Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.
It does not require many years for a man of enterprise and merit to become established in the " growing West." Although Capt. Townsend has lived in Colorado not quite three years, yet he is prominently known, and has become identified with many of the important interests of South Pueblo. He was born in New York City May 3, 1841. When five years of age, his parents moved to Pennsylvania, and settled at Minequa Springs, where he was raised and educated. He enlisted in the Federal army when nineteen years of age, and served through the late war. He was in many of the famous battles in Virginia, was wounded at Antietam, and afterward detailed upon Gen. Schenck's staff. He was also for a time Enrolling Clerk for Gen. Wallace. He was mustered out of the service in 1864, but entered the army again in a few months, having organized a company, of which he became Captain in the One Hundred and Ninety-sixth Ohio. After the war, Capt. Townsend continued his law studies, in which he had already made some progress, and was admitted to the bar on his birthday in 1866. Soon afterward, he located at Danville, and then began the practice of law, living at that place continuously for about twelve years. In 1878, his health failing, Capt. Townsend decided to come West, and in November of that year he located at Pueblo. In May following, he began the practice of law, which he has since continued with eminent success. He assisted in organizing the South Pueblo Water Company, and is now the company's Superintendent. Was one of the incorporators of the Pueblo Street Railway, and is now a member of the Board of Directors and Attorney for the company. He is City Attorney for South Pueblo, and is also Local Attorney for the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. Capt. Townsend has been twice married. He was unfortunate in losing his first wife and children by death in Illinois, and was married to his present wife in November, 1878.
History of the Arkansas Valley, Colorado
O L Baskin & Co., Chicago, 1881

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