Huerfano County, Colorado
North Veta Cemetery
AKA Arenoso Cemetery
AKA Ojitos Cemetery
Listing and photos contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
North Veta Cemetery is located as follows:
Located on Hwy. 160, 5 miles west of Walsenburg. Fenced very little care
given cemetery in general. Located near site of a small town of North Veta
that no longer exists. Still in use. NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 SEC 29 T28 R67. 2 and 1/4 miles west of Rio Cucharas Inn on Hwy 160 west.
?, Jose Lemon born no date died 196? 30 years
Aguirres, Beatrice born 06/12/1911 died 06/06/1977
Agurries, Donaciano born 5-25-1903 died 6-22-1992 husband of Beatrice
Aguirres, Joe Orace born 07/04/1935 died 02/20/1985 A 3C US Air Force
Alvillar, Marta born no date died 06/16/1925 buried 6-18-1925, 5 years, St. Mary's Death records
Apodaca, Freda Irene born no date died 04/01/1936 buried 4-2-1936, residence: North Veta, 3 months, whooping cough, St Mary's Death Records
Aragon, A.A. no dates
Aragon, Anastacio born 1860 died 1925 68 years, obit says died 8-10-1927, Same headstone as Bidulia Martinez
Aragon, Bidulia Martinez born 1861 died 1936 (Aragon, Abidulia died 11/09/1936 buried 11/11/1936 residence: North Veta, notes: 72 years, husband: Elfido Aragon, gall bl. Trouble, St. Mary's Death Records)
Arellano, Faustina V. born no date died 06/07/1933 age 58
Arellano, Josefa died 07/07/1928 buried 07/09/1928 notes: 19 years, cardiac, St. Mary's Death Records
Arrellano, Marceliana died 07/18/1944 buried 07/22/1944 residence: North Veta notes: 88 years, sons, old age, St. Mary's Death Records (Arellano, Marcelinina County Burial Permit: died at North Veta 7-18-1944, age 87y 5m 26d)
Arellano, Marcelina died 05/14/1924 buried 05/15/1924 notes: 2 years, nephritis, St. Mary's Death Records
Arellano, Nick born 1885 died 1966
Arillano, Juana born 12-5-1847 died 01/11/1928
Armenta, Rafaela Valdez buried 9-16-1883 notes: wife of Cirio Armenta, daughter of Rafael Valdez and Josefa Rodriguez, Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker
Baca, Daniel A. died 12/03/1937 (Baca, Daniel died 11/28/1937 buried 11/29/1937 residence: Mutual, notes: 6 months, son of Daniel and Placida Valdez, St. Mary's Death Records)
Baca, Geraldo born 12/17/1927 died 12-?-1928
Baca, Lucia E. born 08/25/1925 died 8-?-1927
Bachicha, Joseph LeRoy County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg, 2-5-1943, age 6m 18d, no marker.
Bast, Angel Ann born 1995 died 1995
Bernal, Brenda Joann born no date died 12-?-1976
Borrego, Ramon born 1837 died 1923 (Borrego, Ramon died 03/26/1923 buried 03/28/1923 notes: 75 years, St. Mary's Death Records)
Bustos, Lucy Ida born 09/06/1924 died 03/13/1926
Casados, Filomena born 1919 died 10/30/1929 (Casados, Filomena died 10/29/1929 buried 10/31/1929 notes: 10 years, St. Mary's Death Records)
Casados, Pablita born no date died
Castro, Eloisa died 06/11/1924 buried 06/13/1924 residence: North Veta, notes: 4 years, drowned, St. Mary's Death Records
Castro, Raymond died 07/06/1936 buried 07/08/1936 residence: North Veta, notes: 42 years, son of Isaac and Piedra Deherrera, epilepsy St. Mary's Death Records
Chacon, Arnold born 11/13/1954 died 07/20/1955
Chacon, Eulalio born 02/12/1909 died 02/28/1993 PVT US Army WWII
Chacon, Jose Romeo died 09/18/1924 buried 09/20/1924 notes: 4 months, colitis, St. Mary's Death Records
Chavez, Felipe born no date died 01/04/1949 unsure of year, 37y 3m 20d
Chavez, Francisco died 02/09/1924 buried 02/11/1924 notes: 74 years, cancer, St. Mary's Death Records
Chavez, Manuel born 1887 died 1929 Father (Chavez, Manuel buried 09/30/1929 notes: 43 years, ry. Accident, St. Mary's Death Records) (Chavez, Manuel died 09/26/1929 buried 09/29/1929 notes: 43 years, ry. accident, St. Mary's Death Records)
Cisneros, Virginia died 08/21/1920 buried 08/23/1920 notes: 8 months, enteritis, St. Mary's Death Records
Coffey, Norlin E. born 10/21/1950 died 11/14/1991
Cordova, Elena born 1877 died 1937 (Cordova, Elen died 06/20/1937 buried 06/21/1937 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 59 years, daughter: Mrs. T. Valdez, t.b., St. Mary's Death Records)
Cordova, H.R. born 4-13-1871 died 02/08/1935 (Cordova, Hermenigildo died 02/08/1935 buried 02/10/1935 residence: North Veta, notes: 64 years, born in N.M., acute carditis, died suddenly, St. Mary's Death Records)
Cruz, Alejandro Fidel born 12/22/1919 died 04/26/1989 PVT US Army WWII
Cruz, Alfredo died 04/01/1936 buried 04/02/1936 residence: North Veta, notes: 1 year, son of Alfredo and Anna Trujillo, St. Mary's Death Records
Cruz, Charlotte born 1930 died 1949
Cruz, Fedelina born 03/10/1908 died 03/05/1992
Cruz, Felipe S. born 5-19-1899 died 10/27/1989
Cruz, Leodore born 1927 died 1945
Cruz, Phillip S. born 08/11/1937 died 08/02/1994 US Army Vietnam
Cruz, Richard Alex born 02/02/1955 died 01/05/1981
Dominguez, Emilia died 10/12/1924 buried 10/13/1924 notes: 2 months, St. Mary's Death Records
Dominguez, George born 09/26/1926 died 04/28/1968 Colorado S1 USNR WWII
Dominguez, Jose M. born 1875 died 1967
Dominguez, Pedro born no date died Cpl Co P 1 Regt NM Inf Civil War
Dominguez, Porfinis born 3-27-1895 died 05/07/1959 Colorado PVT Co A 8 Inf WWI
Dominguez, Remigio born 1890 died 1963
Duran, Elias born no date died 09/18/1920
Edalman, W. born no date died 1917
Eram, L.M. born no date died
Erwin, Margaret M. born 1912 died 1995
Espinoza, Arthur F. born 10/16/1922 died 12/01/1984 TEC 5 US Army WWII
Espinoza, Clemente born 1904 died 1973
Espinoza, Jose Perfecto Jr. born 1935 died 1936
Espinoza, Juan E. born 1871 died 1917
Espinoza, Lu Ann born 1960 died 1991
Espinosa, Martina died 04/02/1935 buried 04/04/1935 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 60 years, born in N.M., pneumonia, St. Mary's Death Records
Espinosa, Percy died 07/26/1936 buried 07/28/1936 residence: North Veta, notes: 1 month, child of Presiliano and Teodora Casados, St. Mary's Death Records
Espinoza, Roseann no dates
Fisher, Edna County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 7-29-1942, age 2 days.
Foreman, Lawrence born no date died 03/31/1992
Foreman, Ron born 01/25/1970 died 09/04/1993
Gallegos, Alfredo born no date died 11/12/1935 80 years
Gallegos, Anastasia died 11/29/1923 buried 11/30/1923 notes: 1 years, typhoid fever, St. Mary's Death Records
Gallegos, Catherine died 06/15/1936 buried 06/17/1936 residence: North Veta, notes: 80 years, daughter of Juan Rodriguez and Victoria Borrego, St. Mary's Death Records
Gallegos, Joe Elmer born 1900 died 1989
Gallegos, Lucinda died 08/13/1920 buried 08/15/1920 notes: 6 months, enteritis, St. Mary's Death Records
Gallegos, M. Placida born 1895 died 1990
Gallegos, Manuel died 11/15/1942 buried 11/21/1942 residence: North Veta, notes: 71 years, wife: Loretta, St. Mary's Death Records, County Burial Permit: died at North Veta 11-16-1942, age 71 years 16 days.
Gallegos, Pedro born no date died 11/12/1935 age 80 years
Gallegos, Rodolfo died 12/16/1923 buried 12/17/1923 notes: 13 years, typhoid fever, St. Mary's Death Records
Galves, Magdalena died 02/26/1940 buried 02/28/1940 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 73 years, son: Anselmo, heart trouble, St. Mary's Death Records
Garcia, Cipriano buried 10/20/1918 residence: North Veta, notes: 22 years, pneumonia, St. Mary's Death Records
Gayton, Elfino County Burial Permit: died at Del Carbon 12-3-1943, age 5 days, no marker.
Giron, Regina born 04/17/1966 died 06/12/1999 33 years
Gonzales, Adelida G. born 1876 died 02/07/1959 83 years 28 days
Gonzalez, Antonio died 06/05/1924 buried 06/07/1924 notes: 89 years, Br. disease, St. Mary's Death Records
Gonzales, Benito born 05/29/1909 died 07/01/1937 (Gonzalez, Benito died 07/01/1937 buried 07/02/1937 residence: North Veta, notes: 27 years, son of Sotero and Cimila Medina, typhoid fever, St. Mary's Death Records)
Gonzales, Macencio born 1900 died 08/27/1933
Gonzales, Maria C. born 1894 died 1966
Gonzales, Sotero born 1885 died 1966
Gonzales, unknown born no date died
Gonzales, Aaron died 11-1-1940 age 6 months son of Casper Gonzales
Gonzales, Antonio born 1896 died 1971
Gonzalez, Benito born 03/29/1909 died 07/01/1937
Gonzalez, M. Acencion V. de born no date died 08/27/1933
Gonzales, Maria Nieves born 1905 died 1992
Gonzales, Maria Rita Mestas buried 9-14-1884 wife of Luis Gonzales, daughter of Felipe Mestas and Maria Soledad Tafoya, St. Mary's Death records, no marker
Guillen, Diego buried 02/21/1918 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 83 years, chronic valvular disease, St. Mary's Death Records
Guillen, Eva born 1902 died 1972
Guillen, Joe Jesus born 3-19-1894 died 04/05/1969 Colorado PVT Co I 140 Inf WWI
Hayes, Andrew A. born 1887 died 1962
Hayes, Bersabe C. born 1881 died 1936 (Hayes, Besabe died 04/09/1936 buried 04/11/1936 residence: Ravenwood, notes: 54 years, daughter of Frank Ant. Chavez and Rosa Gallegos, husband: Andres Hayes, pneumonia, St. Mary's Death Records)
Herrera, Basilio born 12-15-1897 died 12/01/1945 NM PVT 19 Inf 18 Div (Herrera, Basilio died 12/01/1945 buried 12/04/1945 residence: North Veta, notes: 48 years, wife: Natividad Herrera, St. Mary's Death Records)
Herrera, Maria died 12/23/1920 buried 12/24/1920 notes: 13 days, Tuanition, St. Mary's Death Records
Herrera, Maria Natividad born 1897 died 1974
Jeron, Ernest County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 11-17-1944, age 5m, no marker.
Jiron, Pedro born 06/09/1931 died 1931
Lester, Amelia S. born 1918 died 1981
Lopez, Anastasia died 04/07/1934 buried 04/09/1934 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 52 years,diabetes, St. Mary's Death Records
Lopez, Jose born 09/22/1929 died 07/02/1974 SM SGT US Air Force
Lopez, Jose Anastacio born 1882 died 04/06/1934 51 years Also
Lopez, Lucas Jose born 1879 died 06/30/1965 85 years 2 days
Lopez, Lydia Arlene born 1954 died 1955 Baby (Lopez, Lydia Arlene died 08/15/1955 buried 08/17/1955 residence: Mutual, notes: 9 months, died at home, father: Morris Lopez, asphixation, St. Mary's Death Records)
Lucero, David George County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg, 3-12-1943, age 2m 13d, no marker.
Maes, Demesio born no date died 01/21/1934 74 years (Maes, Demesio died 01/21/1934 buried 01/22/1934 residence: North Veta, notes: 80 years, born in N.M., old age, St. Mary's Death Records)
Maes, Maria Paula Martin buried 5-25-1881 notes: wife of Benito Maes, daughter of Miguel Martin and Francisca Ruival, Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records
Maldonado, Adam born 1909 died 1987
Maldonado, Delfina D. born 1911 died 1986
Maldonado, Manuel County Burial Permit: died at North Veta 11-9-1943, age 21 days, no marker.
Maldonado, Orlando died 01/10/1924 buried 01/12/1924 notes: 3 years, enteritis, St. Mary's Death Records
Maldonado, Orlando died 03/15/1925 buried 03/17/1925 notes: 1 year, pneumonia, St. Mary's Death Records
Manzanarez, Ben born 1912 died 1991
Manzanarez, Margaret V. born 1918 died 1998
Marquez, Agustino born no date died 07/18/1930
Marquez, Faustino born no date died 07/08/1930 62 years
Marquez, Maria del Rosario Romero buried 3-4-1888 notes: wife of Lucas Marquez, Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records
Marquis, Lucas born no date died 04/20/1915 72 years, obit, buried 4-22-1915
Martin, Manuel buried 5-27-1881 notes: child, son of Buenaventura Martin and Delfina Maes, St. Mary's Death Records
Martinez, Benjamin born 03/30/1917 died 09/03/1978 son of Rosendo and Manuelita
Martinez, Cecil Patrick born 03/17/1926 died 03/22/1989 PVT US Army WWII
Martinez, Felecita died 06/21/1954 buried 06/26/1954 residence: La Veta, notes: 59 years, died in Prescott, Arizona, husband: Paul Martinez, heat exhaustion, St. Mary's Death Records
Martinez, Fred C. born 1906 died 1929
Martinez, John Manuel born 07/21/1918 died 08/10/1982 PFC US Army WWII
Martinez, Joseph died 12/07/1923 buried 12/08/1923 notes: 1 years, pneu, St. Mary's Death Records
Martinez, Joseph T. born 11/22/1935 died 01/10/1997 CPL US Marine Corps Vietnam
Martinez, Juanita L. born 1876 died 1942 (Martinez, Juanita died 10/01/1942 buried 10/05/1942 residence: La Veta, notes: 66 years, born in Walsenburg, husband: Julian, complication, St. Mary's Death Records , County Burial Permit: Juanita Lesperance Martinez, died at Walsenburg 10-1-1942, age 66 years 4 months 20 days.)
Martinez, Julia born 1906 died 1964
Martinez, Julian born 1868 died 1943 (Martinez, Julian County Burial Permit: died at Oakland, CA. 12-14-1943, age 75y 9m 29d, born 2-16-1866 at Las Vegas, New Mexico, widowed of Juanita Martinez. Father: Jose Martinez, Mother: Lupita (unknown), Informant: William Hayes)
Martinez, Lesa Lorraine born 05/03/1973 died 04/20/1992 Daughter of Joseph and Lorraine
Martinez, Manuelita born 1894 died 1977
Martinez, Maria D. born 6-13-1875 died 02/13/1961
Martinez, Maria R. born 1887 died 1979
Martinez, Mary A. died 06/11/1938 buried 06/12/1938 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 26 days, daughter of Albino and Gabriola Vigil, St. Mary's Death Records
Martinez, Rosendo born 1882 died 1962
Martinez, Ruben born 04/27/1923 died 09/26/1994 PVT US Army WWII
Medina, Eugene born no date died 07/27/1959 78 years, 7 months, 26 days
Medina, Gregorita born no date died 09/02/1935
Medina, J. A. born 3-19-1873 died 8-6-1956 (Medina, Jose Amadeo died 08/06/1956 buried 08/10/1956 residence: 500 W 9th, notes: 83 years, died at Walsenburg, son-in-law: J.S. Valdez, stroke, St. Mary's Death Records)
Medina, Joe G. born 1902 died 1978
Medina, Jose E. born 1873 died 1936
Montez, Alyxanderia Destiny born no date died 1994
Montez, Dionisia born 1903 died 1968
Montez, Jose F. born 1910 died 1989 WWII Vet US Navy
Montez, Sammy born no date died 4-?-1965
Montez, Valarie born no date died 9-?-1964
Montolla, Antonia born no date died 07/16/1931 72 years
Montoya, Juana born 4-30-1869 died 04/23/1953 (Montoya, Juana Nepomucena died 04/23/1953 buried 04/27/1953 residence: La Veta, notes: 84 years, daughter: Juanita Pino, St. Mary's Death Records)
Nieto, Elias buried 5-27-1881 notes: child, son of Peregrino Nieto and Teodora Maes, St. Mary's Death Records (In margin says Elias, Onesimo, Gabino Nieto)
Nieto, Gabino buried 5-27-1881 notes: child, son of Peregrino Nieto and Teodora Maes, St. Mary's Death Records
Nieto, Manuel buried 05/09/1919 residence: North Veta, notes: 75 years, myocarditis, St. Mary's Death Records
Olguin, Antonio Jose born no date died 7-30-1893 47 years
Ortega, Adeline born 1929 died 1996
Ortega, Eugene "Gene" born 09/06/1925 died 05/25/1991
Pacheco, Abel died 02/16/1934 buried 02/18/1934 residence: North Veta, notes: 8 years, born in Walsenburg, pneumonia, St. Mary's Death Records
Pacheco, Abel Evaristo born 1891 died 1979
Pacheco, Abram County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg, 11-15-1943, age 1m 8d, no marker.
Pacheco, Armenio born 11-7-1887 died 07/31/1945 (Pacheco, Armenio died 07/31/1945 buried 08/07/1945 residence: North Veta, notes: 58 years, Telesfora Pacheco, this man was struck by lightening in mountains above Muleshal body not found for some time, unable to bring body into church acct. body decomposed, St. Mary's Death Records)
Pacheco, Bellisama D. born no date died 12-8-????
Pacheco, Ernesto born 1927 died 1931
Pacheco, Estella born 09/10/1912 died no date
Pacheco, Francis born 1920 died 1929
Pacheco, Gavina died 03/09/1925 buried 03/10/1925 notes: 1 year, pneumonia, St. Mary's Death Records
Pacheco, Infant male County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 10-30-1942, stillborn.
Pacheco, Jose Evan born 01/29/1913 died 06/12/1980
Pacheco, Julian born 1917 died 2000
Pacheco, Ramona M. born 1895 died 1973
Pacheco, Remegia? died 4-?-1945
Pacheco, Reyes 1861 - 1945
Pacheco, Telesfora born 2-7-1894 died 10/11/1972 Mother
Padilla, Rebecca born 1890 died 1969
Padilla, Seferino born 1881 died 1972
Pena, Cleta died 01/29/1923 buried 02/01/1923 notes: 60 years, dropsy, St. Mary's Death Records
Pena, Rose M. died 11/30/1937 buried 12/01/1937 residence: Ravenwood, notes: 1 year, daughter of Joseph and Emma Vigil, St. Mary's Death Records
Pino, Filiberto born 10-11-1898 died 09/17/1987
Pino, Juanita born 1906 died 1968 metal marker says Juana Maria
Pino, Kathleen born 07/18/1961 died 08/31/1961
Quintana, Anthony died 11/04/1938 buried 11/06/1938 residence: North Veta, notes: 20 years, son of Romolo and Stella Deherrera, tuberculosis, St. Mary's Death Records
Quintana, Geronimo died 05/18/1935 buried 05/21/1935 residence: Sandy Arroyo, notes: 47 years, born in Walsenburg, pneumonia, St. Mary's Death Records
Quintana, Irene R. born 1910 died 1994
Quintana, Juaquin born 1910 died 1995
Quintana, Tony born 03/25/1918 died 11/04/1938
Quintana, Virginia born 1939 died 1997
Ramirez, Dan born 1884 died 1972
Read, Felix C. born 1908 died 1992
Ricketson, Gary D. born 1942 died 1995
Riverra, Infant County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 10-6-1942, stillborn.
Riverson, Ignacio born 1950 died 1982
Rodrigues, Magdalena born 5-16-1858 died 04/25/1942 wife of Tomas (Rodriguez, Magdalena born 1859 died 1942)
Rodrigues, Tomas A. born 9-20-1846 died 12/19/1936 90 years
Rodriguez, Catarina born 4-30-1859 died 06/15/1935 Bajo la sombra de Sus Alas
Rodriguez, Dominguez County Burial Permit: died at Rouse 4-28-1942, age 6 months 2 days.
Rodriguez, Edward died 03/07/1922 buried 03/09/1922 notes: 19 months, flu, St. Mary's Death Records
Rodriguez, Elena died 04/25/1942 buried 04/27/1942 residence: Sandy Arroyo, notes: 84 years, born in Walsenburg, son: Tito Rodriguez, paralysis, St. Mary's Death Records, County Burial Permit: Magdalena Rodriguez, died at Sand Arroyo 4-25-1942, age 83 years 11 months 9 days.
Romero, Baby buried 01/17/1920 residence: North Veta, notes: stillborn, premature birth , St. Mary's Death Records
Romero, Bernard E. born 12/10/1917 died 01/08/1993
Romero, Emilia died 09/15/1929 buried 09/17/1929 notes: 24 years, St. Mary's Death Records
Romero, Ernestina born 1917 died 1941 (Romero, Ernestine died 04/19/1941 buried 04/23/1941 residence: 318 W. 2nd, notes: 23 years, born in Walsenburg, husband: Raymond, heart, St. Mary's Death Records)
Romero, J. G. born 1833 died 08/17/1925 (Romero, Jose Geronimo born 1833 died 08/17/1925 80 years, obit)
Romero, Maclovia Q. born 1919 died no date
Romero, Maria buried 01/18/1920 residence: North Veta, notes: 22 years, smallpox, St. Mary's Death Records
Romero, Miguel died 02/25/1935 buried 02/27/1935 residence: North Veta, notes: 79 years, born in N.M., senility, St. Mary's Death Records
Romero, Ruben died 08/19/1936 buried 08/20/1936 residence: North Veta, notes: 6 months, son of Rosa Romero, St. Mary's Death Records
Roybal, Archie died 08/18/1928 buried 08/20/1928 notes: 20 months, spasms, St. Mary's Death Records
Roybal, Gorgonio buried 05/09/1919 residence: North Veta, notes: 81 years, nephritis, St. Mary's Death Records
Roybal, Santana died 04/28/1935 buried 04/30/1935 residence: North Veta, notes: 15 years, born in North Veta, pneumonia, St. Mary's Death Records
Ruiz, Albino T. born 03/13/1918 died 12/09/1994 TEC 5 US Army WWII
Salas, Miguel died 08/17/1916 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 70 years, mortician C.W. Cox, St. Mary's Death Records
Sanchez, Adolph born 1903 died 1977
Sanchez, Albert born no date died 04/01/1944
Sanchez, Elvira born no date died 07/20/1907
Sanchez, Jesus Maria died 09/14/1923 buried 09/15/1923 notes: 66 years, enteritis, St. Mary's Death Records
Sanchez, Jose Gilbert born 01/08/1944 died 04/01/1944 (Sanchez, Joseph Gilbert County Burial Permit: died at North Veta, 4-1-1944, age 2m 23d)
Sanchez, Masio Magero born 10/04/1930 died 11-?-1933
Sanchez, Melquiadez A. born 10/04/1938 died 11/01/1938 (Sanchez, Melaquiades died 11/01/1938 buried 11/02/1938 residence: Walsenburg, 29 days, son of Melvin and Emelina Romero, St. Mary's Death Records)
Santillanes, ? born 02/17/1952 died 12/09/1957
Santallanes, Gabriel died 08/26/1950 buried 08/29/1950 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 62 years, Amelia S. Aguirres, tuberculosis and stroke, St. Mary's Death Records
Santellanes, Carmelita died 09/14/1940 buried 09/17/1940 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 25 years, born in Walsenburg, father: Gabriel, St. Mary's Death Records
Santillanes, Arthur Peliro County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 12-5-1942, age 1 year 11 months 24 days.
Santillanes, Dora died 05/17/1942 buried 05/19/1942 residence: Sandy Arroyo, notes: 23 years, born in Walsenburg, husband: John, dropsy, St. Mary's Death Records, County Burial Permit: Dora Santallne, died at Walsenburg 5-17-1942, age 23 years.
Santillanes, Eralia died 03/30/1937 buried 04/01/1937 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 43 years, daughter of Crescencio and Vitalia, husband: Gabriel, pneumonia, St. Mary's Death Records
Santillanes, Gabriel born 1888 died 1950
Santillanes, Gavina died 12/10/1937 buried 12/12/1937 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 54 years, daughter of Prudencio and Teofila Armijo, brother: Gabriel, inflam. ,St. Mary's Death Records
Santillanes, John born 1909 died 1962
Santillanes, Lena born 1920 died 1957 (Santillanes, Lena died 06/02/1957 buried 06/05/1957 residence: Gordon, notes: 36 years, died at Gordon, husband: John Santillanes, St. Mary's Death Records)
Santillanes, Mike born 1910 died 1942 (Santillanes, Mike died 11/23/1942 buried 11/27/1942 residence: Sandy Arroyo, notes: 31 years, wife: Mary, mine explosion, St. Mary's Death Records, County Burial Permit: died at Butte Valley 11-23-1942, age 31 years 8 months 10 days, mining accident. )
Santillanes, Prudencio died 12/05/1931 buried 12/07/1931 notes: 103 years, St. Mary's Death Records
Santillanes, Rita died 11/08/1935 buried 11/10/1935 residence: North Veta, notes: 12 years, born in Walsenburg, pneumonia, Gabriel Santillanes, St. Mary's Death Records
Santillanes, Veronica died 12/23/1940 buried 12/26/1940 residence: 10th street, notes: 19 years, born in USA, father: Gabriel, mother: Eralda Gallegos, tuberculosis, St. Mary's Death Records
Santillanes, Vidal died 12/06/1943 buried 12/09/1943 residence: Loma Park, notes: 30 years, Gabriel, tuberculosis, St. Mary's Death Records. County Burial Permit: Bidal Santellanes died at Loma Park 12-6-1943, age 30 y.
Santillanes, Viola died 06/20/1937 buried 06/21/1937 residence: North Veta, notes: 3 months, daughter of Vidal and Stella Aguirres, St. Mary's Death Records
Sato, Thomasno dates
Smith, Stanley born 1925 died 1999
Suazo, Alfredo Lino died 03/17/1924 buried 03/19/1924 notes: 10 years, pneu, St. Mary's Death Records
Suazo, Dominga born 1920 died 1996
Suazo, Jose Nazario died 07/25/1922 buried 07/27/1922 notes: 5 months, enteritis, St. Mary's Death Records
Suazo, Pablo born no date died
Tenorio, Richard born 1909 died 1959
Trujillo, Clemente Patricio born 05/10/1918 died 05/06/1933 17 years
Trujillo, Crescensio died 06/07/1941 buried 06/10/1941 residence: North Veta, notes: 71 years, born in Walsenburg, wife: Cirilla, paralysis, St. Mary's Death Records
Trujillo, Eleanora died 08/23/1923 buried 08/25/1923 notes: 6 months, tonsilitis, St. Mary's Death Records
Trujillo, Max born 1870 died 1918
Trujillo, Pauline County Burial Permit: died at Solar 4-17-1943, age 1m 13 d, no marker.
Trujillo, Toribino born 1887 died 1978
Valdez, Ireneo buried 1-3-1879 notes: husband of Marcelina Romero, son of J. Ramos Valdez and Juana Maria Espinosa, Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records
Valdez, Juana Maria Espinosa buried 12-23-1878 notes: wife of J. Ramos Valdez, daughter of Francisco Espinosa and Antonia Quintana, Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records
Valdez, Maria Teodora Pacheco died 3-19-1878 notes: blessing of grave 7-30-1878 wife of Antonio de Jesus Valdes, daughter of Severino Pacheco and Magdalena Torres, died without blessing, Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records
Unknown between Albino Ruiz and Tony Quintana
Unknown 2 graves between Anastacio Aragon and Antonio Olguin
Unknown 2 graves between Anastacio Aragon and Antonio Olguin
Unknown died 1917 between Elias Duran and Ignacio Riverson
Unknown 6 graves between R.C. Valencia and Faustina Arellano
Unknown 6 graves between R.C. Valencia and Faustina Arellano
Unknown 6 graves between R.C. Valencia and Faustina Arellano
Unknown A.C. 6 graves between R.C. Valencia and Faustina Arellano
Unknown 6 graves between R.C. Valencia and Faustina Arellano
Unknown 6 graves between R.C. Valencia and Faustina Arellano
Unknown 3 graves between Clemente Trujillo and John Manuel Martinez
Unknown 3 graves between Clemente Trujillo and John Manuel Martinez
Unknown 3 graves between Clemente Trujillo and John Manuel Martinez
Unknown between John Manuel Martinez and Ramon Borrego
Unknown between Benito Gonzales and Felipe Chavez
Unknown between Marta Valdez and Joe Orace Aguirres
Unknown 2 graves between Gabriel Santillanes and Joseph T. Martinez
Unknown 2 graves between Gabriel Santillanes and Joseph T. Martinez
Unknown between Joseph T. Martinez and Cecil Patrick Martinez
Unknown 2 graves between Mike Santillanes and Silvano Valdez
Unknown 2 graves between Mike Santillanes and Silvano Valdez
Unknown born no date died 07/18/1931 72 years between Tomas Rodrigues and Ascencion Gonzalez
Unknown between Gregorita Medina and Tomas Rodrigues
Unknown between Juanita L. Martinez and Julian Martinez
Unknown between Maria Nieves Gonzales and Demesio Maes
Unknown between Lu Ann Espinoza and Roseann Espinosa
Unknown between Julian Pacheco and George Dominguez
Unknown S.B. between Porfinis Dominguez and Pedro Dominguez
Unknown B.A. between Porfinis Dominguez and Pedro Dominguez
Unknown M.D. Dominguez? between Porfinis Dominguez and Pedro Dominguez
Unknown between Pedro Dominguez and Ron Foreman
Unknown between Ron Foreman and Lydia Arlene Lopez
Unknown between Reyes Pacheco and Remigia Pacheco
Unknown between Maria Natividad Herrera and Alejandro Fidel Cruz
Unknown 3 graves between Richard Alex Cruz and Juaquin Quintana
Unknown 3 graves between Richard Alex Cruz and Juaquin Quintana
Unknown between Virginia Quintana and Fred C. Martinez
Unknownbetween Fred C. Martinez and Filomena Casados
Unknownbetween Tranquilino Valdez and Maria D. Valdez
Unknown Pedro? Va? between Rafaelita Valdez and Toribino Trujillo
Unknown between Maria D. Valdes and Ruben Martinez
Unknown 2 graves between Ruben Martinez and Ramona Pacheco
Unknown 2 graves between Ruben Martinez and Ramona Pacheco
Valdez, Andres died 4-4-1944 (County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg, 4-4-1944, age 74y 4m 24d)
Valdes, Awardo born no date died
Valdez, Florencio died 09/12/1936 buried 09/16/1936 residence: North Veta, notes: 76 years, found dead, St. Mary's Death Records
Valdez, Juan Manuel born 1871 died 1952
Valdez, Maria C. born 1917 died 1974
Valdes, Maria D. born no date died 08/24/1950 death year unsure 68 years (Valdez, Maria Dolores died 08/24/1950 buried 08/28/1950 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 68 years, Mrs. Mike Atencio, heart condition, St. Mary's Death Records)
Valdez, Marta De born 1917 died 1974
Valdez, Rafaelita born 12/03/1910 died 09/27/1980
Valdez, Ramon "Raymond" born 1907 died 1989
Valdez, Silvano born 1-21-1889 died 06/10/1983 PVT US Army WWII
Valdez, Tranquilino born 07/01/1911 died 06/13/1959
Valencia, R.C. born 1979 died 1997
Vasquez, Elvira born no date died May be Velasquez
Vasquez, Isabel died 02/03/1933 buried 02/04/1933 notes: 3 months, daughter of Pedro and Manuela, exposure, St. Mary's Death Records
Velasquez, Elvira born no date died May be Vasquez
Vigil, Abel died 06/02/1938 buried 06/08/1938 residence: Hayden, Co., notes: 57 years, son of Thomas and Irene Trujillo, wife: Ursenia Gallegos, pneumonia, St. Mary's Death Records
Vigil, Axa Rhose County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 10-16-1942, 3 days old.
Vigil, Della died 11/19/1929 buried 11/21/1929 notes: 7 years, app, rupture, St. Mary's Death Records
Vigil, Donald Gene born 11/12/1945 died 01/15/2001 marker Sp4 US Army Vietnam
Vigil, Jesus M. died 05/08/1938 buried 05/10/1938 residence: North Veta, notes: 63 years, son of Joseph Fr., thoniac trouble, St. Mary's Death Records
Vigil, Naborsita born 1914 died no date
Vigil, Ramon died 04/11/1934 buried 04/13/1934 residence: North Veta, notes: 100 years, old age, St. Mary's Death Records
Vigil, Reynaldo born 1907 died 1995
Vigil, Unamed County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 8-3-1942, stillborn, no marker.
Vigil, Unamed County Burial Permit: died at Loma Park, 12-21-1944 age 1day, no marker.

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