Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.
Jacob M. Gile, an architect whose developed powers have brought him to a
position of prominence in professional circles, was born in Lebanon, Boone
county, Indiana. March 18, 1848, a son of John and Charity (Chamness) Gile. The
father removed westward to Iowa when his son Jacob was but six years of age, the
removal occurring in 1854. The family home was established in Benton county,
Iowa, where they resided until about 1867. or two years after the Civil war. In
the meantime the father passed away, his death occurring in 1858. Some of the
family served as soldiers in the Union army and their attitude was always one of
the utmost loyalty to the country in that hour of crisis as it is at the present
time. Mrs. Gile long survived her husband and passed away in Pueblo. Their
family numbered three sons and a daughter.
Jacob M. Gile, who was the second in order of birth, is indebted to the
public school system of Iowa for the educational training which he received, but
he also learned many valuable lessons in the school of experience. In fact, much
of his knowledge has been acquired in that way, as his father's early death made
it necessary that he provide for his own support when he was still quite young.
Going to Maryville, Missouri, he there learned the trade of a carpenter and
eventually became a contractor. His knowledge of his profession has been
self-acquired. He has devoted his leisure to study and has acquainted himself
with the scientific principles of architecture as well as with every practical
phase of building operations. His first work was in Maryville and after he had
qualified for contract work his first job was that of superintending the
building of a courthouse at Maryville, which was erected at a cost of eighty
thousand dollars. He was also superintendent of the construction of a jail and a
school building there in 1881. Subsequently he removed to Ringgold, Iowa, and
afterward to Wichita, Kansas, where he opened an office for the practice of his
profession in 1885. In the spring of 1890 he arrived in Colorado, at which time
he located in Denver. There he was in the employ of Frank Edbrooke for five
months and superintended the construction of the Brown Palace Hotel. He then
made more definite arrangements for continuance with Mr. Edbrooke, whom he
represented as superintendent for nine years. He was superintendent of the
building of the Antlers Hotel at Colorado Springs, a work that required two
years. He was also the superintendent of the construction of the Colorado Fuel &
Iron Company's Hospital at Pueblo, another project that was two years in
completion. He then engaged in business on his own account. He planned and
erected a number of school buildings, including the school building of District
No, 20 in Pueblo, and he was superintendent of the construction of the high
school in District No. 20. He likewise built the Ordway school at Ordway,
Colorado, and the school at Numa, Colorado, the high school at Eads, Colorado,
and the Hill and Pinon schools, both near Pueblo. Another of the fine structures
of the state which stands as a monument to his skill, his ability and his
efficiency, is the State Odd Fellows Home at Canon City. He was the builder of
the bank at Eads, Colorado, also a school building at Cotopaxi, a school at
Chivington, Colorado, and the residence of W. L. Hartman. He built the Greek
church at Pueblo, also rebuilt the Methodist church and the Baptist church, the
Mesa Baptist church and the First Baptist church in Pueblo. He erected the
Christian church and St. Anthony's Catholic school at St. Leander. Another
important structure with which he was closely identified was the Sacred Heart
Catholic church and he was associate architect and superintendent of the Hotel
Vail building. Thus in various places throughout the state are found substantial
monuments to his skill and ability. What he has undertaken represents the fit
utilization and development of his innate powers and talents. For one year he
was in partnership with G. W. Roe, for a year was associated in business with
John F. Bishop, and for fourteen years he has occupied his present offices in
On the 29th of August, 1869, Mr. Gile was united in marriage to Miss Vinah
L. Tompkins and on the 29th of August, 1894, they celebrated their silver
wedding, and within another year their golden anniversary will be celebrated.
They have become parents of the following named: William H., Dallas M., John A,
Myrtle and Raymond, and they also have five grandchildren.
Mr. Gile votes with the republican party, of which he has been a stalwart
champion since reaching adult age, casting his first ballot for Grant at his
second election. For fifteen years he has been connected with the Masonic
fraternity as a third degree Mason and for forty-three years he has been a most
loyal representative of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is greatly
interested in the state and its development and has through his professional
connections and in other ways contributed much to its growth and improvement. He
is a man of pronounced professional ability and his prominence and success are
well deserved.
History Of Colorado
Volume III
The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company

to the Pueblo County Index Page.

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