunct KPHC tower.

1956 October Walsenburg: Floyd Jeter has a tentative agreement to start a radio station at the defunct KPHC tower.

1956 October Walsenburg: Frank S. Miles replaced Donald Sipe as HCHS principal.

1956 October Walsenburg: Frank S. Miles replaces Donald Sipe as H.C.H.S. principal.

1956 October Walsenburg: Frank S. Miles replaces Donald Sipe as HCHS principal.

1956 October Walsenburg: Thirty students are enrolled in the new driver training course at Huerfano County High School.

1956 November La Veta: Huerfano County has been designated a drought area.

1956 November La Veta: Huerfano County has been designated a drought area. The last moisture received was in August.

1956 November La Veta: Twelve inches of snow fell last night and the temperature dropped to a low of five degrees below zero.

1956 November Walsenburg: About 50 merchants will participate in the annual Treasure Hunt to coincide with the turning on of the Christmas lighting.

1956 November Walsenburg: About 50 merchants will participate in the annual Treasure Hunt to coincide with the turning on of the Christmas lighting.

1956 November Walsenburg: About 50 Walsenburg merchants will participate in the annual Treasure Hunt to coincide with the turning on of the city's Christmas lighting.

1956 November Walsenburg: C.S. Tressler, Alex Smallwood and Peter F. Eccher are all retiring from the post office this week.

1956 November Walsenburg: C.S. Tressler, Alex Smallwood and Peter F. Eccher are all retiring from the post office this week.

1956 November Walsenburg: Councilmen Howard Burress and John Geiger proposed a plan to rename streets and set up street signs.

1956 November Walsenburg: Malcolm MacDonald was awarded the first Chamber of Commerce Community Service Award.

1956 November Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Amarante Maldonado celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with all 10 of their children and families there.

1956 November Walsenburg: The Panthers lost a hard fought battle with Monte Vista, 6-0, for the Spanish Peaks championship.

1956 November Walsenburg: Threatening skies bolstered hope for a break in the drought. The last moisture was .09 of an inch of rain on Aug. 26.

1956 December La Veta: Died, Louise Falk, 93, a resident of the area since 1907. Her husband Ferdinand died in 1953.

1956 December La Veta: La Veta received eight inches of snow this week and the thermometer dropped to eight degrees below zero.

1956 December Walsenburg: An orgy of destructive rock throwing accounted for the breaking of about six street lights and a dozen window panes around town.

1956 December Walsenburg: Anita Lucero, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lucero, Walsenburg, and James Medina, former resident, were married in California.

1956 December Walsenburg: Cartoons and appearance by Santa Claus will be presented to the children of the Knights of Columbus members tonight at KC Hall at St. May School.

1956 December Walsenburg: Five members of the Huerfano Group of the Colorado Mountain Club hiked about five miles into the Apishapa Canyon to photograph petroglyphs and stone enclosures.

1956 December Walsenburg: Former St. Mary High School football star Frank J. Repola, now a coach in Raton, will be guest speaker for the Quarterback Club banquet.

1956 December Walsenburg: Huerfano County coal production jumped 1,394 tons - about 27 percent - to 6,458 tons October compared to 5,064 in September.

1956 December Walsenburg: Joe Jerant says Santa Claus will be present for a special visit at Kay's Grocery from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. tomorrow.

1956 December Walsenburg: Mrs. Germano Nogare, Walsen Camp, won an automatic washer from Modern Jewelers and Appliance, according to store operator Domenic Nardine.

1956 December Walsenburg: Ninety-one needy families in Walsenburg received Christmas food baskets.

1956 December Walsenburg: The New Year will be welcomed in Walsenburg with a public dance at the Pavilion sponsored by the Federated Lodges and private dances at the Elks Lodge, VFW home and residences.

1956 December Walsenburg: Three classes of fifth grade, students at Washington  school will present a Christmas operetta "The  Legend of the Snowman."

1956 December Walsenburg: Twenty-eight young men and women home from college or the military service were guests Wednesday noon of Walsenburg's Rotarians at their weekly meeting at Hotel Kirkpatrick.

1956 December Walsenburg: VFW members are collecting items for Christmas baskets for the needy. Leave donations at Modern Jewelers, 603 Main Street or call 105 and have them picked up.

1957 January La Veta: Part of Walsenburg was voted into District No. 2, despite the protestations of County Commissioner Harry Willis.

1957 January La Veta: Winners of the Christmas Lighting Contest sponsored by San Isabel Electric were Charles Bruce, first, $25; Avis Young, second, $15 and Thomas Kuntz, third and $10.

1957 February La Veta: A plane crash was discovered by section foreman Tony Masinton with workers Kenneth Brown and Ed Quintana, seven miles west of La Veta.  Both men inside were dead.

1957 February La Veta: The dance to benefit Eddie Shrout, who was hospitalized with a consussion, netted $132.50.

1957 February La Veta: The Denver and Rio Grande section crew discovered an airplane near La Veta Pass with two bodies inside.

1957 February La Veta: The snow on La Veta Pass was measured at 48.5 inches compared to 33 inches last year and the long-term average of 26.8 inches.

1957 March La Veta: Betty Willis is the first Huerfano County student to win the DAR Good Citizen of Colorado award.

1957 March La Veta: Mrs. Daniels has agreed to deed the east part of the old plaza, where Albert Parks is now living, for a museum.

1957 March La Veta: The La Veta High School graduated its first class 50 years ago.  The members were Eva Daigre Brennan, Grace Ritter, Blanche Read and Eugene Vories.

1957 April La Veta: Died, Mrs. Ethel Mae Lupton, 63, the widow of Henry.  She had lived in La Veta 57 years and operated the Snack Shack..

1957 April La Veta: Mrs. Laura Moore celebrated her 94th birthday with sons Howard, Herbert, Floyd and their wives.

1957 April La Veta: The Advertiser is 62 years old with this edition, and has published 3,224 issues.

1957 April La Veta: The La Veta Advertiser is 62 years old and has printed 3,224 issues.

1957 April La Veta: The snow on La Veta Pass measured 25.9 inches, compared to 10 inches last year and the 10-year average of 23.7 inches.

1957 April La Veta: Two feet of heavy, wet snow fell in town this week and Cuchara Camps received about three feet.

1957 April La Veta: Two feet of heavy, wet snow fell in town this week and Cuchara Camps received about three feet.

1957 May La Veta: Died, Arthur A. Bruce, 76, a farmer and carpenter who was born in La Veta in 1881. He leaves sons Jasper and Francis and one predeceased, sister Mrs. A.N. Erwin and brother George.

1957 May La Veta: In response to a petition from the property owners, the Post Office Department has dropped the "Camps" from Cuchara Camps, effective June 15.

1957 May Walsenburg: Eighteen inches of snow fell in Walsenburg yesterday, the heaviest storm since 1946, and disrupted the power service and destroyed trees throughout the city.

1957 May Walsenburg: In the heaviest storm since 1946, 18 inches of snow fell in Walsenburg yesterday, disrupting power service and destroying trees throughout the city.

1957 May Walsenburg: Recent heavy rains have hampered the construction of the new swimming pool.

1957 June La Veta: Betty Willis is Colorado State Fair Queen. During her 4-H career she has won 114 ribbons and 14 trophies, 18 county championships and one state.

1957 June La Veta: Betty Willis, 18, is Colorado State Fair Queen.  During her 4-H career she has won 114 ribbons and 14 trophies.

1957 June La Veta: Effective June 15, the post office will drop the Camps from Cuchara Camps, by petition of the property owners.

1957 June La Veta: Park Creek flooded at Cuchara Camps and caused the closure of the highway.

1957 June La Veta: The Chuck Wagon in Cuchara opened June 1 with Lee and Sammy Hopson managing.

1957 June La Veta: The heavy rains washed out the bridge at the Galassini ranch and the Albrights' bridge is still underwater.

1957 June La Veta: The heavy rains washed out the Middle Creek bridge on the new cutoff to Highway 160 by the Lyle Smith ranch.

1957 June La Veta: Volunteers have finished leveling and rolling the three-quarter mile La Veta Airstrip and placed a windsock.

1957 June Walsenburg: Mrs. Carrie Glenn Rogers was elected Worthy Matron of Naomi Chapter, O.E.S. and Star Caywood, Worthy Patron.

1957 June Walsenburg: Root Beer in Frosted Mugs, Delicious Hamburgers - Burger Inn, 124 West Seventh Street.

1957 June Walsenburg: There will be a melodrama, olio and "beer garden of the '90s" as added features of this year's Spanish Peaks Fiesta.

1957 June Walsenburg: Walsenburg will have no less than nine playgrounds this summer.

1957 July La Veta: A museum for La Veta is assured with many items already donated. It will open in the northeast section of the old plaza when the buildings are repaired.

1957 July La Veta: Art works of the students of Clayton Henri Staples will be presented in a show in his Barn Studio in Cuchara Camps early in August.

1957 July La Veta: The La Veta Chapter of Rotary will be celebrating its 20th anniversary this month.

1957 July Walsenburg: A burglar forced the rear window of the Farmers' Locker Plant, 327 Main Street, Friday night and made off with some weinies and cigarettes.

1957 July Walsenburg: Between 600 and 700 people jammed the Klein Hotel for the open house of the city's new radio station, KFLJ.

1957 July Walsenburg: More than 500 persons went swimming yesterday in Walsenburg's new pool.

1957 July Walsenburg: Santi Motor Company and Lenzini Motor Company have been commended by the Rocky Mountain Automobile Association for their aid in the high school driving education program.

1957 July Walsenburg: Tony Tesitor was installed new president of Walsenburg Lions Club; James Tesitor, first vice president; Louis Feiccabrino, second vice president and A.S. Lenzini Jr., third vice president.

1957 August La Veta: Art works by the students of Clayton Staples were shown Sunday and Monday at his Barn Studio in Cuchara Camps, with 200-300 attending the first day alone.

1957 August La Veta: Construction has started on the new building of San Isabel Electric.

1957 August La Veta: E.A. Stansbury has resigned as postmaster to teach school instead.

1957 August La Veta: Elmo W. White, 68, died at his La Chacra Lodge in Cuchara Camps.

1957 August La Veta: Elmo White, 68, owner of La Chacra Lodge in Cuchara, died Saturday, Aug. l0.

1957 August La Veta: The 19th annual county 4-H Fair begins this week.

1957 August La Veta: There has been a remarkable outpouring of donations for the new museum to be established in the old Francisco plaza.

1957 August Walsenburg: Ten entrants are now registered in the Aqua Queen contest, according to Rosine Ariano and Irene MacDonald, co-chairmen of the event.

1957 August: Ninety Lions and their wives enjoyed a picnic at Martin Lake last night to honor those who aided with the recent minstrel show.

1957 September La Veta: A historical society has been formed to operate a museum. Officers are Milt Utt, president, Jeannette Thach, vice-president and Amelia Sporleder, secretary-treasurer.

1957 September La Veta: A historical society has been formed to run the museum. Milt Utt is president, Jeanette Thach, vice-president and Amelia Sporleder is secretary-treasurer.

1957 September La Veta: Died, C.C. Webster, 86, who bought La Veta Light, Heat and Power Company in 1911 and moved to California after selling the business in 1955.

1957 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Art Cadogan sold the Branding Iron to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wheeler.

1957 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Art Cadogan sold the Branding Iron to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wheeler.

1957 September La Veta: School enrollment is 177 so far.

1957 September Walsenburg: Rose Marie Fertitta, senior, Mickey Mauro, junior and Judy DallaGuardia, sophomore, were elected class officers at St. Mary High School.

1957 September Walsenburg: The Citizens (Democratic) party nominated Joe Mosco as its candidate for mayor of Walsenburg.

1957 October La Veta: E.E. Engberg is retiring from the Advertiser and the paper may be published in connection with the World-Independent.

1957 October La Veta: Edward E. Engberg is retiring as editor of the La Veta Advertiser which is owned by Consolidated Publishing Company.

1957 October Walsenburg: A plan for only two school districts in Huerfano County has been suggested.

1957 November La Veta: About 100 people attended a dinner for Rev. J. H. Gerault's 20th anniversary with the La Veta Baptist Church.

1957 November La Veta: Died, John Peter "Pete'' Goemmer, 81. He was born in Illinois in 1876 and came to La Veta with his parents when he was six years old.

1957 November La Veta: Died, John Peter Goemmer, 81, leaving children George A., John, Ruth Larsen and Elsie McDonald, as well as brother Gus A.

1957 November La Veta: San Isabel Electric Association's new building is progressing rapidly and the company expects to move in before Jan. 1.

1957 November Walsenburg: Died, Andrew Dick, 75, a native of Pennsylvania who came to Walsenburg in 1885 with his parents George and Janet Dick.  His son Andrew Jr. was killed in Germany in 1944.  Survivors are his wife Eva, daughter Frances Janet Vucetich, brother John, sisters Catherine Chatin and Jean D. Phillips.

1957 November Walsenburg: Died, Andrew Dick, 75, a resident of Walsenburg since 1885 and county treasurer for 12 years.  He leaves his wife Eva and daughter Frances Janet Vucetich.

1957 November Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mason of Cortez announce the engagement of their daughter Shirley to Dick Jameson.

1957 November Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Rosolino Piazza will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Saturday. They were married in Italy but have lived here since 1913.

1957 November Walsenburg: The city leased land north of Highway 160 from CF&I for a golf course.

1957 November Walsenburg: There are 152 students enrolled in Huerfano County's rural schools, taught by 11 teachers.  Eight are one-room schools but one school has three teachers.

1957 November Walsenburg: Thomas M. Wilson and Frasie Martinez will draw lots to see who will be city clerk after each received 939 votes in the recent election.

1957 December La Veta: In La Veta, the total mill levy for next year will be 73.96, an increase of 5.08 mills over last year.

1957 December La Veta: The Booster Club is reported to have made $88 on its dance Friday night.

1957 December La Veta: The two big Christmas trees on Main Street have been put up and decorated.

1958 January La Veta: Lloyd Sneddon scored 34 points to lead the Redskins to a 63-28 win over Moffat High School.

1958 January La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Firm were given a surprise housewarming party in their new home.

1958 January La Veta: Six Pueblo youths are suspected to have been involved in stealing 11 band instruments valued at between $1,500 and $2,000 from La Veta High School.

1958 January La Veta: The county commissioners are discussing mass spraying for the control of the tent caterpillar infestation around Cuchara Camps.

1958 January La Veta: The deadline for becoming a charter member of the Huerfano County Historical Society is April 1.

1958 January La Veta: Virginia Shrout has been selected this year's winner of the Daughters of the American Revolution award for La Veta High School.

1958 January Walsenburg: All public schools in Walsenburg will close Friday for the funeral of former superintendent S.M. Andrews who committed suicide.

1958 January Walsenburg: Burglars last night entered Motor Parts, Sixth and Hendren, and took $6 in change and a control switch.

1958 January Walsenburg: C.C. Transmire, owner of the Rambler Motel in Hutchinson, Kans., will build a new series of Motel units just north of Walsenburg.

1958 January Walsenburg: On Jan. 27, First State Bank will become First National Bank, according to R.A. Babcock, president.

1958 January Walsenburg: Too many people are concerned about how to stay young, and not enough about how to grow up.

1958 February La Veta: A fire of undetermined origin Tuesday caused considerable damage to the John Bailey residence, a six-room stone house five miles west of La Veta.

1958 February La Veta: A large number of new donations have been made for the new museum and Milton Utt, [article cut off].

1958 February La Veta: La Veta Redskins lost its second basketball game of the season by losing to Sierra Grande 40-33.

1958 February La Veta: Lloyd Sneddon broke the scoring record for La Veta High School with 31 goals and three free throws for a total of 65 points.

1958 February La Veta: Milton Utt was returned for his third term as president of the La Veta Chamber of Commerce, Vern Bristol was re-elected secretary-treasurer and jack Rickards was elected vice president.

1958 February La Veta: Tomorrow is the last day for using 1957 license plates.

1958 February Walsenburg: Miss Carolyn Florea, English teacher at H.C.H.S., told the Lions Club of her experiences hitchhiking through Europe.

1958 February Walsenburg: Starts tonight at the Fox Theater, Marlon Brando in "Sayonara." Nominated for 10 Academy Awards! Adults 90 cents, students 70 cents, children 25 cents.

1958 February Walsenburg: The four teenagers who escaped from the county jail yesterday morning were caught near Lascar.

1958 February Walsenburg: The Handy Gardeners 4-H Club was recently organized with Gary Daher, president; Donna Mauro, secretary and Bobby Ridge, treasurer.

1958 March La Veta: After a week of daily snowstorms, the sun returned today and melted yesterday's four and a half inches of snow.

1958 March La Veta: Jack Rickards, La Veta bottled gas dealer, was elected president of La Veta Rotary Club.

1958 March La Veta: Mail from Walsenburg to La Veta is now going by a direct route instead of via Trinidad.

1958 March La Veta: The 246 boys and girls enrolled in Huerfano County's 40 4-H Clubs will observe 4-H Week beginning Saturday.

1958 March Walsenburg: Gardner Mercantile Company was broken into last night and thieves made off with $600-$700 from the safe, plus men's clothing.

1958 March Walsenburg: Mrs. Cora Mockmore says the Huerfano County Library will observe the first annual National Library Week.

1958 March Walsenburg: New residents of Walsenburg are the Donald Kramers with one son.

1958 March Walsenburg: St. Mary High School now has its own Studebaker for the newly inaugurated student driving class.

1958 March Walsenburg: Winning prizes at the grand, opening of the Wayward Lanes, 133 West Sixth, were Barbara Habib, Dan Bonacci, Ray Giles, Bill Pazar, Mary Ann Habib and Dennis Sudar.

1958 April La Veta: At the Spur this Sunday and Monday, "To Hell and Back' starring Audie Murphy.

1958 April La Veta: Guy Ream, formerly of Mancos, is the new pharmacist at Coleman Drug Company.

1958 April La Veta: La Veta Chamber of Commerce plans to fence in the air strip, 6,000 feet long, this month.

1958 April La Veta: The Chamber of Commerce will fence the La Veta air strip north of town.

1958 April La Veta: Vernon Warren and Rolf Zinger have resumed their flight training toward their private pilot's licenses at La Veta Airport.

1958 April La Veta: Work continues on the air field north of town by the Chamber of Commerce and the only hazard remaining is the telephone line.

1958 April Walsenburg: A thief broke into the Lenzini Motor Company and stole a 1952 Buick and a gumball machine.

1958 April Walsenburg: Asparagus, 19 cents a pound; avocados, 15 cents each; Belair Peas, two 10-ounce packages 25 cents, Safeway Store.

1958 April Walsenburg: Girls Easter Hats one-half price Friday and Saturday at the Deb-N-Heir Shop, 716 Main Street.

1958 April Walsenburg: Leone Construction removed some rock from the base of the Huerfano Butte for a river rip-rap project.

1958 April Walsenburg: Lions Club members are planning improvements at swimming pool park, such as replacing dead shrubs and trees, planting grass and leveling the playground.

1958 April Walsenburg: Rose Ann Anderson of H.C.H.S. has been awarded a four- year scholarship to the University of Denver, valued at $2,552.

1958 May La Veta: Harry Lee Moore has been promoted to a supervisory job with the Forest Service in Southwestern Colorado.

1958 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hollman recently purchased the Lee Hopson ranch at the Gap.

1958 May La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heikes announce the arrival of a seven pound son born May 19 in Lawton, Okla.

1958 May La Veta: The Huajatolla Chapter of the D.A.R. will be in charge of the program at the dedication and official opening of the Francisco Museum May 25.

1958 May La Veta: The senior class play, "The Calamity Kids," directed by Miss Constance Ghiardi, was well attended for the matinee and both evening performances.

1958 May La Veta: The Walter Padilla family recently moved to their new country home purchased from William Pendleton of Stratford, Tex.

1958 May Walsenburg: A new numbering system for automobile license plates will begin next year, when the familiar "16" will be dropped and Huerfano County will have VE or VF designations.

1958 May Walsenburg: Fifty-three eighth-graders were graduated from St. Mary School with Jane Lee Pacheco, valedictorian and Jay Geiger, salutatorian.

1958 May Walsenburg: Flagpoles will be dedicated at the Protestant and St. George cemeteries at Gardner Sunday by Ralph Levy of the Walsenburg American Legion Post.

1958 May Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cordova sold their 720 acre ranch near the Cucharas bridge on Highway 10 to Arthur Truitt of Texas who earlier bought the old Valdez ranch from R.B. Davidson.

1958 May Walsenburg: The World-Independent will publish its final daily issue tomorrow and becomes a weekly on June 6, called the Huerfano World.

1958 May Walsenburg: Tony Chiesi was honored on his 90th birthday with a dinner by his granddaughter Valerie Sinkovich.

1958 June La Veta: Four persons, three of them La Vetans, escaped without injury when their plane was caught by a gust of wind and crashed at La Veta Airport.

1958 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Byrl Goss enjoyed a family reunion in Colorado Springs with their eight daughters and their families, but their two sons in California were unable to attend.

1958 June Walsenburg: Mrs. Rose Melonas won an electric lantern in the Walter's Beer contest for catching an 18-inch, three pound, two ounce Rainbow trout in DeWeese Reservoir.

1958 June Walsenburg: The Klein Motel on West Sixth near Russell and Kay's Motel, in the 300 block of West Seventh, have been undergoing remodeling projects.

1958 July La Veta: Kay Piner entered training June 20 in the Women's Marine Corps in North Carolina.

1958 July La Veta: Olaf Mauldin, his wife Alice and daughter Sue are here, bringing their trailer house with them.

1958 July Walsenburg: Boat races at Martin Lake Sunday will include speedboats from six states, water skiing demonstrations and acrobatics.

1958 July Walsenburg: Three inmates of the Huerfano County Jail who escaped Sunday night by sawing their way out were recaptured Tuesday at Carbondale.

1958 Aug. 29, Ten-year-old Nancy Hicks of Apache was named grand champion in the 4-H quarterhorse division at the Colorado State Fair in Pueblo last week. - Huerfano World

1958 August La Veta: La Veta's Main Street received a coat of black top and Oak Street was spruced up with sand and gravel.

1958 August La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Oakes (the former Betty V. Peterson) are parents of a baby girl and John Elley is a proud great-grandfather.

1958 August La Veta: The 20th annual Huerfano County 4-H Fair will be held in La Veta Aug. 8, 9, and 10.

1958 August Walsenburg: A police car struck a station wagon in the rear when it stopped to make a left turn. There was $100 damage to the police vehicle and the patrolman was cited for careless driving.

1958 August Walsenburg: Buoys are being set out in Martin Lake as a safety aid for boaters.

1958 August Walsenburg: Central Tavern, 524 Main, was robbed of $225 in cash Friday during a breakin, according to Joe Passero, owner.

1958 August Walsenburg: For the first time in many years, Walsenburg will be represented in the State Fair parade when the Lions Club shows off its 24 foot long canoe.

1958 August Walsenburg: Miss Ruby Bell, veteran music teacher in Walsenburg primary grades the past 40 years, has announced she is retiring.

1958 August Walsenburg: Walsenburg's police radio was moved from the fire station to city hall.

1958 August Walsenburg: Work has started paving Highway 10 eastward from the Huerfano-Pueblo county line.

1958 August: The 80,000, ten-unit Rambler Motel of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Transmeier opened one mile north of Walsenburg.

1958 Sept. 12: Huerfano County voters gave strong support to incumbents in contests for three County offices in Tuesday's primary election. The local contests resulted in a voter turnout of better than 51 percent, although balloting in most of the state was considered light.  Altogether, 2,334 Democrats, and 188 Republicans voted out of a total primary registration of 4,901. Incumbents, Thomas J. Solomon, treasurer; Charles Duran, assessor; and Frances Nelson, superintendent of schools, won renomination. - Huerfano World

1958 September La Veta: A ski slope is being developed near the summit of La Veta Pass by Top O'La Veta Inc., a group of Walsenburg people.

1958 September La Veta: Keith Kreutzer, quarterback, is not expecting to play in tomorrow's homecoming game and will be replaced by Don Drury.

1958 September La Veta: Miss Virginia Shrout entered St. Mary Corwin Hospital as a student nurse, part of a three-year course.

1958 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weir and sons moved into the new home which they recently purchased from the estate of Bertha Boyd.

1958 September La Veta: Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hasenack are living on the Goemmer ranch where he is employed.

1958 September Walsenburg: Enrollment in Walsenburg public schools is up to 1,147.

1958 September Walsenburg: Try our Business Man's Lunch, 75 cents at Shosky's Café, 606 Main.

1958 September: Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tesitor have purchased Porter's Dairy Drive-In, 520 Walsen Avenue, from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Porter.

1958 September: Work began last week on installation of traffic signals at Fifth and Main streets.

1958 October La Veta: About 50 L.V.H.S. students and sponsors gathered at the Chuck Wagon in Cuchara Saturday night for a dance party.

1958 October La Veta: Curtis Goemmer was elected president of the junior class, Robert Heikes, vice president, Loren Albright, secretary and Margaret Clair, treasurer.

1958 October La Veta: Died, Albert E. Foote who was born in La Veta in 1894.  He leaves his wife Mary, son Arthur, daughter Shirley and sister Jessie Donegan.

1958 October La Veta: Elected officers of the senior class were John Welsby, president; Tim Pene, vice president; Rose Ann Scholes, secretary and Virginia Galvan, treasurer.

1958 October La Veta: Rev. J. Russell Throckmorton has contracted with Gilbert Arnold for a summer home on the Cucharas River near the Cuchara Recreation Hall.

1958 October La Veta: The La Veta Redskins won their third game of the season by downing Pueblo County B Squad 18-6.

1958 October La Veta: The Redskins downed the Aguilar Wildcats 12-0 last Friday in La Veta's Homecoming game.

1958 October La Veta: The Redskins lost their first game in four starts by dropping to the St. Mary Crusaders 24-0.

1958 October Walsenburg: A fire consumed an undetermined amount of acreage near the old Ben Trujillo sawmill on Pass Creek.

1958 October Walsenburg: A ten-year old boy was placed on probation for setting on fire an awning in front of the Huerfano World, 518 Main Street.

1958 October Walsenburg: A ten-year old boy was placed on probation for setting on fire an awning in front of the Huerfano World, 518 Main Street.

1958 October Walsenburg: Mike Reviglio and Ernest Barbari Sr. are the new Huerfano County bocce champions after Sunday's first annual tournament sponsored by the Lions Club.

1958 October Walsenburg: Miss Jacqueline Benedetti and William B. Ugolini exchanged wedding vows Oct. 4 in St. Mary Church.

1958 October Walsenburg: The county commissioners this week cut one mill from the tax levy to 36.20 for the proposed 1959 budget.

1958 November La Veta: A new ski slope will open the day after Thanksgiving on La Veta Pass with approximately two miles of runs and a 1,200 foot rope tow.

1958 November La Veta: Charles Keeling tore off the brick veneer cornice work on Charlie's Old Reliable store before repairing the roof.

1958 November La Veta: Curtis Goemmer was elected president of the 4-H Electric Club, Fred Scholes, vice president, Carl Drum, secretary and Janet Pene, treasurer.

1958 November La Veta: Curtis Goemmer was elected president of the 4-H Electric Club, Fred Scholes, vice president, Carl Drum, secretary and Janet Pene, treasurer.

1958 November La Veta: La Veta won its sixth game of the season 13-6 over the Alamosa B team, with Loren Albright and Joe Viola scoring touchdowns.

1958 November La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Robino are adding a picture window to their living room and an enclosed entry-way to the front of their residence.

1958 November La Veta: Mrs. Claud Brown, nee Wilma Zember, was guest of honor at a bridal shower Nov. 22 at the home of Kathryn Gross.

1958 November La Veta: Total receipts of $242,320.84 were recorded during the annual feeder sale of the Huerfano County Hereford Breeders Association Friday in La Veta, in which 1,717 animals were sold.

1958 November Walsenburg: A city patrolman fell asleep at the wheel of the police car and struck a parked vehicle.

1958 November Walsenburg: Carolyn Florea was surprised at a kitchen shower in her honor by the Ruth Circle of the Methodist Church.

1958 November Walsenburg: Chamber of Commerce luncheon meetings have been moved from the Hotel Kirkpatrick to the Alpine Rose Cafe.

1958 November Walsenburg: J.J. Stimack, incumbent county commissioner, is running a spirited battle against Henry Summers, Republican, for next week's election.

1958 November Walsenburg: Pan American Oil Company announced it will begin drilling oil wells in Huerfano County in the near future.

1958 November Walsenburg: Western Cafe will close for one month effective Nov. 5 for remodeling and redecorating.

1958 December La Veta: Harold "Slim" Wilson has resigned his position at the lumber yard after 10 years to take a fulltime job with the Dairy Herd Improvement Association.

1958 December La Veta: Huerfano County Historical Society is having a drive to gain new members. Memberships are $1 per year.

1958 December La Veta: La Veta Redskins defeated the Huerfano County High School Panthers 48-46 in a thrilling non-league basketball game.

1958 December La Veta: One hundred and ten stockmen, their wives and friends attended the 10th annual banquet of the Huerfano County Hereford Breeders Association Friday night in the Methodist Church dining room.

1958 December La Veta: Receiving straight A's at La Veta High School were Loren Albright, Marian Huffman, John Beamer and Georgia Huffman.

1958 December La Veta: San Isabel Electric Association sponsored a Christmas home lighting contest with Avis Young winning first place, Clark and Bertha Falk, second and George S. Niebuhr, third.

1958 December La Veta: The Huerfano County Historical Society is holding a drive to gain new members and pay off a debt of $125 incurred in improvements made to Francisco Fort Museum.

1958 December La Veta: The Redskins defeated the St. Mary Crusaders 57-43 in the first cage tilt of the season.

1958 December La Veta: The Redskins downed the St. Mary Crusaders of Walsenburg by a score of 57-43.

1958 December Walsenburg: John Fink will reopen his Western Cafe on Main Street Monday after being closed the past month for remodeling.

1958 December Walsenburg: The Apache Warriors 4H Club was organized Dec. 2 with Lewis Arthur Edmundson, president; Nancy Hicks, vice president and Linda Thacker secretary-treasurer.

1958 December Walsenburg: The Chamber of Commerce resolved to sponsor the Jim Like rodeo next June.

1958 December Walsenburg: The recently inaugurated hot lunch program for pupils of the public schools was reported a definite success by Supt. John Mall.

1958 December Walsenburg: Two men escaped from the Huerfano County jail Thursday night but were recaptured Friday at their Walsenburg homes.

1959 January La Veta: A classroom and lavatory are being built in a new addition to the rear of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

1959 January La Veta: Albert Amiday Jr., operator of Top O' La Veta, Inc., says the ski run on La Veta Pass will be open this weekend.

1959 January La Veta: Coal production in Huerfano County during November amounted to 7,122 tons from eight mines operated by 66 men.

1959 January La Veta: Died, Percy Clarence Carver, 86, who was born in 1873 in Kansas and came to Huerfano County in 1898.

1959 January Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rogers are parents of a daughter born Jan. 17 and named Virla Ruth.

1959 January Walsenburg: Star Caywood, local realtor and insurance agent, was announced as Walsenburg's Man of the Year for 1958 and was honored at the annual dinner of the Huerfano County Chamber of Commerce.

1959 January Walsenburg: The Downbeats provided the music for the dance Christmas Eve in the Walsenburg pavilion.

1959 February La Veta: A re-organization plan providing for the setting up of two school districts for Huerfano County was adopted Wednesday evening.

1959 February La Veta: The Redskins defeated Saguache 53-36 to clinch second in Class C Southern Peaks basketball league.

1959 February Walsenburg: Residents of Gardner rejected the proposed three-district plan for Huerfano County schools.

1959 March La Veta: A surprise storm late Tuesday dumped up to a foot of snow in the La Veta area.

1959 March La Veta: Virginia Galvan scored 40½ points, compared to an average of 30 points, on a mathematics test taken by 2,500 students.

1959 March Walsenburg: Anthony Velarde, Huerfano County Sheriff, was re-elected commander of the Walsenburg Veterans of Foreign Wars.

1959 March Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Hank Corsentino are the parents of their first child, a girl named Abbie Lynn.

1959 April La Veta: George Duzenack is moving his family to the house east of the Young Garage.

1959 April La Veta: Voters approved the organization of Huerfano County schools into two districts instead of 26.

1959 April Walsenburg: Berrie Jean Archuleta of Redwing was elected president of the Huerfano County Young Citizens' League.

1959 April Walsenburg: Gasoline prices in Walsenburg were boosted an average of two cents a gallon last weekend, from 30.9 cents a gallon to 32.9, in line with a general upward trend in the region.

1959 April Walsenburg: Norbert Valdez, 11, a sixth grade student at St. Mary School, won the annual VFW marble tournament with Reuben Martinez taking second place.

1959 April Walsenburg: Walsenburg Elks Lodge will sponsor its third annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Huerfano County High School football field.

1959 May La Veta: Cheerleaders elected for next year are Freda Scholes, Marie Galvan and Marion Huffman.

1959 May La Veta: Mrs. Frank Daniels gave over another room in the old plaza so the county museum now has 10 rooms of displays.

1959 May La Veta: The flow of the Cucharas River at the Boyd ranch near La Veta was estimated on May 1 as 49 percent of normal.

1959 May La Veta: Work has been started by Gilbert Arnold and crew on the new cabin in Cuchara for Rev. William Everheart of Amarillo, Tex.

1959 May Walsenburg: The county commissioners have approved a five day work week at the court house which will now be closed on Saturdays.

1959 May Walsenburg: The new $50,000 Rambler Cafe opened its doors to the public last Sunday with lessees Mr. and Mrs. John Geiser in charge.

1959 May Walsenburg: The SMHS spring dance and prom will be tonight (Friday) with Carol Ann Marcon, junior class president, and her escort Ray Zgut leading the grand march.

1959 June La Veta: A new attraction at Francisco Fort Museum this year is a glassed-in model of a pioneer ranch and yard constructed by George Drury who patterned it after his boyhood home south of Cucharas Pass.

1959 June La Veta: The Spur Theater was reopened Saturday, June 13 after remodeling.

1959 June Walsenburg: Gasoline prices have been raised again and it now costs 32.9 cents for regular.

1959 June Walsenburg: Joyce Giro, this year's valedictorian at HCHS, has been named to the secretarial staff of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington D.C.

1959 July La Veta: Mamie Burns is adding a large living room on the south side of her cabin at Cuchara and building a stone garage.

1959 July La Veta: The Spur Theater was reopened Saturday, June 13 after remodeling.

1959 July Walsenburg: Jim Boies has assumed operation and management of the Burress Memorial Chapel.

1959 July Walsenburg: The new Re-1 school board toured the school buildings at Gardner, Farisita, Rahn, Malachite, Birmingham, Maes Creek, Pass Creek, Sharpsdale, Upper and Lower Badito, Chama and Gordon.

1959 July: The Huerfano County Chamber of Commerce named a committee to study speed limits in the city, expressing the belief that 25 miles per hour is too low and unrealistic.

1959 August La Veta: About 45 4-H members went on a hayride which ended at the ranch of Robert Andreoli.

1959 August La Veta: Flash floods caused by heavy rains washed out bridges and destroyed crops along the valley road.

1959 August La Veta: Mrs. Tony Verderaime, formerly Emily Pascoe, visited her grandmother Mrs. Mabel Pickens on her first visit to La Veta in more than 20 years.

1959 August Walsenburg: A car driven by a Wyoming woman hit another car at the corner of Seventh and Main, shoving it into the front wall of Star Drug.

1959 August Walsenburg: School District Re-1 Board of Education is considering a tentative budget of $445,590 for the coming year.

1959 September La Veta: A total of 144 births and 95 deaths were recorded in Huerfano County during 1958.

1959 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner have closed the Chuck Wagon in Cuchara for the season.

1959 September La Veta: Mrs. Luella Scales has retired as office nurse for Dr. Saliba in Walsenburg and is spending time in her apartment in the Plaza.

1959 September Walsenburg: A son was born Sept. 2 to Mr. and Mrs. Don Kramer in Lamme Hospital.

1959 September Walsenburg: Mr. And Mrs. Joe Faris were hosts to about 60 guests at a lawn party at their new home at 223 East Elm.

1959 September Walsenburg: Ninety-one people attended the annual Cowbelle picnic on the Mapes ranch September 20 when seven new members were welcomed.

1959 September Walsenburg: Rural schools opened with Chama having 18 students enrolled; Maes Creek, 17; Pass Creek, 18 and Rouse, 19.

1959 September: A large resort housing project for 300-500 homes is being considered for the Martin lake area.

1959 October Walsenburg: Georgia Cholakas, 1958 H.C.H.S. graduate, was chosen Homecoming Queen at Trinidad Junior College.

1959 October Walsenburg: Mr. And Mrs. Larry Crosson, the former Edna Mae Ballotti, were married Oct. 10 and are now at home at 333 West Seventh Street.

1959 October Walsenburg: Santi Motors, 302 Main, will have an open house featuring the 1960 Edsels, Mercurys and Lincolns today and tomorrow.

1959 October Walsenburg: The Veterans of foreign Wars will burn their mortgage during the Halloween party Oct. 31.

1959 October Walsenburg: The Veterans of foreign Wars will burn their mortgage during the Halloween party Oct. 31.

1959 November La Veta: Marian Huffman was crowned Harvest Queen Saturday night by Curtis Goemmer, senior class president.

1959 November La Veta: The Redskins will be in the state playoffs against Weldon Valley following their victory over Yampa 46-6.

1959 November Walsenburg: A total of 2,120 people of 2,763 registered, or 76 percent, voted to elect Mrs. Ethel Stacy mayor over Incumbent Mayor Donald Haney and John Richman.

1959 November Walsenburg: The five Walsenburg businesses to be honored for 50 years in business are City Pharmacy, Fawks Drug, Furphy Mortuary, Mazzone Brothers and Sporleder Selling Company.

1959 November Walsenburg: The Walsenburg tax rate for 1960 will be 15 and 3/4 mills.

1959 November Walsenburg: Two identification bracelets were stolen last night from Gritz Jewelry, 513 Main Street.

1959 December La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kmetz celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary Sunday with dinner for friends and relatives.

1959 December La Veta: Walter Padilla has sold the building on Main Street housing his barbershop to Fred Crouse and he will move one door south.

1959 December Walsenburg: Although holiday shopping in Walsenburg was about the same as last year, merchants feel it would have been better if not for the continuing steel strike.

1959 December Walsenburg: Chuck Berry, rock 'n' roll singer, and his band visited Walsenburg last weekend en route to Texas and was beseiged at Safeway when recognized by Rainbow Girls.

1959 December Walsenburg: Over 150 persons attended a dinner sponsored by Walsenburg Rotary and Lions Clubs for football players from St. Mary, Walsenburg and La Veta high schools.

1959 December Walsenburg: Twenty placer claims have been filed in the office of the county clerk for locations at the head of Williams Creek.

1959 December Walsenburg: Walsenburg Elks will have a Christmas party for teenagers Saturday night with music by the Ivy Leaguers.

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© Karen Mitchell