NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
The Huerfano County Oral History Project was undertaken in 1979 to compile the history of Huerfano County through the eyes of those that lived there. In 1988 I copied all of the histories that were available, for my own files. I later found out what a treasure I had because most of the histories had been stored in the basement of the County library and some had been ruined by water damage. Below are listed the names of the residents that granted interviews for the project. Some of the interviews were conducted in Spanish.
Abila, Benjamin born 5- 14- 1923 died 3- 8- 1995 Online
Abila, George born 4- 30- 1908 died 1- 0- 1985 Online