Pueblo County, Colorado

Contributed by Karen Mitchell.

W. Sherman Marble is a partner in the firm of Marble Brothers, general contractors, enjoying the well earned reputation of standing in a position of leadership in their line of activity in Pueblo. Mr. Marble was born at West Liberty, Cedar county, Iowa, in April, 1866. At the usual age he entered school and mastered the branches of learning therein taught. Experience, too, greatly broadened his knowledge. He afterward learned the carpenter's trade, taking up work along that line as soon as he had completed his education. He worked with his father, who had long engaged in building operations, and he was employed in that way in Kansas and in Colorado, coming to the latter state in 1890, at which time he took up his abode in Pueblo. Monuments to his skill and ability are seen in the Young Men's Christian Association building, in the Minnequa school, in the Odd Fellows Home, in the Central high school and other well known structures. Mr. Marble was united in marriage to Miss Lydia Westbrook and they became parents of a daughter, Nina, who is now the wife of J. W. Biele. Mr. Marble is a democrat in his political views and has been called upon to serve as alderman of his city, also as a member of the school board and is now water commissioner. The duties of these positions he has discharged with marked promptness and capability and his record is a most commendable one. Fraternally he is connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Woodmen of the World and the Knights and Ladies of Security. He is much interested in civic betterment and is a public-spirited man who recognizes and meets his obligations in regard to public service and the support of measures and movements for the general good. His sterling worth of character, his progressiveness in citizenship and his reliability in business have made him greatly respected by all who know him. History Of Colorado Illustrated Volume III Chicago The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company 1918

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