Huerfano County, Colorado
Talpa Cemetery
Listing and photos by Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
Talpa cemetery - 1/2 mile S and 1/2 W mile of Farisita. SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec35 T26 R70. Some people incorrectly refer to this as the Farisita Cemetery, but all of the old church records refer to it as the Talpa Cemetery. This cemetery filmed during the summer of 2000.
Agirre, Eduvijin born --- died 08-14-1910
Aguirre, Bicentita born --- died 11-12-1905
Aguirre, Candelaria Luna born 1853 died 1940 (Aguirre, Candelaria Luna died 11-22-1940 buried 11-25-1940,
residence: Gardner, notes: 90 years, wife of Donaciano Aguirre, daughter of Nicolas Luna and Fregida GarciaSacred Heart Death Records)
Aguirre, Donaciano born 05-23-1917 died 03-28-1976 PFC US Army WWII
Aguirre, Lorenzo born --- died 07-12-1950 (Aguirre, Lorenzo died 07-12-1950 buried 07-18-1950 residence: Farisita, notes: 57 years, husband of Cerilia C. Aguirre, died of car accident from Pueblo,Sacred Heart Death Records)
Aguirre, Miguel born 1879 died 1926?
Aguirre, Robert Alfred born 02-07-1950 died 10-10-1992
ADH born --- died ---
Castro, Amada born --- died 04-07-1917
Castro, Rosenda born --- died 1922 died EM 1922 el 17 dic
Harmes. William L. born 1899 died 1918 (Harmes, William Louis buried 03-25-1918, residence: Walsenburg, notes: 19 years,
pneumonia, St. Mary's Death Records)
Jacquez, Barbara Santistevan born 1901 died 1998 Mother
Buenoa V.M. born --- died January
M., Isaac born --- died ---
Manchego, Maria born 1-10-1869 died 02-24-1916
Martinez, Damacio died 08-21-1939 buried 08-24-1939 residence: Badito, notes: 39 years, husband of Rosana (no entry), son of Juanita Martinez, taken from newspaper account, Sacred Heart Death Records, no marker)
Martinez G--- born --- died 07-11-1902
Martinez, Jeronimo born 9-30-1879 died 05-20-1924 On stone with Jetruditas
Martinez, Jetruditas P. born 7-20-1878 died 07-14-1970 On stone with Jeronimo
Martinez, Otoniel born 1905 died 1975
Meadows, Jeffrey L. born 02-05-1960 died 05-24-1993
Medina, ---nel born --- died ---
Medina, J. de la Cruz died 03-17-1916 buried 03-18-1916 residence: Arroyo Hondo, N.M. notes: 82 years, husband of Catarina Maez, son of Buenaventura Medina and Maria Ignacia Mondragon, Sacred Heart Death Records, no marker
Medina, Jose Macedonio died 03-09-1945 buried 03-12-1945 residence: Rio Colorado NM, notes: 92 years, son of Jose de la Cruz Medina and Catarina Maes, Sacred Heart Death Records, no marker
Medina, Maria born --- died ---
Medina, Maria A. born --- died 03-20-1908
Medina, ? born --- died 5-3-194?
Munaz, C.P.A. born --- died 1924
Olavarria, Genoveva Medina died 03-29-1917 buried 03-30-1917 residence: Costilla, Co.?, notes: 41 years, wife of Felix Olavarria, Sacred Heart Death Records, no marker
Ortega, Juanita born --- died 06-18-1912
PAPA N born --- died March
Peralta, Agado born 02-26-1919 died 01-15-1953 Cross says he died 2-19-1953 (Peralta, Agado died 01-15-1953 buried 01-20-1953 residence: Farisita, notes: 33 years, father: Solomon Peralta, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records)
Peralta, Candido died 10-07-1942 buried 10-09-1942 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 75 years, born in Walsenburg, sister: Juanita Martinez, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker, County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 10-7-1942, age 75 years 8 days.
Peralta, Jose Salomon Photo born 1882 died 1983
Peralta, Maria Rebecca born 1889 died 1972 SSDI shows birth 9-10-1889 death 1-1972
Peralta, Ricardo born 03-05-1925 died 01-23-1998
Peralto, Belfinia M. born --- died 02-03-1934 (Peralta, Delfina Martinez died 01-22-1934 buried 01-24-1934 residence: Gardner,
notes: 65 years, wife of Candido Peralta, daughter of Agapito Martinez,Sacred Heart Death Records)
Quintana, Agosto born 02-19-1914 died 03-09-1915
Quintana, Jose de la lus born --- died 12-22-1915
M.S. died March 2, 1910
Sais, Caroline born 1888 died 1957 (Sais, Caroline Trujillo died 05-25-1957 buried 05-31-1957 residence: Farisita, notes: 69 years,
wife of Alfonso Sais, daughter of Jose Ramon Trujillo and Vitalita Trujillo, Sacred Heart Death Records)
Sais, Jose Alfonso R. born 1879 died 1950 Father
Santisteban, Jose Natividad died 04-15-1938 buried 04-17-1938 residence: Gardner, notes: 74 years, Sacred Heart Death Records, no marker
Santistevan, Josie Rosana County Burial Permit: died at Redwing 5-7-1942, age 1 month 29 days.
Santistevan, Benjamin died 02-27-1924 buried 03-01-1924, notes: 1 years, pneu, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker
Santistevan, Romolo born 1900 died 1942, County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 8-26-1942, age 42 years 10 months 4 days.
Sears, children died 5-1893 4 children of Joseph Sears
Trujillo, Andrellita de born 1891 died 1918 wife of A.L.Trujillo
Trujillo, Antonio L. born 1884 died 8-5-1927 age 42, From Obit
Trujillo, Bannie born 1922 died 1944 (Trujillo, Benita died 10-30-1944 buried 11-04-1944 residence: Farisita, notes: 23 years,
wife of Jose (no entry), daughter of Lino Trujillo and Anna Archuleta, Sacred Heart Death Records) County Burial Permit: Benny Trujillo, died on Hwy69, 9 miles west of Walsenburg 10-30-1944, age 23 years.
Trujillo, Cresencio born 1923 died 1975
Trujillo, Eloiso born 1913 died 1976 Obit shows Eloy birth 10-12-1913 death 3-1-1976
Trujillo, Epifanio born 1880 died 1944 (Trujillo, Epifanio died 09-17-1944 buried 09-20-1944 residence: Pueblo, notes: 64 years, husband of Epimenia Mondragon, son of Jose Ramon Trujillo and Vitalia Lopez de Trujillo,Sacred Heart Death Records)
Trujillo, Epimenia born 1889 died 1959 Mother
Trujillo, Frank born 01-21-1941 died --- On stone with Vangie
Trujillo, Jose Ramon born --- died 04-19-1901 age 68
Trujillo, Margarita born 2-18-1891 died 03-29-1908
Trujillo, Maria Bitalia born 1848 died 1918 Mother
Trujillo, Martha H. born 12-27-1918 died 12-14-1997
Trujillo, Moises born 12-24-1915 died 08-09-1988
Trujillo, Telesforo born 10-02-1907 died 01-03-1980
Trujillo, Theodore born --- died 1958
Trujillo, Vangie I. born 08-29-1943 died 06-16-1998 married 4-4-1964, On stone with Frank
Tore born --- died 4-1897
Vigil, Noverto born 1901 died 1964
Vigil, Santana born 1905 died 1995
Vigil, Tedorita born 1876 died 1964 Mother
unknown baby

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