Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.

Fred E. Britt, of Pueblo, who is filling the office of county sheriff, the duties of which he discharges with marked promptness, capability and fidelity, was born upon a farm in Warren county, Illinois, on the 23d of October, 1862, and is a son of Edward and Sarah (Foster) Britt. The father followed the occupation of farming as a life work. He was born in England but in early life came to the new world and his last days were passed in Illinois. His family numbered four sons and two daughters. Fred E. Britt, who was the second in order of birth in that family, acquired his education in rural schools, of Illinois and spent his youthful days upon the home farm with his father, early becoming familiar with the best methods of tilling the soil and caring for the crops as he assisted more and more largely in the work of the fields as his age and strength increased. He continued on the old home place until twenty-five years of age and then made his way westward, reaching Monarch, Colorado, in 1888. There he engaged in mining until 1891, when he removed to Pueblo, where he accepted a position as clerk in a store. He was thus employed for six years and afterward spent four years as a clerk in the North Side Waterworks. He afterward occupied the position of bookkeeper wtih the Crystal Ice Company and after leaving that company entered upon public duties, becoming clerk under Joseph H. Loor in the office of county treasurer. He continued to serve in that capacity for two years, when he entered the county clerk's office as deputy and remained in that position for nine years and four months. He was next appointed sheriff on the 29th of April, 1918, to fill out the unexpired term of Sheriff McKee and is now acting in this capacity. His previous service in public office was an indication of what he would do in his present position. His public duties have been discharged with promptness and fidelity, for he has ever regarded a public office as a public trust, and it is a well known fact that no trust reposed in Fred E. Britt has been betrayed in the slightest degree. He gives his political allegiance to the democratic party, and has been a delegate to its conventions and chairman of the county central committee. In fact, he has been a most active worker in support of democratic principles in this section of the state. Mr. Britt was married in Pueblo on the 20th of November, 1895, to Miss Louise M. Wagner and to them have been born two children, Edith and Edward. Mr. Britt belongs to Elks Lodge, No. 90, of Pueblo, also to the Woodmen of the World and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and his religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Methodist church. He is popular and well known as an active party leader in democratic circles and his appointment to his present position was approved by all. He has gained many friends during the long period of his residence in Pueblo county and is held in the highest esteem by those with whom he has been brought in contact. History Of Colorado Illustrated Volume II Chicago The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company 1918

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