Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.

JOSEPH B. BURGESS Joseph B. Burgess, who is efficiently serving as water commissioner at Pueblo, claims Missouri as his native state, his birth occurring in Ray county, February 6, 1864, and he is a son of Jacob S. and Elizabeth (Lewis) Burgess. In the family were five children and he is the fourth in order of birth. The father, who was a farmer hy occupation, served under General Shelby during the Civil war. Both parents are now deceased. In the state of his nativity Joseph B. Burgess grew to manhood and in the acquirement of an education attended the rural schools. After putting aside his textbooks he aided his father in the operation of the home farm until coming to Colorado in 1885, when he located in Pueblo county. Here he continued to engage in agricultural pursuits until 1916, when he removed to the city of Pueblo and was appointed to his present position as water commissioner in May, 1917, by Governor Gunter. On the 19th of June, 1887, Mr. Burgess married Miss Sallie Wells and they have become the parents of six children, namely: Nellie, now the wife of Bert Wally; James Lewis; Lottie, the wife of Leslie Frazil; Josie; Emma; and Jack. Since casting his first presidential vote Mr. Burgess has always been a stalwart supporter of the democratic party and for thirty years has taken a very active and influential part in local politics. He has been a delegate to county and state conventions and is now the candidate of his party for county commissioner. He is a public-spirited, enterprising citizen and no trust reposed in him has ever been betrayed. He holds membership in the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and is very fond of outdoor life, his principal recreations being hunting and fishing. History Of Colorado Illustrated Volume III Chicago The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company 1918

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