Pueblo County, Colorado
Robert S. Gast

Contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman.
Robert S. Gast, engaged in the practice of law in Pueblo as a member of the firm of Adams & Gast, has by reason of individual worth and ability in his profession won a creditable position in the front ranks of the legal fraternity in his section of the state. Pueblo numbers him among her native sons. He was born on the 27th of September, 1879, his parents being Charles E. and Elizabeth S. (Shaeffer) Gast. At the usual age he entered the public schools and further continued his education in a preparatory school in Lawrence, New Jersey. He then entered Yale and was graduated within its classic walls in 1902, at which time the Bachelor of Arts degree was conferred upon him. A review of the broad field of business led him to the determination to enter upon a professional career and with that end in view he matriculated in the Columbia Law School of New York and won his LL. B. degree upon graduation with the class of 1905. Mr. Gast then returned to his home in Pueblo and joined his father in practice as junior partner in the firm of Gast & Gast, an association that was maintained until his father's death on the 11th of May, 1908. He thus had the benefit of the experience of his father and with the passing years his own powers in the profession developed. The zeal with which he has devoted his energies to his profession, the careful regard evinced for the interests of his clients and an assiduous and unrelaxing attention to all the details of his cases, have brought him a large business and made him very successful in its conduct. His arguments have elicited warm commendation not only from his associates at the bar but also from the bench. He is an able writer; his briefs always show wide research, careful thought and the best and strongest reasons which can be urged for his contention, presented in cogent and logical form and illustrated by a style unusually lucid and clear. Since his father's death he has been a member of the firm of Adams & Gast, which is accorded a very liberal clientage. On the 16th of May, 1908, Mr. Gast was united in marriage to Miss Corinne Busey, a daughter of Dr. A. P. Busey. Mr. Gast has always given his political allegiance to the republican party, but while he keeps well informed on the questions and issues of the day and is therefore able to support his position by intelligent argument, he has never sought or desired office. Fraternally he is connected with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. His fellow townsmen attest his personal worth as well as his professional skill and the consensus of public opinion places him in the front rank among Pueblo's citizens. Extracted from History of Colorado Illustrated Volume II 1918

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