Pueblo County, Colorado
1911 Pueblo City Business Directory

Contributed by Joy Fisher.
The 1910 census gives Pueblo 45,000 population, an increase in ten years
of nearly 60 per cent, a natural growth. Pueblo is essentially a
manufacturing city, although situated almost in the very center of the
rich Arkansas valley with its thousands of miles of irrigation canals,
covering 500,000 acres of cultivated land.
Pueblo has a great steel plant,
covering nearly 500 acres of land; two large smelters, packing plants,
brick and stone plants, a fine up-to-date brewery, half a dozen machine
shops and foundries, planing mills, etc. Pueblo has excellent gas and
electric service, both lighting and street cars, and few cities are better
The output annually of manufactured goods overtop $40,000,000. The
jobbing and retail business easily reaches $15,000,000.
Pueblo enjoys unsurpassed railroad facilities, being covered by the Colorado
& Southern, two lines out; Denver & Rio Grande, three lines out; the Santa
Fe, three lines out; the Missouri Pacific, and the Rock Island terminate
here. There are 2,500 men employed by the railroads doing business in
Pueblo, and the tonnage is the heaviest of any western city; there are
handled more than one million cars annually in the Pueblo railroad yards,
showing the enormous volume of business. Pueblo will be a grand division
point on the coast to coast Gould system.
Pueblo has several new hotels that are right up to the minute; also several
medicinal artesian wells that bring thousands of people here annually for
treatment. Pueblo enjoys the distinction of having the most equable climate
of any city in the mountain region, making it an ideal place for permanent
residence, for there are more parks (the most beautiful in the land) than
in any other city of ten times its size.
Pueblo has the best public and private schools in the land. Has a complete
line of churches, covering all denominations.
Pueblo invites men with
brains, muscle and money to locate in her midst.
Altitude 4,666 feet.
Abbey S A, register U S Land Office, Federal bldg.
Abel E C, accountant, asst sec Pueblo Association of Credit Men,
501 Court.
Aberdeen Inv Co. Chas H Stickney sec-treas, 328 S Union av.
Abriendo Drug Co, J P Stratton mgr, Union av & Abriendo.
Aburdix Gold M & M Co. Wm Barber sec, 206 W 4th.
Ackerman I M, pawnbroker. 148 N Union av.
Acme Rooming House. 311 1/2 Santa Fe av.
Adams Alva, pres Pueblo Savings Bank.
Aams Bon 0, physician. 7 Amherst bldg.
Adams R L, saloon, 322 S Union.
Adams & Gast, attys, 339 Central
Adams & Shaw, saln, 709 N Main.
Afro-American Realty Co, M B Brooks mgr, 1312 E Evans av.
Aguilar Coal & Mining Co, D M Campbell pres, 95 Opera House.
Akeman & Co, grocers, 523 N Santa Fe av.
Alamo Candy Co. C K Chilberg mgr, 511 N Main.
Allen A B, jeweler. 130 S Union.
Allen Edward D. photos:, 100 W 6th.
Allen J W, saloon, 245 N Union.
Allen Wm R, carpenter, 107 N Santa Fe av.
Allen Bros, saloon, 215 Main.
Allen & Co P W, tinners, 226 S Union av.
Alvin The, Mrs S A Young prop, 108 1/2 W 3rd.
American Beet Sugar Co, Ralph Dorst agt, 14 Graham-Wescott.
American Business College, J A Clark prin, Swift blk.
American Dist Tel Co. W F Drake mgr. 406 N Main.
American Flag G M & M Co, C H Hermsmeyer sec, 41 Masonic bldg.
American Loan Office. E Bernstein prop, 191 N Union av.
American Novelty Works. R Birge prop. 205 Santa Fe av.
American S & R Co. Geo A Marsh supt (Eiler's Plant) Santa Fe av S of P 0
(Pueblo Plant, S E of P 0).
Amherst Hotel, Mrs Stella Pursell prop, 209 W 2nd.
Amter & Isaacs, clothing, 321 W Northern av.
Anderson Peter E, carpenter, 1427 E 5th.
Anderson Wm, restaurant, 166 N Union av.
Anderson W L, coal, Abriendo and Division.
Anderson & Hammill, carpenters, 1143 Claremont av.
Andrus Shoe Co, 111 N Union av.
Angelo Pengetor, fruit, 117 Santa Fe av.
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assn, Theo Schreiber, wh dealer, 206 Central Main.
Anthony C B, prop Pueblo Tire Co, Victoria & Grand avs.
Anti-Saloon League, J L Wilkinson asst supt, 103 Central blk.
Apex Realty & Inv Co, Wm Peach mgr, 107 W 3rd.
Arcade Hotel, B L Nardini prop, opp Union Depot, 125 West B, phone Main 904.
Argon G M & M Co, Wm Barber sc, 206 W 4th.
Argyr Christo, physician, 1225 Taylor av.
Arkansas Valley Ditch Assn, A A Weiland engr in charge. 410 Central blk.
Arkansas Valley Items (w),Harry C Wright mgr, 104 W 2nd.
Armour & Co, F E Bingham mgr, wh meats, Tracks & C & S Depot.
Armstrong Carriage Co, 127 S Main.
Arnone Joe, saloon, 102 N Union.
Arrington Alfred W, atty, 53 Opera House blk.
Art Wall Paper & Paint Co, T H Serrin prop, 512 N Santa Fe av.
Arter Printing Co, 107 W 2nd.
Arthur Fields B. carpenter, 201 Harrison.
Arthur & Son, horseshoer, 120 E 4th.
Artificial Ice Co, Crystal Ice Co props, 20 Mechanic's bldg.
Associated Charities, Mrs W H McDonald sec, 304 N Main.
Associated Press, H C Hayden, opr Star Journal.
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry, C G Nikirk city pass & ticket agt,
225 N Union av.
Atterberry Mrs E M, books and stationery, 316 1/4 S Union av.
Austin C B, photogr, 205 Main.
Austrian Merc Co, John Gorsick mgr, 1206 Santa Fe av.
Babbitt Chas W, shoes, 303 S Union av.
Bacino Bros, grocers, 109 W 1st.
Bacon C H, com'l agt Rock Island-Frisco Lines, 226 N Main.
Baker J C, ad writer, 408 Central.
Baker Wm H. physn, 11 Pope blk
Baker W T H, physn, 7 Amherst.
Baker Furniture Co, 181 N Union
Baldwin Drug Co, 205 N Main.
Ballasch Mark, saloon, 400 S Santa Fe av.
Bank of Commerce, Geo McLagan pres, C H Bristol vice-pres, W A Saunders
cash, 315 S Union.
Barber William, vice-pres Globe Fire Insurance & Investment Co, 206 W 4th.
Barber & Burris, commsission stock brokers, mines & mining stock, 206 W 4th.
Barber Land Co, Wm Barber sec, 206 W 4th.
Barclay J A, vice-pres & mgr Chieftain Printing Co, 111-113 E 4th av.
Barnard I E, prop Old Reliable Creamery, 523 Court.
Barndollar-Security Abstract Co, J J Chappel sec-mgr, 3rd & Main.
Barnett & Franklin, saloon, 118 Union av.
Barwise Brokerage Co N C, mdse brokers, 335 Central blk.
Baum Anthony C, carpenter, 825 E 4th.
Baxter 0 H P, real estate, 408 1/2 N Main.
Beaman J L, mgr Iron City Fuel Co, White Triangle blk.
Beaumont A J, atty, 51 Opera House blk.
Behrens Wm, grocer, 700 W 4th.
Belcher R J, sec-treas Mountain Ice & Coal Co, 5th & Elizabeth.
Belville R J, grocer, 607 W 13th.
Benedictine College, boarding & day school for boys, Very Rev Hilary Kaib
0 S B rector, College av & 7th.
Benell John E, carpenter, 316 S Union av.
Benson E C, barber, 108 W 4th.
Bergemann Bros, horseshoers, 146 Central Main.
Bergerman Ben, clothing, 400 W Northern av.
Bergerman Sol, clothing, 215 N Main.
Bernheim S, woman's outfitter, 212 N Main.
Bernstein E, pawnbroker, 191 N Union av.
Bernstein M, prop Colorado Iron & Metal Yard Co, 164 N Mechanic
Berry & Lee, grocers, 1230 E 8th,
Bessemer Auto Co, 0 W Morgan prop, 320 W Northern av.
Bessemer Building & Loan Assn, Frank P Hawke sec, 1025 E: Evans av.
Bessemer Irrigating Ditch Co, Robert Grant sec-treas, 228 S Union av.
Bessemer Moving & Storage Co,. Snover & Sons props, 1237 Elm.
Bessemer Planing Mill, W E Smith prop, 1316 E Abriendo av.
Betts & Son E, grocers, 1131 E. Orman av.
Biebesheimer Edward, horseshoer, 303 Grand av.
Biele Louis W, mgr Newton Lumber Co, Court & 4th.
Billington Wm H, mgr wh dept Colorado Supply Co, Court & 4th.
Bingham F E, mgr Armour & Co, tracks & C & S Depot.
Birch Harvey, livery, 3rd & Court
Birch Richmond, prop American Novelty Works, 205 Santa Fe.
Birrer J B, mgr Western Jewelry Co, 237 N Union av.
Bishop A J, grocer, 622 East B.
Black H A, physician, 1 Pope blk.
Black Louisa T, physician Clark Magnetic Mineral Springs.
Black Hawk G M Co, A H Chapman pres, 124 W 1st.
Black & McDonnell, physician, 5 Strait blk.
Black & Ribak, sec hd gds, 126 N Santa Fe av.
Blain Bakery, 1200 E Evans av.
Blair John A, prop Columbian Jewelry Supply Mfg Co, 116 N Main.
Blanc Henry, shoemaker, 316 1/2 S Union av.
Block Alexander, physn, 233 N Union av.
Bloom Land & Cattle Co, A S Booth sec, First Nat Bank bldg.
Blouch Levi H, grocer, 1110 Lake.
Blum & Co J, wh. liquors, 425 Santa Fe av.
B & 0 Gann Merc Co, dry goods, 2nd & Main.
Boden Mrs Al, restrt, 518 N Main.
Boedecker G A W, cigars, 303 1/2 W Northern av.
Boese W G, agt Adams Exp, 412 N Main.
Boetz & Co H W, drugs, Union & Victoria avs.
Bolen Wm H, hardware, 1216 E Routt av.
Bond Frank, live stock, 1133 S Union av.
Bonney W F, insurance, 426 Central blk.
Borndrueck H C, agt Jos Schlitz Brewing Co, East E & Oneida.
Boswell Mrs M C, prop Pueblo Turkish Baths, 223 W 3rd.
Bradley Rev Cyprian, 0 S B, Prof Benedictine College, College av & 7th.
Brantzell P H, plumber, 1315 E Routt av.
Brayton Homer E, atty-at-law, 61-63-65 Opera House blk.
Brayton & Co E, real estate, 7 Opera House blk.
Breetwor Joseph, genl mdse, 123 Spring.
Breetwor M, pliotogr, 116 W 4th
Bridgford Ben, drugs, 701 N Main
Brinkley W J, mgr Liebhardt Produce Co, 212 Grand av.
Bristol C H, supt A T & S F Ry.
Brooking J C, insurance, 4 Amherst blk.
Brooks A J, physn, 38 Opera Hse.
Brooks Minued B, mgr Times Pub Co & Afro-American Realty Co, 1312 E Evans av.
Brown B B, pres Western Nat Bank.
Brown Louis E, grocer, 1416 E 4th
Brown W D, shoes, 308 N Main.
Brown Wm T, dairy, Santa Fe & 32nd.
Brown Bros, mdse brokers, 132 Central blk.
Bruce J U, insurance. 78 Opera House blk.
Bruner R J, real estate, 137 Central blk.
Bruning Frank, saln, 113 S Union
Bublitz John, saln, 301 W Northern av.
Buck W E, physn, 22 Masonic.
Bullette Wilbur W, physn, 207 Central blk.
Bunker J, prop Piano & Furniture Works, 516 Santa Fe av.
Burch & Co F J, tents and awnings, 209 N Victoria av.
Burke D E, plumber, 318 N Santa Fe av.
Burris S J, pres Globe Fire Insurance & Investment Co, 206 W 4th.
Burris Bros Inv Co, 206 W 4th.
Burton J Knox, clerk dist court.
Byrnes Patrick, prop The Indicator, 316 Northern av.
Caledonia Land Co, Geo D Meston agt, 100 Pope bldg.
Caledonian Fire Insurance Co, Ragle & Co agts, 1208 E Evans av.
Calkins-White Bros Furniture Co, 203 N Main & 187 N Union av.
Cambron C H, real estate, 120 Central blk.
Cambron S J, real estate, 106 W 3rd.
Campbell Alex, carpenter, 316 W 6th.
Campbell D M, atty, 124 Central.
Campbell J E, vice-pres & mgr Mallaby-Campbell Inv Co. 138 Central blk.
Campbell W H, physician. 1 Physicians bldg.
Campbell Wm M, real estate. 205 W 4th.
Capers F L, pres-genl mgr Standard Fire Brick Co, 24th & Summit.
Capitol Life Ins Co, Alfred Cooper genl agt, 319 Central blk.
Card E S, city pass & ticket agt D & R G R R.
Cardillo & Son, saln, 201 S Main.
Carey M A. grocer, 601 Grand av.
Carleton & Son S D, grocers, 107 S Grand av.
Carlton C H, grocer, 118 W 3rd.
Carpenter Miss M R, music teacher, blk L, Mesa Junction.
Carrington W C, real estate, 137 Central blk.
Casey Michael, blacksmith, 312 Grand av.
Cashmaker S. sec hd gds. 134 1/2 N Union av.
Cassidy H N, shoemaker, 207 N Victoria av.
Catholic Church (St Leander), Very Rev Hilary Kaib priest. College av & 6th.
Cavner J M, restrnt, 235 N Union
Central Blk Law Library, Jean Betts librarian, 321 Central blk.
Central Hotel, Mrs E Hartnett prop. 1401 E Evans av.
Cessna Perry A. fuel and feed. 315 W 2nd.
Chambers Edward F, atty, 43 Opera House blk.
Champion Mrs I D, grocer. 223 S Santa Fe av.
Chapman A H, mgr Colorado Transfer & Storage Co, 122-24 W 1st.
Chapman J G, mdse broker, 112 Central blk.
Chappel J J, sec-mgr Barndollar Security Abstract Co, 3rd and Main.
Cherry Albert A, carp, 2 Block J.
Chew Edward R, real estate, consulting engr, 220 Central blk.
Chiariglione Hector, prop L'Unione, notary public, 326 Victoria av.
Chicago Bicycle & Graphophone Co. A Mayerson prop, 322 N Santa Fe av.
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry Co, A S Cuthbertson com'l agt, 3rd & N Main.
Chicago Rooming House, Mrs Nina Teets prop, 122 W 1st.
Chieftain Printing Co, publishers Pueblo Chieftain (d). Colorado
Chieftain (w),
I N Stevens pres, J A Barclay vice-pres & mgr, J McAuliffe treas,
G G Withers sec. 111-113 E 4th.
Churchill Jewelry Co, 306 N Main
Cidrich Victor, shoemaker, 312 1/2 S Union av.
City Detention House, Carthage av & 27th
City Employment Office, Markham & Gauntt props, 328 S Victoria av.
City Laundry Co, Wm Carroll mgr, 109 W 5th.
City Loan Co, C H Willdin mgr. 201 Central blk.
City Package Delivery Co, Wm Sherlock mgr, 504 N Santa Fe.
City Scales, J S Young weighmaster, 100 Grand av.
City Shoe Factory, 0 J Hopkins prop, custom work & repairing, boots and
shoes made to fit your feet, 404 Santa Fe av.
Clark J A, prin American Business College, Swift blk.
Clark Wm M, carpenter, 612 Court.
Clark Magnetic Mineral Springs, 0 E Clark prop, 708 East B.
Clark & Ruby, sale stable, 116 N Santa Fe av.
Clark & Stone, props Pueblo Assay Office & Chemical Laboratory,
Union & Victoria avs.
Clemens Chas, W, genl mdse, 914 East B.
Clynes James, saloon, 323 W Northern av.
Coady F A, mgr planing mill and lumber yard King Investment Co, 6th & West.
Coberley G M, barber, 423 W 4th.
Coday Wm A, plmbr, 109 East C.
Codding Bros, furniture, 201 Santa Fe av.
Cohen Samuel, sec hd gds, 146 N Union av.
Coleman Alfred W, physn, 1007 E Evans av.
Coleman Fred S, dairy, 1402 E 12th.
Collier Inv Co, J. J Langdon sec, 10 Amherst bldg.
Collins David W, physn, 32 blk Q.
Collins Geo W, atty, 318 Central.
Collins Horace E, clothier & furnisher, 312 N Main.
Collins J A, atty, 75 Opera House.
Collins Wallace E, bakery, 323 S Union ave.
Collins Com Co, wh produce, 222 W 2nd.
Collins & Williams, wh fruit and produce, 209 Court.
Colorado Bedding Co, wh bedding of every description, M Kohn mgr,
W 3rd cor Grand av.
Colo Brick & Tile Co, 57 Opera House blk.
Colo Canada Land Co, C M Richardson pres, 314 Central blk.
Colorado Cattle & Mule Co, P M Keen pres, 3-4 Board of Trade bldg.
Colorado Chieftain (w), Chieftain Printing Co pubs, J A Barclay mgr,
111-113 E 4th.
Colo Free Employment Office, L A Tanquary supt, Board of Trade bldg.
Colo Fuel & Iron Co, J B McKennan genl mgr, Abriendo & Bay State av.
Colo Humane Society, McDonald & Morris agts, 304 N Main.
Colorado Iron & Metal Yard Co, M Bernstein prop, 164 N Mechanic.
Colo Laundry & Linen Supply, C A Flutcher pres-mgr, 109-11 W 3rd.
Colo Mercantile Co, J Tour mgr, wh furnishings, 107 S Union av.
Colo Monumental Co, 608 S Union av.
Colo Nat Life Ins Co, Adam S Wagner mgr, 105 Central blk.
Colorado Packing & Provision Co, M P Slattery mgr, West D st.
Colo Slate & Tile Eoofing Co, H E Van Dorpp sec, 76 Opera House blk.
C & S Ry Co, traffic dept, A S Cuthbertson agt, 225 N Main.
Colorado Transfer & Storage Co, A H Chapman mgr, 122-24 W 1st.
Colo State Fair Assn., J L Beaman pres. White Triangle blk.
Colo State Insane Asylum, A P Busey supt, Martin & llth.
Colo Supply Co, wh dept W H Billington mgr, Bay State av & R R tracks.
Colo Supply Co, A F Kindall mgr, Bay State & Evans.
Colo Tel Co, C G Seelye dist mgr.
Colo Times (w), Times Pub Co. pubs, 1312 E Evans av.
Colored Orphanage & Old Folk's Home, Lucille A Hargrove supt, 306 E 1st.
Columbian Jewelry Supply & Mfg Co, John A Blair prop, 116 N Main.
Columbine Music Co, pianos and organs, 500 N Main.
Congress Hotel, The Pueblo Hotel Co props, Oaks & 0'Brien mgrs.
Santa Fe av 7th to 8th.
Conklin Arthur G, agt Hinchman-Renton Fire Proofing Co, 120 S Main.
Conservatory of Music, Mrs L W Kunkel pres, 725 N Main.
Continental Creamery Co, S Pepper mgr, 6th & Elizabeth
Continental Oil Co, C W Tingley agt. Elm & Division.
Cook & Francis, horseshoers, 315 W 3rd.
Coombs H H, agt Missouri Pacific Ry, 100 S Union av.
Coonce John, pool, 105 N Union.
Cooper H L, ins. 120 Central blk.
Cooper & Robertson (Francis W Cooper & Guy B Robertson) architects,
108-115 Pope blk.
Corbin A A, physn, 222 1/2 Main.
Corkish Nellie E, co supt schools.
Cornwell Jewelry Co, 222 N Main
Corson M E, justice peace, Board of Trade bldg.
Cortese John, barber, 114 N Union
Corwin R W, physn, 7 Amherst.
Counterman U S, barber, 1549 E Evans av.
County Infirmary. Fletcher Woolsey supt, Blende.
Covey R T, livery, 600 S Union,
Cowan J C, livery, 409 W 3rd.
Cowan John, grocer, 1400 Pine.
Cowan Cigar Co, 131 S Union av.
Cowhick Will J, real estate, 120 Central blk
Cowles & Hughes, attys, 307 Central blk.
Cox John L, prop Iron City Towel & Linen Supply Co, 201 S Victoria.
Craig John S, saloon, 420 W Northern av.
Crane & Patrick, attys, 47 Opera House blk.
Crater Geo T, cigars, 1605 E Evans av.
Crawford & Co S F, insurance, 210 S Union av.
Crenshaw E D, sec hd gds, 409 W 3rd.
Crescent Jewelry Co, 205 N Main.
Crews-Beggs Dry Goods Co, department store, C W Crews genl mgr, E H Day
vice-pres, A G Hayes sec-treas, J D Kellogg store mgr, E P Brown
mdse mgr, 4th & Main.
Cristiano Francesco, tailor, 170 N Union av.
Critcher Frank, confectionery and stationery, 408 W Northern av.
Crockett & Co E I, real estate, loans and insurance, 421 Santa Fe av.
Croll P c, civil engr, 552 S Union.
Crooks & Campbell, saloon, 602 W 4th.
Crossen Hugh A, barber, 120 S Union av
Crossman Robt A, atty, 402 Central blk.
Crouch Bros, grocers, 615 N Main.
Cruzen Geo R, city pass agt Rock Island-Frisco Lines, 226 N Main
Crystal Ice Co, R L McCormick mgr, 20 Masonic bldg.
Cuddeback Frank L, mgr Pueblo Plumbing Co, 224 W 4th.
Culig P, sec-treas Colo Monumental Co, 608 S Union av.
Culley Geo T, carp, 1204 E 9th.
Curran Bill Posting & Distributing Co, Clifford Penney mgr, 113 E 5th.
Currie Hiram S, real estate, 112 Central blk.
Curtis Edward R, carp, 322 E 7th.
Custer County Land & Cattle Co, S J Burris pres, 206 W 4th.
Daily James M, sec Pueblo Gas & Fuel Co, 512 N Main.
Daingerfield L H, forecaster U S Weather Bureau, 214 Federal.
Dangerfield J E, cigars, 307 W Northern av.
Daniels A C, drugs, 301 S Union
Davey Walter F, carp, 1502 Carteret av.
Davidson John W, district atty, 304 Central blk.
Davies & Co G M, real estate, loans and insurance, 402 Central blk.
Davis L H, grocer, Union & Victoria avs.
Davis & Hopkins, saloon, 233 N Union av.
Davis-Vories Undertaking Co, 8th & Main.
Dean-Creel Furniture Co, 173 N Union av.
De Lellis Joseph, shoemaker, 119 Grand av.
Delliquadri C F, grocer, 108 Summit av.
De Long Simon, pop corn, 419 W Northern av.
Dennison A M, mgr Western Packing Co, W end D.
Denver Medical Dispensary, Dr J T Marsden in charge, 136 N Union av.
D & R G R R Co, E S Card city pass & ticket agt.
Denver & Guanacevi M & M Co, J J Langdon pres, 10 Amherst big.
De Tienne H G, osteopathic physician, 127 Central blk.
Devine, Dubbs & Preston, attys, 30 Opera House blk.
Diamond A Cattle Co, A S Booth sec, First Nat Bank.
Dibble Robt B, physician, 6 Erickson bldg.
Dicino Nicholas, groc, 125 Kelley.
Dickinson G W, real estate, 130 Union av.
Dicus L J, restrnt, 315 W Northern av.
Dill R H, grocer, 305 S Victoria
Dittmer Chas L W, carp, 630 Cleveland.
Dixon & Miller, cigars and pool, 404 W Northern av.
Doertenbach W P, manufacturing furrier & taxidermist, prop Fairview Tannery,
622 N Main.
Doherty Eugene, restrnt, 110 W 1st.
Doherty W M, clk Woodmen of the World, Valley Camp No 29. 174 N Union av.
Donnelly T. D, real estate, 123 S Union av.
Dooley A J, furniture, 1301 E Routt av.
Doran R H, carp, 1338 E 9th.
Dorland W L, physn, ]35 Central.
Dorst R L, agt American Beet Sugar Co, 14 Graham-Wescott blk.
Dotson Peter L, real estate, 105 Grand av.
Douglass S P, physn, 228 1/2 S Union av.
Downen Thomas J, real estate, investments, securities and Insurance,
71-73 Opera House bldg.
Dragash Andro, clothing, 315 E Northern av.
Drake D D, financial broker, 77 Opera House blk.
Drake James F, atty, 125 Central
Drake W F, mgr W U Tel Co, 406 N Main.
Dreamland Theatre, A W Howell mgr, 408 N Main.
Druley R A, atty,, 81 Opera House
Dudley W K, cash Pueblo Savings Bank.
Dugan P J, atty-at-law, 61-63-65 Opera House blk.
Dugan & Brayton, attys-at-law, 61-63-65 Opera House blk.
Duggan & Christy, cleaning & pressing, Mesa & Evans.
Duke Frank G, city clerk, City Hall.
Dun & Co R G, The Mercantile Agency. W D Franklin mgr, 117-118' Pope blk.
Dunbaugh & Joy, real estate, 335 Central blk.
Dundee Woolen Mills, 503 Main.
Dunham & Co H C, fine linens, 517 N Santa Fe av.
Durham S R, atty, 125 Central blk
Durrett & Son Carrie F, osteopathic physicians, 107 Opera House blk.
Dye Joseph, atty, 109 Central blk.
Eagles Club, T C Maloney sec, 225 1/2 N Santa Fe av.
Eckart Jacob S, sec hd gds, 225 N Santa Fe av.
Edelstein Moses, junk, 255 S Santa Fe av.
Edelstein & Berger, clothing, 182 N Union av.
Egan Joseph, prop & mgr Lithia Water Bottling Co, 120 E 8th.
Egan Michael, saloon. 440 S Santa Fe av.
Eichenlaub Rev Leo, 0 S B, prof Benedictine College, College av & 7th.
Einhorn Morris, shoemaker, repairer, Gold Medal Shoe Factory, 216 W Northern av.
Elder E A, physn, 210 Central blk
Elks' Club (B P 0 E), H Harris sec, 424 N Santa Fe av.
Ellington E E, ice cream, 333 S Union av.
Ellingwoods Printing House, 207 W 4th.
Elliott J G, atty, 101 Central blk.
Elliott Nixon, real estate, 101 Central blk.
Elliott Bros, cierars. 115 West B.
Ellsworth-Klaner C0nstruction Co, J F Klaner pres, A C Ellsworth sec-treas,
genl contractors, 412-13 Central blk.
Eloma Mfg Co, J W Thomas pres-mgr, 14th & Water.
Elspass Roller Quartz Mill & Mfg Co, S J Burris pres, 206 W 4th.
Elwell Mrs A L, real estate, 120 Central blk.
Elwell Joseph C, atty, 121 Central
Elwell John W, atty, 121 Central
Engle Amos, brbr, 223 N Victoria.
English James, plumber, 522 N Santa Fe av.
Enterprise Manufacturing & Supply Co, Jos Hochenauer prop, plumbers & steam
fitters' supplies, gas and gasoline engines, boilers, pipe and fittings,
office 319-321 S Victoria av, shops 1st & Greenwood
Epler Crum, phys, 206 W 4th.
Epstein Abraham, junk, 416 W 1st.
Esopus Gold M & M Co, Wm Barber sec, 206 W 4th.
Essex C S, judge dist court.
Eureka Machine Works, F A Gable prop, 415 N Santa Fe av.
Evans David W, grocer, 718 E 4th
Evans Geo C, real estate, loans and insurance, 419 Santa Fe av.
Evans J B, livery, Victoria and Grand.
Eyer's Moving & Storage Co Isaac, 117 East C.
Fairview Tannery, W F Doertenbach prop, 622 N Main.
Fanning P J. saloon, 324 S Union
Farmers Co-Op Coal Co. S Z Schenck sec-mgr, 95 0pera House blk.
Farmers Union Merc Co (land dept), S Z Schenck ragr. 95 Opera House blk.
Farney Mrs M, millinery, 703 N Main.
Farrell Ben. grocer, 205 S Union.
Fauerbach Jacob, brbr, 420 W 1st.
Felt Eugene S, carp, 2518 3rd av.
Ferguson Joseph C. grocer. 1620 W Northern av.
Ferguson Risley, carp, 309 W Adams av.
Ferraro & Carlino, props Pueblo Vegetable Market, fruits & produce,
wh commission. 218 W 2nd.
Ferris & Ashton, ore shippers, agents and samplers, 9 Board of Trade bldg.
Field Harrison T, wall paper & paints, 410 W Northern av.
Fimple B C, grocer, 118 N Main.
Fink Allen M, wh meats, Wiley & C's addition.
Firestine Grant M, shoemaker, 208 N Main. .
First National Bank, M D Thatcher pres, John A Thatcher vice-pres, R F Lytle
cash, H J Smith asst cash ,G F Trotter asst cash, A S Booth asst cash,
M D Thatcher Jr asst cash.
Fisher Jewelry Co, 227 S Union.
Fisher Land Co, J H Fisher mgr, 408 Central blk.
Fist & Co Julius, wh liquors, 511 N Santa Fe av.
Fitch M H, invests, 102 W 3rd.
Fitts Mfg Co, chemists, 704 Grand
Fitzpatrick Jeff, livery, 218 S Main
Fleischer Gerhard, florist, ? N Main.
F?chmann Co, J M Meeker agt, ? mfrs, 1024 Greenwood.
Florman Mercantile Co The L, wall paper, paints, oils & glass,
317-321 Santa Fe av.
Floyd J W C, photog, 527 Court.
Flutcher Chas, pres-mgr Colo Laundry Co, 109 W 3rd.
Flynn Thos, harness, 108 S Union.
Foley T H, genl mdse, plumber, Northern av & Elm.
Foote T P, collections and adjustments, 501 Court.
Forbes, Casey & Co. plumbers, 101 W Northern av.
Forbush Fuel & Ice Co, 203 N Union av.
Ford E F, drugs, Union av & B.
Forrester H E, dentist, 210 Swift blk.
Fosdick Sherman, printer, 420 N Santa Fe av.
Foster Geo S, real estate, 120 Central blk.
Fountain Lorenzo D, grocer, 1409 Palmer av.
Frank Chas, barber, 140 N Union.
Frank J, tailor, cleaning, pressing and repairing, 103 W 6th.
Franklin W D, mgr R G Dun & Co, The Mercantile Agency, 117-118 Pope blk.
Franklin Press Co (Pueblo division Rocky Mountain Bank Note Co, Denver, Pueblo,
Salt Lake City, Utah), B F Scribner pres-treas, J A O'Brien sec,
lithographers, printers & blank book makers, 112-114 W 3rd.
Franz Joe H, prop Mission Stamp Works, 425 Santa Fe av.
Fraser Wm G, carp, 217 S Union.
Frazier R T, saddles & harness. 112-114 W 2nd.
Freedman & Co, billiards, 188 N Union av.
Friedman Solomon, dry goods, 219 S Union av.
Friedman John C, sewing machines, 515 N Santa Fe av.
Frueauff Harrv D, treas-mgr Pueblo Gas & Fuel Co, 512 N Main.
Fry Wm A, architect, 302 W 6th.
Fugard A L, physn, 130 Central.
Fulton Market, Conrad Stumpf. prop, 603 N Main.
Furney Lawrence M, barber, 320 S Union av.
Fuschino A, genl mdse, prop Pueblo Macaroni Factory, 833 Box Elder &
136 N Union av.
Futrell Albert, restrnt, 110 S Union av.
Gaebel Engrwing Co H A, 412 1/2 Santa Fe av.
Gaines-Erb Co, mfrs artificial limbs, 2 White Triangle blk.
Gallagher John, saln, 221 S Union
Galligan M J, atty, 330 Central.
Gallup Saddlery Co S C, 111 W 4th.
Gamblet & Co, grocers, 619 Main.
Gardini Luigi, physn, 244 1st.
Gardner Andrew, real estate, 49 Opera House blk.
Gardner E H, mgr Pueblo Hardware Co, 402 Santa Fe av.
Garrett Wm, barber, Bay State W of Evans av.
Gas Appliance Co, Dowell & Welch props, 621 N Main.
Gasser Ferdinand, shoemkr, 1210 E Evans av.
Gavin & Hanger, real estate, 1247 E Evans av.
Gaymon D P, civil engineer, 16 Amherst bldg.
Gaynor Peter 0, civil engr, 21 Carlile Pl.
Geiser & Son C, plumbers, 309 N Santa Fe av.
German American Athletic Assn, N Zink pres, 212 W 7th.
German American Indemnity Assn 104 W 3rd.
Gersick Martin, grocer, 303 E Northern av.
Gile J M, architect, 217 Central blk.
Gill & Holloran, real estate, 106 W 4th.
Gillespie W A, real estate, 110 Central blk.
Gilmore-McCabe Millinery & Dry Goods Co, 422 N Main.
Gingerich H C, photogr, 237 1/2 N Union av.
Ginther & Cox, brbrs, 205 W 2nd.
Glanville S H, carp, 1115 Cypress.
Glass & McQuillan, oprs Mmnequa Park, So end Berkeley av.
Gleason Chas W, dairy, 506 Alma
Globe Fire Insurance & Investment Co The, S J Burris pres, Wm Barber
vice-pres, Geo H Sweeney mgr, 206 W 4th.
Globe Shoe & Clothing Co, 231 S Union av.
Glover Drug Co, 204 S Union av.
Goff James W, vet surgeon, 1006 E Orman av.
Goldstein W, tailor, 623 1/2. N Main
Goodman Nathan, clothing, 106 S Union av.
Gordon J R, investments, 112 Central blk.
Goslen Live Stock Commission Co, 0 L Tricklett sec-treas, New Southern Hotel.
Grady Stephen, dairy, 410 Prairie
Graham Com Co, wh poultry, 2nd and Court.
Grahek Matthew, genl mdse, 1201 S Santa Fe av.
Grand Opera House, Grand Theatre Co lessees, Opera House blk.
Grand Theatre Co, E G Middlekamp mgr, 407 Main.
Grand Union Tea Co, J G Hubersberger mgr, 112 W 4th.
Gray Geo E, physn, 310 Central.
Gray John L, barber, 202 W 3rd.
Gray L L, prop Hotel Maine, 7th & Main, and Oriental Cafe, Bar & Cigar Store,
122 W 3rd.
Gray P A, commissioner of transportation Pueblo Commerce Club, Opera House blk.
Gray Carriage Co J M, 215 W 3rd
Graybeal & Cline, wh & ret feed, hay, coal and wood, Northern & Elm.
Great Western Loan & Guaranty Co, 402 Central blk.
Great Western Sugar Co, M D Thatcher treas, First Nat Bank.
Green N 0. tailor. 208 W 4th.
Greenhood A J, carp, 110 W 5th.
Greenhorn Inv Co, G H Sweeney sec, 206 W 4th.
Gross Adalbert, real estate, 1226 E Abriendo av.
Gruendler H F. piano studio, 129 W 9th.
Grund John A, prop Pueblo Omnibus & Carriage Co, 315-317 W 4th.
Guggenheim Leo U. city treas. City Hall.
Gulliford Academy, Clare H Gulliford prin, 530 Lake av.
Haines W H, office supplies, 418 N Main.
Hall W J, agt U S Exp, 110 W 3rd
Haltom & -Tolly, grocers, 101 S Grand av.
Hamlin & Co, hay & grain, 120 N Santa Fe av.
Hammill F A G, baky, 611 Grand.
Hammond & Whitlow, billiards, 321 S Union av.
Hampton D, chiropractor, spine specialist, 24 Masonic bldg, (formerly
Mechanics blk).
Hands W, pawnbroker, 168 N Union.
Hanisch J G, tailor, 1229 E Evans
Hanna & Mathews, liquors & cigars, 125 W 4th & 118 W 2nd.
Hard Land Co, G H Williams sec-treas, Merc Nat Bank bldg.
Hardin Mrs W A, hair dresser, 37 Masonic bldg.
Harford Thos, carp, 803 E 5th.
Harold Donald, monuments, 114 W 5th.
Harries & Co Ed, wh liquors & cigars, 409 N Santa Fe av.
Harris T J, employment agt, 105 West C.
Harrison G W, furniture, 107 S Union av.
Hart Mrs E M, grocer, 912 1/2 W 12th.
Hartman H F, cigars, 241 N Union
Hartman & Ballreich, attys, 227 Central blk.
Haruff Oscar, physn, 206 Central.
Hatchet Cattle Co, A S Booth sec. First Nat Bank.
Hathaway E W, civil engr, 16 Amherst bldg.
Hatzfield J A, physn, 1 Amherst.
Haver Edwin B, real estate. notary, 119 Central blk.
Hawke F P, sec Bessemer Bldg & Loan Assn, 1025 E Evans av.
Hawkins & Co J M, real estate, insurance and collections, 614 S Union av.
Hays & Parr, saloon, 199 N Union
Heim Brewing Co, Hyman Levin agt, 136 W 1st.
Heller P H, physn, 235 Central blk
Hellman Frank, agt Denver Post, 116 N Main.
Helwig Frank J, mgr Standard Fire Brick Co, 24th & Summit.
Henkel-Duke Merc Co, wh grocrs, 212-22 W 3rd.
Heningsen & Hellstern, barbers, 309 S Union av.
Henry Lyman I, patent attorney, 432-3 Central blk.
Henry Robt, carp, 1302 Carteret.
Herman F J, bicycles, 122 S Union
Herman Merc Co, genl mdse, 222 W Northern av.
Hermsmeyer Chas H, insurance, 41 Masonic bldg.
Herod Mrs I M, cigars and confectionery, 117 West B.
Herrington Geo, mgr Minnequa Town Co, Minnequa blk.
Hext Music Co, G W Walters mgr, 504 N Main.
Highberger D A, atty, 105 Opera House blk.
Highberger E C, county clerk & recorder.
Hildenbrand Julius, saloon, 109 West B.
Hiles Frank A, insurance, 219 Central blk.
Hill Geo 0, real estate, 219 Central blk.
Hill J C, physn, 15 Erickson blk.
Hinchman-Renton Fireproofing Co, A G Conklin agt, 120 S Main.
Hirst & Co Sam, jewelers, 219 N Union av.
Hoag Frank S, mgr Pueblo Star-Journal. Grand & Union avs.
Hochenauer Jos, prop Enterprise Mfg & Supply Co, office 319-21 S Victoria av,
shops 1st and Greenwood.
Hochevar Frank, saloon, 207 E Northern av.
Hoellworth C G, confectionery, 117 West B.
Hoffman J W, real estate, 318 W Northern av.
Hoffmire Thos R, atty, 81 Opera House blk.
Hogan Gus, prop St George Hotel, 322 1/2 s Union av.
Holehan Frank, cigars & confecty, 1326 1/2 E Evans av.
Hollister Leonard, wall paper & furn .rooms, 111 E Abriendo.
Holmboe W H, real estate, 15 Opera House blk.
Holmes Hardware Co, S Union & B.
Holt E C, atty, 306 Central blk.
Home Security Co, 402 Central blk
Home Stove & Furniture Co, Wheeler & Foster props, 207 N Union av.
Homestead Reservoir & Irrigation Co, E G Middlekamp, sec.
Hopkins 0 J, prop City Shoe Factory, 404 N Santa Fe av.
Hopkins & Means, real estate. 122 W 2nd.
Hosfield & Co, cleaning and pressing, 109 W 2nd.
Hotel Arcade, R L Nardini prop, opp Union Depot, phone Main 904.
Hotel Maine, L L Gray prop, 7th & Main, phone Main 710.
Howard W S, photog, 304 N Main
Howe W E Jr, drugs, 322 W Northern av.
Howell M H, mgr Star Loan & Inv Co, 43 Masonic bldg.
Hrubesky John P, vice-pres-sec The Walter Brewing Co, 501 Santa Fe av, cor 5th.
Hubersberger J G, mgr Grand Union Tea Co, 112 W 4th.
Huerfano Valley Land & Cattle Co, E B Haver sec, 119 Central.
Hughart F P, rooming house, 323 1/2 S Victoria av.
Hughes Sarah L, physn, 1202 E 8th.
Hull E D, restrnt, 107 West B.
Hummel W E, insurance, 109 Pope
Humphrey J E, jeweler, 414 N Main.
Hunnicutt W P, physn, 19 Pope.
Hupp A A, horseshoer, 106 S Grand av.
Huyser Bros, hardware & furniture, 309 W Northern av.
Hyde Paper Co, wh paper, 100 Victoria av.
Hydropathic Sanitarium & Natatorium, Dr J E Marshall mgr, 301 S Victoria av.
Ideal Motor Car Co, Harry White mgr, 811 N Main.
Idzal Louis, pawnbroker, 307 S Union av.
“Il Vindice” Italian Newspaper (w), M Jachetta ed & mgr, 308 N Santa Fe av.
Independent Order of Foresters G C Wells sec, 81 Opera House blk.
Indicator The (w), P Byrnes prop, 312 W Northern av.
Inland Real Estate Co, A S Booth sec, First Nat Bank.
International Correspondence School, J M Hunter supt, 34 Masonic bldg.
International Protective Assn, T A Presher mgr, 115 Central blk.
International Railroad & Steamship Agency, Hector Chiariglione mgr,
326 S Victoria av.
Iron City Fuel Co, J L Beaman mgr, White Triangle blk.
Iron City Lumber Co, T N Young pres, 1535 Evans av.
Iron City Towel & Linen Supply, J L Cox prop, 201 S Victoria av
Jachetta M, ed & mgr “Il Vindice,” 308 N Santa Fe av.
Jachetta & Nigro, real estate, insurance, notaries, genl mdse,
308-10 N Santa Fe av.
Jackson George, carriages, implements and seeds, 210-12 S Union av.
Jackson George, importer & wh liquor dealer, 125-127 S Union av.
Jackson John M, real estate, 125 Central blk.
Jenkins J H, genl sec Pueblo Commerce Club, Opera House blk.
Jenkins W J, co surveyor.
Jennings & Hatcher, barbers, 192 N Union av.
Jewell & Co J, pension & patent attorneys, 231 Central blk.
J & N Coal Co, 308 N Santa Fe av
Johnson Allie R, loans, 413 W Northern av.
Johnson E M, saloon, 317 S Union
Johnson G W, cigars, 414 Santa Fe av.
Johnson James F, harness, 207 S Grand av.
Johnson J Will, real estate, loans and insurance, 109 W 3rd.
Johnson M C, wh flour and coal, 204 Santa Fe av.
Johnson & Peterson, saloon, 310 W Northern av.
Johnston Mrs June, restrnt, 212 W 4th.
Johnston W S, physn, 206 Central
Joint Railroad Transfer Office, West end of D.
Jones Fred 0, horseshoer, 111 West D.
Jones Sherman J, tailor, 307 1/2 S Victoria av.
Jones W H, real estate, 325 S Victoria av.
Jones Merc Co L C, 108 W 3rd.
Jordan F J, horseshoer, 224 S Main.
Juanita Coal & Coke Co, A T King pres, First Nat Bank.
Jung Wm, mgr Ph Zang Brewing Co, Lamkin & C.
Kaapacke Richard, tents, 116 S Union av.
Kahn & Kushnir, props Pueblo Loan Co, 217 S Union av.
Kaib Very Rev Hilary, 0 S B, rector Benedictine College, College av & 7th.
Kan-O-Tex Refining Co, H E Huston mgr, 207 S Union av.
Kaplan J, prop O K Clothing Store, 114 1/2 S Union av.
Keen Bros, real estate, loans, insurance & investments, 3-4 Board of Trade bldg.
Keeney Madison J, physn, 202 Central blk.
Keil L W, jeweler, 412 W Northern av.
Keister's Ladies Tailoring College, Wagoner & Jones props, 50 Masonic bldg.
Keller Leo A, blacksmith, 219 S Main.
Kellogg J D, store mgr Crews-Beggs Dry Goods Co.
Kelly John F, vet surgeon, 111 East D.
Kelly Thos, rl estate, 105 East C.
Kentucky Belle Gold M Co, Wm Barber sec, 206 W 4th.
Kentucky Liquor House Co, L Levy pres, 103 S Union av.
Kidwell W R, physn, 11 Erickson.
Kieferle J A, extracts, 413 N Santa Fe av.
Killin & Co John M, hardware, 206 S Union av.
Killough Harry B, physn, 10 Pope
King A T, physn, 16 Pope blk.
King Frank, barber, 317 Indiana.
King Com Co H B, wh fruits & produce, 228 W 3rd.
King Investment Co, G E King pres, home builders & real estate.
11-13 Opera House blk, F A Coady mgr planing mill & lumber yard, 6th & West.
Kingery W T, fuel & feed, 4th & Court.
Kinkel 0 B. real estate. 104 W 3rd
Kirby W F, ticket broker, 115 West B.
Kirtley & Co. grocers, 1001 E Evans av.
Kitto Albert A, fuel & feed, 607 S Union av.
Klaner J F, pres Ellsworth-Klaner Construction Co, 412-13 Central blk.
Klein Henry, stove repairs, 211 N Santa Fe av.
Kletzky David, oculist, 204 Swift
Knight Chas C. civil engr, 107 McCarthy blk.
Knight-Rush Lumber Co, W 4th and Grand.
Koen W D, real estate, 120 Central blk.
Koenig's Labor Agency, J R Bayless mgr. 326 1/2 S Victoria
Kohn M, mgr Colorado Bedding Co, W 3rd cor Grand av
Koperlik Ben.i F. atty, 426 Central
Koretz & Co L D, wh liquors, 417 Santa Fe av.
Kretsehmer & Son Chas, blacksmiths, 103 N Victoria av.
Kyle Cycle & Electric Co, 121 S Union av.
Lake Alice M, physn, Insane Asylum.
Lake M S, dairy, 1720 W 13th.
Lake Meredith Reservoir Co, W L Hartman vice-pres & mgr, 227 Central blk.
Lake Minnequa Park & Amusement Co.
Lake Minnequa Theatre, J D Glass mgr, Minnequa Park.
Lake Park Land Co, E S Ray agt, 316 S Union av.
Lakewood Land Co, C F Ray & Co agts. 316 S Union av.
Lamb Thomas, wh wines, liquors & cigars, agt Val Blatz and Walter Brewing Co
beers. 127 S Santa Fe av.
Lambert John J, receiver U S Land Office, Federal bldg.
Lammo Angelo, grocer. 326 E Mesa av.
Langdon J J, sec-genl mgr The Pueblo Abstract of Title Co, 10-11 Amherst bldg.
Langley Grocer Co, 313 N Santa Fe av.
Lannon C A, pres The Pueblo Foundry & Machine Co, S Santa Fe av.
Lanza Domenico, macaroni mfr. 919 El Dorado av.
Larson Carl, saloon, 108 N Union.
Lassen Fritz, physn, 107 Swift bld
Law Library, 321 Central blk.
Leader Benj, sec hd gds, 142 N Union av.
Leddy & Sham, brbrs, 110 W 4th.
Lee Chas W, wh crackers & confectionery, 218 W 2nd.
Leftwich C J. city building inspector, City Hall.
Leonard A E. cigars & pool, 116 W 2nd.
Leonard E F, saloon, 423 W 4th.
Lester John C, pres Ridenour-Baker-Bragdon Merc Co, D & Lamkin.
Levin & Son H, saloon. 136 1st.
Lewis Hume, invests. 87 Opera House blk.
Lewis Lawrence, investments, 87 Opera House blk.
Lewis Thos L, sec-mgr Railway Savings & Building Assn, 227 N Santa Fe av.
Liebhardt Produce Co, W J Brinkley mgr, 212 Grand av.
Lincoln Investment Co, S J Burris pres, 206 W 4th.
Linebarger A H, horseradish mfr, 511 W 27th.
Lines Mrs May, artist, White Triangle blk.
Lithia Water Bottling Co, Joseph Egan prop & mgr, 120 E 8th.
Litz G C, blksmith, 1241 E Routt.
Lloyd Thos P, cigar mfr, 223 E 4th.
Locki John W, prop Pueblo Sunday Opinion, 110 W 2nd.
Long & Co John D, drugs, 947 E Evans av.
Longquist Chas, saln, 119 W 4th.
Loomis Geo, pres-mgr Pueblo Trunk Co, 111 W 4th.
Loor Jos H, co treasurer.
Lord H A, physn, 9 Pope blk.
Loretto Academy, 10th & Elizabeth.
Lousteau & Dutch, restrnt, 410 N Main.
Lousteau Hotel, R M Stetson prop, 218 W 4th.
Low J H H, atty, real estate, 110 Central blk.
Lowe David J, carp, 1639 Pine.
Lowhurst Land & Live Stock Co, E B Haver sec, 119 Central blk.
Lucas Wilbur, physn, 7 Amherst.
L'unione (w), Union Publishing Co, Hector Chiariglione prop, 326 Victoria av.
Luqueer James M, prop Pueblo Transfer & Storage Co, 110 N Main.
Lynch & Hoyt, wall paper & paints, 1213 E Evans av.
Lytle R F, cash First Nat Bank.
McAliney F R, atty, 57 Opera House blk.
McCabe Millinery Co, 422 N Main.
McCarthy & CO T G, undertakers & embalmers, 112 N Main
McClelland Andrew, real estate, 104 West D.
McClelland Mercantile, Industrial & Realty Co The Andrew, wh hay, grain, flour
& feed, real estate, J F Sprengle mgr, 305-9 East C.
McClelland Orphanage, Anna P Burgess supt, 106 Lake av.
McClelland PUBLIC LIBRARY, Mary L Strang librarian, Union & Abriendo.
McCluer Mrs P, jeweler, 606 S Union av.
McColm-Gleason Commission Co, 224 W 2nd.
McCord Merc Co, wh grocers, 220 Grand av.
McCorkle & McCorkle, attys, 327 Central blk.
McCormick R L, mgr Crystal Ice Co, 711 W 7th.
McCoun Sam P, co assessor.
McDonald W H, physn, 304 1/2 N Main.
McFeely J E, prop Pueblo Machine Works, 107 N Victoria av.
McGinnis Chas E, atty, 105 Opera House blk.
McGonigle John I, physn, 1 Erickson blk.
McGovern Coal Co, East C & Plum
McGrath Edmund, barber, 210 S Union av.
McGregor A, carp, 513 N Santa Fe av.
McGrew B J, pres Retail Merc Agency Co, 12 Amherst bldg.
McHarg C K, vice-pres Suburban Land & Investment Co, 228 S Union av.
McImdoo B F, real estate, 1305 E Abriendo av, sec hd gds, 1603 E Evans av.
McIntosh John, grocer, 109 W 4th
McKay F S, dentist, 115 Swift.
McKee James C, brick contr, 227 W 14th.
McKeeby F E, drugs & physician, 217 N Union av.
McKennan J B, genl mgr Minnequa Works, 2 1/2 miles S of P O.
McKenzie E L, dentist, 19 Opera House blk.
McKinley J C, barber, 623 N Main
McLagan Geo, pres Bank of Commerce.
McMahon & Collier, undertakers & embalmers, Union av and D.
McMillan F E, co sheriff
McNeal Gordon, barber, 413 1/2 W Northern av.
McPhee & McGinnity Lumber Co, John Moreland mgr, 228 Central Santa Fe.
McWilliams & Byrnes, real estate, 1214 Evans av.
MacLean L, physn, 232 Central.
Madden's Dancing Academy, Opera House blk
Maddox & Co S S, real estate, 412 Santa Fe av.
Magill J K P, grocer, 100 block P.
Maine Hotel, L L Gray prop, 7th & Main, phone Main 710.
Majestic Theatre, G M Morris mgr, 509 Main.
Mallaby-Campbell Investment Co The, real estate, loans and fire insurance,
138-9 Central blk.
Mallahan P J, grocer, 440 E Abriendo av.
Maloney John A, tailor, 205 W 5th
Maloney J F, feed & produce, 115 East C.
Mangham Wm, ladies' suits, 414 N Santa Fe av.
Manning S H, civil engr, 221 Central blk.
Marble Bros, carps, Routt & Mesa
Mark Coal Co, 207 1/2 S Union av.
Markham & Gauntt props City Employment Office, 328 S Victoria av.
Markos David, sec hd gds, 138 N Union av.
Marmaduke C V, physn. Abriendo blk.
Marmaduke & Clutter, fuel & feed, 1243 Routt av.
Marsden James T, physician in charge Denver Medical Dispensary, 136 N Union av.
March Geo A, supt American Smelting & Refining Co (Pueblo & Eilers Plant).
Marshall A H, meat market, 600 Grand av.
Marshall C, sec hd gds, 319 S Union av.
Marshall H J P, barber, 304 W Northern av.
Marshall J E, mgr Hydropathic Sanitarium, 301 S Victoria av.
Marshall Mrs Mattie, hair dresser. 1209 E Orman av.
Martin John A, attorney-at-law, 103-5 and 7 Opera House blk.
Marvin Lester B, physn, 117 W 4th.
Marvin W E, opticn, 218 S Union
Maupin's Shoe Store, L D Maupin prop, 208 N Union av.
May & Co C C, roofers, 114 Victoria av.
Mayer Math, grocer and saloon, 300 Spring.
Mayer Leather Co P, 410 N Santa Fe av.
Mayerson A. bicycles. 322 Santa Fe av.
Mayhorn Benj F, carp, 114 V 10th
Maze Theatre, Cutshaw & Shepard mgrs, 117 W4th.
Mead Hay Press Co, 314 W 4th.
Mechanic Hotel, E A Snyder prop, 305 S Mechanics.
Melrose Geeenhouses, P S Porter prop, 945 Jackson.
Mensinger E J, mgr Slovenski Narod, 817 East B.
Menter & Rosenbloom Co, L D Brown mgr, clothing, 522 N Main.
Mercantile Agency The, R G Dun & Co, W D Franklin mgr, 117-118 Pope blk.
Mercantile Nat Bank, G H Williams pres, Robt Grant vice-pres, L A Winston cash,
Main and 2nd.
Merc Printing Co, J F Thompson mgr, 104 W 2nd.
Mertz Aaron C, blacksmith, 316 Grand av.
Merz John A, carp, 529 Van Buren
Mesa Market Co, grocers, 101 E Abriendo av.
Meston Geo D, real estate, 100 Pope blk.
Methodist Episcopal Deaconess Home. Anna F Burgess supt, 1104 E Routt av.
Metropolitan Drug Co, A B Tipple pres-mgr, R M Greene sec-treas,
n e cor Main & 4th.
Michel M I, tlr, 314 W Northern.
Middlekamp E G, mgr Grand Theatre Co, 407 Main.
Middlekamp M S, physn, Abriendo
Middlekamp Bros, investments, 412 N Main.
Midland Hotel, D C Newman prop, Victoria & N Union avs.
Miles F P, physn, 332 Central blk.
Miles S A, drugs, 1246 Pine.
Miller C N, confectionery & books, 203 S Union av.
Miller James L, cigars, 1549 E Evans av.
Miller John D, city auditor, City Hall.
Miller Mrs Pauline, bakery and restaurant, 314 S Union av.
Miller & Bennett, drugs, 122 N Main.
Miller Brokerage Co C E, J C Wolfe mgr, stocks, 204 W 3rd.
Miller's Union Avenue Bakery, Pauline Miller prop, 314 S Union av.
Millett J W, grocer, 1234 E Routt
Milligan H C, cleaning, 413 Santa Fe av.
Minnequa Bank of Pueblo, M D Thatcher pres, Fred 0 Roof vice-pres,
H E Wheeler cash, Evans & Northern avs.
Minnequa Club, S end of Lake av.
Minnequa Greenhouses, 1407 Berkley av.
Minnequa Hospital (Colo Fuel & Iron Co), R W Corwin chief surgeon, Minnequa av.
Minnequa Park, So end of Berkeley.
Minnequa Rubber Tire Works, J H McAllister mgr, 727 N Main.
Minnequa Town Co, Geo Herrington mgr, Minnequa blk.
Minnequa Works, Colo Fuel & Iron Co props, 2 1/2 miles S of P O.
Mirick Frank G, co judge.
Mission Stamp Works, Joe H Franz prop, 425 Santa Fe av.
Mitchell John H, atty, 320 Central
Miyake I, pool hall, 100 N Santa Fe av.
Moch Sam, suits and cloaks, 211 N Main.
Model Tailoring Co, Niznick & Peasley props. 205 N Union av.
Modern Rug Works, Thos Ayres prop, 422 N Santa Fe av.
Modern Woodmen Of America, Unity Camp No 14865, F W Righter clk, 114 Pope blk.
Modoc M & M Co, C H Hermsmeyer sec-treas. 41 Masonic bld.
Monahan A J, physn. 225 Central.
Moore J D. dentist, 304 N Main.
Moore Mary, grocer, 1407 E 7th.
Moore & Harris, barbers, 105 N Union av.
Moose Lodge. J F Thompson sec, 108 W 2nd.
Moran Mark A, saloon, 405 W Northern av.
Moreland John, mgr McPhee & McGinnity Lumber Co, 228 Central Santa Fe.
Morgan J W. cement contractor, 525 E 8th.
Morris Fred B, drugs, 325 N Santa Fe av.
Morris Baud & Orchestra, 116 W 4th.
Morris Ins Agency & Realty Co, H 0 Morris mgr, 89 Opera House blk.
Morriss R W, atty. 1103 Central.
Morriss & Morriss, carps. 820 E 6th.
Morrissey Carriage Co. 300 S Main
Mortensen & Lees, drugs. 24th & Grand av.
Morton & Co J G, investments. 125 Central blk.
Mottice C C, Royal Tailors & Clothiers, 1241-5 Evans.
Mount W E, jeweler, 312 Main.
Mountain Ice & Coal Co, R J Belcher sec-treas. 5th & Elizabeth.
Mourning C C, sec hd gds, 120 N Union av.
Mullett Fred L, cigars, 307 S Union av.
Muncey J I, agt Wells-Fargo Exp, 416 N Main.
Murphy John, atty, 233 S Union.
Murphy & Masterson. wall paper & paints, 1204 E Evans av.
Mutual Life Insurance Co Of N Y, 0 C Watson mgr, H W Quesnel cashier,
427-31 Central blk, P 0 box 713.
Nafe Realty Co, 215 S Union av.
Nardini R L, prop Hotel Arcade, opp Union Depot.
Nash Edgar 0, physician, 115 E 5th.
Nash G T. public trustee, 70 Opera House blk.
Nash & Bradley, real estate, 70 Opera House blk.
Nassau Louis, mfrs suits and skirts, 208 1/2 N Main.
National Bldg & Loan Assn, Horace Pollard sec, 212 Central
National Clothing Co. J Rosen mgr, 133 S Union av.
National Sugar Mfg Co, W L Hartman. genl atty, 227 Central
Naylon's Bottling Works & Bar Supply House, N Naylon prop, 2nd & Santa Fe av
Naylor Robt E, physn, 232 1/2 S Union av.
Needham H E Jr, mgr Pueblo Broom & Bedding Co, 618-620 Santa Fe av.
Needles J W, dentist, 102 Central
Neeley & Son, carps, 1126 Topaz.
Nelson Wilbur F, sec-treas Pueblo Assn of Credit Men, 501 Court.
Nelson Manufacturing Co N 0, F J Wright local mgr, 117 E River.
Nepesta Ditch & Reservoir Co, J H Vorhees pres, 39 Opera House
Neubauer Fred, shoemaker, 513 N Santa Fe av.
Neugebauer C J. jeweler, 204 S Union av.
Neuhauser Rev Berthold O S B, prof Benedictine College, College av & 7th.
Nevin Land Co, J R Wilson sec. 30 Masonic bldg.
New Albany Hotel, Mrs Della Pitcock prop, 518 1/2 Main.
Newell J P, real estate, Central.
Newlon Brokerage Co. mfrs agts, 217 N Grand av.
Newman Morris, wh meats, N E Wiley & C's addition.
Newman Wm, meat market, 1201 Spruce.
New Southern Hotel. May Crowe prop, opp Union Depot.
Newton Lumber Co. L W Biele mgr, 4th and Court.
New York Pacific Tea Co, S H Porter mgr, 520 N Main.
Nichols W F, mgr Pueblo Hide & Wool Co, 117 River.
Niemand F, saloon, 117 N Main.
Nitz Bottling Works, 202 N Union
Noble Joseph, confec, 215 N Union
Norris Furniture Co John, 222 N Santa Fe av.
Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co of Milwaukee Wis, J C Brooking dist mgr,
4 Amherst bldg.
Novak John, saloon, 277 S Santa Fe av.
Nuckolls Packing Co, Union Stock Yards.
Oaks & O'Brien, mgrs Congress Hotel, Santa Fe av, 7th to 8th.
O'Brien J A, sec Franklin Press Co, 112 W 3rd.
O'Brien J J, saloon, Opera House
O'Donnell Chas W, atty, 227 Central blk.
Ogomori Isaburo, pool hall, 307 N Santa Fe av.
O'Grady Wm, saloon, 113 West B
0 K Clothing Store, J Kaplan prop,, clothing and furnishings,
114 1/2 S Union av.
Old Reliable Creamery, I E Barnard prop, 523 Court.
Olmstead C C, restaurant, 209 S Union av.
Opera House Law Library, 61 Opera House blk.
Opp's Barber Supply Co, Opp & Shanstrom props, 109 N Union
Oppenheim Moses, clothing, 122 N Union av.
Oriental Bar, L L Gray prop, 122 W 3rd. ORIENTAL CAFE, L L Gray prop,
120 W 3rd.
Oriental Cigar Store, L L Gray prop, 224 N Main.
Orman J B, carpenter, 103 West Orman.
Ortner George J, prop Pueblo Brass & Iron Foundry, Grand & Victoria avs.
Osborn W S, physician. Insane Asylum.
Osborn Electric Co R 0, electrical contractors, 122 W 2d
Osgood E H, asst postmaster.
Otero Wholesale Liquor House, Thomas Lamb prop, 127 S Santa Fe av.
Otis Commission Co, Geo W Renkel mgr, 117 Central Main.
Overdorf N T, restaurant, 239 N Union av.
Oxford Hotel, 119 N Main.
Packard Sperry S, atty, 312 Central blk.
Palace Theatre, 106 N Union av.
Palmer W S, atty, 8 Pope blk.
Palmer Adjustment Co W S, collections, 9 Pope blk.
Pannebaker Bros, props Riverside Printing Co, 178 N Union av.
Panos & Mele, barbers, 222 W Northern av.
Pantages Theatre, Harry L Holmes res mgr, 114 W 4th.
Pantorium The, H P Harris mgr, cleaning and presing, 115 W 5th
Parcurt Hotel, Mrs K Hollywood prop, 1333-5 E Abriendo.
Park James A, atty, 325 Central.
Park Mrs J C, dressmaker, 25 Masonic bldg.
Parker B J, real estate, 5 Opera House blk.
Parker Otis 0, grocer, 920 W 13th
Parker Silas, carpenter, 316 W 8th
Patlogar & Thomas, tailors, 211 1/2 S Union av.
Pattee J J, oculist, 2 Amherst blk
Patterson W 0, physician and co coroner, 114 Pope blk.
Payne 0 0, carpenter, 220 W 2nd
Peach Wm, civil engr, 107 W 3rd.
Peairs J E, physician, 15 Pope blk
Pearson Axel, carp, 619 W 4th.
Pearson John I, drugs, 232 S Union av.
Peck & Grouse, cleaning, 801 N Main.
Penter A, clothing, 194 N Union.
People's Mission, Lillian Beard in charge, 224 S Union av.
People's Store Co, Harry Shulman mgr, clothing, 506 N Main
Pepper Samuel, mgr Continental Creamery Co.
Perkins & Black, barbers, 103 W Abriendo av.
Perkins & Hayes, barbers, 120 W 2nd.
Perry & Son T M, bakers and confecrs, 521 N Santa Fe av.
Peterson W 0, atty, 79 Opera
Peterson-Branscomb Wall Paper, Paint & Glass Co, 116 W 3rd
Pfefferle Mrs L R, grocer, 2113 E Evans av.
Phillips J H, plmbr, 609 S Union
Phillips-Cooke Hardware Co, 407 N Santa Fe av.
Piano & Furniture Works, J Bunker prop, piano and furniture repairing &
piano tuning, 516 Santa Fe av.
Pierce Seed Co, 216 W 4th.
Pinkerton L L, pres – genl mgr Peblo Ice & Coal Co, 9th and Water.
Pioneer Employment Agency, Jas Irwin mgr, 304 1/2 S Union av.
Pittsburgh House, T J Ryland prop and mgr, 2115 E Evans av
Poe Pascal, grocer, 202 S Union.
Pointer Wm, real estate, 103 Central blk.
Polk Directory Co R L, directory publishers, 115 Central blk.
Pollard Investment Co The H, real estate, loans and insurance, 212 Central blk.
Pope Orion G, atty, 218 Central.
Porter P S, prop Melrose Greenhouses, 945 Jackson.
Porubovich Rad A, ed and prop The Srbin, Servian Newspaper, 1628 Evans av.
Potter, Holmes & Lurton, real estate, 624 N Main.
Powell W W, grocer, 522 West Northern av.
Powers Miss Sabina E, public stenogrhr and notary, 37 Opera House blk.
Pratt Harry E, atty, 501 Court.
Prendergast Bros & Russ, wh and ret liquors and cigars, C and Main.
Pressey-Tanner Co. produce. 191 Central Main.
Price Albert L, real estate. 314 Central blk.
Price Arms Co, sporting goods, 406 W Northern av.
Primrose Coal Co, 9 Opera House
Prudential Insurance Co, T A Humphrey asst supt, 32 Masonic
Pryor Frank, furn, 2nd & Main.
Public Water Works, Dist No 2, W C McWilliams supt, 685 S Union.
Pueblo Abstract Of Title Co, A McClelland pres, J J Langdon sec-genl mgr,
10-11 Amherst bldg.
Pueblo Assay Office & Chemical Laboratoby, Clark & Stone props,
Union and Victoria avs.
Pueblo Association Of Credit Men, E C Abel asst sec, 501 Court.
Pueblo Auto Goods Co, T H Devine pres, 214 W 4th.
Pueblo Automobile Co, L G Walker pres, 230 W 4th.
Pueblo Brass & Iron Foundry, George J Ortner prop, Grand and Victoria avs.
Pueblo Bridge Co, Fred H Bullen pres, H L Hollister sec, 401 E 8th.
Pueblo Broom & Bedding Co, H E Needham Jr mgr, mfrs brooms, brushes, beds
and bedding, 618-620 Santa Fe av.
Pueblo Canning & Preserving Co, J B Taylor sec-treas, S Santa Fe
Pueblo Carriage Co, J H Schulz mgr, 313 Court.
Pueblo Cemetery Assn, Miles Saunders pres, Aaron Sonneborn sec,
37 Grand Opera House
Pueblo Chieftain (daily-morning), I N Stevens pres, J A Barclay mgr,
J McAuliffe treas, G G Withers sec, 111-113 E 4th
Pueblo Club, N S Walpole sec-treas, 115 Central blk.
Pueblo Commerce Club, G N Nuckolls pres, George McLagan 1st vice-pres,
Ben Bergerman 2d vice-pres, B F Scribner treas, J H Jenkins genl sec,
P A Gray commissnr of transportation ; W D Keen, pres Real Estate bureau;
W A Fitts, pres Mfrs Bureau; J L Beaman, pres Retail Merchants Bureau;
Morgan West, pres Municipal Improvement Bureau; Jesse Rood, pres
Transportation Bureau. Opera House blk.
Pueblo Copper M & M Co, T G McCarthy pres, 112 N Main.
Pueblo Dainty Co, John H Willem mgr, frozen dainties, 226 W 4th.
Pueblo Drug Co, Charles F Horn pres-treas, 223 N Main.
Pueblo Dye Works, W H Allison prop, 115 S Union av.
Pueblo Electric Co, F L Cuddeback mgr, 224-6 W 4th.
Pueblo Fish Co, Sutton & Dowden props, 112-114 W 7th.
Pueblo Flour M & E Co, J E Sweeney treas and supt, 4th & Granite.
Pueblo Foundry And Machine Co, C A Lannon pres, George H Sweeney vice-pres,
S J Burris sec-treas; mining and smelting machinery, boiler and sheet
iron work. East side of S Santa Fe near D & R G tracks
Pueblo Fuel & Grain Co, V Clutter prop, 509 Northern av.
Pueblo Gas & Fuel Co, Harry D Frueauff treas-genl mgr, 512 N Main.
Pueblo Grain & Stock Brokerage Co, S J Burris pres, 206 W 4th.
Pueblo Gravel & Roofing Co, C C May & Co props, 114 Victoria.
Pueblo Hardware Co, E H Gardner mgr, 402 Santa Fe av.
Pueblo Hatters, G E Stine prop, cleaners, blockers and repairers, 805 N Main.
Pueblo Hide & Wool Co, W F Nichols mgr, 117 River.
Pueblo Hospital, Elizabeth C Gordon supt, 9th and Summit.
Pueblo Hotel Co, props Congress Hotel, Santa Fe av, 7th to 8th.
Pueblo Ice & Coal Co, L L Pinkerton mgr, 9th and Water
Pueblo Labor Review & Label Bulletin, H W Fox mgr, 420 N Santa Fe av.
Pueblo Land & Irrigation Co, C E Sutton pres, 0 C Holmes sec, 624 N Main.
Pueblo Live Stock Com Co, Robt Ewing sec, Opera House blk.
Pueblo Macaroni Factory, A Fuschino prop, 833 Box Elder.
Pueblo Machine Works, J E McFeely prop, 107 N Victoria
Pueblo Marble Co, monuments, 114 W 5th.
Pueblo Motor Co, 104 B 4th.
Pueblo Novelty Works & Auto Co, sporting goods, bicycles and cutlery, 310 Main.
Pueblo Omnibus & Carriage Co, John A Grund prop. 315-17 W 4th.
Pueblo Paper Box Factory, Hyde Paper Co props, 100 S Victoria.
Pueblo Park Land Co, R J Bruner sec, 137 Central blk.
Pueblo Piano Co, F A Wells mgr, 408 N Santa Fe av.
Pueblo Plumbing Co, F L Cuddeback mgr, 224 W 4th.
Pueblo Post, R H Dare mgr, 620 N Main.
Pueblo Retail Butchers & Grocers Assn, 14 Amherst bldg.
Pueblo-Rocky Ford Land Co, C L Tallmadge pres. 601 N Main.
Pueblo Sanitary Co, Chas Timbers mgr, 247 N Union av.
Pueblo Savings Bank, Alva Adams pres, Jno A Thatcher vice-pres, W K Dudley cash
3rd & Main.
Pueblo Star-Journal (d-evening and Sunday morning), Frank S Hoag mgr,
Grand and Union avs.
Pueblo Steam Laundry Co, D and Victoria av.
Pueblo Stock Yards Co, C W Blake supt, S of Walter's Brewery.
Pueblo & Suburban Traction & Lighting Co, J F Vail mgr-treas, 101 S Victoria av.
Pueblo Sun (d), A W Zinsz bus mgr 110 W 2nd.
Pueblo Sunday Opinion, Jno W Lockin editor, 110 W 2d
Pueblo Tent & Awning Co, F J Burch & Co props, 209 N Victoria av.
Pueblo Tire Co, Prof C B Anthony prop, bicycles, Grand and Victoria avs.
Pueblo Transfer & Storage Co, J M Luqueer prop, 110 N Main.
Pueblo Trunk Co, George Loomis pres-mgr, 111 W 4th.
Pueblo Turkish Baths, Mrs M C Boswell prop, 223 W 3rd.
Pueblo Vegetable Market, Ferraro & Carlino props, 218 W 2nd.
Pueblo Union Depot & Ry Co, W H Tate supt Union Depot.
Pueblo Water Supply & Power Co, L M Cook mgr, 6th & Main
Pueblo Water Works, J D MacFarlane supt, 319 W 4th, power plant, 4th -and Grant.
Pueblo Wet Wash Laundry, Long & Carnahan props, 116 S Union
Pueblo Wholesale Drug Co, T R Zieger pres-mgr, 409 Santa Fe.
Pullman Co, V C Nelson agent, Union Depot.
Pursell Mrs Stella, prop Amherst Hotel. 209 W 2nd.
Quesnel H W, cashier Mutual Life Insurance Co of N Y, 427-31 Central blk.
Radakovich Sava, clothing, 1708 E Abriendo av.
Ragle & Company, Logan Ragle mgr, real estate, loans & insurance,
1208 E Evans av.
Ragle & Ragle, agts Sunflower Paving Co, 1208 E Evans av.
Railroad Salvage Co, I Tribourg mgr, clothing, 129 S Union av.
Railway Swings & Building Association, C H Bristol pres, H E Clucas
vice-pres and treas, Thos L Lewis sec-mgr, 227 N Santa Fe av.
Rainey Frank S, hardware, 128 S Union av.
Rambo Eli T, notary, 34 Masonic
Rambo Ira D, real estate, 34 Masonic bldg.
Randell Wallace G, physician, 302 Central blk.
Ray Realty & Insurance Co, real estate, investments & fire insurance,
316 S Union av.
Rees Llewellyn, plumber, 1305 E Routt av.
Reese C A, civil engr, 317 Central
Reeve B D V, atty, 230 Central.
Rehak Mark, saloon, 430 S Santa Fe av.
Reiss Bros, drugs, Main and 4th.
Renkel Geo W, mgr Otis Com Co, 117 Central Main.
Reno S F, real estate, 219 Central
Retail Butchers & Grocers Assn, R H Hirsch sec, 14 Amherst
Retail Merc Agency Co, B J McGrew pres, collections, 12 Amherst bldg.
Rich W F, physn, 203 W 9th.
Richardson Chas C, real estate, 103 W 6th.
Richardson John, saloon, 115 W 4th.
Richardson J A, carp, 319 Court.
Ridenour-Baker-Bragdon Merc Co, wh grocers, D and Lamkin.
Riley C V, agt Gloge Exp, 114 W 4th.
Riverside Investment Co, E S Ray agt, 316 S Union av.
Riverside Pharmacy, 217 N Union
Riverside Printing Co, Pannebaker Bros prop, 178 N Union av
Rizer J Ed, judge dist court.
Robb C E, dentist, 239 Central
Robe Robt C, physician, 3 Pope.
Roberts M W, physician, 327 W 10th.
Roberts & Bannister, drugs, 2044 Evans av.
Robinson E R, physician, 825 E 5th.
Rocky Mountain Bank Note Co (see Franklin Press Co), 112-114 W 3rd.
Rocky Mountain Fire Underwriters Assn, R R Strong mgr, 224 Central blk.
Roe G W, architect, 42 Masonic bldg.
Rogers F W, blacksmith, 327 W 3rd.
Roitz J H, clothing and shoes, genl mdse, 215-23 E Northern.
Rood Candy Co, wh confectnrs. 406 W 7th.
Roselawn Burial Park, 37 Opera House blk.
Rosenbaum Adolph, saloon, 112 S Union av.
Ross L E, saloon, 111 S Union av
Royal Garage & Livery Co, W T Mathis prop, 803 S Union av.
Royal Hotel, W F Brown prop. 315 Victoria av.
Royal Tailors & Clothiers, C C Mottice mgr, 1241-45 Evans.
Ruegnitz Louis, grocer, 689 S Union av
Rushmer Jewelry Co, 319 N Main
Russ Joseph, saloon. 432 S Santa Fe av.
Russell P D, physician, 38 Opera House blk.
Ryan J J, prop St Remi Hotel opp postoffice.
Ryan P J, carp, 1242 Pine.
Sacred Heart Orphanage, Sisters St Francis in charge, Sprague and Brown avs.
Sage Transfer & Storage Co, 229 S Union av.
Salomone Nick, clothing, 198 N Union av.
Salvation Army, Adj J H Connor, 314 N Santa Fe av.
Salvation Army Social Relief Stores, F M Turner, 108 W D.
Sarc J M. insurance, 112 Central blk.
Saunders M G, attorney, 45 Opera House blk.
Saunders W A, cashier Bank of Commerce.
Saxton Chas E. cash Western Nat Bank.
Schaubel A E, shoes, 203 1/2 S Union av.
Schell C H, ticket broker, 229 S Union av.
Schenck S Z. sec-mgr Farmers Co-Operative Coal Co, Opera House
Schick Miss Rosa, hairdresser, 2 Opera House blk.
Schmidt Henry C, contractor and builder. Evans and Fairview avs.
Schnell G, carp. 545 Belmont av.
Schock Mrs Mary, restaurant. 215 S Union av.
Schon S L, grocer, White Triangle blk.
Schulz C W. blksmith, 113 Grand
Schulz J H, mgr Pueblo Carriage Co, 313 Court.
Schwer Gus, saloon, 305 N Santa Fe av.
Scott School, Miss M F Scott director and instructor, 801 N Santa Fe av.
Scribner B F, pres-treasurer Franklin Press Co, 112 W 3rd.
Scribner Herbert F, mfg jeweler, 200 W 3rd.
Searcy I M, saloon, 505 N Santa Fe av.
Security Adjustment Co, collections, 426 Central blk.
Seely 0 C, saloon, 117 W 4th.
Seiter John, baker and confecnr, 221 N Main.
Seits Geo L, mfr cigars, 156 Central Main.
Senger Wm, physician, 7 Amherst bldg.
Senta John, saloon, 1251 S Santa Fe av.
Shadomy & Shadomy, dentists, 2 Erickson blk.
Sharp Bros, wh meats, Wiley & C's addition.
Shaw Wm F, dentist, 210 N Main
Sheeran Bros, grocers, 945 East Routt av.
Sheldon H S, pres-mgr Pueblo Steam Laundry, 201 S Victoria
Shull L 0, real estate, 226 1/2 S Union av.
Sieber Cattle Co, A S Booth sec. First Nat Bank.
Silver State Lumber Co, P K Brown mgr, wh commission.
Silver State Music Co, FH Frankenberg pres, L M Kieffer vice-pres and mgr,
pianos, organs and talking machines, 206 N Main.
Simpson E S, meat market, 679 S Union av.
Simpson F 0, confec, 928 N Main
Singer Frederick, physician, 114 W 9th.
Singer Sewing Machine Co, Wm Neece mgr, 508 N Main.
Sitting Bull M & M Co, T G McCarthy pres, 112 N Main.
Slattery M P, mgr Colo Packing & Provision Co, West D.
Slovenski Narod (Semi-w), E J Mensinger mgr, 817 East B
Smeker & Co, saloon, 407 West Northern av.
Smith B A, sec-mgr Williams-Smith-Rice Dry Goods Co.
Smith H A, upholsterer, 216 Entrando.
Smith 0 G, real estate, 105 Pope.
Smith Thos, carriage painting, 125 Grand av.
Smith W E, prop Bessemer Planing Mill, 1316 E Abriendo av.
Smith & Seitz, saloon, 201 South Union av.
Snedec & Son, grocers, 817 East B
Sneed & Kite, barbers, 209 W 4th
Snider L S, dentist, 1 Strait blk.
Snorgrass B F, saloon, 107 1/2 N Union av.
Snyder H 0. supt of agts Mutual Life Ins Co, 428 Central blk.
Sonneborn Aaron, sec Pueblo Cemetery Assn, 37 Opera House
South Pueblo Homestead & Bldg Assn, J K Dempsey pres, 103 East C.
South Union Shoe Factory, Zinke Bros props, 127 S Union av.
Southwestern Fuel Co, R H Higgins treas. Board of Trade bldg
Southwestern Investment Co, J R Wilson pres, 30 Masonic bldg.
Spanish Peaks Coal Co, M C Johnson mgr, 204 Santa Fe av.
Spencer E W, dentist, 119 Pope.
Sprengle J F, mgr The Andrew McClelland Mercantile, Industrial & Realty Co,
305-9 East C.
Srbin (w), Servian newspaper, Rad A Porubovich ed and prop, 1628 Evans av.
St Boniface School, Benedictine Sisters in charge, Summit & 6th
St Elmo Hotel, Mrs May Thomas prop, l29 1/2 S Main.
St George Hotel, Gus Hogan prop, 322 1/2 S Union av.
St Gertrude's Convent, 222 E 6th.
St Mary's Hospital, Sisters of Charity in charge, 411 Quincy.
St Mary's Parochial School, Benedictine Sisters in charge, Park and B.
St Mary's Training School for Nurses, 411 Quincy.
St Patrick's Parochial School, Sisters of Charity in charge, 220 Michigan.
St Remi Hotel, J J Ryan prop, opp postoffice.
St Theresa's Convent, Benedictine Sisters in charge, 317 Park.
Stacy & Co, livery, 1316 E Routt.
Standard Fire Brick Co, F L Capers pres-genl mgr, 24th and Summit.
Standard Loan Co, M T Ruddick mgr, 4 Whitcomb bldg.
Stansbeck Wm H, real estate, 211 W 4th.
Star Employment Agency, Garcia and Gandara props, 307 S Victoria av.
Star Grocery & Market Co, 121 W 4th.
Star-Journal Publishing Co, F S Hoag mgr, Grand & Union avs.
Star Loan & Inv Co, Milo H Howell mgr, 43 Masonic bldg.
Star Tea & Coffee Co, 203 Grand
Starkey E E, sec hd goods, 313 Grand.
Stearns-Roger Mfg Co, C T Strots supt, 30th and Court.
Stehle Rev Callistus, 0 S B, prof Benedictine College, College av and 7th.
Stein Max, grocer, 315 Grand av.
Steinfield Henry, confecy, 126 N Union av.
Stephens & Co A E, hides, wool and pelts, 116-18 Central Main.
Stetson R M, prop Lousteau Hotel, 218 W 4th.
Stevens I N, pres Chieftain Printing Co, 111-113 E 4th.
Stevison Electric Co, elec house furnishings, 205 S Grand av.
Stickney Chas H, inv broker, 328 S Union av.
Stimmel E C, dentist, 213 Swift.
Stine G E, prop Pueblo Hatters, 805 N Main.
Stock Yards Hotel, G W Risner mgr, Stock Yards.
Stoddard T A, physician, 20 Amherst bldg.
Stommel John, tailor, 507 Santa Fe av.
Stone Mrs S, sec hd goods, 160 N Union av.
Strong Mary L, librarian McClelland-Pueblo Library, Union & Abriendo.
Stratton Gold Mine Co, J G Morton pres, 125 Central blk.
Straub Trunk Co Joseph, White Triangle blk.
Stricklett F B, grocer, 600 E Abriendo av.
Strong R R, asst mgr Rocky Mnt Fire Underwriters Assn, 204 Central blk.
Stuart J L, insurance, 121 Central blk.
Studebaker Colorado Vehicle Co, C M Talley mgr, 116 W 6th.
Stumpf Conrad, meat market. 601 N Main.
Sturgis G L, grocer, 159 Central Main.
Sturtevant P A, shoes, 111 North Main.
Suburban Land & Investment Co, Wm M Spackmann pres, C K McHarg vice-pres,
14-228 S Union av.
Summit Pressed Brick & Tile Co; Jos Welte sec-treas-mgr. 14th and Water.
Sunnyside Investment Co, J J Langdon sec, 10 Amherst bldg.
Sunville Baking Co, C N Power mgr, 611 Grand av.
Sutton & Dowden, props Pueblo Fish Co, 112-114 W 7th.
Sutton Merc Co, wh fruits & produce, 112-114 W 7th.
Swartz W P, drugs, 1143 E Evans.
Swearingen W B, magazine specialist, 917 Court.
Sweeney Geo H, mgr Globe Fire Insurance & Investment Co, and vice-pres
Pueblo Foundry & Machine Co, 206 W 4th.
Sweeney John, saloon. 300 W Northern av.
Sweet B, real estate, 104 West D
Swift & Co, H A Zarp mgr, wh meats, opp D & R G frght depot
Table Queen Baking Co, S S Maddox mgr, 615 S Union av.
Tanquary L A, supt Colo Free Employment Office, 176 North Union av.
Taub Bros, clothing, 311 S Union
Taylor C F, physician, 121 Pope
Taylor De Witt C, drugs, 724 E 4th.
Taylor Frank, carpenter, 208 N Victoria av.
Taylor Mrs Jane, carpet weaver, 1411 Bragdon av.
Taylor Bros Auto Co, 418 Santa Fe av.
Teller Reservoir & Irrigation Co, J C Teller pres, 601 Santa Fe.
Tenny R C, dentist, 1 Opera House
Texas Oil Co, E A Kimble mgr. llth and Water.
Teyssier F, tailor, 316 Northern.
Thatcher John A, vice-pres First Nat Bank.
Thatcher M D, pres First Nat Bank.
Thatcher M D Jr, asst cash First Nat Bank.
Thatcher Cattle Co, Haines Creek
Theatrical Mechanical Associatn, 115 1/2 w 4th.
Thomas J B, grocer, 803 Jones av
Thomas Transfer & Storage Co. 310 S Union av.
Thompson E C, barber, Union Depot.
Thompson G A, grocer, 1002 W 13th.
Thompson J F, mgr Merc Printing Co, 104 W 2nd.
Thorne 0 S, fuel and feed, 305 Grand av.
Thunborg A, tailor, 623 1/2 Main.
Times Pub Co, M B Brooks mgr. pub Colo Times, 1312 E Evans
Timmins Harry, saloon, 217 W Northern av.
Tipple A B, pres-genl mgr Metropolitan Drug Co, Main and 4th
Titus J A, hay & grain, 804 E 4th
Tobey Hat Co, 218 Main.
Toedter H C; grocer, 1401 E Orman av.
Toedter J, tailor, 520 Santa Fe av
Topping J E, vet surgeon, 108 S Grand av.
Townsend S W, asst supt of agts The Mutual Life Ins Co of N Y, 428 Central blk.
Traeder W, shoemaker, 108 W 4th
Triangle Coffee House, C N Power mgr, 211 N Union av.
Tricklett 0 L, sec-treas Goslen Live Stock Com Assn, New Southern Hotel.
Trimble Samuel D, atty-at-law, referee in bankruptcy, 3rd district,
53 Opera House blk.
Tripp & York, photoghs, 5 Whitcomb blk.
Tuchock Bros, tailors, 115 W 3rd
Tudor L M, com'l agt U P R R Co, 312 N Main.
Tufts & Little, grocers, 326 S Union av.
Turkey Creek Stone, Clay & Gypsum Co, J H McCorkle pres, 315 Central blk.
Tweed Oscar, florist, 1307 Berkeley av.
Twin Lakes Land & Water Co, W L Hartman vice-pres and genl mgr.
227 Central blk.
Twombly & Son W H, sec hd gds, 1236 E Routt av.
Tyler Auto Co, Will Tyler mgr, 515 Court.
Tyler Cigar Co W H, 127 W 4th.
Tyler & Co J E, wh cigars, 625 N Main and 247 N Union av.
Udick H, grocer, 1200 E Routt av
Udick Bros, grocers, 1145 E Routt
Underwood Typewriter Co, 110 Central blk.
Unfug Wm 0, sec Trustees Pueblo Water Works, 319 W 4th.
Union Baggage Transfer Co, W C Brownell mgr, 103 West B.
Union Bakery & Lunch Co, 323 S Union av.
Union Coal, Grain & Storage Co. Wm M Keightley sec-treas, 550 S Union av.
Union Depot, Baggage & Transfer Co, 103 West B.
Union Depot Hotel, W R Jones prop, Union Depot.
Union Depot News Stand, Union Depot Hotel props, Union Dpt.
Union Land & Inv Co, R Grant pres, Mercantile Nat Bank bldg
Union Land & Irrigation Co, Dugan & Brayton attys, 63 Opera House blk.
Union Pacific Tea Co, C F Abbott mgr, 115 E 4th.
Union Publishing Co, publishers L'Unione, H Chiariglione prop. 326 Victoria av.
Union Trading Co, S Z Schenck pres and genl nigr, gehl mdse, 95 Opera House blk.
United Gold Mining Assn, 0 H P Baxter pres, 408 1/2 N Main.
U S Army Rec Station, Capt J A Lockwood U S Army retired, 130 1/2 S Union av.
U S Land Office, John J Lambert receiver, Samuel A Abbey regtr
United States Macaroni Co, 1005 East B.
U S Zinc Co, C R Rose supt, near Roselawn Burial Park.
United Wireless Tel Co, Nash & Bradley agts. 70 Opera House.
Utah Construction Co, W L Wattis mgr, 101 N Union av.
Vail J F. genl mgr and treas Pueblo & Suburban T & L Co, 101 S Victoria av.
Van Arsdale L C, mgr Postal Te? Co, 414 N Main.
Van Emmett G M & M Co, Wm Barber sec, 206 W 4th.
Varley E W, dentist, 115 Swift.
Vates Wm B, atty, 212 Central.
Vendome Hotel, Mrs G Elliot, prop, 113 1/2 West B.
Vetere Bros, grocers, 215 N Santa Fe av.
Vidal H C, atty, 30 Opera House.
Viergutz S I, hardware and groceries, 312 N Santa Fe av.
Vogt H J, physician, 3 Strait blk.
Voorhees John H, atty, 41 Opera House blk.
Vories Harry P, atty, 35 Opera House blk.
Vroom J L, real estate, 700 E 4th
Wachusett Investment Co, G D Meston agt, 100 Pope blk.
Wade Plumbing & Heating Co, L F, 111 W 2nd.
Wagoner & Jones, props Keister's Ladies Tailoring College, 50 Masonic blk.
Walker Bros, clothing, 327 S Union av.
Walker-Moore Rock Drill Manufacturing & Supply Co, C M Walker pres, D E Moore
vice-pres, Geo L Walker sec-treas. 434 Central blk.
Wall Norval W, civil engr, 314 Central blk.
Wallace C H, florist, 1738 E 9th.
Wallace Franklin E, physician, oculist and aurist, 239 Central blk.
Wallace J G, grocer, 1710 Hooper
Walmsley E, osteopath, 35 Masonic blk.
Walpole N S, postmaster.
Walter Brewing Co, Martin Walter pres, John P Hrubesky vice-pres-sec,
W H Pierce treas, M Walter Jr asst sec, 501 N Santa Fe cor 5th.
Walz Ernest, barber, 105 West B
Ward W H, carp, 121 W Evans.
Warner Fence Co, L H Warner mgr, 2200 Abriendo av.
Watkins Bros Furniture Co, 301 Santa Fe av.
Watkins G L, dentist, 701 1/2 S Union av.
Watson A G, real estate, 110 Central blk.
Watson O C, mgr Mutual Life Insurance Co of N Y, 427-33 Central blk;
P 0 box 713.
Wells F A, mgr Pueblo Piano Co, 408 Santa Fe av.
Wells G C, atty, 81 Opera House.
Welte Joseph, sec-treas and mgr Summit Pressed Brick & Tile Co,
14th and Water.
Welton Hotel, C H Bowers prop, 119 1/2 W 4th.
Wennermark C A, jeweler, 410 W Northern av.
West Bros Jr Furniture Co, 2nd and Santa Fe av.
West Bros & Whiton Mortuary Association, undertakers and embalmers,
E T Whiton mgr, 1st and Union av
West Coast Life Ins Co, 324 Central blk.
West-Eyer Furniture Co, 117 S Union av.
Western Coal & M Co, W J Jenkins genl sales agt, 5 Board of Trade bldg.
Western Collection Agency, R A Druley mgr, 81 Opera House.
Western Jewelry Co, J B Birrer mgr, 237 N Union av.
Western Loan & Real Estate Co, J H McGee mgr, 44 Masonic.
Western Nat Bank, B B Brown pres, W L Graham vice-pres, C E Saxton cash.
Union av & C.
Western Packing Co. John Carlton, mgr West D.
Western Railway Weighing Assn. W Hall chief inspector D & R G, Frt Depot.
Wheeler H E, cashier Minnequa Bank.
White C B, barber, 723 N Main.
White Bros Furniture Co, 181 N Union av.
White City Merc Co, Wm Barber sec, 206 W 4th.
White City Theatre, J C Schnorr mgr, 231 N Main.
White & Davis, clothing, shoes and hats for men, women and children.
3rd and Main.
White Sewing Machine Co, E E Paige mgr, 206 N Victoria av.
Wicks E B, real estate, 112 Central blk.
Wigton W I, chattel loans, 502 N Santa Fe av.
Wilcox M A, physician, 123 Pope
Wildin C H, mgr City Loan Co, 201 Central blk.
Wilhelmy Wm, upholsterer, 524 N Santa Fe av.
Williams G H, pres Mercantile Nat Bank.
Williams G T, physician, 232 1/2 S Union av.
Williams W L, photogrhr, 1140 E Evans av.
Williams-Smith-Rice Dry Goods Co, B A Smith sec-mgr. Main and 6th
Wilson Joseph R, real estate, 30 Masonic blk.
Wilson R M, photoghr, 12 Pope.
Wilson & Campbell, saloon, 410 Elizabeth.
Wimberg J G, mgr White City Theatre, 231 N Union av.
Winch-Slayden Stationery Co, 311 N Main.
Winston L A. cash Mercantile Nat Bank.
Wolf J G, physician, Abriendo,
Woodbridge J H, physician, 3 Pope blk.
Woodcroft Hosptl, Hubert Work supt, 29th and Court.
Woods S F, grocer, 219 N Victoria av.
Woolworth & Co F W, C J Staake mgr, notions, 317 N Main.
Work Hubert, physician and supt Woodcroft Hosp, 29th & Court.
Wright Harry C, mgr Arkansas Valley Items, 104 W 2nd.
Wurth J & A, bakery, 731 E 4th
Wyss Bros, dairy, 1833 E 3rd.
Yates Elmer, carriage trimmer, 301 Grand.
Yeulett Rice, furn, 1618 Spruce.
Young A H, osteopath, 436 Central blk.
Young J M, dentist, 200 W 3rd.
Young Mrs S A, prop Alvin Rooms, 108 1/2 W 3rd.
Young T N, pres Iron City Lumber Co, 1535 Evans av.
Young Men's Christian Assn, T J Downen pres, 71 Opera House.
Zang Brewing Co Ph Wm Jung, mgr Lamkin & C.
Zieger T R, pres-mgr Pueblo Wh Drug Co, 409 Santa Fe av.
Zigich Payne, genl mdse, 1709 Schley.
Ziller Geo W, barber, 103 East C.
Zimmerman J O, florist, 105 E Ariendo av.
Zinke J D, shoemaker, 318 W Northern av.
Zinke Bros, shoemaker, 127 S Union av.
Zoelman 0 A, baker, 912 E Abriendo av.
Source: 37th Annual Volume The Colorado State Business Directory with A Complete Classified Directory of the Entire State, Including Mines, Reduction Works, Etc. 1911 Denver, Colorado The Gazetteer Publishing Co. Established 1871 James Jr. Ives, Manager 1911

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