Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.

Among the younger representatives of commercial interests in Pueblo is Arthur R Bliesner, a progressive and enterprising business man who is widely known as the president of the Sanitary Ice Cream & Supply Company. His birth occurred in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on the 17th of December, 1888, his parents being F. C. and Mary Bliesner, who came to Colorado in 1907 and established their home in Pueblo. Arthur R. Bliesner, who acquired his education in the public and high schools of his native city, was a young man of nineteen years when he accompanied his parents on their removal to this state. During the following six years he devoted his attention to the pursuits of farming and stock raising and on the expiration of that period became identified with commercial interests, establishing the Elite Ice Cream Company at Pueblo in 1913. This he conducted until 1915, in which year the Sanitary Ice Cream & Supply Company was formed and of the latter he has since been the president. Under his wise direction and able management the business has steadily grown and prospered until its annual sales now reach seventy thousand dollars. The plant is completely equipped in every particular and most modern throughout, while the trade of the company is constantly increasing. Employment is furnished to eight men and four auto trucks are utilized in the conduct of the business. On the 8th of July, 1914, Mr. Bliesner was united in marriage to Miss Ombra Carbiener, by whom he has three children—Arthur R., Catherine and Robert. Mr. Bliesner is a member of the Commerce Club and gives his political allegiance to the republican party but has not sought or desired office, preferring to concentrate his efforts and attention upon his business affairs, in which he is meeting with substantial and »gratifying success. In leisure hours he turns to hunting and fishing for recreation and in fact is fond of all forms of outdoor life. He has won many friends during the period of his residence in Pueblo and is popular in both social and business circles of the city. History Of Colorado Illustrated Volume Iii Chicago The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company 1918

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