Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.

Alert, wide-awake and energetic, Donald Harold, Jr., is occupying the position of manager with the Pueblo Marble Company. He was born November 17, 1889, in Pueblo, where he yet makes his home, his parents being Donald H. and Margaret A. (Lytle) Harold. His father took up his abode in Pueblo about thirty-six years ago and was the pioneer stonecutter of the city. He carried on business for a long period ou the site of his son's establishment and remained an active and representative business man of Colorado to the time of his demise, which occurred in 1916. For a considerable period he had survived his wife, who passed away in 1901. Their son, Donald Harold, Jr., was a pupil in the public schools of Puebio and after acquiring a good education he joined his father in the work of stonecutting and afterward was sent to Vermont to learn all details of the trade. He thoroughly acquainted himself with the various branches of work there and with broad knowledge and experience he returned to Pueblo and took charge of the Pueblo branch of the business, while his father concentrated his efforts and attention upon the management of the branch of the business which he had established in Denver. Donald Harold, Jr., proved adequate to the demands made upon him in connection with the management of the Pueblo business, which at his father's death he took over and has since successfully owned and controlled. He has built up a large trade in this connection and the Pueblo Marble Company is regarded as a business concern well worthy of the patronage and trust of the general public. They have erected some of the finer monuments and tombstones used in local cemeteries and also in various other parts of the state. On the 30th of December, 1913, Mr. Harold was united in marriage to Miss Vera Guild and to them has been born a daughter, Francine. Mr. Harold is a republican in his political views yet does not hold himself strictly to party ties and especially at local elections considers the capability of the candidate above all else. Fraternally he is connected with the Woodmen of the World. Thoroughness characterizes Mr. Harold in everything that he has undertaken and in his business career he has ever held to high standards of service and efficiency, while the artistic worth of his work as well as his enterprising methods and reasonable prices have won to him a patronage that is most desirable and creditable. History Of Colorado Illustrated Volume III Chicago The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company 1918

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