Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.

This gentleman has been a Coloradoan since 1861. He was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, April 23, 1841. When sixteen years of age, he came to America. Arriving first in New York, he went from there to Kansas. He lived in Kansas and in Missouri about four years. He clerked in a store in St. Joseph, Mo., about two years. In 1861, he went to Denver, Colo., where he embarked in the clothing business. After a time, he opened a branch house in Virginia City, which he continued to 1866. In 1868, Mr. Berry disposed of his business at Denver and removed to Pueblo. He was married in 1868, September 9, at Cincinnati, Ohio, to a Miss Hoffman. He opened a clothing house at Pueblo, in partnership with his brother. In 1874, he purchased his brother's interest, and has since owned and conducted the business himself. He now carries a very large stock, and has an excellent custom—doing a business of from $85,000 to $100,000 per year. He has been eminently successful, and is now connected with some of the most important enterprises of Pueblo.  History of the Arkansas Valley, Colorado O L Baskin & Co., Chicago, 1881

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