Pueblo County, Colorado
Frank P. Hughes

Contributed by Maggie Stuart Zimmerman.
The time of the arrival of Frank P. Hughes at Boone antedates that of all other settlers of the locality and for an extended period he was identified with farming and stock raising interests but now rents his land, from which he derives a substantial Income. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri, on the 11th of July, 1858, a son of G. B. and Margaret Hughes. The father was born in Virginia and was of Welsh descent, while the mother was born in Pennsylvania and came of German ancestry. G. B. Hughes was a butcher by trade and carried on business along that line in order to provide for his family, with whom he removed to Colorado in the year 1873, settling two miles east of Boone. He afterward engaged in the butchering business up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1899, while his wife survived only until 1901. They had a family of seven children.
Frank P. Hughes, who was the fifth in order of birth, pursued his education in Clarksville, Missouri, and for a short time attended school in Colorado. He then engaged in handling horses and cattle and for a long period devoted his attention to the raising of live stock. In 1917, however, he sold his cattle and now rents his farm. He met with fair success and is today in possession of a comfortable competence that supplies him with a good annual income. He is the oldest pioneer living in this section. The railroad had not been built at the time of the arrival of the family and there were no fences to mark off boundaries over the broad prairies. It was a wild country in which the work of progress and improvement had scarcely been begun. Mr. Hughes and his family were among those who planted the seeds of civilization in this part of the western frontier and through all the intervening period he has been connected with the further development and improvement of the region, rejoicing in what has been accomplished and at all times doing his full share to promote public progress.
In February, 1893, Mr. Hughes was married to Miss Bertha McGur and their children are Charles. Arthur and Frank G. In his political views Mr. Hughes is a democrat and keeps well informed on the questions and issues of the day but has never been an office seeker. Fraternally he is connected with the Woodmen of the World.
Practically his entire life has been spent in this locality, for he was only a youth of fifteen years at the time of the removal of the family to Colorado. He is well known in this region, where his memory forms a connecting link between the primitive past and the progressive present. Extracted from History of Colorado Illustrated Volume II 1918

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