Pueblo County, Colorado
1908 Pueblo Mortuaries
Listing from the Pueblo Chieftain
McMahon & Collier, undertakers and embalmers, 132 South Union Avenue, phone 226, residence phone 228, private ambulance
Linkins & Vories, undertakers, embalmers, Eighth and Main, phone main 135, residence 578, private ambulance
T.G. McCarthy & Co. undertakers, embalmers, McCarthy Block, phone 169-A, residence 410-A
West Brothers & Whiton, undertakers, ambulance service, Union Avenue & First Street, phone 179, residence phone Main 103
T.G. McCarthy Funeral Home is the only one of those listed who are still in business in Pueblo under the original name.
In later years the Davis - Vories undertakers were at Pitkin and Broadway.

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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Karen Mitchell kmitchweb@gmail.com
© Karen Mitchell