Huerfano County, Colorado
Willis Cemetery
Contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
Willis Cemetery - This cemetery was on what was once called the Willis farm and now (2000) belongs to Paul Logan. The cemetery was destroyed by an unknown person, before Mr. Logan purchased the property, and all the stones were stolen, thus the cemetery is no longer in existence. This listing was put together from several sources. From Hwy 160 take the La Veta exit into town. Turn east on Ryus Street, go about 1 1/2 miles out of town. Sec 23, T29S, R68W, 6th P.M.
Click on underlined name to view headstone.
Willis, Girl - Dau. of Robert B. and Mary M. Francisco Willis
Gribble, Dr. John W.died 8-16-1882 Father of Martha Gribble Vasques, this stone is in the Fort Francisco Museum in La Veta, Colorado. The rubbing was done by Susan Adams, a descendant of Dr. Gribble.John William Gribble stone at Fort Logan National Cemetery, Denver, Colorado.
Clark, Lou Gribble - Sister of Martha Gribble Vasquez
Denton, Mary Gribble - Sister of Martha Gribble Vasquez
Gribble, Mary - Wife of Henry Gribble, brother of Martha Gribble Vasquez
Vasquez, Hiram Jr. - died 4-25-1884 age 2 years 10 months, son of Hiram W and Martha Gribble Vasques
Vasquez, Sincian Sandoval - died 1871 First wife of Hiram W. Vasquez
Vasquez, Daughter - Infant dau. of Hiram W. Vasques and Sincian Sandoval Vasquez, died at birth
Vasquez, Elizabeth Hough - died 1877 Second wife of Hiram W. Vasquez
Vasquez, Alice - died 1877 Child of Hiram W. Vasquez and Elizabeth Hough Vasquez, died at birth
Vasquez, Baby - Child of Fred and Vernie Vasquez
?? - Grandmother of Edna Thomas
Gribble, Jimmie C. (James Cicero) - died 5-13-1875 Son of Dr. J.W. Gribble and R.M. Gribble, age 1y 2m 1d, on the back of J.W. Gribble's stone.
RMG - Red sandstone marker with initials only
Vasquez, Nina Mae - born 1899 died 1899 age 10 days old

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