Pueblo County, Colorado
1880 Mortality Schedule

?, Frank 2 male white Massachusetts May Congestion W. R. Owen
?, Hermund O 45 male white Prussia Grocer October Consumption P.R. Thombs
?, Luther 9 male white Canada April Diptheria Dr. Kilburn
Allen, J T 25 male white Kentucky Studying for Ministry December Consumption R. L. Littrell
Bigney, Margret 75 female white Nova Scotia November Brain Fever Dr Craven
Bishop, Sesher 1 male white New York April Membranous Croup J. W. Gulick
Bush, Lucy 6 female white Colorado May Scarlet fever J. P. Ashcom
Cameron, Hugh 5 male white Colorado September Tonsilitis R. L. Littrell
Cameron, Maggie 2 female white Colorado September Tonsilitis R. L. Littrell
Chilcott, Grant 15 male white Colorado November Gastritis P.R. Thombs
Cowles, Albert D 14 male white Ohio Tel Operation February Inflamation Bowels W. R. Owen
Duckworth, Ida M 2 female white Colorado Inflamation Stomach
Dunbaugh, Abbie 39 female white Illinois September Consumption P.R. Thombs
Edmundson, Mary 74 female white Isle of Man Old age Dr. Steinbarger
Foster, Wm F 24 male white Laborer May Phthisis J. P. Ashcom
Fuller, Andrew 37 male white New York Minister July Consumption B. R. Horn
Getts, Jacob 52 male white Pennsylvania Stone Mason May Consumption Dr Craven
Gray, Charles 8 male white Colorado June Pneumonia W. R. Owen
Green, Lenard 27 male white New York July Hemmorage Dr. Gore
Griffin, Eli 54 male white Laborer May Hypertrophy of the Heart J. P. Ashcom
Griffin, Robert 65 male white Virginia Wagon Maker May Brain Fever Dr Craven
Hall, Hendley P 6 male white Georgia May Typhoid Fever Dr. Christie
Hartring, Albert 4 male white Colorado May Scarlet fever J. P. Ashcom
Hartring, Dora 1 mo female white Colorado May Fever J. P. Ashcom
Haynes, Mattie 4 female white Colorado April Apoplexy R. L. Littrell
Haynes, Paul P 1 mo male white Colorado March not known
Henkel, Elizabeth 1 female white Colorado March Brain fever P.R. Thombs
House, Louiza 57 female white Kentucky May Cancer Dr Craven
Huggins, Jesse S 17 male white Kansas Farmer April Congestion of Lungs R. L. Littrell
Hunt, Joseph 30 male white Laborer October Exposure J. P. Ashcom
Ink, Hettie 3 female white Colorado May Scarlet Fever Dr. Christie
Isker, Lillie 2 female white England May Diptheria
Isker, Mary 4 female white England May Diptheria
Jones, Albert M 2 male white Colorado April Measles
Lockwood, Harly 5 male white Ohio May Scarlet fever P.R. Thombs
Longwell, Rebecca 23 female white Kansas November Consumption This line crossed out
Maples, Charles 3 mo male white Colorado May Diptheria Dr. Christie
Maples, Jayson 11 mo male white Colorado May Diptheria W. R. Owen
Martin, Orman 3 mo male white Colorado May Measles P.R. Thombs
McCafferty, Henry C 2 male white Colorado Whooping Cough W. R. Owen
McDaniel, Clifford 2 male white Missouri May Croup R. L. Littrell
McGreyon, Joseph 5 mo male white Colorado July Brain Fever W. R. Owen
Middleton, Thomas 40 male white Laborer March Pneumonia J. P. Ashcom
Murphy, David 65 male white Farmer January Uraemia J. P. Ashcom
Murphy, Margaret 38 female white New York April Dr. Shelbarne
Nichols, David 80 male white S. Carolina Farmer October Strangulated Hernia R. L. Littrell
Nichols, Nancy 61 female white N. Carolina November said to be merely grief for death of husband
Nicholson, Lennie 25 female white Pennsylvania February Neuralgia of Heart Dr. Wornall
Nicholson, Lennie 6 mo male white Colorado May Not Known
Olsen, Mary a 52 female white Prussia January Unknown P.R. Thombs
Olsen, William 46 male white Prussia June Heart Disease P.R. Thombs
Ormon, William 37 male white Iowa R R Contractor March General Dr. Duke
Pickeren, Edith P 26 female white Virginia March Consumption Dr. Wallers
Prowers, Andy 25 male white Missouri Farm Laborer October Cold & Congestion
Rankin, Morris 8 male white New York May Inflamation Bowels Dr Craven
Reed, Thomas 1 male white Colorado September Meningitis J. P. Ashcom
Reed, Thomas D 1 male white Colorado August Meningitis J. P. Ashcom
Riddlebarger, Matt 50 male white Kentucky Accountant May
Ritchie, Virginia 36 female white Missouri Child Bed fever W. R. Owen
Schmit, Michael 62 male white Alsace Farmer July accidentally hurt Dr. Duke
Shuckhart, Jay 10 mo male white Colorado May Bronchitis Dr. Craven
Sloan, Edwin H. 4 male white Colorado March Congestion of Brain J. P. Ashcom
Small, Jane 39 female white Kentucky December Consumption
Tafolla, Jose T 1 male mexican Colorado April Fever
Tafolla, Maria M 3 female mexican Colorado June Small Pox
Tafolla, Pedro 6 mo male mexican Colorado June Small Pox
Taylor, Emma B 23 female white Missouri March Consumption Dr. Craven
Theele, Jennie 14 female white Colorado April Pneumonia Dr. Duke
Tores, Leonardo 1 male mexican Colorado February Fever
Townsend, Daniel 22 male white Student January Pneumonia R. S. Littrell
Tuppin, C W 6 male white Missouri September Diptheria Dr. Coates
Tuppin, Maggie 9 female white Missouri August Diptheria Dr. Coates
Vidal, Mary 32 female white France Keeping House September Rheumatism P.R. Thombs
Vigil, Candelaria 22 female mexican New Mexico January Pneumonia
Warrant, James H. 42 male white England Stock Dealer November Inflamation Bowels
Warrell, Stephen 33 male white Ohio Consumption
Watson, J W 26 male white Illinois September House fell on him R. L. Littrell
Wayland, R. P. 6 male white Colorado March Pneumonia R. S. Littrell

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