Las Animas County, Colorado

Does anyone know where this school was, or can identify any of these children?

Is this the church at Weston?

Trinidad's main street in 1867

Typical of the day, Dr. Beshoar's office was packed with x-ray machines, pill bottles, books and diplomas. Dr. Ben is at left.

Commercial Street looking south in 1909. At the extreme left is the Daily Advertiser, with the Beshoar medical offices on second floor. The marching band is a parade of the Spanish War Veterans. The photos also says Major Edward McConville Camp, Trinidad, Colorado.

View of Trinidad in the 1890's, as seen from Simpson's Rest, looking South across the Purgatorie River toward Fishers Peak.

The founder, owner and editor of the Morning Advertiser - Michael Beshoar - with some of his staff and friends. Can you identify any of these men?

The intersection of Main and Commercial Streets in Trinidad, 1915

Please e-mail comments and suggestions to
Karen Mitchell
© Karen Mitchell