Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Joy Fisher.

Summer resort and postoffice in Pueblo county, 28 miles southwest of Pueblo. Largest deposit of marble in the world nearby.

Population 250.

Alta Vista Hotel.

Breeze The (w), F M Somers pub.

Cooper R F, blacksmith.

Curtis House, Mrs A A Curtis.

Davis House, Lottie Davis prop.

Davis R S, livery.

Davis & Keithley, nursery.

Davis-Vories Co, undertakers.

East Carl, saloon.

Elliott T J, stage line.

Hotel Antlers, Geo Barker prop.

Jennings C A, physician.

Keithley M L, postmaster and agt Colo Telephone Co.

Keithley & McKibben, real estate and ins, books and staty, collections.

Klipfel Chas, freighter.

Langston E G, photographer.

Lytle F W, justice peace.

McElfresh 0 S, notary public.

Methodist Episcopal Church.

Patterson John, carpenter.

Rice T J, saw mill.

Sergent P D, taxidermist.

Somers F M, drugs, physician.

Somers Mrs F M, prop Somerset Rooming House.

Trainor Jas, groceries and meats.

Walker Roy, barber.

Walker R E, prin school.

Wilcox Milling & Lumber Co.

Source: 37th Annual Volume The Colorado State Business Directory with A Complete Classified Directory of the Entire State, Including Mines, Reduction Works, Etc. 1911 Denver, Colorado The Gazetteer Publishing Co. Established 1871 James Jr. Ives, Manager 1911

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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© Karen Mitchell