Las Animas County, Colorado
6-1-1868 Colorado Chieftain Weekly Trinidad as a military post is about if not vacated. The company of troops stationed there under the command of Captain Hawley have been ordered to be removed to the Cimarron. We "presume" the "reconstruction" of Trinidad is complete.
6-1-1868 Colorado Weekly Chieftain A MYSTERIOUS MURDER. On the 11th instant the town of Trinidad was thrown into commotion by the announcement that the body of a murdered man had been found near the Apishapa - about twenty miles out. Justice McCormick immediately summoned a corner's (sic) jury and proceeded to the spot, where they found the body of an American supposed to have been between 30 and 35 years of age, dark brown hair, about 5 feet 8 inches high, and supposed to have weighed 150 or 160 pounds. The body looks to have been dead one or two months. His skull was fractured in the right parietal region - no other wounds could be discovered. He was found in a deep arroyo, partially covered with weeds and earth. No papers were found on his body that would give the slightest clue to his name. Who the perpetrator of the foul deed was, remains a profound mystery.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, June 1, 1868 Mr. J. O. Dimmich, of the Star Ranch, on the Las Animas, cheered our sanctum with his smiling countenance, on the 23d ult. He informed us that Mr. Jacob Beard, an old and well-known citizen of Southern Colorado, has returned from the States, where he purchased machinery for a new flouring mill to be erected on the Rio Las Animas, near Trinidad.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, June 1, 1868 Most prominent among our Trinidad advertisements is that of Davis & Barraelough. We have known these young men long and intimately and take pleasure in recommending them to our readers as straightforward, thorough business men. They have a full assortment of general merchandise which they sell at prices as low as the lowest. Citizens of Las Animas, "pilgrims," freighters and travelers who require anything in their line will find it their advantage to call on Davis & Barraelough.
6-9-1868 Colorado Weekly Chieftain TRINIDAD ITEMS. - The ball in Trinidad on the evening of the third of July, was a decided success. Sixty-four couples participated in the festivities of the occasion, including Good Templars, Bad Tipplers, outsiders and natives.
The American population of Trinidad is increasing rapidly, having more than doubled within four months.
The crops promise an immense yield, neither hail, drouth, grasshoppers or other injurious things, has affected them.
A rumor prevails that about 3,000 head of Texas cattle, on the way up, have been stolen by Indians, supposed to be Navajos.
The news from the Moreno is not less flattering than heretofore.
The Good Templars are receiving accessions to their numbers at the rate of about fifteen per week.
6-11-1868 Colorado Weekly Chieftain The prevailing religion at Trinidad is Catholic.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, June 11, 1868 Don't pass through Trinidad without calling on Davis & Barraclough, dealers in groceries, provisions, and everything else.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, June 11, 1868 Yesterday afternoon Mr. Hersacker, the telegraph operator received a message over the wires from Mr. Woodward, Apishpa creek, twenty-five miles this side of Trinidad, this being as far as the line is up, owing to delay caused by non-delivery of poles.
6-25-1868 Colorado Weekly Chieftain W. R. Walker, Esq., has kindly furnished the following items of interest from Trinidad: Building is progressing rapidly in that town. Of new houses, we notice the following: Don Juan J. Allres, a large dwelling house; Witt & McCormick, a store and dwelling; E. J. Hubbard, a law office; Taylor & Taylor, a dwelling and livery stable; Jacob Beard, a dwelling house.
Crops in Las Animas promise a good yield.
Uncle Dick Wootton is laying out a direct road from Pond Creek to Bent's Fort.
The Good Templars have organized a new lodge, which promises excellent results.
Sherman passed through Trinidad on the 10th, on his way northward visiting the military posts of Colorado, and the Northwest Territories.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, June 25, 1868 Judge S. M. Baird has returned to his home in Trinidad, bringing his ______ (family?) with him.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, June 25, 1868 Hon. D. D. Belden has gone to Trinidad.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, July 2, 1868 Through the politeness of Mr. M. S. Lynde of Trinidad, we have been presented a piece of quartz from the famous lode lately discovered in the Moreno district. It appears rather like gold with a slight admixture of quartz, than like quartz rich in gold.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, July 2, 1868 Mr. L. R. Stemm, who is the "main stem" which furnishes material for "life's staff" at Doyle's Mills, appreciating our wants, has kindly sent us a sack of as elegant flour as was ever produced by eastern flour makers. Mr. L. R. is a gentleman of christian charities, and as a millist he understands his biz.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, July 9, 1868 Some of the coal beds at Trinidad are about eight feet in thickness.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, August 6, 1868 Business is improving, at Trinidad.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, August 6, 1868 "A citizen" of Las Animas county writing on the subject of District Courts is mistaken in the grounds of his arguments. The arguments are good enough in themselves, but the foundation is shaky. We think if he will read all the laws on the subject on which he writes, carefully, he will thank us for not publishing his communication.
Colorado Weekly Chieftains, August 6, 1868 TRINIDAD, the county seat of Las Animas County, contains a population of from five hundred to six hundred, partly of Mexican origin. The town is located on the river from which the county takes its name, and in about the centre of population in the county. A daily line of coaches from the terminus of the Eastern Division Railroad to Santa Fe, passes through this place, and it is also the terminus of the Denver and Santa Fe tri-weekly line of coaches. Thus the entire travel from the States to the Territory of New Mexico, as well as from Colorado, passes through Trinidad. The agricultural district surrounding the town is extensive and unsurpassed for fertility of soil, and variety of resources. Fort Lyon and the new mining districts of the Moreno, furnish a market for the productions of the county.
The county of Las Animas contains a population of from 2,000 to 2,500, which is increasing at a rate unparalleled in any other part of the Territory.
One of the routes surveyed by the Eastern Division Railroad Company passes here, and many persons who are familiar with the route claim that the final location of the road through Trinidad, is a certainty. A fine quality of bituminous coal, in veins of from six to eight feet in thickness, abounds in the vicinity of Trinidad.
A very large proportion of the personal property of Las Animas county consists of neat cattle and sheep. Of the former alone there are not less than 20,000 head in the county.
Containing, as Las Animas county does, the elements of wealth, which we have endeavored briefly to notice, there can be no question but Trinidad, its only town, will remain a centre of population and business of constantly increasing wealth and importance.
Huerfano county, although of considerable importance as an agricultural district, contains no towns. Some of the large ranches supply their laborers with everything necessary for their sustenance, but the county has no commercial centre or trading point worthy of mention.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, August 13, 1868 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC, BY M. BESHOAR! - Notice is hereby given by the undersigned to whom it may concern, that the business relation heretofore existing between Sherman Lynde and Michael Beshoar, in the town of Trinidad, and in the Territory of Colorado, has entirely ceased. All persons are warned against crediting him on my account, as he is not authorized to act as my agent. Debts contracted by him will not be paid by me.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, August 13, 1868 Our much esteemed friends Henry A. Barraclough of the firm of Davis & Barraclough, and P. B. Sherman of the firm of Sherman & Silken, of Trinidad, passed through town last night, en route for the "nutmeg country," where we are informed they go in quest of small stocks of "dry goods," and a dozen or more band boxes, with the customary "incumbrances." We heartily wish them success in their enterprise. Such importations are wanted more than missionaries, among Pike's Peakers.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, August 13, 1868 Dr. Michael Beshoar, the senior editor, started on Saturday's coach to Trinidad, to be gone about a week. The citizens of Las Animas county will consult their own interests by furnishing the Doc with a long list of subscribers for the "CHIEFTAIN," accompanied with the ready cash.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, August 27, 1868 TRINIDAD ITEMS. - Prospecting continues along the Rio Las Animas, above Trinidad. Several experienced miners speak very flatteringly of the prospects of the rich gold leads in that region.
Trinidad is still improving. Houses are going up, much after the fashion of Pueblo. Mr. Wm. Hochne, one of the most liberal and enterprising citizens of that place, has recently completed a house which would do credit to the "city of the plains."
About five hundred voters have registered in Las Animas county.
Mr. Maurice Wise left home last Sunday night, by the Southern Overland route, for New York, where he goes to purchase a stock of Fall and Winter goods for his store in Trinidad.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, August 20, 1868 Capt. E. M. Darling, the contractor to survey the boundary line between Colorado and New Mexico, reached Trinidad on the 13th inst. He is accompanied by Prof. J. Weisner, of the Washinton Observatory, astronomer, Alonzo Mace, assistant astonomer, and nine others. They commenced operations at the south east corner of the Territory, lat. 37 deg., on the 11th July. The line as far as it has been run indicates clearly that the upper Las Animas settlement and Dick Wooten are in Mexico, thus reducing the population claimed for Las Animas county, at least two hundred.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, August 27, 1868 Dr. M. Beshoar is the only one authorized to sell goods, in my line of trade, or to transact any business for me at Trinidad, Colorado. JAMES RICE, Tobacconist, Pueblo.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, August 27, 1868 We are informed that as the boundary line survey progresses, it becomes evident that Colorado will lose no territory heretofore claimed by her. Our statement to that effect last week, though based upon information that, at hand, was incorrect. It is now believed the line will run one or two miles south of Dick Wootton's, very near what has hitherto been considered the southern boundary of our Territory. No part of the upper Las Animas settlement will be cut off, as has been apprehended - we are glad of it.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, September 17, 1868 TRINIDAD ITEMS. - Judge S. M. Baird has brought from New Mexico a large herd of sheep, and has also received from Texas a large herd of cattle, with which he proposes to stock two new ranches… Walker Brothers, have opened a new hotel, called the Templar House… Building is going on rapidly, particularly in East Trinidad.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, September 24, 1868
BARRACLOUGH - HAYES. - On the 8th of September, 1868, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. E. C. Jones, Mr. HENRY A. BARRACLOUGH, OF TRINIDAD, COLORADO, to Miss LIZZIE N. HAYES, of Southington, Connecticut.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, October 8, 1868 Messrs. P. B. Sherman and H. A. Barraclough, of Trinidad, both recently married in the East, passed through town with their brides on last Tuesday morning, en route for home.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, October 8, 1868 The "Templar House," the new hotel at Trinidad, has accommodations equal in all respects to any public house in Southern Colorado. Stop at the Templar when business calls you to Trinidad, and Thomas Walker, the proprietor, will see that your corporal needs are well cared for. W. R. Walker has also a feed stable and corral in connection with the house, so that the traveling public may be in all respects accommodated.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, October 8, 1868 A recent trip to Trinidad, gave us an opportunity to note the improvements of that place. The town is making rapid strides to greatness, and her citizens take a just pride in her rapid progress. Our space will not permit a particular mention of all the changes that are going on. It is sufficient to say that old business houses are being enlarged and improved, and new ones being constantly erected. Trinidad is destined to take a prominent place among the towns of Colorado, and that very soon, as indicated by her present rate of progress.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, October 15, 1868 Clarke & Bunten, carpenters, wheel-wrights, and cabinet makers, Trinidad, Colorado, advertise in our columns today. We cordially recommend them to our Trinidad neighbors as good and prompt workmen.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, October 29, 1868 Mr. W. M. Renkin, who lives on Barney O'Nell's ranche, on the Las Animas, two miles below Trinidad, informs us that he, this year, raised over 30,000 pounds of onions on one acre of ground.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, October 29, 1868 Mr. John Bigelow, at the Santa Clara Station, on the road to Trinidad, keeps a neat and comfortable house for the accommodation of travelers as we can testify from experience. No traveler should pass without giving him a call.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, October 29, 1868 The town is full of strangers and gentlemen from abroad in attendance on the District Court now in session. Among the arrivals we notice Judge Baird, Mr. Boyles, Mr. Thompson, Mr. W. A. Bransford, from Trinidad, Capt. Hendred, from Huerfano and Col. John M. Francisco, from the Cucharas.
Colorado Weekly Chieftain, July 1, 1869 There has been considerable activity lately among "horse men" in Trinidad, and racing has been the order of the day. On last Monday a race was to come off between the Red River mare and the Flanagan mare, Van Smith backing the former, and John Dunham the latter. Stakes $500 a side. On last Tuesday another race was set, the stakes being the same, between Thornhill's gray horse and the well-known Huerfano horse, Thornhill backing the former, and John Dunham the latter. We have not learned the result in either case.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 7-17-1872 Sent up - A Mr. Apodaca, who mistook several of Hon. J.M. Garcia's cattle for his own, down Trinidad way, passed through town on Sunday headed for Canon City where he will remain the guest of Captain Walter for two years.
Colorado Daily Chieftain 1-9-1873
From the Cradle to the Grave - The following is a list of baptisms, marriages, and burials performed in the Catholic Church of Trinidad, Colorado Territory, during the year 1872. Baptisms two hundred forty three, marriages seventy, burials sixty six. P.T. Munnecom, Pastor.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, March 11, 1873 RESURRECTED. - We are in receipt of the first copy of the Trinidad Enterprise, under the management of J. R. Winters. The paper before us is an excellent number. Trinidad affords the best opening in the territory for a live newspaper, and such a one, we believe Mr. Winters is capable of making the Enterprise.
Pueblo Colorado Daily Chieftain - May 23, 1873 Trinidad - A Double
Tragedy - A Well Known Citizen Shot Dead - Rapid Retribution - The data from
which we compile the following account of the murder and hanging in
Trinidad, on Tuesday last, was obtained from a gentleman who came up from
that place on the stage yesterday, and was in the town when the bloody
events transpired. The murderer, a fellow known about Trinidad as a bad,
troublesome, dangerous man, for nearly two years past, whose name was
supposed to be Ed Clark, was about to take possession of and build a house
upon a lot on the hill belonging to Barny J. O'Niell, a quiet and worthy
citizen. Mr. O'Niell hearing of this attempt to rob him of his property,
spoke to Clark about the matter on the principal street of the town, about
one o'clock, and the two started in the direction of the disputed lot. A
few minutes after this, firing was heard on the hill, and it was soon
ascertained that O'Niell had been shot and killed by Clark. Upon
examination it was found that three pistol shots had taken effect upon the
body of O'Niell, either of which would have proven fatal, and that besides
inflicting these deadly injuries, the fiendish murderer had beaten his
victim over the head with his revolver. As soon as the bloody deed was
done, Clark attempted to escape, but the sheriff of the county was on hand
with commendable promptness, and arrested him at once, and took him before a
magistrate for a preliminary trial. While he was in the justice's office, a
large crowd of citizens gathered around and finally took forcible possession
of his body, carried him to a vacant building, examined into the details of
the horrible murder, and put it to the vote of all present, whether or not
he should be hung at once. The voice of the people was for hanging, and
this just sentence was executed with commendable promptness. How swiftly
punishment follows the perpetration of crime, in this instance will be
understood, when it is known that the murder was committed shortly after one
o'clock, and the execution was over before three o'clock of the same
afternoon. In this case there was no masquerading or night business. All
was done by good citizens, without disguise of any kind, and in broad and
open daylight. Whatever consequences may follow, the citizens of Trinidad
are prepared to meet them like determined men who have performed a
deliberate act. Just before the murderer was executed, he said his real
name was Arthur Bell, and that Clark had been assumed, probably to enable
him to escape the punishment of former crimes.
Colorado Daily Chieftain, August 29, 1873 No hanging in Trinidad yesterday, as far as heard from.
Rocky Mountain News 7-31-1881 - Town and Country - Trinidad - Mr. S. T. Collins has been sojourning in Denver.
Rocky Mountain News 7-31-1881 - Town and Country - Trinidad - Mr. T. J. Biwnk and his family have come here to reside.
Rocky Mountain News 9-11-1882 – The State at Large – Francisco Campor stabbed Antonio Roevale at Trinidad on Saturday night, but without dangerous results.
Rocky Mountain News 3-18-1883 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. Dr. South has returned from a trip to California.
Rocky Mountain News 3-18-1883 - The Social World - Trinidad - Colonel George R. Swallow and wife returned from their trip of pleasure and sight seeing Sunday morning. Mrs. Swallow is not in good health.
Rocky Mountain News 3-18-1883 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mr. Richard Kennedy, who is now attending homeopathic lectures in Chicago, will remain and take the summer course.
Rocky Mountain News 3-18-1883 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mr. and Mrs. Leon have returned from the east.
Rocky Mountain News 3-18-1883 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mr. William McCumber returned yesterday from a trip through New Mexico.
Rocky Mountain News 3-18-1883 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mr. George W. Thompson went to Denver last week.
Rocky Mountain News 3-9-1884 - Trinidad - Hon. Casimiro Barela celebrated his thirty-seventh birthday Tuesday and by entertaining some friends at his residence.
Rocky Mountain News 3-9-1884 - Trinidad - Mrs. H. N. Jaffa left Wednesday for Albuquerque.
Rocky Mountain News 3-9-1884 - Trinidad - Miss Lucy Simpson has returned from a protracted visit to Pueblo.
Rocky Mountain News 12-7-1884 – The Social World – Trinidad – Mrs. Briggs is now at her ranch on the Apishapa.
Rocky Mountain News 12-7-1884 – The Social World – Trinidad – Mrs. Web Brown has been visiting friends in New York, Illinois and Iowa, and will be back soon.
Rocky Mountain News 12-7-1884 – The Social World – Trinidad – Mrs. Stark, wife of Captain A. G. Stark, formerly of this city, accompanied by her children, Master Bertie and Miss Bessie, came in from the East Sunday on her return from a visit to friends in Kansas, Arkansas and Indian Territory. She is the guest of Mrs. Dr. Beshoar, but goes hence soon to join her husband at Las Vegas, N. M.
Rocky Mountain News 12-7-1884 – The Social World – Trinidad – Mayor Burnett and family returned Sunday from a visit to Missouri.
Rocky Mountain News 12-7-1884 – The Social World – Trinidad – Mr. R. L. Wooton, Jr., has just returned from a six weeks trip through Virginia and Kentucky, among relatives and friends, whom he has not visited since he left college eighteen years ago.
Rocky Mountain News 12-7-1884 – The Social World – Trinidad – General E. B. Sopris has gone to Washington to be absent until about January 1.
Rocky Mountain News 1-11-1885 - Trinidad - Mr. J. R. Maulding, Pulaski, left for a two months' sojourn at New Orleans.
Rocky Mountain News 1-11-1885 - Trinidad - Hon. D. L. Taylor went to Denver last week.
Rocky Mountain News 1-11-1885 - Trinidad - Colonel Robert Dillon, of Butte valley, Huerfano county, returned home Friday.
Rocky Mountain News 2-1-1885 - Trinidad - The Minerva club gave a calico party at the opera house Tuesday night, which was one of the pleasantest gatherings in the history of the club. The ladies were, with few exceptions, dressed in calico, some of the costumes being very attractive from their unique design and make-up. The ladies furnished nobby necties to match their respective aprons, but the privilege of presenting these ties to the favorite "one" was refused them, and instead each tie was placed in an envelope and distributed among the gentlemen, who chose their partners for the grand march accordingly. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Purington, Mr. and Mrs. Mansbach, Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Jaffa, Mr. and Mrs. Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Dobriner, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mulnix, Mr. and Mrs. Leon, Mr. and Mrs. Stoddard, Mesdames Head, Swallow and Conkie, Misses Jennie Dick, Eula Lockwood, Jessie Moore, Blanch Leon, Lizzie Purington, Janie Mitchell, Lottie Abbott, Georgia Stoddard, Katie Abbott, Maud Bartlett, Kate Howard, Mary Peters, Jennie Pierson, Ida Gump, Carrie Leon, Laura Hastings and Sullivan. The affair will be remembered as a very pleasant one, and reflects much credit upon the members of the Minerva club generally.
Rocky Mountain News 2-1-1885 - Trinidad - W. L. Choates, a brother-in-law of Leonidas Easley, after a two-years' residence in our city, has left for Missouri, where he goes to locate permanently.
Rocky Mountain News 2-1-1885 - Trinidad - A whist club was organized last Wednesday evening at the residence of Mr. August Krille. Quite a number of ladies and gentlemen were present. The organization was effected by the following officers being chosen: President, D. A. Chappell; vice president, A. Krille; secretary, T. A. Fair; Prof. Fred Dick, arbitrator.
Rocky Mountain News 2-1-1885 - Trinidad - Mrs. Claude Dunning has returned from her holiday visit to her relatives at Colorado Springs.
Rocky Mountain News 2-1-1885 - Trinidad - Mr. Radford and family are again to take up their abode in the city. They will reside on the North side.
Rocky Mountain News 2-1-1885 - Trinidad - Mrs. Harry McKinney and little daughter have returned from California, where they have been visiting Mrs. McKinney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beatty.
Rocky Mountain News 11-28-1887 – Trinidad Items – Dr. Grass, of this city, has bored down over three hundred feet in his gas well in Powell canon. The indications are most favorable for natural gas.
Rocky Mountain News 11-28-1887 – Trinidad Items – John Meyers, the man who whipped the woman in the Mitchell block a few days ago, was fined $39.25 by Judge Yeaman.
Rocky Mountain News 1-31-1888 - Trinidad Items - Trinidad, Colo., Jan. 30 - Postmaster John H. Fox, of this city, is entertaining Inspector J. D. King, of Denver.
Rocky Mountain News 1-31-1888 - Trinidad Items - Captain Dr. Brown, of the Barela Light Infantry, has offered a prize to the best drilled four in his company, which will take place in the near future at their armory.
Rocky Mountain News 4-18-1888 - Notes From Trinidad - Trinidad, Colo., April 17 - Judge Yeaman is home from Canon City, where he has been attending District court.
Rocky Mountain News 4-18-1888 - Notes From Trinidad - The case of Caputo, for stabbing Francisco Gallegos at the Sopris mines, was tried late yesterday afternoon before Judge Roosa. After hearing all the evidence Judge Roosa bound Caputo in the sum of $200 to await the action of the grand jury.
Rocky Mountain News 4-18-1888 - Notes From Trinidad - J. D. King, postoffice inspector, informs our postmaster that as he understands the law Trinidad will be entitled to free delivery after June 30, 1888.
Rocky Mountain News 4-18-1888 - Trinidad's New Deal - Trinidad, Colo., April 17 - The new council met last night with Mayor Collier presiding. Aldermen Sopris, Mulnix, Mayer and Schneider were present. They organized harmoniously. The mayor appointed E. D. Bright clerk, James Martin attorney, R. R. Pearson street supervisor, and Dave Moore city marshal. For policemen, Messrs. Vaughn, Miller, Moseman, Forbes, McCaslin and Enderle were appointed and they were confirmed by the council. The following committees were appointed by the mayor: Finance and license - Jaffa, Hague and Schneider. Police - Hague, Mayer and Mulnix. Streets and bridges - Mulnix, Mayer and Sopris. Street lights and lamp posts - Mayer, Hague and Jaffa. Townsite - Jaffa, Hague and Mayer. Fire department and water supply - Sopris, Mulnix and Schneider. Ordinances and public health - Schneider, Sopris and Mulnix. The mayor in a few well-chosen remarks recommended the numbering of our streets, preparatory to getting free-postal delivery.
Rocky Mountain News 8-24-1888 - Threats of Maxwell Grant Settlers - Trinidad, Colo., Aug. 23 - J. W. Lewelling, who is digging a ditch on the lands purchased by the Stonewall Summer Resort company from the Maxwell grant, was notified by the settlers that he should not prosecute the work. Lewelling sent to Trinidad for arms and ammunition and will disregard (?) the threats against his life. _____ Randolph, himself an old settler at ________, but who occupies a ranch under ____ ___om the grant company, wrote a letter to Sheriff Burns here that 100 settlers had notified his wife during Randolph's absence from home that both himself and wife would be hanged unless they should leave at once. The sheriff has sent special deputies to the scene to endeavor to keep the peace. Ejectment suits are being prepared against seventy-seven settlers. The settlers go armed and say they will resist a collision, and bloodshed seems imminent.
Rocky Mountain News 11-4-1888 - Trinidad - Rev. Homer Newberry and wife have returned to Trinidad after an absence of a year or more.
Rocky Mountain News 11-4-1888 - Trinidad - Mr. H. Metz and family of Golden City have come here to reside.
Rocky Mountain News 11-4-1888 - Trinidad - Mrs. J. H. Stubbs and son have gone to Denver to reside.
Rocky Mountain News 11-4-1888 - Trinidad - Mr. H. G. Corning is recovering from his recent illness.
Rocky Mountain News 11-11-1888 - Trinidad - L. D. Forbes and wife of Berlin, Wis., are visiting his mother in this city. It has been eighteen months since Mr. Forbes visited Trinidad last.
Rocky Mountain News 11-11-1888 - Trinidad - Dr. A. M. Eidson has returned home from an extended visit East.
Rocky Mountain News 11-11-1888 - Trinidad - Miss Theresa Mass is visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph Sanders, in this city and is well pleased. Miss Theresa has taken her first lessons and pleasure in horseback riding since coming to Trinidad.
Rocky Mountain News 11-22-1888 - Trinidad Topics - Trinidad, Colo., Nov. 22 - Ortega, the wounded Mexican, still survives, although the chances for his recovery are very small.
Rocky Mountain News 11-22-1888 - Trinidad Topics - Last evening at Chicosa James Graham, a brakeman on the Denver, Texas and Fort Worth railroad, had his thumb and first finger smashed. The first finger was so badly injured that it had to be amputated by Dr. G. W. Robinson, the company's physician.
Rocky Mountain News 11-22-1888 - Trinidad Topics - E. H. Gruber and A. M. Stoner left to-day for Carriso Springs to look after the interests pertaining to the copper mining property of the Colorado National Consolidated Mining and Milling company at that point. From indications they have a valuable property and intend to rush it to the front.
Rocky Mountain News 12-24-1888 - Trinidad Notes - J. H. Lindsey left this morning for his ranch near Apishapa. He says Las Animas county has got more life to-day than he has ever known before in its history.
Rocky Mountain News 12-24-1888 - Trinidad Notes - The Thespian Dramatic company has reorganized and will give an entertainment early in January for the benefit of Little Amelia Howard.
Rocky Mountain News 12-24-1888 - Trinidad Notes - Professor Fred Dick called the pupils of the public schools together at the opera house last night and gave each one a present and made a short address, bidding them farewell. He will leave for Denver in a few days to enter upon his duties as superintendent of public instruction, which office he was elected to on the Republican ticket in the late campaign. The professor received a valuable present in the shape of a handsome painting. He will be succeeded by Professor Barron of Kansas.
Rocky Mountain News 1-1-1889 - Trinidad Notes - The county commissioners will meet next Wednesday. This will be the last meeting. D. A. Chappell will preside over and R. H. Purington will succeed him as a member of the board.
Rocky Mountain News 2-15-1889 - Trinidad Topics - Workmen to-day commenced excavating for a new block of four store rooms, two stories and a basement, at the corner Main and Animas streets. The building is being erected by Ed West and will cost when completed about $37,000.
Rocky Mountain News 2-15-1889 - Trinidad Topics - Help For an Unfortunate Little Girl - The readers of The News will remember about two months ago a team ran away dragging Millie Howard a considerable distance, and so injuring one of her limbs that it was necessary to amputate it. The little girl's parents are very poor, so last night an entertainment was given for her benefit and over $200 was raised. A few days ago the sporting men gave $127, which will be used to educate the girl.
Rocky Mountain News 3-10-1889 - Points From Pueblo - Mrs. A. Fellows of Trinidad is in the city visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cameron.
Rocky Mountain News 8-16-1889 – Local Brevities – E. J. Holmes of Trinidad and C. H. Small of Pueblo have been commissioned notaries public.
Rocky Mountain News 9-8-1889 - Trinidad Topics - The colored people of this city are preparing for a grand celebration on September 23, commemorating the proclamation of emancipation. Hon. S. S. Wallace, Editor D. Van Busick of the Citizen, and other gentlemen will make addresses.
Rocky Mountain News 9-8-1889 - Trinidad Topics - Don Hicks, a little 11-year-old boy who accidently shot his little sister some time since while playing with a revolver, was to-day sentenced by Justice Shanley to thirty days in the county jail for stealing.
Rocky Mountain News 10-6-1889 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. Frank Stiles and daughter are East for a few weeks.
Rocky Mountain News 10-6-1889 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Black are rejoicing over the advent into their family of an eight-pound girl.
Rocky Mountain News 10-6-1889 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. Walsen, mother of Mrs. J. Risch and also of General Fred Walsen, has left for her home in Denver after spending several days in this city.
Rocky Mountain News 10-6-1889 - The Social World - Trinidad - The cozy home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walsh the other evening was the scene of a happy affair. A small party of gay young people assembled at an early hour and a right royal time was enjoyed until the entire evening had been whiled away. A merry crowd, good music, dancing and pleasant games made up an evening long to be remembered by a host of friends.
Rocky Mountain News 10-6-1889 - The Social World - Trinidad - About twenty couples of young ladies and gentlemen met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. S. H. Gasline and formed a merry little party in honor of the city's favorite guests, Miss Lena Wriler of Chicago and also Mr. Louis Gasline, who is home from Aspen. The house was so arranged as to present the most inviting appearance, and Miss Wriller entertained with that peculiar grace and cordiality which is so great a charm in a hostess. Dancing was the principal amusement of the evening, although games, among which was that of sticking a pin in the donkey's tail, were quite popular. Sig Neuman captured a boody prize in coming the nearest to sticking a pin in the donkey's tail. The prize was a rubber rattle for a baby. The dinner was very fine, the tables being fairly loaded down with fruits, meats, cakes, ices, etc.
Rocky Mountain News 10-6-1889 - The Social World - Trinidad - Miss Lucy Reed has left for Bowling Green, Ky., to attend college.
Rocky Mountain News 10-6-1889 - The Social World - Trinidad - Miss Irene James gave a whist party to a number of her friends Monday night at her elegant home in the James addition.
Rocky Mountain News 10-6-1889 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. E. R. Lizer (Sizer?) has returned from Olathe, Kan., after an absence of six months.
Rocky Mountain News 10-6-1889 - The Social World - Trinidad - Miss Jessie Erwin, sister-in-law of Ed Doole, has returned to her home in Wellington, Kan.
Rocky Mountain News 10-6-1889 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. F. L. Sanford and daughter have left for Denver, where they will reside in the future.
Rocky Mountain News 10-6-1889 - The Social World - Trinidad - Barney Levy leaves to-day for New York. On his return he will be accompanied by his family.
Rocky Mountain News 10-7-1889 - All Over Colorado - A Serious Stabbing Affray Occurs Yesterday at the Sopris Coal Mines, Near Trinidad - Trinidad, Colo., Oct. 6 - A serious stabbing affray, the result of a drunken row, occurred at the Sopris mines to-day. A Mexican named Juan Trujillo was seriously cut by another Mexican in several places. One wound in the breast came near to proving fatal. Trujillo, the victim, arrived to-day from Las Vegas, N. Mex., and had gone up to Sopris to see a sister whom he has living there. The man who did the cutting was placed under arrest.
Rocky Mountain News 11-19-1889 - Murderous Assault Near Trinidad - Trinidad, Colo., Nov. 18 - Vol Jamison of Starkville was assaulted by two Mexicans about 3:30 yesterday morning as he was returning home from a dance. One of them knocked him down with a heavy club and while he was lying unconscious took a six shooter and small Derringer, which he had on his person, his gold watch and chain, and a purse in which he had a one hundred dollar bill and some small change. He came to about the time they finished robbing him. He recognized his assailants and tried to get his gun away from one of them, but was promptly knocked over by the other, who gave him such a welt over the head that he lay senseless for nearly an hour. When he recovered he went to a neighboring saloon and made known what had happened. Search was instituted for the Mexicans but they had skipped out for this city where they arrived about 6 o'clock. They made several fruitless attempts to get the bill changed which they had taken from Jamison and then separated and went into hiding. In the afternoon Antonio Tapia, one of them, was captured by the city officers, but the other, a desperate character named Griego, has so far managed to keep clear of the authorities. Tapia is a thorough tough and is credited with having killed his man, though only about 20 years old. His home is in Las Vegas, N. M., and when he first came here Marshal Meyer had him under arrest on a telegram from Vegas and on a charge of stealing clothing in that city. For some reason he was not indicted by the New Mexico grand jury, and he was ordered released. Tapia was taken to Starkville this afternoon, where he had a hearing before the justice of the peace and was remanded to jail without bail to await the action of the next grand jury. A telephone message from Starkville late this evening gives the information that he barely escaped lynching, as the inhabitants were very much incensed. Jamison will be laid up for a couple of weeks from the effect of the clubbing he got.
Rocky Mountain News 11-20-1889 - Mr. Potts of Carrizo - Trinidad, Colo., Nov. 19 - Mr. Potts, the gentleman who was thought to have been lost in the recent snowstorm, has been heard from. He left his ranch at Carrizo Springs on the 29th of October and had gone nearly thirty-five miles, but the storm became so bad that he turned back, and after a struggle he succeeded in returning home, where he remained housed up until a few days since.
Rocky Mountain News 11-20-1889 - A House Burned - Trinidad, Colo., Nov. 19 - Parties in from the Spanish peaks report the burning of the home of Mrs. E. E. Nevins a few nights since. Mrs. Nevins' ranch was the highest habitation on the Trijillo (Trujillo) creek between the peaks. The fire started from clothing being hung too close to the stove. The house and all its contents were burned.
Rocky Mountain News 11-22-1889 - Crime at Trinidad - Trinidad, Colo., Nov. 21 - F. J. Miller and George Hughes, who were arrested for attempting to commit rape on the person of Mrs. Levi Maher last Sunday night, had a hearing in Justice Shanley's court this morning. They were bound over to the grand jury in the sum of $500 each, and not being able to get bail they will be obliged to stay in jail till next spring.
Rocky Mountain New 11-30-1889 - Will Start To-day - Trinidad, Colo., Nov. 29 - To-morrow afternoon the machinery in Trinidad's new foundry and machine shops will be put in motion. Messrs. Cool and Lukins formerly of the Streator, Ill., foundry who have put up these works have invited citizens to call and see the machinery started. The plant is one of the largest in the West and among the products will be a well known stationary engine for which they will share the right of the Streator foundry to manufacture.
Rocky Mountain News 3-21-1890 - A Conductor Promoted - Trinidad, Colo., March 20 - Charlie Moffitt, for the past two years the passenger conductor running between Trinidad and Clarendon, Tex., has received the appointment of superintendent of construction of the branch of the Fort Worth now building from Wichita Falls to Seymour, Tex., and will leave Sunday for the Falls to take charge of the work.
Rocky Mountain News 3-21-1890 - Teachers Association - Trinidad, Colo., March 20 - The Las Animas County Teachers association will meet in Trinidad to-morrow for a two days session. It is expected that the attendance will be quite large and a very interesting programme has been prepared. To-morrow evening the members of the association will be banqueted at the Southern hotel by the county superintendent of schools, G. C. Shields.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Miss Emma Chapple has gone to Marseliles, Ill., where she will visit friends for several weeks.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Miss Ida South has returned from a three weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. T. M. Porter of Denver.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. Belle Skinner is enjoying a visit from her sister, Mrs. Charles Keepers, of Dennison, Ohio. The parents of Mrs. Skinner are also in the state, and are expected here in a few days.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. F. R. Wood and children have returned from a visit of several months in the East.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. Jerry Williams of Milwaukee and Mrs. Dr. Coman of Elkhorn, Wis., is in the city for a visit with Major Williams and family. The former lady is a sister-in-law of the major's, and the latter is his twin sister.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. Jane Humphrey and Miss Dede Humphrey, mother and sister of Mrs. S. H. Espey, are in the city visiting Mrs. Espey.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. Mary Bates, mother of Mrs. E. S. Mable, left Monday morning for her home in Danforth, S. D., after spending a year with her daughter in this city.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - The most interesting social event which has taken place in Trinidad in many months was the marriage of Robert T. Yeaman to Miss Beatrice Maud Edkin, which was solemnized at the Episcopal church, in this city, October 22, at 3 o'clock. The contracting parties are among the best known and most popular young people in the city.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. Cameron went to Pueblo Tuesday morning where she will meet her husband and will attend the session of the Presbyterian synod.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Senator Barela and wife are up from their country home to spend a few days in the city.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Dr. John Grass and wife returned Monday from a two weeks' trip to Chicago.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McChesney, with their three handsome boys, have gone to Odessa, Mo., Mr. McChesney's old home, to be gone about three weeks.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. S. S. Armstrong of Wausan, Wis., is in the city, the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Peters.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - A. W. Archibald and wife left for the western part of the state Tuesday morning.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. E. McCleary and daughter, Miss Emma, left Thursday morning for their home near Quincy, Ill., after a five weeks' visit with Mrs. McCleary's sister, Mrs. T. B. Chaplin, at Stonewall. Mrs. Chaplin accompanied them and will remain several weeks.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. J. C. Gunter returned last Wednesday evening from Canon City, where she has been visiting her husband for several days past.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. William McCullum and son Frank, accompanied by Mrs. McCullum's brother, Mr. Harry Eldred, returned Thursday morning from a visit to their former home in Cincinnati, Ohio. They will make Trinidad their future home.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - Mrs. Lydia Shapcott and daughter Fay, who have been visiting Iowa for the past month, returned to Trinidad Wednesday. Mrs. Shapcott was accompanied home by her father, Mr. Dodge.
Rocky Mountain News 10-26-1890 - The Social World - Trinidad - An event in social circles that has imparted more happiness has not occurred in this city than the wedding ceremony that occurred at the Hebrew synagogue at 6 o'clock Thursday afternoon. It was the nuptials of Mr. Charles P. Monash of Trinidad, Colo., and Miss Nettie Younker of this city. The wedding ceremony was pronounced by Dr. Mueller, and was very impressive. After the ceremony a reception and wedding supper was given at Our Circle hall, which had also been decorated for the occasion. This was attended by several hundred people and was a most elaborate affair
Rocky Mountain News 3-17-1891 - Fell From a Freight Car - Trinidad, Colo., March 16 - James H. Hale, head brakeman on an east-bound Santa Fe train, fell from the top of a car while the train was entering this city this morning, and was severely hurt. One leg was broken, his shoulder sprained and he was hurt internally. He was taken immediately to Santa Fe hospital at La Junta. He will probably recover.
Rocky Mountain News 3-20-1891 - Sport in Trinidad - Trinidad, Colo., March 19 - The local sports of this city are making preparations for a wrestling and sparring match next Monday night at Lynch hall. The wrestling match will be between Jim Barrett, champion wrestler of Colorado, and the champion of New Mexico. The principals in the sparring match are Jack Neff, heavyweight of St. Louis, and W. H. Maber, of this city. The amount of the stakes are not yet decided upon. There will also be a few amateur sparring matches.
Rocky Mountain News 3-24-1891 - Toughs in Town - Trinidad Infested With a Gang of Footpads - Trinidad, Colo., March 23 - A gang of footpads and sneak thieves have been working their profession with considerable success during the last few days. About midnight last night A. W. Enzer, a young man who came here last summer from Chicago, was returning home. As he was going along an unfrequented street, he was suddenly confronted by two tough looking characters who had attempted to disguise themselves by smearing their faces with burnt cork. They presented revolvers and demanded his money. He was unarmed and had nothing to do but to submit to being gone through. The footpads found $48.50, which they appropriated and then told Mr. Enzer he could go home. They gave a signal, presumably for other accomplices, and then dashed off in the opposite direction. Mr. Enzer wore a valuable diamond pin and a gold watch, which they did not take. A liberal reward has been offered for the capture of the thieves, and the police are making vigorous efforts to apprehend them. About four hours earlier in the evening a man gained entrance to Delabar's meat market and made an effort to force the cash drawer, but was arrested before he could get away from the building. A young boy who was acting as outside sentinel for the would-be robber was also arrested. They were both lodged in jail, and bound over in the district court to-day in the sum of $1,000.
Rocky Mountain News 9-29-1891 - Stole Horses and Saddles - Trinidad, Colo., Sept. 28 - Last evening while Mr. A. M. Nash, the Commercial street harness and saddle man, was enjoying his supper at the Southern hotel, just opposite the shop, thieves entered his establishment through the rear and stole two saddles and bridles, a few plated bits and a Winchester rifle. This morning Mr. Julius Clarke missed his horse from his stable on Maple street and Steve Jauden (?) missed one of his horses. It is believed that the thieves were simply trying to get out of the county and supplied themselves with what was necessary for their purposes. Later advices lead to the supposition that two of these men have escaped from the Walsenburg jail.
Rocky Mountain News 10-4-1892 - Democratic County Convention - Trinidad, Colo., Oct. 3 - At the Democratic county convention to-day Casimero Barela was again nominated for state senator. The present incumbent, W. G. Hines, was nominated for county judge, and R. S. Wooton, B. O. Sweeny and H. F. Moore were nominated for representatives. Mr. Wooton is the joint candidate of Las Animas and Baca counties.
Rocky Mountain News 10-4-1892 - Ammon Must Die - The Trinidad Murderer to Be Hanged the Week Commencing Oct. 23 - Trinidad, Colo., Oct. 3 - Judge Gunter this morning passed the death sentence upon Juan Ammon, convicted of murder in the first degree. He will be hanged at the state prison some time during the week beginning October 23. Olof Thissel, convicted of murder in the second degree, got fourteen years at Canon.
Denver Evening Post 7-31-1895 - News of the State - Trinidad - Frank Pellini, proprietor of the Trinidad house, was seriously wounded yesterday by W. S. Parker, a guest of the house. The wounded man during the day demanded of Parker his board bill, accompanied by a request to leave the hotel. Parker became angry over his landlord's request and after indulging in a plentiful supply of whisky borrowed a gun and shot Pellini. (Separate article) Rocky Mountain News 7-31-1895 - Murder at Trinidad - Probably Fatal Shooting of Frank Pellini - W. S. Parker Fires the Shot - Trinidad, Colo., July 30 - Frank Pellini, proprietor of the Trinidad hotel, was shot and probably fatally wounded this morning by W. S. Parker, one of the boarders of the house. The shooting occurred between 6:30 and 7 o'clock in the hotel office, the trouble arising through Mr. Pellini telling Parker that he would have to pay his board bill, as he did not care to keep him any longer. Parker made an angry reply and hot words were passed. Finally Parker went out, but stepped into Wallace's saloon and asked the bartender to lend him a gun. The bartender refused to do so. Parker then asked to be allowed to look at it just a minute, and the bartender handed him a 44-caliber revolver. Parker immediately rushed out of the saloon and into the hotel. Fired Without Warning - Without warning he fired at Mr. Pellini, who was standing behind the counter, the shot taking effect in the left breast, passing through the lung and out near the shoulder. He then rushed out of the hotel with the revolver in his hand, but was stopped by a man who happened to be passing and given into custody of the police. The wounded man was immediately cared for, Dr. White being called. The physician refused to give any opinion as to the probable effect of the wound at the present time, stating that although not necessarily fatal there is always great danger from pneumonia attendant on such cases. Parker Had Been Drinking - Parker has been stopping at the hotel since July 3 and his occupation is not very definitely fixed. He has been selling a compound to prevent coal oil from exploding, but has paid more particular attention to dissipation and had been drinking heavily last night. The ball, which passed through Mr. Pellini's body, was found after a long search to have lodged in a whisk broom which was lying on the back bar or shelf behind the counter, entering at the bushy end. The preliminary hearing will not be held until the effect of the wound is learned.
Denver Evening Post 12-9-1895 - State Happenings - Trinidad - Wert Walker and Miss Rosa Taylor were united in marriage Saturday evening.
Denver Evening Post 4-23-1897 - Swing Around the Circle - Constable Harry Lewis, of Trinidad, had a desperate battle while attempting to arrest two burglars yesterday. He did the job, but was severely beaten about the head.
Rocky Mountain News 5-15-1897 - Trinidad District Court - Trinidad, Colo., May 14 - Jesse McElroy to-day pleaded guilty in the district court of being an accessory in the Gulf car robbery here. He got a sentence of ten days in the county jail.
Rocky Mountain News 5-15-1897 - Trinidad District Court - James McGowan was on trial all day for burglarizing H. H. McComb's residence and a hard fight was put up, but the jury in the case, after being out an hour, decided that the man was guilty as charged.
Rocky Mountain News 5-15-1897 - Trinidad District Court - The first case growing out of the Aguilar race war will come up to-morrow in the case of the People vs. H. E. Gibble.
Rocky Mountain News 5-20-1897 - Dr. Chaney Assaulted - Trinidad, Colo., May 19 - Last night Dr. Chaney of Chinchera was called to his door, and fearing something was wrong picked up his revolver as he went. He opened the door and was confronted by a man and a woman, the former armed with a rod and the latter with a spade. They made a vicious assault upon the doctor, knocking him down and beating him fearfully. In the scuffle his gun was discharged, but without inflicting any injury upon his assailants. The attack was made by Mr. and Mrs. Floris, the latter a sister of Mrs. Chaney. They had trouble years ago and were ordered to leave the Chaney ranch and had not been seen until the evening before this attack. The report of the gun attracted Mrs. Chaney and a hired man, and they succeeded in beating off the assailants.
Rocky Mountain News 12-11-1897 - Trinidad Residence Burned - Trinidad, Colo., Dec. 10 - The residence of S. E. Wade at El Moro with its contents was destroyed by fire this morning. Mrs. Wade, as has been her custom, arose early and started a fire in the kitchen stove and returned to bed until the room became warm. The house caught fire through a defective flue and was not discovered until well under way, and the family barely had time to escape with their lives. The house was partly insured.
Wray Rattler – 7-20-1901 Everett Burton, serving a ninety-day sentence in the county jail at Trinidad for adultery, made his escape on the 8th instant. He feigned illness and was placed in the sick ward. From there he made his escape.
Reno Evening Gazette 4-4-1902 -
Baby Bitten By Rattlesnake Dies -
Trinidad, Colorado, 4 Aug - Emma, the three year old daughter of Mr. And Mrs. William Bruedenbrock is dead from the effects of a rattlesnake bite. The child was bitten by the snake while playing in her backyard at home in this city.
Wray Rattler – 10-30-1903 Miss Honora de Busk of Trinidad, Colorado, who has been working as a Congregational missionary among the Indians of New Mexico, in New England on a preaching tour.
Colorado Republican 8-25-1904 Through the explosion of 1.200 pounds of molten metal in a ladle at the Radrorf foundry in Trinidad Abram Garcia was badly burned about the hands and legs.
Alamosa Journal 8-26-1904 Heavy storms have done much damage in the vicinty of Trinidad. Several bridges were washed out.
Alamosa Journal 8-26-1904 Through the explosion of 1,200 pounds of molten metal in a ladle at the Radrorf foundry in Trinidad, Abram Garcia was badly burned about the hands and legs.
April 3, 1905 - LAST OF NOTED OUTLAW BAND - Ed Franks, Alias Bob Manus In Jail At Trinidad - He Made No fight
- Franks Is Last Survivor of “Black Jack Ketchum’s Gang And Has Been Hunted Six Years - April 3, 1905—Oklahoma State Capital—Trinidad, Colo.—After a hunt covering a period of six years, Ed Franks alias Bob Manus, said to be the last surviving member of “Black Jack Kethum’s notorious band of train robbers that terrorized New Mexico and southern Colorado for many years, was safely lodged in the county jail at Trinidad early this morning. He was arrested forty miles northeast of Watervale, a small station on the Colorado & Southern railroad thirty miles south of Trinidad Wednesday night by Deputy Sheriff George Titsword and William Thatcher. Franks lived alone in a wild, desolate canyon difficult of approach, where his safety seemed assured. The officers located Franks’ house Wednesday morning but were compelled to make a detour and crawl through the canyon for nearly three miles as the house was so situated to command a view of the open country for miles. Franks was building a corral when the officers surprised him. He had a six-shooter and a rifle close at hand but made no fight. Battle On The Cimarron After “Black Jack’s band held up the Colorado & Southern passenger train in July 1898 near Folsom, N. M., securing a large sum of money, the robbers separated. Edd Farr then sheriff of Huerfano County, with a posse surrounded Franks’, Sara Ketchum, brother of “Black Jack,” and a man named McGinnis on the Cimarron, near Folsom and a fierce battle ensued. Sheriff Farr was killed and two other members of the posse wounded. Sam Ketchum was also killed and McGinnis wounded. The latter was captured a few hours later and is now serving a life sentence in the penitentiary at Santa Fe. One month after the Cimarron battle, “Black Jack” alone attempted to hold up
the Colorado & Southern train again near the scene of the former robbery. He was wounded by Conductor Frank Harrington and was captured. After
conviction of train robbery he was hanged at Clayton, N. M. in September 1901. Members of the posse have always declared that Franks, who was known to be a dead shot, killed Sheriff Farr. Jeff Farr succeeded his brother as sheriff and kept up a constant search for the fugitive. It is said that Franks and a
companion came to Trinidad en days ago and purchased a quantity of dynamite and considerable ammunition. Franks it is said, wore a full beard which
completed disguised him. He will be tried at Clayton, N. M. on a charge of train robbery, which is a capital offense in that territory.
Carrizozo Outlook 8-3-1905 -
Brannan Killed -
Smith Brannan, a cowboy on the Willis ranch on the Apishaps in Las Animas county was struck by lightening and instantly killed at 4;30pm July 21st while riding alone on the range several miles from any habitation. The horse he was riding was also killed. His body was not found till the next day and was sent to Rocky Ford where his parents live.
Colorado Republican 9-13-1906 In the district court at Trinidad the Murder charge against James T. Davis, Marshall of Aguilar, indicted for killing a Mexican while trying to stop a street fight, was nolle prossed on the 4th inst. And the defendant discharged.
Colorado Republican 4-18-1907 Roy Heney, a negro, is accused of trying to cremate his wife alive, at his home near Tercio, a few nights ago. The woman escaped and had him arrested.
Washington Times 1-2-1908 -
Washington, D. C., -
Washington Times January 2, 1908 -
Luncheon Planned By Mrs. Varrell For Miss Bryan
Mrs. Malcolm Kenneth VARRELL, of 1529 Vermont avenue, has cards out for a luncheon and box party to be given Saturday, in honor of Miss Grace BRYAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Jennings BRYAN. Miss BRYAN is a student at Hollins Institute, Hollins, Va., and is spending her holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Cotter T. BRIDE, of Capitol Hill.
Washington Times 1-2-1908 -Reids Breakfast Guests.
The American Ambassador to Great Britain and Mrs. Whitelaw REID were the guests of honor at a breakfast given this morning by Mrs. L. Z. LEITER in her residence on Dupont Circle.
Washington Times 1-2-1908 -Mr. and Mrs. Cuno H. RUDOLPH entertained at dinner last evening at the Cairo, where they are making their home this winter. Covers were laid for twenty in the Moorish room, and poinsettias formed the decorations.
Washington Times 1-2-1908 -Mrs. David FISCHER, of Columbia road, entertained her young friends at a “watch party” Tuesday evening in honor of her guest, Miss Adele HAMMERSLAW, of Trinidad, Col.
The guests were Miss Nettie C. HERZOG, Cincinnati; Miss Leona SPEAR, Miss Rosa FRANK, Baltimore; Miss Flora FORST, Louisville, Ky., Miss Irma STRASS, Baltimore; Miss Sadie WEISEL, Norfolk, Va.; Miss Meryl GOLDSMITH, Miss Lillian HARRIS, Miss Bella SCHIFFMAN, Miss Marguerite KAUFMAN, Miss Gladys MAYER, Miss Ernestine RICH, Miss Rita BAER, Miss Leona STERN, Miss Lillian COBLENZER and Miss Celeste GOODMAN, and Herbert GUGGENHEIM, Maurice EISEMAN, Milton GOLDSMITH, Milton KING, Alfred HAAS, Bernard BAER, Melville FISCHER, Malcolm AUERBACH, Herbert JACOBI, Lester NEUMAN, Milton KRONHEIM, Leo FORST, Stanley FISCHER, Sydney GUGGENHEIM, Arthur NEUMAN, Lester MARX, Arthur LUCHS, and Herbert RICH.
Washington Times 1-2-1908 -Mr. and Mrs. Louis STERN, of Philadelphia, who were the guests of Mrs. P. HARRIS at the Oakland, have returned to their home.
Washington Times 1-2-1908 -The Rebecca Lodge will hold a very interesting meeting Sunday afternoon, January 5, in the vestry room of the Eighth Street Temple. There will be an entertainment and social hour, and the members are cordially invited to be present.
Washington Times 1-2-1908 -Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin HARRIS entertained at a watch party Tuesday evening, in honor of their guest, Miss Miriam MAYER, of New York. Their home was beautifully decorated in poinsettia and palms. Dancing and music were the features of the evening until supper was served at midnight.
The guests were Miss MAYER, Miss Mae WRIGHT, New York; Miss Helene D. ENGLE, Allan BACHRACH, Howard L, SIGMUND, A. C. MAYER, Lawrence D. ENGEL, and Joseph HARRIS.
Yuma Pioneer 9-24-1908 - The Las Animas County Early Settlers' annual reunion was held at Trinidad August 27th. E. J. Hubbard was elected president, Mrs. Ed. West, secretary, and Mrs. Frank Bloom, treasurer. The roll call showed thirty-eight deaths among the old settlers of the county during the last year, one being Dr. M. Beshoar, who founded the organization and who was its president during his lifetime.
Albuquerque Morning Journal 7-11-1910 - Man Jumps From Train - Trinidad - Nearly 100 men,women and children faced death here today when the motorman on a Pine street car,terrified by supposed failure of the brakes on a steep hill, jumped and the car rushed toward a sharp curve at the bottom. The impending doom was averted by Phil Miller, a recently employed motorman who happened to be on the car. At the cry "the motormans jumped" Miller fought his way to the front platform threw the brake and stopped the car at the edge of the curve. He then took it to the end of the line.
The Huntsville Daily Times
3-2-1911 -
Huntsville, AL -
After Nine Years Skeletons Were Found -
By Associated Press - Trinidad, Colo., March 2 – Nine years after the mine explosions in which they lost their lives, skeletons of five victims were found yesterday. One is thought to be that of George Parker.
Yuma Pioneer 4-28-1911 - Representative Martin has nominated Phillip Ogrodowski of Trinidad as alternate candidate for a cadetship at Annapolis.
Yuma Pioneer 7-7-1911 - "Good Roads Day" was observed at Hastings, a small mining camp near Trinidad, when thirty-five men and seventeen teams turned out to repair a seven-mile stretch of road between Ludlow and Delagua.
Yuma Pioneer 10-13-1911 - The granite monument erected at a cost of several thousand dollars at Trinidad has been unveiled over the graves of forty-five Polish miners who met death in mine disasters in that county within the past year.
Yuma Pioneer 11-24-1911 - James Robson is constructing an aeroplane in the shops of C. F. & I. at Sopris, near Trinidad. It is about sixty feet long and twenty feet from front to rear of the planes.
Yuma Pioneer 12-1-1911 - Harry Lub of Denver lasted but a few seconds more than half of the first round in his scheduled twenty-round fight with Benny Chavez of Trinidad, in Walsenburg. The men sparred for nearly a minute when Chavez succeeded in reaching Lub's stomach. A few seconds later a right hook to the jaw sent Lub to the floor for the count.
Yuma Pioneer 5-3-1912 - Inheritance Tax Appraiser O. E. Collins of Colorado Springs reported to the attorney general that the estate of Edward West at Trinidad will pay $7,500 into the state treasury.
Yuma Pioneer 5-24-1912 - Edwin Kirchbaum, the seventeen-year-old son of George E. Kirchbaum, a well-known resident of Trinidad, was fatally hurt when he was struck on the temple by a baseball.
Yuma Pioneer 7-19-1912 - An eighty-horsepower Seagraves automobile fire-truck has replaced the horse drawn hook and ladder wagon of the Trinidad fire department.
Yuma Pioneer 8-9-1912 - Benny Chavez, the Trinidad Mexican prize fighter, has been matched for a twenty-round bout with Monte Attel of San Francisco, at Santa Fe, Labor Day.
Yuma Pioneer 9-6-1912 - A fire at Cucharas Junction, forty miles north of Trinidad, destroyed the Rio Grande station, postoffice and the general mercantile store of William Stevens. Mail and express packages valued at several thousand dollars were burned. The total loss is estimated at $30,000 to $40,000 partially insured.
Yuma Pioneer 9-20-1912 - Lost on a bleak stretch of prairie, miles from any human habitation, in the severe storm that has swept the section near Trinidad, Porter Hower and Harry Caldwell almost perished of exposure.
Yuma Pioneer 10-11-1912 - Aviator John D. Cooper made two successful flights at the county fair, Trinidad, Colo. He remained in the air about fifteen minutes each time and reached an altitude of 2,500 feet.
Yuma Pioneer 12-6-1912 - In a fit of jealous rage over the alleged attentions of Oscar Thompson, a tailor, to his wife, E. E. Callahan, an upholsterer of Trinidad, fired five shots at his enemy. The shooting took place with Thompson is flight and Callahan in pursuit, and the race lasted for three blocks. All of the shots went wide of the intended mark, but a stray shot struck Facinda Leyba, eighteen, in the leg. The wound is not dangerous.
Yuma Pioneer 12-20-1912 - Cupid again took a girl student from the State Teachers' college at Greeley, giving Miss Marian Easton, a junior, as the bride of Dr. O. S. Adam of Segundo.
Pueblo Indicator 4-19-1913 - Walks Two Miles With Ribs Broken - Trinidad - Motoring down a steep and narrow road near French, N. M., T. F. Snodgrass, proprietor of stores in this city, narrowly escaped death. His machine turned turtle. Five ribs were broken and it is believed he sustained internal injuries. After extricating himself he walked two miles to French, where he took a train and reached home.
Yuma Pioneer 4-25-1913 - Uncle Joe Cannon, who holds a record for length of service in congress, is only a beginner as a legislator compared with Senator Barela, of Trinidad. Mr. Barela began his service in the territorial legislature when he was 19 years old. After serving six years in that body he was elected to the first state legislature when Colorado was admitted to the union in 1870, and has never missed a session since then.
Yuma Pioneer 5-9-1913 - A magnificent bronze statue of Kit Carson, pioneer, soldier, scout and trapper, is to be dedicated Memorial Day in Kit Carson park, Trinidad, under the auspices of the mayor and other city officials, military organizations, Daughters of the American Revolution and the Boy Scouts.
Yuma Pioneer 6-13-1913 - Burglars broke into the residence of R. T. McRorey at Trinidad and took $1.50 in money and several articles of silver and clothing
Yuma Pioneer 6-20-1913 - Rancher Paralyzed; Bolt Kills Team - Trinidad - Joseph Romero, a rancher near Starkville, five miles west of here, was paralyzed and his team killed by a bolt of lightning during a thunder storm. Romero was driving toward Starkville and was found unconscious and taken to town, where he received medical attention.
Yuma Pioneer 8-8-1913 - Forcing the fighting in every round Benny Chavez of Trinidad, Colo., won a decided victory over Harry Dell of San Francisco at Trinidad by a knock-out in the eleventh round.
Yuma Pioneer 12-26-1913 - Negotiations are under way to match Benny Chavez, Trinidad bantamweight, and Leslie Winters of Nashville, Tenn., for a fifteen-round bout, under the auspices of the Pueblo Athletic Club, on New Year afternoon. Chavez already has been signed for the date, and has agreed to meet either Patsy Branigan or Leslie Winters.
Yuma Pioneer 1-23-1914 - Union Official Held in Connection With Burning Mine Property - Secretary McGuire of Aguilar Union Implicated in Confessions of Men Charged with Incendiary Plot - Trinidad, Colo. - With the arrest at Aguilar of Bert McGuire, secretary of the miners' union of that place and Bert Hill, ten men are in custody of the military authorities in connection with the burning of the mine tipple, mine office and postoffice at the Southwestern mine, on Oct.29. Confessions were obtained from Dan Jeffery and John Hicks, implicating the nine others in the destruction of the mine property. According to the statements of Jeffery and Hicks, twenty gallons of oil were used to saturate the exterior of the buildings which were set on fire and completely destroyed. Seven of the men have been in custody for the past three weeks. According to the confessions, Secretary McGuire was present when the buildings were burned. They state that the plot to destroy the buildings was formulated in the saloon of Louis B. Noce, one of the men under arrest. It is also charged by the officials of the mine company that the postoffice was robbed after it was burned. The military commission concluded its investigation and took adjournment until an indefinite date.
Yuma Pioneer 2-13-1914 - Mrs. B. Amdurky, former owner of a millinery store at Trinidad, was seriously burned while using gasoline in cleaning furs. Little hope is held out for her recovery.
Yuma Pioneer 3-6-1914 - A declaration that he had sold dynamite to striking coal miners and that he had sold guns to strikers and coal operators alike was made before the House investigating committee at Trinidad by Claude Shy, a hardware dealer of Trinidad.
Yuma Pioneer 3-13-1914 - Charges that union men tried to annoy the mine guards in the coal fields were made at the congressional hearing at the capitol by Arthur Langowski, a young miner who was in the Ludlow tent colony.
Yuma Pioneer – 6-5-1914 – Miners To Be Tried June 15 – Pueblo – The first trials before the United States Court growing out of the coal strike in Colorado will be held here June 15. The cases to be heard are the result of federal grand jury indictments returned here last winter. The accused, who are all miners, are charged with breaking into the postoffice at Higgins and destroying mails. Indictments were issued against the following: Edward Hillas, Jack Harteham, D. J. Jeffreys, Max Martinez, Charles Costa, Dominic Figaro, C. Gormillo. Costa was killed in the battle of Ludlow.
Yuma Pioneer 6-12-1914 - A total of $326.85 was disbursed by the Woman's Relief Committee in work done among the women and children sufferers from the Ludlow disaster. In cash, $132.95 was sent to the southern fields, and in dry goods, $145.35. Expressage and incidentals amounted to $36.55, and special relief totaled $12.
Wray Rattler – 7-2-1914 Blast Wrecks Aguilar Mine; 1 Dead – Aguilar – One man was killed and several others are reported to have been seriously injured in an explosion of gas in the Royal mine of the National Fuel Company here. James Barkella, 35, a shot firer, is reported dead. Ignition of a gas pocket in the mine from the discharge of powder is believed to have been responsible for the explosion. Smoke and flame belched several minutes from the mouth of the tunnel. The fire was extinguished according to reports.
Yuma Pioneer 8-21-1914 - J. L. Houghton, a restaurant proprietor at Trinidad, was arrested by the federal army authorities charged with purchasing government property from soldiers.
Yuma Pioneer 12-25-1914 - Father Valentine, Catholic priest of Trinidad and one of the best known clergymen in Colorado, has been threatened with death unless he succeeds in persuading Mrs. Madeline Dolan, twenty-one years old, and her two small children, Margaret and Mary, whom he aided in getting into the House of Good Shepherd after they had been ejected from her mother's home, to return to Trinidad.
Yuma Pioneer – 4-16-1915 – Zancannelli is Given Life Sentence – Trinidad – Louis Zancannelli, a former striking coal miner, was convicted on his second trial for the murder of George W. Belcher, a private detective, here Nov. 20, 1913. The jury after twenty-four hours' deliberation returned a verdict of first degree murder and fixed the penalty at life imprisonment at hard labor. Thirty days was granted the defense to file a motion for a new trial.
Yuma Pioneer 4-16-1915 - Ida Valdez, a 17-year-old girl, was arrested at Trinidad for passing forged checks.
Yuma Pioneer – 6-4-1915 – Robert Uhlich, president of the Trinidad local of the United Mine Workers of America, was acquitted at Trinidad, Colo., of the charge of having murdered Mack Powell, also a union man, in the Ludlow fight of Oct. 9, 1913, incident to the coal strike.
Yuma Pioneer 7-9-1915 - Judge Burke, of Trinidad, is threatened with a recall.
Pueblo Chieftain 4-14-1918 - The Valley, The State, The West - Going Away - Trinidad is losing a highly esteemed citizen, William R. Chapman, who has been secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. He goes to West Virginia to join a relative in business.
Pueblo Indicator 7-21-1928 - Trinidad - The spot in southern Colorado near the New Mexico line where "Uncle Dick" Wootton kept his toll gate on the old Santa Fe trail from 1866 to 1880 Friday was the scene of a gathering of many pioneers for the dedication of a bronze plate by the Trinidad chapter, D. A. R. The bronze plate is 12x15 inches and is attached to a volcanic rock. It was unveiled at the Wootton ranch house, located on the Trinidad-Raton highway, the exact spot of the famous toll gate of a half century ago.
Pueblo Indicator 10-5-1929 - Colorado News in Brief - Colorado Springs - A. W. McHendrie of Trinidad was elected president of the Colorado Bar Association at the concluding session of the annual convention here. He formerly was district judge at Trinidad and is widely known in legal and political circles. He succeeds Cass E. Herrington of Denver.
Evening Telegraph 5-31-1935 - Illinois Quarter In Accident - Four Illinois tourists, three women and a young girl, were being treated at a hospital here in Trinidad today for injuries suffered when their automobile turned over on the Trinidad La Junta highway, 18 miles east of here.
They are Mrs W W Rhodes,46, Wheaton, Illinois, Jane Eleanor Rhodes,13, daughter of Mrs Rhodes; Miss Judith Hagstran, 28, Batavia, Illinois and Miss Myrtle Schroeder, 25 of Wheaton.
The car, which was being driven by Mrs Rhodes turned over after a tire had blown out.
Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph 2-5-1988 – Mitchell Honored – Station Documents Life of Trinidad Artist – I had a surprise the other day when the PBS station in Denver sent me a half-hour video documentary depicting the life and work of the late Western artist Arthur Roy Mitchell of Trinidad. The high quality of the program was a pleasant surprise, in addition to the fact that KRMA, a Denver station, went to the trouble of doing a documentary about a Southern Colorado artist. Bill Thorne, KRMA spokesman, said the program will be aired on Channel 6 at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 24, and will be repeated at 1:30 p.m. Feb. 27. It may also be broadcast on channels 8 and 53. The stations are negotiating for the program, according to Bob Gerig, program director, for showing in April or May. It is a finely balanced program, juxtaposing photographic views of the Trinidad area and Mitchell's paintings, interspersed with interviews of his Trinidad friends. Channel 6 doesn't tout Mitchell as a Rembrandt. It keeps the program in an objective but sympathetic perspective. Mitchell was a magazine illustrator, but one of an unusually high level of skill. Mitchell's work is as good an example of impressionist art in the American West as you can find. His paintings have a spontaneous feeling, although he was an extremely careful and skillful artist. It is also enlightening, in this age of artistic poseurs who scorn commercial art or illustration, that Mitchell didn't see any difference between doing pulp paintings and being a serious artist. For the magazines, he depicted cowboys in action. He was a specialist in painting horses, having been a wrangler in his youth. Later in his life, he did many landscapes of the Trinidad region. His landscape paintings stand up very well as impressionist art even today. For a commercial artist dealing with magazines mostly in New York City, Mitchell's life was somewhat unusual, in that he returned to his old stomping grounds instead of staying in the East. Mitchell was born in Trinidad in 1889. He studied at a New York art school and acquired a considerable reputation in the trade as an illustrator. He returned to Trinidad to battle cancer, and managed to support himself through his pulp-magazine cover paintings. He regained his health, lived into his 80s and remained highly productive until his death in 1977. In Mitchell's later years, as pulp magazines declined, he turned to teaching adult art classes at Trinidad Junior College. Also in his later years, he combined his studies of cowboys and landscapes by producing a series of paintings that illustrate the early cattle drives along the fabled Santa Fe Trail. Indians on horses also appeared in some of his paintings. Mitchell's work has gained a foothold in art history, thanks mainly to the Trinidad museum devoted to his work. The reason there is an A. R. Mitchell Museum is that, except in rare instances, Mitchell refused to sell his paintings. His friends established the museum after his death. Mitchell helped to perpetuate the romantic legends of cowboys and gunslingers, cattle drives, Indians and the heyday of the cowboy's horse. His style was realistic but impressionistic, with a heightened sense of pastel-type coloring. Today, most Western artists use stronger colors and more detailed super-realism. For this reason, Mitchell's paintings have been called romantic interpretations of the Western landscape. I prefer to call them paintings that exude the atmosphere of the far Western vistas without sentimentality. That is what gives his work artistic weight and longevity. And artistic longevity for art is necessary if it is to retain its impact over the years. The documentary was produced, written and narrated by KRMA Executive Producer Lin Mrachek. Rich Golish was the principal videographer. Bruce Neale was the editor. Daniel Mercure did post-production.
Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph 9-9-1990 - Old German POW Camp Sparks Memories - Guards, Prisoners Remain in Contact - Trinidad – The old camp is a peaceful place. The surroundings haven't changed much in the last 44 years. The land still slopes down to the trees along the Purgatoire River. Plump horses graze, a jackrabbit bounds through the brush. In the middle of this pastoral scene, a small cluster of men and women gathered to reminisce recently, some of them Germans and others their former U.S. captors. Here is what they talked about. "I can still hear Colonel Kane bellowing in his office..." "The doors of the PX were locked on the day of the prisoner's funeral, but we stood on chairs to look out. We could hear their step, just like you hear in the movies." "Right about where that cow pat is was my desk." Camp Trinidad held German prisoners of war, both officers and enlisted men, from 1943 to 1946. It has survived the years remarkably well and so have those who worked and were incarcerated here. Concrete ammunition bunkers still stand. The concrete floors, all that remain of the buildings, are in remarkably good shape for 44 years without maintenance. Most of what has disappeared has been torn down, and some of the structures were sold, and re-used. In its prime, the camp was a town of about 5,000 – 3,000 enlisted POWs, 1,000 POW officers and 1,000 GIs. The camp had its own sewage system, fire department and hospital. Electricity and water came from Trinidad. The prisoners transplanted trees from the river banks to the camp site, and they still flourish. They also laid out and planted flower beds. Some flowers have been transplanted in Trinidad, where they continue to bloom. According to other German prisoners of war, Camp Trinidad was the best camp in the United States. This did not stop several groups of prisoners from attempting to escape. One even made it to Texas before he was captured. Andy Martinez, who owns the land again after selling it to the government to use as the camp site, has a small digging spoon made from an iron strap. Some prisoners used tools like that to excavate a tunnel and briefly gain their freedom. Geneva Convention rules exempted officers from labor groups, so the Camp Trinidad officers borrowed books from the Trinidad library. They produced and acted in plays. Shakespeare's works and Goethe's "Faust" among them. They performed chamber music, and once a week they were allowed to see a movie. Karlhorst Heil, a former German officer who was incarcerated at Camp Trinidad, said evidence of the good treatment German POWs received is the lasting ties that continue between the Germans and Americans. Former Trinidad mayor John Cha was given the German Order of Merit for "outstanding service in the interest of strengthening German-American ties," said Heil, who recalled the "overwhelming reception" given German POWs when they came to their first reunion here in 1964.
Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph 1-2-1996 - Mine Near Trinidad Closes After 20-Year-Run - After nearly 20 years in business, the Golden Eagle Mine near Trinidad ceased underground production on New Year's Eve, putting at least 149 coal miners out of work, a union spokesman said Saturday. The mine, located about 30 miles west of Trinidad, employs 220 people. "It's going to be a big hit to this community," said Gil Valdez, president of United Mine Workers of America local 9856. "This is the largest employer of the area and it pumps millions of dollars into the community." Valdez said the mine's parent company, Basin Resources, Inc., a subsidiary of Montana Power, wants to pay all laid off workers 43 days' pay in lieu of 60 days' notification as required under federal labor laws. He said miners will have a year of medical coverage after being laid off and would be eligible for unemployment no sooner than March 1. In a written release, Basin Resources said the mine would be permanently closed in the first quarter of 1996. "The mine has lost money in the past years and it has determined additional losses weren't prudent from a business standpoint," said Golden Eagle Mine general manager John Reynolds.
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© Karen Mitchell