1970 January La Veta: Charles Masinton of La Veta, a grocer, was recently presented a 26-year perfect attendance award by Rotary Club President Proctor Hayes.
1970 January La Veta: Sue Rohr was installed Worthy Advisor of La Veta Assembly #75, Order of Rainbow for Girls.
1970 January Walsenburg: 1968 Plymouth Barracuda hardtop, $2,895. Santi Motor Co., 302 Main Street.
1970 January Walsenburg: For Rent: Furnished, apartment, $50 a month. 118 E. 4th St., Apt. #1.
1970 February La Veta: Donald Andreatta of Bear Creek was hired as cattle inspector for First National Bank in Walsenburg.
1970 February La Veta: Some 38 relatives and friends attended the surprise 60th birthday party for Ewell Woodring Wednesday evening, Feb. 18.
1970 February Walsenburg: Betty Crocker Homemakers of Tomorrow for Walsenburg are Amy Bailey of W.H.S. and Malva Joseph, St. Mary High School.
1970 March Walsenburg: Lloyd Quintana won the $25 worth of groceries in the raffle conducted by the Walsenburg Jaycees.
1970 April Walsenburg: Dr. Fred A. Menghini has been elected president of the Southeastern Colorado Dental Society.
1970 May La Veta: The high school play, "Date with a Dream," with 14 characters, was a real success last Thursday and Friday nights.
1970 May Walsenburg: Gardner Community Center will be re-dedicated May 30 in memory of Pfc. Raymond Aguirre who died in combat in Vietnam March 26, 1970.
1970 June La Veta: The annual 4-H dance will be June 20 in the La Veta School gym with music by the New Mexico Ramblers. $1 donation.
1970 June La Veta: The Hub lounge will open for business Saturday in the Spanish Peaks Motor Hotel.
1970 July La Veta: The new Spanish Peaks Motor Hotel restaurant and lounge will have a grand opening Saturday with new managers Benny and Marian Rodriguez of Amarillo.
1970 August La Veta: Bill Huffman, a former resident of La Veta, died of a heart attack, leaving his wife and nine children.
1970 September Walsenburg: The Four Corners Commission has approved a $115,120 grant toward the development of Walsenburg Industrial Park.
1970 October Walsenburg: Elected officers of the senior class at St. Mary High School were George Marck, president; Doug Brgoch, vice president; Nick Tesitor, secretary and Tim Lombard, treasurer.
1970 October Walsenburg: Reflecting the inflationary spiral in part, the cost of the welfare program in Huerfano County rose $46,723 during the first nine months of 1970
1970 October Walsenburg: Reflecting the inflationary spiral in part, the cost of the welfare program in Huerfano County rose $46,723 during the first nine months of 1970.
1970 November La Veta: All businesses will be closed Saturday afternoon for the La Veta-Hugh semi-final football game.
1970 November La Veta: The Snowy Range 4-H Club sponsored a Halloween dance Saturday night in the L.V.H.S. gym with the proceeds to benefit the Colorado Boys Ranch.
1970 December La Veta: Patience Circle of the Methodist Church has been serving Rotary Club dinners since the Park Lane Hotel burned down three years ago but the club will now meet in the new restaurant at the Spanish Peaks Motor Inn.
1971 January La Veta: Brett Arnold, L.V.H.S. senior, has been selected for the 1971 eight-man all-state football team.
1971 January Walsenburg: Nick Tafoya, Washington School seventh grader, won the stereo set in the First national Bank's Christmas drawing.
1971 April La Veta: For Sale: Modern A-frame in Cuchara, two bedrooms, one and a half baths, $13,000.
1971 October Walsenburg: Over 100 Walsenburg boys, grades three through six, are participating in Little League football this fall.
1971 November La Veta: The La Veta Chapter of DeMolay recently initiated 17 new members.
1972 January La Veta: The community was shocked by the sudden death of Mrs. Henry Tiedeman who died of a hemorrhage after a fit of coughing.
1972 January Walsenburg: Re-1 Board of Education voted to purchase two Dodge 20- passenger school buses from Barbacovi Motors at $4,830 each.
1972 December La Veta: United Methodist Church will host a "come and go" candlelit Christmas Eve communion open to all.
1973 January La Veta: Dick Colvin was appointed to the Huerfano County Planning and Zoning Commission after the resignation of Jack Britton.
1974 January La Veta: Anyone who applies for or renews a Colorado driver's license must now have a Social Security number.
1974 March Walsenburg: Pohle Wolfe resigned as W.H.S. principal and he and his wife Dot closed their Alpha Restaurant.
Huerfano World 10-28-1976, Born to Mr. and Mrs. John D. Howlett, Segundo, Co., a baby boy 10-23-1976.
1976 November: La Escuela, the Gardner pre-school, is off to a good start, according to co-directors Josephine Van Leuven and Carol Murphy.
1976 November: Mr. and Mrs. Tim Pene announced the engagement of their daughter Beth to Rodney Falk. Both are 1974 graduates of La Veta High School.
1976 November: RE-1 Superintendent Dr. Robert Hall said the district will reduce their proposed budget and receive only a 1.5 mill increase for 1977.
1981 February La Veta: Building lots in the new Ojo mining district are restricted to a 50 foot frontage, 100 feet deep and no person shall locate more than two lots. A substantial building must be completed within 30 days after the lot is recorded.
1982 March 11: Huerfano World, Fund Set Up For Howard Bader Friends of Huerfano farmer and rancher, Howard Bader, who suffered a severe heart attack Feb. 26, have established a fund at First National Bank in Walsenburg to help defray hospital costs. Bader is currently reported doing well at Penrose Hospital in Colorado Springs after surgery that included five by-passes and replacement of a heart valve. Deposits can be made at First National Bank in Walsenburg or La Veta. Bader has ranching interests near Badito in northwest Huerfano county.
1982 May La Veta: Will Krier bought the La Veta Shoe and Boot Shop next door to the La Veta Hotel.
1987 October 8: Forty one adults were arrested for various infractions during the month of September in Walsenburg, according to Chief of Police Toby Vigil's report to City Council. The department issued 17 traffic tickets, including six for DUI, two for DWAI and one for DUR. The officers investigated seven traffic accidents, two motor vehicle thefts and two bicycle thefts. Also investigated were eight thefts, one burglary, one theft from auto and eight cases of criminal mischief. Twenty-one of the 41 arrested were charged with disorderly conduct which included disturbances at the Moon Glow and Silver Dollar. Three juveniles were taken into custody and one runaway was apprehended. Eight people were referred to the detox center in Trinidad. There were six animal bites reported. Meter Maid Roxie Eccher issued 141 tickets and collected $333 for those tickets. She also collected $484.06 in meter money. Police officers traveled 7,597 miles and used 654 gallons of gasoline.