Huerfano County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

Colorado Weekly Chieftain, June 18, 1868 D. J. Hayden & Co., formerly merchants of Pueblo, advertise this week the Tabeguache Mills on the Upper Huerfano.  These mills are now in fine condition and turn out the best flour.

Colorado Weekly Chieftain, June 18, 1868 Horse Thieving. - Mr. Wm. Chapman of Tabeguache Mills (on the Upper Huerfano) informs us that on the night of the 9th inst., two horses were stolen from Mr. A. T. Seabring, of Badito.  He tracked them to the head of the canon on the Purgatoire, where the thieves had fallen in company with about twenty others.  Mr. S. was warned that the rogues were well armed and determined to defend themselves against any and all persons, and that it would be fatal to him and the man accompanying him should he overtake them.  The pursuit was abandoned in consequence.  We hope the time is not far distant when these pests to society shall be exterminated or at least when a man may with some degree of safety to his life pursue a thief.

Colorado Weekly Chieftain, July 9, 1868 Wm. Chapman, of the firm of D. J. Hayden & Co., of the Tabeguache Mills, on the Upper Huerfano, has sent us a sack of excellent flour, manufactured at their mills.  We have no hesitation in pronouncing their flour fully equal in quality to the very best made in the Territory.

Colorado Weekly Chieftain, July 30, 1868 Messrs. D. J. Hayden & Co., at their Tabeguache Mills, on the upper Huerfano, are driving a lively business, making a quality of flour which cannot be excelled in the Territory.  

5-26-1870 Colorado Weekly Chieftain (advertisement) Tabeguache Flouring Mills - These Mills, located on the Upper Huerfano near Badito, are now in complete ________ ___ and fully prepared to do merchant and _______ work to the satisfaction of their customers. The Highest Market Rates will be Paid for Grain. Flour always on hand, and for sale at the lowest caash prices. D.J. Hayden & Co

Colorado Weekly Chieftain Notice- 10-27-1870 All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing the property known as Tabegauche Mills, which is located in Huerfano County. I own one-third of said property and no complete title can be made unless I join in the conveyance. (signed) W.H. Chapman .

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