1965 January La Veta: Francisco Fort Museum hosted 6,794 visitors during the 1964 season, coming from every state in the country plus nine foreign countries.
1965 January La Veta: The Methodist children's choir directed by Mrs. Ewell Woodring performed for the P.T.A. meeting Thursday night.
1965 February La Veta: Dick Jameson has just developed a ski run on his ranch with a 1,040 foot platter pull tow and 338 foot rise. There are also a snack bar and rental equipment available.
1965 February La Veta: La Veta received a much-needed wet snow Sunday.
1965 February La Veta: Skiing and sledding were the order of the day for young and old Sunday afternoon before the heavy snow started that night.
Huerfano World (1965) 3-22-1990 Huerfano County Diary, 25 years ago - Two La Veta children, Debra Houchin, eight and Judy Bauer, 14, were injured when an automobile ran into the school bus in which they were riding on the Wahatoya road.
1965 March La Veta: Joyce Goemmer was named Student of the Month by La Veta Rotary Club.
1965 March Walsenburg: Retail trade in Walsenburg in 1964 was $8,288,000 compared to $8,392,000 in 1963.
1965 April La Veta: "A" squad cheerleaders Renee Goemmer, Adelyn Duzenack and DeEtta Brgoch, and "B" Squad of Lorraine Prator, Patricia Cruz and Carol Sager, won the first place trophy at the district tournament in Del Norte.
1965 April La Veta: The W.C. Dixons have purchased The Drive Inn at the south end of Main Street and Mrs. Dixon will open it soon.
1965 May La Veta: The W.C. Dixons have purchased The Drive In at the south end of Main Street and Mrs. Dixon will open it for the season soon.
1965 May Walsenburg: Some 100 members and guests attended the annual Mother's Day banquet hosted by the Mothers Club at Shosky's.
1965 May Walsenburg: The new ENCO on Highway 10 at the Interstate 25 bypass is open and being operated by Dan Daher.
1965 May Walsenburg: Walsenburg Roping Club will sponsor a Quarterhorse show Saturday at the county fairgrounds beginning at 9 a.m. with the halter class.
1965 May Walsenburg: Yolanda Manzanares and Jack Castro will be the featured dancers in El Fandango this year - the 25th annual.
1965 June La Veta: The La Veta school band was the only band in the Spanish Peaks Fiesta Rodeo parade in Walsenburg Saturday afternoon.
1965 June Walsenburg: Walsenburg must prepare for a doubled population of between 10,000 and 12,000 within the next 30 years according to Leonard Joiner, secretary of the Huerfano County Chamber of Commerce.
1965 July La Veta: Jimmie Willie, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis, is a new helper at the Cash and Carry Store.
1965 July Walsenburg: Elks will give a teenage dance Friday from 7:30 until midnight with music by The Links from Pueblo. Boys must wear ties. Admission 75 cents.
1965 August La Veta: The Dads and Lads baseball game ended with a score of 12-18 in favor of the sons.
1965 August Walsenburg: Albert C. Villani has been hired as new head football coach for St. Mary High School.
1965 August Walsenburg: Carol Lisac was feted at a bridal shower before her Sept. 4 wedding in St. Mary Church to Stephen Glorioso.
1965 September La Veta: A Pennsylvania man died of injuries incurred in a plane crash eight miles west of La Veta near the D&RGW tracks.
1965 September La Veta: Effective Sept. 11, prices for postcard stamps went up to seven cents.
1965 September La Veta: George Galvan scored two of the three touchdowns as the Redskins rolled over Buena Vista State Reformatory Friday 20-0.
1965 September Walsenburg: Carla Grgich is one of 76 Peace Crops volunteers who left Saturday for Tanzania, East Africa to teach in primary schools.
1965 October Walsenburg: Twenty more buffalo were brought to Lathrop State Park from North Dakota, bringing the total to 31 animals. 1969: The Dodge Challenger, America's only new sport car for 1970, is now on display at Barbacovi Motor Company.
1965 October Walsenburg: Wilfred Martinez of Walsenburg has been appointed to serve on the Colorado State Advisory Committee on Civil Rights
1965 November La Veta: Mary Margaret Watson and Wayman Alan Percifull will be married Dec. 19 in the Cuchara Chapel.
1965 November La Veta: Nola Geiser was caught in the now-famous blackout in New York City where she was attending the National Licensed Beverage Association convention.
1965 November Walsenburg Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 2643 has started working on its annual Christmas basket program for the needy.
1965 November Walsenburg: Louis and Ruby Galvez, new managers, are reopening the Busy Bee Café today.
1965 November Walsenburg: Richard Bailey opened the Bailey Shoe Repair Shop Monday in the same location as the old Stiglich Repair Shop on Main Street.
1965 November Walsenburg: Six-foot chrysanthemums are blooming in the yard of Jack Bowen on Kansas Avenue.
1965 November Walsenburg: St. Mary High School seniors on the honor roll are Toni Ann Herman, Diane Tesitor, Edna Joseph, Rose Ann Nardini, David DallaGuardia, Joyce Hribar and Lillian Sandoval.
1965 December La Veta: Joseph Arnold Scholes, 18, has enlisted in the U.S. Air Force.
1966 January La Veta: Airman Joseph Arnold Scholes has been selected for training as an Air Force administrative specialist at Amarillo AFB, Tex.
1966 January La Veta: Ben Seaman of La Veta won the drawing for the first 1966 license plate, and Tony Masinton gets #2.
1966 January La Veta: Died, William Earl Beamer, born in 1921 in La Veta to Orace and Ruthena (Webster) Beamer.
1966 January La Veta: More than 40 members and guests of Rainbow Girls and DeMolay boys enjoyed a dance Thursday evening in Masonic Hall.
1966 January La Veta: R.B. Long purchased the La Veta Motel from Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Warren.
1966 January Walsenburg: Huerfano County's first baby in 1966 is Walter James, born New Years Day to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bellah.
1966 January Walsenburg: Mrs. Cora Mockmore retired after serving as Huerfano County librarian for 17 years. When she first started working the library was in the basement of the Elks Home.
1966 January Walsenburg: Wilfred Martinez resigned as teacher-counselor at Walsenburg High School to work as project director of the War on Poverty in Pueblo.
1966 February La Veta: Formal opening of the new Park Lane Hotel Coffee Shop under the new owners Lee and Sammy Hopson will be Saturday.
1966 February La Veta: The engagement of Sheryl Dian Fieser and Curtis Goemmer has been announced.
1966 February Walsenburg: Sgt. Alexander Montoya, 25, who was born in Walsenburg in 1940 but had been making his home in Pueblo, was killed in Viet Nam.
1966 February Walsenburg: The annual Volunteer Firemen's Banquet at Shosky's Saturday night was disturbed by a fire alarm but when all reported immediately they learned the fire was already out.
1966 February Walsenburg: The Chamber of Commerce went on record as opposing the $5 parks and recreation fee now in effect at Lathrop State Park.
1966 March Walsenburg: Lombard's Jewelry, formerly Gritz Jewelry, is now open for business.
1966 March Walsenburg: Starting this week, the Huerfano World has a new feature "Grandchild's Corner," with the first child Robert Scott Warrick, six month old grandson of Violet Wootton of Walsenburg.
1966 March Walsenburg: The H.W. Houston Construction Company won the bid to build a 17-bed addition to Huerfano Memorial Hospital for $186,900.
1966 April La Veta: Gilbert Arnold was elected president of the La Veta P.T.A., Sonny Bauer, vice president, Mrs. Cliff Gray, secretary and Mrs. Gene Cross, treasurer.
1966 April La Veta: Lillian Harrison has taken an apartment in the new Amiday building.
1966 April La Veta: The Young filling station has been in continuous operation 26 years under one management, longer than any other business in La Veta.
1966 April Walsenburg: Philip Lombard is the new proprietor of Lombard Jewelry, formerly Gritz Jewelry, at 513 Main.
1966 April Walsenburg: The St. Mary High School senior class raised $101 Monday during its annual slave sale with Ray Smircich receiving the highest bid, $8.50.
1966 April Walsenburg: Vanda Lee Lawson was crowned Miss March of Dimes 1966.
1966 May La Veta: Julie Ann Tracy is the recipient of the first Teen-Aide scholarship sponsored by Walsenburg Women's Club.
1966 May La Veta: Robert J. Heikes has reported for duty with the U.S. Navy in San Diego.
1966 May Walsenburg: There were 188 entries from four states in Walsenburg's fifth annual Quarterhorse Show.
1966 June La Veta: Judy Ryberg of La Veta was chosen Colorado State Fair Queen based on her horsemanship, showmanship and personality.
1966 June Walsenburg: John Day will be the manager of the municipal swimming pool this summer, Danny Kalmes, lifeguard and Nechie Tesitor, Gay Faris and Ramona Lombard, guards.
1966 July La Veta: Elaine Angelovich of La Veta and Robert Dolzanie of Rouse were married June 4 in Christ the King Church.
1966 July La Veta: The third annual Huerfano County Quarter Horse Show will be at Willis Arena two miles east of La Veta Saturday, Aug. 13.
1966 July Walsenburg: Judge Joseph A. Barron has served Huerfano County for 29 years.
1966 August La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Farrar have purchased the Louis Nauerth residence on West Grand Street.
1966 August Walsenburg: Santa Fe Trail Council, Boy Scouts of America, have [sic] contracted to purchase 200 acres of mountain land 16 miles south of Walsenburg on Bear Creek.
1966 August: A fire in an abandoned house at 311 E. 4th and adjacent shed knocked out telephone service to 80 homes in Walsenburg and rural areas to the east Tuesday.
1966 August: Mrs. James Tesitor will be secretary at Lathrop Park Youth Camp when it opens as the second boys' camp in Colorado.
1966 September La Veta: Richard Seals is starting his sixth year as principal of La Veta High School.
1966 September La Veta: Teachers in the grade school this year are Alice Kopine, Bernice Aguirre, Bessie Moore, Frances Magnino, Eugene Schulz and Alta Hoffman.
1966 September: District Re-1 School Board set a tentative budget of $597,600.
1966 September: Look! Combination Washer and Dryer. Turquoise only. $329.95. Pritchard Lumber Company.
1966 September: Tom Solomon, Huerfano County Treasurer, has resigned as sports editor of the Huerfano World because of his health.
1966 October La Veta: Elected officers of the senior class were Beverly Kirkpatrick, president; Joe Geiser, vice president; Patricia Cruz, secretary and Nicky Hogland, treasurer.
1966 October La Veta: Seniors at La Veta High School receiving all A's were DeEtta Brgoch, Henry Rohr and Larry Thompson
1966 October Walsenburg: Four hundred people attended the Democratic rally and buffet dinner in the in the Walsenburg Pavilion Oct. 24.
1966 October Walsenburg: Four hundred people attended the Democratic rally and buffet dinner in the in the Walsenburg Pavilion Oct. 24.
1966 October Walsenburg: The new $25,000 Soil Conservation Service office at West Sixth and Albert will be ready for occupancy this fall.
1966 November La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Billy Riggins are building an addition to their ranch home east of La Veta.
1966 November La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leap and daughters spent the weekend in their new home at Cuchara.
1966 November La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bristol, who were married Oct. 19, 1916 in Roundup, Mont., celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a family dinner.
1966 December La Veta: Jim Willie, La Veta High School senior halfback, was chosen for the Class A (eight-man) All-State football team.
1966 December La Veta: Winners of the Voice of Democracy contest sponsored by the Walsenburg V.F.W. were Patsy Magnino, Glenna Tracy and Barbara Leatherwood, all of L.V.H.S.
1966 December Walsenburg: Benedict Aguirre, senior tackle at Walsenburg High, was named offensive tackle on the Denver Post's All State high school football team.
1966 December Walsenburg: Jim Cowing, Benedict Aguirre, Louis Mall and Don High of Walsenburg High School were named to the AA Santa Fe League all-star team.
1967 January La Veta: The men and women's basketball team beat the high school boys and girls in a double header coached by Jo Nason and Frankie Heikes.
1967 January La Veta: Wayne Kreutzer opened a repair shop behind the La Veta Enco station to repair farm machinery and do welding.
1967 January Walsenburg: Bob Poole's new column "Bowling Facts" makes its first appearance this week in the Huerfano World.
1967 February La Veta: The La Veta Television Association has filed with the F.C.C. for renewal of their license to operate their translators in the cemetery.
1967 February Walsenburg: Future Cooks 4-H Club elected Bonnie Neeman, president; Toni Ugolini, vice president; Joni Ugolini, secretary and Linda Vezzani, treasurer.
1967 March La Veta: Tom L. Watson, Cuchara, said an architectural firm from Oklahoma is planning a year-round recreation center two and a half miles southwest of Cuchara on Baker Creek.
1967 March Walsenburg: Anthony Tesitor, secretary of the Walsenburg Golf Association, said today the new golf course at Lathrop State Park will open for play Saturday, April 1.
1967 March Walsenburg: Seniors named to the honor roll at S.M.H.S. are Deidre Lenzini, Mary Ann Ladurini, Arleen Feiccabrino, David Popish, Kay Solomon and Marie King.
1967 April Walsenburg: Camp Director William Masimer says the boys at Lathrop Park Youth Camp will receive training in fighting forest fires and will be available this summer if needed.
1967 May La Veta: The 12 members of the senior class left Tuesday for their annual trip and return today, Thursday.
1967 June La Veta: Cindy Britton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Britton, was named Miss San Isabel Electric for 1967.
1967 June La Veta: Mrs. Evelyn Heikes has been hired as Re-1 School librarian.
1967 July Walsenburg: Zenith Color Television Close-out: List Price 645, Now 525 with Trade. J&L Electric, 511 Main Street.
1967 July: VFW Post 2643 will again sponsor the Huck Finn Day at Lathrop State Park July 4 with costume contest and fishing derby.
1967 August La Veta: Approximately 450-500 people enjoyed the smorgasbord dinner prepared by the Catholic Church ladies and served in the spacious yard of Katheryn Gross.
1967 August La Veta: The Chuck Wagon Cafe in Cuchara will be open from 6-10 p.m. only beginning Sept. 8.
1967 September Walsenburg: A total of 346 students are enrolled in St. Mary schools, including 237 in the grade school and 109 in the high school.
1967 October La Veta: Cindy Britton, Miss San Isabel, won the title of Miss Colorado Rural Electric Sept. 28 in Montrose.
1967 October Walsenburg: Candidates for WHS Homecoming Queen are Sandy Hudson and Margie Tomassi, seniors. Attendants will be Patricia Medina, junior; Sherri Hudson, sophomore and Linda Cowing, freshman.
1967 October Walsenburg: James Tesitor shot a one-under-par 71 Sunday to win the championship flight in the Walsenburg Golf Association's first annual club tournament.
1967 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg High School's homecoming was marred by rain, though it was a welcome one.
1967 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg High School's homecoming was marred by rain, though it was a welcome one.
1967 November Walsenburg: About 50 young people enjoyed singing and guitar playing at a Hootenanny Saturday night in Hatfield Hall of the United Church.
1967 November Walsenburg: The award-winning Walsenburg High School marching band members received free root beer last week at the Carl Zupancic A&W and this week to free admission at Frank Piazza's Fox Theater.
1968 January Walsenburg: Mayor John Geiger turned on the natural gas valve Friday and the first customer to receive gas was City Clerk Betty Price.
1968 January Walsenburg: Nine new homes and two new churches were built in Walsenburg during 1968.
1968 February Walsenburg: Ramona Lombard, St. Mary High School, and Kathy Vigna, W.H.S., have been named Betty Crocker Home Makers of Tomorrow.
1968 March La Veta: Died, Clarence Benjamin Nason, 71 of a heart attack. He had lived in La Veta 33 years, working in the timber and lumber business. He leaves his widow, Maude, four sons and a daughter.
1968 March La Veta: The Patience Circle of the Baptist Church sent off a number of food boxes to the boys from our town in the armed forces.
1968 March Walsenburg: 1968 Mustang Tudor Hardtop, six cylinder, three speed transmission, $2,550 at Santi Motor Company, 302 Main Street.
1968 March Walsenburg: Mrs. Helen Gabinine has been named manager of the local Montgomery-Ward catalog store, succeeding David Mockmore who has been transferred to New Mexico.
1968 March Walsenburg: The State Public Welfare Board has approved a $2 a month increase in the maximum Old Age Pension, bringing the total to $124.
1968 April La Veta: The first meeting of tops (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) will be at 10 a.m. Friday, April 26, at the home of Lucille Woodring.
1968 April Walsenburg: A record of 110 boys participated in the annual All-County Elementary Wrestling Tournament.
1968 April Walsenburg: Gardner school children enjoyed their annual Easter Egg Hunt and party at school last Thursday afternoon.
1968 April Walsenburg: The Colorado State Forest Service has trained 40 young men and faculty members of Lathrop Youth Camp in fire suppression.
1968 May La Veta: Mrs. Jerry Donaldson's high school speech class gave a hilarious play in the gymnasium Friday evening with 17 characters.
1968 May Walsenburg: Walsenburg Jaycees received a plaque from the state organization for sending more blankets for use in Vietnam than any other chapter in Colorado.
1968 June La Veta: Mildred's Cafe will be open from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. daily except Tuesdays when the restaurant will be closed.
1968 June La Veta: Residents of District Re-2 will vote July 9 on a $40,000 bond to construct a building for vocational training.
1968 June Walsenburg: TeenAids given pins for 150 hours of volunteer hospital service were Linda Gornick, Nellie Matteo, Gloria Montano, Priscilla Sanchez, Anita Sandoval, Judy Vigil and Joann Roybal.
1968 July La Veta: Mrs. Alice Mauldin bought the J.E. Hirleman residence on west Virginia Street.
1968 July La Veta: Twelve boys and girls are learning it's fun to cook at the Young Cooks classes at the San Isabel Electric office in La Veta.
1968 August Walsenburg: For Sale: 1968 Cougar, $3,395 at Santi Motor Company.
1968 August: Staff Sgt. Billy Melonas, son of Mrs. Anna Melonas of Walsenburg, is on duty at Binh Thuy Air Base in Vietnam.
1968 September La Veta: Freshman class officers are Mickey Schmidt, president; Brett Arnold, vice president; Johnny Britton, secretary and Irene Duzenack, treasurer.
1968 September La Veta: T-Sgt. Joe L. Rodriguez returned from Vietnam last week and is visiting his sister Mrs. Fermin Quintana.
1968 September: Bob Ariano scored three touchdowns to lead the St. Mary Crusaders to a 34-7 victory over the Antonito Trojans.
1968 October La Veta: Gene Stigall sold his half of his house on east Francisco to his sister and is building himself a small residence on east Virginia.
1968 November La Veta: The senior boys challenged the faculty to a game of six-man football but wound up losing 32-0.
1968 November Walsenburg: There are still a few seats left on the special Chamber of Commerce bus going to Denver Nov. 24 for the Broncos-Bills game when the W.H.S. band will play during halftime.
1968 December La Veta: About 60 fourth, fifth and sixth grade students went to Adams State College Dec. 3 to see the Planetarium and Science Museum.
1968 December La Veta: Dr. and Mrs. John Goemmer are expected to return from Bolivia in time for Christmas.
1968 December La Veta: Seniors on the honor roll are Irene Duzenack, Mitzi Masinton, Kim Tesitor, Charles Sawyer, Brett Arnold, Mickey Schmidt, Larry Vernon, Juanita Vail, John Britton, Lance Folse, Lynn Lehman and R.B. Long.
1968 December La Veta: Thirty members and guests of the Spanish Peaks Grange enjoyed a Christmas party Dec. 6 in I.O.O.F. Hall.
1969 January La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. John Tompkins announce the engagement of their granddaughter Bobby Dell Cowden to James Wilcox.
1969 February La Veta: Mildred's Fine Foods, featuring Mexican Food and Homemade Pies and Bread, is open from 6 a.m. until 4 p.m. Sundays and 6 a.m. until 2 p.m. weekdays. Closed Mondays.
1969 March La Veta: John L. Beamer and Kathajean Nations were married last month in Las Vegas, Nev.
1969 March Walsenburg: An average of 10 to 12 cases of three-day measles have been reported at Walsenburg High School.
1969 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dixon moved a trailer house near their lunch room on south Main Street.
1969 April La Veta: Scout Troop #250 and Snowy Range 4-H Club with their leaders cleaned the highway from town to the junction.
1969 April Walsenburg: Receiving all A's in the St. Mary High School sophomore class were Nicki Bocim and Doug Brgoch.
1969 May La Veta: The Girl Scout Cadettes have been clearing the town parks of bottles, cans and assorted trash.
1969 May Walsenburg: At the Fox Theater Thursday through Saturday, John Wayne and Katherine Ross in "Hellfighters" plus Robert Wagner and Mary Tyler Moore in "Don't Just Stand There."
1969 June Walsenburg: County Clerk Conrad Cordova issued 37 marriage licenses from Jan. 1 to May 31. A total of 74 were sold in the year 1968.
1969 June Walsenburg: The all new 40-room Marlboro Inn west of Walsenburg will open for business July 11.
1969 August La Veta: The Monkees will appear in person Aug. 28-29 at the Colorado State Fair.
1969 September La Veta: Frederick Sanchez was one of 26 students to be part of the Teachers Corps at Adams State College.
1969 November La Veta: Eugene Sawyer took nine Boy Scouts to Colorado Springs to watch the Air Force-Utah State football game.
1969 November Walsenburg: The Civic League wading pool has been filled with soil and the Jaycees will plant grass in and around it.
1969 December La Veta: Ten people won frozen turkeys at Saturday night's Bingo game at Odd Fellows Hall.
1969 December Walsenburg: The Christmas party for youngsters under 12 in the Gardner Community Center was ruined by teenage boys shooting rifles and throwing bricks at the building.