Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.

DANIEL W. DANIELSON Daniel W. Danielson is numbered among the prosperous farmers of Pueblo county, where he has a valuable tract of land, comprising one hundred and twenty acres, of which he owns forty. He was born near Ottawa, Kansas, March 11, 1872, and is a son of Andrew Danielson. The family came to this country in 1868, settling in Illinois, but later they removed to Kansas and in August, 1876, came to Colorado, where the father located near Pueblo. There he took up agricultural pursuits, following this line of occupation successfully until his death in 1904. His widow survived him for two years, passing away in 1906. In their family were seven children, of whom Daniel W. Danielson of this review was the second in order of birth. Our subject received his education in the rural school near his father's farm in Pueblo county and continued to reside with his parents until twenty-one years of age, assisting his father in the cultivation of the farm. Upon reaching his majority he started out for himself and has since followed agriculture with great success, annually deriving a gratifying income from the sale of his crops. He owns forty acres in this county and besides rents eighty acres and has made many valuable improvements on the property, having installed modern facilities and erected suitable buildings thereon. He also gives his attention to stock raising and receives a gratifying addition to his income from this source. On September 30, 1896. Mr. Danielson was married to Miss C. Willa Day, a daughter of Alexander Day, one of the honored pioneers of Pueblo county, who died in 1913, his widow still surviving. Mrs. Danielson passed away as the result of an accident on May 13, 1917, her death not only casting deep sorrow over the family, but causing widespread regret among her many friends, all of whom mourned in her passing a woman of the finest qualities of heart and mind. To Mr. and Mrs. Danielson were born five children. Wilmarth L., Eugene C., Emma E., Sarah A. and Daniel Howard. The family are highly esteemed in Vineland and neighboring districts, being numbered among the pioneers of the section. In his political affiliations Mr. Danielson is a republican and for some time served as water commissioner of his district and also as a justice of the peace, dispensing the law fairly and impartially. His religious faith is that of the Protestant church, in the work of which he has always taken a deep interest. He is a public-spirited and patriotic citizen, who has cooperated with many movements undertaken for the benefit of the public and has made many friends in his community. History Of Colorado Illustrated Volume II Chicago The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company 1918

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