Huerfano County, Colorado
Valdez Cemetery

Listing and photos contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

Valdez Cemetery is located 6 miles east of Walsenburg on the north side of Colorado Highway 10 in SW 1/4 of Sec 28, T27S, R65W, 6th PM. In addition to the names listed here there are about 40 unmarked graves. This has always been the Valdez cemetery but someone made the gates that say Cordova - Valdez because his family of Cordova are buried here. This cemetery was filmed during the summer of 2000.
Please click on the underlined name to view the photo.

There are many unknown graves here. If anyone can identify them PLEASE notify Karen Mitchell

Overall View

Abeyta, Benne --- --- (Abeyta, Benjamin died 04/28/1936 buried 04/30/1936 residence: Cucharas, notes: 15 years, son of Felix Abeyta and Teresa Valdez, St. Mary's Death Records)

Abeyta, Jose E. 1900 1977 no marker, SSDI shows birth 4-6-1900 Obit shows death 4-3-1977

Abeyta, Theresita V. 3-29-1885 8-8-1931 Mother

Albert, Luciano --- ---

Aragon, Baby buried 02/15/1920 residence: Cucharas, notes: 3 days, tuanition, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Aragon, Esther 1898 1988

Aragon, Ester C. died 04/13/1930 buried 04/15/1930 notes: 28 years, pneumonia, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Archuleta, Jose Francisco no marker, buried to the left of Malaquias Valdez.

Baca, Eleanor M. 5-23-1905 5-9-1939

Baros, Elena 6-27-1904 1-29-1974

Baros, Helen 6-27-1904 1-29-1974 Metal Marker - See Elena Baros

Baros, Jose Damacio 1904 1961 See Joseph Baros

Baros, Joseph Raymond 3-27-1933 11-25-1979 PFC US Army Korea SSDI shows birth 3-24-1933

Baros, Joseph 1904 1961 Metal Marker - See Jose Damacio Barios

Baras, Manuelita died 02/22/1951 buried 02/24/1951 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 81 years, pneumonia, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Baros, Manuelita Cruz 1-28-1870 1986

Bellah, Ralph Clark 9-16-1921 10-25-1993 Tec 5 US Army WWII

Bobby 1940 1940 No Surname on Stone

Bustos, Agapito--- --- Family of Carmel Bustos

Bustos, Carmel 1889 1953 (Bustos, Carmel died 08/24/1953 buried 08/27/1953 residence: 315 E 5th, notes: 64 years, wife: Rafaelita Bustos, stroke paraletic, St. Mary's Death Records)

Bustos, Casimiro --- --- Same stone as Agapito (Bustos, Casimiro died 02/27/1924 buried 02/28/1924 notes: 1 years, pneu, St. Mary's Death Records)

Bustos, Clorinda --- --- Same stone as Agapito (Bustos, Clorinda died 02/26/1924 buried 02/28/1924 notes: 4 years, pneu, St. Mary's Death Records)

Bustos, Maria Benigna 3-31-1852 1-19-1938 (Bustos, Maria Benigna died 01/19/1938 buried 01/21/1938 residence: Cucharas, notes:86 years, daughter of Jesus Mondragon and Gertrudes Mondragon, Son: Carmel Bustos, old age, St. Mary's Death Records)

Bustos, Rafaelita 1888 1962

Castro, Benerito 5-17-1900 2-6-1919

Castro, Beronice R. 3-6-1869 12-6-1946 Dates from Obit (Castro, Bernice P. died 12/06/1946 buried 12/10/1946 residence: Champa St. notes: 77 years, son: Ernest Castro, cancer, St. Mary's Death Records)

Castro, Deciderio 1861 1930

Castro, Jose Levi 1-24-1904 1-19-1990 Dates from Obit

Castro, Maria Maclovia 12-12-1894 8-10-1962 Same stone as Silverio Castro

Castro, Maria Maclovia 1894 1962

Castro, Silverio 1891 1968 Same stone as Maria Castro

Cordova, Agneda 8-9-1916 9-29-1917 Same stone as Marta and Miguel

Cordova, Antonio 1891 1981 age 88y

Cordova, Maria R. 1896 1973 age 77y , SSDI shows birth 1-6-1896 death 5-1973

Cordova, Marta 8-15-1921 8-26-1921 Same stone as Miguel and Agneda

Cordova, Miguel A. 1-20-1927 9-27-1927 Same stone as Agneda and Marta

Cordova plot

Cordova, unknown wood cross

Crisp, Archer 10-15-1896 5-21-1988 married 1-7-1933 SSDI shows birth as 1897

Crisp, Lucille Myers 8-3-1913 12-13-2001

Garcia, Emila Pino de buried 12/14/1915 residence: Toltec, notes: 22 years, daughter of Manuel Garcia and Ursula Pino St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Gonzales, Amarante died 07/09/1925 buried 07/10/1925 notes: 5 months, enteritis St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Gonzalez, Antonio Cenon died 05/18/1923 buried 05/19/1923 notes: 1 months, enteritis, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Gonzales, Cornelio died 09/02/1920 buried 09/04/1920 notes: 37 years, tuberculosis, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Gonzalez, Edward died 05/21/1930 buried 05/23/1930 notes: 5 months, flu St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Gonzales, Emilio Sr. 3-20-1929 2-6-1992 Beloved Father

Gonzales, Floranca 1901 1910 Hija

Gonzales, Francisco buried 10-14-1877 notes: family of Manuel Gonzales, Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker

Gonzalez, Gilberto died 05/22/1930 buried 05/24/1930 notes: 5 months, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Gonzalez, Pedro died 07/13/1925 buried 07/15/1925 notes: 7 months, enteritis, St. Mary's Death Records

Gonzales, Victoria 1898 1938 (Gonzalez, Victoria died 02/16/1938 buried 02/19/1938 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 39 years, daughter of Maquias Valdez and Francisca Martinez, husband: Pedro Gonzalez, child birth, St. Mary's Death Records)

Herrera, Maria Adelaida 12-23-1878 7-14-1960, obit shows birth 12-23-1876

Lombardelli, Odilia 1917 1999 Metal Marker

Lombardelli, Odilia Baros 10-15-1917 7-20-1999 Beloved Mother & GrandMother

Lucero, Aurelia 1-9-1915 8-6-2000 Same stone as Fred Lucero

Lucero, Baby 1941 1941

Lucero, Fred 3-15-1905 9-8-1995 Same stone as Aurelia Lucero

Martinez, Albert E.1935 1989

Martinez, Antonio A. --- --- Same stone as Frances Martinez (Martinez, Antonio died 10/23/1943 buried 10/27/1943 residence: W. 7th, notes: 62 years, wife: Maria, pneumonia, St. Mary's Death Records. County Burial Permit: died at Walsenburg 10-23-1943, age 62y.

Martinez, Baby Boy --- ---

Martinez, Frances --- --- Same stone as Antonio A Martinez

Martinez, J.E. died 11-1899

Martinez, Maclovia --- 10-1-1935 age 31y

Martinez, Meliton 3-10-1900 6-24-1927

Martinez, Rosalio M. 9-14-1896 11-10-1977 Dates from Obit. No marker SSDI shows birth 9-4-1897 death 11-1977

Martinez, Valentin 1871 1940 (Martinez, Valentine died 08/06/1940 buried 08/09/1940 residence: Cucharas, notes: 69 years, born in Cucharas, wife: Maria, stroke, St. Mary's Death Records)

Martinez, William 1912 1953 (Martinez, William died 08/17/1953 buried 08/19/1953 residence: Rt 1 Box 49A, Cucharas, notes: 40 years, wife: Frances Martinez, cancer, St. Mary's Death Records)

McHeen, Glen --- ---

McKeehan, Lelia 1906 1939 Children: Glen; Lillian

McKeehan, Glen Jr. died 03/28/1943 buried 03/30/1943 residence: 329 E. 7th, notes: 9 years, Parents: Glen and Lillian, pulmonary edema, chronis neuphritis St. Mary's Death Records

McKeehan, Lillian died 05/20/1936 buried 05/21/1936 residence: Cucharas, notes: 8 months, daughter of Glem and Lillian Martinez, St. Mary's Death Records

Medina, Theresa Elisa 7-30-1910 12-22-1989

Pino, Elsie C. 6-29-1919 12-7-1985 Mom

Pino, Jose Esperedion 1877 1960

Pino, Maria Raquel 7-9-1897 4-7-1987

Pino, Procopio died 12/27/1952 buried 12/31/1952 residence: 329 E 7th, notes: 71 years, Solomon Pino, cancer, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Pino, Raquel died 02/04/1925 buried 02/05/1925 notes: 4 years, pneumonia St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Pino, Raovelita 1920 1924 no marker

Pino, Solomon J. 1891 1976 Father, SSDI shows birth 8-17-1891 death 1-1976

Ribali, Agipito --- 1/17/1929

Ribali, Elvira 1903 1991 Mother

Ribali, Eustaquio 1897 1976 Father, SSDI shows birth 9-20-1897 death 7-1976

Ribali, Fred 1900 1977

Ribali, Jose 1892 1960 Father

Ribali, Simodosea 1914 1987

Ribali, Simonita N.O. 28-1885 MM 1914 age 28y 4m

Ribali, Victoria --- 1930 Grandma

Ribalino, Simonita 1885 1914 See Simonita Ribali

Romero, Franciscita Abulita 4-2-1930 4-11-1930

Sandoval, Bertha N.

Sandoval, Bertha N. 1927 1928

Sandoval, Jamie Lee --- 10-11-1982

Sandoval, Pablo 1869 1928 Same stone as Pablo Valdez

Sandoval, Robert 1-29-1926 4-?-1927

Sandoval, Robert N. 1926 1927

Sandoval, Romona 1964 1964

Sandoval, Simona

Tafoya, Fred 1943 1996

Trujillo, Antonio died 02/28/1922 buried 03/03/1922 notes: 60 years, tumor, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Trujillo, Cesario died 09/10/1923 buried 09/12/1923 notes: 86 years, arterial schlerosis, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Trujillo, Dolores died 01/07/1921 buried 01/09/1921 notes: 88 years, enteritis, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Torres, Doris C. 1920 1973 Mother

Trujillo, Delfino 1880 1963

Trujillo, Felipa buried 02/20/1919 residence: Cucharas, notes: 70 years, myocarditis, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Trujillo, Inez 1-21-1928 1-24-1996 Same stone as Nick Trujillo

Trujillo, Irene 1902 1986 Same stone as Salvador Trujillo

Trujillo, Manuela died 11/03/1923 buried 11/05/1923 notes: 64 years, pneu, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Trujillo, Nick 6-1-1924 1-12-1994 Same stone as Inez Trujillo

Trujillo, Pabilita 1-15-1891 11-22-1982 Dates from Obit

Trujillo, Salvador 1900 1977 Same stone as Irene Trujillo

Valdez, Abel Celestino --- 6-22-1929 Colorado Pvt. 164 Depot Brig.

Valdez, Alvinita 1886 1930 Mother

Valdez, Antonio L. 1888 1935

Valdez, Benjamin 1916 1940 Son (Valdez, Ben died 08/13/1941 buried 08/15/1941 residence: Cucharas, notes: 24 years, born in Cucharas, father: Malaquias, St. Mary's Death Records)

Valdez, Clorinda died 09/20/1938 buried 09/25/1938 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 28 years, daughter of Charles Oskle and Juliana Bustos, husband: Meliton Valdez, blood poison, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Valdez, Fred died 08/09/1923 buried 08/10/1923 notes: 2 years, menengitis, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Valdez, Hilarita N. 1865 1938 Mother (Valdez, Hilaria died 03/20/1938 buried 03/22/1938 residence: Cucharas, notes: 73 years, daughter of Albino Naranjo and Dolores Martinez, old age, St. Mary's Death Records)

Valdez, Jacob 2-27-1919 8-23-1989 PFC US Army WWII, SSDI shows Jacobo

Valdez, Jose Leonides 8-8-1846 11-3-1917

Valdez, Juan B. buried 11/26/1918 residence: Rouse, notes: 6 years, influenza St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Valdez, Malaquias 1876 1935 Father (Valdez, Malaquias died 01/28/1935 buried 01/30/1935 residence: Cucharas, notes: 59 years, born in Walsenburg, diabetes, St. Mary's Death Records)

Valdez, Martina Mestas buried 11-27-1878 wife of Leonides Valdez, Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death records, no marker

Valdez, Pablo 1915 1928 Same stone as Pablo Sandoval

Valdez, Russell buried 11/30/1918 residence: Rouse, notes: 7 years, pneumonia, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Valencia, Braulio buried 01/03/1920 residence: Rattlesnake Butte, notes: 74 years, nephritis, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Vallejos, Quirino buried 7-18-1882 notes: last name spelled Ballejos, husband of (no entry) Chavez, Nuestra Senora de los Siete Dolors Death Records, no marker

Vallejos, Rafaela died 04/12/1936 buried 04/14/1936 residence: Cucharas, notes: 66 years, daughter of Joseph Martinez and Stefana Ortega, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Vallejos, Rogerio buried 08/14/1918 residence: Walsenburg, notes: 14 days, enteritis, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

Vallejoes, Miquel A. --- 5-5-1889 age 78y

Vallejos, Alfredo 1914 1984 Same stone as Maria Vallejos

Vallejos, Maria Eloisa 1916 1982 Same stone as Alfredo Vallejos

M.V.--- 8-29-1964

Zetek, Nellie died 06/30/1923 buried 07/02/1923 notes: 26 years, tuberculosis, St. Mary's Death Records, no marker

There are many unknown graves here. If anyone can identify them PLEASE notify Karen Mitchell

Empty mortuary marker

Concrete cross

Concrete cross with "Grandpa" wreath

Stake with bear and wreath

Stake with flower pot and wreath

Empty mortuary marker

Empty mortuary marker and wood cross

Concrete pillar with white lamb

Rusted empty mortuary marker

Empty mortuary marker

Marker base with flower pot holes

Empty mortuary marker

Wood upright from cross

Wood cross

Wood cross

Plain stone monument

Fallen cross

Empty mortuary marker

Concrete stone with inlaid cross

Empty mortuary marker

Empty mortuary marker

Concrete cross w/Christ

Iron pipe

Wood cross with flowers

Stake with florist's flower frame

Iron pipe

Wood cross on well maintained grave

Fallen wood cross

Metal rebar stake

Florist's flower frame and river rock

Cast concrete box with Mary next to Delfino Trujillo

Empty mortuary marker

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