Pueblo County, Colorado
Contributed by Karen Mitchell.
Fidelity in citizenship and devotion to the public welfare have led to the
selection of Hon. Perry C. Dunlap for the position of state senator from the
Pueblo district and he is now serving as a member of the upper house of the
Colorado assembly. Moreover, he is well known in the business circles of Pueblo
as a plastering contractor and has built up a trade of extensive proportions.
Mr. Dunlap comes to the west from Indiana, his birth having occurred in
Anderson, that state, on the 3d of October, 1866. He is a son of John T. and
Lula (Paris) Dunlap, who remained residents of Indiana until 1872 and then
removed westward with their family to Kansas. In that state the father engaged
in farming and also took up the occupation of stock raising, concentrating his
efforts and attention upon those branches of activity for a number of years. His
well directed energy and effort brought to him substantial success, enabling him
ultimately to retire from active business. His last years were spent in the
enjoyment of a well earned rest at Pratt Center, Kansas, where he passed away.
Perry C. Dunlap was the elder of two children. At the usuaJ age he became a
pupil in the public schools and continued his education until he had mastered
the branches of learning taught in the high school of Eldorado, Kansas. Through
vacation periods he assisted his father with the work of the home farm. He began
the study of law in the office and under the direction of George A. Gardner, of
Eldorado, Kansas, but discontinued this on account of impaired health caused by
indoor work. Therefore, in order to be out-of-doors, he turned his attention to
the plastering trade, which he followed in Eldorado, Butler county, Kansas, for
seven years. At the age of twenty-four he came to Pueblo. He has done work all
over southern Colorado and his business has become a very extensive one, his
patronage perhaps being greater than that of any other man in the same line of
business in his section of the state. He has taken important contracts, which he
has promptly and carefully executed, and he is at present engaged in plastering
the new Young Men's Christian Association building and also the new Central high
school at Pueblo. In other words, he is retained for service in this connection
on the most important buildings of the city and his activities have brought to
him well earned prosperity. He is a director and vice president of the Pueblo
Builders' Association, whose slogan is "We work for a greater Pueblo."
On the 4th of December, 1889, Mr. Dunlap was united in marriage to Miss Edna
Marble, of Eldorado, Kansas, and to them have been born the following named:
Charles M., who is now engaged in business with his father; W. A.; E. M.;
Nellie; Minnie; Sherman; and Freddie. The family is widely and prominently known
in Pueblo.
Mr. Dunlap while residing at Eldorado served as captain of the Sons of
Veterans for five years. His political allegiance is given to the democratic
party and fraternally he is well known, having for a quarter of a century been
connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, for twenty-six years with
the Woodmen of the World and also with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks.
He has always voted with the democratic party, which has found in him a stalwart
champion. For five years he occupied the office of justice of the peace in Otero
county and was then called upon for higher political service, being chosen to
represent his district in the twentieth general assembly. In September, 1916, he
was elected to the state senate for a four years' term and is now a member of
the upper house of the Colorado general assembly, representing the second
senatorial district comprising Pueblo county in the twenty-first session. He
strongly championed the firemen's pension bill and also the movement to secure
an appropriation for the state fair. His position upon any vital question is
never an equivocal one. At this time he is rendering patriotic service to the
government as one of the four-minute speakers and has gained a statewide
reputation, having delivered stirring addresses in almost every city in the
state. He stands loyally for what he believes to be the best interests of the
community and does not hesitate to express his honest convictions, so that over
the record of his public career there falls no shadow of wrong or suspicion of
History Of Colorado
Volume II
The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company
to the Pueblo County Index Page.
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