Contributed by Karen Mitchell. NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
1-23-1879 Colorado Chieftain Weekly Williams Creek Items - Gardner January 10 - Thinking that a few lines from this delightful little neighborhood of Huerfano County might be interesting to a few of the many readers of your paper, I will try and let them know what we have been doing this winter. Williams creek takes its rise in the Greenhorn range, flowing south ten miles to it confluence with the Huerfano. A few years ago there were no American settlers here, but now it is almost entirely settled by the white people. At the head of the creek is the ranch of Rev. Quillian, our excellent county school superintendent. Next in turn comes the ranch of A.O. Willburn, who is a stock grower, having a herd of very fine horses on the range. We have an excellent school here taught by Miss Emma Davis, a highly accomplished young lady, formerly of Mace's Hole. The next ranch below Willburn's is owned by Mr. Perry Murray, an old resident of Pueblo county. He has but lately moved in and intends farming his place this year. Passing on down, we next come to Mr. H.H. Turner's ranch who is also a stock man, having several hundred head of American cattle. Two miles below Turner's is the ranch of Mr. H.B. Worthington, another heavy stock grower of this county. He also owns the Black Hills ranch, about six miles south of Badito. We have had a good deal of snow this winter in this part of Huerfano Park, but the sun has at length looked forth and the snow is now going off very fast. A movement is on foot for establishing a post office here, as we have to go ten or twelve miles to Gardner for our mail. As there is nothing more of importance, I will say adios till the next time. Jeems
4-3-1879 Colorado Chieftain Weekly Huerfano Canon Jottings - Williams Creek, March 20 - Since my last letter, in which I alluded to some important mineral discoveries, there has been little done or said in regard to mines. There are beyond a doubt as rich mines here as can be found anywhere in the country, but everyone seems to be afraid to invest a cent for their development, consequently we have no right to complain if our mines do not pay, as it is very plain they will not work themselves. We are having beautiful weather now, and farmers are busily engaged in putting in crops, plowing and ditching, building fence, etc., etc. So far as I am able to learn stockmen have suffered very little loss from the severe snow storms of the past winter and all are in high hopes of an early spring and plenty of grass. There is considerable dissatisfaction among cattlemen at the present time owing to the recent act for the better regulation of round-ups. I have heard several of the leading stock growers express their opinion on the subject, and it is anything but favorable. The population of Williams Creek has been increased by the arrival at residence of Rev. A. H. Quillian of a young lady. Mother and aforesaid young lady doing well. The happy father steps high and wears a smile as broad as a barn door. Mas o menos. Our little community has been made glad by the arrival of Miss Mattie Davis who is on a visit of a few weeks to her sister, Miss Emma Davis. Our Spanish school, under the excellent tutelage of Dr. Willburn, is making commendable progress in learning to read and write the Spanish language, to say nothing of their speaking it - for if one of the dusky sons of Montezuma so far forgets himself as to wander into our neighborhood, he gets such a game of chin music in langua de Espanol, that he is glad to "git up and git". Jeems