Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.

Walter K. Hurd, conducting business under the name of the Arkansas Valley Automobile Company in Pueblo, was born in Fontanelle, Iowa, on the 23d of March, 1882, a son of James S. and Annette (Sears) Hurd, who are yet residents of Pueblo. The family came to Colorado in 1900, settling first in Florence, where Mr. Hurd engaged in the hardware business and later had the Ford agency at that place. In 1912 he removed to Pueblo, where he established the Arkansas Valley Automobile Company, and under his capable direction the business has grown to its present gratifying proportions. He has one of the largest motor car agencies in the state, the buildings covering one-fourth of a square in Pueblo, and he utilizes about the same amount of space in Bessemer. Something of the volume of his business is indicated in the fact that he now employs fifty men in the various departments, covering the sales, the garage and the supplies. This large enterprise is the direct outcome of the efforts, industry and business management of Mr. Hurd, who is justly accounted one of the representative and progressive men of Colorado. In addition to his interests as the head of the Arkansas Valley Automobile Company he is the president of the O'Meara-Green Motor Company of Denver, Ford agents, and also of the Commercial Investment Company of Denver and Pueblo, which concern handles over one-half million dollars in time paper on automobiles. In September, 1905, Mr. Hurd was united in marriage to Miss May Agnes McRae and they are well known socially in Pueblo. Fraternally Mr. Hurd is connected with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. While residing in Florence he acted as president of the Chamber of Commerce and the Business Men's Association. He is now vice president of the Rocky Mountain Auto Dealers Association and is a member of the Commerce Club of Pueblo. He is much interested in the subject of good roads and does everything in his power to improve the highways and advance public sentiment in that connection. In a word he stands for all that is progressive in relation to public affairs and civic improvement and his efforts have been far reaching, beneficial and resultant. History Of Colorado Illustrated Volume III Chicago The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company 1918

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