Pueblo County, Colorado
Contributed by Karen Mitchell.
James Duce, who on the 20th of April, 1913, entered upon the duties of his
present position as state inspector of oils for Colorado, has made a most
excellent record during the intervening period of five years and under his
direction or according to his suggestion marked advance has been made in the
matter of oil inspection with a view to improving conditions under which oils
are manufactured, handled and use. Mr. Duce is of English nativity. He was born
in Staffordshire, England, on the 19th of August, 1861, and is a son of John and
Harriet (Keen) Duce, who were likewise natives of that country. The father was a
government small arms manufacturer and both he and his wife are now deceased.
James Duce supplemented his early education by study in the University of
London and in Queens College. He became a member of the Institute of Electrical
and Mining Engineers and attained considerable efficiency along the lines to
which he directed his efforts and attention. At length he determined to try his
fortune in the new world and in 1890 crossed the Atlantic to Canada hut did not
tarry in that country. He made his way direct to Colorado in the same year and
was engaged in newspaper work in this state for some time, residing at various
locations, where he also engaged in coal mining. Thus varied business interests
claimed his energies and attention until the 20th of April, 1913, when he
entered upon his present position as state inspector of oils. Since then he has
issued biennial reports showing prevailing conditions in the state having to do
with the production, use and sale of oils. This work includes the inspection of
many millions of gallons of oil annually, with an understanding of every phase
of the trade and use of oil products. Recommendations that he has made for
safeguarding life and property by a closer inspection and a more rigid
enforcement of the law concerning the standards of oil used have been
incorporated into legislative proceedings and thus found their way to the
statute books of the state, resulting in much excellent work being done and many
improvements made.
In 1890 Mr. Duce was united in marriage to Miss Mabel Terry, a daughter of
James Terry, and they became the parents of four children. James Terry is a
graduate of the University of Colorado and later became an instructor in the
geological department of that university. He has also acted as assistant
professor of Washington University in St. Louis and served as secretary of the
state bureau of mines. At present he is under orders from the government In the
chemical division of the United States Army. Katherine is a graduate nurse,
having received her certificate from the Minnequa Hospital of Pueblo. She
subsequently attended the University of Colorado at Boulder, where she remained
including her junior year, and is now connected with Base Hospital No. 29 of the
American Expeditionary Forces. Harold Taylor, the third in order of birth, is a
sophomore at the University of Colorado in Boulder, being a student in the
mechanical engineering department. R. Stanley, the youngest, is attending the
public schools.
Mr. Duce is a Mason in his fraternal relations, loyal to the teachings and
purposes of the craft. His religious faith is that of the Episcopal church and
in political belief he is a democrat. He is serving as industrial education
secretary of the Colorado Labor Educational Association and he is interested in
all those forces which work for higher intellectual and moral standards and for
more advanced ideals of citizenship.
History Of Colorado
Volume III
The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company
to the Pueblo County Index Page.
Please e-mail comments and suggestions toKaren Mitchell.
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