Huerfano County Schools
St. George's School
Page contributed by Karen Mitchell. Data contributed by Charles "Jack" Knoll.
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St. George's Catholic School was located in Gardner just west of the Catholic Church. It had to have been built around 1920. My family is Catholic. The school was mostly built by volunteers. My Dad, Charles Knoll, and his brothers Emil and Henry were three of the volunteers. They were homesteading in the area at that time. It consisted of basement, first floor, and second floor. To get light in the basement it was only half way in the ground. I think the first floor had four rooms. The second story was not used since it was never finished. Attached to the school was the Nuns home. Actually well staffed since Colorado was a prime place to send girls with TB. I went to school there two years. My second grade and my eight grade. I suspect it had more students than the public school at one time. For a time during WWII it was shut down due to a teacher shortage in the public school. The Nuns were hired in the Public School. That probably was its demise. The School part has been torn down. The Nuns home has been converted into a restaurant. (written 4-1-2009)

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