Pueblo County, Colorado
George T. Breed

Contributed by Karen Mitchell and Jean Griesan. Photo by Floyd Kelling.

George Breed
George Breed, a Civil War veteran, first came to Colorado from Massachusetts in 1867. He returned east a couple of years later for his wife and sons. They then moved to Pueblo in 1875 and operated the Lindell Hotel at Fifth and Santa Fe Avenue until 1882. After financial reverses caused him to lose the hotel Breed and his wife went into the restaurant business. He served two terms as city alderman, was a Justice of the Peace, and was agent for the Colorado Humane Society. Breed was active in the Fran Army of the Republic. He was Captain of the First National Guard company in Pueblo in 1882.He also was a member of the International Order of Odd Fellows and Patriarchs Militant. He died August 8, 1889, from a long illness. His sons George Warren Breed and William Green Breed, and his foster son, Charlie Brew, were members of the volunteer department. Father and sons were given eloquent funerals with long processions of friends to the cemetery. Anna Breed continued to live in Pueblo until her death in 1902.
This gentleman is widely known as the genial proprietor of the Lindell Hotel at Pueblo. He was born in Boston, Mass., and was educated at the old Elliott School. He early engaged in the restaurant business, in which he continued to the beginning of the late war. He entered the war as a private in the Federal army, and came out a Quartermaster Sergeant. After the close, he returned to Boston, where he again embarked in the restaurant business. In 1868, he went to Denver, Colo., where he was for a time in business with Powers & Brastow, proprietors of the Pacific House; afterward, for about two years, he assisted Mr. C. G. Noble in
keeping a restaurant upon Blake street. Subsequently he was proprietor of the Commercial Hotel in West Denver, until 1875; in May of that year he went to Pueblo, and, in company with C. G. Noble, took charge of the Lindell Hotel. In September, 1879, Mr. Breed became the sole proprietor of the Lindell, and as such has since remained. The Lindell is the principal hotel at Pueblo, and is constantly crowded to its capacity. Extensive additions are now being built to it, which will make it one of the largest and most commodious hotels in the State. Being by nature a landlord, generous and courteous, Mr. Breed has won for himself an enviable reputation as a hotel man, which is evinced by the large patronage of his house. Mr. Breed was married, at Lowell, Mass., in April, 1855, to Miss Anna S. Davis.
History of the Arkansas Valley, Colorado
O L Baskin & Co., Chicago, 1881

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