Las Animas County, Colorado
Tobe Cemetery
aka Parker Cemetery
Anyone with information about family members that are buried in this cemetery, please notify me Karen Mitchell
Dixon, Eilliam John born 1-4-1895 TX
Farrell, William S. born CO died 10-15-1922
Polk, James Bently born 8-16-1896 AL died 12-6-1931, husband of Nellie Sparks, son of James Vernon Noah Polk (contributed by Sandi Barber)
Polk, James Vernon Noah born 1859 died 1933, husband of Sarah Elizabeth Conger Polk (1864-1918) (contributed by Sandi Barber)
Powell, George born 11-3-1866 died 2-18-1924
Powell, Joesphine Atkinsborn 10-30-1861 died 12-15-1928
Please e-mail comments and suggestions to
Karen Mitchell
© Karen Mitchell