Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.

This gentleman, a popular physician of Pueblo, was born in Palmyra, Mo., September 22, 1844. He graduated at Christian College, in Canton, Mo., at the age of nineteen. He afterward read medicine, and attended lectures at the Iowa State University, where he graduated in 1866. Subsequently, in 1869, he took a course of lectures at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, where he received a diploma in 1869. He practiced medicine at Palmyra about four years • then he moved to Louisiana, Pike County, Mo., where he practiced five years. He was married at Palmyra, Mo., November 18,1869, to Miss M. M. Brown. In 1878, his health failing, Dr. Craven thought a change of climate would be beneficial to him, and he decided to move to Colorado. He came to Pueblo in October, 1878. His health began at once to improve, and he soon entered upon the practice of his profession, meeting with fine success. About a year ago he associated himself with Dr. Christie, with whom he still continues in business. Drs. Craven & Christie have become widely known, and are now doing an extensive and lucrative practice. None are more highly regarded, and none are more generally patronized than they.  History of the Arkansas Valley, Colorado

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